How to buy property in Holland as an American in 2024 (2024)

Everything you need to know is included in our Netherlands Property Pack

Welkom in Nederland!

The Netherlands is known for its picturesque canals, cycling culture, and innovative spirit.

If you're an American citizen interested in European innovation and scenic beauty, owning property in the Netherlands is a charming choice.

However, making a property investment in the Netherlands as a US citizen involves navigating new laws and regulations, which can be quite challenging.

No worries, we will give some indications in this blog post made by our country expert.

Our goal is to simplify this information for you, ensuring it's easy to understand. Should you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Also, for a more detailed analysis, you can download our property pack for Holland, made by our country expert and reviewed by locals.

Can American people buy property in the Netherlands?

Do you need to be a local or a permanent resident to buy a property in the Netherlands?

In the Netherlands, there's no requirement for you to be a citizen to buy property.

This means as an American, you can definitely purchase real estate there. However, owning property in the Netherlands doesn't automatically grant you residency rights.

If you're planning to live in the Netherlands, you'd need to comply with the country's immigration rules, which may involve obtaining a visa or residence permit depending on the duration and purpose of your stay.

For the buying process itself, you're not required to be a permanent resident. You can buy property either as a non-resident or as a resident, depending on your circ*mstances.

Interestingly, the entire property purchasing process can often be done remotely, which means you could potentially complete the transaction from the United States. However, it's crucial to have a reliable local representative, like a real estate agent or a notary, to handle the on-ground aspects of the transaction.

Regarding financial prerequisites, having a Dutch tax ID isn't a mandatory requirement for buying property. However, you'll likely need it for other aspects of the process, such as setting up utilities or dealing with local taxes related to the property.

Opening a local bank account is highly recommended. It simplifies transactions like paying for the property, handling mortgage payments if you're taking out a loan, and managing ongoing expenses like property taxes or maintenance fees.

Lastly, apart from standard documents like your passport and proof of income or financial stability, you might need specific documents tailored to the property purchase, like a purchase agreement or a mortgage agreement if you're financing the purchase.

It's always a good idea to consult with a legal professional or a real estate expert in the Netherlands to ensure you have all the necessary documents and understand the local regulations and processes.

What are the rights and requirements to buy real estate in the Netherlands as a US citizen?

In the Netherlands, American buyers generally have the same rights as Dutch citizens and other foreigners when it comes to buying and owning property.

There's no distinction in property rights based on nationality, which means Americans can purchase residential or commercial real estate just like a local citizen or any other foreign national.

Regarding restrictions or limits on what can be owned, there are no specific laws in the Netherlands that impose limitations on the number of properties an individual, whether local or foreign, can own. This means you could potentially own multiple properties, whether for personal use or as investment properties.

However, it's important to be aware of any local zoning laws or regulations that might apply to certain areas. While there aren't widespread restrictions on buying property near borders or coastlines specifically, certain areas may have specific regulations or limitations.

For instance, properties in protected natural areas or in regions with special historical value might be subject to more stringent rules. These could range from restrictions on renovations and constructions to specific land-use policies.

As for the question of a minimum investment, there's no legally defined minimum amount you must spend to buy property in the Netherlands.

The market value and price of real estate vary widely depending on location, property type, and other factors.

In some cities, especially in popular areas like Amsterdam or The Hague, property prices can be quite high, but these are market-driven prices rather than legally imposed minimums.

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How to buy property in Holland as an American in 2024 (2)

What about buying land in the Netherlands as an American?

Let’s focus a bit more on the land ownership system in the Netherlands.

As a US citizen, you can buy land in the Netherlands, and this includes various types of land for different purposes, such as residential or commercial use.

There's generally no differentiation made between foreigners and locals in terms of the types of land they can purchase. However, where you buy and what you can do with the land are often dictated by local zoning laws and land-use regulations.

There aren't specific areas in the Netherlands where foreigners are typically known to buy land, purchases happen across the country, from urban centers to rural areas. However, foreigners often gravitate towards cities and regions known for their investment potential, expat communities, or scenic beauty.

Places like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, and Utrecht are popular among international buyers for residential and commercial properties.

For scenic or leisure purposes, areas like the Dutch coastline or the countryside in regions like Gelderland or Limburg might be more attractive.

