A Home by Waking Sea - setomaximillianwheeler (2024)

Lindon Tevelyan felt like he was in a dream as Seeker Pentaghast stood before him, her figure radiant in a flowing white gown that seemed to glow in the entrancing light. He never dreamed of her wearing any form of skirt, let alone this ethereal, flowing white gown that seemed to transport her from another realm. Lindon's heart skipped a beat as he struggled to believe that this surreal moment was actually happening. She was here standing before him, ready to take vows to be his wife forevermore, and him, her husband. It was a moment he had longed for, a dream come true. Lindon's heart swelled with joy as he realized that their love was now sealed in this magical union.

"Lindon?" Cassandra asked, her voice breaking through his reverie. Lindon snapped back to reality, his heart pounding as he locked eyes with Cassandra.

"Yes, my love?" he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

"Cassandra couldn't prevent her uncontrolled chuckling, for she couldn't believe it either. The sight of Lindon, lost in his dream-like state, was both endearing and amusing to her. She took a moment to compose herself before saying, “I can’t believe we’re actually doing this.”

"I didn't kneel before you without any expectations, Lady Pentaghast," Lindon whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. It was the most nervous moment of his life, having absolute fears that she would refuse him. As Cassandra's lips formed the word "yes," Lindon felt a rush of relief and euphoria so overwhelming that he thought he might faint. And now they were here, standing on the precipice of a new chapter in their lives, ready to embark on the beautiful journey of marriage together. The years of longing.

Mother Giselle intervened with a smile. "This is the part where you make your vows and accept one another as husband and wife," she said, her gentle voice filling the air.

"I swear unto the Maker to love and cherish this beautiful woman till the rest of my days," Lindon declared, his voice filled with unwavering devotion.

"And I swear unto the Maker to love and cherish this handsome man with all my heart and soul," Cassandra declared, passionately expressing her love and devotion.

"Then I present to you, Lindon and Cassandra, as husband and wife," Mother Giselle said. Applause and cheers erupted, filling the air with joy and celebration, as their loved ones gathered to witness the beginning of their happily ever after.

Lindon gently cradled his wife by her waist, pulling her closer and sinking his lips onto hers in a tender and passionate kiss. Cassandra's arms locked behind her husband's neck, pulling him even closer as they shared this intimate embrace. In that moment, surrounded by the love and support of their friends and family, Lindon and Cassandra knew that their journey together was just beginning, and they were ready to face whatever challenges and adventures lay ahead.

Four years had passed. The Inquisition had disbanded, and Lindon and Cassandra had settled into a peaceful life together. Neither side of South Thedas could fathom having an organization larger than the empires. Truth be told, with Breach gone, Lindon had completed his purpose. There was no longer a need for him to fight or lead armies. He was content with the quiet life he now shared with his wife. The Inquisition's disbandment allowed Lindon and Cassandra to escape the political turmoil between Orlais and Ferelden, finding solace in a peaceful life together.

Their faithful marriage was gifted with the birth of a beautiful baby, a precious bundle of joy who brought immeasurable love and happiness into their lives. To honor the memory of her late big brother, Cassandra was insistent on naming their baby boy Anthony, and Lindon was more than happy to obey his beautiful wife's wishes.

Despite losing a hand as a result of holding the anchor in his hand, Lindon managed to replace his lost hand with an ethereal one through the use of magic. Cassandra chided him for it. But his only wish was to lift some of the weights from her hands. She handled many responsibilities, such as cooking delicious meals for their family, keeping their home clean and organized, and ensuring their son was well taken care of. And Lindon thought having his hand back, even if it was a magical one, would help her feel less burdened. He wanted to ease Cassandra's load and show her that he was there to support her and Anthony in every way possible, both physically and emotionally. The magician had always covered his magical hand with a glove, so as not to create an eerie scene for his son or to enrage his wife, leading to arguments.

He was chopping wood, one after the other, the rhythmic thud of the axe against the logs filling the crisp morning air. The hand proved useful in many instances, from helping Lindon effortlessly carry heavy loads to performing delicate tasks with precision. It also helped him in his spars with Cassandra, although many times he was the one being straddled in the end.

