Reckless - TsundereForHire - Hazbin Hotel (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Brothers Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 2: Radio Demon Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3: Twins Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Welcome Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: Waltz Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Choices Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 7: Clubbing Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Market Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Kitchen Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Hugs Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 11: Welles Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Alley Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 13: French Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Thinking Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Offer Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 16: Doodles Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 17: Four Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Disney Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 19: Halloween Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Deal Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Epaphus Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Work Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 23: Pachelbel Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Cigarettes Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Pushed Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 26: Dust Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 27: Options Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Whump Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Business Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Strangeness Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Negotiation Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Choosing Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Houdini Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: Tightness Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: Glamour Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: Pinky Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 37: Recipe Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38: Axe Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: Pulse Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 40: Garden Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 41: Doubt Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 42: Warmth Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 43: Losing Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 44: Anger Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 45: Silence Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 46: Karaoke Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 47: Prey Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 48: Wife Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 49: Stolen Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 50: Tartarus Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 51: New Orleans Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 52: Shadows Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 53: Boss Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 54: Bargain Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 55: Outings Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 56: Witches Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 57: Lessons Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 58: Blind Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 59: Dumbstruck Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 60: Fitting Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 61: Fever Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 62: Affa*gato Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 63: Invitation Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 64: Twoodles Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 65: Entranced Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 66: Wrath Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 67: Rattled Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 68: Cottillion Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 69: Moman Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 70: Golden Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 71: Cinema Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 72: Bright Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 73: Flames Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 74: Smitten Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 75: Weapons Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 76: Throodles Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 77: Condemnation Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 78: Salvation Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 79: Break Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 80: Foordles Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 81: Daylight Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 82: Advice Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 83: Both Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 84: Truth Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 85: Changes Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1: Brothers


Mia thinks she's found the perfect guy to be her boyfriend. She also has a lot of brothers. And a lot of whisky.


Hello! Welcome to my trash take! I don't have much to say, but I also have a lot to say.

Remember, this is fanfiction. I don't own anything. I don't want to own anything. I'm not here to change anything. This entire fic is just me being circle jerky on my own brain. I have zero intentions of negating canon, I just had this idea and it wouldn't leave me alone, so now here it is to be judged. I wrote most of this while listening to Hamilton and Heathers the Musical. My primary goal is to just do something a little different. It isn't an original idea. And I have absolutely unoriginal tropes. But hopefully you'll enjoy my AU and it'll give you a giggle or two.

I'm absolutely open to being roasted. Please enjoy.

-- -- 2024 Author's note -- --
Thank you for being here! I wrote this long before the Amazon series and new developments came out so I'd like let you know that I have not, nor will I write this to canon. So here are some things that diverge right off the bat:

- Alastor is canonically AroAce, I support that. My other fic he is totally aroace strictly. This is just a fanfic and what you see here is what I've gathered from my friends on the aro/ace spectrums. I'm not perfect but I am not here to erase a perfectly valid identity or tell people they're wrong.
- Vaggie is a mortal sinner. She died and went to Hell.
- Heaven/Earth/Hell, angels, and demons have their own lore here.
- This is my Lucifer headcanon. I love the new Lucifer but this isn't that. Maybe this is not depressed Lucifer because he's still a wackadoodle little guy, but his home life is pretty chill.
- Seviathan, in the unofficial pilot info was technically Leviathan's grandson, not his direct child. So I don't know if we're keeping that?
- This is a less unhinged Nifty?? Like an ittttty bitty bit.
- Vassago is a character I created in 2021 so ... he is not the bird from the new HB season. Oh well XD
- Rosie and Cannibal Colony are Hellborns native to Pride. During the Pilot/Pre-Amazon era there were Hellborns serving as overlords of Pride (Helsa and Seviathan). Children don't go to Hell here for the MOST PART.

If anyone ever has clarification questions, feel free to drop them in the comments and I promise to spell it out.

Love you and thanks so much for being here <3
FYI, I soooooo love the series. I'll probs pop in some easter eggs :3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Michael "Mia" Miller
Boston, MA

Ungrateful trash mongers.

Mia sighed and made another lap around the 100+ filled lecture hall.

Her best friend, Gemma, had bribed her into proctoring an exam in her stead. Last night, Gemma, in all of her bohemian vibes and wistful ways, drank too much with the postdocs at the humanities college. The woman in question was a graduate student like Mia, only in the math department, and had a burning passion for the hipsters and depressed wretches that packed the philosophy department. Though Mia had no room to judge. The physics department was predominately comprised of high functioning alcoholics, egomaniacs, and morons who thought Richard Feynman was synonymous with Hugh Hefner.

Her eyes flitted down the back row. One student was literally sleeping during the exam, another obviously cheating with their cellphone, and a third on the verge of a total meltdown. How sad.

Mia felt for the girl losing her mind, jumping back and forth between questions. What sucked the most was that Mia knew the not-so-sneaky cheater would probably get farther than the sweet girl barely holding herself together. The world was a sh*t place like that where fear and anxiety would more likely bury one alive before punishing another person for immoral and unethical behavior.

Circling back to the front of the room, she clacked on the chalkboard with her nails. “That’s time. Please bring down your exams.”

Students piled up tests haphazardly on the table. The poor girl, almost in tears, was one of the last ones to do so and Mia looked her dead in the eyes.

“What’s your name?” She asked, picking up the girl’s exam.

“C-Caylee To-or-rris.” She sputtered meekly. Mia felt like she was watching a field mouse cowering in a corner from a hungry cat.

Mia eyed the exam. It wasn’t awful, but only two questions were fully answered. Six were blank. “Miss Torris, you are aware that the math department offers free tutoring, correct?”

She fidgeted with her backpack, nodding. Mia’s expression softened. “Get out your pencil. Be quick.”

Caylee gaped, but did as she was told. Mia handed back the exam and started scrawling across the chalkboard. On the board were three solutions for the exam. Two of them were technically incorrect, but this would at least be enough to get the girl a C. Her eyebrows raised expectantly at the younger girl. “Get to it.”

With lightning speed, the shivering student jotted down the math on the chalkboard and handed back the exam. Caylee’s face contorted even more, large hot tears spilling silently down her olive cheeks. “Wh-wh-y did you do th-that?”

Mia sighed. “Caylee, free math tutoring is hosted in the student union every weekday at 8pm. There are also free therapy sessions available to students. I suggest you take yourself to both.”

The student’s mouth hung open, and her cheeks were blazing red. Regardless, Caylee smiled, muttered a meek thank you, and left.

I must have a brain injury.

If it got out, it would land her in so much trouble. Sure, it was unethical, but Mia never quite concerned herself with ethics. If she wouldn't snitch on the cheaters, then she could at least lend a hand to those who were easily defeated. The feeling to help, even to her own detriment, was impossible to ignore at times.

With the exams gathered up in a box and delivered to the TA office, she walked out with her cellphone up to her ear. The phone rang and rang, but there was no answer from Gemma. Once more, she tried calling her friend up to check on that hangover, but no luck.

Thankfully, it was Friday and Mia had zero commitments for the next 24 hours. Of course, there was always something she could do. Data to go through, papers to write, grant requests to revise, emails …. Blah blah blah.

Her life as a young professional was exhausting, and now she wanted to take one night off.Ideally, she and Gemma could hit up a few bars. Meet a few guys. Make a few memories. That girl was a whirlwind party animal and probably had over 300K instagram followers. Mia just did not understand the appeal. Gemma made a terrible habit of throwing tantrums about not being able to post party selfies and stories that included Mia.

Outside the building with a venti latte was her ultra wonderful, soon-to-be-boyfriend Milton. Though he was unaware of her plan.

Stylish cropped blond hair, a smart pair of spectacles, and looked like a posh British model, accent and all. Girls on campus envied her every time she was seen with the angelic man. Smugness washed over her as she watched him gently reject a girl’s phone number. Mia gleefully sauntered over, hands clasped behind her back, a grin spreading ear to ear.

“Well, hellooooo,” she giggled, taking the coffee from him and threading herself through his arm. A sip of the hot latte caused her to practically purr. “Ohh, it is too good! You’re wonderful Milton.”

Praise be to the gods of coffee.

He scoffed and looked down his nose at her. Milton could be a bit of an ass, but she was a fan. He had snark and she liked that.

“How’s Gemma feeling?” He asked as they started strolling across the blustery campus. The weather was divine and bright for a Massachusetts autumn day. She loved the sharp cold, feeling nothing but elation and joy with her man candy and hot drink. And here he was also checking up on her friend.

Milton was the kind of guy that only existed once every millennium, and Mia had every intention of sinking her claws into him. Her younger brothers always accused her of being an overly vain, borderline greedy perfectionist. That hardly seemed like a flaw! Ambition flowed through her body like blood, and in the words of Ariana Grande: I see it. I like it. I want it. I got it.

“Do you know that you’re perfect?” She hummed.

A smirk played across his lips and he shrugged. “Only when you remind me. And Gemma?”

“I guess she’s fine? I haven’t heard from her since last night. I think she ended up crashing with Layton or Alex. But I want to make sure she hasn’t drowned herself in the bath at home.”

Gemma stood as a pillar in Mia’s heart. That warm and caring nature made Mia feel at peace. Well, when Gemma wasn’t partying her face off. Honestly, Mia wished she was sexually or romantically attracted to her darling friend. Then Mia could say she found THE ONE, close up shop, and call the business of her love life finished. Dating never quite turned out the way she wanted. People could be attractive, and she had a type, but something always felt astronomically lacking. And aside from that, Gemma was ethically polygamous.

Mia giggled at the thought of joining a harem at Gemma’s feet. “Are you over there plotting world domination again?”

Her giggle morphed into a full-bodied laugh. “Of course I am! I would make the best dictator. Actually, I had a thought that if I wanted to be sister husbands to Gemma’s flames, she would welcome me with open arms … and legs. She’s utterly too precious.”

“Your jealousy would be the death of everyone in that situation,” he retorted. His voice carried uncharacteristic venom. Mia could feel the negativity rattling in that sentence. What was this reaction? Especially from Milton. She didn’t bother looking up at him and let the comment slide.

“I would love it if we could get some drinks this evening, whadya say Milton? Let this girl go and show you off to the whole town, hmm?” Milton seemed to think it over too hard. Mia didn’t get him some days, but he was surely a prize to be won. Typically, he responded to her flirtation and humor with a kind smile.

“I think that’s a plan.” Mia let out a cheer.

“Wonderful. Care to hang around with me and Gemma at home until I’m ready?”

With that, they strolled quietly to her off-campus apartment. Their walk fell silent and something seemed odd. Was he having an off day? While she didn’t know too much about him, she knew his family ran a large business. Perhaps there was some drama with them that kept him stressed? Many people called her a loudmouth, but when it came to Milton, she didn’t push. It never got her anywhere. Mia pondered over her theories concerning his mood until they faced her dark green apartment door.

Pushing her way in, she sang, “Gemmaaaaaaaa!”

No response. Maybe she was till hungover and passed out? Milton grabbed her shoulder from behind. Was this it? Was he gonna make a move?

Mia turned to look at him and instead of the lustful Adonis she hoped for, a concerned look crossed his face. He held a finger up to his lips, but apparently Mia was a dumbass. “Milton, what the f*ck?”

Instinct kicked in. His odd manner caused her stomach to twist, and she bolted into Gemma’s room. A scream welled in her throat but didn’t escape. In the messy room was Gemma and a … creature?

Blood soaked the carpet. Pools seeped into the bedding and spilled onto the floor. The tattooed, petite Asian girl was gagged, glassy eyed, mangled. Standing next to the bed was a bulky figure. The thing held a much too large, ornate cleaver with mottled blue skin and horns twisting in opposite directions. In that moment, Mia acted with no real sense of self preservation. Only a raging instinct to protect.

“What the f*ck!?”

She launched herself at the beastly intruder. Milton came in at that exact moment. With inhumanspeed, his hand twisted into her lion’s mane hair and tossed her to the floor like a doll. As she collided back first with the floor, she glimpsed Milton rushing above her. Mia crawled over to the bed, eyes never leaving Milton. Just before bringing what looked like a scimitar down the monster’s shoulder, it blinked out of existence.

Gracefully, he stood up and looked the same but not the same. Her eyes looked at the gorgeous weapon in his hand. The blade looked like melted gemstones with a silver core. It took a second longer for her to remember Gemma’s mangled form on the bed. “Gemma! Hey. Wake up!”

The sticky blood didn’t deter her from pulling the girl’s limp form into her arms. Despite being shallow, she was still breathing. Milton already had Gemma’s phone and used one of her limp hands to open it. He dialed 911, repeated the address twice, then muted the phone.

“Michael. We have to go,” he said sternly, using her given name for emphasis.

“Absolutely not. Look at her!” Milton grabbed her upper arm with a strength she didn’t know he had. It took no effort for him to drag her to the balcony, kicking and cursing at him. “Milton, what the f*ck is all of this sh*t? I can’t leave her here like that. We have to wait for the ambulance!”

“And how do you expect to explain what happened here? Do you really think it is a smart idea to tell them about the demon?”


Mia started flailing at him full force. His eyes glowed a pale blue, sclera and all. Instantly, her arms and legs gave out. Milton picked her up and made way to the balcony. One swift jump later, they were flying above. Mia could at least turn her head to see six wings on his back. They dangerously sped between buildings, but no one noticed them.

Seconds later, Milton dropped to the rooftop of a large building. Gently, she was placed against the wall and felt absolutely dumbfounded. Since her arms and legs were dead weights, he was kind enough to move her hair out of her face and mouth.

“Milton! What the f*cking f*ck is this f*cking sh*t?” Her vocabulary was the only way she could express her anger, confusion, and frustration. His face twisted in anger, but he ignored her and walked a few steps away to make a phone call.

“Vas, we’re headed your way. Open the portal.” Milton hung up and stared back at her, obviously irritated.

“Milton!” she demanded.

“Stop calling me that.”

“Stop calling you by your name? Or let me guess, that is obviously not your name. Ok Mr. Feather Duster, what should I call you?” Did she even have good sense? It was painfully clear to her now that she did not know who he was, and she also did not know what his motives were. Was he some bored creature she just got too caught up with? Was all of this an accident? She sincerely hoped it was.

A bright sigil appeared on the wall next to her. “My name is Gabriel.”

An instant later they were standing on the porch of a cabin, surrounded by mountains, a lake, and thick pines. Mia had free movement of her limbs again and took the opportunity to grab him by the coat collar. “Ok, Gabriel. So spill it. What is going on?” Before he could answer her, another voice chuckled from the door frame.

“You guys should come in. It’ll be dark soon and the wolves might be hungry.” A short stick of a man stood gazing at them, but more so at her. He dressed in wide, black trap pants, a mesh undershirt, and a very jagged, oversized venom green cropped t-shirt. His blunted bangs mostly covered his eyes, and a chain hung from a nose ring to his ear. The kid looked all of 14 or 15. He walked over to the pair and grabbed one of Mia’s hands from Gabriel’s coat.

Mia snatched her hands back to her sides. “Creep! Take it you aren’t actually a kid, though?”

“Wow, she really has no idea. Talk about crazy. But no. I’m old, just not as old as you, sister.” Mia had three younger brothers, but this punk wasn’t one of them. Gabriel pushed her inside as a wolf bayed in the distance. The kid went over to a bar cart and poured them all drinks while she begrudgingly sat down on a couch.

“I’m not your sister, punk.”

“Yes you are Michael.” How’d he know her name? At a very young age she had felt so alienated from kids bullying her for having a boy’s name that she no longer told anyone. Mister Milton-Gabriel-Feather-Duster might have spilled the beans though. The kid sat down a wooden tray of whisky and water, then handed her a glass.

“You don’t recognize me do you?” After pushing back his bangs, she noticed a deep scar running the entire length of his forehead. The scar was several shades paler against his tanned olive skin that made his Japanese features seem sharp and cunning.

“Can’t recognize someone I’ve never met. What’s your name?” The whisky was good though.

He curled himself into the armchair across from her. “Vassago. You tossed me out with Luci. Ring a bell yet?”

She slammed back the drink because this day was not going well. So far she had some random not-brother, a potentially dead best friend, Mr. Feather Duster, Lucy-whoever-the-f*ck-she-was, a big bad blue evil guy, and her entire night ruined.

“Another,” she demanded. Vassago snapped his fingers and the glass refilled. Cool party trick.

“So you guys want to tell me what is actually going on before I lose my sh*t? Like maybe starting with the blue freak who mutilated my best friend?” Her tone was accusatory, eyes glaring at Gabriel.

“Mia,” he said in a softer voice. The nickname being used to lower her defenses. “I am an archangel. My name is Gabriel and this is our brother Vassago We -” She cut him off with a hollow laugh.

“Our brother? You’re my brother too? sh*t my mom must have been the town bicycle and my dad the number one hose on the truck. Glad I didn’t f*ck you at least.” Vassago cackled, wiping tears from his eyes. Gabriel was so frustrated and looked so pissed that the younger was just eating it up. In appreciation for his sister’s humor, he topped up her glass. “Cheers. Can I call you Mia?”

“Uh. Sure … so you’re an angel too?”

Vas shrugged waving his hand in a so-so, “Fallen, but yeah. It’s a touchy subject.”

“Let’s say for the next ten minutes I give you guys the benefit of the doubt and believe every single thing you say. What’s the deal here? What’s going on? And more importantly, what happened to Gemma?”

Vassago interjected, “Gabe, what happened?”

The assault of questions was maddening. Their entire situation was maddening. “We encountered a Pagan satyr in her apartment. It found her roommate, a human named Gemma. And before you ask, I do not know what it was doing there. It’s been ages since I’ve had to deal with Pagans.” Gabriel shifted his gaze onto Michael.

“I think you can guess well enough who we are. Who you are Michael. Vassago received word last year that you were alive and we set out to find you. To see if it truly was you.”

That inkling had grew in her mind this whole time. Could they really believe that she was the Michael? It was a preposterous thought. Her mother was a devout Catholic and drilled the Bible into her four children. Mia may be named Michael but she was no mystical and mighty being.

“Maybe you guys have the wrong Michael. I’m not a dude. I can’t do any magic tricks. Compared to you both, I’m as vanilla as they come. Plus, if I’m your sister, why don’t I know you? Don’t tell me I’ve stepped into some teen novel bullsh*t. And again, if I’m your sister, why the f*ck did you lead me on? Gross.”

A smack filled the room as Gabriel defeatedly dropped his face in his hands. Then he groaned, loud and long. Stubborn to the last second, she was. Every time.

In the back of her mind, she knew her excuses were lame. Both of them already demonstrated abilities that she couldn’t fathom. Mia felt remarkably, irrevocably human in comparison. Vassago got up without a word and brought over a box. He dropped it on the couch next to her and sat on the floor, shuffling and organizing the contents for her inspection.

Records. Photos. Odd and old pieces of jewelry. Letters. Medical papers. Even a couple sets of car keys. All the contents ranged from the 1940s to the 1980s. Once more she poured the whisky down her throat. Maybe her fourth glass? At least she was still partying somehow.

Mia plucked through the items dumbstruck and tipsy. The alcohol made all of this easier to believe. It was her face in every single photo. Every family photo included different people of the exact same composition: a mom, dad, herself, and three younger brothers. While middle names, family names, and locations varied, she was always Michael.

“I think this is the first time you’ve lived past 26,” Vassago commented whilst bringing out death certificates. There were five.


With a new lease on the situation she looked at them bewildered. There just wasn’t a good explanation for this. She hated what they said, what they showed her, what they were able to do. Pretty much nothing here could be refuted. Mia wasn’t in the business of denying the obvious or playing the stupid cliche girl in the movie who denied the angsty plot point until it was too late. But seriously, what did this mean for her?

So many concerns filled her head. All of them pummeled each other to escape her mouth but it was just too overwhelming so she sat speechless.

Another ten minutes of silence passed. “So Luci … you mean Lucifer? Like the Lucifer? Bible, Jesus, Adam, Eve, all that mumbo jumbo?”

Vassago and Gabriel nodded in agreement. “But you said Pagans?”

Another nod, but no explanation. Cool. Cool. Super cool.

“So why can’t I go home? From the looks of all this, I’m not relevant. Allegedly, I live, I die. I’m none the wiser. Why f*ck with that?” Mia wanted to know, but since she was not special as a human, and all of her past lives seemed text book normal, why uproot her?

“Why do you think Gemma was targeted, Mia?” If her jaw could screw shut any tighter her teeth would shatter.

Meekly she responded, “I don’t know.”

Poor Gemma. The memories of the girl’s twisted limbs, the smell of metallic blood, and the sound of shallow wheezing made her stomach turn. Mia gagged and ripped the ottoman lid open. She slumped down onto the floor, head hanging over what looked to be a couple magazines and throw blanket. A soft hand stroked her back and held her hair. She expected to see Gabriel but the flash of neon in her peripheral proved otherwise.

“Thanks Vas. Sorry.” He just cooed soft words to her as Gabriel went to grab a towel.

They gave her a few minutes to recoup. Vassago helped her back up onto the couch to lean back. They gave her a glass of water to replace the whisky she’d been emotionally dependent on moments ago.

Gabriel sat on the floor with his siblings. “Mia, I am sorry. No one knows about you except for Vassago and I. We had zero intentions of changing your life …” His voice became distant and sad. “I made a rash decision in bringing you here.”

Great. Now she felt gross and guilty. Heaving her drunk self over she threw her arms around his neck. “I may not know you. Like actually know you or everything about you but I think I know the kind of person you are Milton. Wait, wait, wait.”

The words rolled around in her mouth but she continued. Pulling back a little, with the overly sweeping manner of a drunk person, she smiled softly, “Sorry, I suppose I should say Gabriel. Really, you could have left Gemma and I there to die. But you didn’t. I would have been fine I guess. Obviously. Just do the whole song and dance all over again. You decided to save my best friend and keep me safe. So we’re like super chill, ya know?” The drunkenness was coming through more as she started rambling.

“But f*ck,” she groaned playfully with an overly dramatic, drunken wink, “why did I have to have such a hot brother.”

Vassago joined the hug as her head lolled off to one side. With unexpected ease Vassago gathered up his older sister and giggled. “I’ve never seen her drunk. I’m glad to know the mighty Michael isn’t so perfect after all.”

Michael ruffled his shiny black hair, “I’ve never seen you at all!” The men settled her into a small guest bedroom. Gabriel magically snapped her into an oversized shirt and shorts. They made their way back into the living room, once more snapping to clean up the bile and filth.

“Do you think they were looking for you?” Asked Vassago. No one knew he was in the mortal plane except Lucifer.

“Again, I don’t know. We’ll have to do some digging. I’ll contact my people, you contact yours.”

“Why did you bring her here? After what she put you through? You really could have just left her there. You had many, many better options than this. You don’t owe her anything, Gabe.” His younger brother’s analysis was correct.

“Angels existing in disarray without their general. Hell’s overpopulation. The seal collapsing. Now, Pagans suddenly exposing themselves in the mortal plane. I have a feeling we’re only in the beginning.” He said it as if it were an answer. Maybe he missed her. Maybe he just wanted her back.


Comments are greatly appreciated! I definitely need some feedback about pacing, technical writing, and maybe consistency for characters' personalities. I have done research and digging to create something that isn't total trash.

But who am I kidding this might be total trash.

Chapter 2: Radio Demon


Lucifer gets some news. The Radio Demon's first months in Hell are discussed. The gentlemen strike a deal.


Yay chapter two!

If anyone wants some explanations of the lore and mechanics I've constructed, let me know. The basic gist is that there are three planes of existence. The Heavenly Plane and The Eldritch Plane. The Eldritch Plane is where Hell exists kinda like how Earth is in the Mortal Plane. Heaven and the Eldritch planes are yin and yang while the Mortal Plane is considered perfectly balanced and thus specifically governed by natural law, physics, math, chemistry, ect.

So yeah. Have fun! Leave comments. Or don't. I can't make you. But I love taking suggestions and getting feedback. I also like creating minor characters so if someone has some random ideas or even wants a self insert, gimme them sweet sweet comments.

Kay bye!

Chapter Text

Imperial Morningstar Estate

Lucifer was interrupted by a soft pop.

King of Hell, Prince of Pride, Lord of Mortal Sinners, God’s Blazing Morningstar, The Great Thief to All Who Oppose Him, Leader of The Fallen, and most devilishly handsome (albeit short) dictator sat on his favorite terrace at his family estate. Quite the shame to be interrupted during the best part of his book. It was his favorite comedy: the Holy Bible. Lucifer closed and laid it on the delicate, shaded table next to him. With the snap of his fingers an extra drink and chair appeared for his guest.

Gesturing to the seat, he said, “This must be quite the matter for you to come here of your own volition, Stolas.”

Goetic demon, Prince Stolas had just broken several serious formalities by instantly appearing in Lucifer’s personal home, unannounced and unplanned. The eccentric owl demon would normally brighten and use words of jest with Lucifer.

Today made no room for that.

The King noticed how worried the lesser demon seemed. Both men had large investments in the well being of the seven rings. They had darling daughters to protect and courts to rule over.

“I come with news from the mortal plane, Sire. The Pagans are lurking about again."

That was unfortunate. Pagans were yet another faction of demons.

In The Beginning, Asherah, the Eldritch, The Void One, Chaos in its entirety, formed children much like God had. Only these children were known as the original demons.

Hell's Ars Goetia was composed entirely of his siblings, The Fallen, or Goetic demons, the demons who'd defected to his cause long ago during his insurrection and creation of Hell in the Eldritch plane.

The Pagans were a devious, unorganized, chaotic, rude, ugly, and stupid mess of beings. Lucifer held them in little regard and had no fondness for them. Still, they had their own powers, governing systems, and had once run rampant across large swaths of the mortal plane. Despite being infinitely more difficult to get back to Earth, since his righteous and stubborn sister had forcibly removed them millenia ago, it wasn't impossible.

But why were they at it again?

Then again, Michael was dead, so why not tempt the wrath of Heaven and Hell in one go?

Those fools.

Stolas paused which truly caused Lucifer to focus in. There must be more. Patiently he waited for the rest of the intel.

“They aren’t targeting us this time, not solely at least. My sources have found them gathering and recruiting in the mortal plane. I understand this is nothing new, but it comes with new fervor and different, erh, tactics.” Stolas took an audibly deep breath to steady himself. He was here to do his king and friend the respect of delivering the news in person.

“Asherian demons were found attacking Gabriel in the mortal plane. He made it out, though we don’t know where he is currently. My men also told me someone was with him.” Stolas presented several pictures for Lucifer’s inspection.

“Gabriel called her Michael.”

That was the bombshell Stolas was worried about presenting. Lucifer gingerly grabbed the photos. There she was. Most of the photos showed her in daily life. Driving, shopping, studying. Another two showed her with their younger brother.

Why was he unable to feel her? So long ago his twin sister betrayed him in the Holy War. Then she saved his entire realm by sacrificing herself to close the gate between Heaven and Hell. She gave him emotional whiplash with every insane decision she made.

Lucifer looked calm and composed, but something in his eyes slowly changed. Red struggled to seep into the sclera. Demonic energy rattled in the air like a filling volcano. Stolas sat patiently, not making a single move.

Internally, he was beside himself. The gate connecting Hell and Heaven stayed tied shut by angelic and demonic power alike for centuries. A seemingly permanent seal to stop the carnage of his subjects. He never saw her after that, but knew she was alive. At least, until she died again, for good.

The first true Extermination Day came soon after the tether to his twin vanished. Billions of years, all her love, and any chance he had to finally explain just how sorry he was, gone.

No one had thought angels could die until that day. But even with his immense power, he couldn’t know everything about the universe or what happened when ancient beings and old powers took new, uncharted turns. Despite being prideful and stubborn, Lucifer dearly loved Michael. They would always love each other. It was etched into their existence. Into their souls. Her life as a half-baked human, endlessly cruel deaths, and rebirths, was something he’d kept close tabs on until their bond evaporated one day in the 1920s.

He regretted not doing something that day. He would always regret letting her die like that. Still, he understood why she had all too well.

Lucifer cleared his throat and asked, “And Alastor?”

All those decades ago, a mortal sinner was cast into Hell. A rare sinner who exhibited uncanny Eldritch magic, on par with the Goetia and lesser angels. Lucifer knew exactly who Alastor was long before death.

“Still oblivious,” Stolas reported.

While Alastor was not directly assigned to Stolas’s intel team, he did keep detailed records on the Radio Demon. The day Alastor arrived was marked by a cataclysmic, one man rampage beyond anything Hell witnessed before. Lucifer let it happen. Biding his time.

Hell: 1933

Lucifer watched at a distance as his sister’s freshly deceased lover came to consciousness.

Years had passed since Michael was wrung out from existence. Intel gathered dictated that after her erasure, he’d forgotten all about her, the memories stolen from the cannibalistic serial killer.

Will you remember her upon death’s door, Alastor Laveau?

It took no time for the deer demon to understand his situation. His first slaughter was ugly and unrefined. Once the shadows quelled, Alastor moved on. Despite the whole shtick of just dying and waking up in Hell, the grey man seemed ok. From that point Lucifer let time take control. He kept his non-existent nose out of Alastor’s business until the freshly monikered Radio Demon became a pillar within the city’s overlords.

Three months later Lucifer summoned all Overlords for a usual check-in. In an opulent room, decorated with an apple motif and jewel tones to mimic a bastardized version of the Garden of Eden, was situated a boardroom table, a throne on the end. Clockwise around the table sat Alastor, Rosie, Zestial, and several others.

Alastor sat with the maiming mistress of Cannibal Colony, who was supporting his new ambitions as an overlord in Pentagram City and shared his particular tastes.

He liked Rosie well and good, but Lucifer liked to make sure the Radio Demon wasn’t unwittingly betraying Michael. Just because he was meant to watch out for the sinner didn’t mean he would humor any disgrace to her memory.

“Today we are gathered to conduct usual business concerning the affairs of this circle and city. You may be seated.” The meeting carried on as scheduled and was frightfully dull. Sometimes fighting broke out at these sessions which amused Lucifer to no end. The meeting wrapped up and Lucifer commanded Alastor to meet with him in the adjacent office.

Alone at last, Luci offered, “Have a drink! Finest whisky in Hell!”

Alastor graciously accepted, while praising, “This is a great honor, your majesty! Living or dead, I’ve not met with royalty.”

He wanted to scoff as he barely held back the emotions starting to well in his chest.

“You’re a great demon, lad! Three short months and you’ve ripped and mangled your way through some of our longest standing overlords! And call me Luci, that’s an order. I wanted to have a chat with you. Sit.” Lucifer gestured to two armchairs in front of a roaring green fireplace. Soft screams could be heard from it, eyes blinking within the mantle. The Radio Demon maintained his suspiciousness, but seemed to understand how special a private audience was with Lucifer.

“Luci, you have fine tastes in decor! Quite lively.” Alastor’s confidence did not waver. He took the seat, crossing his legs and folding his hands in his lap.

“Radio Demon, is what they’re calling you. What a moniker! I dare say I’m impressed. Surely Michael is proud as well.”

The sinner’s head tipped to the side with that plastered-on, polite expression and Lucifer nearly crushed his glass.

“Forgive my ignorance Luci, but who is Michael?” The hidden magic sigils did not trip. Magic would have flared if the man was lying. This demon truly did not know his sister had ever existed. Deep cracks of sadness crept over his heart. Some part of him wanted to go over and wring that strawberry bastard’s neck until he remembered something. Sure, fighting between siblings was normal but who was this minuscule plebeian to forget his mighty sister?

Her magic must have strictly taken hold in the mortal plane as the entire account of Alastor and Michael still existed in his Tome of Sins. The book which infinitely recorded every doing and account and memory of every mortal soul.

“You know, I must be thinking of something else! Oh boy, the eons really do play tricks on the old steel trap!” Their chat continued on for a while, to Luci’s surprise.

There was a lot to enjoy about Alastor’s personality. sad*stic tendencies, sharp wit, and more so, the respect and intelligence that came with being inferior to another. They regaled old stories, and the red clad demon recounted some of his grisly murders and cannibalistic adventures.

“Well youngling, I think it’s time for me to return to my beauties and greatest treasures.” His arm swept dramatically to the large family portrait of himself, Lilith, and Charlie.

“You must adore them so Luci.” The comment was respectful, but held no genuine feeling.

Lucifer’s throat tightened, but he kept a lid on his roiling, misplaced grief.

“Ever been in love? Any children up top to continue on dear ol’ dad’s recipes?” Lucifer leaned over with an obnoxious sh*t eating grin. He knew the answer already, and it wasn’t Alastor’s fault, but even so, the king wanted to watch him squirm.

Alastor bit down a sneer, the only thing betraying him was a meager flinch. “Unfortunately I never found someone suited to my lifestyle.”

“Maybe you just missed them?”

“No.” Alastor offered sternly before adding more, if only to not offend the monarch. “I don’t think such a tryst would have panned out in my favor. I have no remorse for the matter.”

f*cking red bastard. How dare he? How dare this miniscule plebeian dance all over Michael’s grave? There was that sadness again. And like before he felt rage. No remorse? There was nothing he could do but internally seethe. Still, he pushed.

“I wager there is a soul for you. If only one in existence.”

Alastor didn’t understand why this seemed so important or interesting. Was everyone in this inferno obsessed with sex so much that it over shadowed everything else?

“Luci, when I come upon this singular soul, I will request you officiate our nuptials. Though, I do hope you’ll grant me a traditional wedding. I don’t want my mother rolling in her grave.”

Lucifer cackled to the point that Alastor turned his head with an audible click. That laugh sounded like a secret he wasn’t privy to.

“You have yourself a deal. I look forward to great things from you.” Lucifer’s outstretched hand glowed with black and purple flames. Alastor shook it since this was an absolute non-issue.

The Radio Demon left. Moments later Lucifer punched out the entire south facing wall. Tonight he would ravage and praise the goddess he called wife to soothe the pain clinging in his heart.

The memories flashed in his mind’s eye and the anger burning in his gut faded. Lucifer’s next words were the most convoluted and confusing Stolas ever heard. And that was saying something.

“I think we’ll be planning a wedding soon. At least after we put the Pagans on pikes. Find Gabriel and Michael immediately and do not let them out of sight. I take it she is unaware?”

More photos materialized on the table. Several had different dates and countries but it seemed that Michael had been living an unassuming, mortal life over and over again. Instead of reincarnating with her memories and powers intact, she was reincarnating as a blank copy.

How dense and careless could the higher powers be? Lucifer would have never allowed this.

Lucifer summoned his Tome and laid a hand on the cover. Nothing. He could see all of her lives up until the 1920s but after that, nothing. What kept her from being written now? He suspected larger forces at play and this made him uncomfortable. The Eldritch and God were no strangers to playing the long game. This reeked of a game.

Another snap of his fingers summoned a small goat demon, Lucifer’s secretary for centuries, Bartholomew. “Bring me the Radio Demon, have him wait in the parlor until I dismiss Stolas.”

Bartholomew bowed and poofed off to his tasking.

“She’s truly mortal now …” Luci whispered as his thumb stroked one of the pictures. This photo was the most recent, one of her in a peacoat, holding a latte, Gabriel in tow. Her face looked unburdened, bright, and healthy. It made him wonder if there was a point to anything except humans existing. To think she was still there.

Lucifer imagined how many laws his brother broke to be their sister’s part-time keeper. Gabriel lying was a small and delicious morsel in this f*ck-all situation. Gears started turning in his head. There was a reason he was the greatest of angels and now the greatest of demons.

“Actually, I may know the exact person to contact,” he started dialing a number realizing who would be able to find someone no matter what. It was one of their angelic designations after all. Almost immediately the phone was answered by a young sounding male.

Moshi, moshi Luci-nii-sama,” said Vassago, using the Japanese honorific to be cheeky. “000-666-0000. What a number to see. And to what do I owe the displeasure?”

“Don’t get cheeky with me, Vassago. You’ll do well to remember who allows you to live in the mortal plane.” Vassago was something of a technical whiz kid and genius in Hell. As a boon for privately handling all of Lucifer’s specific needs, to absolute privacy, he allowed Vassago to live as he pleased. They weren’t on the best of terms. Vassago would always be somewhat bitter where their fall from Heaven was concerned.

“I’ve heard an interesting rumor concerning our quaint family. Are they there?”

Vassago audibly gulped but conceded the information. Lucifer already knew and just wanted to play mind games. The younger sibling would not give him that satisfaction. “Yes, both of them are staying here. I must assume you heard about the satyr?”

“Of course. Another little birdie told me that Daddy dearest was recalling all the good little children home.”

Right again.

Gabriel had expressly ignored the order in favor of their investigation and protecting Michael. Vassago’s little section of the mortal plane was impenetrable, otherwise the Pagans would be at his door for their heads. It also seemed that their budding enemies couldn’t detect fallen angels or Michael. Would that keep them safe from slaughter though? Absolutely not.

“Now, in the interest of keeping our little family,” And their blood, “safe, I command you to bring them to me. You personally may or may not join them, though I’d assume you won’t be interested.”

“Sorry Luci, not interested in a family reunion. I don’t think Gabe will be either.” Lucifer could have wretched on the spot. Gabriel always was a thorn in his side. So stern. So calm. So hypocritical.

“Then put him on.”

Lucifer heard clattering and pulled the phone away briefly. Stolas sat like a statue knowing how rare it was to be able to hear these interactions between original holy beings. Plus one wrong move might remind his king of his presence and get him blasted for just being within earshot.

In the background faint screams were heard wailing Gabriel’s name. Some thudding. Fast paced explanations and then a very firm, ’sh*t’.

“Lucifer.” Gabriel’s voice rang, authoritative and clear.

“How long has it been Gabriel?” Stolas choked in the background.

“I thought you released Vassago.”

“Mildly. I hear that you have my twin and you are being hunted by Pagans. What’s keeping you from going upstairs Gabriel?” On the other end Gabriel rolled his eyes. Of course this snake bastard knew good and well why he hadn’t returned to Heaven: Michael. There was no guarantee that her blood wouldn’t be enough for the Pagans to thoroughly topple the natural order. Another twist was that he could not take Michael to Heaven. “I'll make you a deal, Gabe”

Here we go again. Gabriel was awfully tired of his older siblings cutting deals like it was an episode of Shark Tank. “Humor me. Why would I do that?”

“Do you really think you can fend off Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, or any of the rest of that vermin tag team? Especially when they aren’t trying to decimate their own ranks? They may hate each other but they will come together, little brother. Bring yourself and Michael to Hell for protection. I’ll swear my realms to the safety of anyone who seeks refuge in the coming days.”

“Your entire realm is over populated. You can’t even fend off Raphael’s exterminations.”

“Alas, it is quite the tragedy! Though … we’ve started a new project here in order to rehabilitate sinners. My perfect apple dumpling is an angelic thing, much to my dismay. I will allow you to evaluate her project and even oversee it. Surely you won’t condemn repenting sinners Gabriel? You could save so many souls. You were supposed to be a pacifist.”

It did sound like a better alternative to the exterminations. He’d heard rumors of Princess Charlotte Morningstar of Hell. The girl was, allegedly, nothing like Lucifer. Regardless, Gabriel was not the one to make such a deal and he wouldn’t be manipulated and guilted into Lucifer’s daughter’s obnoxious charity hour. Still, silver words from the serpent himself?

Bite my tasty apple part 2.

“So you would leave me to over see your own daughter? Are you mad? Of course you’re mad, you’ve always been. No Lucifer. We’re perfectly fine without your meddling.”

Lucifer tutted and feigned heartbreak, “Brother! For shame! Such cruel jests. Of course I would leave you with your niece. I think she would adore you.”

“Gabriel, who’s on the phone?” Seriously?

Gabe missed the Michael who was strategic, calm, clever, and ever aware. Bug eyed and looking like he ate a lemon he waved her away.

Lucifer’s blood ran frigid and his heart seized. How long had it been since he heard her voice? “Put her on the phone.”

As if she heard that, Mia came up to the phone, “Hello, Earth to Gabriel?” With a swipe of his hand he silenced her and pushed her out of the kitchen. Michael started mouthing off, but she looked more like a tv character on mute.

“Absolutely not. She doesn’t even know who you are.”

“So now what? Cower in Vassago’s cabin? Michael is considered mortal now. What is Jophiel going to think? They don’t even know, do they? Look at you, crafting lies behind Daddy’s back. Lying to your twin. I’ve never been so proud. What a fine and devious man you’ve become. Well, I’ve taken your time long enough. I hope the Pagans don’t drink the three of you dry.”

Here came the pause. Lucifer knew Gabriel. Before his younger brother could say a word, his lips parted into an evil smirk.

“We’ll come … Michael and I. But the terms and conditions of this armistice will be discussed in the mortal plane, under a protection sigil of blood. Your daughter must be in attendance and sigil’s anchor.” Of course Gabriel would think to include something ridiculous like that. “Absolutely not. Charlotte will not leave the dominion of Hell under these circ*mstances.”

“Fine. We’ll make the agreement in Hell, but only with her as the anchor.” Gabriel had every intention of using Lucifer’s daughter to secure their safety.

“Gabriel, I’m so glad we’re finally coming together again. Next month I’ll send an envoy to collect you both. In the mean time I’ll have Vassago procure the appropriate necessities. See you soon.” Lucifer hung up. He’d forgotten about Stolas.

“Go and start making preparations. I’ll send you details later. Now, run along.” Almost as a relief Stolas feathered out of Lucifer’s sight immediately. Luci cracked his knuckles and made way for where Alastor was being forced to wait.

Round two.

Gilded double doors swung up with a magical flourish as Lucifer stepped into the room, twirling his cane. Alastor was standing, perusing a section of books, glass of amber liquor in his clawed hand.

“My boy! You are frightening as ever. Thank you for coming on such short notice!” Not that it was an invitation or optional anyway. Alastor offered Lucifer a respectful bow and a large smile. Staticky lo-fi crackled to life, “What a gracious compliment from a gracious host! I would never waste such an opportunity to bask in the presence of our king.”

“Alastor, if I weren’t married your flattery would be after my cold heart. I have a proposition for you,” he said cutting to the chase. Lucifer was already tired from speaking with Gabriel. Lucifer’s fondness for Alastor did not waver despite his limited patience. It was like looking into an inferior, red mirror. Flattering, but non-threatening.

Alastor sipped at the liquor, eyebrow raised in place of a question.

“Tomorrow my darling Charlotte will be announcing her pet project for sinners seeking redemption. Yes, yes, I know what you’re thinking but I couldn’t dare see my baby’s dreams crushed.” A twinge of sweetness and earnest blossomed in Lucifer’s voice. Charlie really was the one thing in his entire existence that he could put aside literally anything for.

Sure, he was manic, demonic, hedonistic, mischievous, cruel, and manipulative but no one could accuse him of being an unloving, neglectful parent.

“I unfortunately cannot associate myself directly with the … what was it … the Happy Hotel. Charlotte takes much after her extended family. The ask is that you associate yourself with the project, under your own terms of course, protect and act as a financial benefactor. Rumors are circulating of your boredom and I am willing to grant you a boon. In the mean time you will be twice fold compensated for what you put in and I may be willing to negotiate future requests suiting your whims. What say you Radio Demon?”

Alastor turned over the offer in his mind. His claws drummed softly on his glass. Rejecting Lucifer’s offer would be absolute madness. Lucifer didn’t make offers that were to be refused. Soul suicide.

“And what is the expected duration of this patronage?”

“One day after the next extermination.”

“And this boon?” Lucifer loved when other’s crawled into his hands.

“I will make you the reigning lord of Pride.”

The delicate whisky glass shattered on the fine marble floor as Alastor turned his slit eyes on Lucifer, a predator eyeing the competition.

“You’ve proven in your Overlord-ship that your ability to cultivate business and craft others to your whim is superb. There are other ventures I need to support in the future and have been considering restructuring the hierarchy. Things have become so unruly lately. Needs spiced up, wouldn’t you agree?”

Two demons, prideful and powerful grinned at each other but Alastor wondered what the truth deep below the surface was. There was no chance he could discover all of Lucifer’s cards. There was also no way he stood a chance against Lucifer in a literal power struggle. As the decades rolled by, Alastor made a fast ally, almost mentor, in the king.

Nearly an hour was spent negotiating small specifics, logistics, and things Alastor was and was not permitted to do. The obvious included not actively sabotaging the project, keeping the establishment safe, and not bringing physical, emotional, or mental harm to Charlie. Finally Lucifer and Alastor, inky purple and venomous green, shook hands to form the agreement.

Chapter 3: Twins


First comes breakfast time. Then comes family time.


Hi welcome back! Thank you for coming back!


I hope I got Lucifer right. There's a specific way I see him in my head so ... yeah. I am sorry that this a slow paced story but I'm not much of an entertainer. My normal approach is to handle situations rationally and I hope that will work here. It may not.

Any questions and criticisms are always welcome.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Vassago’s Cabin
Next Cleanse: 332

The next months came and went in a blur. Living in the house with Vassago and Gabriel felt normal enough. How sad was it that she felt closer to them than the three brothers she was raised with?

Two days after arriving she learned what appalling cooks the men were. Vassago’s body was one quarter energy drinks, some portion of sushi, and the rest comprised of either protein bars or premixed vitamin shakes. Gabriel was also hopeless. Canned soup in the microwave being the thing he ate daily.

It really felt like a small family, but there was always tension with Gabriel. She was Mia. She was not his Michael. Not the powerful, commanding sister he wanted her to be. At one point during her stay, she stumbled into a room of antiques and artifacts Vassago kept. There she had found a gorgeous, elegant weapon. A glaive.

The staff looked like it was made of molten rose-gold and platinum. The blade itself looked like fine pale gold, outlined and shimmering in colors she couldn’t begin to describe. Sadness twinged at her heart at the memory. Gabriel looked so hopeful when he saw her staring at it, awestruck. He asked if she could feel it, if anything inside her stirred.

Unfortunately, she felt nothing.

Regardless of his disappointment, he gave the weapon to her, magicking it into a ring so she could actually summon it. It was crafted from a piece of her soul, apparently. All angels, fallen or otherwise, had a weapon made of their being. Gabriel showed her his two curved blades. Vassago had a bow. From that point on, his patience with her deteriorated even more.

She didn’t blame him, though.

Vassago hinted at just how long and how hard Gabriel searched for her, only just finding her for the first time in eighty some years. Neither would tell her about her past lives, so she stopped asking. It didn’t matter. The stories would be just that, fairytales about a much stronger woman who looked and sounded like her, but wasn’t really her.

In an attempt to make Gabriel happy, she started practicing every day for hours with the glaive. No matter what, she always felt clumsy and uncoordinated. Every time she cut something or hurt herself while training, he just turned cold. Mia eventually found a spot to practice alone amongst the pines and the lake.

It was early as she set out for her normal practice spot. Dawn barely creeping in, no sun to be had, fog rolling off the lake and through the trees. The boys normally slept later than she did. They didn’t give her too much fuss about going out alone in the morning since Vassago’s domain was safe, even from wolves. Being back to make sure breakfast was ready was the only real complaint.

Mia stabbed the weapon into the ground and took the tablet out of her bag. Some very professional internet research turned up a fighting style called Guan Dao, using a weapon called a Kwan Tao. She was far from a martial arts expert. Actually, she was far from a novice, but it was something, and she wanted to make Gabriel happy.

She watched the video a couple times over while warming up. Before following the instructions, she stepped through some basic positions. Mia felt stupid every time she tried to practice. Yes, she was trying but for f*ck’s sake she was no warrior.

Heavy cracking and the sound of unfamiliar voices broke her thoughts. She whipped around and the sight shocked her. Mia stumbled back over her own glaive, speechless, landing on her backside.

Her mouth opened, but no sound came out. Standing maybe ten feet away, looking right at her, was an owl. Or a man. An owl man. A demon owl man? Flanking him were three red creatures and what she could only describe as a werewolf.

“Oh my, I think we’ve frightened the poor thing.”

Mia heard the click of a pistol hammer. It was enough to snap her into reality. She scrambled to her feet, picked up her glaive, and pointed it in their direction. This action was worth an honorable mention, but she didn’t stand a chance against five demons or half of a demon, even. She bit her tongue to keep her teeth from chattering.

“Should we kill her?” The tallest red demon asked the towering owl. His horns were long, striped black and white. The four shorter demons were dressed relatively modern-esque while the owl wore a waistcoat and a top hat with a crown.

“Are you Pagans?” she demanded shakily.

Stolas smiled and held up a hand for the four to stay put. His footsteps were silent and slow, holding up his hands.

“Dear, we are not Pagans. We have far more manners. My name is Stolas, Prince of the Ars Goetia. I’m a friend and colleague of your brother, King Lucifer.” Much to her surprise, he didn’t come any closer than four or five feet and even took the care to kneel on the ground to meet her at eye level.

King Lucifer … her alleged twin brother. There was something too real about it now, as she stared at this demonic envoy.

Gabriel had explained they would go to Hell soon for their own protection, but he seemed reluctant to tell her anything more, let alone how they would get there or when they were going. She guessed soon meant today.

She stayed silent, watching him. Here she was cowering like a child and the four in the back were distractedly poking at the forest foliage. Mia took a long, deep breath and held the glaive at her side. It didn’t matter if they were here to kill her. She’d be nothing but candy. Zero struggle for them.

“I presume you’re Michael?” He said gently.

“I am. I’m sorry for the, uh, cold welcome. I wasn’t expecting anyone.”

“Yes, Luci isn’t the most communicative about logistics, I’m afraid. Would you mind escorting us to lords Vassago and Gabriel, my lady?” She couldn’t help but grin a bit.

“Of course. Though, um,” she hesitated, looking back at the four who were absolutely dicking around, picking on the one they called Moxxie.

“Ah yes! Of course! Excuse my rudeness. These are my bodyguards and escorts. Oh Blitzy! Be a dear and come over here. I have someone for you to meet!” There were annoyed garbles as the small team walked over. The other two red ones were holding hands, and the werewolf checked her phone like an annoyed teenager.

“Sup, sugar?” Said the one Stolas called Blitzy.

“Don’t be rude, Blitzy. I’m quite sure you wouldn’t if you knew who this was.”

“Enlighten me, Bird Dick. Who’s the shivering flesh sack?”

Mia’s tongue moved faster than her good sense. “Listen here, you little blood soaked gremlin. I may not be much to look at, but at least I don’t have to be called around like a little bitch waiting to be fed.” She aimed the glaive right in his face, if only to make a point. The wolf growled and the smaller ones trained guns on her. Again, she would lose this battle, but not without making a complete fool of herself first.

“Now, now Blitzy, don’t be rude. This is our king’s sister, the Archangel Michael. Please don’t get into a skiff with an angelic blade. Your delectable body would be too difficult to replace in a timely fashion, yes?”

“This tart's an angel?” Blitzy puffed, obviously not buying it.

“Of course. We’re here to meet with Lord Vassago and the Archangel Gabriel as well.” The smaller imps dropped their weapons and the wolf just rolled her eyes and popped in a pair of ear buds. Blitzo looked around the glaive at her face.

“Well, why didn’t you say so! If I’d known we were canoodling with royalty today, I would have shined my horns! Sorry about that, Miss Angel,” he said, attitude doing a full one-eighty. He was in her personal space in no time, shaking one of her hands exuberantly.

“The name’s Blitzo. The O is silent. These here are my employees! Millie, Moxxie, and my darling baby, Loonie! We’re I.M.P. The Immediate Murder Professionals. If ya make it to Hell and need someone whacked off up here in the mortal realm, we’re the only team to consider. We take cash. We don’t do refunds. Kids get killed free.”

“Uh.” That was the only noise she could make before the owl lifted him off her.

“My apologies, my dear. They’re a very business oriented team. They are serving as my personal guard and detail. I think it may be best for us to move along. Would you mind?”

Mia silently stuffed her tablet into her bag and made way for the house. The two smaller imps, Millie and Moxxie, came up to her. Moxxie gave her a soft, apologetic look. “Sorry about that. He’s hard for us to keep a handle on sometimes. I’m Moxxie. This is my wife, Millie.”

“Oh my word, are you really an angel?” Millie said with wonder in her voice. “You’re awfully pretty like the ones in picture books! Though I ain’t seen a real one before except when they show recaps of the exterminations.”

“The whats?”

Millie seemed unfazed by Mia’s confusion. “Oh, you know! Maybe they call it somethin’ different where you’re from! You know, all your kin folk get together once a year and start slaughtering around Hell for a day! We don’t really mind too much. It doesn’t much affect us Hellborns.”

“Of course.” Thankfully, the house was in view, and Mia bolted for the front door.

“Gabriel! Vassago! f*ck guys, please!” She was screaming as loud as her lungs would let her and the two appeared instantly, weapons drawn.

“What is it?! Are you hurt?” Gabriel started looking her over, panicked as Vassago rushed to the door.

“False alarm, Gabe,” said the black-haired brother, his weapon fading away. Gabriel first guided Mia to the couch. He joined Vassago at the door to see the reason their sister was in such a tizzy.

“Vassago! How long has it been?” Stolas threw his arms open wide, and the two hugged like old friends. “Stolas! I wish you would have sent word! It seems you’ve given my sister quite the scare. Are these your guards?”

“Ah yes. A moment, please. Oh Blitzy! Be a dear and watch the house’s perimeter! They are such a delightful group.”

Vassago escorted the owl demon inside and shut the door. “I didn’t know imps were permitted in the mortal plane, Stolas.” His voice carried a hint of jest and suspicion.

“You know how things are, Vassago. What a lovely home you have here! Oh, before I forget!” Stolas removed a small envelope from his coat. Vassago opened it up to find several pictures of Stolas’s daughter Octavia at various ages.

“How she’s grown! She’s as lovely as Stella. Teenagers can be such fun. Stolas, allow me to introduce my older brother, Gabriel. Gabriel, this is Stolas Goetia.”

The archangel sneered and maintained a healthy distance. “I suppose you’re the team Lucifer sent?”

Unphased, Stolas offered him a slight bow. “Indeed! I am merely Luci’s humble servant. I’ve come to collect you and the Lady Michael.”

Gabriel huffed. The good news was, all the prep work for their departure was done. The bad news was he hadn’t had breakfast and wasn’t interested in leaving immediately, if only to annoy his older brother. “Join us for breakfast, Stolas. Michael is a wonderful cook, and I’m sure your team would love a free meal.”

“What a gracious offer. We would be delighted! I do hope her cooking is as good as her weapon skills,” he commented, glancing at Mia with a slight wave. She knew he meant it as a lighthearted joke, but that stung and left her feeling embarrassed. Some angel she was.

“Let me get freshened up and I’ll be back down to make breakfast. Anything specific for your team, Stolas?”

“Oh, please don’t trouble yourself on our account. My team is quite fond of human food and would greatly appreciate anything you feed them. Your consideration is most kind, Lady Michael.”

“Call me Mia. I’ll be back in sec.” She made her way down the hall and out of sight.

Stolas looked down at the glaive, then to Gabriel. “Lucifer told me she wasn’t quite all there, but I hadn’t suspected it to be so severe. She truly is a blank slate.” Gabriel frowned at the demon.

“She’s fine.”

An obvious lie, but this was no matter of the owl demon's. Stolas took the hint and nodded, quietly accepting a cup of tea from Vassago.

The two friends chatted and laughed. Stolas was catching Vassago up about Octavia and the world away. Some of the more petty dealings he missed hearing and never heard about from Lucifer. Vassago loved Stolas’s ability to gossip and tell stories. They were long-time friends, especially since the demon’s sense of loyalty was rare in Hell.

Mia spent about an hour in the kitchen before setting out fresh coffee, cream, fruit, bacon, and pancakes in the dining room.

“Come and eat!” she called.

“What a wonderful meal! Thank you so much Mia!” This time she smiled at him, in a much better mood. Cooking helped with the nerves and after over hearing the stories shared between the owl and Vassago, she felt a little guilty for being so hostile.

“Sorry for earlier,” she said with a sheepish grin.

“Not at all, my girl. If it had been my daughter alone with five strangers, I would have expected her to eat their gullets.” She didn’t find that funny, but she at least appreciated the sentiment … somewhat. Mia excused herself to take another spread of food to the four outside. Moxxie and Millie were strumming and humming a tune while Loona and Blitzo were arguing about something.

“Hey, I got breakfast.” That seemed to grab their attention, and they swarmed her.

“We never get free meals on a job! Thank ya, sugar!” said Millie, who started helping Mia sit out the plates and glasses.

“You’re guests here. Eat. I made some extra bacon since you guys are out here working.” Though she wasn’t sure what work really needed to be done.

“Ya know, ya don’t look like an angel,” said Blitzo while trying to feed Loona like a baby.

How was she supposed to take that? Shrugging, she sat down on the porch step, coffee in hand. “Guess not.”

Blitzo returned to babying the wolf girl, who sent him into a tree trunk with one strong kick. Millie and Moxxie were rather enjoyable company, carrying a civilized conversation with her about the Pride Circle and basics of Hell.

“I come from a big family down in Wrath. There’s where they have LooLoo Land! I just love LooLoo Land. When you’re in Hell, since you’re royalty and all, we should all go together!” Millie’s eyes sparkled while clapping her hands together. Moxxie smiled and gazed lovingly at his wife’s joy.

“You guys are really too cute together, you know that?” Both imps thanked her, giggling.

Stupidly, Mia asked, “So seven rings, huh? And both of you were born in Hell?”

“We all were. Just in case you haven’t noticed, but Loona is Blitzo’s adopted daughter. A Hell Hound.”

“And what are you guys called?”

“Imps,” Moxxie answered. “You’d think for royalty and an angel you’d know a bit more about Hell.” His tone was rightfully suspicious, and Mia scratched the back of her head with a nervous laugh.

“My life is pretty complicated, so I’ve not had much to do with Hell.” It wasn’t a lie at least and kind of made sense.

“Do you participate in the exterminations?” Moxxie asked shyly. That she was sure was a no, but really, how could she be sure she wasn’t magically forgetting about slaughtering tons of souls into oblivion every year.

“No. And I don’t personally agree with it if that helps.” Mia only said it to improve her budding relationship with the I.M.P. team. Though an all out slaughter against defenseless beings, even in Hell, seemed like an unfair fight. From that point, they started weaving tales of their adventures on Earth and in Hell. What shocked her the most was the story of an obnoxious, illicit affair between Blitzo and Stolas.

Over the next thirty minutes, Mia found herself cracking jokes and laughing with the pair. They gave her their Hellphone numbers. Politely she took them and put them in her actual phone, if only not to be rude. How was she supposed to call them from an Earth cellphone?

Vassago stepped out with Stolas and Gabriel. “Alright Michael, it’s time to go.”

She knew she was moving to Hell for her own protection, but the sudden announcement caught her off guard. “I haven’t even packed.”

Stolas chuckled and grinned, “No need, Darling.”

He snapped his fingers, and suddenly a pile of luggage appeared on the porch. Vassago handed the backpack to her. “You’ve got a phone and laptop in there that’s suited for Hell. All the instructions you need for both are in there.”

Mia gulped and stuffed her human phone in the bag. Somehow, she was also wearing socks and shoes. “And don’t worry, you can always get in contact with me. It won’t be any different from being on Earth,” Vassago said with a smile and a bear hug.

“Plus, I can visit you in Hell without issue.” Knowing she wasn’t cutting herself off from Vassago or Earth made her feel slightly better.

“Now, if you don’t mind,” said Stolas, holding out a clawed hand to her, “To reach the Morningstar Estate, we’ll need to be linked. Grab tight.” The luggage was in the middle of their circle. Her hand shook nervously and Gabriel gripped it tighter with a small smile. He nodded reassuringly, and she smiled back. Suddenly, he looked like the kind human Milton she’d met and not the overbearing archangel.

Nothing dramatic happened during their teleportation. Stolas’s eyes glowed and a heated wind swept up from below their feet, but in one blink she found herself in a grand ballroom. The inside must have been four stories tall. A magnificent black and gold stair case. Rich jewel tones, fantastical, gothic décor. Large windows sporting stained glass scenes.

Her jaw dropped, trying to look at it all. Even pictures of ancient marvels and architecture couldn’t rival the bizarre, beautiful, and wicked hall. Despite being distracted by the room and magic, she remembered why she was there.

Her stomach wasn’t supposed to be in her ankles, but it felt that way. Mia was grateful that Gabriel hadn’t let go of her hand yet. She looked at him, speechless.

“Don’t worry. I’m here to protect you.” His voice was warm and soft.


The sound echoed through the massive chamber, drawing the eyes of everyone involved upward to a balcony. There stood a slight man, no nose, and very obviously a demon. He wore a getup that looked more like a costume than regalia to her. But the apple and snake motif gave it away. And if those weren’t enough dead giveaways, the woman to his right was. Mia was certain she’d never seen a more gorgeous or tall woman. Her blonde hair swept the floor, topped with massive horns and a black crown.

Then to the man’s left was a young woman, obviously their child, in a tuxedo with the same big eyes are her parents and soft blonde hair. Her gaze shifted back to the man who was unabashedly staring a hole through her. She couldn’t pin down the emotion in his eyes, but he looked like a predator ready to spring at her.

Mia cracked a small, uncertain smile at him and waved a little with her free hand. He winked at her in response. In a wisp of smoke, the entire royal family re-materialized in front of the group.

“Stolas, please escort the rest of our guest to receive their payments. I would like this to be just family for now.” With that, Stolas and the I.M.P team were gone.

“Lucifer,” greeted Gabriel curtly, still holding Mia’s hand. Vassago hadn’t come, so only the five stood there. She didn’t know what to say or do.

“Little brother, always so formal. Loosen up.” Lucifer’s tone was mocking. “Now allow me to introduce my wife, Queen of the Seven Rings, Mother of Demons, and the wonder I call Goddess, Lilith.” The abnormally tall woman dipped her head at them with a gracious, welcoming smile.

“I’ve heard so much about the both of you. I’m delighted to finally meet some of my in-laws.” Her tone was mirthful, but genuine.

“Charlie,” the woman beckoned to the girl, fiddling nervously with the hem of her jacket, “please greet your Aunt Michael and Uncle Gabriel. They’ll be staying with you, so make sure to be a gracious host.” Suddenly the girl’s demeanor changed, cranking up to max.

“Dad told me everything!” She squealed, refraining from touching them yet. “My name is Charlie. Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving our hotel a chance! I know for a fact we can make this work to save souls and stop the exterminations!”

What was going on? Mia had only learned of the exterminations less than an hour ago and here was some demon niece that she’d never heard of thinking that they were here to … to do what exactly? Of course, Gabriel had left this out. That miffed her off, but that was no reason to crush this girl’s dreams!

Mia smiled brightly and yanked her hand away from Gabriel. Almost immediately, she hugged Charlie, if only to piss off her overbearing brother. “Of course! The moment we heard about it, we knew we had to help! You’re such a brave person, wanting to help your people like that! I’m sure we can make it happen!”

Was she bullsh*tting? Absolutely, but that’s what happens when people left her out of the loop.

Charlie, none the wiser, squealed again and squeezed back, twirling Mia around like a doll. “I promise I won’t let you down, Auntie! I can’t believe you gave up your powers be here! I mean, of course it is only for a year, but still! I’m touched.”

Mia and Charlie officially had been told nothing of importance by Lucifer or Gabriel. Charlie didn’t know that Mia was entirely mortal or about the Pagans, and Mia hadn’t been told that they were staying at the girl’s charity project or that they would help out. This had the makings of a bad day waiting to happen.

Lilith gently pulled her daughter away and said, “Dear, you’ll have plenty of time to get to know them. Are you ready for what we practiced?”

The Princess nodded and glided a claw effortlessly across her palm. In turn, Lucifer and Gabriel did the same. Charlie grew horns and her eyes turned red and wild. Lucifer produced a floating contract and pen. He dipped the pen into Charlie’s palm, drawing a large pentagram on the bottom of the contract. He then dipped the pen into his blood, signing his name and formal title. Gabriel did the same. Then it was all over, no crazy ritual and in less than two minutes. Mia figured they drew up all the contractual agreements before arriving and that Charlie was being used as some kind of insurance.

The trio’s hands healed up as if it were nothing, Charlie clapping and bouncing. “Lily, why don’t you take Charlie to make sure their arrangements are ready, yes? I need a moment with my siblings.” Lilith escorted their daughter out and finally, it was the three of them.

At this point, Mia couldn’t stop staring at her twin. He certainly didn’t look like her twin, but perhaps he had at some point. His face softened now. A clawed hand touched her cheek. Gabriel seemed disapproving, but let it happen. “Gabriel, get out.”

“Absolutely no-” His answer didn’t matter because instantly she was teleported with Lucifer into what looked to be a study. From the pictures and décor, she assumed it was his personal office.

His hand lingered on her face. “It really is you, isn’t it?”

Guilt consumed her chest, and a small smiled formed on her face. “I think you would know better than I at this point.”

He chuckled and dropped his hand, nodding. “You don’t remember anything?”

She shook her head. “I remember this life that I’m currently living. All of this feels bizarre. Everyone is expecting someone who looks like me and sounds like me, but isn’t me.”

Lucifer sat down on a loveseat and patted the spot next to him. Mia sat down without even thinking about it.

“But I don’t feel uncomfortable. I don’t feel unsafe. Which is insane technically. Maybe this will help.” Mia pulled at the magic tendrils she could feel around the braided ring of her glaive. It appeared, and Lucifer caught it before she could.

“This is proof enough,” he said with a grin, handing her back the weapon.

Lucifer summoned his own angelic sword. It matched Mia’s glaive in a complementary way. As if the weapons were twins. The two items pulsed with magic, recognizing the other. Something about it made her feel warm and happy. She sensed that maybe Lucifer felt the same thing.

“Don’t worry about remembering, alright Mica?” She’d never heard anyone call her that before. With a snap of his fingers, the weapons were gone, her ring back on, and he produced another ring.

“Gabriel’s magic won’t be as strong in Hell as it would be in Heaven or on Earth. I’ve prepared this for you.” Lucifer held out a delicate silver band. There was nothing assuming or special about it. He slipped it onto her index finger and gestured to a mirror across the room.

“Mortal souls in Hell immediately change appearance when becoming demons. This is a glamour, undetectable and unable to be destroyed. Just make sure you’re wearing the ring.”

She gasped and jumped when she saw herself in the mirror. “Holy f*ck!” His laugh filled the room, tears forming in his eyes.

“My dear baby sister is hilarious.” She looked back at him.

“I thought we were twins?”

“I’m still older,” he said smugly, booping her on the nose. “You can inspect your new glamour later. Take it off for now, if you don’t mind. I haven’t seen you in centuries.” Mia did as he asked and slipped the ring into a zip pocket so as not to lose it.

“Do I look the same?”

“Absolutely, though ... less certain. You don’t look like you could lead an angelic army to the pits of Hell to retrieve my head.”

Since he said it so lightheartedly, she went with a joke. “Apparently I couldn’t then either, since you still have it.”

They shared a laugh, and Lucifer pulled her into a rib crushing hug. Never would he have let anyone else see him like this, aside from Charlie or Lilith. Mia wrapped her arms around him as tight as she could in return.

“I want to remember one day. Until then, I’m sorry Luci.” Lucifer patted her on the back, but her words triggered those crafty gears in his head.

“I’m just happy to hear you say my name. You were the first one to ever call me Luci, you know. Now everyone does it. But I’d prefer you kept this little meeting between us. Reputation as a wicked king and what not.”

“I pinky promise,” she said with a giggle. With a wicked smile, he held out his pinky finger. It caused a deep purple and black glow to grow in the room, and she laughed nervously.

“I’m kidding!” He cackled, slapping her on the shoulder. “You’ve been spending too much time with Gabriel. He’s so boring and hateful.”

Mia snickered in agreement. She took the opportunity to change the subject.

“Charlie,” she started hesitantly, looking out of one of the large windows, “Why doesn’t she know the truth?”

Lucifer sighed and scratched the back of his head, removing the large white top hat. “To protect her. Charlie is my only child, and I would see every realm burnt back to the Eldritch before allowing harm to befall her. She doesn’t need to know things she can’t handle. She’s painfully pure and hopeful. Very much like an angel. I believe if she knew the truth, she’d try to help and ultimately get herself destroyed. You and Gabriel are here for protection, but I hope you can also help keep her distracted while I take on the dirty work. That hotel will keep you plenty busy, I’m certain. Pride City is not a safe place. Keeping that dream of hers going will be more than enough excitement.”

He was sweet, far sweeter than she had even imagined the devil could be, and it left her smiling. “Thought of everything, haven’t you Luci?”

“I’m certainly the clever one Mica. And the beautiful one.”

She jabbed him in the ribs with an elbow. If there had been any onlookers, they wouldn’t be able to tell that the ex-angel twins had spent more than a few hours apart, not eons.

A moment of bizarre peace lingered between them, before Luci grinned bashfully and said, “I’d say Gabe is throwing a fit right now.”

They laughed some more. Lucifer then took the time to show her the photos in his office. Most were of his small family through different periods of their lives, wearing whatever fashion suited the mortal plane. There were other demons, too. One photo was of him and six far larger creatures of varied appearances.

One of the more recent photos sported Charlie and Lucifer wearing matching shirts with only the graphic’s differing. There were other father-daughter pairs in the photo, one she recognized as Stolas, with an absolutely uninterested owl demon princess.

“You are so corny! Did you make her wear this?” Mia asked, pointing at Charlie’s shirt.

“I would never make my apple dumpling do something she didn’t want to do! It was her idea.” Lucifer’s shirt read ‘MY BOSS CALLS ME DAD’ while Charlie’s sported ‘BOSS’, with a crown hanging off of the ‘B’.

“This is so cute I can’t stand it.” But looking at the girl’s face made her wonder, “Do you really think souls can be redeemed?”

“Truly? I don’t think they want to, but anything is possible. I can’t support the project openly sinc-”

Mia waved her hand flippantly in the air. “Reputation. Evil genius. King of Hell. Got it. Honestly, I’m already in love with her. I wish I could have seen her grow up.” He patted her shoulder.

“No worries there. She has a lot of growing to do. Her new girlfriend is a mortal soul who arrived in 2014. What a firecracker, that one! She passed my training regimen with flying colors. Well, the only real color was red from the blood she split. Talented with most weapons.”

“Why would you test your daughter’s girlfriend? That’s one Hell of a way to ruin a relationship.” Lucifer and Mia caught the pun at the same time and giggled.

“Hell of a way, indeed. Charlie is a pacifist and I need someone I can trust to keep her safe. The demoness she’s with may not be a Goetia, but she puts up a good fight and makes logical, strategic decisions. She’ll also rat Charlie out the moment she tries anything stupid or dangerous.”

Mia couldn’t argue with that logic. Instead she asked, “And a Goetic demon is …?”

Lucifer groaned and slapped his face. “Forget it. I’ll have Stolas tutor you, so we don’t have any mishaps along the way. Luckily, you won’t need any information to play a recently deceased soul. Come along now, Mica!” He turned on heel and waltzed out of the room. Mia followed close behind, feeling uncharacteristically hopeful about this new life.


You made it! If this was boring, my bad. But I did tag it slow burn.

Maybe I'm just boring myself. Don't worry. I've written some future scenes and it gets dramatic.

I lessened the spacing because I hate html and dealing with it.

Chapter 4: Welcome


Mia and Gabriel make it to the hotel. They meet Husk, Angel, and Alastor.


I hope I got this bang on point for Husk and Angel. I do want to touch on the darker issues of Husk. I mean, he's def got problems.


I'll be adding a companion shenanigans fic to this story at some junction. I want to write out the scenes I skip over, but I think they would detract overall so I'll just put them somewhere else so their ridiculousness doesn't jack up my writing groove.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Imperial Morningstar Estate
Next Cleanse: 331

Arriving in Hell turned out to be more pleasant and exciting than Mia originally assumed. When she and Lucifer rejoined the group, the scene was comical. Charlie was questioning Gabriel at rapid fire. He almost looked scared, the anger and tension normally in his face gone. On another couch across a coffee table was Lilith and a silver haired demoness. They had several books open, drinking tea, and chatting like scholars in Spanish.

Once Charlie noticed her father and aunt, she grabbed the silver haired girl and dragged her over. “Vaggie, this is my Aunt Michael!”

Mia looked at them with a lopsided smile. How many people had she met today? Oh well, what was one more? The new girl actually curtsied and Lucifer laughed. “Oh no, please! We’ve talked about this!” His tone was warm and jesting despite the reprimand.

“This is Charlie’s girlfriend, Vaggie.”

Vaggie extended her hand with a polite smile, “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance ma’am.”

“Please just call me Mia, please! I’m really happy to meet you! Luci said you’re quite impressive.” A proud yet bashful look spread across Vaggie’s face.

Charlie came up behind her girlfriend and snuck a kiss on her cheek. Mia noticed Lucifer sneaking away to do the same with Lilith. With the flick of the wrist, Charlie produced a board game. And it was a Hellishly appropriate game: Monopoly.

The Morningstar family started setting up the game on table in the room. Mia sat next to Gabriel, giving him a big smile. In a hushed voice she said, “I’m grateful you took me to Vassago’s that day. It kinda feels like I’m home.”


Their game had ended after four hours of mayhem and now it was time to move to the hotel. Mia and Gabriel climbed in the limo with Vagatha and an overly exuberant Charlie. The princess looked like she was going to burst at the seams. Then she did.

Jubilation erupted from her mouth. Rainbows may as well have drowned them. Charlie catapulted herself at the pair, wrapping her arms around their necks. She jumped up and down as much as the limo allowed, not able to contain her excitement and happiness.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. OH. MY. GOSH. I love you both so much. Thank you again for coming to help with the hotel! I won’t let you down! We can save so many souls!” Charlie pulled back and stared their newly demonic forms in the face. Mia was touched beyond words. Charlie looked to be on the verge of tears, smiling like an insane person.

“I have soooooo many ideas. For so long it has been me and Mom and Dad but now?! I have more family. I mean I guess I’ve always had family since Dad has so many siblings but I’ve always heard ‘angel murderers’ this and ‘hypocritical goody two shoe jerks’ that.” Her voice mimicked Lucifer’s in recollecting what he said of angels. Mia snorted as Charlie covered her nose, acting haughty.

“I didn’t think I’d ever get to meet any of you! And now we can stop the exterminations! I might even get a cousin one day!” Her tone dropped suggestively and she flashed them finger guns. “I always wanted siblings, but I’ll settle for a cousin!”

Vaggie put a hand on Charlie’s shoulder. It wasn’t difficult for the princess to spiral out of control with fanatical ideas. The sheer amount of emotion was making her drunk with love for her new aunt and uncle. Mia grinned at her and petted on the girl’s fluffy hair. Charlie reminded her of a Pomeranian.

“Charlotte,” Gabriel started, placing a hand on the girl’s shoulder, “you know you can not address us as family, correct?”

Depression consumed her expression but she nodded in agreement. “Do you both have an idea of what to tell the others? We have a third manager at the hotel and Dad said it may be best not to tell him about ya know, everything. Or anything.”

“Yes, it would be best to keep this between us.” He eyed Vagatha who nodded. The pale demoness added, “I think your cover would best serve as hotel employees. You’re siblings, recently deceased, and decided to work for us for room and board. Easy solution. The real question is can you keep your story straight and how can you help the hotel?”

Vaggie was definitely growing on Gabriel who appreciated her cut and dry logic. That ruthless integrity would save her one day. “I can handle exercise, sparring, self defense and the likes.”

Charlie clapped and grabbed his hands. “Welcome aboard Coach!”

Oh no. Was she always going to call him coach now? Mia slapped him heartily on the back, a laugh ringing through the limo. “Good job Air Bud!”

“Really?” The dog jokes were inevitable. Mia scratched him on the ear next. It was horrifying how good it felt, especially with her newfound claws. Lucifer promised that he had no influence on how souls took demonic form in Hell but something about Gabriel becoming a damn canine was too much. Then again, he loved dogs. Glimpsing in the window, he looked like some kind of Akita or Inu or Husky. Perky and soft.

“Who’s a good boy? You are! Oh yes you are!” He slapped her hands away with an embarrassed huff.

Vaggie reigned them in by clapping her hands together. “Ok, so what can you do?”

Mia grimaced. “Uh … math?”

If the moth demoness could have face palmed any harder, she’d lost her good eye. “That’s probably not going to help us. You’ll soon realize we don’t attract the scholarly sort.”

Mia’s lips twisted in thought and her wings gave a slight flutter. What could she do? Academia was an all encompassing thing but she had plenty of hobbies. And she was a solid teacher.

“Oh!” Her wings flitted open with the revelation and she leaned forward. “I could start a community garden and work in the kitchen! Or teach chess...”

Vaggie huffed, “The garden and kitchen would be a good start and enough work. Chess will just get you bullied in there … though I would like to learn.”

“Then I can teach you! See! First student already. Easy peasy.”

“This is going to be ah-may-zingggg~” Charlie sang out in delight. New employees. New family. Her day must be going really well.

“Before we reach the hotel you should know about our other, eh, partner. He’s called the Radio Demon. He’s powerful, malicious, scheming, and petty. If he tries to make a deal with you do not accept and immediately tell us. I hope you two will have your story straight because if he finds a hole in it I can’t imagine what he’d do.”

Mia interjected, “If he’s that bad, why is he at the hotel? Seems a little paradoxical.”

Vaggie’s fists clenched in absolute annoyance. “That’s exactly the case. He’s bored. He’s helping us to fuel his sick amusem*nt to watch souls that want to be redeemed fail. Two of the staff are his lackeys. One is Husk, our front desk clerk. The other is Nifty. She takes care of the cleaning.” She continued on explaining some of the hotel guests so they wouldn’t be caught off guard.

In hopes to salvage the opinions of Husk and Nifty, Charlie chimed, “But they’re really nice and Nifty is so sweet!”

“So let’s go over your story. How’d you die?” Vaggie started, pointing at Mia and ignoring the fact she wouldn't label either of their new 'staff' as nice or sweet. Deranged, maybe.

“Double suicide. Overdose.”

Then she turned her finger on Gabriel, “What were your sins?”

“We worked together in a white collar nursing home. I was embezzling from retirement funds and other accounts. She was selling prescription drugs of the patients.”



“Names and ages?”

“Milton Miller. Mia Miller. 33 and 27, respectively.”

“How did you get a job at the hotel?”

“We applied together. Package deal. Working in exchange for boarding. We saw a flyer and a 666 news rerun of Charlie’s interview.” Mia looked away, avoiding Charlie’s eyes when she brought up the TV singing fiasco.

Vaggie didn’t look impressed. It wasn’t a complicated story and would certainly get people sent to Hell. Gabriel seemed reliable and Mia seemed to just not know enough to ruin the plan. It might work. Simple plans made simple solutions, right?

“Keep in mind that if people start asking questions, it is completely reasonable to just be an ass. Everyone else here does it. You can also just claim to not remember. A lot of sinners don’t have full memories the first year or two.”

Mia made a mental note in her head to always feign stupid. The limo slowed and came to a halt.


While Gabriel, Razzle, and Dazzle were gathering bags from the trunk, she stepped over to the railing to get a better view.

Pride City beyond the hotel court yard was … abysmal. It looked like New York became a literal sin city. Sulfuric air caused her nose to wrinkle and eyes to water. Screams rang around them, some sharp, some dulled, but always constant. The concrete jungle sprawled out of site, neon lights blinking in the distance

Charlie skipped over to her aunt. “Come on Mia, it’s time!”

The pair followed everyone else inside. Between the outside architecture and the inside décor, it was not what she expected. There was little opportunity to check out the entryway of photos before coming upon the ... bar? Front desk? Was it both?

“Wait, isn’t this a place of redemption?” The confusion in her voice spoke for Gabriel too. His head tilted in that adorable way dogs do, ears twitching.

Vaggie groaned. Charlie chuckled nervously, hands fidgeting. “Well it is one of the big selling points for getting people in the door.” Maybe Mia just wouldn’t ask anymore questions today. Charlie rang the desk bell.

“What in the f*ck is it now?”

“Everyone this is Husk! Husk, these are some new employees for the hotel! Mia and Milton! Would you mind getting us some room keys for them on the employee floors? And let everyone know that dinner is mandatory tonight! We’re having a welcome party!”

The cat, or what Mia assumed was maybe a cat, rolled his eyes and took a long drink. The green bottle was labeled ‘Cheap Booze’. Unceremoniously, the keys were smacked onto the counter. “Floors three and four.”

It bothered her not to be on the same floor as Gabriel but he seemed unfazed and handed her the key to the fourth floor. Mia shoved the key into her pocket and saddled up to Gabriel’s side. “No adverse reaction?” she asked with an impish grin.

“To what?” His proper sounding accent was no longer in play.

“Oh nothing, just wasn’t sure if you wanted to chase the cat.” A small growl emitted from his muzzle and her grin split wider. His elbow made contact with her ribs. She stepped on his foot. To think she once saw him as this perfect, sophisticated, kind gentleman. Now he was just a cantankerous stick in the mud. She took her phone and snapped a sneaky photo to send to Vas. Gabriel would suffer at the hands of his siblings’ ridicule.

“Husk,” Vaggie asked, “where’s Nifty?”

“The f*ck should I know?” The exchange between the two ignited a small argument about professional mannerisms and respect. Charlie pulled Gabriel and Mia away to an elevator.

“Sorry about that. Vaggie is really passionate about this project. I know you both have a lot of questions but at least take some time to rest in your rooms. I’m going to send out some texts to let everyone know about tonight. If you need anything please, please, please call me or swing by our office! It is down the hall past the stairs.”

Charlie shooed them in and only when the door shut did the shouting stop.

“We really doing this Gabe?” She asked.

“Listen, you can’t call me that. Not here. Stay quiet. Talk to no one. Go to your room and I’ll come get you for dinner. I have preparations to focus on.”

Mia groaned. “Ok Dad!” she yelled as he stepped out on the third floor. Was he right? Of course he was, but she wouldn’t admit it and she didn’t like it either. Following the rules or orders of others was never her strong suit. Her mother always made a point to call her the belligerent one. There wasn’t an opportunity to dwell on the past she she stepped out to the fourth floor.

The f*ck?

This hallway curved out of sight on both ends. Doors were randomly marked with words, titles, numbers, or sometimes nothing but an odd picture. She pulled back out the key.

“Oh that’s funny.”

Her room number was the IP designation for one’s home address. The small joke left her feeling pretty good as she continued her search. Eventually she found her door wedged into a small alcove at the end of another labyrinthian hallway.

The room was actually more of a small apartment. The first room had a small kitchenette, a sitting area, some more furniture, and another off shoot to a bedroom, a walk in closet, then finally a pretty nice bathroom. An ‘L’ shaped balcony connected the main room and the bedroom.

On the bed was her luggage. Stacked next to it were wrapped gifts and a black envelope. She eyed it suspiciously. A purple and gold wax seal, pressed with a snake coiled around an apple told her exactly who sent it.


These are for you. Don’t tell Gabriel. He may confiscate them. Such a bore.


P.S. Welcome to Hell. I’ve missed you.

Immediately after she read the last line, the letter faded into wisps of black smoke. Small tears pricked her eyes. Something about the letter caused her heart to pang.

Gently she unwrapped the boxes. They were wrapped with luxurious scarves instead of paper.

There were three total. First she found a photo frame. Beautifully mounted inside was a flower crown, pressed and preserved. Small flowers of pink, yellow, and lilac dappled fern like leaves.

Next were two identical wooden boxes, stacked together, carved in a style she could not identify. Their condition was immaculate. Inside one was stationary, inks, and fountain pens. The pens were mismatched and she had the vaguest sense all of these were hers at some point in mortal history.

The second box held a small key on thin chain. A set of instructions read:

This key will always bring you to our estate. All you have to do is knock it three times against a closed door. Lilith and Charlie also have one.

She slipped the long chain over her head. At this point, no part of her could dispute the love her twin held for her. He treated her like family, going as far to offer her the same protections of his wife and daughter. Eyeing the stationary, she planned to write him back. Though she would have to ask Charlie how to get it to him.

The third and final gift was a recipe book, entirely in French. It was old, but not antique. Mia flipped through a couple pages, not able to actually read any of it. The book was well loved with at least three or four handwriting styles on different pages and within the margins. Some was English, more French, Spanish, and some other language she’d not seen. The other gifts were more obvious than the book.

Easily it could have been hers. Perhaps she held onto it through different lifetimes? That theory didn’t really account for the different handwriting styles. Mia placed the items in the nightstand for safe keeping, except for the flower crown which she placed out on the dresser. The dresser’s mirror shocked her. It would take a while to get used to the alien-esque glamour.

Mia slid off the demon costume ring. She felt absolutely nothing as her image faded back to pale skin, human eyes, and strawberry blonde hair. Funnily enough, she looked a little like Charlie. Then she put the ring back on her index finger. Once again, there was no feeling as the glamour took hold.

The charcoal skin, large, pupil-less eyes the color of fog, opalescent white hair. Her ears extended up, out of her hair like a mythical fae, coming to sharp points at the back of her skull. She turned around a couple times to get a full view. The dragonfly wings, iridescent and delicate, came out of her back. They cast a faint, diffracted light on the wall. Her height was the same but her features and the curves of her body were tight like the turns of a backroad. She looked absolutely gorgeous. An alien, elven model whose proportions should be illegal.

Focusing, she tried fluttering her wings, but they wouldn’t budge. They didn’t seem like something she could control, only serving as eye candy and an unfortunate telltale of emotions.

Next she practiced summoning her glaive. The magic Gabriel imbued it with made easier for her to pull it, but every time she either stabbed the ceiling, dropped it, and eventually slashed a curtain. Her an angel? Mia was no stranger to Christian lore but for her to be Michael … That seemed like too much.

She fell back onto the bed, the long pokey stick clutched to her chest. Gabriel had high hopes for her, which was unfortunate. All she did was get on his nerves and disappoint him. At least Lucifer appeared satisfied with her mere existence and robust personality. Being useful to Gabe seemed impossible.

Screw it!

Releasing the magic, the glaive twisted back around her middle finger and she hopped up. If she couldn’t help Gabe then fine. But maybe she could make a difference here in Hell. Eyeing the clock, it was much too early for him to fetch her. Day one and she was already going to be in trouble with him.

Oh well. Too bad. So sad.

Mia wiggled into a new pair of eggplant colored pants, cut slits for her wings into a tight, black long sleeved shirt, and tied her hair back. Her rings were on, the key hidden under her shirt, and renewed curiosity gripping her mind.

Going to the first floor, she wanted to find Charlie. The office door was barely cracked, like someone forgot to close it all the way. She peeped through, only to catch Charlie and Vaggie getting overly friendly on top of a desk. A warmth spread in her heart as she internally rooted for the young lovers. Her next target was the lobby.

Opulent, gothic, and apple were the three words that came to mind while eyeing the open room. An odd round fire place. Furniture that looked like monsters and she was pretty sure the couch blinked. The front desk from earlier was most certainly a bar. Mia traced a claw over the glowing green where the rich motif joined with another mismatched wall. Copy and pasted right in the lobby.

She leaned over the bar, gazing down at the cat man, curled up and purring. He was in a cat bed, tucked halfway under the bar and out of sight.

“Uh. Excuse me?” Her voice didn’t stir the sleeping demon. Shrugging, she decided to serve herself. Half on top of the counter, ass in the air, she took some whisky and poured it into a glass. Then she heard a wolf whistle.

“Damn toots, keep that up and we might get more jerks shackin’ up here in no time. Pour me one while ya at it dollface.”

Mia did as the disembodied mobster voice asked. With two glasses she sat back down, only to see an over eight foot tall, fuzzy, four armed, pink and white demon. She couldn’t tell what kind, but that was becoming commonplace for her now. Mutely, she handed him the glass. He downed it in one go and poured himself another. It took him a lot less effort to reach the bottle over the counter.

“Thanks, baby cakes,” he said with a grin. “New arrival?”

Mia nodded, staring rudely at him. He chuckled, pushing up his fuzzy bust, “Spider demon. Ya must be new. Name’s Angel Dust.”

“Mia. And yeah, definitely a newbie as of yesterday. To the hotel and Hell.”

“Here for that sweet, sweet redemption?”

“Meh. My brother and I got jobs here today.” Angel faked a gag. “Charlie talked ya into that flack, eh? Ain’t a soul here worth saving toots. Ya gonna learn. What’s the job? Also, ya brother hot?”

“Ew. I mean … Yeah. He was. I dunno. I tried hooking up with him before I knew he was my brother. Bleh. Whatever, I’m the gardener and cook.” She said, sliding her glass at him. He graciously poured her at least three shots, winking at her as if he was implying something about Gabriel. Then again, she just admitted out loud her new brother was hot.

“Ya too hot for sh*t work like that,” he said, eyeing her up and down. “What is ya anyway? Some kinda bug?”

“I suppose I’m a dragonfly.”

“Can ya fly?”

“I don’t think so. Basically glorified ornaments, you know? But I appreciate the compliment.” She couldn’t even twitch them in demonstration.

Angel smirked and moved onto the bar seat next to her. “Get used to it Mia. Hot pieces like us get our fair share of gropes, grabs, hoots, hollers, and solicitations. Hope your hot brother brought a stick. The gals are just as bad as the guys here.”

Mia shuddered. “Great. Sexiest I’ve ever been and now I get to look forward to a world of harassment.”

He laughed and raised a glass. “Cheers to that doll! I guess ya the reason Charlie demanded we call come back early?”

“Do you work here?”

“Oh, f*ck no. f*ck no. I’m the first soul to check in and the clout that brings in new faces.”

“So you’re actually famous?”

“Ya really are new.”

“Alright, what’s with the narcoleptic cat?” Mia pointed over the bar at a purring Husk. Angel’s face turned delightfully mischievous. He gave her a wink and slinked behind the bar. Mia hoisted herself up to watch the shenanigans. Angel laid down on the floor.

The bottom arms propped him up while the top two made way for Husk’s head. Each hand took an ear. The way Angel petted and gazed at Husk made her feel like she was watching two lovers. Purrs grew louder and Husk unconsciously nuzzled into the touch. Angel then but his mouth next to the cat’s ear and gently moaned, “Oh, Husky baby. You like that?”

Startled, Mia flung herself backwards off the stool. The reason being that Husk, with a ferocious growl, bristled wings, and glowing eyes, flipped Angel expertly onto the bar, stomach down. One clawed hand had all four of Angel’s pinned together on his back, the other hand wrapped menacingly around his neck.

“You stupid f*cking piece of sh*t, tramp! I ought rip your head right off that disgusting strung out body! Maybe I’ll show you - ”

A polite cough interrupted the cat’s seething anger. Suddenly Mia realized she hadn’t tumbled onto the floor. The chaos between Angel and Husk distracted her from the fact she had been caught. A dark grey hand sporting red knuckles, red claws was wrapped around her waist, supporting her full weight with ease.

“Angel, I don’t think you should tease our shell-shocked friend!”

From the crook of his arm, she looked up to see a rather handsome demon. Grey skin. A broad, jagged smile. Red eyes. Red everything, actually. His dapper attire rivaled his hair. Gingerly, he released her. “Please excuse my comrades. They are certainly the lively sort. No shortage of entertainment to be had at the Hazbin Hotel! Who might you be, my dear?”

At the bar, Husk pushed Angel all the way over. The spider landed in a lewd pose on the floor, winking at the cat, who still seemed consumed by anger. Maybe even anxiety? Realizing she hadn’t answered the man in red, “Mia. Mia Miller. New arrival. Thank you, by the way.”

She outstretched her hand to the man who towered over her by a couple feet. Mia had never considered herself short until moving to Hell.

“Quite a well-mannered thing you are! I’m always available to lend a hand to the fairer folk.” His hand grabbed hers firmly, and he leaned in over her to the point she was encompassed by his shadow. Only then did she notice two pitch forks on his head and that the tufts of hair were actually ears.

“I’m Alastor, one of the hotel’s owners. Pleasure to be making your acquaintance, Miss Miller! What brings you to our lovely establishment? Looking to right your foul, mortal deeds?”

Now she was uncomfortable. Mia figured this was the Radio Demon Vaggie mentioned earlier. The static and lo-fi intonations gave it away. Instinct told her not to shy away, even though the wings on her back shivered and fluttered nervously. If she could teach a lecture hall of two hundred freshmen, she could do this.

“An honor to meet you Mister Alastor!” Her face craned up a couple inches, eyes bright, voice light and warm.

“Charlie hired my brother and I this morning and we’re so grateful for such a wonderful opportunity! It isn’t everyday one becomes associated with the Princess of Hell and the revered Radio Demon.” Alastor’s eyebrow popped up under his bangs. His grip on her hand tightened. She wasn’t playing the prey to his predator and that he found awfully rude.

“Delightful! I-” Suddenly she was ripped away from the Radio Demon. Gabriel had a firm grip on her upper arm. His lip was pulled back over his teeth in a snarl.

“What did I tell you?” He snapped in a hush tone. She tried to shake him off with a glowering look, but he wasn’t having it.

“Sorry.” She huffed.

“We’ll talk about this later.” His white-blue eyes shifted to look at Alastor. The look on Gabriel’s face terrified her, and she didn’t know why. He removed his paw from her arm and reached out his hand in greeting. “Please excuse my sister. She can be dense.”

Alastor’s smile didn’t fade, but he leaned back to avoid the outstretched dog demon’s hand. “Not at all. She’s been ever so delightful.” His voice sounded tight, eyes honed in on Gabriel. Tension filled the room as the two men stared each other down. Alastor ignored the hand. “And who might you be my good fellow? If you’re lost, I’m sure we can get you directions to the pound.”

Mia snickered and smirked. That was funny. A soft growl rumbled from Gabriel’s throat. “Milton Miller. My sister and I were hired this morning.”

“Yes, so I heard from your darling sister. One shouldn’t be too rough with women, my boy! You may attract unwanted attention.” At the bar, Husk and Angel went dead silent, forgetting their earlier rough housing. Was a fight getting ready to break out?

“Alastor, you said your name was?” Gabriel asked, pulling Mia further behind him as his lip struggled not to snarl, his breaths turning bizarrely even. She couldn't stop her utter confusion. She'd never seen him so defensive and alert before.

“Indeed. Though some do call me ‘The Radio Demon’.”

Before the exchange could go any farther, Charlie skipped into the room, Vaggie following behind. “This is so exciting! Al, have you met our new employees?”

“Why yes, Charlotte! We were just getting acquainted with each other! These siblings have such vibrant personalities! What a fine addition to the staff!”

Charlie went over and looped her arm into Mia’s, bouncing and smiling. “Well, dinner is ready! Razzle, Dazzle, and Nifty just finished setting the table. We’ll be in the large dining room so everyone else can join us!” In the process of being dragged off, Mia peeked at the Radio Demon, then Gabriel. Both were still eyeing the other with less than honorable intentions. Of course, she didn’t want this to become a thing. But it was probably going to become a thing, knowing her luck.


I don't have much to say. Thank you for making it this far! Leave a comment. Leave some thoughts on how the characters or portrayed. I take those thoughts seriously.

Also, hope Lucifer wasn't too much of a smushy softy but also ... I think this is in character for him in my head.

Chapter 5: Waltz


A dance before dinner. Baxter likes math.


I did not have the transitions of this story thought out. I don't have much to say right now. I feel like I'm taking this at a snail's pace which still seems too fast for me.

When I reference anything, I'll try to link it after the chapter. Like if I mention a specific song.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 330

Mia couldn’t sleep, given all the excitement of the day before. After the introductory dinner, Gabriel had dragged her off unceremoniously and lectured her about safety and other bullsh*t she didn’t listen to. He also told her they would resume her training five days a week before dawn. It sounded awful, but there was no room for disagreement.

She didn’t want to think about it. She put on some fresh clothes and made her way downstairs. Technically, Charlie didn’t expect her to start until tomorrow, but the restlessness would be the death of her. The kitchen was clean and organized. There were signs that someone was using it from time to time. Mia went to the pantry and put on one of the aprons hanging up. She then took the time to list how much and what was in the kitchen. Mia wanted to take this seriously and tried to remember every Gordon Ramsey show she’d ever seen.

Music from her phone echoed in the kitchen as she started putting together a large breakfast for the hotel. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Angel Dust rolling in, looking disheveled in a sparkling pink tube top dress. He noticed her too and took a seat at the kitchen island. “Ain’t nobody ever up this early.”

“You look like you’re just rolling in.”

He grinned at her and pulled out a cigarette. Mia yanked it from his hand and snapped it in half. “Not in my kitchen."

“Geez, ya worse than Vaggie.” He pouted, slouching down onto the counter.

“I don’t give a sh*t if you smoke. I do give a sh*t about you smoking in my kitchen.” She nagged, whisking some eggs and starting a pot of coffee.“How about this? I’ll make your breakfast first to keep your mouth busy. What do you want?”

“Oh baby, ya outta know this mouth could use a break after the night I jus’ had.”

“Food, Angel.” She scolded, despite cracking a grin. They shared a sense of unrefined humor.

His face turned childlike. “Waffles! With whipped cream and berries! Oh, and juice! And eggs! And some for Nuggs, too?”

“Nuggs?” she questioned, pulling down the waffle ingredients.

Almost immediately, Angel shoved his phone screen in her face. There was a demonic teacup pig in his arms, dressed in a matching fur collar.

“Oh. My. God!” Mia squealed, and they spent the next twenty minutes only talking about his baby while she made his breakfast. Christmas outfits. Sometimes those fake press-on tattoos. Nugg’s bed. These pictures were a testament to how much Angel loved the pet he called a child. Mia also learned more about what brand of famous he was.

She sat down a plate of beautiful fluffy waffles for him and some hot maple syrup. Angel moaned and groaned while stuffing his face. “Oh Doll, this sh*t is the sh*t!” One of his hands kept shoveling food while the other three gave her a thumbs up. Mia started putting together a small plate for Fat Nugget, who she desperately wanted to meet.

Angel kept her company while she worked on the rest of the food. “What was up with you and Husker, Angel?”

His face fell, remembering the chaos he caused. “Husky is an old Vietnam vet. I died before then in ‘47, but I remember the news down here while it was going on up top. Hell really is just a trashier version of Earth, news included. Left him pretty f*cked up.”

“So why’d you do it?”

His hands raked through his hair as he groaned in frustration. “I dunno! I like Husky’s attention … good or bad. That fur ball lets his guard down only when he’s sleepin’. So precious and cute and cuddly, all curled up like a lil puss* cat.”

Mia noticed how Angel’s voice changed while talking about Husk. She’d been here less than 24 hours and it was pretty obvious that Angel had a thing for the gruff cat. She postured herself over the counter and leaned in close. “I’m no psychiatrist Angel but Vietnam vets up top are known to have some of the most profound cases of post-traumatic stress. I think maybe instead of exacerbating his issues, you may want to find ways to ease his nerves.”

Angel scoffed. “Oh yeah, toots? Why ought I do that, for that angry drunk?”

“It’s painfully obvious, toots,” she said, mimicking his accent, making an overly unimpressed face, gesturing in that cinematic Italian way. “Flies with honey and all that. I’m just saying if you really like him, wouldn’t you want him to feel safe around you instead of wondering if he wants to snap your neck?”

Angel blinked at her as if this had never crossed his mind. The spider demon was so used to his life as it was that the idea never occurred. “Huh.”

Mia smiled and nodded. “Yep. If you’re serious, that is.”

“I’ll think about it. Ya got a good head kid,” he said, picking up the plate for Nuggs. Angel sauntered out of the kitchen, leaving Mia to shake her head. Everyone here really was so f*cked up that simple, basic, kind solutions didn’t even register.

“Charlie’s got her work cut out for her.”

Around 7AM, while she started setting up the food in a buffet style, Nifty whizzed down. Mia only got to briefly say hi last night due to Gabriel’s hounding. She suddenly wondered if memes were a thing in Hell and if she could get away with puns. Or would someone take to slaughtering her for it?

“Good morning!” she said to the cyclops girl.

“Oh hello! I’m Nifty! We met last night, but your brother took you away before I could talk to you or him!” Her words were as fast as her feet, and it took Mia a second to process them all.

“Haha, yeah. He can be a bit overbearing, but he means well. I’ve made breakfast. Would you like some?” Nifty gathered a plate and sat next to Mia, who was on her third cup of coffee for the morning. One thing she noted on her to-do list was to get an espresso machine.

“How old is your brother? Is he single? He’s very attractive. I think he must have been blond!”

Mia quirked an eyebrow at the small demoness, “33. Yes. Yes. And yes.” Gleefully, Nifty clapped.

“It’s gonna be so nice to have a man around here. Angel is a lady and Baxter stays in his lab and he smells weird. Then there’s Al, but he’s my boss and sooo not my type.” Nifty went on about her taste in men while Mia ate. The rambling was interesting, though jumbled. She noticed Nifty’s hand itching for the knife on the table when she started talking about fan-fictions with trash pairings. Even the cute ones could be crazy, it seemed.

Word had spread about a proper breakfast, and several guests were now in the large dining hall. Charlie came over and hugged Mia. “Oh, thank you! The food looks delicious! I can’t wait to dig in! I can’t believe this many guests came down!”

Even though she met the workers last night, there were actual guests. Around twenty-five. From the way everyone talked about the hotel, Mia was shocked so many checked in. Charlie walked off to take care of some business and Vaggie sat down with her and Nifty. “This is a great job, Mia! You didn’t have to start a day early.”

“I couldn’t sleep at all, so I got a leg up on the work. Later I’ll have some lists and ideas if you don’t mind us going over them. Like the food?” Vaggie nodded, pouring hot sauce on some eggs and toast, making a sandwich.

“Seriously, it is good. We don’t get too many homemade meals around here.”

“Would you mind pointing out the guests?” Vaggie washed down her food and scooted closer.

“So from left to right we have: Baxter, an angler fish demon. He does a lot of weird experiments. Please be careful, he’s odd even for this bunch. Crymini, a hyena demon, died as a teenager and has a massive attitude. Irina and Katerina are the mousey twins with the Eastern European accents. Not sure what their deal is yet.” While Vaggie continued down the line. Mia was surprised at how few of the guests were males, just four. No wonder Nifty was desperate.

“Rag-tag bunch, huh?” She mused.

Vaggie nodded. “A couple of them really are interested. Plenty of decent people wind up in Hell for stupid sh*t. The majority, though, like the free room and board.” Mia’s brow furrowed.

“You just let anyone come in for free? As long as they say they want to be redeemed?”

The Latina shrugged, defeated. “Charlie insists on it. Now that we have good food, more people may come , but I seriously don’t know what to do with them.”

Mia rested her chin on her fists, trying to come up with ideas. “I was hoping to talk with you and Charlie. I genuinely believe this could work, Vags. You ok if I call you that?”

“Fine by me. Beats being called Tacorita by Angel.”

“That’s not even funny.”

Vaggie grinned, “I know, right? He could at least put in some effort. Anyway, I was thinking of hiring the guests, maybe coming up with a work bonus system. They hold small workshops for other guests and get paid, given they don’t royally screw up or start fights. We’re going to need Hellhounds or something if we fill up.”

“Checking in for redemption is one thing, but why wouldn’t people line up around the block to work for the Princess of Hell?”

“Lucifer.” Mia mouthed an ‘ohhh’. It made sense.

“He thinks pretty highly of you, actually.” Vaggie fiddled with the ends of her hair, smiling. The reaction was honest and cute,

“Being a mortal soul associated with the royal family feels like so much pressure sometimes. And actually, even if this redemption thing goes well, I won’t ever take part. I just want to stay by her side.” Mia watched Vaggie melt wistfully, gaze turning to Charlie with a passion that was admiring and hungry.

Mia hugged the other girl much too quickly. “You guys are too cute!”

Vaggie squeaked from the tight embrace, “I’m starting to see the family resemblance!” she wheezed out. It was official that death grip hugs were genetic to the Morningstar family. “Chess lesson later?”

“That would nice. Charlie is good at chess, but I never let her teach me to play. She’s almost too supportive. Too optimistic. We can also get you started in the back courtyards. Then in the next week or two, you may be conducting interviews.”

“Uh, what? I just got here.”

“We need staff, and anyone handling food is officially under your jurisdiction. I’d say it’ll just be some of the guests though, so don’t think about it too hard. Just keep Nifty out of the knives.”

Mia nodded. Standing up, she excused herself to find Gabriel. She hadn’t seen him at breakfast at all, so she gathered up a heaping plate of food and set out to find him. Luck was on her side as she spotted him through a door into a sizable, empty room.

“I have you some breakfast!” He came over to her, and she finally got a decent look at his demonic form. Gabriel looked a lot like Loona, she thought, only white and blond and brown, with shorter fur and big icy blue eyes.

“Thanks. How long have you been up?” They sat next to each other on the floor.

“A while. I made breakfast for the whole place. Couldn’t sleep.”

Their conversation was dull since they had only gotten into a fuss yet again last night.

“What do you expect from me?” Mia’s face twisted with uncertainty as she asked, looking down at the floor. Gabriel sighed and scratched one of his ears.

“I know I’m tough on you. But you can handle it. Hell is a dangerous place and you can’t trust anyone here. They’re all here for a reason, Mia. Plus, the Pagans may not be here yet, but they might be one day. I need you to stay safe and lie low. I get that none of this is fun. Hell isn’t exactly a comfortable place.”

“I just went from having all the freedom I could want to having none. And you’re always angry at me.”

His paw landed softly on her shoulder. “I wish I could make you understand.” That was not a helpful comment. Mia rolled her eyes. “Sometimes I will be gone to help Vassago or work with Lucifer. The sooner we can fix our Pagan problem, the sooner I can take you home.”

Her eyes met his. This was his version of comfort, and she knew that. Mia hugged him. “I’ll stay at the hotel unless I talk to you. How’s that?”

He smiled. “Be cautious, please. Stick to the story. I know you won’t stay in your room, so please keep out of trouble. And stay away from that Radio Demon.”

“Guess you guys didn’t hit it off great?” She accused, laughing at him. She playfully punched him in the arm, and he retaliated by tipping her over onto the floor.

“Let’s say I knew someone exactly like him a long time ago. I only want to protect you and that is the sort of demon that will leave you worse than dead.”

That was a rather dramatic statement, even for Gabriel, but where demons were concerned, he knew better than she did. “Got it, got it. Avoid the Strawberry Pimp.” Gabriel howled in laughter, tail thumping hard on the floor. “That’s what Angel calls him. Will you at least try to get to know some of these people? They aren’t terrible so far.”

His face turned deadpan. “No. Vagatha seems relatively normal, but this isn’t permanent. Don’t bother getting attached and don’t bother trying to help them out. None of this may even be possible.”

She frowned. “Charlie is a good person and actually deserves our help. Why wouldn’t we just stay with Luci if we didn’t plan on helping? What if she’s right?”

It was his turn to roll his eyes. “It doesn’t matter because I have no say in the designation of mortal souls. That isn’t my dominion. We’re here for protection and to observe. If Charlie can do a good enough job, I may get someone down here about it. That’s the most I can feasibly do. Until then, we’re just hiding out. Please, I am begging you, Mia. Behave.”

His attitude always left her deflated. It was a vicious cycle. Talk to Gabriel. Get upset. Argue. Walk away. Feel guilty for not remembering anything. Talk to Gabriel. Get upset. And then over and over and over. Mia stood up.

“I’ll behave, but I have literally nothing else to do here, so I’m going to help. I’ll see you later, Milton. And take your dishes back to the kitchen.”

As she passed through the door, he said, “Tomorrow 4:30AM.”

“Oh, for f*ck’s sake!” She flipped him off and disappeared.


Mia started on the hotel’s dinner earlier than needed since she received an accurate head count. She’d spent most of the day brainstorming ideas in the run down back courtyards. Between budgets, meal plans, and schedules, her brain was fried. And she still needed to talk with Charlie and Vaggie about these things. Some of her better ideas included food at the bar on the weekends and having made to order food and brunch on Sunday. They may have been basic ideas, but it was something.

Tonight she decided on putting together a couple roasts. That way, there would be leftovers for lunch tomorrow. An eastern European waltz filled the air. Mia worked, sometimes doing a box step or twirl. One of her several hobbies included ballroom dancing. She’d been lucky that her university had an active club for it.

The Russian Brass Band was halfway through ‘On the Hills of Manchuria’ when she rotated, arms extended as if she had a partner. Her eyes shot open and blood ran cold when, out of nowhere, the imaginary figure materialized. Red filled her view as she felt the shifting pull of someone leading a dance. His hand on her side was gentle but demanding in its control.

Alastor’s height should have been an issue, but between his skill and her wedged boots, they fit.

The next track filled the kitchen, a Viennese Waltz that was upbeat from the moment it started. Instead of ruining the fun by asking him what the f*ck he was doing, she decided to enjoy it. Her back bent and neck craned, transforming into a proper dancer, following his every whim. He could have twirled her off a cliff and there would be nothing she could do to stop it. That’s what it meant to trust the leader.

The song ended too quickly. The carefree world would fade away too fast. As the music tapered off, Alastor spun her out of his arms.

Once she completed the turn, she whipped around. The smile on her face split from ear to ear.

“What the … ?”

He wasn’t there. She looked around the kitchen, in the hall, and out into the smaller dining room, but the red man was nowhere to be found. She’d just have to thank him later, she guessed. Or had she hallucinated the whole ordeal?

Mia finished dinner faster as she expected to see him, but he didn’t show. Distracted by the whole ordeal, she sat down at a random table without noticing who else sat there.

“May I help you?” said a snarky male with an antiquated accent.

Across the round table was Baxter. His dinner sat untouched, a couple of books and several papers spread out in front of him.

“Oops. Sorry. I wasn’t paying attention when I sat down.”

“Obviously.” Rude. She eyed his books and perked up.

“I had no idea you could get textbooks in Hell! Where did you get them?” His annoyance with her was palpable.

“You can’t get them.” Her eyebrow raised up.

“Oh?” Her tone was challenging. “And why is that?”

He didn’t answer her, scratching down some more notes. Mia smirked and took a drink. “That’s fine. Though I’d hate to leave you floundering. I bet you haven’t noticed it yet.”

“Ha ha. If that’s the best you’ve got, you're going to have a rough time in Hell, Madam.” His eye twitched, lips snarling up over jagged teeth. “Noticed what?”

“Your math is wrong. Like, really wrong. I would have helped, but since you’re so smart and clever already, I’m sure you’ve caught at least two … oh no, three mistakes.”

Baxter rolled his eyes, then smiled.

“Well, I’m sure if you’re so talented, why don’t you prove it? Here.” He slid over a book, a couple pieces of paper, and a pencil.

Mia examined the title, then flashed him a wide smile. She flipped to a random part of the book and selected one of the hard problems. Other than referencing a couple of places in the text, she was done in fifteen minutes.

Baxter raised an eyebrow at the work and nodded approvingly. “Finally. Someone who isn’t an absolute buffoon in this desolate waste.” He reached over the table to shake her hand. “Baxter Brookheart. Established scientist and researcher. I drowned in the Atlantic in 1911. And you, Madam?”

“Mia Miller. Newly appointed cook and gardener. Suicide pact with my brother,” Mia pointed over at Gabriel, who was gathering food onto a plate. They sat back down and started talking math. “I can help you get books, by the way. I just don’t associate myself with the others often. Too busy with my work.”

He started telling her about how he got books from Earth on the black-market but she noticed Gabriel approaching. With a gesture to shut up and a nod in Gabriel’s direction, Baxter deftly switched topics. He continued by talking about his life with painfully dull details hoping to ward off her brother.

Regardless of Baxter's efforts, Gabriel sat on Mia’s right-hand side.

“Baxter, this is my older brother, Milton. He’s doing ... What are you doing again?” She knew it was athletic, but forgot the rest.

“I’m teaching self defense, some exercise, and sports classes. Milton Miller.”

“It’s interesting,” Baxter started, “Normally siblings turn up in Hell as the same demonic species. Take Angel Dust for example. His father and older brother are also spiders, even though they all died at different times. I haven’t seen any siblings who weren’t. Is one of you adopted?”

Mia and Gabriel looked at each other, then they both shrugged.

“Maybe?” Mia said. “It doesn’t matter now, seeing as how we’re in Hell and all.” Gabriel continued.

Going back to his papers, Baxter added, “Well, if you find out, let me know. That information could be useful in my research.” After that, he pointedly ignored them, or mostly Gabriel.

The fish man stood up, officially uninterested in having company. Before he walked away entirely, “I look forward to having you check my work Madam Governess.”

Mia snorted and nodded. “See you around Baxter.”

Gabriel looked at her expectantly and she groaned, turning defensive. “He’s a scientist, not a murderer. Apparently, he keeps up with contemporary mathematics. I find that rather impressive.”

“Have you always been this naïve?”

“Have you always been so cantankerous?”

“I like to think so,” he retorted, tugging playfully on her ear.

“Hey! Those are sensitive!” Mia went to grab one of his fluffy ears. Instead, they ended up playing the famous sibling game of haha-your-arms-are-shorter-than-mine.


I feel weird having characters get too buddy buddy too quickly. But hopefully you can see the dynamics forming. Subplots are coming! God I hope at least. My brain hasn't decided or at least hasn't told me about any yet. I am going to play with Baxter though. My head version of him is someone who is so out of sorts socially that it is comical yet terrifying. ONWARD!

Don't add cocoa powder to yogurt kids. It seems like a good idea, but it isn't. I hate being wasteful so I ate it anyway. It just ... I don't recommend. And IDK what specific kind of math I was referencing. I was thinking some kind of statistical mechanics or modeling methods for material scientists. Beats me.

- Music links -

Russian Brass Band: On the Hills of Manchuria

Chapter 6: Choices


Thoughts on cannibalism. Not going. Nevermind, going.


Well holy f*cking sh*t I DID NOT realize how BOOOOORING this story was until now. It feels so dramamtic and exciting to me because I have all the later sh*t in my head. But it doesn't matter if there's no nonsense in the beginning does it?

I try to write realistically. I like logic, order, staying in character. But then ... nothing about this feel necessarily in character because these f*ckers are supposed to be WILD.

Ugh. I gotta work on this. If you've made it this far, I'm seriously grateful. And reaaaaallllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sorry.

No more boring.
Got it.
Sometimes boring.

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 326

The next four days went by peacefully enough. One morning she woke up to Gabriel banging on her door for training. His neuroticism didn’t even trust her to wake up on time! Though ... she had attempted to skip the first one. Afterwards was breakfast duty. There were never leftovers. No matter how much she made, they could eat it all. Maybe that was the upside of Hell, no more food waste.

Today, the weather was kind enough for working in the garden.

Weather in Hell was a funny thing. There weren’t seasons, but there were weather forecasts. Sort of. Weather in Hell could only be predicted two or three days at a time which made sense. It added to the whole misery of being dead sinners, she supposed.

Mia enjoyed watching the news because it was hilarious and oddly informative. Also Jeffery Dahmer had his own cooking segment and Adolf Hitler had a Bob Ross-esque follow-along painting series. Mia didn’t condone serial killing or mass genocide, but it was so bizarre that she found herself watching anyway. The station also had shorts about overlords past and present. She’d yet to see one on Alastor though.

The back courtyards and gardens were gorgeous, but rundown. A large patio and marble staircase lead down to sprawling overgrowth, lethal plants, and decrepit structures. She steeled herself for the day of cleaning, chopping, and general manual labor. If she'd been in Boston she would have enlisted help but guests were either in therapy sessions, at work, or just not giving a flying f*ck.

“This is certainly not work suitable for a lady, my dear!” Static pricked her skin and she shivered.

On the grand patio was Alastor, seated at a red parasol-topped tea table that had not been there previously. Mia tied the bag of debris shut before turning to her surprise guest.

“It is certainly suitable work for this lady. Though your comment has been formally submitted with the complaints department.”

A small laugh track sounded from the microphone he propped against his lap. “A clever doe, aren’t you?”

“Of course, if I doe say so myself.” This time he laughed instead. Alastor then snapped his fingers, seating her across from him.

“Perhaps you should rest a spell! Refreshment?” A wave of his hand produced two glasses of lemonade. Mia thought of all the whispers and warnings and news recaps she heard about the Radio Demon. But would he really try to poison her drink for giggles? Was being in his line of sight enough to merit being in danger?

“I assure you it is safe, Sweetheart! I do not take pleasure in a cowardly kill.”

In effort to not offend him she drank the lemonade, presently surprised that it was normal, cold, tart lemonade. “My apologies. It just seems everyone wants to warn newcomers about overlords and the perils of the Radio Demon.”

His clawed hand wiped a nonexistent tear while the other touched his heart. “What a touching sentiment! Decades of hard work paying off! Miss Miller you have warmed my cold dead heart. Say, did you and that mongrel roam the streets long before Charlotte hired you?”

Uh-oh. Of course these kinds of questions were inevitable but it didn’t make her any less wary.

“No. Milton decided to call the hotel as soon as he saw the flyer. I guess it makes sense he’s a dog. My survival instincts compared to his are non-existent.” She grinned nervously at him. Remember the K.I.S.S method. Keep it simple, stupid.

There was a pause in the air. Normally she didn’t feel the need to make conversation where there was none but his gaze made her feel small and on edge. “So … Mister Alastor, what was your first day in Hell like?”

“You are a funny little thing! What must be buzzing around in that head of yours, hmm? No need to be so formal! My arrival in Hell was quite the adventure compared to yours! It was 1933 and I arrived as naked as the day I was born!”

Everyone arrives in Hell naked? How had no one mentioned that? Then again, she was supposed to be dead which meant she was supposed to know that automatically. Alastor regaled her of his day one massacre. Mia was fascinated but appalled.

“34 demons on day one? I don’t think I could take one now, let alone Fat Nugget.” It was true. Other than looking like a demon, she had nothing else going for her. Her brothers either overlooked that detail or did it on purpose. She didn’t know which scenario was worse.

“Indeed! As you young people say, I made it rain! Blood that is. I made it rain the blood of demons for a whole city block! I also learned that some demons taste quite better than others!”

Her face went blank and her head tipped sideways. “Pardon?” The word came out slow and thick with confusion.

“Why yes! I must say your kind, the insect variety, holds no flavor whatsoever! I mean it in no offense, surely. It is just that one cannot argue with simple facts. A few demons of the domestic mammal variety were far tastier and marbled exquisitely. Meat and butchering is one of my beloved hobbies!”

Finally it clicked. “You, um, you’re a cannibal?”

His face contorted. Instead of the sarcastic, jeering drama queen, she saw him as a wicked, sad*stic creature. Eyes sharp on her like a predator, his grin spread wider than before, showing near black gums. There was a sense of pride in his posture suddenly.

Run, stupid.

Her hand gripped the edge of the chair, forcing herself to sit where she was. Running from predators made them chase. They leave when they get bored. She breathed deeply and slowly, not blinking. He didn’t blink either. She sure as f*ck wasn’t going to blink first.

“Of course.” He sounded deeper. It sounded like a threat. Or a promise.

She nodded slowly, forcing a small smile. Her brain needed something quick. “Is it really cannibalism though?” The question was enough to pique his interest and something in his manner shifted back to the casual air of being a casual asshole.

“Please elaborate! I’m interested in what you mean.” Her heart rate started coming back down and her muscles loosened. A small cramp formed in her calf from how hard she’d tightened up.

“Well, unless all demons are a single species, it wouldn’t technically be considered cannibalism. If I’m a dragonfly, I presume, and my brother is a dog, are we technically different species? If we aren’t then is cannibalism actually definable as the eating of other self aware creatures? Then that leads to the consideration of those who may be brain dead. If it isn’t species based, is it consciousness based?”

His head turned to the side with an audible click. She would have laughed but she was still coming down from terrorville.

“A perplexing thought indeed. On Earth it is an easier question since we were the only species of humans left. Your question for Hell though would be no different than sapiens eating neanderthals. Different technically, but the same in mental capacity and in terms of society. Cannibalism is a social construct more than anything.”

This bizarre debate was helping soothe her nerves. “So you believe that as long as you eat someone who can participate in society, then it is considered cannibalism?”

“Of course. We could debate species, genus, families, and orders until Hell freezes over, but it is irrelevant if it doesn't strike the populous with a taboo sense of fear and moral dilemma.”

With that he stood up, checking a pocket watch. “As much as I have enjoyed our meeting of the minds, I must be off! Adieu chére, bon appetit! ” He snapped then faded away into a shadow.

Was he just trying to be funny? The table didn’t disappear with him. In front of her was a bowl of tomato soup, grilled cheese, and a refilled glass of lemonade. She inspected the food. Perfectly vegetarian.

“Oh thank God.” Mia would have lost her mind if she thought she was eating someone else. Taking a bite, the food was fantastic.

Peripherally she noticed a lack of growth in the courtyard. He’d cleaned up the garden too. Below was now a blank, clean canvas for her to work in. Alastor had just saved her two weeks worth of struggle and for that she was grateful. Though, she had forgotten to ask him about the impromptu waltz. This demon was driving her up the wall already and she’d only spoken with him twice.

“Guess he really is bored,” she muttered into the sandwich. Perhaps Gabriel was right about her laying as low as a worm.


Across town, Alastor appeared in Cannibal Colony, on his way to a luncheon with some tasteful members of Rosie’s territory. On a wall of posters he noticed the only version released by the hotel. Rainbow doodles and other frilly nonsense littered the page but it lacked one detail: a phone number.


The next day during her gardening, Baxter came over. Other than at breakfast or dinner, she’d never seen him out and about.

“Hello.” He seemed much shier suddenly. Maybe he had severe social anxiety.

Mia smiled and pulled herself up from the dirt where she was starting some flowers. “Hey there stranger! I feel like I never see you around.”

He grinned and pointed up to the extremely overcast sky. “Angler fish, I’m quite sensitive to daylight which is why I’m in the basem*nt.”

“Ohhh. That makes sense. Sorry. I don’t really know much about fish, heh. So what do you have there?” Mia was trying to be polite but he just stood there staring at the ground, even fidgeting. She stood up and pointed to the materials in his hands.

“Oh right. I was hoping you could check over some of my work and we could discuss a few things. I find that I learn quicker through discourse but I lack the appropriate company here. Until now that is.” The last sentence was barely a whisper.

She wondered how hard he tried to muster the courage to go up to a new person to strike up a conversation. If he was here for redemption, she wasn’t going to ruin his first brave attempt at making friends.

“Why don’t we talk it over at the bar in doors? Just in case the clouds break and all.” He nodded enthusiastically and they headed for the front desk bar.

Husker, eyeballed the pair suspiciously as they sat down. Without much thought he poured Mia a greyhound but stared at Baxter.

“You ain’t drank here before.”

Baxter’s meek attitude turned defiant and sour, though certainly not shy. “Yet here I am now. Martini, dry. What’s that you're drinking?” He asked Mia in an effort to avoid Husker.

“Grapefruit juice and vodka.” The bar cat slid over Baxter’s drink and picked up his paperback book and rail liquor.

Mia and Baxter spread out the papers and books on the bar counter and fell into a natural rhythm coming up with solutions to various problems. They got so caught up in their work that no one noticed Angel sneaking up behind them. The spider demon got right up over their shoulders. “Ew, what the f*ck is this sh*t ya buncha f*ckin’ nerds?”

Angel pulled the book out of Baxter’s hands and flipped through the pages. “Why ya doin’ this sh*t? I could introduce ya to some drugs or whor*s or somethin’. sh*t Baxter, no wonder we never see ya. I’d be embarrassed too if this was the freaky sh*t I was into.”

Before the seething Baxter could retaliate, Mia stood up on the bar stool and whacked Angel on the back of the head. “Now you listen here you molded over, lasagna sounding cum dumpster! Give that back to him right now and apologize! We were over here working on something that is not any of your business. Maybe if you were more like Baxter you’d know numbers large enough to count your blessings!”

She snapped her arm out and grabbed him by the cheek since she couldn’t find an ear. Scolding him like a child left him dumbfounded and wide eyed. His apology wasn’t coming fast enough for her short temper. “Angel! Apologize! That is if you want to keep eating here.”

Food seemed to be the great motivator at the Hazbin Hotel and she was queen of the kitchen.

Angel pouted like a child and pried his cheek out of her claws. Begrudgingly he handed back the book to Baxter who had already gathered everything else up. “Sorry for taking ya book,” he said looking at the floor. Baxter snatched it away and stormed off towards the basem*nt.

“Angel, I seriously expected better from you.” Her tone reeked with disappointment.

The spider sneered and shrugged, turning from the bar. “Yeah yeah, whatever. I disappointed my ma so ya ain’t nothin’ worth getting’ twisted about.”

Mia called after him. “For two weeks you’re doing dishes with me every morning after breakfast! Otherwise I'll hold your and Nugget’s food hostage indefinitely!” He didn’t say anything or turn around. He just flipped her off and disappeared.

She huffed back onto the bar stool. Husker graciously made her another drink. “Are these always free?”

“Do you really want to know?” He countered.

Mia shook her head and took a sip. “You think after being alive for seventy or more years they’d learn to treat other people with some basic decency.”

“You know you’re in Hell right?” He was right. Why had she expected better of Angel? It wasn’t any of her business but it was that same incessant need. “You believe in this insane sh*t don’t ya?”

“I’m starting to think you have the highest IQ and EQ in the building Husk. You certainly know what I’m thinking.”

He just shrugged and leaned onto the bar counter. “Angel’s a good kid. Just f*cked in the head.”

“I can’t even imagine living through the time periods most of you have. My life was so easy.”

“Time to toughen up kiddo,” he said softly, “Hell’s an exhausting place and you just got here. Believing in this redemption bullsh*t ain’t gonna make it any easier on you either.”

She groaned again and took a deeper drink. Hell was turning her into a functional alcoholic that was for sure. “I know Angel has a good heart, but dumb head. I just … sometimes he looks like a lost kid who grew up way too fast.” Husker raised his bottle in agreement.

To change the subject, Husker asked, “So you good at shufflin’ numbers around?”

Mia raised a white eyebrow at him. “I like to think so. Why?”

“Poker tonight. No buy in. The pot is mixed goods.”

“Who plays? And who deals?”

