~*~ Nutrition, Exercise And Water For Hair Growth Challenge 2019~*~ (2024)


  • Jan 1, 2019
  • #1

~*~Nutrition, Exercise and Water for Hair Growth Challenge 2019*~*

The challenge will begin officially on January 1, 2019 and end December 31, 2019

You can join at ANY time!

Hair Goals
Current Length:
2018 Goal Length:
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed:
How you will achieve goal:

Exercise Goals
Current Weight:
Height: (for those looking for body buddies)
Goal Weight and/or Inches to lose:
How will you achieve this goal?:

Water Goals
Daily Intake Goal:

Nutrition Goals
What are your Nutrition Goals?:
How will you achieve them?:

Feel free to post starting pictures of your hair and/or body; however, pictures are NOT a requirement!

My apologies for not being so active in the previous thread. I've been in and out of the hospital but I could at lest get this one started for you all. Happy New Year!

@Aggie @KinksAndInk @BellaRose @sunflora


Professional Napper
  • Jan 1, 2019
  • #2

@Evallusion thank you! Get well soon.


Professional Napper
  • Jan 1, 2019
  • #3

Hair Goals
Current Length: Whip
2019 Goal Length: Tailbone
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal: Low manipulation, exercise, healthy eating habits (lots of fruits and veggies, no fast food or processed foods) and a good vitamin regimen.

Exercise Goals
Current Weight: 223.2lbs
Height: (for those looking for body buddies) 5’3
Goal Weight and/or Inches to lose:160lbs
How will you achieve this goal?: Gym 5-6 days a week. I will take my gym bag to work. And I’ll try to get my 10k steps in daily.

Water Goals
Daily Intake Goal: 80-100oz

Nutrition Goals
What are your Nutrition Goals?: To becomes a pescatarian and eating a lot more veggies.
How will you achieve them?: Cutting out red meat, poultry, pork and dairy products. Having 1 completely plant based meal per day.


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 1, 2019
  • #4

Marking my spot since I really need this challenge this year.


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 1, 2019
  • #5

I need to get in on this, thank you!

Hair Goals
Current Length:
9-13.5 inches, longest pieces APL when stretched
2019 Goal Length: BSL or MBL, and grow out out those shortest layers to at least 13 inches
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural 4b, high porosity
How you will achieve goal: Protective styling, shea butter to seal in moisture and protect ends

Exercise Goals
Current Weight:
~144.5 lb
Height (for those looking for body buddies): 5'6"
Goal Weight and/or Inches to lose: Maintain at 140-143 lb
How will you achieve this goal?: work out 3 days per week minimum (1 leg day, 1 upper body day, 1 cardio day)

Water Goals
Daily Intake Goal:
2L, going to start carrying my 2L bottle around everywhere again

Nutrition Goals
What are your Nutrition Goals?:
Cut back on sugar, was doing so well with this for most of 2018 then fell off a bit. Choose healthy breakfast options and for lunch/dinner - At least one of them must be healthy and veggie filled
How will you achieve them?: Allow myself 1 sugary treat per week (worked well for me in the past), for lunch/dinner allow 1 meal per day to be whatever, the other must be healthy. Moderation works well for me.


On the Grow and Keeping it Simple
  • Jan 2, 2019
  • #6

Hair Goals
Current Length: WHip
2018 Goal Length: Tailbone/Butt
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal: Being consistent with products and regimen, taking multivitamin and hair vitamin, protective styling, keeping my ends lubricated.

Exercise Goals
Current Weight: 201
Height: 5’7
Goal Weight: 150
How will you achieve this goal?: Cardio exercise 5 days a week, with added weight training 3 of those days. Yoga class at least once a week. Going to gym with hubby as often as possible so we can motivate each other.

Water Goals
Daily Intake Goal: 1 gallon

Nutrition Goals
What are your Nutrition Goals?: Limit my carb and sugar intake, eat more vegetables, no food after 6.
How will you achieve them?: following a meal plan initially until I get better at meal planning, not keeping tempting foods in the house, having healthy snacks at the ready.


  • Jan 3, 2019
  • #7



Well-Known Member
  • Jan 3, 2019
  • #8

I've been waiting for a challenge like this! I want one inch a month one day.