He was unaware that he was being watched by the love of his life. Cassandra stood at the edge of the clearing, a soft smile playing on her lips as she admired her husband's strength and determination. "Good morning, my love," she said, her voice filled with adoration. Cassandra walked towards him, her eyes sparkling with love. Lindon let go of the axe and took a moment to examine the beautiful woman before him. He couldn't help but be mesmerized by her radiant presence, as if the years had only enhanced her grace and beauty. The only thing he couldn't get used to was seeing her wearing all types of dresses and skirts. Growing up as a warrior, Cassandra had always been clad in armor, exuding strength and power. Seeing her in more feminine attire took some adjustment for Lindon, but he couldn't deny how stunning she looked.

"My lady," Lindon said, his voice filled with admiration, "You brighten my morning further," he reached out and grasped her well-defined waist, snatching a kiss from her lips.

"I expected to see you snoring in the bed," Cassandra teased, her eyes sparkling amusingly. "But it seems you've been up and about." She playfully tousled his hair, her touch filled with affection.

"I just wished to surprise the love of my life," Lindon chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Did I not do it right?" Lindon asked, feigning innocence.

Cassandra nodded in response, her nose gently brushing against his. "Leave the axe and come with me. Breakfast is ready," Cassandra whispered, her voice filled with warmth and love.

"Will do, my heart," he said, but his hand was still wrapped behind her waist, not leaving her.

"Well then," Cassandra removed her arms from him, but he still had his hands on her. "When do you plan to leave me?" she chuckled, her eyes gleaming.

"I just wish to examine and behold a bit more," Lindon admitted with a playful smile, his eyes tracing the curves of Cassandra's form.

"Lindon," Cassandra whispered with a frown. "Anthony is outside." She felt his hand roaming further and further, his touch igniting a familiar fire within her.

"He can be content knowing his parents are madly in love with one another," Lindon whispered, his hand still firmly grasping her rear, unwilling to let go.

"And his mother will be angry if you don't let her go," Cassandra said, her tone laced with amusem*nt and a hint of warning.

Lindon loved nothing more than exploring her stunning body, reveling in the curves and contours that had become so familiar to him over the years. "And what if I refuse?" Lindon murmured.

"Then I want to remind you of our last sparring session," Cassandra replied, her voice firm but playful.

Lindon winced. "The one where I received a painful blow below the belt and you pinned me to the ground?"

"You made me resort to playing dirty," she retorted playfully, her eyes shining with mirth.

"You had me limping for almost a week, woman," Lindon recalled the pain he felt as her knee was planted between his legs. "And I'm a mage, not a warrior like you," he said, his voice filled with mock indignation.

"And if you think you can go another week limping, you can keep your hold," Cassandra teased.

"Alright, you won, Lady Seeker," Lindon said, regretfully releasing his hands from her frame.

Anthony, their young son, ran towards them with his wooden sword in hand, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Look, Mom, I can swing it just like you!" he exclaimed, mimicking Cassandra's movements. Lindon and Cassandra shared a proud and loving glance, grateful for the joy their family brought them.

"Anthony, come and sit," Cassandra called, patting the ground next to her. Anthony eagerly joined his parents, his wooden sword forgotten for the moment. They were an appetent family, who took all parts of the breakfast. Lindon savored his scrambled eggs while Cassandra enjoyed her buttered toast. Anthony, still buzzing with energy, devoured his sarnie with gusto. Cassandra, always attuned to the desires of her loved ones, knew exactly what her son and husband would enjoy.

Yet, as they sat there together, basking in the warmth of their familial love, it felt almost surreal to think about the lives they had led before. The battles, the bloodshed, and the constant threat of danger seemed like distant memories now, replaced by the simple joys of breakfast and the laughter of their son.

Cassandra had always been a fierce warrior, and the idea of leaving her sword behind seemed unfathomable. She didn't recall who made the first step, but she was in some ways always drawn to him. Lindon's unwavering support, his kindness, and his ability to make her feel safe had captivated her from the beginning. When she saw him on his knees before her, she was on the verge of crying. The memories of their past struggles and sacrifices flooded her mind, reminding her of how far they had come and how much they had overcome together.