“It’s normally me, Legs, Al, and Nifty. We got a regular table over at Mimzy’s place. Her guy Jack deals. Every other Thursday evening.”

“I’d be interested but I doubt my brother would like that.” Husk scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“If your brother gets to control your life then you ain’t got no right to bitch at Legs. Mimzy’s is a safe enough place. It’s in Al’s territory so no one f*cks around there unless they wanna join him for dinner. And your brother ain’t invited. Al hates dogs.”

Her spine shivered recollecting their time spent debating the definition of cannibalism. Still that did remind her. “Count me in. You work for Alastor, right?”

“Eh. Sure. Why?”

“He helped me this week with some work out in the courtyards and I just wasn’t sure how to thank him.”

Husk caught a glimpse of her translucent wings jittering slightly. Alastor made tons of people nervous and it seemed she was smart enough to be scared of him. “Al’s big on manners so a simple thank you would be fine.” Something in her face told him she wasn’t satisfied with the answer. “But, Al’s big on good food. Deer meat in particular.”

Her brow furrowed and he chuckled. “Yeah, I thought the same thing when I found out he eats more than other people. But turns out he’s a big snob.”

Mia nodded, contemplating. They changed topics and Husk told her all about the speakeasy lounge Mimzy ran. Their conversation faded off into silence as she hung out watching the news until it was time to get dinner started. Pulling out her phone, she texted Charlie.

Hey hey <3
I’m probably going to poker night at Mimzy’s but
need some help with “Milton”. Also, got anything that I could

It took all of five seconds for her phone to buzz.

I have some super duper sparkly
pantsuits and rompers you could wear~
And don’t worry about Uncle!
OOPS ^_____^;;;;

But yes! I can help.

Every time she spoke with Charlie either in person or text, she fell in love with the girl even more. Still, a lot of what Lucifer said made sense concerning her niece. She was bright and optimistic. Fatally so.

Mia had three casseroles and four trays of roasted vegetables in the ovens by the time Charlie rolled down with Vaggie.

“I can’t wait to dress you up! You look so beautiful as a demon! I’m going to make you look so smoking hot!” Her thumbs popped out and she suddenly looked like a film director inspired to make some grandiose flick.

“Of course! I’m yours to do with as you please, your highness!” Mia curtseyed then waved at Vaggie. “Have you been practicing?”

Charlie answered for her girlfriend. “She’s gotten sooooooo much better at chess! She had me so stumped earlier today! Vaggie is such a smart britches!” She poked the grey skinned girl in the cheeks lovingly.

“Yes, I’ve been practicing with Charlie and playing online too. I even won a couple games.” The two girls helped her set out all of the dinner necessities and vowed to clean up in Mia’s stead. Before Cinderella could gamble the night away, the three needed to get her past her wicked brother.

Gabriel was eating his food when three demonesses surrounded him. Mia propped her chin up between his ears and smiled, “Hello darling big brother!”

“Are you enjoying your dinner?” Asked Charlie all too sweetly. Vaggie sat too close, saying nothing but looking like she knew all the secrets to the universe, gaze unblinking, steady, and strong. Gabriel officially felt very trapped and confused.

“Of course. So what can I do for you? I take it the three of you aren’t here to check on my health?” He chewed on a brussel sprout while waiting.

“So some parts of Hell are really safe!” Charlie started, a puppy dog expression already on her face, nose to nose with her uncle. “Alastor is very committed to the hotel and its protection and as an overlord he also sees to keeping his territory safe, which includes safety for everyone from the hotel. Tonight is poker night and we were hoping you’d be willing to let Mia go!”


Charlie had left out on purpose how she and Vaggie weren’t actually participating. It seemed she took after her father more than anyone knew. Still, she knew Gabriel wouldn’t give in so easy. Of course she planned on going but she just didn’t want to fight with him anymore, especially when she was going with people from the hotel.

“See, it is perfectly safe! I really really really want to go!” Mia whined, her arms squeezing around his shoulders.

Gabriel stood up, Mia now dangling half a foot off of the floor. “Excuse us girls,” he said, taking his sister into the kitchen for some privacy. He shut them into the pantry and let her finally climb off him.

“Please!” Mia pleaded before he could say anything.

He just shook his head and rubbed his face in frustration. “I thought you understood. I thought you said you would stay here and stay away from him.

“I’m asking for permission! I’m an adult woman asking you for permission. If that isn’t me being responsible, I don’t know what is. You’ll know where I am and who I’m with. And I’ll be under the direct protection of one of the most powerful people in the city. I don’t see how I could be any more safe than that!”

A low rumble emanated from his chest. “Mia. It is too dangerous. I can’t make you understand that without you actually getting into serious danger. This isn’t the cabin. This isn’t Boston. We have discussed this already. You will stay here. You don’t even know these people. And they’re murderers and psychopaths. Do you want to be buddies with crazy killers?”

“It beats being alone or being with you all day. Ever since that blue demon broke in you’ve just been a jerk!”

“Excuse me for trying to protect you!”

“I don’t need your protection! I never did! I didn’t know who or what you were until that day!” The emotions on his face changed. She immediately regretted pulling such a low blow as her words must have struck a nerve.

“Do you remember when you got into that car crash when you were 15?”

“Of course I do. What the f*ck does tha-”

“You should have died in that crash. I pulled you out. You weren’t ejected from the windshield. And then when you went to Abigail Cline’s house party at the age of 17. Dalton Michelson put roofies in your drink. I switched the cups. That was why he almost drowned in the pool. At 23 you walked home from the library at 3AM on a Monday morning. The taxi driver who gave you a ride home was me since Gemma didn’t pick you up.”

The blood drained from her face. “You've stalked me since I was 15?”

“I was waiting for you to remember! I found you for the first time in decades in 2001. Do you not remember those records?” Mia recalled how all of her death certificates documented her dying before 25. Gabriel kept her alive a decade past her expiration date.

"Why can't you tell me what happened? Just tell me the truth and we can work this out! I know you don't want me asking but you can't expect all of this ridiculous sh*t from me and not tell me the truth."

"You did this to yourself."

That was confusing. She'd made herself forget? Disappear or what? There was too much she didn't understand. She bit her bottom lip, not up for arguing anymore. “I yield.”

He went to touch her shoulder but she just smacked him off. Taking the message, he said “Thank you for listening. I need you to be safe.” Then he left and shut the pantry door.

Sliding to the floor, she brought her knees up under her chin. Her heart ached, but she didn’t feel like crying. Mostly she was confused and frustrated. She had questions and no answers. And apparently whoever she was before, made this decision for her now. This felt unfair.

Was she her own victim in all of this?

On one hand, being in Hell felt like home compared to the lukewarm biological family and various boarding schools. Was this how every life felt? Just mediocre? Passive? Destined to die early and unfulfilled? Of course, she hadn’t felt that way about her life before. But in comparison, the bizarre days in Hell far outshone some of her fondest memories.

What did that mean?

If she died, then lived, then died, over and over and over again, she wouldn’t have known anything was wrong … Permanently mediocre ignorance. So what if she died while in Hell? An apathetic version of curiosity filled her.

Why not actually commit suicide?

Mia scoffed at her own stupidity. "I'd probably just start the process all over again." Born to another family. Another girl. Another death. Around and around. There was a comedic ring to it. She didn't want to go back to Earth so she would have to avoid dying while in Hell.

Maybe she needed to talk with Lucifer … No. He was very much like Gabriel on not telling her what happened to bind her soul to the mortal plane. She thought about how he purposefully kept Charlie in the dark about the Pagans and new relatives.

Did they see her in the same light? Ill prepared and incapable of handling anything?

It made her angry! This was her life! She wasn’t a child and she was going to learn these secrets. They were her secrets! Then again, allegedly, she'd traded them for ... what exactly?

All she did was confuse herself, flopping back and forth between being ecstatic for getting to know them but absurdly pissed at how they were treating her.

Someone knocked on the door of the pantry. One-two-three-four-five then one-two. She’d heard that knock anywhere and everywhere but didn’t know what it was called. Concerned why someone would knock on a pantry door she opened it up. There stood Alastor, prim and proper with his arms behind his back.

“Dear girl, this is not how cooking was done in my day!”

“Hi.” She said lamely.

He eyed her from head to toe, looking moderately displeased. “Darling this is no way to be dressed for a night on the town! Women are still so keen to keep the men waiting, hmm?”

She carefully stepped around him and out of the pantry. “I’m really sorry if I kept you guys waiting. I’m not going. But I hope you have a good time!”

“Why that is absolute hogwash!”

With a dancer’s expertise he took her hand and spun her under his arm. On the turnout she caught a glimpse of her bare charcoal leg, wearing new t-strap heels. Now he held an oval mirror in both hands. Mia looked at herself and gasped. She inspected her front and back.

She wore a beaded, velvet flapper dress in a peaco*ck motif. Dappled in jewel toned blues, greens, and purples. Outlined with gold and shimmering black. The dress was turtlenecked and backless for her wings, while she wore the satin black dancing shoes and elbow length gloves. Her white hair was waved and pinned to perfection with a headband of peaco*ck feathers.

“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph...” she whispered to her reflection.

The mirror disappeared. Alastor smirked then bowed, quite pleased with his handy work. “In return for the ensemble, I only request a dance or three from the lady.”

Still stunned she shook his outstretched hand. There was a faint green flash but he didn’t answer when she tried to ask what it was. Instead he forcibly pulled her in close, wrapping her hand into the nook of his elbow. Then he escorted her out of the kitchen like a proper gentleman.

In the lobby waited an atypically clothed Husk, in a simple suit, Angel dolled up in a slinky hot pink gown with black accents, and Nifty who looked absolutely adorable in a baby pink 1950s circle dress. The smaller girl skittered up impossibly fast onto Alastor’s opposite shoulder.

“Oh my gosh! You look so gorgeous! All the colors are so pretty! We thought you weren’t coming! At first I said maybe you’d forgotten but then we decided that your brother locked you away in your room! I made everyone wait for you!”

Mia smiled big and extended her free hand out to Nifty, who grabbed it in solidarity. “Nifty, you’re amazing, did you know that? Thank you so much for waiting on me. I’m really happy you did!”

Her sharp smile grew wide and she flipped her hair with pride. “I really am though!”

Angel weaseled his way into Husker’s arm, “Thank God Al is man enough to handle two dames! That way I can have this puss* cat all to myself!”

Under her arm, Alastor went stiff and Mia stepped away, unsure of what the reaction was. Nifty just stayed on his shoulder, giggling at the flustered spider/cat pairing. Angel’s fingers seductively walked up the front of Husk’s shirt while the two lower arms still clung to his right limb. The cat’s face went strawberry red. “You’re f*cking lucky you look like a broad tonight Legs or I’d beat you off me.”

Angel purred seductively and smushed his cheek to Husker’s. “Ooooh my big strong man! So chivalrous!” Husk grumbled and pulled free and started walking out the door. Mia followed suit with Alastor and Nifty securing the rear.

Chapter 7: Clubbing


Having fun is hard work.


I personally think this chapter is where our story gets its fire!

Always looking for feedback. There will be language notes at the bottom of the page.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Mimzy's Club
Next Cleanse: 326

Alastor snapped them to the front of Mimzy’s establishment. Husker, Nifty and Alastor went in the door past a large, dinosaur looking bouncer.

“Hey Angel?” Mia asked before he could follow suit, grabbing one of his lower arms.

“Whatdya want?” He said, not looking at her, pretending to inspect his nails.

“I’m not sorry for standing up for Baxter, but I am sorry if I hurt you in the process. I definitely shouldn’t have called you a cum dumpster. I think you’re better and kinder and smarter than what people give you credit for. But I get it. This is Hell. All that jazz. But you have a good heart and don’t show it. Maybe that’s part of protecting yourself but Baxter was trying to reach out and I just think ruining that for someone isn’t acceptable.”

She shut up for a minute and instead of inspecting his nails, he stared at the ground dejectedly. Mia sighed and started again. “I get that I’m some random ho who thinks she knows better or some dumb sh*t but I believe in Charlie’s dream. And I think you’re worth more than being mean to someone weaker than you.” She took a step to move past him into the building, but he placed both of his right hands on her arm.

“Guess I prolly ought apologize to fish boy for real yeah?” He looked bashful, but maybe hopeful?

“Yeah, but only after we get sh*t faced. How’s that sound?”

“Sugs, don’t bother trying to keep up the pace. Me an’ Husky’ll drink ya under the table!”

“Oh but I can try!” Arm in arm they walked past the bouncer who wolf whistled at them. Angel licked his lips at the big guy and opened his mouth suggestively.

Gatsby didn’t hold a candle to this club’s interior. Thick swaths of velvet, multiple landings and levels overlooking a packed dance floor. A stage wrapping around half the room at the far end. The inside was massive and there had to be at least 200 demons dressed to the nines. Chandeliers. Waiters and waitresses, looking like wealthy dancers.

“I thought this would be some quiet place!” She had to raise her voice for him to hear her. Angel dragged her through one of the archways and up two flights of stairs to a gambling parlor overlooking the stage and dance floor.

A corner booth next to the balcony is where they found their companions. Two other demons hung around. One was a short plump woman dressed like an original flapper with short blonde hair and big dark eyes. The other was a blue flaming demon with his skeleton visible.

“We were startin’ to think you got picked up by a John.”

“Oh Husky baby! You worried about me? Don’t worry, I won’t make you share tonight.” Angel slipped into the booth, almost laying across Husker. The cat bristled and hissed, pushing him off.

“I ain’t interested!”

Poor Husker.

It seemed like the pair was always somewhere between ice cold and almost friendly. It was like watching two kids on the playground experiencing the inklings of emotion for the first time. Novel and clumsy.

All the while Mia felt the stares of the two demons she didn’t know. The small woman did not look pleased or impressed and actually postured herself between Alastor and the empty seat next to him.

“Gams! I saids ya ain’t to bring in them other hussies if ya come here!” Her voice was high. Honestly, she could have been the original Betty Boop with that rhythmic nasally voice.

“Why Mimzy, dear, Angel has done no such thing! This here is a new employee of my business venture, certainly not one of the pro skirts from that disgusting whor* house.” Before Alastor could introduce Mimzy though, she stepped in to do it herself.

“Name’s Mimzy, doll. This is my club. Cause any trouble and ya’s outta here.”

Mia wasn’t sure if this was a friendly or hostile interaction. “It’s a pleasure. This is a beautiful club. You have decadent tastes.” The club owner scoffed and turned back to Alastor with a sweet smile. The flaming skeleton man took her hand and placed a small kiss on the back of it.

“Добрый вечер госпожа. I am Stanislav, though your companions call me Jack. I am the parlor manager.” Mia turned visibly bashful at his politeness but his accent was what made her warm. She smiled at him a bit too much.

“Станислав. Девушка новая. Остыньте.” Husk said in a flawless accent. The flaming demon let go of her hand but winked charmingly and excused himself.

Mia wasn’t exactly sure where to sit a the only real free space was in the middle. Alastor snapped his fingers, placing her in the empty space between him and Nifty who had been watching the dance for the whole time. What freaked her out the most was how he draped an arm across her shoulders, the claws gently scraping her skin.

Wide eyed she looked at him, but he was looking at Mimzy with a sad*stic grin. In turn, Mimzy was looking at her with absolutely murderous intentions. No one else seemed surprised by this, though Angel was snickering and winked at her. Next he waved his phone at her.

Mim’s got it baaaaad 4 Al
Ya bein used 2 run her off
( ˘▽˘)っ RIP MIA

f*ck. She hadn’t come tonight to make some insecure demoness with a crush give in on pursuing Alastor! No wonder he wanted her to come with them. She was starting to learn he did nothing for the sake of kindness.

Seconds later she got another text from Angel. It was a sneaky photo taken of Husker, a bulge tight in his pants. The cat demon absolutely must not have known about it because Angel was still trying to flirt with him and was not twice dead.

Suddenly the phone was out of her hands, thankfully locked, held up by Alastor as if it were a dirty napkin. “It is not polite to use these menacing devices at the table Sweet Girl.” Despite the flowery words he looked and sounded annoyed. He then tucked it into his inner suit pocket.

“Give me my phone back!”

By the time her hand shot out to grab it, it was already gone. His long arm wrapped all the way around her with ease, locking her outstretched wrist in his hand. Due to this, when he turned to look at her, they were practically nose to nose. His teeth looked sharper suddenly. Like he could gnash through her with no effort. Those red eyes made her feel small and compliant. She gulped, brain frozen, cheeks burning hot. Even worse was just how good he smelled. A familiar feeling stirred in her lower stomach.

“You may have it later.” His voice came out slow and even, the same as good scotch. It left a warmth in her, causing her skin to prickle.

She gave a meek and obedient nod. A claw gently traced across her wrist and he whispered, “Good girl.”

He pulled away from her entirely and turned to Mimzy, striking up an animated conversation. Mia’s head swam as she slid closer to Nifty and Husk. The three of them were looking at her. Nifty, bright eyed and giggling, Husk with some mixture of annoyance and pity, and Angel who certainly looked like he was enjoying it far too much.

“Can I get a drink?” She huffed.

Angel slid over a shot of untouched, amber liquid. Then she took another. Thankfully Alastor and Mimzy had left the table. “I thought we were playing poker?”

“We will whenever Jack comes back!” piped up Nifty. “We need more booze!”

She rushed to the bar and brought back a mixture of co*cktails on a tray. The bartender panicked like he had just lost something. Nifty stole them right out from under him. “On the house,” she announced with a thumbs up.

“When in Rome!” Mia grabbed a purplish martini and took a sip. Everyone clinked glasses and if felt like their party finally started. Nifty and Angel took to ganging up on Husker.

Then the lights of the club dimmed and the sounds of revelry quieted. They all looked over to the stage and Husker groaned, “Oh for f*ck’s sake! Not this f*cking goddamn bullsh*t again!”

Husker leaned over the railing as far as he could without flying, shaking his fist, “Not this f*cking sh*t!” He bellowed as Alastor twirled his microphone on stage. Before Husk could wail anymore, Alastor pointed at him. While the cat was certainly still yelling his head off and pointing at the red demon, no sound came from him.

“What’s going on?” Mia asked Nifty.

Nifty chuckled nervously, but Angel was the one who answered. “Smiles thinks he’s the best f*ckin’ comedian in the room. Mimzy let’s him on stage thinkin’ she might get into his pants. I’ve tried and it ain’t happenin’. But the broad ain’t gave up yet.”

Alastor needed no help projecting to the room as he spoke into his staff, “Good evening ladies and gentle demons! Might I say most of you are looking as disgusting as ever! Oh ho ho!” A laugh track played over the audience’s terrified silence.

“How about a round of applause for our gracious, loveliest host, yes? ” On the last word his eyes turned to radio dials, static clipping and whirring throughout the club. It was a promise of demise if the audience didn’t bend to his will. So they did. The roars and wolf-whistles were instant and deafening as a spotlight turned on Mimzy. She was genuinely blushing waving to the crowd, and making sultry eyes at Alastor.

“Before our precious, oh so talented Mimzy can delight us, I took it upon myself to fill in for the opening act! How dreadful to have an accident before a performance! C’est la vie! The show must go on! ”

Then came heavy cheers from the crowd and Mia couldn’t tell if the applause was genuine. Maybe it was honest, if only to not incur Alastor’s wrath.

“So wait … are his jokes bad?”

Angel guffawed, “They’re awful. He’d be better off readin’ the dictionary.” Mia looked around the table to find Husk with his hands on a bottle of top shelf booze and Nifty with a very tropical looking drink. She took a drink too, wondering how drunk everyone needed to be for Alastor's jokes.

“There’s a medical anomaly these days! You can’t have a nose that is 12 inches long. Then it would be a foot! Anyone else interested in biology? There’s a fool proof way to diagnose if you were built upside down! How you ask? You’ll know if your feet smell and your nose runs! ”

Mia choked back a laugh. Dad jokes. No wonder everyone hated him on stage. She on the other hand, was excited. Gabriel was always mortified by her terrible, cringe worthy sense of comedy.

“I was taking a lovely stroll this afternoon. An acquaintance of mine approached asking if he and I could talk. I said, ‘I’m not certain how else this conversation would work!’”

“The fellow asked me to fix an appliance! Despite not being an electrician, I tried! When he used it again, he was shocked by my handy work! ”

He walked around the stage. “I was never much for arithmetic as a boy! I preferred grammar and spelling! Anytime I saw a one I could just add a ‘G’ and it was GONE.”

In the balcony Husker was almost through his bottle, Nifty had actually ran off somewhere, and Angel was taking provocative selfies. Mia had her hands clamped down on her mouth to stop the fit of giggles that threatened to over take her. The demon on the stage seemed much less frightening than the one who had taken her phone. Though it was an act, it didn’t matter. Her shoulders rattled with laughter. Luckily her companions hadn’t taken notice. Their reaction would be scathing if they thought she enjoyed this appallingly hilarious string of jokes.

“I heard a rumor about the butter, but I’m not going to spread it. I heard another one about the ceiling but it would just be over your heads!”

“Ladies and gentle demons! I present to you a treat for our ears and sight for sore eyes: Mimzy! ”

The crowd roared as Mimzy shimmied her way onto the stage and the band sparked to life with loud bopping dance music. At this point she couldn’t hold it back and her howling was much less noticeable with all the noise level so high.

“Oh my god you guys hate that?!” One hand wiped tears from her eyes as the other gripped onto the seat.

“You didn’t!?” Angel proclaimed. “Al’s stuff is …” His voice trailed off which cause Mia to look at him through her fits. Then she turned to see at what he was looking at. Alastor now stood at the end of the table twirling his cane.

“My ‘stuff’ is what Angel? Please continue! No true entertainer is afraid of criticism and critique! We only strive to better ourselves to become greater performers!”

Angel’s smile twisted, his voice purring and low. “Al, I’ll let you entertain me any day. I might even show you a thing or two. I keep my audience engaged.”

Alastor took the microphone and pushed Angel back into his seat. “Five feet my fair fellow! Surely we wouldn’t want you getting hurt.”

Mia did her best to contain her laughing but seeing Alastor after that … it just didn’t feel normal. Of course he rattled her nerves but the comedy set had been so animated and dorky that she actually enjoyed it immensely.

“I must have a new fan! Did you enjoy my comedic stylings?”

Taking in a large breath to answer properly, a large grin exposing her baby like fangs, “Yes. Yes I did. I love dad jokes.” His microphone played fanfare as he took a bow.

“Urgh, don’t tell him that! It’ll go to his head.” Husk stood up, motioning for them to follow.

The poker game only took an hour as Husker and Angel cleaned everyone else out. And the winnings were absolutely bizarre. Some of Nifty’s fanfiction or a custom story, actual money from Alastor, Husker bet his inability to stop cursing and bar drinks, and Angel offered to restrict himself from making lewd comments or a fashion shoot in Nifty’s case. What could she want with Angel in a photo shoot … Actually, that felt like a dangerous question. Going along with the favor system Mia bet her knack for baking.

By the end of the night Angel took the cake, pumping six fists and grinning like a mad man. Money was great, but Mia understood why they kept coming back for this game. Winning meant the losers owed you something and that carried weight in Hell. The group left the room and she was coming up the rear when a blue flamed hand waved her down.

“Are you enjoying this night?” asked Stanislav. It was odd how a flaming, blue skeleton man could exude so much charm and expression, but oh boy did he.

“Best night of my after life. ” He chuckled then stepped in closer. Then another. Her wings scraped the sides of the poker table. Between moving backwards and drinking the whole night, Mia stumbled. Her elbows supported her weight against the velvet table top, wings now splayed out.

His leg moved between hers and the blue filled her peripheral vision. “Falling for me already? At least wait until we f*ck, yes?”

What had she gotten into? Mia found herself angry. She spit at him and rammed her shin into his crotch. There was no telling what he had down there, but it was the same as any other man.

“Противная шлюха!” When she moved to bolt, he grabbed her ankle. She should have hit the floor, but didn’t.

Once again, it was her sad*stic knight in crimson pinstripe.

His mouth was split wider, his frame moderately taller, antlers steadily growing into a tree of daggers, eyes like radio dials. Even though Alastor was in a monstrous shape, he held her gently, his claws not anywhere near harming her. Her ankle was free and she righted herself in her savior’s arm.

“Alastor.” She called out. He didn’t hear her. Unsure of what to do she touched his cheek. The twisted gaze turned on her. It was horrifying but she steeled and smiled at him. “Hey there. I’m ok, see? What about that dance I promised you? ”

As the demonic visage fell away, she removed her hand from his face. His smile returned and he escorted her towards the dance floor without another look back.

Once among the throng of swinging demons, Mia felt like she could breathe easier. Instead of waiting for Alastor, she took his hand and dragged him to the middle. If he liked to dance the least she could do was commit to it wholly for the evening!

Alastor’s stamina for dancing put hers to shame! It took near an hour for the Charleston to finally best Mia. Giddy with the atmosphere she managed to weasel away, unsure if he’d even noticed her leaving. She grabbed a glass of champagne from a waiter and caught her breath.

When had she last danced like that? Taking a sip, she looked around to make sure Stanislav hadn’t come back for round two. Not that he would. Surely facing down the Radio Demon was enough to scare him off? The crazy part was she kind of hoped he’d come back, if only to watch Alastor rip him a new one …

No. You don’t want to go around luring unsuspecting men into the Radio Demon’s claws!

Angel found her at the table.

“Where ya been?” The look in his eyes insinuated something more savory than cutting a rug.

“Dancing!” She looked onto the floor but Alastor was no where to be seen. “What about you?”

He just shrugged, completely ignoring the question. “Wanna head back to the hotel?”

What a daunting thought.

Of course, by now, Gabriel must have noticed her absence. Alastor still had her phone. Oh god the messages … He knew where she would be and could have came after her. The fact she was still in the club and not being toted off to the Morningstar estate permanently had to be a good sign, right?

“Where’s Husk and Nifty?” With one hand, he pointed to a bar way off in the back where Husk was just chilling, talking to some other equally disgruntled demon. Another hand pointed up to where she saw Mimzy and Nifty playing cards, watching the scene below. Nifty saw them and waved exuberantly but Mimzy did not. If looks could kill Mia would be more than dead. Alastor tried using her to dissuade the club owner’s pursuit of him. So not only did Mimzy hate her, so did Stanislav.

“Maybe we should head back. Alastor still has my phone.” Angel had his phone out, texting everyone. “There’s a patio we can wait on.”

Hell’s night air was surprisingly frigid, their breath coming out in foggy huffs.

“Had fun? Glad you went against big brother?” They huddled up next to a heater with more alcohol in hand. Apparently, most bars in Hell didn’t serve water. Go figure.

“He’s going to give me a second death when we get back. God, I’m so f*cking grounded.”

“Grounded? Bitch! What the f*ck actually is stoppin’ ya? What he gonna do? ”

“It’s just how he is. Plus, I have no demonic powers. I can’t fly. I can’t fight. The blue bag of bones forced me onto the table. If it hadn’t been for Alastor- ” Angel’s hands shot up for her to pause.

“Jack tried to force himself on you?” She nodded reluctantly.

“I’mma go f*ck that ugly mothaf*cka! Always heard he’s skeazey, now I’mma let him have it!” Mia anchored Angel down by clinging onto him.

“I don’t think you have to. Alastor came and got me.” This did not impress Angel, who knew Alastor much better than she did. His face turned sober and stern. His voice was calm and even as his hands grabbed hers.

“Listen toots, don’t get any weird or wrong ideas ‘bout Smiles. He probably just toyin’ with ya. He hates ya brother. Stringing ya along and pissin’ off Milton is a big ol’ heapin’ double whammy for him. Kay? Now don’t get me wrong, Al, ain’t the worst in Hell and Jack’s probably gonna get what’s comin’ since ya work for the hotel but he ain’t interested. ”

What the f*ck?

“Oh f*ck no! Ew. Angel, he’s my boss! I’m grateful to him, absolutely but he’s sad*stic, a cannibal, self-serving. He gives me whiplash. Like right now! One minute he’s saving me and the next it feels like I’m his next lunch!”

“Sounds like Al.” Their conversation ended when Nifty and Husker came onto the patio.

“Let’s get goin’,” Husk said letting the three ladies out of the patio gate first. Alastor waited on the street for them under a light. He was wiping off his hands with a handkerchief, blotched with black.

“What an evening! I think it is about time we turn in for the night! What party animals! I’m most certainly tuckered out!” Nifty once more boarded Alastor’s shoulder and in a snap they were back at the hotel. Well she, Husker, and Angel that is. 2:47AM on the grandfather clock and no Gabriel. Not wanting to ruin her look she hightailed it to her bedroom, dreading the impending doom of tomorrow.

With the door locked she pulled off the glamour ring. Her human self looked worn out where her demon self did not. The dress was still just as beautiful. She wondered if it would disappear once she took it off.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 325

“WHAT THE f*ck?” Mia shouted, jolting upright out of sleep.

At the foot of her bed was her canine brother, looking uncharacteristically calm. His arms were crossed and all of her blankets were piled in the floor.

“God f*cking damnit Gabe what in the f*ck do you want?” The hangover had already started but it wasn’t the worst one she’d experienced.

“Get up.” he calmly demanded. Mia pulled her pillow over her head like a belligerent teenager.

“No. Go away. Let me sleep.”

Suddenly the pillow was gone and the curtains were pulled back. Dawn hadn’t even cracked yet. She looked over at the wall clock. 4:18AM. Why the f*ck was he early AND in her room?

“I take it you had fun last night?” There was the why. “You said you would stay in the hotel.”

“I changed my f*cking mind.” Mia sat up and snarled at him.

“You take the Our Father’s name in vain. You stay out drinking. You curse ten fold what you used to.”

Not this sh*t again. She didn’t want to hear it. So what? “You brought me to Hell. Remember? I specifically said on day one of all of this batsh*t insanity that you don’t need me. If you couldn’t find me, then how could the Pagans? Plus, I’m not an angel anymore. I’m not anything. But you know what?”

She was standing on her bed poking him in the chest, “I’m doing ok here. I kind of like being in Hell. I’m even having lunch with Luci, Lilith, Charlie, and Vaggie. You were invited by the way.”

“We have nothing to do with them.”

“Are you f*cking mental? You tell me all these absolutely absurd things. And I deal with them. I have angelic siblings who are doing who knows what to protect the universe or some other comic book trope! They are my family. They are your family. They are our family. Why can’t we just stop bickering all the f*cking time?”

Their relationship was deteriorating exponentially since arriving to Hell. Of course on Earth it was rocky, but now they were always in some kind of argument over nothing. Over ideas and emotions and thoughts and what could have or what should have. Nothing concrete. It was exhausting and they’d only been in Hell a week.

“Maybe I’m explaining all of this wrong.” He huffed. They sat down on the bed’s edge and he removed his own demon glamour.

“First, being in Hell long term makes me physically ill and irritable. It’s part of Lucifer’s design to keep angels out. And I have no right to tell you your history because I don’t know all of it. My version is biased and unfair to you. It would be disrespectful to tell you because of who you were, can you understand that at least? There’s not a way for me to restore them.”

Mia nodded. At least he was trying to communicate this time instead of shutting her down.

“I won’t confine you to this hotel, but just know, if you die in Hell, I do not know what will happen to you. And I won’t look for you again.” To her, that sounded reasonable but something in his voice broke.

“I’m sorry for whatever I did Gabe. Can you at least tell me if I did the right thing? Was it worth throwing away … everything?”

He didn’t break eye contact with her. His hand landed gently on her hair. “To you? I’m certain you would make the same decision all over again. But to me? It was the stupidest, most careless thing I’ve seen you do. And I’m still angry with you for it.”

At least she had some kind of answer to cling to. “That’s fair. It was still a decision I made so I have to shoulder the consequences. I want to make things right. But forget all that for a second. What about you getting sick?”

“There will be periods of time where I will have to leave Hell to stay with Vassago and report to Heaven.”

“I’ve done a lot to hurt you it seems. Please don’t ruin your health for me. I have Charlie and Luci here. Yeah, Hell is sketchy as f*ck, but I think things are ok here.”

He chuckled and barely bumped her cheek with his fist, “You would.”

Mia laughed too. “I know we aren’t good at seeing eye to eye, but can we at least bury this argument for good?”

He thought long and hard about it. “Only if you promise to avoid the Radio Demon.”

What Angel said last night stuck with her. How Alastor was just toying with her to torment Gabriel and to soothe his own boredom. She’d gotten caught up in the novelty and newness of Hell. Caught up in the way he made her react. It was time to screw her head back on straight. Of course, she still owed him a thank you, but she could leave him a food offering with Husk.

“Other than work, I will absolutely try to avoid him. I mean it this time.” She held out her pinky finger to demonstrate how serious she was. He smiled and they shook on it.

A look of kindness smoothed over his features. With magic he covered her back up and fetched her a glass of water. “Sleep in today. But tomorrow you’re going harder and longer than before.”

Downing the water, her muscles screamed at their impending doom.


Please let me know if this one went over better! I'm still struggling with the pacing and narrative style but c'est la vie. Hope you have enjoyed this!

Translation/Slang notes:

Gams: 1920's for long, pretty legs

Pro skirt: 1920's for hooker, prostitute

Добрый вечер госпожа (Dobryy vecher gospozha)
- - Good evening madam/my lady/mistress

Станислав. Девушка новая. Остыньте. (Stanislav. Devushka novaya. Ostyn'te.)
- - Stanislav. She's new here. Back off/Cool it.

Противная шлюха. (Protivnaya shlyukha)
- - Disgusting whor*.

Chapter 8: Market


Mia gains some memories and starts making some too. Baxter has a twinge of bravery.


It is a short chapter. I really struggled with this one for some reason.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 324

The day after going to Mimzy’s, the Morningstar family ate dinner together. Mia managed to convince Gabriel to come after their heart-to-heart. It went better than expected due to her conversation with Lucifer.


“What is it Mica?” He escorted them over to a small terrace table, set with tea.

“Have you learned anything about the Pagans?”

His gaze was calculating and probing. “Is it that you’re eager to return to the Mortal Realm?” His words were careful, but twinged with displeasure.

Mia offered him a soft smile. “The opposite actually. I’d like to know if I can get my memories back. Gabriel hasn’t told me about what or why I did what I did, but with the Pagans now … I don’t want to be a liability. Maybe if I could be her again …”

The thought was terrifying.

Who was the mystical woman she was supposed to be? In some alternate universe, she’d resigned herself to living and dying over and over and over. Mia felt weak, useless, and knew how she paled in comparison to everyone around her. Her encounter with Stanislav planted a new seed of doubt and fear in her. She’d never felt so confused or uncertain before. The month in the cabin with Vassago hadn’t messed with her this much, so why was Hell?

“I could give your human memories back, but it won’t be pleasant and you can’t get them all at once. Your body is human, Mica, no matter the status of your soul. Though I imagine your soul is whittled down to mere scraps due to the memoryless rebirths.”

“You can do it?!” Her hands shot out and grabbed his, a puppy’s joy splattered across her face.

Lucifer glanced at her hands and blinked hesitantly. But slowly, his eyes crinkled as his smile grew bright and warm. “Yes, but it will take time to prepare. This will not restore any memories before closing the gate. It will not turn you back into an angel and I doubt you'll be afforded any angel related memories.”

She nodded profusely but asked, “What gate?”

His expression dropped and reminded her of Gabriel’s disappointed one. “It is the reason you were confined to the mortal realm in the first place.”

She bit her lip, face contorting in confusion. It didn’t make any sense right now, but at least it would soon. “Did it help? Did it help you, shutting the gate?”

His laughter filled the room and Lucifer ruffled her hair, a shade warmer than his own. “Yes it did.”

That made her happy but that didn’t explain one thing. “What about the exterminations happening now?”

“I believe the gate's seal weakened when you died 90 some years ago. It was then you became truly mortal. What a fiasco. It would be best for you to remember that on your own. Raphael leads the exterminations now. They only target sinners’ souls, but year after year they send more angels and turn more ruthless.”

“Can’t you stop them?”

He didn’t answer her and only sipped his tea. Mia didn’t press since he’d already given her quadruple the information Gabriel had. Now all she needed to do was wait.

At night she’d found a small parcel from Lucifer with a single pill. His letter stated the side effects were unknown and Stolas had helped in the crafting so she should only regain her memories while sleeping. Seemed reasonable enough for a magical concoction.

Two weeks passed before the first one hit her. Playing piano throughout different lifetimes. Those pieces integrated into her mind flawlessly. She didn’t just remember those moments, she relived them. But now her emptiness was magnified. Mia could feel the void of memories in her soul and how palpable her own uncertainty was. Apparently before the 1920s, she always regained her memories.

What had happened to make everyone around her so upset?

Anxiety and excitement flooded her brain, wondering what more would come.

Hell’s early morning light flickered through the hotel. Mia was almost always up before everyone else. There was time to kill before breakfast and her hands itched, replaying the new segments of her life. Passing the large room used for events and gatherings, she peered at the black piano off the side of the stage.

After making sure she was alone, she rushed in. Her heart thudded wildly as she sat down. 24 hours ago she didn't even know the keys but this felt like a homecoming. Mia took a deep breath to steady her nerves.

The first few tentative movements were clumsy and inharmonious clangs rang out. Regardless of how awful the beginning notes were, it felt like cool water on her brain.

Relief, finally.

If it wasn’t for the daylight growing brighter, she would have lost herself to it. Now it was time to make breakfast. She put together a simple meal like one might find at an actual hotel. Her mental capacity to focus on anything except the memories was nonexistent.

Baxter was the first one to arrive. He didn't think anything of her spaced out attitude. A small blessing in Hell. Over the weeks Mia spent more and more time with Baxter. They got along quite well as his polite yet snarky attitude was hilarious. Most of the time she was correcting his math or explaining different modern technologies. She’d learned a lot about his life and he learned a lot about her most recent one.

“Good morning Mia.”

“Hey Bax.” He straightened up and smiled at her but his eyes were drooping. “You okay?”

“I found it difficult to sleep last night.” After dinner they had hung out as usual, but he’d seemed fine then. Baxter was coming out of his shell and far less combative with the other hotel residents. Even Vaggie mentioned him coming around in a couple of sessions. Though, Mia struggled to call them therapy sessions. Vaggie meant well, but that was the extent of her functioning as a psychologist. Apparently they were head hunting more staff.

“Thanks for asking.” He gave her a bashful smile and she returned a broad one.

“We’re friends. I should care about how you’re doing.”

Baxter’s face fell a touch.

“I need to go to the market. Would you want to go with me?”

The dangling globe attached to his head betrayed his face. She wanted him to go, but also she needed an escort. Gabriel had finally returned to Vassago’s after not being able to handle Hell’s atmosphere any longer. He was much sicker than she realized. She was keeping her promises though, as she had yet to see Alastor since the night at Mimzy’s. Her phone had magically appeared in the kitchen the next morning.

“You certainly can’t go alone,” he grinned.

“Being powerless certainly has its perks! I never have to go anywhere alone.” Knowing how keen the denizens of Hell were to hit on attractive women, she did bother putting on anything more than an ugly t-shirt and ill fitting jeans.

The open market was loud and jammed packed. She’d only been once with Gabriel and he’d refused to let her move into the crowd to shop but today was different. Excitement welled up in her as she grabbed Baxter’s arm to drag him through all of the stalls. Many of the merchants were imps in farming gear. Part of her shopping strategy was to buy from females and imps to avoid any unwanted attention.

It hadn’t taken long to get the vegetables and fruits she wanted for the evening.

“Sorry Bax,” she said sheepishly.

Baxter was carrying several heavy bags with relative ease. His demonic strength was more prevalent than she had expected, but maybe she was the weird one instead. “It is no problem Mia. You wouldn’t have been able to carry these back. You would have chipped a wing!”

Mockingly she smacked him on the arm and they laughed. “I need to stop by the butcher’s before we head back.”

Overall she had avoided any encounters or unwanted advances, which gave her a false sense of confidence. Baxter stopped walking but she hadn’t noticed due to the . “Mia, I’d like to ask you something before-”

Before he could finish, Mia tripped, sailing face first towards the concrete. She hit the ground scraping her palms and forearm.

A shadow fell across her from a bent over figure. “Alastor … Hi.”

“Why if it isn’t our resident mad scientist and kitchen demoness! Has your brother finally let you off the leash, dear girl?” The wide smile pointed at her was obnoxiously condescending. It didn’t help much that her palm stung from scraping the ground. Alastor grabbed the same hand swiftly and jerked her up to her feet. It took her a moment to gain balance but thankfully Baxter was daft enough to steady her closest shoulder.

“My brother has been busy starting his own business.” Gabriel had pleaded with her to stay on the hotel grounds and avoid Alastor at all costs. Until now, she had managed one of those rules, but now both were down the drain.

“My, my what a proprietary demon he must be! I’m always looking for a new investment opportunities! Tell me, what is it he hopes to accomplish?”


Did he have to pry into everything all the time? This light weight questioning was so irritating. Even if it was a lie, why should he care? Thankfully Baxter came to the rescue. In an uncanny act of bravery, the angler demon stepped in between her and Alastor.

“Apologies to cut your gabbing short Alastor,” his tone was venomous, “but we’re on a schedule and you’d not want to have the hotel waiting for dinner by holding up the chef, hmm?”

Dumbfounded surprised crossed over Mia’s face while Alastor simply laughed and clapped Baxter on the shoulder. “Why Baxter, how gallant of you to remind me of my manners! Of course we mustn’t keep Madam Chef from her duties! I look forward to a fantastic meal my dear.” Alastor brushed by them humming a tune, but not before giving her a sly and wicked look.

Down the street, Alastor wiped his hand with a handkerchief. He gave the cloth a sniff.

Oh yes. A growl rumbled in his chest as his eyes flickered to radio dials. Once more he brought the cloth to his nose and inhaled. Demons had varying shades of blood, but absolutely none of them carried the sweet tang of human.

The extraordinary demonic power deep in his soul rumbled and pulsed. This would be entertaining indeed.


Thanks for reading! Please leave some kudos and comments. All backhanded compliments and criticisms are welcome.

Chapter 9: Kitchen


Tonight is the weekly staff only dinner. Alastor helps clean up afterwards, but leaves once he makes a mess.


Hello all!

I really hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. I think this definitely sets the tone.
I made iced coffee this morning. I'm pretty happy with that.
Please leave some comments! I always want, need, crave feedback.

Have fun!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 323

Today was the staff-only meal, meaning Mia spent extra time in the kitchen. Charlie and Vaggie were working double overtime to expand the hotel and find the few sinners who believed in her cause.

Several of the recipes came from the mysterious polyglot cookbook and each turned out fragrant and divine. Excitement filled her, hoping to soon unravel the mystery behind it. The butcher shop from earlier proved fruitful as she procured the venison for Alastor’s thank you meal. Damn her manners. Thanking him and avoiding him weren’t exactly easy to do at the same time. At least she could leave it with Husker or Nifty.

Small blessings, she supposed.

Nifty set the dining room table at a breakneck speed while Mia hailed everyone from the lobby.

“Hey guys, dinner is ready to go.”

“Oh yayyyyy! I love having family dinners! Thank you for cooking!” Charlie clutched Mia’s arm and skipped them both into the dining room.

“So how was the market? Did you have any issues? I’m so glad Baxter went with you! He’s really been making so much progress since you’ve become friends!” Her excited niece twirled and bounced, peppering her with questions about her market run. Getting a progress update about Baxter was even more exciting.

“I’m really glad I can help make a difference. He’s been great and we are able to get a lot of work done together in his lab.”

Angel snickered and jabbed two elbows in her side. “Toots you’ve been hanging around fish boy’s dangler a lot!”

“Oh come on Angel! We’re friends. Just friends. Could you imagine Baxter getting friendly with a woman to begin with?”

She seemed to be coming to Baxter’s defense more often than not lately. Yes, he was prickly, but he was kind and considerate albeit odd. And he’d dutifully gotten her away from Alastor at the market. The idea of shacking up with him did sound laughable. Despite being near a century older than her, his lack of social skills made him a little brother.

Husk coming into the dining room stole any iota of Angel’s attention.

Vaggie sat to her left and they started to chatter away about the current political climate of Earth. Despite being particularly vague, Vaggie alluded to a dangerous life in Central America before her inevitable, grisly demise. News of the upper world was rare in Hell it seemed as all the details came either late or heavily skewed.

Dinner flew by and everyone filed out, thanking her for the tasty meal. Mia was quite proud of her cooking skills.

“Thanks Nifty!” She called out, but the tiny demoness already zipped out of sight with a frighteningly tall stack of dishes. Upon entering the kitchen, Mia stumbled across the most bizarre scene.

Alastor stood at the sink, jacket removed and red sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The sight fascinated and beguiled her, leaving her seemingly dumbstruck at the door frame.

She’d always been under the impression that his bloody claws and spiked knuckles were apart of a glove, but no. The dark, dusty charcoal skin of his hands faded up his forearms into the same cream grey color of his face. Numerous pale marks littered his skin. Some puckered or stretched while others were long sleek cuts, all with the sheen of scar tissue. But then something flicked in her peripheral vision and a hand clapped up over her mouth to stop the gasp.

A tail?

Small, puffy, red, and black. It flitted and flicked in time with the humming. Red eyes locked in on her and Mia froze to the spot.

Why did it feel like she’d become privvy to something she had no business knowing? His gaze left her feeling vulnerable and chilled, despite that smile. If anything, his broad grin worsened the sensations.

A shadow twisted around her body and magicked her to his side. Now she stood with towel in hand next to the drying rack.

“Idle hands are the Devil’s playground,” he said in a near whisper, handing her a damp plate. Silently she dried as he continued the song. The tune was foreign to her but two bowls and a spatula later she was humming too.

She remembered the cooked venison sat in the fridge, her thank you gift for intervening with Stanislav. Originally she’d wanted to give it to Husk or Nifty to avoid him, but so much for that now. Sooner was better than later she figured.

“Alastor,” she probed, overly focusing on the ladle in hand.

He didn’t look at her but the humming ceased. Nerves rattled through her as she mustered the courage.

“I wanted to say thanks for stepping in with Stanislav at the club. I don’t have any powers so … ” she swallowed hard. The thought of what could have happened was terrifying.

He chuckled. It was a soft, odd noise for Alastor considering how human it sounded. “Your thanks are appreciated, ma jolie proie. I find that men who target weaker beings hold no worth in society and must be handled swiftly! Even more so you are my employee. It would not do to have something of mine harmed.”

Something of his?

Mia’s face twisted curiously and she finally turned to look at him. He was already peering down at her, grinning as if he knew something she didn’t. Was this condescension or just how he operated in general? Flight kicked in over fight and she started laughing nervously. A thudding in her chest became adamant. Was this what self preservation felt like? If only she’d experienced this with the satyr or Stanislav.

“Well, again, ya know, thanks! I-I, uh, Husk said you liked venison! So I made some and put it in the fridge for you. It’s packed up and good to go!” Her tongue felt like a knot suddenly and she couldn’t look away from his face despite how on fire hers felt. Turning away from a predator to run was How-To-Get-Dead 101.

Thankfully, the promise of good food interested him. Alastor opened the fridge and pulled out the crock of tenderloin. He opened it and inhaled deeply. “My this smells delightful!”

His transatlantic tone and lofi crackles were back. Maybe his return to status quo meant she was home free?

“I must say I’m thrilled and cannot wait to devour it!” She noticed that his tail gave a small flick of delight as he excitedly eyed the deer meat. A hand shot up to her mouth but it was too late to contain the giggle.

Alastor’s eyebrow shot up, gaze trailing down to where her eyes went. He growled, low and predatory.

Hadn’t she just gotten out from under his scrutiny!?

His fists balled at his sides, shoulders pulled back. He glared down that sharp nose at with a wide, hungry grin and narrow glowing eyes. Any conscious or subconscious effort to escape failed immediately. Mia, stupidly so, backed herself up against the countertop. Alastor stopped only inches away.

She could feel his body heat. He made the first move, because f*ck it all, she was incapable of it. Everything about her was like stone.

Oh no.

Alastor bent down, razor fangs just centimeters from her ear. Voodoo symbols and faint distortions filled the air around them.

“Did you laugh at my tail, Miss Miller?” f*ck. She was f*cked.

His voice prickled her skin. Her wings shivered. Did he truly think that was what had happened? That she was making fun of him for having a tail? What a tender ego he must have.

An involuntary squeak came out instead of an answer. Where was the answer!?

Her voice and fear betrayed her. This sound wasn’t good enough for him it seemed. One clawed hand gripped her upper arm. The needle like pin pricks of his claws caused icy electricity to shoot down her spine. Alastor growled, deep and throaty. The roomed turned a deeper red and something like a skeleton snake wriggled past.

“Miss Miller,” he demanded.

“I- th-that wa-,” Her stuttering wasn't good enough. Not fast enough. He leaned in even more, her torso pressing into his. It did nothing to help her breathing.

“Ah- Alast-stor, please!” She whimpered.

“I asked you a question.”

Mia couldn’t have prepared for what happened next.

Iced electricity riddled her nerves, mixed with the bizarre sensation of needles on raw flesh. Alastor had taken his free hand and barely raked sharp claws down one of her wings. No one had touched her wings thus far. It wasn’t awful when something dull bumped them, but never had she experienced anything close to this.

“It was cute!” She spluttered out finally. Red faded back into the kitchen and her wings were no longer being trifled with but he didn’t move away. Silence. Had her answer not been good enough?

“I think its cute … L-like your ears, but I wasn’t laughing! It just, uh suits you.” Her head was swimming from the over stimulation, from the fear, and from the sheer embarrassment of having someone, of havinghim, bodied up to her in a public place! This was different than the times they’d danced. And in those situations, she wasn’t even close to the receiving end of his anger.

When he stepped back, the light headedness and weakness in her legs finally caught up. Mia slid to the kitchen floor grateful to find his thinly veiled rage gone. Now his eyes were mirthful and amused, complimenting his lopsided grin and haughty stance.

“I look forward to tasting this, ma jolie proie.” With that, he melted into a shadow and now she was alone in the kitchen, barely catching her breath.


Alastor materialized in his office, more than entertained for the evening. Perhaps even for the week!

He’d magicked the crock of venison to his personal kitchen at home where Nifty would deal with it. Currently he was only interested in his real treat. Small beads of red blood tipped his claws and he smiled wickedly. Greedily he licked at the garnet liquid and groaned, his power roaring with exuberance, his taste buds dancing in delight.

This also confirmed his suspicions of Miss Mia Miller being human. While there were now more questions than answers, Alastor was excited to have a new game to play with an interesting and unique toy.


Once the kitchen was tidy enough, Mia bolted back to her room. Just as the door thudded shut and she locked it, she ripped off the glamour ring. It was a sweet relief to no longer have wings as she slumped into the arm chair next to the window. Mia pulled a blanket tight over her shivering frame. Her nerves were a right mess. Fear and anxiety consumed every neuron available except for one. One that left an unwelcome, outlandish, beguiling feeling in her gut.

That demon gave her whiplash. Over his own damn tail too!

Embarrassment won amongst the cacophony of raging emotions. His thin frame was negligible when he was pressed against her so tightly. Tighter than when they'd danced. And then he touched her wings. Mia didn’t think much of them on a daily basis. A loose hoodie worked well to keep them out of the way most days but now she'd be on high alert. A slight pinch on her upper arm alerted her to small dots already start to scab over.

He'd cut her?

“What a f*cking maniac!”

That was it.

Last straw.

No more hanging around Alastor!

Before she’d done the minimum of just being polite and staying busy. But now she needed to actively avoid him. Loosing such a good dancing partner was a small, insignificant price to pay for her sanity. Looking out the window into the dark Hellscape reminded her of him. That wouldn’t do. She jumped up, pulled all the curtains closed, then proceeded to make a thick, heavy nest in her bed.

Even in her makeshift fort, she felt unsettled. She could come to terms with the embarrassment, fear, anxiety, anger, and outright confusion of the whole scenario but … Nope. Mia noped that very strange and unwelcome down sensation into the recesses of her mind and used the rest of her evening like any other sane millennial: dicking around on the internet.


Here are the translation notes:

Ma jolie proie (French)
- - My pretty prey

I picked words that aren't easily recognizable to English speakers because where's the fun in that?

Chapter 10: Hugs


Charlie and Mia chat. Angel goes to work then comes home.

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 317

“So how’s the recruitment going?”

Charlie perked up and gathered a small batch of folders. She spread them on the couch next to her aunt and bounced excitedly. The two were drinking tea and gabbing in the main office. Most were retellings of her niece’s younger years and school days.

“These are for patrons AND staff! I found a really good one too!” Mia had a doodle-clad folder shoved in her face.

Bubble letters spelled out ‘Antti Paarsnen - Psychologist???’. Inside was a recently taken photo. The man was rather ordinary seeming, nothing was odd other than the fact he was most definitely a chameleon. Instead of being reptile colored, he wore splotches of red, yellow, green, and purple of varying shades. The Earthly credentials listed weren’t so shabby either.

“We were hoping you could help us review them?” Charlie asked sweetly, a double sized grin stretched across her face.

“Of course! That’s why I’m here. His credentials look great. He just died?” Mia pointed at the two day past arrival date. “Poaching new comers seems like a great idea actually.”

Charlie fiddled with her hands, “Doesn’t it seem a bit unethical? Shouldn’t people come of their own accord?”

Oh what an innocent and kind person she was. Mia wondered just how well Charlie could inherit the duties of Hell.

“I think this could work. Humans are creatures of habit. For better or worse, once they fall into a routine it will be hard to break. And for Hell … Honestly I don’t see people giving up on their vices so easily. I think some easy pickings is what the angel ordered.” They both grinned like maniacs at the pun and giggled wildly. Afterwards Charlie showed her more candidate files. Most of them were clients who could offer things like lessons or some type of training. Anything to keep the hotel guests preoccupied.

“Hey Auntie.”

Mia couldn’t get Charlie to use her name in private so she’d given up. She seemed too happy to have more family and blatantly ignored any requests to let it go. “What’s up sweet girl?”

Charlie inched over and snuggled up next to her aunt. “I - I was wondering why you and Uncle decided to help us now … especially after so many years of the exterminations.”

Questions like this were ultimately unavoidable. Mia combed her claws gently through the thick blonde hair and smiled.

“I’m sorry it took so long. Even angels don’t have as much power as we’d like,” which was something Gabriel had told her technically. Sadly, all she could do was lie. And while they were sweet and kind lies based around truth, they were still lies. Was she really protecting Charlie by hiding the truth?

It didn’t matter. Today wasn’t the day to find out.

“You’re the reason Charlie. That brave heart and kind soul brought us here. The ‘why’s aren’t so important anymore but this project is. I believe this can work.”

“Dad doesn’t …”

“He doesn’t, but he doesn’t need to. Even if you both don’t agree on this, him willing to let you try … I think that says a lot for Luci. Just don’t ever forget that no matter what, you are the most important thing in his world.”

Afterwards Mia was pulled into a rib crushing hug by the stronger, more enthusiastic girl … but it was well worth it. Oxygen be damned. Kind words were enough to reinvigorate the princess to the point she started brainstorming across a whiteboard.

Mia left Charlie to her Heaven-bound madness the moment glitter was introduced.


p*rn Studios
Next Cleanse: 317

It was good that Cherri agreed to keep Fat Nuggets for a while.

“Aye Angel!” A horse demon clad in latex bondage gear was toweling off her hooves waved him down. “Mister Valentino asked me to send you in.”

If it was his first week at p*rn Studios, he would have walked into Val’s office quivering and terrified. Now that was only how he felt on the inside. Angel winked at horse girl, “Thanks babe!”

For Valentino to call him into his office meant that Angel wasn’t going to enjoy the conversation. It’d been over two months since taking shelter at the not-so-Happy-choke-on-a-dick hotel. Charlie’s fiasco musical on the news was where Angel’s newest troubles began. When it became common knowledge that Angel had checked into the looney bin, Val’s reputation had taken a hit. Something about making him look bad or looking like, as the Overlord pimp put it the first time, p*rnStudios isn’t the most glamorous, sex filled, debauched, party driven high life it was cracked up to be.

It was a sh*t gig actually.

At the time Angel convinced him it was to explore playing a more pure character to do more acting and story line p*rn films. Sweet school girl get swept away to become co*ck hungry co*ke queen snorting dick lines. That pitch was filmed a week later and became one of Angel’s top sellers. Plus it saved him a heap of money.

So what did Val want now?

Angel opened the pink leopard velvet doors and hot pink smoke rolled out around his feet. Valentino stood up from his whor* laden couch and wrapped his upper arm around Angel’s shoulders. The lower arm gave him a sharp smack on the ass. Angel forcibly giggled and made some non committal lewd comment as he was escorted into Val’s office. Once the door shut the thrum of bass and drugged hussies disappeared.

“Thanks for inviting me over Val,” Angel said with a purr. Valentino lit a cigar and pointed to a chair. Immediately Angel sat, waiting in silence.

“Angie cakes, this whole redemption angle, I’ve been thinkin’ you’s onto somethin’.” One of Valentino’s most notable talents was manipulation of the senses. Thankfully Angel had some immunity to it from sheer exposure. Most of the time he didn’t use it because the towering moth demon pimp was a sad*st and didn’t need to. He savored the mental torture, emotional pain, absolute despair, hopelessness, and complete control he could make others feel.

“Vox and Velvet ran some numbers. You’re gonna start getting chummy with that charity project. Gettin’ high, starting’ fights, not full on f*ckin’ people, these ugly bastards gotta pay for the goods, but ya know, drum up some hype. I’m thinking maybe bring in some girls, do a whole amateur or hidden camera series. You definitely got us a golden opportunity, Sweet Cheeks.”

Nausea settled hard in Angel’s stomach. This was new and a bizarre request for Val.

“I dunno Val,” Angel laughed nervously, “They’s a buncha sticks in the mud, real straight edge. They’s hitting that peace pipe hard.”

Valentino grinned, “Don’t worry Angie, Daddy’s got it all figured out. They won’t know what hit ‘em. All you gotta do is follow their little plan for a few weeks and start gettin’ cozy with a few of ‘em. Make some friends … You’ve always been good at makin’ friends.”

Thick pink haze filled the room. The headiness from Val’s smoke, his power to manipulate people with it, made Angel complacent. It made him want a hit every time he inhaled too.

A long purple finger beckoned him over while the other hand wiggled a tiny clear bag.

Angel was breathing heavy and started to feel the tell tale crave. His thoughts became one track and all he could focus on was that damn tiny bag.

“Angel,” Valentino purred, pointing to the floor.

His body slid down, knees first to the ground. Slowly, expertly, Angel teased off his jacket. Long limbs slinked over to the desk that the moth pimp now stood next too. As the heady smoke filled the room and the drug filled Angel’s senses, he became nothing but the pet Valentino prized so much. The top bread winner. Best bitch on a co*ked up leash. A contracted, powerless slu*t.


Angel stumbled back to the hotel in the pre-dawn morning. With being so high for so long, he put in a lot of extra hours. Took some of the higher paying gigs since they wouldn’t hurt through the drugs. Val had definitely given him giant hits of good sh*t. His demonic body was already starting to heal up, thankfully. Films of the more volatile nature left the workers banged up, literally and figuratively.

Not paying attention, still coming down, and being thoroughly exhausted Angel accidentally let the front slam shut. It made him jump. Sometimes the coming down made him skittish. He wrapped his arms tight against his body, watching one foot move across the floor.

“Angel,” a gruff voiced called out.

Once again, the spider jumped. It was a small blessing that the lobby was two stories because Angel could clear a ten foot jump if he really tried. The landing was far from elegant. His long limbs were normally graceful but now he felt like one of those baby giraffes on a documentary he’d watched once.

Dark fuzz filled his shifty gaze. Husk pulled him back up to standing, but Angel was wobbly at best.

“Guess you took a hard ride.”

One hand guided an upper arm across furry shoulders, while one thick cat arm wrapped under Angel’s lower limbs. Instead of being grateful, Angel gasped. Still suffering through wooziness, he leaned into Husker, looking up with absolute seriousness. “You’s taller than me?!”

It was rare for the bar cat to not be hunched over, curled up, or sitting. No one ever witnessed him at full height.

“Christ f*ck would you shut up? You’re gonna wake the whole damn building and I don’t need Vaggie down here pitchin’ a f*ckin’ fit. Shut it and I’ll get you a drink.”

Angel promptly quieted down. He was too nervous to properly harass and flirt with Husk. The cat demon deposited Angel on the couch nearest the bar and grabbed his favorite ‘Cheap Booze’ and a glass of something clear and stringent. When he tried to hand over the glass, Husk noticed how the liquid trembled.

He let out a heavy sigh and sat his bottle on the floor. Angel giggled nervously, “Seems like I’m havin’ a fun time, eh?”

“Ya look like sh*t kid.” Husker’s hand supported Angel’s to help take a drink.

Angel coughed and hacked at the first sip, but before Husk could interject, he took the liquid in one gulp.

“Husky that sh*t burns.”

“Don’t be a puss*, Legs.” Husk grabbed his bottle and sat a space away from Angel. Other than the spider’s heavy breathing and the swigging of booze, it was silent. Angel’s breath became quick and shallow, hands gripping the edge of the couch, eyes screwed shut. This comedown wasn’t the worst by far, but it was more mentally taxing than usual.

There was no way for him to turn down Val’s new plan …

What did it matter though? All these goody goodies running around trying to save sinners’ souls?

What a loada bullsh*t! Maybe that’ll teach ‘em what’s what! Can't not pay the price when ya dead ...

A dark storm of berating, senseless thoughts were eating him alive. Two arms twisted in his white hair while the other two were starting to puncture the couch.

“Aye!” Husk hissed grabbing Angel's shoulder, “Snap out of it Legs.”

There wasn’t a response, other than a small whimper. “Damn it, Angel.”

Husk could never know what was bothering Angel exactly, but the end result was all the same. Being an empath was a sh*t thing. Husker hated any emotions because he felt them too much. He felt them involuntarily for others. It made him do things that weren’t in his self interest and that ultimately left him miserable. Not that he wasn’t miserable any other day of the week but doing it to himself was way better than letting someone else. Today though, he broke protocol. Letting Angel have a mental breakdown and panic attack in the hotel lobby was sure to be a pain in the ass.

That’s what he told himself, at least.

Two fuzzy arms wrapped around Angel, pulling him in tight. Husker tucked the fluffy white head under his chin and closed his wings around them. A low purr vibrated through him.

Before he got shipped off to war, Husker had taken care of cats on a daily basis and was a veterinarian. He’d always thought highly of cats: cute, aloof, self-sufficient. Purring was meant to comfort and soothe, even heal. He’d seen plenty of cats curl up to the ill and purr the day away, hopelessly doing what they could.

Hopeless f*cking cats.

This lasted only a little while thankfully. Angel’s whimpers died down and the rocking stopped. His hands twisted into Husk’s fur and the bruised face nestled above the white of his chest. Finally, Angel was asleep. The booze had the spider out cold.

Husk gathered Angel up into his arms and wings. It was sheer luck that no one encountered the two. Yet another small blessing it seemed and Husker was grateful.

He wasn’t a weak demon by any means but any type of magic he could do was limited. The easiest was being able to hide and procure things at will. This made keeping the building’s keys that much easier … and hiding cards in a game. Once inside the disastrously messy, pink room Husk gently tucked Angel into bed. Before leaving he left some medicine and a glass of water on the nightstand.

Before returning to the bar, Husk left a note in the kitchen for the breakfast lady:

Room 69 - Breakfast Delivery 10AM

Chapter 11: Welles


Baxter is having a time or two even. Mia gets geeky with Alastor.



I would like to thank my dog! For supp- Oh wait.

Nvm. She's mad because I do something that isn't looking at her. I want to say thank you to all three of you! That boost of support really pushed some more of my creativity and just to know this is something people are actively enjoying, especially my world building, I could seriously cry. It really is touching! I put in a ton of effort into world building. I use as much fact or history and actuality as I can to bring things to life. I pride myself on not ignoring the hard questions.

Like, if there is a simple way out of something, unless there is a catalyst or dramatic truth to not doing it that way, then that's what I shoot for. Realness is what I strive for. I want the decisions and emotions and tears and frustrations and explanations and relative logic to be real.

For this chapter it touches on systemic racism so this is a warning to people. It isn't heavy in my opinion but there is a lot of racial reckoning to be had with all of our characters' histories and life experiences. I do plan on bringing that with Alastor.

ALSO THE JUICE IS COMING. We're on the edge of it now baby. Choo choo.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 311

Mia made her way from the back courtyard and gardens to the basem*nt level of the hotel where Baxter was allocated a room and extra space for his experiments. She had learned that Baxter’s participation in the saving sinners project hinged on having lab space, a set of funding from Charlie, and to be left alone most of the time.

Mentally consumed by equations, she opened his door. “Bax, I have some thoughts on that- uh, what are you doing?”

The angler fish was ghostly pale from head to toe, crumpled on the floor and writhing in unconscious pain. Mia dropped to her knees and grabbed his shoulders.

“Baxter! Come on, you gotta snap out of this! f*ck.” What the f*ck had he done!?

She glanced around the room, looking for a sign. Anything to figure out what had happened. She noticed a blue-green smoke pooling in the floor and slowly her throat burned. Baxter started coughing up black blood. “Hold on Bax!”

Despite being a lanky bastard, his body was larger and heavier than expected. She’d need to thank Gabriel later for the training. It would kill her to admit it, but her daily and rigorous ass-beating was coming in handy.

It didn’t take long to drag him out and down the hall, but maybe that was just the adrenaline talking.

No one else occupied the basem*nt level, and she needed to put out whatever that horrific fume was. Mia pulled her t-shirt up and doubled it over her mouth and nose. Once inside his room, she slammed the door shut and grabbed a blanket from his bed. The fog was dense enough that she took far too long to find the concoction, but thankfully, she did.

Mia wrapped the beaker up in the blanket to smother it and then raced to the bathroom. She turned the shower on cold and let the water work its magic. It seemed to help, and that had to be good enough for now. At least the smoking stopped.

Back in the hallway she started hacking too, blood dappling her fume tainted shirt. Baxter’s breathing eased, but his body still gave small shakes. Mia grappled with a lanky arm and fumbled him into the elevator.

Once on the first floor she tried to drag him back out but couldn’t, her head and sinuses throbbing. Unceremoniously, she flopped his leg out to keep the elevator open and rushed down the hall.

“Husk! Help!” She hacked, pointing in the elevator’s direction, tripping over herself into the lobby. Husk was the only trained medic in the building and, hopefully, could help.

At the bar were Alastor and Husk, staring at her now.

“The f*ck, Wings?” Husker exclaimed, pouncing over the bar like a cat. He pulled her to a stool, forcing her to sit. He noticed the blood on her shirt and went to look near the elevator before she could answer. It was only a second later that he came back with the unconscious Baxter.

“I found him coughing up blood on his floor. There’s some fume down there.” Mia slumped onto the bar top while he started checking Baxter out on the couch.

“All taken care of!” Alastor exclaimed, his shadow solidifying on the stool next to her.

He’d been there when she first entered the lobby … Hadn’t he? Her confused expression caused him to wink at her and smile. “Once you came up in that state,” he pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed at the blood around her mouth, “I made sure our resident mad scientist didn’t burn the hotel down! That would be terrible for business, don’t you agree?”

She heard a snap, then felt the weight of a glass in her hand. The liquid was clear and scentless.

“Water, dear.”

Mia raised the glass at him. “Thanks.”

“You are quite welcome, sweetheart!” Mia ignored the fact he seemed proud of himself for giving her water.

“Now say, what were you doing in that dank laboratory with Baxter, hmm?”

“We’re friends. We have stuff in common.” She said vaguely. On purpose. People in the hotel were nosy and loved knowing the sins of others. Mia did her best to avoid those conversations, and she didn’t want rumors cropping up about her and the one friend she could talk shop with.

“Such as?” He questioned. Alastor was asking gently, not using his normally abrasive probing.

Science. He’s kept up with scientific discoveries and research methods up top. I just help with the math.”

“Quite the scholar you must be! I never had the innate talent for arithmetic! My closest encounter with the subject was when I reported on that German fellow, Albert Einstein.”

That got her full attention, avoiding the cannibal maniac be damned. “Oh! For real?! That must have been amazing!”

“Certainly it was a distraction from the lynchings and murders! My first year as a radio personality was in 1924.” At this point, her long elven ears were all his. Thankfully, the adverse side effects of the smoke wore off and in her excitement, she'd forgotten all about poor Baxter. Their conversation became entirely one-sided, but Alastor reveled in the adoration of his profession. This kind of attention and admiration was scarce in Hell.

He mentioned so many historical events that her head was dizzy all over again.

“Did you ever meet any of these people?”

He laughed in conjunction with his staff. “Absolutely not, my dear! The radio station’s owner would have been mortified if a poor colored boy openly admitted to being his famous, hidden host.”

Mia’s face visibly darkened. She smiled at him with a hint of sympathy. “I guess a lot of people just assume you were white?” And she was officially guilty of that too.

Alastor raised an eyebrow at her. “On the nose again,” he said, a claw gently flicking her own nose. She giggled at the gesture. “I rose above my station in life. I was paid more than any other mulatto or negro in the area by far, but I was under a strict gag order for several years.” In an overly animated gesture, he mocked being gagged. Deflection via humor.

Mutely, she nodded. Here she was from the modern day, a social justice millennial, and she had just made the same ignorant mistake as everyone else. Guilt twisted in her stomach, wondering just what kind of bigotry he must have faced. Especially during the KKK eras. An idea shot through her head. Mia took out her phone and typed away furiously. Once she found what she was looking for, she leaned over and showed him the image of a smiling black man in a navy suit.

“This is Barack Obama. 44th President of the United States of America. A lot of institutionalized racism exists, but things are changing. Slowly but surely, I like to think. Though my account of racial equality in the country isn’t exactly valid. I was white.” Some part of her wanted to apologize for being born a white woman, but she figured that would be cringe, unhelpful, and probably rude.

Mia grimaced. He just didn’t seem impressed. There was no reaction at all. A purely slate faced Alastor. She thought maybe it would be cool for him to know that, but now she just felt goofy and dumb. As she went to pull back the phone, he slipped it out of her hand. Her mouth fell open, but she froze. Watching Alastor hold a smartphone was an oxymoron by nature. The device rested in his open palms, obvious that he didn’t know how to hold it, still gazing at the screen.

“Would you like to see other things?” she asked in a hushed tone. He looked like he was thinking about it.

Mia looked to the couch, noticing Husk and Baxter gone. They were the only ones in the lobby. With a snap, they were in his office, sitting on a couch in front of a fireplace.

“So ... Anything specific?”

“No, no! Just something you think I might find entertaining.” His voice had a slight menacing edge mixed with his usual cheer.

This suddenly felt like a game, but one she had no chance of winning. Mia audibly gulped, and his smile broadened. God help her naivety. Her racial guilt seemed misplaced whilst remembering how he trapped her against the kitchen counter.

Entertain the maniac, then get out.

First, this would be the last time she offered to be nice to him or try to cheer him up. Second, she had the perfect thing to show him.

Here she was trying to be friendly, and he wanted to turn it into some kind of challenge. Instead of backing down, Mia saddled up to his side with her own broad grin. Ever so slightly, he pulled back, but she feigned ignorance.

“This is a radio broadcast from 1938 by Orson Welles. It’s a bit long, if you have the time.” Alastor produced hot coffee, two cups, cream, and sugar on the table in front of them. He didn’t answer, but gestured for her to have some. Mia poured two cups, then started fixing one for herself.

“Black, Chèr.” The small polite gesture wasn’t something he had expected but appreciated, nonetheless.

Mia beat her curiosity down. No matter what that his flowery words meant, she wasn’t going to ask. Posing questions to Alastor made for a dangerous game and she didn't need to play another with him. Coffee now in hand, she pressed play on the audio file. They settled into silence as a deep voice and radio static surrounded them.

As the broadcast ended, Alastor stood up and clapped, his staff coming with its own cheers.

“Now that was absolutely a treat, my dear! Well done!” Mia smiled, swelling with pride and smugness. She’d won this round, perhaps.

“I’m glad you liked it. Science fiction is my favorite genre, and this broadcast is pretty famous. At the time, some people believed it to be real, not just a Halloween hoax. It’s pretty funny considering H.G. Wells published the original story ‘War of the Worlds’ in 1898. This is an adaptation from an unrelated man called Orson Welles. It took me forever to figure out they hadn’t been the same guy.”

He just sat with an amused grin, eyeing her mirthfully. “You’re certainly the well-educated sort.”

Mia just shrugged, looking smug all the while. “I do my best, I suppose.”

“And what were you doing before death?”

“Finishing my doctorate.”

“Then why commit suicide?”

Mia was momentarily confused. f*ck. The moment she saw his cat-who-ate-the-canary grin, she realized she’d messed up. If she had actually died of a double suicide overdose while working at a nursing home, then she would have been a nurse, not a Ph. D student.

Oh, f*ck me.

“I worked at the nursing home part time! Needed the money and my brother roped me into his scheme. Bad judgement and all that, ya know? Heh. Stupid kids!” The words came out quick and unconvincing. Surely he wasn’t so well versed with modern day schooling that he couldn’t believe she had been doing both, right? Mia hopped up with a nervous smile and sped over to the door.

“Time to get started on dinner! Great talking with you Alastor!” She slammed the door behind her and sped away to the kitchen. Hopefully nothing would come of this snafu. Though her luck normally dictated otherwise.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 310

Baxter groaned, cleaning up his failed experiment. As of late he had taken to mixing science and magic, though the inability to conjure anything otherworldly irritated him greatly. Most of the time he concocted formulas for demon effective medicine and drugs which he sold anonymously to black market brokers in exchange for his more interesting ingredients.

He allowed no one in his room or lab, so the cleaning was always his duty. Well, he let Mia in. Only this morning had he woken up, groggy and hateful from inhaling too much of the fumes.

In his bathtub was the sad, now broken beaker with a now blue stained blanket. “Heh, quite clever,” he muttered, discarding of the ruined materials. She thought quick on her feet, putting it out with the shower. A powerful intellect, sweet voice, charming face …

She consumed his thoughts lately. Baxter thought himself a gentleman. Perhaps not the most suave, but certainly the most loyal and intelligent. Between his headboard and wall he kept a jacket she’d accidentally left in his room and never asked for. The outerwear itself was unremarkable, but it smelled like her. Some part of him wondered if she had left it for him on purpose. Women often confused Baxter, though his older brother had told him about their beguiling ways long ago.

His mobile phone chimed, reminding him of his first counseling appointment. Since his room and board hinged upon his participation with the new therapist, Baxter made his way to the third floor office.

“Good day Doctor,” he said with a polite nod. The bug eyed, reptilian man stood up with a warm smile, shaking Baxter’s hand enthusiastically. To be polite, Baxter exchanged another nicety, but cringed at the bizarre moisture on the therapist's hand. He wiped at his lab coat, sitting down on the couch across from what was obviously the Dr.’s chair.

“Baxter, thank you for coming! I appreciate your being on time. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Antti Paarsnen. Whenalive, I served as the medical director of an inpatient treatment facility. I’m 57, Finnish, and I apologize for the dampness on my hand. I use quite a bit of lotion! This skin dries quite a bit.”

Internally he groaned. What a chatty man. While chatty women were to be expected, perhaps enjoyed, it was so unsightly for a man, especially a seasoned professional.

“Of course Dr. Paarsnen.”

“Why don’t we jump on in hmm? I heard you had quite a scare yesterday! Can you tell me about that?”

With that Baxter proceeded to tell the doctor about his experiment, as much as he could without involving any good faith, and how the fumes got to him. The rant was detailed and technical, the angler demon boring the man with measurements and scale weights, beaker types, effectiveness rates, mixing solutions, the works! Anything to move the appointment along.

“And what happened after your unfortunate exposure?”

How odd … Baxter felt pleasant in this office actually. This man seemed warm and inviting, the grandfather clock hanging directly behind the chameleon man, soothing in its metronome.

“Mia put herself at risk to pull me out and extinguish the fumes,” he reminisced with a small smile.

“Is she a house cleaner? How did she find you?”

“We spend quite a bit of time together. It’s always agreeable. Comfortable. She let herself in.”

“So you’re just friends with Mia?”

Were they?

“I’m not sure. We’re always alone. She come’s to my room on occasion. Leaving her things there …” One thing but who was counting?

Did she do all of this on purpose? While she was a modern woman, to spend so much time, so scantily clad with a man, to be alone and help with his experiments? Baxter couldn’t imagine how scandalous this would have been when he was alive … surely she must have been seeking a courtship with him this whole time?

“Baxter, it sounds like you might have feelings for this woman.”

Was this how it felt to be sought after by a beautiful woman? This warm, floating feeling? He didn’t answer the doctor’s question, absorbed in his haze of grey skinned, winged beauty.

Dr. Paarsnen grinned and waved a hand in front of Baxter’s face. No reaction. It was lovely when plans came together.

For his first session he decided to start with the weakest of the flock, and after a week of observing and learning about the residents from the chatterbox princess and her griping girlfriend, the angler fish demon seemed to be the most suggestible of the bunch. Anti social, cantankerous, and most certainly out of touch on modern relationship standards.

“Baxter. I want you to listen with the clock. Feel the ticks and tocks move through you like a wave.” The lanky blue demon started to sway, eyes barely opened and rolled back.

“Baxter,” he started again with thick honeyed words, “she’s in love with you. You remember how women are, they have to be directed and told what to do. If you don’t take her for yourself, how else will her feelings be known for you? You remember how things are, women aren’t supposed to throw themselves at men so she keeps giving you every opportunity. Why else would she spend so much time alone, away from everyone else, for hours, just with you?”

“In love … with me.”

“It must be very hard for her, you ignoring her feelings like that? Yes?”

“She’s waited so long.”

“Your sweet Mia.”

“My sweet Mia …”

“Baxter, when I snap my fingers, you’ll leave our session and go back to your room, alone. All you’ll remember is a kind, annoying, talkative doctor that you wanted nothing to do with.”

“What an annoying doctor …” he slurred. The chameleon man snapped his fingers. Baxter stood up straight, clear-eyed.

“Well Doctor, as fun as this is, I must be going.”

“Of course, today was just getting to know each other! Your work sounds very interesting. Have a goo-” The door slammed, leaving Antti in his office alone. When closing his agreement with the princess, he'd asked his office to be warded from any magic. Charlotte had done it herself, thankfully, and now no one could snoop in or eavesdrop on his sessions.

He pulled out his phone to make a call. It was answered on the first ring. “I’ve found a perfect test subject, my lord. I’m sure his feeble mind will cause all sorts of mayhem, starting with this poor, stupid girl. I think a few months' time, given we play slow and increase our numbers as planned, everything will be as He commands it.”

The voice on the other end merely thanked the doctor, saying he’d pass along the good news. Today was only a small step for their cause, but an important one in destroying their enemies.


Language Notes:

Chèr (Kouri-Vini)
- - Dear

2024: Grammar updates

Chapter 12: Alley


Mia has some early morning guests then some late night troubles.

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 305

Mia realized she was missing some garden vegetables for today’s breakfast. She’d forgotten to pick them from out front yesterday. The hotel’s silence had distracted her.

For the past few days it felt like the hotel was semi deserted. Vaggie and Charlie were busy and rightfully so. Gabriel was still gone. Angel was missing in action more often than not. Avoiding Alastor was going better than expected since their foray into science fiction. That left Baxter. Going on four days in a row, she’d knocked on his door but there was never an answer.

She’d only last seen him during his lab accident.

Had it embarrassed him?

Embarrassment wasn’t a word she associated with her fishy friend but anything was possible. Was he angry with her? Maybe he was trying to recreate the concoction. He was particularly obsessive like that. Still … she felt torn between respecting his privacy and taking a sledgehammer to his door.

For now, her more immediate issue was breakfast. Mia grabbed a basket to load up with Hell tomatoes. They were tomatoes for all she could tell or taste, but they came in strange and fantastical shapes which always made them fun to pick.

A thunk and noise akin to mechanical backfiring sounded off down the hotel’s driveway, pulling her away from a spiraling vegetable. At the end of the lane was a bulbous contraption.Something halfway between a spaceship and a blimp. A few sections coughed up smoked and others rattled. A large snake man with several round monsters now headed up the drive.

“Good morning and welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!” She greeted once he was within earshot.

The black and yellow snake man gave her an odd look then conferred with a slip of paper from his breast pocket.

“Good morning Madam,” he said politely, taking off his hat with one hand then shaking with his other.

“It’s pretty early for new arrivals, I’m afraid. Most of the staff is still in bed.” Mia watched as the small round demons putted about like a gaggle of goofy kids. Several of them stacked on one another, some waving at her, others calling out for their ‘Boss Man’.

“Oh no dear! I am not here to check into this esstablishment. An assssociate of mine residesss here and I’ve come to call upon him! It seems he hasss no intentions of answering my callsss!”

The man talked in such an animated and excited fashion that Mia couldn’t help but smile and giggle. Thankfully he was too preoccupied with managing his round demons to notice. “Well we only welcome guests who are keen on behaving themselves so, if you can keep out of trouble, I’d be more than happy to serve you breakfast while you wait.”

Honestly, she didn’t feel threatened by him. His composure, relative to all the other demons she’d met, was … lacking. Even Nifty maintained a more menacing air than this one did.

At her offer he smiled joyously, swiftly taking the heavy tomato basket from her, puffing out his chest. “It certainly won’t do to have the this manor’sss missstress doing the manual labor! How absssurd!”

The peanut gallery clucked in agreement. Two of them came up to compliment her politely while another asked to hold her hand in a sweet, childlike way. As she took ‘#37’s hand, she couldn’t hold it back anymore, laughing and patting the snake on the shoulder. His ridiculous pinstripe suit and stereotyping of women reminded her of a few people. “By they way you talk and dress I assume you’re looking for Alastor or Baxter?”

The snake man’s face drained of color as his went wide eyed, hissing like a maniac, hands gripping at the sky. Thankfully the small ones caught her tomatoes. “THAT ISSS WHY I RECOGNIZE THIS ESSSTABLISHMENT! That unhinged Radio Demon residessss here as well, does he not?! Oh I will make csssertain to demolish him after I sssseek Baxter’s help!”

“Uhmmm, well … He’s one of the three owners but I would be greatly appreciative if you try to demolish him far, far away from the property. The hotel is owned by the Princess of Hell after all. I’d imagine that wouldn’t do you any favors, upsetting the King of Hell and all. Terrible manners really.”

As she lead him into the kitchen, he tapped on his chin, truly thinking about what she’d just said, “Yess, I mossst certainly sssee your point. It would not do to terrorize this residence and upssset the monarchy.”

The man removed his jacket and hat, then tied back his long demonic hair, “Where might you keep your apronsss Madam?”

“Oh no! Please, you’re a guest! I’d much prefer you keep an eye on your … ?”

“Hen-chmen!” He added with zest. “They will be of no trouble, I asssssure you! Boysss! Formation 76-alpha!”

The round demons stacked on top of each other from floor to ceiling, like a pole, perfectly organized and out of the way. Mia nodded, genuinely impressed, but not sure what to make of formation 76-alpha. What circ*mstances required such a specific maneuver? Could she even call this a maneuver?

“Well that works for me. Aprons are on the pantry door.”

He shuffled through them and excitedly hissed when he found Charlie’s: a baby pink one with sewn on patches of rainbows and all things sugary. Mia set the serpent man to chopping while she handled the actual cooking. “So you’re friends with Baxter?”

“Oh yes! We’re jolly good matesss from our living days! My most shining pupils from Oxford! As a boy he wasss quite the budding genius and I took him asss a perssonal assisstant! He helped me at the World Fair on several occasions. I was shocked and overjoyed to find him amongssst sinners!”

Mia’s brain did double time in nerd mode. She’d never been a history buff, but where feats of science were concerned, nothing else could compete with for her attention. Time flew by as he told her all about his heavy contribution to the industrial revolution. She wasn’t much of a gear head but this type of first hand knowledge was gold and his flavor of story telling made it so much more enjoyable.

“I headlined in Barcssselona, Parisss, Prague, Chicago and Brusselss! Though Brusssssels is where I died of consumption. Paris wassss by far the most exssquisite oh the Exsshibitions! I find myself conssiderably lucky to have landed in Hell, to meet minds I could only dream of and to meet more I may have never known!”

“So you don’t have any regrets from when you were alive?” The idea seemed so counterintuitive but Hell probably was an immortal paradise for the more ambitious of souls. No morals, no boundaries, great minds from every point in existence …

“Oh pish posh Madam! Not a one! Yessss, a hand full or two died in a few tessstsssss gone wrong, but that is the price of improvement!”

Eventually several pans of shakshuka, toast, and fruit were ready. “Do your boys want to help set the dining room?” She asked, still under the impression that they were essentially bizarre children to the snake man.

“Boyssss!” He screeched. They filed up, eager and happy to take orders. And in record time she had everything set out.

“Let me tell everyone who’s waiting that breakfast is ready, but otherwise, please feel free to help yourselves. Afterwards I’ll show you down to Baxter’s room. And, please, absolutely no havoc, bad behavior, or any fights or lack of self control, please?” Mia gave him a sheepish smile and held out her pinky finger to him. She had a slight feeling this innocent, yet juvenile tactic would work wonders.

And it most certainly did. He squealed softly, almost like a school girl and wrapped his semi scaled pinky around hers.

Out in the lobby waited Husk, Nifty, Charlie, Vaggie, three of the newer guests, and the new psychologist. “Breakfast is ready. I hope you guys like shakshuka. Also, we have some guests.”

Vaggie and Charlie looked at each other with concern and mad dashed for the dining room. “You let in Sir Pentious?!”

“Oh, I guess I never did get his name. But yeah. He was here super early this morning. He’s a friend of Baxter’s. I thought we allowed visitors?”

Vaggie groaned, eyeing him with a snarl.

Mia stepped in front of her with a big smile. “He’s been great all morning Vaggie! Helped me with breakfast and promised excellent behavior. And look at him!” She said, pointing to the man who was wiping the face of a round demon while another two sat in his lap. All the while Nifty chatted him up excitedly. The prospect of a fresh man was a top tier concern for the tiny cyclops.

Charlie grabbed Mia’s arm, grinning at Vaggie with a hopeful, excited look. “Look Vaggie! Maybe even one day he could be a cliiiiient! He’s been in the building for hours now and nothing has happened except good food! This is great! We’re spreading kindness!” Charlie lit up like a Christmas tree, eager to get her breakfast and sit with Sir Pentious. Probably to butter him up about her project.

“Just because it worked out once, doesn’t mean you can let random demons into the hotel, no matter who you are.”

Right. She was supposed to be the all powerful, hot sh*t angel Michael. She really hated that perception. Fat Nuggets was even out of her league in terms of demonic powers. “But isn’t that the point of a hotel?”

“He once tried to blow up the building, Mia.”

“Oh sh*t. My bad. Heh. Ooooops.”

Vaggie’s seemingly permanent exhaustion morphed into a warm smile while looking over at the excited Charlie. “I’m glad it worked out. I guess if he’s here to visit Baxter that isn’t so bad.”

“Have you seen or heard from Baxter?”

“No, I was hoping you had. Normally we try to have everyone check in with us once a week to do a room walk through. Baxter’s normally on time with it just to get us to leave him alone and hide his sh*t.”

“I’ll check on him when I take Serpenthisss? Sirpenthouse? Sirewhatthef*ckwashisname?”

Vaggie cracked a loud laugh as Mia exaggerated the hissing, “His name is Sir Pentious. He has a nasty habit of getting in territory feuds with Angel’s friend, Cherri. I’m just glad Angel and Alastor aren’t here.”

“Hey Mia.”

The peculiar tone caught Mia’s attention the most. Vaggie pointed at the plate with an awkward grin, “You know, I would expect this kind of joke from anyone else, but not you.”

Mia stared at the food, looking for any issues. “What is it?!”

“Sir Pentious’ henchmen are called Egg Boys. They’re egg demons.”

Her jaw went slack, staring at the breakfast food in a new light, a pretty white and yellow egg in a sea of tomato stew stared back up at her. “But … ” She stammered, pointing at the egg boys in horror, “They’re eating it …”

At the same time, Nifty harrumphed and clamored up between Mia and Vaggie. “What’s wrong amiga?”

A sneer of disappointment crossed her face, angrily stabbing a whole apple, “He likes men!”

“Did he tell you that?” Mia asked, looking back and forth, completely unable to see where Nifty got that information.

She groaned, rolling her eye, “I can tell, duh.”


Mia walked Sir Pentious down to Baxter’s room after breakfast. All of the Eggboys were sent back to the ship at Vaggie’s request.

“This is it. I hope he answers for you. I like to think I’m good friends with Baxter, but I can’t seem to get a hold of him.”

The snake demon knocked on the door in an unfamiliar rhythm, then spouted off some sort of nonsense riddle. Much to her surprise and horror, the door clicked then opened a few inches. It was dark so she couldn’t see Baxter, but Sir Pentious thanked her and went into the room with no issues. Once the door shut, her mouth dropped to the floor, angry now. He’d been ignoring her?!

It took a minute before she could move, furious with her friend. Of course he was entitled to his privacy. Sure. But also, what the actual f*ck? He was avoiding her.

There wasn’t anything she could do right now. Breakfast would need cleaned up and she had plenty to do in the garden before dinner. The thought of having this confused, hurt, angry feeling consume her was already exhausting. Mia tried to be reasonable and not entirely nosy, but she always ended up in other people’s business.

And as predicted, it ate at her all day. What she did. What she could have done. What she didn’t do. Was he upset with her? Why would he be? Weren’t they friends? Had she embarrassed him? Did it piss him off that she’d drowned his experiment? The thought roulette consumed her well into the evening.

Finally all was quiet so she took off to Baxter’s room, determined to figured out what was going on.

Before she could even knock on the door, it opened to reveal an exhausted looking Baxter. “sh*t. Bax, are you alright?”

Immediately she tried to hug him. With how miserable he looked, she forgot her anger, “Have you been sick this whole time?! Why didn’t you say anything? Baxter … ?”

He avoided her with a low grumble. He didn’t even look at her. “Let’s get out of here Mia.”

There wasn’t any room for argument or agreement as he made way for the hotel’s back exit. She followed, nervous for him. “Hey maybe we should get you a doctor, you really don’t look well.”

Another grumble. “I just want to get a drink in a place that isn’t this hotel.”

Mia grimaced, unsure of what to do. She wasn’t supposed to leave the property without permission, especially at night. But something about him seemed so miserable and she had missed him terribly. It didn’t matter. She’d deal with the consequences if anyone found out. Baxter was her best friend in Hell and all he wanted to do was grab a drink. There were plenty of bars in Pride so they could probably find one less than a block away. “Sure. Just not too far okay? It’s pretty late.”

He lead the way in silence. Thankfully their part of the city wasn’t as overly populated, but there were still enough demons out that it could have easily been daylight.

“Bax,” she called out, grabbing his arm.

He flinched under her touch and only looking in the direction she was pointing, “How about there?”

The alley across the street hosted a bar sign where large windows showed the interior. It seemed as safe a place as any given the circ*mstances. Baxter grabbed her hand, dragging her across the street and towards the alleyway entrance. Mia’s heart sank to her stomach once they passed the bar’s door, his grip tighter.

“Baxter! What the f*ck are you doing? You’re acting creepy!” For the first time all evening he turned to look at her. God he really did look awful. Skin sickly, eyes almost glazed over, his breathing heavy. Her free hand moved to his, trying to pry it off her wrist. She wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt but panic started setting in.

“Are you sick? What’s going on? Let’s go back to the hotel and get you a doctor!”

He grabbed her free hand with the same force and pinned them against her waist. Mia tried jerking back away from him but it was in vain. It seemed so obvious to her that he was sick. “Do you feel dizzy? I can get us a cab back and the-”

“SHUT UP.” He barked out in a tone she hadn’t known him capable of.

“Why must you torment me? I’ve been so blind, but I understand why you can’t say anything or do anything about your feelings for me. I thought perhaps, just maybe, you would move on. But no, you came back every day.“

Her mouth hung open, rendered speechless by the strange sentiment, “What, no, Baxter, it isn’t anything like that! We’re friends! Only friends.”

“Yes you have to say that! To protect your virtue! I understand. You’ve been waiting for me to initiate so you can maintain innocence in the face of your brother. Otherwise they’d disparage you as a corner girl!”

“No! No! Baxter! Listen to me!”

“Mia I know you love me. Don’t worry, let me take the blame and we can be together.”

His grip on her wrists tightened and he pulled her into him. He bent down, breathing in her hair, muttering more antiquated bullsh*t about her so fragile virtue.

He consolidated her wrists to one hand then firmly grabbed the back of her neck, claws wrapping around, digging into her flesh. With fresh, icy panic in her veins, she writhed against him. Were all demons inhumanly strong no matter their stature? The hand on her neck almost had her off the ground.

She hoped demons had testicl*s.

Her leg swung back, then crashed in between his. An ungodly hiss filled the alleyway and somewhere someone wolf whistled at them, cheering. Instead of letting her go, he threw her sideways into a mixture of trash and old metal.

Something cut her, but she was free. Mia rolled out of the trash and sprang up. Above them people were looking out of windows, cheering Baxter on. Pulling out an angelic weapon in public wouldn’t do her any favors. Instead she picked up a jagged pipe and thrust.

Another hiss filled the alley, followed by more whoops and even some boos. There wasn’t enough room for her to best him in a fight. She was sure Baxter was no trained fighter but one good whack from him could send her sailing.

As the pipe stuck out of his side, she turned and sprinted back to the hotel.

Chapter 13: French


Mia meets someone shady. Alastor gets cranky.


2024 - Updated for formatting/grammar.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 304

Once in the lobby, she collapsed against the door, heaving and trembling. There was stinging around her neck, but her thigh thoroughly burned. Mia bit down on her fist to hold back her voice in an effort to not be noticed. It was in vain, as someone already had. The lobby clock chimed midnight as a grinning, blue eyed, blue mouthed shadow knelt down.

A smoky black hand extended out towards her, the face now smiling pleasantly. “Alastor?” she croaked out, eyeing it suspiciously.

The figure shook his head, then made a thinking face. His free hand formed, then twisted back and forth in a ’so-so’ gesture. Black fingers stretched out further, slow and steady, until it grazed her thigh. Mia yelped with a hiss, still eyeing the dark figure.

In the air it traced, ‘FIX YOU PLEASE?’

Mia went to stand up, shaky, determined to walk back to her room. The shade panicked. His hands waved, eyes and mouth down cast with worry. “It’s not that bad, Alastor. I’m going to my room.”

As she slowly walked forward, the shade floated in front of her. ’NOT ALASTOR. ALASTOR BOSS. AM MILES.’

Ignoring the shade, she probed a finger into the wound to see how deep the gash was. More than an inch of her finger went in, explaining why she was having such difficulty walking. Just perfect.

On one hand, being indebted to the radio demon wasn’t something she was interested in. On the other hand, if anyone found out she’d left the hotel, been assaulted, and came back beat up, she’d be spending the rest of her Hell days in Lucifer’s manor or in her room, locked up with magic.

Finally she agreed, slumping back onto the floor, trying to catch her breath all over again. “Alright Miles. Fix please.”

His bright smile widened, and with a familiar flourish, he bowed. Shadows wisped up around her and a second later she was on a familiar couch. Alastor’s office. Thankfully though, the radio demon wasn’t in attendance.

“So now what, Miles?” His head tipped to the side with a sheepish look, making a stitching motion. Mia jabbed a finger in his direction. “No Miles! No! Unless you’re a doctor, that’s a big no.”

He bounced with his arms crossed. “Is there something wrong?” she probed, almost regretting the question.


Of course. Miles expected her to be a demon. To heal in fast and miraculous ways. No matter her glamour, she was still human, and something like this could take months to heal properly without medical attention.

“I don’t have demon powers, so maybe I don’t heal like normal either. What about magic? Can you do that for me?”

Miles shook his head. ’NOT MY MAGIC.’

Mia groaned, head thumping back down onto the couch cushion. What she didn’t need was that red asshat poking around. She was bloody, and he was a cannibal. Being hunted by pagans was one thing, but being Alastor’s snack was another.

“Will he eat me?” Miles shrugged with a sympathetic expression. ‘MAYBE.’

Just like that, another wisp of darkness curled up, forming into a solid. Alastor grumbled, rubbing his eyes with a finger and thumb, “Miles! I expressly forbade you from waking me!”

The demon’s half-asleep countenance was yet another strange thing she’d never expected from him. Mia’s stupidity alerted him to her presence before poor Miles got the chance. “You sleep?!”

The words came out a bit louder than intended. He whipped around while Miles came to help her sit up. “I’m ok Miles. You’re very sweet.”

Alastor’s smile was forced and certainly annoyed by her presence. “Miles, what the f*ck is this?”

“You curse?!” Her tone was more hushed, but twice as exaggerated. To think he was a human under that showman’s visage. Miles knelt next to her on the floor, pointing at the gash on her leg that was bleeding onto his couch. Good thing it blended in with the crimson.

He groaned, kneeling down in front of her as well. It was then she noticed him in pajamas. They weren’t even close to what she had expected. Instead of something red or silken to match his grandiose personality, he wore a cream and yellow flannel set with a dark blue, fluffy robe. It was just so normal.

Mia yelped, but before a louder noise could come out, Alastor’s free hand clapped over her mouth. Beyond his hand, she saw a claw probing the wound. And he was far from gentle about it.

“As suspected,” he said. In a snap, she was sitting in an unknown parlor. The room was dark except for an unhelpfully dim, lone lamp next to a full book shelf. Across the room, Alastor was rummaging through a cabinet.

She also recognized they were alone. “Where did Miles go?”

He emitted a low growl while sitting next to her on the couch. “If you ask me another question, you insolent brat, I will make you my next supper. Are we clear?”

Her face grew hot, nodding. Sleepy people were terrifying and the most unpredictable in her eyes. He shoved a small blue bottle in her face. “Drink it all. Now.”

There was no hesitation as Mia downed it. The concoction was bitter and gritty. He laid a hand on her thigh, which sent a wave of panic through her, but she stopped herself from overreacting. His hand glowed. Then her stomach grew uncomfortably hot, but her leg went frigid cold. The entire process was uncomfortable and stung, but the pain wasn’t terrible. Minutes later, he removed his hand and her tissue was stitched back together.

“What happened?” he demanded, leaning back onto the couch, eyes closed.

“I, uh … “ It felt weird to tell him what happened because she really didn’t want to admit it to herself. “Just ran into some bad company, you know? Hell, woman, all that nonsense.”

“You left the hotel alone?” His tone was suspicious. While she never left the hotel except to go to the market, accompanied at that, did it seem that suspicious?

“Mhmm …” she half-heartedly agreed.

“What an abhorrent liar you are, Miss Miller. If you aren’t keen on telling me the truth, that’s quite alright. Though, I suspect you’ve accepted my good will instead of Charlotte’s or Vagatha’s, to keep a secret. This is your last chance.”

His tone was harsh and direct. Guilt flooded through her because, without any deal or knowing what had happened, he helped her in an instant. She started wringing her fists. The emotions hit her next. Anger. Frustration. Fear. Confusion. Tears stung her eyes, and she dropped her head to hide under the white hair.

“I didn’t go alone. I went with Baxter. He’s been acting strange. He looked so sick. He wanted to go get a drink and after his accident, I hadn’t seen him since!”

The pace of her words kicked up, matching the racing of her heart. “I didn’t understand until he grabbed me. It wasn’t like with Stanislav! I trusted Baxter! We were friends … We were supposed to be friends -hic ”

Her voice finally cracked, and a single sob escaped. She stopped the second by clamping both hands over her mouth, screwing her eyes shut. A hand landed on her head, stroking softly. That was the only move he made. Mia didn’t want to sob and lose composure in front of him.

“Did he hurt you?” While his voice was soft, she could hear some amount of strain in it. “Si ce vilain poisson a profité de toi, je lui ferai une collation pour les goélands de l'enfer.

The angry French made her feel a bit better, even if she didn’t know what he meant. Mia shook her head furiously, dispelling any idea that Baxter got farther than pushing her around.

Ma chère, il ne faut pas se fier aux apparences,” he muttered, petting her hair like a child. If he was trying to be patronizing, she didn’t mind it because there was some safety in this dark room with the grumpy monster. After some span of time, she gained enough composure to say, “I don’t speak French Alastor.”

“Ha. Cela me plaît.

“Thanks … again. I’m sorry. Really sorry for waking you up. I’ll make it up to you.” She glanced over at him, inspecting just how dark the shadows under his eyes were. “Insomnia?”

He didn’t bother to sit up, but looked at her. “Can you sing?”

Mia turned towards him, brow knitted in confusion. According to Luci, all angels were phenomenal singers. It came with being an impeccable, physically wondrous angel which explained why Charlie was so talented. As a human, though, she could sing well enough. “I guess. I mean, it runs in the family.”

His mouth split into an exhausted grin, and he stretched out a hand of green swirling light. “I’ve helped you, now will you help me?”

“Do what?”

“Sleep. The only thing you’re agreeing to is keeping my sleeping habits a secret.” Mia grabbed his hand with no hesitation. If all he needed was her silence, everything else would be easy enough. Once she let go of his hand, they were in a different room, one as she recognized as a modestly redecorated hotel room. Alastor sat on the bed, reclining against several pillows, eyes closed.

Before she could jump to unsavory conclusions, he explained, “I only sleep once every ten days or so, given how much magic I use. With the hotel I use quite a bit more. Otherwise I’m a textbook insomniac! No sleep for the wicked, as they say! Usually I can play records, and it helps, but an actual person helps the most, it seems.”

“So, like lullabies?” She questioned, trying her best not to look curious.

Alastor either didn't notice her constrained expression, or he didn't care. “As long as it isn’t mindless garbage, I’m not so picky. Though if you’re unable to indulge me, I’d suggest you leave.”

He was a cantankerous old man, indeed. “Yes, I know a few things that aren’t hot garbage. I’m not going to sit here and give you a rendition of WAP or the Holidae Inn.”

Alastor made an absolutely irritated noise. Mia sighed, then dragged over an armchair. “I used to do a lot of theater during my K-12, so I know a few French songs. I just don’t know what they mean.”

He said nothing, and she pushed down any embarrassment or awkwardness for the situation. They’d been dance partners. He’d saved her ass twice, and wasn’t really too terrible outside of his nasty habit trying to torment people. So she began.

En haut de la rue St-Vincent
Un poète et une inconnue
S'aimèrent l'espace d'un instant
Mais il ne l'a jamais revue

Mia loved the French song, even though she’d only learnt of it from the Moulin Rouge musical. But here the original seemed more appropriate. She closed her eyes, continuing on.

Cette chanson il composa
Espérant que son inconnue
Un matin d'printemps l'entendra
Quelque part au coin d'une rue

It made her think of the memories she regained. They were barely patch work thus far, but languages like Russian and Spanish started coming back to her. Some part of her hoped French would come soon, just to understand all of Alastor’s odd, whimsical statements.

La lune trop blême
Pose un diadème
Sur tes cheveux roux
La lune trop rousse
De gloire éclabousse
Ton jupon plein d'trous
La lune trop pâle
Caresse l'opale
De tes yeux blasés
Princesse de la rue
Soit la bienvenue
Dans mon cœur blessé
Les escaliers de la butte sont durs aux miséreux
Les ailes des moulins protègent les amoureux

Mia sang, imagining her fingers moving over the piano keys. Later, she’d most certainly make time to sit with the piano, if only to pour out her grief to it. Somewhere toward the end she heard his breathing deepen and saw that his head now lolled off to the side. It was only fair to keep going until he was in a deeper sleep. She sang through another four songs for good measure. Miles floated up to the other side of the bed with a smile and a thumbs up.


She gave Alastor a once over.

His firetruck hair was flopped about and then an ear flicked with a deep breath. If she was a worse person, she’d take a picture just to have proof of how unassuming he could look. Mia held up a finger to Miles.

From how bundled up his pajamas were, she imagined he got cold pretty easily. She took the blankets and drew them up under his chin. Looking at Miles, she made a motion, mimicking the act of putting a needle on a record and it spinning.

A gramophone now occupied the unused dresser, a woman softly crooning away. Mia followed Miles to her room, dying to sleep.


“Thank you Miles, if it wasn’t for you I’d be in a world of hurt.” She reached out her arms to him with a big smile. He instantly jumped off the wall to bear hug her. She didn’t understand how the shadow could be so much more agreeable than the master, but it was refreshing to meet someone, something, nice and polite.


La Complainte De La Butte Lyrics:

Song Reference:

Translation Notes (French):

Si ce vilain poisson a profité de toi, je lui ferai une collation pour les goélands de l'enfer
- If that nasty fish took advantage of you, I'll make him a snack for the gulls of hell.

Ma chère, il ne faut pas se fier aux apparences.
- My dear, one must not trust appearances.

Cela me plaît.
- That pleases me.

Chapter 14: Thinking


Mia, Alastor, and Nifty all have thoughts and ideas.


Hello all!

Big shout out to Khaleesi who has been so wonderful and supportive! It is really nice to hear some feedback! It gives me hella motivation :)

I think the next few chapters may be a tad cliche? I'm not sure. Sometimes I have so many ideas that it is hard to reel them in to properly explore them or to not have them contradict one another. Ughhhhh. I really loved writing for Nifty this time. If I shared a brain with anyone, it is Nifty because lololol. Fanfiction.

Please enjoy! If you're reading, just drop a hello and what you like/dislike the most! Maybe what anyone hopes to see?

Well either way, enjoy!

2024 - Grammar update.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 301

Rumors filled the hotel about Baxter’s mysterious disappearance. Sometimes people would ask her if she’d heard from him, seen it coming, was anything wrong … the usual.

Mia stuck to her story: after the accident, she hadn’t seen him and made a point to say how worried she was. That wasn’t untrue. He had seemed so sick, but maybe she was making excuses. She racked her mind, wondering if she had led him on. He was so old fashioned-


Mia smacked her own cheeks hard. No matter what, who, how, when, or why, she did not ask to be assaulted.

Today was the bi-weekly staff meeting. Without Gabriel that left Nifty, Husker, Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, and the new Dr. Antti stuffed into the main office. Charlie sat at the desk which Vaggie perched on, while Husk stood in the window, barely paying attention and swigging booze. Nifty was bouncing about dusting, despite the room already being impeccable and was probably clean enough for hospital patients. Antti stood next to Charlie, leafing through folders.

That left Mia sitting in one of the two armchairs in front of Charlie, Alastor occupying the other.

Nothing was said between them since his brief tenure as her nurse and her stint as his canary. She also hadn’t seen Miles, either. Between Baxter nearly maiming her and Gabriel’s extended, unannounced absence, she felt a little down trodden to not see that eccentric blue smile.

All of that being said, Alastor also played along to their tune of secrets. “So no one has seen or heard from Baxter?” Vaggie pressed again.

Every head in attendance shook ’no’. “Al, were you able to locate him?”

His microphone played a cartoonish ’mwap muaaah’ as he shook his head in mock despair. “I’m afraid not, my darling belle! Wherever our fishy constituent is, it seems he may not wish to be found.”

Despite knowing it bothered Charlie to lose a patron with no explanation, Mia only felt deep-seated relief. Suddenly the entire hotel was a free for all. She could meander and work with no issues.

She noticed the psychiatrist shaking his head, looking saddened. “I’m so sorry, my princess. I should have been more thorough with him. Maybe if I would have learnt something …”

Charlie flashed the chameleon man her famous gigawatt smile and laid a sympathetic hand on his arm. “Doctor, you’re a valued team member here and we face struggles together. There was nothing you could have done and I appreciate you helping us.”

The man nodded, patting Charlie’s hand. “Princess, you give us all hope.”

Alastor’s microphone played the sounds of an encore as he stood up, clapping as well. “Good doctor, what kind words you have for our dear Charlotte! Why yes, she is the shining beacon of Hell! Princess of the Damned! My good sir, I’m afraid we’ve yet to make our acquaintances! The name is Alastor!”

Antti reached his hand out towards Alastor, but the red demon swung his arms wide, magic flaring to life. His microphone floated in front of the doctor’s face and started speaking, “Yes, yes, good sir, tell us where you’re from! You’ve got to introduce yourself! Engage with the audience!”

The chameleon pulled nervously at his shirt collar and fiddled with his cardigan sleeves. “Well, alright then.”

The doctor told everyone his name, home country, credentials, and that he hopes to help make a difference in the project.

“And how did you die?” Alastor’s eyes were narrowed, his smile menacing.

“Ah that,” said Antti with a twinge of regret. “It is an unfortunate, sad story and I’m still grieving the incident. You’ll have to excuse me, but it isn’t something I’m keen to speak on just yet. ”

“Aaaaaal!” Charlie called out, her smile tight, “I’m sure you can get to know Antti plenty later since we’re all working together! For now, I’d like to give everyone an appraisal of new guests entering the hotel and distribute some new hotel policy guide books!”

Charlie clapped once and suddenly everyone was holding a three-ring binder stating ‘Hazbin Hotel Staff: Policies, Guidelines, Rules, and other snippets on how to successfully help redeem sinners!’.

Each binder was a different color, with doodles of all their faces and rainbows and cupcakes. Mia smile at the arts and crafts nature, opening it to start reading through.

“We will take SERIOUS suggestions to the policies.” Vaggie announced, giving warning glances to Husk and Alastor.

Nifty scuttled up onto Alastor’s shoulder to view the handout, not phased by Vaggie’s dismissal. “What does it say about cleaning?!”

Charlie winked, “You do such a great job that if you ever feel the need to write it down, we’d love to have it!”

It was like a birthday gift for Nifty, getting that kind of praise for her manic, obsessive compulsive, borderline homicidal cleaning methods. After the Hazbin typical shenanigans and announcement of having another welcome dinner for the guests, everyone was dismissed.

Mia walked out last, leaving Vaggie, Charlie, and Dr. Antti to have their own meeting. A red coat tail fluttered around the corner and out of sight. There was a nagging feeling in her head. It had grown since they'd talked that night. Mia felt the need to thank him again, but that went against every one of her self interests. Against any kind of intelligence and common sense. Becoming buddies with Alastor was like asking for trouble on one side and then a scolding on the other.

She forced herself down the opposite direction of the hall. Perhaps he’d only been protecting his self interests in helping her. The cooking would never get done if she could barely walk for weeks, so that was probably the beginning and end to his logic. That had to be it. Nonsensical thoughts be damned to what or where ever was worse than Hell.

Out in the garden she moved through the motions, practicing her weapon skills with a broomstick. Maybe Gabriel was right to be so strict with her before. With all the uncertainty, she needed to stay on top of practicing. She needed to survive Hell. This realm and its inhabitants were dangerous and out of her league. But only for now, and she had a plan.


Cannibal Colony
Next Cleanse: 301

Alastor had certainly sent his shades to find the miserable ocean brat, but as he said earlier, there was no sign of Baxter. Given what had happened with the hotel’s pretend-demon, it was for the best. Of course, there was no true interest in protecting the girl … again, but it was his business and his employee. Thus his reputation.

Simple, really. Nothing to analyze in the slightest. And she offered quite a bit of entertainment for him, whether she knew it or not.

The bell above Rosie’s Emporium tinkled, alerting the shop boy, Akram, to his presence. “Oh Master Alastor, welcome back! The madam is in her atelier. Shall I let her know you’re here, Sir?”

The orca demon was perhaps one of the youngest in Hell. Mortal souls younger than 17 were rare indeed. Akram had appeared five years ago at the age of 14. Alastor had found him cowering like a cat in a dumpster with five fresh demon carcasses. It was so impressive and beautiful that it genuinely touched his cold, dead heart. If only he’d been blessed with children so talented.

Akram most certainly looked like a child, except for being several inches taller than Alastor. With a snap, a bag of treats appeared on the counter. Some of Alastor’s favorites. Akram caught the smell immediately and opened the bag, salivating. Before anything could be said, the young boy wrapped his arms around the radio demon, thanking him profusely.

It took every iota of his existence not to smear the child across the floor, but alas, he did not. His soft spot was for children. Thankfully, the lack of them in Hell made life much easier.

“Akram,” came a melodic, warning voice from the stairway. Now instead of profusely thanking Alastor, he was apologizing.

“Come now, Rosie, he’s but a young lad! One day I’m sure he’ll find the self control to restrain his enthusiasm! As long as he doesn’t lose it for maiming the despicable denizens we call neighbors, I’m sure this can be overlooked … for now.”

Alastor patted the boy's head and followed Rosie up to her greenhouse-esque atelier. The table was already set with fresh accommodations. They took their typical seats, exchanging overly polite, old time greetings.

“I must say Alastor, you’re in quite a delightful mood! To whom should I send my regards?”

“My dearest Rosie, send it to my wonderful night’s sleep! I’m as fresh as the blood on Extermination Day! It seems a new record player did the trick well!”

“Congratulations, my friend. I do hope you’ll grace us with a delightful broadcast soon, with all that youthful energy.”

He took a sip of Cannibal Colony’s special coffee blend and hummed in satisfaction. He truly felt rested, even though he’d slept days ago. “Might you have any suggestions, sweet Rosie?”

She grinned and tutted at him, “Oh you tricky young thing, you. Of course, I always have a list, though I’m still so disappointed we never made it to Franklin.”

At the mention of her husband’s name, she took a pastry fork and flung it expertly at a large gilded portrait of the recently exterminated Franklin. There were holes galore in the painting, along with many more forks, needles, and other odd objects. Alastor was still befuddled by how she managed to pierce it with a disembodied finger, which had belonged to one of Franklin’s bastard children.

“But yes, I do have a number of miscreants who tried to lift from my boutique. The nerve, mind you. What did you have in mind this time?”

Given the last several encounters he’d had with the human Miss Miller, he’d decided, “Some more of those potions you concoct so lovingly! They’re a phenomenal resource for the hotel given the street runoff that wanders in day and night.”

It was just business. Having a human was a liability, and he needed to be prepared. He still suspected her residency was a test from Lucifer. It was simply him looking out for his future promotion. That was all.


The Hazbin Hotel Lobby
Next Cleanse: 295

He he he …. “Got cha!”

Nifty hissed in delight, finally catching the seven eyed mouse that had plagued her hard work. It squirmed and snapped and spit with spite until it finally died on her claw. Before she could pop the rodent carcass into her mouth, the lobby doors slammed. Next came the swift clacks of someone wearing heels.

“Whose in charge’a this here joint?”

The cyclops demoness skittered out from under the couch, excited to see Mimzy. “Oh my gosh, why are you here? I didn’t even know you could leave the club Mimzy! Ohhh, are we going to have a party?”

Mimzy smiled at Nifty and flounced, “I’m here for this program’a Al’s. If he’s backing it, maybe it’s worth a shot.”

Immediately, Nifty started texting Charlie about a new arrival. 256 words later, the text message was sent. “So where is Big Red?”

“Beats me!” She replied. A fly buzzed somewhere around the second-floor balcony and Nifty crawled up the wall then flung herself at the insect, chomping it out of midair. With the flutter of her skirt she landed next to Mimzy who looked positively disgusted with her.

“Mia!” Nifty called out, waving as the dragonfly demoness rounded the corner. The white-haired woman looked up from her phone and plastered on a strained, sweet smile.

“Hi Nifty. Mimzy! It’s a pleasure to see you again. Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel.” The singer ignored Mia’s outstretched hand. “How can we help you?”

“You can’t help me, doll face. I’m lookin’ for Al, gonna see what this whole gig is about. Might join.”

Nifty swayed, pleasantly watching the interaction. This would be perfect material for her latest fan fiction! What was even better for her was that Alastor sauntered in at the perfect moment, the dashing male lead with a bad boy’s temper.

He came up behind Mia with a brighter smile and kinder eyes than she was used to seeing from him. Oh, the suave demon!

She knew Al to the point that his actions were translucent to her. To the point she knew he would act nearly deplorable to rebuke Mimzy’s sassy, unwanted adoration. What Al didn’t understand was how much the woman loved his hard to get attitude. Something hard to get was worth getting. Nifty had tried to explain it once, but a piece of dust fluttered up on that day and she’d forgotten all about it for nearly two years.

His claw dipped under Mia's chin as he bent down, their noses now nearly touching. “Miss Miller, my lovely girl! Breakfast was delicious as ever,” he purred.

This time, Nifty did giggle.

Mimzy’s cheeks went blood red, as a high pitch tone sounded through the lobby. Somewhere at the bar, Husk could be heard hissing at the intrusive noise. Actually, other than really enjoying the club, there was little to nothing she liked about the flapper. What she disliked the absolute most was how Mimzy approached Al.

There was no romance! No climactic drama! Nothing spicy to stir the pot! It was such a poor pairing and would make for a terrible love story.


At one point, she considered them a potential pairing. She’d tried writing several stories about the radio demon and songstress, but it never worked. There was zero, maybe even negative OTP potential! So, in her head, she decreed them absolutely incompatible. Even Vaggie and Alastor was a better ship! And that one was so gross she called it Alggie.

Nifty snapped back to reality as Mia stepped out of Alastor’s reach and excused herself from the awkward situation, flustered. The Writing Goblin in her brain stored that snippet away for later.

Just to annoy their guest even further, she skittered up onto Al’s shoulder, demonstrating how she could touch him and Mimzy couldn’t.

Mimzy broke the short silence first, pouting and batting her lashes, “You never have breakfast with me, Al.”

Alastor chuckled and aimed point blank, “But of course! Why dear Miss Miller is a goddess amongst sinners in the kitchen, I’d dance through my soles to eat her venison roast! Enough of that now. What brings you to our lovely establishment, my good woman?”

At that moment the game ended as Charlie rushed up, giddy and hopeful about Mimzy's joining.

“Bye Charlie!” Nifty said with no introduction in the first place, her eye twitching with all the new and exotic plot ideas. One of them was a bug catching AU, what was sure to be a hit!


Mia is done taking people's sh*t >:] Muwhahahaha~

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Oh wait ... that's youtube. f*ck. Oh well!

Chapter 15: Offer


Gabriel returns and Mia needs to figure things out.

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 294

Today Mia was outside in the back gardens tending to the plants.

“Don’t you think it’s much too hot for this?” Her head whipped around. Mia rocketed toward Gabriel with a squeak as he appeared from behind a tree in his canine glory. Mia threw her arms around him smiling. In all of Hell’s insanity, she’d missed him.

He returned the hug ensuring her ribs were near crushed.

“Where have you been?!” She said, pausing her enthusiasm to whack him on the arm, pouting. “For f*ck’s sake you could have texted me! Even Vas couldn’t tell me where you were!”

He smiled, but something about it was dark. Maybe even regretful? “I’m sorry. I promise to let you know next time. I’m sure it’s been hard on you, staying here without me … Things are happening so please be patient.”

She gave him a concerned, hard look. “What kinds of things?”

Gabriel sighed and shook his head. “I’m sorry but I can’t say. Not right now. You’ve stayed within the hotel, yes?”

“Yes. Stay in the hotel. Stay safe,” she huffed.

He looked at her face, trying to discern if she was telling the truth. “Seriously?! Oh come on, where would I go? Charlie and Vaggie still think I’m staying in the hotel full time to observe their progress. I’ve been working here full time. Can you imagine how much demons eat?”

“I’m sorry,” his hands landed on her shoulders with a soft smile, “You have to understand how important it is to me that you’re safe. No Radio Demon?”

Mia rolled her eyes. “Of course. No Radio Demon. I’m not interested in becoming some cannibal’s snack. I avoid him as much as possible. Feel free to ask around if you don’t believe me.” And that much was true but his face changed and it seemed she was off the hook. There was no way in Hell, literally, that she was going to give him a run down of her unfortunate circ*mstances.

Before he could say anything else, she picked up her broom stick and pointed with a massive smile, “I’ve been practicing!”

“I’m proud, but I need you to listen. With everything happening, I’ll be gone for some time. Maybe longer than before, but I’ve set you up with someone who can keep training you when I’m not here. They’ve even agreed to come to the hotel.”

“You just got back!” There was that sunken feeling again. Disappointment and uncertainty, mixed with an overwhelming amount of sadness. Gabriel didn’t say anything. “I get it. I understand.”

She didn’t want to ask how long he would be gone for and she knew he wouldn’t give her any information about what was happening. Neither would Vassago or Lucifer. On several occasions she’d texted them and gotten nothing useful.

“Why don’t we go grab a drink hmm?” Gabriel offered her his arm and she accepted, beaming. Regardless of how he acted sometimes, she was happy to see him trying to not be such a stick in the mud “Of course! And you can tell me all about my new teacher!”

“I promise to tell you after dinner. Think you could manage some chili tonight?” They chatted and laughed all the way into the hotel lobby. At the bar sat a morose p*rn star stirring frilly co*cktail, Husker reading behind the bar, and Alastor posted up in an armchair with a news paper. Gabriel pointedly ignored all the deceased sinners.

“Oooooh wolf man is back!” Angel cooed as the sat down.

Angel ignored Mia and slinked around to the dog demon, drink in hand. Mia frowned, noticing the spider’s odd demeanor. She looked to Husk, trying to catch his gaze, but he stuck his face deeper in his book. Sure Husk was prickly even by Hell’s standards but to so blatantly ignore Angel coupled with the odd tension in the room … everything felt off.

Mia spared a glance at Alastor who nodded at her maliciously. Well, if malicious nodding was even possible and oh boy did he make it seem so.

During that brief exchange, something happened, causing quite the commotion. Gabriel jumped up with a snarl and snap of his fangs while Angel just stood there looking apathetic and cold. The co*cktail glass shattered across the floor.

“Ya know that’d costed some schmuck an eight ball,” he snickered, inspecting his nails.

“Hey, you ok?” Mia asked Gabriel. He ignored her, doing his best to stay composed. Looking down she saw one of his pant legs covered in pink booze.

“Disgusting. I’m not interested in some disease ridden, loathsome hooker. Touch me like that again and you will meet a most certain second death. Mia, I’m going to shower.” With that Gabriel stormed off, leaving her mouth hung slack while looking back at Angel.

“Angel, what did you do?”

He didn’t look at her either but his face turned pained, six arms wrapping around himself tight. “Tch! You know, this is why cats and dogs make sh*t pets. f*ck this joint.”

Cats and dogs? Angel stormed out of the hotel. Wheeling around she demanded, “Husker, what is happening with him?”

Husker suddenly looked aged, his posture more slumped and weak. He huffed, lit a cigarette, and headed off down the hall. For him to leave the comfort of the bar meant to her that some f*ckery was going down.

“Jesus f*cking Christ! Am I invisible?”

Mia stalked behind the bar to pour herself a drink. Angel’s behavior was bizarre, even for him. This was far from the normal overly sexual shenanigans. He took pride in the way he threw himself at people, or so she thought. Mia tipped back a double. While being totally bewildered, she was also absolutely pissed that she’d been ignored three times.

A shadow twisted into Alastor on the stool in front of her. For f*ck’s sake, she’d forgotten he was even there. To think Gabriel left her with him in the room. God, he must have been so pissed.

What she wouldn’t give to be ignored one more time. Maybe if she just left …

Mia started to leave the bar when he finally said, “Why you’ll never learn to make a proper sazerac like that! You young things always take your libations too quickly! Come come now.”

She went to open her mouth in protest but he continued, “We might need a substitute bartender in the future if Husker and Angel Dust stay bickering like children.”

Damn him.

Obviously she wanted to know what was going on. Who wouldn’t? So here he was not so subtly bartering information for a drink. It wasn’t like he couldn’t make it himself.

Even so, helping Charlie meant getting to the bottom of this bullsh*t. Mia exhaled and grabbed a lowball glass. Small shadows materialized the necessary ingredients and a small instruction card, hand-written in elegant burgundy script. As she started quietly making the drink, he started telling her about the small issues piling up with Angel. Drugs in his room. Posting lewd pictures with the hotel tagged. Not scheduling when he’d be out. Not cleaning his room. Not meeting with the doctor at all.

Once Alastor was done, they stayed in silence. She wasn’t thinking about Angel any more. No, she was mulling over her own ridiculous plan. Gabriel’s needing to be gone soon certainly changed things, but in front of her sat the solution.

“Uhm, I was hoping to pick your brain,” she said, trying her best to feign being chill.

He sipped at his drink, waiting for her to continue.

“So it seems we both have an issue right? You can’t sleep. I can’t leave the hotel without becoming a demon’s snack or worse it seems. So what if we worked something out?” If her confidence had wavered any other time in her life, that would have been fine, but here? In front of the Radio Demon? Mia suddenly didn’t feel that delusional sense of bravery she normally carried.

“Hmmmm.” Alastor drummed his fingers on the glass, the other hand against his chin. It was a ruse, she figured, observing his mock consideration.

“You know what, maybe it’s best I drop it. I’ll leave you to your drink.”

Mia went to leave the bar once more but before she could, he added, “And what’s stopping me from just utilizing your talents when I so please, hmm?”

His grin was coy, eyes challenging her. Honestly, they idea of being jerked around again by someone else pissed her off. It struck a nerve. Jerked from her life. Jerked into Hell. Jerked into trying to be something she had literally no power to be. Jerked around by his whiplashing ways. Jerked into a pile of trash and metal in an alley. Her mouth pursed and she smacked her hands on the bar.

It as dramatic as she’d hoped and he nearly snorted at her defiant countenance. “Oh ma jolie proie, it seems I’ve struck a nerve.”

“Listen here, you are not going to do that to me. And if you do, there won’t be soul who can help you!”

HA! Oh dear you must be so frightening when you’re mad! Like a kitten angry about its milk.” His expression changed, to something knowing, something dark. “Please, tell me how you’ll make this old sinner's soul regret doing that? You, a young lady in Hell with no powers?”