Hair Goals
Current Length: Somewhere around shoulder length. A few inches shorter in some places, and a few longer in others.
2018 Goal Length: Waist length (don't laugh).
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural.
How you will achieve goal: Eating different and exercising.

Exercise Goals
Current Weight: I fluctuate around 135-141 or so every time I go to the doctor.
Height: (for those looking for body buddies): 5 feet, 4 and a quarter inches.
Goal Weight and/or Inches to lose: Wouldn't mind staying the same weight, if that's how much I'm destined to weigh on a healthy, fulfilling diet.
How will you achieve this goal?: By making the best lifestyle choices I can every day.

Water Goals
Daily Intake Goal: 8 cups q day. I have a 25 oz water bottle I try to drink 3 of to make 75 oz. Though that's not quite 8 cups, its easy to remember.

Nutrition Goals
What are your Nutrition Goals?: Eating all of the food groups (except dairy), no processed foods or chemicals in my food, probiotics and anti-inflammatory foods regularly, and enough water, as well as vitamin d supplement. I want more energy, faster growing hair and clear skin. Thanks for starting this thread!

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Well-Known Member
  • Jan 3, 2019
  • #9

I'm currently working on my water intake. Been good so far. Will get my stats and add here. I fell off the last challenge.


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 3, 2019
  • #10

Thanks for starting this challenge.

Hair Goals
Current Length: BSL
2018 Goal Length: Mid-back
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Texlaxed
How you will achieve goal: Being consistent with exercise, water intake and proper amount of rest.

Exercise Goals
Current Weight: 160 lbs
Height: (for those looking for body buddies) 5'3"
Goal Weight and/or Inches to lose: 140 lbs
How will you achieve this goal?: Exercise 6 days a weeks burning 500 - 600 calories each workout.

Water Goals
Daily Intake Goal: 80 ounces a day

Nutrition Goals
What are your Nutrition Goals?: Be more consistent with caloric intake.
How will you achieve them?: To remain between 1200- 1500 calories per day with 1 cheat day each week.


On the Grow and Keeping it Simple
  • Jan 3, 2019
  • #11

I made a delicious chili today using ground turkey and lots of beans and veggies. I'm going to freeze some and eat the rest for lunch this week.


Professional Napper
  • Jan 3, 2019
  • #12

I need to hit the gym. I’ve worked 5 of the past 7 nights and have been exhausted. Yesterday I did an icu shift and when I got home this morning I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. My eating hasn’t been too bad. Not enough veggies or water though. I’ll do better this week.


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 3, 2019
  • #13

Hair Goals
Current Length: SL
2019 Goal Length: APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal: I really have no idea. I will just stick to my regimen and re-examine it every 2 months, tweak it and hope for the best.

Exercise Goals
Current Weight: 154
Height: (for those looking for body buddies); 5' 6"
Goal Weight and/or Inches to lose: 145
How will you achieve this goal?: Stick to an eating plan of mostly vegetables and lean proteins and light on the carbs unless I'm working out. I don't lose weight working out but I will work out to stay fit.

Water Goals
Daily Intake Goal: I do at least 60. I may see what increasing it to 70 does for me.

Nutrition Goals
What are your Nutrition Goals?: I want to eat more servings of fruits and vegetables and less complex carbs.

How will you achieve them?: I need to cook more so I can have a vegetable snack mid-day.

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Well-Known Member
  • Jan 3, 2019
  • #14

I'm on day 9 of JJ Smith's Green Smoothie Cleanse. I am surprised I made it. It got easier towards the end. I plan on continuing with 2 smoothies a day with a meal through the rest of January. That will give me enough time to transition to a solid eating regimen.


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 4, 2019
  • #15

I think I'm starting the keto diet earlier than expected - the 7th instead of the 12th this month.


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 4, 2019
  • #16

I really need this challenge. It's 4 days into the new year, and my eating's been terrible ~*~ Nutrition, Exercise And Water For Hair Growth Challenge 2019~*~ (16) . I need to figure out a eating plan. I'm thinking of setting an appointment with a dietitian. ETA: I figured out my eating plan while answering the nutrition question ~*~ Nutrition, Exercise And Water For Hair Growth Challenge 2019~*~ (17)

Hair Goals
Current Length: 8-12" / APL
2018 Goal Length: 15-19"/ WL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural, low porosity
How you will achieve goal: By continuing to use my homemade products, and keeping my hair detangled (wash and condition 1-2x a week). Hopefully I can reach my goal by wearing wash n'gos, if not I'll switch to protective styling.