Lindon's headstrong nature had always been a part of his character. He would often dive into the source of the problem, with no regard for his safety. The first time he was on his knees was when he was on the verge of execution at the hands of his future wife. The second time Lindon found himself on his knees, it was his own volition. With a trembling hand and a heart full of love, he asked for the hand of the beautiful warrior who had captured his heart. It had been four years, and now he was admiring every part of her being, her wide teeth smile, her eyes, her brows, her short hair.

Auntie Evelyn will pay us a visit, pup," Lindon said, his voice filled with excitement. Anthony's eyes lit up at the mention of his favorite aunt, knowing that her visits always brought fun and laughter to their home.

"Will she stay with us?" Anthony asked eagerly, hoping that Auntie Evelyn would extend her visit and spend more time with them.

"Unfortunately, no, pup.” Lindon shook his head, “but she will take you to Ostwick," Lindon said with a smile, knowing how much Anthony loved visiting their quaint hometown.

"Really?!" Anthony jumped from his seat, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. He had always cherished his trips to Ostwick, where he could explore the winding streets, visit the old bookstore, and spend endless hours playing by the river.

"Yes, and I'm sure your grandparents miss their little pup, too," Lindon added. The thought of reuniting with them brought a warmth to Anthony's heart.

"But you will miss me when I'm gone," he said somberly. Anthony's smile faded slightly as he realized that Lindon wouldn't be joining them on the trip to Ostwick. Though excited for the adventure, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the thought of being apart from his parents.

Cassandra motioned for him to come, grasping her son and sitting him on her lap. With a gentle stroke of his hair, she reassured Anthony, "Of course, we'll miss you, my love. "But your friends in Ostwick miss you, too. You should spend some time with them.".

"I know, mama," Anthony said, kissing his mother on the cheek. "Don't fight with each other when I'm gone, okay?” His caution brought laughs from his parents.

"Such a precocious boy," Cassandra said, briefly tickling him. "Don't worry, sweetie, papa and I will behave ourselves while you're gone."

Lindon's older sister Evelyn arrived a few hours later, her vibrant energy filling the their home. She caught up with her brother and sister-in-law, bringing them news of their parents. Evelyn shared stories of their parents' well-being and sent their warm regards, instantly lifting the spirits of Lindon and Cassandra.

After the brief visit and exchange of drinks, Evelyn bid farewell, holding Anthony's hand and leaving for Ostwick. As the sound of Evelyn's footsteps faded into the distance, Lindon and Cassandra found themselves alone in their quiet seaside residence. The waves crashed against the shore, providing a soothing backdrop to their thoughts.

"So, my sweet, beautiful love of my life," Lindon began, his voice filled with tenderness as he turned to Cassandra. Taking a seat next to her, he tenderly waited for an opportunity to explore her body. "Do you have any plans for the evening?" he asked sheepishly, hoping to spend quality time with Cassandra and make the most of their solitude by the seaside.

"No, I don't," Cassandra side-eyed her husband, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"I was hoping you would say that," his hand sneaked between the slit of her skirt, his touch sending shivers down her spine further along.

"What do you have in mind, husband?" she said wryly, her eyes dancing with anticipation as she leaned closer to him. She crossed her legs; her skirt rode up, exposing a glimpse of her long, shapely legs as it rode up.

It was a wonderful feeling, tracing the contours of her legs with his fingertips, feeling the smoothness of her skin and the strength in her muscles. Lindon couldn't help but be captivated by Cassandra's shapely figure, her thick thighs and broad hips that added to her allure. "I'm the luckiest man alive," he said huskily, losing himself in the spectacle of her thighs. "I have the most beautiful and enticing wife."

Cassandra raised an eyebrow playfully and leaned back, teasingly crossing her arms. "So, I'm just an object to you now? A pair of enticing thighs?" she said with a smirk, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

"If I would have thought that way, I would never have tried to seduce you," Lindon smiled, his voice filled with sincerity. "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me, Cassandra. You are my everything."

Cassandra let out a gasp and wasted no time taking her rightful place on her husband's lap. She straddled him, feeling the heat of their bodies melding together as their lips met in a passionate kiss. The sound of their mingled moans filled the air.