If she ran him through with her glaive, with an angelic weapon, the searing pain would be enough to convince him. Mia tried to collect herself. If he wasn’t interested, why would he even bother toying with her? Of course there as a 50/50 chance he was doing it for the giggles, but what did she really have to lose?

“Like I said,” her voice was strained, trying to not sound annoyed, “I can help your problem, if you’d be willing to help mine.”

Red eyes glinted mirthfully. That sharp smile wide and thoroughly entertained. He always looked at people so directly she noted, for the sheer purpose of making them uncomfortable.

Oh god he was enjoying this. There was more fake thinking on his part. Alastor tapped his now empty glass and she gave in, making him another sazerac. Once she sat the drink down, he said, “And what of mine do you seek?”

“I want Miles.” She said all too enthusiastically. It shocked her that he’d even bothered to ask. “No, f*ck. That didn’t come out right. I want to be able to leave the hotel sometimes. Go see Hell. Not all the time, not more than once or twice between your sleeping days. As long as Miles doesn’t mind that is.”

Suddenly the blue mouthed shadow swirled to life on the bar top, waving at her. Mia smiled and waved back, “Hey Miles.”

The shadow gave a thumbs up to Alastor whose smile faltered, though only by a fraction.

“You must consider yourself a clever one Miss Miller.” That was bait and she wasn’t going to bite.

“Deal or no deal?” She asked, squaring herself with confidence.

“And to what extent do require my services? You certainly find your fair share of trouble.”

Mia nodded, understanding his concern. “I don’t expect him to do more than watch my back and if something sticky happens, he can bring me back here. No fights, no gnawing on other demons, no abuse of privileges.”

“As well and good as that sounds, what are you offering in return dear girl?”

“Well, helping you sleep. Wouldn’t it be nice to sleep more than every ten days? Just think of how much better you’ll feel. More powerful too! … Probably.”

“Oh dear, that simply isn’t enough,” he said with a sly smile, leaning in over the bar top, “A few songs for my shade? For personal protection from someone of my status? Surely your freedom, no matter how infrequent is worth more than that.”

Well this was just peachy. She certainly didn’t have anything to offer besides being a creature with a decent voice. Mia racked her brain. What was something he needed? Or even better, something he hated … The solution hit her like a brick to the face.

“Mimzy!” She exclaimed with a snap, pointing at him.

“We all know she’s only here to get at you and you’re deluded if you think she won’t drive you stark raving mad. If Miles is protecting me, I wouldn’t have to worry about her anyway and if she thinks, well ya know, you’re with someone, she might leave you alone!”

It was cliche and cringe worthy, but she’d heard stories from Husker and Angel about how relentless Mimzy was in her pursuits. Sending him cards, gifts, dedicating songs to him openly at the club. It started to effect his reputation. “And why do you seem so certain that a little competition would dissuade her?”

Finally, it was her turn to flash a wicked grin. “Because how pathetic would she look pining over someone taken? A real shame if rumors happened to spread about her trying to be a home-wrecker even after being so thoroughly rejected. Desperate is bad look, even in Hell.”

This time, Mia got the impression he was genuinely considering her proposition. “You’ve overlooked a detail! What will you do when gossip spreads of our ill-begotten relationship?” That last word came out as if he was going to gag. So he did actually find romantic attachments disgusting.

“Who’s going to tell? This little show would only be for Mimzy and what does she gain by telling everyone else she lost the Radio Demon’s heart to some no name goody two shoes with no power?”

Alastor’s eyes narrowed, assessing her. For once, Mia felt like she was on the same level as the demons around her. If she couldn’t strong arm her way through Hell, she could certainly out wit her way.

“As clever as you think of yourself, I highly suspect your mutt isn’t going to allow such a scheme or for you to make it off the premises.” He stood up to leave but Mia hopped to grab his sleeve. No way she was going to let her chance for protection, for freedom, just saunter away and dismiss her.

With as stern a voice as she could muster, she continued on even as the air around him visibly darkened and static filled the air. “He’s leaving again,” she confessed. “He’s leaving and I refuse to be a prisoner here. Ideally, this would start once he’s gone.”

His smile split wide, eyes turning to dials. Fear and pressure started make her skin bristle but there was no backing down. If she’d really been some angelic hotshot once upon at time, now was the time she needed that confidence.

Alastor’s head clicked to the side, “Let go.”

“Go ahead and throttle me.” And for a second he considered her challenge. Mia wondered if this would be the end of her current life. Or maybe dying in Hell, meant staying in Hell?

At least then there would be something to work with and maybe she'd live past 30.

In all of her craftiness, she hadn’t predicted what was coming. Instead of ending her, torturing her, or even accepting her proposition, Alastor vanished into a shadow. Her empty hand hung in the air and Mia wondered if she’d just royally f*cked up.

Chapter 16: Doodles


Hello! This chapter isn't story update but more of an author's note. I've been quite busy and will be until November. I'm moving for work. My grandma and sister are having surgery. My mom works with idiots. My dad likes to farm too much?

I have some of the next chapters written but it needs a hot minute of review.

In the mean time I made some doodles of future chapters and wanted to share <3

I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR what you guys think these images could be! That'd be super fun for me.

There will be ZERO context for these images but they are only of Mia and Alastor.

Love y'all and keep those chins up!

Chapter Text

Reckless - TsundereForHire - Hazbin Hotel (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own] (1)

Reckless - TsundereForHire - Hazbin Hotel (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own] (2)

Chapter 17: Four


Alastor, Antti, Vaggie, and Angel have stuff going on today. For better or worse.


I LIED. I thought I would wait. My brain said lololololol naaaaaaah.

So here we are. Well, I am. I hope you're here too!

Oof I'm beat though. So much paperwork. I like this chapter.

I think Vaggie is the most underappreciated character in Hazbin. She's a main character and gets treated like chopped liver. Or worse.
To me she's probably the mentally strongest. To date Charlie as a mortal sinner with no real powers from a heavily Christian/Catholic part of the planet. To go nose to nose with Alastor.

I worry about canon Charlie/Alastor ships. Like listen to me for a sec, Alastor sexually harassed Vaggie in the pilot, so wtf. Even if Charlie and Vaggie weren't together, Charlie wouldn't swing for that. Even if Alastor could be redeemed, like NO. So yeah. None of this has anything to do with Reckless. I just think a lot of people don't realize that happened.

I did. And we'll get there. Ohhhhhh boy will we get there. Gonna party hard on that one.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Pentagram City - Sheol River Bridge
Next Cleanse: 292

“What an annoying, foul, abrasive, degenerate, obnoxious woman.”

Alastor strolled across Pentagram City’s largest bridge, occasionally tossing a nearby miscreant off into the half frozen, half boiling whatever below. He certainly would not call the greenish liquid water. Annoyance and irritation ate at him while contemplating Mia Miller’s brazenness. Contemplating ripping her in half that was.

Had a mortal soul ever approached him with a deal before? The gaul!

A shriek sounded behind him as a black tentacle dragged a burly lizard demon into the river depths. Alastor’s mood was certainly sour.

Demons almost always moved out of his way but it never failed that a moron would see his ears, not recognize him, and mistake him for prey. Maybe that’s what annoyed him the most. Deals were meant to suit his needs. Amuse him. No one was supposed to approach him! Sheer lunacy!

His hand glowed red as a car speeding past crumpled and skidded into the other lane.

What’s worse was Miles seeming enthusiastic about the ordeal! The thought made Alastor want to retch. The shade was an extension of himself, existing between being apart of him and independent. The only time his shadow was detached was when he slept so her awful suggestion was null regardless. Miles represented mostly raw emotion, untended emotions. A siphon for clearing his head. Alastor could divulge himself of frivolous, harping emotions that way. A literal shadow of all his humanity.

Did the woman excite him? Certainly. She was a rare package of human meat that he hadn’t tasted in 40 years. The last time he’d ate one was when a butchered politician was smuggled in and sold at the black market. Humans in Hell, raw or cooked, were expressly forbidden by Lucifer.

He wondered if reporting her was meant to be a test, but how would he explain knowing she was human?

Telling the King of Hell he purposefully tasted her blood did not bode well and was ruled out. The theory of Charlie’s involvement was also ruled out. The Princess allowed the woman too many freedoms. Surely if Charlie knew Miss Miller was so helpless, she’d treat her like a porcelain doll. Delicate and fragile.

Then that look. That look on her face irked him to no end. Oh, such defiance. “Throttle me she says! Malarky! I ought do worse and snap that back talking she-devil in half.”

Alastor was now day dreaming of soft flesh, raw and smeared with blood, tasting delicious. Sharp screams and cries, panicked apologies, pleading for him to let her live.

Radio tunes filled the air as he went on about his pleasant day dream. Smaller demons, all red skinned and horned skittered away as he walked by. A dog man with a puppy ducking into a shop. He’d wandered into Imp City without a thought it seemed. It was more residential than Pentagram City since so many Hellborn families lived in the area.

With what would be considered coincidence in any world, Alastor noticed that brazen brat across the street. She was accompanied a female imp and a hellhound. All of them had beverages from the cafe, heading down the street. Was this her solution to his refusal? To make friends with powerless Hellborn creatures?` He was nearly insulted.

He sent a shade to hide in her shadow as he trailed just far enough away to ease drop.

“Gosh sugar! Keep trainin’ like that and you’ll have to join us for work sometime!” Drawled the small imp. The Hellhound was entirely checked out and playing on her cellular device.

“They way you handled that axe! Millie I’ve never seen someone wield something so much larger than them!” The women laughed.

“Means a lot coming from you! Gettin’ used to a new body cain’t be easy. Moxxie’ll drive ya back in the van. I’ll see you in the mornin’ and good luck with that party tonight!” How suspicious, he thought. It was another odd piece of information concerning her that didn’t fit.

Alastor recalled the shadow and carried on with his stroll out of the hound infested borough. The reek of dog bothered him and he normally avoided the area all together.

He’d seen the woman training with her brother on several occasions, but thought nothing of it. Basic self defense was common in Hell among the weak. Compared to magic and brute force though, it was relatively useless. Really a waste of time. So then that left the question: training for what?

A human in Hell with permission. A dog man who seemed to have power, coming and going all willy nilly. Now the human was training with an imp using deadly weapons. He couldn’t wrap his head around it. Annoyingly, he pondered if countering her bargain would have been a better idea. Mimzy was certainly a nuisance but not unmanageable. And sleeping …

He groaned, regretting her initial assistance. Had he truly been so tired that he needed someone’s help? Unfortunately yes and he’d not been able to sleep since then.

During life insomnia plagued him. His mother made it so easy to fall sleep. She never went to bed before he did, always singing around the house while cooking or sewing or gardening.

Once she died, his sleeping habits worsened and so did his bloody hobby. It irked him still to think that he’d probably gotten caught that night because he’d not slept properly for nearly a week. Whilst rubbing the covered Death Mark on his forehead, Alastor pushed down the memory. Reliving his human days was nothing in comparison to the freedom and power he had in Hell. Short of his mother and a few small things, there was nothing worth missing.

Hell was his fantastical playground and soon all of Pride would be his. The day dreams started again, thinking of the shock and horror on that dreadful TV’s face when his promotion goes public.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 292

Antti rubbed his ‘special’ lotion on his hands, waiting for his next patient: Mimzy.

He’d studied her dossier extensively, trying to find the best fit for her in their grand plan. Having access to someone apart of the general populous could move up their timeline. Earlier in the day, the head of his sect said to feel around for information but not jump the gun quite yet. Epaphus was patient and wanted realistic options. The doctor respected that steady nature.

Soon came a sharp knock. The club owner sauntered in without a knock, snobbishly eyeing him and his office. Internally, he delighted. Her sort was the most satisfying to work with. They fell fast and hard. A delight to experience the whole. “Miss Mimzy! It is a pleasure to have you!”

He reached out a hand with a warm smile. She seemed entirely uncertain, limply extending her hand like some old fashion court woman. Antti took her gloved hand and placed his other hand on her bare shoulder. Luckily she didn’t shrug him off so he let go as to not irk her.

“Please, have a seat,” he said gesturing to the couch.

“Thanks doc.” Actually, now she seemed more nervous than haughty. “So what’s this suppose’a be ‘bout?”

“Well,” he handed her a pamphlet outlining the benefits and possibilities to be had with talk therapy. It was also coated thinly in his lotion. Hopefully it would take effect through her gloves as she read it. “I’m here to help facilitate redemption in the long run. For now though, I just want to get to know you Mimzy. I have to say you have a wondrous reputation! I’ve not been in Hell long but so many people talk highly of you and your business! Talk about lucky, to have such an amazing patient.”

His fan girling over her worked almost too well. She was sitting comfortably, eyeing the pamphlet and looking particularly contemplative. “Much obliged doc. I joined this outfit because if it’s good enough for Big Red, it ought be good enough for me!”

His non existent brows pulled together, “Excuse me, but who is Big Red?”

She rolled her eyes, “Al? Tall, powerful, devilishly handsome? Alastor? The Radio Demon?”

“Ah yes, Mister Alastor. Unfortunately I’ve been so consumed with clients that I’ve not had the fortune of speaking with him. So what brought you into our program? Charlotte tells me you’ll be attempting an out patient version?”

Mimzy nodded. “Yep. Al’s a great catch! No offense hun, I don’t look to redeem for whacking off Wilburn, my dead husband. Piece of sh*t tanked our joint! Ran off with a broad and left me with all that debt! I took his head to the loan shark and started a cover gig for ‘em. Me and Dannie got along real swell.”

“You’ve lead a life worthy of a movie!”

For the next thirty minutes the woman gabbed back and forth about her club, life, and disgusting adoration for that red sad*st. Eventually she pulled off her long gloves and fanned herself, “Sheesh doc! I get you’s a lizard but think you can crack a window?”

There it was. “My apologies, but I don’t have any windows. I’ll make sure to keep it cooler next time. Could you tell me what time it is?”

Her eyes, now glazed and heavy looked to the clock directly behind him, ticking to and fro. The feather on her head swayed as she followed it, “Now Mimzy, tell me something you’re deeply embarrassed of.”

“I keep a picture of Al’s head pasted on a cut out of a half naked man in my work desk …” And now he was certain she was out of it.

“Mimzy, on our next meeting you’ll have the wonderful idea to bring me a key to your club and ensure I have a very, very private space for my friends and I to meet. You’ll never worry about it, you’ll never remember it. And as for ‘Big Red’, why shouldn’t a woman like you have him?”

“Yeah,” she murmured, nodding sleepily.

“So don’t give up. Do everything in your power to have him. Be blunt. Be brave. Make him yours. Don’t let him ignore or dismiss you.”

This was all too easy he thought, watching her fists clench and her mouth pull into a sleepy smirk. With that he sent her off with instructions and some bullsh*t about how she enjoyed getting things off her chest and would be back next week.

His chaos was going well, despite being juvenile mischief for now. That was good enough. If everyone was distracted, that gave him plenty of room to manipulate and do as needed. Long term stress did amazingly horrific things to people. If Mimzy kept the Radio Demon busy that would play to his plan perfectly and soon Hell’s princess wouldn’t know what hit her. For now he wanted to close shop with the mandatory welcome dinner being tonight.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 292

Vaggie inspected their work. Alongside Charlie, Razzle, Dazzle, and Nifty, they’d set up the hotel’s ballroom with a large ‘U’ shaped table. It was Charlie’s idea so everyone could be together more thoroughly. Tonight they were welcoming three new guests. Hopefully these ones would stick around. Lately there was an issue with demon checking in as a prank or for a one time meal and bed.

Their finances were abysmal by human standards. Charlie threw money around as if it was glitter and Vaggie wasn’t even sure if Alastor had a need for money given his fearsome status.

She was jerked around by her hand from behind. Charlie giggled and twirled them about. “Oh Vaggie! Loooook!”

“It’s all amazing Charlie,” she said holding onto her girlfriend’s hand. This was a nice distraction from all of the patrons acting up like indignant children. Honestly, Vaggie didn’t expect them to act any better. Crymini was the biggest thorn in her side with all the vandalizing, loud music, leaving trash everywhere. Just acting like a brat all around.

Juvenile nonsense irked Vaggie the most. She’d grew up hard and fast in El Salvador with seven siblings, a prostitute for a mother, and a policeman who may or may not have been her father. Maybe that’s why she was so desperate to make all of Charlie’s dreams come true, to help nurture something good and wholesome even in Hell.

Charlie placed a soft kiss on her earlobe, shocking and flustering her back to the moment. They smiled and blushed. Vaggie brushed at a piece of Charlie’s luminous hair, “You ready to get this party started Querida?”

“Yes! I’ve texted everyone to be on their best behavior and if all goes well, I promised everyone a reward! If you can’t win them with honey, money works too.” That last bit came out in a Lucifer-esque tone which made Vaggie snicker. “I think Mimzy is already in the lobby waiting.”

She gagged a little, “I can’t believe someone, anyone, is interested in Alastor. She may need our most help.” Charlie playfully punched her in the arm with mock scolding. “Tell me I’m wrong Char.”

Charlie couldn’t. “I mean there is someone for everyone, maybe Mimzy is the key to help redeem Al?” Her tone made it obvious that the thought was doubtful at best.

“You go and let Mia know we’re ready and I’ll bring everyone in Hun.” Vaggie squeezed Charlie’s hand then went out into the lobby. Tonight’s dinner was mandatory so everyone was present but Mia who was still in the kitchen. It seemed like the archangel was always in the kitchen or garden, sincerely trying to help their cause. It was a huge relief actually. She never concerned herself with the whereabouts of Gabriel though. He was the most mature and she respected him, but she didn’t like the idea of a full fledged angel in the hotel. One wrong move and sh*t could catch fire.

At least Mia was contracted to not use her powers to some degree. That’s what Charlie had told her. And that was what Lucifer told Charlie. Something about all of this didn’t sit right in Vaggie’s stomach. Still … if some of the universe’s oldest beings were willing to make Charlie’s dream work, she wouldn’t protest.

“Alright, thank you everyone for being on time, dinner will be served after Charlie introduces our new guests. You all have assigned seats.” That bit was her idea in an effort to keep the peace and to keep Alastor as far away as possible. Everyone took their place with little to no fuss.

A clinking filled the room as Charlie tapped a claw against a glass.”Everyone, thank you so much for being here! Today we’re gathered to introduce three new members to our Happy -”

From his seat Angel scoffed and yelled, “That sign says Hazbin, Princess!”

Charlie’s eye twitched, but she ignored the shenanigans. Lately they’d learned a lot about picking and choosing their battles. Table manners just wasn’t something they had the energy for today.

“As I was saying, we’re here to welcome three new members! First I’d like to introduce Mimzy, a friend to us already! She’s here as our exciting volunteer to the outpatient program! While not staying with us, she will be joining us often in the near future!”

Mimzy took advantage of her non existent spotlight to wink and smile. The small demoness even blew an overly dramatic kiss to Alastor who did nothing but smile, as the corners of his eyes twitched furiously. Husker and Angel had the audacity to laugh and snicker.

In effort to not have one of his broadcasts made from the hotel, Charlie moved on. “Next we have Jarold! Would you like to introduce yourself?”

The demon standing on the table was no larger than a house cat and was some form of a rat. Vaggie had nearly squashed him at check in. Apparently his wife had killed him with a shotgun while in bed with his mistress. Unfortunately that was one of the most common stories in Hell.

Next came a bird looking man, all dark and wearing a hat. He kept shooting lewd looks at Angel. She wouldn’t have thought anything of it except that Angel just was not having it. He even seemed disgusted.

“Name’s Travis. Figured I’ve give this sh*t show a chance since my wife gave me the boot. Not that I mind.” His last words gave everyone a disgusting feeling because of how suggestive they were.

The entire room ate in relative silence which Vaggie felt blessed for. A lot of bribing was done to keep things smooth. Nifty was the most helpful. Every time it seemed like people were starting to bicker with each other, the tiny demoness would zoom over and make for a bigger distraction with the place settings or food. Vaggie had approached Nifty privately earlier. Sure she’d spent a chunk of her savings on the demoness’s new laptop, but the peace was well worth it. Charlie’s smile was worth it a thousand fold.

“So what do you think Hun?”

Charlie’s fork missed her black lips due to Vaggie’s question, leaving a smudge of food. Before the princess could react Vaggie wiped it away with her thumb, leaning in with a warm smile. She could see the blush starting to form.

“You’re so precious mi corazón.” Vaggie seductively popped the thumb into her mouth, winking in the other’s direction. If steam could have came from Charlie’s ears, it would have.

“Ohhh well …. Ah,” Charlie stammered, staring at the thumb. Slowly she stated, trying to stay focused, “I think things are good.”

Vaggie giggled and nodded, “I think things are good too. And hey, happy six month anniversary.”


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 292

Angel wanted to be the first demon out of that ridiculous dinner. f*cking ugly ass Travis just had to check in. A string of colorful, Italian curses filled the lobby as the heel of his boot pierced the couch cushion.

He was having a hard enough time balancing Val’s new projects, ideas, and trying to create hype for the oh so brilliant reality series that was going to follow Angel in the hotel. They were going to sell episodes as watch events to keep it exclusive, secretive, and pricey. And that new sh*t Val was slinging out …

No matter how hard he searched, his pockets were empty, the new blow all used up. There were even new cigarettes on the market to accompany the drug. It was going over swimmingly for Valentino, especially thanks to Angel.

“f*ckin’ Mary and Joseph,” he muttered, collapsing to the couch with his head in his hands. Tonight was gonna be a hard fall if he couldn’t go out and get some. This f*cking hotel. Angel was already on thin ice with Vaggie. Charlie was being overbearing as f*ck, checking in, texting him, making sure he was ok. All that sweet girl bullsh*t. f*ck that noise.

“Mmm, looking pretty sexy there Angel Dust.” Angel nearly growled as Travis stopped right in front of him.

“The f*ck you doin’ here? Ain’t you gotta wife? Go f*ck with her for once, I’m off the clock and I don’t work in here.” Four hands flipped Travis the finger with a scowl.

The bird man’s face didn’t change, still looking lecherous and conniving. “I dunno, baby. That’s not what Valentino told me. Gave me a pretty nice chunk of change to come up in here and keep you company.”

Angel’s face fell and his spots nearly went white. If Val was the reason Travis showed up, that meant he had less time to get things figured out than anticipated. He was seriously struggling. Sure he didn’t care about this f*cking hotel succeeding but there were people here who were at least decent to him. Made all the misery a little more bearable. This little piece of sanctuary where he wasn’t just a fine piece of ass and Valentino’s on-demand co*ck gobbler.

His lack of response seemed to annoy Travis. The black demon hopped on top of Angel, running his claws through that famous, fuzzy chest. “Come on baby, I know what kind of nasty slu*t you are. Come up with me and let’s get my bed worked in. Val even sent you some snow if you’re a good f*ck toy. How’s that sound baby?”

Agitated heat filled Angel’s body at the mere thought of getting high. Really, what was one lousy romp with Travis to get some good drugs and make Valentino happy for just a few more days? A few more days for him to figure something out. And at least if he was f*cking Travis in the hotel he didn’t need to go hook downtown.

Before he could give in to the demand, Travis was no longer over him. Instead there was a large, seething cat who had punched the significantly smaller bird into the floor. Angel sat stunned. Husker wasn’t though. A demonic glow started forming in all of symbols on his body, eyes turning a venomous green. ”Get up you f*cking trash.”

Travis spat out a tooth, but ignored Husk entirely. “Damn Angel Baby, guess you really moved on to puss*, heh?”

Husk didn’t wait around for more sass. The long claws reached into Travis’s mouth, piercing through his tongue and dragging him to his feet. “Talk like that again and I’ll make sure to rip your f*cking goddamn tongue out every f*cking day. You got that sh*t face?”

Something in Angel’s brain finally clicked. He sprung onto the arm hoisting up Travis, “Husky let ‘em go. He’s just a dick. Nothin’ new.”

Husk did as asked, but with a lot of reluctance. Angel bent down to Travis who was nearly gargling blood as Husk went and situated himself behind the bar. “Check yourself or f*ck around and find out.”

The spider demon tried to meet the cat’s gaze but he was already swigging at his bottle of booze, nose stuck in some obnoxiously thick Russian novel. Travis scurried off, furiously texting on his phone, no doubt to Valentino. Angel swallowed hard, afraid for what may come next. Walking out of the hotel, suddenly hooking and street drugs didn’t seem too bad.


In the interest of adding random stuff in cause I can, I called it the Sheol bridge after this:

Language notes:

Querida (Spanish)
- - dear, darling

Mi corazón (Spanish)
- - my heart

Chapter 18: Disney


Mia wins a fight but loses another one later.



The next chapter is the Halloween special ~~~

That's all I have to say. <3

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 286

Gabriel dodged.

Mia managed to grab his ankle as she skid past. The momentum of her lunge snapped him to the ground. She pounced. Finally she sat on his chest, two knives pressed on his throat, grinning like a mad woman. This was her first win against Gabriel.

“I said no weapons!”

She snickered, then helped him up. “Oh get over it. Hidden weapons count in a no weapons fight. Loona and Millie don’t leave home without at least 8 concealed. They fight dirty and I love it.”

He scoffed but his smile was proud, ruffling her hair. All of the hours of training with the two women, her brother, and alone was making her a sly, clever, and capable warrior.

When she started re-learning to fight, he’d tried to train her like an angel. Oh what a disaster that was. Naturally powerful and morally sound didn’t makeup for her 180 degree weaknesses.

It didn’t make the cut with the I.M.P. either. They nearly laughed her out on day one! Mia got her ass kicked every f*cking day. If it wasn’t for Stolas’s grimoire and herbal remedies at the ready she’d need a full body cast after every practice. Or a funeral.

The idea of a funeral made her laugh and Gabriel raised his dog man eyebrow. Mia wiped at her forehead, grinning awkwardly, “Just thinking about dying. The upside is eventually I’ll see space travel! Can you imagine?”

He gave her an incredulous look but for once, didn’t take it so seriously. It was nice to watch him regain a sense of humor. “No actually I can’t.”

“Ughhh. Think about it!” Mia saddled up to him waving her hands across the pentragrammed sky. She sounded dreamy, nearly exploding with childlike wonder. “One day I could be Janeway. Talk to aliens. Discover civilizations. Study new forms of matter! Imagine, what if humans make it to other star systems! One day, I could be born on a trading outpost near Sirius! Become an astroparticle physicist.”

“Do you dream in Star Trek? Is Hell not wondrous enough?” He asked sarcastically. His tone was enough demonstration that he couldn’t fathom her science filled ambitions.

“Yes I do! And! I wouldn’t know Milton. I follow the rules.” Mia dead panned. That shut up him up well enough. “Hell is dictated by magic or … maybe it’s different than magic but it sure as f*ck isn’t science. You can’t calculate or model this madness!”

“I take it Vas has been sending you text books at least?” She smiled sheepishly. Her little smuggling operation was blown and yet, he wasn’t pissed.

“Absolutely. I stay busy, trust me.”

They headed around to the front of the hotel so she could check on some of the vegetables. “What happened to that fishy friend of yours? Charlotte said he went AWOL.”

She never expected him to ask about Baxter. Ever since that night, she’d done her best to not think of it. “Beats me. I guess everyone in Hell is a flake.”

What disappointed her was how positively he responded, “I’m glad you’re learning. Hell is made to fool sinners into an eternal misery.”

Mia thought about Sir Pentious, someone happy if not ecstatic, even grateful to be in Hell where he had the luxury to invent and experiment. To always meet new minds and unique talents. To always have something to overcome. She wondered what portion of the world’s scientists were down here. “What constitutes being sent to Hell?”

He shrugged. “Not my department. No two sins are the same. Though I think y-“ Mid sentence he stopped and put a finger to his mouth. Mia looked around from her kneeling position, spotting something red coming up the hotel’s driveway twirling a cane. Alastor soon spotted them. The men turned different versions of sour as the air filled with tension.

“Why Miss Miller, I didn’t think you were also responsible for walking the dog! Such a dedicated worker.” He continued on into the hotel and threw her a knowing look. “Darling girl, it would do you well to be careful! Surely you’d hate to scrape up your legs rolling around in the dirt.”

With that he strolled off into the hotel. Gabriel snarled as a dog would, flashing sharp fangs. “Disgusting demon.”

“Do you hate all demons?” Mia asked, hoping to not talk about Alastor specifically.

“No. I don’t particularly care for them though. I do hate that one.”

“Are you even allowed to hate? I mean I can’t stand him but I don’t hate him. He’s just really f*cking annoying,” she said rising to her feet.

Gabriel groaned, arm tight and protective around her shoulders. “You curse too much, Mia. Have you heard Vagatha speak about him? Surely you’ve discovered his reputation?”

Mia shrugged. “I don’t think Vaggie hates him … Ok, maybe she does hate him but I think that’s a personal issue on her specifically. I don’t know him any better than anyone else here. Why do you know about him?”

Instead of walking into the hotel they went around to the back door as to avoid the Radio Demon. Mia had anticipated some disconnected answer, but no, it was entirely reasonable. “He’s a cannibal and serial killer. His power makes him a dangerous force above everyone but Charlie. Do you really think I’d leave you here without knowing at least that much?”

“Well I appreciate your due diligence on my behalf. Why does he have so much power when the other souls don’t?”

Gabriel looked like she’d smacked him in the face and stopped dead. Then he growled to the point she was nearly frightened. “Michael don’t you dare go looking for answers to these nonsense questions. These hellions will do worse than kill you if you snoop around in their lives!”

She gulped, not liking this side of him. There was so much more under that sentence and she wanted to tear into it. There were answers in those words but she knew he’d never given them out. “Gabe, I was asking questions. I get it, ok? Trust me, please?”

Mia felt awful for lying to him, even if it was half of a lie. Actually, it didn’t matter because she was lying to everyone. All the beings around her only received half truths. Moments like these made her feel disconnected and uncertain about any and all of her choices.

“Have you learned anything new?” She asked in an attempt to move past his reaction.

He shook his head. “No unfortunately. We’ve squashed sects left and right in the the mortal realm, but there’s little info otherwise. I’ll be meeting with Lucifer tonight to talk about our next steps.”

Her stomach dropped. As per usual, she was going to be left out of the loop. Asking about Gemma would do nothing but make her miserable. Vassago had explicitly told her no one could locate the eccentric girl and that crushed her. To think Gemma was probably dead or worse with another faction of demons … Mia didn’t want to think about it.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 279

Charlie rushed for the kitchen. Today she had free time and wanted to spend it drilling her aunt with a million questions. Trying to drum up business and quell all the brash personalities was a full time job. Actually, it left her utterly exhausted. Resting was somewhere on her agenda … maybe. This wasn’t the time however!

From the door frame she could see her aunt stirring a large pot, swaying and singing a song she didn’t know. Charlie inhaled and salivated at the spiced, meaty aroma. “That smells so good! What’s for dinner?”

Mia looked over at the girl who was leaning into her personal space to inspect the simmering substance.

“It’s curry. Nothing fancy. I wanted to make something easy for dinner so I can start on some pretzel dough. I’m just looking to try a few things out. Maybe have some bar foods on the weekends? I thought it might keep some people in the hotel on the weekends and out of trouble. And you’ve been too successful lately, little missy! All these mouths to feed! What do you think?”

The ‘younger’ girl bounced and grinned. Having her aunt’s whole hearted support was fuel and hope. “Whatever you want to do will be fantastic! I didn’t know people eat at bars.”

“Luci kept you pretty sheltered huh?” Charlie pouted but then straightened up. With a co*cky smile and wiggling eyebrows, she said, “The realm is dangerous Charlotte! Ahahah and the sweetest apples are easily bruised!”

They cackled wildly, supporting each other to not fall over in their fits.

“Still, he is right and I know that isn’t what you want to hear. But as a young lady and heir to the throne, you have plenty of living and experiences ahead of you. How about this, you help me with cooking tonight and I’ll answer some of your questions about Earth, yeah?”

Charlie flicked her wrist, magicking on her apron. The thick blonde hair neatly braided itself. Ready for her duties, Charlie saluted. “You were living on Earth before right? Not in Heaven?”

Her father almost always got agitated when she had Earth or Heaven based questions. It sucked. How could she rule with one hand tied behind her back and a blindfold over her eyes? How was she to meet his expectations but not do anything worth while?

“Yeah, I’ve spent a lot of time on Earth these last few years. Sometimes angels take breaks too. I was actually in school.” Mia started explaining to what kind of research she did and about science in general. Charlie’s mouth hung open nearly the whole time, especially as Mia explained how fire literally worked. Things called molecules and chemical reactions. What was even more thrilling was how excited her aunt got about the topic. Lucifer would get the same way talking about Lilith or about any of his numerous hobbies.

Mia pulled her in with a grin and a wink. “There are a lot of things I cannot tell you. I respect Luci and I’m not your parent. I don’t get to make those decisions or go behind his back. Buuuuuut I’m still your aunt and I love you beyond reason! That’s why we don’t need to tell your Dad everything.”

Charlie squealed in delight, excited for anything and everything that was coming. She would suffocate with bated breath waiting for the big reveal. “I heard you like musicals and human fiction?”

“I loooooove to sing! I love to read! Vaggie says sometimes I care too much about human things but I never feel like it is enough! I love to dance! My school had a choir and theatre group. So I did that a lot. And mom is obviously famous for her opera debuts. She said when I turn 300 I can join her in a show!”

Mia poked her niece’s cheek spot affectionately. “Forget your dad! You take after me sweet girl. I used to be a theater kid myself. Then I joined a competitive ballroom club. Your uncle Vassago and I made arrangements and now we have access to pretty much all the human entertainment you could want. Ever seen a Disney movie?”

If her hybrid heart could swell anymore it would rupture open. Charlie launched at her aunt, “I don’t know what ‘A Disney’ is but I want to watch it! Can we after dinner? Oh please Auntie?”

“Absolutely. We could even turn the ballroom into a big pillow mess and make it a pajama party. I can start on the cookies and hot chocolate now.”

Charlie accepted, immediately messaging their entire text group about a ‘Musical Pajama Nigh Party’ for everyone in the ballroom. Afterwards she did her best to focus and help finish dinner. For all the years she’d felt belittled by her love of all things human, by her love for a mortal sinner, now she felt hopeful.

The more she could relate to humans, their dreams and fears and experiences, the better prepared she was to help them. And now she had a legend on her side. If that wasn’t a slam dunk waiting to happen, she didn’t know what was.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 279

Dinner came and went. Nifty, excited for movie night finished all of the dinner clean up before Mia could finish wiping down the dining room.

Tonight, she took her duty of selecting Disney movies seriously. In attendance was Nifty, Vaggie, Charlie, Irina, Katerina, Jarold, and surprisingly enough, Alastor. His presence made her stomach shrink but maybe he enjoyed musicals as much as everyone else? She seriously doubted it.

It didn’t matter. No matter who showed up tonight, this was for Charlie and no one else. She settled for a good assortment: Mary Poppins, Beauty and the Beast, then Moana. A little bit of everything and wonderful scores to boot. Diving into cliche love stories about helpless girls wasn’t her style but Belle wasn’t the worst offender at least.

The oven timer went off over the lively sound of people scarring to the ballroom. She’d already given Vaggie the movies so that left the snacks. Mia was distracted with excitement to the point that she opened the it with her gloved hand and went for the sheet pan with her bare one.

“f*ck!” Mia hissed and cursed.

Regardless of the scorched palm, she took her protected hand and grabbed the cookies. Just as the pan settled on the stove, she was jerked away. A long red clawed hand forcibly held her hand under running water.

She winced and tried to jerk away but it was useless. “Let me go Alastor, I have to take these down to the ballroom.”

He gave her an incredulous, unimpressed look. With a snap everything she was going to take disappeared and Mia groaned. His hand squeezed her wrist, “I’m merely lending you a hand! No need to discombobulate yourself! You’re entirely too careless for such a weak creature. How do you manage?”

Mia sneered. That comment stung as much as her palm because it was all too true. “Poorly, it seems.”

“Indeed it does! Even now you’re not paying attention. Unfathomably neglectful to your own mortality. ”

That word came out too purposefully for her taste. Mia’s stomach twisted, eyes growing wide. It was too late to meter her expressions though. She’d paused too long, gone too quiet, and now he knew.

The world slowed as Alastor’s smile curled over his teeth. Crimson eyes narrowed to slits, starting to glow as blackness twinged around them. What f*cking piece of sh*t he was. What a whiplashing, self serving asshole he was. Up and down. Back and forth. Friend and foe.

Alastor leaned in, pinning her hand into the sink. A claw from his free hand inched much too close to her face. Instead of taking the harassment or waiting for someone to stumble in, she retaliated. Mia swung her free fist trying to hook his jaw. It was a miserable attempt as he caught it with ease.

“Scrappy thing aren’t you? You’d have to be. A frail human trying to make it in Hell. Tell me Miss Miller,” his hands tightened on hers, “Do you truly believe playing with imps and hellhounds will protect you?”

“You f*cking follow me?!” She wanted to scream for Gabriel, but then what? Give Alastor the true death, be carted off, die, then more apathy in lives barely lived … What was worse? Being constantly in danger with no guarantee she’d do anything but die or give in and wait to die? The end game seemed the same.

“I am a gracious employer who makes sure his assets are secure. I’m willing to reconsider your bargain … for a reasonable price.” He made her feel small and weak.

Her very human fear and imagination ran wild but he had more to lose than she did. He had to. Overlord or not, he didn’t know what she did. Just as she hadn’t nearly five months ago.

Mia thought of the massive blue satyr with a giant cleaver and Gemma mangled to a pulp. That day where her blinders were ripped off. Now she stood angry. “God you think you’re clever? You want me to trade my body for you to eat? Let me tell you a secret. I’m careless, fine, but at least I’m not clueless. You don’t know anything. Consider my offer rescinded.”

Alastor was quiet, actually listening perhaps. Her bravado was full force but it couldn’t mask the uncertainty in her voice. “Get on with it. There are worse monsters than you.”

Then came that annoying laugh. It grated on her ears with distorted static. Mia even thought she heard faint wails and screams in the noise. “Of course there are, ma jolie proie! But what would you know of monsters?”

“You’re on borrowed time Radio Demon. Tick tock.” She mocked, relieved to hear voices finally coming down the hall.

The threat didn’t phase him. As steps drew closer he spun her about and under his shoulder. Mia had seen him usher Charlie about in the same manner. Always willing to disrupt the personal space of others but it was a war crime to touch him. His farce would look perfectly, annoyingly normal. Behind her back her wrists were restrained by a shadow.

Charlie skipped into the kitchen, hair done up in space buns and wearing childlike pink, galaxy pattered pajamas. Vaggie wore an oversized black sweater and leggings with her hair pulled back. While Mia was glad Gabriel hadn’t stumbled in, the scenario was just as awkward for her. Not so much for Alastor.

“Why my charming demon belle! Vagatha! We were just on our way for the those musical picture shows! Our chef and I were just discussing some new cookery. These new fangled pans have no seasoning! We would do well to invest in some sturdy cast iron.”

The girls exchanged looks and Vaggie asked Mia directly, “Is he bothering you?”

“Vagatha, ever so suspicious of me! How could I not take interest-” She cut him off with a raised hand and a growl. “I was asking her, Alastor. She’ll answer.”

He gave Mia a sickeningly sweet smile, pulling her into his side tighter. A clawed hand swept about, as if telling her to go on. She elbowed him and his eye just barely twitched, the shadow releasing her hands. One arm wrapped around his waspy waist, making a point to rub his side, while she patted the one on her shoulder. A record player screeched through the room and she could feel his cat like bristling.

Good. He deserved to be uncomfortable. Charlie and Vaggie were visibly confused, sharing an adorable head tilt.

“This tin can doesn’t bother me more than anyone else I suppose! But yeah, I was thinking of looking at some different cook ware. I’ve heard of people using cast iron, but never used it. Seems outdated and gross.” Mia took the opportunity to pull away from him, slipping in between her niece and pseudo niece.

“Oh no what happened to your hand?!” Charlie exclaimed. The burnt hand was now neatly bandaged with the tell-tale wet mark of ointment.

“I was being careless. Just dumb luck. Let’s go. I want to start with Mary Poppins. Charlie you’re going to love it!” Mia all but rushed the two out of the kitchen.

From behind them she flipped Alastor off. At first when she came to Hell, he hadn’t seemed entirely evil. Kind of awful, but not worth hating. Now he was. Bullying. Condescending, Manipulative. Cruel. If he wanted an enemy, she’d give him one.

Chapter 19: Halloween


Happy Halloween~


I included a lot of my favorite things in here for spooky season.

Hannibal works, guys in glasses <___<

I'm gonna make a costume doodle for Alastor, but it'll be rouuuuuugh.

<3 Love y'all

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Charlie’s Balcony
Next Cleanse: 276

“They really love Halloween,” Mia observed, standing on the balcony with Charlie, watching their section of the sprawling metropolis. The few streets they could see were decorated and gored to the brim. Demons were dressed up as if it were already Halloween.

Charlie leaned onto the stone, happy to be watching her people go on about their day. “Demons love Halloween! It holds a lot of cultural significance to some populations and the modern ones just go all out for the last week of October as a means to party. I’m hoping we could do the same thing!”

With a Cheshire grin, Mia squished their arms together. “So Princess, I take it a couple’s costume is in order?”

The girl’s red dots were covered now with a wider band of pink, hands fiddling with the hem of her jacket. “This is our first holiday season together as a couple. With the hotel and how wonderful she’s been and so supportive … I want everything to be perfect! More than perfect! She works so hard, Auntie. I’ve never met anyone like Vaggie actually. Her life …”

Mia patted Charlie’s back, understanding the pressure of trying to make someone happy. Though, she was glad Charlie’s situation was different from hers. “It’s ok. No matter what or how or why, she’s here with you. Vaggie has the kind of grit that magic can’t compete with. We’re going to make it great. Do you know what country she’s from?”

Charlie nodded excitedly, “El Salvador! I even started learning Spanish! And Halloween is her birthday. We don’t do birthday’s in Hell, but I want to.”

“Ok, let’s do it.” Mia grinned and gave her a thumbs up. “Get me a list of her favorite foods, anything and everything. We’ll have a bash. A spooktactular for the ages!”

Charlie gave her a puppy dog look and she knew this wouldn’t end well for her. Like Lucifer, she felt compelled to dote on the girl. “Since you know about these things and Earth, do you think you could help Al with the decorations? I want this to stay a surprise for now and they don’t really talk if I’m not there.”

Talk to Alastor …

On one hand, Gabriel was still on the premise so that asshole couldn’t touch her. On the other hand, one day Gabe would be gone and she wouldn’t know for how long. Hell’s atmosphere was already starting to agitate him again so it wouldn’t be long. Forcing a smile, she nodded. “Of course, I’ll take care of it!”


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 268

Mia sat around in the lobby after the dinner cleanup, tucked in the armchair reading a book. With Gabriel gone again for who knows how long, she didn’t need to stay cooped up in her room. It felt like a waste to sleep even though it was well past midnight. The peace and quiet was glorious considering the screaming and fighting lately. Everything started to feel more like a looney bin as the days went by.

In an instant her book disappeared, “Hey!”

Looking up she found Alastor holding the paper back, grinning like the maniac he was.

Oh f*ck this.

“I’m not in the mood for your shenanigans Alastor,” she groaned. He ignored her, eyeing the cover, then read the backside synopsis.

Delicately, he flipped through the book. His grin widened and he motioned with mock flattery. “Taken a shine to serial killers have we?”

“I like that book. I like a lot of books and Hannibal Lecter is probably the most famous fictional serial killer to date. How have you not heard of it? I get it’s past your time, but surely you’re not that antiquated.” Mia sat firm, arms crossed and slate faced. There would be no room to give into his bullsh*t.

“Well, you do seem to have proper tastes in literature and music to date, so read it for me!”

Mia scoffed and nestled down into the chair further. She thought of how many days it had been since she’d sang him to sleep. The darkness under his eyes was telltale. This felt like a ploy or a game or a trap. “No.”

“No? My dear, I wasn’t asking.” His faced turned predatory and it sent a chill down her spine. Still, she didn’t flinch and her wings thankfully couldn’t give it away being tucked against the chair.

“I wasn’t offering, my dear. Now give my book back and leave me alone. I’m off the clock and you’re being a right pain in the ass.”

He snapped his fingers and now they were sitting next to each other on the couch. Her eyes rolled as she sneered, “Why are you trying to annoy me?”

“Oh sweetheart! You find my presence a nuisance? That burns quite deep! Surely if you were to give me something I wanted, I might leave you in peace.” She stood up, deciding her book wasn’t worth it. Only four steps in and he snapped her right back onto the couch. Her jaw hardened as he looked utterly pleased with himself.

Mia tried again, making it seven steps before he magicked her back.

“This! This is what makes you annoying! You’re such a bully.”

His laughter filled the room and she rubbed her face with frustration. Now should couldn’t read or sleep.

Playfully, he started, “Perhaps you might consider-”

Mia held up a hand. She’d been so caught in her head lately, that she actually forgot to think. He was here to annoy her. He was here to somehow, someway coax her into being eaten. Sure, he could chomp down on her and call it a day, but he probably wanted the satisfaction of winning.

Alastor grinned, mocking her, “Is the little human-”

Before he could finish that statement she lunged, clamping her hands over his mouth. “Christ on a stick, will you shut up?! Why would you say that out loud?”

Alastor snarled and pushed her backwards into the floor. Without getting up he placed a foot on her back between her wings and pressed hard enough to keep her there. He leaned forward, an arm draped over his knee. Mia couldn’t reach any part of him and was officially stuck. “You’d do well to mind your manners Miss Miller. Perhaps Baxter wasn’t mistaken if you’re so willing to throw yourself at men.”

That one burned.

Considering he’d been actually kind to her that evening, it hurt. That was her fault though, for mistaking his kindness for anything more than manipulation. He must have counted on her feeling indebted to him. And she did, but Mia wouldn’t let herself act on it.

She folded her arms under her head, contenting herself with being a rug. He put her on edge. Made her jumpy and thoughtless. Between being cruel and handsome, and she really hated admitting that, it was hard to ignore him.

Silence settled in. At least five minutes passed before she tilted her head, finding him engrossed in her book. Mia grinned despite her precarious position saying, “You could at least read it out loud.”

There was a snap and she was once more on the couch, this time with a glass of whisky and a blanket. She took a drink and bundled up as he started with the very first page.

…For Mercy has a human heart,
Pity a human face,
And Love, the human form divine,
And Peace, the human dress

Before he could read the second verse, she quoted from memory:

Cruelty has a Human Heart
And Jealousy a Human Face
Terror, the Human Form Divine
And Secrecy, the Human Dress

The Human Dress, is forged Iron
The Human Form, a fiery Forge
The Human Face, a Furnace seal’d
The Human Heart, its hungry Gorge

“William Blake,” he noted as his entire face turned thoughtful on her.

She shrugged. “I really like this book series. There’s a couple sequels to it.”

With that he continued on and she nestled into a ball as far as possible from him. The drink was warm in her stomach and she felt genuinely peaceful. As troublesome as he was, she couldn’t deny his natural talent. She could see how he’d been a radio host. Drifting off, she’d completely forgotten to mention the Halloween decorations.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 266

Mia bounced and danced her way down to the ballroom, wearing a blue Star Trek uniform. Their elaborate Halloween bash start soon.

Charlie and Vaggie were still upstairs getting ready so she was texting them any updates. In the ballroom she found Alastor standing on the stage, actually dressed in a costume. All the decorations were elaborate, spooky, and opulent. It was almost something she’d expect from Lucifer.

With a strained smile, she headed for the sound system, “It looks great in here.”

While fussing with the cables and installing the playlist, she glanced back to look at his costume.

Mia swallowed, grateful how her skin color shielded what would normally be a deep blush. Even for an evil asshole, he looked fantastic in the vampiric get up. An attractive, evil asshole. His hair was pulled back but the front tendrils were long. He wore a dramatic cape and a suit with gilded trim and ruffles. Instead of his typical monocle, he wore old timey round glasses that situated on his nose.

God help her, men in glasses were a weakness.

Alastor caught her staring and flashed a wicked grin. He flourished his cape around to face her. Rivulets of blood, probably real blood, were strategically smeared about his mouth.

“Thank you! I take great pride in my ability to host a party. I see you’ve decided on a new costume. This one is much less convincing … And what is it?” He quipped.

“Haha funny.” She put her hands on her hips, “Star Trek science officer circa 2365.”

He looked unimpressed and disappointed despite smiling. “It is utterly unimaginative and ruins the aesthetic I’ve worked so diligently for.”

Her cheeks puffed, “Excuse me, Nosferatu.”

“Why I saw that picture show in 1929!”

Finally the tracks started playing.

Alastor snapped and Mia felt shifting. She looked down and found her entire outfit changed into an elaborate, whimsical witch costume with a big hat. Before she could reprimand him, he grabbed her hand, pulling her about the stage into a twirl. Instead of falling over, she fell into step with his movements. Half of it was muscle memory, the other half was that between the opulent decor and his enchanting attire, she couldn’t help herself.

It’s witchcraft ~” Crooned Frank Sinatra as they danced.

Mia giggled throughout the twirling, enjoying it too much. For the moment, she didn’t want to be mad, because he truly was a fantastic dancer. Along with the track she sang,

Wicked witchcraft~
And although I know it's strictly taboo!
When you arouse the need in me
My heart says yes indeed in me
Proceed with what your leading me to

Her eyes went wide as Alastor picked up the next verses, because if he truly adhered to nothing after the 1930s, he couldn’t have known Old Blue Eyes.

It's such an ancient pitch
But one that I would never switch
'Cause there's no nicer witch than you

He booped her on the nose and she had to look away. Alastor spun her out as the song ended. They were met with a flurry of applause as everyone had finally meandered into the ballroom. He jerked her into a deep bow. Mia pulled her hand away, but smiled and waved to everyone.

Nodding to an ever charming Alastor, she hopped off the stage to wish Vaggie a happy birthday and to get the cake she’d made.

Everyone from the hotel and a few extra guests showed up. Angel had brought an Australian girl called Cherri with him. Some of the patrons had guests too but otherwise, it was a well rounded group. The evening went beautifully. The dancing, games, singing, food … it all left Vaggie beaming.

Charlie did an amazing job on the costumes. Charlie was dressed and made up to the nines as the Mad Hatter and Vaggie looked absolutely adorable as Victorian-esque Alice.

Husk was running around with a pirate’s hat and sword around his bare waist. Cherri and Angel were dressed as a mobster and starlet, respectively. Nifty was flapping about dressed like a bat, no doubt to compliment Alastor’s vampire. The majority of Mia’s time was spent making sure everything went smoothly and everyone was well behaved. She didn’t mind keeping busy as it kept her away from Alastor and it made certain that her nieces were finally getting a break.

Later on in the night, Mia rushed into the kitchen to make more punch. Just how much could sinners drink? She’d made four vats and every drop was gone. All of it except the one cup she’d snuck away.

Did it really taste that good?

The blue, shimmery liquid did taste sweet and almost spicy. She’d out done herself for sure. Before returning to her job, she chugged the rest. Charlie requested zero booze since there was no doubt people would sneak in their own or head for the bar.

Lights flickered and a faint tinny noise, like screeching metal, echoed. With the sounds of revelry still coming from the ballroom she shrugged it off. Five minutes later the floor turned frost bitten and the lights went out completely.

She groaned, adding the final ingredients the vat. Sure it was annoying but she couldn’t be mad at a little holiday prank. “Oh come on! I get it’s Halloween, but I am trying to get the drinks out! So unless you want to work while I party, f*ck off with the lights!”

Even as the room turned cold, she rolled her eyes. Just because someone wanted to be annoying and make her life a little harder wasn’t enough to get upset over. Hell required thick skin. Sweating the small things would drive a person insane.

Pushing the cart back down the hall, she didn’t entirely notice there was no sound coming from the ballroom except for the blaring playlist.

Once inside she stopped dead.

Everyone was either passed out or having a one person party in their head. Charlie and Vaggie were snuggled up in a booth giggling softly, petting the other’s head. Nifty was out cold on top of a muttering Angel and snoring Husk. Mimzy sang while laying down on the stage half out of her mind, grabbing at the air above her.

“Holy- what the … ” Mia stepped around the intoxicated bodies, double checking that they were ok.

Thankfully, everyone seemed fine. Considering their mass euphoria, they were having a much better time than she was. One thing connected everyone: the punch.

Who did this?

Music distorted in and out. Mia jumped, stumbling over Travis’s leg, doing her best to stay silent. Creepy bullsh*t was not her specialty. There was a clear culprit in her mind and she became as angry as she was spooked.

This had Alastor written all over it.

No one else could want to ruin a party. No one else want to single her out and ruin her day. “f*ck you tough guy! You are a piece of sh*t for pulling something like this. They worked so hard, and now you just want to ruin Vaggie’s birthday?! I get trying to screw up my life, sure! But this is childish, even for you! Alastor, get your f*cking ass out here right now!”


It took a good twenty minutes to get everyone upright and comfortable. Her doing it was entirely unnecessary. They were demons and couldn’t die even if they did choke on vomit. It was just her human fear trying to keep her busy, telling her if she just stayed in the ballroom everything would be fine. Just fine.

Metallic shrieking rang out again.

But worse.

Something stood in the doorway now. A creature more grotesque and horrifying than she’d thought Hell capable of.

The creature was nearly fifteen feet tall with a large sac on its back end, pulsing, squelching, and shivering. Its body was like a praying mantis with two long, sharp serrated arms. Legs to match. A head wide like a hammer-head shark where stitched, stretched faces turned into a flap like mouth that looked like lily petals of teeth.

Mia suddenly wished it was Alastor there to eat her alive. Anything but that.

At this point, she would be over the moon for that scenario. The disgusting creature picked around the room sniffing and chittering. Searching. Every step it took left a venomous purple ice behind.

She’d ducked behind a table on the far wall, next to the stage, trying to keep diagonal with the horror and tried to remember her training. Thinking of the key Lucifer gave her, all she needed to do was make it to a closed door and knock three time.

Maybe she could make a bolt for it. Even if it saw her, as long as it didn’t catch her …

SKRYHHHHH,” it hissed as an unsuspecting Travis wiggled a limp arm.

In less than half a second it was over him, venom seeping from its mouth as a long arm almost pierced him. Its head twitched, hissing and sniffing. Then it continued scanning through the bodies. Carefully, she took off the obnoxious costume’s hat and jingling bits as best she could, biting down the almost violent tremor in her hands. Every part of her shook with terror actually. But she bumped a table leg, causing an ever so slight clink.

That was enough. As if it were made of lightning, now it was on her side of the room.

The creature smelled like smoke and sulfur and a sickening perfume. Mia wanted to gag but she bit on her hand instead. It inspected the table next to her, sniffing at Crymini who sat dazed and unblinking.

A glass goblet was nearly half a foot from the tablecloth’s edge. If she could just grab it and toss it, distract that thing, maybe she could make it to the door.

But which door? Which door was closest and closed?

The only one she could think of was Charlie’s office, past the kitchen, the lobby, and then after a left, it was the first door on the right. For f*ck’s sake why was that the closest closed door? She thought of the pantry but something about the confined space of the kitchen seemed worse. Too many small time sinking movements.

No. One hard dash for the office would do. One straight, fast line. The thing was huge and would struggle in the hallway. She could do it. She had to do it.

Normally, Mia felt brave or justified in her actions. Like when she’d tried to charge the satyr. Punting Stanislav. Stabbing Baxter. All of those things were different though, and seemed worlds away now.

Without another thought she threw the glass as hard as she could behind the ugly beast. It whirled around, scurrying thankfully, but then it spat tiny balls of goopy fire, one landing expertly on the rolling goblet.

Mia bolted, clamoring loudly, knocking over a table. She didn’t look back as something scorched across her hip. The pain was like nothing she’d ever known, as if she was being seared from the inside out. It even dripped down her ass, to her leg, as she propelled herself forward.

Today she’d gravely miscalculated. The sticky, venomous flame made her near paralytic on the right side.

Oh no, maybe that wasn’t it?

She remembered the singular cup of punch she’d stole away. The drugged punch. The punch maybe not drugged by Alastor. How could she feel so much pain, but so tingly?

Somehow her brain was on fire, processing faster than she’d ever been able to. Behind her she could hear it catch against the wall from being taller than the ballroom’s entry way. Those five extra seconds were a blessing. She couldn’t make it to the office anymore. But maybe the front door? It was closer. It gave the creature more wiggle room, but she had to beat it.

Her glaive … There was no way for her to pull on the magic to unravel the weapon. Every time she tried, it felt like handling oil slicked worms on top of the growing drunken feeling.

Skrykt-t-t-ck,” it yowled, closing in behind her. In a stumble she pulled down the grandfather clock and it made an ungodly clang.

“Arghhhhhhh!” Mia wailed, being jerked back with a sickening rip. She rolled several times before colliding with the wall. It chittered delightedly when finally seeing her, instantaneously piling on top of her. Both of its dagger-like arms skewered her to the floor.

Mia beat her fists wildly against the spear like limb. There was no give. It was like beating on metal with a pool noodle. Unseen spikes and edges shredded at her skin in the process.

Due to it having such a sickly pale complexion, even in the dim glow, she could see her blood travel up the grooves of its arms. It purred while its face flaps sucked and lapped at the streams of her blood.

The thing started muttering in joy. “Seetwe bird-bird bloods. Bah-luds-luh-bah —“

Blackness collided with the pale creature. Finally the nightmare fuel was removed. Despite hemorrhaging blood and the sickening burn on her right, the body high kicked in and now the pain felt different.

Static prickled her skin. It absolutely horrified her that she found Alastor’s calling card so comforting. Even more so it felt delightful with whatever drugs danced through her. Mia vaguely thought of the crass red bastard petting on her hair. That glorious sensation was vivid in her mind.

Wasn’t something else vivid?

Her head lolled to the side, trying to focus in her stupor. Her heart picked up the pace. Pain raced over the delusional high.

The two demons went at it. Although he was no combat expert, his tricks were impressive. The thing managed to sling him across the room once. Even if he couldn’t defeat it, dying with someone was a small consolation. They could both take her secret to the grave. Well, if she died she would at least pretend he did too.

Unfortunately, the pipe dream ended as a monster’s leg was dragged into a netherworld hole. Mia watched the carnage with intrigue, appreciation, and wonder. She could feel herself giggling, but knew she shouldn’t be. The misfiring parts of her brain found it enjoyable. He was powerful and she’d never seen such a display.

Alastor glowed black and red, strange symbols and shadow creatures filling the air. A snake like skeleton even slithered atop her. Mia limply tried to swat at it as exposed vertebrae brushed the gaping holes in her stomach. An inkling of it wriggling into her started to consume her.

Was it?

Was she just imagining it?

Mia wondered where a sudden high pitched noise came from. Looking at Alastor and the creature, neither were shrieking. Focusing was impossible as the world added and subtracted on itself in her eyes.

She writhed wildly, trying to get the hallucinated invader out. Her hands scraped at her gashed body. The feeling of hot, sticky blood reminded her the she was making that heinous sound.

Mia’s left leg could still move and kicked furiously. Wrong decision. Her heart ached.

Her empty stomach lurched but all she hacked up was blood, soaking another spot on the floor. This was it.

She was a dead girl.

Mia trembled, panicked as the next level of hemorrhagic shock set in. Confusion. Pain. Mania. That fluttering in her chest. Heaving, barely able to see. Euphoria rolling in and out as her body couldn’t process the drugs and injuries.

More shrieking. Just not hers. The disgusting creature was furious, raging toward Mia. Massive sections of its body were gone.

Where was Alastor?

Where was he?!

Had … did he … she couldn’t see him. The voodoo symbols were gone from the dark room. Had she hallucinated him?

ALASTOR!” She screeched, high and harsh and loud. The thing’s head clicked as it heaved and chittered. Her shaking worsened. Her jaw tremored, causing her fangs cut her tongue and lips.

Sewn together faces and five mismatched eyeballs observed her. The creature was confused. Why did it have to be semi-intelligent? More head clicking as it gestured to itself, speaking in that broken way, “Eh-hem-puhsssah. Bird-die suhwheet-ta-eet, blah-ha-uds.”

Oh god … it thought she was talking to it. What more horror could she withstand?

A demonic blackness snaked around her from the floor and the wall. At least the magic was warm. Mia was freezing, arms and legs numb. Her teeth chattered away as if they would crack. Its maw opened wide, dripping venom onto her front. Seared flesh filled her nostrils as it went through her skin to the bone. Before it could skewer her again she was sucked into nothingness.

Just as the lobby faded away, the creature was dragged into a separate void, but one that emanated the screams and sounds of eternal suffering.


Hopefully this wasn't too much? Idk, maybe this went left field for me. I can't tell. Sometimes when I write it is overly hard for me to take a step back.

I enjoyed writing this. If you google Empusa ... you'll see the creature. Super creepy >_<*

Chapter 20: Deal


Mia finds herself hurting. Alastor is in a good position to bargain.


Halloween Cont.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 266

The impromptu dancing was entirely delightful. He loved a good party which was why he went as far as dressing up. While the holiday meant nothing to him, the revelry did. Perhaps he’d make the shades play as a live band …

Nifty had done a splendid job in helping him conjure a costume. It was dramatic. Regal. Commanding. Hilarious how she’d immediately insisted he be a vampire. Alastor found that idea perfect given his current aspirations. During the evening he shared a dance with Nifty, swirling her around in the air like a child.

The only other suitable dance partners were Charlie and Miss Miller. Charlotte was certainly preoccupied with Vagatha and Miss Miller ignored him for the rest of the evening. To think of all the hard work he’d put into the soiree and not so much as a jive! Modern manners were abhorrent.

Alastor excused himself from the party, returning to his office for a smoke.

Once there he cracked open a window and conjured a glass of red wine. The Bandol region of France produced his most beloved reds, having a fruitful, gamey flavor. Truly divine in his humble opinion and perfect for every occasion.

Alastor took a long draw of his cigar. She’d confirmed being human in not so many words. The daft girl hadn’t even tried to deny it! He swirled the wine around, watching the crimson dance.

The indulgence, the chase, the entertainment, her obnoxious ability to irritate him … he could barely contain his excitement. Pinning her to the floor had been a hoot!

Miles popped up, waving at him worriedly.

“You seem keen to interrupt my resting as of late. You know what! I’m quite glad you’ve decided to pop in! Tell me, why are you so insistent on being favorable to that maddening flesh sack?”

It waved its hands around like it didn’t know what the accusation even was. Miles seemed exasperated then shrugged, making a marquee sign that read ‘ENTERTAINMENT’. Alastor wasn’t entirely satisfied with the answer but brushed it off. Sometimes Miles had his own jokes and perhaps this was one of them.

“What is it this time?”

Smaller shadows came out to mimic the guests falling over with little ‘z’s above their heads. Others twirled about.

Alastor raised an eyebrow, “What would you expect? It’s all apart of having a good shindig!”

Miles shook his head and tapped on his wrist then conjured a shadow clock. While the party had been going on for a couple hours, it wasn’t to the point where demons would have enough time to become utterly intoxicated, especially with Charlie’s prohibition. Alastor stood up, not seeing a reason to rush.

“If you insist, old friend.” Miles reattached to his body and they strolled down the stairwell. Once on the ground floor, he noticed how impossibly cold it was. Alastor entered the ballroom’s side door, caught off guard by the strange site. Not only was everyone indeed out, but a glass smoked and sizzled.

A large disgusting, bulbous thing exited the ballroom’s main entrance with a crash and squall. Quickly he took stock of everyone and noticed his snack missing. The ungodly clang of a smashing clock rang loud enough to make his ears flatten. Alastor rushed to the lobby.

Before he could stop it, the beastly demon took a long, saber-like arm and pierced through Miss Miller’s wings, jerking her backwards. The delicate material ripped in half and she lost most of one instantly.

Curiosity got the better of him and he waited in a shadow. With all the demons in the ballroom, this ugly thing had singled out the human.

Would her disguise disappear now? His grin stretched thin. He was torn between unearthing her secrets and being her unsung hero once more. She was terribly ungrateful to him … Perhaps this was the leverage he needed.

But as it ran the two blade like arms into her and went to licking at her blood, he moved. To think of sharing his prey …

That angered him beyond recognition. Alastor hated others touching him. Touching his food.

Touching anything his.

“Seetwe bird-bird bloods. Bah-luds-luh-bah —“, it said as a black tentacle ripped it off the poor human.

Sweet bird blood.

Alastor didn’t understand what it meant. It didn’t matter. He was furious and involuntarily so. Her lying battered and bloody on the floor brought back a memory. An old, sickening, rage inducing memory.

His demonic shadows started tearing into the ant-like, gruesome being. Not only did he want to slaughter it, he wanted to thoroughly torture it.

Some of the shades took their time in being sad*stic. With the exception of Miles, the shades were souls he’d devoured, contracted, or entirely subdued. There were thousands of years of anguish and cruelty between them all.

The monster kept spitting globules of fire and venom. He’d parried too close and its arm swatted him into the wall. The shadows absorbed his impact. Giggling filled the room and his head snapped in Miss Miller’s direction.

Tonight’s festivities were most certainly drug induced. He stood close enough to see just how hurt she was. The demonic shade of her skin was turning ashy and her eyes were glazed over far beyond her misty stare.

Black tendrils held down the creature and he took a hard rake of his extended claws through the leg, letting it be dragged to his shadow world.

Even as it writhed and cowered before him, he couldn’t stop staring at her. There was so much to take in. He wanted to stare forever. The blood. The mess. How she looked at him regardless of it all, laughing. Why couldn’t all his kills give him such adoring stares in their time of terror?

The telltale signs of death started to overtake her as he worked on dismembering the opponent. Frost burst throughout the room. Alastor dissolved into a shadow. Everything around him turned to ice.


That sound pierced through his heart.

Plenty of souls screamed his name in anger, fear, annoyance, even excitement. But this, the sharp sound of a woman screaming for him. He could almost imagine his mother on the hallway floor, a heavy bruise forming on her cheek. Once upon a time, she’d called out in the same way. Screamed for him to come to her, terrified he was gone.

His distraction was enough time for it to sail for her.

Alastor materialized, his shadows curling up and around her body. In an attempt to stop the impending hypothermia and prevent anymore blood loss, the blackness compressed. Alastor dragged her into his void and the monster into the depths of his personal hell.

Now all was eerily calm. His hand moved to her neck. The pulse was nearly nonexistent. With another push of magic he brought them back to his home. Alastor laid her on the couch, shadows wrapping her firm, while summoning the potions he’d acquired from Rosie.

“Come now Chèr, you’ll have to swallow unless you fancy becoming one of us,” he teased, uncorking a bottle.

He watched as her head lolled over with a weak grin. “Heh,” was all she panted out. His hand waved in front of her face but she didn’t register it. She was beyond consciousness.

Cradling her head, he tipped some of the bottle’s contents into her mouth, waiting for her to swallow. Her jaw loosened and the liquid spilled past her lips. Alastor considered himself royally f*cked in that moment, perhaps literally if her death was pinned on him. Urgently he bade, “Swallow it you belligerent child!”

There was no response. Officially out. He tried to think of all the things he knew.

Killing people was his specialty. Keeping them alive? Not so much. A stupid television commercial replayed in his mind from one of his strolls. It advertised new techniques for things he despised. One of those wretched, abhorrent things had to do with gagging.

If she’d not already lost so much blood, he wouldn’t mind jamming a claw down her throat, even if it did cut the inside. The potion would have mitigated that. But now, such a small thing could snuff her out on the spot.

Another thought popped into his head, one of Angel’s quips about bodily conquests. Alastor’s stomach turned with legitimate nausea. Still, it was his last option. Had he been a godly man, he would have crossed himself.

He poured the remaining contents of the bottle into his mouth. With one hand on her jaw and the other behind her ears, he pried her mouth open. Quickly he used his tongue to press on the back of her throat. She convulsed, but he gripped harder, holding her mouth onto his. The gagging opened her throat enough and she swallowed the contents. Then he poured magic onto her body to activate the concoction.

Alastor had no healing abilities. Those were rare and nearly unheard of in Hell. Only Hellborns could manage such a feat, and even then they primarily had the magic to craft and concoct potions. Rosie was an accomplished potions mistress, thankfully.

This one dosage was enough to stabilize her. Alastor stopped as she started sweating and coughing. She was far too weak to take all the magic healing at once. With another snap he moved them to the same hotel room he’d slept in. Keeping the girl in his home seemed ill-advised.

Summoning Miles from his person, he added, “I’ll return shortly.”

Returning to the hotel ballroom, all were still heavily intoxicated.

Today certainly pushed the limits of his spatial magic, but no matter, he could handle it. His form twisted and grew with the dark magic of his soul. Sigils marked throughout the hotel, shades winding and suiting his needs. It felt good to let loose. Sometimes he nearly forgot how deep his magic ran. He neither knew nor cared how such a force became carved into him.

With Miles babysitting and all the hotel’s residents delivered to their rooms, he went to reinspect the lobby. Utterly disastrous. The smell from the creature was acrid and sulfuric. Nifty would have had a fit. A chunk of the bar was missing. Miss Miller’s blood nearly painted the room. Too bad it wasn’t fresh …

With a snap he returned the hotel to proper order. For once he felt old, tired, and a tad less certain in himself.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 265

Mia came to. Music softly sounded through the room. It was pleasant compared to the throbbing of her head and rigidness of her body. She went to sit up but there was a gentle pressure on her shoulder. Miles took a semi-corporeal form, making sure that she stayed properly in bed.

“That is not advisable, Miss Miller.”

She eyed the ghostly companion, happy to see it, but not so much to see Alastor in the background. Now she wasn’t certain she could trust Miles. Maybe the shadow was just a ruse …

“It seems you may very well know about monsters. Enlighten me. Why is a human being hunted in Hell?”

Her mouth screwed shut with a groan. The pain crept back up. Grateful wasn’t the word she would use to describe this situation but she wasn’t upset at being alive either.

“Not feeling talkative today? It’s all the same to me. My duty is to this establishment. Take your time resting,” he said nonchalantly. “In the mean time I need to inform my betters about this unfortunate circ*mstance.”

That got her attention. With a squeak of pain she pushed forward, arm reaching out. “No! Gah- No -huff- … P- lease.”

Alastor stood at the foot of the bed, grinning, head tilted with satisfaction. “Oh? Is there a reason? You’ve caused me quite the conundrum. Surely your presence in Hell is a cosmic mistake. You’re of no benefit here, Miss Miller.”

She smacked the bedding in frustration, wincing all the while. Now she was heaving. The small exertions were too much for her body. Dizziness set in as Miles once more helped her backwards.

“How are you able to maintain that disguise?” He inquired.

Again, silence. Alastor shrugged, turning for the door once more.

“My blood! No-ah-t my secrets,” she wheezed.

“Tsk-tsk. Being stubborn aren’t we”, he countered, glancing over his shoulder.

Her eyes turned on him. Speaking was becoming harder by the second. “Choose or l-lose buh-oth.”

She was officially willing to make a deal. His smile was wicked, but noncommittal. Maybe he was tired from fighting the Empusa. Maybe watching her bleed out got his rocks off. Who could say?

“A deal,” she ragged out, barely hanging on. The world faded between sweet, peaceful darkness and the agony of her body, “to make a deal.”

Alastor grabbed her hand as a venomous green vortex danced around them. “A deal to make a deal.”

Fighting back the pain was impossible now and she just wanted to sleep. At least, if she did die, she had tried hanging onto this life.


This time she woke up to an empty, silent room.

He officially saved her. Again. Mentally she tallied up her bill with him. The numbers made it hard to remember he was a narcissistic, bored bastard and playing the hero fit his M.O. It was the perfect way to disarm someone like her. Someone weak.

This annoyed her no matter how grateful she was. What bothered her was how that creature certainly didn’t belong to Hell. An Empusa. Gemma had a great grasp of mythological creatures and literature. They’d gotten on the topic of vampires once and then navigated to various blood obsessed things.

Sweet bird blood.

Mia shivered. That was proof it was hunting her. How had these faceless foes learned her whereabouts? That loomed worse than her impending misery.

And then if Alastor knew the truth … Did he know? Was it normal for mortal souls to know about Pagans? Definitely not. Lucifer wouldn’t take such pain staking measures to keep it from Charlie otherwise.

There weren’t enough cards in her hand. Being dependent and helpless felt disgusting. Being a sitting target felt worse. She was human, and while tasty, she was useless. The literal weakest link for Lucifer and Gabriel. Her failures would hurt them first.

What a f*cked situation … to be willingly cannibalized. To let Alastor salivate over her like a steak then eat her. Apparently demons ate humans often enough and only because they were delicious. Only angelic blood could bestow bizarre and tantalizing gifts, Vassago had once told her.

Even though it hurt, Mia snorted and laughed. She couldn’t wait for some insane demonic puppet master to realize she was only human. Boy they were going to be pissed. Human blood. Worthless and tasty.

So here she sat, entirely unable to move due to her injuries. She’d made a deal to make a deal though. Alastor would soon hound her for his prize. At this rate, anything in Hell was liable to kill her and this was her best chance. If he kept her safe, that meant he took the heat. Not Gabe or Luci or Charlie.

And f*ck it! Alastor deserved the trouble of trying to keep her alive because she was past due. The universe was out to get her. Even if he found out, he would never be able to take more than the set amount dictated by their contract.

With a deep breath she made her choice, waiting for him to come collect.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 265

Alastor pondered while making his way back. With Charlotte and Vagatha, they investigated last night’s little debacle. Neither of the young ladies were aware that an unwelcome creature ransacked the hotel and mutilated the cook.

He sent Nifty in his stead to pretend to check on Miss Miller and give them a false account of her being terribly hungover. Nifty did inquire about the woman and he gave her a half account. Due to Miss Miller’s lack of demonic ability, he had graciously supplied her with medicine and the day off. The small demoness was more than content with that.

Most of the day was spent interrogating the party goers. All that came up was Angel spiking the drinks. After that he left the ladies to discipline the spider. Alastor wasn’t convinced though. The resident p*rn star was no devious mastermind. Which meant either someone was certainly lying or whoever knew Angel’s plans took the opportunity to hunt Miss Miller.

Yet another empty space in a strange puzzle.

He walked in to find her sitting up quite a bit more. The bone and tissue of her collar was no longer exposed as a new blue bottle sat empty next to the bed. Miles reattached with a thumbs up. An iridescent wing stuck out from under her, looking healthy. Her white hair was fussed about in all directions as she drooled in her sleep. Such unconscious disarray fit her personality well, he thought.

Alastor hovered over her, looking for anything he might of missed. There was nothing human about her appearance. Not a drop of detectable magic whatsoever. Had she truly been careful, he might have never discovered it.

Done with his inspect, he decided she’d slept long enough. Childishly he pulled on a long ear. She stirred with a grumble, foggy eyes starting to open.

“My dear! Welcome back to the land of the dead!”

Mia rubbed her face, still in a haze. “Did I die?”

Alastor perched on the edge of the bed with a laugh. “Certainly not, you maddening charlatan! No! With my charitable and selfless act, you live to see another Hellish day! You’re welcome sweetheart!”

“Right. Selfless,” she groaned, pulling back the covers and moving to stand up.

“And where might you be going?”

His tone indicated that she surely wasn’t going to skip out on their deal. Her face was incredulous. Miss Miller went to the attached bathroom, and before slamming it, exclaimed, “Well, if you’re so inclined to know, the bathroom! To pee! Nosy jackass.”

His face froze, regretting asking. As she came back out he stood at the window. The entirety of bodily functions was just … No, he didn’t like to think about it.

Several minutes passed and he could feel her eyes on his back. Before he could summon the courage to look at her after such a disturbing comment, she said, “I guess you aren’t interested in negotiating?”

He spun about with a smirk, able to discard his bashfulness. “What do you think there is to negotiate? I’ve saved your life and your secrets. Surely you’re inclined to share both.”

“No,” she spat, standing like a wall.

Alastor rolled his eyes and closed the distance between them in two long steps. He leaned over her, grinning, but also looking unamused. “I’ll give you my blood, but I am taking zero questions, permanently.”

“And what do you suggest, ma jolie proie? There are other ways to acquire human flesh and blood in Hell.”

This time she grinned and he wanted to humiliate that look right off her face. Alastor tried to envision the things she knew. Secrets valuable to the point she’d rather be devoured.

Alastor plopped back down on the bed and summoned himself a cup of coffee. Her eyes became fixated on the hot drink.

With a scoff, he snapped another one into her hands. The delight on her face was instantaneous as she took a long drink. The girl’s shoulders melted downward and she sighed contentedly. Alastor wondered, between literature, music, and coffee, just how much they had in common.

“My blood for whatever non-magic, no-sharing, cannibalistic flights of fancy you have. No biting. A 24 hr notice. No more than once a week and no more than a pint. I do it myself. Zero flesh. In return, you ensure my safety and freedom.”

“You’ve certainly thought this through! 6 hours. Twice. I do it with a knife. And some flesh.” Alastor loved fresh meat, but what most didn’t know was that he always removed the skin.

“Do you realize that humans can only recoup a pint of blood on a six to eight week timescale?”

“I’ll merely give you some portion of the your new favorite drink,” he said, waving the empty vial.

She made a sneer.“No. Flesh. No muscle, organs, tissue, marrow, bone, cartilage, grey matter, skin, hair, wings, nails. Nada. Zip. And I’m extremely opposed to you carving me up.”

“As opposed to you being carved up by some derelict and creature? I assure you, my knife skills have no equal.” Alastor found the back and forth debating rather enjoyable, much like their first conversation on the merits of cannibalism. He put his hands up in surrender flashing an overly friendly smile. It seemed he got exactly what he wanted. “No flesh then!”

Afterwards, they discussed and bickered about what was considered protection and freedom for her. She rounded back to having Miles on retainer for her outings. “I cannot detach Miles as you see fit.”

“So you’re just going to tote me around?” She grimaced.

“How else would you experience your freedoms?” Mia groaned and fell back on the bed.

“I get that you can’t fathom the sh*t storm I’m in-”

“Because you won’t tell me,” he quipped.

“And I have zero plans to. All you need to know is that I don’t like being a hockey puck and I’d like to just … f*ck, being able to go to the market without having to worry about dying is something I dream of!”

Alastor reminisced about his childhood, having that exact same feeling once upon a time. Going to school, work, the grocer’s, home … Every step came with the potential of being singled out.

“I guess you know what I’m talking about?” She asked, observing him. Was he that obvious? Surely not, but he’d not slept and he was constantly trying to solve the riddle of her existence.

He conceded a bit of personal information, “A long time ago, yes. But now I am the apex predator and you would do well to not anger me.”

Haughtily she shrugged, “I really don’t care if you’re angry or not.”

“You should,” he insisted.

Another shrug. “Maybe, but then what? You kill me? Torture me? Go ahead. I’ve never tried to stop you.”

“And yet you claim to value your life.”

“I don’t want to die, but if you kill me …” Her grin turned wicked with knowing. “Oh I’ll just be sad to not witness the aftermath.”

“You are peculiar about your own worth Miss Miller.”

“Are we done here?” She cut.

A claw tapped his chin. “You’ll come to my office after your dinner duties every Wednesday …”

Miss Miller narrowed her eyes at him. Seeing him around so much more was going to be a hassle. “You’ve had a worse time sleeping.”

“Indeed and you are already contracted to silence.”

“I expect something in return for that.”

Alastor rolled his eyes, “And what might that be?”

“I want a couple days off every now and again … So maybe you could handle dinner once a week.”

“That seems reasonable enough. Albeit, boring,” he taunted. Mundane was too generous a word for the request.

“And sight seeing!” She added abruptly.

Alastor blinked, wondering if she’d sustained permanent brain damage from the attack. “You want to go sight seeing?”

She turned bashful. “Yeah. I’m a pretty adventurous person. Charlie said there are beaches. Musicals. I’ve never seen downtown or the clocktower. I live here now. This is my home no matter what that implies. Sure there are awful things about hell, but there are disgustingly horrible things about Earth too. And I’d like to visit Sir Pentious’s lab. Maybe see wh-”

“You know that wailing snake?” What kinds of things were happening when he wasn’t around? Alastor thought of the imbecile and how he’d make a point to crush that eyesore of a ship again.

“I met him when he came to visit … you know. And we talked and he was absolutely delightful and funny. He knew so many things about engineering and science.”

“You have terrible tastes in men, dear.”

That struck a nerve apparently. She cackled, grabbing her sides, wiping away tears. “Oh you don’t know the half of it! Tell that to G- Milton. He’s my brother but I didn’t know that when we first met.”

“That’s disgusting,” Alastor chuckled, not bothering to question how she’d not met her own brother. Suddenly the young woman seemed unbridled, laughing at an inside joke he wasn’t aware of.

She snorted, “He’s about as fun as a wet blanket now.”

“So, do we have a deal then?” He held out a green hand and she had no hesitation in taking it.

His face twisted with debauched joy. Miss Miller immediately fell fearful and Alastor felt satisfied by her disheartened expression. “Consider this your first notice, ma jolie proie.”



Chapter 21: Epaphus


Epaphus ponders on history.


Hello all!

This is an exceptionally short chapter because I want to introduce some of the lore I've crafted without bogging it down. Since it is maybe a bit complicated, I wanted it to be easy to digest :D

Please enjoy and perhaps read a time or two over?

All comments with questions will be answered

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Next Cleanse: 264

Epaphus was a patient and calm man of solid demeanor. Waiting in the club Antti acquired for meetings was far from unpleasant. It was a mellow night. Only 50 or so demons ate dinner or danced to the slow, sweet jazz. He sipped at his drink, enjoying the atmosphere. In another life he could imagine bringing Memphis here to dance and gaze upon one another. Perhaps she was lost here, amongst the toiling souls?

Unfortunately, his daydream ended as soon as it began. Antti shuffled in from a side door and gave a timid wave.

The tall, dark demon laid a large bill down for his drink and followed beyond a curtain. They walked down a less than narrow hall to a plain wood door and entered. For now it was just the two of them, but there would be more soon. His recruiting efforts were going well as he made sure to keep quality vs. quantity. Quantity in Hell was worthless without power.

“How did the Empusa fair? Though I suppose you weren’t able to witness it entirely.”

“I was not Sir. As you requested I went to the party and drank the serum with everyone else. Unfortunately, the Empusa was a failure," Antti reported.

His sharp, demonic features turned curious. That seemed to make Antti nervous so he controlled his expression. Epaphus leaned back in the chair, nodding in thought, trying to appear more open. “Do you know what happened?”

“It seems that the Princess must have had no issues dealing with the creature. There was no trace of anything happening and Charlotte persists that she was also under the drug’s effect. It turns out that I was not the only guest who contaminated the punch, though. The p*rn star added quite the kick.”

The dark demon nodded solemnly. “These things cannot be anticipated. Such denizens are mindless. And you believe she’s keeping this hidden? A clever girl she is. This is useful information however. Well done.”

“Sir, I haven’t accomplished anything!” Antti’s hands bunched and tugged nervously as he jittered with anxiety.

While being a clever, safe, and intelligent doctor, he was no soldier. Antti did not have the wherewithal of a warrior.

“This information is acceptable, I assure you. The more we know, the more prepared we can be. Nephilim are rare and under studied unlike Hemitheos. We must be certain if she only takes after one parent or if she also inherited Nyx’s power as well. If Princess Charlotte has the capabilities of Nyx and Lucifer … What do Yahweh’s children call her, again?”

“Lilith, Sir. She calls herself Lilith now. It’s impossible to say what the Princess is capable of. She stands by her pacifist ideology to the point of barely using magic for anything more than paperwork or cleaning, if that.”

He had expected the beast to be easily defeated but he hadn’t expect the girl to do it covertly and with so little stress. Perhaps she was more of a warrior than suspected. No one knew what to expect of Charlotte Morningstar, but if she inherited her mother’s affinity for creation ... That made her all the more valuable to Zeus.

Nyx was the only being Zeus feared. Epaphus was certain his father’s paranoia would be their demise though.

He stood gracefully, leaving a package on the table for Antti. “Keep in touch and stay steady. Don’t forget to make friends Antti.”

Epaphus faded away like a mirage, appearing in the desolate apartment where he headed their covert operations. On a sagging couch sat Daedalus, a mortal sinner turned massive bull demon. Many of Zeus’s followers existed in Hell. Handfuls believed wholeheartedly that Lucifer was indeed Hades. Some knew better thankfully or were easily swayed to his side.

“Welcome back,” grumbled the old demon, furiously hammering away at a video game controller. He sat down next to the bull and picked up a controller. Epaphus enjoyed the digital games as well.

“How many are ready to meet?”

“Dunno, 56 give or take? There’s definitely several hundred interested. It seems some of my contacts from the lower rings know of sects that oppose Lucifer’s order. Hidden factions who prescribe to the old ways, before The Carve.”

That was promising.

Long ago, Lucifer had carved Hell into a section of their demonic realm with his fallen legion all in his new bride’s name. With that came all of Olympus’s dissenters, original demons long before they called themselves Pagans. After that, the realm of Hell grew past what the Olympians thought possible. Even the perceived threat was too much for Zeus and with so many mortal souls, their power could be limitless.

Epaphus took a long drink of Daedalus’s beer.

The history and politics of the Eldritch realm was heavy and messy. Truly, his father could f*ck off into Tartarus for all he cared, but the promise of being reunited with Memphis drove him forward on a war path. Their daughter Libya was Hemitheos, thus allowed to live in Elysium, but that was just a ruse and he knew it. Zeus would destroy her with glee.

Hera perhaps had the right idea to run, go into hiding away from their demented king. As of now, their foot soldiers were scouring every iota of the mortal realm for her. Surely she was on Earth, always obsessed with Yahweh’s creatures.

“I need another beer,” he said, heading for the kitchen.


Some terminology:

Nephilim - Mixed with Angel blood / Half-breeds

Hemitheos - Mixed with Eldritch blood / Half-breeds


Lilith and Nyx are the exact same person. Lilith was named Nyx upon creation and she gave herself a new name when falling in love with Lucifer to free herself from her 'family'. Their history will be discussed later.

Yahweh is God/JesusChrist/Jehovah/Allah/TheHolyTrinity/insertabrahamicreligionhere.

The Eldritch God is technically the primordial god of Chaos/The Void/Asherah.

Yahweh created Humans and Angels and rules over the Heavenly realm. Hands on parenting lol.

Asherah created what we're calling Goetic demons/pagans/Eldritch demons/beasts/ect. and created the Eldritch realm. Hands OFF parenting. They don't interfere with their creations and don't consider them "children". They are kind of an apathetic, yin-yang situation.

Just like Hell and the seven rings, the Pagans have different sections of their world. Olympus, Tartarus, Elysium, ect.

The Carve comes after Lucifer's fall from Heaven. Basically Nyx was living on Earth, falls in love with Lucifer, renames herself Lilith, and because he loves her and knows she misses the demon realms, well he creates Hell just for her. Hellborns are Lilith's creations as are many many many non Hell demons. She is The First Witch and The Mother of Demons and embodiement of Night. I wanted to keep her origins and mythology relevant. She is amazing! One day I plan on typing up her and Lucifer's story as I see it in this AU.

Please ask any questions :)

P.S. Just to clarify, the Empusa was supposed to attack Charlie. It was supposed to hunt the demoness who wasn't under the influence. Angel's drugs did effect Charlie where Antti's would not have. Thus it confused Mia for Charlie and the Pagans don't know about it. LOL oops

Chapter 22: Work


Angel is thinking a lot about his job.



I've just been exhaust and busy and holidays ...
You know the song and dance.

Here's some Angel Dust for ya :)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 261

Maybe taking a nap after a walk and couple cigarettes would help calm his nerves.

Flipping open the black and hot pink carton, he groaned. Only two left. How were these ones going so quickly?

Actually, Angel knew how. These one’s were special. Addicting. Laced.

It didn’t matter. Their buzzing high drowned the noise. The overwhelming voice in his head. The one that endlessly and ruthlessly berated and nagged him. Told him just how …

Angel smacked his cheeks hard then stuck the cigarette in his mouth. All he needed to do was keep smoking, stop thinking, and calm the f*ck down.

Luckily no one was around given the time. In four hours he’d need to be back at the studio for a new shoot and some commercial work. Valentino made sure that his plan of piggy backing on the hotel’s absurdity went right. Earlier Vaggie finally managed to hunt him down, drag him to the office, and rip him at least three new assholes.

That bitch had a knack for biting comments.

Before the self loathing could start again, he noticed Husk. The cat was drunkenly slumped over the bar. An empty bottle rolled about next to him. Some of the last drops soaked the thick novel serving as a makeshift pillow.

The spider exhaled and grabbed the blanket off the couch. Gently he tucked it around the cat, making sure his lap and shoulders were covered with the large throw. Cats liked to be warm. Despite that, Husk looked uncomfortable still.

Angel slipped off his jacket and folded it up. With the stealth and precision of a secret agent, he replaced the book with his jacket. Much better! Immediately some of the tension on Husker’s face melted away.

Unfortunately, the book was more soaked than he’d realized.

“Poor puss* cat,” he cooed softly, giving Husk a scratch behind the ear. Husker purred, nuzzling into a deeper sleep, almost looking peaceful. An ear flicked and the long tail lashed about, almost knocking Angel over. He giggled, giving the long dark tail a soft stroke.

There wasn’t a point in trying to rest he decided. Not really. That’s what all the uppers were for anyway. Who needed sleep when synthetic speed mixed with demon magic was available? For the next hour Angel spent time getting ready while blow-drying the book pages to their original glory. What sucked was that some of the ink bled through, making the words difficult to read.

Angel stared at the cover, surprised by the title: “La Romana - Alberto Moravia.”

He frowned at the page. Some of the ink was illegible and blotched. Thankfully not enough that Angel couldn't tell what the words should have been though.

He grabbed a pen and set to work, rushing to fill back in the splotched spaces. Another hour went by but he was done. Pride flushed over him as he admired his hand work. On a whim he grabbed a pink pen and doodled a heart on the bottom of a page.

Yes, it was silly, but it was on brand for him! He’d done the same to anything else. But the smile on his face and warmth in his chest begged otherwise.

Back in the lobby, Husk was still in the same spot, snoozing away and purring. Angel laid a hand on his back, happy to find the cat perfectly warm under the blanket. There wasn’t much of a way to retrieve his jacket though.

Angel shrugged.

What did he need that dumb jacket for anyway? In exchange for the book, he swiped a top shelf bottle for the road.

He managed to make it halfway to the door before pausing, wringing his hands together. No one was around. Husky looked peaceful, soft, and warm.

Angel moved back beside the cat for just a minute. There was no guarantee he’d ever get to see Husk so serene. He laid his head next to Husk’s on the bar, smiling softly, using his long gloved fingers to pet lovingly at the cantankerous demon. Before leaving he placed a small kiss on the side of Husk’s cheek.

As he walked away, he wasn’t satisfied, but it had to be enough. It had to be enough for someone like him.

The warmth of the hotel faded as Angel moved along the driveway.

f*cking piece of sh*t hotel.

Everyone in it would be better off without him. Right? All he felt was guilt and miserable heartache.

The walk to p*rn Studios was damp and cold. It didn’t help that he’d dressed in more revealing attire. f*ck, he should have grabbed his jacket. Thankfully the booze was doing good in warming his stomach.

Did he deserve to be in agony? Probably.

To save everyone the trouble, he was gonna do his damnedest to get booted from the hotel. It wouldn’t be hard. Vaggie was voting to get rid of him since day one. At least then Val couldn’t make him humiliate them. There’s no way Valentino could override Charlie.

So that’s what he would do. Then his life would go back to normal … no more nonsense bullsh*t, goody two shoes, snotty nosed, kind-hearted, good food, warm bed hotel.

Angel didn’t need that trash. f*cking delusional brats.

What did they know about the real world? Maybe the only one onto something was Smiles.

He snickered at that. If Al was the only demon with their head screwed on straight, this really was Hell.

Once upon a time, he’d schemed to get out of Valentino’s grip. Maybe another overlord could come and wipe the pimp off Hell’s map. Maybe an angel could run a spear through that cold, cruel, undead heart.

That was what made Val successful though. Angel wished he could be as strong as Valentino, even a little bit. The power to manipulate, the cruelty to get ahead.

Val was a lot like Heronin.

Angel remembered all the times the old mobster beat and berated him for not being enough. Being too much of a pansy. It was the same now, though the cruel words against his femininity were replaced with jabs at his lack of resolve. The inability to do whatever it took. Yet another flaw, according to his old man.

But who was he to turn down protection? Fame? Demons envied him! Lusted after him! Men wanted to be with him and women wanted to be him! Being under Val meant no one less powerful could f*ck with him, well unless Big Daddy said so, and at a steep price.

So why was he so unbearably, disgustingly miserable?

Angel pulled out his phone and typed a message to Val.

Aye Daddy <3
Wut u said bout new work
I wanna try it~


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 259

“Where you going Legs?” Husk probed from his spot at the bar.

Angel was dressed to the nines, certainly not as slu*tty, heading out at nearly 11AM which was unheard of. The spider’s mismatched eyes gazed over the designer sunglasses, throwing a sassy look. “Got a promotion Husky, so I gotta get goin’. Don’t wait up handsome~”

What in the … ?

After Angel exited the lobby, Husk skulked over and peaked out the lobby doors. Down the driveway he watched Angel slip into a limo, hot pink smoke billowing out like monster’s breath.

A clawed paw made heavy contact with the nearest window. There was plenty of blood but f*ck it. The princess or Al could deal with it later.

Husker was officially over trying to be nice. It’d been decades since he’d given a f*ck, so why now?

Why for that ungrateful tramp?

Back at the bar he started to clean. Husk scrubbed at glasses as if he could scrub away that gurgling feeling in his stomach.

He scrubbed a glass aggressively. Stress fractures stretched and crumbled until only shards rested in his palm. Angrily he crushed the pieces, thoroughly cutting his paw pads. At least the pain was something to focus on.

There was no point in fussing over Angel. Whatever sh*t that hooker was into didn’t f*cking matter. But then again …

On his cat bed was the book Angel had tried to repair. The sentiment was nice. And sweet. A warmth spread in his chest.

Husk took a long drink, mentally combing through his non-existent situation. Gossip columns were the epitome of trash in Hell, but he knew the f*ckface running a relatively accurate one. The site followed Hell’s bourgeoisie individually and that’s where he found the headline: ‘Mister Valentino’s Superstar Bottom Bitch’.

A snarl ripped from his throat at the photo. There was Angel sitting on Valentino’s lap, holding a leash in each hand that led to other demonic hookers. It was like a sick f*cking promo. Reading the accompanying column would have made him lurch, so he didn’t. Instead he curled up under the bar, doing what he did best: drink.

Chapter 23: Pachelbel


Mia wants to practice and has an audience.


I don't have much to say. I'll have a Christmas one out soon. Maybe in another chapter or two?

Here are the music links beforehand, just so you can have a listen :)

Pachelbel's Nightmare (Dark Canon in D)

Boogie Woogie (Yes that is what it is called :p )

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 250

Two weeks rolled by and Mia wanted to scream.

f*cking obnoxious, pompous, old man.

On Wednesdays, she sang the radio demon to sleep. Laughable was the only way to describe the situation!

They always met in an empty hotel room. Every time she wondered about the parlor where he stitched her leg back together. It wasn’t a room in the hotel, not one she could find at least.

Sometimes they sparred verbally, but Mia took up a hardcore, laser proof, plead-the-fifth mentality. He was barred from asking her questions about her secrets, but he was frustratingly clever. So now she simply ignored his commentary.

Then there was giving him her blood.

Mia could have kicked herself. Should have!

Lastly came his incessant need to annoy her during the day. Sneaking up out of no where, pulling her into unexpected dance steps then -POOF- he was gone, hinting at her mortality around others, and making her feel like an idiot the whole way!

Cantankerous, hypocritical asshole.

She headed for the ballroom hoping to enjoy the piano. Lose herself to the motions and music and let the chaos go.

The first time she’d touched a piano had been in Europe around 1722. Thus began a love affair for the ages. Scores of memories left her itching to get the old songs out and with Gabriel gone, it was easy to do. No more hiding things, sort of.

In addition to being tormented by Alastor, was the haunting memories. While she reveled with knowing more, each one compounded a hollow, fractured feeling. Mia was more aware of how Gabriel and Lucifer saw her. A shell of herself, not an actual self contained person.

Somewhen, somewhere, somehow, she’d f*cked up.

What did she do to thoroughly piss off God?

Death never used to bother her, when all she needed to contend with were humans and science and logic. But now it loomed over like a beast. Like the Empusa, only no one could save her.

“Arrrrhhhhh-” she wailed, smushing her face into the wall.

But for now, make it to the piano. That’s all she had to do.

Typically the ballroom was empty but not so much today. The red bastard sat talking with his not so subtle lady-friend at a table.

Was this part of her punishment from God? Mia’s jaw set hard, fists clenching, wishing them away. And yet they sat, unmoving.

The pair seemed entirely amicable and platonic, despite Mimzy’s best efforts of adjusting her bosom. She'd been right before, desperate was a bad look for the demoness.

Mimzy scowled as Mia moved towards the stage, not bothering to say hi.

“We’re busy,” the woman said. Alastor merely smiled, looking at her with twisted mischief and knowing.

Mia could feel a vein ready to pop for the insufferable duo. Tightly she said, “So it seems. Well, don’t let me keep you! I’m just here to practice for a while.”

She didn’t give Mimzy a chance to retaliate or nag her any longer as she stepped up and sat at the piano. Their eyes were on her, waiting to see if she was interrupting them for nothing. Waiting to see if she was just some talentless hack.

Mia’s old friend defiance roared to life with every intention of showing them what’s what. Feeling the smooth keys under her hands wiped away the calamity in her mind, just leaving the opening of Pachelbel’s Canon.

There was a sense of being stitched whole. Kinder memories forming in her mind’s eye. Fragrant spring days in a long fallen city. Frigid winds of a northern village. Hot steam from a large massive pot of stew. But as the scenes turned foggy, so did the chords. Darker, deeper, more tortured but just as wondrous. The rendition of the classical piece took shape. Peaceful dozing morphed into a chaotic, fantastical dream that she couldn’t escape.

The pace went from a rolling boil to a simmer, giving her a chance to look around. Even though Alastor and Mimzy had moved onto the stage to watch her, she didn’t pause. If anything, it made her angry. This thing she loved so dearly and had only just reclaimed was not a spectator sport!

Her hands went harder against the keys, trying to ignore them.

As she came to a turn in the piece, she decided the demonic duo of an audience was irrelevant. Their approval and praise was unnecessary. With Gabriel gone, she didn’t really need anyone's approval. Just her own.

Mia smiled, grateful for the momentary unburdened feeling. She was going to fight for more of these moments. For her freedom. Her eyes met with Alastor’s. As if to prove she didn’t care, her look of defiance returned.

Her hands finally stopped and she sucked in a deep breath. Mia’s jaw tipped up a smidge with well earned confidence, “I was under the impression you both had business to attend to?”

Mimzy growled and bristled, “You - ”

She was cut off by Alastor’s exuberant clapping as his microphone cheered.

“Darling girl that was certainly marvelous! Quite the accomplished pianist you are. Though in my experience the classical sorts can’t quite keep up with a jazz or blues musician!”

Mia quirked her brows up at him, though otherwise expressionless. His evaluation of her playing didn’t matter. The opinion of some ass looking to get under her skin at any cost didn’t matter. So, she didn’t bother retorting.

He expected a response. Expected her to take offense to his quip. A smirk twisted across her lips, not interested in playing his version of a game. No, this time he would play hers. Only a few days ago she’d started to remember early 1900s.

1921 Virginia was the first time she’d heard jazz piano. Mia could remember how startled and enthralled she’d been by the sound. So erratically different from her classical roots.

If that old bastard wanted to underestimate her, he had another thing coming. As if the spirit of Tom Waits possessed her, she clanged down the keys. Both the demons yowled as their hands shot to their ears. Her right hand dragged over the high keys while her left laid down the baseline. That seemed to catch Alastor’s attention as his eyes turned curious.

Mia threw down the lightning boogie-woogie piece. It felt as good as it sounded. Unlike the Canon rendition, this one was brief and came to a climactic ending. What she hadn’t expected was just how thrilled Alastor was.

There were no microphone cheers. This time he whistled and clapped of his own volition with a child’s delight. Mia never knew he loved music this much. He towered over her, forgetting whatever contention was previously between them.

His towering soon became engulfing and she noticed how displeased Mimzy looked. Before this could turn into another kitchen scenario, Mia deftly slipped out from under him. “Oh no, please continue! That was fantastical, Chèr!”

No matter how cute, and she hated admitting that, his untainted excitement was, Mia wasn’t interested. Time with Alastor equaled whiplash, annoyance, being mentally disarmed, then used for his own entertainment.

“Sorry, things to do.” Mia hopped off the stage.

A haughty feeling washed over her. Before leaving she flashed them the sweetest grin she could muster. “You know, I see it. You two make a cute, perfect couple. Enjoy your business!”


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 249

Cheeky brat.

After Miss Miller’s inflammatory statement concerning an impossible relationship with Mimzy, the club owner was nothing short of over the moon!

On his desk sat another love letter with lipstick marks all over it. Disgusting. He would not touch the foul thing. For years he’d skirted around her advances, but since coming to the hotel she’d become bold. Obnoxiously bold.

Fire ate away the letter as he groaned, bouncing his leg with irritation. Avoiding Mimzy was certainly more difficult than ever before.


Alastor frowned and looked at the clock. He’d lost track of time in his annoyance. The door clicked open with magic. He smiled as Miss Miller sneered.

“Maybe you should get your girlfriend to sing you lullabies.” His smile tightened as he stepped too close, purposefully towering over her. The wings on her back shivered and flicked. In contrast her jaw picked up. After a few minutes she stepped around him and sat on the couch.

“Let’s get this over with.”

“Surely you’re not insisting on rushing an old man, my girl?” His fingers snapped and they were in an empty hotel room.

“I guess you’ve never tried sleeping pills.”

“Never touched the stuff!”

“Do you always sleep here?”

“Mind your manners child,” he patronized.

Her cheeks puffed out and she plopped into the arm chair. “You realize that makes you an old man dragging said child to a hotel room, right? Pretty f*cking creepy.”

Alastor whipped around fangs and claws bared. To insinuate that he would ever! Her hands gripped around the chair arms, sinking back as much as she could.

Good. Served her right.

“Ok ok! Sorry! I’m sorry. So uh, what kind of serial killer were you?”She seemed uncertain in asking and he just scoffed, sitting on the edge of the bed in his usual sleep wear.

He stayed silent, not convinced by her sudden change in topic. The dragonfly-esque girl shifted about, but never averted her eyes. He’d break that bravado one day. Then he’d remove that tongue and shut her up for good.

Alastor watched keenly as his stern silence unraveled her. Shifting transformed into squirming. They were only so many feet apart and he could hear how her heart picked up. Just like a frightened doe. Delicious.

“Husk said you were kind of a vigilante?”

Of course she broke first. Not a soul could out do him in a waiting game. The decades taught him to be a patient sort. Her voice went high and his smile thinned, but widened.

Her nervous nonsense continued, “Those kinds of serial killers aren’t exactly common. A lot of them are based on psychosexual trauma or some form of childhood abuse. The only one I can think of is Robert Maudsley. He murdered three people in prison, two of which were convicted child predators. The third was for domestic violence against his wife. Otherwise, that’s not the status quo. Did you finish the Red Dragon?”

“With that prattling you're bound to use all the oxygen in Hell!” Alastor snarked.

A sickeningly sweet smile stretched across her face, "At least then we can suffocate together.”

"I'll be quite alright once you die."

“Then you'll be waiting a while," she quipped, offering a strained grin and secretive gleam.

He waved dismissively, if only to feign disinterest. Actually, he had an inkling that there was something to that comment. "I'm sure all that useless racket in your noggin will keep you busy."

“And speaking of useless racket, I found something. Maybe sharing it would prompt you to be a little less crotchety, hmm?”

Begrudgingly, the things she also shared with him were fascinating and brought some much needed variation to his life. “I’ll consider being ‘less crotchety’ if I find it enjoyable!”

Apparently she didn’t find that amusing, but continued on.

A look back on vigilante justice in America: Episode 73 - The Crescent City Cutter. Approximately 15 known victims from 1928 to 1930 …

Alastor listened, never thinking that someone in the future would ever take the time to research, study, and analyze his work. The introduction included a blurb on the writer, a modern day journalist from Colorado obsessed with vigilantes, Alex Solokovich.

Finally he laid down, listening to her voice fill the room. Normally, he’d care quite a bit with how others perceived him but that concern was too far gone for his current company.

It took me five months to uncover all of the buried articles concerning the victims. Sherman Ackerman, the grandson of news reporter David Monroe who died in 1946, kept all of the interviews conducted by his grandfather. The accounts consist of Monroe talking to the families, friends, and neighbors of the victims as he hunted for the Cutter’s identity. What I discovered convinced me of one thing: I was now investigating a long forgotten vigilante, the monster that monsters feared.

One of the victims was a beloved local post man, Samuel Edmond. After Edmond’s disappearance and subsequent murder, Monroe took to questioning Edmond’s wife who gave away nothing untoward. The next day Edmond’s son, Jacob sat down and told the truth of his father’s crimes. Jacob grew up to a father who valued image and took joy in battering his wife and four children for the smallest of mistakes. Jacob’s younger brother was caught being sweet on a girl of lesser means which caused Edmond to go ballistic.

The article continued in a similar fashion, detailing the names of wretched men he knew too well. Alastor recalled the sad, disgusting cries of Sam Edmond under a magnolia tree, one leg snapped in half. That was one of his messier killings. He held up a hand and she stopped reading, not saying a word.

“Where did you find this?”

She waved her phone and shrugged, “Google.”

Alastor rolled his eyes, not understanding whatever ‘Google’ was. Later he'd have Nifty provide him with a copy of the article.

“Uh … Do you, you know, regret killing so many people?” Her voice wavered.

“Ha! Not at all! I delighted in the screams and pleas of every mange ridden mongrel I snuffed out! As you’ve read, they most surely deserved it. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Her answer never came. Alastor glanced over and she seemed entirely distracted now. Teasingly he asked, “Are you disgusted?”

She met his gaze and shook her head. There was a thoughtful look on her face, but nothing like the fear or discomfort she expressed with him earlier. “You probably saved people in the long run. Abuse is a cyclic thing. It just breeds more of itself as time goes on. Do I think you enjoyed it too much? Absolutely. Why did you start eating people?”

Alastor flashed his fangs at her and she shivered in her seat. “Times were hard, Chèr.”

Her gaze didn’t relent and her head tilted with contemplation. “That can’t be all of it. Black Tuesday was when, 1929? When did you start?”

Questions. Questions. Questions. How unfair that he couldn’t ply her with his own? Never the matter, if he played her well enough, she’d give it all away.

Clumsy girl.

“Interested in history suddenly? It was 1928. I started on a whim more or less.” He didn’t bother to look at her, imagining the same expression countless others had given him. Except Nifty, who never paid enough attention to a single matter to care.

Finally, she stopped asking questions, humming as if to remember a tune. What came next sounded old and soft, in a language he couldn’t understand. Thankfully his curiosity about the odd language drowned out the memories of why he actually started feasting on the flesh of men.


Hope you enjoyed!

Leave a kudos, leave a comment! :)

I just want to hear what people do or don't enjoy.
That really helps me

<3 y'all~

Chapter 24: Cigarettes


Mia has a chat with Angel.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 242

Out in the garden, Mia heard an unusual ruckus in the supply shed.

Typically it was just her out back and rarely did any of the patrons bother to help. Cautiously, she crept up to the door. Who or what hadn’t been mindful enough to shut it all the way.

Stifled moans and panting became too clear. Mia dreaded looking in and steeled herself for the sight.

Peeking, she found Angel doing inexplicable things to Travis’s hind quarters. More lewd, obnoxious sounds filled the air. The spider was distracted, holding his phone up with an arm to film the escapade. At least, that’s what she thought until, “Oh yes~ Enjoy this little live tease from your favorite, sweet, innocent Angel. Just here doin’ community service! Be sure to drop by to the Ha-”

Mia burst in and grabbed Angel’s phone. Immediately she tossed it out into the grass as he went shocked and wide eyed.

“What the f*ck are you doing?!” She demanded, not considering anything other than him humiliating Charlie. It was one thing in private! f*ck, it was even acceptable out in the open! But to broadcast and mock the hotel?

All she could think of was defending her niece’s dream.

Travis scuttled onto the floor, fast to adorn his hat and straighten his feathers. Angel puffed up, red faced and growling, “Mind ya own business, bitch!”

“My own business? News flash!” Mia’s arms flailed up, “I work here! So it is exactly my business when you’re out here tonguing Travis’s ass live! What the f*ck is wrong with you?”

Travis shoved her back out the shed door and she sailed straight onto her ass.

Angel was cursing in Italian looking for his phone as Travis now stood over her with a big grin. “You jealous, fairy bitch? Angel Cakes may not f*ck you, but I would. It’d be a pity f*ck though.”

With a crafty move from Millie, she managed to leverage her legs and spin Travis onto the ground face first. “Oh I’m sorry. I don’t f*ck losers. Did your wife kick you out because you have a limp dick or because she didn’t want whatever venereal disease you brought home for dinner? Get the f*ck out of here you piece of sh*t.”

Travis cursed and flipped her off, saying anything and everything he could lay his tongue to. Angel made to move past her, but she bodied up in front of him. It did little to stop him. Mia started running just to keep pace with him.

“Ok Angel, what the f*ck is up with you?” All he did was flip her off.

“Angel! I’m not Charlie, so I’m not here to fix your problems. I’m not Vaggie, so I’m not interested in guilt tripping you or belittling you. But you can’t be doing that kind of nonsense!”

For whatever reason, he stopped.

Angel leaned against the stone railing and lit a cigarette. The pink smoke was heavy and drifted down around their feet. It smelled of something sickly sweet. A few of the wisps curled into hearts and around their bodies. “The f*ck do you know nerd?”

Mia looked incredulous because she didn’t know. Some days she could feel the loneliness curling back around her just waiting. Whatever emotion stretched across his face jerked at her heart strings. Angel looked sickeningly miserable suddenly.

A gloved hand held out the half used cigarette and she shrugged, taking it. Gemma had given her some harsh joints before so it wouldn’t be too bad. Mia hoped Angel would find some solidarity in the action. Their eyes met, and she said, “When in Rome.”

He snickered as she inhaled and immediately started choking, face turning wicked and condescending.

It felt like her lungs were trying to crawl out of her body away from the smoke. A demon magic wrapped around her mind. Her body felt tingly. It reminded her of the Halloween party. Angel didn’t bother to help her and picked up the cigarette to continue smoking, “Jesus you really is f*ckin’ weak. Listen up dollface, don’t go actin’ like ya know sh*t. Cause ya don’t. ”

Mia’s breathing labored as she managed to sit upright out of the pooling smoke. Her legs felt wobbly. “That almost killed me!”

The butt dropped down beside her. “You’s dead. Get used to it. Everythin’ hear almost kills ya. The people, the smokes, the food, the jobs … Pretty bitches like you f*ck up a time or two up top and can’t deal when the hammer gets dropped. Tough break toots. Them book smarts gonna fail ya in the long run.”

Her chest hurt and her head swam, “The f*ck are those?”

Angel purred, blowing the smoke of a new cigarette in her face, inducing more hacking and wheezing. He squeezed her cheeks in one hand, grinning. “These are Daddy’s. A special blend that keeps the party right on goin’. Nice talkin’ to ya, baby girl.”

He patted her cheeks and pinched one a bit too hard, just as he’d seen Valentino do millions of times. The boots clacked off into the distance as she did her best to stand up straight. What made it worse was that Husker seemed to witness the whole thing. A paw latched onto her upper arm and finally she was standing. “Deep breaths Wings. Not as smart as you think you are takin' a drag of those.”

“Thanks,” she wheezed. He was kind enough, sort of, to not let go of her arm. “So who’s ‘Daddy’?”

Husk rolled his eyes and scoffed, hand squeezing noticeably harder. “Angel’s pimp.”

“Pimp? I thought Angel was a p*rn star?”

“Heh, he wasn’t wrong, you don’t know sh*t. His name is Valentino, you’ve had to heard of them f*ckin’ creeps by now.”

Overlords, she realized. The V3 media conglomerate. All the news specials painted the trio in glorious light. Velvette, the lovable, fashionable upbeat influencer. Vox, tech mogul, genius, and business head. Valentino … now that she thought of it, he’d been skimmed over compared to his partners. He was always portrayed as a hardworking entrepreneurial boot-straps kind of guy who pioneered Hell’s number one industry.

“I didn’t realize … ” Mia felt stupid because she didn’t know anything about Angel. News articles, media coverage, HellTube videos. Everything painted a nasty, wretched picture. The irony of a spider being caught in a web.

“So why is he here? Couldn’t Charlie get him out of that mess? I get walking away could be dangerous bu-”

Husker let go of her arm and sneered, going as far to clap her upside the head. “Lemme give you a crash course. Demons with enough magic can make soul binding contracts and overlords make deals. Think about it.”

“Oh.” So just what had Angel done? And why? “Does Charlie even know about that?”

Husker shrugged, a cheap booze bottle coming out of seemingly no where, “I’d imagine the Princess has resources, but I don’t think she really gets it. A word of advice: keep your nose down. sh*t’s been weird lately.”

Mia cringed internally, thinking of all Gabriel’s advice to sit down, shut up, and stay hidden. She’d f*cked that up pretty well. Still, doing nothing felt so painfully wrong. Doing nothing gave her too much time to think.

“Husk, can you tell me what’s been going on?”

He paused, only giving a low hum. Claws gently clacked against the booze bottle. Finally he asked, “What you got to give?”

Mia felt dumbfounded. Surely he wasn’t so selfish? Couldn’t he have just told her? That blank shock in her mind slowly turned incredulous. “You know what Husk, forget I asked.”

He wagged the bottle at her, “Easy. Don’t make death harder Wings.”

Mia pulled out her phone to text Vassago, wobbling back inside. Thankfully her lungs were clearing. Appealing to sinners with reason or good will was a bad decision from the beginning. Everyone wanted something.

Vassago had called her back the next day, gung-ho to ship supplies to make her life more ‘comfortable’. He didn’t ask a lot of questions and their relationship regularly consisted of bitching about first world problems and sharing memes.

The package magically arrived on her balcony over night and she grinned. Husker’s eyes and ears could be bought.

Mia stomped down to the bar at dawn. She sat in the bar floor next to a curled up, snoozing Husker and thudded down the pricey vintage sherry.

He hissed and bristled until noting the bottle, “How the f*ck’d you get that?”

She grinned, sitting cross legged on the floor behind the bar. “You asked what I have to give.”

“That sh*t ain’t real,” he said, eyeing the ornate old bottle. She didn’t bother trying to argue with him. Mia grabbed a glass, poured out some of the contents, then slid it over.

He sniffed and sipped at it several times over before cursing at her in a language she didn’t know. Husk held out the glass and she poured him half a shot.

“You stingy bitch.”

“The only one being stingy Husk, is you. I’ll make this easy. You keep me up to date with whatever bullsh*t is going on and then you get some good booze. Pretty simple, don’t you think?”

He sneered at her shaking his empty glass once more.

Obligingly, she poured. After that he started talking.

Crymini was starting fights and defacing anything she could touch. The wolf girl and Vaggie even got into a brawl. Irina seemed fine, but her twin was allegedly starting to act erratic, going as far as attacking the doctor out in the hall and talking to the paintings. Apparently she had issues with men when she was alive. Charlie and Vaggie were back and forth in the hotel day in and day out, trying to keep the peace.

And it turned out Angel was on the verge of being kicked out. His sexual proclivities worsened. Leaving drugs around. Sharing drugs. Not to mention being caught servicing Travis on a live stream. Vaggie lobbied for him to be gone for a while already.

Mia frowned. Charlie hadn’t told her any of this.

“Thanks for letting me know. If you see something else, ltell me. And keep an eye on Angel explicitly.”

“The f*ck you doing this for kid?” He asked whilst hiding away the bottle.

She shrugged and dusted off her jeans. “Who knows? But at least I’m doing something. Maybe redeeming sinners isn’t possible, but I’m going to find out. There’s no point in wasting away down here otherwise.”


I watched Encanto the other day and oooooooo my brain is going. Lin Manuel gets my thoughts flowing. Idk how.

If anyone is apart of the yandere Your Boyfriend fandom expect a gritty fanfict to come soon

Chapter 25: Pushed


Angel and Mia get pushed.

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 230

“Nope, we don’t have that down here! That exists up top, but we have Hellgle!”

Nifty smiled as usual, but looked a touch uncertain. Alastor could understand why. He certainly never took any interest in Hell’s modern technological infrastructure, let alone the one that exists in the living world.

So Miss Miller had active access to the living world. At least technologically.

How? Was that where her mutt kept disappearing off to?

“Nifty darlin’, you’ve been a wonderful help!”

Now she beamed, loving the praise from her sole father figure. With their impromptu investigation done, she skittered off to do whatever nonsensical thing she had planned. Nifty’s personal life was only relevant to him if she came into trouble. No one old enough to remember 1997 bothered her anymore. Oh had he lost his temper at the time. He liked to tell people it was all for show, but that wasn’t the case. He’d wholly, truly, absolutely lost his marbles that day.

Alastor chuckled at the memory, then focused back in on his new puzzle piece.

The door swung back open with the tiny demoness’s typical enthusiasm, “I also meant to tell you I’m excited for the cooking class tomorrow! I doubt you’ll need the help though! Your food is always so good which I think a lot of new people will be really surprised. Vaggie wanted me to tell you she approved it and put it on the bulletin board!”

With annoyance and indignation he transported them down to the lobby’s board. Alastor sneered. Among the throng of brightly colored information, was a red and black paper with him so lovingly doodled in the middle. Round was the only way to describe that heinous artist’s rendition.

Cooking dinner with the Radio Demon! Sure to be a bloody good time!

The rest of it went on to explain the basic hotel rules and the time. Apparently, he was teaching a cooking class and serving dinner all in one. What’s worse was that it already had the hotel’s stamp of approval.

“We need the good knives!” Nifty squealed and twirled as a malicious gleam sparkled in her eye, “I’ll head home right now to sharpen them!”

With that he sent her off into a shadow.

The instant she was gone he crumpled the offensive paper, nearly growling at the blatant intrusion and theft of his precious time. Immediately, he stalked off to the kitchen, knowing exactly who was responsible. From the doorway he could hear and see Miss Miller, bopping about, dancing, and singing whilst cleaning the kitchen.

Alastor paused to listen. Despite the obviously modern sound, he found it agreeable. Actually, he liked it more than he was comfortable to admit. The singer had a quality rasp and he’d had half a mind to ask what the song was. Pride, however, would not allow him to.

Sell me one of those if I shave my head
Get me out of town is what Fireball said
Never trust a man in a blue trench coat
Never drive a car when you're dead

As the song wrapped, he positioned a shade just so that she would trip. Then there was Miss Miller splayed out on the floor, looking thoroughly confused.

“Your jive steps leave much to be desired! Though not nearly as atrocious as your Charleston! What is this ear scratching racket?”

Soon she acted like the floor was made of hellfire, scrambling to her feet, mouth pursed and nose flared. A thoroughly satisfied grin split his face. Her struggling never failed to amuse him. Surely a fiery reaction was in order! Perhaps between his outright pestering and her blatant stupidity, this would be good fun.

Miss Miller flung her balled rag into the sink and crossed her arms defensively. His face fell nearly a fraction. Lately she’d cut to the chase with him which he found so entirely, exhaustingly boring. “What do you want, Alastor?”

How disappointing. Perhaps he needed to prod more. Testing the wherewithal of his lessers did bring him a childlike joy after all.

“It seems that without my knowledge, there is a cooking class to be held tomorrow.”

Her expression twisted from ill tempered brat to infuriatingly smug. “You did agree to my having time off and with Charlie and Vaggie doing so much interacting with the patrons I thought to myself, surely Alastor intends to not be upstaged by two inexperienced young girls? Vaggie was all smiles with the idea.”

“Oh I’m certainly sure Vagatha was thrilled by the notion of investing my time. I look forward to working with you tomorrow, ma jolie proie.”

An inky finger jabbed up. Alastor scoffed at how brazen she could be. Fire brands were entertaining, but insolence had its limits. Indignantly she stated, “Oh no way! Tomorrow is my day off!”

“And who approved that? Dear girl,” he hissed, clearing the distance between them with one long step. Alastor loomed and glowered, casting an unnaturally dark shadow over her. “If you’re so keen to dictate my time, I’m sure you’ll have no qualms being my ever so dedicated assistant for the entire day.”

She blinked once, then twice, frozen in place. He took one sharp claw and applied pressure just so under her jaw. Alastor found the sudden hitch in her breath amusing. Only a little harder … That did the trick as her expression morphed into doe-eyed nervousness. Slowly he scraped right over her hot, pulsating jugular. Alastor leaned in past her shivering jaw, only a breath’s width away from her ear.

Terrified and on the verge of running was how he preferred his prey, despite the intriguing novelty of them fighting back. It seemed she needed a reminder of where she fell on the food chain, despite their contract. A pathetic whimper sounded from her tight throat.

Oh yes, he’d make time to break her zealous spirit.

Blood beaded on the tip of his claw. Even that small lot he could smell. So savory and delicious against the harshness of kitchen cleaner. A demonic growl rumbled in his chest and he caught how she nearly jerked. The wings on her back rattled like a wind chime through hurricane season.

“Do remember that my dedication to keeping you alive and ensuring your meager freedoms are not exclusive of pain. Pain rarely kills, Miss Miller.”

Before turning away his mouth twisted into a truly demonic, hedonistic grin as a tapered, long, pale tongue licked and savored her blood from his claw.

“We leave after your morning duties!”


Mia heaved once he was gone. He’d left her with that same icy, needle like sensation in her spine. A golf ball in her throat. There was a third feeling that she really, really hated. It wasn’t that she was opposed to the feeling, but to feel it because of him? She’d never played into the insanity of bad boys, Machiavellian spirits, or wickedness as an attractive feature.


Everything felt warm and like her very normal, non fussy t-shirt was strangling her. The wings on her back felt heavy and exposed. Forget the kitchen, it was clean enough.

She raced up the hotel to her room and slammed the door. The moment the lock clicked, she ripped off the glamour ring, hoping it would help to relieve that sensation. Unfortunately it did not.

Mia rushed for the shower and turned the water as cold as it would go. Clothes and all she plunged in, cursing herself.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 229

It couldn’t be helped any longer. With absolute defeat, her face slumped onto her desk, dreading when Vaggie came back.

Her lovely, feisty, intelligent, cut throat girlfriend went to get Angel Dust. Today was the day. Thankfully Alastor was out with Mia to get things for the cooking class, thus not around to exacerbate the soon to be high emotions.

Charlie thought about her quote-unquote business partner for a minute, grateful to just be thinking about something else. As of late, she’d seen Mia around with Alastor. And even though she knew exactly how Al could be, it seemed her illustrious aunt could handle him.

That warmed her. Maybe if Alastor could become friends with an angel, the angel, he could be redeemed after all? All sinners were human and all humans had something good in them!

Even still, their progress on making sure the hotel was fed regularly made her life easier.

Shuffling around she found a bright note pad and glitter pen, then scribbled out: Michael -> Alastor = progress???

Normally all her planning and ‘treatments’ revolved around the patrons. Rectifying the Radio Demon was taking on a kraken in the ocean, not her normal small fish in a small pond.

At last came the knock on the door. Charlie’s heart sank to her ankles and she just wanted to cry in frustration. She hated this part but it was bound to happen to one of the patrons eventually. It hurt for it to be her first, though.

Angel honestly had made some progress for a while. In some hopes of garnering trust with him, she’d left his private life alone, well for the most part. Sort of.

Vaggie swung open the door and shoved Angel inside. They were already firing insults and scowling at each other.

“Angel, can you please sit? I was hoping we could talk.”

With a scoff and middle finger to Vaggie he draped himself over the couch, pulling a lollipop out of his jacket. “Whadya want Princess Sparkle?”

Vaggie rounded the desk, face set into a scathing glower, arms crossed. Charlie liked to think of this as a good cop / bad cop methodology, but who was she kidding? Vaggie could be so sour despite being so sweet.

“Angel, your actions have gotten out of line and after our last-”

“Seven!” Interrupted Vaggie, slamming a fist of the desk. Charlie gave a small, pleading smile and laid a hand gently on the fist. The result was the Latina moving her hand and walking towards the window to work on her breathing.

“As I was saying, per our last seven discussions, I thought we’d come to an agreement that you couldn’t continue with your behavior.”

“No, that’s what you’s said you’s decided on. I remember sayin' I had a dick needin' sucked off at 4.” Charlie groaned.

“This is serious Angel! You’re not doing better. Sometimes, as of late, I keep thinking maybe you’re getting worse. If there’s something going on that I can do, as the Princess of Hell even, can you please tell me so we can work on it?”

The air shifted and tension spread. Angel’s expression went dark as his four arms crossed tightly. “Ain’t sh*t goin' on.”

“Angel …”

“I said ain’t sh*t goin' on!” He threw the lollipop just past Charlie’s head. Thankfully, Vaggie didn’t escalate the situation due to Charlie holding up a hand. She knew exactly what kind of reaction to expect and a single temper tantrum wasn’t a big deal. It couldn’t be a big deal. If it was, she had worse problems.