Zoning and land-use planning in the Netherlands are quite structured and can significantly affect land ownership. Each municipality has its own zoning plans, which dictate what the land can be used for, whether residential, commercial, agricultural, or recreational.

Before buying land, it's crucial to understand the zoning plan for the area, as it will outline what you can and cannot do with the property. For instance, you might buy land intending to build a house only to find out it's zoned for agricultural use only.

Regarding common land ownership issues, one of the most significant is understanding and complying with local regulations, which can be quite detailed and strict, especially in areas of environmental protection or historical preservation.

Water management is also a critical aspect in the Netherlands, a country known for its below-sea-level land and extensive canal systems. Regulations around water rights and land reclamation can be complex, especially in coastal or riverine areas.

Additionally, as in many places, disputes can arise over property boundaries or land use rights, so due diligence is an important part of the land purchasing process.

Buying property and becoming resident in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, purchasing and owning property does not directly lead to permanent residency for American citizens.

There is no specific investment scheme tied to real estate that grants residency or citizenship rights, unlike some other countries that offer such programs.

To gain residency in the Netherlands as an American, you need to follow the standard immigration processes, which are primarily based on factors like employment, family reunification, study, or entrepreneurship, but not on real estate investment.

There are various types of visas and residence permits available, each with its own set of requirements and processes.

For instance, if you're looking to move to the Netherlands for work, you would typically need a job offer from a Dutch employer. There's also a visa for entrepreneurs, but it's tied to starting and running a business in the Netherlands, not just investing in property.

Additionally, there are specific visas and permits for students, highly skilled migrants, and those seeking family reunification.

Once you have a residence permit, you can live in the Netherlands and may eventually be eligible for permanent residency after a certain period, usually five years of continuous legal residence.

Permanent residency allows you to stay in the Netherlands indefinitely, under certain conditions like not being away from the country for more than a specified period.

Access to Dutch citizenship is a separate process and usually involves even longer periods of continuous residence, along with other requirements like passing a civic integration exam and demonstrating language proficiency.

Holding property in the Netherlands does not directly affect your eligibility for citizenship.

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How to buy property in Holland as an American in 2024 (3)

What is the process to buy property in the Netherlands as an American?

How to get started? What are the different steps?

If you need a detailed and updated analysis of the process (and the mistakes to avoid), you can check our full guide about property buying in Holland.

Buying property in the Netherlands as an American involves a series of steps, similar to real estate transactions in many other countries, but with some specific Dutch practices.

Firstly, you start by searching for a property, which can be done through real estate websites, agents, or visiting the country.

Once you find a property, you typically negotiate the price through your agent.

Next is the property title search. In the Netherlands, this is conducted by a notary (notaris). The notary plays a crucial role, ensuring the property is free of any debts or legal issues and verifying the seller's right to sell.

After the title search, you sign a preliminary purchase agreement (koopovereenkomst). This agreement is legally binding but allows for a statutory cooling-off period, during which you can back out without penalties.

Regarding the transfer of property, the notary prepares the official transfer deed (leveringsakte) and a mortgage deed if applicable.

The transfer deed is signed by both parties in the presence of the notary, who then registers it with the Land Registry (Kadaster). This act officially transfers the ownership to you.

For transferring funds internationally, you'd typically wire the purchase amount from your bank to the notary’s escrow account. It’s essential to consult your bank and possibly a financial advisor about international transfers, as there might be regulations or fees involved.

The closing costs and fees in the Netherlands include notary fees, transfer tax (overdrachtsbelasting), and sometimes real estate agent fees. The transfer tax is usually 2% of the purchase price for residential properties. Notary fees vary but expect to set aside around 1-2% of the purchase price for all closing costs.

American citizens can get a mortgage in the Netherlands, but it involves certain conditions. Banks will assess your financial stability, income, and creditworthiness.

Being a non-resident, you might face stricter conditions and possibly higher interest rates. You typically need to provide proof of income, a work contract, bank statements, and sometimes a down payment.

To get a mortgage, you start by approaching banks or mortgage brokers.

It's advisable to compare offers and understand the terms, as Dutch mortgages can have different structures and rates than what you might be used to in the U.S.