He reached out his hand towards her cleavage, pretending to examine the delicate necklace that adorned her neck. Cassandra's breath hitched as his fingers brushed against her skin.

Cassandra kept her pace slow and pleasurable, riding him under his rigidness. Every movement was a deliberate tease, amplifying the intensity between them. She loved the idea of a man finding her desirable, being lusted after. And it made her happier that that man was her husband.

The desire between them grew stronger with every grind of her crotch against his painfully rigid member, and Lindon gasped at the exquisite pleasure coursing through his body. "I know Seekers know ways to torture, my love," he said, his voice laced with a mix of vulnerability and excitement. "But I can't endure anymore having my wife making me crave for her," he whispered, his voice filled with longing. "I need you, Cassandra, in every way possible."

Cassandra's mind games proved to be successful as Lindon couldn't resist her seductive power. The way she teased him, played with his desires, and made him crave her only intensified their lust. "You have but to ask, my love," she said, removing her shirt in one swift motion, revealing her generous breasts that were begging to be touched and kissed. Her nipples were already hardened with anticipation, aching for her husband’s lips and tongue.

Lindon obediently leaned forward, his lips capturing Cassandra's hardened nipples in a mix of hunger and devotion. He savored the taste and texture of her, his tongue flicking and teasing, knowing that pleasing his Seeker was the ultimate reward. Lindon's desire grew unbearable as the fabric of his pants constricted around his throbbing member. He desperately needed to be freed from the confines of his clothing, yearning for the release that only the heart stopping beautiful woman invading his lap could provide. "Cassandra, please," he said, begging the woman she loved to remove herself from his lap, as he couldn't bear the intense pleasure any longer.

"I didn't know my husband would be so needy," she said, grinding her hips once more, earning him a hitch from his throat. But she loved every moment of it. "But since you ask so sweetly," she giggled, removing herself from his lap, giving him a moment of respite from the delicious torment. She could bring him to the brink and then grant him the release he craved.

He removed his pants, and watched her as she discarded her skirt, revealing her shapely legs on full display. Then her underwear followed suit. The sight of her bare skin ignited a surge of desire within him, fueling his longing for her even further.

Cassandra leapt on him, with him staggering back under her weight. Their bodies collided in a passionate frenzy, limbs entangled and hearts racing. They raced for their bedroom, their desire reaching a fever pitch as they couldn't wait to indulge in each other completely.

He somewhat roughly dropped her to the bed, his desire reaching a crescendo as he hovered above her. He took hold of her one leg, feeling the smooth texture beneath his fingers, and whispered, "My love, I can't resist you any longer." His lips trailed a path of fiery kisses up her leg, his desire building with every touch.

Lindon continued to shower Cassandra with compliments, his words dripping with adoration. He praised her lips, her neck, her collarbone, and every inch of her skin that he could reach. His words fueled her confidence and desire, igniting a passionate fire between them. She bit her lower lip hard every time his lips came into contact, a mixture of pleasure and pain coursing through her. She wanted to consume him completely, to lose herself in the pleasure he could provide. The thought of her husband’s head between her legs, his lips and tongue exploring her most intimate parts, consumed her mind. She longed to hold him there, to feel the intensity of his touch and the overwhelming sensations that would follow.

Lindon followed suit with her other leg, his lips trailing a path of fiery kisses up her smooth skin. Cassandra moaned with desire. As he finally reached out to her crotch, he found his head constricted by her thighs, a delightful and unexpected twist.

"I trapped you," Cassandra said, her teeth wide smile visible and her jowl visible. Lindon chuckled, his desire still burning bright. "Your diplomacy skills," she said deliriously, her voice filled with pleasure, as his hands continued to caress her outer thighs. "Needs to be assessed," Cassandra whispered between gasps of pleasure.

"If I fail?" Lindon said cheekily, his desire still lingering in his voice.

"Then I will break your neck with a single sharp twist, will that do?" she said wryly, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Lindon's desire mixed with a hint of fear, creating a thrilling adrenaline rush. "Well then," he replied, his voice laced with anticipation, "I better make sure I pass with flying colors."