“Listen, I don’t want things to be this way, but we can’t ignore you advertising your, uh you know, business in relationship to the hotel! That really undermines what we’re trying to accomplish. I think you have something good and loving and warm in you, but you need to embrace it. If we could just -”

“Ya know, you and Wings ramble a lot. You stupid pretty bitches and all your know how. All about good and blah blah blah. Listen Princess, this is Hell! HELL! Your big ol’ daddy WANTS US TO SUFFER. Just cause you wear a crown and can leave death’s co*ckring, don’t means you get it. Like what does you know about sufferin’, eh? About pain? About being on your last leg, strung out in an alley way, begging old geezers to suck their dicks just for two bucks and a dime bag?”

Angel was standing at full height, eyes glowing with demonic energy, but glistening with tears.

“We can help you!” Charlie pleaded.

“Listen up you spoiled brat, you can’t. You don’t call the shots! Yer little pipe dream ain’t sh*t and we all know it!”

Charlie’s sniffle cracked Vaggie’s resolve. With more grace than Charlie had ever seen from the mortal woman, she said, “Angel, we’re glad you came to us for help. If you feel like you’re ready to seriously commit to the program, you’ll be welcomed back with open arms. For now though, you have the rest of the day to gather your things and move out. If you need anything to make ends meet over the next week, let us know. Good luck.”

Angel Dust stomped out of the room immediately. Once the door clicked shut, Charlie slumped over onto the desk sobbing. Vaggie scooted in under her head and they nestled together awkwardly, reeling with their first true defeat.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 229

Mia took a drink of her coffee, eyeballing a menacing looking demon who actually squeaked then skittered across the street. Walking with Alastor proved a one way ticket to no traffic. She could only think of how useful that could be on bustling days.

For most the day she’d been treading under foot with Alastor. He’d gone on and on and on and on about places, where he’d killed certain demons. Toppled various overlords. Ousted whole groups of Hellborn demons. While she certainly wanted to know as much as she could about Hell, any information could potentially help her situation, he only spewed on about his murders. It wasn’t even about his life! Or the people he knew or the merits of places! Just all about his power.

“They really go out of their way to avoid you.”

“As they should! I’d venture to say you could learn from them.”

Mia rolled her eyes, because as much as she wanted to, it seemed there was no way in Hell she ever could. For what seemed an indefinite amount of time, she was saddled with the Radio Demon until something changed. Hopefully something would change.

“What and let you miss your lullabies and snacks? I may as well be your nanny.”

That earned her a stern glare but she just stuck her tongue out. Silence settled between them. She couldn’t stop trying to observe everything at once. The demons, the odd buildings, lewd signs and posters. One caught her eye and she stopped, walking up to a wall smattered with paper.

BEWARE!!!!!! HiM!!

For all she’d seen of Hell, this poster was close to the horrific imagery most expected.

“HEY!” She yelped, being picked up by Alastor. He’d taken the liberty to forcibly move her along by the back of her shirt. It made her wings entirely uncomfortable.

“No need to be distracted by artist interpretations when you have the real McCoy, dear girl!” He puffed, proud of himself.

“You can’t just displace people at your whim, you know. All you had to do was ask.” Her huffing did nothing to persuade his treatment of others.

“Why if it isn’t the pot calling the kettle! I could say the same of you and your stunt.”

“You know, I didn’t do it just to piss you off. Sure that was definitely part of it but not the whole reason,” she explained in indignation.

Red eyes cast down at her curiously, waiting for said explanation.

“Things in the hotel have been rough for Charlie lately. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but things-”

“Oh I’ve noticed quite a bit! Why that one doll talking to the paintings is quite a laugh, ah ha ha! She nearly skewered the poor doctor. Every day is, but a glorious circus at our fine establishment!”

Mia rolled her eyes and groaned, “Are you really that selfish? It’s your business! If it fails, that means you failed. I made the cooking class because when you’re around, for better or worse, the patrons don’t step out of line. Husk and Nifty don’t cause trouble thankfully, and if your eyes are on everyone else, Charlie gets a break. Even if it’s just for a little while.”

“Charlotte lacks no dedication to her wacky cause! A Hellborn demon trying to redeem mortals. I can only imagine our Infernal King’s reaction! And she’s the heir of eternal damnation and suffering!”

Mia groaned again, not wanting to hear his scathing review of Charlie’s ambitions. “She’s not just a demon. News flash, she’s half angel and she has free will. Being born somewhere doesn’t serve as some higher-than-thou roadmap.”

“I’ve seen nearly every extermination to date! Why bother associating with those winged mongrels who bring down suffering and ultimate death? I find you’d change your tune if you make it to see one.”

She’d never thought about being here for an extermination. Angels, what were supposed to be her angels, coming down to do exactly as Alastor said. How could something so horrible happen? Being left in the dark with two brothers only meant that she had a hand in it. Otherwise, wouldn’t they have refuted her questions?

Mia chanced a question, “What would the exterminators do if they found a human in hell?”

Would those holy creatures recognize her? She didn’t doubt it since everyone else had. Maybe she could stop it? Maybe that’s what all this madness was leading up to. Lucifer never said why he couldn’t arrange a cease fire. Gabriel didn’t have a part to play in it thankfully, but he was also damnably complacent in the ordeal. That pissed her off. Everything was really starting to piss her off.

Alastor shocked her out of the blasphemous rabbit hole with an arm wrapping about her shoulders a tad too tight. Magic warped them through the shadows. Scenery stretched black and red, then snapped back, depositing them onto the upper most platform of Pride's clocktower.

Stretched out before her was Pride City until it disappeared beyond itself. There wasn’t a city like this for all of existence. “It’s massive,” she breathed out, nearly overwhelmed by its engulfing volume.

Clawed hands gripped her shoulders. Instinctively she tried to shrug him off but he merely tutted at her.

“Don’t be defiant, little human,” he hummed next to the tip of her ear. Warmth radiated from his chest onto her back and wings. God why were those useless things so sensitive?! For all their trouble they could have at least worked! Despite his tightening grip, his hands slipped languidly down until there was a non-negotiable grip on her upper arms.

Mia fought against the tightness in her throat and the new thrumming in her body. She jerked again. Then again. And again until she was struggling and squirming. Panic rose up in her as a hot breath rolled down her neck. A low, timbering laugh soon followed.

Her arms were immobile. “Stop it! Jesus Christ, let me go! This isn’t funny!”

“You’ve had your fun, Miss Miller. Now it’s time for mine. You’d have done well to remember what I am.”

A monster.

Alastor’s cackling laugh rang clear as he pushed her off the tower.

Chapter 26: Dust


Mia and Husk are not having fun.



Honestly, I kinda wonder how many people have stuck through with this. If you're still here or just joining, I'm grateful to have you and I hope you enjoy this!

For all the dicking around I've done until now, the real plot is starting. If anyone has any expectations, I hope I live up to them. There will be quite a few moving parts because I over complicate everything.

So have fun? Idk

<3 y'all!

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 217

Ever since the clocktower fiasco, Alastor did nothing but pester her day in and day out. If she was cooking, he was there criticizing and swinging about knives. In the garden? He was there to agitate her, push her around, pull weeds, and gab on like some middle schooler.

Now he forced her out of the hotel, quoting their contract, snapping and utilizing his shadows to shuffle her to his whim.

For all the few memories she did have, nothing quite compared to the living experience of free falling to what she’d assumed was her doom. And right as the concrete sped towards her, she fell through a shadow then right into his arms like an unglorified feed sack!

Two days passed before she had the nerve to look at him. Even now she no longer had the willpower to speak around him.

Now he egged her on, all but begging for some reaction. He’d stopped trying to pull her around into dance steps as she simply went limp. There were no more bad puns. She made no effort to share anything. To think in the beginning she’d thought befriending him was an option! Hell proved just how helpless and powerless she was. What’s worse was the settling. Settling for the fact that her protection was also her predator.

Every day she texted Gabriel and Vassago, hinting and hoping they’d come down to visit her. All the message statuses stayed unread.

Whatever they were doing kept them busy. Too busy to babysit her.

At least she had Charlie. Of course, getting to know the girl felt more like having a little sister. An impossibly hopeful, radiant, joyful, strong, and kind little sister. Mia often wondered what it would have been like watching a tiny angel-demon princess grow up, teasing Lucifer, baby sitting, giving her birthday presents for hundreds of years …

But as Gabriel would remind her, she’d thrown it all away.

Charlie was all work, no play, and stressed beyond measure lately. When Mia was able to get rid of the radio pest, she tried cheering the girl up with human things, but it felt hopeless. Angel’s eviction did a number on the hotel’s staff. Husk drank more. Nifty seemed bored. Alastor seemed to invest in pestering others more often. Even Vaggie with her fire was subdued.

Mia ripped off the gardening gloves and rolled over into the grass.

Last night, upon delivering fresh cookies, Charlie had thanked her for becoming friends with Alastor and keeping him out of trouble. Apparently harassing her meant he wasn’t derailing the guests. That singular fact kept her from giving up and calling off this Hellish farce.

Mia felt exposed and raw, especially around Alastor for all the reasons. Not just the wrong ones. Not just the right ones. All of them. The sensibilities she claimed once upon a time were gone.

It felt like her skull would rupture from all of the worrying and thinking and remembering and stressing! And if it weren’t for the fact Alastor would drink from her exploded skull like a daiquiri filled pineapple, she’d probably enjoy the release! Any small thing to spite him suited her just fine. Like putting just enough sugar in dinner to keep him from eating.

“I hate that f*cking disgusting, pompous, narcissistic-”

“You seem stressed,” said a familiar, gentle timber as a furred paw came into view.

With a gasp, Mia sparred no time launching herself into Gabriel’s demon-glamoured form. His embrace was warm and firm as she went from an excitable choke hold to resting her head on his shoulder.

“Oh God, you don’t know how much I’ve missed you! I texted you!”

Gabriel hummed and smiled, not relinquishing his grip on her. “I’m sorry Michael. My phone is unfortunately somewhere at the bottom of the Congo river. Vassago hasn’t had the chance to situate me with a new one.”

Just as she went to offload all of her nagging questions, he stood up and ushered her towards the hotel, “I’d love a good meal if you don’t mind.”

Perhaps one of his angelic abilities was to read minds or side step curious siblings. Nevertheless she smiled, reluctantly burying her questions once more. For now, she was just happy to see him safe and ever happier that Alastor would leave her alone until he left.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 217

Husk finished mixing Nifty’s sweet, pink drink just as the front door exploded open in a fit of dust.

“Ange? Angie?!” Cherri rushed in, frantic and looking everywhere with her large eye.

“f*ck, you can’t just come in here and blow the place to bits! Plus, Angel’s gone.” And he hated that. No matter how much he tried to bury it in his chest and drink away that sensation, he couldn’t. And now this bomb happy bitch comes in and reminds him all about it. Just his f*cking luck.

“Fat Nuggets!” Nifty delighted, zooming over and prying the small pig from Cherri’s arms. She nuzzled and coo’ed at the tiny beast as the arsonist stomped over and slammed her fists on the bar.

“Where’s Angel Dust?!”

“Pfft. Guess the news ain’t out yet. Legs got the boot. He f*cked up one too many times.”

Cherri dropped onto a stool as her mouth fell open. “No, that can’t be! He can’t leave here! He can’t go back there!”

With the only kindness he could afford Cherri, Husk poured her a stiff drink. She slammed it back, tears starting to well up and spill over. “Angie came and dropped off Fat Nuggs. That’s pretty normal if he’s gotta lotta work to do, even for a week. But this time was different. Angie was acting all weird and cold. He didn’t fawn or cry over havin’ to leave his baby, even for a little bit! Did he say anythin’? When he was here last?”

He couldn’t meet her pleading gaze. If he did … Husk wasn’t sure what he’d do because he’d never been in this position.

The Aussie fire brand kept spewing off more and more information about how strange Angel acted, even before being tossed back out. As much as he wanted to walk off and drown in a bottle, something stronger than his deflective personality anchored him at the bar, listening. Hoping to hear something. Waiting for anything that could— actually, what was he waiting for?

A big paw settled on Cherri’s head, the other handing her a clean bar rag for her sobs. Sure he didn’t regard women any differently than men or them, but watching those big hiccuping tears jerked his weathered heartstrings. It’s because of how earnest they were. Because those tears were for someone he might have cried for too if he hadn't forgotten how.

In a low whisper he said, “Buck up and stay in touch, kid. I’ll handle it. Nifty can help with the pig.”

The only questions left were what was he handling and how was he going to do it.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 214

It was 2:37 AM and the memories were rougher than ever. Mia found herself dying over and over at night. Stabbed. Burned at the stake. A car crash. Drowning. Others were nondescript, as if she’d been too young to remember them. So far she could count 12 separate incidents.

Bundled up in her pajamas and a blanket, she went down to the piano.

She missed the footfalls moving across the stage as she started a third song. The exhaustion made her blissfully blind to Gabriel until he stood next to the piano.

His eyes blazed an angelic blue and in a moment of irrational fury he slammed down the key cover. Mia was lucky to have jerked her hands back or she’d been freshly amputated.

Gabriel’s mouth opened, closed, then opened again.

“I guess you’re going to take me away again?” She whispered, expecting him to shut her down, rip her from the spot, and force her life into another fresh bout of agony.

“Was it Lucifer?” He growled, hunching over to force her eyes on him.

“It wasn’t too long after we came here. But I don’t remember a lot. It’s all just jumbled and I can barely put the languages or time periods back together.”

“Why must you always go and do such senseless, stupid, mind numbingly-”

“Where’s Gemma?” She interrupted, squaring back her shoulders. Mia had prepared for this day, mentally. She just never expected it to come so soon.

“That is not what we’re discussing Michael!” Gabriel growled like the dog demon he pretended to be, snarling all the while.

“It is now!” Her temper snapped. Mia shot up, causing the bench to clatter backwards. “What happened to Gemma?! Tell me! Is she dead? You keep putting it off and lying! So what if I asked Lucifer for my memories back? What is it that you find so threatening?”

“That’s it. I should have never left you here. We’re leaving.” A paw reached out for her shoulder, but she dipped and spun out of it. Mia pulled on the glaive’s magic and situated the blade right at his stomach. Of course she didn’t have the nerve to run him through, but maybe the bluff was enough.

Blue anger faded from his eyes and his glamour dissolved all together. Betrayal and hurt situated across his face. That expression seemed so hopeless and defeated that Mia wondered how many times he’d looked at her like this before. Like a disappointment. Like he was in pain.

“I’m want the truth Gabriel.”

“Michael! Watch what you say!” Their identities be damned. No one was ever in the ballroom at night and if they were she had no extra f*cks to give.

“Like f*ck I will! You’re such a f*cking liar! And so is Lucifer! The two brothers who claim to love me since the beginning of time just keep lying! You both keep expecting your precious Michael to pop back into existence! I’ve been trying to get her back so why do you keep standing in my way?!”

But his infuriating silence only indicated that he wasn’t taking her seriously. Mia wanted to spit at that patronizing look in his eyes. Instead, she trained the weapon on her own neck.

Gabriel lunged forward but Mia pressed the blade inward, situating her jugular into the elegant bend. How sad that all of Alastor’s torment had prepared her for this moment. Maybe she’d thank him later by not adding sugar to the dinner.

Her brother dropped to his knees halfway through the movement, not willing to test her bluff. His love for her was heartbreakingly real and she hated twisting him like this, but what was she supposed to do? What options did she have? Leaving Charlie meant she had to reside to being useless. Leaving Hell meant furthering herself from the truth.

“The truth Gabriel,” she demanded. Rivulets of blood started trailing down her neck, splotching her demonic white hair crimson.

“You won’t get all of your memories back.” He relented. “You’ll be fortunate to get a fraction of them with whatever Lucifer concocted for you. Anything related to your life as a seraphim is off limits and I am barred, physically incapable, of telling you the truth. Those are our laws Michael. Even Lucifer is bound by those laws. So please, don’t do this.”

Mia nodded, and slowly moved the blade from her neck, waiting for him to back track. He didn’t though. Maybe he’d finally given up on their ridiculous farce. She wiped the blood off on her sleeve and sat next to him in the floor.

“Do you remember the curse?”

Great, now there was a curse on top of everything else. “Nope. Not a clue.”

“That is something I can tell you about then. It seems that the Eldritch God cursed you alongside the first punishment. My working theory is that they did it to spite Our Father, to keep you from completing your punishment and returning to us.”

“Fantastic. Well, I guess they got what they wanted. What do you mean by cursed?”

“Our Father cannot override the Eldritch. The Eldritch cannot override Our Father. So while one made you human, the other cursed you with demonic power. I suspect to ruin your chance of salvation.”

“So even as a human I had powers, at least until I f*cked up again.” Gabriel nodded solemnly.

Mia rubbed her eyes, not processing the new information. What a f*ck storm this all was. At least she knew there were things she could never regain. Then again it wasn’t more than a plasticky, hollow, cheap consolation prize. “And Gemma?”

His hand slid over, a silent request for forgiveness but she left him hanging. He didn’t deserve her sympathy right now. Even if he did, she wasn’t close to giving it.

“We can’t find Gemma. There’s evidence that the demons came back for her. Zeus’s horde isn’t known to leave loose ends.”

“So she’s dead.” Emptiness reverberated through her head.

“I’m sorry Michael. I only wanted to protect you.” Some apology. Some protection!

Mia stood up, pointedly avoiding his gaze. She was unable to speak as a tightness coiled in her throat and a burning sensation blossomed at her eyes. She just walked away, hoping to save the sobbing for her pillow.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 212

Two days ago Husk was jolted awake by a chaotic clang from the piano around the stage curtain. When he truly wanted to hide from everyone, he’d situate himself in a tight storage space with some booze and some books.

Wings and her brother argued, throwing around confusing phrases, accusations, and the King of Hell’s name. It was a squabble full of shocks and revelations. At first, he didn’t quite believe it until the larger demon elegantly faded away to reveal an ethereal human.

Since then he’d kept sharp, sneaky eyes on the woman who took to bribing him with booze. It must have been the truth, because she seemed utterly miserable. Husk had an eye for sorrow, self-loathing, misery, Machiavellian attitudes, and overall apathy. The two siblings hadn’t said a word to each other despite Milton, well Gabriel, just following her around at arm’s length.

Their situation didn’t interest him. Plenty of weird things happened in Hell and he’d heard crazy, odd stories throughout time. What did interest him is what he could do with it.

“Husker good fellow! You’ve switched out your normal libations for something more mild! That only means you’ve taken to kneading an idea in that furry, big head of yours!” Alastor called, appearing from a shadow onto a bar stool.

Across the room he noticed Wings bristle and leave immediately. The dog man followed with a hateful glare at Alastor. Husk cataloged it all into his mental rolodex of ‘things that didn’t add up’.

He always suspected that, on top of other demonic abilities and superior cat like qualities, his main shtick was being lucky. Being demonically, magically, statistically impossibly lucky.

“—and that’s exactly what I told the yellow bellied fool! Ahahaha!” Alastor was going on about some lame story he’d only heard a thousand and one times. Still, the manic demon was right. Husker’s gears were turning and as luck would have it, he might actually be able to save Angel.

Chapter 27: Options


Vox and Mia have options.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

V3 Media Conglomerate Penthouse
Next Cleanse: 203

Hell’s most industrious overlord flipped over the beguiling business card several times before letting it float down next to some of his knick-knacks.

Epaphus … it sounded familiar. Being the kind of demon he was, he had the entirety of Hell’s information at his disposal with a mere thought.

The name came up without issue. Historians of all breeds littered Hell and were desperate to off load any surface knowledge they remembered. Was it an alias? Plenty of demons, mortal and Hellborn took up identities from other mythologies.

Being how he kept tabs on anything and everything happening, some of his underlings were instructed to case those odd anti-Abrahamic meetings. Plenty of dissenters popped up throughout Hell’s history but this group seemed oddly powerful. Too powerful for his taste.

They were keeping tight wraps. Their magic was uncanny. His minions returned under a kind of trance, carrying a message and this business card. Given his technological prowess and habit of embedding monitors in his horde, that should have triggered an alarm. Apparently the one fronting this heretic circus wanted to meet with him.

Vox prided himself on being meticulous, planned, knowledgeable, and patient. That often meant leaving Velvette and Valentino out of his long-winded plans until they were necessary or in danger. Most the time their obnoxious flights of fancy caused the exclusions since danger was rarely an issue for the makeshift family. Thinking about his beloved, though he did not admit it, miscreants made him smirk.

For now, he needed to hold and weigh the options.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 203

Mia mentally checked out of the staff meeting and was the first to leave. None of it had anything to do with her. Or maybe it had. She didn’t care. Ever since Gabriel told her about Gemma, she felt devoid of emotion or thought. Helping the hotel patrons or Nifty kept her busy, thankfully.

Gabriel started leaving her alone more often than not. It was her only solace as the rift between them grew cavernous and acidic. Cordial and cold was how she spoke to him now, if at all. Mia wasn’t great at holding grudges, but forgiveness felt insurmountable. One day she would and, given his immortal status, a few weeks wouldn’t kill him. Sure he hadn’t done anything specifically wrong but how hard was telling the truth?

But then again, if he’d just let her stay dead, wouldn’t Gemma be alive? Part of her wanted to push him to find her in Hell, if she was in Hell. God, if there was any mercy the girl wouldn’t have made it to this consuming wasteland.

But even if she found Gemma, could she handle the guilt? No, all in all, Mia blamed herself. Blamed whoever she used to be. Yet another punishment.

Nearly 30 billion mortal souls existed in Pride. How would she find her?

Mia wondered if she could bargain with Alastor. Give him her arm or leg or a kidney … Then again, hadn’t dealing with a demon already backfired?

Now with Gabriel not on top of her 24/7, Alastor resumed his self-indulgent, ego maniacal antics. It reminded her how he couldn’t help her. Wouldn’t help her.

Mia didn’t have any energy left for his shenanigans. She didn’t care how he treated her and barely gave more than one word answers. His toy was depressed and apathetic.

Good. Any damper to his fun was an added bonus.

They fulfilled their contractual duties at arms length and that was all. His rantings went unnoticed and unappreciated. Those unwelcome touches that typically left her dizzy and too warm felt like they were happening to someone else.

Mia made an about face, realizing she’d left her sweater in Charlie’s office.

Down the hallway, Vaggie was scowling and hounding Alastor. Obviously he wasn’t paying any attention, leaning against his staff and humming pleasantly. Normal, sour quips were exchanged, then Vaggie turned to leave.

What unfolded next poisoned Mia's newfound mental state, searing her brain back to life. Alastor gave Vaggie a solid swat on the rear, which sent the demoness uncharacteristically still. Vaggie was such a skilled fighter, so why did she do nothing? Even if she couldn’t best him in a fight, why had she just let it happen?

Mia felt her stomach drop and blood churn. She seethed. Never had she felt so entirely consumed with loathing!

Where was Charlie?

Mia waited, looking for something to happen, for someone to call him out on his sh*t, for anyone to rip him to shreds for being so hateful and disgusting and vile and wretched!

But nothing came …

Vaggie stomped back into the office, slamming the door. Alastor moseyed off down the hallway looking pleased as could be. With nothing but blind fury and bad ideas, Mia rushed after him.

The instant she was within arms reach she wound her arm back. Every muscle in her body coiled, backing up the impending blow. A sharp sound echoed down the hall when she smacked him on the ass with a force that stung her hand.

Sigils started flashing. The hallway flickered in and out of existence. Red and black bled up the walls and around the carpet. A gnarled, demonic Alastor whipped around, his claws ripping through her skin, pinning her to the wall. His mouth split wide, eyes black with rage. His elongated maw was barely inches from her face. Rage drove her actions forward.

With all the force she could muster, Mia slammed her forehead down onto the bridge of his nose. Static screeched like a million record needles raking across an album, accompanied by a resounding crack. It must have shocked him that she retaliated. That gave her the half second she needed.

In that precious instance of Alastor’s confusion, she ripped her arm out from his claws, leaving deep gashes, and slugged him in the jaw. Surely she just broke several bones whilst ripping open the skin on her fist by catching his teeth. One cracked in half at least.

For all the times she’d seen Alastor do anything, she’d never seen him fight hand to hand. So maybe she had the advantage.

He snarled and morphed, shifting into something far more terrifying than a demon. The claws in her left shoulder sank deeper. His fist tightened, cracking the bones.

“Oh what,” she hissed through the seething pain, “too much of a little bitch to take what you dish out?”

That did it.

They weren’t in the hotel anymore. But they weren’t anywhere else either.

Creepy, patchwork shades and disembodied skeletal creatures soared around them. Strange, unfathomable objects and sigils flashed in and out of existence. Alastor was over twelve feet tall and truly a monster now. Grotesque felt like a kind and delusional description. His claws were literal hooks through her flesh, leaving Mia dangling like a butcher’s fresh kill. Black blood poured down his lips and teeth from the newly crooked nose.

“Boohoo,” she spat again. Though this time her voice quivered with pain and fear. The pain was sobering and her bravado waned.

Maybe she’d finally given up on her useless life. What was one more death when he’d fall at the feet of Lucifer, Gabriel, or perhaps even Charlie? Mia wanted him to suffer. If she had the capacity to torture him, she might have tried.

“You claim to be such a gentleman, but you’re a cowering piece of sh*t. Sexually assaulting someone who can’t take you on? A woman who won’t fight back just to protect the person they love? Vaggie doesn’t run that spear through your heart for Charlie’s sake. You pathetic waste of a man! Your mother would be ashamed to call you her so-”

The last syllable didn’t make it out as Alastor thrashed her into the ground, the world fading from red to black.


I've been dying to get this scene out from the beginning :3

I hope it hits the way I thought it would?

If this chapter/arc had a theme song for Alastor and Mia it would be:

I Can't Decide by the Scissor Sisters

Because oh boy, he really can't decide XD

Chapter 28: Whump


Pain comes in different shapes.


Hi all!

So in honor of Whumpuary, Febuwhump, Whump-whatever-its-called-please-help, sad feelings month, here's some sad! :D

And some upset. I just wanted to play around with different ideas of pain? Idk. Have fun?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 203

A woman with thick brown hair and deep honeyed skin hummed, sewing a blouse. She teetered back and forth in a rocking chair on a porch, the metronome of it matching each stitch. The world was gauzy, soft, and warm.

Why couldn’t she focus on the woman’s face?

Mia found a white linen shirt in her lap. She was hemming sleeves. Adding buttons. Poorly embroidering something to the inner cuff.

Since when could she sew?

Then she joined the woman’s tune. She knew this song.

What was it?

The world fell away to blissful disorientation. Then came the watered down sound of a piano.

Her fragile comfort chipped away with each note.

Light bled through her lashes but the world was dim. Whatever she laid in swaddled her like a cocoon. Mia wanted to snuggle in deeper and float to whatever world she’d just left. But she couldn’t move. Not well enough at least.

Her legs felt constrained. Her chest sore and impossibly heavy. Was her arm numb or simply not there? She couldn’t tell. Everything felt wrong.

Throbbing waves of pain cascaded through her muscles and nerves. Mia grunted and whimpered, starting to jerk about like a fish as panic set in.

Her head seethed so much that her stomach twisted with nausea. Saliva started pooling at her tongue as a familiar sensation tingled in her jaw.

Despite it all she kicked away what was apparently bedding. She launched upward, trying to stand, only to topple over face first on a hard floor. A metallic tang filled her mouth. Her poor tongue felt like it was on fire.

Her functional hand patted around frantically for support. Thankfully she found a wall to sag against but then she froze.

Legs stretched out beneath her, semi bare and a fleshy pink. So were her arms. Both were attached and she might have rejoiced if it wasn’t for how limply the left hung. It was in a disgustingly gruesome shape and her rings were missing.

All the consuming sensations came to a head as her body pumped with adrenaline. There were tapping sounds. When had the music stopped?

Oh God.

There stood Alastor.

Not smiling.

An unimpressed look stretched across his face. Actually, he could have been sneering at her, regarding her as no more than an insect. Weak. Annoying. Crushable.

The stress of it all won out. Mia retched onto the floor several times over. Acidic, nasty fluids coated her hair as she slumped over, too fatigued to do anything but stare.

He stepped closer.

She wanted to scream, but all effort to fight died in her throat. Now she feared for her life in earnest and hated it. Wouldn’t he at least do her the kindness of making it quick? No, she imagined he wouldn’t. Mia knew she’d wounded his pride and ego and all that accompanied his nonsense. Maybe he would torture her. Keep her alive and carve her up when he felt peckish.

Alastor knelt down and swept the hair from her face. He seemed unfazed by the sweat and bile matting it to her cheek. A handkerchief wiped away silent, stress induced tears. Something in his face softened but she couldn’t place it. Perhaps it was wishful thinking.

One long arm snaked around her shoulders, guiding her upright to help correct the uneven breathing. There was a snap and her hair felt less burdensome. The mess she made on the floor disappeared and her clothes were magicked into soft pajamas. His other arm curled under her knees and he picked her up like she weighed nothing. Shivering evolved into outright tremors as she thought of how cruel he could be and how pathetically vulnerable she was.

And yet Alastor sat on the bed. He moved gently, as if she would crack under the slightest manipulation. Mia couldn’t imagine how strange it all looked. She’d never seen him do anything but manhandle another creature! The control of her was so unfathomably delicate though. Alastor nestled her between his legs and against his chest. Claws combed through her hair, not to manage it, but kind petting motions that felt all too wonderful.

Mia sat like stone.

He maimed her.

Why did he try to comfort her?

What kind of sick, twisted game was this?

The most embarrassing part of it all was how well those comforting gestures worked. That primal, unrefined biological part of her brain accepted any solace, betraying any leftover sanity.

A demonic hand presented a familiar blue bottle next to her only functional one. She tried to grab it. God if she could drink it maybe she could run. That vial was the only thing she wanted but every movement failed her. Mia dropped it twice, unable to maintain a grip through her rattled nerves.

Alastor brought the bottle to her mouth, while his other hand kindly slipped under her jaw, not gripping or prying, but cradling in an effort to help. Humiliation was the farthest thing from her mind as she drank. It was smoother than normal, twice as bitter, but alleviated her stomach near instantly.

Mia didn’t know whether to attribute the potion or Alastor for the calming warmth twisting up her spine. Now she struggled to keep her head up as sleep dragged her backwards. Alastor noticed the strained bobble-head like motions. His right hand tenderly landed on her cheek. A low, panicked noise escaped from her throat. She was nothing but a terrified, injured animal at a hunter’s mercy.

“Shh shh,” he cooed, guiding her head into the crook of his neck. Perhaps the pleasant fuzziness skewed her senses, turning her brain to medicated mush, but he smelled wonderful. Rich, mellow spices and an almost sweet twinge.

“Rest and sleep. I owe you a sincere apology when you wake again.” His voice was warmer and deeper than she’d heard it before. Regretful even. Devoid of static. No laugh track. No lo-fi ASMR. Did he have the touch of an accent?

Alastor continued his petting, murmuring a soft melody.

Mia started to drift, her breathing turning steady. Exhaustion took her back to the blissful dream of sewing with the woman on a porch. The humming started again, replaced by an enchanting timber.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 203

Alastor absentmindedly twirled his staff.

On a typical day he was content, regardless of never-ending boredom. Life in Hell suited him!

But now he was nervous and the sheer act of feeling it disturbed him greatly. Normally he could siphon off unwanted emotions via Miles. The shade vehemently refused it this time! Ungrateful rapscallion! Alastor could never pinpoint how Miles existed but the shade was apart of him and most certainly distraught. What a fickle specter, getting tore up over one measly human!

Then the anger. Anger for how he could lose his temper. Anger for how he’d let her words scald and humiliate him. Anger for how he’d attacked her in the first place.

Mia Miller, ever the thorn in his side. She had no power! And yet he’d been cut deep, as if he were that scrawny, fearful, vexed child all over again.

Even worse was how he, clever mastermind and dealmaker extraordinaire, had forfeited their deal in his blind emotions. Demon magic knew and had those words not cut him to the bone, she’d be dead. Not that he would have minded.

Now he was bound to throw himself at Charlie’s feet. Thankfully there wasn’t a time limit but he’d not been on the faulting end of a contract before. Alastor wanted to tear and gnash at his own skin to stop that taunting, jittering feeling. He needed to coerce the woman and have her back track on that particular nuance.

He clawed a deep gash in the wall. It did nothing to ease his agitation. While straightening his jacket he remembered the girl’s jewelry situated in a breast pocket.

In an effort to alleviate her discomfort, for he was a gentleman and to judge her injuries, he’d removed her baubles.

Despite knowing she was human, nothing prepared him for the sight of it. The last time he’d seen a broken, bloodied human was the night he died. The sight of her then sent a jolt through him. It all felt too real now. He’d never hurt a woman before. Not like that. Not physically.

Emotions he’d abandoned decades ago were slowly simmering back to life.

In all his agitation, Alastor had meandered to the first floor hall. The lobby clanged and groaned 2AM as he passed by. With some luck, no one would notice her gone for a single evening. That disgusting mutt wasn’t all over her as usual. It was glaringly obvious to all that those siblings were at odds.

Then again, luck did not favor him.

Hushed shouting spilled from Charlotte’s office and he recognized the angry male voice as Milton.

“Have you not found her yet?”

Alastor sent a shade to be his eyes and ears.

“Are you sure she didn’t just go out or something?” Vagatha huffed, irritated. She placed herself between Charlotte and the angry mongrel.

“I don’t know!” The princess looked panicked and held her girlfriend’s hand.

“If she doesn’t turn up by morning, I’ll call Dad, but geez I think she can handle herself, I’m sure of it!”

“Charlotte,” hissed the dog, “I’d ask that you recall what she gave up to be here.”

The two girls exchanged nervous glances, but stood firm on the woman’s privacy and freedoms. Alastor felt grateful for their misguided confidence.

He rubbed his nose, then his jaw, snickering at how the bearcat head-butted him hard enough to break his nose. Then the hook that broke his tooth … In a different world he might have been amused or impressed. When was the last time someone had the nerve to confront him like that? Trying to brawl as if they were children in a school yard! Unbelievable, truly.

Still, all his suspicions were confirmed and he understood that he was utterly f*cked.

Why was she so insufferably important?! Who was the mutt? Why did Lucifer need to get involved and what exactly had she given up to be here? Why did she need to be here?

The countless questions threatened to rupture his temples.

Even if he couldn’t find out why, he needed to correct this immediately. How could he be so easily goaded?! He wasn’t a child!

Was he getting too old? Too careless? Oh the irony that his pride would be what kept him from being the Prince of Pride itself.

Then what came out of her ungrateful mouth! If only he’d removed her tongue instead!

Those words clung to his bones and penetrated every nerve. Deep, expertly ignored nerves. Most of his tactics were mental warfare, such as whacking Vagatha on the rear. An assertion of dominance. Was that considered sexually accosting now? So many sensitive whippersnappers filled Hell.

Modern rules and moral codes were difficult to keep up with, but he could consider seeing how he might have possibly crossed a line. He prided himself on being a gentleman alongside a murderous, wicked overlord.

A sepia picture of an aged, bright eyed woman stared at him. She held a wooden spoon while cooking in her favorite apron, their family cookbook open and propped on the window ledge. Had he done that while living and his mother heard of it, there would be no escaping her wrath. Alastor could stomach his mother’s anger, but not her disappointment and shame.

That smile was all he ever needed. It was all he ever worked for. When Alastor was old enough to hold a job, his father became his first victim. Thirteen years old, dismembering the disgusting, abusive man’s body to feed to the gators.

Alastor reveled in the memory, proud of the decision.

Their lives drastically improved once that monster ‘ran off to California’. Alastor spent all night penning that letter, plotting where to leave it, what to tell his mother. Despite his father being white, he loved a colored woman, and fathered a mulatto boy. No one bothered looking for him.

Vicious memories used to haunt his dreams. His mother’s terrified face. Beaten. Bruised. Broken. Alastor was angry with himself. Acting like his father was the only sin he intended to repent for.

“Forgive me Moman. I’ll do better,” he whispered, forehead pressed to the picture.

When Miss Miller broke down in his bedroom floor, he only saw the face of his mother trying to survive his father. Her too human expression twisted his heart. Had she looked like any other creature the fear would have been delicious.

Damn her for ruining such a delicacy.

Alastor decided to let her rest for another hour before returning her to the hotel. For the first time in a long time, he didn’t know how to remedy the situation. All he could see in his mind’s eye were frightened eyes. One pair like honey, another verdant, but both just as fierce.

Finally he worked up the courage to return home.

Despite the fact it was his bedroom, he knocked, as timid as a troubled boy. There were small rhythmic pings of a piano. The broken notes meant she only used one hand and poorly. He opened the door, prepared for the pathetic sight.

Her hand crashed down on the keys as he entered, causing his ears to flatten. What an ugly noise. She stood by the piano, left arm still limp, her shoulders and face looking worse for wear. Despite that defiant scowl, she shook like a leaf.

Regardless of the pale skin and warm hair, he only saw a ghost of his mother.

It reminded him of the last time his father beat his moman. She'd lost the round that day but in order to protect her son, she stood strong, but so terribly very afraid. Not afraid of the pain, he imagined, but afraid of dying at her husband’s hands thus abandoning her only child. It was that week he killed his father.

Alastor did what only prey should do, which was humiliating. But it was necessary.

He removed his jacket first. Every move he made caused her to flinch. Alastor said nothing but held up her jewelry in one hand. With a snap, the pieces materialized on her body. Instantly her demonic appearance took shape.

His hands were up in the air and he stepped slowly forward.

“St-s-stop,” she sputtered demandingly. His eyebrow shot up, not expecting her to actually speak. Since it was an improvement to vomiting on his floor, he stopped.

“S— sit.” Alastor heaved an annoyed sigh but complied. He sat on the floor cross legged, hands still up.

A small, wicked grin spread across her lips. “Bark.” At least her voice was returning.

Alastor’s head clicked to the side, eyes wide, fuming in disbelief. Despite controlling his reaction to the command, the motion was enough to startle her so much that she jerked, clamoring to the floor, head knocking onto the piano's corner.

Obviously she was having a worse day than he was.

Swallowing his pride, he said, in the most unpleasant, monotone voice he could muster, “Bark.”

He imagined she might have laughed, but instead came a wheezing giggle that made her so sore that she almost passed out again.

“Roll over.”

“You must be running a fever, dear.”

“Roll. Over.”

“You’ve gone insane and unhinged, I assure you.”

“Take’s one to know one, now roll over or I’ll ruin your life and die happy doing it.”

Alastor contemplated this. She was most certainly human. A human that Lucifer was personally invested in. Lucifer put this girl in that absolute farce of a charity project. Said charity project was under his protection. All potential positive out comes for himself relied on this absolutely maddening, death crazed monstrosity of a woman.

This hurt more than anything he could imagine. Rage filled his gut while he laid on his back, fists clenched so hard that claws pierced his flesh. Then he rolled until he was on his back once more. Alastor could feel his face boiling, trying to not enter a demonic rage. Self control had never appealed to him.

He couldn’t look at her. He didn’t move. As if his jaw were made of steel he asked, “Is that all, your majesty?”

Apparently the daft girl hadn’t realized that she’d stopped breathing during her blood hound’s new trick. When she started again, she laughed so hard and so loud that she actually passed out from the pain and lack of oxygen.

Alastor laid there in shame, glaring at the slumped form on the rug. “Are you pleased Moman? I hope you can forgive me because I think killing her might have been the correct choice after all.”

Eventually he got up and moved her to the bed. Oddly, using his magic to do it felt wrong given his guilt. Alastor forced another healing draught down her throat, uninterested in being gentle. One hand squeezed her jaw open and the other poured the liquid down the back of her throat.

He considered killing her once more.

This was truly Hell.

Alastor penned a letter, then picked up the bearcat. Up close he realized how fine tuned the magic was. Certainly Lucifer’s handiwork. What was that insane being planning? What a fine mess he had involved himself in. Was this moment predetermined by fate?

Surely not!

That would mean every decision, every struggle was for not and he’d been just as well not doing it. He wondered how the atheists felt when they landed in Hell. The Radio Demon could sympathize with them. Why bother with believing when you couldn’t produce results?

He tucked her in, wondering if her wings were comfortable when sleeping. Surely her comfort was irrelevant? Alive should have been good enough! Deep in his mind stood the ghost of his mother though. As a small kindness he slipped off the ring of her index finger.

The bruising and damage was stark against her human skin.

Guilt racked him all over again. Compared to his long clawed hands hers were laughably small and too soft despite all those chores. His free hand brushed at the inside of her palm, pressing gently at the supple flesh. Surely his mother’s hands were soft and clean and warm in Heaven.

Alastor tucked her in properly and twisted his letter into her ring, leaving both on the night stand. Afterwards he returned home to pen a letter to Charlie about a nonexistent, impromptu business and would be gone for the next three weeks.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 201

Mia woke up in her bed, stretching, yawning, feeling light and rested. She fished her phone out from under a pillow. That’s where she kept it in fear of over sleeping. The phone screen showed 5:47AM. Her heart thudded hard with panic as she flung herself out of bed.

How had she slept through her alarm?

While brushing her teeth she noticed pink skin as opposed to charcoal. Her ring wasn’t on her finger. Maybe she’d pulled it off in her sleep? After rinsing she pulled on some jeans and a t-shirt with a proper hole in the back. On her nightstand was her ring, but a piece of parchment was rolled into it.

Suddenly yesterday’s events thundered through her mind. Her hand shot up to feel her left shoulder and arm. Perfectly fine, maybe even better. Mia put on the ring and unrolled the letter anxiously.

Miss Miller,

I owe you an apology and a thank you. My treatment of Vagatha was ill mannered and crass. As was my treatment of you upon defending her honor. Your assessment of my behavior was fair, thus I hope to rectify these egregious acts. In addition to your ‘requests’ of me last night, I hope you will take this letter to heart and find my intentions honest.

While unfortunate, I have violated the terms of our arrangement. In doing so I am indebted to you.

Should this matter stay between us, I will owe you even greater reparations. At a later date we can discuss the details, but you have my word as this letter is magicked to act as a level of security.

If you accept these tentative, non-binding terms, I request you sign your name at the bottom of the page. Another will appear with more information once you do.

Though, if you decide to share this happenstance with others I have no intentions of stopping you or acting untoward.

Sincerest apologies,



She turned the page over. Held it up to the light. She even smelled it. There had to be a trick or some madness involved. Was she really supposed to believe this garbage?

Unfortunately, she did.

Mia thought hard. Of course, she’d gotten an eternity’s worth of black mail out of him. Now he was offering her something in return for her silence. It was a valuable thing to have, the Radio Demon’s debt and favor. Telling Lucifer and Gabriel would surely get her removed from the hotel alongside any chance of an enjoyable life in Hell. Then Charlie would lose her working partner and Mia couldn’t deny the talent Alastor had for business.

She stomped over to her desk and pulled out one of her fountain pens. At the bottom she simply signed, Mia.

The letters crackled and blazed red. With magic the paper suddenly peeled into two pieces. The original paper was still fine. Looking at the new one, she read.

Good girl.

She shivered at those opening words. But it wasn’t a product of fear. Given the circ*mstances, shame washed over her. God this place was f*cking with her head. No wonder it was Hell.

I’ll be certain to not underestimate you in the future dearest. As previously stated, I would request we sit down and decide on what may help smooth over our little rough patch. You have my gratitude. If you wish to reach me, please pass any letters to Husker. He is a drunk, but a reliable and discreet drunk.

In the interest of giving your mind and nerves appropriate time to recuperate, I will be absent from the hotel for three weeks. Please stay out of more trouble in the mean time. You’re quite the reckless sort. There is a small gift on your bed in the meantime. A token to celebrate our impending arrangement. Also to keep you alive.

Warm Regards,


Mia snorted.

“Not the first time I’ve been called reckless.” Her eyes darted to her bed where a slip of paper did wait. As she picked it up, she was confused by her own acceptance of the situation. Why was all of this so exciting?

An open wooden box was filled with the potions she’d become all too familiar with over the past few months. She couldn’t deny being grateful. It meant she had some control over her own lively hood in the mean time. Thankfully they were small enough that she could stuff three comfortably in her bra.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 197


Charlie could see something written all over Vaggie’s face. But like always, the bulletproof Latina was hiding it from her. She crawled over the bed and gingerly folded Vaggie into her arms. That slate face and iron clad will was all but impenetrable most days.

“I know something is wrong Vaggie, and I get that you don’t want to share, but …”

Vaggie didn’t look up, but she did press into her girlfriend. It was a start.

“We’ve not been dating that long and if you don’t trust me, I understand, but you’ve been so quiet for the past week and I just want you to know that I love you.” Charlie smiled, mild and sweet, hoping to not be overwhelming. At times her ‘cheer everyone up or die’ mentality was too much, especially for Vaggie.

Being the princess of Hell, she could easily find out anything about any mortal's life but she didn’t. Despite knowing that Vaggie suffered from trust issues, serious debilitating trauma, and something that caused her to despise men even at a distance, she didn’t pry. Charlie understood that certain things can never be undone.

Maybe if they ever broke up she’d peak into Lucifer’s tome, but otherwise, she would never break her love’s trust like that.

“I do trust you. It’s just … I’m not there yet. One day I hope to be.”

Charlie pulled her tight, grateful that her demon strength couldn’t suffocate Vaggie. “We have all the time you need, my love.”

Vaggie turned to face Charlie, smiling with wet cheeks. An inferno of Hell’s rage cropped up in the princess. To think she, the literal Anti-Christ who could carve terror and angst into any creature in existence, was a pacifist. A loving, warm souled, gentle, caring, protective, happy go lucky pacifist. There were time’s where her more demonic tendencies cropped up. As a child she worked hard to reel in her admittedly extreme emotions.

But all of that paid off as she kissed away the inky tears, nuzzling into silky hair the color of moonlight.

“I promise I’ll tell you one day, but I want you to know that, this helps. You being here, just for me, helps.”

Love swelled in her chest as she held Vaggie, curled into her, grateful for the privilege of loving someone so strong.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 194

Husk knocked on the door, hoping he finally had the right address. It took a lot of resources and talking and gambling to get this apartment number. For what Hell was concerned, the joint was swanky. He’d actually snuck in through the roof and service ways. It had to be the right place given the security.

The door swung open to reveal a small blue demoness, strung out and dressed up in what may as well have been shoe laces.

She chattered off in Mandarin, asking if he was the guy they were expecting. Husk didn’t bother answering and pushed in past her. It seemed like he caught the after-after-after party as there were bedazzled, drunk, stoned, high, and passed out hookers draped over every surface imaginable.

There he was though, looking like Cleopatra, clacking away on his cell phone. He stomped over to Angel Dust who didn’t look up. “I’ll be with ya in a bit toots. Gotta wrap up some business. Can ya get Daisy to pour me som-”

“It’s me Angel.” His gruff voice didn’t match a single thing in the tricked out, candy painted room.

Angel Dust whipped around so fast that his heart shaped sunglasses nearly flew off. Less than a second later he had Husk by the arm, dragging him out of the apartment, down the hall and into another empty one.

“How the f*ck did ya get in here Husky?”

Neither of them moved to sit down. Husk felt a nagging pulling sensation all over his body, as if he couldn’t close the distance between them fast enough if they tried. That feeling was so delicately poised, it felt like even the wrong breath would ruin his resolve.

“Piss off with the bullsh*t Legs. What are you tryin’ to do? You’ve got all them broads sick over you.”

“f*ck them broads,” he scoffed, pulling the old Hollywood robe tight. Despite having eight eyes, not a one could spare the cat a look.

“Cherri came by with Fat Nuggets. Though by just how stressed the pig is he won’t be fat for much longer.”

Angel stomped forward, looking pissed but that was enough to break Husk’s neutral facade. A hissing growl ripped from his throat as he spun Angel into the wall. While their chests pressed together his fist landed squarely next to Angel’s face.

Husk’s free hand slid down a bare white shoulder. His nose landed on Angel’s cheek, resting there as if he were suddenly exhausted. Actually, he was exhausted.

All the worrying and searching ate away at him. Worried for all the dames in the hotel missing Angel Dust. Worried about that stupid pig he’d grown so accustomed to seeing adorable pictures of. Worried about just how fragile Angel was and how this disgusting, nasty cesspit of a studio would rip him to shreds even more.

What worried Husk the most was how Angel might change from being kind, loud, sweet, and uncertain into some kind of monster that was manipulative and cruel.

“Angel, what the f*ck you tryin’ to do here? You ain’t like Valentino.”

Four arms pushed him back with unbridled demonic strength. Husk’s wings softened the blow but there was definitely a few cracks in the wall now. Angel looked furious, weeping and bruised as two pistols shook violently in his left hands. The right ones were clinging to the couch back in an effort to keep him up right.


Husk held up his hands and backed out of the room. As the door slammed in his face, he felt a strange twinge that he didn’t recognize right away. It took nearly five miles, four drinks, seven punches to some guy’s face, and one sandwich to realize that he was heart broken.


Language notes:

Moman (Kouri-Vini / Louisiane Creole)
- - Mom/Momma

Chapter 29: Business


Mia and Alastor have to adjust their "partnership".


Sup y'all!


What's everyone think about them?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 178

Three weeks raced by with Nifty as her second unofficial tour guide. Apparently Alastor used quite the incentive of some sort. Mia couldn’t imagine what. And thus the tiny demoness dragged her to clubs, cafes, bookstores, a university, museums, and even Sir Pentious’s lab!

Seriously, how long had it been since she’d felt any kind of normal?

They didn’t talk about it, how Nifty came with the same scary dog benefits as Alastor. To a degree at least. Plenty of demons left them alone in his stomping grounds. And if not, Nifty was capable and shared some kind of protective, magical, shadowy bond.

It irked Mia to know he could have left her in peace with a shade! Then again she had specified Miles at the time. Devil in the details and all that nonsense. Either way, Nifty made it all the more fun and she stopped thinking about the Radio Demon mostly.

Gabriel left again and their relationship wasn’t the same. He didn’t police her. Didn’t nag. Didn’t drag her to exhausting, ruthless trainings. Didn’t smile at her and make snide, dry jokes. It hurt, but what could she do? On top of that Lucifer was down right ignoring her. Charlie said something about him being busy in Wrath.

The world and people around her were changing and there wasn’t anything she could do. Mia was forced to go along for the ride.

“Looks like you could use a drink,” Husk called out from the bar.

Mia grinned and sat down, impressed with how he could read any and everyone. A week ago they all sat down to play poker and Husk cleaned them out.

“Heard you an’ Milton talkin’ a while back.”

Mia’s wings twitched as she avoided his gaze. Maybe he meant their sh*t talking Alastor … or the food. Or anything really.

“Or should I say Gabriel.”

Or maybe it was exactly as she feared. Blood drained from her face and the world zeroed in on Lady Luck’s favorite cat.

He slid over her drink hoping the small gesture negated any ill will and leaned over the bar. Low and slow he explained, “I got a contract with Al. Angel’s signed with Valentino. Means I can’t do sh*t to those media maniacs without starting an outright up civil war. If you an’ dog boy really are what you say you are then that means you might be able to get Legs outta that sh*t show.”

Was this extortion? Maybe black mail? She’d momentarily forgotten the distinction. “I don’t understand Husk. Why not ask Charlie? Why not ask Alastor?”

What was it with her complete aversion to denial? Mia couldn’t figure out why she never said ‘no, f*ck you, go away, peace out’.

“Cause Princess would turn this into a big f*ckin’ who-do and Vaggie would spear the idea. Alastor won’t do it. You know that. I need this done and I need your help.” His voice was pointed yet ashamed. His fist clenched tight on the bar, head bowed to hide the obvious emotions.

That fallout she had with Gabriel was weeks ago which had to mean Husk exhausted any other ideas. For someone so resourceful and gruff to ask her for help must mean one thing, “You’re in love with Angel.”

The cat grunted and coughed, red from neck to cheeks.

Husk straightened up to full height and stared her dead in the eyes.


She could see it smeared across his face and through the tension of his body. Despite that, it was his answer. Husk was asking her because she wouldn’t refuse him and, just maybe, could pull it off. Then again he didn’t know she was just an entire farce of a person, stacking lie upon lie about who she was.

She was suddenly grateful for the drink and slammed it back.

“Al’s a cruel son of a bitch. I belong to him. For now at least. I’m more than halfway through my contract with him and if I can avoid signing my soul to him for longer I will. Plus there’s no telling what he would do with Angel’s contract," he explained.

“All of this is for Angel ..."

Oh boy. Mia recognized the telltale sensation in her skull.

The one where she knew she was about to start something, running in head first while damning the consequences. Unprepared but willing to shoulder the pain and danger to protect others. Curse her wretched soft heart. If these two had a real chance together and she could help them, wasn't that the point of redemption? Even she needed to right her wrongs and Angel had certainly suffered enough.

Mia knocked on the bar and he made the second drink with no snark and extra booze.

"I’ll think of something. Just give me a couple weeks. This isn’t something that can be solved overnight. Do you know why he signed in the first place?”

Husker nodded, swigging his bottle. “Angel’s gotta older brother, Arackniss. Val convinced Angel to sign away his soul sometime during the 80s when gangs clashed without rhyme or reason. In exchange, Valentino would never confront, talk to, employ, or acknowledge the existence of Arackniss. f*ck, even funded the guy’s business on occasion.”

“That’s heavy. Do you know where Arackniss is?”

“I can find out.”

Mia nodded, mind oddly blank. She should have got up and left, but morbid curiosity got the better of her. “Uh, I gotta question. Is— well, is Alastor bad to you and Nifty? I mean contracting your soul to the Radio Demon isn’t exactly what I would call a great idea, but maybe there’s some redeeming quality about him? Deep, deep, deep f*cking down.”

Husk eyed her, but given he was on the asking side, he obliged the peculiar question.

“Al’s just … annoying, overbearing, manipulative, and gets kicks out of watching people suffer. So technically, yes.”

Mia's head shook, “That sounded like a no …”

“For where Hell is concerned it’s a yes. That f*ckin' mama’s boy is a sad*st but he’s softer on Nifty than me. Chivalry ain’t dead but it is a cannibal.”

That made her laugh a little too much. Funny couldn’t describe the irony or absolute oxymoron that was the red asshat.

Finally, Mia stood up and thanked Husk for the info. Though maybe he should be the one thanking her? She didn’t feel bullied or extorted as she walked away, but that was her damn fault. When it came to being nosey or fixing other people’s problems, she lacked judgement.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 173

Five days later Husk delivered Arackniss's information. And every day while waiting, Mia exhausted herself trying to breathe life into a plan.

She needed to deal with this her own way. Approaching Lucifer or Gabriel was out of the question. No doubt they wouldn’t help her and f*ck them for being lying assholes. One day she’d sit them both down and rake them over coals for this madness!

Husk was dead on about Charlie. That left the one demon Husk didn’t want involved: Alastor.

The difference was, she had leverage.

She made a habit of watching how Alastor acted with Nifty and the other women. Mia was shocked at how gentlemanly he could be, especially after the assault on Vaggie. But he knew he was being watched. Surely it was all a cleverly concocted ruse.

Every so often his gaze fell on Mia with an all too charming smile, yet he never approached.

Actually it was far worse than a ruse. Of the early mornings before starting breakfast, she’d find a cup of coffee near perfect to her taste. It came in a brand new mug, sporting a math joke: ‘I’m always 90° ’ under a right angle doodle.

Mia hated liking it.

Another time she’d come across a book: a popular science fiction novel written by a Hellborn demon. Then came another book about the unique plants of Hell and their history. Mia secretly read both in her room. She could hate him without being wasteful, she supposed. Why trash perfectly innocent books?

“You got this. Angel’s future. Charlie's plan. Redemption. Making that bastard regret being born,” she muttered.

Now, over a month since their untimely encounter, it was time to face the Radio Demon.

Every step to his office made her stomach tighten and bubble. Before she could knock, the door clicked, inching open like a B-tier horror movie. Wonderful. He was expecting her.

Mia found Alastor leaning against his desk, all smiles just for her. Even for him this was a bit too staged and painfully contrived. Why bother trying to seem cool? Surely he had to be on edge! And if he wasn’t, she hated him all the more for it.

“Why if it isn’t my makeshift demoness! Come sit!”

Mia tried to wrench back as he came closer, but Alastor whisked her into an armchair next to the large window. It didn’t overlook the hotel’s outside, but instead a bayou with impressive foliage, weeping willows, and a cobblestone walkway. Mia noted that while all the plants were immaculate, there were no flowers. Who could hate flowers!?

What a maniac.

On the table between them sat a tray of freshly conjured coffee and other niceties.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, ma jolie proie?”

Mia knew what ‘ma jolie’ meant finally and the stupidest part of her wondered if he meant it. If he sincerely considered her pretty? Where the last word was concerned, she was too chicken to Google it.

“You asked me to be here.” Mia struggled to maintain the calmest facade possible. To say this was out of her element was an understatement. But she needed to help Husk.

Getting Angel out of that sh*t show meant helping Charlie. Her sweet, cute, puppy-like niece could use a win.

It would be worth it.

Then again, was dealing with Alastor ever worth it?

“Care for a cup, dearest?” His hand swept politely over the table. Without any acceptance on her part, a shadowy figure smaller than Miles served them. The inky creature handed her the cup, made a near purring noise as it inched closer, then evaporated away. The coffee itself was good, but tasted quite different than anything she was familiar with.

Being genuinely curious, she asked, “What kind of roast is this?”

He sipped his coffee and flashed her a smile. An absolutely delighted, malicious smile. “Crystalized demon blood and various spices! The Cannibal Colony has the most unique blends.”

Jesus f*cking Christ.

Mia resisted the urge to fling herself out of the room. She knew Alastor’s tastes first hand, but would have never guessed he'd serve it to people!

Yet another non verbal challenge between them it seemed. He wanted to watch her squirm and suffer and become sick, horrified, angry, or all of the above.

No. f*ck that. Mia steeled herself. This was no time to back down. She sipped the coffee again, hearing the faintest scratch of a record needle. What a blessing it was to set him on edge!

“It’s pretty good actually. Unique,” she flashed a warm smile, taking yet a third drink from the cup.

This victory tasted spicy and a touch metallic but not necessarily bad. Her coffee addiction prepared her for this exact moment. Forget seraphim, this was her true calling.

Mia didn’t give Alastor the chance to make some cutting quip. “Let’s get to brass tax. You owe me and doubly so, if I recall. Unless you’d like to drag yourself to Charlie’s feet, then ultimately Lucifer’s, I suggest you comply with zero gimmicks. You work for me now.”

He cackled and hawed as if she were the finest comedian in Hell.

“Oh ho ho! Such a brave, feisty darling girl! Bravado fit for a stage! Yes, I am well aware of what you’re owed for my accosting nature. Rest assured we won’t find ourselves in anything, but harmonious partnership! Our amended contract will suit you fin-”

“Absolutely not!” She spat. “No more contracts. No more agreements. You f*ck with me, you’re done. That’s it.”

He sneered and smiled at the same time somehow, taking a long sip. Tightly and with a growl, he added, “It seems you have something in mind.”

Trying to matching even a fraction of his imposing nature, she squared up, crossing her legs and staring him dead on. No more squirming, frightened girl.

“I’m sure you’re aware of Angel’s contract with Valentino. I may have a solution to free him that could benefit everyone involved. I would like for you to make a contract, one I approve of, with Angel’s older brother, Arackniss,” she said tossing the black spider's picture and info on the table, “and then supply me with the funds to buy out Angel from Valentino. Afterwards both contracts are transferred to me. And—”

Alastor stared a hole through her skull.

Mia swallowed, “Your obedience won’t go unrewarded since impending doom doesn’t motivate you.”

“Your plan lacks finesse and good sense,” he hissed.

Her eyes rolled hard, “As if that was the whole plan!”

“Souls are worth more than money. Do you really lack any business experience?”

“You really are an assuming ass, you know? Of course I know that! The money sweetens the pot, but in reality, Valentino will have no choice but to give me Angel. Not if he’s half the business man his reputation makes out.”

Alastor’s severe expression wavered to that of contemplation. During an odd act of silence he snapped, refilling their cups, waiting for her to continue.

Mia took a drink of the cannibal coffee and explained, “The Prince of Lust, Asmodeus, is known to have several high ranking, loose cannons wandering free throughout Pride. Saying no to one of them is tantamount to insulting Asmodeus. I have all this information on good authority. I intend to impersonate a Hellborn who wants Angel to themself and make Valentino a deal he quite literally cannot refuse. Well unless he wants to f*ck himself over. Overlords are strong, but they’re nothing to Goetia, well, except maybe you.”

Stroking his ego, no matter how disgusting it felt, worked in her favor as he seemed to loosen up. Alastor hummed and tapped his claws against the porcelain mug. “And what would you know of the Ars Goetia? That kind of knowledge is severely restricted in Pride.”

“We both know I’m quite special,” she said, giving herself some credit. “Like you, I have interesting friends. Also, if you tell anyone about this, obviously, consider that forfeiting your soul.”

He quirked a brow at her, “I’d dare not dream of it. This can be our fun little secret, since you trust me so blindly.”

Why didn’t she have the ability to strangle him? Sure, one cut of her glaive and he’d be gone for good but she just wanted him to suffer in front of her some too.

Mô bèt fenm, what happens when Valentino and his derelict entourage realize they’ve been had and come for your pretty little head? That is, if you even get through the door without being decapitated.”

She shrugged, “Already taken care of. I have mimicking a Hellborn covered. Part of the exchange for Angel is being able to traverse and do business in Lust. Angel is popular sure, but one p*rn star can’t compare to the opportunities available in Lust.”

“Mortals souls can’t move through the rings,” he drawled, as if she were a slow child.

Mia snickered at his unknowing, excited to be on the winning end for once.

“See, you’re right about information being controlled. But I know more than you do. All demons, Hellborn and mortal alike can traverse the rings. But what happens is, the instant a mortal soul steps into another ring, a complex series of magic alarms set off and the culprit is dragged immediately into the prison of the Ars Goetia in Wrath. Then they’re held indefinitely without trial.”

His mouth fell open and Alastor looked perplexingly human, trying to digest what she was saying. “And how would you know that to be true?”

Of course, she wasn’t going to explain that Vassago had set up the entire system himself or had explained it all in painstaking detail. He really was an amazing genius and wonderful brother. Without him she’d be dead on arrival. Apparently being bored and liking her memes was enough motivation. Mia wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

“I know things. So to answer your question, Valentino will never find out and he’ll rot in Wrath. I’ve heard some delightfully nasty things about Satan’s prisons. It makes your work look like child’s play.”

“You insolent, co—” His eyes went to dials, teeth bared, claws ripping into the arm rests.

Her hand shot up to stop him as she sat like ice, focused on remaining calm. “Before you cross a line you can’t come back from, I’m not making you do this. Yes, your other option is abysmal at best, but who knows what would happen. And like I said, you won’t go unrewarded.”

“And what might you be able to offer me of all demons?”

“Mercy for starters. And answers. You participate willingly and without any tricks, schemes, deceit, ill-intent, or whatever nonsense. I’m willing to trade information that you couldn’t dream of.”

The frustration on his face brought her an unbridled sense of joy. Static raked through the air, causing bits of her hair to fluff up, but that was nothing given what caused it. Alastor deserved this, to feel small and helpless at the whim of someone he deemed lesser.

Mia stood, pointing to Arackniss’s photo. “Draft up a contract and make sure you’re free tomorrow after dinner to discuss it. In the meantime, do try to behave and not piss me off.”

She didn’t bother to look back as she strolled out. That line of haughty, albeit cringe, confidence took every nerve she had, but damn, did she sound so cool! Mia wondered if she had the chops to be an actor, but the gelatinous feeling in her knees said otherwise.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 172

Alastor, lacking smile or decorum, shoved a contract in her face. Mia took it over to his office couch and started reading. The only time she looked away was to grab the never empty coffee on the end table.

Finally the silence ended with her heaving a relieved sigh, “Other than a couple small semantics and a few ground rules, I think this is fine.”

“Did you expect me to shirk my responsibilities? Dear girl, I’m hurt.”

Mia watched as he set up a record on a near gleaming gramophone. As soon as the music started he jerked her up by the hand, attempting a dance.

Like lightning she ripped away and pushed against is chest. The force of it sent her sailing backwards, as opposed to Alastor.

“f*ck no!” She hissed and scowled, one finger point indignantly. “Abso-f*cking-lutely not. You pushed me off a building. You nearly tore my arm off. You treated me like a Red Cross drive thru! And you want to dance?!”

Alastor simply shrugged, feigning disappointment, but the facade failed given that wicked smile. “And here I was under the assumption you’d reward your loyal courier. There simply aren’t enough good dance partners in Hell, ma jolie proie!”

“Fine, you can ask a question.” She hated to even think it, but he had put together a shockingly reasonable contract that explicitly stated it would be transferred to her.

“Two questions,” he countered.

“Only if I get to ask one myself and I get to go first.”

“Are you not concerned with my honesty?”

Of course she was, but even if he lied, she’d get what she wanted all the same. Or at least she hoped so. Mia always thought herself clever, but more clever than a demon? And when the stakes were high? Risk was Hell’s main currency.

“No, I’m not.”

Over the last few days she wondered long and hard about Alastor and his angle. f*ck, she nearly wasted a full 76 hours on it! He tolerated her existence and left her alive. Had he killed her, no one would know it was him. Just a dumb human that wandered off and died.

It all pointed to a prize hanging in the balance.

Mia swallowed, choosing her words carefully, “I think you’re at this hotel because you have something to gain. If you were all boredom and chaos, I’d be dead but you’ve not allowed that. Credit where credit is due, you’ve kept me alive. You’re playing chess, not checkers. So what is it that you have to gain?”

Alastor clapped, “Astucieux comme un fouet! It is as you say, I’ve been offered a promotion!”

Dumbfounded, she prattled, “The only one who can offer a mortal a ‘promotion’ is Lucifer. What kind of promotion? Does Charlie know about this?”

Fanfare and buzzers blared. “Here I thought your brain had gone to rot in Hell! Pride is in need of a new Prince! Now, I consider myself a solemn, humble demon, but we must take our opportunities as they come! And sweet Charlotte is to stay unaware of her father’s underhanded support.”

Of course Lucifer planned this madness from the beginning. At times she forgot that everyone around her was billions of years old. She felt foolish for thinking she could manage at their level. But then again, she thought eyeing Alastor, maybe two heads really are better than one.

“All this to join the Goetia. That’s pretty impressive. Be sure to remember us chumps at the top.”

“Why, you’re certainly no chump. But now it’s my turn,” he grinned, snapping. She found herself situated in his desk chair. Her personal scourge loomed, not touching as she demanded, but had one hand on each arm rest, imprisoning her all the same.

Mia did all she could to ball up tight, mentally begging for just an extra millimeter between them. It felt too similar to when he skewered her. She could kick him in the chest or worm her way under his arms, but that required getting closer.

“Why did Lucifer allow you to come to Hell?”

Her face burned, eyes trying to find anywhere else to look. “For protection. ”

Short answers only.

“And why is it that he wants to protect you, hmm?”

“We’re family. There, I answered you, so move.”

Blood thundered in her ears. Why hadn’t she lied?

“Now don’t be daft my dear, I answered an extra two of your questions, and quite honestly. I’m owed the same decency, no?”

Why was she stupid? Every time she thought she could manage on wit, her unbridled mouth made mounds of trouble. “Fine, two more.”

Carefully, he asked, “And how is it you’re related to Lucifer?”

Mia’s mouth twisted.

“I’m his sister.”

Alastor’s nose nearly brushed hers and there was no where else to run. No where else to look.

“And your real name?”

Red eyes bore into her like hot knives.


The world stopped as Alastor jerked back, eyes squinting like he couldn’t see well enough. He stalked around the chair, making strange faces, tilting his head.

“Are you lying?”

“That makes five!”

He summoned a book, pages sputtering with magic. Finally, his claw jabbed to a page, “Aha, you are lying! Or clinically insane. Clearly you take me for a fool and I will not be treated as a bumbling dolt for your entertainment!”

Mia turned incredulous, “ME?! If anyone is a manipulative, two faced lying sh*t lord, its you! I can’t believe you don’t believe me!”

“And why might I do that? You’re plainly human and everything concerning squalid angels— musical, theatrical, or otherwise, reports the Archangel Michael to be a man! Which I find you are not!”

“Ever think they were lying? Ever think maybe they had a reason to lie? Do you not remember the creepy crawly blood sucking monster on Halloween? I’m being hunted. All of us are being hunted! You don’t know anything do you?”

Mia let out a frustrated groan into her palms, stomping both feet down like a child. She didn’t need to argue with him, so why was she? All he ever did was unravel her nerves and turn her into a mindless freak! Then again, his argument was her exact one from when Gabriel whisked her into this awful fantasy land.

Alastor jabbed a pamphlet in her face, sporting a gorgeously dressed Lilith.

𝐻𝐸𝐿𝐿: 𝑅𝒾𝓈𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑀𝑜𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇

Apparently Lucifer had written it while Lilith performed it. Several of the depictions were gruesome and to be expected, but one was different. Two men locked in a parry. One held a long glaive with opalescent wings. The other swung a flaming sword, sporting molting bloodied wings.

Despite the artistic interpretation, it was her hair, eyes, and weapon. Mia sighed and removed her ring.

She held the picture next to her human face and pointed, “See! Plus, Luci and I are the same height. ”

He yanked it back, eyes flitting between her and the image before concluding, “This is vastly underwhelming.”

Ouch. Mia felt that one because she wholeheartedly agreed. Everyone told her these secrets were important to keep! Ground breaking revelations and all that! And yet here was Alastor looking terribly disappointed, as if someone stole the demon arm he’d saved for a snack.

And actually, it felt nice to tell someone. Even if it was Alastor.

“So I’ve heard,” she snarked, moving for the door. “You know what, I’m done here.”

“Oh ho ho! Not quite Miss Miller!” His hand shot out to grab her arm, but he stopped short, eyeing the spot as if debating whether he really should. Relief washed down her when his hand dropped.

“I’m quite certain you’re human.” It sounded more like a question despite how he’d proven more than once that she was. If anyone knew how fragile Mia was, it had to be Alastor and his appetite.

“It’s definitely a story, but yes, I am. And I’ll die one day, but that doesn’t mean I’m going down without a fight.”

“And when might you share this story?”

She shrugged, “Maybe never.”


Language notes:

Astucieux comme un fouet! (French)
- - Astute/Clever as a whip

Moman (Kouri-Vini / Louisiana Creole)
- - Mom/Momma

Mô bèt fenm (Kouri-Vini / Louisiana Creole)
- - My stupid girl

Chapter 30: Strangeness


Mia has to deal with her world getting just a little stanger.


I am soooooo sorry for being gone. I've been working and the humans and the dog and the cats and I've rewritten this chapter five times.

So here it is! Finally.

Sorry ^_^

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 171

It took less than 24 hours to locate and strong arm the elder spider demon into a contract. Arackniss made Angel Dust look like a well mannered debutante. Alastor found that mind boggling and utterly terrifying.

From the lobby balcony he spied Miss Miller playing cards with Nifty, Charlotte, and two other patrons. Not a single aspect of her stood out. If anything he found her frightfully plain compared to the masses of Hell.

He’d seen angels descend with their spears and strange uniforms, but unlike the pamphlet, they all sported two wings. Years ago he managed to snuff out a few, but even he’d barely survived and never bothered for a rematch. Now he watched from distant shadows, impressed by their wicked carnage. Given how pitiless the angelic horde was and how ruthless Lucifer could be, his opinion of holy beings turned out piss poor.

For better or worse, he believed she wasn’t lying and the truth made it all the more maddening.

Surely this weak bleeding hearted fool wasn’t the one who’d defeated Lucifer? Though, what was true now? Had Lucifer even been cast from Heaven? He found himself questioning a world he did well to not bother with.

Alastor wanted answers. Craved them. What a thorn, knowing that she had all the answers! How irksome that he might have been able to drag it out of her if he’d not lost his temper! Ridiculous bearcat! Wild, unpredictable, and infinitely more entertaining than harassing the hotel patrons.

Suddenly she shot up, answering that infernal phone, then profusely apologized, rushing out the door with a bag.

He stole into her shadow as she jogged down the drive. With the protection of the hotel behind her, he noticed a knife clutched in her fist. What a silly dame!

“You’ll need a stronger grip than that!” He chimed, slipping the blade from her hand. Cheerily, Alastor began twirling it between his fingers.

Her off guard screech alerted the entire street to his presence. Any demon with sense ducked in the nearest doorway.

One hand clutched over her thumping heart and he snickered.

Her face twisted with anger and confusion, “Why are you following me?!”

“Now now!” He scolded, as a shade nudged her into walking next to him. “Surely someone of your prestige shouldn’t be without protection given your feeble state!”

“Do you not remember how you royally f*cked that up?”

“Miss Miller! Here I thought your sort above grudges and foul language! We’re business partners! Working towards the betterment of Hell! Seeing sweet Charlotte’s dreams take fruition!”

“You are the worst,” she spat.

He nearly giggled, appreciating the sentiment, “And delightfully so! Where are you off to in such a frenzy?”

“You’re going to follow me the whole way, aren’t you?” Almost too easily she accepted her fate and picked up the pace. There was an odd shift in her demeanor though. While she watched him like a hawk, she seemed far less twitchy and paranoid.

“If you must know, I’m going to practice.”

“Ah yes, that mange ridden mongrel and the imps! You’ll have to excuse me for not staying, but being around that flea infested hound is disgusting.”

“Loona is perfectly clean, you ass,” she grumbled, clacking away at that infernal, blinking brick. Alastor, given his height, was well situated to read the screen.

“Do you always depend on the imps to get you back safely?”

She shoved it into her pocket and glowered up at him. “They’ve done a far better job than some demons. They have a whole business dedicated to killing humans and yet they’ve done magnificently at keeping me safe.”

“So they’re aware of your situation?”

Given the bizarre contortions of her face, he expected a complicated, contrived answer.

Alastor didn’t press the issue. Another detail intrigued him, “They kill humans?”

The way her face always shifted from one blatant emotion to another near left him giggling. No wonder she was such a wretched card player. Easier to read than a picture book.

“Their commercial is on through the entirety of Pride! How could you miss it? They aren’t exactly hush-hush on the whole operation. Kids get killed free and all that jazz.” He sneered, emanating a low growl at this ‘business venture’. Demons preying on human children for free left a distinctly homicidal taste in his mouth.

“They’re permitted to carry on this way?” Disdain dripped from his tongue.

No matter how she tried to hide it, an obvious shiver raked down her body. “Listen, you need to understand that certain siblings consult me on nothing. Zip. Nada. Zilch. I’m the glorified placeholder of someone who used to be. What I’ve gleaned is that certain sects of Hellborns can access Earth. A sort of bastardized practitioner’s license? I’ve wondered about it myself but this is Hell and logic fails me every time. But to be clear, I don't agree with it.”

Alastor could imagine that swarms of mortal souls craved to be reunited with Earth for whatever reasons. Especially all the genocidal maniacs and aged war lords, but he never saw the appeal. Hell offered him opportunity in abundance.

“That blasted mental finagling may cost your wits!”

For once she didn’t bite back. Shame, he thought, now having to settle for the misshapen rambling of an old demon. On the next corner stood a small creature with signs hanging off his front and back. Alastor noticed the lettering as Greek. Miss Miller seemed to not have noticed at all, eyes glued to the pavement.

Despite the happenstance being nothing notable, something tickled in the back of his mind. Earlier in the week he’d seen a different demon with a similar sign.

Oddities never ceased. Regardless he shrugged it off. Hell was full of coming and going trends for lunatics.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 171

Mia spat out the tooth that cracked under the force of Loona’s kick. Nerve pain radiated through her skull, making everything from top to bottom feel like being assaulted by needles.

“Get up,” came a growl. It hurt. Mia wanted to vomit but she had to get up. So she did. One leg at a time she stood back up, focusing on her breathing.

“Just give me a sec.” She popped open one of the blue vials, grateful for the relief and magical healing.

“Sorry hun, ain’t nobody gonna give ya a sec down here,” Millie called apologetically.

Gabriel had convinced them, just as they’d convinced Charlie, that she’d forfeited her angelic power to be in Hell. And given how much Vassago paid Blitz, they weren’t interested in questioning that story.

Instead of looking at Millie, her eyes darted up to the warehouse rafters. She knew Alastor was up there in the shadows and she could nearly make out smudges of redness that seemed trained on her. His presence made her want to hit harder. Fight longer. Rage.

She shattered the blue glass to the concrete and squared across from Loona. Without warning the Hellhound snapped to action.

Claws grappled into her upper arms.

Mia lacked their speed. Their ability to heal. Their power. And she really hoped what she knew about dogs applied in Hell.

Loona pulled her up and before being flung across the room, Mia's measly fangs bit down onto the soft black nose. A howl ripped and echoed.

Fleshy legs sprung, trapping the hound’s arms in the locks of her knees. Arms twisted around the furry neck, pulling tight.

Mia’s back met a steal beam with a sick crack, but her grip tightened, a feral scream of pain sounding right in Loona’s ear. The hound flinched and shook, trying to remove the faux demon.





Finally Loona dropped, hacking and sputtering, paw tapping out on Mia’s arm. She let go, falling to the floor with what was absolutely a shattered rib cage.

“You good?” The fierce Hellhound was already standing, stretching her limbs and breathing as if the onslaught hadn’t happened at all. Mia was proud, but also hated just how difficult that singular, short lived victory was. If this were true hand to hand combat, she’d be dead. Doubly dead. Shredded to bits probably. The cold concrete felt good on her cheek at least, but she couldn’t get up quite yet.

“Yeah, just gotta let the juice work.” Thankfully the potion was still going, but it would wear off soon, potentially leaving her heavily bruised. Better than being unable to breathe though.

“Where’d you get that stuff hun?” Millie knelt down beside her, small red claws gently petting through her hair. That demoness was phenomenally loving and kind.

Mia spared a glance to the rafters, unable to locate the vague redness. Before she could answer, familiar static pricked all of them, leaving Millie to take up a defensive position and Loona growling.

“What a lovely sight! Two delightful demonesses and a well behaved mutt!”

Never would she have imagined Alastor coming down to make himself known. Always looking for attention though, she ought have known better.

Loona snarled, siding up next to them. Mia, painstakingly got to her feet, groaning and cursing the entire way.

“Why’s the Radio Demon ‘ere?” Millie whispered, drawing out an axe.

“Fair darling imp! I’m here as a concerned employer on Miss Miller’s behalf! That was quite a spectacle! What fantastic entertainment! Fierce, raw, bloody.” Her throat felt painfully dry as his eyes dragged over the blood, her own blood, coating her clothes. Anytime she practiced, it was always her getting injured.

“I’m gonna head out,” she said, giving both Millie and Loona a quick hug.

“You’ll be alright with ‘at one?” The imp asked, not convinced.

Mia nodded, forcing a confident smile. Technically she would be, maybe not mentally but at least physically. “Yeah, special privileges you know?”

Hurriedly she grabbed Alastor by the elbow, all but jerking and dragging him out of the warehouse. Bastard had the nerve to smile and wave to her friends as if he’d just met royalty. “You’re an unfathomable asshole! You can’t f*cking talk to Loona like that! Consider it a new rule!”

All her energy was wiped out, collapsing halfway down the block. Her chest burned. The muscles worked and it wasn’t as bad, but bulldozing a seven foot demon did nothing to help as her lungs raged against her ribcage. Mia dropped his elbow and crouched down on the sidewalk trying to breathe.

“Do you always—” He paused. Alastor bent down in front of her, brand new vial in hand.

She eyed it with caution, careful to pick it up without touching him. She’d only dragged him out by the sleeve to avoid any more insults to her friends. How odd that he wasn’t enraged by her manhandling.

“Always what?” Her gaze trained on him while she only drank a drop of it. That would be enough.

“Do you always fight so viciously?” His smile wasn’t malicious. If anything, that mouth and those eyes looked thoroughly excited. Of course the violence and her pain made him happy. Now she could only imagine how hard it would be to get rid of him or slip out for practice without his stalking.

And yet, that didn’t really fit, did it? Mia tried to read his strange expression, piled on top of his left field kindness— perhaps that was an extreme definition.

Was he impressed?

“Lately, yes.” Mia answered cautiously, finally able to stand and breathe at the same time. Yet, her chest filled with a different sensation. Almost satisfied.

His smile widened, and he bowed gesturing to a shadowy portal, “I’m sure you need your rest, ma jolie proie. We can talk business tomorrow.”

She all but pounced through the portal, landing in front of her room alone, grateful to be away from the strangeness of today. To top it all off, another box of blue vials sat there, contributing to her Alastor induced whiplash.


V3 Conglomerate Media Tower
Next Cleanse: 171

“Voxxy baby, you been starin’ at them screens all week. Come on to bed and let me make you scream, yeah?”

Vox dismissed his lover, clacking away at breakneck speeds with four keyboards, several thousand servers clocking overtime all the while.

Hell had become strange over the last month. More bizarre than he was accustomed to. Demons who never once blipped in his information driven empire started streaking across his network. What was worse was that his information stopped just short after the oddness.

Other religions always held some place in Hell given that the majority population of every culture was accounted for. There was no policing of belief systems. Most abandoned their beliefs upon arrival, and for good reason. But now? Demons were congregating, spreading hush hush gospels of non existent deities.


Vox couldn’t stomach the not knowing and every day that business card plagued him. Rumors surfaced among the Hellborns. While not on the same scale, these happenstances were cropping up among the lower rings, but he had zero ability to access Hellborn infrastructure. He’d tried to crack into it for decades, but it never worked. As if those networks were near sentient and taunting him.

He loved, yet despised magic. It allowed him unprecedented control, yet limited him to such a minuscule range. Well, if one could consider nearly 30 billion souls minuscule.

Four sensual arms snaked around him, Valentino’s neck fur cradling the hard angles of his face.

Baby,” he hissed, despite snuggling in deeper, “I can’t.”

“The f*ck you even f*ckin’ around on?”

His hands abandoned the keys, reaching up to cup the moth demon’s jawline. Ever so lovely, sharp enough to carve diamonds, cruel enough to rule their empire. “Things are happening, Baby. And I don’t know why.”

Valentino raced around to Vox’s front, kneeling down, hands caressing with kind strokes. Both of them understood how powerful information was. It could move mountains and destroy any enemy. Yet here they faced a budding fear of something unknown. For Vox not to know, it meant trouble.

He hadn’t shared the business card. He couldn’t, because all he had was speculation and circ*mstantial evidence. Yes, there were times he’d experienced the same suspicion, but nothing came of those. This one felt different. More cohesive. It cast a longer, darker shadow. He stood up, taking Valentino’s hands, giving up on his work, even if only for a few minutes.


The Hazbin Hotel Driveway
Next Cleanse: 171

Weather in Hell left him angry. For days it could snow several feet, then leave everything a disgusting flood plane, suffocated by heat that could rival his own Egypt.

Still, he preferred the jarring changes to the agonizing waiting he currently experienced. Yes, their progress was slow, but it allowed them to gather and sow the seeds of dissent unseen. And every day when he could do nothing but wait, he’d walk the streets of Pride, combing through every seedy whor* house and drug den.


His wondrous, kind, intelligent, elegant Memphis. A Queen among Queens with no equal. The ache in his chest never dwindled. There was no relief from the ancient heartache. It felt like a cruel joke, the idea that time could soothe the loss of her. At least she was here, even if it was Lucifer’s Hell.

Zeus guaranteed a glorious reunion with his wondrous wife and their darling daughter. He didn’t play the dutiful soldier. No, he metamorphosed into a grueling, tireless general.

Sludge and toxic water pooled around his ankles as heat seared the air. Everything was miserably muggy, fog clouding the streets only feet from him. This was why he needed the Overlord Vox. With that kind of web, finding Memphis was possible.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. Epaphus had to swallow his anger every time his father called, “Sir.”

“My son! Tell me we’re on schedule.”

“That we are, Sir. Several of the mortal overlords have sided with us. Our operations in the lower rings are proceeding as expected.”

“Nyx’s vile creations would always pose a problem, but some of the Fallen have always disdained at Lucifer’s monarchy. Hold steady. Your success is non-negotiable, do not fail me on their Princess.”

Princess Charlotte. Antti’s reports as of late were progressive, yes, but the young demoness seemed naturally impenetrable short of her bleeding heart. Even now he was still concocting their endgame conquest. She wouldn’t be an easy battle if they went without plans upon plans.

But everyone messed up eventually and he knew how to play the long game.

“Understood … And your ventures?” Rarely did he prompt Zeus, but he was curious. Their last conversation hinted at machinations larger than imagination.

“Why I am elated that you asked, my glory bestowed child! Hera was returned to us and is held in Tartarus. That wicked bitch, ever the tricky viper.”

Epaphus didn’t hate their Olympian Queen as much as he despised his father, but his father’s wife was never to be trifled with. Or cheated on. His own mother had experienced a nastier spat between Zeus and Hera.

“We’ve found favor among a rather famous being. Soon you’ll be able to meet with them and victory will all but rest in our palms,” the fake god gushed.

What scheme was Zeus working towards now? While there were always machinations in the background, to have some unnamed bigshot waltzing into his plan, that felt problematic. Just another thread to keep track of. Just another detraction from his search.

It seemed he would need to motivate the overlord Vox sooner than later.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 170

Three knocks on his office door and a flick of the wrist later, Mia walked in, ready for business. Today felt calm. Despite his generic regularly-scheduled antagonism, she would maintain her cool, reign him in, and succeed.

Succeed was the main goal, everything else would just be really nice.

She also brought up the lunch she’d just finished serving to everyone else, and noting his lack of attendance, decided that maybe food would help. Alastor always seemed to be in love with food, whether it was alive or dead.

He snapped, replacing the lounging furniture by the windows with a quaint table and two chairs. He stood directly behind her, eyeing the covered plates. “You must notice how hard I work to keep the world turning! How kind of you to care for my wellbeing! What have you brought for us, my dear?”

She’d taken the time to go through her old cookbook, trying to find recipes she could copy or scale up to feed everyone. This happened to be a simple stew. The original called for rabbit but she’d forgone that for the sake of time. Alastor was all, but inhaling it, grinning and moving to sit down.

Mia sat, glad that his attention was whole heartedly on the meal and not on her. Strange, how normal he could seem when it came to his simple pleasures like food or jokes or music. Maybe deep down all the mortal demons were still human. Maybe even Alastor was redeemable?

No. One look at those gnashing fangs and crimson claws reminded her all too well that even if he could be redeemed after millennia of penance, he would probably do something even worse to prove a point.

“Do you have the contract?”

Alastor rolled his eyes, a wisp of shadow materializing the papers. In silence they ate and she read the document. There were no tricks. Zero shenanigans. At the bottom was a line for her to sign, initiating her ownership.

“Could I borrow a pen?” An elegant black fountain pen shadowed into her hand. And just like that the contract flashed green, demonic power cementing her ownership of Arackniss’s soul. Despite the manic implications of the magic, she didn’t feel anything different. Given she had no powers of her own, she wondered how the contract could even be enforced? Was it solely through Alastor’s power?

Mia hated how blatantly defiant magic was in the face of science and logic. As if it were some cosmic, petulant child with a golden spoon.

“Don’t frown so harshly! Smile! You’re never fully-”

“Dressed without one, right. Thanks Dapper Dan,” she huffed, setting down the contract. “You do realize Annie came out after you died, right?”

An uncaring shrug followed her question. Still, his facade was betrayed by a stray twitching eye. Apparently being called out on his inconsistencies was irksome. “But it is such a delightful little tune!”

“You’ve never watched the movie have you?” Mia deadpanned, unimpressed with his ability to cherry pick the world around him.

“Not a day, darling!”

Mia rolled her eyes, going back to the food.

“Speaking of mutts, what’s happened to the one you keep, hmm?” His hands folded, chin resting on them. And while he sat well away from her, that sickeningly sweet smile leaned forward and cold sweat started beading on her neck.

Mia leaned back as far as she could in the chair, taking a drink to avoid his gaze. “Is that really what you want to know? Out of anything you could ask, you’re worried about my brother?”

One sharp shoulder shrugged. “Perhaps I am being small minded … as an only child I find sibling squabbles quite fascinating! But indeed, there a more pressing issues! So what is hunting ma jolie proie? I utterly despise sharing.”

His demeanor turned intense, smooth voice dropping an octave, followed by that soft twinge of accent. By sheer force of will he had her pinned to the chair, squirming, unsure about anything.

Forget claws, teeth, and uncanny magic. Alastor’s greatest weapon was the one he didn’t know about. Or maybe he did know.

On one hand, his constant nagging and stalking built a welcome callous to her fear response. On the other it left room for a far more dangerous reaction. Mia knew she’d soon miss the days where he terrified her 100%. Now it was close to 60% and dwindling by the day.

And all the while, the threads of her secrets started dissolving, desperate to tell someone. Every strange emotion mixed and churned together.

f*ck it!

Sure it was Alastor, but at least someone was listening to her for once.

Mia’s claws gripped into the table edge, eyes locked onto his. “Hell isn’t just Hell. Like Earth is one of several planets, Hell is a domain in the greater Eldritch Realm. And there are demons that existed long before Hell did. The Ars Goetia is made of Eldritch demons who allied to Lucifer and fallen angels alike. So technically that would make you the only mortal Goetia if things go your way.”

She paused, just to see if he was following, but also to catch her breath. The information coiled in her gut, ready to spew. Alastor looked oddly neutral and open, nodding for her to continue. Mia nodded with him.

“And there’s an ancient faction of Eldritch demons, the name sakes of Greek mythology. Pagans. They’re children to another god. I’ve heard people call them Chaos, Asherah, whatever. So here I am with literal f*cking Zeus, trying to— well f*ck, I don’t know! We suspect they’re hunting angels. And some how they found us down here.”

Every word tumbled and shoved out of her mouth, faster than the one before.

“Gabriel was supposed to return to Heaven for his own safety. I f*cked that up for him. I’m the reason he has to suffer. Hell is toxic for angels actually. It hurts to just be down here! Let him stay pissed! As long as he stays away. I— a month before I got here, a demon broke into my apartment and butchered my best friend.”

That would haunt her forever. Mia felt like she’d murdered Gemma herself.

“I guess they want to eat us? Bleed us dry? Jokes on them! I’m only human. That’s it! I’d just be reborn and do it all over again! You know, I can’t remember being their wonderful Michael. The human memories are barely there! It’s all gaps and vague situations that I can’t sort. But I die. I die early. And harshly. f*cking Lucifer and Gabriel. Liars. They’re assholes and liars and they don’t tell me one f*cking goddamn thing! I can’t help them. I can’t help Charlie. I can’t keep myself safe. I’m worthless— a liability.”

Since when did she cry this much?

Large tears soaked her hands, pouring no matter how hard she rubbed at her eyes. Mia couldn’t be bothered with saving face anymore. Reality crushed her like the weak, pathetic human she was. Everything she tried was laughable. Useless.

She shot up, bolting for the door, not wanting to become an emotionally riddled mess all over again. He’d enjoy it too much. What was it? The third time? Fourth?

But no. Halfway she collided with Alastor’s chest.

“I’m leaving,” she hissed. If he reveled in her misery, she didn’t want to see it.

The lighting around her feet changed, fading into soft, dim warmth. Alastor swept her up like a child, careful to avoid her wings even. She’d lost the wits to ask what he was doing. Why she was situated between his legs all over again.

Alastor slipped off her glamour ring, placing it on the nightstand. With wings no longer an issue, he gathered her into his arms tightly, tucking her head under his chin.

Humming that same lullaby destroyed the last bit of her resolve. Mia sobbed into his lapels, no longer concerned with who was good or bad in this strange world. Maybe she was the worst.

Lucifer needed to protect Charlie first and foremost. Gabriel had sacrificed so much for her. Alastor was unabashedly himself no matter what.

She was the fraud. An imposter in her own skin.


His Home
Next Cleanse: 170

Alastor sat conflicted as she grieved, subject to his own mental torture. Would his mother be proud as he tried to right the wrongs he’d done to this woman? Watching her scrap with the Hellborns …

Long ago he'd watched his father thrash his mother into their kitchen wall, much like the Hellhound had. As a small child he could only hide and sob as his mother bled, falling in and out of consciousness for the next week. It was then he learned what fear was. Alastor wished his mother could have fought back with Miss Miller’s ferocity. Sadly she had to survive in a world that wasn’t made for them.

His mother would have liked this bearcat, surely.

Miss Miller certainly didn’t disappoint in her ramblings. The world simultaneously made more and less sense. Lucifer brought two Heavenly siblings to Hell to avoid being poached by otherworldly beings. Alastor couldn’t imagine how little he knew now. All mortal souls took God and Lucifer and angels as the end all, be all answer.

How far did existence go?

But for now, all he could do was console her. He reveled in torturing souls! Tormenting and terrorizing the denizens of Hell for kicks came naturally. Yet there was no plane of existence where he could withstand the shame of being like his father. Every day it gnawed at him. Every time he tried to sleep, the night terrors assaulted and mutilated the sad, miserable child he used to be.

So here they shared their grief. Their sorrows. Their guilt.

Her sobs dwindled to nothing. Alastor pulled a blanket up around them, begrudgingly enjoying the weight and warmth on his chest.

Between the food she brought and humming that old sad work song, he imagined the insufferable humidity, the smell of saltwater and honeysuckle, the sound of summer cicadas. He tightened his hold on her and found himself drifting away too. For a small moment, for the first time in decades, he felt something akin to human.


This chapter was a lot of me playing around with ideas. I'm not sure if anyone will notice. Is what it is. I'm hoping to have more chapter up soon. I have a lot of the meat written, but one of my petpeeves in other things is transition. Yes it can feel like slogging through but idk. Maybe this is too boring. I'll never stop worrying.

Oh well.

And to the readers I have, I love each of you. Thank you for being here with me.

Thank you for taking in this and going along through my contrived sensibilities. I appreciate it and hope you're enjoying it!

Chapter 31: Negotiation


Mia needs to face Valentino, but she can't do it alone.


I'm not dead!

I mean, I guess if I was you wouldn't know it because lololol I will never tell my friends/family I write fanfiction that'll land me right back in therapy. Now, if the therapist is a Hannibal/Alastor kinda sexy, I can die happy ... <_<

Regardless here we are! Ready for another day of me making sh*t up.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 168

Had she not heard him?

Alastor loomed as she ripped furiously at weeds notorious for snapping at fingers.

“Miss Miller, perha-”

I heard you!

Claws pushed back her hair as she sucked in a long breath. “I heard you Alastor. There’s been a development …”

Finally! As if he hadn’t been pestering her for the better part of … well how long had he been out here watching her toil hatefully? At first he’d just assumed his presence irked her. That was well and good by him but the silent treatment started to grow burdensome and boring.

Her expression twisted in a new, novel kind of strange, and below it, she held out an elaborate, gilded magenta envelope. A vile notion twisted in his gut as he recognized this particular color scheme.

“Short of coming face to face with that hairballed cigarette junkie, I’d say you’re tapping your way through each step!”

No reaction. She stood there wringing her hands. In his experience, self doubt was the number one instigator of a failure! If her near suicidal plan failed it would be nothing but death for them both. Alastor refused to forfeit his success! His golden ticket straight to the top!

“Now let’s stop all this milling about!” A clawed hand took her wrist, situating her right under his arm. The world around them twisted from the garden to the hotel’s rooftop before she could protest. Given his practical joke with the clocktower, Alastor was mindful enough to situate them at a tea table, quite a ways from the edge.

It was laughably obvious that the memory danced through that head of hers given how she scowled, hands clenched to the chair’s underside.

As if to punctuate his point, he procured them two mugs and a plate of beignets. Her affinity for coffee bought him civil passage once more.

“You made these?”

“But of course! I’ll have you know I spend quite a bit of my time perfecting wonderful delicacies!”

Halfway through chewing she paused, eyeing the treats warily. “Oh come now! I assure you I would never waste such delights on the unappreciable! Though I do recall a particular darling drinking down several cups of a particular private brew of mine, no?”

“Who am I to waste perfectly good coffee? Plus, you could have been lying for all I know.”

His eyes sharpened on her indignant, nearly mortified face, drinking up every reaction.

“An excommunicated angel admitting to delighting in the blood of demons. How delicious.”

Miss Miller keened an angry noise, tossing a beignet right between his horns. If it weren’t for the waste of perfectly good food, he’d have half a mind to be impressed. “What did you drag me up here to talk about? I don’t need your assholery.”

“On top of all your extracurriculars, you still manage to keep up with this shamble of a charity! It’s only proper that one of us maintain concern for your wellbeing! We’d do well to rehearse just how you intend on dealing with Valentino. He has a particularly nasty reputation, even by my standards. Your failure would be ... unfortunate.”

It was a gross understatement. He needed her to make good on this farce and she had no easy task. Regardless of their sparring she sniffed at the coffee, then determined it acceptable enough to drink.

“Have you ever dealt with Valentino before?”

“Not in a direct manner. I’ve met that derelict team on several occasions, seeing how our great and terrible king oversees to Pride personally.”

Alastor took a drink, watching her turn the cup, clacking her pitiful excuse for claws against it while thinking non stop.

“I’d bet Luci has something ridiculous planned. It’s all just so contrived don’t you think?”

Nail on the head. Alastor would bet every stake he had on Lucifer pulling the strings of a game they weren’t privy to. Not that he’d share that suspicion. This girl, regardless of origin or status, was a pawn. The sooner he could untangle from her and reign in Pride the better.

Alastor took the time to spell out what he knew of that wretched gaggle of volatile, vitriolic vermin. How Valentino, while far from the most intelligent compared to that obnoxious TV brained fool, was certainly the cruelest and a creative sort. He made a point to leave out the colorful rumors that circulated concerning how Valentino dealt with his enemies.

Of course they shared a similar interest, but the methods used by the moth demon left him near gagging.

Her mouth opened and closed, processing the information. It never went anywhere and she slumped back, coffee in hand. Was she nervous? Scared? Surely if she’d lost her overarching fear of him, a pity certainly, there was nothing to fear from that rag tag team?

But the longer she sat there, twisting and fidgeting, the more uncomfortable he grew. She irritated him to no end!

“I’m freaked out," she conceded. "What if this meeting goes wrong? What if I f*ck up and land Angel in a worse situation? What if Valentino finds out I’m human? What if he takes all this out on Charlie? What if Lucifer or Gabriel find out what I’ve been doing? And with you no less?!”

The rant, gassed up and firing on all cylinders, left her near hyperventilating. In any other situation, for any other being, he’d cut off their head. Anything to cease that mindless prattling. Unfortunately those tactics were off limits where Miss Miller was concerned.

She didn’t seem to notice him slipping around to her side. Nor when he slipped onto one knee and plucked her hand from its vice grip on the table.

At last, respite!

He grinned upwards as her stalled face beamed down at him, confusion starting to take hold. “Now Miss Miller, I’m sure you’re keen to the fact that I am Hell’s foremost negotiator. I’ve talked some of this squalid land’s greatest beings into rubble without lifting a finger! I assure you, our victory is nothing but a matter of time. What gentleman would I be to let you parade into that den, unprepared and unprotected?”

“You are not going with me!” The fire he’d come to associate with her roared to life. Instead of pulling from him, she leaned in, eyes narrowed and determined. Finally, something he could work with! All that pity had him truly doubtful, but this? Confidence and willpower was all it took to build empires. Well, that and a few dead bodies.

“Why, simple bearcat,” he coo’d, twisting and melting away.

“Alastor?” She called, hopping to her feet, turning in place, looking for him.

Attached to her own shadow he stretched out before her.

“Get out of my shadow!”

His shaded form snaked and curled around her body. Alastor felt each bristle and tremor. It was an old trick, one he didn’t utilize quite so often anymore given its clandestine nature. With magic, when attached to one’s shadow, he could make anyone feel like they were going insane, speaking directly into their ear, as if in their head.

Ma jolie proie, no one will know. We’re but two peas in a pod, leading these heinous villains to their demise. All you have to do is listen.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 167

Husk didn’t like Hell. Broken apathetic f*cks like himself never did.

Opportunists like Alastor loved it.

Do gooders like Vaggie despised it.

For the survivors though, it didn’t matter what they felt about Hell. They carved out new lives for themselves regardless. A lot of souls failed miserably trying to make the best of Hell. Others flourished like co*ckroaches after a nuclear bomb. It didn’t mean they were happier than anyone else but the simple fact of surviving was an accomplishment.

Husk lost so much in life that he never had anything to lose in death. He didn’t like Hell, but funnily enough, it was easy to be dead in Hell.

Emotional and corporeal numbness made those loud, illuminating co*ckroaches blinding yet impossible to not look at.

He’d heard the name Angel Dust nearly every week since the 80s, when the retired-mobster-turned-sex-worker-turned-p*rn-idol became famous. Despite that, he’d never learned anything about the spider demon until indentured servitude was thrust upon him once more. As much as Husk wanted Alastor to leave him to his misery and drinking, the hotel was one of the better gigs. Since Princess’s project was an utter failure, he never actually did anything other than drink, read, play cards, or watch.

Every day he watched that hot pink, flirtatious, nuisance of a spider come and go.

And for a while it was ‘How ya doin’ handsome?’ or ‘What’s shakin’ puss* cat?’.

Then it evolved. ‘I’ll be back for ya Husky’ and ‘I only wear this dress for you handsome’ and irksome, yet euphoric assaults behind his ears.

Next came the card games and lame jokes. They started drinking together and sharing stories. Well, Angel told a lot of stories and he listened, captivated. Every day Husk felt like he was watching one of his novels come to life. Where the main character, the survivor, the one who should have given up just like all the rest, never did. Angel came in worse off some days, but in spite of that misery, he was living.

To say that Angel Dust burned like a flame was an understatement. No. Husk knew exactly what he was.

A diamond: forged by unparalleled pressures and incinerating heat.

Anything that was thrown at Angel didn’t scratch him and if anything, that damn slu*t took any kind of light and used it to make himself look magnificent.

It felt like withdrawal, expecting to see that flouncing maniac but then never getting the sensation. To replace it, he just drank more. Probably double or triple than he was used to. Being Al’s lackey meant Vaggie or Princess couldn’t give him the old boot, but that didn’t shut them up either.

Decades went by faster and faster in Hell, so how had the past two months felt like a gnashing limbo despite his near drunken stupor?

The rain soaked his fur coat as he grunted, barely sober enough to roll over and throw up. Thunder and millions of wailing souls drowned out the sound of his own retching.

Husk didn’t like Hell and he didn’t know how to love, not really, but he knew he liked seeing Angel. He liked every infuriating thing about him. He liked the idea of being able to love him one day.


Dicks ’n titt*es Strip Club
Next Cleanse: 162

If the name wasn’t a dead give away, the massive neon sign of an org*sming penis between two fluorescent boobs was. No matter how cringe it was, this was where they’d decided to meet. Where she’d do her absolute damnedest to get Angel’s contract and thrown Valentino to the Ars Goetia.

Every moment for the past five days was spent with Alastor, getting grilled. Playing mind games. Learning how to actually negotiate and keep her cool. Yes, he was currently clinging against her like second skin in the shadows, poised to feed her every word.

It all had to look seamless, as if she truly were the great Amy, President of the Ars Goetia, leader of 36 legions. Between Millie and Moxxie glamoured to look like Goetic servants, all of Vassago’s magic and resources, Stolas and Blitz waiting in Greed, and Alastor’s knack for negotiation, Mia was the weak link. The most likely to fail. The most likely to pay the consequence if this all went tit* up.

Too late to back out though. She was led by Valentino’s goons to a private booth high above the stage. There was only one way in or out and she didn’t mean the door.

Millie and Moxxie made a sweep of the balcony, doing their due diligence.

In this new demonic glamour, she was smoke and feathers and embers. A Hellish stain glass looking bird demon, as a fair bit of the Hellborn nobility were.

They didn’t wait long after the show started.

Alastor hummed in her ear, as if it were her own thought,

It’s show time ma jolie proie.


Dicks ’n titt*es Strip Club
Next Cleanse: 162

Valentino joined their ragtag bunch finally. Alastor couldn’t imagine keeping such esteemed guests waiting, even if this identity was an extravagant falsehood. Perhaps he should have dawned their Hellborn costume, but alas, cross-dressing did not appeal to him.

Miss Miller stayed draped against the lux arm chair, sparing the towering moth demon a glance. Languidly her hand drifted out.

Valentino took it with a disgusting purr, kissing along each of her knuckles, “How inconsiderate of you to come in here looking that sexy, putting all my girls to shame. I might have to offer you job, Princesa.”

He’d stopped clinging so thoroughly to people’s shadows due to just how disgusting and unpleasant most creatures were, but he’d forgotten the sole merit: he could feel every single minuscule reaction. And it seemed Miss Miller was having a chilling reaction to Valentino’s lament.

Alastor couldn’t make heads or tails of the prickling along her neck.

Surely it was one of outright disgust! If it was anything else …

An agitation started to gnaw at him. One at her for daring to— well what exactly? If she was afraid of Valentino, hah! A total waste. It was him she should fear. Sharing even the tiniest of her reactions irked him. He’d have to settle the issue later.

“Now Baby Girl, how can I help one of Hell’s oh so distinguished members?”

Ease into it. This pompous fool will crawl to you eventually.’

“I’ve merely come to pass along some information that you might take an interest in. You see, I reside under his infernal highness, our Prince of Lust, Asmodeous. And we do our best to bring glory to his name where we can.” One of the robe clad imps handed her an envelope. As if they had all the time in the world, she picked through photographs containing different scenarios with varied orange, green, and indigo skies.

Then she spread them out like cards across the table. It took no time at all for Valentino to snarl, “What the f*ck is this?”

“Allow me to tell you a bit about the lower rings. When one of you sinners devises a viable business idea, it takes no time at all for the Hellborns to start peddling all your hard work. Hijacked, rebranded, and hocked. Making hand over fist compared to what you see. Your distinctive brand of creativity is popular, has been for quite some time.”

Pink smoke that wafted across the floor started churning, soft peaks and rolling waves turning violent.

“And how don’t I know you ain’t some conniving bitch here to rip me off? This sh*t could be doctored.”

Miss Miller sighed, doing a starlet’s job at feigning just how droll that massive oaf was. “If it was doctored, as you call it, what would it matter? Why would I bother to rip off a mortal? whor*s and co*cks are a dime a dozen below Pride, with far fewer venereal diseases. I don’t peddle black market goods, I regulate them. A robinhood of sorts. Here to put your hard earned money back into your own hands.”

Valentino shoved the cat demoness and imp off his lap, scooting forward. One hand moved below his coat, two others perched above his knees.

He’s known to keep holy bullets in those guns.

“Come now, I’m here as a friend.”

“Sorry Doll Face, I don’t make friends. Now why don’t you get to brass tax before I show you just what my lot is capable of, yeah? I’m a busy man.”

“Fair enough.” Was she mocking him?

If Alastor weren’t so concerned with that brash mouth putting them in an unfortunate situation, he’d be flattered. She tossed down a packet of papers. “Always time with you sinners. You can’t see the centuries for the days. Perhaps I can get a far more suitable drink while you read that over? Assuming you can read.”

Valentino growled, the pink smoke rushing up to drown them. Alastor was actually surprised when the smoke seemed to meet an invisible shell surrounding them. A delicate smugness overtook her face as Valentino’s own expression took a wary turn.

Minutes passed as tensions rose, only punctuated by the revelry below and the turning of pages.

“So you’re looking to become a business partner?”

“Of course. We can expand your empire into the lower rings, even get you access. The most talented of mortal sinners are offered exceptions when having business with the Ars Goetia. Alexander the Great, Ghengis Khan, George Washington. Our Wrathful Lord Satan employs the military aficionados. That’s why you so rarely hear of the greats in Hell. They’re actually busy.”

Yet another cut to that vagabond’s ego. He’d be delighted if he wasn’t so curious about his new tidbit. Was that true? Was this the kind of situation he was in with Lucifer? She’d not only gone off script, but was stating things so matter of factly that he nearly believed them.

“Well ain’t that just peachy.”

“It would be if you’ll inspect the projected figures towards the last page.” So he did and his back straightened up a significant amount. “I also wouldn’t mind introducing you to the nuisances who’ve taken a shining to your work.”

“How about you set up a little meeting with ‘em and then we can talk business after, yeah?”

She snapped, a whirling vortex giving way to peered out into a hotel room, dark, with a figure snoozing on the couch. The sky was a deep, emerald beyond the curtains. “Allow me to introduce you to the blackmarket trader currently ripping you off. And making a mockery of you amongst Pride’s Hellborns.”

There was a cooing noise, like a snore, while feathers protruded at odd angles from the blanket. Fancy clothes were strewn about, along with some much smaller, dirtier ones. It was then a second party started talking in their sleep, the blanket slipping to reveal an imp’s horn.

“This could be some illusion.”

She sauntered over, placing herself all too close to Valentino. Fingers walked up his chest, then along his jaw just until she plucked the cigarette out of his mouth, dropping it through the portal to the floor. Then it spun shut. “Not an illusion. Only a first class ticket to redefining your empire, having fun with those who would sully your name, and making me a fabulously wealthy demon.”

Valentino’s mouth split into the smile that had won over and tortured thousands upon thousands of souls. “Sugar, you are somethin’ ain’t ya?”

One hand slipped onto her waist, the second fingering a decorative strap across her chest, the third and fourth lighting another cigarette. “So that contract of yours, you’re looking for some exclusive fun? Tell Valentino what you need so we can start having fun.”

Despite not having a corporeal form at the moment, Alastor’s what-would-have-been-stomach twisted, jaw clenching to the point it would have ached. Watching those disgusting claws toy with something that belong to him?! And then suddenly it felt like a frozen brick was lodged in his throat, ceasing the other fledgling sensations.

She slipped off of the couch, stepping over to the balcony. “I think we’re well suited to make a trade of good faith? Your immediate access to a heathen sullying your name, with the guarantee that I will cover your tracks, for a very special type of toy.”

Valentino got up to corner her against the railing, bending down, one hand coming up for her hair. Alastor nearly sliced it off. The utter disgusting perversion! And yet he didn’t knowing their precarious situation.

“You want a piece of Daddy?”

“My tastes are more singular. Weaker. More liable to tears, no matter how alluring those dark, domineering, devious types are.”

Was she really talking about that wretched whor* mongering insect?

“I want Angel Dust.”

A sneer ripped across the moth’s face as a hand shot up to her jaw.

Absolutely not.

Alastor twisted her into the shadows, doing his very well damnedest to make it look like smoke, back to where she’d been sitting originally.

Do not get co*cky you foolish girl! I’ve half a mind to remove you from this suicide mission!’ He felt something like a nod, acknowledging him in the very least. Mindless brat! Surely Valentino was looking to tear out her throat! Or strangle her silly little self lifeless! And then she’d be dead! And then what would he do for fun?

“No f*cking way. Pick another slu*t, but you ain’t gettin’ my top whor*.”

“Top whor* for now.”

“You tryin’ to make threats Bird tit*?”

“Oh please. I don’t think you understand the liability of an aged out worker. With our returns by accessing the rest of Hell for five years vs what you could make off Angel Dust alone in fifty, you won’t even remember his name. And how long until that broken crack whor* becomes just another sinner forgotten to time. Surely you’re better than that?”

She heaved another sigh, leveling a gaze at him like one would a child.

“And you’ll have an image problem. Throughout history it only ever took one weak link to ruin the chain of command. Angel Dust has made quite a stir and it reflects poorly on you. I’ve heard Bethesda and Frederick make quite the joke about it. Your star whor* running off for redemption. That either implies you don’t take well enough care of your assets or that it should have been cycled out ages ago. Regardless, it is a bad look. One that may not cost you now, but will when fresh, powerful demons join Hell. Just as they always do.”

Valentino paced, waving his gun around thinking. “If you get Angel Dust, I want your two years profits up front.”

She clacked away at that infernal brick, “Done, check your accounts. Consider it an act of good will, along side a few Hellborn heads.”

“I want the head of that bastard before you get Angel Dust.”

“That all?”

“Not quite,” he murmured, coming up to his full height in front of her. “I want access for my associate to the Hellborn networks.”

“After the first five years. Hellborn networks are far trickier than the markets.”

“One year.”


He grinned.

Miss Miller rose to her feet, portal whirling to life. A long sharp smile cut across her face, hand stretching out with a black and ember glow. “So it’s a deal then?”

Alastor approved, grinning ear to ear if he could. Imitation was the sincerest form of flattery after all.

Valentino’s hand grabbed hers, pink smoke mingling with the embers. Then she escorted him through the portal where the room suddenly seemed quite a bit darker. Alastor detached from her shadow, taking his cue to leave, knowing well and good what awaited a mortal sinner on the other side of the portal. One day he’d be immune to such fail safes, but that wasn’t today.


Greed - Vassago’s Penthouse
Next Cleanse: 162

They stood in what she knew to be Vas’s living room, Stolas and Blitz waiting. It took less than half a second for guns shots to start blazing into the couch from Valentino’s pistols. He cackled, blowing the smoke off of one as Mia went for the light switch.

“Aye buddy! Catch!” A head flew through the room at Valentino, who caught it, officially sealing their demonic deal. He now held the head of the Hellborn demon who was the premier blackmarket trader for all things p*rnographic from Pride. It just so happened that he wasn’t a noble born demon but instead a disgusting child predator to boot by the nickname Noble.

Stolas stepped out in full regalia, eyes glowing red, a darkness instantaneously overtaking the pimp moth, dragging his wailing form through a gruesome smelling portal.

“No Miranda rights in Hell I guess?” Mia asked, finally taking off the overbearing necklace that Vas and Stolas put together for her. She laid it into the prince’s hand, noting Blitz taking M&M straight to what sounded like ‘a pool big enough for a rodeo’.

“Of course not, My Lady,” Stolas laughed, looking much more jovial than his demonic powers lead on.

On a couple of occasions she tried to get him to call her Mia instead of Your Grace, Your Holiness, etc. But it all failed and she’d have to live with it. There wasn’t anything upsetting about it, yet … it felt false.

Stolas extended his arm to her, “Would you like to take a tour of this realm while we’re here?”

Did she have the energy for it? Mia patted his arm downward, grinning apologetically. “Any other day, I would love to, but I’m beat and definitely hungry. Plus, I don’t want you to have any trouble with Luci if he were to be against it. Care to just drop me off into the hotel? Preferably the kitchen?”

With a billow of his cape and broad smile, Stolas bowed, gesturing her through a portal.

“Thank you Your Highness,” she curtseyed, stepping back into the witching hour silence of the hotel.

There it was in her hands, a magical contract stating her as the soul owner of Anthony Mariano Roselli.

Reading Angel’s full name made her stomach knot. She could imagine some kid running around with mobsters, trying to fit in. Trying to live up to a demanding father and brother. Mia really couldn’t quite imagine how awful everything else was, given what she knew of Angel’s life. How desperate must he have felt to sign away his soul?

And some how, thinking about that made her wonder— how desperate must she have been to sell her own soul? Maybe not to a buyer, but to knowingly obliterate it and then be sure that Gabriel said she’d make the same decision again.

She clutched the paper to her chest, the overwhelming emotions falling over her one by one.

“Knock, knock! Anyone home?” Came that transatlantic tone, Alastor’s knuckle coming down on her head. She peeked up to find him bent over right into her face, wide eyed and smiling.

“Just got home, actually …”

Home. It felt right.

“Good! Because oh my dear do I have a bone to pick with you!”

Mia grimaced as his finger waggled in her face. He wasn’t wrong. She’d gotten all too brave in their little show and Alastor had to intervene beyond their agreement of him sticking to her shadow. It would be hard to explain to I.M.P or Stolas why he’d been apart of it. So she sighed and nodded, hanging her head.

“I know, I’m sorry. Just please don’t use one of my bones.”

Much like Valentino’s had, Alastor’s hand drew around her waist, the other wrapping under her chin. Mia looked up despite the growing uncertainty in her gut. She almost regretted meeting his gaze. Alastor was stoic and she didn’t know how to take that. His mouth was neutral, eyes narrowed on her.

Then he stepped forward. Alastor pressed into her chest and she very much would have pitched backwards if it weren’t for the fingers digging at her waist. As he guided her backwards, Mia noted how his eyes started to glow, lip slowly pulling into a barely there snarl.

With each step she could see him breathing. Well, not exactly breathing. Inhaling, a monster trying to catch her scent.

“Hah!” She gasped, shocked as her wings met the wall. Her mind went blank, leaving frantic, warm, knotting sensations to well up in various places. Alastor leaned down, hand slipping from its tight grip on her jaw, claws scraping down her neck like a slow death.

“No worries, darling, merely removing an unsightly spec.”

A yelp squeaked out of her throat, triggered from how that claw oh so barely nicked her skin. She swallowed with a shallow nod, “O- okay.”

If he were anyone else, maybe twice as docile and half as handsome, she’d be stupid enough to follow through with the urge to hitch her leg over those slim hips. Mia shoved the thought away, going for an entirely different move.

Her arms twisted around Alastor’s chest, “Thank you.”

She winced as he prickled under her hug, but she stayed firm. The clawed hand patting atop her head gave her enough confidence to look up. Mia almost giggled, but pulled back hard on her response, just smiling wide and mirthful.

Alastor’s cheeks turned the color of his hair, eyes wide and looking at the wall like it was fresh steak.

Her stomach interrupted in the nick of time it seemed. Alastor whipped her around and Miles forcibly saddled her into one of the chairs. “Now, ma jolie proie! It will do you no good to go hungry trying to save these hopeless vagabonds! For a job well done might I suggest a muffuletta! An Italian fellow brought them to town when I was a boy and the city went stark raving wild!”

She stood up despite Miles’ protest, going for her apron. “It sounds great. If you’ll teach me how to make it that is.”


I love all of you. I hope you enjoyed this one!

Chapter 32: Choosing


Everyone gets to choose.


This is a short, simple, sweet chapter. I just wanted to get something out.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 148

f*cking damnit was he in some hot sh*t.

So many decades of success, but no!


Two weeks was all it took for his world to turn upside down.

There wasn’t any work coming in. No clients to take. No drugs to push. No shows, no outings, no zip, no nada! Without Fat Nugget or Cherri, this luxurious, gorgeous apartment near p*rn Studios felt like a pink shag prison.

Hell had caught on pretty fast that something was wrong.

A couple oddities convinced Angel that something was seriously f*cking wrong. Hell’s rumor mill kept the speculation alive because every time even a smidge of it got on the news or the web, it died. Instantly. Vox must’ve been killing everything and that was the first sign. The second was how M-I-A Velvette was. For all society cared, Velvette was Valentino’s adoptive daughter, seen with him constantly in social media posts. Her posts went up daily, if not hourly.

Angel texted every single whor*, producer, PA, and groupie he knew. Each responded with the same bullsh*t: no one knew where Valentino was. p*rn Studios ran smoothly for the most part, but Angel belonged to Valentino exclusively.

For years he’d bypassed any and every underling, always having 24/7 direct access to the overlord. Flaunting his glaringly obvious privilege. All them jealous slu*ts were giving him the cold shoulder. Ain’t his fault they were no talent wannabes! But even those no talent phonies were company. Company that didn’t need f*cked and sucked every fifteen minutes.

The real problem wasn’t being alone.

Oh no.

It was when he went out. Demons flocked to him, a starlet suddenly without protection. Without the impending doom that came with f*cking with Valentino’s property. Two days ago the Hellhound doorman lost an arm to one of his more adamant stalkers.

Yesterday a good 15 demons surrounded him. Powerful ones whose boss had a bone to pick. He barely had enough arms to handle that shoot out alone. f*ck faces all over were coming out of the woodwork. A couple of goons were Hellborn, others were sinners, all their beady eyes set on breaking off any part of the V3 empire.

A bald spot in the carpet stretched from the window to the door to the balcony. He’d wore it out pacing and pacing. Waiting.

Not a single shred of him worried about Valentino, and that relieved him … but Angel wasn’t anything without his daddy? Was he?

A fist came down onto the coffee table as he wailed.

“Never anything without a daddy am I?”

Not without Heronin. Not without Valentino.

Pinging echoed through the eerily silent apartment. Anxiety and guilt cropped up at seeing Cherri’s name. She’d never stopped texting him and bless her heart if there were any left for sinners.

Heard Valentino’s gone missing. Need to know you’re ok.

Angel’s throat tightened and burned. Tears welling up in all eight of his eyes. The fear of being alone won out over his sense of guilt.

‘I’m alright. Slow work day.’

He put the phone down, pacing once more, but the balling in his gut never settled. It wound up so tightly he couldn’t near bear it. Angel grabbed the phone again.

‘How’s Nugget?’

Dots flashed on the screen for a good four minutes. Then they stopped for seven. And finally they started again.

‘I took him to that hotel and left him with the cyclops chick and the cat for his own good. But Ange, he needs you. You’re his papa.’

That’s when he started sobbing so hard he couldn’t stand. And even though he couldn’t stand, Angel started dumping as much sh*t as he could into a suitcase. Because even without his father or his daddy, he was a papa and he was going to be a f*cking better one to Fat Nugget from now to forever.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 148

“Ok! I’ve got margaritas, mimosas, cupcakes, pizza, and a whole vat of hot chocolate! There’s also a ton of other snacks.”

The room of approximately 23 demons cheered at Miss Miller’s menagerie of goods. Charlotte had come to the conclusion that watching picture shows and musicals for several hours in pajamas would create a wholesome spark amongst the patrons. Alastor was quite certain the raffle held at the end was the primary incentive to patron involvement.

Truly, he could care less about these shenanigans but he’d agreed to come as a deterrent towards tomfoolery. So there he was, dressed for the occasion of course, in a tasteful red robe and red stripped sleep clothes. He’d taken the extra step to bring a smoking pipe, proper footwear, and night cap. No one could accuse him of being a sullen Sally! Even a party he didn’t wish to attend.

Miss Miller stopped at his lonesome table, toting armfuls of sugary commodities. She grinned before subjecting him to hushed snickering, “I like the other one better. This makes you look like Hugh Hefner and a vampire started a clothing line.”

Before he could retort, Charlotte bounced up in a pink full body rabbit get up that reminded him of bastardized long Johns.

“I can help!” She started unloading her aunt’s arms while looking him over. “Oh Al! You look as dapper as always! Thank you so much for participating!”

He just gave her the bow of his head as she scurried away to set out her looted treats. The merriment so much didn’t bother him, but the food selection was … lacking. “Must everything you make be mucked with sug—”

Miss Miller’s hand shot out at him, only a breath’s width away form his nose. She shook her head. He snarled as she took that same finger to her lips, turning back for the kitchen. He’d slept so poorly the last several months that he didn’t have the patience to deal with this sort of belligerence.

Then she came back with a tray loaded with two sizable boxes, a thermos, a cup, and a glass of some red drink. His brow stitched together. Was that a celery stalk sticking from the glass?

She sat them out with a particularly smug look, not opening the boxes. “Since Charlie told me you were sooooo looking forward to working security tonight, I figured you should be rewarded for your kind, altruistic, not-just-here-to-watch-someone-mess-up deeds.”

He grabbed the glass and sniffed, not taking her baited words. “And this is?”

“A Bloody Mary. You of all people should have had one by now,” she balked. And as if it were the secondary theme of the evening, she waltzed away, going back to demons far less charming than he.

He started with the thermos, and as expected, black coffee. But there was a spiced note to it. Inside the boxes were small assortments of cooked vegetables and meats, savory and tangy and spicy wafting up to his nose. There was even a thing of okra and collard greens. Between this and the other foods, just how long had she labored in the kitchen?

He popped a few pieces and his mouth went alight. Phenomenally delightful! The tastes and textures were so reminiscent and akin to his home that he’d certainly have to get her recipes. Not that he would ask, but perhaps he’d have to watch her sometime form the shadows.

The throng of gabbing demons started their first feature of the evening, a musical sort of animation.

And while the shades patrolled the hotel, he found himself … distracted. Above the sounds of soft chatter was the occasional laughter. With each bought his ears focused in on a particular one, his eyes involuntarily dragging to Miss Miller. She was sandwiched in the gaggle of women, between Nifty and Charlie. Moments like these made her entire story seem like a hoax. A sham!

How could she be what she said and be so drawn to death? Drawn to the dangers and perils of Hell seemingly at every turn!

Alastor couldn’t fathom the end game of her situation. And despite that incessant nagging at the back of his skull over said dangers, he found relief.

But why? Why did he find his chest easing when —

Alastor shot up at the shades’ behest, melting away into the lobby.

The grand doors burst open, slamming into the walls, rattling the hallway paintings. And there was Angel Dust, heaving over a near-rupturing bedazzled suitcase.

“Wheeee— Oi, santo cazzo … where,” the spider wheezed, six arms against the door frame and his knees, “is my baby!?”

Husker’s head collided with the underside of the bar. Several glasses and bottles crashed and clattered. Nifty raced past, big eyeball tearing up, “ANGEL!”

Given her shrill cry, it wasn’t long until hotel patrons were trickling in, mumbling and muttering. Charlie and Vagatha were front and center suddenly. Alastor noted how a particular white haired menace was missing.

He found Miss Miller watching from the corner, eyes wide and hands wringing, those wings jittering. And despite all those nervous habits, she smiled with wet eyes.

Alastor perched his elbow atop her head, mocking a yawn, glancing down. “You’re not keen to celebrate the return of the prodigal slu*t?”

Her eyes snapped up, hand whacking just a tad too hard into his stomach. Alastor restrained the natural reaction to snarl and rub at the spot. Even still she left his arm on her skull.

“I plan to give it some time. There’s no point in rushing and freaking him out. He should probably get settled back in.”

“You intend to share our little sabbatical into espionage?”

“Eventually, he deserves to know that there isn’t a sword over his head. For now, I’m glad he’s back.”

Her lips snaked upward, that nervous energy melting into something calm and … more. Confidence? Perhaps even knowing.

“You expected this,” Alastor muttered, giving her an impressed look.

She shrugged, still staring at Angel Dust’s reunion with the patrons and pet pig.