Risks and potential pitfalls related to property investment in the Netherlands

When buying residential real estate in the Netherlands, there are several risks to consider, some of which are unique compared to the U.S.

One significant risk is related to water management. Much of the Netherlands is below sea level, making properties susceptible to flooding and water damage.

This is a risk not commonly faced in many parts of the U.S. It's crucial to check the water management systems and flood risk for any property you're considering.

Another risk involves zoning regulations, which can be more stringent in the Netherlands compared to many areas in the U.S. Zoning laws dictate how a property can be used or altered.

For example, if you buy a property with the intention of renovating or changing its use, you may face strict regulations and potentially costly compliance requirements.

Cultural and local customs are also important to consider.

In Dutch communities, there are often unspoken rules about community living, such as noise levels, property appearance, and neighborhood interactions. Misunderstanding these norms can lead to conflicts with neighbors.

Common pitfalls for U.S. citizens often include underestimating the total cost of ownership, not fully understanding the legal and tax implications of owning property in the Netherlands, and difficulties navigating the bureaucratic processes in a foreign language.

In case of property-related disputes or conflicts with neighbors or authorities, the Netherlands has a well-developed legal system. Disputes are typically resolved in local courts.

The judicial process is known for being fair and transparent, but it can be time-consuming and costly. There are also mediation services available, which can be a quicker and less confrontational way of resolving disputes.

International arbitration is less common for residential real estate issues and is typically reserved for larger commercial disputes.

Tax implications for US citizens buying property in in the Netherlands

For American citizens owning property in the Netherlands, there are several tax implications to consider. Understanding these is crucial to avoid surprises and to plan effectively.

Firstly, property taxes in the Netherlands are a key consideration.

As a property owner, you'll be subject to annual municipal taxes (gemeentelijke belastingen), which include waste collection and sewage charges, and the property tax (onroerendezaakbelasting, OZB). The OZB is a percentage of the property's value and varies by municipality.

Capital gains taxes are another important factor. The Netherlands doesn't typically tax capital gains on the sale of a primary residence.

However, if the property is not your primary residence, profits from its sale may be taxed. This could apply if you're renting out the property or using it as a second home.

Additionally, American citizens must consider U.S. tax laws. The U.S. taxes its citizens on their worldwide income, which includes income from renting out a property in the Netherlands or gains from its sale. However, the U.S.-Netherlands tax treaty can offer some relief from double taxation.

This treaty allows you to credit taxes paid in the Netherlands against your U.S. tax liability on the same income.

Regarding inheritance and estate planning, owning property in the Netherlands adds complexity for American citizens.

The Netherlands has its own inheritance laws and taxes, which could apply to your Dutch property. Your heirs might face Dutch inheritance tax if they inherit your property, depending on their relationship to you and the value of the inheritance.

Additionally, U.S. estate taxes could apply, but again, the tax treaty between the U.S. and the Netherlands may provide some relief.

For estate planning, it's crucial to understand both Dutch and U.S. laws and to consider how they interact.

Estate planning tools and strategies that work in the U.S. may not be effective in the Netherlands, and vice versa.

Don't lose money on your property in Holland

100% of people who have lost money in Holland have spent less than 1 hour researching the market. We have reviewed everything there is to know. Grab our guide now.

How to buy property in Holland as an American in 2024 (4)

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Readers are advised to consult with a qualified professional before making any investment decisions. We do not assume any liability for actions taken based on the information provided.

How to buy property in Holland as an American in 2024 (2024)


How to buy a house in the Netherlands as an American? ›

The process of buying a property in the Netherlands
  1. Making an offer. Once you have found a suitable property, the negotiations can begin. ...
  2. Arranging an appraisal and survey. ...
  3. Exchanging contracts. ...
  4. Paying the deposit. ...
  5. Hiring a notary. ...
  6. Completing the sale. ...
  7. Final arrangements.

Is it wise to buy a house now in the Netherlands? ›

So, to buy or not to buy a house in the Netherlands? If you want to purchase a property and you can afford it, you should. House prices move up and down, and the value of your house will probably increase slightly or stay the same in the near future. In the long term the value of your property will rise for sure.