He continued to run his tongue along her inner thigh, teasing her with every flick and graze. His wife's response was harsh, taking a handful of his hair, pressing him further into her with a forceful tug. Lindon took the signal and increased the intensity of his ministrations. Every flick of his tongue made her thighs curl in pleasure, aching for more of his skilled touch. Lindon knew exactly how to tease and tantalize her, driving her to the brink of ecstasy with each expert movement. But the pleasure was too intense to contain, and a moan escaped her lips, betraying her attempts at restraint. He wanted to hear his name on her lips, to know that he had the power to bring her pleasure. Lindon increased the pressure of his tongue against her, focusing on every sensitive spot, determined to elicit the words he desired.

"Don't wait," he said, his voice husky with desire. "Tell me what you want, Cassandra. I want to hear it from your lips."

She responded with a squeeze of her thighs around his head, making him comply with her silent demand. She thought choking her husband into obedience would give her what she desired, but little did she know that this wouldn’t be as easy as she anticipated.

"You are better than that, my love," he said, although he felt his breathing restrained. "Just tell me what you desire, and from whom you desire, and I'm all yours," he whispered to his wife, holding onto her thighs still, his voice filled with adoration.

"Sometimes I hate you," she seethed, her anger and frustration bubbling to the surface. "I want you to make me come, Lindon," she finally admitted, her voice laced with vulnerability and desire. "I'm tired of playing games," she growled, her eyes narrowing with determination. "Give me what I want or I'll make you spend your remaining days with a neck brace." Her threat hung heavy in the air, fueling the intensity of their desire.

He flashed a smile that made her arousal pump, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Who am I to not comply?" he said, focusing on her sex. His lips met her wetness with a hunger that matched her own, and he delved into her folds with a fervor that left her gasping for breath. With the expertise of a seasoned lover, Lindon's tongue slithered over her most sensitive spot, hearing his wife squeal in delight. She couldn't control the waves of pleasure coursing through her body any longer. As her hips bucked against his mouth, she let out a primal cry of ecstasy, her grip on his head tightening even further.

Lindon, fearing for his airways. He was encircled by her thick thighs, which were wider than his head. Her ankles were locked in on one another, as if sealing his fate. When the juices flow against his features, her pressure hardly intensified. Lindon's skilled tongue continued its relentless assault on her sensitive spot, navigating the slippery terrain with precision and skill. Her screams faded into rapid hyperventilation as the waves of pleasure subsided, leaving her trembling and breathless in his embrace. Sweat glistened in her worshippable body, a testament to the intensity of their carnal connection.

“Cassandra," he managed to smile despite being covered in his wife's juices. Cassandra's legs hung over his shoulders, providing a tantalizing view but still allowing Lindon to breathe freely. It was a job well done, her pleasure his ultimate reward.

"I thought all mages lacked stamina to keep up," she giggled, teasing him playfully.

"You keep saying that for four years, woman," he said, a playful glint in his eyes. "But every time, I prove you wrong and leave you begging for more."

"Is that so?" she purred, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Well, I guess I'll just have to push you to your limits again, won't I?"

"How do you plan to do that?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity and anticipation, eager to see what wild and adventurous idea she had in mind.

With a quick succession, she withdrew her legs from him and stood on her knees, facing him. She pushed him to the softness of the bed, straddling him, her eyes filled with desire as she leaned in to capture his lips in a passionate kiss.

She slid her labia into his rigid member, feeling the electric connection between them intensify as they merged into one. Her insatiable desire and stamina seemed to have no bounds. She controlled the pace, alternating between slower and faster movements, prolonging their pleasure and savoring every moment. Cassandra's palms on her husband's sculpted chest was firm, while Lindon held onto her hips as if his life depended on it. Their bodies moved in perfect sync. At moments he ached, thrusting his hip upward to feel further inside her, as if trying to merge their souls along with their bodies.

She quickened the pace willingly, her full breasts bouncing under her love's hungry stares. Cassandra's pleasure intensified, causing her to let out loud and passionate screams that filled the air around them. They were like cogs of a well-oiled machine, their bodies thrusting and pumping in perfect harmony, driven by their insatiable desire for each other. The climax was explosive, as they let out simultaneous screams of ecstasy, feeling their bodies tremble with pleasure. Cassandra fell into her man's chest, trembling, feeling cold from the sweat that covered their bodies. She inhaled and exhaled rapidly, trying to catch her breath and calm her racing heart. "I-I love you," she said, sobbing and chuckling, her voice filled with a mix of emotions.