“Not expected. I just like to think things through. You know … logic. If X then Y, if Y then Z and so on and so forth.”

“And if it had gone wrong?”

Miss Miller slipped out from under him.

“Well it isn’t like he can die twice. Now, I need to put up all that food.” As she stepped away, heading towards the ballroom, she winked.

Alastor grinned, feeling a twinge of mirth and something warmer than amusem*nt. For once he didn’t feel the need to inject himself into the lobby madness meandering back to the abandoned festivities. No point in letting his assortment of treats go to waste. Or an opportunity to harass his pretty prey.


Language notes:

Santo cazzo (Italian)
- - Holy f*ck

Chapter 33: Houdini


Charlie is starting a new program, landing Husk and Angel together.


Hello all!

Thank you so much for the patience! This chapter ....
Y'all, I tossed it and rewrote it more times than I ever care to admit.

It's a short one, and I'm sorry about that given the wait, but I love this one.

I had to dig deep into some of my own issues to get this one out right but here it is! The good news is that the other chapters are gonna come much faster compared to the wait between 32 and 33.

Love you! Please enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 142

“Good morning! I hope everyone had a wonderful breakfast! And thank you so much for joining me!”

“Like we had a choice Princess.”

Husk’s head throbbed from last night’s excess drinking. Not that it wasn’t always throbbing for one reason or another but this one felt particularly heinous. So here he was in the depths of this miserable fiasco, probably with alcohol poisoning. That’s what he gets for going to the parlor after being M.I.A. PissAnt, a demon who neither resembled piss or an ant, pulled out liquor from a lower ring. Hellborn sh*t was usually magic laced and gave the worst of alcoholics a rough ride.

“Today starts our Buddy Program! Once a week everyone is going to get a new partner to learn about! You’ll be assigned a chore to do that way we can foster a sense of community and teamwork. Each team receives a set of questions to fill out about their partner and their assignments. All that’s left is giddy up!”

Who taught her to say ‘giddy up’? Someone needed to be punched in the mouth.

Slowly but surely all the demons paired off. Threatening food and wifi access the patrons to participate with little fuss. Why did he have to participate though?

“And that just leaves … Husk and Angel Dust!”

His nausea doubled, threatening him, while something akin to cold sweats matted the fur of his neck. Anyone but Angel …

The p*rn star had been back for a week now, though not as excitable as before. Nifty seemed to be the only one who saw Angel and that was because the pig. Husk hated involuntarily noting the absence. Looking around and not seeing Angel was far more a nuisance than being picked on or set off.

Without the pink spider no one quite gave him the same attention. Didn’t listen. Didn’t scratch his head. Didn’t irritate the f*cking sh*t out of him. Everything turned felt monotonous.

Strange how wanting something and getting something weren’t the same.

Angel looked fine, all things considered. Tall and statuesque. Tongue working around a lollipop that stained the edge of his mouth a little too red.

Husk jerked his eyes away, sucking down half a bottle of something. It just made the nausea roll over him.

“So uh,” Angel slouched a bit, shrinking against the hallway, “How ya been Husky?”


“Heh. Yeah, that’s uh— good.” If it weren’t for his massive ears, he’d missed that breathy response entirely.

“Looks like Charlie wants us to take care of the laundry?”

He groaned, claw popping the cork out from a fresh bottle of wine. “Let’s just get this sh*t over with Legs. f*cking hate laundry.”

Glancing back, while wishing he hadn’t, it was painful to witness how small Angel looked. That meekness on across his face. The way two arms shoved into pockets, while another rubbed up and down.

Their eyes met just barely, but the more feminine stalled.

Angel Dust: p*rn star, pop star, silver screen damsel, and ex-mobster was acting like a frightened school girl. Husk could barely stomach it, especially when hearing that pitiful voice. “Seems like a weird thing to hate …”

No one expected Husk to indulge in conversation. Not a soul knew anything about him, not even Alastor, keeping death relatively simple. Miserable, but simple. “Always hated it.”

“Like back up top always?”

Husk jerked at the laundry room door. The knob to slammed through the drywall and the air scented with something … sharp?

Angel had jumped back from harsh racket, arms wrapped tight around that slender frame. This was why Husk avoided anyone and everyone. He always set them on edge one way or another. “Feel free to f*ck off Legs. Don’t need two of us slaving away down ‘ere.”

Three bed sheets in Husks noted how Angel hadn’t left, still in the doorway looking like some miserable street urchin.

“Fine,” he huffed launching balled up bedding at the spider. “Start filling up the other one with whites. And do not add the detergent. I’ll do that.”

Eventually, with nothing but the shuffling sound of linen, the washing machines were filled, leaving him with nothing better to do than wait. Husk slid down into the floor until he was comfortable enough to start drinking again. Angel kept standing, hands running back and forth along the slick white machine.

For five minutes he tried not to watch Angel, who was so obviously trying to come up with something to say. But since when did Angel Dust have trouble yammering? It reminded him of those long ago days, watching sick animals struggle to accomplish the most natural of tasks.

“So why’d you decide to do the laundry? Ya know, if ya hate it.”

There came a groan, punctuated by paw pads thumping on metal. “The f*ck you want to know for?”

Angel rolled the paper in between his hands. “Just somethin’ we gotta do.”

“Since when did you care about this bullsh*t redemption shtick?”

The sheet crumpled under trembling fingers. “You’ve heard. Every sh*t stain in the city’s heard. Val’s M.I.A and that’s left me in a weird spot. Plenty’a demons don’t like me ya know?”

“So? You can’t handle a few assholes?”

“I can handle a lotta assholes … but I can’t handle the hundreds of demons Valentino used me to f*ck over at the same time. I ain’t ready to go back to that! He’s gonna come back and— and he’s gonna! Oh f*ck. Then I’ll never— but then he’ll. I can’t take it, he’s make me …”

Husk couldn’t fathom how bad it all needed to be for Angel to overlook the opportunity a low hanging sexual comment. Then came the soft, ugly choking noises, punctuated by incoherent ramblings and gasps. Long legs rattled as the sobs built into a constricted mess.

Claws gripped on his tail, failing to tame the bristling. He couldn’t remove the invisible squeeze of his throat either. “I— uh, I’ll go grab ya something to drink.”

Uncomfortable was a sensation he knew all too well. From watching animals and people suffer and die. But when alive, death brought him a comfort, knowing that those physical injuries would have a concrete end. Dying never phased him but the connections that made death significant did.

Early on Husk understood the way harsh, vague sensations of emotional trauma accumulated in people. Bubbling and boiling to no end. It took so long for him to abandon that part of humanity, and in the end, there was a sort of peace in avoiding it. Especially in Hell.

Yet here he was, bringing back not only another bottle of wine, but a massive glass of water.

After rounding the door frame his natural senses warred. He didn’t see the towering demon, but he could hear a tight wheezing fighting with pitiful whimpering for dominance. There was the sharp scent of fear and demonic tears. Angel Dust managed to wedge his lithe frame between the drier and the wall, now rocking back and forth, mouth gasping and chattering.

Memories bounced through Husk. Images of soldiers, wondering if they’d make it home. Veterans lost to a war already over. Drunks lost in an alcohol fueled fugue. His own cold nights after his wife and kid were gone.

“Aye Legs, come on out of there.”

Husk tried again. And despite three or four more attempts, there was zero recognition.

A paw went out to tug on the hem of the striped jacket. Angel jerked back violently, arms going, knees pulling in so far that his famous fluff started to squish.

f*cking f*ck he’d always been bad at this. Once upon a time, he’d get up and leave. Folks snap out of it eventually. No one ever helped him through this. The inkling of ‘what if’ drifted though. What if someone had helped him through all that suffering? Husk rubbed his face, struggling.

“Makes me wonder how many asshats down here do this every day. If you consider all the military vets down here, near all of ‘em I suspect, that’s a lot. Then all the ones in your business. Then the actually evil ones. We’re all f*cked down here aren’t we?”

He took a long drink, settling across from Angel in the corner.

“My old man was the first one I ever saw break down. Mom wasn’t any better off really. They’d made it to the US somehow when I was baby. Always figured they were running, I just never learned what from. We all lived and worked in a hotel. That’s why I hate doing laundry. Spent the first 15 years of my life doing nothing but that.”

Cards appeared and Husk started shuffling and cutting the deck in intricate ways. Twirling some. Flicking around others. “Harry Houdini was dead by the time I learnt about him. Missed him by a few years. Then I met a man who pulled a piece of candy from behind my ear. Apparently he’d worked with Houdini and was starting his own vaudeville tour. I left with him to be an assistant. Turned out to be a piece of sh*t but eh, aren’t we all?”

Husk took a long drink of the wine. Over the bottle’s end he caught some movement. Angel had stopped shaking. Though still huddled up and shivering. How the f*ck could he be cold down here?

“That why you’s good with cards?”

“That schmuck couldn’t handle a deck to begin with.”

He fanned out the cards, offering them up to Angel to pick. The spider flinched, hand indecisively floating in the air. For a moment, Husk thought there would be another panic attack. Instead, Angel took the card closest to his hand, brushing it barely.

“You know what it is?”

Angel nodded. “Good, now put it back anywhere.”

For a dramatic flair he put manipulated the deck in to a riffle fan before spreading them onto the floor for a wash. Angel bent forward a little, mouth bent in confusion. Once back in a cohesive deck, he handed over a card.

“I thought you's was a pro Husky?”

“No that’s definitely your card.”

Angel flipped it over, shoving a 3 of spades in his face, “This ain’t mine!”

Husk grinned, full of teeth, “I think you ought check that out again.”

With a huff the spider demon checked the card again, mouth going slack.

“That your card, Legs?”

Cackling laughter burst out as the card, a queen of hearts, fell to the floor. Slowly, the sharp sound went away as Angel went forward, fists clenched against the tile. Then came a strained noise. One of holding back tears.

“Aye,” Husk gently patted atop Angel’s head. But it just shook, a resounding no as raw eyes barely peered up. His paw lowered, the other patting on his chest.

“Get over here.”

Angel launched forward, six arms grappling around the cat as the room went from silent to sound of sobbing wails. Plenty of f*cks would think this worse but he knew better. And he felt relieved for it.

Time wasn’t something he’d ever been good at keeping track of. And being in the basem*nt didn’t help either. The laundry definitely wasn’t done either.

“You’s a good man Husky.” Given the hushed muttering, he wasn’t supposed to hear that. And even so, his entire face burned. Thankfully his tail was between his back and the wall, keeping Angel from witnessing the nervous jittering.

Finally Angel got up, turning away fast to wipe away the tears. “Who ever heard of a grown man doin’ the housework?! Men ain’t got no business with a ladies work and I don’t see any other gals here! So—“

He pranced over to the washer, bending over as if nothing had happened. But the smile on Angel’s face told him differently. A lot of sh*t had happened.

Just as Angel went to pour in the detergent, he grabbed the bottle of bleach too. “Damnit Legs!”

He yanked the bottle away, leaning over Angel to point at the damp load. “These ain’t white! f*cking Hell, figures you’d be too attractive for house work.”

Slender arms wrapped around his waist, soft fur nuzzling into his neck. Coy lips dipped around his ear, ticking the fur. “Ohh so you think I’m attractive?”

Shivers and sparks cause the fur on his back to prickle. Husk did his best to swallow the looming purr in his throat, “Whatever. You wouldn’t be popular if you were ugly Angel.”

Angel’s cheek landed in the crook of his neck, nuzzling. “If you's says so Husky~”


Sooooooooo what'd ya think?

It isn't as spicy as people wanted, I know, but I tend towards realism in some areas of writing and I don't want to do a disservice to trauma. Husk and Angel have severe PTSD that's not been dealth with but I think Angel is far closer to dealing with his than Husk is.

I hope you like it! I did say slow burn? ^__^;;;

I'm sorry please forgive me D;


Chapter 34: Tightness


Angel gets to know what everyone knows.


Chapters will be coming more regularly since holidays are over. I'm turning old this week! Yayyyyy. Just not old enough for Shoney's.

Is Shoney's still a thing? Does anyone have one?

Fast food episode anyone?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 142

“I’m duty bound to inform you that Husker is adamant we make Angel Dust aware of his employment termination.”

His plaything stopped stirring, a sigh blowing away the pot’s steam. “Yeah, I guess now is as good as ever.”

“Alas good shows end eventually! Our distraught Angel Dust hopelessly playing the repentant sinner, unable to cope in the clutches of fame! Waiting for a deranged master that never arrives. How spectacular a plot! Making all that fuss for himself; a taste of true madness!”

“You really are awful.” He lounged across a kitchen chair as she moved to the fridge.

“I’m touched when you make note of my finer qualities, ma jolie proie!”

“He deserves to know. I genuinely thought waiting would help but if Husk thinks so, then it’s probably time.”

Alastor sneered at the wall, tamping down the instinct to grind his fangs. When did Husker’s temperamental, sullen opinion weigh so heavily on her decisions? As if the feline were the one who knew best! As if his own opinion was irrelevant!

“And when might we schedule this revelation?”


Her disdain was palpable even as she pulled something from the oven. A gnawing sensation bubbled within him.

“This is as much my little project, is it not? How terribly rude of you to try and cut me out of the spotlight!”

“Oh my god. Shame on me for trying not to make this harder than it should be! Do you need to be there?” Despite still facing the stove, her arms flailed outward, wings giving a shake.

“But of course! And I do hate missing the end of a show. And what if our ousted starlet isn’t so keen on how you’ve made him a pawn without his— oh, what was that word you like so much? Consent! There it is! As delightful as it is to see sinners’ true demonic forms— ”

Miss Miller still hadn’t looked at him. No, she was now contemplating off into empty air as per usual!

I despise you cowering for anyone but me.

“I understand. When are you available?”

Alastor’s eye twitched, mouth tightening across his fangs. She wasn’t doing anything for supper at the moment! So why, just why, was she staring off into nothingness, ignoring him?

Alastor took his thumb and forefinger, pinching the iridescent tips together, pulling them up to cause an uncomfortable tension. The immediate payoff was an utterly surprised keen, her back arching in a laughably animalistic way. Once upon a time he’d managed to catch a rabbit by the ears and before it stilled, it writhed and squirmed all the same.

Her head craned all the way back where she finally laid eyes on his looming form. Alastor gave her one of his lesser know smiles, a charming smirk, followed by a wink. “For you Miss Miller? Anytime.”

He released the decorative appendages. But while stumbling forward across the floor, Miss Miller ripped her eyes away again!

Irksome wretch!

Terrorizing her was all well and good but would he need to each time he wanted to catch her gaze?


The word violently crashed through his consciousness. “We shall meet in the morning! Good day to you!”

Alastor left in a way that felt like retreating. He was no coward! How foolish of him to consider something so unsightly!




This was all simply an annoyance given she’d lost her primary fear of him. An unfortunate circ*mstance, but perhaps unavoidable. All of Hell was immobilized by their reverence and dread of him! It was quite natural to find Miss Miller’s adjustment to him unfortunate. Nothing but a mere reflection of her foolishness surely. Letting her guard down. Trusting him.

What an utterly daft bearcat.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 141

Husk was drowning. Not in booze either. Nerves up and down and all through his body antagonized him. Mocking his anticipation.

Wings left a note that they were all meeting in Alastor’s office after breakfast. That was f*ck all early for him but given the subject matter, Husk couldn’t sleep or stop jittering. His stomach lurched, which meant he couldn’t keep the booze down and in turn left his head splitting.

f*ck this.

Scratching at wood was an unfortunate demonic trait, precisely like a house cat. The underside of the bar was in ribbons.

Sure he didn’t need to be there when Angel got the news.

But damnit, he wanted to be. When was the last time he’d actually wanted something?

Alastor didn’t glance up from his paper work as the cat barged in, perching right on the couch cushion’s. His leg bounced, claws starting to preen on the fabric.

“If you ruin the sofa I’ll be forced to use a squirt bottle Husker.”

He scoffed and grumbled, crossing his arms tight, “Where’s them dames at?”

Alastor snapped, a bar cart materializing within Husk’s reach. “You seem to be on edge my good man. I’ve heard patience is a virtue.”

Husker poured two fingers of the expensive stuff, never one to turn down Alastor’s private stash. “f*ck virtues. Neither of us got them. What’s holding this up, Al?”

“You’re the one who arrived early sourpuss, and if I recall, you were the one who initiated this entire circus.”

Alastor swiveled in his chair, all smiles. And in bizarrely good spirits. Despite Husker’s indentured servitude, the Radio Demon was fond of him. “Miss Miller is currently on her way here with our spidery fellow. I believe she was otherwise occupied this morning.”

“Heh," Husker snickered, grateful for anything else to focus on. “Gettin’ cozy with Wings lately? Keeping tabs on her?”

That vicious smile broadened but crooked, red eyes going narrow. “I’m afraid that I don’t know what you’re referring to.”

“Cut the sh*t Al. You’ve got my number and I’ve got yours. That girl is stupid enough to put up with your sh*t and seems to keep you not bored. And … she can’t hold her liquor as well as she thinks. Sometimes she gets a little loose lipped.”

Husk grinned. He’d won this round for sure as Alastor’s eyes flickered and mouth drew smaller. The lack of response said it all. When Alastor has a real problem, he typically ignored it.

“What’s the deal Al? If you can’t tell me, then you can’t tell anyone.”

There came a long pause, one where Husk almost imagined he’d made a fool’s mistake. Alastor laced his fingers, sitting up just a bit straighter. Another one of his tells. Anytime Alastor was questioned, he doubled down into that facade.

“She is particularly—”

The Radio Demon took a long drink, turning away to begrudgingly mutter, “ transfixing.”

Husk almost did a spit take.


Alastor looked almost reserved.

Maybe even bashful?

For as long as he knew that red bastard, people weren’t transfixing. Entertaining. Exciting. Expendable. Those were words he’d heard before. But whatever it was that transfixing meant, Alastor seemed to have a hard time processing it.

Husk knew he’d regret asking. “What's that supposed to mean Al?”

The words drew out slowly, as if testing them in the air. “Miss Miller lacks the notion of self preservation. Those fantastical moments of dread, followed by blossoming fear! And yet be the one to coax her out of such a wondrous state. The monster and the savior! A fine retelling of Jekyll and Hyde, I must say.”

The smile plastered across Alastor’s face was near euphoric.


Husk regretted asking now. Too late unfortunately.

“That’s f*cked Al.”

“You did ask.”

“You’re gonna seriously f*ck her in the head?” It was a question and an accusation.

Alastor’s mind ran wild with possibilities, leaving Husk to his libations. His little day dream was poetic. The Archangel of Protection at his feet. His prey. He could see it. How her lifespan left her craving fear and craving the need to feel protected. All that carved deep in her mind. Marks carved into her body. Delicious, hot, fresh blood. He felt the same way.

Hiding his identity despite being known for his voice, a prey to his father, to society, to his existence as a colored man. In Hell he stood powerful. Could hunt and proclaim himself aloud to everyone. It didn’t matter if they didn’t want to hear him. They would.

The conversation didn’t go further as the office door swung open, howling laughter entering with the dames.

Angel wasn’t in his typical outfit. Husk found it a refreshing sight. A long yellow dress with a pale blue corset shoved up under the fuzzy bust. A big white sun hat. It almost made the spider look happy. Not just fake happy.

The spider pushed the dragonfly over, accidentally knocking her to the floor. “Damnit doll, I thought you’d develop some kinda demonic strength by now.” Angel scratched the back of his head while she still laughed, sprawled out on the floor.

“What’s got her in stitches?”

Angel perked up on sight, not noticing the cat before.

Oh Husky baby~,” Angel purred, slinking over to the couch. The spider lewdly sprawled out, head in Husk’s lap.

Husker didn’t shove him into the floor and barely even groaned. Instead he flicked Angel’s hat with a grin. “Don’t get too comfortable Legs. Sit up.”

Angel’s face turned into confusion as he looked between Mia, still on the floor catching her breath, then Alastor, watching over her from the corner of his eye.

“What the f*ck is this sh*t? This better not be some kinda intervention. Them sh*ts is borin'. And why we in Smiles’ office any who? I didn’t do anything! I swear!” His voice was starting to rise, eyes going wide.

Husk’s paw landed on Angel’s arm, muttering, “It’s ok Legs.”

Wings took the empty cushion next to Angel and smiled. “The three of us worked on something for you. If you’ll have it that is.”

Her voice was hesitant, looking up at him meekly. All of this worried Angel and it showed. “Why’s it the three of ya? Not Princess and Vaggie?”

“They wouldn’t have agreed with our little side project! Certain deals take expert negotiators!” Alastor chimed, leaning against his desk.

Angel took a second as the thoughts in his brain slowly rolled together. He jerked up off the couch, using enough hands to point at each of them. “You guys is the reason I got fired! Val’s gonna f*ckin’ kill me ya know that?! You don’t know what you’ve done!” Anger and fear seeped into his voice but he noticed Alastor producing a thin stack of papers then handed them to Mia.

“What's that?” His voice went weak, fear overtaking anger.

“This is your contract,” she said handing him the stack, “and Arackniss's. There are also receipts of transfer.” Mia’s voice was soft, calm, and slow, trying to sooth him through the process.

The room fell silent as he used all six arms to inspect the contracts at rapid fire. There were three receipts. One receipt stated a transfer of Arackniss's contract from Alastor to Mia. The second was a receipt was for a transfer of his contract, from Valentino to an A.L., the same day p*rn Studios started goin’ to sh*t. The final one stated his contract’s transfer from A.L. to Mia.

Angel collapsed to his knees.

“Wh— w-why? Why do you’s have these?” He whispered, trembling in place.

“For you.” Husk answered.

“And how’d you convince Val to give me up!?” It came out as a biting bark, Angel’s teary eyes searching for an answer he couldn’t understand.

Alastor snickered and grinned, feigning to inspect his claws. “That fiend found a better offer!”

“So Val’s disappearance … How did you— No, where did he go?! What did you do??” Angel’s shoulders shook violently as a sob built in his chest, but just before the climax Husk knelt down in the floor, grabbing one of his hands.

“Ah ah ah! Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth our spindly friend! Best to leave those details to their newly minted mistress.”

Mia threw Alastor a fearsome look but went to Angel’s side, “Please ignore him. That being said, we were hoping you’d allow me to keep the contract until the date listed.”

“Why’s you need ‘em?” Angel glared, defensive and rightfully scared.

Husk noted how Mia and Alastor shared a particularly knowing look. The kind where they were definitely debating something without words. Alastor’s hand swept out and she cleared her throat, “That is the day when Alastor will be crowned the reigning Prince of Pride.”

Both fuzzy demons choked on air, but Husk recovered first, jumping to his feet. “What the f*ck she talking about Al?”

“Yes indeed my good friends! I’ve made a deal with the Devil himself! While those details are strictly confidential, there will come a point where I, a humble radio host, will become the Prince of Pride! Once that time comes, anyone residing within this fine establishment will have contracts to the hotel thus barring them from making bargains of less reputable means! It is an investment in this venue’s future success!” His staff cheering and spewed fan fair while the other two remained frozen.

Mia interjected, “And before I forget, everyone in this room has to sign a NDA contract. Sorry, but this protects me too.”

“What the f*ck though? How’d you have a hand in this sh*t?!” Angel squalled.

She laughed nervously pointedly avoiding Angel’s intense gaze. “I’m also bound by my honor to keep that a secret.”

The NDA materialized. Alastor, Husk, and Mia signed it without a second thought but Angel hesitated.

“Please? I mean, it isn’t like I let Alastor keep the papers full time anyway.” The not-so-much-a-joke joke seemed to dissolve some of the tension. “No offense.”

He shrugged, “None taken, darling!”

With the paper signed, she sighed in relief with a smile. “So Angel, you’re ok with me keeping the contracts until Alastor’s promotion?”

He didn’t say anything, but instead started blubbering tears.

Six thin arms picked her and Husk up at the same time, spinning them around the room. Angel laughed and sobbed and smiled, spouting off in incomprehensible Italian. He fell over with the two still locked in.

Alastor sneered watching the touching. Husk could imagine just what that singular twitching eye entailed. Probably burning the rug and ripping up the floor.

Angel kissed the cheeks of Mia and Husk, “You get down here too Smiles!”

Static crackled and rolled. In a lightning jump, Angel landed a small smooch on Alastor’s temple.

“No! Back you despicable pansy! Away with you!” he shouted, thoroughly whacking Angel with his microphone, shadows growing up and out in the room.

Silence settled back into the room. Angel fidgeted and rubbed his palms together, starting to bounce his leg. Then his hands started to wipe at his eyes despite a smile. “I think I need to go lay down or something. Feelin’ kinda dizzy and all that.”

“Of course. We can talk more later. If you want to. Maybe have some waffles with Nuggs?” Wings gave him a soft smile but the tears were already starting again as Angel nodded.

Husk gingerly directed the spider towards the door, flashing her a soft grin. “That pig f*cking loves waffles.”


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 141

And there it was.

Their dirty work was done.

Miss Miller glowed, eyeing the contracts. She had no use for them, contractually obligated to never call on them, and her ownership meant that Angel Dust and Arackniss couldn’t have their souls claimed by anyone else.

She’d protected them. “I do suppose congratulations are in order?”

The bonus was that Valentino was gone. Even if he tried to find out who f*cked him over, their tracks were covered.

And even still the Goetic Order prosecuting one of Pride’s most famous overlords wouldn’t cause an internal investigation anytime soon.

“We did it!”

Her face glowed, resembling Charlie in a fit of happiness. She bounced excitedly and even twirled around. Of course this wasn’t as entertaining as watching her cower.

Husker’s unappreciated insight nagged at him. Was this woman becoming a weak point for him? Her convoluted life intrigued him. An ex-angel human parading about Hell as a demon. Committing to saving the souls of sinners.


She quirked an eyebrow at him. “I said we did it. Angel is out of his abysmal situation and you no longer owe me anything. So yes, congratulations!”

Alastor paused, uncertain about the spreading weight in his torso. Owing another being was a detestable weak spot! Shouldn’t he be ecstatic to rid himself of such a nuisance?

Why wasn’t he giddy to be rid of this preposterous simpleton!?

“Guess I’ll be out of your hair now. Uhm, even though it was an agreement, I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you Alastor.” She flashed him a warm, sincere, far too endearing smile as her hand landed on the door know.

How could his chest feel so tight?

“Miss Miller,” Alastor called out. As her head whipped around, eyes wide and curious, he realized he had nothing to say.

A few seconds passed before her head tilted in place of a question. A red claw gestured to her shirt. Her eyebrows stitched together as she glanced down. As soon as she did he flicked her on the nose.

“Oh for f*ck’s sake.” She groaned, but that annoyed expression split into a grin regardless. “Oldest trick in the book Alastor! It won’t happen again!”

Her fist knocked into his chest as she grinned, finally leaving his office.

As the door shut and her laughter faded away, his smile fell. And it felt like a boulder was caught in his throat.


Not much to say! Hope you like :3

More is coming but the next few chapters are gonna be more along the slice of life format?

Just like, cute sh*t I guess.
Thank you for reading!

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If there's anything you guys want to see in particular, just drop it in the comments. There's a lot of story left to be had so who knows! Especially if you want more of lesser seen side characters.

Chapter 35: Glamour


The hotel is preparing for a party!


Welcome back to my version of the obligatory anime beach episode. I will look for any excuse to have a fictional party.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse:134

Days rolled by without incident. Since Angel’s return, Charlie’s stress near evaporated! In turn, Vaggie chilled out to the point of terrifying the patrons.

And given Angel’s mobster background, Mia introduced him to I.M.P. The demons caught on like matches and kerosene, bonding over their mutually absurd devotion to firearms. Even if he couldn’t traverse the rings like they could, he was well equipped to drum up business.

Husk seemed to reap the benefits too. Mia wouldn’t say the two were in a relationship and she wouldn’t say they were polite to each other but something was happening. Icing on her proverbial cake.

She felt proud and warm now, doubling down on her hotel work. The world felt like it was turning!

All the overt positivity fueled Charlie into hosting a recruiting event, a soiree at the hotel. Unofficially the ball was dedicated to Angel’s progress. He got to choose the theme of Old Italian Hollywood Glamour. As fun as it all sounded, that meant Mia became a kitchen wench for five straight days, bossing around any unfortunate soul she could force into helping. Several of the patrons had taken to skipping meals in fear of being dragged into her manic, commanding preparations.

“Oh my f*cking wrists,” she huffed.

“Could you just get the f*ck out of here?” Crymini snarled, thoroughly soaked from washing the massive pots.

“With Charlie checking in every hour, I believe we’ll be well off for now. Why not have a short rest? Razzle and Dazzle won’t let anything go awry.” Irina was terribly kind on the days she wasn’t having a psychotic relapse.

Dazzle fluttered up, grabbing the fabric of her shoulder, dragging her out to the hall. “Ok! Ok! I’m going. I’ll be back to finish up around—”

It was only 9AM?? Everyday she’d come to the kitchen at 4AM just to get everything done. Not that she needed to technically but for Charlie? Who was she kidding, she was hopeless. Was this how Lucifer felt?

Mai couldn't fathom how she'd become so dedicated to her demonic niece.

The party would start at 7PM and eventually she needed to sleep, shower, and find a decent enough outfit to work the whole thing. She could always ask Charlie to conjure something but, the last time she’d made that sort of request her lovely niece had taken it a tad too far. Apparently there was a reason Charlie didn’t lean on magic for everything. Between that wild imagination and overwhelming, potentially world ending powers it was hard to control for such menial tasks.

“I’ll be back to check everything! Text me if something comes up please! And keep Fat Nugget out of the cannolis!” Her pleas fell on demonically deaf ears as Charlie’s tiny red demons saluted and shoved her away.

Having a coup in her kitchen left her skin crawling! For months that was her domain and now she couldn’t even step foot in it!

Mia retreated to her garden hammock, hoping to hide under the purple leaf canopy. Hell's weather was rarely so nice. Exhaustion caught up fast and pushed her into sleep. She wasn't conscious enough to worry about the lulling, combing sensation through her hair.

… Michael, I’m …

Adrenaline wrenched her awake as if the voice were in her ear. She already had the knife from under her pillow, scanning the room.

But it was just her.

A dream?

No, it was a memory. A ghostly, all too real memory that left her chest hurting. In waking up she couldn't even remember how the voice sounded, leaving her lost and frustrated. Her fists slammed downward into the ... mattress?

“Not again.” As of late she’d been dozing off around the hotel by accident. The lobby, the piano, the kitchen table.

The memories were harder lately, more vivid. Usually Mia woke up back in bed with the glamour ring removed. Guilt cut through her, knowing it had to be Gabriel looking out for her. He'd been in Hell all week but kept his distance. They’d not spoken since their fight but maybe it was time. For him to go to these lengths just to watch over her felt ridiculous and she was over the cold shoulder. Mia felt cruel suddenly. Since when did she hold a grudge?

Life was too short for spite with her dedicated, grumpy brother. She’d talk to him today.

After a gloriously scalding shower she spotted a particularly sizable box on her coffee table, covered in elegantly embossed black velvet.

Inside she found a smaller box and a gown so fine that it looked like liquid moonlight. Paler than silver, but more tonal than white. It matched her hair and wings and eyes all at the same time.

Awestruck she pulled the gown up to her body. There were long, delicately jeweled sleeves with deep plunges in the front and back. The drop waist panels came to point past the small of her back then flowed to the floor. A perfect length to dance in and it would sparkle like magic under the ballroom lights.

There were also a pair of t-strap heels, the exact color of her inky skin. Mia couldn’t imagine anyone who knew her this well. Who could know her body this intimately? It certainly wasn't Lucifer. He would have left a funny note or chosen a dress far more racy.

That left Charlie or Gabriel. They certainly knew her the best. Warily she eyed to the small box, almost scared to open it. She feared what gaudy accessory laid in wait. Mia would wear it because she loved her family dearly, but oh did her stomach twist.

What would be worse? An extravagant, flamboyant accessory from Charlie or something so terribly mismatched that it looked like a gag from Gabriel?

After a deep breath, she opened the box. Despite her immediate confusion, Mia was relieved. Overjoyed even! Maybe they deserved more credit. Diamonds of various clarities, rubies, and garnets came together in asymmetric clusters to form a choker.

Immediately she put on the necklace, fingers gliding against the stones. Even though it was far too early for her to get dressed Mia raced to put on the gown and shoes. No longer was she some dragonfly demoness but rather an ethereal fae goddess. If only she had a crown. Her wild bedhead made her look like the ruler in a high fantasy novel.

Brush in hand she started experimenting on her hair. Eventually she settled on a smooth, thick bun at the base of her skull. With her hair coifed she stood up and stared at a completely different image. This time she a vintage Hollywood starlet: coy, beautiful, and daring.

There had to be magic woven into the dress. There was no other way explanation for how finely it fit, hugging the curves of her waist and back to her tail bone.

A furious beep set off, reminding her to check in with the kitchen. Mia thanked herself for having the foresight to set an alarm as she pulled on her clothes back on.

Downstairs she found everything particularly immaculate thanks to Razzle and Dazzle. Her earlier hostages had been dismissed and were loitering and gabbing in the hallway, eyeing various new demons.

The three were giggling away as Mia wiggled into the group. “What are you chatting about?”

Crymini snickered as Irina gave a soft glance to an uncharacteristically stoic Nifty. Mia followed the single eye down the hall to the lobby, finding an unexpected guest.


Mia forgot good manners and rushed towards her demonic disguised brother. This form sported a third eye where his scar usually was, two fangs splitting the edges of his blueish mouth, with his skin was acid green dappled with asymmetric cobalt marks. Between the sharp features and thin proportions he looked exactly like an anime character.

Of course Nifty was so awe struck.

That edgy, fashionable, J-Pop violet tuxedo didn’t help much either. Well, that and the makeup and the chains. Vassago might put all in attendance to shame.

“What are you doing here?” They both stopped, thinking better of hugging this time.

He shrugged, showing her his phone screen. A text from Luci telling him about the party.

“Oh. I thought you didn’t come down here anymore?”

He shrugged, “I make a point to visit every few years or so. I figured stopping by to see you and inspect all this would be interesting. And I’m here with Air Bud.”

Mia guess that was as good a reason as anything else. At least now she could find Gabriel and maybe smooth things over.

“Do you have a date for this evening?”

“Ew you already tried screwing Gabe,” he mocked jabbing an elbow into her.

She rubbed her rib cage, pointedly ignoring that. “You didn’t leave an expensive looking box in my room did you?”

Vassago shook his head. “Sounds more like Luci.”

So much for that mayfly theory. “Wait for me here, there’s someone I’d like you to meet!” Vassago leaned against the wall, flipping his hair and winking at the gaggle.

“Nifty, can you come here for a second?”

The small cyclops’ eye twitched on one side. If Mia was going to die in Hell, she could see Nifty being the one to do it.

“He’s an old family friend I invited to the party. Would you mind if I introduced you to him? I think he needs a date.” Mia winked suggestively at Nifty who went from homicidal yandere to sparkly doe-eyed immediately.

But as soon as it started, her expression tore away, an unfamiliar fearfulness swallowing her small frame. “He’s out of my league …”

Mia’s knees hit the floor, grabbing one of Nifty’s hands.

“You’ve worked hard to help make this happen and even if he isn’t the one, shouldn’t you at least have some fun tonight?”

A small tear pricked Nifty’s eye, followed by a sniffle. Even still the cyclops girl made one glance at Vassago and straightened up, ready.

During the introduction, she was surprised by how charismatic and calm Nifty seemed all so suddenly. Mia meandered away, turning around every so often to watch her handy work.

Eventually she backed into what felt like a wall. Her eyes shot upward to find Alastor shifting his gaze from Nifty to her and back. They hadn’t spoken since concluding their business. With the party planning and training and working, she hadn’t thought too much of it. Her body relaxed against his chest, even as his imposing form loomed above. From this angle she noticed just how fluffy his bangs were. Mia bit down the urge to ruffle them.

“Long time, no see. How’s the weather up there?”

“Surely you’re more clever than that Miss Miller! Perhaps your wits are waning?

“Sue me. If you can’t tell I’ve been busy.”

”As I’ve heard! It seems you’ve found yet another task for Nifty?”

“Just introducing her to an old family friend. I think they’ll get along a little too well.” As if on cue Vassago glanced over at her curiously, three eyes expertly gesturing to Alastor. Mia stuck out her tongue and Vassago returned the gesture, ending their obviously mature exchange. Alastor extended her his arm and she accepted, following him away from the first floor chaos.

“I suspect you mean a brother.”

“You’re a fast learner. Yes, that’s Vassago, a Prince of the Ars Goetia and one of the Fallen.”

“Are there no siblings from which you aren’t estranged, my dear?” Mia huffed, not keen to the thought no matter how true it was.

“I don’t think so. According to Luci several siblings keep a portrait of me as a dart board. Gabriel is always angry at me. I’ve only recently buried the proverbial hatchet with Vassago and Luci.”


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse:134

Alastor half checked out of her rambling as she began chattering about the evening’s festivities. Only now as they strolled outside the building did he realize that he’d sought out her company.

Over the week he’d sequestered away to avoid this foul nagging. And yet it bled through! On a nightly patrol he found Miss Miller asleep and frightfully defenseless against even the weakest of demons! That time he’d done well by ignoring the intrusive feeling.

Or so he liked to tell himself. Alastor went back and forth to check on her slumped form six times only able to leave once Vagatha found her. The second night was what tormented him though.

Alastor delighted in being a proper gentleman! But now he found himself in a conundrum. Chivalry and duty dictated that he not leave her in such a vulnerable position.But how?!

Why not wake her and force her to bed? First, it seemed terribly rude with the impending festivities. Second, Alastor wasn’t quite able to bring himself to no matter how much it writhed in him that he should! If she woke up he'd have to talk with her and face that bizarre urge in his gut. Usually he indulged the need to terrorize others or get his kicks. Her entire existence plagued him.

On the other hand he couldn’t just enter a young woman’s bedroom. The indecency of it!

He'd struggled with the decision, pacing up and down the hall with what to do. On his seventh lap though he found the lizard shrink observing Miss Miller. All from a safe distance but a fierceness twisted inside, blackness leaching out of him. The sight reminded him of one too many things. Their evening with Valentino. A terribly unfortunate victim of his. His mother.

There was no way around it. He created a diversion down the hall, startling the doctor away, before gathering up his foolish prey.He'd resolved to only give in once.

Once became four though, including today when he saw her climb into the hammock. After days of torment, he gave in immediately, letting his claws stroke her hair.

Even without their official business agreement she was his prey! Self control never suited Alastor anyway. He was entitled to what was his. To what he wanted. If tormenting her entertained him than so be it! And to enjoy tormenting her, she needed to be well rested. Certainly!

Why else would he have spent the afternoon watching over her sleep, reading aloud to quell her troublesome tossing and turning.

Perfectly natural. Predators were entitled to to their prey.

So here he was again, playing security for the hotel and one particularly unwitting human. It was fine for now, given the work being done. One evening Nifty came home to escape the hotel, covered in flour and exhausted.

— — —

2 Days Ago

“Nifty, did you try Angel’s substances again?” he teased. Alastor lounged in his living room arm chair, picking through a Shakespearian anthology.

With enough charm and drama to rival Alastor, Nifty played fainting onto the rug of the floor. Her tiny body was spent, eyelid drooping. “Oh Al! We’ve been at it all day! I’ve washed all the dishes four or five or six times over and they stay dirty! We made dough and dough and dough and dough and dough and dough and dough dough dough dough AHHH! I HATE DOUGH.”

“And why have you taken up baking so suddenly?”

Nifty popped up with life and skittered over, standing in his lap, hands smushing his cheeks. “You don’t know?!”

“We’re having a party! A huge party! Charlie and Vaggie are celebrating how Angel isn’t a paid, deranged slu*t anymore! I mean, I guess he’s free slu*t now but there’s food and dancing! And! And it’s old timey! We can dress up!”

She rattled on about the foods they made, as Alastor snapped her clean and fresh. Nifty settled in his lap, picking up the book like a child, curious as to what her may-as-well-have-been-adoptive-father was reading.

“Are you excited?”

“I’d be more excited if I had a date.” Alastor chuckled as she harrumphed. Young women would be the same in any decade. Long ago he learned that Nifty had zero interest in using his status as an overlord to influence her love life. So he minded his own business, letting her tell him only what she wanted him to know.

“Will you go?”

“But of course! You know I simply can’t resist a soiree! Laissez les bons temps rouler!” Her smile turned mischievous. Despite him respecting her boundaries, she did not know how to respect his.

“I think you need a date Al.”

His eyes narrowed, “And with whom might you suggest Nifty?”

“Hrmmmmmm,” a finger tapped her lips in mock contemplation, “Few women are good enough dancers to be your partner! You could always invite Rosie or Mimzy, but I don’t like them!”

Nifty stayed firm to her belief that neither one of the women were good enough for him. Not that that was ever even a conversation to be had but she couldn’t see any two people in a room without imagining a deranged sort of relationship. He’d learned that the hard way over the years.

“What about Mia? She’s a fantastic dancer!”

“Is she now?” He feigned disinterest, pretending to be distracted by the book.

Nifty continued on. “But it’s too bad!”

Damn her wiles and ways. His eyes slid to her and she gleamed knowing she had him hook, line, and sinker.

“Oh she just may not go is all. She’s been doing all of the work for dinner and Milton is so strict with her, that she hasn’t had the chance to get something to wear! I can’t imagine her trying to go anyway covered in flour! Just like a sad Cinderella!”


That’s all Nifty got out of him on the matter but it was all she needed. In a display of affection she pecked him on the cheek and sped out of the room as if running from a bomb. He tolerated this in private with her though.

A two piece phone appeared, floating in the air, “Ah my dear Rosie! I have business for the hotel and need a rushed delivery. Of course I’d be delighted to visit tomorrow. You are the fairest host in Hell after all! I’m more than happy to bring my reserved goods.”


The daylight glinted off her necklace, reminding him of that delicious blood, just as it had at Rosie's. “Getting ready early are we?”

Her hand shot up to her neck. She chuckled nervously and shrugged, looking particularly flustered. "I was trying on an outfit for tonight and forgot to take it off.”

She seemed none the wiser and that suited him fine. “Nifty informed me you would forego tonight's shindig!”

“I fixed my issue earlier actually. Though now I have a mystery to solve.”

Much to his irritation their stroll was cut short by crossing paths with her mongrel brother. Alastor noted two razor sharp swords in hand and just how deftly the man moved. Now he didn’t see just some demon, but what was meant to be: an archangel.

Miss Miller dropped his arm like it burned, face twisting with nervousness. They’d been noticed and the mutt stormed over, swords still in hand. The weapons weren't uncommon in Hell but the blades carried a familiar glint that left him wary.

“A word with you sister,” he ground out. She stepped forward, not sparing Alastor a glance, hands wringing.

“Uhm, shouldn’t you be getting cleaned up for the party? And then maybe we could talk beforehand! If I knew Vas was coming we could have had lunch or something. But maybe tomorrow? Invite Charlie? Have a family day?” Since when did this disastrous bearcat try to placate someone?

Mutt’s teeth bared with a rumble, leaning in over her form. “Mia, we have company.”

The way his massive, angry form loomed over her nervous form put Alastor on the verge malice. Still, he'd dealt with angels before, and only the lesser kind. Would he be foolish enough to pick a fight with the Saint Gabriel? The answer was yes it seemed as she stepped in. Miss Miller steeled though, pulling her shoulders back.

“He knows Gabe. It’s fine. Can we just talk later, please? I'll explain everything bu-”

A hot wind whirled and whipped, the snarling dog’s eyes flashing blue. “You told him? This heinous sinner? Have you lost all your good sense finally Michael?”

Her chin tipped up, arms crossing. Alastor found her familiar, perhaps misguided confidence to be a relief.

“You know what,” she bit, causing him to grin. There was the fiesty heathen. “I wouldn’t have let it spill to anyone if just maybe you hadn’t been such an ass! If maybe you’d included me on what’s going on! That’s what happens when people get left out Gabe! They make do! So I made do!”

“But with him?! Why? Never mind that, you're merely human and this disgusting place disfigures mortals.”

“Oh so now you’re interested in how I’m doing? In what I think? I was human when you found me Gabe and it wasn't so disgusting when we were going to cafes!”

“You don’t understand what you’ve done Michael!”

“Well whose fault is that!? Damnit, I want to talk today! Not about this but you just can’t stand it can you? I’ve apologized so many times! I can’t just blindly follow you off into the unknown and I can't become a seraphim!”

“You’ve not listened to me in millenia! It's as if you're stained! Destined to seek out these wretched souls!”

“That’s not fair and you know it!”

The canine man snarled and rubbed his face, waves of magic rolling off. “You’re going to do what you want! If the Pagans come suck us dry because you can’t keep your mouth screwed shut then don’t come crying to me.”

“I’m not even worth eating!” She shot back.

“It doesn’t mean they won’t try!”

“Oh because I won’t just get to do it all over again?”

“You are an ungrateful charlatan!”

“You’re an overbearing jerk!”

Alastor took a step back as their squabble devolved into hateful insults. A prayer passed through his mind, grateful only to his mother for the gift of zero siblings.This entire exchange left him more uneasy than the time he'd stumbled into a brothel by mistake during the 40s.

Miss Miller groaned and scowled, starting to huff her way back to the hotel. Even from behind he could tell she was wiping away angry tears, cursing back to the hotel. Of course her exit was terribly rude but some things couldn't be helped.

It as then he noticed the mutt's glare. Alastor met it with lofty smile, twirling his mic.

”I know exactly who and what you are. A despicable, vile creature,” the angel said, voice low and seeping with venom.

“I’m certain my company pales in comparison to that of a literal Saint Gabriel.”

A curved, gleaming blade leveled under his chin, but Alastor didn't fret. " Empty threats won't shake me your Holiness."

“Stay away from Michael.”

“These modern women rarely take to controlling, deceitful patronizers. Why it's all they talk about in this day and age!” Alastor’s head clicked to the side, eyes turning to dials, knowing how men in his day had near indisputable control of women. He’d love to see Gabriel be squashed by his rambunctious bearcat. Perhaps he could sell tickets to such a show!

"You will never be enough." The demonic form fell away revealing an unfortunately agreeable face. A darkness fell over the angel’s features right as he faded into the wind.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse:134

Mia stewed in her room, trying to calm down before getting ready. She needed to be spectacular to match the dress but she'd spent the last hour bawling and wailing into her bed. Thus her text invitation to Angel who waltzed in with his pig and a hefty cosmetics case.

“I’ve come with the goods toots! Kinda miss gettin’ dolled up with other girls ya know?”

Before she could even get him settled in a spot he stopped dead at the dress box, “Wowza! Momma Mia, where’d you get that?”

“I’m not entirely sure, actually.” Already he was inspecting the dress and then the box.

“How can you not be sure? Ya hot babe, don’t get me wrong but this ain’t just some gift from some John! Especially if this includes the jewels above your tit*. Nope this is uh—”

A strangeness twisted in her stomach as he handed her the lid, eyeing her, “Reckon you and Smiles got close?”

Surely that wasn’t what Angel meant. She’d just seen Alastor and he would have definitely said something snarky about it. “I don’t understand.”

“I mean, coulda been Princess?”

Her head shook. “Charlie can’t keep secrets.”

“Figures since it’s from Rosie’s. Rosie is the Hell-born overlord of Cannibal Colony. She’s been buddy-buddy with Al since he got here. A lotta girls at Val’s can’t afford her sh*t, let alone the custom drip. Even then she’s got months to years long wait lists. Al pulled double overtime on this toots.” The inside of the box lid read ‘Rosie’s Emporium’ in pink.

Mia’s stomach dropped down so far, she’d need to climb in the sewer to find it. Her tight voice squeaked, “What do you think it means?”

“Beats the f*ck outta me! Put it on, I wanna see it! Put. It. On!” He said gleefully, ignoring her Radio Demon inflicted dilemma. Angel stuffed Mia into the gown and pulled her hair into a sloppy version of the bun.

“Damn this is some fancy sh*t!”

“I know! So what does it mean?”

“Maybe he just tryin’ to do ya a solid? I mean, yous did work together on,” Angel turned bashful, turning away, “ya know. He could also be doing this to f*ck with ya head. It's his favorite hobby and ya are his favorite toy.”

“Spider say what?”

“Oh don’t play dumb,” he exasperated. Angel grabbed her shoulders, forcing her into the chair, starting to pull out various cosmetics.

“Al knew you’d look like a mother f*ckin’ bombshell in this or whatever old, lame-ass bullsh*t compliment is the equivalent of that. Could it be somethin' else? Eh maybe, but nah. Husky and I talked about you and Smiles. He thinks there’s something on Al’s end but yous DID NOT hear it from me, got it? I dunno what kinda somethin', but you seem to be into it?”

Her heart rate picked up, leg bouncing. Could Alastor really be into her? And what did that even mean for someone like Alastor?

Was she into it? That seemed entirely not right! Being some kind of toy blood bank that he terrorized? With that awful and handsome smile?

On plenty of occasions she rejected guys who were charming or hot, all because they were mundane or normal or not enough some how. She thought of their mind games and power struggles. f*ck she was even starting to look back fondly on some of their more horrifying bouts. He made her feel strangely precious and she could at least be real with him.

“Oh f*ck Angel.”

His face said it all.


Are you at the party? We need to talk. Tonight.

Mia paced in the elevator, waiting for Gabriel’s reply. She hoped he was. She was so sick of this! And after everything he'd said? It raked her down to her core but maybe he was hurt? Maybe there was something happening that she couldn't understand.

And for all the demons in Hell, surely Alastor wasn’t the worst of them. At least, not worse enough to merit a specific warning every single time. There were all Gabriel’s previous excuses but she didn’t believe them anymore.

I’m sorry! I am. You were trying to protect me and I know you think I’m an entitled brat but we need to get past this. Please Gabe.

Was it because of becoming the Prince of Pride?

They’d grown so far apart that asking him anything felt astronomical! And there had to be more lies, or at least hidden truths. She’d been angry about Gemma but she had to get past it. She needed to fix their relationship. Mia refused to die before that. God and punishments and secrets could wait!

No. I’m with Lucifer. Enjoy the party.

The text message all but punched her in the gut. Was this how it was going to be for good? Was this how it had been before?

Why couldn’t she just be Michael?

The elevator dinged open. Mia shoved her feelings down as far as the basem*nt and would deal with it tomorrow whether Gabriel wanted to or not.

The party was well underway by the time she finished unnecessarily checking the kitchen. Razzle and Dazzle were sick of her and used their own magic to teleport her out the door!

Demons drifted around the ballroom entrance, entranced by the transformation inside. Mia gapped as well at the glorious, old Hollywood scene that mixed with Italian romanticism.

Mia Bella! Venire!” Two elegantly gloves arms dragged her to their familiar gaggle. Charlie and Vaggie stood arm in arm, now waving. Husk drank from a glass, sneakily eyeing her above a snarky grin.

“Nice get up Wings.”

Had Angel …?

Mia wanted to scold the spider demon, knowing that he must have mentioned the dress to Husk.

“Charlie all of this looks beautiful!”

“Yes! Between this and the Halloween party, Al is definitely the hotel decorator. And you look so amazing!” Hugs went around quickly, Mia feeling warm anytime she was reminded of the Radio Demon. And given how he’d designed the entire evening, she couldn’t get her mind off him.

“And where is Alastor?” Hopefully that sounded casual. And thankfully no one noted on it but Vaggie’s singular eye lingered on her just a bit too long.

“He’s making security rounds since we have so many strangers in the building. The wards will keep anyone out of places they shouldn’t be though!”

Mia wondered whose wards they were but she didn’t have time to ask as the music picked up, calling all the couples to the floor. Before they could run off though she grabbed Husk and Angel. “Have you seen Nifty?”

Angel thumbed to the corner where the tiny demoness sat with her brother, both glued to a singular laptop screen, gabbing away. “Yeah she’s drooling over that pretty boy!”

Sneakily she took several photos for later, happy to see Vassago and Nifty getting along and looking impressively normal.

“For f*ck’s sake how does a guy get a drink around here?” Mia yelped, spinning around.

The dismayed, irritated voice belonged to a demon man she’d never seen before. Agitated, Mia's arm jerked to the drink table right next to him. “The drinks are right there, please feel free to help yourself.”

“Figures there wouldn’t be any staff in this dump.”

As he reached for a glass, Mia snatched it from his hand. “We don’t have enough staff to serve guests. And, thank you very much, our staff aren’t slaves. They’re volunteers and this is as much for them as it is for the patrons.”

“You kinda remind me of my ex. Look like her too.” Green fangs flashed as red and aqua eyes squinted with mirth, “Dance with me pretty lady.”

She frowned, skin crawling. Snow ball's chance in Hell! Though it had snowed several feet a week ago. All evening she’d hoped to dance with Alastor first. Maybe only even. Mia dropped the glass as greenish fingers forcibly laced through hers.

The audacity! What was it about Hell that left all these guys thinking they could jerk women around!? Ok, that was a phenomenally stupid question but still! Mia wasn’t scared, not after everything else, finding this jerk laughable. For once the situation felt in her control, not interested in anyone coming to save her. And she didn’t want to cause a scene.

The oddly familiar stranger dragged her into the throng of dancers. Maybe he was merely a piece of sh*t and not someone looking to maim her? He yanked their laced hands into the air, Mia unable to break the demonic grip. His free hand grabbed her other wrist, now swinging them around with no regard for her footing. “You’re actually a terrible dancer! Did you learn from a dying fish?”

Her feet caught on his and now he was virtually dangling her by the arms, causing others to start tripping as well. He looked dumbstruck and offended. “I’ve had the finest teachers in Hell! You should watch who you’re talking to!”

Having enough of this overgrown toddler Mia caught her footing, driving her heel into his shin while leveraging his arm into a hold. With a pathetic yelp he faltered into the floor, drawing more attention.



Language Notes:

Mia Bella! Venire! (Italian)
- - My beautiful! Come!

Chapter 36: Pinky


Tonight is a lovely party! But everyone has to a bit work unfortunately.


Welcome back!

So in here the song referenced is the Ink Spots - I don't want to set the world on fire.
Definitely did some research here and also this is inspired by a WONDERFUL animatic:

I DO NOT understand how this video doesn't have 500k+ views.

Either way, please enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 134


Of all the demons to show up, why, oh why did it have to be him?!

Charlie stomped over, doing her best to smile. She could already feel the demonic energy rolling off of Vaggie. And why was he on the floor under Auntie?

“You always knew how to get down,” she snickered, but only a little. Vaggie’s small stature towered over the green demon as he got up. In an effort to keep up appearances she forcibly high fived him and smile. “We should catch up in my office! It’s this way!”

Why would he come here? Had her party really gotten around Hell’s social circle? Who was she kidding of course it had! Charlie was mocked by her royal peers at large. The ‘Angel Princess’ they called her. It wasn’t a creative or insulting insult. Sad really and lacking any imagination or ambition!

He probably came on a dare or a bet. Helsa probably put him up to this! Seviathan, while determined, wasn’t as cunning as his twin sister who’d bullied Charlie since they were children. Being only a couple decades apart meant they tormented her. Charlie couldn’t stand being the butt of the joke this time. She was going to put her foot down!

Vaggie shoved Seviathan towards the office couch, making Charlie cringe. Maybe the physical violence was a bit much? She offered a pleading smile to her delightful, beautiful girlfriend who stepped back, working on her breathing.

“Seviathan, why are you here?”

He started off particularly co*cky but Alastor’s arrival from the shadows over his shoulder tamped it down. “Come on Char, you know I love a good party.”

“This isn’t a social party. It’s recruitment into the program,” Vaggie bit. “We shouldn’t be entertaining him. He’s here to cause problems. He’s not even a sinner.”

The heir to the Von Eldritch family lounged across the furniture, crossing his ankles and shrugging. “I got tired of the same old scene. The same old parties with the same old stories. Plus, don’t you miss me yet Star Charm?”

A distinct growling filled the room causing her to whip around. Charlie’s hands landed on Vaggie’s shoulders, pleading. “Vaggie, please, your temper.”

The angelic spear in hand was pointed towards her ambivalent ex, who was actually eyeing her aunt. That wasn’t important though. Every day she was becoming far more worried about Vaggie. In an attempt to siphon off some of the stress they made time together. Time apart. And time for Vaggie to quietly participate in the program. Wasn’t it working?

Anger and rage melted off her face, replaced with pang of shame.

Vaggie straightened up, kissing Charlie on the cheek, “Mia and I can take care of the guests and the party, Querida. Just be sure to come back out and have fun, si?”

Warmth and confidence spread in her chest, giving her the strength and support she need. Charlie pressed her nose to her girlfriend’s, “I’ll be out soon!”

Her aunt squeezed her hand and rubbed her shoulder, winking, “You’ve got this Charlie.”

She hoped she did.

Finally it was her and the two overlords. “And what might you actually be doing here young man, hmm?”

“Did Helsa put you up to it?”

Seviathan rolled his eyes at Alastor, effectively ignoring him otherwise. “Just like everyone else! You don’t believe I can do anything without Helsa do you?”

Of course he could. He had on a few occasions at least. And she wanted to say that but she couldn’t put Seviathan’s feelings above everything else. He’d dumped her. “Vaggie was right, you shouldn’t be here. Please leave.”

“I can play this little hotel game! What’s it cost a night? You’re probably desperate for cash and I can help! Why else is this place so shabby? Dated? No staff serving drinks either.”

“Enough! I’ve had enough. Alastor, could you please escort him out?”

“Why I cannot think of a more delightful thing, Charming Demon Belle.

“HEY! No, no, no! Back off Tin Man! Damnit Char, are you gonna make me say it?”

Her brow furrowed, not understanding. Was he in trouble? “Say what?”

“Ah f*ck. Listen, I— I need somewhere to crash and lay low. You know how things are between me and Dad and no one would bother me here.”

Of course he was hiding. Seviathan had a complex that left him in boiling water with other demons. “What did you do?!”

“Nothing! I’m not some evil dick like Satan or my dad or this Radio Cannibal you have working here! I don’t want to be like them. I don’t want to be like Dad or Helsa or Grandfather. I’m willing to pay for a room.”

“Seviathan, I’m sorry, this isn’t just some hotel. We’re a program. We’re trying to really make a difference in Hell. I take that seriously and I can’t let anyone jeopardize it.”

“What if I work?! Other demons work here. Like that hot girl who sucks at dancing, yeah?”

A scratch was heard through the room causing the younger two to turn eyes on Alastor. “Ah how silly you youths are! To think that all these miserable demons are employees! Just some of them are, isn’t that right Charlotte? Yes indeed!”

Her head tipped at Alastor’s odd, almost out of character response but maybe he didn’t like being lumped in with the rest of the regular employees? Tonight wasn’t the right time to deal with his ego.

“I wouldn’t call what you were doing dancing, especially if you haven’t improved since school,” she teased, grinning a little.

“Come Char, you always loved my two webbed feet,” he winked.

Charlie stepped back, not wanting to get in flirting territory with him ever. Not even close to it! Misunderstood reminiscing would not be the crack in her love life!

“Sev,” she tried to put on her best consoling voice, “You don’t have any skillsets. We have what we need.”

“What if this little party of yours goes well? I’m not asking to make decisions or have input but I can help with branding, reputable staffing, and getting more people in here. And we can scale it as big or small as you’d like! You don’t have anyone here who understands marketing do you? And I can get them decent jobs outside the hotel.”

Her thumbs twiddled. She hated that he was right. Her own attempts had been lack luster at best and Vaggie wasn’t great at bring in people either. And if tonight was a success, how could they run a hotel for 40 or 50 demons who were specifically here for treatment?

“On one condition! You participate in the treatment program.”

“Excuse me? You realize Hellborns can’t go to Heaven, don’t you?”

“I know that! But that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from it too! Small acts of kindness can change whole communities. What if it changes the royal circles? It has to start somewhere, final offer.”

He groaned, turning away form her. He stared hard at the office door which was thoroughly blocked by Alastor lazing about with his staff, smiling plainly.

“Fine. Deal. Now can we go back to the party?”


“I think not young man! You’ve caused quite a fuss this evening for us already. No, I do suspect you’ll be confined to your new room until the festivities have wrapped up.”

“Alastor, I th—”

His arm wrapped around her shoulders, wildly gesturing to Seviathan. “Why my dear, it is for his own protection! One seeking to lay low must not be out rubbing elbows! What if a fearsome creature learns of his whereabouts and ruins the whole shebang? And for all your hard work? It just won’t do! This pouty playboy will cement his dedication in pious thought! Alone.”

Charlie sighed, nodding. There was a point to it all, in that Alastorian round about way. She did want to go back out to Vaggie and dance and have fun, but with Seviathan in the picture that felt threatened. Tonight was about her dream, and if that include him being locked in a hotel room for a night, so be it!


The Hazbin Hotel - Garden
Next Cleanse: 134

Mia sat down the glass, her third? No. Probably the fourth? Ok, maybe fifth. Who could say?

Well she had done shots with Angel and Nifty …

The tipsiness fizzed across her as she sucked in a breath of cool air. She could hold her liquor pretty damn well given the food she’d been eating, if was a pleasant buzz for a wonderful party! She damn well deserved to enjoy it!

Her fingers ran down the fine fabric of her skirt. She loved it. It was the singular most beautiful thing she’d ever worn.

“Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania.”

Mia whipped around to find Alastor strolling down the back steps. Perhaps he’d come out alone for solace as the once tasteful soiree turned into a lesser kind of party. Though, she couldn’t remember spotting him.

Her hand cascaded dramatically outward! Doing her best to mimic his showy ways.

“What, jealous Oberon? Fairy, skip hence;
I have forsworn his bed and company.”

Alastor stepped forward, kneeling like a knight in one of Nifty’s wild tales.

“Tarry, rash wanton; am not I thy lord?”

Mia’s heart fluttered, unable to regulate amidst his charm.

“Then I must be thy lady.”

Her cheeks burned as he released her hand, standing in his formal glory. The way the tuxedo fit him, his hair fixed to the side, that glinting smile. How his mouth poised on a cigarette.

“And what might you be doing out here all by your lonesome?” Alastor gestured the package outward but her head shook, remembering how poorly it went with Angel. He looked like the dashing antihero, malevolent and charming.

Mia fanned herself, not able to tear away. “It’s boiling in there! I think Angel turned up the thermostat and probably spiked the bowl again!”

“Yes he must have! You’re a good bit zozzled, I’m afraid!”

Despite that enthusiastic giggle the world went quiet. Every other draw of the cigarette she caught him glancing her over with an unfamiliar expression.

“Thank you,” she managed, looking down at her dress.

“And what might you have to thank this humble host for?”

“Really? Humble in what universe? For everything Alastor. Every time I turn around you’re right there, whether I like it or not. And the dress.”

“Ah! So you solved that mystery after all!” Fan fare sounded off around them gently as he pointedly ignored the rest of her comment.

“You were right earlier. I only planned on working tonight so I’m grateful. I’ll make sure everything is cleaned and returned to you.”

Alastor blew out the smoke with an indignant scoff, “What sort of fellow allows a lady to return a gift? No darling, you’d be better off breaking my nose!”

Mia rolled her eyes, remembering how she had actually done that. How many got to take on the Radio Demon and live to tell about it? To live and have him make jokes about it?! Mia knew she was apart of a privileged few, perhaps even the only one. “I’ve heard rumors that where the fearsome and oh so terrible Radio Demon is concerned nothing is free.”

“Yes, I’m afraid that’s true and now isn’t the time to ruin my reputation. Up now ma jolie proie! Come, come!”

“What for?” Instinctively she reared back as he bent forward.

Claws unfurled towards her from Alastor’s bowed form, “Payment. A dance or three, as my evening was stolen by a particularly bothersome pest.”

That did make her sad given how much he loved a party. Surely all the good behavior warranted a dance? Mia almost hesitated, but then her hand fell into his, dipping into a mock curtsey. “On one condition.”

Their hands fell into place, Alastor already leading them farther into the garden. “You are in no position to be making demands Miss Miller!”

“As you remind me time and time again! I’ll pay your fee, devious demon but only if we dance to your favorite song.” She smirked upwards before being spun out. Music with that old time quality sounded around them as she returned to his arms. “This is your favorite song?”

He dipped her threateningly low, “And here I thought you had finer tastes! I’m gutted.”

They fell into the rhythm as she smiled and shook her head. “It’s a phenomenal song! But from you? It’s from the 40s I think?”

With a wink twirled her about, Mia’s back and wings hitting his chest. The timber of his voice radiated down the long point of her ear. “Remember my dear, we all have an image to maintain! And I’ll have you know that the Ink Spots started out at a radio station in the 30s! An old colleague of mine spoke of it some decades ago. Good music does not belong to a single time.”

Mia let the strangeness of it all go, the fizz in her body enjoying their dance far more than she cared to admit.

They certainly went for more than one or three dances but eventually something in the air shifted. They relocated to their previous bench under a swath of silence, Alastor summoning two amber filled low balls. Mia nervously downed her drink, stupidly worried that if she didn’t say something, he would leave. It all felt like a strange fairytale, one she just wasn’t ready to finish.

“You’re a fantastic dancer! My competition partners were awful compared to you! And at your age!”

Oh no, what was she even saying?!

“I mean you don’t look old! And mortal demons don’t age mentally right? So maybe you aren’t old! When did you die?”


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 134

Alastor leaned onto the stone wall behind him, settling in to watch her madness unravel. Hopefully this would be as entertaining as her generic chaos. “1933! And I’ll have you know I was far from old. Freshly 31 if I recall correctly.”

She patted on his shoulder a bit too roughly for the gesture to be sympathetic. “How sad, but on the bright side at least you died hot!”

Alastor made a guttural choking noise, throat closing on his half sip of whisky. And yet she sat there, staring up at the pentagram as if she’d said nothing at all. “Where’d you learn to dance?”

Thankful for her constant rerouting, he answered immediately, “From my community! Plenty of flappers and hep cats in my day. There were also several immigrants in my neighborhood, so I picked up a step or two from them!”

“What about your waltz?” Her fingers snapped, pointing upward, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

How had his collar become so tight? “But of course I learned the classics! That is the duty of a distinguished gentleman!”

Suddenly she was inches from his face, her drunk scrutiny making fast work of his nerves. Hot breaths rolled across his skin as she peered straight into him.

“Hrmm,” she grumbled, “Guess that checks out!”

“And you my dear?” He blurted, hoping to divert her.

She moved to stand, but faltered, nearly landing on top of him! An unknown instinct forced his arm out, pulling her swaying form into his side. A certain pop of electric blue surrounded by shadow caught his eye.

Why Miles?! You damnable rascal!

Alastor bristled with Miles’s nonsense, trying to not be so concerned with how her softness molded onto him.

Miss Miller’s head flopped onto his shoulder, body settling in, cementing his mistake. “I did lots of stuff! Anything to stay busy. I needed to be busy all the time. I’m starting to think its an old remnant of my past lives. What’s being an only child like?”

“Peaceful. All the privacy in the world and no one to share Moman with!”

“Pfft, you big momma’s boy!” Her hand smacked into his chest as she rattled with a laugh. Her palm seemed stuck now. If anyone were unfortunate enough to stumble upon them in this compromising position, Alastor would have no choice but to remove their tongue and eyes. He hadn’t realized just how inebriated his prey was and it would be far too rude to abandon her before sobering up.

“Tell me about her,” Miss Miller hummed, too comfortable contorted against him.

And so he did. Alastor became ecstatic to share the memories he’d never gotten to vocalize before. He lauded over everything his mother taught him! Anything a woman was expected to know. Manners, three languages, how to be a better businessman, how to be a better man.

The more he talked, the more she settled down, listening and nodding. Eventually he finished, leaving just the sounds of Hell, the party, and the garden to keep them company. For a while, he thought perhaps she’d drifted off to sleep.

The clock tower screamed midnight in the distance, drawing their eyes to it.


That tone was so reserved, especially given the drunken stupor. Her hands fidgeted, mouth twisting with thought. “Yes Miss Miller?”

“I think—” she sucked in a deep breath. There was a vain attempt at bravado, but it failed her all the same. Alastor contributed his silence to her uncertain attempts. She said so many odd things that, if it brought her this much discomfort drunk, he certainly wanted to hear it. It would do him no good to spook an already compromised prey.

She held up a hand, pinky finger stuck out towards him, her expression hardened.

“I liked this life.”

Liked? Had something so suddenly changed?

“With new friends and my family, but they only know different, half baked versions of me. Listen, I don’t care what you think about me, but maybe—”

She spoke in past tense, as if gazing at her inevitable tombstone. Her voice dwindled off into bashful nothingness and Alastor didn’t know what to expect. No matter what she said, he doubted it would unknot this newfound dreading sensation. Losing his favorite toy was not a welcome situation.

“Remember me?”

That’s what it this was about. Alastor hated how well he understood the sentiment. The need to have someone, anyone, know who you truly are.

A crimson pinky wrapped around hers, followed by a soft pop of green.

“It’s a deal then, ma jolie proie.”


Happy Belated Dead Guy, Capitalism, Pink Hearts, Valentie's day!

It's the best I could afford for you :p


I'm also really excited for some of the coming chapters.

Chapter 37: Recipe


Mia and Alastor have dinner and discuss a book.


Hi all! Here's another! Woo!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 132

Miss Miller,

I hope this note finds you well on such a particularly Hellish day!

As you’ve undoubtedly noticed I graciously took the liberty to see that those little potions, the ones keeping you fit as a fiddle, are well stocked. I’ve also filled quite a bit of the pantry and ice box! There is a lovely venison roast, one of “suitable” origins I assure you, longing to be made up. The second cupboard also hosts a parcel of spices!

Alas, there is so much work to do for a singular demon that I have the misfortune of missing the usual supper. Perhaps I might be persuaded to share that fine cut if you’d be ever so inclined to prepare it for my return tonight. Your knife skills may need work, but you are a delightful little cook!

Please bring our dinner to my office at 8:30 PM.

Yours truly,


Mia knew when she was politely being forced into something. At least Alastor enjoyed her cooking. Of course she wasn’t going to say no. Not that she could have.

The whimsical, giddy sensation of having a crush fluttered through her stomach. Mia’s nerves couldn’t handle it and she raced for her cookbook, grateful for its existence. She’d need some special ingredients but wrangling Charlie into that for dinner would be cake.

Then it all hit her.

Wasn’t this a date?

“Oh f*ck,” she cursed, eyeing herself in the mirror. In an instance her entire appearance seemed lack luster, modern, and underwhelming. Maybe she could find something vintage esque to wear? Or maybe something just simple enough that it wouldn’t look modern? Did she even own a skirt anymore that wasn’t above her knees?!

Just as she started flinging her clothes across the room, trying to decide what to wear and cursing herself all the while, her phone dinged. Then again. And on the third time she finally picked it up.

I needed time to think.

I’m aware of my harsh nature towards you, but things aren’t as they seem Michael. This is all difficult for me. And there isn’t anything I can say about your life, as I’ve explained before. But perhaps I can tell you about my life and our family.

So yes, I would like to speak and work through this.

Tears burned in her eyes, smiling like an idiot. Finally they could work through it!

With all the hope and excitement of today, Mia abandoned her quest for a perfect outfit, deciding that keeping it simple would be good enough.


Oh no.

Oh f*ck.

He hated it?!

The recipe called for a sizable amount of molasses and she’d not even considered it might be too sweet for him!

If only she could disappear into the shadows! Her hand shot over to grab his plate. “I’ll take it to the kitchen and find something else. I—”

Crimson claws wrapped around her wrist, trapping her. The familiar prick of static started rolling through the air. The pit of dread twisted into a consuming sense of horror. One she thought she’d overcome weeks ago.

His eyes hadn’t distorted yet but they glowed bloody, his smile wide and tight.

“Miss Miller,” his hissed out, pulling her arm in closer, “Where did you get this recipe?”

Her brain shorted.

“Where?!” He growled.

“A book!” Mia jerked but it was futile. Elongating claws bit into her skin as he waited for a better answer. “I have a recipe book!”

“Show me.”


He snapped, transporting them to her door. It flung open as Alastor dragged her through unceremoniously. “Get it now.”

Finally he let go and Mia mad dashed for the bedroom, nearly toppling over the couch. She didn’t take the time to pull herself together. It didn’t cross her mind to tempt his wrath this time. But at the door frame she wavered, thinking about the key on her neck. She could run to Lucifer.

But then what?

He stalked back and forth, hands wringing. Pacing, almost nervously? What could make him so unsettled? Running seemed the wrong decision, counter to common sense. Mia inched out of the doorway, substituting the book for armor, pressing it tight into her chest. Curiosity and the feeble trust that he wouldn’t maul her won out.

His gaze was predatory. At least, it was until he whipped around causing her to flinch backwards. Alastor eyed her carefully, releasing a long breath, straightening his jacket lapels. For once he didn’t smile, but the expression seemed soft, even bashful. Mia fixated on the look, finding it to oddly adorable.

“I— ahh,” Alastor cleared his throat, posture wavering, “I should not have been so domineering. My mother would take a switch to me for my treatment of you and leave soap in my mouth. I am sorry.”

What … ?


That was the only word able to characterize how her jaw hung slack, lungs seizing. The image of a pouting, round-faced, Nifty-sized Radio Demon being forced to sit with soap in his mouth brought her respiratory system back to life. Mia stifled a laugh only to be caught off guard by his latest expression.

Apparently he wasn’t interested in her imagination. Alastor looked ghostly, eyes glued to the book in her hands.

He stepped over slowly, reaching out for it, as if the book itself might bite him. Mia, unsure of what else to do, handed it to him.

His fingers brushed along the cover. Over the spine and along the worn edges. Movements so gentle, almost like it would evaporate if he rushed. She didn’t know those claws could be so delicate with anything.

They were suddenly back in his office, Alastor sitting at his desk, pouring over it page by page.

She watched, mesmerized by this odd version of the Radio Demon. Alastor looked impossibly human.

“Where did you get this?”

His words sounded worlds away.

“When I arrived in Hell, Lucifer gave me some things. Belongings from different lifetimes. Stationary and pens. An older flower crown. That book. I mean, I don’t know when I had that book or where, originally. But he told me they were mine.”

“This is my book.” Possessiveness radiated through every syllable. “My mother’s book.”

The 1920s. What did she remember from the 1920s? Her most recent lives were the easiest to remember given how they had nothing to do with being an angel. But before that was patchy on a good day! Mia focused, swaying on her feet.

Cold sweat beaded on her neck. Then came the nausea and vertigo. Mia raced for the window, needing air now. As she wrenched it open, a hard wind whipped in her face.

It was windy. It had been that day… and there was that porch, the one with the woman sewing. She had on an apron, laughing and talking.

Then it was gone, just like the air in her lungs. Mia slumped into the floor, heaving. Alastor materialized next to her, handkerchief in one hand, cookbook clutched firmly in the other. “There was a yellow house. And a porch. It had a little sign in the garden? And the woman … she said vin— Vyin endan Cher.”

A spike drove through her skull again, leaving her with a miserable pain. But she had it. She had the woman’s name.

“Claire. Her name was Claire.”

Alastor carefully pulled her to her feet, guiding her wobbly form to a chair.

With her vision no longer a painful blur, Mia now faced the same woman, only as a sepia photo in a gilded frame. She picked it up, staring in disbelief as vague inklings of memory, ones she couldn’t quite reach, flitted about her head.

“You mean to say you knew this woman?” Alastor asked, kneeling to meet her gaze.

“This is Claire.”

“This is my mother.”

Alastor opened the book, pointing to words in the margins. “These are my notes.”

And now that she knew it was his hand writing, it seemed so glaringly obvious. How had she not noticed?

The world started turning again though. “I don’t understand. Why would Luci give me your book?”

Alastor tucked it under his arm, angling it away, as though she may take it.

“We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows,” he quoted, escorting her back to their cooled dinner. With a snap it was piping hot once more.

“I didn’t take you for a poet.” Mia said, nervously handling a fork, unsure exactly what to think. It felt too strange to just return to dinner.

“Robert Frost was quite renowned in—” Alastor paused, eyeing her carefully whilst taking a drink, “our time.”

It sounded more like a question. Her being alive throughout different time periods wasn’t exactly the part he struggled with. It was how apparently they’d been alive well within the same few square feet.

“What does ‘Vyin endan Cher’ mean? It’s French?” The words didn’t roll off her tongue this time, as it had right off the back of the memory.

Alastor looked concerned, only answering once he’d finished chewing. “It is my mother tongue, the Louisiana Creole language. Moman was telling you to come inside my home.”

Why in the absolute f*ck was she ever at Alastor’s home? “But you didn’t know me. Right?”

A chill crept up her spine, anticipating more lies. With the shake of his head, her nerves eased back as much as they could given this bizarre scenario. “Indeed, I do not. Though perhaps you were older? Or a child at the time?”

Mia shook her head. “I don’t think so. At least, I know I wasn’t older than mid twenties. This is the closest I’ve ever gotten to 30. I guess I could have been a teenager? The childhood memories are always pretty obvious just because everything looks taller. I had to be at least full grown here.”

“Then we are at a loss. We’d be fools not to probe this further Miss Miller.”

She fidgeted, not keen on that idea. “Maybe we can save the interrogation aspects of what the f*ck is happening for a later time? I’d just like to eat and not have any more splitting, rapid onset migraines.”

Alastor nodded in agreement. “Yes, I do believe we’ve had enough excitement for one evening. Though …”

Red eyes looked at her. Then away. Then back again. As if he was uncertain. ”It seems I am begrudgingly indebted to you all over again Miss Miller.”

“Excuse me?”

“That cookbook is all I inherited from Moman. That yellow house you seem to recall, and all its contents, were purchased by yours truly after years of saving.”

Now that was a bombshell. Not only did she know his mother, but somehow Lucifer decided that Alastor’s singular most prized possession was hers? A boulder sat deep within her stomach, surely not to dislodge for quite sometime.

Maybe there’d been a mistake? A mix up at some junction!

At least now she could understand how he’d gotten so worked up before. “Thanks, by the way.”


“For apologizing.”

Alastor choked and sputtered, fist thudding on his chest. The briefest moment of wide eyed embarrassment set in before he focused back on his plate. Mia’s jaw burned from trying not to smile at his uncharacteristic, hoping she could at least remember the sight later on.

“Ah, well yes! As I said, Moman would be utterly displeased!”

His mother seemed to be the great unifier tonight.

Mia smiled in earnest this time, leaning forward in an effort to catch his gaze. “Care to conjure up a couple glasses of champagne?”

He gave her an inquisitive grin, “Feeling the need to unwind, ma jolie proie?”

Ha. After everything, discovering all these maddening questions that she had zero answers for, yes.

“That isn’t what I had in mind,” she fibbed, raising the conjured glass towards him, “To Claire.”

If anyone ever asked Mia to predict how Alastor would act on a given day, she’d laugh at them. His reaction now proved her exact point.

Alastor’s eyes went wide, as if he hadn’t quite understood what she’d meant. And for a moment longer than she expected, he didn’t put back on his showman’s mask. But then he grabbed his glass, beaming suddenly, too enthusiastically clinking his glass to hers. She could see the distinct resemblance to his mother. Bright, sharp eyes. A wide, kind smile. Kind for moment, at least.

Alastor must have been devilishly handsome while alive. There’s no way she could have forgotten him, so dramatic and attractive, cosmic magic or not … right?

“But of course! What a marvelous suggestion! To Moman! And to a fantastic meal that would have her proud!”


Language Notes:

Vyin endan Cher (Kouri Vini / Louisiana Creole)
- - Come inside dear.

If you guys are ever interested in checking out my language sources, here they are:

(PDF) KOURI-VINI A Guide to Louisiana Creole Orthography - Christophe Landry, Cliford St. Laurent, Michael Gisclair with contributions fromOliver F. Mayeux & Eric Gaither

Chapter 38: Axe


Mia needs to build a campfire.




This is a mix between moving the plot along an shameless fan service. Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hotel Gardens
Next Cleanse: 130

Piece after piece of purplish wood littered the ground, each one sporting uneven splits and notches. They were botched at best. She could use deadly weapons! She was a warrior now! So why, oh why, could she not use a stupid axe to chop stupid wood!?

Charlie had finished several human books that Mia recommended, the most recent heavily featuring camping. Her niece had no idea what it was even! She’d never considered sleeping outdoors in Hell as it seemed ill-advised. Mia went once during the 70s but that was it.

She’d seriously overestimated her abilities. Maybe she was taking this too seriously?

“Why you seem terribly stumped!”

Mia screeched, flinging the axe around on reflex. Alastor caught the axe with a chuckle and mocking grin. “I’ll have to axe you not swing at me! Now tell me what it is you’re trying to accomplish?”

“Charlie wants to try camping,” she huffed, letting him take it.

After taking stock of their surroundings, he grimaced and shook his head. “In the garden? Hardly a place for such an activity! Camping ought put one out into the wilderness!”

“I’m kind of limited on resources don’t you think? There’s not exactly a forest I could take her to that would end well for me.”

Shades danced upward, mimicking beasts and trees. “The forest in Pride, while spectacular, is thrice as fearsome as the city. As they say the show must go on! We’ll simply make do.”

Oh no, now it was a we activity? While she did enjoy his company, giddy anytime he came around actually, having Alastor there to derail her night with Charlie and Vaggie was less than ideal. Especially since she couldn’t reel in how he distracted her.

As of late a couple demons started to notice, eyeing and snickering. Angel Dust and Husker in particular. They held off on mocking her outright though, probably trying to evade Alastor’s temper.

Suddenly the axe was shoved her way, Alastor now peeling off his jacket. His being there was only her first problem of several to follow.

The way he slipped off the jacket was her second. Those slender shoulders curled back, letting the red garment slip past the stark divot of his neck. Then it dropped down his arms inspiring a devilish heat in her. Obviously he was thin, but with the jacket gone she could make out each line of his body. It was far from the first time she’d seen him without the jacket but she’d never inspected him so thoroughly either. He reminded her of a leopard: strong, lithe, and deadly.

Long slim hands made artful work of undoing his cuff buttons before neatly rolling up the sleeves. With every fold she could see more of the darkened, scarred forearms before fading to the color of his face. And the third conundrum? This inconspicuous exhibitionism left her craving to run her hands over him. Her brain seared in the memory.

He reached out but Mia only stared, too dumbstruck to understand. Alastor leaned in squinting, “The axe, Miss Miller?”

Numbly she handed it over, devoting every ounce of energy to maintaining a neutral expression.

“Now watch closely.” Alastor snapped, her botched pieces coming back together neatly. Then he arranged one long ways and another perpendicular to it, one end stacked on top, forming a ’T’ shape. “When you don’t have something to split down onto it becomes impossibly harder.”

It all finally dawned on Mia. Alastor was here teaching her and not magically rectifying the situation as per usual. He was taking the time and care to make sure she understood.

Joy bubbled through her chest as she nodded emphatically. Her cheeks ached from trying not to smile.

His legs spread wide as he eyed her, twisting to show the axe. “Your hands start in these positions, and when you swing, the upper slides to the back.”

God help her, she wanted his hands to slide to her back.

When he swung, the sound of lightning cracked. Not only had he split through the top piece but he also halved the bottom steadying log, driving the blade into the ground up to the shaft. “Ha! Still got it! Not too shabby for 90 years if I do say so myself! Come now, it’s your turn little doe.”

Alastor grinned, beckoning her over with a finger as his other hand twirled the axe.

This wasn’t fair! Genuinely she wanted to learn and pay attention but he was fiercely handsome. And she was stupidly turned on.

Her mouth opened in silent anxiety but she stepped forward. Failure wasn’t an option and she desperately wanted to please him. Earn his praise.

Alastor towered behind, arm reaching around her frame, holding the axe with one hand. “Grip the base firmly. Not so much at the top. You want your hand to slide down the shaft.”

Fire filled her cheeks as needles pricked down her spine. Damn him. Damn his inability to comprehend exactly what he was saying to her! Mia took as steady a breath as she could manage, which was actually pretty sad. Her hands gripped where instructed, brain deviously noting what other base she wouldn’t mind gripping.

Where was a rain storm when she needed one?! Getting off to him sincerely trying to help her would only lead to madness. But f*ck he was beautiful!

“Now no need to be shy! I’ve seen you in far more dire straights. This ought be a stroll!” He wasn’t wrong. She refused to disappoint him. She mimicked his movement, bringing the tool down as hard as she could. It split halfway through the top log. Immediately clapping and fanfare sounded around her.

“But I didn’t even split it,” she pouted. Alastor took the axe back, pulling it from the wood.

“No, perhaps not but Hell’s trees are far stronger than up top! I suspect you’d have no trouble splitting an oak log by hand! Quite impressive little lady!” Alastor’s claw came down booping her nose.

Mia glowed. He’d complimented her! Praised her without any of the snark or sass or suffering! Before she could try again, Alastor picked up the log and finished the job by ripping it in half with a sinister, satisfied grin.

The coil in her stomach tightened, heat rising. Mia decided to blame evolutionary biology for her current affliction.

“Can I try again?” She asked meekly. Alastor placed another log down and Mia squared up. Before she could swing, his arms caught hers in the air.

Fé tensyon!” An odd panic rose in his voice before he released a long breath and loosened his grip.

“Now see here,” he demanded. Alastor’s leg brushed the inside of hers, pushing outward, spreading her wide.

Was it possible for her to spontaneously combust in Hell?

“That, bearcat, is how you lose a leg! I’ve known plenty a fool to cut himself off at the knee for not doing this properly.” Mia gulped, grateful for his care but still daft where her ability to speak was concerned.

When he finally backed away it felt like ice, leaving her sinking on the inside. Then she swung, putting her new displeasure into it. This time the axe went all the way through, catching into the bottom log.

“Alastor look! I did it!”

“Now that’s a swing and a home run! Right there with Babe Ruth! Well done, Miss Miller!”

A clawed hand came down on her hair, jostling it around as he laughed. Mia beamed, head tipping up to meet his hand. This time she couldn’t stop the smile splitting across her face. Greed filled her, craving any attention she could get. “I owe my accomplishments to a skilled teacher. That’s all.”

Their eyes met and Hell nearly fell away for her. That is until Alastor cleared his throat, hand retreating. In a snap his jacket returned and all the wood became perfectly split. Utter disappointment swelled in her gut following the magic.

“Give Charlotte and Vagatha my regards on your little adventure!”

Then he was gone leaving her liquefied.


Hotel Gardens
Next Cleanse: 130

Alastor hid in the shadows, sipping a hot coffee. Tonight he’d persuaded Husker to take over patrolling the hotel’s interior.

After all the other late night fiascos concerning Miss Miller’s existence, keeping an eye on their little garden party seemed necessary. Already he’d sneakily dissuaded Angel’s attempt of a practical joke by turning that pet pig loose. Thankfully the rest was uneventful.

The ladies did nothing spectacular and seemed to enjoy themselves. It was all disgustingly wholesome. Eventually the younger two scurried into a tent, bundling up and listening to Miss Miller read.

All in all even he was enjoying it, getting a delightful kick out of remembering some of their earlier spats.

With Charlotte and Vagatha finally asleep, Miss Miller leaned back, gazing into Hell’s unfamiliar stars. Alastor was just about to pick up his own book, but it was all woefully interrupted by an unwelcome mutt. To intrude on gaggle of hens alone at night! Of course he’d been watching over them for safe keeping but what did the angel want?

“Mia,” called the mutt.

She popped up confused and spared a glance to the sleeping girls before rushing to his side. “Gabe, is everything ok? I thought we’d talk in the morning? Did something happen?”

If Alastor’s eyes could roll any harder they’d rip from his skull. Surely there wasn’t anything wrong because when did that flea ridden monger consult her on anything? How could she hold on to such feeble, misplaced hope?

“No, everything is fine. I hoped we could speak now.”

And as per usual, his bearcat bent over backwards to accommodate her brother. Disgusting.

They meandered off to behind the shed, which was bad enough! What would anyone seeing this think? The impropriety of it! This fellow was certainly no gentleman! Alastor situated himself into the shadows right beside them, casting a barrier around the tent as to not wake the girls. Experience taught him that these two got heated quickly.

The demonic facade dropped and blond man smiled, pushing his hair back. This time he wore glasses and an ensemble that looked a tad too fitted. It reminded Alastor of the way certain chaps dressed themselves in hopes of attracting women by emphasizing their physique. Perhaps this was simply a standard form of dress for the archangel?

“Everything is going well, actually. It’s safe now.”

Her head shook, arms crossing tight. “Safe? As in it’s over? The Pagans are gone?”

“In a sense, yes. It took too long and I’m sorry for that but we’ve secured the mortal realm. You can go home Michael.”

Her eyes bulged, hands rising to muffle her shocked sound. The mutt’s hands came forward, landing on her shoulders. Alastor nearly snarled.

“I’ve worked it out with Vassago and he’s smoothed everything over with the university. You can defend your thesis whenever you’re ready.”

Oh did he truly think himself so clever? Alastor could spy a manipulative scheme from miles away! To lure her away from here with such a promise, preying on her insecurities. He’d skin anyone trying to encroach on his territory.

“I don’t understand. Is it actually over? You caught them?”

“No, but between Vassago and I you’ll be able to go back. With us both you’ll live a long, normal life.”

Miss Miller looked confused, hands wringing and mouth twisting. Silence hung fat and heavy in the air.

Alastor went rigid. Surely she wasn’t considering this ploy? Would she truly steal off into the night?

The moment her head started to shake, Alastor felt his lungs expand once more. “I can’t go back. I can’t pretend this never happened.”

“But this is everything you’ve worked for.”

“What about everything I’ve worked for here?”

The man blew out a hard breath, fists squeezing. “This is about him, isn’t it?”

“About who? Luci?”

“No, Michael, not Lucifer. That heinous, despicable sinner I keep finding you with!”

Her head jerked to the side with her mouth laughably agape. She pushed off one of Gabriel’s hands.

Alastor? That’s what you think this is about? The entire time I’ve been in Hell you’ve had this single minded obsession about keeping me away from him. Is it because I knew his mother? Did I know him? There has to be more!”

Gabriel swallowed, eyes going wide, “You remember that?”

“So it’s true! I remember his mother, Claire, and being at their home. You and Luci could have done something to warn me! You can’t tell me the truth, angelic law and all that, fine! But you kept lying to me too! I had to threaten to kill myself for your to tell me about Gemma! Why is it that I can trust a murderous cannibal more than I can you? Yes, he can be spectacularly awful, but he’s not once lied to me.”

Alastor smirked, loving it when people took stock of his hard work. Quite kind of her to pay such close attention!

“You must be joking. How much time do you spend with the Radio Demon?“

“Are you … Gabriel are you jealous?”

Alastor wanted to cackle and howl. Oh that aghast expression! The mutt looked as if he’d been been struck!

But then something sinister and foreign formed across the man’s face. “You say I’ve lied to you? What about all the lies you feed Charlotte? Where you go along day in and day out, pretending that she can make a difference. You parade around here as if you were still holy. Lying to her that you’re here to oversee her progress. I’ve told you this entire farce isn’t possible. Yet you refuse to listen all so you can play pretend. A serial killer knows about your life but the niece you claim to love so dearly is kept in the dark?”

Even Alastor considered that harsh. True, yet entirely savage. In a way, he found himself impressed that the archangel had such venomous disposition. And it seemed he had more to say still.

“You cannot help them. You cannot save them. They are sinners. Come off your high horse for a moment will you? You are human. The longer you keep this up, the more you will hurt her once she learns the truth. That you lied for your own protection.”

Miss Miller stood shock still, staring at the ground, fists balled onto the hem of her shirt. A drop of blood slipped from her hand to the grass.

“I’m taking you home.” Horror filled Alastor suddenly.

Gabriel’s hand landed on her cheek and Alastor nearly cut it off. He was furious, barely hanging on to the shadows that hid him. And he almost came out but Alastor knew that look in her eye. He understood the way her shoulders rolled back. She wasn’t the sort of damsel to have her moment stolen.

A resounding smack rang around them. Her hand hung in the air. Gold streaks appeared on his cheek, cuts from her claws, mixing with the red smear of her own blood.

“I won’t be toyed with and I won’t be controlled. Alastor I know you’re there.”

Ah, so he had been spotted. He stepped out from the shadow, straightening his lapels, grinning wildly. To think this would become an interactive show!

“And what might I do for you, ma jolie proie?” The mongrel’s eyes snapped to him, glowing a furious blue with understanding. Apparently the dog spoke French.

“Show him Angel’s contract.”

Papers materialized and Gabriel snatched them from the air. Again and again he scanned the papers, face twisting more each time. “Michael what have you done?”

“I made a difference. I don’t care if them making it to Heaven is possible or not because they still have lives! And I am not Charlie’s parent. Lucifer is the one who needs to tell her the truth. But I believe in her and this. You say Jophiel sees to who makes it to Heaven and why? Well why the f*ck is she so bad at her job? Sometimes the ends justify the means.”

The man’s face fell into wallowing sneer, shaking his head. Gabriel reached out but she stepped back. Alastor stepped forward however, fangs bared in his smile and static clinging to the air. Miss Miller was a hair behind him now, just enough so the mutt couldn’t steal away his prey.

Blue eyes bounced between them, nearly in a panic now. “Michael I have only ever wanted what was best for you. Please let us leave this place and we can work through this. I need you to be safe!”

Alastor gave him a peculiar look. All the desperation was oddly familiar. Then it fell into place and left Alastor deeply perturbed. The Saint Gabriel was obsessed with, in love with, his own sister.

For all that his little bearcat could see, she was particularly blind to this fact. Then again she lacked perception where trust was concerned.

“I’m staying. I’ll live out what I have left in Hell, doing my damnedest to make a difference. I seriously tried Gabe, but I’m done being told what to do. If our relationship matters enough, you know where to find me.”

She didn’t wait for a response, turning, leaving the archangel behind the shed.

Alastor tutted mockingly, “What a shame! Heart wrenching drama fit for a stage! I tried to warn you, Saint Gabriel. A strong willed firebrand, isn’t she? Well, best of luck to you!”

“Alastor,” the archangel hissed out, sounding far less angelic and more like he might spit venom. Gabriel walked forward, lip curled into a snarl, and jerked on the red lapel. Wind picked up around them, angelic magic highlighting the hatred in the archangel's eyes and Alastor could feel a strange heat. It wasn’t against his skin. No, the feeling scraped against his soul. “If anything happens to her, I’m coming for you.”

Static and sigils filled the air as his eyes turned to radio dials. “Oh, I do hope you’ll try. It’s been some time since I’ve slaughtered an angel.”

Something snapped loose in the angel's face. They ripped apart, magical power colliding between them. “Compared to me you’re but a thorn. I’ll be back.”

And like before, Gabriel disappeared.

“What a reprehensible creature,” Alastor muttered, straightening out his jacket. Were all angels emotionally off-kilter?

Rounding the shed he found Miss Miller crouched against the wall, face cradled in her hands. Thankfully, he didn’t hear any sobs, but the way her fists clutched against her skull left him uncertain.

Perhaps he should leave?

Something about that left him all the more uncertain! He’d just have to deal with it! Straight through! She was his prey and it would be a terrible shame if he allowed someone else to break her.

Alastor knelt down, poking his head around to the front, “Now now, wallowing won’t get us anywhere! There’s not a luxury up top you can’t find in Hell!”

Her fists released before rubbing across her face. Miss Miller unceremoniously fell back against the shed. “You heard everything right?”

Alastor nodded, slipping down to sit next to her. “You’ll have to excuse my eavesdropping but leaving three young women out alone at night isn’t in me.”

“I don’t even care about that. Gabe would have whisked me back to Boston if not for you. Consider the cookbook debt paid.”

Alastor only smiled, not liking the way his stomach lurched. He’d not tell her she was wrong but could he truly have stopped one of Heaven’s elite?

Today he was genuinely grateful for her brazenness. How many beings were more powerful than him in Pride? He could rival a weaker Goetia or two, but not a seraphim. Alastor made a habit of avoiding the demons that made him look weak. He couldn’t stomach it.

“I’m certain we’ll find ourselves in another conundrum soon enough. You do attract quite a bit of trouble.”

A fresh, sardonic grin on her face gave him some relief. “I really do. You don’t have to do this you know? Sit here in my little pity party.”

“Hah! How little you know of me! Why, if I’m not enjoying a party you can certainly find me reveling in the pity of others! And to experience that of an angel’s? I’d not abandon such a rare opportunity!”

She made a rather unbecoming sound, something between a whine and chortle before launching her fist into his arm. “You are such an asshole.”

Feigning pain, he rubbed the spot, “Why Miss Miller, such a brute to assault an old man!”

Her eyes rolled but she smiled, “I’m older than you by at least a few thousand years allegedly.”

Certainly more than a few thousand years, though he wasn’t sure how old angels were. Alastor snapped, summoning their regular coffee preferences, “Do you feel your age Miss Miller?”

She was looking at him now, mouth poised to answer but something seemed to catch her gaze. Alastor’s hand followed her gaze, settling just above his brow. He felt the scar under his bangs, realizing his death mark was partially visible from her being directly beneath him. “I suppose you know what this means?”

Miss Miller’s head whipped in the opposite direction, then she nodded, “I didn’t mean to stare at it.”

Demons weren’t typically bothered by their death marks, given they were so common. But Alastor was. It helped to maintain his image, to hide the evidence of his failure.

“I went out with one hell of a bang as they say.”

Those foggy eyes glanced over, giving his words heavy consideration. Why didn’t she laugh?

“I remember dying a few times. None of them were peaceful experiences. I think that’s part of my punishment from God for whatever I did.” Internally, he grimaced. His death was spectacularly mortifying. No part of him was keen to relive the experience, especially for eternity. Then again, didn’t that technically happen anytime these damned sinners suffered anything that should kill them?

Damn her for making him feel so tangled inside. For once he didn’t have a single thing to say. They were both damned souls sitting on the ground waiting for eternity.


Over the next month I'm going to try and push out the next ten some chapters. A good bit of it is written so if there's a mass update just do me a favor and leave a comment or two! I'd like to get this somewhat close to finished before the new series comes out but lord did I sign myself up for a long haul!

I've got a lot of later stuff wrote out too but I seriously struggle with transitions.

Language notes:

Fé tensyon (Kouri Vini / Louisiana Creole)
- - Be careful / Pay attention

Chapter 39: Pulse


Mia sees Alastor's home briefly


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Pentagram City
Next Cleanse: 128

Alastor felt a pull.

When something was truly wrong with Husker or Nifty, as result of their souls belonging to him, a small shade that clung to them would alert him immediately.

It was Nifty. Rage and fear, icy primordial fear, speared through his chest.

Through the darkness he saw Nifty grappled in one massive, gruesome fist. The ugly creature delighted in her distress, jaws wide and salivating. Pitted fangs went to snap on her head. Alastor ripped through its arm, securing the small demoness in his still materializing limbs. A shock of white moved in his peripheral view.

This time he stopped, not wanting to put Nifty down for any reason. As the scene unfolded, it seemed he wouldn’t need to.

Alastor recognized the flash as Miss Miller, maneuvering expertly. One swinging motion cleared the monster of its head. The situation was over as soon as he’d arrived.

Whilst eyeing the demon, a notion struck him. This was a permanent execution and he found it breathtaking. Marvelous!

Despite her demonic appearance, he could almost see an angel now. The protector passing judgment and punishment, untethering wickedness from existence! Usually there came an unsettled feeling whenever he considered her origins. But now he appreciated her status, or at least what it used to be.

Miss Miller huffed solemnly though. Despite that self assured posture, the literal, definitive murder of a soul didn't seem lost on her.

Alastor pressed a hand into her shoulder, flashing a distinctively proud smile. Relief never sparked across her face though, causing his own enthusiasm to waver.

Before he could do anything else, her eyes shifted to the small demoness clinging to him, “Nifty, are you ok?”

Then came Miss Miller’s turn to be suffocated.

“N-Niftyyyy! Nifty! I ne-eed air!” She wheezed, patting the girl’s back gently, but with increasing urgency.

Nifty relented only slightly, still koala’ed onto the woman. The girl started rambling on about Alastor always being so cool and how disappointing it was not to see him maim the assailant. The taller two shared a look, an unspoken decision to leave Miss Miller’s battle prowess a secret.

Finally Nifty hopped to the ground and took one of their hands into each of hers. Happily and safely situated in the middle, chattering away delightedly. Neither disputed it and Alastor let the shadows take the three of them back to his home.

Alastor grinned at her silent reaction, entirely satisfied. Miss Miller stood in awe of the gorgeous scenery. It was nearly impossible to shut her up and he’d done it.

With backbreaking amounts of magic, he’d built and sculpted every square inch of this little section of Hell. The two story home may as well have been ripped right from the human world. Wide porches on the top and bottom, drenched with class and style that was unmistakably New Orleans. For his upbringing and neighborhood, it was nearly a castle despite being a frightfully average sized family home by modern standards.

Nifty rushed in first with a high pitched, “Do not let her in until it is clean!” Then the front door slammed shut, rattling the windows.

Meanwhile, his guest gently touched on a hanging willow, green despite the rest of Hell’s foliage. “How did you get so many of them green?”

He snickered at her wonderment and went to stand maybe a bit too close at her side. He was looking down at her for so long that it surprised him when she looked up. Alastor smiled with more kindness than she was used. More than he was used to.

“Everything you’ll find here is my mother’s favorite. It took quite a bit of effort to have everything imported. It is fortunate that you were with Nifty. If I’d been any slower … ”

“You would have gotten there in time. If anyone is always on que, it’s you. One mistake on my end might have ended us both. I didn’t have another choice but to pull out my glaive. Gabriel would wring my neck.”

“Do you always think about that overbearing mutt?”

Her face twisted with uncertainty. “I think about a lot of things actually.”

"Penny for your thoughts, my dear?"

"You'll probably get change back."

He laughed but she never joined in. Alastor offered her his arm and she hesitated. “I do believe at this junction we are what people call friends, no?”

Miss Miller snickered and rolled her eyes, but finally her glumness broke into a smile and her arm slipped into his. “Who would have ever thought, me? Friends with the Radio Demon. Man do I know how to pick them.”

“Indeed you do! Friends and family with some of the finest beings in existence! What tastes!” He watched her grin fall again, unsure of what could have saddened her so quickly. “What is it? I do believe you and I are far beyond secrets.”

Her defeatist countenance held firm. “Yeah. It’s just, oh I don't know anymore! Everything is overwhelming all them time and I don't know how to feel. I can't even, or maybe I ... f*ck! Nope. No! We aren’t talking about me anymore! I’m sick of wallowing! Tell me about you. Anything! You’re so close with Nifty. Are you related?”

Her determination to change the subject seemed absolute and for the first time in decades he wasn’t abhorred to share some personal information. “But of course not! Nifty is oriental-”

She stopped him, “She’s Japanese and I’m pretty sure no one uses that word anymore.”

Alastor didn’t bother negating her, understanding how references to people changed with time, though he knew it mattered not in Hell. “Japanese. She died somewhere in the 50s due to a lovers spat at 19. She’s lived with me since the 60s.”

He gave her a light overview of how he found Nifty working in several restaurants trying to make ends meet, nearly rabid and constantly afraid. “She never took a shining to me in that regard. Her affections and obsessions for others turn into an issue every few years but nothing unmanageable. To think in all of Hell she’s still too much for some fellows. I strung the last fellow up from that tree.”

Her face didn’t look as disgusted as he’d expected though it took a minute for her to form words. Alastor didn’t know what kind of response to expect.

“You raised her. You’re essentially her father.”

That wasn’t what he expected. “I believe you’re frightfully mistaken.”

“No I’m not. She's been with you longer than she's ever been dead or alive. You're her most successful relationship.”

“It seems I’ve managed it again,” Alastor huffed, thinking of Nifty and Akram.

Miss Miller stopped at the edge of a small pond, strung through with flowerless lily pads, willow trees, reeds, and any other bayou plant. With every plant she nodded, drinking in the hours he labored.

“I’m glad Nifty has you. You don't know how to give up it seems."

That sincerity was almost a weapon, they way she used it to cut through him! Involuntarily his chest puffed up a bit. Anyone could call him a conniving, evil monster but no one could ever call him a quitter.

“Do you have any biological children?” She probed, eyes finding the dirt a smidge too fascinating. Nosy girl.

“No. I always found myself preoccupied with other activities. To live so many lives, surely you’ve had a child or two?” It genuinely surprised him as she shook her head.

“Not a one for all of existence I think. Charlie is my only niece I think and I never had human children. Actually, I can’t.”

“Ah. Why festering brats aren't all these dames make them out to be anyhow!” He knew this to be a sore topic for ladies of any decade.

“It bothered me when I was younger, but now it makes sense. At least I can sleep easy knowing I’ve not abandoned a ton of kids.”

He wanted to rip his eyes away from her but a stuck feeling crept through his veins. A crave similar to hunting, similar to egging on the screams of his prey yet painfully different because he could not look away. It was wretched, this uncontrollable spiraling sensation that kept slinging him back to her orbit!

A harsh gale swept through. Before Alastor realized it, he tucked himself right between Miss Miller and the wind. His hands caught her shoulders, pulling her to the point she squished into him.

It was certainly the gentlemanly thing to do considering her frail, human nature. When she squirmed he nearly scowled, but she wasn't trying to fight him on this apparently. Her arms came up between them before settling flat to his chest.

He got what he wanted it seemed. Miss Miller’s head tipped up with a grateful, shy smile. It was slightly lopsided due to a fang snagging on her lower lip. The flesh there was much darker than the rest of her skin, full and soft. Alastor turned so childishly curious. Were her prominent canines as sharp as his vicious fangs? What kind of sound would she make if he bit into her here?

Would she flee?

Another thought tantalized him, the idea of her turning feral on him. Scraping and clawing, subjecting them both to bleed and be bled.

With her head craned he could see the soft swath of skin, and he knew all too well how delectable the blood in her veins was. The wind picked up, dragging her hair into that cloying spot.

How dare it mock him, creating another barrier to what could easily be his. Impatiently he pushed away the offensive distraction, letting his fingers press into the spot.

Was it her skin that burned or was it his? Under that magnificent heat was the dull siren thud of her pulse, quick and heavy on his finger tips.

The foreign feeling amplified, enticing a deep growl in his chest. Their trance snapped. As if it were a bomb, they jerked away, now confused and embarrassed.

“I’ve been gone for a while and I need to get back for dinner.”

“Yes of course! Ravenous mouths would be terrible for business. Enjoy your evening, dearest.” Before she could respond, he sent her off with a shadow. Specifically Miles, as a precaution.

Alastor’s heart raced and he couldn’t fathom why. Surely he was just hungry and being so close to fresh human meat must have turned him starved. He stomped into his home where Nifty was still buzzing about with a pile of laundry much taller than she was.

“No Al! I said not until-”

“Miss Miller returned to the hotel. She has her own duties to attend Nifty.” Nifty pouted but nodded, taking the laundry away with a slightly more sullen attitude. Alastor went down to the cellar built below the basem*nt for some activities that were sure to clear his mind.



How y'all doing?

Chapter 40: Garden


Mia spends her day off working.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 125

“You guys ready?” Husker and Nifty were in the garden with Mia, flowers and colors of all shapes and sizes assorted into boxes and wheelbarrows.

Memories from the 20s ripped through her dreams now, eating her inside out. Sometimes she woke up sweating or crying or on the verge of screaming. Choppy pieces of muddled images were all she had left by the time her day started. Regardless of that, she did remember a small bungalow style house with flowers and kind eyed Claire kneeling in the the plants.

Every morning and night her heart pounded and her mind raced. These acrobatics even inspired her stomach to do backflips! All she could think of was his intense gaze drinking her in. She’d felt exposed and delightfully so.

Giddy, juvenile hope followed her around. Mia had thought long and hard on what to do, if anything. Technically nothing had happened. Yet everything had happened.

Luck chased her down though once Nifty started explaining why Alastor had no flowers. They didn’t like him that well! He toiled for decades trying to grow his mother's favorite flowers. So after two days of planning and securing the day off, she recruited Nifty and Husk.

Husker did the leg work of transportation magic and soon they were at the picturesque home. “I’m gettin’ a drink.”

The cat demon meandered into the house whereas Nifty already started. The tiny demoness actually moved slow in an effort to make it pristine. Neither demon asked why she was doing this and went along with it faster than she’d expected. Part of her wondered if this would incur Alastor’s wrath, but then again he could just as easily snap it all away.

According to Nifty every pain staking method he tried to add flowers to the home failed. Nearly a century of endless frustration because of flowers. Mia couldn’t help but chuckle, thinking of the great, fearsome Radio Demon being undone by the likes of a hydrangea or pansy.

She couldn’t fathom flowers knowing how to hate, but anything was possible and probable in Hell. During her labor, she kept wondering over and over again how she could remember Claire, but not Alastor? Perhaps she’d never even met him. That didn’t make sense though. How could she remember his home but not him?

Mia’s mind was so preoccupied trying to solve yet another impossible mystery that she hadn’t notice the day pass by. That Nifty and Husk had tried to warn her. That Alastor was now kneeling next to her.

It took quite a while for the red to register in her peripheral vision. A clawed hand reached out to brush a thumb against a fully blossomed, crimson camellia. Mia finally noticed, startled within an inch of her life.

“f*ck!” She exclaimed, tossing herself backwards. Her back never hit the ground as a long, jacketless arm secured her shoulders.

Alastor nearly tucked her into him but he wasn’t looking anywhere except forward, slate faced. Her eyes followed and she too fell speechless. He’d pulled one of the camellias from the bush, now holding it by a perfectly firm, green stem. The flower was full and red in his hand. Mia scrambled up, half in his lap, hands supporting herself on his thigh.

“It worked,” she hissed with a manic grin.

He looked at her with the most human expression of confusion, “What worked?”

Mia smiled ear to ear, pulling herself to his eye level by his shoulders. “Ok, hear me out! Plants as a biological thing can be trained. Kind of. So, I thought, just what if I taught them not to hate you?! Nifty got me some of your old things, a shirt, bloody rag, the likes. I shredded them up as finely as I could and mixed them with the soil. So I did that! And it worked!”

At this point she was beyond ecstatic with her botanical prowess and not-so-logical genius that pointed to the plants, proclaiming, “Take that plants! Science! Ok, magic, but whatever.”

The Radio Demon still knelt on the ground, utterly flummoxed. The last time he’d held a flower was before dying, tending to his mother’s garden. Sternly he called, “Miss Miller.”

She ceased her tyrannical rant at the garden to stare at him. Her expression twisted with remorse, “I’m sorry. I wondered why you didn’t have any flowers despite your mother having so many. Then Nifty told me about your condition. I thought just maybe, ya know? I could help. Uhm, are you upset? Honestly, you’ve gotten me out of more sh*t situations than I care to admit and you love your mother so much that I thought that maybe this would be nice, especially since you put so much into this garden. You put so much effort into everything! It’s amazing. Honestly, you deserv—”

Alastor stood up and clapped a hand on her mouth to stop the rambling. Fear crept up her spine as he stayed calm and observant of her.

He brought the flower up and tucked it behind a long ear. Then his eyes turned kind and soft above that all too charming grin.

Was she melting? Mia’s entire body felt bubbly and warm. His gestures always caught her off guard and she knew to expect the unexpected. His entertainment normally came above all else. What she’d never anticipated were his words.

“Michael,” she’d never heard him use her name before. The hand on her mouth gently slid to her cheek. His thumb brushed her lip. Breath hitched in her throat. How strange to lack air and be glad for it. Was magic the reason she couldn’t move? The reason she not dare pull away?

Kòfær m’olé to?

His mother’s tongue, she realized. Hearing it left her heated. Writhing. The way he said it, it sounded the way molten gold should look: luscious, exquisite, warm. Mia burned inside out and did all she could to hide it.

Alastor slipped his hand along her jaw and down her bare neck. Her thoughts vanished with the sensation. That damn coil in her stomach started to come alive and twist with demand. Instinctually her head tipped, making more room for finger and claws. He stopped right above her pulse. His favorite spot. Surely he could feel it scorching and throbbing because she certainly did.

Since when were his hands so delicate with her? Had it always been that way? Had she missed it?

No. Today was different. The same, but different. After what felt like eons his wandering hand stopped on her shoulder. He leaned in, eyes locked with hers. “Thank you.”

If parts of her ripped at the seams today, at least it would make sense. Pricks of fire licked down her body as she mutely nodded, still wide eyed and dazed. When he stepped back, disappointment flooded her entirety. Cold couldn’t begin to describe the lack of him.

Finally she managed a few meek words, “We’re friends. I should probably check on the others …”

Alastor spun towards the house with a snap, his usual gusto on display. “But of course! The peanut gallery deserves a meal after a hard day’s labor! Surely Charlotte would let you forgo your usual duties. Might you join our humble home for a dinner my darling?”

Mia gave sigh of relief as he motioned her along to the house, yammering on about dinner. She’d never had his cooking and with the night off, perhaps one dinner wouldn’t kill her. With a laugh she said, “Sure, as long as I’m not joining as dinner.”

With a ‘POP!’ his microphone appeared, blaring a laugh track, “Now there’s a joke we’ve never heard before, am I right Al?”

Walking through the living room she caught a glimpse in the mirror. The large red blossom stood out beautifully against her inky skin and shock white hair. Quickly she made a small braid along her ear, hoping to keep the flower in place.


Language Notes:

Kòfær m’olé to? (Kouri-Vini / Louisiana Creole)
- - Why do I want you (Literally: Why I want you?)

After all my research I've found that there aren't a ton of joint/particale words in Kouri-Vini like there are for English, do the word do for anything other than a literal verb doesn't happen. Or at least that's what I've gathered. Since this is an endangered language I could be absolutely wrong. Especially since my basis for this sentence comes from an ANGELFIRE website and a Louisiana Creole Translation of Santa Claus is coming to town, please take this with a grain of salt ^^;;

And if I'm wrong, I would sincerely love to be educated. Linguistics and language is a hobby of mine.

Chapter 41: Doubt


We get to spend some time with Gabriel and Seviathan.



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Heaven’s Inner Realm
Next Cleanse: 124

“How might I help you Zadrir?”

His secretary of the last five hundred years stepped in quick and wide eyed. That was particularly odd for the four winged being.

“The Commander is coming.” That’s all he managed to breathe out before a pair of seraphim waltzed in. Without Michael or Lucifer, Heaven’s sense of organization went to Hell. Literally.

While Michael had single handedly led their function as a group, Lucifer over the eons had managed to keep the peace and inspire morale. Now any attempts at filling those painful gaps were obvious. Gabriel had taken over Lucifer’s unofficial role by creating the space of solace and questioning and happiness. Undeniably, Gabriel was a miserable substitute as he had no where near the personality and charm of his eldest brother.

Azreal should have taken it but they weren’t interested. Gabriel couldn’t blame them.

Then there was Raphael, Michael’s unfortunate successor. Following the still relatively new general in was his own twin, Jophiel.

Only second to Lucifer in stark beauty, his twin was the one who oversaw the judgment of souls. Each of the seraphim used to have their own ‘departments’, if he had to give a modern name to it. The only beings they answered to, save God Their Father, were the twins that abandoned them all. She was stoic, even when compared to Gabriel, but far kinder. He trusted her like he trusted himself. If she found sinners worth condemning, he wouldn’t question it.

“Gabie, you look ill.” Raphael quipped, feigning a sense of concern.

He’d given up on asking his younger sibling to drop the nickname somewhere around the time of dinosaurs. “What do you have to report Raphael?”

The younger took to leaning against a column, shaking his head. “They’ve managed to capture two of the cherubs. I’ve convinced Barachiel to stop sending them down for the time being. It seems those beasts aren’t as gone as you’d like.”

This was terrible news. He’d worked tirelessly to help rid the mortal plane of the demons, stepping on Raphael’s toes all the while. They were at stark odds. Gabriel couldn’t stomach what must be transpiring. Angels of any creed were immortal, thus the perfect guinea pigs. “Have you made any attempt to retrieve them?”

“And give them more of our ranks on their terms?!” Raphael barked. “Demons out number us in droves in their realm. If we do not lure them into the mortal realm or to Purgatory we’re at a stand still.”

He hated every minute of this. “What if we met with the Aesir or the Vanir?”

“Have you gone mad?!”

Yes, perhaps he had. Now he was considering folding a separate entity of demons into their ranks entirely. The Norse and Grecian namesakes were always at one another. “They loathe Zeus and his entire pantheon. They’d potentially take up our cause out of pure spite.”

“No.” Jophiel’s soft voice rang clear like a bell. “They’ll bargain for the souls.”

Souls. The souls which God Their Father bestowed upon the humans to give them salvation, had inevitably led to demons hoarding them as a resource or trophy under the guise of religion. The why didn’t matter really, those creatures had no claim or right to mortals and God’s Children were dedicated to caring for them eternally.

Faith, Gabriel reminded himself. They were servants to God Their Father. It would work out. There was reason to the madness even if he couldn’t see it. He just needed to keep faith and keep pushing.

“You’re right, of course.” Jophiel was usually right but more often than not she found ways to disagree with him. Their relationship since Lucifer’s rebellion was rocky at best. Gabriel had been Lucifer’s secretary, but after the fall, he became Michael’s. Their near inseparable relationship was founded off the emotional chasm created by Lucifer.

He could feel Jophiel but only in a muted sense. They were so far disconnected to each other that despite being linked, they lacked any cohesion. He’d not been able to make time for her in centuries with his new role. With his need for solitude. With all the pain he dealt with anymore.

Could she feel that? Did she feel it then merely wipe it away?

It didn’t matter. He would prevail. He’d stand righteous.

“What if we offer them some of their followers? Surely there are a few souls that they want. Their loved ones and heroes, no more.”

Raphael threw up his arms. “Do you recall the last time we tried to make deals with demons?”

Jophiel’s expression soured, eyes darting away from Gabriel.

“And how might I forget Raphael? If not for me you would be a youngling again!”

“Ah yes, how you love to remind me. I will not follow in the steps of the greatest traitor we ever knew. At least Lucifer fought us head on. Michael betrayed us for that ilk and led us to slaughter! I watched her turn on us for that hedonist! Each day I look them in the face, knowing what was lost.”

That day was failure for all of Heaven. At times he overheard the younglings whispering about it and the rumors would churn regularly through the entirety of Heaven. The two brothers had this argument many times about what transpired that day. Gabriel hadn’t been there and the results were the same. She’d been punished and Raphael hadn’t.

Who was he to dispute God?


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 124

“This is really nice Sev.” Charlie took a long drink of the overly sweet cocoa, the sugar nearly seeping from her personality. He noticed just how much time she spent away in her office. If Vaggie wasn’t there, sometimes he popped by with a treat.

Charlie smiled at him in that genuine, heart melting way. That type of kindness was unique to her entirely, not just to Hell.

Seviathan chuckled, winking, “Nah, I think you just missed me.”

Her face fell, head shaking. “No, don’t do that. You’re allowed to be kinder! It isn’t anything to be ashamed of no matter what anyone else says. You’ve been helpful and patient which I didn’t expect! So Seviathan, thank you.”

“Yeah, yeah whatever. I’m gonna turn in.” He swallowed hard, shrugging and twisting away from her. Fuzzy warmth spread through his stomach and f*ck, he was blushing! Damnit, Charlie was so cute.

Even if she was dating that raging tampon of a sinner he was glad just to be around her on a regular basis. She always made him feel better. Lighter. Hopeful.

“Good night!” She chirped as he stalked away.

Seviathan wanted more from Hell. More than violence and shame and power. Not that he’d tell anyone that. Definitely not his father.

Once upon a time he’d dumped Charlie in cold blood. He liked her but she was so much more than he could be! And she had dreams that his father was so opposed to. Frederick pushed Seviathan. Humiliated him. Tormented him. Controlled him.

And in his single act of defiance, he’d dumped the Crown Princess of Hell. By saying awful, dickish things, Seviathan ruined any chance of them ever getting back together. He stole his father’s dream. Seviathan maybe wasn’t in love with Charlie but he cared deeply. Their relationship might of worked if he could escape his father.

That would never happen though.

“I’m such a weak f*cking bastard!” Demonic power surged and the empty wardrobe splintered, catching with green fire. His father was ruthless and powerful and cruel. That’s why Helsa was so smart. She got it from their good old man. Seviathan was just stubborn, not clever.

He’d begged Frederick to not send Helsa, playing it off as he wanted to prove himself and make up for ruining his chance at becoming king.

That’s why he’d been sent to the hotel instead of his twin sister.

Seviathan pulled back on the magic, extinguishing the flame until it was just wispy black smoke. Opening the window, he wondered how humans felt when they jumped to their deaths. But he was too much of a coward and too far under his father’s thumb. If anyone could forgive him though, Charlie would, right?

He wouldn’t be worth of it though. Traitors typically suffered the consequences. If she was smart Charlie would hate him once it was over.


Peace out star scouts :3

Chapter 42: Warmth


Sometimes the world comes crashing down.


This is where I've been dying to get. I hope you guys enjoy this one. I love this one.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 123

3:52 AM

Mia groaned. It was the fifth time she’d woken up restless and the fourth night of not being able to sleep. She’d never had this many issues before but the memories and her anxiety didn’t care.

It felt like her true age seeping into a body that couldn’t handle it.

Tonight left her screaming and sweating. Reliving being burnt at the stake was not her idea of fun. And despite her mind and body fighting the memory, back then she’d let it happen.

She’d succumbed to her punishment of constant life and death. She’d given up hope. She’d deserved it. Why did she deserve it?

Mia headed for the lobby. Beyond her numerous expirations was another memory. Every time she reached towards it, it vanished. Mocking her, leaving only a notion left. A ghost of longing.

Frustration accompanied her exhaustion. So what had she done? Why had she given up her angelic status? Billions of years of her own life for what? What was worth being reunited with her family?

Not paying attention she turned the corner a bit too soon, smacking head first into the wall.

“Not having your own power doesn’t give you the right to try mine!”

Mia found Alastor sitting in the arm chair reading a book, doing his nightly guard duties. She slumped onto the couch cushion nearest him. Waving at the table she asked, “Can you do that thing? You know, snap, magic, coffee?”

He gave her a long side glance but snapped, producing two steaming cups. She inhaled the steam and took a drink, melting back into the couch, tucked into herself. Mia moaned into the liquid, letting the warmth role down her. “Ohhh, this is magic. Thanks Alastor.”

Alastor gave her a singular wide eyed nod, staring a hole through her.

“I’m exhausted. I can’t sleep. It’s just nightmare after nightmare. I’ve been burned at the stake, beheaded, tortured, I once slipped off a cliffside. Drowned several times. Froze to death. I’ve died … 29 times? Ok, I think 31 total but I can’t remember the other ones. Oh, in one of them my brother killed me at the age of 10! 1960s somewhen? Strangled me with a chain, that was fun.”

Mia’s head spun. Her eyes screwed shut, inhaling the bright, hot coffee. But then something warm fell over her back, jerking her into reality.

Alastor towered before her with a remarkably neutral expression, carefully fixing his jacket over her. Before she could question it he sat down. Specifically, he sat barely an inch or two away from her then opened the book once more.

Mia’s brows stitched together, mouth gaping, baffled. He wasn’t looking at her, simply searching for his spot on the page. “My coffee, Bel Zanj.

She didn’t know what ‘bel zanj’ meant, but like all his odd pet names, she didn’t press. Those pet names, condescending or not, made her feel special to him.

Obediently she handed over the mug. However, Alastor held out his opposite hand just out of reach. Mia had to lean into his shoulder and over his lap to give it to him. Now she was thoroughly squished to his side, their hips pressed together, her cheek against his arm. Everything about him felt warm. His arm. His coffee. His jacket. His expression.

In her effort to not spill the coffee, she missed how he watched her from over the book’s edge.

Alastor started reading, low enough that if she moved away, she wouldn’t hear him. So Mia stayed. At some point the arm holding the book situated onto her curled up leg. This nearly tucked her under him, his body becoming a makeshift shield from the outside world. Was he being sympathetic to her insomnia given his own experience?

Whatever it was, she let herself enjoy it. Mia’s eyes closed. She didn’t know this book, but listened more for the sound of his voice than anything. Being so thoroughly attracted to him made everything harder yet easier.

And yes, he did ridicule her, but she enjoyed the sparring. Other than not being safe from him, she was in fact safe. Safe from having to lie and pretend to be something she wasn’t. Alastor was officially her vice.

Mia was keen to believe they understood one another. Products of unknown circ*mstances, subject to lives they weren’t entirely privy about. Diametrically opposed in so many ways while being painfully similar. It was nice to be close to him without the world crumbling around her. Not crying in his arms for once. Here, tucked against him of her own volition, his company on his terms, she felt free.

Freedom. Safety. Wasn’t that what she wanted?

And still, it wasn’t enough. There was one more thing she wanted and she felt so close to having it. Desperation clung to her ribs, aching to get out of this vague relationship they had.

Mia reached over and placed her hand on the book. Alastor quieted, head tilting down to look at her. She didn’t let him speak though, her finger tips pressing to his mouth. The warmth spread in her mixing with the deep exhaustion and vibrating anticipation.

His eyebrow lifted, but for whatever reason, he didn’t stop her.

Her fingers caressed from his mouth to his cheek, mimicking his movement from the garden. Those fangs— A trance like curiosity overtook her. Her thumb pressed to his lips, catching the edge of his vicious fang. Then she pressed, sucking in a breath. Fresh red trickled down her thumb to her palm.

Alastor’s eyes were tight and predatory, frozen on her. Tension coiled from his ears to his shoulders and down the entire length of his body. He sat like ice. Then his mouth parted, ruining the illusion of being suspended in time.

Mia breached his lips and placing her bloody thumb to his tongue. A deep, satisfied growl rolled up his chest as his tongue probed at the cut.