Exercise Goals
Current Weight: 208 ~*~ Nutrition, Exercise And Water For Hair Growth Challenge 2019~*~ (18)
Height: (for those looking for body buddies) 5'3"
Goal Weight and/or Inches to lose: I'm aiming for an "inches around my waist goal" and to become an hour glass! I want to lose 13 in, but more would be even better LOL!
How will you achieve this goal?: Cardio 7x a week, callanetics, yoga and booty building exercises

Water Goals
Daily Intake Goal: 64oz (I used to be great with this but fell off hard)

Nutrition Goals
What are your Nutrition Goals?: Eat like the Mediterranean diet and be consistent
How will you achieve them?: Cut fried foods, fake foods, and sugary drinks. Eat a lot more vegetables and whole grains (minus rice). Eat fish at least 3x a week and chicken 2x a week. Eat fruit, nuts and yogurt for snacks.

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Well-Known Member
  • Jan 5, 2019
  • #17

I'm going to be more diligent this year in this challenge. I'll be back to add my info.


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 5, 2019
  • #18

I finished my last day of the JJSmith 10 day green smoothie cleanse. I feel a bit better. I think I have gotten my blood pressure down a bit. I'm only down 3 lbs but it's a start.

Today I switch over to 2 smoothies and a meal for the rest of January. My goal is to just lose 1 lb a week. That's my usual rate. I will get back to walking this week and ride my bike next weekend. I need to get myself in shape.


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 5, 2019
  • #19

Hair Goals
Current Length: WL
2018 Goal Length: HL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal: Protective styling

Exercise Goals
Current Weight:
Height: (for those looking for body buddies)
Goal Weight and/or Inches to lose: 2 inches off of waist
How will you achieve this goal?: Cleaner eating and core workouts

Water Goals
Daily Intake Goal: 1760ml per day

Nutrition Goals
What are your Nutrition Goals?: Reducing the amount of wheat and white sugar products (processed sweets) that I eat. Continue to take vitamins daily (prenatal, calcium...)
How will you achieve them?: Eat more regularly and more healthy. Make my own sweet treats.


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 6, 2019
  • #20

Finally got around to my first workout of the year. Did a full upper body workout, I'll do legs/glutes tomorrow. Also ended up going to the grocery store after and getting some chicken, sweet potato and baby greens to cook tonight instead of the burger and fries that I originally wanted to get ~*~ Nutrition, Exercise And Water For Hair Growth Challenge 2019~*~ (23). Ended up being pretty good.



Well-Known Member
  • Jan 6, 2019
  • #21

I've been eating healthy so far this year!!! My sis works at Dunkin Donuts and always brings some home, plus there's several fast food stores nearby so I'm surrounded by temptation. I could be going out getting stuff everyday but I've been holding back (to my amazement). I'm also not eating any processed/chemical-y foods that are in the house (I live with others who do the shopping). So far so good. I want to start working out too, since I'm sedentary as heck.

Lack of knowledge on how to cook healthy is my main barrier right now, but I've been looking at stuff on pinterest to give me ideas. So far I notice my scalp inflammation has gone down, and my cheeks (my problematic acne areas), are nearly clear. And that's from what, a week of no processed foods? Woahhhh!! I need to learn more recipes though, or else I'm going to regress back to how I used to eat soon. Sweet potatoes, salads and oatmeal is nearly all I've been eating, and if I see romaine lettuce or oatmeal again, I'm going to have a seizure. I just can't anymore. LOL.


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 6, 2019
  • #22

FadingDelilah said:

I've been eating healthy so far this year!!! My sis works at Dunkin Donuts and always brings some home, plus there's several fast food stores nearby so I'm surrounded by temptation. I could be going out getting stuff everyday but I've been holding back (to my amazement). I'm also not eating any processed/chemical-y foods that are in the house (I live with others who do the shopping). So far so good. I want to start working out too, since I'm sedentary as heck.