How to buy a house in the Netherlands step by step? ›

Go directly to:
  1. Step 1: Assess your financial options.
  2. Step 2: Determining the total costs for home purchase.
  3. Step 3: Finding a suitable property.
  4. Step 4: The property viewings.
  5. Step 5: Determine and submitting an offer.
  6. Step 6: Negotiations.
  7. Step 7: The purchase agreement and the statutory cooling-off period.

How much deposit do I need to buy a house in the Netherlands? ›

After signing the preliminary purchase contract ('voorlopig koopcontract'), you'll need to pay the seller a deposit of 10% of the purchase price of the property. If you don't have enough savings, you can get a bank guarantee ('bankgarantie'). In general this will cost you 1% of the amount of the guarantee.

How hard is it for a US citizen to move to Netherlands? ›

As a third-country national who does not possess EU, EEA, or Swiss nationality, you will need a residence permit to stay in the Netherlands for more than 90 days. There are different types of visas, residence permits, and work permits depending on your employer and your specific case.

How long do you have to live in the Netherlands to buy a house? ›

Mortgages for EU citizens

You have lived in the Netherlands for five years. You are employed and financially independent. You may need to pay a deposit. Your mortgage may be limited to 90 percent or less of the property value.

Is it a good time to buy a house in the Netherlands in 2024? ›

In 2024 and 2025 The Home Buyer Is In an Exciting Prospect in the Netherlands. The Dutch housing market is on the brink of an exciting renaissance, propelled by favorable economic conditions including reduced mortgage rates and wage growth.

What is the downside of moving to Netherlands? ›

The Netherlands has a high cost of living, which includes everything from accommodation, groceries, and services. On average, the cost of living in the Netherlands is 10.7% higher than in the UK. Owning a car is particularly expensive, with high road tax and expensive repair costs.

What is the average price to buy a house in Netherlands? ›

The average sales price of a home in the Netherlands peaked in August 2022, followed by a decline in the following months. In September 2023, it cost on average over 422,000 euros to buy a home, down from 438,000 euros in the same month the year before.

Is it hard to buy property in the Netherlands? ›

The Netherlands has a very healthy property market, but it can be very competitive for buyers. You need to be on the ball at every step, and this means having the insider info on what it takes to succeed. If you're looking to buy a house or apartment in The Netherlands, there's a lot you need to know. But that's OK!

Does buying a house in Netherlands gives you residency? ›

Residency Permit in the Netherlands

Buying a house in the Netherlands without having a residence permit is not an issue. Unfortunately, it is true that you do not automatically get a residence permit when you buy a property in the Netherlands.

How much should I earn to buy a house in Netherlands? ›

With the average home now costing €452,000, quarter on quarter house prices were up 2% in the final three months of 2023, and that means a salary of €95,000, Calcasa said. The average pay in the Netherlands is currently €44,000.

Is it difficult to get a mortgage in the Netherlands? ›

Obtaining a mortgage as an expat in the Netherlands can be a complex process, as the requirements and regulations for obtaining a mortgage can vary depending on your citizenship and the type of residence you are looking to purchase.

What is the transfer tax exemption in the Netherlands 2024? ›

First-time home buyer

First-time home buyers between 18 and 35 years old are exempt from paying a transfer tax of 2%. If you plan to buy a home valued at less than €510.000, you do not need to pay the transfer tax of 2%.

How much is a downpayment on a house in the Netherlands? ›

In the Netherlands your mortgage lender doesn't require you to make a deposit. However, you do have to pay a pre-sale agreement deposit to the seller after you've signed the preliminary purchase agreement. In general, this is 10% of the purchase price of your new property.

How much does it cost to buy a house in Netherland? ›

What is the average price of residential property in the Netherlands? In the second quarter of 2023, a single-family home cost approximately 434,000 euros. There were large differences between the Dutch provinces, however.

Is it easy to buy property in Netherlands? ›

The Netherlands has a very healthy property market, but it can be very competitive for buyers. You need to be on the ball at every step, and this means having the insider info on what it takes to succeed. If you're looking to buy a house or apartment in The Netherlands, there's a lot you need to know. But that's OK!

Is Living in the Netherlands cheaper than the US? ›

United States is 11% more expensive than Netherlands. Jun 2024 Cost of Living.

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