Alastor’s body snapped forward like lightning. With one jerk she was pinned to the couch under his body, one hand seizing the back of her neck while the other grabbed her wrist. He released her thumb, taking the time to lick away the small rivulet.

As his tongue, a notably dark, pointed, and prehensile muscle, rolled over her flesh. Glowing crimson eyes caught her gaze. What was he looking for?

When she didn’t look away he smiled. Yes, this was very much a demon, perhaps the most dangerous and compelling one in Hell. And she had his full attention.

Mia needed more. Static in the air prickled her skin and that warmth over her body twisted. It morphed into a heavy heat as his fangs situated against her skin, probing the pulse of her neck.

And yet, he didn’t bite down.

Sanity and instinct betrayed her. Willingly her head craned to the side, exposing a larger swath of skin to him. A silent permission. Alastor’s bite was swift and not nearly as painful as expected. The only sounds being made now were hers, soft wavering pants and mewling gasps.

He sucked, tongue lapping at the fresh wound, compelling it to bleed. Claws moved up into her hair, scalding the nerves in her body, making certain her neck stayed exposed. His other hand released her wrist and slipped down her side. Mia wrapped her arms upward, clinging to his shoulders. He encircled her waist.

They were trapped by one another.

Trapped by craving.

A dizzying shock ran through her as he groaned, sinking in his teeth once more but far deeper. Where she could feel his hips there was something particularly solid. Filled with mischief and wanton desire, Mia stroked her leg against it. There was a burst of crackling static and he pulled her tighter. She drew her hand up the nape of his neck, fingers tracing through the short hair. Claws sank into the flesh of her hip. Her pelvis pushed up.

Alastor froze.

It took a minute to realize that whatever was starting came full stop. In an instant he was standing and facing away, leaving her exposed and stupefied.

Alastor melted into a shadow, disappearing entirely.

Her heart hammered, cold air and deafening silence washing over her.

It wasn’t making out but …

He vanished on her. Both cups, the book, his jacket— all still there.

No, he fled.

Had she insulted him? Mia rocketed upward, brain trying to do double time but it just made her dizzier.

f*ck was he going to kill her?

Mia went lightheaded from the rapid blood loss and her thundering heart. He’d certainly taken more than expected but she needed to get up. God forbid anyone saw her bloody, dazed, and wearing his jacket. The scene looked incriminating for all the wrong reasons. Unfortunately, Husk was staring at her wide eyed from the bar, God forsaking her all the while.

“How long—”

He held up his hand and shook his head, hurriedly stomping over. It was like he was trying to dislodge the memory before it set in. “Long enough Wings.”

Husk offered a hand, eyeing Alastor’s jacket the entire time. “f*cking hell, what is wrong with you? Like you’re trying to get killed.”

She wobbled on her feet, pushing her arms into the jacket one by one. Mia stayed mute on the matter. Her confused, lost expression stood as the only explanation.

“You f*cking fool. Al ain’t like that. He likes your blood. Not you. That asshole ain’t gotta care for anything except what he wants. If twisting your feelings accomplishes that, so be it. He’d do worse for less.”

That stung.

She pushed her hair around to conceal the bloody mark, thoroughly embarrassed. Mia was grateful for his silence as he helped her back to her room.

At the door she reluctantly slipped off the jacket, handing it to him. Mia wasn’t sure what burned more: getting rejected by someone she had no business being after or being stupid enough to feel that way in the first place. “Thanks for the reality check Husk.”

He groaned, giving her a pitiful and sympathetic look. A clawed hand pushed through his fur, glancing around as if he needed to be cautious. “Ah sh*t Wings. Listen. Once upon a time, Al had a wife if you can believe it.”

Her face and gut twisted. She didn’t know what to do with that tidbit. “How do you know?”

“Met ‘er. My folks worked at a hotel and we lived outta the place. Al stayed there once with his misses and old lady when I was a kid. I always reckon he killed her or something happened cause he’s never mentioned it. Never alludes to it.”

Mia’s stomach dropped to the floor, nodding mutely. Why was that important?

Maybe Alastor had only space for one person and they were long gone? Or was it to give her hope? Who could be so strong as to be married to Alastor? Or was it a sham of a marriage? A familiar burning sensation crept up in her eyes and throat.

“Don’t take it personally and get some rest.” Husk stalked off, rubbing his face and shaking his head.

Mia slammed her bedroom door, a sob breaking through. “God f*cking damnit!”

She sank to the floor, fist pounding into the carpet. How could she be so blind and foolish and stupid and hopeful and moronic? This wasn’t normal! This wasn’t right!

God, she’d let him come close to eating her and she damn well enjoyed it! Why was she like this?


A rupturing pain burst through her head, sending her sailing to the bathroom with fresh nausea. Perhaps the stabbing migraine was from the lightbulb exploding in her brain.

Everything fell into place. His mother. The cookbook. Gabriel’s instantaneous hate. The memories that eluded her well until now. Through the gasping and sobbing and wrenching all those distorted dreams pieced together.

Mia slumped against the cool tile, head cradled in her hands. There was cinnamon skin, a wide beaming smile, soft hair, glasses, long strong limbs, and wit sharper than a holy blade. Mia passed out to patchy half-memories of a human Alastor Laveau.


If you never let me know about this story, just this once. I've had this chapter written for nearly two years! TWO YEARS it has just waited in my computer for me to get my act together.

Language notes:
Bel zanj (Kouri-Vini / Louisiana Creole)
- - Beautiful angel

Chapter 43: Losing


Mia keeps losing.

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 119

Oh why hadn’t he heeded his mother’s advice!?

Long ago she’d had that all too uncomfortable talk with Alastor about the merits of men and women and their couplings. His darling mother took special care to warn him against expressing interest in women unless he was certain. And especially against women who might cause trouble. Alastor always accounted that advice to the rising tensions under Jim Crow but now he certainly believed the woman clairvoyant!

Yet again, Miss Miller was determinedly chasing him down. Perhaps he ought have chosen a less tenacious prey? One far easier to break mentally. But she’d been such fun until this little hiccup!

Alastor solidified in the lobby, strolling along to the bar.

Luck abandoned him though. If he hadn’t personally known the Devil, he’d blame this misfortune on Lucifer.

Mimzy sauntered in, dark eyes latching on him immediately. For several months he’d become an expert at avoiding her when she was at the hotel for her laughable outpatient services. The lack of seeing her was glorious and he’d not thought of her as of late.

And then, turning the corner like the hellion she was, came Miss Miller.

Seeing her anymore left garbled panic in his stomach so he’d simply left. Wasn’t that what Charlotte called conflict resolution? No need for conflict if he was gone!

But she’d gotten more tenacious and had stayed awake in the lobby for the past three nights.

“Why Mimzy! How delightful of you to visit us today!” Alastor high tailed it over to the tiny songstress, placing her hand onto his arm and guiding her through the lobby. Mimzy started chattering, though he didn’t pay it any mind. Instead he spared a sneaky glances to Miss Miller who stood looking uncharacteristically calm. Usually she avoided Mimzy.

She started walking, eyes trained to him. This wouldn’t do. In no world, for no being, would he become the prey!

“Alastor I think we —”

The pair shadowed right through her, laughing.

Alastor didn’t look even when he felt Mimzy shift in Miss Miller’s direction briefly to make a scathing, catty comment. After a few storming steps the lobby doors slammed, rattling the walls.

Finally! There was nothing a little humiliation couldn’t solve!

So why wasn’t that vexing gnaw in his stomach gone?


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 119

She’d chased after him, making a belligerent fool of herself! Today was no different.

Actually, it was.

Instead of running from her, he’d acted like she didn’t exist! Later in the evening she wasn’t attempting to hunt him down but there he was.

Mia raced down the hall, catching sight of the red coat’s tail.

“f*ck!” She yowled as the door came down on her fingertips.Mia burst through the door to find Alastor. The crimson bastard whipped around, his face split with a crooked anxious grin.

Before getting through a stride, he magically fumbled through a shadow.

“Childish asshole!” Mia swore, fist banging a fist into the nearest object. The innocent decanter shattered to the floor, her hopelessness spilling out with the whiskey.

This was pointless. Mia rifled through the drawers of his desk for paper and pen. He would never listen to her!

‘I didn’t mean to’


‘You’re being ridic’

Again she scratched it out.

‘We were married’

Mia stared hard, not knowing what she was doing. The cookbook had to be proof! It made sense in a puzzle pieces sort of way but if that was the case why didn’t he remember her? Or maybe he did?

And even if he did! What was she expecting? For that exceptional torturer, gourmet cannibal, and overall scheming hedonist to do what? Profess his love for her? To be nice or kind or empathetic? No! She was chasing down nothing but emotion without any rationale or forethought. Mia breathed. This wasn’t who she was.

Her heart twisted, thinking about Gabriel. He’d been partially right. Or maybe he was entirely right? She acted like a demon now, living whim to whim.

Alastor would never be interested and any history between was gone forever. There came a pang of sadness, a deep cloying desperation to keep trying. Maybe all of this was just residual emotion?

Even so, any man he might have been was long dead.

The paper crumpled in her fist before being stuffed in a pocket. This was over. Mia was officially ending this bout of insanity.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 116

She and Alastor were successfully avoiding each other now and peace finally returned.

Once again she was in control of her emotions without the whiplash of Gabriel or Alastor.

Clarity was vastly underrated.

Throughout the morning she setup the ballroom for an open event: speed dating. The idea was well received by plenty of demons and the planning lasted for several days. Mia hated to admit it but this was wholly Seviathan’s success. He’d expertly advertised Angel Dust and a few other attractive demons. Other than the first couple days, he wasn’t unruly or overwhelmingly problematic, just a bitch at times.

Mia peeked around the corner, finding plenty of demons settled into the lobby with a drink while getting checked in.

Charlie spotted her and lit up like a Christmas tree before running over. “Auntie, I need your help!”

Mia would always help Charlie and not out of the gut wrenching guilt Gabriel incited. Charlie never asked her for any help but Mia was usually right there regardless.

Worry set in. She placed her hands on the demoness’s shoulders, “Sweet girl, is everything ok?”

Charlie gave thin laugh with an anxious grin,“Well, we’re one short ...”


Mia grimaced and groaned before letting out a huff and a nod. Charlie squealed and dragged her into the lobby, chattering on about some participants being genuinely interested and some looking for work. But Mia wasn’t listening. She’d just gotten away from whatever was obviously not happening with Alastor. And now this?

Charlie shoved her down next to Angel Dust who was resting his legs on a bent over participant. The makeshift demonic table was thanking the spider for the opportunity in hushed prayers.

“This is normal for you?”

“All the time Mia Bella,” he purred, throwing an arm around her shoulders.

“Every schmuck here is dying to get some’a this! Pfft, I just sent some other John to pick up my dry cleanin’!”

“Ugh, that's why. Thanks Angel, this is exactly how I wanted to spend my day,” she bitched, taking down the rest of his pink drink.

“Oh doll, you’s need to get laid instead of poutin’ around over Smiles.”

“I am not!”

“Oh yeah right. Ain’t no one here blind. You’s two used to be attached at the hip! Come on, tell Mama what happened!” Angel kicked away his worshiper, who in turn maybe a noise akin to getting off.

“Nothing happened,” she gritted.

“Ain’t what Husky told me.”

Mia felt alight under Angel’s scrutiny, trying not remember the single most humiliating night of her life. In an effort to not talk about the red radio bastard she took the bait. “Fine! You're right, I need to get laid. But I am not looking to get maimed by some demon looking for a flesh light!”

Angel choked down a laugh, eyeing her all too knowingly. Mia, knowing that he knew, went to leave. The spider jerked her back down into a lung crushing hug. “No don’t leave me with these feet freaks! I’m sorry. Ok, ok. What about that one?”

With Angel laying off humiliating her, he started pointing out demons he either knew to be vanilla or ones he got the right kind of vibes from. Some of them were even Hellborns. The more she looked though, the more she couldn’t get the last several months out of her head.



Alastor. Her ex husband?

No! Mia pinched her leg for a distraction but it didn't work. It only reminded her of how it didn't hurt compared to all she'd been through!

Angel was right. Getting laid was a good idea. Get under to get over. Except she wasn’t on Earth and the idea was exhausting. But she needed to try!

Mia concocted a plan to make herself absolutely undesirable to any one with ulterior motives: three questions.

“Do you think women should be allowed to vote?”

That weeded out 70% of demons. Either they utterly disagreed with the notion or were so turned off they just got up. If they made it past that part, she followed up with a hard hitter.

“What do you think was the most important scientific discovery made when you were alive?”

Only four demons made it that far, one being Sir Pentious who gave her a spirited, intellectual conversation. Not that he was ever an option though. For a while people had spied the snake with Angel's brother.

The third was more a statement that question.

“Zero physical intimacy unless there are at least two other dates. Do you understand?”

All but one demon minded. Sitting in front of her was a purplish looking sinner demon. He looked akin to an incubbi, with dark blue wings and speckled, pointed tail but parts of him were wispy, hair billowing around like black smoke. He was frightfully cute, with yellow eyes framed by Warby Parkers and a big, kind smile.

“I’ve gotten tired of hooking up and came to meet someone like minded. And here you are! I’m Cloud.”


Cloud answered all of her questions wonderfully and in earnest. During life he’d been a virologist and civil rights activist. Allegedly a bad judgment in fighting for queer rights must have landed him in Hell. He thought vaccines single-handedly were the most important human invention.

At some point he’d convinced her to bring out the chess board. There was a comfort to it that she missed, speaking academically with someone. It reminded her of Baxter until it all went to sh*t.

“So why’d you sign up?” He asked, questionably maneuvering a bishop.

Mia answered with a similarly confusing placement. “I work here. There was an odd number so I got voluntold.”

“Ah, so you’re just trying to be polite? Lure me into this scheme you’re running?”

“Of course not. And this isn’t a scheme! We’re seriously trying to help people!”

“Odd how you call everyone people?”

“Aren’t they?”

“Are we? We died. We’ve become demons. Don’t you need flesh to be a person?”

Mia scoffed, but grinned, cornering him slowly but surely. “And why is flesh so special? Souls are immortal regardless.”

“Being down here changes us though.”

The notion was distracting because it was true. She wasn’t even dead. Hell warped souls, not just dead souls.

“But it doesn’t have to! We have the same autonomy as ever.”

“As humans we were so equal by birth though even if we divided ourselves. Power changes everything here. The rules of existence are different.”

He wasn’t wrong. Vast inequalities in power created divisions unlike anything on Earth.

She went to make her rebuttal and move, but then she saw it. “Oh my god.”

He’d beat her. Mia’s jaw hung open, going back over the game. The unexpected defeat cleared her mind of any Hell related troubles. Cloud’s hand moved to collect the final piece even though he’d indisputably won. In an almost disappointing way his fingers avoided hers.

“How about boba tomorrow?”

“Trying to extort your winnings already? You are ruthless.”

“Actually I wanted to buy you one to soothe your bruised ego,” he winked, smiling. Mia laughed, noting that while he was entirely charming she didn’t feel any of the danger she’d become accustomed to. And now she was a warrior.

What could it hurt? This time she wouldn’t make the same mistakes.

This time she would be in control.

Chapter 44: Anger


Mia and Alastor have a confrontation.


TW for mentions of underage relationships despite being potentially normal in the 1920s.

I have two ace spectrum friends who lean on different sides of the spectrum. I based a lot of Alastor's feelings towards sex on their experiences. They were so kind in helping me because while I know this is definitely not the cannon AroAce version of Alastor, I do want to stay true to the spectrum. Everyone deserves representation and how they express themselves is no one else's business <3

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 113

She’d met with Cloud several times since the speed dating. There was definitely chemistry there but neither tried anything. So Mia decided she would.

He had friends in a small orchestra group and had tickets. Mia felt excited. Like she was a junior all over again going to the movies with Marcel Esteban. It felt so blissfully normal.

Down in the lobby Cloud had waited, gabbing politely with Husk and Angel. But then he caught sight of her. The demon stood, all smiles and kind eyes. “You look lovely Mia.”

Oh she’d forgotten how nice it was for things to be simple. Smiling ear to ear she giggled like a nervous school girl. “Says you looking dashing as always.”

And he did, wearing a vaguely English tweed vest and slacks most the time. But today he’d traded his hipster flare for a modern, clean look. No fuss.

Angel threw all four arms around her, eyeing all up and down Cloud. “If you don’t want him Mia Bella-”

Her elbow gouged into his ribs with a saccharine smile. Angel pouted back to the bar, looking for solace in Husk. But the cat looked distracted now, eyes bouncing around the corners of the room before tightly adding, “Get out of here. Now. No one wants to see that sappy sh*t.”

Mia shrugged it off as Cloud offered her an arm and the left. They’d already settled into a conversation about some genomes Cloud found interesting, but towards the end of the driveway, her stomach plummeted.

Static licked and crackled around them as Alastor appeared.

Cloud froze, immediately knowing who the red asshole was. “Why, taking an evening stroll are we? And so finely dressed!”

“S-Sir we’re not, uh, looking for any trouble …”

Mia rolled her eyes and pushed Cloud forward. Alastor had ignored her for days and like always, was here to antagonize her. She should have seen it coming.

“Ignore him. Let’s go,” she commanded, taking her date by the hand. He didn’t resist but looked at her like she’d gone insane.

“And where might you be going Miss Miller?”

She ignored him, stomping through the growing static.

“You know him?” Cloud was radiating panic, starting to pull back on her hand, trying not to directly pass by Alastor.

“Of course I do, he’s one of the owners.”

Cloud skidded to a stop, staring openly at Alastor who now laughed, “Yes, it is true, I’ve taken stock in this fine establishment. I’d missed the week’s latest soul grab! And Miss Miller here is one of my favorite employees.”

Toys, she thought. The bastard means toys.

“Cloud, we’re going to be late. Your friends are waiting.” Mia tried to coax him gently, smiling and calm. This was an average response to Alastor by the sinners and Cloud hadn’t left screaming.

“I uh—“ Oh no. Cloud’s hand fell from hers, eyes trained on the Radio Demon. Mia didn’t spare Alastor a look.

“Why, he’s left dumbstruck! Perhaps I ought accompany you both? It would be a shame for him to go missing.”

Cloud lurched back when Alastor stepped forward. “Mia, I’m sorry! I just — I …”

The demon turned to clouds and smoke before weaving away through the city.

“Why he must be a fan of mine!” Alastor cackled before walking off.

“You ass!” She screamed.

Still he ignored her, whistling. God she had to let it go! Part of her was dying on the inside, furious and desperate. He didn’t deserve to remember her!

Mia pulled off a heel, wheeling it right into the back of his head. Alastor whipped around snarling but her other shoe made a bullseye on his nose.

“You! Ugh! You narcissistic egomaniacal co*ck block! I hate you! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! Don’t you ever look at me or talk to me again!”

Mia seethed and stormed off to the side of the building. Alastor accepted her challenge though. She stepped right through a shadow that turned her around to face him. He just smiled, not looking at her. So this was his plan? Malicious compliance?!

If only she was a good three feet taller! So she could reach that infuriatingly handsome face and scream in it! Jab her finger right in that know it all nose! She’d jerk his ear just to be a bitch! f*ck she’d kiss him even! And then she’d smack the living sh*t out of him!

“Leave me alone! I would like to get laid again before I die!”

“I BEG YOUR PARDON?” Radio dials twisted into his eyes, hand perching on his chest like a scandalized church lady.

“YOU HEARD ME! I Want. To get. f*cked.”

The abject horror across his face fueled her.

Mia snapped in closer, mouth gassed and geared up.

”And a certain Radio Demon is in my way! I get that your dainty sensibilities can’t understand the needs of a woman but I am so goddamn f*cking horny, I can’t stand it! And then YOU come along! Not only do I have to put up with you being disgustingly f*cking sexy but I have to put up with how much of a judgmental holier-than-thou prude you are!”

“I— I beg your pardon?” He breathed, throat seizing in his neck.

Her arm flung upward, the rush of it bring a wind to his burning cheeks.

“YES! As you should! I’m human! A human that comes with an expiration date long over due! I will be gone soon enough, ok?! So I’d like to meet someone and not regret this cluster f*ck that is my life before Our Father-Who-Art-Toying-With-Me hits my big red reset button! Because what’s worse, I know no one is coming for me the next time! This is all I have! So stop torturing me!”

Somewhere between her fury with him and the absolute anxiety from waiting every day for death, she cracked, now trembling in place.

“No one is going to give me my family back and I’ll never know why and I won’t even get to miss them. And—“

Mia ground her fist into his chest.

”I won’t even get to miss you …”

Alastor stared, mouth open but silent.

“So please, if you ever do one kind thing stop being a pain in my ass!”

The seconds ticked by with nothing but the sounds of Hell. Not even his know-it-all gimmicks.

That’s how it was then.

Mia sucked in a shaky breath and moved away from him, trying to save her dignity and false sense of pride.

One step into her retreat, Alastor finally said something.

“Why would you subject yourself to such a messy act? And with a stranger! Surely you of all people are more discerning than the common whor*!”

Mia’s head shot up, eyes drilling into him as if she hadn’t just handed him her vulnerability and emotions on a plate. He sneered off into the distant though, as if envisioning an over cooked piece of meat.

“Oh— you old f*cking prude!”

It was one of those instances where walking away was the adult decision. The sane one. And she’d been ready to! But Alastor was the last being in existence who inspired sanity in her. Threads of humiliation, indignation, and absolute incredulousness braided through her. Her voice built into a scream. “And who do I know that I should be having sex with before I die hmm?! My options aren’t simply limited you piece of sh*t, they’re non existent!”

And again, he stared. What was across his face?

Mia waited, crossing her arms.

His movements struck her as odd. Bizarre and off putting for him, especially given how his extended silence still lacked that pompous sound reel.

Alastor straightened up, smoothing out his hair, then his lapels. He tightened his bow-tie. It was odd, what those small movements reminded her of. Like how students nervously primped before having their school picture taken. Even his expression went mild.

Then he cleared his throat, hands clasping behind his back. “I suppose if you are in need of intercourse it is only suitable to partake with a person you know, preferably someone reputable.”

The confusion in her voice could be heard 5 rings down.

“And who might that be?”

A clawed hand came around to tap on his chin. And despite how his head turned upwards, as if the hotel became truly fascinating, a predatory gaze slipped down every minuscule fraction of her.

Slowly he moved around her, carefully circling closer. The backs of his claws trickled down from her neck to shoulder.

Alastor leaned down into her ear. The way his cheek disturbed her hair sent prickling sparks down her skin.

“As you’ve so kindly regarded myself, ma jolie proie, I am f*cking sexy.”

Steel rods seemingly shot through her chest and spine, spiking down into the ground, holding her captive. Had she really said that? Yes. Yes she had and all with the confidence and bravado of a fool. And oh God, she was turned on.

“Y-y-y- you w-uh— uh you want to have sex? With me?”

“I don’t believe want is the right word.”

Her face twisted, mimicking the way the neurons in her brain scrambled for any semblance of logic. “So you don’t want to have sex with me?”

Alastor rolled his eyes. “Allow me to rephrase. I find it necessary to dissuade you from having intercourse with another being, especially given how Hell is keen on carnal acts that would leave a particular human maimed.”

“So you don’t want me having sex with someone else?”

“Indeed, that is the case.”

“But you don’t want to have sex with me?”

“I don’t find it to be a necessary experience.”

“And if I do have sex with someone?”

“I’ll be sure to give them a proper congratulations! Coaxing such a marvelous doll into rumpling her bed sheets is nothing to snark at! They’ll also have the privilege of becoming my broadcast’s prime time guest! After which I’ll make them into a marvelous meal.”

Alastor twisted into something dark and menacing and frigid despite how his hands, slipping upward from her forearms to shoulders, felt like a thousand suns.

Her face contorted and tipped, mind rattling to decide which part of that she needed to focus on. “So I can’t have sex with anyone but you without you torturing them? Eating them? But I can’t have sex with you either?”

A brow popped up in sincerity, “And why can’t you?”

“OH MY GOD YOU’RE IMPOSSIBLE!” She burst forward, lunging and twisting to escape his Hellish machinations.

“I’m not sure I follow your reasoning my dear.” Alastor grinned, looking far too charming as he tipped up her chin with a finger.

Mia smacked his hand away with an indignant groan. For now she could only focus on the simplest fact. “That’s rape, you crazy bastard! Having sex with some WHO DOESN’T WANT TO is rape! I am not a rapist. Jesus on a f*cking stick. What f*cking twilight zone am I in right now?!”

She twisted around in a circle or two, hands flailing. Then she stopped, finger jutting accusingly at his nose, “Aren’t you a virgin?”

“Absolutely not!”

The process of her face mirroring the absolute chaos of her mind right now started again. Then she blinked, head tipping.

“When? With who?!”

Alastor scoffed, throwing her a disdaining look, hands settling onto his hips. His body squared up almost as if he were trying to display, not his ever present intimidating overlordness, but the fact that he was a man.

“When I was a younger man. She was a retired, widowed governess. It was a dalliance in learning that one must sometimes give to get. And no, it was not rape before you go prattling on with your modern gobbledygook! I actively participated.”

“And just how old were you?” She squeaked out.

Alastor smiled, seemingly pleased with himself. “16!”

Mia’s eye twitched. “How old was she?”

He had to think on that. This wasn't something he often revisited. “I do believe in her mid 40s.”

If anyone nearby was telepathic, they surely would have heard the deafening snap of her self control. Her cheeks blazed with fury, glaive appearing in hand. Alastor had to move back an inch as her arm moved in anger, demanding, “Her name! Now! She must be in Hell! I—“

Mia paused though, gaping again as her voice came down to a whisper, “I’m going to run her through. I’ll shred her soul to pieces.”

Alastor took pause at the novel reaction before him. Her rage was obvious, her eyes glossed over, teeth gritting under a snarl, knuckles whitening around that fearsome weapon. Alastor could empathize with that kind of wrath. But to be so distraught over something that had happened over a century ago?

To him?

Homicidal madness suited her quite well, he thought. Such bright, flaming beauty set in the gilded frame of blood lust. A want twinged inside of him, wondering what it would be like to watch her massacre another. To watch her delight in sin, laughing and smiling, looking thoroughly radiant with freshly ripped out heart beating in her hands.

And for him? To serve and please him?

Alastor all but licked his lips at the wild fantasy. He wanted that. Unfortunately his pride would end that debauched fantasy. “All on behalf of my honor! Why Bel Zanj, so chivalrous. Alas, I know nothing about her in Hell nor do I care enough to find out.”

Instead of stoking her fire, it smothered out. The weapon was no where to be found as big, soft eyes turned up to him. She rubbed her hands together, seeming uncertain.

“I’m so sorry. I— Are you alright?”

He did not need her pity. What a fool of a girl! Trying to feel sorry for him. For what? If anything, he’d used that woman! Absolutely that was the case. It couldn’t have been any other way. Alastor had decided to never be used or humiliated ever since his father.

No, she ought feel sorry for herself. He’d have to remind her of that fact.

“My precious, naive, foolhardy prey, there’s no need to worry about me. I’m fit as a fiddle! I received more than I wanted or needed. But you?”

Tantalizingly slow, he pulled on the soft hair, tipping her head back. One leg moved between hers. Mia tried to pull her head back down, a whimper drifting out of her gasping mouth.

The claws around her waist flitted up to where the dress opened for her wings. Sparks and shivers ran up her spine as the sharp points nipped on the sensitive flesh.

Those quivers made him smile. He did love how his prey was right where it belonged. And yet he wanted so much more from her sudden meekness. All at once his leg grazed through hers while his claws sunk in.

Mia pitched forward into him, quivering and panting. He didn’t hesitate to do it again.

“Ah-Alastor, please!”

Again she tried to jerk her head, but Alastor captured it to the side. That demonic tongue laved along the scorching pulse of her neck. Next came his fangs scraping. His jaw went wide teeth encapsulating the area. All it would take was one snap to douse him in that gloriously hot blood. Sweet and thick and luscious.

”Alastor! You- This ahhhhh— “ There came a hard jerk, Mia using all of her limbs to force away from him. That was not the problem though. Something seared against his cheek, causing Alastor to thoroughly drop her onto the ground.

Already she was scrambling, failing miserably, to get to her feet while holding her holy weapon. It dawned on him that she’d summoned it between their bodies, grazing his cheek on the blade's edge. Even still that felt like a piece of his soul was being flayed off.

The moment he took to rub his cheek was enough for her heaving, wild eyed form to recover and mad dash for the hotel.

Chapter 45: Silence


Charlie really is her father's daughter.



Just pretend I'm doing something productive today ...


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 111

Charlie tried tugging the long sleeved crop top down, uncomfortable with just how much of her stomach was showing. Vaggie was thankfully meeting with Dr. Antti otherwise this would have been a very different scenario. Nervously she looked over to her aunt, dressed in a similar fashion of denim cut offs and hot pink fishnets, who seemed a bit too fine with it all.

“Seviathan, is this really necessary?”

Her ex boyfriend had decided that utilizing the hotel’s social media for gimmicks would be more useful than explaining the merits of redemption! Sadly it was working.

Mia gave her a sympathetic look, tying a pink plaid flannel around Charlie's waist. “I hate to say it, but he isn’t wrong. My best friend was popular for stuff like this. No rhyme or reason, just attractive people doing random stuff.”

“Your best friend is a human?” Charlie asked out of Seviathan’s earshot. The woman grimaced, then smiled, nodding.

“Yeah. She taught me a few dances like this. We could film a foot shake? Do you know what that is?”

Charlie’s head shook while Seviathan finished setting up a ring light and tripod. “Foot shakes are lame.”

Mia stared daggers into his skull, taking Vaggie’s place as her unofficial body guard. “Well all of your ideas were garbage. There’s no point in making Charlie uncomfortable. Angel would do it so we can just wait.”

“No! I want to do it! Show me how.”

“You’ll have to twerk,” he chimed, grinning at her, biting the corner of his mouth. Before she could ask what a twerk even was, her aunt flung a plate at him. It spun through the air perfectly colliding into his neck.

“Mia!” Charlie gasped, instantly caught between the need to scold her aunt and check on the victim. Still, her aunt was snickering as the other gasped for air, growling.

“He absolutely deserved that Charlie. Twerking is where you shake your ass. You want to try again Sev? I won’t miss next time.”

He snarled, magic starting to pop around him, “You bitch! You—“

“Why young man, I thought we were well agreed that your behavior as a guest would be spotless, yes?”

Al appeared out of the shadows, stepping in front of the grumbling green demon. As he leaned into Seviathan’s face, Charlie could feel his magic grow in the air. Curiously, her eyes drifted to Mia who was furiously preoccupied with texting, obviously not looking at Alastor.

It pained her. Hadn’t Mia made real progress with Al? They’d seemed to be doing so well!

“Al I thought you were busy today?”

That’s what he said yesterday. Charlie made a point to not know about his business out of the hotel. He wheeled around, facade breaking for a fraction of a second as his eyes rolled over their bright, eclectic outfits. His eyes lingered a little too long on her aunt, thoroughly horrified. “What is this?”

He gestured wildly to Mia, not seemingly worried about Charlie's appearance.

“You are indecent! What has possessed you to raid Angel Dust’s wardrobe?!” Her aunt was more exposed.

Mia huffed, eyes rolling. “Piss off you geriatric stereo. It isn’t like we’re down here in pasties and boas! This is perfectly normal attire, not that you’d know.”

Alastor’s eye twitched and Charlie went to step between them but stopped. They were adults. Right? Vaggie had asked her not to get involved in every little squabble and her aunt was nearly an expert in handling Alastor by now! So she backed away, uncertain if she’d regret it.

“You’ve started traipsing about like an alley cat,” he quipped, sneering.

Mia grinned, slinking towards him. “Aw Alastor, I didn’t think you were looking.”

“Uh Mia,” Charlie whispered, having an awful feeling about what began to unfold. Her aunt didn’t seem to hear though. Claws trailed up Alastor’s shirt before hooking under bowtie and tugging.


Alastor’s smile widened, the air bristling with static and magic. “If you’re keen to act like a whor*, you may as well look the part my dear!”

There came a snap.

Charlie gasped and yelled, “Alastor!”

“AHAHA! Serves that bitch right!” Seviathan cackled, patting the red demon’s arm before being slung backwards to the wall.

Mia however, went full on silent, a fury blooming across her face. She stood nearly naked in pasties, a thong, and feather boa. Before another second passed her aunt’s fist crashed into Alastor’s neck, causing him to heave and hack. Her bare shin came up right between his legs before she raced away.

Record scratches and demonic energy filled the room. His eyes glowed, horns twisting as he stepped forward. Charlie rushed, blocking the doorway, shoving him firmly backwards. Her own power started to leak as she demanded, “Enough! How could you Alastor!?”

He noticed her own growing horns. She could feel her teeth sharpening. On plenty of occasions she’d been told anytime her demonic power slipped, the energy of it could be felt suppressing anyone else in the room. This time was no exception as he stepped back, smile dwindling.

Before chasing off after her aunt, she stepped into his precious personal bubble. “That was absolutely uncalled for! Your definition of modesty does not dictate everyone else’s! So much for being a gentleman!”

There was no reaction from him though. Fine. Charlie would deal with his behavior later but for now she needed to check on her aunt.


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 110

Given their familial relation, he’d expect Charlotte to be quite upset with him. Yet she seemed just as well during the regular staff meeting that evening with his prey nowhere to be seen. The moment the room cleared though, the princess piped up with a more serious tone, “Al, can you hang back for a bit?”

“But of course Princess!” He exclaimed, feigning that the was nothing wrong in the slightest.

“Cut the sh*t Al.” She deadpanned. Despite looking stoic, her eyes bled red and small pointed nubs formed on her forehead. “Would you like to know what I’ve learnt today?”

Alastor quirked an eyebrow, smiling the same as ever. On the inside was a gnawing sensation that crept into his very being.

Was this part of her magic? While he was powerful and far more likely to act, Charlotte could easily over power him, the same as Lucifer. Out wit him? Never, but that wasn’t the game they were currently playing. “Please tell me what’s on your mind Charlotte.”

She stalked around the desk. He noticed how her shoulders started to shake, visible thumb nails becoming sharpened claws. It surely pierced the skin of her palms by now. His eyes turned to dials. It would have been more effective if she were a shorter demoness. Or perhaps he just wanted to believe that. How angry could she be for only a small prank?

Charlotte jerked on his lapels, snarling. Six burning, massive wings sprouted and the world shifted around them. Alastor didn’t get a second to register what was happening before the wind was knocked out of him. The force she used to pummel him into a seemingly stone surface was enough to leave a several inches deep, Radio Demon shaped hole.

Instinct tried taking him over but her powers were suppressing his. He had no idea of what she was capable of magic wise. Inside of him seared as if he touched the sun. Alastor hissed and gasped in genuine pain.

“It seems I’ve truly angered you Charlotte.”

She snarled and screeched at him. Now he noticed black tears running down her face. “You hurt her!”

“It was a prank, dear girl. Could you be so kind as t-” The searing feeling swelled again, rendering him unable to finish the sentence.

“Kind?! Is that what you call sexually harassing my Vaggie? My girlfriend?!”

Ah yes. It seemed that in Miss Miller’s frustration with him, something about their previous encounter had slipped.

He opened his mouth but she wouldn’t give him the opportunity to speak.


That word did not come out in any human language he knew of. It commanded his soul to the core, destroying any ability he had to speak. Proof of her birthright. Proof that he’d forgotten just who and what she was.

“I believe in redemption. And now you do too Alastor. From this day on, until Vaggie forgives you, consider yourself apart of the program and if you dare sexually harass another soul, I will use you to test the extent of my rage. And you owe Mia a real apology.”

Her palm glowed black and fiery above his face before she tore it away, showing him some small mercy. “And it’s Charlie.”

Afterwards she vanished.

Alastor laid on what he recognized as the hotel roof for another hour. It took that long for the burning of his soul to fade away and for his speech to return. Truly his mother must be ashamed of him.

“Indeed her father’s daughter.”



Love you guys!

Also, how does everyone feel about the new Helluva episodes??

Chapter 46: Karaoke


Alastor goes to a club.


I made a playlist for this one!
All the awful music Alastor is subjected to is at the bottom :D

Chapter Text

Imp City - 2nd Circle
Next Cleanse: 107

Tap-Tap-ta-Tap-Tap Tap-Tap

The apartment door with a little mail slot stating ‘M&M Residence - Blitz DOES NOT live here!’ opened, revealing the small male imp he’d seen on more than one occasion. Before Alastor could even interject the creature pulled on his bow tie, “Oh crumbs. Pardon me sir, but wouldn’t you happen to be the Radio Demon?”

Alastor stepped in past Moxxie, eyeing the apartment before settling on a particular pile of clothes and bag near the couch.

After their little tiffs, Miss Miller had run off.

Charlo— Charlie, was seethingly angry with him. The demon princess and Vaggie both scolded him. What's worse was Angel Dust looking down on him! That whor* of a spider had the gall to give him the cold shoulder! Husk only gave him a stern look but said nothing. But oh, the absolute worst was Nifty! The tiny demoness had picked up Miss Miller’s duties, complaining about having to cancel a date with the Goetic Prince fellow she’d become so fond of. Yesterday Alastor went to take over the cooking from Nifty but she snapped at him, telling him she’d do it.

All of this headache and fuss because Miss Miller!


Not because of Miss Miller. Alastor had pointedly ignored that consuming feeling, doing anything and everything to keep it away. But now with everyone holding him responsible, he couldn’t.

Ought he just let Miss Miller traipse around with some scum of Hell willing to do Satan knows what to her?!

The thought left him sick and angry and maybe the tiniest bit frantic. Perhaps a smidge guilty. But only for not playing his cards correctly! Simply that and no more!

“That is what these derelicts call me isn’t it? A pleasure to make your acquaintance my impish fellow, you may call me Alastor!” He grabbed Moxxie’s hand in a forceful shake. “I must apologize for my abrupt entrance but I’m here to make sure a rather feral like employee of mine is—”

Well, what was he trying to determine?

Was she safe? No. Of course not! It would take nothing for a demon having a typically miserable day to send her back to Earth for another round of existence. The notion that she very well could be dead somewhere at this very moment sent his mind spiraling.

“You mean Mia?” Moxxie added.

“That I do!”

Despite the understanding in the imp’s eyes about who he was facing down, he straightened that tiny waist coat, eyes filling with resolve. “She’s mentioned you, sir. And I’m rather under the impression that you should let her be.”

Alastor craned over the imp, eyes glowing into dials, “Is that so?”

The smaller swallowed, beads of sweat forming down his brow.

“Now, dear fellow, I do believe that you’re prepared to make an unfortunate decision. Your sweet wife, how might she feel to come home a widow?”

Moxxie’s eyes glowed in turn, procuring a pistol from seemingly no where. He didn’t take aim though. No, the little imp seemed to stand taller. “You might kill me, but there are powerful enemies you’d make in the process. And she'd never forgive you for it. You know that. Why are you looking for Mia?”

Alastor snarled, the world darkening, “I need to speak with her.”

“No,” Moxxie squeaked out, trying to back away, “W-what you need to do, is apologize. You’ve the reputation of a gentleman don’t you? Perhaps you should act like one!”

“You’re testing me.”

“You're in love with her,” Moxxie countered.

There was a deafening scratch.

“So you are! Why bother looking for her otherwise? I heard her talking to my wife, they’re good friends now.”


In love?

With that fiendish bearcat? Always driving him up the wall? Keeping him busy and going mad trying to make sure she survived in this fantastically gruesome reality?

Alastor’s jaw was set hard into a murderous smile but he didn’t advance. What was there to gain from maiming this annoying possum of a creature?

“Sir would you like to sit down? Perhaps have a cup of tea? My wife and I have been married for a year now and it certainly isn’t without its challenges. I was quite nervous before asking my lovely Millie out!"

Alastor rolled his eyes and snarled. He didn't have the time for this!

"Mia told us you scared off her date. Something similar happened before Millie and I got together. You have be prepared to man up or let go, Sir. For her sake.”

Let go? Nonsense! She was his!

This f*cking imp.

The imp pulled out one of those infernal bricks, holding it out for Alastor to read some messages.

Alastor sneered at the extreme use of tiny faces and shapes but then there was a picture. The two Hellborn assassins and Miss Miller huddled together in the center of a dance floor, drinks in hand. And she looked happy. That boulder taking up space in him lightened. She wasn’t gored or decapitated or being feasted on by festering invalids.

And yet she'd not smiled at him for days.

“See, she’s safe. We are aware of her peculiar situation, though we don’t talk about it. It took a minute to catch on, but we did. No angel would need so much protection or training.”

Alastor released the long breath trapped in his chest and finally sat down. He procured his own coffee, suddenly feeling like a naive young man and hating every moment of it. He’d just got schooled by this imp barely a fraction of his age.

The wall decorations of music and records and other assortments like playbills caught his eye, trying to find some sort of distraction.

“A musician I suspect?” Alastor prodded. He wasn’t uninterested in the collection of items but it primarily reminded him of the date he’d stopped from happening. Or all the times he and Miss Miller weren’t at odds. She truly was a delightful pianist. There was now a very real chance he’d never hear her play again.

“Indeed I am! Was. It’s a hobby more than anything now. Assassin work provides a more stable income and work schedule. And I would call myself a firearms expert. I play the guitar most but I’ve quite the passion of opera! My spare time is spent composing.”

Alastor didn’t respond, trying to come to terms with the world around him. What she said earlier, about not having time left, bothered him. Of course she did carry a nasty curse of sorts but was it truly looming off in the distance?

“Maybe you can try to make things right with Mia. What would happen if you tried to be happy?”

Alastor’s head jerked around.

Happy ?

Wasn’t he happy? He could maim, torture, and eat as he pleased! He had power! Boredom hadn’t become an issue in quite a while. Not since …


Damn this tiny imp!

Alastor shot to his feet. “Where are they?”

Moxxie smiled, scribbling down an address. “Remember to be kind Sir.”


Alastor appeared across the street from the packed bar that heavily advertised ‘Kill-eoke Night! Fight, Sing, Party!’.

This particular establishment was popular in Hell for the last 200 years for staying on trend and constantly changing. He’d frequented it heavily after his own death until sometime in the 1950s.

Demons were already noticing him. It would do no good to cause a panic or have it spread he was here. Miss Miller was already so cross with him.

Anxiety bubbled up his throat. What if something were to happen to her? What if he was already too late? Did she have any of Rosie’s potions left? What if the Hellhound became inebriated and ate her?!

Twisting into the shadows he moved into the club, immediately disgusted with the modern, throbbing music. There had to be nearly 500 demons packed body to body. So many were so much larger than she was!


The music cut out, the club erupting with cheers. A demon jumped from the balcony onto the elaborate stage that jutted out into the flood of demons.

“You ugly whor*s know the rules! Two up for a no holds barred match. Winner gets the stage then chooses the next opponents! LET’S GOOO!”

He hated to admit that it wasn’t the worst gimmick he’d seen in Hell. Given the venue it was rather clever. Two massive demons clamored onto the stage where they proceeded to brutalize each other.

Alastor found it particularly entertaining! Two souls fighting to their undeath just to perform! Perhaps he'd come watch on a different day.

Eventually a golem looking fellow won, throwing the loser’s torn off limbs to the euphoric crowd. Any enjoyable aspect of the show died when that ugly behemoth opened its gravelly maw.

For thirty minutes he scraped through the shadows enduring awful music and wretched smells, switching between the highs and hidden sections of the club.

Had they left?

Every moment that ticked by caused more gurgling in his gut. Alastor could only imagine the worst and barely heard the DJ announcing yet another match.

“This isn’t going to be a fair fight! Look at this little lady! How about we get her a weapon, yeah?!”

And there she was, climbing onto the stage, the Hellhound handing her two shots. Miss Miller took one and sat the other down.

The fight was underway before he could move. Miss Miller whirled around a metal pole to fight the gargantuan prehistoric demon. The pulsating crowd cheered for her defeat.

Miss Miller was a good fighter, he couldn’t deny that but what if she lost? Alastor could only imagine her severed limbs being feasted on, the demon crushing her head between its fists. He needed to do something.

Dim lighting made him imperceptible as his shadows stretched across the stage. They glued her opponent to the spot as the metal pipe struck its neck. She twisted into a jump, her leg colliding across the demon's face. Ever the showman, Alastor manipulated it to look as if she’d struck the beast off the stage, body crashing into giant speaker.

The ocean of demons quieted for a moment before blazing and roaring with her praises.

Despite his help, coupled with the glorious relief of her being safe, Alastor smiled.

Miss Miller soaked up the cheers before high-fiving her compatriots. She took the final shot and the microphone.

“OHHHH I MISS THE MISERY,” she wailed, music coming to life.

The shades created a hidden barrier on the stage, dragging any demon he deemed a threat into his pocket dimension. Beautiful women on a stage always curried the worst attention. But the more he begrudgingly listened to the modern, garbled music, the more guilt he felt.

Surely she couldn’t be this upset with him?

But he knew better.

That night … Alastor tried his damnedest to not think on it. He’d done a phenomenal job until now!

The softness and vulnerability, being so obedient and offering up her blood. Why had she? Alastor never considered it until now. Certainly Miss Miller was sweet on him, and yes he’d done well to take advantage of it, but what was he supposed to do?

How could he waste such a fresh, phenomenal snack?

The singing stopped, but the music still blared. She flew off the stage, racing through the crowd, screaming something he couldn’t hear. Damnit where was she going?!

Miss Miller drunkenly crashed through the alley door, startling three demons out of the throes of passion. Finally he heard her.


A demon rushed down the ramp but she vaulted over the railing, shoving him hard. The hood fell off as he collided with the pavement knees first. There was Baxter looking terrified, scrambling to his feet but trapped between her and an overflowing dumpster.

A knife gleamed in her hand as she glowered, “I want answers!”

His head shook, looking downward, arms pulled tight across his body. She shoved again and his back colliding with grubby metal.

Alastor noticed a type of brand on the side of his face.

“I’m sorry! I’m deeply, ashamedly sorry for that night Mia! I don’t know what came over me! It … I— Strange things were happening! I wanted t—” There was a sincerity in his voice but like all things, Alastor didn’t trust it. He trusted it even less as a lanky blue hand reached out palm up.

Like lightening he materialized between them. One arm tucked Miss Miller into his chest, using it and his body to shield her away. The claws of his other hand extended, piercing up through a screaming Baxter’s palm. “Another inch and I’ll be removing that hand for the rest of eternity.”

“Alastor! Let me go and leave me alone! Goddamn it, f*ck off!” She yowled, beat at his chest, kicking at his shins, surprisingly not using the knife.

Her jaw clenched shut at his dial ridden eyes and snarling mouth. Even so, she still writhed.

Miss Miller shoved, the strength of it coming from pure anger. Despite all that training it did nothing to move her from his protection. She settled for readjusting within his grasp and he was kind enough to lower his hand from her head.

Even still she didn't spare him a glance, turning back to Baxter who was inching his way around them.

This time her voice cracked, clearly hurt for the fiend who tried to debase and take advantage of her mere months ago! The way she looked at Baxter left him genuinely sick. He hated it for how it affected her. He hated it because he’d very well caused the same confused, saddened expression so many times. And yet it never whittled away at her determination.

“What happened that night Baxter?”

He shook his head furiously, blue face turning confused and sickly. “I don’t know! It all felt— I just couldn’t … it wasn’t your fault! I didn’t want it to happen!”

The brand scorched and burned, causing the fish to scream in pain, clawing at his face as he raced past them. She jerked against the crimson clad arms, struggling after the fish demon but Alastor anchored her to his chest.

“Let me go! That can’t be all of it! What was that?! BAXTER!” She screeched.

No one bothered coming to her aid. Any demon that recognized him fled. They were alone.

He went to berate her for this foolish drunken debacle! To rattle her silly little mind for putting herself into such a dangerous situation!

But the imp’s words rang between his ears, shutting down all of his usual rhetoric.

“I will do no such thing,” he informed gently. Even though his hold was nonnegotiable, it wasn’t tight. Alastor felt weary and wasn’t keen to warrant her anger or sadness towards him. Not anymore than previously that is.

Finally she stopped struggling, hands fisted into his sleeve. “Why can’t you leave me alone?”

Alastor despised that answer as it threaded through him. Feared it even.

His other arm came up around her at the sound of a slight whimper. There he clawed through her hair, trying to soothe her. Or perhaps he was soothing himself. There was no way to tell anymore.

“I believe it’s time to come home, yes?”

The tension in her body subsided and she nodded. Even escorting her through the portal to her bedroom door didn’t gain him a glance.

Chapter 47: Prey


Mia can't avoid Alastor any longer.


I'm sleepy and really want some potatoes.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hazbin Hotel Garden
Next Cleanse: 106

“Charlie is now privy to some of my misdeeds.”

Mia didn’t even groan that he was here. She didn’t care. She was too tired to care. For breakfast she’d sat out a bunch of granola bars and coffee then came out to mope.

“You deserve whatever’s coming your way.”

“You’ll find we are in agreement.” A twinge of defeat, perhaps even regret, filled his voice. The novelty of it broke her resolve, so she turned a hard stare onto him.

For once he didn’t smile. What a strange picture. His arms were crossed atop the stone banister, cheek nestled in the crook of his elbow, gazing off into the dawn. Deja vu prickled through her. In a near perfect mental overlay was the man from her dreams.

A thin man, handsome, sitting at a card table in a radio station.

He glanced at her and Mia turned away, only to hear him sigh.

“I am—”

“An absolute, irredeemable, narcissistic, intolerable ass.”

He huffed out a laugh, “You’ve become less creative.”

“Because I don’t care! Creativity requires thinking and you are the last person I want to think of.”

“I don’t know what to say to you Miss Miller.”

“Of course you don’t. You don’t know how to do anything that isn’t causing pain or suffering Alastor. I’m starting to think there is no way you were ever kind! That everything has to be a means to an end for you! I’m done. I’m done with you!”

Mia moved to stand. Why was she subjecting herself to this? No, not anymore.

But he placed his hand on her arm. Not pulling or clawing. Still no smile. “I’d like for you to wait. Just this once.”

Her eyes couldn’t roll any harder! But as she pulled her legs from between the stone posts, he whispered, “Please Michael.”

Saying her name hollowed out her stomach, causing her to pause. Fine! Damn him for being handsome and pathetic looking. She may as well try to solve her own mystery.

“When did you die?”

Alastor’s hand didn’t move as he answered, “1933.”

After the seal broke. At what point had they been married then? What had happened?

Mia struggled between wanting to be rid of him and needing to know the truth.

“Does the last name Burr mean anything to you?”

His face twisted, hand moving down to her wrist. Parts of her warred on how she now felt about her long sleeved shirt.

“Yes. That family over took the radio station I worked at in 1926. You’ve remembered something?”

Mia swallowed hard, casting her gaze down. “Did anything happen between then and your death that was particularly … bizarre?”

Clawed fingers drifted over the back of her hand, moving down in between her fingers, but not holding them. “In light of righting my wrongs, allow me to share something with you?”

To get answers, indulging him might be worth it. That’s all she wanted! Or so she tried to lie, even if she knew better. “Sure.”

Then he teleported them. When the magic settled, Mia found herself embarrassed all over again.

Alastor situated them in her hammock, nestling her against his chest and between his legs. Long red clad arms draped across her front, trapping her. Mia was akin to a small bug, crumpled in a large leaf. Engulfed.

Being like this while crying her eyes out or in agonizing pain was different! Dismissible as weakness or momentary insanity.

But this was sobering. Purposeful and intimate.

“Alastor!” She hissed, doing her best to wriggle away. Those lanky arms tightened around her. They couldn’t see the other’s face like this. Maybe that was for the best because she was flummoxed. She hated this! She hated it … but only because she liked it. All her complaints were lost to the mocking sensations.

“Please listen,” he requested. Today Alastor seemed determined to drive her insane. Mia begrudgingly settled into his chest, eyes closed.

“I don’t recall the date but one morning in 1928, I awoke with unfathomable power, a weak precursor to the ones I have. Perhaps I became a half baked demon then? I've spent years trying to learn how it happened. Our undiscovered connection is perhaps the catalyst don’t you think?”

A curse, Gabriel had called it. Eldritch magic she was able to use during her living years. Mia’s stomach twisted.

A decision she’d make all over again apparently, because she loved Alastor near a century ago. That’s why Gabriel was so livid with her. She’d mindlessly given a human, a serial killer no less, demonic power and sacrificed herself! That had to be it!


“Would you want to remember? If we’d met before?” Mia was desperate for him to remember her, as childish as that was. Maybe he felt that same heart wrenching pull for her. The same unprecedented, decades old desire.

“Of course not.”

It felt like a brick launched into her gut.

That absolute certainty in his voice shattered her budding warmth. Mia catapulted off him, unceremoniously freeing herself into the grass face first.

“Good talk Alastor,” she strained, stomping towards the hotel.

Mia’s composure deteriorated with every step. Hot tears stung her eyes.

All because of him!

What madness was this!? Why had that felt so wrong? Like betrayal. One moment he’s the person she confided in, found respite with, then in the same breath she felt like a toy! Suitable only at his leisure. There didn’t seem to be an escape from the cycle.

Was that what it was like before?

“Why are you upset so suddenly?” He called from behind, long legs catching up too quickly.

Anger erupted through her.

“What now Alastor?! How much would you like to torment me today hmm!?” Every muscle rattled as she jerked around to face him. He was a couple steps below her and nearly eye to eye for once. Instead of breaking her personal space as per usual, he handed her his handkerchief.

Mia snatched it, wiped her tears, then flung it to the ground.

“That was childish,” he said evenly.

“The only child here Alastor Laveau, is you!”

Genuine surprise crept up his face. “It seems you do remember something. Perhaps you’re s—”

“Who cares?! You wouldn’t want to know it anyway would you? I am a doll to you! A toy that you can pick up and play with. That you can manipulate and jerk around without any power or autonomy! Well that’s it! I believed we were friends! But I get it now! I am a fool and I don’t belong here …”

His head tipped sideways with a click. Mia had to wonder why she’d put up with it for so long. If it were anyone else, even Gabriel or Lucifer, she wouldn’t have.

Once upon a time she’d stood on his porch, bent over the railing, calling out his name. He’d stepped up on a lone brick to meet her bent form with a kiss. Like some New Orleans Romeo and Juliet. Mia felt nervous and nauseous.

Those people were dead and their feelings had died too.

How could this be the man she was so heart achingly in love with in her dreams? Realizing she’d loved him decades ago made the blossoming feelings for him now far worse. All these emotions …

Did he drive her to insanity back then as well?

Was he always so horrible and cruel?

Silently she cried, too tired to run anymore. There was no point in trying to escape him. To escape the feelings she had for him.

“I’ve hurt you.” The truth finally dawned on him. The handkerchief was magically clean and in his hand. Slow and gentle, he dabbed at the large frustrated tears on her cheeks.

“My manners have devolved over the decades, alongside an uptick of flippancy towards others. Especially you Michael. I meant what I said about not needing to remember … simply because it would hold no bearing on my ardor towards you now.” His voice trailed off, hands clasping behind his back as he finished wiping at her frustrated tears.

Ardor? What a laughably old word.

“What would you have me do Michael? If necessary, this can be out final interaction. I’ll leave you in peace while guaranteeing your safety. You won’t have to see me.” Now there was something cold and empty in her stomach. To just never talk to her again?

Didn’t he care?!

Everything crashed in her like a meteor and a glass house. A sob erupted up from her throat alongside a cackling laugh. How miserable she must have looked.

“What would I like from you? I want you to stop torturing me like this!” Mia screamed.

“Then tell me ho—”

She cut him off. This was her limit.

She officially boiled over.

Fists wrapped into his jacket and while she wasn’t strong enough to drag him to her, she closed the gap all the same.

Alastor followed in suit. Her out pouring of raw emotion resonated with him, kicking up all that he’d tried to bury.

Those sweet tears. Her frantic heart beat, flushed face. It all endeared him. Tantalized him. Alastor hated her growing aversion towards him. That was the opposite of what he desired. Now, in an effort to keep her, because he truly wanted to keep her close, he reciprocated the gesture.

Mia squeaked with surprise as one arm looped around her waist and the other caressed down the curvature of her neck.

Ah, she couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think. Every inch of her was melting into him, her knees buckled with a desperate whimper. Alastor hoisted her up with a jerk.

They pulled apart, but his grip did not loosen. Mirth spread across his face, ”Is this what you’ve wanted ma jolie proie?”

“What does that even mean?” She asked breathlessly.

Alastor’s expression turned dark, smiling with all the wickedness of Hell. A hand snaked into her hair, coiling it into his fingers.

“You,” he started, rolling hot breath over her ear, “ are my pretty prey. Ma jolie proie.”

Blood drained from her face as all thought drained from her mind. He’d been calling her that for months now.

“Darling Michael, do you disagree?” He taunted, the hand at her hip gripping harder. Hearing her name on his lips made her feel feral. She shivered with the knowledge of just what kind of pleasure she wanted from him.

“Tell me this is inappropriate. I’ll stop.”

No! She barely stopped herself from the pathetic plea. This was more whiplash! But this time she craved it. All the words caught in her throat, heat building through her body. A serious craving filled below her waist. “I - uh … Wh-”

“Offer going once,” he purred with that silky, molten Creole accent. Oh she was doomed now. So fantastically doomed.

“Twice, Chèr.” Alastor grazed her nose with his, lips grazing her cheek as he spoke. She was trapped.

The words wouldn’t come. Was this one of his magical abilities? To stop her dead, stunned by his presence?

“So it’s settled, ma jolie proie.” The grip around her waist was nonnegotiable and possessive. There was no resistance to be had. No one could tear her away from him now.

Mia wrapped her legs around his waist, threading her hands through his hair. Alastor thrummed as her claws scraped near his ears. But they’d have to wait. She couldn’t stop kissing him, oxygen be damned. Despite the past, this feeling belonged to her. He enchanted her. Tormented her. Excited her. Gave her freedom and safety. Made her laugh.

Mia liked who she was with him.

Just herself.


We're getting pretty close to some more funnnnnnn~~~ bits.

Chapter 48: Wife


Alastor has to run an errand.


Lol, what's a posting schedule? Do people have those?

I'm at the mercy of my extreme ADHD.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 106

Husker sprawled across the couch this morning instead of behind the bar with his newest book ‘Il Nome Della Rosa’. As of late he gravitated towards Italian literature for reasons he'd not admit. Alastor walked in the front door from his morning stroll, singing and broadcasting an old French tune.

‘La lune trop pâle caresse l'opale de tes yeux blasés’

The cat snickered with a grin, openly eyeing the distracted radio demon, “Glad you guys made up.”

Alastor screeched to a halt, his smile strained, eyes nervous. Down right as nervous as Husker had ever seen the man.

“Making out in the garden with Wings? Risky. You’re lucky Legs or Princess didn’t see.” A few hours ago Husk was wandering around like usual if he couldn’t sleep. Shame no one else was up to see an actual phenomenon. No one would believe it otherwise.

Like always, Al had a gentleman’s response, looking to put his only friend back in place. “It appears I’m not the only one keen on the effeminate these days, yes?”

Both pulled up a bar stool as Alastor conjured up two cigars and some brandy. Husker picked up the brown smoke and took a puff, “Ain’t it a bit premature to celebrate moving on?”

“Husker, my good friend, surely you don’t mean to belittle our achievements!”

Husk sighed and took a drink. For a long while he’d held onto that piece of info from his childhood that concerned Al’s human life until he told Wings. Given the solitude of the morning and the Radio Demon’s good mood, it was probably safe to share what he knew.

“Not what I meant Al. Then again, always figured you never recognized me.”

Alastor turned on the bar stool, cigar hanging from his mouth with a perplexed look. “Recognize you from … ?”

“Heh. Makes sense. I died a lot older than you did, saw Nam all the way through.” The other man’s expression didn’t waver. “I was born to two hotel workers in 1916. When I was 12 a thin hep cat with glasses, his wife, and mother checked in to where my folks worked. I tried to steal his saxophone.”

“Husker! That whipper snapper was you? My time, you never brought it up!”

The cat grinned, looking bright eyed for once. Once upon a time a poor boy met a self made man, who at the nagging of his kind wife, taught him to play the saxophone instead of reprimanding him.

What confused him though was how Alastor glazed right over the word wife. As if he hadn’t even heard it.

“Yeah, that dame of yours kept you from tossing me off the roof.”

Alastor blinked several times. His face went from mildly perturbed to overly concerned. It was rare for them to be so open with each other but Husker decided this wasn’t the time for being touched. “I had no wife Husker. Not even a sweetheart! And certainly no dame!”

“That’s bullsh*t Al. I got a photographic memory and remember every number and book I’ve ever read. You. had. a. wife. I figured you never brought her up cause you might have offed her.”

That angered him, the implication that he could have murdered a woman, especially alive. Especially in the presence of his mother. Especially if that woman was allegedly his wife! And here he was near fuming over someone imaginary! “I took my mother for a trip to visit her cousin Alice. No one but the two of us!”

Husk could see small underlying panic. It was virtually unrecognizable but he trusted his own instincts and knew Alastor all too well. Leaning in, he asked slowly as if questioning a shell shocked man, “Al, how’d you get to that hotel?”

Husk asked because he knew the wife was the one driving the entire way. Alastor found driving cars to be problematic.

Red claws drummed worriedly on the brandy glass, taking a long pull on the cigar. Alastor’s words came out barely a whisper, “I don’t know.”

For Husker, the pieces fell into place rather easily. “Ya wanna know what I think?”

There wasn’t a verbal answer but Alastor looked at him expectantly. “I think something made you forget. You got that touched sense. I’ve seen it in guys. Like when you almost remember but get distracted at the last second. Or if you needed to forget it to survive. Wings reminds me a lot of that wife you had. Little too coincidental don’t you think Al?”

A long silence fell over them. So much so that Husk cracked open his book as they finished their drinks.

“And what might this so called wife’s name be?”

Husk shrugged, “Never got her name. Your momma called her Dou Fiy. You called her Bel Zanj.”

“And her appearance?” The words came out tight as if Alastor was perched on the edge of the world.

A paw made a generic mark in the air, “Up to here abouts? Big eyes. Smiling most the time. White. Made corny, awful jokes. Nosey as f*ck. A dead ringer for Wings when she ain’t pretending to be dead.”

Alastor’s mouth opened but Husk held up a hand, “I’ve know for a while about her and the brother.”

And then came the fall. Alastor swallowed, staring at the bar.

“Husker, you are far too astute for the rest of us.”

An entire bottle of vodka appeared and Husk nearly choked.

Alastor poured nearly three fingers of it into his glass, ignoring how it mixed with the aubergine residue. For this man to not care about mixing cheap booze and fine spirits floored the cat. Like an expert frat boy Al tipped it all back in one go then stood.

“The f*ck you going, Al?”

Alastor straightened his jacket and summoned the sentient microphone. The transatlantic facade was gone and there was a hint of an angry Creole’d accent, “I believe I’m due a chat with my brother-in-law.”

Husker raised his glass, “Bon lashans é a démin, mô zami.

He didn’t speak Alastor’s mother tongue, but his polyglot abilities enabled him to pick up some phrases along the way.

Alastor flashed a confident smile, confirming just how deep their friendship actually went. Some part of him wondered how things could have been. If only life had allowed them to see old age together, accompanied by a gangster lady boy, an excommunicated angel, and exuberant Japanese girl.

Unfortunately, fantasies were just that. At least death was kind enough to give him good company.


Pride City’s Administrative Center
Next Cleanse: 106

Alastor appeared from a shadow at Lucifer’s downtown office. A goat demon manned the front desk. “I’m here to see His Majesty.”

The goat eyed him with a smile, “Name?”

“I’m in no mood for games Bartholomew. This is concerning his relatives.” The small demon’s fur bristled and immediately placed a phone call. It was short with the only response being, “Yes sire, I’ll send him through. This way Master Alastor.”

They walked down a hall to the familiar double doors of the overlord meeting room. Next to it was a pitch black door. The goat gestured to its crystal knob with a bow, “Please step through Sir.”

Alastor stepped across the threshold into Lucifer’s personal office at their family estate, now overlooking sprawling gardens instead of Pride’s vast metropolis. “Alastor, ever a pleasant surprise! To what do I owe this impromptu visit? I take it my apple dumpling is fairing well?”

Lucifer’s bright demeanor and warm attitude was a facade because as soon as Alastor scowled, uninterested in their usual niceties, the king flashed in a knowing grin. “Took you long enough. Nearly a century, poor Mica. Would you like to do this the easy way or the hard way?”

With no invitation what so ever, Alastor sat down, crossing his legs. Lucifer shrugged and joined his guest, magically procuring a cup of tea and a cup of coffee. “Why did you not tell me? You had every opportunity and ability to rectify this and yet you’ve played this … this game! Why?”

Alastor sat enraged.

At first he was annoyed. His memories and mind should have never been subject to the whims of others! It reminded him of being powerless and helpless. For so long he’d not had a say and what’s worse was not knowing it either. Just a pawn in a game of giants. So now he would demand answers.

Lucifer raked a gloved hand through his hair then took a drink of tea. “Understand that I didn’t know Mica was alive after that stunt. Not until the Pagans got involved, hunting angels in the mortal realm. And I wasn’t the one to remove your memories!”

That wasn’t good enough! “Then who decided to pick and chose my memories? I’d be delighted to give them my regards.”

“Mica did. And for reasons I don't think you'd disagree with.”

Alastor’s eyes turned to radio dials, becoming entirely fed up with this nonsense game. Lucifer waved a hand and he could feel his powers being suppressed. “Apologies but I’m not interested in mangling my sister’s lover. We’ve forgiven each other for so many things, but I doubt she’d let me live down tearing you in two. Charlie would also be quite upset. You are her uncle after all.”

It stumped him, the idea of having a niece. The idea of family in general. Even more so to know it was Charlie. “I want my memories.”

“You might regret it.”

“So be it.”

Lucifer gestured to the coffee, “Drink up and be prepared for a rough ride. You may want to head home after this.”

Alastor hesitated though, “Were there children?”

Lucifer gave him a genuinely sympathetic look, “No, I’m afraid not. Nor would there ever have been.”

Those words left an unexpected pang in his chest. Alastor shook it off, taking back the coffee as he had the vodka. There were plenty of other issues to mull over.

He didn’t wait to be dismissed, turning to the shadows. For several hours he roamed and hunted the outskirts of Pride where the worst of the worst resided.

When was the last time he felt anxiety? Truly? His head was starting to tighten. A migraine started to burn through his skull and ears. If this ride was as rough as Lucifer warned, he would need to be home as to not carve down soul in his path. But he had things to do first.

Back at the hotel, he steeled himself. To think he’d had a wife.

Marriage always struck him as an impossibly wretched thing after watching how his mother suffered. And to Miss Miller?

Now it felt wrong to even consider calling her Miss Miller.

If anything she was now Mrs. Laveau.

His Mrs. Laveau. A scorching heat raked over his cheeks at the idea.

It was his mother’s maiden name. They took it once his father ‘disappeared’ and he’d spent all weekend carving a pitiful looking garden sign for his mother with the name.

“Michael,” he murmured, testing it on his lips again. It worked better than calling her by anything else, he felt. For five minutes he paced outside the hotel until a blonde head popped out of a window above him.

“Hey Al! What’cha doing?” Charlie chimed, as if she hadn’t threatened his entire philosophy beforehand. So this was what the other end of his treatment felt like? He despised it.

“Nothing at all, dear demon belle!”


The word seared through his head and a wave of nausea hit him. Oh yes, he was in for a horrific time. “I am looking for Miss Miller, might you spotted her?”

— ... that we have a niece? Her name is Charlotte … —

Alastor startled, static blistering in the air, hearing Michael’s voice as if she were next to him. For the smallest of seconds he could smell her even.

Charlie narrowed her eyes and dropped down from the balcony, an expression of distrust and superiority greeting him. She stepped into his personal space, jaw raised, finger poking in his chest. “And why are you looking for Mia, Al?”

Alastor didn’t know his teeth could itch. But they did. With a little more showman’s flare than necessary, if only to mask his discomfort, he flourished, “I merely wish to make amends with Miss Miller, my girl! Just as you requested, no? With your guidance I found error in my devious ways!”

Her face dropped to expressionless for a moment and she blinked. Then her arms wrapped around his neck, squeezing in delight. “Oh Al! I’M SO PROUD OF YOU. Mia is really understanding and kind and I’m sure if you really mean it you guys can work it out! She’s in the dinning room playing chess with Dr. Antti. Now get in there and be a better demon!”

Maybe it was the lurching of his stomach, but her words made him want to retch. He could barely fathom what her reaction would be if she learnt the truth: that he and Michael had somewhat already made up. Nevertheless he hurried inside, if only to get away from Charlie.

Husker sat at the bar. They exchanged looks but all the cat did was snicker. Alastor would correct the feline’s demeanor when he had more time.

From the dining room door frame he found the world as Charlie described. Mia … Michael, his wife.

Ex-wife perhaps? They had died after all.

Surely they’d had a proper ceremony? What had his mother thought of it all?

Alastor was anxious to remember. Perhaps til death do us part didn’t apply here. The last time he’d been so nervous was when he decided to maim his father.

The faux demoness was playing chess with the resident doctor, engrossed. Each moved rapidly but his eyes were on her mouth as it twisted in telltale thought. A mouth that belonged to him. While not one for venereal pleasures, as she was undeniably beautiful, her body did not illicit such a response from him.

No, what enticed him the most were those moments she struggled, reacted, flushed, squirmed …

The taste of her blood and how she certainly tried to deny to him, but couldn’t bring herself to. The conquest and possession of her truly made him salivate. Death of his bachelor status ought be a terrible, mournful occasion! So why wasn’t it?

How, after a measly few hours was he so keen to accept this? This morning she'd hated him and now he was ready to make her his wife?! Madness. Utter, complete insanity. Alastor couldn’t understand himself but it was far from the horror he might have lauded to mere days ago! If anything, there came relief. She was very much his and in the most indisputable of ways.

But what possessed her to single-handedly destroy their history? Where had this power come from?

The chameleon noticed him first, mouthing soft words to his darling. Her head craned around. She smiled warmly with a small wave and excused herself from their game. The recognition of him on her face was a kind of sweetness he enjoyed. His Mia.

No, he found the modern nickname tasteless.

Michael, despite having a masculine ring, suited her. His Michael.

But then again, she was the first Michael so didn’t that make it a woman’s name?

“Hey,” she greeted.

Alastor watched her fidget, seemingly unsure of where to put her hands. A notion overcame him to rectify the issue. Claws slipped through inky fingers, bringing it to his lips. The action triggered that doe like stare he enjoyed so much.

“There is someone else here!” She whispered insistently. Alastor scoffed, flashing his most charming grin and leaning in too close.

“Why darling, I have eyes! Though if you’re so insistent on us being alone, perhaps I ought dispose of him?” Ah yes, her reactions were still as satisfying, if not more so even.

“No! No murdering the doctor! My god we need to talk about this. Can you please wait until I’m finished with this game?”

“If I must!” He pouted, escorting her back to the table.

With ease she fell back into focus. Sharing her attention left him uneasy. This sensation felt new and unbalanced, threatening to topple over his collected nature. Not once had he experienced such gnawing jealousy. Each time the doctor reached to move a piece Alastor nearly jerked her away!

Alastor rounded back on thinking of how to address her, needing to distract himself. Calling her his wife was out of the question for a multitude of reasons. At least for now. While he wanted to believe that it would simply be uncomfortable, it was more of how the label would make her an easy target to any and all his enemies.

My girl seemed ill fitting given he called Nifty by that. Maybe Michael but he didn’t want to share that intimate detail with the world. He’d heard Charlie call her Auntie. The mutt called her Mia. Perhaps that was why he found the nickname so abhorrent.

Lucifer had called her Mica but Alastor imagined that intruding on the King's personal affections for his sister would be problematic.

Michael always used his full name, just as his mother had. Never Al or the Radio Demon.

The moment the game ended, with his sweet genius the obvious winner because who else could be so clever?— he turned to the good doctor. “Certainly you mustn’t let us keep you from your high brow occupation good sir!”

Antti’s face strained with politeness, tugging at his cardigan sleeves. “I actually intended to speak with Mia for a bit about our game Alastor.”

His smile widened, eyes narrowing on the doctor. If looks could kill. “Of course, who doesn’t wish to speak with the resident genius?”

“Alastor I’m not a-”

“But indeed you are! Unfortunately I have my own business to attend soon and am in need of Miss Miller’s time. You understand doctor!”

Michael frowned at Alastor but sighed. When she smiled at Antti and reached her hand to shake his, Alastor felt an unwelcome sensation, akin to panic. As a scaly clawed hand reached for hers, he jerked her up and under his arm, turning them to the door. “Good day good fellow!”

“That was really rude!” She exclaimed. Alastor brushed it off, relieved that the man hadn’t touched her. It took every iota in him to not slice that hand off there and then.

“I believe my rashness is more favorable than the alternative, dearest.” Calling her that was fine, but it felt mundane. She was his and his common lingo needed to suit it!

“More favorable to what?!” Michael squirmed under his arm and he stopped dead in the hallway, certain no one was about. She tried to slip away but oh no. There would be none of that. His grip around her shoulder tightened as his other arm swept her legs up.

Her voice hitched and he snickered. Catching her off guard and stumping that sassy mouth was one of his favorite hobbies now. He brought her up nose to nose, flashing her as dashing a look as he could muster.

“My lovely Michael,” he purred, “if that filthy charlatan touched you I was going to remove his hand.”

He could nearly hear her heart beating harder as a faint redness spread across her cheeks. Over time he noticed that possessiveness did something for her. Alastor chuckled and pressed a kiss on her cheek, leaving her all the more dumbstruck.

“I - uh … Uhm, hi …” she muttered with a lopsided grin. Moving forward through a shadow he arrived in his office and settled into the arm chair. Alastor secured her to his lap, then rested his head on her shoulder. Michael instinctively filled in his gaps, wrapping her arms around him, nestling her head just so.

Several minutes passed before the next pang of a headache hit, a vision searing into his mind over reality. One where his office changed to what vaguely looked like an apartment, a flash of pink overlaying her demonic skin.

“I’ll be away for a few days.”

Her arms tightened. “Why? Did I do something wrong? Are you upset?”

Alastor shook his head and inhaled deeply against her skin. The last time he tasted her blood rushed back. Suddenly the crossing of his legs was uncomfortable.

“I have business to attend.”

Michael tried to jerk away, "I'm not doing this again Alastor! You regret it don't you?!"

"No!" He anchored her down, hand wrapping around her jaw. "No, I couldn't regret you. I tried to and failed miserably Bel Zanj. You. Are. Mine."

She settled down, nodding. Even so her expression lacked confidence.

"So what is it?"

“Please believe me. If I were able to stay, I would.”

“Liar. Does Luci have something to do with this?” Her tone turned hard, her expression demanding.

“My dearest,” he said, twisting a white lock around his claw. Calling her dearest felt too generic. Cliche.

He swallowed, an unprecedented phrase scorching through his mind.

Mô Moche.” This one brought an enchanting smile to her lips. He felt satisfied. Even without his impending memories, calling her his half felt terrifyingly appropriate. She was very much the antithesis of him. The missing pieces that complimented him and made him whole. “I will be back”

Her smile faltered. “Why Alastor?”

He steeled himself, resolving to give her some bit of the truth. He needed to know first. She probably wouldn't like the idea that they'd been married. “I need time to understand this. I’ve been a bachelor for near a century.”

This time the smile disappeared entirely as she turned defeated and guilty. It pained him to watch her wilt so quickly because his words.

Michael whispered, “I’m sorry.”

Alastor did the only thing he could to reassure her and dissuade her fears. His hands rested on her cheeks, thumbs gently brushing at the apples. Michael didn’t resist as he pulled her mouth to his. They melted together. While he never felt the need to be physical, he felt the need to comfort and reassure her. It didn’t disgust or repulse him. Not for her. Alastor didn’t mind it as long as she solely belonged to him.

This kiss was not like their first or second. He could feel her urging him. A silent request of indulgence. Alastor wasted no time, ignoring his throbbing temples. Time was running out though. He pulled her hard against his chest letting the last of the kiss deepen.

But it had to end. “I will be back. Stay in the hotel and stay near Charlie. Or Husker. Even Angel Dust. Please?”

She frowned again, but nodded, "I'm trusting you. You understand that don't you?"

"I do. You're a gracious being for it Mô Moche."

They sat as long as he could stand it. Eventually the pain became unbearable. Begrudgingly she stood up, looking torn. His claws ran through her hair with a kiss to her forehead. "I'm coming back for you."


Language notes:

Bon lashans é a démin, mô zami. (Louisiana Creole/Kouri-Vini)
- - Good luck and to tomorrow, my friend.

Mô Moche (Louisiana Creole/Kouri-Vini)
- - My Half

Chapter 49: Stolen


An unlikely team spells trouble.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 104

Mia’s leg bounced wildly, unable to focus on her paperwork. Alastor’s request left her beguiled and worried, but happy too. It didn’t feel like a rejection, but why leave in such a hurry after being so thoroughly delightful? She chose to trust him though. Oh God what if he made a fool of her again? What if he was gearing up for the ultimate humiliation?!

But it felt so real. Like a balm to a burn.

Unlike all of her past promises to stay safe or behaved, this one she intended to follow to the letter. He’d return tomorrow and …

The and part was particularly fuzzy but they’d figure it out somehow. Maybe they could go see Lucifer? Obviously he knew far more. Lilith could tell her! That’s what they would do then!

Charlie was more than happy to spend extra time with her at least. She’d slept in the girls’ room last night, gabbing and watching musicals.

So consumed with worry, she never recognized the doctor waving a hand in front of her face. Mia gasped than laughed, holding a hand to her chest. “Sorry Antti, off in my own little world!”

He smiled, reaching to shake her hand, “I’d like to congratulate you on our game. Perhaps you’d join me for a rematch in my office?”

Mia stood and shook his hand. “Yeah. Get my mind off of all this paperwork. Uhm, I have a question. Ignore me if it’s overstepping, but how’s Angel doing?”

Antti gave her a steady look before smiling soft. “I’m not supposed to say anything but I can see you truly care about his well being. All I can say is he’s doing well.”

A bucket of relief dumped over her head as she smiled, “I’m so glad. I was so worried! He’s been through so much.”

The doctor didn’t add anything concerning Angel but pivoted instead, “You seem particularly stressed Mia. Everything alright?”

She laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her head, “Just a lot on my mind recently. Sorry about Alastor the other day. He had to leave on business and needed to speak with me about the budget beforehand.”

He opened the door and gave her a sympathetic nod. “Yes, I’ve had my fair share of interactions with him. Quite the eccentric sort, entirely impatient if you don’t mind my saying so.”

“Not at all. You hit the nail on the head.” Mia sat on the patient’s couch opposite him as he set out a chess board and pieces.

“So how are you doing Mia? I know I’m here for the clients but I believe the staff need a chance to vent as well.”

As much as she could use a therapist right now, there was too much privileged information. Still, that didn’t mean she couldn’t talk about a couple things. “I really miss my friend. Her name was Gemma.”

They started the game and fell into a perfectly polite conversation about friendship. Neither of them said anything remarkable. Mia glanced at the clock and gasped, “I’m so sorry I hadn’t realized it was so late!”

“No it’s not a problem. If you’d like we can pick this game up some other time?”

He really was a kind, calm man. “You’re a remarkably understanding person Antti. I’d like that very much. Goodnight.”


The Hazbin Hotel
Next Cleanse: 106

Antti took the magic amulet Epaphus gave him and easily phased through Mia’s door. Music and steam filled the air, alongside the heavy scent of oil. Thankfully, she wasn’t in the tub yet. Procuring a soaked, naked woman wasn’t on his agenda today. Just an unconscious, clothed one.

He held up the spray bottle of magical knockout gas behind her head and called out, “Mia.”

She whipped around and he sprayed her in the face. She coughed and sputtered, grasping for her throat. Antti moved through the bathroom wall out of arms reach and shut her in. Seconds later the gasping stopped, punctuated by a dull thud. Now she was out and crumpled to the floor.

Next he needed her phone. Thankfully it sat right on the coffee table. He plugged in a little device and waited 15 seconds as instructed. And that was all. Now he just needed to leave.

Antti texted a mysterious number and laid his phone down. Instantly the two of them were sucked through the screen to a room he’d never seen before. There waited Epaphus and the overlord sinners he knew as Vox and Valentino.

“Is this her?” Epaphus asked.

Antti nodded. “Yes, this is the woman who conspired to imprison Mister Valentino.”

Over the weeks with Angel Dust, he was able to learn who was responsible for Valentino’s capture. The spider demon had magic blocking his ability to talk about it but the spider kept a dairy at the doctor’s behest to help with therapy. Poor thing was never the wiser that he'd betrayed the woman.

Epaphus nodded and patted the shorter man on the shoulder. “Very good work Antti. Is there anything you need from the hotel?”

He shook his head, “No sir.”

“Then you’ll join us from now on. Now, as for our agreement?”

Vox handed over several files to Epaphus. “I’ve narrowed it down to these demons and they’re being comfortably held in a waiting room. If she’s not there we’ll try again.”

The Hemitheos scowled, flipping through the files of women who might be his queen, “If she isn’t you’ll be the first to know.”

Antti followed his master through a portal, leaving the unsuspecting demoness with the sinners.


Please don't be mad at me!

I know, I know. We just go there!
There were feelings!

But war doesn't wait for love. Don't worry, you may like what's coming.

Chapter 50: Tartarus


Mia finds herself in an unfortunate situation.

Chapter Text

Next Cleanse: 105



Mia tried her damnedest to see but it was too much. Her eyes felt heavy, unfocused, and they burned.

Her skull throbbed as if a knife was being pushed in and twisted slowly. Trying to move her head was pointless. She was so weak that it just stayed limp where gravity demanded. Whatever Antti had used was doing its job.

An uncountable amount of time passed before she became lucid enough to feel the searing, stinging, ripping sensation running the length of each arm. Other than barely reaching the ground with her knees, her entire body weight was being supported by whatever shredded into her limbs. The next thing she noticed was how heavy and dull beating her heart felt in her chest.

Maybe, just maybe, a demon could have with stood this torture and healed afterwards. Whoever strung her up like this didn’t seem to understand how human she was.

Nausea finally hit her. There was nothing to throw up but her stomach muscles contracted anyway. A small wheezing sound escaped from her chest. It was then that she heard something stir about.

Lights came on and it felt like acid in her eyes. A hand wrapped around her neck with enough force to hold her up, releasing some of the weight from her arms. How sad was it that this felt like a merciful gesture? The creature’s other hand pried her eyelids apart. She couldn’t make anything out. There were just blurs of blinding yellow surrounding a darkness in the middle.

The hand released her neck.

A dull, sickening rip was audible. Sharp pain made her nerves ache to her toes. Mia dropped what felt like a couple inches onto her knees, knowing that the tearing had been the skin, muscle, and fat of her arms. Fresh blood pooled onto the floor next to her.

“How long has it been Seraphim? You look terrible!” Laughed an unfamiliar voice. Mia could make out five distinctive blurs. Three huddled close by, there was the one currently tormenting her, and finally another to the back.

“You know, I distinctively remember your ilk bleeding gold! To think your kind can be made human! This is an astonishing development! Come now, wake up.”

Mia’s head cracked to the side, a fist drilling into her jaw. Oh God, she’d just swallowed a tooth.

“Zeus, you’ll kill her like that,” came an unfamiliar, deep voice from the back.

“Good! Stupid bitch ought get what I got!”

“Shut up!”

Valentino? Vox?

Her vision cleared only slightly, enough to know that the three figures were distinctively human shaped.

“Hades, don’t you have any fun?”

Mia understood who had her and why. She’d stomped on Valentino’s pride, ripped away his favorite toy, and caused a deep cut in his check book. And now the pagans had just delivered her to her doom.

“Let's not get carried away. We can make use of her, perhaps exact some revenge for old transgressions? Human or not she’s a unique specimen and valuable pawn.” The dark being was the only logical one in the room apparently. The other’s simply had her torture on their minds.

The dark one, Hades, came over injecting something into her neck. The sting didn’t register compared to the shredding pain and deep throbbing.


Awake again, Mia jerked upright, finding her limbs free enough to move. Pink limbs at that. All of her jewelry was gone. f*ck, her glaive.

“Don’t. I understand wanting to run away but the healing magic is still working through your body. Your trinkets are in the dresser. It would be wise to wear your disguise here.”

Hades sat in on a couch, tapping away at a cellphone. Mia stopped, taking stock of her body. She was ok, as if she’d just had a bad dream. But the illustrious, open room and Greek god told her otherwise.

“Where am I?”

“My palace in Tartarus.” Outside the wide arching windows was a beautiful, mythical looking world.

“And why am I here?”

“You’re a prisoner.”

She sneered, slowly moving to the edge of the bed. “Seems pretty nice to be a prison.”

“Far nicer than where the mortal Valentino was kept, I can assure you. Would you rather me take you to the labs where we keep the other angels?”

Her stomach went cold. This was everything Gabriel had been working against, right in front of her face. Her head shook.

“Good. Now, Seraphim, rest up. And please don’t try to escape. If you do, you’ll make both of our lives unfortunately difficult.” He stood up, striding for the door.


Hades didn’t though. Mia pulled on her jewelry, taking Lucifer’s key, frantically knocking it against a closet door. But nothing happened.

f*ck she was actually in trouble.

Despite the gravity of her situation, she was worried about Alastor.

Chapter 51: New Orleans


New Orleans heat can be hard to adapt to.


Welcome to the second arc!

Currently all of Alastor's memories are flooding back and we get to see them in full force and more!

There will be both Michael's and Alastor's POV because whatever I do what I want :3

TW ----------- !!

This the the main trigger warning.

I will be going into the history of New Orleans, its origins with Free People of Color in the US, the historical idea of Creole vs Cajun identities in the 1920s, Jim Crow, lynchings, colorism, passing, ect.

I'm white, but black history is American history. And New Orleans is so unique and beautiful in it's creation and in being a hub for BIPOC culture.

There will be specific trigger warnings in certain chapters.

Along the way I'll be linking articles and historical references for anyone who wants to read them.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

New Orleans, 1927

Virginia wasn’t kind in regards to summer humidity but New Orleans was a new beast entirely.

Michael fanned herself, sipping mint tea on the veranda. The willows, oaks, and gardens surrounding the plantation house were sprawling and gorgeous despite the oppressive heat.

Two weeks ago she arrived to the estate her father inherited from a great-great-uncle or something. Michael lobbied hard for the estate’s small apartment in the French Quarter and now waited to receive the keys and address from her younger brother, Ernest.

“Michael, some decency please!” The man vaguely waved at the skirt she had hitched up around her thighs to cool off. She rolled her eyes and pulled the cotton back past her knees. He would have never survived in soldier’s encampment.

“Hello to you too Ernest.” The man plopped next to her, drinking from the heavily condensating glass of tea.

“I swear, I don’t think I’ll ever adjust to this heat,” he huffed, using his hat as a fan. “Perhaps I’ll start wearing your dresses!”

“Of course, help yourself anytime. My keys now, brother.”

He handed over a small parcel and she stuffed it into her purse. Michael slipped back into her heels, trying to tame her hair. “Surely you don’t intend to go there alone! Michael, at least wait for Elmer or Edward to take you. It isn’t safe for an unwed woman downtown. What of the drunks and unsavory folk?”

Prohibition was an absolute mess of failure, only driving up prices and making for famous bootleggers.

Michael spared him a level look. Ernest was certainly the most talkative of the triplets, but also the sweetest. She grinned, ruffling his hair. “I’m being accompanied by Gabriel. He’s meeting with father currently and then we’re to set out.”

Ernest looked unimpressed. None of her human brothers liked Gabriel and for good reason. Gabriel worked as a brilliant, stern business partner to her father. To them it seemed he was perfectly situated to marry their elder sister and take over the family estate. If only they’d known she would be gone sooner rather than later. The thought of her impending death was barely a bother, but she’d enjoyed this life so far.

This was the first time she made an effort to know her family given the lack of war or plague. She’d started studying or helping her father, letting it consume most her time. Her last life was lived in cruel, iced over village. She missed the sprawling, beautiful winters though.

Then stepped out Gabriel, looking fresh as ice. Angels were unaffected by the weather which meant he looked pristine each day.

“Are you ready Michael?” He asked, extending her his arm.

“Tell Evelynn I’ll be back for dinner. Goodbye Ernest.” Evelynn was her birth mother and an overall difficult, status obsessed woman.

Soon enough the pair went strolling. Gabriel refused to get in an automobile despite their success and popularity. He found Michael’s willingness to try them problematic so she never bothered.

“An apartment downtown? So modern Michael. What next, opening a bank?” He chuckled, giving her a small nudge.

She shrugged, watching the mixtures of old and new pass by. How long had it been since she experienced a twinge of excitement? “I might attend the college. I’ve read several text books in the last month. I’ve read last years publications from the Nobel Laureates for Physics. Do you think Our Father ever thought of what electricity truly was?”

Gabriel’s face fell when she mentioned their Heavenly Father.

Anytime she tried talking about their lives or what used to be, he shut down. He’d not said anything useful or insightful since 1702. It didn’t help that he also had no interest in science or human ingenuity.

They came to the street car stop and Gabriel looked uncomfortable. “Will you be fine on your own?”

“But of course,” she nodded, a shadow twisting and licking in her palm.

He snatched her hand with both of his, horrified as if she’d just turned up out of the trash. “You cannot use that blasted curse.”

She’d only done it to be petty, feeling guilty now. Gabriel hated her oddly acquired Eldritch powers. Neither could understand why she had them and he believed it to be a curse. Asherah’s temptation to lead her astray.

Michael didn’t agree but she’d stopped fighting with him about it decades ago. His hands dropped from hers a little too quickly. With a weak smile and a wave she said, “Have a good day at work Gabriel.”

And like that he was gone, whisked away to whatever it was he refused to tell her about. To think she’d went from absolute Heavenly Commander to dangerous loose end.

Stepping on the street car immediately banished the thought. This city full of electricity, jazz, heat, spices, and life excited and enthralled her. At the moment, she wasn’t interested in her apartment. Michael was free to do as she pleased.


Earlier her father had mentioned Elmer picking up paperwork from a newly acquired business.

A radio station she believed.

She asked street band of jazz musicians where she could find the building and they were head over heels to oblige her. Three blocks over it was easy to spot the corner radio building by the massive metal tower on top. Everything she’d read on the electromagnetic spectrum came rushing back.

The station’s office was situated on the third floor. The glass window read ‘WKNO: Radio Operations and Broadcasts’. Michael walked in the empty, half made lobby then meandered down the narrow hall of frosted glass and doors, hoping to find someone.

At the end of the hall was a solid wooden door with a red light labeled ‘Red Light: Broadcasting - DO NOT ENTER’. The door next to it read ‘Observation Room’.

Michael let herself into the latter, finding it no more than a lounge with a large glass window looking into the broadcasting area.

And at last, she found a human! Though this one was preoccupied.

A radio played the man’s broadcast so she decided to stick around. Michael was enraptured by the man’s performance. His voice was remarkable and consuming, but watching the way he gestured and moved while talking, she found herself grinning.

After an anonymous sign off, the man started furiously scribbling down notes, not noticing her. Even as he strolled right past the observation room, he’d not looked up.

Then the footsteps stopped.

The radio host walked backwards head peeking around door frame, pencil fumbling from his ear to the floor.

Michael smiled, standing to greet the man as he came in front of the door frame. “I’ve not watched a radio broadcast before. You sir have a remarkable talent.”

His eyebrow quirked up and he slowly bent for his pencil, not leaving the doorway, not taking his eyes off her. Michael’s smile faltered, realizing she’d gotten carried away with her self made excitement.

Had he even blinked?

“My apologies sir, it seems I’ve overstepped my boundaries. I stopped by to pick up documents, perhaps speak with some of the management. Is there a more suitable time when I could come back?”

He tucked the pencil above the arm of his glasses, still assessing her. Obviously he wasn’t mute. Maybe he was shy? Frozen in fear of others? She’d seen it before.


Then he snapped to reality, the air about him changing with that broad smile. She knew that shift: putting on the facade.

“Ahh Madam, my apologies, I was struck dumb by such a lovely gal! Unfortunately it is just I at the moment, doing some repairs to the equipment for the broadcasters.”

Her brow furrowed and she gestured to the radio now faintly buzzing static. “No, you were on the air. I heard it.”

“I’m afraid you must be mistaken, though I’m sure it would be a fine day if I had such an opportunity.”

Did he take her for an idiot? Amusem*nt crept in, overtaking her previous wanderlust.

“I assure you that my eyes and ears function. Thankfully not all of us are struck daft when faced with such a handsome countenance. Now might we stop this farce?” She clasped her hands, stepping closer to the door. If he wanted to play mind games she wouldn’t be having it. Gabriel did that enough anymore.

He laughed, the same one she’d heard during his performance. “Oh my dear, what a fine wit you have! I’d say the only farce I’ve witnessed today is a young lady sashaying her way into my place of employment and having the nerve to refute me outright.”

This kind of verbal sparring always made for the best company. She stuck out a gloved hand with a bright smile, “Michael Burr. As I said before I’m here to pick up the paperwork for this business. I’ll be the one managing it as apart of my father’s estate. I take no issue with someone so talented being my broadcaster.”

It was a lie, but she could change that by batting her lashes at her father. The poor man would do anything for his children. Really her favorite human parent by far.

He smiled back this time and with an unmistakable gleam of ambition.

He shook her hand and made a mock bow, “Alastor Laveau, enchanté mademoiselle. Apologies but you’ll have to understand that I cannot take you at your word. Richard runs the business side of things and he is out today I’m afraid.”

Now that they were properly acquainted she asked, “Care to join me for a stroll Monsieur Laveau? That way we can pass by the bank and I can put your mind to ease, proving that I am who I say I am.”

Despite his unwavering smile, he looked at her like she’d grown another head. Apparently an extra head wasn’t enough to deter him. “But of course Mrs. Burr, who am I to turn down the presence of such a lady.”

Michael grinned and him and shook her head, not bothering to correct him. Perhaps the thought of her being married made him feel better? Rumors floated around in Virginia about how different New Orleans was, much like California or New York.

And like that they silently walked out of the building, eyeing the other at random intervals. The young man was careful to keep his distance, but she couldn’t fault him for it. “So, Mr. Laveau, how long have you worked at the station?”

“Coming upon three years!”

Smothering silence settled back in. Michael didn’t feel awkward, but she wondered if he did. Being a radio man must have meant he was comfortable with talking? Or perhaps he didn’t find women suitable? Her mind and eyes started to wander, not entirely paying attention now.

Suddenly she was jerked backwards, noting a new pressure on he upper arms and firmness against her shoulder blades.

Fé tensyon!” He hissed, dragging her back from the street corner. The mixture of shiny new motor vehicles, pedestrians, trolleys and more made it perfectly easy to become roadkill.

Micheal glanced up over her shoulder at him with an apologetic smile, noting just how much taller he was. The grip on her upper arms was also nothing to balk at. She couldn’t help but think he’d be excellent with a sword.

“Thank you,” she said sheepishly as he let her go.

“I have to ask, what was that language?” As an angel, there was no need to learn languages. They simply understood humans no matter dialect or incoherence. But as a human, she’d learnt several the hard way and this one, while sounding French, was very new.

“Kouri-Vini, darling! My mother tongue.” His chest puffed with pride under that gleaming smile. Michael bit her lip, finding it to be adorable. As they continued on he started talking about New Orlean’s history and multiculturalism which she found fascinating. Humans never failed to impress her with all their creativity and determination.

They’d made it to the bank but unfortunately they’d closed already. So much for that. “Well Mr. Laveau, I do hate that I’ve squandered your time and unfortunately I have other errands to run. I’ll be seeing you around?”

His charming face bestowed her with a dashing smile and flourishing bow. Michael grinned, curtsying in turn. The silly gestures certainly brightened her day. “But of course, if you are as you claim to be I’m sure, yes?”

“Thank you for the lesson and the walk Mr. Laveau.”

They exchanged smiles and as she started off, he mockingly called out, “Do be careful to not meet the road Mrs. Burr.”


I want to take the time to address something. During Jim Crow and reconstruction, successful people of color were often targets which is why Alastor is being cautious around some rando lady with no accent.

Language Notes:

Fe tensyon (Louisiana Creole/Kouri-Vini)
- - Be careful/pay attention

Chapter 52: Shadows


Alastor has a rough time.


Sup sup sup?

These chapters are gonna move faster ish outside a couple things.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Michael stopped her reading to listen carefully. A second scream never came.

There was only revelry and jazz outside but her battle trained mind knew better. She made way for the window fire escape and melted into the alleyway shadows. Below were three drunk men accosting a young colored woman carrying a box of what must have been leftovers from the first floor bakery.

Another man moved behind the trio. This one slipped around the debris and crates littering the alley. For a human, he moved like a shade. Silent. Deadly.

Using a gleaming knife, he targeted the one closest to the woman and yelled for her to run.

It seemed the hero was the man from the radio station. Alastor Laveau was a fox in comparison to the bear of a man. One of the three yanked away Alastor’s arm, while the beastly one rammed him into the brick.


Alastor’s head ricocheted off the wall each time, blood blossoming down the collar of his shirt.

She slipped into her magic, moving down into the alleyway.

Michael swallowed all four men into her shadow. Within the darkness she grabbed Alastor by the waist and transported the other three to the building’s fire escape. Just like that, those drunk heathen fell three stories to the alley. They laid unconscious and crumpled, but breathing.

Quickly she released the unconscious man to the comfort of her couch and started basic first aid. Finally bandaged up and no longer bleeding, Michael laid a few ice bags across his head, hoping no serious damage was done. The impact looked wretched and the pain must be far worse. Still, that’s all she was able to do for him.

Michael settled into an arm chair, watching him incase of any bad turns. Head injuries were unpredictable like that.

Despite being fast asleep, the poor hero looked miserably uncomfortable. His lips twitched and jerked as if talking through a nightmare. There were also small panting noises. Poor thing.

Michael moved next to him, brushing along his hair. The gesture seemed to comfort him. He had just saved that girl’s life in a daring act of bravery. The least she could do was make sure he rested properly.

Gently she slipped his head into her lap, humming old forgotten songs and brushing through his abnormally soft hair.


Within the early morning darkness, Alastor woke up.

His head felt miserable, worse than any hangover. Something soft was under him and the miserable aching compelled him to stay still a moment longer. At least the wallpaper wasn’t offensive. It was then he remembered his bedroom didn’t have wallpaper.

It startled him to find the face of Michael Burr, the odd woman who visited the radio station before. Her breathing was soft, head lulled over in sleep.

What in world happened last night?

Those bastards spent months harassing the young women of his community! His plan had been to pick them off one by one tonight, but their drunk accosting of Goldie Harrison thoroughly ruined that plan. Instinct had kicked in seeing white men drunk, angry, and sexually motivated.

Rage seethed within his chest. Damnit, he’d acted rashly.

Ohh how his head throbbed! Ah yes. The giant oaf had bounced him against the brick but then what?

Alastor focused to the point he thought his brain would explode. Somewhere beyond that dizziness and pain was the answer. How had he ended up here? Had this woman found him in the alley? Surely she hadn’t dragged him in here! And what of those foul beasts?

There seemed to be no immediate danger to his person though, and the atmosphere was soft and peaceful. Alastor allowed himself a moment of weakness and melted back into the couch. He didn’t drift back to sleep but at least he was able to rest. A light from outside cast a long deep shadow against the wall.

A shadow.

After the large man bashed him into the wall again, leaving him near delirious and on the verge of unconsciousness, he was sucked into a thick blackness and there she stood. Once again he studied her sleeping face.

He believed in things that couldn’t be explained and her odd demeanor certainly fit the bill.

His hand gently removed hers from his jaw to examine it. Pink skin, clean nails, soft flesh. Human. She had a pulse and barely visible veins.

“Did you find something interesting Mr. Laveau?”

Alastor dropped her hand as if it burned and rolled off the couch with a heavy thud.

“Aghhh,” he hissed, holding his forehead. Thumping his head against the floor hurt quite a bit. His vision was blurry from the pain but he could hear her soft foot steps and some rattling. Then the sound of the faucet.

A pale blur filled his vision and she gently took his free hand, giving him chalky medicine. He took it and chugged the water. She helped him back onto the couch, handing him a fresh ice bag for his head. Without a word she brought him another glass of water. He guzzled it all over again.

Alastor heard her chuckle as she took the glass back.

“Might you find my state comical Mrs. Burr?”

“Miss Burr,” she corrected sitting next to him, “And your pain isn’t comical, but your parched state was. I shouldn’t have laughed though, especially after you saved that young woman.”

“Did I?” He asked probingly. She was going to try and feed him some story already it seemed. Clever.

“I suppose being flung against the wall so many times will do that to your memory.”

Alastor found her lies insulting. While, yes, it made perfect sense to hide whatever was happening, Alastor trusted his own mind and senses before anyone else’s. Ironic how he had tried to convince her he wasn’t the radio’s broadcaster.

“I do believe we are recollecting different events Miss Burr. Perhaps you hit your head as well?”

There were no tell-tales on her face, only a small smile. “And what are you implying Sir?”

He met her eyes boldly, “Not a thing. There is nothing to imply when we both know the truth. When we know things beyond comprehension exist.”

Something about her looked disappointed now. Despite the raging pain in his temple, he let the icepack go and lunged.

Michael, while having a young and healthy body, was smaller and weaker than Alastor. Millenia of training went down the drain with her complacency of modern luxuries. Like guns and cars. As a woman she had no need to be as physically powerful and she’d not bothered training in this lifetime.

But he suspected her abilities— No. He was certain of them and now he wanted to draw them out with an attack. Those clever ways genuinely impressed her.

Michael rolled off the couch under him. She didn’t need to fight him, just outwit him, but his limbs were much, much longer than expected. He looked like mountain lion coming to devour her. Alastor followed her onto the floor, grabbed an ankle, and dragged her under him. Her free leg made sharp contact with his manhood.

He snarled at her but didn’t let go. He didn’t even blink despite his face twisting with the pain. His body weight collapsed onto hers, pinning down all of her limbs. Alastor propped up on his elbows, her forearms captured now. She’d been bested by this ferocious, scrappy young man with a pension for recklessness. Later she’d have to tell Gabriel to never let her live a lifetime again without rigorous training.

It was her turn to be irritated. She would have busted his nose open with her forehead but she couldn’t even reach the lanky bastard.

Both of them huffed on her floor, the darkness giving way to an inky blue of early dawn.

“Are you proud of yourself? Accosting an unmarried woman in her own home?” Michael wasn’t really in danger, and despite being bested physically, she could easily remedy the situation.

“Accosting? My dear, you have power beyond simply being pinned to the floor. You hardly look worried and I believe you brought me into your home, unconscious.”

Fair enough. Any other woman of her stature alone with a man would have been frozen with fear, especially after a defeat.

How many lifetimes had she lived? Too many, but this was the first one where someone dared bait her like this.

“Where did you get this power?”

Oh. That’s what this was about.

Michael sighed and gave him a look of pity. The truth stitched together like a quilt and his hungry face was the thread.

“You seem accustomed to pain, Mr. Laveau. To fighting through it.” She mused aloud.

Michael melted beneath him into the darkness and reappeared at the kitchen counter, grabbing the beans to grind for coffee. Something about his tolerance for pain and blind ambition resonated with her. That’s why he was willing to attack her, someone obviously more than human. He craved power.

Alastor shot up wide eyed, not thinking she would actually show her paranormal talents. With a stammer he said, “Y- You look human!”

Michael’s eyebrows raised up and she gave him a lopsided grin. She grabbed a knife and flicked it across the side of her hand. A small bead of red swelled to life. “I am painfully human Mr. Laveau. This isn’t power that can be gained.”

He frowned. “Then how does a well to do lady from Virginia command darkness?”

Michael huffed at him and shrugged, opening the cupboard. “Coffee?”

“But of course.” Alastor deadpanned, openly disappointed. He wasn’t going to get any answers it seemed. They were at a draw and angering her wouldn’t serve him in the long run.

“Your father was the one who bought the station?” He asked, taking a sip. Here he sat at her small dining table as if they hadn’t just scrapped in the floor like children. What a riot, truly.

“Inherited.” Alastor rolled his eyes. Her privilege was obnoxiously blatant even if she wasn’t flaunting it. To be a beautiful, white, well-born daughter and to have such beguiling power … it left him reeking of jealousy. In efforts to swallow that acidic emotion, he forced a smile and took another sip.

Of course she didn’t see him as a threat, evident by the way she sat so calmly with him. Alastor finished the coffee, now too angry with his own circ*mstances to say anything else. Perhaps angering her would draw out more of her talents? Or would he have to sugar coat the entire thing?

He didn’t have time for another hobby but if he could somehow gain such a power—

“Would you mind showing me around town sometime?”

The question was so seemingly innocent and random that he forgot to be annoyed. The woman gently rubbed her thumbs against the porcelain cup, looking away from him meekly. Was she embarrassed to ask him such a simple question?

“I’m certain there is better company to suit you Miss Burr, unless you’re trying to get me killed.” His voice cut through the air with venom.

“I’ll show you more,” She added hastily, leaning into the table, eyes pleading with him.

Alastor could not understand her motivations and odd behavior. He had nothing to offer her, but this was the kind of opportunity that might propel him forward. A once in existence opportunity. Only a fool would turn this down. All she wanted in exchange was a tour guide?

What a simpleton! What luck!

He adjusted his glasses, stood up, and headed for her door. Before exiting he gave her a polite nod and overwhelmingly charming smile. Alastor took her hand and bowed, “If that is the case Miss Burr, than allow me to be your ever so humble guide.”


Michael felt alight with the idea of a new, bizarre friend. He wasn’t the boring sort and intelligent to boot. Her past several lives had been dull and overall morose. Today was the first in centuries where she felt awake.

He was a human but knowing of her Eldritch power wasn’t exactly a worse case scenario. If he told anyone, he’d be sent to an asylum. There was no way for him to gain her powers. Gabriel would be upset, but she had no intentions of sharing her new ‘friendship’.

Even with Gabriel she felt miserably alone. He avoided using his powers with her and talking about anything that wasn’t directly about her human life. He hated her utilizing her Eldritch powers. But now someone knew and that person found them exciting.


Alastor left as daylight broke onto the already bustling street. The trek home took longer than usual but finally he made it. The small, pale yellow house came into view and felt refreshing to be home after the morning and night he’d had.

“Moman,” Alastor called out. She must have worried all night.

Mô bébé!” Claire rushed over to her son, arms out stretched and on the brink of tears. “Alastor, by god child, where has you been?”

Her hands were frantic, inspecting every inch of him. It took no time for her to find the ugly bruises and scrapes against his face. “Oh no!”

He silently allowed himself to be dragged into the kitchen and pushed into a chair. Kouri-Vini swears and exclamations filled the whole house as she started to clean the wound. Despite that it was tended to earlier, Alastor knew being able to doctor him up would make her feel better. Once she was done and calmed down slightly, he grabbed her small aged hands and pulled her into a hug.

“I’m very sorry Moman. I got into a small scrap with someone aggravating a young woman.” He neglected to mention it was Goldie, a young woman he’d known his entire life.

She pushed back angrily on his shoulders. There were so many emotions across her face right now that the only thing he felt in return was guilt. To worry his mother like this was truly cruel but she was the person who taught him how to be so unbelievably courageous.

Claire huffed and smiled meekly, “Alastor you are a wonderful and brave young man but no matter what, you have to come home to me. I don’t— I just …” the next few words didn’t come out as he hugged her hard once more.

If he could gain an advantage, he’d not have to worry her so much.

“I know Moman. I’ll be more careful.” They didn’t speak on it anymore after that. Instead they made breakfast together, humming and dancing along the way. For a house of two people, they had all the joy in the world.


Do you guys like hotdogs?

Language notes:

Mô bébé (Louisiana Creole / Kouri-Vini)
- - My baby

Chapter 53: Boss


Michael is settling in at the station much to Alastor's annoyance.


TW: Mentions of colorism, period typical racism, lynchings, and overall ignorance to the suffering that took place during the Jim Crow era.

This warning will last for this entire arc, fyi.

Also the notes at the bottom of this chapter may be as long as the chapter. It is about history but I ask that you read it please.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Richard walked in after the broadcast finished, as gruff and portly as ever. “Guess I’ll give you the news, we’ve changed owners. Twice. When Old Gill kicked some hot shot Yankee great nephewgot the business and he’s turnin’ it over to his daughter. Reckon we’ll be outta business by the month Al.”

So she hadn’t lied.

Richard was a sour brute but a reliable and particularly level headed one. And before Alastor could make a rather charming quip about the situation there came a knock on the doorframe. There was Michael Burr, dressed very much like she owned the place and in wide legged trousers.

“Good day gentleman, if you wouldn’t mind I’d like a word in my office.” Then she turned, not bothering to wait. That irked Alastor. Was it that even headed audacity she flaunted? How she came in to his place of employment making demands? Or did her entire existence leave a taste in his mouth?

Piled to the ceiling in the main office that Forsworth ‘Old Gill’ Marcum used to claim were boxes and boxes and boxes of files, old paperwork, receipts, and anything pertaining to the station. The room was used for storage when the owner’s health declined years ago. Alastor had never even met the man.

Michael started digging through the mess, “Who writes our contracts and schedules the service calls?”

Richard huffed, holding up a meaty hand, “I do.”

“And how often are they audited so we aren’t liable to a court? Do we have a bookkeeper?”

“Why Madame, you don’t mean to come here questioning all the years of hard work Richard has dedicated to this fine establishment? He’s kept us out of more hot water than a bucket of ice!”

She didn’t laugh or look up, eyes drawing over a file. “Yes, I can see that. And Richard, you’ve done a phenomenal job I assure you, but one man is a fallible thing. No one can know everything all at once and if we’re to take on more hosts and advertisem*nts-”

“More hosts?” Alastor bit, interrupting the overbearing woman. They had several the way it was! Not to mention the recordings of shows and music for rerun hours.

"Oh boy" Richard groaned and for good reason. “You kids can fight this out, I’ll be down to Slim’s.”

The office door shut behind the older man, leaving Alastor with this ice block of a woman. He’d been only one of three hosts for their radio station for years now! He’d clawed his way here and he wasn’t about to let some yankee doll in britches tarnish his legacy. “Why we’re perfectly suited thank you and far from lacking business! Richard here is the finest of managers no matter how dappled his shirts are.”

“Three. One. Two.”

“Sweetheart surely they taught you how to count in Virginia!”

“Three is the number of currently established stations we compete against. One is the number of stand alone radio sales and repair shops. Two is how many stations have submitted paperwork to operate within New Orleans' city limits. We lack the staff to compete long term.”

“If quality is what you’re concerned with don’t rattle your darling little head a moment longer! I’m second to no man on the air!”

She frowned, eyes settling on him. “Who sells the radios for us?”

“Why that would be yours truly!”

“And who is it that goes out to repair them on contracts?”

“Humbly I must say myself. I’ve the most experience with our equipment.”

“And how many hours a week do you work?”

“It would be miserly of me to keep track! I take pride in keeping this station tip top!”

“Then you’ll be receiving someone to train for repairs.”

“No, I don’t think I will.”

“You understand I could fire you?”

“And if you dare, I’d bid you aideu and take my talents, my reputation, and my clients elsewhere.”

She dropped the file to the desk, squaring up to face him, hands on her hips. Alastor had expected her ire. Instead the corner of her mouth tipped upward. “Is that a threat? It is so subtle compared to the one you made in my home.”

“Only a reminder that I am invaluable to you Miss Burr.”

“Thank you for making me well aware of that fact Mr. Laveau. Regardless of your many talents, I can’t expect one man to keep this business profitable. This morning I met with the bank and reviewed the books. I will level with you, the books are bad, the business is in debt. Between failing financial practices and what I believe to be embezzlement, Richard is right. We have mere months to turn this around.”

Alastor found this information alarming. This was his livelihood.

“And how might you do that?”

“Sliding scales for advertising as opposed to a regular flat rate. Injecting money into getting a proper accountant and lawyer on retainer. Extending broadcasting hours. Add more programs. I’ll be injecting my personal funds.”

Surely the business practices hadn’t been that sloppy?

While he did triple as the technician and salesman to cover his prime time identity, he didn’t dabble in business otherwise. It did explain how they’d lost some of the newer daytime hosts and a few other employees. Alastor previously thought they were canned for being talentless hacks, not for lacking the ability to pay them. This also explained Richard’s new use of a flask.

“I hadn’t pinned you as a gambler!”

She scoffed, “Hardly. Calculated risk.”

“And how could you possibly guarantee this will all work and not leave you hung out to dry?”

Now she smiled, conniving and smug. Her hand gestured outward, “Why Mr. Laveau, how could we fail if we have you?”


A week later and Alastor was all but befuddled by the station's new owner. Day in and out it was as if their previous encounter had never happened. Not once did it come up! Conniving thing was hoping he'd let it go? Allow her to escape their little deal and protect her secrets? Well, that's what he wanted to think. In reality Alastor could not fathom what this woman was trying to accomplish!

None of it made any sense.

Every day she watched his broadcasts, no matter the hour, sitting in the observation room either handling the paper work or reading a book.

Rude, Alastor thought, she could at least pay attention! Even now she exited the observation room, meeting him in the hall.

“Alastor,” she called, finger beckoning him. The nerve!

“And how might I be of service to your majesty?” He ground out, taking a mocking bow.

She looked up at him with an unfamiliar expression. Was she confused?

“I suppose that is sarcasm. I …” her mouth twisted, hands fiddling through the files she held, “I simply wanted to say good work.”

No, that couldn’t be all of it? Michael paused in the hall before nodding and turning off to her office. She'd not get away. He was tired of waiting. All week he'd poured over books at the library trying to find some explanation to what he'd witnessed. He found a slew of answers, too many actually. It could be anything!

He needed to speed this along.

“Now certainly that wasn’t all you had to say?”

“Weren’t you intending to go home?”

He’d not considered himself an empathetic man, but he was a miraculously intuitive one. She was acting strange, obviously waiting for him to fill the gaps in the air.

“Ha! And waste a perfectly fine evening? I think not. Slim’s having a dandy little band tonight that I was keen to see. And what of you? Going to drown in your paperwork?”

“Drowning,” the word sounded sour in her mouth, “I am particularly good at it.”

Was that a joke? Her humor needed serious work. Annoyingly pitiful was the only way he could describe this woman with all her metered expressions. Alastor went and leaned over her desk, hand splaying across the papers.

He might have went hunting later but waiting a day wouldn’t hurt.

“Come with me. We’ve made a bargain haven’t we?”

At last an expression not weighed down by her frigid attitude, despite it being suspicious of him.

“… We did.”

“We’re agreed then! Up! Up, Chèr! The night is young and there are floors to be scuffed!” And they were off, Alastor dragging her by the arm down to the street.

“Slim’s is a— ?”

“Now don’t be daft! You’re meant to be a clever thing aren’t you?” He heckled, walking into an alleyway business that looked like a cafe.

Already she could hear thumping and muffled vibrations. Alastor lead them up, winking to the waitress. The young woman smiled blissfully until she noted Michael, “Aye Al, who’s this? Slim ain’t big about new comers.”

“I am ready to vouch for my associate here Mabel. She’s fresh to town and ready to get her feet wet! No better a place to do so, don’t you agree?”

He leaned in over the counter to Mabel, all teeth and charm. The girl was all too fast to giggle and wave them through. Several flights of stairs and a doorway later they were enveloped by buzzing jazz and libation. Several people recognized him, as they should!

Alastor pushed though, shoving Miss Burr onto a bar stool. Slim, the rather broad owner serving drinks, grinned, “Good to see you Al. Who’s the doll?”

“Slim! Ever the pleasure! I’ve brought an associate of mine from the station! Now, darling, don’t be shy, introduce yourself!”

As if coming out a fugue, she dawned that same polite mask, hand reaching to shake Slim’s, “A pleasure, Michael Burr.”

“Always happy to have a pretty lady come our way.” Slim kissed her knuckles with a wink, “What’s the lady’s poison?”


Alastor interrupted her, “Two sazeracs, fine sir!”

“Al, ain’t no lady wants to be ordered for.”

That ephemeral smile tightened just a smidge, a familiar flame flickering in his chest. Oh how he detested being negated. “Why it is your finest work! And we must get her started on the right foot!”

“Anything Alastor suggests will be fine.” At last she was showing good sense!

It wasn’t long before the identical drinks were sat down. She sniffed at it, “What is this?”

“A drink! Don’t be a sourpuss! This is far finer a co*cktail than you’ve had before!”

Her mouth twisted, inspecting the liquid as if it were an animal she’d not known. Surely she’d … Then again, this rigid woman could easily be a nun! “Darling don’t tell me you’ve not partaken in this good American pastime?!”

“I have not,” she muttered, staring down the amber depths. Oh he’d not expected her to be this tight laced! Alastor shoved his glass against hers, leaning in far too close.

“Some advice dear girl: Out with the old and in with the new! Cheers to the future and all that we do! Now drink!”

And she did. What shocked Alastor was how she kept going taking back the entire drink. Her hand clapped over her mouth, eyes wide. As expected she swayed back as the alcohol hit her empty stomach. Alastor unceremoniously pushed her towards the bar, his cackle filling their air.

Perhaps there was hope for the stoic Miss Burr after all!

Slim was quick to the draw with a nagging expression, putting down a small thing of crackers, “Careful there Sheba, take it you ain’t one for this scene? How about you sip on this one? Something a lot milder than Al will get you on.”

“Ever the sheik, Slim!” Slim, much like himself was popular with the ladies and quite a few men. However the larger man was keen to indulge where Alastor was not. And while Alastor had no interest in companionship, it would do no good to fall out of the woman’s favor. He was bound to discover the source of her talents and gain them. By any means.


Michael sipped on her second drink carefully, grateful to the bartender for the plate of crackers. That first one scorched down her throat then made her frightfully dizzy. Doing it again didn't sound appealing, but she’d asked for this hadn't she? To try this new world?

At some point her exuberant companion had gotten up, making social rounds and dancing. Was this how humans danced now? The strange, loose yet jagged movements were fascinating. The style looked so free compared to the rigid, formal gatherings of her previous lives.

Had she danced that freely before?

Maybe, once upon in time in world that no longer existed. None of that mattered though.

Michael turned her back on the revelry, imagining what Gabriel would say. It would be a scathing lecture no doubt, especially to find her drinking alcohol. This was a mistake, she needed t-

An incoming Alastor obliterated her thoughts, all laughter and smiles. “Why dear girl, ought you dance?”

“Actually I intended to leave.”

“Leave?! No, no, that wouldn’t do!” His finger tapped on his chin before he shoved her off the bar stool, unceremoniously dragging her by the arm yet again.

Michael didn’t make a protest as he pulled her through a throng of jiving young people and into a well hidden hallway. Cobwebs filled the narrow space. His hand dropped from her in the darkness and she could vaguely make out him going upward. There came a huff and a clang before he called down, “Come along you lame duck!”

And she did, climbing up and through onto the corner building’s roof. Apparently Slim’s shared the building with the station as they were now under the monstrous blinking radio tower.

“It’s lovely,” Michael commented, trying to be polite. If anything she found the view underwhelming given the equitable heights of a few other buildings.

“We’re not done yet!” He was already halfway up the service ladder attached to the radio tower.

Michael grimaced. She wasn’t scared of heights or anything actually but her track record with death spoke for itself. What if she fell and someone suspected this manic man of pushing her?

But the same seedling hope that got her into this mess rattled in her chest, egging her on. So she followed.

“To think you’ve come to join me! I’d suspected you to be such a stick in the mud you couldn’t leave the ground!” Alastor grabbed her wrist without prompting, jerking her the rest of the way up. Michael steadied herself with the metal railing. They stood on a small platform, barely long enough to stand four people in a row.

Out below them did leave her speechless. Beyond the city’s twinkling lights and revelry, under a bright full moon was the Mississippi River, winding along the barges and neighborhoods. On the other side, far off in the distance was a lake, tapering the horizon.

Wind caught her hair and Michael moved without entirely thinking it through. How long had it been since she was high up above the land, her body cutting through the air?

“Are you mad?!” Alastor barked, jerking her off the railing, “If you fall, I'll hang!”

“I—” Michael didn’t have any excuse to give him unfortunately, deeply ashamed and shocked by her carelessness. It felt so instinctual. “I’m sorry.”

“As you ought be! Now sit down before I push you off!” She nodded, joining him in dangling her legs over the ledge.

“It’s beautiful, this city.”

Alastor took a cigarette from his inner vest pocket. She caught how his hand almost gestured to her but stopped. Of course she wouldn’t take it but it left an uncomfortable twinge in her chest.

“Allow me to formally introduce to you the finest city I dare say on both sides of the Mississippi! Bienvenue en Nouvelle-Orléans. Laissez les bons temps rouler!

“Named for the French Orléans I suppose?” Michael couldn’t resist asking given how she’d spent her time in that particular part of France a few centuries ago.

“Indeed, though I’d wager this is the far finer version, being new and all that! Better jazz and food!”

“I’d have to agree. Tell me,” Michael started, eyes drifting his way, “why are you anonymous as a host? The others aren’t and they’re half as talented.”

His eyes narrowed followed by a hasty draw of his cigarette. But he re-calibrated. “You must have seen the fan mail I get! It would be detrimental to my health and safety for these pining saps to beat down our doors! And who doesn’t love a good mystery? Adds to the appeal, the intrigue, the fantasy those dolts thrust upon me! As you can see, it is for the best.”

Richard had mentioned to her to not make Alastor known for his own good, but failed to explain why.

“You’re anonymous because you’re too popular?”

Alastor groaned, head whipping around to face her, “Dear girl, do you read the news paper?”

“I do. But what does that have to do with this topic?”

He crumpled the used cigarette butt in his hand, letting it fall down the tower, “Every day this city sees an influx of new people, all of which who bring their hate and vitriol with them. Despite the way I look I am still my mother’s son and that is reason plenty for certain people to string me up like Spanish moss.”

She’d not seen him so serious before, looking like he may tear her apart. Michael thought back to the newspaper, noting a gruesome column outlining a lynching of four colored men in Alabama. This entire time she’d not once considered him being mixed.

Apparently her realization was evident.

Bitterly he continued, “I started at the station doing evenings to avoid Old Gill, working solely with Richard. When the old bastard was too ill to come in, I started taking more work during the day. Most can’t tell by looking at me, and if they suspect it they’d rather be wrong than insult someone who could be white. Most assume I’m a particularly tan Italian or Spaniard or anything else that makes them feel comfortable with my existence. New Orleans is rich in culture and history long before Jim Crow but things have worsened over the decades."

How oblivious could she have been, doing what most did, overlooking the worldly horror right in front of her. “I’m ashamed to admit my ignorance on the matter.”

Sharing something so deeply personal felt uncomfortable but it was his best card right now. He needed her to understand and not ruin all his hard work. In turn she needed him to be comfortable and successful, especially if she was to set him up as her successor for when the inevitable came about.

Alastor tapped a carton of Chesterfields for another cigarette, “I take it we’ll have no issues on the matter Miss Burr?”

“One actually.”

He sneered, eyes narrowed and ready for conflict. Instead he found her hand reaching between them. “I hope you’ll call me Michael.”

Alastor grinned and his shoulders loosened. His hand found hers, cementing the new stipulation. “A difficult ask certainly, but someone of my capabilities can manage it! Though I doubt you're able to loosen your laces enough to do the same Michael?”

Her smile tightened as if trying to swallow it, "With your tutelage Alastor, I might manage it."


Historical notes:

During the early 1900s New Orleans saw thousands of people moving into the city each year, and with that came the threatening of its long established identity. Before slavery was abolished there was a significant population of Free People of Color who were successful, wealthy, and educated. Most FPC were taught to read and write at every level, seeing higher literacy rates than a lot of working class whites. When slavery was abolished there came mixing of social identity leading to a multifaceted and hard to understand nuance among class, race, and societal norms.

Plessy vs Ferguson happened in 1896 New Orleans where a white passing colored man sat in the whites only street car. This lead to the establishment of 'separate but equal' throughout the US by ruling that racial segregation did not violate the US constitution (f*ck that ruling btw). Still in New Orleans there was a strong presence of colored people. 1900s New Orleans was strong in its cultural identity and was safer than the rest of the South for a long while with colored policemen, politicians, a strong chapter of the NAACP and many successful colored businesses. There were also some integrated neighborhoods and schools. There are several historically black colleges and women's colleges along side ones that were predominantly white men.

But the influx of more white people from other parts of the south brought cruel racist ideals, redlining laws, and increase of white only establishments that purposefully weakened the long standing culture and history of New Orleans.

If you look up any fanart of human Alastor it ranges drastically. I decided to go down the middle with him being particularly tan, but having sharp Eurocentric features which confuses the sh*t out of people when trying to play the racial guessing game.

I have put more effort into this than I ever did any school report/history project.

This chapter is far more straight to the point but I've decided not to drag through nuance as per usual. I just wanted to outline some of the difference in Michael during this period.

I have some small scenes that will get cut unfortunately, unless people like that sort of thing? I can toss them back in for giggles, I just didn't want this to be a slog.

I can't really decide.

Love y'all and thanks for reading!!! <3

Language Notes:
Bienvenue en Nouvelle-Orléans. Laissez les bons temps rouler! (French)
- - Welcome to New Orleans. Let the good times roll!


"Lost Boundaries": Racial Passing and Poverty in Segregated New Orleans
Arthé A. Anthony
Louisiana History: The Journal of the Louisiana Historical Association
Vol. 36, No. 3 (Summer, 1995), pp. 291-312 (22 pages)
Published By: Louisiana Historical Association
- -

Chapter 54: Bargain


Michael and Alastor use the week to learn how to work better.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“What might this be?!”