"You made that much obvious, sweetheart," Lindon chuckled breathlessly, his heart pounding in his chest. He was ridden so passionately by her that he thought she wanted to kill him by inducing a heart attack in him. Her uninhibited display of emotions was something Lindon treasured most about Cassandra. It was not just in their intimate moments, but also in their everyday lives, where she wore her heart on her sleeve. He loved how she freely expressed her love, joy, and even her vulnerability, making their connection even stronger.

They cleaned up their messes, disposing of the used tissues and wiping away any remaining evidence of their passionate encounter. Afterward, they cuddled in each other's arms. Cassandra used her loving husband's chest as a pillow, her hand tracing circles around his stomach, finding comfort in the familiar rise and fall of his breath.

"I know I'm too late to say this, but I'm glad I didn't kill you when we found you at the temple," Cassandra whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and regret.

"And I'm glad you didn't refuse the advances of a mage who kept hitting on you," Lindon replied with a playful smirk, his fingers gently brushing against her cheek.

"But lucky for you, fate had other plans," Cassandra said, teasingly, her voice laced with affection. "If you weren't the Herald, I would've dismissed you a long time ago," she added, her eyes sparkling with playful mischief.

"I would still find ways to charm my way into your heart," Lindon replied, his voice filled with confidence and love. "Whether it was as the Inquisitor or just a regular guy, my goal was always to make you mine."

"You're so confident sometimes that I want to punch you in the face," Cassandra chuckled. She knew she was angry at his behavior sometimes, but he was justified in his confidence.

"Didn't I read you the most illustrious poetry under the moonlight?" he asked, his fingers toying with her hair.

"Indeed, you did," Cassandra replied, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"Did I not gather you the most colorful and enchanting flowers in Thedas?" Lindon asked, his eyes gleaming with nostalgia.

"You did that, too," she giggled. "We have a big flower garden now, thanks to you, husband," Cassandra said, her laughter filling the room.

As The Chantry expressed their preference for Cassandra to be the next Divine, she declined. She knew that by refusing to become the next Divine, she was turning down the opportunity to hold immense power and influence, gambling the fates of Nations of South Thedas. But that didn't matter to her, because what she valued most was the strong bond and romance with him . Her greatest accomplishment was already complete - ruling over her husband's heart, and he, hers.

"Did I not sweep you off your feet, cradle you in my arms and have you soar through the heavens, Lady Cassandra?" he asked, his voice filled with tenderness and adoration.

"You made me the happiest woman in the world, Lindon Trevelyan," she whispered, turning her head to face him, pressing a kiss to his lips.

The sound of the doorbell disrupted their tranquil and loveful trance, causing Lindon and Cassandra to reluctantly pull away from each other. "Did we expect anyone, darling?" Lindon asked his wife, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"No, we didn't," she said, frowning. Feeling a sense of unease, Cassandra reached out to her sword laying next to their bed. "I'll answer the door," she said. The husband and wife walked downstairs. Their home was nestled deep within the vast Nevarran countryside, with a spectacular view of the Waking Sea in the background. As Cassandra approached the front door, the sense of unease grew stronger, making her grip on the hilt of her sword tighten. "Who is it?" she asked, her voice filled with caution and readiness to defend herself and her husband if necessary.

There were no answers. Impatient, Cassandra decided to open the door, her sword raised, ready to confront whoever awaited them on the other side. When she opened the door, standing before her were familiar faces, Varric, Leliana, Josephine, Cullen, and the old Inquisition. Cassandra's heart skipped a beat as she recognized her former companions. As Cassandra scanned the faces of her former companions, a mixture of relief and surprise washed over her. It appeared that life had taken a different turn for each of them. Leliana stood proudly by her husband Warden Commander Mahariel, their love evident in their intertwined hands, while Cullen stood beside his wife Ser Lysette, a look of contentment etched on his face. It was a heartwarming sight, one that reminded Cassandra of the bonds they had formed during their time in the Inquisition.