Lack of knowledge on how to cook healthy is my main barrier right now, but I've been looking at stuff on pinterest to give me ideas. So far I notice my scalp inflammation has gone down, and my cheeks (my problematic acne areas), are nearly clear. And that's from what, a week of no processed foods? Woahhhh!! I need to learn more recipes though, or else I'm going to regress back to how I used to eat soon. Sweet potatoes, salads and oatmeal is nearly all I've been eating, and if I see romaine lettuce or oatmeal again, I'm going to have a seizure. I just can't anymore. LOL.

That's great process and in such a short amount of time! It's amazing how quickly your body starts to heal when you cut out all of those poisons.

Do you like baking? You can always bake a whole bunch of muffins and freeze them. That will mix things up a bit.


New Member
  • Jan 6, 2019
  • #23

Hair Goals
Current Length: Between SL-APL
2018 Goal Length: APL-BSL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal: Protective styling, using Queen Shea, not waiting for hair to become parched and detangling under shower stream to avoid root matting.

Exercise Goals
Current Weight: 68kg (150lbs)
Height: (for those looking for body buddies) 5'3.5
Goal Weight and/or Inches to lose: GW1: 63kg (138lbs - healthy BMI for shorter height), GW2: 59kg (130lbs for optimum insulin sensitivity)

How will you achieve this goal?: Doing a 21 day fast for insulin sensitivity, then starting on a ketogenic diet. Will implement intermittent fasting (one-meal a day or a 4 hour eating window) and the fasting mimic diet.

Water Goals
Daily Intake Goal: Drink 2L minimum.

Nutrition Goals
What are your Nutrition Goals?: Have a nutritionally complete diet for a sustainable lifestyle
How will you achieve them?: Find easy, tasty meals that hit them all - will log into cronometer to check. Will also take my multivitamin religiously.

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Well-Known Member
  • Jan 6, 2019
  • #24

I used both BM Grease and my premixed Shea butter blend to seal in my herbal tea rinse tonight.

I still have about 3 lbs of shea butter to use up and most likely will be making my new SB purchase from www.3cayg.com when I run very low.

This was even better than the BM grease by itself. I think this will be my heavy sealant combo moving forward. I really like how my hair felt.

I will be starting my keto diet tomorrow for a couple of weeks this month. Already drinking a little more water than I was last month.


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • #25

I need to figure out a better way to keep up with my water intake. I hate drinking water


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • #26

I'm also trying hard to drink more water...not doing too good so far.


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 8, 2019
  • #27

Have you guys tried an app like Drink Water? It will calculate how much water you need to drink based on your weight and you can set it up so that it reminds you to drink some water. You also enter the amount of water you've had at that time and if you are using the reminder setting, they stop once you've reached your target.


  • Jan 8, 2019
  • #28

Hair Goals
Current Length: SL
2018 Goal Length: APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal: Wigs and Box Braids

Exercise Goals
Current Weight: 139 (I'm 16 weeks preggo so this is irrelevant, lol)
Height: (for those looking for body buddies) 5'7
Goal Weight and/or Inches to lose: NA
How will you achieve this goal?: NA

Water Goals
Daily Intake Goal: 51 ounces a day (3 bottles of water)

Nutrition Goals
What are your Nutrition Goals?: Eat Clean
How will you achieve them?: Cook my own food at home! Less take out! BUY FOOD WITHOUT INGREDIENT LABELS OR THAT DOES'NT COME IN A BOX!!


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 8, 2019
  • #29

Right now drinking a large cup of bullet proof coffee to help with my weight loss efforts.


Well-Known Member
  • Jan 8, 2019
  • #30

Also Started 2 weeks of the Keto Diet yesterday. I already ate my breakfast of 2 scrambled eggs cooked in 1 oz of butter with a slice of mozzarella and feta cheese on top. Tasty ~*~ Nutrition, Exercise And Water For Hair Growth Challenge 2019~*~ (33).

I have some Keto Cauliflower Chicken Alfredo that I cooked and had for dinner last night saved over my lunch later today.

Not sure if I will want dinner tonight since this keto diet is very filling to me.

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~*~ Nutrition, Exercise And Water For Hair Growth Challenge 2019~*~ (2024)
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