Alastor burst into Michael’s office, a razor smile splitting his face ear to ear. Clutched in his fist was the morning newspaper, turned to the classifieds page.

She spared him a peek then continued scribbling away at paperwork. “A newspaper Alastor. Did another goon dribble your head into the wall?”

He smacked it to the desk, covering all her files, finger tap-tap-tapping away at the offensive section! “When was it decided we would be hosting auditions?!”

We decided nothing. I, as the sole shareholder in this business, decided to start holding auditions next week.”

She never failed to flaunt that abrasive attitude! There was no need for more hosts as he'd told her previously! “You have no sensibilities! How could you possibly understand what it takes to make a fine radio showman, let alone a particularly average one?! I imagine you’d let any old Tom or Harry flounce in here and ruin our reputation!”

This time she stopped working, using the pencil to twist up her hair before sitting back to face him calmly. “Alastor, I do not require your opinion on who I hire. All you need to worry about is doing your job. Though if you find yourself with too much free time we can always revisit giving you a new technician to train.”

“Ha, as if you’d dare. Your darling wiles might work out in the world where men go daft as you bat those beady little eyes, but no ma’am, not I! Simply being handed this establishment does not qualify you to know what it takes to orchestrate a riveting show!”

Michael's hand smacked down next to Alastor's. The hair on his neck bristled like a cat as she leaned over the desk in a literal face off. Where his expression was wily and sharp, hers stayed level and collected. Two composures dead set to explode before finding any leeway.

”What if your alleyway companions decide to keep your head for a ball? Am I to let your decomposing corpse continue your slots?”

“You would be so lucky! My decapitated body could broadcast circles around any dolt you pluck off the street. Sadly your little day dream won’t come to fruition!”

“You’re not thinking rationally. You parade about as if you could single-handedly keep this station afloat, which I will remind you, is impossible no matter how much hot air inflates your ego.” Alastor studied her expression, her body language. Not a hair or thread out of place. It infuriated him.

“All this establishment needs is programming from yours truly!”

“You take up forty percent of our air time as is.”

“Then make it sixty!”

“And who might conduct our sales and repairs?”

Alastor grinned, inspecting his nails in a manner so pompous Micheal didn’t know it was possible, “When something is done right the first time it hardly needs done again. You’d never find someone as dedicated or diligent as myself.”

“And I suspect you believe you could do my job?”

“Why, spending an extra few minutes shuffling around papers and numbers? Of course! I know this business from the ground up after all.”

“No, I don’t think you could.”

“Couldn’t I? You’ve managed to settle in after mere weeks. If a spoiled, silver spooned debutante like yourself can handle it then a self made sensation like myself would have no troubles whatsoever!”

She backed off, nodding. “Yes. You’d have every gear greased and running within a week!”

“No doubt about it!” He rattled on, not missing a beat. Even if she was being facetious he simply couldn’t deny reality!

“It’s a deal then. In one week’s time if you’ve not caved, collapsed from exhaustion, or ruined us then the business is yours in totality and I’ll concede with dignity to your superior prowess.”

She snatched her hat and purse, heels clacking away. Michael stopped halfway down the hall though, turning to face him and smiling in a disturbingly kind manner, “But if you’re wrong Alastor you’ll be taking that trainee. Actually, you’ll take two. See you next Tuesday.”

Then she was gone.

Alastor stared at the clock above the office door. In less than five minutes and all before 8:22 AM he’d become the acting business owner of the station.

This was meant to be his day off.


Two days later, a smidge past 3 AM, Michael shadowed to her office.

Leaving well enough alone was hardly her style. For the last 48 hours she’d done nothing but pace back and forth, trying to read. Trying to cook. Trying to practice. Trying to do anything except obsess over what was happening without her!

Could Alastor do her job, regardless of that pompous ego?

But if he couldn’t she refused to let her first and only business go under simply because of a haughty, near sighted bargain. Wasn’t she more intelligent than this? More mature and level headed?

This one, this rare human, gave her an ancient feeling. One like wind coursing through her wings. And it lead to actions she did not understand.

Michael didn’t turn on the lights, not wanting a human on the street to think the station was being robbed or otherwise. No, she’d take the paperwork home, do it, make plans for the next week, and return it.

That was her level headed, responsible plan.

Or it had been.

In the broadcasting room was Alastor, slumped over with the equipment pushed back to make space for books and papers and a mug or two.

Under the table was an open brief case where pair of worn pants, several used socks, and a shirt spilled out.

He’d stayed overnight? The shirt was the same one he’d worn the morning she left!

Michael’s mouth hung open, shocked by the books he’d gathered about. The New American Business Encyclopedia, Safe Methods for Business, Best Financial Practices for Company Operations, Introductory Mathematics for Business Owners, and a practice notebook sporting pages of frustrated scribbles. Michael would have thought it a student’s workbook if not for finding him with it.

Immediately she slipped away the notebook, pouring over it. Her mouth twisted and tightened with the revelation. When she peaked at him again, replacing his hard work, Michael couldn’t help letting the smile spill out over her face.

Alastor Laveau was bad at math.

The fact he could be bad at anything was endearing. They didn’t know each other well or for that long but he exuded confidence and competency. Coupled with his unfortunate intelligence, unfortunate given how obnoxious he was, how could something like arithmetic best him?

During her observation of the sleeping man, the gramophone in the corner stopped turning. With the silence came the sleep induced gnashing of teeth and the same discomfort she’d witness in her apartment.

Alarm and worry rushed her to reset the music. His stirring stopped near instantly, the man settling back into a peaceful sleep. Michael breathed with relief and eyed him once more. It made sense now, her particular affinity with this human: Alastor reminded her of a young Lucifer.

First came the twinges of joy before she recalled how she lost Lucifer. And even still, that old instinct kicked in.

Micheal spent the next five minutes shadowing to her apartment and the small kitchen settled in another part of the office. When she returned, it was with two quilts and two wrapped sandwiches comprised of tomato, peppers, and cheese.

Carefully she tucked a quilt around his shoulders then wrapped the other to slip under his head and arms.

Afterwards she noticed his glasses dangerously positioned against his arm. She’d not seen him wear a second pair which meant he might not have a spare. One time her father had lost his spectacles and getting a replacement in a timely fashion was a nightmare. Evelynn had screeched for two weeks on the matter.

So she slipped them off his face, careful to fold them and set them in an easy to find location for the morning.

At last she could accomplish what she set out to do.

Gingerly she slipped the papers from under him. The oil lamp was dim but it would be fine. When else would she be able to enjoy his silence? Perhaps never again in eternity. Michael took to correcting some of the mistakes he’d made, trying a tad too hard to match his handwriting. It wasn’t long before she was done, smiling in a way that confused herself.

“You’ve done well, surprisingly,” she whispered. ”I didn’t expect you to try this hard.”

But his obviously strenuous efforts left prickly embers in her chest. She didn’t over stay her welcome, but decided that she’d check on him again tomorrow.

“Oh, but …”

Alastor truly was an ego maniacal man. Quickly she scribbled a sign to hang on the door: Repairs in progress, please knock. He wouldn’t appreciate one of the morning hosts coming in to find him asleep before he could stow away the evidence.


The next five nights rolled by in a similar fashion.

Michael shadowed into the station, careful to make sure a certain someone was asleep. And each night he was, surrounded by work. On day four Alastor started sleeping on the loveseat in the observation room. It took all the strength in her body not to laugh. Michael had to rush through a shadow to the roof to let our her hysterics before returning.

And once she came back she almost started again!

He barely fit!

With her two quilts he was bundled up, head resting on one arm, legs draped over the other at the knee, looking like an unfortunate giant in a fairytale. This time she stayed composed, folding up his discarded jacket and tucking it under his neck.

It left warm, peaceful memories of the younglings dancing around her mind. But she pushed it all back down where it couldn’t haunt her. At least not for today.

Alastor, despite all his efforts, was struggling and exhausted. Anyone could see that his eyes were sunken in, skin becoming dry and ashen. Their regular morning host had come down with an illness unfortunately which left her hot headed … friend? Could she call him that?

Maybe a companion? Even still that felt like too much. Distraction. Her hot headed distraction became responsible for the slot.

Missing regularly scheduled programs could kill a station fast in this new world of technology. They existed at the forefront of modernity, and in order to cement themselves into people’s lives as the best station, they couldn’t fumble.

Michael genuinely felt bad for him and brought food every night. Nothing fancy, but she made a point to try and get something from the cafe or a restaurant near her home. She didn’t know if he was eating during the day but he was so thin already she didn’t want to risk malnourishment.

Sitting at the table, reviewing all the work he’d done, she found herself huffing and sighing. The wager would conclude today and she would turn the station over, no matter if he was half dead.

He’d proven her so very wrong. Alastor was capable at doing her job so long as he hired a trusted accountant. The notes and budgeting suggested Richard would interview bookkeeping candidates before retirement. Unfortunately there was no mention of new hosts or sales people or technicians. Stubborn man.

Alas, that would be his choice solely in the next— Michael checked the clock, finding she’d over stayed her welcome today. It was 5:47 AM and the world was already brightening before sunrise.

Disappointment and sadness rattled through her. She would miss this. It hadn’t lasted long, but she was grateful for it regardless. Maybe she could find a similar job if radio stations were popular in the following decades?

But that thought didn’t lessen her discomfort. No, if anything she was upset with ending her time with Alastor. While here, even when he made note of her Eldritch abilities, she didn’t worry about her death. She didn’t grieve or wait in apathy. She didn’t think about Gabriel’s disappointment.

All she thought of was living. One foot in front of the other as she followed a mad man around town.

“I suspected it was you.”

Michael jolted, startled to the point of yelping, for the first time since time began. Her chair clattered over, hands over her mouth, trying to regain her breath. She’d been so lost in her head that she’d not heard him stir or sit up.

Alastor snickered at her while pushing his hair back into place. “I’m starting to suspect you have less than noble intentions Michael always finding me when I’m as defenseless as a lamb! You scoundrel, what will our parents think?! I expect you to make an honest man of me!”

“I— I, uh …” Thoughts. Words. She needed those right now.

And then he cackled, wiping at tears, “What a face! Dear girl you act like a nun! Come now and calm down, I have no interests in the likes of you.”

Oh thank her Heavenly Father and all the choirs. Air filled her lungs again, “That’s a particularly … vibrant jab, even for you.”

“Yes, yes, but all comedians have to try new material somewhere! At least we know that little foray was fruitless. I do believe the diner on 7th is open by now if you fancy a bit of a walk?”

Michael swallowed and nodded, going with whatever he suggested, unsure of what to expect. “If you’d like I can offer you my apartment to freshen up.”

“We’ll have a pot of coffee or two and see how it goes, yes?”


Why did she follow him around like a lost child?

That first night was so frightfully exhausting that Alastor thought he’d forgotten making sandwiches and bringing blankets. That would be alarming as he’d never had a case of amnesia before. He was a steel trap!

All these numbers and new calculations left him dizzy though. As a young man he swore off doing arithmetic ever again. Now hours were wasted scouring the city library for helpful materials. Days were sacrificed to learning nonsense mumbo jumbo, how pay rolls worked, calculating taxes, what needed withheld, setting up bank accounts, interests!

Who could keep all this droll co*ckamamie straight?!

Michael could and he hated it. That woman didn’t bat an eye! How long had she studied this? Had she attended a college? Given her family and status she may very well be business educated and that infuriated him. Yet another free stepping stone into winning the game of life.

He would not fail. Damn her to hell for all he cared! Alastor would run this business.

But with the rat race of balancing near every part of the station, he almost drowned. There’d been no time for his usual hobby or having meals with his mother or visiting the jazz joints. Alastor liked to practice his instruments regularly and cleaned them once a week. Today they sat neglected. He even paid one of the neighbor boys to help Moman since he couldn’t be there.

Did that frigid debutante have no life? No fun?

They’d barely went out a time or two given her borderline addiction to working.

Addicted to the point that she could not leave him be even after two days.

The blankets and sandwiches were not dead giveaways despite being suspicious. Richard was thankfully the first one in that morning, handing over the sign and making under breath comments about Alastor’s own stubborn work ethic.

“You kids gonna find yourselves in early graves working like this,” he warned, before taking the completed paper work.

Alastor laughed at the time. It would take a bullet to the skull to put him down.

After inspecting the sign, it was painfully obvious that Michael was the one who wrote it given the neat letters. Alastor had tried to stay up at night to confront her but each and every time he fell asleep, exhausted to the point he couldn’t see straight.

Everyday he ate the food, abhorring how some people were wasteful menaces. There were plenty of things Alastor hated, despised, loathed but right near the top was wasting food. Thankfully it was palatable, though no where near the quality or flavor of his own!

Had she made these?

He hoped not! That would mean she owned no assortment of spices. Then again, that would make the most sense. Her taste buds must be as restrictive and dull as her personality. Perhaps he could drag her down to Miss Sadie’s near his neighborhood? It would be a fine introduction to food worth eating.

There was a glaring issue though. If everything went to plan he doubted he’d see her again. Giving up the station after such a short time would likely be a sore spot. But watching that stoic mask finally dissolving in favor of absolute rage or utter despair! What a treat that would be! A wave of emotion might be all the push needed to show him the extent of her power.

Alastor grinned, wondering how she’d look when finally unhinged. Would she be like his victims? Screaming and fighting like those brutish blowhards? Or sobbing and begging as the more pathetic ones do?

Of course he did not torment or target women but he hardly thought of her as so, finding himself not taking the same precautions.

Alastor was surrounded by women and played the gentlemanly part to a degree. They flocked to him. His mother. Goldie. All the elderly aunties in his neighborhood. Any poor doll heart set on monopolizing his attentions. Despite her unfortunate name, Michael looked like a woman. One with a favorable face even, but did she act like one? Not in the least! And thus he didn’t carry his usual qualms where the fairer sex was concerned.

If she wanted to play with the big boys she’d have to toughen up.

The diner door bell rang overhead, jerking Alastor back to reality.

They’d walked the entire way in utter silence? Strange.

A waitress purposefully sat them in the corner with a knowing look. Every time! These pig brained charlatans couldn’t fathom him outside of a relationship. Alastor leveled a harsh smile at the poor thing, scaring her into a whimper. His clothes and hair were as tidy as he could make them without being able to go home. Being at a diner so early was giving the wrong impression to everyone around.

They sat in silence, Alastor watching Michael watch the waking world with undivided attention. How sheltered could one woman be? Alastor couldn’t fathom being raised shielded from the world.

Only when the coffee was sat down did she turn back around, still unable to face him. Alastor took a sip, wondering how much silence she could handle before cracking.

A lot apparently. They ate breakfast in smothering silence. That nearly drove him cuckoo. What truly came close to driving him stark raving mad was her meal order. Plain oatmeal and coffee.

“What is wrong with you?” He asked plainly, finally giving in to his curiosity. Was anything in there? Did a horse kick her in the head as a child? How could she be human?

Michael blinked twice before her eyebrows drew together.

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

Alastor was keen to leap over the table and strangle her, force her to have a reaction. “You are infuriatingly dull. Expressionless and quite pathetic! Even your choice in food would leave a starved man pleading for mercy.”

“I prefer to live simply.”

“Simply?! I dare say not! As simply as poking your nose into a man’s personal affairs and manipulating his curiosities. With not a thing to show for it yet might I remind you! As simply as waltzing in with your dictatorship, yet entirely unwilling to let your opponent fail! A conundrum at best, but hardly simple.”

“You succeeded on your own.”

Alastor zeroed in on her. In what world was being undermined considered a success?! “You came in behind me like a school marm! I’d hardly call that a victory.”

“I corrected your calculations yes, but no more than an accountant would.”

“You mimicked my own handwriting to replace certain terms and phrases!”

“You’re more than capable of making a few memorizations. That’s hardly a fault.”

“And there you go again! As if you want to lose.”

“You’ve done nothing but lament what could barely be considered failures. Plenty of humans make clerical errors. Clearly you are able to do my job.”

“Have you no pride? In your work? In your victories? Are you so limp that you’ll concede an ill won bargain?”

"And what of you?” She countered softly.

Alastor stopped, mouth and finger hanging in the air, wondering just what the f*ck he was doing. He’d won. The station was his! And yet there wasn’t the same elation that came with his usual accomplishments.

“I am a man of sound pride!”

Taking the station meant control and power but also the sacrifice of his beloved hobbies and free time!

But letting her retain ownership implied cutting back on his duties, allowing himself to become disposable. With new technicians and hosts she would have no reason to keep him. Alastor was the highest paid employee and for good reason. If her goal was to improve the bottom line wouldn’t sacking him be her first move after she forced him into training the replacements?

What if the station failed under his guidance? What if the nonstop exhaustion lead to his discovery?

And what of his mother? She needed him home, employed, and alive.

Michael drummed her nails against the mug, the wheels in her head obviously turning. Alastor leaned back, snapping into a piece of bacon. Then she asked, “Would you consider a compromise?”

He hummed, “I’m listening.”

“I prefer to stay at the station. Last week Richard told me he intends to retire. Without him I have no upper level management left save myself. I don’t believe we can succeed without the other. If you’ll train new salesmen and technicians I’ll give you free reign of our air time. Scheduling, hiring, advertisem*nt deals. I can handle the rest.”

“And then you’ll sack me.”

“No!” She bit, looking incredulous and indignant. “Quite the opposite, you’ll take half my shares. A legal 50/50 in writing. Should something happen to me you’ll absorb another 26%, making you the primary shareholder while leaving it apart of William’s financial portfolio. That way you can retain access to our personal staff if need be.”


“My father.”

Alastor nearly choked on a biscuit. “You refer to your father by his name?”

“As I do my mother, Evelynn.”


What woman referred to her parents by name?! The neighbor ladies would switch him long before his mother could put soap in his mouth for such egregious misconduct! Alastor was convinced of it now. She must have suffered a serious head injury as a child.


“Why do I call them by their names?”

“Oh you infuriating woman, no. Your absolute flippancy for general manners doesn’t concern me. What would possess you to give up half of the station?”

“You don’t trust me, clearly. I’ve no intentions of letting you go Alastor. And if one man is a fallible thing, so is one woman. I’m no exception to the rule. Every leader needs a second for a worst case scenario to ensure there is no backlash to the whole. Power vacuums can be cataclysmic.” And for a second she looked fiercely stern, before returning to her frigid temperance. And here he thought he was was making progress!

“You’ve studied politics as well? How exciting your evenings must be!”

“Military strategy, actually.”

His eyebrows raised into his hairline, not expecting her to interested in the topic of war and power struggles. If anything it was an improvement to her personality.

"Do you regularly think of bringing nations to their knees?"

Michael brought her coffee cup up in an effort to hide the twisting of her lips. She took a sip and shrugged, "Insurgence groups actually, but not for sometime. I'm more interested in science these days."

Was her humor improving? "That's far less interesting than subjugating an enemy."

"I'd disagree. War doesn't change. Science does."

"And what would you know of war Michael?"

Their eyes met and she seemed to smother him with a strained expression, "Have you decided Alastor?"

"That I have!" For once he was happy to drop a conversation topic, pocketing the bizarre reaction in case it came in handy. "I accept your compromise. Suppose we ought head back and finalize our fortuitous partnership?"

"I would, but today is your day off, is it not?"

Outside, with the morning sun warming his tired bones, he could have melted into the sidewalk. A nice bath and his mother's sourdough sounded more than ideal. He could clean his trumpet and finally take care of that one red headed fellow. Sadly that would have to wait. "It will be once we have that darling little agreement of yours in writing!"


You guys haaaaaaaave to check out EPIC the Musical. It's an internet project about the journey of Odysseus. IT IS WONDERFUL.

I've drafted up a lot of later chapters with that at the helm. And Star Trek. Strange New Worlds is an amazing series and so phenomenal with the spirit of TOS.

I think the pacing of this arc is turning out alright? It is faster, but we don't need to slog through nuance all over again.

Love y'all, stay safe and cool out there. Don't start fights but if you gotta end them ... >:D

Chapter 55: Outings


Alastor and Michael find themselves spending a lot of time together.

Chapter Text

Michael stepped into the broadcasting room the moment he flicked off the red bulb. “You are right.”

Alastor swiveled around, beaming. “Be still my beating heart! The three finest words in any language. Do tell how!”

“I’ve avoided demonstrating my,” she peeked out the door for good measure, ”abilities.”

“Ah ha, I knew it!”

“Tomorrow then?”

He popped up from his chair, gesturing wildly, “Why wait for a good thing! We’re settled for the evening, how about now?”

Her head shook, nose scrunching with displeasure. “Unfortunately not. There’s a dinner I’m expected at.”

“A dinner?” Alastor followed from the room in to her office. There he noticed two hot coffees but she’d not made any in the observation room. Nor were these the station’s cups. Regardless, it was hot and smelled delightful, so he picked one up. Simply delightful! This was a far better brew than they kept here.

“Evelynn is particularly interested in my personal life.”

That would make sense. Even if it was more common with his generation, it was rare for women beyond their early twenties to be unwed.

Alastor carefully looked at Michael. There were certain signs of aging but with the way she tore through books and papers he wasn’t sure. No sun damage. No visible scars. Then she spoke as if she pretended to understand the world around them, sometimes sounding like an old maid.

If he had to guess, it would be a wretched one of anywhere between 24 and 44.

“Ah yes, the eternal plight of mothers, trying to marry off burdensome children. Might you have any sisters to pawn this off on?”

“Younger brothers. Two are spoken but she hardly fusses over them given they’re under 30. I’m the only child which draws her ire. So tomorrow?” Michael had formed the habit of rerouting their conversations and keeping Alastor on task.

“Afraid it’ll have to wait! A gaggle of entertainers I know are hosting a little diddy and I’ll be there well into the morning!”

The clink of her nails on the porcelain drew his attention upward, waiting for her typical absurdity. Alastor didn’t press during her moments of thinking, more interested in the usually beguiling outcome.

“Have they sold out yet? They must be talented to associate with you.”

Sly little minx. Alastor grinned, seeing right through that laughable facade. “Not a clue! But it would hardly matter to you, I’m sure. You’ve a fair amount of paperwork to handle for our business. I can’t fathom how many books you have left to read on the merits of watching paint dry!”

Alastor expected her to cave into his ruse, unwilling to say what she was clearly thinking. The other day Richard’s friend brought in beignets for the man’s birthday and every so often he found Michael so obviously mulling it over.

Then came a soft mumble.

“Oh dear, my apologies, I didn’t quite catch that. I thought I heard ‘Yes Alastor, you’re terribly right, I’m nothing but a—’”

“I’d like to go!” She sputtered, eyes wide and boring into the floor.

“You’d like to go … ? Full sentences Michael. It’s unbecoming for a woman to only speak in halves.”

“I want to go to your,” she swallowed, redness blossoming across the entirety of her face, “little diddy.”

And she thought him the prideful one! Alastor couldn’t breathe, not bothering to reign in his zealous reaction. The booming laughter barely stopped as she tried to push past. He wheeled her back around by the arm, finally catching his breath. “And where might you be off to? Surely your mother doesn’t need you so immediately.”

She refused to look at him, head bowed, hiding under that lion’s mane. “There’s no reason to continue this conversation. It was a childish question.”

“Indeed it was! Ah ha ha! Little diddy! What a talent you have to make something joyous sound so vile! You look like a tomato ready to explode! I dare say I won’t laugh nearly as hard during our little venture tomorrow.”

Alastor released her arm, striding down the hallway. “We’ll leave from here! Do give your mother my regards!”


The bathroom mirror smiled back at him and winked. Being this dashingly handsome was truly unfortunate. Killing would probably be easier if he were a teensy bit homelier, having less people oogling him or fawning away. Then again, why begrudge perfection?

He wore a nicer suit today, despite being of thinner fabric. The small basem*nt theatre they were headed to became frightfully hot, even for him. And there were a few wretches he looked forward to outshining.

“Are you done primping?” Michael asked as he exited the building, meeting her near the door.

“Don’t be jealous! Surely you’ve witnessed beauty so fine you dare not look away?”

Michael huffed, but grinned. Part of her wanted to rub Lucifer’s ultimate beauty in his face. “And yet you call me a debutante. May we go now?”

He almost moved along but stopped dead. Alastor grimaced, hand gesturing up and down with disdain.

“I can’t see inside your head Alastor.”

“Thankfully not, but I also believe you can’t see below your own!” Michael frowned looking down, far from understanding.

He balked at her expectantly, “You look insipid at best.”

Michael’s outfit consisted of plain, neatly tailored items. Since starting at the station she’d seized the opportunity to wear pants. Skirts were fine but after centuries of accepting human norms for women, she opted out.

And she thought she looked nice in pants.

“Your vanity knows no bounds. Unfortunately for you, my clothes are perfectly acceptable.”

Alastor rarely paid mind to what other people wore but there were instances he found himself near offended by how neutral her outfits were. “Then we’re at a loss. I can’t risk my reputation and good standing for some shoddily dressed ingénue!”

Her eyes rolled before walking off.

“I’d wager you won’t find this establishment without me! Especially if you continue in the wrong direction!”

“There’s no use in arguing with a snobbish blowhard. I’ll not be changing, that’s that.”

“And of our other plans? I might be able to leave early to accommodate!”

“No need to bother.” Alastor had been leisurely following along but now his strides were matching hers, leaning into her personal space to glower.

“You will not make a fool of me.”

Michael stopped, abruptly twisting around to meet his face, puffing up as he towered overhead. “Are you changing your mind? Are you so sure that my wardrobe is worth what you’re prepared to do?”

Their little stand off lasted for fifteen seconds before he smiled, fingers coming up to pinch her cheek. Michael swatted him away as he spun around, laughing. “No guest of mine would look so unbecoming but alas, if a disturbed woman takes to following me around town, it wouldn’t be the first time! ”


The entire spectacle felt like a fever dream and a circus. Colors and costumes and singing and lights. Howling laughter filled the room over and over again. Alastor barely paid her any mind after the show ended, making his social rounds. Michael couldn’t imagine knowing so many people.

It’d been far too loud to overhear any of the conversations, but observing was plenty enough.

It pained her to admit it, but he was right. She’d been frightfully underdressed compared to all the other women. No one there spoke to her, only sizing her up with odd looks before moving along.

She’d loved every minute of it though.

It caught her off guard when Alastor had grabbed her arm, making them leave sooner than expected. It was barely past midnight.

She almost asked why they left, but halfway down the street Michael caught the faintest tail end of Alastor twitching.

Shivering actually.

He dawned that mask of control so expertly, she found it impressive.

Tonight’s temperatures dropped well into autumn ranges, ushered in by heavy winds that cut and whipped through them. Alastor barely winced but he did shove both hands in his pockets. So few humans, even among soldiers, had such command of their natural reactions.

Once they turned down an alleyway, Michael hastily stepped in between him and the biting wind.

In an effort not to run her over, Alastor hopped to the side, back pressed to the brick.

“What are you doing?!” Alastor snapped, uncharacteristically irritated. He stopped as her arm reached around him.

After a quick survey of their surroundings and deeming it safe, she started to lean in closer. Alastor would have protested but not right now. His gaze was fixed on hers. On how her eyes bled black from the veins.

It was the first time she’d used her particular talents directly in front of him. Alastor didn’t breathe even as she pulled back, watching the inky blackness fade away.

Michael stepped backward, now holding a man’s jacket out to him. “You’re cold and I don’t find you the sort to take a woman’s coat.”

Alastor stayed silent, cautiously inspecting the item before lighting up with understanding. “This is what you did before! How? Where did you get this? Are you able to store things away in the shadows?”

Michael shoved the jacket into his arms. “It belongs to my brother. He left it at my apartment.”

Alastor did put it on, finding it an inch or two short in the arms and chest but too wide at the waist. Regardless, he buttoned it, no longer shivering. Gabriel was not short, but part of her wondered if Alastor would dwarf him or he would make Alastor look like a twig. Hopefully she would never find out. They would be as compatible as fire and gun powder.

After giving the area another glance, she twisted the shadows around them. When the darkness receded, they were in her office, Alastor sucking in a breath.

“Ah, I should have mentioned that. You can’t breathe in the shadows since technically nothing is there. They’re more akin to connection points, like the electrical lines.”

“So you could suffocate someone in them?” He asked, not a single bit perturbed by having the air pulled from his lungs.

Michael thought about it, making her way to the observation room, Alastor on her heels like a starved dog. “Yes, theoretically.”

“But you’ve not tried to?”

He reigned in that zealous expression when she shot him a suspicious look. “No, I’ve not. I do my best not to interfere.”

Alastor rounded on her, taking up her personal space, asking yet again, “And you were born with this?”


“Why?” He pressed.

Michael shook her head, remembering their first night. For centuries she’d thought of it as a curse, though a particularly kind one. Humans would think of it as a gift though. “I don’t know why.”

It was true at least. She didn’t know why Asherah pushed this power onto her. Michael leaned onto the loveseat, waiting for the coffee pot to finish.

“Show it to me again.” Michael huffed, casting a shadow along the wall. Alastor watched her eyes carefully, then looked her over, now noticing how the same stain stretched down her fingers.

He took his sweet time inspecting it. Alastor did everything he could possibly think of while she held it open, wishing he would hurry. Magic or not, she wasn’t used to using it and never had she bothered to keep it going for ten minutes. She suffered through the increasing tightness in her skull though.

Not once would Michael call herself prideful or vain, but here she was with a masterful poker face so he wouldn’t think of her as weak or pathetic.

All the while he stepped back and forth through it. Testing the edges, trying to touch where reality and magic met. Every so often he would stare at her, calculating and scheming no doubt.

At last he grinned, clapping and nodding, “You are a witch! You’re the first born aren’t you? Don’t suppose a parent sold your soul to the devil for financial gain?”

Despite the nausea and now splitting headache, Michael laughed. She was tired, it couldn’t be helped.

“The devil? You believe in witches and the devil?”

“Well why not? You’re a prime example of otherworldly, fantastical machinations! I hardly consider myself a man of the cloth, but New Orleans is full of devout Catholics and spiritual fortitude. You my dear, might be an affront to God himself, but still living proof to the supernatural.”

Any kind of amusem*nt Michael was experiencing died. He couldn’t possibly know the truth but that didn’t matter. His words speared right through her chest.

“That’s enough for now. Goodnight Alastor.”

“Dear girl, don’t le—”

She didn’t wait to hear him out, shadows licking up her form.


Alastor transformed into a demanding, pestering child anytime they were alone. Always asking for her to essentially do parlor tricks, create a portal to the roof, let him stick his head out onto the street, etc.

Each time he asked her where it came from. How she acquired it. How did it work. And each answer was the same as before with zero elaboration.

They both knew Michael was withholding the entire truth.

Today he would rectify that!

He dragged them out to lunch at the lovely little cafe a block over, determined and certain of his impending victory. Alastor was a patient man, of course! But how much longer would he truly wait? Even smidge of information to point him in the right direction would be fine. If this didn’t work he’d have to try more scrupulous methods.

Michael was a steel trap where his usual methods were concerned. Did that mean his usual targets were too suggestible or did this imply his tactics were weak?

The insinuation infuriated him. He would crack her!

“Now let’s see what miraculous world manipulating talent you have! I must say you’ve kept a tight lid on the rest of your talents.”

Michael stared down into her coffee cup, thumbs rubbing rhythmically, “This is difficult to say.”

Alastor leaned in, narrowing in on her.

Oh what kind of spectacle would he see? Demons? Summoning wicked spirits? Perhaps she could animate the dead or cast curses?! Those would be particularly useful to him and quite exciting for experimentation. She’d not given any indication of having super human abilities or senses, but beggars couldn’t be choosers.

“Don’t be shy! Stage fright is a natural thing! Come on now, I’ve been a particularly patient lad if I do say so myself.”

More flies with honey, as they say!

“There is no more.” It came out barely above a whisper as she slumped into the booth, drawing a slow slip of the coffee, unable to look at him.

“Might you explain?” He hissed, hand covering her mug and pushing it back down to the table.

She nodded, nudging a spoon through a small shadow, having it reappear near his own, “This is the extent of my abilities. I can manipulate shadows and travel with them a small distance. That’s all. I’m quite … limited.”

That was all this woman was capable of? Meager tricks?!

This is what he’d sacrificed his utterly precious time for?

Yes it was entirely super natural and a rather useful little utility but if he couldn’t acquire it what was the point of wasting his efforts?! The woman was an interesting sort but not so much that he could waste days playing nanny to a spoiled dame!

Alastor smiled harshly, pushed back his hair, and stood. “This was a particularly fascinating detour from my usual routine but I think our time outside the station has come to an end. I’m quite busy as it is. See you in the office!”

For a second he waited, half expecting some outburst. A retort. That would have been interesting at least. But no, she dawned that cool, even expression and nodded, “I appreciate your efforts.”

He scoffed, placing a couple bills on the table before stalking off. Even if he was thoroughly disappointed, he was a gentleman. Then again, his paycheck varied lately, the money he spent on their outings suspiciously accounted for.

At least he knew the supernatural existed now. Surely he could continue his own research. Delve deeper into darker subjects and come up with something on his own terms?

Maybe there existed other witches. There had to be a way to pair down all the information he found before.

Planning consumed him whilst rounding the corner, only pausing to light a cigarette. As it hung between his lips, he glanced into the cafe window, morbidly curious to see if she still wore that nonchalant mask. Oh, maybe she would chase after him in wild desperation! Now that would be an interesting spectacle, to see her lose that infuriating demeanor!

He wasn’t prepared for what he witnessed.

The stubborn young woman he’d come to know looked thoroughly lost, hands wringing on the table. Their bubbly little waitress came up, startling her to the point she launched the coffee cup into the floor. Michael profusely apologized as the waitress gritted her teeth, walking off with the shattered porcelain.

There was a small discoloration on her cheek. A black dot? Alastor’s stomach twisted, finally understanding it to be a mascara stained tear. Michael raked it away immediately though, eyes screwing shut.


Why did he have to see that of all things?!

Damnit, damnit, damnit!

The fresh cigarette was unceremoniously tossed to the ground. She didn’t look up when the cafe door chimed, not until he laughed, sitting back down across from her. “Why, I’ve completely forgotten! All that giggle water this past weekend perhaps! You know, my calendar does have a few bare spots and it wouldn’t do to not make the most of it!”

At last he wasn’t looking into a statue! Oh that goofy, confused expression had him grinning like a cat! There she was slack jawed, the spot under her blown wide eyes reddened a smidge. Yes indeed, he’d gone and turned her all sorts of silly!

At last Michael regained her composure nodding, “That’s kind of you Alastor, to take the time out of your schedule.”

He ordered them another set of beverages and toast. “It can’t be helped! I am a gentleman and charitable one at that! How could I leave such a daft gal out on her own? It wouldn’t do. What would my mother say?”

What would his mother say, he wondered? Thankfully there was little to no likelihood they would overlap. He mentioned Michael in relation to his station work but his mother assumed he spoke of another man. People would get the wrong idea surely and that wouldn’t suit him.

He noticed her lips curling at the corners despite shielding her face beyond a curtain of hair. She’d need to try harder. “Charity costs us nothing! That’s why the economists are saying it’s worthless.”

“I—” she swallowed, gathering her nerves, “haven’t lied to you. Not once. I am born with my talents. I’m born with them every time.”

“Every time?” He repeated, trying to understand her phrasing.

“Yes. Each and every time. There’s quite a lot humans don’t know. I wouldn’t mind answering your questions.” Then something new morphed on her face, a small mischievous smile. “If you can ask ones worth answering that is.”

“Cheeky wretch!” Alastor laughed under narrowed eyes, not minding the turn in her personality. This was far preferable to the previous mood! After all, blackened tears brought up particularly nasty memories for him. “Fine, what do you know?”

She thought on it for a moment. “That you’re right to believe in the devil but not witches. Witches were done away with centuries ago. Oh, and that you hold your knife incorrectly.”

Alastor, for what felt like the millionth time since they’d met, tried to see past her particularly unassuming existence. “What are you?”

Michael shook her head. “That’s not the right question.”

Damn this little game of hers! It irritated him because he certainly treated others the same way. He sat on it for a minute, reviewing what he knew.

“Fine. How old are you?”

“Physically? 26. Other than that I don’t know truthfully. Though I’ve lived as a human for near 500 years.”

Alastor didn’t like the fact she was older than him in more than one way. It felt like being put at a disadvantage. To what he didn’t know but he didn’t care.

“You’ve not always been human?”

Michael nodded, taking a bite.

“What were you?”

“I would prefer not to say, if you don’t mind.”

“Darling Methuselah, I do mind, sorry to say! Though we may be better served to have this conversation elsewhere.” The cafe was bustling now and despite the constant background noise, he didn’t want to share this information.

“And how dare you! My knife skills are immaculate. Second to none!”

She gave an unexpectedly bright laugh, “We’ll see about that then.”

Chapter 56: Witches


Alastor is trying to find the best way to get what he wants and so is Michael.


Happy September?

I want it to be autumn and cool out.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After that insightful little meal yesterday, Alastor racked his mind of what on Earth she could be. Could have been? Her current status hardly concerned him. No need to get bogged down in semantics.

What creature could be several centuries old? Oh damn it all, it could be anything! Admitting a loss was no where near his to do list! This simply wasn’t something he had any credible info on though. If what she said was true, humans might not have any useful information. A dark magic practitioner seemed the appropriate suspicion.

But not a witch?

If they did exist, had existed, that did gave him a thin thread to pull on. Michael’s personal plights severed no purpose to him. But she’d became human. And perhaps humans could become more?

Could he become a witch?

Alastor couldn’t claim to believe in witches. He would if he’d ever seen proof of magic before Michael’s dizzying interference in his life. Part of him wanted to believe in Hoodoo and Voodoo as a child but his dalliances with it as a boy never got him anywhere. His mother came from a long, strong line of Vodouisants, or so he’d heard on occasion. It never got mentioned again after a nasty inebriated spell from his father.

Good riddance to the coward!

The memory of his father’s disposal, despite all the Hell that led up to it, left Alastor in a particularly cheerful mood. It meant his mother was happy and safe.

Humming an old tune, he didn’t notice Michael slipping in behind him. Or maybe she’d spread from the darkness? The broadcasting room looked nothing short of a disaster. The equipment and wires were all strewn about and out of order as he had their largest piece semi taken apart. A new, more efficient type of wire came out recently that would drastically help improve his broadcast’s clarity.

She squatted down under the table, watching like a child intent on catching Santa! A vein in his forehead threatened to pop and twitch. The broadcasting light was on for crying out loud! Every month he inspected, repaired, replaced, and cleaned every individual element the station owned. Usually it took two days to get everything done and keep the broadcasting schedule up.

“Last time I checked you were neither illiterate nor blind, so tell me Michael, what is it you’ve come in here to find? I’m quite busy with a task undeniably crucial to the success of our business.”

“Feel free to continue then. I’ve not come to stop you.”

Wretch. He preferred to do all his work, his art, in private!

As if to punctuate her insufferable stubbornness, she crawled over for a closer look and sat down.

Pointedly he stopped, glaring her down as if it could force her back into the little shadows from which she came! Damn it all, that could be such a useful little trick when hunting! Oh what he could do to his prey! How many more could he manage if he could move about unnoticed like that?!

Her hand waved barely a millimeter in front of his face. Alastor swatted it away.

“We’ve plans for later, yes?” He gritted out.

Michael nodded, glancing between him in the wires. Had she drank too much of the coffee? “Out with it you bothersome gnat. What has you pestering me?”

She didn’t look at him, her jaw tightening whilst inching closer to inspect the open hardware.

A week or two ago, he wouldn’t have been able to pickup on her nearly nonexistent nonverbal queues. But now? She wasn’t so hard to decrypt, nearly all her strangeness boiling down to what Alastor considered suffocating and unnecessary restrictiveness.

“Get out of the way or be useful! Now see here—”

Alastor unceremoniously jerked her into his personal space by the upper arm, putting their faces side by side so she could see the section he worked on. The wires were forced into her hand as he unscrewed more plates and fixtures. With the expertise and details of an artisan, he walked her through exactly what he was doing and why.

Any reservation she had previously dissolved, leaving a strange, new Michael behind.

She asked every question he could think of. There were even more he couldn’t possibly fathom along side something about the materials used in the newer wires, her scrambling for the paper work that came detailing just what they were made of.

“Ahh. This makes sense. Do you think we could replaces the wires running up to the tower? Maybe we could have the factory manufacture heavy duty cables. We could develop patent if it works. I’ll need to contact the lawyers for that. May I? I’d like to try it.”

Her hand thrust out at him for the screwdriver, not giving a single second to follow her rabbit hole train of thought. Was this what truly lurked behind that rigid debutante?!

“I think not! I won’t have you dismantling all my years of hard work!”

“How do you expect me to run this business without understanding it from the ground up?” Her hand flexed for the tool as she stared him down with fierce determination.

Noo,” He drew out, finger pushing her nosey little face back.

Her eyes narrowed as he stretched forward into the equipment. A moment passed by before he heard rustling, the clack of her heels, followed by the open and close of the broadcasting door.

“Hah! Foolish bearcat.”

Happily he went back to working for at least two minutes before the door opened again.

Alastor snarled, head jerking out from the equipment, “Now listen here! I’ve already told you once that—”

From out under the table he caught sight of a particularly irksome looking Richard. For the gruff older man to bother him, something must be wrong. “New kid’s here Al. Mike’s talking to him now. Brought his own tools and all that.”


All he saw was red.

Not only was that fiendish brat in breach of the contract they just signed, she was actively going against what he expressly told her not to do! The bright teeth in his grinding smile threatened to snap as he stomped past Richard, head whipping left and right to find the offensive demon wretch who was deciding to trample over him!

Michael came down the hallway with a pleasant, even look at him. “Alastor, I’ve left our newest trainee outside the office until you’re ready.”

“Ready?” He seethed, his posture drawing up to tower over her, eyes and smile like knives about to slice her apart.

“Of course. Even if you don’t hire a full time technician we need someone who can step in if you were suddenly indisposed. You leave us exposed. But I’ll get rid of him if you’re so insistent. But only if …”

If what?! Alastor nearly snarled, barely keeping a lid on his rage. Richard still stood down the hallway, no doubt watching them. Alastor would never lay hands on a woman, but so help him Michael left him reconsidering it! But no. Human or not, she was a woman. His mother would be mortified by the thought.

“If?” Alastor forced, fists balling as to not strangle her.

“You let me help you. If you don’t trust a stranger then surely your partner needs to understand the inner workings.”

You,” he hissed, mind grinding to a furious halt. This audacity! To encroach on his work! His carefully crafted majestic setup! “You planned this.”

Michael gave him the smallest of grins. “Certainly not.”

Alastor clapped, spinning around to trap her shoulders tight under one arm, grinning like a lunatic. “Why if you’re so willing to toil away in the dirty bowels of our esteemed business, who am I to tell you, our fearless leader, what’s best? Come along! Shame you didn’t bring better clothes to toil away in but that’s the hand dealt to us!”

He was going to make her miserable. If she wanted to strong arm him into accepting help from anyone he would make this the most grueling day of her life.

Richard was snickering at the broadcasting door, nursing a cigarette. Michael smiled at the tenured man, “Richard, if you’d be so kind as to escort the other fellow out? Perhaps soothe his spirits over at Slim’s?”

Alastor, due to dragging along Michael and plotting her torment, never caught Richard’s constricted, rattling laugh. “Whatever you want, Mike. Don’t you kids have too much fun.”


He ran her ragged, forcing her to open a shadow for any and every small need. Michael, with every intent to prove him wrong, did just that. She hauled every damn piece of equipment, box, tool, cleaning supply, and scrap material off.

At some point she abandoned her heels, finding them to be an awful hindrance after four hours. And by hour five her feet were raw and covered in dirt, her hair disheveled to the nth degree. Painstakingly Alastor inspected every nook and cranny before glancing her way. Then he groaned.

The lanky bastard motioned her forward, glowering. Oh, if looks could kill Michael would have died a death worse than being burned at the stake. That was her least favorite death. Thankfully the following were more mishaps than of her own doing.

Even still and despite that sour grumble, Alastor whirled her around by the shoulders, forcing her tired form into his chair. From here he was like the monoliths of old: tall, imposing, and fearsome. Before she could get a word out he slid forward one of the smaller boxes, thrusting the screw driver in her hand.

“We make sure the power supply is completely removed before touching it with tools. Afterwards you’ll take this panel off first,” he instructed tapping the red metal side. With the wonderment of a child, grinning like a fool, Michael took out each screw with the utmost care, afraid he might change his mind.

Alastor leaned over her back the entire time but it was hardly a bother. If anything she was grateful for the care and diligence, setting aside his insurmountable pride to teach her properly. His explanations of each element and how it matter to what they did at the station was masterful. Michael had read every manual but nothing compared to his expertise and experience.

Eventually she put the screws back into place and plugged back in the power supply.

“Is that all?” She asked, unsure of what to do next. Michael didn’t want to presume or make assumptions.

“Hardly. All those books and you’re not aware of the most important part? For shame! And you claim to run a station? Tsk tsk cherie!” The massive sound testing headphones slapped unceremoniously over her ears.

Michael went to take them off but Alastor slapped away one hand whilst grabbing her other. Long fingers directed hers to the main switch, the one he flipped every time he cast a spell over New Orleans with that oozing charm.

She couldn’t hear him but he mouthed the count down, fingers ticking off.


Michael’s heart thundered in her chest with something akin to anxiety, but instead of fearful, it left her eager.


He pushed her fingers under the hard ivory switch.


She flipped it up, finding it to be surprisingly hard to do. The red light came on as Alastor’s mouth moved next to the microphone.

“Ladies and gentleman, tonight we welcome one of New Orleans newest residents! A rosy bachelorette with the thorns to match! Yes indeed! Quite a bearcat this little one is! And under all that is a wicked, malevol—“

Michael scrambled, bolting forward! Her hands clapped over his wide mouth as her chest heaved, finding herself halfway up the table, one of her knees trapping his hand. “Are you insane?!”

The room filled with maddening laughter as Alastor jerked back his hand, pushing her off and back into the chair. Even as he struggled for breath, he flipped off the broadcast switch and bent down to pick up a loose ended cable. The cable that connected all their equipment to the radio tower.

Eyeing down his nose at her with mischief and malice Alastor leaned in, one finger pushing the headphones off her head.

“You aren’t the only one who can pull devious bluffs Michael.”

The blood drained from her face before she could suck in a steadying breath. “How did you know?”

Alastor scoffed, plugging back in the cable, brushing back his hair with that pompous air. “Whilst you were busy scurrying all about I took a brief detour to your office. It seems you had no scheduled meeting for a new technician. And when I asked Richard the poor lad’s name, well color me surprised when all he could do was belly laugh into a sandwich!”

He circled around the chair, the leather snapping of his shoes punctuating the monologue. “And on top of that, what with all that incessant book leaning, you’d not dare open yourself up to such a dire legal battle! You would be in direct violation of a particular stipulation we made! So what could you possibly gain from bluffing and stoking my ire?”

Heat rose to her cheeks like nothing before. Michael didn’t know this level of writhing embarrassment! Never before had she attempted to deceive someone! And then to think she could get away with it?!

He’d caught her red handed. There was never any new technician. She’d simply gotten Richard on board and lied about the rest.

Michael tried to keep a straight expression but human biology rendered her the color of a strawberry! All the while Alastor beamed down at her with an amusem*nt she didn’t understand.

The came a deafening clap and then the room was spinning. Alastor cackled again before catching the back, purposefully tormenting her. “All so you could play with my toys. Michael, it was a lovely little ploy. I’m man enough to admit that. But know this rascally bearcat, I’m not one to trifle with. Next time I’ll be expecting you to remember everything you’ve learned today!”

He rocked the chair forward with a jerk, Michael stumbling out, catching herself against the table. When she righted herself, Alastor was in his chair, looking very much like a satisfied, sunbathing cat.

Next time.

Michael tried to swallow her grin, knowing that in some bastardized way, she’d passed his ridiculous test.

She leaned against the table, glowing with satisfaction and mirth, “And what’s left for tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow?” He repeated, an eyebrow co*cking up to his fluffy hairline.

“Richard told me this would take a couple days?”

Alastor shrugged, “Nonsense. The work hardly takes a day! It’s the running between here, the basem*nt, and the radio tower which takes two days.”

co*cky scoundrel. If it weren’t for her it would have taken every bit of two days! Still, Michael was happy for the small victory and didn’t mind his coy display. There would be a next time and that was well enough. Now she had to make good on her promise.

“I suppose you’re ready for our next little adventure?” She’d intended to follow up on improving his knife skills. Michael put together several techniques that would suit his stature. At least, that was before her feet were raw and bloody. There was no way she could put back on her heels comfortably but that was the plight of modern women. This would be a disadvantage to her maneuvering. That, and she didn’t want to admit just how tired she was.

It didn’t matter. She’d suffered worse conditions by far.

Michael bent to slip on her shoes but a lanky hand beat her to the punch. “You don’t intend to put these back on while you’re covered in filth?! I’m starting to believe you were raised in a barn!”

What could he possibly care about her shoes?! Michael jumped and snatched but her lengthy business partner easily kept them out of reach, pushing and wrangling her down to the kitchenette. “Alastor, they’re only shoes.”

His jaw hung open, mortified as if she’d eaten them! This was the reaction she had expected yesterday when revealing her true age, but no. This pompous prima donna took issue with her dirtying a pair of particularly uncomfortable shoes!

“You’d ruin them! Waste not, want not afterall. And these tasteless pumps you’ve trotted about in aren’t close to broken in! No wonder they’ve turned your feet into chewed gum! Your mother ought be more concerned with the basics and not marrying you off! You’d make a wretched little wife, the poor fool.”

Why wasn’t she annoyed? If anything, her chest felt light as his rantings left her in near stitches.

He started filling a bowl with hot water, before pointing to a chair, “Sit. No arguments please, I’ve had quite enough of your shenanigans today thank you very much. I’m due home after our next excursion and I’ll not have you be my own mother’s plight!”

Michael, feeling guilty for her earlier stunt, sat obediently. The sooner he gave back her shoes, the sooner she could get the next portion of their day over. Settling into the chair let the soreness of her muscles catch up entirely.

Since when did she feel the need not to move along via sheer force of will?

This had to be a by product of modern convenience and lack of training. How else could she explain simply not wanting to do something?

Alastor sat down the hot bowl of water, thrusting the rag into her hand as he continued digging. Michael started to scrubbing her sore feet, grateful for the steaming water. She desperately wanted to take a bath, but the last time she tried soaking in hot water she’d drowned. Needless to say she now avoided any unnecessary amount of time in bodies of water. Drowning wasn’t a pleasant way to go even if it wasn’t the worst.

As she worked, he dragged the other chair right in front of her.

“And you’re not a witch?”

Michael glanced up for a brief second before shaking her head and continuing to scrub away at her feet. “Hardly. As I said, the witches were done away with.”

His finger’s drummed against the top of a white box. “And what happened to these witches?”

Michael’s jaw tightened. She’d agreed to this. To tell him the truth in return for his companionship. She wrung out the cloth before dunking it again and continuing, suddenly scrubbing harder. Trying to scrub away her own sins. “To all witches. I was human by the time of their persecution. It started barely a few centuries ago, around the 1500s?”

“That doesn’t tell me what happened to them. You did promise me honesty.”

Michael frowned, pulling her head up to meet his eyes. She didn’t like this topic. “They were razed from the Earth. That’s all I know unfortunately.”

Factually, that was all she knew. She’d overheard Gabriel speaking to another Heavenly host about it. At the time she’d let it go, unable to do anything. What if she’d been wrong and the witches were against the will of God? What if they'd all fooled her?

That didn’t make her less sick over it though. She could only hope Raphael’s wrath was swift and merciful. But something told her it wasn’t.

For centuries Michael granted amnesty to witches, the beloved acolytes of Lilith. They weren’t like the followers of other demons and pantheons. They made the Abrahamic believers look peaceful. They never sought power or turmoil. Michael protected them at Lucifer’s behest. Had he guilted her into it? Yes but they were kind and giving and lived natural human lifespans.

Alastor nodded slowly, thinking. “What made them witches?”

An odd question but Michael preferred it to others he could ask. “Witches are humans who devote themselves to Lilith.”

“Lilith?” Alastor questioned, giving her a suspicious look.

Michael didn’t understand. “Lilith.”

“Say it all you want but that means no more now than when you uttered it the first time!”

Ahh, she’d forgotten how desperate humans were to separate religions and history. “Lilith is the Queen of Hell, the First Witch and Mother of Demons. Humans wrote of her in Judaism, Babylonian, Sumerian, Akkadian, and Assyrian texts. For whatever reason she was removed from the Catholic and Protestant versions.”

“So the Bible is wrong?” He was sitting forward now, elbows on his knees, eyeing her carefully.

This was troublesome. How had they ventured so close to her origins already? “A bit of it is correct, but not all of it.”

“A bit? You said I was right to believe in witches and the devil. Tell me about the devil then.”

Michael flashed him a grim smile, forcing down her emotions. Nothing got her worked up like the topic of her beloved twin. “Lucifer is real. There’s not much else to say. God’s beloved angel cast out of Heaven.”

“So there is a Heaven and a Hell?”

Michael nodded, the crack in her throat threatening to break. She’d never had the opportunity to speak freely about her past.

Alastor looked far too calm to be a human learning the truth of God. Yes, she’d left out Asherah, but one all powerful deity was quite enough.

Michael dropped the blackened rag into the murky gray water. “You’re taking this well.”

Then she yelped as a tanned hand grappled her ankle, forcing her foot into his lap. Without prompting, Alastor started winding a bandage around the angry, gruesome bits of flesh. “This is hardly news! So you breathe life into a few wives tales and religions. Isn’t that what humans do regardless? How can I be so certain you aren’t another zealot toting around cataclysmic tales?”

That stumped her. He wasn’t wrong. In all honesty it was far more plausible that she was some insane, deranged woman without any way to prove what she was saying. “Other than my particular talents, there isn’t any proof. I suppose you’ll have to settle for the ravings of a lunatic.“

“Ha! This is far easier to stomach than you spewing along about frequencies and wire materials! What’s one maddening topic for another anyway?”

She swallowed a laugh, trying hard to ignore his fingers grazing the sensitive skin of her foot. This was all so strange. Never had anyone bandaged her up before. At any point in history she either healed by God’s grace, was the commanding officer who suffered through, or simply perished.

Alastor let go of her foot with a particularly charming smile, gesturing for the other one. Her head shook, not keen on the unfamiliar feeling. “It’s alright, I-, uhm, I can handle the other one.”

But his demeanor shifted, that smile thinning into something more sinister as he snatched her other ankle in a vice.

Not a soul made her feel diminished or small. But Alastor somehow did. The way he perched on the chair, anchoring her form back by having her ankle …

Micheal was in no real danger, but the sheer novelty and strangeness of it all kept her feebly human mind wide eyed and glued to the spot, fingers digging into the underside of the chair for support. Slowly he wrapped her ankle, reminding her of long dead demonic beasts.

Reminding her of an ever scheming Lucifer.

“Now dear, how did you come about all these fantastical little tidbits?”

“I thought we had other plans tonight?” Michael forced out.

“Unfortunately it is late and I’m feeling spectacularly famished. A rain check is needed on that front, Chèr.”

“Yes, I suppose it is. Well, I won’t keep you any longer.” Why wasn’t he letting go?

Alastor pulled the bandage tight, “Ah, ah, not yet. How did witches come to be?”

Time ticked by as she came down from being bewildered by him, finally remembering just why they were in this situation in the first place. Alastor didn’t cease to impress her.

It made sense, why he was so concerned with witches now. “I hate to disappoint you yet again. Witches are strictly women. If you lack a womb you lack the ability to become one. I don’t know their practices otherwise. They existed purely by oral tradition, with no documentation or written testaments. That isn’t a power you can acquire.”

And finally he sighed, rolling his eyes and knocking her freshly bandaged foot off his lap. Alastor raked a hand through his hair, leg bouncing, obviously recalculating his approach.

How could his glutton for power make her feel sympathetic?

Michael rolled her eyes, but decided to do him a favor, even if it was begrudgingly. “Alastor, there is no power left for humans to have. You were born a millennia too late and magic of any kind was scrubbed from the Earth. This road will be nothing but turmoil for you. Don’t waste your life on this.”

Boiling anger flashed through those amber eyes, a smile slipping into a sneer. And no matter how frighteningly still he sat, Michael could swear she felt every iota of him reverberate through the air, trying not to explode. He looked a second from becoming unhinged.

“Why?” Michael leaned forward this time, shoulders drawing in uncharacteristically. Never had she felt the need to make herself look small in the face of danger. But then again, his departure from the cafe yesterday set a laughably bizarre fear deep in her bones. She was terrified he would abandon their agreement. Abandon her.

Was power the only way to placate him?

Michael swallowed, scooting forward again, peering up at him through her lashes. “You want power. Why?”

Alastor shot up from his chair, starling her backwards. Hurriedly he put away the bowl and first aid kit, movements a smidge too tight, his expression too agreeable.

“Now darling girl, surely you’re capable enough to see yourself home?”

She nodded as he twisted back into his charming mask of a man. “Of course. Goodnight Alastor.”

“Do take care!” He called, sauntering out the door and not sparing her a single glance more.

Silence settled over the radio station, on the sound of her padding through in bandaged feet, locking up and turning off the lights. Was Alastor yet another human blinded by power for power’s sake? It wouldn’t be surprising … No. It would be. What did she really know about him anyway?

And yet instinct fought off the idea. Michael groaned, falling onto her apartment couch through a shadow.

What could Alastor Laveau possibly need power for? Was he in trouble? Had someone threatened him?

More so, what was wrong with her?

One human’s obsession with magic was hardly novel and it couldn’t possibly be for any good reason. Not knowing had to be for the best. Human problems needed human solutions and she would not intervene. Exposing herself to him hardly constituted making a dent in humanity.

No part of her wanted to give up on this. But what if he had been on the air? Surely it was only a prank on account of her own mischief!

If he tried to expose her, he’d simply fall to madness and obscurity like millions of men before. Thankfully she’d cleansed the mortal plane of what it took for humans to make deals with the Fallen or Hellborns. Michael was even more grateful that soulless and Eldritch demons couldn’t make binding contracts.

The rationale didn’t soothe her, leaving her perturbed and uncomfortable well into sleep.


Peace out girl scouts! I've actually been toying around with a second HH Alastor story with all the gruesomeness expected of a serial killer. I may pop that one out when we get the first new season. It'll take a wildly different approach to who Alastor was.}

Peace out girl scouts and have fun out there <3

Also, worst song to have stuck in your head?

Chapter 57: Lessons


Michael and Alastor take to giving the other lessons.



This is an all call for a beta reader. I really want someone to help out :3
There's a lot of chapters in the works and with my life being the way it is, well, ya know.

So if you think you could help with dialogue, scene development, and some minor proof reading for small mishaps, I'd love to chat!

Otherwise, please enjoy!

Chapter Text


Vile, audacious, crafty woman!

“What did I say?” Michael’s eyes narrowed to his left hand. Alastor’s fury rolled up his chest, turning his neck and ears a blistering red. The hunting knife flipped in his hand, his body charging forward. Closer, he had to get close enough to strike!

There it was! Alastor swiped—

Yet again, and not for the second or third time even, she maneuvered in a manner he’d never seen, using his weight and momentum to her advantage.

The blood in his veins rattled. No, his earlier victory in her home would not be a fluke. But again he stumbled, palm skidding against the roof. Michael, still in her heels, offered her hand to help him up.

Absolutely not, thank you! Alastor gathered himself, standing up right and feigning a cool exterior. How dare she?! Michael downright insulted his knife skills with no more evidence than that night’s failure!

The worst of it though?

How she was here, showing him up and making good on what she thought of his knife skills.

Michael's head shook, hands making a quick simultaneous strike to his wrist and forearm. And much like his knife, his jaw dropped. How had she managed that?!

And again she sighed, going to pick up the weapon. Michael transferred it from fist to fist, turning it over, “This is a good knife. I can see why you like it. But you hold it like a kitchen knife or for utility, not a weapon. Like this.”

Alastor fought back the overwhelming urge to knock her away as one pale hand wrapped around his wrist, the other pushing the hilt in his hand. “Different holds give you different advantages. You’re plenty dexterous to switch between them but your grip should never come second. Losing your weapon is tantamount to losing your arm. Now, we’ll go again.”

Each and every instinct in his body writhed against being bullied by Her Majesty but he bit his tongue. Those movements. That sharp eye for his weaknesses. Michael possessed skill and experience he couldn’t understand. That infuriated him, piling on to his never-ending jealousy.


Alastor felt terribly, infuriatingly jealous towards the bizarre debutante. All that privilege and position and power but she did nothing with it! The dent she could make in this vile world! So why didn’t she? Alastor hated coming to terms with how little he knew of her. Perhaps his due diligence was lacking?

He’d tried to be business as usual this morning. To brush off how her insistent inquiry had pressed him. Why would he not want power? Who didn’t need power?

How could any person, any being, not want more?

Again he went. Her eyes somehow watched all of him, noting the way he tried to feint one direction, the knife in another. In a masterful way her leg swung up, her body out, the heel of her shoe knocking the outside of his elbow with unexpected force.

But for dear life he held onto the knife, teeth grinding through the impact. It didn’t hurt, not really. She was weak in that regard, easily overpowered if he could just break through.

Once more she waited for him to get back upright. Foolish thing. This was far from a real scrap! “Just where did you learn this flowery form? Do they have honest to goodness brawls where you’re from or do you always wait for them to get back up?”

Here eyes rolled, a rare sign of her annoyance. “Of course we do, though they’re quite different. And this isn’t a brawl. This is practice. No talent is worth having without practice. Horse before the cart and all that.”

The knife flipped in his hand, Alastor shaking off yet another defeat, refusing to leave this roof until he bested her. “And what makes that so different?”

He rushed again, going to slash, but she swiveled below the knife.

Alastor’s hand twisted into the back of her hair, holding her now at arms length. “Ha! Now we—”

Her hands took his forearm and wrist, dropping her body weight and twisting, foot snapping into the side of his knee. Alastor dropped face first to the roof.

Michael spoke from above, a lighter tone in her voice. “Good, you’re improving, but you’ll have to do better youngling.”

And for the first time in maybe days or weeks or months, his mind was entirely blank. Was it white hot seething anger? Perhaps he was experiencing sheer nirvana?

When was the last time he’d had his ass so thoroughly handed to him?

Actually, he knew. He miserably remembered the exact date and time.


Surely this wasn’t the same! Back then Alastor was small. Too small to hold the knife his father forced into his palm. Far too small compared to the behemoth bully Jeremy McDermott. Once upon a time he was too weak. But not so much now.

What was he doing wrong?!

“Taking a nap?”

Old visions flashed in his mind. Cruel, unforgiving memories that only haunted him in the dead of night.


He could hear Michael bending over him, gently jostling his shoulder.

“Alastor?” She called, sincere concern ringing clear. Michael shook him harder and he snapped. Within a fraction of a second he snatched at her, rolling until she was trapped under him. His legs pinned hers, elbows digging into her arms and the knife laid against her throat.

They blinked in time before Alastor breathed out with a grin, “Something the matter Michael?”

Genuine surprise crept up her face before a grin twisted her mouth. “Well, I suppose this is an improvement. But surely you aren’t a one trick pony?”

“Why, everyone loves a classic!” In truth, Alastor found his repeat performance of the night in her apartment embarrassing but a win was a win. If he knew more about her, perhaps he could best her in new and novel ways.

Michael caught him off guard in turn, nodding with a smile. Part of his brain struggled to comprehend her, noting how her trapped muscles eased. Surely she didn’t trust a man with a knife to her throat?!

“The reason you can’t counteract my moves is because you’re impatient. Even a fight can have pacing. Waiting out your opponent, ruining their plans, wasting their energy, it can be critical when you can’t fight an even match. You charge in and expect your first move to be the only one. Having one strategy is worthless.”

“Is that a tidbit from your books?” Alastor felt the childish need to down play her observations and criticisms. He might hold the knife but Michael was cutting too close to his ego.

Her smile fell, eyes hardening. “Hardly.”

“Come now, surely you believe in rewarding a fine, diligent pupil! What kind of progress can you expect if you’re unwilling to share how you came to be oh so skillful? Why, you need to inspire me sweetheart! Make me want to be the darling little dancer you are!”

Who could ever be as exquisite with words but Alastor? Michael’s flattened expression twisted back up by a fraction, one arm coming up under her head, not troubled by Alastor sitting on her waist.

“A dancer?” She mused. Alastor crossed his arms, gaze turning suspicious. Yet again she avoided the matter at hand, that fickle mind of hers wandering off!

She was meant to take his nit picking as offensive and enlighten him about her experience! What she was. How she’d came to such skill. To trust him! To believe in his words like so many others then give him exactly what he wanted! Asking outright was no good. It gave away his position unfortunately.

Yes, yes, she swore there was no power for him to find but Alastor couldn’t accept that. He’d suffered and survived and landed Michael as a strange puzzle that would lead to his glory. As a skilled hunter, he understood laying the trap!

Then again, wouldn’t that be something she understood? Whatever gave her this expertise surely required a hefty amount of strategy. So what was he missing?

What did she want from him?

Not once since Michael dragged him up from the alley had he considered just what she was getting out of all this frivolity.

She’d bargained for a tour guide, but at the time he’d thought it the beginning of a long ploy. And yet the second shoe never dropped.

Cold realization tingled down his spine, eyeing her in a strange new light. Surely this centuries old, confounding, rigid-as-a-pole workaholic couldn’t be seeking out companionship?

And somehow lightning struck twice, Michael nodding along to her own idea, proving to Alastor just what a simpleton she could be. Meekly she asked, “Could you teach me? How to dance that is.”

“Do you not have a single friend?” Incredulousness dripped from his words. How could she set yet another role onto him?!

Teeth caught her bottom lip, a redness blooming across her cheeks. Michael’s brows drew together, mouth twisting as she so obviously considered someone. Her eyes rolled away to avoid his scrutiny. “I … I don’t know if I could call them that. Do you have any friends?”

“Of course I do!” Alastor puffed, grinning, reveling in how he’d beaten her at something. Technically at least. A win on a technicality was still a win after all.

He had plenty of people he was friendly with. Even more who were keen on him! Then there was his mother and everyone in the neighborhood that down right fawned over him! And perhaps Richard wasn’t a friend, but Alastor genuinely liked Richard.

“Of course you do,” she conceded, slipping out from him as a shadow.

And there she went again! Alastor got to his feet, scowling as Michael made way to the roof entrance.


Michael enjoyed working out in the station’s lobby, a lovely space in the building’s corner with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the crossroads.

The bell of the office door chimed. A dapper man with a kind face walked in, all smiles while looking around. “Good afternoon Miss! My who was the evil bastard that decided to hide a pretty thing like you up in this desolate place? I think they ought be put in prison!”

Apparently the face he had did not match his mouth. Michael smiled anyway standing to greet him. The amount of men who flattered women like breathing in this day and age exhausted her, but what could she do about social trends?

“I appreciate the sentiment. How might I help you?”

“Oh sweetie there is certainly plenty I’d love to have you do but unfortunately doll I’m here to see the new owner! Care to fetch him for me?” The man leaned over her makeshift desk, eyes oogling her above a skeezy smile. “Maybe after you’re done I can take you out for dinner and we can see about you playing girlfriend?”

Michael’s smile went from one of metered control to absolutely beaming. The man perked up, leaning closer to the point she could smell his oppressive cologne.

“What a surprise! James Nicholson! Trying out a new fashion trend I see? Can’t win them all unfortunately!” The dark and looming presence of Alastor sharply clapped down on the visitor’s shoulder, startling him to the point he jumped out of a shoe! Michael had to look away, careful to swallow a giggle.

Alastor wheeled the ghostly man around away from Michael, stepping in to tower over him. “A- Alastor! What a surprise. Still here—”

“Alastor?” Michael chimed, interrupting their visitor, “This fine gentleman would like to speak with the owner. Could you take him down to Michael’s office while I gather up my paperwork?”

“Well I certainly could dear, but I’d hate to waste the superior’s time! There must be so much to do given all our newfound success! Why, James, you must hear all about it! This isn’t the same rinkydink shop you up and left!”

The new comer couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

“I’m certain Michael will be with him shortly, after grabbing a coffee of course.”

“As you wish, though it’d be the bees knees to have a cup myself! Now James let me tell you about—” And like that Alastor forced the man down the hall, chattering on and on about the station’s latest victories.

Michael stuck to her word, making coffee. After ten minutes, which wasn’t long by her imagination, she waltzed into the main office. By the look of the visitor’s face, Alastor had gabbed non stop, standing and pacing in that magnetic, animated way. The poor man in the chair looked brain-dead until the office door clicked open.

“Ah sir, allow me—!” He jumped up from his chair, groaning to find Michael. “I’m here to meet with the man in charge, but I’m always a sucker for a pretty lady serving coffee.”

She stepped right by James Nicholson, handing one of two steaming mugs to Alastor. He took a sip, leaning against her desk. “For such a stubborn thing you do roast a mean cup!”

“A compliment from you? Careful Alastor, Louisiana might freeze over.”

“What is going on here!?” Fumed James, watching Michael sit at the office desk, crossing her legs and leaning back.

“You asked to meet with Michael, well, here I am. Now what do you want before I ask you to leave?”

Alastor choked back a laugh, hand thumping on the other man’s back, “Allow me to introduce our owner and chief of operations, Michael Burr. Quite a firebrand this one!”

“You? You’re the new owner?”

Michael silently gestured to her name newly done on the office door’s glass. “I’m tired of this game! I’ll be back tomorrow with the police to have you arrested!”

“For?” They chimed, innocently eyeing their frustrated visitor.

“For— For … For impersonation! No woman is named Michael! And ain’t no woman got any business runnin’ a business!”

Michael sighed before her mouth split into an uncharacteristically sly grin. “Mr. Nicholson, whether or not you choose to believe in facts is entirely up to you. However, for the rest of our sakes, please try to expand your vocabulary. It’s grating to hear such rudimentary speech.”

“Why you little!” A pale hand darted out but whatever he intended for her never came.

There came a biting shout as James Nicholson was twisted around, now squarely on his ass in the floor. He rattled with a resounding ‘oof’ as a polished wingtip leather shoe bore down on his sternum. Alastor leaned over with a snarling smile, hand twitching above his hip. Exactly where his hunting knife stayed hidden.

Alastor went to speak, but a soft hand grazed his, “I think it best we let our guest carry on with his day.”

He breathed out his rage before smiling wide, digging his heel in for good measure. “James, so lovely catching up! I’m terribly sorry you missed Richard! I’ll give him your regards.”

When Alastor removed his foot, the blond man scrambled to his feet, wide eyed and seething. Before clamoring out the office door he hissed, “You won’t get away with this you lunatics!”

The stunned silence was short lived as Michael erupted into laughter, doubling over. It must have been contagious because Alastor followed in suit, grabbing the back of a chair to stay upright. Even in their fits, he couldn’t help but look at her, engrossed by this unbridled evolution. She struggled to breathe, even snorting once or twice which set him off all over again.

“We! Oh goodness,” she sucked in a breath, bending back, “Alright, oh I can breathe now. We never discovered what he wanted!”

“Oh that bluenose was never anything but a jealous whelp! He stopped by a year ago to buy up the joint but Richard turned him out. Figures he was trying to again. But oh, he never got the chance! All because you, you devious little minx! Why, who could have imagined you causing such riot! Well done darling girl! What a show!”

Michael grinned, a twinge of bashfulness blossoming. “I simply tried emulating the most infuriating person I know.”

A slender finger flicked up her nose, its owner all warm smiles, “I’ve no doubts he’s flattered by such a spectacular performance.”


And despite all the day’s excitement, Michael allowed herself to follow Alastor down the alleys of New Orleans to a speakeasy.

Alastor couldn’t help but snicker at her silent, bewildered gaze. The jazz, the dancing, all the young folks here ushering in a new era of freedom! Of course he’d done a spectacular job of introducing her to the latest and greatest of the city but this was a new beast. One of his favorites, no doubt!

Snatching up her wrist he dragged her down the staircase and into the throng of misshapen, haphazard tables topped with glasses of liquor. There was hardly any room to navigate around the edges of the lively dance floor where couples flipped and spun about like tops.

Her stunned face was all he needed to feel that familiar twinge of pride. Michael stood unblinking and dumbstruck trying to take in the dancers.

“And you can do that?” She murmured, leaning in closer but still not looking away.

That? No, no. I can do far better!” He puffed, posturing his elbows on the high table behind them, foot tapping with the band.

“I’ve not seen anything like this …”

“Then you’ve not seen nearly enough! What good that age has done you!”

And this time she did spare him a questioning glance. In the dim light he couldn’t quite tell if she intended it to be scathing. Alastor enjoyed making those little quips. While yes, playfulness was a hallmark of his personality, the gauge and insight her reactions gave were invaluable. In the end he’d wear down her nonsensical defenses.

“Enjoy the show and I’ll hunt us up some of that giggle water!” Such a wet rag would be fine for a moment, he decided.

Over at the makeshift bar, Alastor found Slim slinging glasses, flirting the night away, leaving Alastor near sneering. The two caught each other with a grin before the broader man nodded into the distance. “Looks like you threw a cat in a lake Al!”

“And how else might they learn to swim?! Being a little wet behind the ears never killed anyone!”

No, usually that part came after the kill and before the gators. “Richard gave me quite the rundown about your lil Sheba there!”

Nuisance. He liked Slim, truly. They had a fair bit in common but if Slim was keen to slander him to his face out in society … well, perhaps he could make an exception to his hunting habits. Alastor’s eyebrow picked up above a tight smile before turning a cautious glance to Michael who stood still as stone where he’d left her.

Slim clunked down the first generous drink, working on a less stiff one now. “Poor Richard, certainly getting up there in age no doubt!”

Even still the bartender snickered, sliding down he second drink, now eyeing the daft woman across the room. “From what I’ve heard she’s got yo—”

“Al! Alastor! Alastor~” Came a cacophony of voices, dead set on interrupting his conversation. Slim near instantly disappeared down the bar, not fond of the group.

Alastor barely paid any mind to them, making his usual pleasantries and charming statements. That was the unfortunate part of these shindigs! Alastor was so frightfully popular that he sometimes needed to forgo the revelry for elbow rubbing. Alas, twas the life of a successful business man!

Despite how he meandered back to Michael, the gaggle followed along, two of them women treading fearfully close to his person. And then it happened barely two strides from Michael. A young lady he’d danced with on one or two occasions for lack of a more suitable partner saddled up to him, arm wrapping into his with disgusting familiarity. A sizzling shockwave coursed up his spine, causing ever hair on his body to bristle.

A gloved hand trailed up his arm, his vision starting to tighten.

Ohh! Watch it!

Alastor’s eyes snapped down to find Michael sternly wedged between him and the obtuse flapper, now doused in the drink from his hand. The woman jumped back, trying to wipe off the booze, her friends whispering amongst themselves and fawning over her.

He blinked, half expecting Michael to continue with a charade, that it was a mistake or bought of clumsiness, but it never came. No, the fiendish bearcat he perhaps spent too much time with stood like a fortress before him, giving the younger woman an expertly cultivated gaze, “Perhaps you have elsewhere to be? Another gentleman to pester?”

Two of the group bid him a polite and hasty farewell before he could do anything but plaster on his placeholder grin, trying to understand what exactly had happened here.

Then Michael’s shoulders fell, her mouth twisting before eyeing him, nodding, and making way for the entrance. Embarrassingly enough, Alastor took a moment to snap back to reality.

“You think me a gentleman? Why Michael, what a delightful little—” He called, catching up to her with no effort.

“Alastor I doubt any human living or dead would describe you as gentle.”

“Oh you wound me! But alas, I suspect you’re right. The damned certainly wouldn’t! But you? Why I’ve not met such a chivalrous woman! Perhaps we find you a white horse and suit of armor for the Mardi Gras parade?”

“Mardi Gras?” She echoed, head tipping.

Oh! For all that was sacred! Alastor groaned, one arm settling around her shoulders, the other holding his head in near genuine distress. “It seems my work is no where near done! Come now, we may salvage what is left of the evening!”

“You’re leaving?”

“Indeed, I am thank you for noticing! Gladys is certainly no issue, fickle broad, but I suspect they’ll need an hour or so before forgetting that little transgression of yours! What with me the subject of your fit of rage and all! There’s hope for you yet!”

Michael stopped though, gazing to the ground. “It seems unfair for you to relinquish your evening due to me. I didn’t mean to make a stir.”

Alastor’s eyes rolled to the point that surely they would come loose from his head! Any dissuasion or perceived resistance on a subject left her tail tucked! Such cowardice would not be tolerated on his watch!

“What nonsense! Utter and total hogwash! That was a delight! What good is a perfectly sane and dull world?!”

Alastor grabbed her wrist, dragging her around the corner to a secluded section. There'd be no running away this time.

“Now it is time for a lesson! You’ve danced before?”

Michael looked him over, all doe eyed and blank faced before nodding. “Yes, though it’s an antiquated variety.”

“Feet here, sweetheart!” Alastor’s laughably longer feet nudged hers into the correct spots. He bounced, matching the right tempo of a Charleston but found it odd without music and Michael certainly looked lost. “Now, come on with it! Just like this!”

He started humming and bopping a nice little tune, a smile stretching across his face, enjoying it a bit too much. Michael, seeing how his disposition brightened suddenly, nodded and started off a tad too fast. Her feet caught over one another with the unfamiliar jaunt, sending her tumbling to the side with a yelp.

Alastor couldn’t contain his laughter, reinvigorated by her humbled form given how his own lesson went! Ever the gentleman though, he jerked Michael back up to her feet, helping dust off her palms.

“Never fear! With hard work, dedication, and my superior tutelage, you’ll be able to jive all the way down Canal Street! Let’s see you try that one more time!”

Michael swallowed and nodded, her grip on his hands firmer, her steps a touch slower.

Chapter 58: Blind


A typical evening turns into an abnormal night.


Hello and Happy Holidays to everyone!

I had a lot of fun with this one.

This is a mini arc called Temptations. Each chapter is representative of a sin and the opposing virtue.

At the end I'd love to see what y'all think the sin/virtue is and if it was either sin or virtue that "won"

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

During the station's regular staff meeting, their newest employee suggested a segment of reviews dedicated to new restaurants.

Alastor, over the moon with the idea, came back in no less than two hours with reservations to the hottest new dinner club in the French Quarter. Edward’s socialite darling struggled for weeks to secure a spot for a month later.

If it were any other human, Michael might have considered the outcome too good to be true. Where Alastor was concerned though? Any and all statistical anomalies worked in his favor.

The restaurant itself was beautiful and immaculate, decorated with the utmost care in a moody, modern French motif! At least, that’s what Alastor told her as they were served. Michael didn’t know any better allegedly. That pompous rabble rouser didn’t even let her glimpse at the menu, going on about how she also wouldn’t know fine food if it bit her on the nose or stabbed her in the eye.

What’s worse was how every dish Alastor ordered nearly overwhelmed her with flavor, heat, and spices.

Since when did humans start creating such magnificent food?

Her current family ate far better than previous ones but even those meals paled in comparison. It took every iota of strength to eat in her typically metered fashion. Michael pointedly ignored Alastor’s smarmy grin, peering at her whilst wiping his lenses, lamenting about how he needed to see better.


Because he would be devastated to miss her self-control, self-imposed rigidity, unraveling away! Begrudgingly she pushed the food away, feigning her typical control.

Thankfully the establishment sported a band and dance floor, leaving her an exit from one mildly inconvenient situation and into the whirlwind that would be the rest of her night. Alastor, dragging her along to see what kind of progress she’d made where their dance lessons were concerned, was hardly the problem.

Michael’s dancing had improved in literal leaps and bounds but she was still no suitable match for Alastor’s talent. Forcibly she removed herself from the floor, insisting he find a different partner’s feet to step on while she spoke with the owner. They essentially closed down the restaurant, being one of the last pairs to leave.

Truth be told, the evening was exceptionally average by their standards until they left.

Nearly two blocks back to the station, so they could write a correct report before wrapping the evening, was when it all went truly down hill.

Alastor, despite being ever svelte and confident, caught a rough patch of sidewalk. His knee buckled under, arms seeking purchase with anything as he sailed toward the road where automobiles whirred by, unable to see him in the dark.

Michael lunged, one arm grappling around Alastor’s in a vain attempt to keep him upright. He kept falling, her other arm catching around his waist, jerking backwards. She never stood a chance, his momentum pulling her forward, sending them both downward.

They blazed through her split-second shadow with the full force of his fall right into the station’s observation room floor. Michael’s rear hit first and she prepared for her head, for it to all be over as yet another untimely accident claimed her life. Her head met the meat and flesh of Alastor’s forearm.

Stunned in the moment, all she could do was stare at the man, squinting as he held her in a vice. Perhaps it was the anticipation of death clouding her vision but why did he look odd?

Alastor came to, patting the floor and assuring himself they weren’t strewn out for the vehicles. Within the second he skittered up and away from her sprawled form, certainly perturbed by the extensive touching and lack of control.

“Are you hurt?!” Michael shot to her feet, eyeing him over. His knees and forearm must be bruised but there was no way to tell. His movements weren’t steady, but he didn’t seem to have any broken bones. Alastor meandered around in the dim light, hands splayed outward.

“Perfectly fine,” he ground out. But he wasn’t looking at her now. Or anywhere really. No, he was squinting, taking tentative steps towards the door.

“Where are your glasses?!” Michael barked, grabbing his arm. Alastor jerked in opposition but she held on, “Stop it now before you hurt yourself and I’ll turn on the lights.”

He snarled at her but moved as she gently guided him to the couch, only touching when necessary. Michael hadn’t seem him so frustrated and didn’t want to fuel the fire. Before this kerfuffle she’d not noticed his precarious position since he followed behind by a half step or so. She’d not thought anything of it then. Alastor did that if the street was crowded or narrow, citing antiquated chivalry and something about his mother at her, as per usual.

“Why didn’t you say anything as we left? Especially if you’re in this hazardous a state!”

“I was doing quite fine, might I remind you! Berries and all until you tumbled me off into the road!”

“I did no such thing! How could I? Oh no, Alastor, this was a tragedy of your own making. And regardless, that does not answer why you didn’t simply go back for them!”

Alastor huffed, indignant as ever, moving to stand. Michael, since he couldn’t see a damn thing, pushed her foot out, causing him to topple right back into the couch. At that point he was certainly cussing at her in his mother tongue. Especially since when he tried a second time, she sailed him right backwards through the shadows.

“Would you quit, you bombastic and sanctimonious heathen?”

Michael barked out a scoff, stepping in and leaning over, hoping he could see her smug face, “At least you now have the capacity to understand how your presence feels day in and out! Now, I am going back to the restaurant. You will wait here.”

Alastor groaned and snarled, rubbing a hand down his face, before hissing low, “I seem to have expertly misplaced them.”

Her brows stitched together, eyeing him whilst gently asking, “You’ve looked already?”

“Of course I’ve looked already! I left the station address with the Maître d' to have them delivered once found. Do you think me a child?”

Michael held her tongue on that front.

If there weren’t enough exasperated groans between them this evening, Michael added another to be certain. “Then I’ll see you home and we can go back for them tomorrow.”

“Oh, you darling, obstinate, silk-socked, cumbersome airhead! If you took only a moment to spare the world your braggart ways, we might already be halfway through tomorrow! I keep a pair in the observation room cabinet!”

Oh thank Father he was blind and entirely unable to see how red she was. “Then I will go get them. Your spares.”

Not waiting a second more she raced to the other room, hoping her utter embarrassment would be left in her wake. Alas, it was not. Thankfully looking for his spectacles took a moment, allowing her to cool off.

The pair she did find were lackluster to say the least, scratched and repaired in several places. Even so she took them back.

Carefully she placed them in his hand but Alastor snatched them away, grumbling on.

“Can you see now?”

As if to demonstrate his new found power, Alastor forcefully flicked at her forehead. Michael hissed, rubbing the spot but ultimately accepting her fate.

“Perhaps we call it a job well done, Your Majesty? I’m keen to finish my writing at home. In peace.”

“Of course Alastor, whatever would suit your fragile tendencies,” she prodded. At least he didn’t need proper vision to hear her lightened tone.

With Alastor gone, Michael should have went home and let bygones be just that. Michael spent the next two hours working diligently, trying to fight off that itch. The incessant need to fix problems and help people.

At the suitable sleuthing hour of 2AM, Michael shadowed back to the restaurant with a flashlight, determined to find those glasses. And she did find them, and with ease considering they slid off into oblivion under a table next to the dance floor. No one would have found them without the restaurant being closed.

Michael snickered, gleefully imagining Alastor crawling around under tables looking for his glasses, knocking that thick skull on the underside of tables. There was an ounce of shame for her feeling this way but there were times she wished he could stop being so damn near immaculate.

Never a hair out of place. Never anything short of charming. Well, all that being where strangers were concerned. If anything she could see the flaws in his armor and it endeared her all the more to him.

Michael breathed out, taking a moment to look around in the peace and quiet. It was a lovely establishment and Alastor thought it delightful. Maybe she could bring the entire staff here one evening?

Chairs scuffed on the floor to her back left, a pair of lights swinging around on the wall.

“You stop it right there!” Came a gruff voice and heavy footfalls. Michael, already caught in the lights, swung around with a forced grin to find two burly policemen flanking her.

Apparently they saw her flashlight through the window whilst patrolling. To add insult to injury, the restaurant forgot to lock up properly, leaving Michael to look like a fantastically novice burglar.

They didn’t believe her story, and if they were worth any salt, why would they?

And thus began a long bout of interrogation. Michael gave them the same bogus story of looking for glasses then finding the back door unlocked each time. The police, certainly bored tonight, asked her more questions than she could wrap her mind around. If only she were more charming! But no, instead she insisted this was no issue, instructing them to check with the staff of the restaurant. They didn't like her fix it and stern attitude, deciding to lock her in a cell until someone could come along to confirm or deny her tale.

Michael could genuinely appreciate their due diligence.

But ultimately she had two conundrums. The first being how very much she hated sitting in a barred cell. The second was that someone would need to collect her from the station. Anyone who could verify the identity she’d given them.

She’d denied their attempts at a family address, only offering her apartment location. They battered her with questions about her life. Family? Husband? Widowed? They nearly choked when she explained her job at the station. She started to wonder if rejoining main stream human society was worthwhile.

In reality, having one of the officers seek out William or Ernest would be fine. They would be concerned but it wouldn’t become a dramatic situation. Edward, Elmer, or Evelyn would blow a gasket with their socialite minded ways. Their finding out wouldn’t bother her. Ultimately, it didn’t matter who came from her current family because Gabriel would find out.

There lay her entire problem.

Michael paced around the cell wringing her hand and watching the clock. When did she last see Gabriel?

Two weeks ago? That meant he was busy with the choirs or Holy City. Or demons.

No, he couldn’t find out. He didn’t deserve another one of her mistakes and truthfully she couldn’t stand another lecture.

Even now she could hear the countless scoldings. The accusations of her falling to temptations and becoming more like Lucifer. That she’d abandoned them.

It left a pit in her stomach. It was only a pair of glasses! That’s it. Certainly this wouldn’t be her ultimate damnation?

Wasn’t helping Alastor, even with something so small, an act of kindness?

Her stomach rolled with her mind, feet carrying her around and around and around the cell.

“Sir, if you ain’t takin’ 'er, we're gonna print and book 'er for breakin' and enterin'.”

Michael jumped, heart skittering, eyes going wide, fists balling at her sides. Her head snapped to the cell bars to find the police officer looking at her, utterly bored out of his mind. And standing next to him was a quirk browed Alastor, eyes narrowed on her as his usual grin went sideways. Sideways in a way she’d not seen before that certainly indicated that he found her state more pathetic than amusing.

Her eyes jumped to the clock on the wall. 7:54AM.

The sun rose and she’d not even noticed.

The station telephone rang, drawing away the officer who warned, “You better know when I get back.”

Alastor’s face corrected into its usual insufferable position. The man himself sauntered up to the bars, smiling at her far too sweetly, “Michael, how could you not invite me when you so thoroughly intended to cut a rug all night long?!”

“Did you confirm my information with the officer?” She pressed, suddenly feeling tired.

“Not at all! It must have slipped my mind! Goodness me what is this I hear about you caught breaking and entering? Imagine my surprise when I’m at the station, bright and early to contribute to this fine economy only to have an officer of the law asking for Richard!”

“Alastor we can discuss whatever egomaniacal tragedy you suffer once you, please, help me leave this place.”

Loftily he leaned onto the bars, lighting a cigarette. “That is certainly a start though it wouldn’t hurt if you’re prepared to buy me dinner! You know, I do believe I know a fine establishment but I’d hate to suggest fare that you find unpalatable. Tell me, what did you think of last’s night dinner? Do be honest, I still have a review to concoct for today’s broadcast!”

Father help her why wouldn’t he shut up and get her out of this iron trap?! “Can this not wait?”

Alastor puffed the cigarette smoke into her face, eyeing the frosted glass door where a dark figure was growing closer. “No I don’t think so!”

“The food was appropriate.”

“Appropriate? Hah! Now I know you’re lying through your teeth! Come now Michael, what happened to ‘I haven’t lied to you. Not once.’ Hmm? And here I thought you were starting to properly appreciate New Orleans!”

The door clicked open down the hall.

“Alright yes!” Michael hissed, eyes casting down as she leaned into the cell bars. “The food was— it was divine I’ve not had anything like it. You’ve made your point! I graciously and miserably humble myself to you Alastor, now please might we leave before my brother finds out I’ve been imprisoned?”

Perhaps Alastor Laveau was one of Asherah’s children— how else could he induce such nerve-racking pandemonium? To dwarf the last several eons of her entire existence with a mere five second pause?!

“Glad you’ve come to your senses Darling!” He whipped around, all smiles and compliments for the disinterested officer. With nothing more than a few honeyed words, the cell door clanged open.

Michael marched out, determined to distance herself entirely from the ordeal. Alastor however merrily strolled with the policeman, “Why, I’m sure this superior force of the law is making fine work of that dastardly case! It’s all anyone can talk about! Now, Officer, here’s my card and it would be my greatest pleasure to have you fine fellows set up with one of our more robust models.”

He truly was the best salesman in New Orleans, if not the best in all Louisiana.

“And here I thought you were at your wit's end!”

Michael’s distracted grin plummeted to a frown as he held open the front door.

A lanky arm boisterously snagged up her hand, tucking it safely away into the crook of his elbow, his other hand patting it. The gesture might have seemed sympathetic if she’d not known Alastor so well. “Surely you of all dames weren’t frightened of a night with these plumped up lads? Not when you could send them all to their knees! Or at the very least slip out into the unknown.”

“The officers were perfectly lovely,” she ground out, eyes cast to the sidewalk. Escaping, while possible, would have caused more problems given they’d seen her face.

“Hrmm, for others I might suspect being the cranky sort without a fair night’s sleep but you? No, no, you’re content wasting away by an oil lamp with paperwork well until dawn! So what is it that has our petit leader intrépide so shaken? I’ve always taken to a good mystery!”

Michael’s fingers dug into his elbow, jerking into a full stop. “Please. Stop.”

“Stop?” He crowed. “And with a please! Oh Michael, I’ve only just begun! Surely you know that I’m nothing, if not diligent and persistent in all my pursuits.”

Her nails bit into the fabric of his jacket. Michael’s mouth closed as soon as it opened, keen to drop the topic. She was being weak minded. Acting too human.

But as she tried to slide her hand away, his clamped down. That obnoxious voracity she’d come to expect melted away though, Alastor’s expression oddly even as he leaned further into personal space, “Michael, did something happen last night?”

Slowly but surely the implications of his question and eerily calm visage settled over her. Furiously her head shook, “No, not at all. And you’re right, I certainly have the means to leave but …”

Alastor gave her a final, thorough look over. Seemingly satisfied with whatever he didn’t find, they resumed walking, though a touch slower now. “The last time I found myself in a cell was centuries ago. And it ended poorly.”

He said nothing, but she could feel a questioning gaze. Alastor’s oddly calm demeanor drew her through the all-consuming mental quicksand, leaving her talking before she could stop. “That cell was the precursor to being burned at the stake. It’s far from my fondest memory.”

Tension coiled through his arm. Michael’s grip loosened, anticipating him to draw away.

Instead his free hand pressed hers back into his elbow. There was none of his usual pestering, just his hand on hers, thumb drawing back and forth across her knuckles. This softness, something Michael never would have associated with Alastor otherwise, rattled her. Despite the twinge of tightness in her throat, she smiled, dipping her head to hide in her hair.

Father knows he didn’t need any more fuel for his ego.


Language Notes:

petit leader intrépide (French)
- - little fearless leader

So, what kind of temptations did they have to go through? Did they give in?

I really wanted to play into Michael's unraveling emotions. Walls coming down. The anxieties she's developed and has to face.

This is one of 7/8 related chapters/scenes though I'll probably multiupload a handful.

Peace out star scouts! <3

Chapter 59: Dumbstruck


Michael learns more than expected today.


Ohhhh oh ohhh Me-eh-erry Christmassssss!

Oh boy, I'm beat. I love my family, I do but gosh.

Have fun <3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“What do you have there?”

Despite a quirked eyebrow, Alastor continued with his papers. “Michael, surely after all this time you understand what it is we do here? These are my ever so important notes! Strokes of genius and comedic gold scratched diligently acr—”

“On the desk Alastor. That thing?” Michael stepped into the broadcasting room, eyeing the strange brown oblong object. Nearly egg like?

Alastor glanced at her overly serious, terribly confused expression before taking said object in his hand. Then his usual smile turned mocking. “You don’t know what this is?”

Michael huffed, mouth twisting below a sharp glare, “No, I do not. Though you, oh great wise insufferable paragon of infinite knowledge, might be so kind as to impart your knowledge upon this wretch.”

“Why, I never imagined you could be so agreeable! But alas, who am I to ruin an opportunity to learn!” Alastor popped up from his chair tossing the thing around from hand to hand, spinning around before catching it. “That being said, I am, if anything, a benevolent soul! If you’re done for today and don’t have anywhere else to toil away so hatefully, I’ll show just what this fine doodad is capable of!”

Michael rolled her eyes, unable to suppress a grin, “How is there any air left in New Orleans!?”

He slung a sizable drawstring satchel over his shoulder, calling down the hallway as Michael turned out the lights. “You cannot imagine the horror! Woe! There was hardly enough for my brilliance but then a daft little debutante came scurrying along, toting all this hot air in with her! Quite lucky if you ask me! Now I’m able to impart my undeniable talent and stylistic superiority all across the Crescent City!

Again her eyes rolled, following him out into the bright New Orleans sun, unable to stop her grin from spreading. “Terribly unlike you you isn’t it? To owe said debutante such a debt?”

“No no no! Don’t feel sorry for that rascally bearcat,” he winked, flicking a finger up under her nose. “She’s more than benefiting from my generosity and patronage!”

For several more minutes they bickered down and across several city blocks before arriving at an empty park. Well, empty of several things but not people.

Young men dotted the field, though some women stood around amongst themselves to the side. Said men ran around, nearly pummeling each other or stretching. It reminded her of soldiers training.

“Sports?” Michael questioned, as Alastor guided them to the field’s edge before kneeling down to sort out his bag.

He tossed up the brown object. In her hands it felt firm and rough like leather. Inspecting further, she found several small laces across the top.

Alastor pulled out a pair of shoes, worn and stained with grass. “Football! How sheltered can one woman be?! With brothers no less! Silver spoon brats you must be!”

Her retort was interrupted by a huddle of men calling out to Alastor but they didn’t venture closer. Though now that they weren’t rolling around like beasts, the majority were certainly younger. All the while a smattering of school age children careened onto the field, shedding over shirts, bags, and hats.

Then Alastor peeled off his jacket, ignoring the Creole shouts that caused his smile to sharpen and curl.

“Nosy wretches,” he grumbled before shouting back to them in his mother tongue.

This was a ball? Weren’t these meant to be round? Of course she’d heard of football, even saw spots of a game or two in passing! But she’d never paid so much attention, now leading to her blatant embarrassment.

“You’re going to play?” It wasn’t a question she needed to ask but part of her couldn’t reconcile Alastor as she knew him, running around like an absolute brute. Michael inspected the other players.

“I’m hardly here to do the dishes!” Alastor snarked, handing out the bag’s content. There were plenty of curious looks her way but no one approached her, not even the women.

“But they’ll break you in half!” She argued. Two older boys nearly choked as Alastor handed them what Michael realized to be shirts.

Alastor whipped around on her, his smile sharp and tight as an eye outright twitched. He stomped back towards her, expression as threatening as she’d ever seen it. Michael didn’t mind that so much, but she stared back in a similar manner, taking in his rolled up trousers and the sporting sweater he pulled over his regular shirt.

For a moment he paused, taking stock of the people within earshot. Then the sociable mask settled back over him, smile morphing into what she knew as forced.

“They’ll have to catch me first sweetheart! No one else is going to teach these miscreants to play properly!”

Before she could retort, a small boy ran up, eyes alight and locked on Alastor. “Mister Alastor! Mister Alastor! You playing today?”

The child, so enamored with her heathen coworker, didn’t slow down and collided with a long leg. Over all the hours she’d spent with Alastor, she’d developed quite the sense for what he did and didn’t allow with others. Touching, but never touched. Mocking, but never mocked. Knowing, but never known.

There was a knee jerk reaction on her part to grab the poor boy before Alastor kicked him off and across the field.

Michael’s mouth nearly fell open as Alastor ruffled the boy’s cropped, tight curls, smiling in such genuine way that she didn’t dare move. “Now I said I would! Are you trying to call me a liar Rudy?”

Rudy gasped, big eyes on the verge of tears, “No! Never sir! Please I’m sorry!”

Alastor bent down to eye level, knocking Rudy gently on the forehead with a wink, “Remind me, what did we talk about?”

Bashfully, Rudy sniffed up his big emotions, nodding, “Think first. React second.”

“Perfect! A real natural!” Alastor cheered, patting the boy on the shoulder. And then he paused, watching Rudy closely, following the small boy’s inquisitive gaze to Michael. Rudy pressed into Alastor, half hiding from her in a way that made her stomach turn.

Michael smiled, kind and soft, making a point to join them on the ground, “Hello there.”

For a moment he looked shocked, looking to Alastor. In turn, her colleague grinned and nudged the boy forward, “It’s terribly impolite to ignore a lady Rudy. Say hello.”

Rudy took a timid step forward, fist still balled around Alastor’s pant leg. “H-hello Ma’am.”

Immediately he looked back to Alastor who only jerked up an expectant eyebrow. Rudy frowned, swallowed, then turned back to face her. “M— my name is R-r-rudolph, Ma’am. ”

Michael, genuinely surprise by this stark shift in personality, made sure to sit fully down on the ground, leaning a bit to make herself seem smaller. “It is a pleasure to meet you Rudolph. My name is Michael.”

And in a flash the young boys face twisted sourly, “That’s a boy name.”

Shocked by the whiplash change, Michael couldn’t help but offer a sheepish laugh, sparing a look to Alastor. All she found there was his typically mocking grin whilst stifling a laugh. Turning back to Rudy, she offered, “May I ask you a question Rudolph?”

He nodded.

“Do I look like a girl?”

Rudy went from sour to stern, seriously and adamant in assessing just how she looked. His big eyes tightened and his nose wrinkled, “I dunno know. Why do you have a boy’s name if you’re a girl?”

Michael’s smile fell the littlest bit, “My Father gave me that name.”

Rudy frowned again, “You got your daddy’s name? I got my daddy’s name. Momma gave it to me.”

“No, my father’s name is William.”

Rudy’s grip on Alastor loosened, taking a step closer, hand stretching out to her. “Mister Alastor says I gotta shake people’s hands when I meet ‘em.”

Michael took his hand gently in hers, heart nearly overwhelmed with astonished delight. “I’m very happy to meet you Rudolph.”

He nodded, offering her a sheepish smile. And when their hands dropped, he immediately turned to Alastor, “Can we go play now?”

Alastor paid her no mind as he escorted the boy to the others, their game starting shortly after.

There wasn’t any time to think over this bizarre turn of events. Michael’s focus turned singularly on the game, trying to deconstruct the oddities and understand just how it functioned. From what she could tell, one person would get the ball then start running towards a designated end of the field.

That made sense. Even the younglings played competitive games. Though back then, Lucifer was always the one playing with them.

Unlike her siblings, this game seemed brutal. They would pile onto each other at break neck speeds, sending her wide eyed and gasping at times. Alastor managed to veer from the clump of bodies each time. Without a doubt he was the fastest person on the field. Easily he could run the ball, but each time he tossed it to one of the younger boys.

The specifics of the game were lost on her as it was difficult to make out finer details from her spot seated on the ground. It didn’t matter though, because much like the women sitting on the opposite side of the field, she smiled and gently clapped for whatever looked like victorious moments.

All of them were heaving now, the smallest of players officially sitting out and playing off to the side. The atmosphere shifted with the leftover players, their playfulness evolving into a far more competitive nature. Everything intensified. Louder shouts. Longer throws. Harder hits.

Truly, if felt like watching a battle.

And like any battle, casualties were inevitable.

Michael’s head swiveled as a mass hurdled into her vision, coming in like a freight train.

In a heartbeat the air was knocked from her lungs as she was sent rolling into the grass.

The tumbling stopped as soon as it started, leaving Michael dizzy, dumbfounded, and trapped between two long arms. Alastor pulled away from the protective hold, eyes rolling over her in appraisal before abandoning her entirely.

“Damnit you obnoxious, foul-mouthed oaf! You would have killed her!” Alastor snapped at the man who came closer. He blinked at Alastor before looking at her with the utmost concern.

“You alright Ma’am? I’m real sorry! Here let me help y—“ A large dark hand reached out as he hurried over but it dropped immediately, the man stopping dead. Michael jerked her eyes to Alastor who looked nothing short of demonic and menacing.

The man gave Alastor an apologetic, bashful grimace before looking to Michael, muttering, “Truly am sorry Ma’am. Glad ya boy here’s quick on his feet. I’m gonna— well I, take care now.”

Then he turned on her. “And you! Could you be any more dimwitted! Sitting right next to the field like that!”

Alastor, still having her by the arm, hauled her a good fifteen feet back from where she sat previously, next to his belongings.

“Now sit down and,” he huffed, forcibly shoving his hat on her head, “keep this on! A wonder how you make it! You’re turning red as tomatoes with sunburn!”

“If it would help I could simply—”

Alastor jerked his finger towards the ground with undeniable resolve. “I think not! And let everyone here think me some popinjay that sends a lady home without an escort?! My reputation simply wouldn’t recover! No. You will sit, wait, and most certainly repay me for this evening’s supper!”

Michael’s mouth moved, but any sounds caught in her throat as he practically snarled at her. Then her mouth clicked shut, mind deafeningly and uncharacteristically silent as she sat. Alastor gave her a curt nod before smiling and turning about face back to his comrades.

Not a single thought spawned in her head since then. Politely she was able to wave and smile when everything wrapped up. Michael didn’t have the capacity to ask where they were going despite walking next to Alastor for a solid five minutes.

At last her mental faculties returned. “You are fast.”

“What a heart mangling understatement!”

Michael nodded, unsure just what else to say. What was she meant to say to Alastor, a maniacal know-it-all, who more than likely just spared her another premature death? Carefully she looked at him, trying to look without being caught. She couldn’t help but smile at her ill-begotten sentinel.

It felt nice and warm. Her own guardian … what exactly? Alastor stood in her mind unlike any human she’d known.

“I knew the sun would make you silly!” He quipped, catching her.

Desperately, Michael pivoted all her thoughts.

“How do you manage that?”

“I am frightfully magnificent aren’t I?” He preened, somehow constructing what she said into what he heard.

“Yes, yes, so we’ve all heard. What I meant is your manner with children. You’re regularly intolerable and yet such innocent younglings look up to you.”

“It’s far from difficult! They’re only children. Feed them, spin them around a smidge, and send them right back home! Cake walk!”

He couldn’t understand her, she supposed, ready to let the topic fade away. But then he continued on.

“You faired well enough with young Rudy! Don’t tell me your weakness is children? I’d fill the station with them if that would deter your wiles! Or do you usually reduce them to wails of boredom?”

Michael swallowed and shrugged, “Younglings are rarely fond of me.”

“Why do you use that particular word?” He stopped their walking to pull out a cigarette


“Yes, that one! Younglings,” he drew out, testings it on his tongue.

“It’s simply another word I suppose? One I’m accustomed to?”

His expression didn’t change, “Oh co*ckamamie! You’re perfectly accustomed to plain English and educated enough to speak clearly! Shameful of you to spit in the face of those efforts.”

Michael didn’t retort, uncertain of what to say, sinking back to her regular melancholy. The word was more comfortable to her. The pulling at her chest didn’t subside as it usually would though, the answer now scraping its way free.

“Truthfully, I don’t understand children or how to be with them. ”

“The younger brothers you turn tail-tucked for? What, did you ignore them until they were old enough to indulge your dull sensibilities?”

That stung. Because yes where any of her siblings were concerned, angelic or mortal, she had. “I did put in more effort as they entered adolescence, when I could speak to them clearly.”

“Hah! You’re terrified of children? All those grubby fingers and round cheeks must haunt you!”

Michael leaned onto the brick next to him, sighing.

“And now you’re frightened to admit why!” He mocked, jabbing her with an elbow.

Her chest tightened, the answer spinning and growing before it became too big to hold in. “Children exist within emotion, unknowing, and sheer want. And they change throughout their lives. My kind does not. Even as I live and die I remain unchanged, simply born transparent to opaque until the next time.”

Alastor gagged, causing any momentarily relief she experienced from coming to terms with how she felt about her lives to rocket right into the pavement. There would be no way to resurrect it.

Michael went from frozen to incredulous as his face twisted, pinning her with a deriding gaze. “And this vague, singular notion is all it takes to rob you of whatever faculties you possess?”

“Excuse you?” She bit out, glaring as her fists bunched up.

“If you must, darling!” He chirped. “All I mean is that, if you’re so meager minded as to need experience to bankroll any foreign understanding, then you’re of no great mental fortitude.”

Michael blinked, her mouth rolling open with indignation. “You of all people would think so! With your flights of fancy and delusions, you’re capable of imagining anything!”

“And fairing far better than you for it!”

“You couldn’t possibly imagine what you don’t know.”

An inkling of malice fell over his face, “You’re hardly special, so you’d do well to put your high horse back in the stable of the past and join the fine folk of the present, yes?”

“You really aren’t concerned with it are you?”

“It would take great effort to be so small minded. I lack any substantial way to prove your astronomical claims aside from that lovely little trick you manage. Thus reside myself to enjoying our dalliance and make use of you in the practical way!”

“Y-you enjoy spending time with me,” she murmured, nearly dumbfounded.

And for the briefest of instances, Alastor’s eyes widened, his smile twisting downward, breath hissing between his teeth, “That is not what I said.”

“No need to be shy Alastor.”

Immediately he resumed their walk, “You’re a depressing, worrisome spinster who wouldn’t know a lick of fun if it ran you over, turned around, then pummeled you once more! You’re decrepit, out of touch, and far more trouble that you’re worth.”

No matter what vitriol he spewed at her now, Michael couldn’t help but smile, staying a half step behind to hide the overt delight.


Enjoy her company?! Hardly! Terrible nonsense and utter garbbled chatter!

Alastor, despite his sore and aching muscles from a particularly unfair tackle, poured each ounce of frustration into the wash basin, terrifying any stains that dare defy their execution.

And how dare she try and look so pitiful?! Oh if he had a penny for any instance she looked on the verge of utter despair he could afford to pay someone to keep her out of his hair! And then that outlandish explanation of her experience.

He’d given it some thought, trying to envision just what she meant by going from transparent to opaque throughout childhood. The description didn’t come close to his childhood but change?

That he related to. For so long he existed alongside his mother as living ghosts.

Could he relate to her odd sentiment though? He certainly changed. Then he became opaque.

Even so he couldn’t imagine not having a childhood, simply bleeding in and out of existence for eternity. Alastor couldn’t deny how bizarrely fascinating her predicament was either. What type of creature didn’t change?

The thought was preferable a topic to what those brash morons were going on about when they’d first arrived.

Clyde Hayes, oh how lucky that sod headed fool was! Alastor didn’t mind the comment being made towards Michael. That didn’t bother him in the slightest! No, what truly, unfathomably, deeply stoked his ire was how that whisky laden troglodyte made such remarks when Michael so clearly came with Alastor!

He could never be so outlandish or disrespectful! The offense was tantamount to insulting him.

Alastor beat down on an unlucky set of breeches, wishing he could burn the comment from his memory.

She’ll make pretty babies.

He nearly dry heaved. Upon hearing it he promptly instructed Clyde what he could do with that disgusting mouth in not so uncertain terms. The scoundrel took the comment in jest unfortunately.

Clyde was an obnoxious and infamous Romeo in his neighborhood. Alastor hardly expected Michael to be influenced by such a gnat so there was no concern, not that he would be. It’s only that any misjudgment on her part was bound to cause issues for the station. Between that and his particularly mystical interest in her, keeping her away from troublesome dregs was for the best.

And the opportunity to unearth those cosmic secrets fell right into his lap! Information valuable to his research! Anything to narrow down his search would be worthwhile. He had a plan after all . Well, a vague path forward but still, if he could rule out what was and wasn’t true then he could start experimenting.

Blast her utterly miserable temperament! And damn him for being a magnificent gentleman to the point he’d nerfed a natural opportunity.

Scaring her off with a bombardment of questions wouldn’t serve him. There was plenty of time and Michael seemed attached enough to him. One kindness, how he twisted her out of rapid onset woe, might serve him in the future. His perceived lack of interest would garner trust. And then he could get to the truth. To power.


Man, he's really just barking up this whole power tree? Little obsessed I think. Too bad Michael told him that there is none! Well, none she can give him. Haha. Oops.

Part of me thinks this version of Alastor is weaker yet stronger than his modern/demonic counterpart.

He's still impressionable, relatively inexperienced, and young at 25. And he still has those natural emotional pangs we all get on occasion. He still has his mother after all.

Just a thought, nothing more.

Big shout out to everyone still reading this far in, especially if I don't get the next one up by new years! I love all of you dearly and appreciate you so much <3 I genuinely wish I had a better way to express it.

Another though: I think our fandom is going to change dramatically after the new season. Is it weird that I'm almost freaked out by it? Then again, we've waited for so long so I think we're having growing pains.

I really hope this doesn't become a sh*t show. Or that Alastor gets whitewashed. I get white passing but growing up mixed in the 1920s is already a touchy subject. And tongue in cheek is fine but ... Well, I'm hopeful but legit scared.

Peace out star scouts and Merry belated Christmas! <3

Chapter 60: Fitting


Michael and Alastor have a hard time in things that fit them rather well.


Oh gosh the new series is next weeeeeeeeeek.

Seriously, I wonder if this fandom will be flooded with new folks? I saw somewhere that Frederick Von Eldritch was scraped and made directly into Leviathan, making Seviathan his son, not his grandson. Also considering doing a kinda AU for Stolas or one shot bobble. Technically Hell has a university and I would looooove to explore that.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

That unbearable brat!

Michael obviously didn’t maintain typical or familiar relationships with her human siblings. That didn’t mean she lacked understanding of them though.

Ernest was actually agreeable, funny, and sweet. As for Elmer, Michael couldn’t pin a specific personality trait on the man. Then again, that could be a good thing? He was polite, mild, and mentioned paintings once?

But Edward? Anytime she’d attempted conversation with him before, she’d regretted it. Hot headed, impossibly impudent, and overly self confident was the only way to describe him! Absolutely the embodiment of being Evelynn’s child.

The football game from days ago plagued her mind. And like a baited fool, she’d went back to their family estate to see if she could make amends with the triplets. For two days, unless she was at the station, she made a point to be with her family.

Elmer and Ernest were more than happy with her spending time with them. Their sincerity made her feel all the more guilty. Edward, upset about something he refused to expand on, asked her to do him a favor instead. Michael accepted the challenge. How could she blame the young man for what must be anger towards her abrupt interest in their lives?

She’d brought his ire upon herself and intended to do something about it.

Michael tried with Edward. Unlike the other two, he preferred talking business and politics, much like herself. A common point of interest she’d thought! A simple way to bridge the gap!


Edward dismissed her out of hand on political opinions, reminding her it was poor manners to discuss them. Then she tried discussing his business ventures. At that he balked. And when she brought up the station he shut down completely, forcing a look she found utterly pitiful. He attempted a neutral, pleasant expression but failed miserably! By spending weeks’ worth of time with Alastor, she could pick out a poorly constructed visage in a heartbeat.

If anything, her younger brother was nothing but a miserable downgrade from her exasperating colleague. At least Alastor enjoyed the challenge.

After that, Edward asked her to help him. A simple favor of picking up packages from a downtown clothing store for his fiancee, Matilda. If any of the staff or their family went, the socialite darling would sniff it out first thing. Michael had only spoke to the woman in passing but appreciated her existence. Evelynn, so enamored with the soon-to-be daughter-in-law, recently left Michael alone.

In hopes of improving their relationship, Michael agreed, now finding herself only two doors down from the glistening new clothing store.

Michael paused at the shop window, trying to understand the modern styles. They were far more tolerable than the fussy garments of old, that she could concede. But the patterns and designs? The older fashions, at least the ones she’d witnessed, were either dramatic or rags worn by peasants.

Maybe she was being too harsh? The garments were flashy but far more functional! Credit was due especially after seeing what the young flappers were capable of in them!

Carefully she looked again, taking in the outfits with genuine consideration. Maybe she—

“At last you’ve come to your senses! These drab bolts you call garments cause you too look like no more than a confused marm!”

Alastor, coming up completely out of the blue, propped an elbow on her shoulder while mockingly noting her clothes.

“We’ve had this conversation before and I see no reason to revisit it,” she sighed, pushing off his elbow and heading for the door.

He followed, clucking on like a hen, “Now tell me darling bearcat, what brings you out into the daylight? I’d thought your papery disposition was too fragile for such a jaunt!”

He’d teased her non stop for getting sunburnt.

“You don’t have anything better to do?”

Alastor pulled the door open for her with a razor grin and a shrug, “How could anything be better than killing two birds with one stone?”

“Care to make it three so I won’t hear your incessant chirping?” Much to Alastor’s dismay, Michael managed to get the last blow before they were spotted.

“Hello and welcome to Ashburn's! May I assist you today?” The shop girl, certainly no older than 15, beamed at them and pranced over.

“That’s kind of you, I’m here—”

“What a peach you are for asking!” Alastor seeped, arm slipping over her shoulders, “My wife, ever the frightful pragmatist I’m afraid, hardly spends any time shopping for herself and you, with such obvious style, must help her.”




“I’d be delighted to! Are you newlyweds?”

Alastor could lie as well as breathe yet he'd overlooked such a key detail!

Michael strained a smile at the poor girl who seemed to catch her discomfort and seemed to take it personally. Guilt wracked Michael watching the attendant shrink and shy back. Michael propped her hand against Alastor’s chest, leaning in so their sides flushed, “I begged him to remember our rings, what with all the garden work, before we came but alas he’s hardly sharper than a spoon!”

She hated to admit his talent was rubbing off on her.

His spine stiffened but Michael pressed harder with her palm, trying her damnedest to silently remind him just who started this fiasco!

Still, the girl did lighten up, even more so enamored by their little act, “I see! Sir, if you’re looking to make amends with your wife, this is certainly the place to do so! We’ve received several new styles! Matching ones too! Could I start you a dressing room?”

“I don’t th—”

“Darling!” Alastor crowed, eyes crinkling on her in that oh so specific way. The way that meant she was about to regret everything.

He squished her against him entirely, the soft peaks of her flesh molding into the sharp angles of his body. “As an ever repentant husband, I would love nothing more than to see my sweet scowling little thing here happy! Why, you were going on about their blouses just this morning!”

There was no escaping this short of the shadows. Maiming him could work? Michael wanted to jab him in the kidneys, a move that would be near excruciating. How is it that she now had to suffer through Alastor’s and Edward’s hijinks!?

Michael hissed at him, wriggling and making no headway, “What are you doing?”

Alastor smiled, hand tightening as he bent so far, his nose brushed her hair. To onlookers it certainly looked like newlywed fever, the pair tucked in so close together that there was no way to discern what they were doing.

His free hand came up, forcing a strand of hair behind her ear, “Behave .”

“This is no circus and I am no tiger!“

Alastor’s finger jabbed into her nose with a forceful pop. “And yet you’re always hissing and yowling!”

“Says the man dragging me off like a wolf!” Michael’s foot tried to stomp on his but those damn railroad tracks for legs made it impossible! If anything she worsened her own situation

Alastor blanched and scowled, “You take that back! A wolf! Disgusti—”

“Here you are Ma’am!” Oh this poor innocent girl! Michael could see all the delusional admiration smattered across that youthful face for her non-existent marriage.

“See ma chérie! Now,” his hand slipped to her back with a grin that truly terrified her, “in you go!”

Then he pushed. Michael near skidded to the dressing room floor as Alastor quirked a brow at her in the most menacing way possible.

Like any soul, she was imperfect and bound to make mistakes. Perhaps saving him from that alleyway thrashing was one of them.

Surely those evil brutes would delight in a second chance?

Alastor reveled in the disruption he wrought. Fine, if he wanted war, she would gladly provide. Michael went along with it, allowing the shop girl to take her measurements and bring in several garments.

“Your husband recommended these!”

She forced a smile, “Thank you. Would it be possible to get him a cup of coffee? My mother was offered some on her latest shopping trip here and thought it wonderful! It would be a lovely surprise!”

“Yes, I’d be more than happy to! Ashburn’s prides itself on keeping our guests happy! Does he take it a particular way?”

“He takes it black with five sugar cubes, though five teaspoons would be dandy as well! It’s unfair how he manages to stay slim like an ill Victorian child despite all those sweets!”

The girl hastily agreed and went on her way. If Michael had to suffer this ghastly situation then so would Alastor. She knew him well enough. They were in a relatively popular shop and he, being all about public appearance, would drink down that tooth rotting concoction to save face.

Round and round they went with their antics in this circus, the outfits increasingly tasteless with each iteration, until she finally convinced the girl that she’d seen plenty.

Desperate to leave, Michael rushed back to the fitting room. This was ridiculous. She felt ridiculous. In what world would someone where a blouse printed with sequined clowns?!

Why were humans always so obsessed with vanity and fashion? Then again she knew why. They were always trying to set each other apart. How was this nonsense any different?

Finally back in her decent and reasonable clothing, she went to open the door. And then she tried again, the knob downright refusing to budge.

“Excuse me?” She called to the shop girl who surely couldn’t have wandered off too far. “I believe the door is jammed?”

Father be, she ought just shade out of here and explain that they merely missed her disappearance! And she was about to until the door cracked. A tawny hand popped through, waving a garment at her.

Michael scoffed, irked beyond belief, then rammed her shoulder into the door. There came a satisfying hiss from the other side but her body weight was met with nothing more than a jostle, the door still cracked open.

“Is everything alright?” Called the poor shop girl, obviously not a witness to Alastor’s absolute lunacy.

“Quite fine sweetheart, the misses just took a bit of a tumble, she’ll be right on out!”

“Alastor you open this door right this instant, I am finished with your games today!”

“Darling moonshine, needle in my eye, fly to my honey, won’t you be so sweet and toss this one on? Why think of how discouraged this naive young lady will be if she can’t find one measly outfit for you?! Oh the shame, perhaps they’ll cut her off the payroll!”

“You’re abhorrent!” Michael growled, snatching the fabric from his hand.

The owner wouldn’t seriously fire the poor girl simply because Michael didn’t find those other options suitable? Then again, humans were asinine and unpredictable. Fine. She’d put this one on! And then she would leave and never come back and would spend half of tomorrow forcing Alastor to do their paperwork!

Michael swung open the door, further annoyed to find no one in the hallway! Then again, why was she surprised? Of course Alastor would do whatever it would take to drag out his own amusem*nt. On a war path, sans a weapon, she marched to the parlor for her final debut.

There she found him lounging, making small talk with the poor shop girl who was intelligent enough to stay halfway across the room from him. “Are you happy now?”

The two immediately silenced, eyeing her openly. With those expressions it had to be awful. She dreaded that disaster awaiting her in this dress. She’d not even looked enough to see what color it was, so consumed with irritation! In an effort to end this torture she turned to the mirror and stopped, her own expression matching the other two.

“Oh.” That was all she could manage while taking in her own appearance, feeling odd and disembodied. Michael ran her hands over the dress, trying to consolidate the woman in the mirror with her perception of herself.

The shop girl clapped, rushing up and going for her hair. It took no time to pin her into a more fashionable length.

The champagne and silver beading glittered in the light against the jewel green fabric, making her skin and hair stand out like she’d never seen before. Had she ever truly looked at herself?

Maybe not. Not like this.

There were certainly elements from the dresses she saw flappers wear, from the luxurious fabric, intricate beading, and delicate tassels but it didn’t have the usual boxy shape and fit her far better than the previous ones. Despite what Michael considered a plummeting neckline where her cleavage peaked out, the dress retained a modicum of modesty with sheer long sleeves and the handkerchief fabric on the sides.

Even as Alastor stepped behind her into the mirror she couldn’t form a coherent sentence.

His eyes narrowed above a misshapen smile. The world went in slow motion as he picked up her hand, guiding her to turn, revealing how the back cut down farther than the neckline. At last Alastor nodded, smile growing, turning her back to face the mirror as he held out her arm.

“Is it …?” Michael whispered, unsure what to make of it all.

Alastor tsked, free hand landing on her barely covered shoulder, head dipping next to hers, “Exquisite? Yes, I’m terribly afraid you are Michael.”

The world snapped back together, her stomach flipping. Before she realized it, she’d rushed back down the hall, doing her level best to get the dress off. To shed the burning sensation of her skin or the sharp freeze in her mind. Without another thought, the moment her clothes were back on, she pushed through the shadows going as far as her lungs would allow.

Michael stumbled into an alley alcove, grateful to be alone as she sucked air back into her body.

For the next two hours she did every piece of paperwork she could and tackled cleaning the station despite how several employees tried to take over. Each time she thanked them and sent them off on whatever menial task she could think of.

She only managed to stop when it dawned on her that she’d not even accomplished what she set out to do! Begrudgingly she went back out to the shop, berating herself the whole way there. In all that— truly she didn’t know what to call it! Anytime an inkling of the experience reared in her mind’s eye, her face and body felt suffocatingly hot!

And then she could see it!

The way she looked like someone else in that dress. And then Alastor with that bizarre smile twisting her gut.

Thankfully the store was open despite the same shop girl clearly cleaning up. Barely a step in the door and the girl brightened, immediately recognizing Michael. “Ma’am! Are you alright? Your husband mentioned you might not be feeling well!”

And that! How could he go on saying something so utterly ridiculous and monumentally misleading to this poor girl? ! Still Michael smiled and nodded, at the very least glad she hadn’t hurt the girl’s feelings.

“I’m feeling much better, thank you for your concern. Actually, I forgot the packages I originally came for .”

“Oh! Of course! No worries, your husband mentioned he would bring them home. I’ve not seen a husband so dutiful before!”

Michael struggled to keep her eye from twitching, grinding out, “Yes. He’s disturbingly thoughtful like that.”

“You must have a wonderful relationship if you don’t mind me saying so! I rarely see couples shopping together, let alone a man so in awe! You looked breathtaking!”

That strange expression he made plagued her mind. It couldn't be awe.

A strange feeling stirred in her again, pushing her further into the shop. “Now that I’m feeling better I would like to place an order. Also, you wouldn’t happen to have that dress still?”

The shop girl lit up like a fire, beaming and nodding furiously, “Yes! I hoped you’d come back for it! I took the liberty of wrapping it up.”

This time Michael couldn’t help but smile warmly, touched by the small gesture, especially since the girl couldn’t have known she’d come back! Even in the box the dress was just as exquisite. On top of the garment though was a small velvet bag.

“I presumed you wouldn’t mind! Both of you were so lovely today and with the purchase your husband made afterwards, I wanted to add it and the hair ribbon as a thank you! This dressmaker always sends in matching accessories!”

“Oh, yes that’s so kind of you! Dear, could you get me a copy of his purchase order? My roguish husband is awful for losing receipts and often forgets to give them to me.”

Chipper and cheerful, the darling girl was more than happy to supply Michael with a copy of Alastor’s purchase order. Did she need it? Certainly not but a part of her itched to know just what he was trying to keep from her when this charade started.

Several times she looked it over, further confused each time. Listed were several pairs of shoes, all children’s at various sizes, and just as many socks. Michael made it into her apartment door before she thought back to the football game.

And that’s when she realized it. Alastor was buying clothes for children.

But why on Earth would he try to hide this?

At last she laughed, everything coming together. How daft could she be to not realize it?

Who, save The Fallen or Alastor Laveau, would find virtue of any kind to be a weakness?

Father help her she didn’t need another reason to look favorably upon him! Even so, Michael couldn’t help it, smiling at the purchase order deciding that maybe she could ease the burden of charity via his next paycheck.

However, she felt entirely vindicated where the sweetened coffee was concerned.


Not much to say here! Work's been a wash this week but ehh what can you do?

The whole sins/virtues for the chapters are as follows:
Blind - Pride / Humility
Dumbstruck - Envy / Kindness
And this is meant to be Greed / Charity.

Have a good one and peace out star scouts!

Chapter 61: Fever


Michael gets sick.