"Just shame on you, Seeker," Varric chuckled. "You are welcoming us with the sword in your hand," he said, his tone teasing but warm.

Lindon appeared behind his wife. “Who is it, love?” he asked. His eyes widened with excitement as he recognized the familiar faces of their former companions from the Inquisition. "My friends!" he exclaimed. "Please don't wait outside. Come in, come in!"

Lindon was surprised by their unexpected guests, but he was happy nonetheless. Seeing his former companions brought back memories of their adventures together and he couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and nostalgia. Cassandra sneakily approached him. "I'm an idiot," she sighed, slapping her temple. She had completely forgotten that today was the day they had planned a reunion with their former companions from the Inquisition.

"Why?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I forgot to tell you they would be our guests tonight," she said, somewhat ashamed of herself. "I wanted it to be a surprise, but I ended up surprising myself instead."

"Don't be sad, sweetheart," he said, grasping his wife's shoulders. "At least we have means to welcome them," he reassured her.

Cassandra turned to the kitchen to prepare a variety of drinks, ensuring that there would be something for everyone's taste. As Lindon shared warm hugs with his old comrades, Cassandra busied herself, thinking about the stories they would share and the laughter that would fill the room during their long-awaited reunion.

"We were hoping to see little Anthony, too, Inquisitor," Leliana asked, a playful smile on her face. "Our young Ithiel missed playing with him so much."

"He went to Ostwick with my sister Evelyn to spend time with his grandparents," he said, a touch of longing in his voice. "I'm sure he misses Ithiel too," Lindon replied with a wistful smile. "Those boys were best playmates." he chuckled. "And I wish to congratulate both of you," he said, his voice filled with genuine happiness. "Warden-Commander, Leliana, I hope you find happiness and good fortune in your family," Lindon said sincerely, his eyes filled with warmth and gratitude. "You both deserve all the joy that life has to offer."

"Thank you Inquisitor Trevelyan," Mahariel said, grasping his wife's hand. "It means a lot to us."

"And the drinks are ready," Cassandra said, holding a tray in her hands, her tone singing. She carefully placed the tray on the table, the glasses shimmering in the soft light. The aroma of the beverages filled the air, adding to the anticipation of the upcoming reunion.

"So, your Inquisitorialness," Varric said with a mischievous glint in his eye, "We both wanted to pay a visit to your 'Inquisitive' family and have a rematch of Wicked Grace, which ended up a disaster for our Commander Curly here." They all let out a laugh, reminiscing about the chaotic night of the previous Wicked Grace game. Cullen lost the Wicked Grace that night, and as per the rules, he had to get naked. And Cassandra, as her habit from the old days, let out a disgusted sigh at Varric's weird naming of their family, but a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

However, Cullen blushed at the mention of the previous Wicked Grace game. "Let's not bring that up again," he said, trying to hide his embarrassment. "And I recall you and Josephine cheating, Varric," he said accusingly, his tone playful.

"I guess I forgot the rules and what the cards mean," Cassandra sighed, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Don't worry, darling," he said, planting a kiss on his wife's hand. "We will cheat together, and win," he whispered with a mischievous glint in his eye, causing Cassandra to giggle.

Varric discarded the cards respectively at the players, his hands moving with practiced ease. "Alright, alright. Let's start fresh this time," he said, a gleam of mischief in his eye. "No cheating, no getting naked, just a good ol’ game of Wicked Grace."

Their night was full of joy and laughter as they gathered around the table, reminiscing about old memories and creating new ones. The sound of shuffling cards and contagious laughter filled the room, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that they all cherished. It had been a long time coming, catching up with the old guard. All those inside the home tried to make their memories a lasting one as much as possible, knowing that these moments of laughter and camaraderie were precious and would be cherished in their hearts for years to come. The threat that loomed on the horizon. Dreadwolf was lurking in the shadows, biding his time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike from the shadows and bring about a new change to the old world. They all knew that when their old friend, Solas finally revealed himself, they would stand united against him, ready to take up arms and protect the world they held so dear.

A Home by Waking Sea - setomaximillianwheeler (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.