For real, f*ck commas, yeah.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Directly after the morning broadcast, Alastor barged into Michael’s office, intent to pester her into making coffee. He could do it, but he found hers to be rather delightful. That and he’d not had ample opportunity to harass her given today’s atypical tardiness.

“Mike ain’t in yet,” Richard announced, looking through the papers on her desk.

Alastor frowned and checked the clock. Then he checked his pocket watch. And just to be sure, as strange magic did exist in the universe, he looked out the window to make sure the sun was up.

The day was in full swing so just where was Michael? The only time she’d been indisposed was that hilarious little foray with the police! After that debacle Michael had a telephone installed just in case. But today there was no telephone call and no note on her whereabouts.

“And why not?” Alastor asked.

“You don’t know? Rest of us figured you knew.”

He blinked before offering a tight lipped smile, “Now what nonsense! How could I possibly be aware of that charlatan’s every move?”

“Beats me Al. Reckon it’ll be fine? Though,” the burly man paused, glancing through another folder.

Alastor glared, snatching away the file, “Though what Richard?”

He scoffed and flashed a barely there grin, plucking the cigarette from behind his ear, “Ah, heard her part of town's been messy lately. Police ain’t sent the report from last night but my neighbor told me how a woman got caught up in a break in.”

Alastor frowned, not enjoying this fresh bout of information. This morning he’d included a report concerning a string of burglaries plaguing downtown. The group doing it had yet to be caught and what’s worse these were no average charlatans. They struck at any hour with no specific type of victim. There’d even been two bodies found!

He knew for a fact the deaths had nothing to do with this string of criminality, but the masses didn’t need to know.

“I’d be happy to go check on her!” Popped in a mop headed young man.

Wexler, a young and bright eyed new recruit, was an absolutely dopey young man and made Alastor look like a circus strongman. Yes, the fellow had a panache for doing their children’s hour but that was the extent of his use.

Sniveling thing got under his skin actually. Two days ago the youngster all but sat on Michael’s heels, following her like a miserable puppy.

“Yeah you ought Wex. Though you’ll have to get your boss to sign off on it,” Richard said, thumbing to Alastor.

“Sir, is that alright with you? I promise to be right back but I think someone needs to check on Miss Michael, given she ain’t married or nothing.”

Did she need to be? Alastor wanted to roll his eyes and toss this smitten brat right off the radio tower! Right now Wexler looked eager, hoping that his direct superior would dismiss him.

He clapped the younger on the shoulder, “How gallant of you! What a chivalrous boy! But alas, she’d be far more cross with us if we kept you from your duties don’t you think?”

Wexler faltered, “It-it’s a man’s duty to make sure women are safe.”

Normally, Alastor would agree but this was Michael they were discussing. Leaving her to her doom was far preferable to leaving her with Wexler. That and she was far more capable without this annoyance anyhow. This foolish milk drinker could never understand just how skillful their chief officer was.

Even still, what, short of death or confinement, could keep that workaholic away? Transportation wasn’t an issue for her after all.

“And it is the duty of your elder’s to keep you out of harm’s way! Why don’t you help Richard in my place and keep this ship afloat whilst I meander over, hmm? We can’t let your budding talent go to waste even a day!”

Alastor didn’t wait to hear a reply, halfway out of the office. Long legs and all , he arrived at her building in a record breaking 15 minutes and was bounding up the stairs three at a time. He rounded the final landing to her residence hallway and tripped.

He caught the wall, ready to berate whatever got in his way! That wouldn’t be possible though.

Slumped over in the floor and heaving as if she’d just sprinted the length of the Mississippi was Michael.

“What in the world are you doing?” He interrogated, dropping next to her. She responded with a pitiful head shake and a groan before attempting to move, though he could barely call this an attempt. Normally she was the first in the station, meaning she’d sat here for at least two hours.

Michael tried to shift only to crumple sideways. Her breathing worsened, teeth starting to chatter.

All of this looked frighteningly familiar.

The Spanish Flu had wreaked havoc less than a decade ago and he’d watched it first hand. Thankfully he’d been a teenager, robust and healthy enough to avoid any major illness. At the time he did everything he could to keep his mother healthy. All in all, he actually enjoyed the global pandemic.

There’d been funerals from dawn to dusk at the time and he’d made no small amount of money helping dig graves.

Alastor pressed his hand to her forehead and grimaced; the skin felt near scalding.

What on Earth was she thinking?! He knew Michael all too well. This miserable cretin, unable to walk, still got dressed for work and tried to come in! Later he’d give her the scolding of a century! No, a millennia!

Encountering a group of vagabonds to snuff out was far preferable to heaving Michael around like a flour sack. Alas, this was his fate.

Alastor gritted his teeth and pulled her arms around for leverage. Her head rolled and her eyes fluttered as he hoisted her up into his arms. Blasted woman was heavier than she looked.

“Gabriel?” She rasped, lost entirely to delusion.


Just who was Gabriel?

Surely he had fair stock of who she knew. Not her relatives, as he had no desire to be known by any high society northerners who might kill him for even having associations with their unwed daughter. This Gabriel might be one of those younger brothers she disdains about.

A paramour maybe? He couldn’t imagine anyone having the patience for this debutante!

Did she feel so miserable that she was looking for the Saint Gabriel? There was a church in town dedicated to the holy figure after all. Alastor snickered, careful when entering the apartment door as to not bang open her head.

“Sorry to tell you sweetheart there weren’t any saints available!”

Hurriedly he placed her on the couch. There were few circ*mstances where entering a woman’s bedroom seemed appropriate so this would have to do.

But now what?

Unfortunately he didn’t know anyone who could care for her, short of relocating her to the hospital. That was as good a death sentence as any though. Medicines could make her more comfortable but it wouldn’t cure the ailment.

“Alright you whelp, you’ll have to make do and— ahh,” he sighed, pushing back his hair and crossing his arms. Alastor rarely stopped his own talking but at the moment he didn’t feel any motivation to continue.

There were plenty of words he could use to describe Michael on any given day and he suspected she would use them on him in turn. That’s what he enjoyed for the most part. She was neither foolish enough to be charmed by him to the point of being back breakingly agreeable nor sensible enough to be put off and avoid him.

Influenza killed people everyday. Healthy people with strong minds and bodies. A dark thought crossed his mind as she laid in a misshapen heap across the couch, arms tucked to her chest.

This could very well kill her, and while she would allegedly get to live again, that still meant dying. He couldn’t imagine it being a peaceful feeling with a raging fever. And if she died then he would be solely responsible for the station. Then he’d have to find a suitable dance partner yet again and who else could be fearsome enough to scare off other wide eyed women?

Why did she always infringe on his plans?!

Alastor scowled and shook his head before pulling up her legs to remove her shoes. He did a double take at the heels, noting these to be the ones she wore out dancing, not the sturdier pair she used daily.

Since dragging Michael all over kingdom come, river to lake, not a single broad had bothered him. Of course there were social implications he outright ignored for the bliss of not being disturbed or stalked, but that was hardly a price to pay in the modern social groups.

Again he checked her fever. How long had this lasted? Alastor sprang up; he needed to cool her off or else.

Thankfully the kettle on the stove was cold and there were clean kitchen towels. But when he came back he noticed her hair. As per usual it was down but now it drifted across her face and wrapped all around her neck.

So he put down the supplies to take stock of the apartment. The apartment was well furnished, but something about it all lacked personality. There were a few books on the coffee table he would rather die than read and fresh flowers, but nothing else reflected its sole occupant. Except the piano near the window that certainly hadn’t been there months ago.

And right on top of said instrument was a long, jewel green ribbon. Pins would be better but this would have to do as he didn’t have the time to rummage for hair accessories he doubted she even owned.

Alastor, for what felt like the millionth time today despite only being the third, wrestled her rag doll body up to a sitting position. “Come now, you’re testing even my good will.”

She groaned, stuck in a fever induced fugue. With no time for niceties he shoved her side into the couch and contorted his leg around her waist to keep her upright.

Hastily and in genuine discomfort, he worked. He brushed back and separated the hair, finding it to be as willful as its owner. No matter that because it was no comparison to wrangling his mother’s or Goldie’s. Due to his uncanny experience, it took far less effort to tie it back and braid it off to the side.

“Nicely done if I say so myself!” He added, at last managing to get cold cloths around her neck and forehead.

Carefully, he untangled his leg and eased her back onto the couch pillows. Even with the subtle movements, she groaned, obviously aching. She’d given him some medication that night so surely she had something suitable for this?

Eventually they’d have to eat something as well. The influenza left its victims famished yet unable to get food down due to throat pain. A lovely family recipe consisting of milk, rice, honey, and cinnamon would do nicely! Alastor preferred it not so sweet of course but his mother couldn’t get enough of it.

Rummaging through the cupboards produced nothing but an apple, a meager lump of hard cheese, and the same coffee grounds and spices she kept at the station. Killing her might be a mercy at this point.

Not a single pan or pot had been put to use! And here he thought she’d improved! This was the lavish life of wealth?! Deprived of any meaningful skills and ignorant to the wonders of cooking?

At last, he fully resigned himself to this ludicrous role of caretaker. He’d consider it a belated payment for her intervention the first night. Those men had set out to kill him after all.

Alastor pocketed her keys, shaking his head, “You’re nothing but trouble, you know? Terrible and funny trouble.”

Luckily the post office was right next to the grocer two blocks down where he could place a call to the station. Thankfully he wasn’t the one doing evening broadcasts today. Mercy, in what world was he thankful for that?!

This would be the final kindness he would ever offer Michael! Loaded down with groceries and supplies, even by his standards, he grumbled and cursed the entire way back.

Honestly, how could she have nothing? His mother would be abhorred by this! And no wonder her own mother couldn’t seem to marry her off! Alastor would pity any unlucky fool who managed to saddle himself with Michael.

Two hours later and well into the early afternoon, Alastor had accomplished the work of an entire staff. To keep the air fresh, he’d opened the windows. Every twenty minutes he checked her fever, which was coming along nicely. He’d managed the sweet soaked rice which sat cooling in the ice box. There was a loaf of bread fresh from the oven. Why, he’d gone as far as to break in that neglected pot, blessing it with a batch of his great grandmother’s étouffée. There was also a fresh batch of coffee for himself!

Oh yes, she would owe him dearly after this.

The only thing left to do was wait.

Alastor hated doing nothing. Boredom was the bane of his existence. If it weren’t for her indisposed state, he’d gleefully play the piano but rest was paramount in this nasty situation.

Thankfully, she had a full bookshelf, saving him from the miserable scientific collection on her coffee table. He grabbed three he’d never heard of, hoping one would suit him well.

And just as he was so close to sitting down to enjoy himself, she flopped, nearly rolling herself into the floor.

Why? Why on Earth was one woman such a catastrophe? Oh he would not let her ruin anymore of his day! In an effort to make his own life easier, Alastor rearranged her end tables, making sure the books and coffee and ice water were right at hand. Then he sat down, careful to not pull her hair as he angled her head into his lap.

No, it wasn’t an ideal solution by any means but this gave him absolute control. Even if she woke up, he highly doubted she’d be lucid enough to recall the precarious situation.

Or so he’d thought. Michael stirred and strained, but didn’t open her eyes. “Luci?”

Lucy? Yet another strange person he couldn’t put a face to.

He remembered having a fever like this only once and to say that miserable dreamlike state tormented him was an understatement. Curiosity got the better of him though.

“Yes Michael?”

The twisting of her face left him instantly regretful. Their usual jabs were fair game and in the waking world where they could retaliate. But like this Michael couldn’t protect herself.

“I-I tried,” she whimpered out, “did I—”

There came a new noise, one so miserable and pathetic that he couldn’t understand how it came from Michael of all people.

“Did I fail?” She finished, a stray tear slipping out and over her nose onto his pant leg.

His stomach sank low, leaving him in the uncomfortable silence. He took his handkerchief and dabbed at the wet streak, genuinely disturbed, not certain of what he was doing until it was over, “You did wonderfully Michael.”

Was this what laid in wait under all he knew of her? He sincerely hoped not for a myriad of reasons. Firstly, he had no intentions of babysitting any tearful wretch. Secondly, he couldn’t stand women crying. He simply couldn’t stomach it any more. Thirdly, and most selfishly, he preferred the woman who met him toe-to-toe at every exchange.

Michael wavered off again as he stroked through loose pieces of hair, her mind settling for incoherent mumbling.

At least now he could open a book.

And he did, cracking open the cover only for a piece of paper to slip down. Curiosity might have failed him before but surely it wouldn’t twice?

Beyond all doubt, it was a list but not of any items he knew of. If anything he’d think these were names made up by children. Bizarre children at that. There were seven in total, with the last, Uriel, seeming vaguely familiar.

There was no mistaking Michael’s handwriting but truly what was this?

Through the light he could see more writing peeking from the other side. On that side were names he understood far better:


All the research he’d conducted over the past months made it quite clear what these names were. Slowly, Alastor looked down to the woman on his lap. There were two names that neatly fit on this list: Gabriel and Michael.

Alastor, being a New Orleanian to his bones, was well versed with Catholicism and other religious practices. Religion was a staple in the city with churches and cathedrals abound, shaping their culture and holidays. Priests and Vodouisants ate in peace and proximity, most likely attending the same family suppers.

And who better to speak on the devil than the angel that cast him out?

All the times she’d take strange sour turns, immediately shutting down conversations and retreating through the shadows, made sense.

Were those insurgent groups comprised of demons? How strange to see all those odd pieces fall into place. Yes, this could be the raving delusions of a madwoman but his instinct would have caught onto any farce long ago.

That same instinct caused his blood to run cold. Given his particular hobby, no good could come from knowing a saint. It explained her heinous, restrictive personality at least!

Michael rattled out a cough, causing him to bristle like a cat, nails biting into the couch to stay in place. Hastily he put the paper back, dropping the book to the floor and sliding it under the couch with his foot.

For once, Alastor wasn’t certain what he should do and he had far more questions than answers. So he sat in place, thinking. What was any reward without risk? He’d simply have to take extra precaution. And as he dozed off into the afternoon he realized this might be more of a boon.


The last time she’d experienced any sort of delusion she’d been dying in a similar fashion in a muddy field. It felt the same.

No, this felt worse. Did sand and gunpowder coat her throat? Each muscle and every bone in her body ached. Despite all of that, she wasn’t entirely uncomfortable.

Michael strained her blurry eyes; had the sun rose? No, the light was wrong.

The station. She was meant to be at the station. She always arrived first. Maybe not? Perhaps she’d not started the day yet.

Or had she died again? Maybe it was all a dream?

If she went back to sleep she could wake up in Lucifer’s lap as he weaved flowers through her hair. As long as she slept.

Seraphim didn’t need sleep though, the fact suffocating any ember of hope of going back to those days.

Through her murky gaze, she found legs far longer than Lucifer’s propping her head up. Michael could hardly make out the sleeping Alastor from where her head rested in his lap, nearly nestled into his stomach.

Father help her, she was dizzy and frightfully exhausted. This was it then?

All good things must come to an end. That’s what all the humans said.

She swallowed down the harsh sting of tears, breathing in the familiar scent. That hardly helped, no matter how much she liked it. Her hand inched up to the strong, warm one resting on her arm. Alastor would hate this but right now she didn’t possess the faculties to care.

Eternity and death were already her punishment, what was a little more wrath from Their Father?

Even so, she didn’t want to be punished. Not this time, just this once.

Would this small hope be her greatest sin?

If there was a price for this single desire, so be it. One single moment as her own. Did she not deserve that small piece of hope?

Alastor inspired nothing but selfishness in her. She hoped he might be proud even if it came at his expense.

Michael dragged his hand down from her arm, clasping it tight to her chest, curling around and as close to Alastor as possible.


Alastor clicked open his pocket watch, finding it a touch past midnight. Nine hours?! In what world did he sleep for that long? And comfortably?

Surely he’d not been so tired!

His rested body begged to differ. His stomach woke up next, demanding food as his legs ached for a good stretch. He went to move Michael, only to find himself trapped. Somehow she’d inched further into his lap and took his hand captive like a small child.

Would wonders cease today? In all sincerity he’d quite enough of not knowing what to expect!

Once more he checked her forehead, and while warm, the fever was gone. Her breathing wasn’t perfect though, despite sounding leagues better.


Heavy lidded doe eyes blinked up at him with barely there clarity. Yet another improvement he would settle for.

“And a good morning to you too,” he said, not doing anything about their particular arrangement.

“Morning? Oh, I need to—” Michael let go of his hand, seemingly too dazed to realize exactly where or how she was. As she tried to sit up, he slipped away, grateful to not acknowledge any of that.

Alastor took her shoulder and shoved, forcing her back onto the cushion with a thud, “You need nothing but a solid whack! It’s practically midnight! What could you possibly accomplish in this horrid state? Now lay there and hush.”

Much to his shock and awe, she did just that. Confident in his authority he went to gather enough food for both of them. And when he sat back down, he thought maybe she was half back to dreamland and suggestible enough to answer him.

Casually he asked, “Who is Gabriel?”

Apparently not. Her eyes flew open and she moved to sit up but his threatening finger was enough to change her mind. With a heavy sigh she slumped back down and answered, “My younger brother.”

Her reaction gave him more than enough information. “Then he must be miraculously handsome for you to have us confused!”

Heavy eyes drifted over him slowly, gauging the response, but the provisions in his hands proved to be a wonderful distraction. “My apologies for the confusion. What happened?”

“Nothing of any great importance! Now hush and eat!” He demanded, setting down the soft rice and hot tea. And as she ate in dazed, miserable silence, he started planning the next course of his research.


Michael swallowed, arms crossed taught over her chest. Hopefully this would be good enough?

This was her best attempt! Every day after work she spent hours trying to get it right. Alastor, religion and deities be damned, was the only reason she wasn’t six feet under right now. Did he understand that? How could she possibly repay him?

Of course she’d tallied up every cent worth of food, doubled it, then put that amount right back into his paycheck. Michael had so much now she wasn’t sure what to do with it! Then there was the matter of the food he’d actually made.

She could kick herself for loving it. Why in the world was he a radio host? He ought be a chef! Then again, stupid bastard was good at everything. Even his arithmetic had improved. The rice was divine and was like a magical balm for her throat that day. But the étouffée?

Her hand raked through her hair, leg bouncing wildly. Why couldn’t she stop thinking about it?!

To make every matter worse, last night she’d had a dream. Usually her dreams plagued her with memories of Lucifer or the younglings or her failures but not this time.

Her wings shading them from the sun, his hands brushing through her hair …

Michael shot up into the air as her office door opened to reveal the man who plagued her. No, it would be fine! This was miserable human brained backlash stemming from her gratitude. That was all.

She smiled at him, and not in the way she needed to force. Composure. Focus. No need to be mindless or unruly.

“Here. For all your help.”

Alastor’s grin wavered, an eyebrow quirking at the cloth wrapped item. His scrutiny of it left her internally writhing. This was a mistake. Nothing she could do would be good enough! Why had she even tried to make bread?!

He carefully unwrapped and inspected the loaf. For the briefest of moments hope sparked in her chest. Maybe she’d done it correctly?

But then her heart sank so far down that it had to be disintegrating in the Earth’s molten core. Alastor took the dark loaf in one hand and knocked it against the wall. Michael’s mouth dropped open at the hard, wooden sound.

Then he smiled at her in that brilliant and mocking way, dropping it into the trash. At the solid metallic clang, Alastor sputtered, a hand going over his mouth. It wasn’t enough though. Shortly after he sucked in a breath before howling out a gut busting laugh and doubling over.

Her mouth moved to speak, but all she managed was silent, dumb-struck horror. The sight was enough to renew his fit of hilarity even as he came up to her side.

Alastor gripped her shoulders roughly, barely in control due to his current state. All the while, he pushed her out, only stopping to breathe once they were outside their usual lunch spot.

Michael grinned pathetically. At least she’d made him laugh?


I have included my dad's favorite thing, sweet rice pudding. We've gone through a vat of it this week. Also, it is my birthday and it makes me very anxious. So I did this instead.

Chapter 62: Affa*gato


Alastor and Michael go out on a service call.


Hey heyyyyyyy.

Happy MLKJ day if you're in the US. He's a pretty important dude if you don't know it.

We got a few inches of snow here and my dog and I loooooove it. She's so funny.

Either way, this is just a short cute chapter. No real plot but I do love this one <3

I'm a big fan of affa*gato.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I’ve not come to this part of town before,” Michael mused, inspecting their surroundings.

“I would think not! This isn’t the affluent socialite infested streets you’re accustomed to!” The joke fell unbelievably flat, his voice laced with barely constrained panic.

She tapped her chin, eyebrows popping up in mock contemplation, “If I recall we seem to spend a fair bit of time in the same circle! Or is it that you’ve deemed yourself a debutante as well?”

“Woman, you’ll have us wrapped around a tree! Hands on the wheel!” Alastor had himself plastered to the seat, hands braced against the seat and the door, clinging for life. Michael grinned but put both hands on the vehicle’s steering wheel where he could see.

Today she’d insisted they make service calls so she could see how they were done. Unfortunately, he was right in arguing that none of their clients would take well to an unwed pair showing up, especially if they were disagreeable about certain social topics. Still, they found a compromise on two locations Alastor considered safe.

They’d made one already to a timber yard office on the outskirts of town ran by a woman logger. He’d only agreed to taking a vehicle because she was still recovering from the flu, unable to hold shadows open for longer durations.

As for the automobile, William taught her how to drive, over the moon to spend time with his only daughter. She loved driving, considering it the closest experience to flying save riding horseback.

The moment they stopped Alastor peeled out of the seat, crossing himself. At that she laughed.

“How can you ride a bicycle but not ride in a—”

His blistering glare and snarling smile immediately shut down her questioning but she couldn’t help giving into a little snark, “You can’t control everything.”

That was certainly the wrong thing to say. He didn’t retort, slipping into the overly agreeable mask and walking past her. Guilt pooled in her stomach as they entered a storefront she’d missed the name of. There was also anticipation as she knew Alastor to be particularly unforgiving. He didn’t deserve her mocking but he made it so damn hard to be grateful.

The business was a brightly colored parlor, filled to the brim with Italian decor and paintings. Behind the counter was a thin elderly man in an apron polishing silverware. When the doorbell jingled, he lit up from head to toe.

Bambino, you look like a sycamore tree! Benvenuto! Tell me how you’ve been? E tua madre sta bahhhh!” The elderly Italian man stopped fussing over Alastor once he spotted Michael.

Che bellezza! If I’d know you were keeping company I would have set out Lorna’s glass! Now next time you let me know beforehand. Si?”

Alastor bristled, “Oh no, nothing like that in the slightest, Giuseppe! My glasses still work after all! Only out on a little tour of the neighborhood, making a few service calls and what have you. Allow me to introduce the station’s newest Chief Officer, Michael Burr!”

Giuseppe, happy to see Alastor but not entirely convinced, eyed Michael with a mirthful gleam. He patted Alastor’s shoulder before moving to her, hand reaching out, “Piacere di conoscerti Carissima! I am Giuseppe Civiello.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Civiello,” the moment she took his hand he gently pulled her forward into a hug, kissing both her cheeks. The utter warmth of this man’s personality already was warming her heart. Before letting go he whispered, “Don’t you worry Cara. He’s stubborn, but he’ll come around eventually!”

Obviously the quip was a lighthearted dig at Alastor, but the tall New Orleanian was none the wiser, tight-lipped and bristling.

Michael couldn’t help, but chuckle with Giuseppe out of ear shot. Alastor glowered at her as she smiled, “I’ll admit, that is reassuring to hear.”

The elderly gentleman clapped her on the shoulder before turning to Alastor, “I’ll be back. Settle in and I’ll have you a treat for your troubles!”

As he left, Alastor stepped to her side, looming over her shoulder.

“To hear what?” He hissed, neck craning.

Michael choked down another laugh, casting a devious side eye, “That the entire city knows you’re stubborn.”

Alastor gaped, but had to let it go as Giuseppe returned with a tray. “Lo so, lo so, you don’t like sweets bambino but you must try this! Come, sit!”

He didn’t like sweets? Michael eyed Alastor, filing the information in a space she’d never realized was empty. Save for whatever concoctions he drank at Slim’s, Michael couldn’t say she’d ever seen Alastor indulge in sweets. For the cafes they’d been to and the treats coworkers or their spouses brought to the station, she’d never noticed it.

The elderly gentleman forced them onto bar stools in the parlor's street-facing window. Then he sat down a copper tray, sporting two intriguingly small cups of what might be coffee next to a large mug of ice cream.

“This is un capolavoro! This is affa*gato. Mio nipote sent the machinna right from Torino! Like this!” Giuseppe reached over, pouring the steaming liquid over the ice cream, confounding Michael.

He backed away, all smiles, urging them to taste. Alastor picked up one and Michael couldn’t help but twist into a grin. He didn’t look necessarily out of place but there was something so comical about him of all people with this dainty, doll-sized cup!

He slid the singular spoon towards her, “Ladies first.”

The aroma was overwhelmingly coffee and sent a tingle all down her neck. It smelled glorious. With a final, skeptical look to Alastor, she popped a spoon full in her mouth. There was no hope for her. The overwhelmingly strong and sweet flavor, mixed with the sensation of hot and cold, sent her eyes wide. Even worse was how she couldn’t stop the surprised whimper.

Carefully she gathered her composure, knowing the two men were waiting for her response, but before she could say anything, Alastor did. “Before I forget, my mother asked I pick up anything you might need mending!”

Giuseppe clapped and nodded, “Ah si! So kind of her to do so! I’ll be right back!”

Michael to sneak a small bite with the two distracted but ultimately failed.

“Do you enjoy it?” He teased, eyes narrowing above a sly grin. She ought kick herself for being so careless and capricious. Anyone with eyes could see just how much she liked it! But this was Alastor and he would torment her. No! She would not suffer or be humiliated by him today.

Stubbornly she looked out the window, determined to hide her brightening cheeks. “I did.”

“Yet you don’t want the rest?” He hummed.

Michael glanced over the concoction, mouth twisting, before shaking her head and turning away once more. Lately she felt unraveled, acting in ways unbefitting of a repentant archangel. Alastor’s eyebrow plucked up into his hairline at her feeble resolution.

“Hrmm. Terrible shame for it to go to waste!” He flicked a finger hard into her cheek. And as she turned around, ready to scold him, he jammed another spoonful of the treat into her mouth, grinning like a madman.

She tried to pull back but her shoulder met the wall. His free arm came up, trapping her between him and the window.

Then she tried to turn her head, attempting to take the spoon out at least but Alastor tutted, pressing the metal down on her tongue, establishing the most bizarre form of control.

There she was, trapped between an immovable building and a looming, unstoppable force, utterly flummoxed and completely subjugated by his mischief.

Better still for Alastor was how that realization drew across her face, eyes widening, the breath in her throat hitching. At last she swallowed.

Satisfaction from victory wasn’t enough though. What good was winning if he couldn’t enjoy it?

She kept the spoon tight in her mouth to keep him from choking her with it!

Panic seeped across her face, eyes shifting around, but Alastor didn’t allow it. He tipped the spoon up, causing her head to draw back. “Look. At. Me.”

The tone radiating through each word had her doe eyes sliding back to his giddy ones. Alastor nodded in approval, drawing closer, so close he could feel the heat from her strawberry flushed face.

“Now who isn’t in control,” he purred, each word slow and sinister. “Michael darling, weren’t you out of line before?”

Then came a delightful little whimper punctuated by a curt nod.

Alastor popped the spoon out of her mouth and bopped her on the nose with it before placing it back into the dessert. With the sweetest, kindest smile he could muster all under those wicked eyes, he took one finger and slid the glass down in front of her.


She stared wildly at the object of her torment.

Michael’s hand rose to grab the spoon, unable to look anywhere else for sheer fear of bursting into flames. Alastor swallowed a howling laugh, his teeth piercing his cheek, chest rattling. He’d never suspected she could turn so unfathomably red! Even for him this was too much!

As the spoonful hit her tongue, her eyes shut, shoulders stiffening.

He, a mortal man of humble beginnings through nothing but his own gumption and charm, had caused the angel of God to succumb to temptation.

Alastor, delighted with his overarching success, hopped up to find the old Italian. Now his mind ran wild with the possibilities of just what he could tempt her to. Even so, Alastor decided to exercise his own version of temperance, saving the continuation of her torture for another time.

To think he could have this much fun at the expense of her secrets and wallowing! This was shaping up to become a lovely hobby.


I like to think of Guisippe being related to Angel Dust. Maybe a great uncle or second cousin or something. The backstory is while Alastor was doing odd jobs as a minor he did a lot of work for Giuseppe and his wife (deceased D;).

Language notes (All Italian):

- - Child / boy

- - Welcome

E tua madre sta b(bene)—
- - And your mother is well?

Che bellezza
- - How beautiful

Piacere di conoscerti Carissima
- - Nice to meet you dearest

Lo so
- - I know

un capolavoro
- - a masterpiece

Mio nipote
- - My nephew

- - Machine

- - yes

Chapter 63: Invitation


Michael invites Alastor to a party.



The new season. Episode 3 is my favorite. And I really hope we get to see some of Alastor's family in the series. I doubt it will be what we're expecting.

Heads up, Alastor's father does make an appearance in Reckless. I've worked on a lot of post New Orleans chapters lately so I'm excited. We'll probs be done with this arc in a month or two. My posting schedule is about to get willllllllllld.

Songs played referenced for the chapter:
Etude Op. 6:

-- Trigger warning! --
Mentions of racism, colorism, lynchings, hangings.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

From the personal desk of William T. Burr, Esquire,” started Alastor, setting down his glass in favor of the envelope Michael handed him. Her eyes rolled so far that he was sure they’d get stuck!

Regardless of the lackluster audience, the show must go on!

William Theodore Burr and Evelynn Victoria Burr nee Anderson cordially invite you to attend the Burr Family’s Appreciation Dinner: an evening befitting of and dedicated to our gracious friends and talented partners!” Alastor announced, practicing his grandest tone! The rest went on to explain how this was being held at a particularly famous restaurant. Then he started waving the extravagant invitation, “Why isn’t this touched by Midas himself?”

“Poor fellow, terrible curse,” she muttered off hand.

“That’s a true story?” He asked, feigning casual disinterest as to not alarm her sensibilities.

Her mouth twisted in contemplation before she shrugged, “As true as anything else I suppose. Demons were far more casual with humans before.”

Before what? There was a world of information hanging over the edge of her sentence. Over the last few days he threw out small snippets. Gauging just what level of truth he could pull out of her. As of late, she easily offered him answers as long as it didn’t breach a personal level. So far, it seemed most mythological deities were real though hardly gods, only demons with power so beguiling that humans worshiped them throughout time.

Ghosts, vampires, fairies, and dragons were out of the question. She passed those off as mere children’s stories or humans having a dalliance with demons. There were only demons or humans in her explanations. Never angels. Alastor suspected this was by design.

“What do you think?”

That certainly surprised him! She rarely had open discourse on the matter! Nor did she make a habit of asking his opinion.

“With the way folks are in any age, I could imagine the poor sap deserved that heinous inconvenience! No better gold than gumbo after all!”

Michael’s face scrunched before rolling her eyes, “The invitation, Alastor.”

“As I stated previously your mother’s tastes are that of a—”

“I’m inviting you,” she informed, unamused by his obvious misunderstanding.

Briefly he eyed the card. Oh he did love a party! But this was no romp in a speakeasy, drowning in jazz and gin. There would be no children darting around as his neighbors brought out instruments while the women brought out food.

This was a high society elbow rubbing that left him more than a little uncomfortable. These were the people of ‘Old Gil’ Marcum, the ugly, racist, thankfully dead bastard who he’d had the fortune of never meeting. New Orleans was different but only to a certain latitude.

“I can’t fathom you attending such a soiree! And, spectacular a guest as I am, there’s also the fact I’m terribly busy.”

“And here I thought you enjoyed watching me suffer? And insulting people to their face as they’re none the wiser! I’ve opted out of many but this year I’m inclined to go in hopes of supporting our business.”

That egging tone and gentle smirk were not lost on him. No world existed in which Michael could understand his trepidation. At times he’d skirted the upper echelons, either by knowing someone from the jazz circuits or through the station. Each time he’d managed to come out unscathed. And to be certain, he wasn’t afraid of these people!

But luck wasn’t his finest skill and with his mother to consider, particular risks were inadvisable. The probability of him being the darkest person in the room was too high to ignore.

“After that thrilling and tantalizing pitch, I’ll have to decline!”

She frowned, pushing away her dinner plate to lean forward. For a moment she was silent, inspecting him. Then she leaned back, nodding, “Your concerns are more than justifiable, but William is kind and reasonable. Over the last several months we’ve adjusted our portfolios and business practices to reflect New Orleans. Accurately. You’ll be in fair company.”

The not-so-hidden implications of her explanation didn’t assuage the concern. Even so he could appreciate the sentiment. Alastor leaned in, barely six inches from her face, grinning, “Michael are you trying to get me hanged?”

That did the trick! She shot backwards, face paled and eyes wide as her hand bunched into the table cloth, “No! No, I would never …”

He eyed their surroundings, making sure they were truly alone in the little corner booth, “What if anyone were to catch onto our little charade?”

It might be in bad taste but he did love to make her squirm and what better a way than to rake her through that blind innocence?

At first she swallowed, frowning. The emotions played out so clearly on her face that he needed no explanation! Then she pulled in a slow breath, nodding as her mouth twisted at the corners, eyes narrowing.

Now he wanted to know. What thought could possess his willful, rigid bearcat to shimmer with malice? Delightfully he smiled, “Care to share, sweetheart?”

The perverse twinge fell from her face, replaced by that calm and professional expression, “We have the money and legal team to bury anyone. For a few decades that is. It would be a shame for me to get personally involved.”

Alastor smiled, gleefully asking, “Much like you involved yourself with my cohorts that first night?”

Her eyes locked on his but there was no sense of being caught. If anything, she looked particularly mischievous, “Terrible shame how they fell off the fire escape.”

“The truest shame was my not being conscious enough to see it! Despite making a remarkable recovery, they’ve seemed to settle down!”

Michael didn’t respond, trying to bite down a smile that only a blind man could miss, “I’ll be off now.”

Immediately she headed for the door. Daft broad, it was still raining! Alastor hastily shoved some bills under a plate, striding after her while pulling on his coat and snagging an umbrella from the rack. She’d not recovered entirely, not enough to avoid the weather from here to her apartment and the stupid thing would get sick again, despite a hat and a coat.

Thankfully she only made it to the next door awning. Alastor jerked her to a halt, scolding, “Mindless charlatan, you’ll catch your death out here!”

“Hardly, I’ve gotten better,” she said, glaring up at him. His hand rolled and gestured to the dark alley way beside them, smile sharp and challenging.

She made no effort to pull away and huffed, “Not that much better.”

Alastor snigg*red, dragging her arm into his and moving them forward, protected from the rain.

“Where did you get an umbrella?” She asked, finally noticing the accessory nestled between them.

“I left such a generous tip they’ll be more than situated to buy two!”

“You stole someone’s umbrella?” Michael chided. “Take it back!”

“We’re too far in this dastardly plan to withdraw now, my abominable little cohort! Though this entire act of larceny might have been avoided if one remarkably stubborn darling wasn’t keen on lying to someone who cannot be lied to! Quite the suffragette! No sir-ee! This dame wouldn’t dare let some grime ridden fellow—”

“Would you stop prattling? You’re not on the air and I’m tired!”

The plea was no where near enough to stop him! “What was that? Oh no, it seems I’ve missed it! How unfortunate it is to have all my good will and dashing heroism discounted by a cruel and—“

Michael exasperated, jostling his arm to shut him up. “How gallant of you to inconvenience some unsuspecting stranger on my behalf!”

“That sounded much better! Good job!” Then he pinched her cheek, earning him a sharp swat.

“You don’t need to walk me home.”

Alastor shook his head and barked out a laugh, “Hah! Tell that to my mother and get back to me, sweetheart! You couldn’t imagine the wallop I’d be in for if I left a broad to wander home at night.”

Michael only chuckled and patted his arm, not bothering with a rebuttal. The remainder of their walk to her apartment was spent in relative silence, the pair only humming about. Despite making it to her building in absolute safety, he escorted her to the door in attempt to keep that twinge of paranoia at bay.

“Care for coffee before you head home? The rain might break and it’s the least I can do since I can’t open a portal to anywhere.”

Without much thought he followed her in. Technically, walking into an unmarried woman’s home was in abhorrent taste but this was Michael! It was hardly the same, and she was the only occupant on this floor.

“It is the least you could do! What a shame you don’t have any greater talents!”

As she poked around the small kitchen, he bee-lined for the piano. The instrument was immaculately polished! At first he thought maybe it was for show, but the keys told a vastly different story. The ivory planks were well worn, some a brighter hue from being replaced. Next to it laid an ungodly, wretchedly haphazard pile of song books and sheet music.

“Do you play?” She asked, handing him the steaming cup.

“Do fish swim?!” Alastor sat the mug on a side table and cracked his knuckles, breaking into a jaunty ragtime piece. Michael went alight, dragging over the apartment’s sole armchair to listen.

At the end he smirked. She clapped, smile and eyes beaming at his doubtless talent, “That was fantastic! Why have you not mentioned this? Why not play at Slim’s?”

He took a sip of coffee, the tingling and blissful taste making fine company for his glowing pride! This was how it should be! “Fantastic? But of course, though you ought see me with a violin! Once upon a time I did but he asked me to stop! Too many broads showing up with their awful jealous beaus in tow.”

“Ah yes, your never ending plight! I hate to inform you but I’ve not seen a soul tolerate you, let alone be so smitten as to follow you around. Though, if delusion and ego is all it takes to keep you happy, who am I to judge?”

Alastor whipped a handful of sheet music at her face in retaliation, not daring to tell her that she was the primary reason for his newfound peace. “Mouthy wench! You keep this wonderful instrument and neglect it! Why, all this use must be from the poor sap you swindled it from!”

Michael hopped to her feet, shouldering him over so far he nearly toppled over, “Go and sit.”

The demand was unlike any he’d heard from her, so he did. Either she would be wretched and he could laugh or she would be masterful. The worst case scenario was being abhorrently average. She pushed back her hair and rolled her shoulders, fingertips poised at the keys.

Then she started.

And he was in awe.

The piece was diabolic with the need for speed and technical execution. He’d not gotten it correct in its entirety, even once! But here was Michael, with hands far shorter and thicker than his, making any pianist he’d known look like an utter plebeian.

Michael spared him the briefest of glances and the most devious of smirks. Before the piece was meant to end, she transitioned, dropping into a wild and swinging jazz number.

When she stopped he didn’t quite register it, not until her expression shifted at him, utterly puzzled. Alastor hadn’t realized how daft he looked. At some point he’d leaned over, elbows on his knees and hands over his agape mouth, trying to hold in the breath she stole.

Like an utter dolt, he said, “You’ve failed to mention something as well.”

She grabbed her sides and mouth, near doubling over with laughter. Stupid girl, now he was laughing! In an effort to get any kind of air he took his coffee and went for the windows. Eventually she joined him in the cool darkness.


Michael couldn’t remember being this happy, laughing and prodding, feeling relaxed. For once the world wasn’t crumbling at her feet and it wasn’t her duty to fix it.

“When did you start playing?” Alastor asked, eyeing her. She felt alight and alive under his gaze. It didn’t matter if her age gave her an unfair advantage. No one looked at her as Alastor did. It was her first silver lining in centuries.

“1722. I worked as a maid in a viscount’s estate. He only had one hand and taught several of us to play so there would always be music.”

“Now that’s a rather inspired idea!”

She only shrugged and sipped her coffee, not bothering to mention how the viscount had strangled her to death with that singular hand. All the while, Alastor seemed to be doing mental math, “You’ve played for 200 years?!”

“Not entirely. Some lifetimes I had no access to a piano or died too young. It’s closer to 125.”

“You could be the finest pianist on the continent! What would possess you to work at the station?”

“I prefer my privacy. This lifetime has been remarkably kind to me and I’d rather not ruin that.” What a depressing topic. In an effort to divert, she fished something from her pocket and shoved it into the hand holding the unlit cigarette. “The shop girl from Ashburn’s hoped you’d have it. She’s unfortunately taken with you.”

“How indecent of her since she believes me to be a married man! See, I told you they’re always after me!”

She snorted as he pulled the bowtie from the bag. It matched her dress so spectacularly with its brilliant emerald color and a thin Art Deco motif sewn in with shimmering thread. Immediately he held it up to his collar with a wide and goofy grin, “I prefer not to be green around the gills but I’m afraid to say this is rather spiffy on me!”

There wasn’t a single color or outfit she could imagine him looking anything less than dapper in. Even the gaudy outfits of days long gone or a knight’s armor would suit him remarkably.

“How unfortunate for all William’s associates! Cruel of you to deprive them of your dazzling presence.”

“They’re hardly deserving of my magnificence!” He scoffed, sticking a hand out the window. “The rain’s broken. Fancy a darling little trip to the rooftop?”

Alastor waggled his pack of cigarettes at her, indicating the desire to smoke. She nodded, hoping the air would work out the humming and warmth within her. Cigarette smoke was common and didn’t bother her but she preferred it not to cling to her apartment. Gabriel would undoubtedly notice since she didn’t smoke. Before they went she grabbed a bottle of wine, flashing it at him. Hopefully it was enough to showcase her appreciation at his restraint.

In the hallway he tucked the cigarette above his glasses in favor of the alcohol. “My, my, what do we have here?! Michael, you rascal, don’t you know hooch is illegal? You’re an awful influence!”

All the while he flicked out a thin pocket knife, making easy work of the cork. On the roof he pushed the bottle into her hand, “Ladies first!”

“I forgot glasses! I’ll be right—“

He bodied between her and the door, finger pushing the bottom of the bottle up towards her, “Come now, no need to be all ribbons and pearls up here! I’m already privy to your faults so there’s nary a soul to disappoint!”

If only that were the case! She gave him a halfhearted glare and took a long drink from the wine.

With the deed done, he snatched it away, escorting them farther out to overlook a wet and shiny New Orleans. The breeze was blissful! Her skin felt warm. Maybe the wine was overly potent? Or was it how he tipped the bottle and leaned back, his throat—


Michael forced her hands onto the wet railing, focusing her gaze down onto the the empty street. Of all the days for there not to be a ruckus! She was being ridiculous! Childish and asinine and utterly, unfathomably stupid.

But like the curse that haunted her, so did Alastor. His elbow plopped down onto her shoulder, propping up his head, as he handed her back the bottle. “Come now, don’t be bland, we’ve enough of that with the staff!”

She couldn’t help herself, desperate for any excuse to look away. So she screwed her eyes shut and took another drink, but as she pulled the wine away, he co*cked an eyebrow at her, staring down his nose with disdain.

The twisting in her stomach was immediate, making way for a slower bout of panic. What had she done? Obviously he was thinking something, but Father help her, she couldn’t fathom what it was!

Carefully he pulled the cigarette down from his ear, “Try it.”

“I’m sorry?”

“Indeed you usually are but hopefully not today!” He added, holding it for her to take.

“No, I’d prefer not, thank you.” Gently she pushed his hand back with the bottle, still off put by his expression.

“Now, what good is life if you’re not open to new experiences? Certainly you trust the doctors recommending them! These might just get you back into shape!”

No matter what this oddity was about, she didn’t care! Michael pointed the neck at him, squaring up, “I’m well enough without it and I said no.”

“So I heard! I’m still of the volition you ought try! What with all your nerves you might finally undo your laces a smidge!” Obnoxiously he leveled a gaze on her, bending over to wave the stupid thing in front of her nose.

“My laces are as they should be!” She couldn’t expect him to understand just how debauched humans were! Especially since he was near royalty where speakeasies and hedonism was concerned. And she’d loosened up quite a bit! How else could she enjoy all his mindless pestering or the hours they spent doing the most nonsensical things?

He didn’t relent, coming in closer, setting her heartbeat on edge, “Always so constricted. What in Heaven’s name could you be so scared of? You’re not as dull or restrained or pure as you’d have the world believe! All the girls are doing it if that’s what—”

“No!” She barked out, sneering. He’d struck a nerve. Her arms crossed tight as she took a step back, chin raised in defiance, ”If you insist on being a rude nuisance then you can do it alone!”

Alastor bent the rest of the way down next to her ear, “Ready to run away again Michael?”

No more. She wasn’t going to sit here and take his impudence! She spun away from him, head shaking, “You don’t know anyth—”

“Oh for the love of—” Alastor groaned, whipping her back around and striking like a viper.

This wasn’t the first time he’d touched her. Hardly, considering all the times they’d danced and walked about, or any number of things she couldn’t specifically remember because it all felt so natural now. He’d become so ingrained in her life that it would take magic to dig him out.

But the way his hand wrapped along the underside of her jaw, the way deft fingers dug into her cheeks forcing her lips to shift just enough—

With a firm grip on her upper arm, he trapped her to his chest. The heat of his body radiated across her, making the air feel too cold on her back.

This close she could make out the sharp and beautifully calamitous features of his face. See the long dark lashes that batted others under his spell. Feel the vibrating timber of his voice despite the hushed tone, “It’s time to abandon this puritanical farce, don’t you think darling Michael? To finally be human? All you need to do is give in.”

There wasn’t a second to think on his words. Alastor’s sharp grin eclipsed behind a hand as he thrust a cigarette between her lips.

Every neuron, each minuscule piece of skin came ablaze under his devious gaze. A bizarre sensation snaked through her gut. Strange and unprecedented anxiety welled up from that unknown pit, forcing her heart to beat in her ears. To say she’d never felt such duress was an understatement.

Why couldn’t she move away?

The shadows engulfed them anyway, all she needed to do was slip into one, but she couldn’t.

She didn’t want to?

Alastor leaned away, his free hand fishing through pockets, eyes joining the search as he oh-so-casually held her there, suspended in time.

“Blasted thing, I just— Ah!” Alastor mumbled, now grinning, a new cigarette expertly poised between his lips. The hand on her jaw tightened, sending her heart into a rapid stutter.

He lit his own cigarette, taking a soothing draw— was this how he’d looked every time he smoked?

The way his cheeks hollowed right as his shoulders fell a touch, eyes fluttering back open when he exhaled the smoke. Surely she’d not been so blind to this nearly explicit display of … what exactly? Michael lacked any word suitable enough to describe him in that moment.

Alastor, his hand turning gentle on her upper arm, leaned in. They were nearly nose to nose. He held her gaze, pressing his burning tip to her dull one, “Suck in, dearest.”

Blindly she did, only to be met with suffocating smoke filling her lungs. Michael hacked and sputtered with the volatile, foreign sensation. Her weight jerked into Alastor’s chest, his hand falling from her jaw to support her waist.

Beyond the mortifying sound of her momentary suffocation was Alastor’s rolling laughter. At least he was kind enough to keep her up right after trying to end her life! Michael jerked upward, childishly thumping her fist into his rattling chest.

Still trying to clear her throat of the miserable tickle, she righted her posture enough to sneer and glare at him.

The way he had one eye closed above a goofy beaming smile tightened her throat all over again, triggering a brand new fit of hacking. Alastor’s laughter evolved into a booming howl, struggling to stay upright even as he held her tight.

Bastard! He made the entire ordeal look relaxing! Blissful even! Micheal’s fist jabbed into his sternum before pressing against his arm to right herself. They’d danced several times, so why was now the first time she could feel muscle rippling below his sleeve?

The way he flexed, toned and strong under her fingers …

Hurriedly she traded Alastor for the stone ledge of the building, gazing at him in the most bewildered of ways. He grinned and shook his head, smoking his own cigarette whilst handing back the one she’d unceremoniously dropped.

“Come now! It doesn’t bite!”

Michael, unable to form any intelligible thought, shook her head.

Alastor leaned back in, waving the cigarette at her like a school marm, “Tsk, tsk, I never took you of all beings as a quitter! Alas, perhaps I’ve had you wrong this entire time. To think this is where my impeccable judgment goes to die!”

This man! She snarled, snatching the thing away, careful to not touch his hand. Failure wasn't an option!

Wordlessly, insufferably, he demonstrated how to use the lighter. He rolled it between his fingers so quickly, that she genuinely had no clue how he managed to hit the striker. But that’s how Alastor was, charming and infuriatingly good at anything.

“Regardless of how delightfully fervent that little lungful was, perhaps you’d fair better doing it correctly?” He jeered, tucking a loose strand of her hair back in the most condescending of manners.

Of course he’d opted to not tell her before starting this entire debacle! Michael snatched away the cigarette and the lighter whilst tamping down the gnawing, squirming sensation. Did he have to loom like that? Watching her as if doing this one asinine thing correctly would change the course of humanity?

She tried again, careful to test drawing the smoke into her mouth and not quite her lungs. Another fit started the moment the smoke hit her throat.

Alastor waited for her second coughing fit to finish. His hand languidly roamed back and forth across her shoulders. Still, he watched her, determined to make sure she smoked the abomination! But the way he looked at her, mirthful and encouraging— Michael cleared her throat with a heavy sip of wine, cheeks burning far more than her lungs in the dark, before trying the cigarette again.

“And there she is! Lovely as ever, despite becoming as debauched as the rest of these heathens!”

Damnable asshole. Michael couldn’t suppress her grin though, begrudgingly enjoying their debauchery now. And then there were the thoughts she wouldn’t have dared entertain once upon a time.

Her poorly hidden, impromptu chuckling prompted Alastor, “Terrible manners not to share a joke!”

Michael shook her head, taking her first successful drag of the cigarette. She had to wonder if it was working though. All of her vibrated, the world feeling brighter. Asking Alastor if this was a side effect would be difficult. There was no way she could explain the terrifying, giddy sensation.


The Spanish Flu was the last time the US saw a prolific virus. I imagine a lot of people suffered with long covid like symptoms after that too so that's why Michael is just bleghh. Getting tired easy and all the jazz (jazz hands)

Otherwise, I love writing this younger, more inexperienced version of Alastor. There are things he would never do as an older demon or even as an older man. There's a softness and caution he's yet to throw away. I think his mother's death (not seen in this story or by Michael) is what really caused him to go full on, nothing to lose.

Chapter 64: Twoodles


Welcome to Doodles Part Two: TWOODLES!!



Whyyyyyyy you may ask? Well, you loathsome sinners let me tell you!

It's because people are so nice and I can't stop crying now.

So, I'm not sure how many folks read my comments section. If you do, you probs know what's up!

If you don't like, let's be real home-skillet why would you read some internet redneck's comment section? That's a fair shimmy and shake not to.

I made that saying up. Sorry. I'm so excited I can't handle it. I can't express how lucky and blessed I am to have this astronomical amount of support and encouragement and love. I legit cried earlier. My mom still has no idea what's wrong with me but apparently she'll accept anything if I tell her it is because I saw a meme. Go figure? I doubt she knows I write fan fiction but Momma, if the world is ending and somehow you have ended up here:


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

There's two people I'd like to thank today. RayRinckling, who has taken on my absolute commaless dumpster fire of a fanfic. Ray, if I told you anymore how much I appreciated you, well, I hope you're getting sick of it but you're a cinnamon bun and probs aren't!

So thank you for all that you do for me.


Tots has brought us our first ever fanart! Now, I don't know what I was expecting I was just over the moon that someone liked this enough to put in their time and their care and their TALENT. Talent. There is no better fitting word for the following picture. Tots, I cried. I rattled like a damn Boeing without the door (too soon?).

For Michael, please see the footnote at the bottom.

For Alastor?

THIS IS OUR BOY. THIS IS PERFECT. This is exactly how I saw him and the faces, to the color palette, to the scene expressions, it is all perfect. Even Michael's expressions and her boring clothes are dead on. This beautiful.

So please, if you never comment on this fic for any reason, please leave a comment for Tots and Ray and their brilliant work and efforts. Reckless - TsundereForHire - Hazbin Hotel (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own] (3)


To ALL my readers:

I love each and every one of you because I can't believe that this many people enjoy what I do. I'm not out here making OG content but if I can make this many people happy by writing fanfiction? I'm going to keep doing it. I say it a lot. I don't care how many people join. I have a handful of people who really stick around, lurkers included (yes you, you beautiful soul :3 <3) and this is for you. This is for me. This is for us.

Ight, maybe I'm being a sap, but I don't know, this is very new to me! I've been doing fanfic for a hot minute but I've never had this level or interaction, reaction, or support.

I pulled out most, maybe all of Michael's physical descriptions as an angel. Yes she's Lucifer's twin (as twins as primordial beings can get) and looks a lot like Charlie and has a ton of hair. But that's it. Michael is the angel of justice and protection and her hair, eye, skin color, her height, weight, none of that is majorly important to this story.

Do I have a head-canon for her? Yes, but I'm not in the business of forcing that on people. Do I write towards a eurocentric mind set? Yes, because as a white woman in the US, I don't have the right to tell anyone else's story. But if you identify with our reckless lil gremlin nerd angel, then she can look however you want.

Also, next chapter is coming up tomorrow-ish ;3

Chapter 65: Entranced


Alastor reconsiders his invitation to the party while Michael has to make nice with her family.



Welcome baaaaaaaaaack.

I have learned recently that people do read these which is a wild concept to me.

Trigger Warning!

Racism, colorism, and racial passing is a primary theme of this chapter. There isn't any violence to be had but still. Please be aware.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

They stood at the edge of the dining room, watching over the humans as they had for so long. Well, Michael was. Gabriel was staring a hole through her.

She pursed her lips, crossing her arms tight to cover up the barely there, demonically offensive cleavage, “I thought it looked appropriate.”

“Appropriate? Michael you’re dressed like a stage girl! Evelynn didn’t choose this, she went on and on about it.”

“And how is it you know what stage girls wear?” She knew he was wrong but there was no world where she could explain why she knew that. “And why are you even here? You hate these shindigs.”

“Shindigs? What on Earth is a shindig?”

Her mouth.

Of course he didn’t know any slang. Anymore it felt like they were speaking different languages! Then again, he didn’t visit regularly or interact with the modern world. All those extended absences made her nervous, but she dared not ask. The last time she’d asked, Gabriel disappeared for sixteen years. He might have been genuinely busy, that was quite literally no time for an angel, but she missed him.

Gabriel and Asherah’s curse were all that kept her connected to all she’d left behind. In one lifetime she’d considered herself insane, wondering if it had all been real. The desperation had turned those measly centuries into eons.

Now though?

She grinned, uncrossing her arms and turning to face him. If he wanted to sulk over the fact she dressed fashionably, then fine! Let him. Several of tonight’s guests pointed out how exceptional she looked! Even Evelynn went as far to say how proud she was. Before the party started, her mother forced her down to paint red lipstick across her mouth. It was the first time she’d touched cosmetics, and as terrifying as it was to admit, she liked it. It felt good.

“Excuse me for staying up to date with the language. Some of us need to blend in, if you recall.”

His fist tightened around the still full glass of wine before setting it down. He gave her a stern once over before sighing, “Care to dance?”

Her spine jerked straight, face contorting in utter confusion, “Gabriel you don’t dance.”

“I thought you wanted to blend in? It doesn’t look difficult.”

She couldn’t stop her beguiled grin, hand landing in his. There were moments like these where he truly surprised her. It was hard to admit that she didn’t know Gabriel as a person. How she barely knew any of her siblings and how they would never know her.

Then again, there’d been nothing to know once upon a time. Together they existed as Their Father’s divine and holy children, with no wants or needs. No dreams. No dinners. No early mornings where their feet ached from dancing and laughing like maniacs through the night.

“Michael? Are you listening?”

She snapped back to reality, bashfully looking away, “Apologies, I was thinking of the paperwork I need to finish for the station tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow is Saturday.” He stated, as if she’d said something so obviously wrong.

“And yet we broadcast on Saturday.” Abruptly she added, “What’s your favorite food?”

The question seemingly fell from the sky, leaving the angel flummoxed and unfortunately disdaining. “Michael, why would you ask that?”

Her heart sank and she struggled to keep a smile in place. How foolish of her to ask. Gabriel might eat with her family to maintain this ruse but angels didn’t need anything as trivial as sustenance. Was this how Alastor saw her now? Had Lucifer forced the same smile for her all those times before?

He’d always pushed her and the younglings to experience more of existence, telling them that everything was a blessing, not just their creeds.

“Don’t mind it. We’re focused on recipes all week for a broadcast segment so I’ve taken to asking people. Occupational hazard I suppose.” And now she was outright lying? Her mouth felt dry, a twinge of anxiety ready to set in.

Thankfully, it never got the chance.

A lone, towering head peaked over the shifting crowd in the dimly lit room, all smiles for the maitre’d. Alastor was always well dressed, well groomed, and well mannered for the masses. But Father help her, tonight he looked immaculate, dangerous, and dazzling. Despite how dapper he looked, hair slicked back in a formal style, it retained that characteristic fluff.

And his bow tie.

Michael swallowed, heart stuttering in her chest. Not only had he shown up to what was bound to be a miserably tiresome night of judgment, but he wore the bowtie she’d given him. The green one cut from the same material as her dress.

They matched.

All the worry in her body burned away with a fluttering heat, the same one she’d barely gotten under control after yesterday’s cigarette debacle.

How could he be so worried?

Every soul in the room, in existence, looked dull and unremarkable compared to him.

She must have looked ridiculous because Gabriel pivoted, following her gaze right to Alastor.

Hastily she pulled away from their novice swaying, plastering on a sweet smile, “I hope you enjoy whatever it is you’re leaving for. I’m certain you’ll have a far better time than I!”

That was all she could manage for Gabriel, abruptly turning towards the entrance. Moths to flames. Metals to magnets. Sinners to Hell. None of it compared to the pull she felt, smiling like a fool.


Right into the lion’s mouth, hmm?

Alastor stared at the crowd ebbing into the famous locale, nursing a cigarette. To buy out this location on a Friday evening? He couldn’t imagine the number on the check!

Thank God he’d put on a tuxedo and not a suit otherwise he would have stuck out in more than several ways. These people dressed like Hollywood starlets and oil barons.

Alastor checked his nails, making certain not a speck was left from his earlier encounter. This entire ordeal had him off kilter and he’d needed something to take the edge off. A worthless mongrel served as the perfect distraction. Joel Barker was his name. Even had the name of the dog, fittingly enough. Oh he’d barked all right; the man tried to scream once. One good stroke and then off into the water!

A bright head bobbed in the crowd, breaking his nostalgia.

Alas, it wasn’t Michael. Knowing that dutiful bore, she was already inside driving some unsuspecting fool to the brink of tears, going on and on about something droll she’d read in a book.

What had she been on about this morning? General motors? Generals and relatives? General something and a whole mess of gobbledygook about a German fellow! And space? A fabric? For the sake of seeing just how long she could last, he’d timed her. Unfortunately, he was the only loser as she’d gone on well into lunch and kept going until his next set!

How could she look so delighted for so long? Thankfully he could enjoy the silence now, lurking in the shadows and nursing a cigarette.

Given his uncertainty concerning this soiree, he’d decided to stake it out first. Just because she claimed he wouldn’t be the only colored person in the room didn’t make it true. Slowly but surely, colored guests arrived. No one he knew personally but there were certainly enough people that blending in wasn’t a concern.

A burly, bear-like white man greeted everyone at the front door, even the colored guests. Given his age and fine attire, he could only assume this to be Michael’s father, William. A white man hesitated to shake the host’s hand after witnessing him shake a black man’s hand. But the larger forced him into it, smiling brightly. Technically, there wasn’t anything illegal about intermingling but how many white people would leave, disgusted to breathe the same air?

Or was that the power the Burr family wielded? That upholding the idea of racial superiority couldn’t compare to spitting in the face of their hospitality?

If that was the case, then maybe he would stick around to watch foolish bigots cow-tow and lick their wounds.

What to do? He almost pulled out another cigarette when a brand new, shining blue Mercedes-Benz pulled up. William turned to yell into the restaurant, so loud that Alastor could clearly hear, “Edward! Gabriel!”

His interest doubled, gaze locking onto the scene. The burly man hurried to the car door before the driver could slide out. Behind him waited the summoned young men. One was the spitting image of the aged gentleman despite being of smaller stature.

And the second? Blond, stoic, and built like Jack Dempsey, the fellow looked like he could take a punch and throw a few to spare!

A petite young lady slid out first, only to be pulled the rest of the way out and kissed on both cheeks by the patriarch, before being handed off to her fiance. Next came the matriarch, dressed fashionably, but in a much longer gown and fur coat. And with William distracted, the blond one snuck to the car’s street side and opened the door.

Alastor couldn’t contain his scoff! What a buffoon, letting a woman out onto the street? His mother would smack him for putting a lady in harm’s way! And to make matters worse, despite opening the car door, he didn’t even help her out!

Alastor’s jaw tightened, lip curling, eye twitching, the used up cigarette being ground beyond recognition by his shoe. This utter boob. It took true self control to not waltz over there and correct the heinous misconduct!

Regardless, his nerves subsided as Michael slipped out, leaving him uncharacteristically daft. Much like that day at Ashburn’s, her hair was pinned up to mimic the flappers, adorned with ornaments and a decorative headband. Unfortunately that was all he could see due to a ridiculous fur coat, but he didn’t need to see her face. He’d know Michael from a crowd of thousands, for better or worse.

The blond, showing some minuscule amount of decorum finally, offered her his arm. But the fates wouldn’t have it! The gesture was ruined entirely by her father near skipping over, undoubtedly delighted to see his daughter.

And soon enough, the Burr family went inside.

Alastor pulled out the gilded invitation, contemplating it.

It was bad business to neglect a networking opportunity and what gentleman left a woman with a dullard for company? Honestly, it was near impossible to find a better escort than himself!

There was nothing to be done about it he supposed! He couldn’t fault her for asking him! She’d made the finest choice; how could he punish her for that?

With the matter settled he straightened the emerald bowtie, striding for the door.

“Your name sir?” Asked the door attendant, taking over for the now missing host.

“Alastor Laveau, a pleasure to make your acquaintance on this fine evening! I have the invite right here!”

The man looked up with a smile, shaking his head, “No need Monsieur, you’re on the list for Miss Burr. Might I escort you to her table?”

Always the unexpected with his fearsome debutante. “Not at all, I couldn’t possibly take such a fine man from his post! I’ll weather the storm!”

Turning his head, it took no time to find her as she’d already spotted him. Good that she had too. Despite being utterly certain that the woman headed for him was Michael, he’d never seen her like this.

In the same breath she finally fit in, but utterly stood out. That mane was painstakingly pinned and waved, like every flapper he knew, but secured with trinkets that nearly gave her a halo in the soft light. And her mouth, as if she’d painted them with fresh blood, gave him wicked ideas. Would she look so remarkable with the same red dripping down her hand, smeared across her mouth, as she smiled so sweetly?

Tying all his dastardly ideas together was the luxurious green dress from Ashburn’s, bringing back the memory of how she’d retreated from a single compliment! She was wearing his verdant victory for all to see, and he couldn’t help being delighted!

All in all, she looked like one of his mother’s prized camellias: lush, flawless, and alive.

“A personal guest to the infamous Miss Burr? Quite arrogant of you since I’d rejected your invitation.”

“If you’re worried, I guarantee my arrogance will never outshine yours. In truth, I didn’t expect you to come, but your place here was earned regardless.”

“Hah! Why, I thought you above fickle lies! I’m certain you’ve planned this entire ordeal, you diabolical rascal!”

This was a clever little tactic on her part! Thankfully she never asked him to match outright! The reason being he would have refused her, for the fun of it, then been utterly disappointed. Alastor always enjoyed matching or complementary sets.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Please do, I hardly get enough of it! Actually I insist! Think of it like a present, all tied up and topped with a bow?”

Then her eyes dropped from his face to his neck, before jerking wide open and finally noticing. A charming smile nearly formed but her features snapped to worry, hands wringing together, “You said you wouldn’t come. I’m terribly sorry if I’ve—”

He’d have to beat this unbecoming timidness out of her! And tease her, merely as punishment. And he was about to! But then he noticed that blond fellow stalking through the crowd. There would be plenty of opportunities to work Michael into a tizzy later. Right now, he had a different point to make.

The moment the man was close enough to see them entirely, Alastor turned his most bewitching and handsome smile on Michael. As if he were the living embodiment of his mother’s romance novels, he took her hand and bowed, placing a chaste kiss to her knuckles, “Darling Michael, I’ve had a change of heart! No gentleman worth his salt would leave you without a proper escort!”

A black shoe stepped into view, followed by Michael sucking in a breath. Alastor popped back up, all smiles.

“Gabriel! You— Weren’t you on your way out?” Her hand tightened on his a hair, clearly uncomfortable, before snapping away.

Their guest kept a large hand on her shoulder. She tried rolling his hand off discreetly, but ultimately failed.

If Gabriel’s first strike was his inability to show a woman proper manners, the second was this! Alastor took pride in his ability to knock Michael off kilter with a well placed word or taunting look. And that meant no one, not a soul or man or beast or change in the wind, was welcome to distress her! Yet this caddish lout decided to?!

Oh no, no, no.

Thankfully they were angled just so. Alastor’s back foot poked out just enough to catch the waiter moving behind him, about to round behind Michael. As his victim fell, crashing to the floor with a thankfully empty tray, Alastor pivoted. One arm snatched hers, pulling her to his chest, as the other snaked around, shielding her from fall.

She didn’t jerk away, hand pressed to his chest as she leaned further in, attempting to see past him and check on the worker, “Are you alright?!”

The young man blushed and apologized profusely to the trio. Alastor patted him appreciably, discreetly slipping a five into his breast pocket, “Why that was certainly a tumble, but what luck you weren’t hurt! Go on and have yourself checked out! We’d hate for you to not be in tiptop shape!”

By the end of it he had Michael’s hand tucked in his elbow, his own body serving as a barrier.

This did not go unnoticed though. Gabriel gave Alastor a cold once over, eyes lingering where her hand rested in his arm, “As I’ve not made it to the radio station, it seemed appropriate to meet your associate before departing.”

There was an unnerving perfection to him up close, like a painting, existing independently of the world. Gabriel looked solid as stone, and was unfortunately handsome, sporting the broad shoulders and jawline of catalog models!

Alastor hated him.

His free hand jutted forward, accompanied by the friendliest of smiles, “Quite a pleasure to make your acquaintance! Terrible shame you’re on the way out, but the world doesn’t stop turning does it? Might I get your name fine fellow?”

A second passed.

“Gabriel,” Michael ground out in a tone he’d not known of her capable of. It sounded like a thinly veiled order.

Apparently it was, as the man sighed, obediently gripping Alastor’s in a vice, “I am Gabriel. You’re employed with the radio station?”

Was the rake trying to strangle his hand off?!

“Indeed I am! Alastor Laveau, Chief of Staff!” He beamed, putting the man to shame where decorum was concerned.

“Ah,” Gabriel frowned, “The new shareholder.”

“The station doesn’t function without Alastor. He and Richard maintained its success before we came in.” Michael added with a defensive tone.

Gabriel's mouth tugged, “And yet no one noticed the embezzlement?”

Her eyes narrowed, chin coming upward, as she explained, “It would be strange if they did, seeing how the previous owner used outside accountants. Is there anything you’d like to imply? Please, now would be the time so we might address it."

Now this was awkward. The air turned heavy; the two locked in a silent war. Alastor didn't mind so much, but he couldn't help but feel like he wasn't supposed to be here. That only added to his limitless dislike of Gabriel.

Michael raised her brows, somehow breaking Gabriel's resolve. The fellow’s aloof expression tilted in a way Alastor couldn’t read before softening and settling on Michael. In the manner of a surrender, he said, “Michael …”

Her tight expression lightened, giving Gabriel an honest look he didn’t understand. It was soft and confident, akin to a mother encouraging a child, “Gabriel, I’m quite alright. Go, I’m certain they need you.”

Gabriel took in a slow breath and nodded —no, it was the slightest of bows, a hand touching his chest— before dragging a final, appraising look over Alastor. Then he looked back to Michael, before turning to leave. “I’ll return soon. Please be careful. Goodnight.”

Everything he suspected about Michael made sense, yes, but this single encounter confirmed everything he suspected. Literal angels …

Wings. Flaming swords. Judgment. Damnation.

That all sat far heavier in his gut than the idea of demons. Demons he could understand! Relate to, even. But angels? Sinless creatures that would see him as nothing but a monster? To think she could be the ultimate predator.

Instinct crept up his spine, urging him to get away from this den of wolves, and farther away from the woman he thought he knew.

There was a split second where he almost did. Where his body turned and he pulled away from her, ready to tell some inane lie and leave.

But he couldn’t, not when she looked at him as he were the angel, showing up from the darkness to guide her through whatever the night had in store. That hit him where it hurt. The only person so indisputably happy to see him was his mother. And Michael reminded him of the woman, always fierce and kind and unyielding.

Perhaps he was overreacting? What threat could she pose? Regardless of what might have been, it had no bearing on the present!

Smooth as ever, he covered the brief lapse, grabbing two drinks from the waiter and shoving one at her, “We ought start this evening off right! A toast to a matching set!”

Michael held her glass to his, beaming, “An unstoppable pair!”

With a clink the pair slammed back their drinks. “Come along! It’s time we show them what a true team looks like!”

That dazzling smile sharpened into one keen and ambitious, “Hmm, and how might we do that?”

He took her hand with a bow and tucked it into his arm, pulling her to his side, “Like this, Bel Zanj.”


Fun fact: This is the first time he calls her Bel Zanj.

New Orleans still has a lot of businesses and restaurants alive and kicking from the late 1800s/ early 1900s. That is WILD. To name only a few: Antoine’s, Galatoire’s, Dooky Chase’s. Brennan’s, Broussard’s, Commander’s Palace, Arnaud’s, Tujague’s, Willie Mae’s.

So this is fictional place modeled after these ideas. It is a fancy place and maybe doubles as a ballroom? IDK I didn't think that hard on it.

As always, thank you for reading and being here! This has been a long week for me but also hyper rewarding. When it rains it snows and all that jazz.

I would love for someone to rewrite Chicago with Alastor as the lawyer, angel as Roxy, etc. Give em the ol razzle dazzle ya know?

Peace out star scouts <3

Chapter 66: Wrath


Michael and Alastor are a team. And when people come for your team, you retaliate.


Sup, sup home skillets?

Super excited for the new episodes tomorrow~~~
This is Vivaldi's Winter as a piano/violin. I don't think Michael would play this subdued an accompaniment but this is the only duet I could find. If you've seen Your Lie in April, just go with that xD

--- Trigger Warning! ---
This chapter gets a little dicey. Mentions of lynchings, hangings, racism, and the likes.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Michael, sweetie, any chance you know what Gabriel’s on about? He was in a terrible rush! Said he had to be out on the next train to Washington!” William explained, taking a drink of his whiskey. Up close the man was built like a freight-train. A jolly, loud freight-train.

To be the maestro of this opulent evening, Alastor found their seating arrangement particularly odd.

Usually, decorum placed the hosts at a primary table with guests of honor or those in the highest social position. That was certainly not the case as they sat at the relatively secluded corner table of the balcony area. Other than a brief toast and speech before dinner, William was rarely found away from a family member.

Michael sat in the furthest corner, much like she preferred to when they went anywhere, able to see the room and out the windows. Across from them sat William, broad back to the rest of the room. This had to be by design, no doubt allowed by the patriarch in an effort to please his hyper-vigilant daughter. The bearcat was the bear’s pride and joy.

“You know how he is, and what with the Great War, it’s any surprise he came to visit at all.” Despite her calm smile, Alastor could plainly see her knuckles whitening around the fork.

In the rounds they’d made before dinner, Alastor kept waiting for her personality to shift. Where high society and predominately white circles were concerned, he always expected people to change. Yes, she’d been frightfully charming and agreeable with all the associates they spoke with, but nothing about her manners or the way she treated him was different. If anything, Michael made a point to drag him in at every opportunity.

He was nearly insulted by it! There wasn’t a day where he needed any assistance speaking to anyone about anything!

That wasn’t entirely true. At the moment he had nothing to add about the intolerable blond man from earlier, Gabriel. Though he did enjoy watching Michael try her damnedest to avoid the triplets and the fact that Gabriel wasn’t one of them.

“I suppose so,” William pouted before turning to Alastor. “Gabriel, ever the diligent sort, moonlights for the government as a consultant! Quite hush hush about the whole operation. Next time he’s in, join us for dinner! You’ll get on like wildfire!”

Given the tightness in Michael’s shoulders, Alastor knew he was right on the money and would never be allowed within a mile of the suspected angel ever again.

“Sir, I’d be delighted to meet your protégé! The talent he must possess to serve our grand nation and your right hand! And Michael tells me he’s quite the handsome sort!” A heel stabbed into his shin. His leg jutted out, pinning hers to the chair. She squirmed barely, that steely, metered expression taking no damage.

William turned wide eyed on his daughter, “Really?! Don’t let Evelynn know or you’ll be—”

“And where is Mother?” She asked hastily.

William forced a smile, eyes shifting warily, as if expecting said woman to come from the shadows! “Ah yes, your mother is down in a private room with the other ladies! You’d best say hello tonight or she’ll be cross with you. She’s already distraught that you missed dinner with John Morgan’s family last night. Oh, she gave me such an earful. Gabriel, went to fetch you and told me you were no where to be found!”

Alastor tossed her a cryptic glance and a shrewd smile. In turn, she focused on her father, her leg giving another twist. He pressed in harder. This was the best punishment he could manage for her underhanded, viperous ways! To think her hospitality from last night was nothing but a ruse. Between that and indulging in cigarettes, he nearly swelled with pride!

“I was working late at the station. We’ve taken on so many staff that I double check the records just to be sure.” She answered finally, surrendering her leg’s freedom.

“Brilliant idea sweetie, he was hideous! I’d have nightmares letting you marry that blowhard. Even your mother felt guilty once they’d left, but only after they’d left."

"Guilt? Perhaps I should have been there," Michael said with a demented little grin.

William snorted, "Don't antagonize your mother, otherwise she'll line up every bachelor in Louisiana until you pick one. Enough of that though, I get plenty at home. Let’s discuss the reports and those sales numbers! Michael, sweetie, you’ve done wonders!”

Her professional mask slipped as she placed a hand above his elbow. “Not I, I’m afraid. Alastor heads all of our sales and contracts as Chief of Staff. His pulse on the city is par none, I assure you.”

There was no chance of keeping his smile at bay, basking in the well deserved praise.

“Is that so? Young man, you must do me the honor of getting your advice! These southerners don’t take so kindly to us, Virginian or not! Why, we might as well be from New York. Say, have you been to the city? I go up every two years for business, and at this pace, you’re meant to be on that train! Now, Michael has refused to tell me, but between men, I can’t wait to hear more about that mysterious host! I’ve found myself listening in more often than not!”

William.” Michael bit, glaring daggers into her father.

Sheepishly the man smiled, hands up, “She gets that from her mother. But as they say, it never hurts to try! She’s made me well aware that your famous host is all but a shut in! Being disfigured and all, I’d avoid the spotlight as well. But, if that’s what keeps that fellow on the air I’d pay his mortgage until Judgement Day and not bat an eye!”


Alastor tossed Michael a nefarious, approving look. There was no denying that a rumor to portray their famous, hidden host as a mangled and diseased hermit would do wonders! Still, how dare she not consult him on the matter!

“Oh indeed, he’s a wretchedly miserable fellow! Always coming and going through the shadows just to stay hidden! Flowers wilt at the sight of his bloodied eyes.”

William looked genuinely concerned, apparently having a heart larger than his meaty fists. “Well if there’s anything needed to ensure his long term employment don’t hesitate to ask! Now, have you heard …”

And he kept on, cheerful as a daisy about anything and everything. Oh the man could talk! Alastor found it to be one of several endearing qualities.

All the while, two sentinel-like lawyers flanked the man. They only interjected where needed and Michael barely paid them any mind, as if they were gargoyles on a bell tower. It didn’t matter what she thought. He knew that look, the one of trying to discern what exactly he might be.

Were they also northerners? Or were they from the south, determined to demonize him for being where they thought he didn’t belong?

It didn’t matter. Those fresh to New Orleans were always in for a culture shock and Alastor considered it his God given right to contribute on that front! He was masterful and no one would doubt him by the night’s end.

And that’s how it went, he playing the virtuous and charming white Creole man, a New Orleanian of humble origins. Not giving away any personal information, he shoved his education, charm, and intelligence down their throats. It supplemented plenty of reasonable doubt. Anyone not from the Crescent City couldn’t fathom a mulatto boy having any reasonable schooling, let alone being so well versed in art, literature, and business.

To match it, Michael, ever observant, often poised him to look brilliant. He didn’t need her help, obviously, but he could admit it was nice to be on a team. All evening she made one fact clear and indisputable to the masses: they.

One word.

A single concept.

She managed this essential, pompous side of their business single-handedly as he spearheaded their growing staff, demanding nothing but excellence. They were the success, not the station.

Towards the end of their meal, the band on stage slowed. William checked his watch, “Sweetie it’s nearly 8:30, care to give our guests a performance? I’ve gone overboard with the advertising so they’re expecting to be delighted.”

Michael nodded, offering a genuine and sweet smile, “For you, I’m happy to. Alastor?”

His brow quirked but he stood regardless, assuming she just wanted him to get her chair. As he did, William added, “And I’ve checked with the band, they were more than happy to accommodate, though I wish you’d tell me what you’re planning! You don’t play the violin.”

“No, I’m afraid I don’t. Are you ready?” She asked Alastor, a challenge in her soft smile. With a bow, he offered her his arm, “Miss Burr, I’d be remiss to forgo such an opportunity! If you’ll excuse us Sir.”

“Ah, so you’re the violinist? Well, please don’t let me keep you! This will be delightful! Michael never lets anyone accompany her. Like her mother, again, I assure you!”

Somewhere between their table and the stage he could speak freely again. “You’ve not a lick of proof that I play anything. What if this bargain of yours turns folly? Certainly a shame to ruin your pristine reputation on a humble city boy!”

She scoffed, lip curling, smug to her bones. “Bargain? Hardly. Calculated risk, perhaps, but you wouldn’t brag so incessantly about being better than others if it weren’t true. And despite being humble and egomaniacal, you’re no liar.”

Alastor puffed and rolled his eyes. She had him there. “And what of you not taking an accompaniment?”

She shrugged, “I’ve played piano for the past two centuries. Few are talented enough to join me.”

“Haughty and arrogant! Madam, while this improvement to my usual cohort is delightful, I have to ask that you return that ho-hum debutante I’ve become so accustomed to!”

“Perhaps your shenanigans killed her?”

He almost paused, nearly faltering on the joke, but caught himself. “Oh ho! You minx, now I’m certain you’re an imposter! Allow me to run away so I might keep my skin!”

“Ah. You’re scared. Well it only makes sense that you’d not be able to keep up but I thought surely you could manage Pachelbel's Canon.”

Just before the stage stairs he turned stern. Business was one thing, but her non-stop parading of him? That made no sense. “Why are you doing all this Michael?”

She went up a step and wheeled around, her face alight and devious. Her hands reached out to adjust his already immaculate bowtie, buying time with the charade. Gently she brushed imaginary dirt from his shoulders, fingers lingering, “Everyone should see you as I do.”

Then he couldn’t look away from her, searching her expression, looking for the gag.

But it wasn’t there. She’d said it so clearly that it rang in his ears.

Michael didn’t look at him, making a fast turn up the stairs. Hastily, he shoved her arm back into his, escorting her to the piano, and whispered, “Vivaldi’s Winter.”


They enchanted every single person.

And after an hour of gushing socialites, no one could deny him. Talented musicians were always given a place in society. With his devilishly handsome countenance and undeniable charm, there wasn’t a member of the upper echelons who didn’t want to shake his hand or know his name now!

This was power.

Not the type he recently aspired to, but an undeniable sort he feared being without. As a child, this was what he’d imagined, carving a space for himself and his mother in the world. Time flew by as he lived and breathed in this natural state of glory.

But eventually there was a marked lack of charm at his arm. Michael was hardly participating in the pleasantries now, soldiering on silently. While he teased her endlessly for being a debutante, he knew she did this because she had to, not for the enjoyment of it. No, he quite imagined she’d rather be at the station toiling away or trapped in her apartment reading. Though, he suspected this time she’d prefer to be asleep.

She wasn’t paying attention as he excused them from an inebriated fellow going on about the booming stock market and how the golden era of American finances was upon them.

Only when he pulled her by the waist did she come back to reality.

Without a hitch her hand fell onto his shoulder and they spun out onto the floor. At last they were situated, not quite alone, but at least to themselves. They were hardly trying to dance, but this would keep the hounds at bay while he kept her upright.

Or so he thought. That buffoon of an accountant tried to step in, dared to reach that grubby hand out to her from behind, but Alastor terrified him with a singular glance long before Michael could feel inclined to accept.

“Think we ought to blow this joint? I know a far finer establishment running quite the sale on jazz!”

“I wish,” she huffed as her eyes lidded, head lolling. “I’m dressed as a flapper so I’d do well to act like one? Unfortunately, Evelynn will be on my heels shortly, and I’d prefer to save you that headache. I’ll have to make nice with Matilda as well.”

“Perhaps she’d want to accompany us if your mother is such a heinous sort?” He propositioned, leaning in with a grin.

At least she managed a chuckle, head shaking. “Hardly. She’s a true belle, manners and niceties to her bones. Evelynn adores her, so I have to make some effort to be agreeable with the poor girl. Being Edward’s fiancé is hard enough.”

“The troublesome one that sent you to Ashburn’s?“ He probed, gently spinning them around.

He could feel her weight more than usual, her steps slower. Typically he’d make good use of her where dancing was concerned, since she wasn’t so breakable, but now?

Michael looked ready to fall asleep. Recovering from the flu was taking far longer and it made him unreasonably uncomfortable. For all their excursions she never appeared weak in constitution, but had he not paid enough attention? Or was this a side effect of her status as ‘other’?

“If I must, I'll make a terrible fuss and accuse that wobbling fellow of making off with you! And then I’ll disguise you as a flour sack and steal you out the back! It would be a daring rescue on my part, but I do believe I’ve the face of a hero!”

This time she rattled with laughter, eyes crinkling as her head went to the side. A curled piece of hair came out of place, the up-do losing the battle against her lion’s mane at last. “Alastor, I hate to tell you but you’ve a face for radio!”

And then he cackled. No one had dared call him ugly before!

“William has arranged for cars to take guests home. Promise me you’ll take one? Only so I don’t have to listen to him later on. He’ll be crushed that his new favorite business partner didn’t make use of his hospitality. He’ll cry for days.”

He rolled his eyes but nodded, “Terrible shame since Slim is expecting me, but it can’t be helped! I’ll do what’s needed to ensure our success.”

Her hands tightened against him, face turning sour. Off in the distance was the matriarch. Michael straightened and sighed, “It’s done and dusted now, don’t you think?”

Unfortunately, he had to agree.

Their lazy dance came to an end as Michael pulled away, steeling herself. Just as a group interrupted their line of sight to her mother, he pulled up her hand, placing a kiss on her knuckles, “For an exquisite evening, Bel Zanj.”

She blinked, cheeks dappling red. Then she brightened and smiled wide, the same hand pushing him back up by the nose, “I’m capable of no less. Away with you before I think you’re the imposter.”



Oh her feet ached and all she wanted was to crawl into bed! How could she stay out all hours with Alastor at the speakeasies, but this left her exhausted? All she had to do was wait for her relatives. Hopefully William could convince Evelynn to not pester her into staying at the house.

Then her nose twitched.

Michael swiveled around, inspecting the surrounding street. Only when she looked up did she find cigarette smoke drifting into the lamp light. Had he not gone home?

Worry set in as she went back inside and to the balcony. Once there she only found Matilda and an unknown young lady, tucked away from prying eyes to have a cigarette. Now she just felt silly, begrudgingly considering herself to be a trained dog. When had she come to notice the nuanced difference in cigarette smells? And so much so to tell apart the specific variety?

She was hopeless.

Before she could slip away, she was caught. “Michael darling, you must join us!”

Even in this surprisingly unladylike fashion, entertaining Matilda was far more suitable than putting up with Evelynn and it would satisfy the same social requirement. So she took a seat.

“Jane, this is Michael Burr, my soon to be sister! I wish you would have joined us down in our dining room! We had such fun! And Michael, this is my darling friend, Jane Reading!”

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I promise next time to join you and Mother. Unfortunately I’ve stayed so busy with the station that all my time was taken up by Father. I do hope you’ll forgive me.”

Matilda, ever polite in that political way, smiled and offered her a cigarette from the pack of Chesterfields. The memory of last night came to mind and Michael swallowed, shaking her head, “No, I’m quite fine.”

“I’ve no doubts you are,” said Jane, smiling like the cat that ate the canary.

“Jane, leave her be, Michael isn’t like that. She’s far too business oriented.”

This. This was the entire reason she avoided social circles. Whatever Jane had in mind would do no one any good. “I’ll admit, I can be rather droll.”

Jane laughed, lips curling, “Droll? Not with bagging that cool drink of water. There’s no judgment from me mind you, we all have our dalliances.”

“I beg your pardon?” Michael asked, tone tightening.

For the briefest of moments, Jane looked genuinely concerned. The woman leaned in, whispering, “You understand don’t you? You know what he is?”

“No. I don’t understand,” she admitted, feeling disadvantaged, like a fish out of water.

Then she explained, “I hate to tell you doll, but he ain’t as he claims to be and I’d hate for you to find out the hard way. Happens a lot down here. In New Orleans, they can get away with it more.”

“Jane,” Matilda interrupted, head shaking slowly.

“Someone has to tell her, especially if it goes further. Listen Michael, he’d not make it a hair outside New Orleans without swinging, lying like he is.”

Despite the way I look, I am still my mother’s son and that is reason plenty for certain people to string me up like Spanish moss.

The air in her lungs paused as Alastor’s words from months ago rang between her ears. It was the first time this aspect of society was so blatant and in her face. Dread welled in her stomach, cold and tight. He’d warned her yesterday but came anyway?

Father help her, he’d come because of her!

“Jane, look what you’ve done,” pouted Matilda, taking up another cigarette.

Jane scoffed, “We all know they’re good in the sack, those colored boys. Charming and strong, and fine. Have one on the side if you’re daring enough, but that’s all they’re good for. Lord knows I’d keep that one, pretty as he is. You can always play it off as unwanted attention if it gets too far.”

Thankfully, the table was small. Small enough that Michael’s arm could span the entire length with inches to spare.

If it weren’t for the crowds of people out on the street, that slap might have sounded all the way to the river.

Jane rubbed her cheek, aghast. A dribble of blood breached her lips just as she started to speak, Texan drawl coming on full force, “Your precious radio boy, Alastor ain’t it? You reckon he’s worth the ass kickin’ yer gonna get you prissy Yankee bitch?”

Terrible luck for Jane it seemed. As the woman lunged, Michael grabbed her arm and spun her into the brick. The limb was twisted and pinned between them. She was hoisted barely off the ground, held up by Michael’s own force.

Jane tried to speak, maybe to scream or curse, but she never got the chance.

Michael’s free hand shot up, catching the other's throat with a vice-like grip. Venom and thinly veiled rage dripped from the words she whispered to Jane, “Listen carefully. You’ll keep his name out of your mouth. You’ll not think of him. You’ll not dare speak a word of him. If you do? I’ll cut your tongue from your mouth as a mercy, so you might not sound so foolish again. I’m going to let you go and if you see me, if you see him, walk away. Do you understand me Jane?”

Cold panic and fear leeched every ounce of color from the woman’s face as she nodded hastily, eyes glued to Michael’s.

Michael nodded, taking a calming breath before letting the offensive moron go. And when she did, Jane bolted, knocking over several chairs and a table.

The world seemed silent in the wake of her wrath.

Realization washed over her at the sight of Matilda, though, sitting prim and unperturbed with a cigarette.

Father help her, what had she done? Where had her good sense gone? That calm and stable composure she’d wore like a badge of honor for eons?!

“Jane is terrible, daft, and a touch illiterate, but her main squeeze comes from an affluent family here,” Matilda warned. Her tone was far more kind than scolding, at least.

“If she says something about tonight?” Michael asked, not knowing exactly what to do now. She’d not felt so stupid before, but then there was a gnawing sensation deep below that. The sickeningly sweet feeling grew, pleased with just how thoroughly she'd terrified Jane. Because how dare anyone speak of Alastor that way?

The younger rolled her eyes, putting out the cigarette, “She’d not dare. She’d only humiliate herself. Your cat’s meow was the life of the party and Jane isn’t so special. Even if she goes into a hysterical fit, who would believe it? Our word against hers? Social suicide.”

Michael swallowed, terribly confused, “Ours?”

Matilda squeezed her hand, the kindness giving way to something a touch more sinister, “Ours. That is, if you’ll support my position in your daddy’s good graces. Especially if it will get me out of this swamp.”

Michael squeezed her hand back, chuckling. This monstrous woman was bound to take over the world. Or at least Virginia. “William has nothing but your praise from my lips.”

The girl clapped and jumped up to hug Michael, kissing both her cheeks, “Isn’t that berries to hear! Now, you must be at the hen party, I won’t take no for an answer! And no need to worry about Jane, she’ll be sweet as a lamb on a leash!”


I know I make Evelynn seem like a heinous busy body. And honestly, she kinda is but I get her. Back then, the best case scenario for the majority of women was a safe, successful marriage. To Evelynn, Gabriel is the obvious choice. It probably drives the poor woman insane trying to understand why her only daughter wouldn't marry an attractive, successful man who actually respects her. No one wants a harder life for their child in an already unfair world. Context is hyper important for Evelynn's actions.

Otherwise, I love William. He's kinda a crybaby who likes to read happy novels and play with kids.

And Matilda? If Alastor and Daisy Buchanan from Great Gatsby got put in a blender we would have Matilda. I love her, she's terrifying.

Chapter 67: Rattled


Michael and Alastor try helping the other out of their rattled states.


I am very sleepy.

I'm trying to get my passport renewed. Why can I not do it online? Who knows!

Here's to the failing US infrastructure and hoping my passport doesn't get jacked wooooo <_<

Good lord I really don't have anything to say.


I CANNOT believe how many humans have joined to read this <3 I'm shocked and over the moon! Promise to get to the new comments sometime today/tomorrow, just work being a bitch.

So, new people, welcome! I love you! Always feel free to throw comments, suggestions, questions or just a hey what's up? I promise I only bite sometimes.

Old people, you crazy bitches I can't believe you're still here and I f*cking love you for that.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Stupid. Mindless. Irrational. Pathetic. Out of Control.


She’d been utterly and unfathomably reckless putting Jane Reading in her place.

No. Not in her place. If Michael had, she’d sent Jane straight to Lucifer, wrapped in a bow, with a letter to be put under Samael’s direct care. Now that would teach her. No soul could match the unfathomable cruelty her younger brother was capable of. There was no being so perfectly suited to being the Prince of Wrath.

Two days went by without a hitch though. She’d made a point to spend time at the family home, waiting for an inkling of trouble, but Matilda hardly addressed her outside the usual pleasantries.

Nervous didn’t begin to describe how she felt. Her jaw was tight. Not a muscle would relax. She couldn’t sleep. Food was near impossible to keep down. When she’d come in this morning Richard cornered her, asking what was wrong!

And then there was the door. Every time the bell above the station door rang, she was right there. Who she was expecting was beyond her! The police? Jane herself? A lynch mob?

That’s where she stood now, staring as the poor post boy gave her the mail, dwarfed by the sheer intensity of her anxiety.

“Miss Burr?”

She swiveled around, forcing a smile at their newest secretary, Dina. The young Caribbean girl smiled insistently, eyes darting to the young courier. Michael grimaced at her own blunder, fishing twenty-five cents out of her pocket to tip him and apologize, “Forgive me Lionel, I’ve been terribly distracted.”

Then he rushed out the door, leaving Michael particularly guilty. Dina’s expression made it worse, “Miss Burr, it isn’t my place, but are you alright?”

“Perfectly well and thank you for asking, that’s kind of you,” she offered clumsily, while picking through the mail stack. It wasn’t her most convincing performance but how long had it been since she anticipated defending a room full of people? Well, maybe she wouldn’t need to defend them but she’d made this mess. She’d fix it if it came to it.

A baby pink envelope sent her brain reeling. Scrawled across the front in immaculate, delicate handwriting was her name, obviously from Matilda. “Thank you Dina, feel free to take lunch early today! Fantastic work,” she managed, abandoning the other mail and hustling down the hall, missing the broadcast light go off.

'Our little problem has retreated. Dinner is at 6 o’clock. Kisses!'

Her knees weakened with relief, sending her hip into the desk. Pain shot down her leg, but she could hardly care given the overwhelming news! Matilda could strong arm her into a million dinners at this rate!

“And what might we have here? Surely you’ve not received love letters so moving they’ve reduced you to a puddle!” Alastor burst into the room, eyes locked on the pink paper. As if her life and humanity depended on it, she shoved the note into a shadow, smiling at him in an effort to mask her obvious state.

“Not as many as you I’d believe,” she retorted, straightening up and moving behind her desk.

During her 48 hours of incessant paranoia, she’d avoided Alastor for the most part.

Nothing about him had changed, but for whatever reason, he looked different. Everything about him felt … overwhelming. And she hated it. And she loved it. And she couldn’t understand a single thing about the way her chest tightened. The tension of battle felt like a breeze in the wake of the torrent Alastor set upon her!

This wasn’t something she knew or could analyze and there wasn’t a soul she’d dare ask. Maybe she was sick?

But why oh why, if he made her sick, did she look for him around every corner?

How could her throat tighten every time he left for the evening or a door closed between them?

Perhaps it was the same with Luci? Maybe she’d gone so long without her twin that she no longer understood feeling close to someone?

Snapping fingers, just beyond the tip of her nose, threw her back into reality.

She sucked in a breath with a keening gasp. Michael fumbled and barely managed to catch herself, elbows drawn back against the desktop as she looked up.

Alastor craned over top of her, one hand on his hip as he scrutinized every part of her.

The smile she offered him, sincerely hoping for mercy, didn’t do any good as he stayed looming.

His free hand trapped her at the side, his fingers drumming and punctuation his annoyance, “You’ve not heard a word I’ve said!”

He’d said something? How could she possibly hear it over her thundering pulse?!

“C-could you repeat it, please?” Father, Asherah, literally any soul, help her! How pathetic could one woman sound?

Thankfully, the absurd prayer was heard, because Alastor straightened up, if only a little, and crossed his arms, “I don’t think I will!”

Carefully she squeezed around him, more than careful not to brush against him for fear of bursting into holy light or hellfire! His belligerence didn’t phase her, too grateful to more than two inches away from him.

“Does it concern the station?” She probed, frivolously busying herself with a folder and feigning control.

Alastor barged into her office for any and every whim under the sun. What he wanted wasn’t a given due to how he’d stationed an arm chair next to her officewindow. And he never let her forget that it was his chair, purposefully leaving broadcast notes or a jacket in it. Michael, curious to what exactly he was trying to accomplish, never commented on the strange development. Now, they usually worked in peace and silence unless Alastor took to humming, with the scent of fresh coffee in the air.

But not today. No, today he woke up and chose havoc.

“Wexler is out sick,” he informed her, an expectant eyebrow popping up.

“Oh. Did he leave this morning? Will he be alright?” Yes, she was now concerned about their youngest broadcaster, but it was his right to take sick days.

Alastor’s smile tightened with an uncharacteristic and confusing sternness, “Aren’t you in a bizarre sort of way! We’ve become so accustomed to our headstrong leader nipping at our heels that we’re sure to notice when she’s off to the Land of Oz!”

“Everything is fine, I’m sure it is all just—”

His eyes rolled, lip curling in a sneer as he stalked towards her. She’d tried to move out of the way but one hand clapped down on her shoulder as the other landed on her forehead, causing her to freeze.

She couldn’t help but stare, unable to comprehend his stoic and humorless face.

His hand flipped over. Seemingly dissatisfied he switched hands, repeating the process of checking her temperature.

“I-I’m not sick,” she offered, staying still.

“Hmm,” was all she got from him.

Their stalemate, if she could even call it that, stretched on as he studied her, pulling her apart atom by atom with his eyes.

“You’re hiding it poorly,” he accused, voice tight.

“I don’t understand.” There was no way he knew! He couldn’t possibly know what she’d done.

Alastor tilted towards her, cold and sinister, his face darkening despite the abundant sunlight. But there was something else. Since when did Alastor beat around the bush? His voice was low, hesitant even, no matter how blasphemous the thought felt. “Could it be that you regret attending?”

Regret it?

She’d certainly been tired towards the end but in what world could she regret spending an evening with him, feeling glorious and untouchable? And she didn’t have a single remorse from handling Jane. Yes, she’d spent every moment after the fact paranoid and expecting backlash. And that was fine. If her actions result in a problem then she would do everything in her power to fix it.

The entire question was silly. She’d invited him and despite every concern, he’d come.


Alastor was asking her something else entirely.

Did she regret attending with him? Being seen with him?

“No!” She barked, a hand shooting up and wrapping into his shirt, knuckles pressing into his chest. “Don’t you dare. I will not have all of our hard work diminished or admonished because humans can’t figure out basic decency and common sense.”

Alastor was careful with his expression, eyes drifting away from her newfound ferocity to where she was wrinkling the fabric. Realizing just how absurd she must look, Michael let go. Her hand flexed, as if to smooth it back out, but instead it fell and started wringing against the other.

“It’s stress,” she huffed. He deserved to hear something, especially if he blamed himself. “Since the dinner, given how you entranced everyone, we've been receiving business inquiries left and right and it is all I can do to keep up with them. There are even more coming from William’s associates. I deal with those at home.”

It wasn’t a lie. Everyone that attended the dinner was so smitten with Alastor and astounded by the station’s resounding success that, even over the weekend, their mail was flooded. Her father went on asking her about Alastor, even. If she wasn’t certain of William’s infatuation with Evelynn, she’d suspect the man was sweet on her cohort!

“And you, in all your infinite wisdom, decided to handle these alone?” He did not sound amused.

Her mouth twisted, suddenly feeling silly, “It isn’t your job and …”

Alastor scoffed, head rolling as his eyes pierced right through her and the feeble excuse, “Michael, I do not need your protection.”

Her avoidance of him was fueled by a number of reasons, several of which she couldn’t put words to, but he was right nonetheless. If Alastor became anymore popular with the business associates it was only a matter of time before he drew unwanted attention and she’d been foolish enough to push him into the fire!

The station’s expansion wasn’t helping either. No matter how binding the staffs’ nondisclosure agreements were, there would never be absolute safety. If anything happened to him, she would be solely to blame and she lived with suffocating guilt the way it was.

“Alastor!” She screeched, being jerked by the elbow and dragged off by Alastor down the hall at a breakneck pace.

“Come along! All you’ve done is waste time with your pouting nonsense when there’s actual work to be done!” She was starting to stumble over her feet, grateful when he stopped long enough to appraise Richard, “With Wexler out we’ll be taking on his segment research!”

From behind a cigarette, the man openly snickered at her, “You kids have fun. Good luck Mike.”

Two portals and one remarkably useless argument later, they were walking down a road littered with people and cars.

“Where in the world are we going?” Michael couldn’t fathom what they were doing. All she knew was that they were headed north to the city’s border with Lake Pontchartrain.

“Not paying attention again, I see! Quite remarkable how you manage to accomplish so much with so few brain cells!” He mocked, hand gesturing out. Across the budding marina she could see the West End Park, colorful tents and attractions littering it from start to finish.

All of realization came crashing upon her. Wexler, as brave and confident as he sounded on air, was terrified of most things. And Alastor, being an utter menace to society, enjoyed pushing his youngest employee.

“No wonder he fell ill! You assigned him to a carnival?!” She berated, hand smacking into her co*cky, guffawing partner.

Groups of people eyed them now. Alastor recommenced dragging her, cackling the entire way and pleased as punch with his machinations.


“Get us out of here!” Alastor hissed, forcing a smile and feigning control. All the while, he stared holes through his hands, trying to stay calm. Michael frowned, popping her head over the edge of the Ferris Wheel’s cart to see the workers milling about. They didn’t seem pressed or as if something was wrong despite how they’d ground to a halt.

“I can’t,” she admitted apologetically. Michael could empathize with him. She didn’t like being stuck at the top, but she also didn’t have the same mortal fear.

“And why not?!” He snapped, glaring at her as if she were solely responsible for the conundrum. Already his knuckles were white from the strain, jaw ready to snap his teeth from the pressure.

This reaction was quintessentially human and she wouldn’t take it personally, even if his scathing gaze felt like a knife in her gut. “There are too many people. We got on. They’ll expect us to get off.”

Alastor turned venomous, “Yes, because plummeting to our deaths is far preferable!”

Surely he didn’t believe she would allow him to be harmed? He’d never turned on her like this though, and it rattled her image of the trust between them. Not through the sparring or petty arguments. Part of her wanted to remind him just who forced them into this situation, insisting they get on in the face of his precious ego. Unfortunately, the wind had other plans.

“f*ck!” Ripped from his mouth as the cart swung again, exacerbating the already fraught situation. Alastor bristled head to toe like a cat, immediately looking over the edge to find them at the very top.

“That won’t happen, Alastor.” She said, hand reaching out gently hoping he wasn’t seriously angry with her.

“Not all of us were made to fly!” He bit out, unable to pull his frantic eyes from the swaying ground even as his body started to twitch.

Alastor gripped the front bar with one hand and the seat back with the other. His head jerked around, front, back, left, right, finding nothing but free air and a situation he had zero control over. Fear gripped at Michael, afraid of what his panic might do.

And while she’d heard what he said, her brain overrode her body. HIs panicked inability to keep still kept them rocking, even as she pressed to his side and closed her hands over his glasses.

“Get the f*ck off me!” He snapped and snarled, trying to peel her hands off his face.

“Breathe!” She leaned, resisting and frantically explaining, “I promise, if this doesn’t work, I swear to get us off. So please, Alastor, just breathe.”

Maybe he could hear the pleading edge in her voice or perhaps being unable to see the truly terrifying drop helped him. She couldn’t be sure of anything other than he was near hysterics and that it hurt to watch.

“Draw in slowly,” she started, only to be snarled at. Michael sucked in loud enough for him to hear. At that, he pulled in a trembling one.

”Thank you. Now hold it. Then let it go.” He complied, but not without serious struggle. Then they started again, Michael talking him through it.

”That’s good,” she encouraged, warm and gentle, even as strong fingers and blunt nails dug into her skin. “Everything is fine. We have a way out. You know I can, and if I have to, I will.”

Under her hands she could feel the tension in his face ease a smidge. It wasn’t enough to undo Alastor’s instinct. She settled for the obvious distraction and asked, “You know the truth don’t you?”

His mouth opened briefly, his mind stuck between the subject change and the survival urge. “Ask me. If you know, ask me.”

He pulled in another breath and the words came out, but not as a question. “You’re that Michael. An angel.”

Never could she imagine her name sounding so foreign on his tongue, but there it was, twisting her into feeling ‘other’. Even so, she couldn’t hesitate or his panic might start again. “I am. I was. Ask me something else.”

“Can you fly?”

Oh no, this wasn’t the time to laugh. Of course he was focused on getting off the hunk of metal, but something about the question left her biting back a grin instead of feeling sad. The mental image of hauling his long body through the sky wasn’t unwelcome though.

“Not anymore,” she conceded with a lighter tone, surprising herself. “Was I so obvious?”

The grip on her wrists lessened and his words were uneven, but at least he answered, “Terribly so! An ancient bore named Michael going on about demons and the devil? How could it not be?!”

That was fair. Laughable even! All in all, it did seem glaringly obvious. Then the question she’d been dreading for months fell from his mouth, “What happened?”

“I failed my siblings and this is my punishment. There was … w-we—,” she stumbled, barely dislodging the words stuck deep in her throat. Nearly five hundred years and she still couldn’t say it? It made her feel utterly pathetic.

Unfortunately, he stayed the course, causing her stomach to tighten, “The ones on your list?”

Suddenly she felt nauseous, thinking of the angels that haunted her. There was no one in her life to worry about snooping through her belongings, so she’d never considered he might find the damning evidence. She swallowed, grateful he couldn’t see her face. “Yes. They’re the ones I failed.”

Alastor, calmer to a degree, caught the hesitance in her voice and opted to not ask how.

”I’m going to move my hands, Alastor. Alright?” She asked, hoping to postpone anymore questions, even momentarily. His hands tightened briefly, but then he drew in another breath and gave her a jerky nod. Carefully, she pulled away, keeping her hands at the sides of his face as blinders, “Don’t look down. Look at me.”

Basic human instinct drew his eyes around, but all he could see was Michael. The breeze pushed her hair around and without the world for context, he could almost believe this was an angel. How could she look so calm? Look so sweetly at him?

Only his mother ever looked at him like that.

“Breathe. Follow me.” And he did, sucking in a long breath, holding it, and breathing out. Then he did it again and a third time, feeling the tension in his muscles release.

“Do we need to leave?” She asked, soft and confident.

Alastor swallowed. Slowly he pulled her hands away from his face, taking in their surroundings inch by inch. The blue sky came back into view, met by the lake. He didn’t dare look directly down, but focusing on the horizon was manageable, as if they were on the radio tower.

“No,” he finally answered, even as the cart tipped ever so slightly. She could pull the shadows to remove them. They weren’t truly stuck on this mechanical death trap and if anything were to happen, he sincerely believed Michael would act. She could react fast enough; he’d seen it before.

This was hardly ideal but it would be fine. But then he almost looked down.

Michael, noticing, pointed to birds far above them, drawing his eyes up. “I was responsible for teaching the younglings to fly. Flying in Heaven feels different to flying in the mortal realm. Earth, that is. There’s no such thing as atmosphere in Heaven. I would bring them here to practice, but even with wings we aren’t like birds. Several struggled to let go of magical flight, afraid of falling. Others tried but lacked the talent for it.”

“And you had a talent for it?” Thankfully his heart rate was coming down.

“My kind, the seraphim, have six wings. Even without magic we can go faster, climb higher. Lucifer and I would steal away to soar through mountains and over oceans. He wasn’t fond of racing through thunderstorms, but I would try and race the lightning.”

Finally he could define that smile she wore at the oddest of times, if he offhandedly mentioned God or whatnot. Forlorn and melancholy.

“Racing around like children! How old are you exactly?”

Now she grinned, humorously confused by the question, “Your mother surely taught you better.”

“Says the woman who markedly ignores her own!” Carefully he pulled her arm into his, admittedly holding onto her far too tightly. Naturally her arm situated within his, folding up to land on his bicep. Being linked together served as a comforting reminder that if she went through a shadow, so would he.

Michael grinned, coming off as mischievous and youthful despite the answer, “I’m as old as time.”

“Yet you hardly know a thing!” He barked out with a laugh. Partaking in his preferred hobby made him far more comfortable.

“Everything is new! There’s not a single point of existence that compares to now. The engineering, the science! My consciousness developed at a younger age compared to human children, yes, but all my academic inclination is from the last 20 years. A Ferris wheel wasn’t possible a hundred years ago. Electricity and atoms. Our radio station! The theory of general relativity?”

Alastor snorted at her whimsical outlook, unable to beat off the infectious smile, “How do you keep your head stitched together with all that absurdity?”

“How does anyone do anything? I love it. I wouldn’t mind teaching one day or working in a laboratory.”

“Ha! You would make a wretched teacher, short of your depressing wardrobe!”

“You’re the one who picked out this shirt, might I remind you!” To prove a point, she shoved a lilac pattered sleeve into his face. Now he recognized it from their wild little trip to Ashburn’s. “And I am a phenomenal instructor! If not for me you’d be hard pressed to dodge a toddler!”

Again, she had a point. Their little training sessions had paid off in spades, especially where his hunting was concerned. He’d narrowly avoided being gutted last week, but thanks to Michael, no one could touch him.

Still, that was no reason to concede! “Alright then, Professor, enlighten me! Let’s trade and see who might be the better instructor! Any topic, lady’s choice, if you could even call yourself a lady!”

She grinned, “Lightning.”

Alastor scowled, knowing he’d be short on the topic. Michael took his dissatisfaction as a sign to begin.

It wasn’t long into her rambling that he groaned, “Anytime you speak it feels like I am struck by lightning!”

Michael gasped, “You should feel so lucky! Arrogant bastard—“

“Such foul language, Michael! See, this is why you’d make a wretched teacher! You’re hardly a better student.”

If she could set him on fire with looks alone, he imagined he would burn for eternity! “Fine. Let’s see if you actually have anything to add. At least I know about—”

Zéklær,” he interrupted, smiling as the honeyed word rolled off his tongue.

Michael’s brow stitched together, “Seclair?”

Alastor snorted at her proper French, thus utterly incorrect, pronunciation of the word. ”Li çé paròl-la. Séy di li. Zéklær.

Obviously she didn’t understand him, the words too different from French to make any knowledge of it useful. But as expected, she understood enough, and said it again, “Zéklær … It means lightning?”

Alastor beamed this time, finger prodding into her nose, “And there it is! How wonderful for you to get it so quickly you must have had an excellent teacher!”

“One word, for someone who speaks several languages and watched their conception, means nothing. Teach as many as I have then we might settle this!”

“Ah yes, those poor siblings! What a shame for them to have so few options!” The instant it left his tongue, he regretted it. Even though he could see her wilting disposition, feel it even, she tried to shrink in on herself. With her not-so-surprising heritage out in the open, Michael deflated far more openly.

So, he’d simply have to do away with it for good! “Absolutely not, we’re not having another lick of that, thank you very much! Michael, you’re hardly the first person to have familial drama! Your wallowing was great fun before, but now it's old hat!”

She balked, “I am, quite literally, one of the first beings to have family drama, thank you very much! We invented it!”

“Yes, I’m sure you’re delighted to believe that and proud of your gold standard misery! Why, we ought broadcast a competition to find a sap sadder than you!” The statement was utter nonsense, but her flabbergasted scowl was more than worth being wrong!

“That’s absurd, even for you.” At last, her heart sick expression was nowhere to be found and for the first time since stepping onto this heinous contraption, he could relax.

“What about the Ten Commandments?” Alastor couldn’t deny his talents if he was able to irk a literal holy creature!

Michael’s free hand threw upwards, incredulous, “I don’t know them!”

“They’re not real?”

She groaned and rolled her eyes, “Father be, for all I know and all my experience, you’re concerned with the accuracy of Children’s Church? They’re not real! Organized religion is nothing but a human construct for control and manipulation. Our Father, nor the choirs, intend to be worshiped. One should always revere the powers that be, but otherwise, it is a total farce.”

“And praying?” He pressed, if only to irritate her further.

Exasperated, she groaned, “I’m certain it makes humans feel better, but as all things do, it boils down to statistics.”

“Then what of Adam and Eve?” This he was genuinely curious about, wondering just how that strange story truly went.

Michael sneered, head lolling back, as if she’d seen a revolting act performed out in the street.

“Oh what a sour face! Now you must tell me! What a day, to find something you so utterly despise! How might I send them a thank you note?”

Her cheeks puffed, “I don’t despise them!”

“And yet?” He prodded, smiling sweetly, squishing her between the cart and his side.

“I’ll push you out,” she growled.

“And kill me? What an honor to be removed by the foremost authority on sin! I’ll give my regards to the Devil.” For whatever reason, in spite of just how they’d gotten to this strange topic, he felt perfectly fine with her treatment. He found it remarkably cute, like watching a feral kitten bare its teeth! Alastor couldn’t resist taking his free hand and pulling at a hunk of cheek.

She swatted, shoulder jarring him, causing the cart to wobble. They both startled, jerking closer together. Immediately her eyes took on that blackness, looking to him for confirmation.

“There, there,” he shushed and teased, patting her reddened cheek. “No need for that, is there? We’re quite alright!”

The darkness faded away. Then her face twisted, contemplating before giving way to a softened, delightful expression. “Lucifer would love you. I’m sure he’s all but hoping you rob a bank so he can claim your soul.”

Alastor didn’t have the heart to tell her his soul became Hell bound over a decade ago. “Terribly close with the Devil, are you?”

Then she wavered. But for once, she divulged something personal. “Of course, I have no greater counterpart. Luci and I were made at the same time of the same existence, making us the human equivalent of twins.”

“Then what of the demons you always mention? How did they come about?”

Her eyebrows popped up in thought. “There are two kinds, so it depends which kind you’re interested in.”

“And at last an interesting topic!”

Her head shook in irritation, but she told him about what she referred to as Hellborn demons and how they all came from Lilith, the Mother of Demons. They didn’t sound terribly different from humans. “By calling them Hellborn, dear, you’re implying that others might be born elsewhere?”

For once, she didn’t hesitate, “There are the original demons, the children of Asherah. Human knowledge fails to acknowledge the Void One, the Eldritch God, save for a brief reference by the Canaanites.”

What sent him on more of a roller-coaster than anything at this carnival was the existence of more than one God. “Asherah’s children, as they’ve taken to calling themselves, are much like angels, ranging in power and age. Lilith is one of their oldest and a perfect match fo—”

The cart jostled and they finally started moving forward. Startled yet again, Alastor rocketed and hissed, pulling free his arm to get both around her and near clamoring into her lap. It wasn’t until they were halfway down did he feel her, one hand gently stroking up and down his arm as the other patted his hand.

Alastor scowled at the sight and smacked her hands away. Then he slid over as far as he could, miserable since he was unable to hide the reddening of his ears, “Not a word!”

She only shook her head and smiled, putting up her hands innocently.

With every inch his anticipation grew, legs starting to bounce as the ground rose to meet them. He wasted no time, vaulting over the side once they were close enough.

The attendant nagged, telling him to wait while fumbling to open the cart door. Alastor snarled and pushed the fool away, snatching Michael around the waist and hoisting her upward. He pointedly ignored her protest, chaining her to his chest with his arms and taking off with a galloping pace.

“You can let me down, you know!”

A gaggle of young ladies gasped and giggled, their escorts snickering. Alastor ignored it all, eyes feral and latched onto the nearest exit. “We’re leaving and you’re impressively slow!”

Michael gaped, “I keep up with you everyday!”

“Hah!” He barked out. “‘That is hardly the case! I often pace myself lest you fall behind!”

“I’ve never asked you to do that!“ She huffed, poking him in the chest.

“If a lady needed to ask a man that then he’s no man worth speaking of!”

“Awful arrogant for a gentleman aren’t you? Fine! Take your thank you and be done with it!”

“That I certainly will, as I doubt you’ll not have manners ever again! And, in case my chivalry comes into question, you’re quite welcome!”

Alastor, solely focused on escape, never quite noticed her reddened cheeks, that lopsided grin, or how her arms wrapped around his neck even though she didn’t need to.


I was today years old when I realized how much these two idiots interrupt each other. And she has it sooooo bad for him. What's worse is she has no f*cking clue.

Kouri-Vini is a beautiful language IMO. It shares heavily with Haitan Creole and French. Unfortunately it can be hard to construct sentences so, grain of salt, these probably aren't 100% correct. There are verb variations/conjugations but outside the book I use/ some PDFs/ websites, it can be hard to know how to construct sentences.

If anyone speaks this language or knows someone who does, HI! please help <3 More than happy to face criticism and make corrections. I legit gotta reach out to this Nathan Wendte dude. He's on all these.

And I think Alastor is working for Roo/Eve and maybe she's trapped/needs him to do something for her which is why he needs Charlie to do something for him. IF LILITH TURNS OUT TO BE A BAD WIFE I'M GOING TO SOB. That is the only condition where I go back and REWRITE THIS. Because we stan a short king in this house <3

Language Notes:

Zéklær (Kouri-Vini)
- - Lightning

Li çé paròl-la (Kouri-Vini)
- - That is the word.

Séy di li (Kouri-Vini)
- - Try to say it.

Citations for language notes:

Ti Liv Kréyòl: A Learner's Guide to Louisiana Creole Paperback
by Nathan A. Wendte (Author), Adrien Guillory-Chatman (Author), Oliver Mayeux (Author), Herbert J. Wiltz (Author), Jonathan "radbwa faroush" Mayers (Illustrator), Irina V. Wang (Contributor)

Chapter 68: Cottillion


Alastor debuts Michael to what he considers proper society.


If you'd like to know how Michael feels about Alastor at this point, please listen to this lovely little song! <3
When He Sees Me from Waitress the musical:

It is just soooo perfect and on the nose for this xD

To preface this chapter, I would like to quote my beta:

And yeah, that ought be this chapter's summary, ngl.

Please enjoy <3
Other good songs for this chapter?
Crazy = Genius - Panic! At The Disco
Swing, Swing, Swing - Louis Prima


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Michael checked herself in the mirror for what was surely the three-hundredth and twenty-seventh time!

Anxiety had only plagued her during the Holy War, when she’d cut off Lucifer’s wings. So how, in this absurdly comfortable and lavish point of history, did a human man have her bent so out of sorts?!

Neurotically, she wiped her hands on a handkerchief, wondering if he would approve. There she stood in the green dress, her favorite now, wondering if it was too much. Her wardrobe had drastically improved due to Alastor’s incessant commentary and Matilda’s actual help. So here she was, trying to get it right.

She shook her arms and focused, scrutinizing herself in the mirror. The earrings were fine, she hoped.

Aside from that, she’d managed her hair into a low bun with the matching ribbon and some pins. Matilda had spent hours teaching her how to effectively manage her hair. Unfortunately it was pointless seeing how Matilda had a fashionable and sweetly styled bob, much like the majority of women. They’d argued over whether Michael should cut it, but the idea left her uneasy.

Short hair would only remind her of that brutal and miserable first life. Back then, she’d cut it for the sake of battle, and that wasn’t someone she wanted to be again.

This wouldn’t be so awful if he’d chosen his words better! They’d gone out so many times, but Alastor said tonight would be special, insisting she do her best not to embarrass him!

If only he knew how seriously she would take it!

He always dressed so suitably for his face and body — Michael’s cheeks turned warm and red, causing her to whip away from the mirror to avoid her flushed face.

Their Father made no mistakes where Alastor Laveau was concerned. Lithe while muscular. Rugged yet finessed. Elegant and keen. She stared far too often anymore. The other day she’d went to the broadcast room, intending to help him with the wiring, but the moment she got to the door frame, the scene struck her utterly daft. He’d not noticed her crude ogling.

He’d been handling the long and unruly cables, carefully winding them around his fist and elbow. What also didn’t help was how warm it had been, causing him to roll up his sleeves and remove his bowtie in hopes of cooling off.

Michael pinched herself.

Going was an awful idea! Doing anything around him left her as little more than a giddy, skittish puddle of smiles! This needed to stop. She would change, fuss up her hair, and boil some water to warm her face! Then she could feign another bout of illness and avoid all of this!

He didn’t need her going! Alastor knew everyone in New Orleans, or so it seemed, and there were plenty of better dance partners that he didn’t have to train!

Since the dawn of creation, never had she so thoroughly cared about what another being thought of her. A human no less! An exceptional, terrifyingly magnetic human. Someone with so limited a world view …

No, she couldn’t bring herself to sell him short.

Alastor was clever and intelligent. And after their little Ferris Wheel predicament, he even became understanding towards her immortal plight! Nothing she told him seemed to matter! Regardless of how she felt, or how she’d come into existence, to him she was fallible. He treated her like any other insufferable human.

Where all of existence demanded her altruism and leadership, Alastor laughed, begging her to be quiet while insisting she stop moping! Yes, he liked to ask her about odds and ends of existence, there was nothing he expected of her. Michael had nothing to offer and Alastor accepted that.

That signature knock came, rocketing her butterfly filled stomach into her throat. The door cracked an inch before she could reach it, “Irksome little bearcat, are you decent yet? I’ll not wait a moment longer!”

She rushed over and swung the door open, “Of course! You’ll not find me wallowing about like a dis-dressed maiden.” An awful pun really, but he laughed, pushing through the entrance.

His typical vest and trousers were traded for crisper, darker pairs. Casual, while retaining his charm and hinting at something far more wicked. She nearly reached out to straighten his dark bowtie, not that it was crooked, but just something to inch closer. Michael stopped, not wanting to tempt herself too far. “You look as illustrious as the sun, Alastor.”

Ego and pride were sins she very much associated with him, as he puffed up and beamed, “I know I am, but thank you for noticing, Bel Zanj!”

Then his arm whipped around, presenting a bouquet of flowers that she’d missed in her frenzy. “Don’t forget, even the finest blossoms need sunlight.”

The mass before her was soft and luscious, bright like a summer day, filled with white tulips, bluebells, and yellow lilies dappled with black. With silent appreciation for the dazzlingly odd assortment, she reached out to take them.

But Alastor snatched her hand, pulling it up to his soft grin. Then he whispered into her knuckles, lidded, whiskey eyes captivating her, “Don’t take my words lightly Michael.”

That would be impossible. She hung off his every word as if it was the only salvation left in existence. Anytime he spoke, her world stopped, and all that mattered was how every decision brought her here, to his resplendent mercy.

Alastor did take note of her frozen demeanor and chuckled. Then he took a step past her into the apartment. Narrowly she caught his smile falter, turning shy and apologetic even. She shut the door, but was still stuck by his gravity.

He moved to her furthest kitchen cabinet to pull the whiskey she kept entirely because of him. Then he took a swig and smiled, the booze resetting his temperament, “Chop, chop, darling! We’ve places to go and people to see!”

Michael fumbled back to life, rushing into the kitchen for a vase and water. All the while Alastor took a mug from the cabinet, looking like he belonged there, all the while explaining, “After how brilliantly you orchestrated my debut to high society, I’ve decided its time to take the debutante to her own cotillion. Be warned, these socialites will be far harder to impress! Think you can handle it?”

She put the flowers on the coffee table, right where she could see them no matter where she stood. Then she faced him, taking a deep breath. He wanted her to be impressive?

To be someone worthy of his companionship?

Michael smiled, wild and burning, as she came over and snatched the mug of whiskey from his hand. She downed what had to be three fingers of burning amber, but didn’t flinch. He’d been her impressive, intellectual, stimulating, charming escort. Now it was her turn and she’d be anything he asked for.

They could be going to meet a mafia don and she’d orchestrate a coup if he wanted. Instead of waiting, she grabbed his arm, genuinely excited, “I spend all my time with you Alastor. If there’s a soul harder to impress, then may they come for your crown!”

And if they did, she’d cut them down.

On their way to wherever they were going Alastor chattered, asked odds-and-ends questions about demons or the new business proposals, and she breathed easy with the familiarity. This, their ability to banter at one another, was comfortable. She knew what to do with it unlike the compliments he paid her at the apartment.

It gave her room to be clear headed and rational. To decide that she needed to bury the gnawing feelings she had for him.

At least, she needed to deal with them eventually. She hadn’t planned on dealing with unwanted pining or how absolutely smitten she was with the radio host. How could she deal with something she hadn’t even planned on dealing with? Of course, it absolutely had to wait for another day!

Tonight was a wash so she might as well enjoy it.

They strolled along numerous streets, down past the shops of a neighborhood she’d never been to, and through an alleyway. Down the stairs of a loading bay door came the sensation of liveliness, heat, and smells that made her mouth water. Stretched out below her were the people of all colors and creeds, his neighbors, eating, drinking, dancing, and playing jazz as if their lives depended on it.

“Welcome to the dwelling of cool gin and hot jazz, ma chere!” He stole her hand from his elbow, dragging her down another set of stairs into a throng of dancers. Immediately he twisted her around before flinging her up, then out, besieging the middle of the floor on talent alone.

Their whirlwind pace dislodged all her suffocating worries.

Hours later, Michael had disposed of her shoes, unpinned her hair, drank nearly four co*cktails, lost her earrings in a poker game, and was smiling to the point her cheeks ached. Alastor had stamina that put her to shame. Put Gabriel to shame. Put anyone and every being to shame! Where did it all come from?!

Alastor cackled, giving her a lazy shove that sent her onto a couch with other somewhat inebriated women, giggling away in a language she didn’t know. One recognized her escort though, causing all the women to pin Michael with gossipy gazes.

“Boy, get on up ‘ere and show us ya brass!” Alastor scoffed, but smiled all the same as the gaggle snickered.

He bowed, kissed the woman’s hand, then kissed hers before hopping onto a makeshift stage and taking over the saxophone of an older gentleman. Michael stilled, in awe of him. She wondered if a human could be too good for an angel?

“Girlie, he ain’t gonna disappear if ya blink. Come on. Them feet ought be blistered by now! Men outta wear heels and see how tough they is then,” cooed the elderly woman next to her, handing over a jar of what looked like water.

Michael smiled thankfully, tucking her legs under, and taking a heavy sip of the sweet, particularly flammable hooch, “Maybe, but I’d stay awake forever just to watch him.”

There will never be enough time to watch him.

“So how long, dou fiy?” She asked sweetly. Michael missed the suppressed grins from the other women who feigned disinterest.

“How long what?” Michael really couldn’t take her eyes off him. She never knew he could play the saxophone. And then he took over a trumpet! That made five instruments she knew of. There was nothing he couldn’t do. There was nothing she wouldn’t watch him do.

The woman leaned into her ear to speak above the merriment, “How long you been in love with Claire’s boy?”

Michael shot up, hand clasping on her mouth. Hurriedly she shoved the jar back to the woman, muttering some kind of something, and surged back up to the alleyway. She was gasping for breath, heart beating like war drums, skin flushed and hot.

Father be, was her skin covered in hellfire?!

Michael sucked in the cool air, barely catching her breath against the brick.

Was she truly in love with a human?

In love with Alastor?

What was love between humans anyway? Did she love him? Could she love him?

Before being saddled with this realization, she found there to be an inkling, like how some took a pet or how sometimes angels would feel a kinship to the humans they protected. There was always how she loved her siblings, how she loved Lucifer. Then there was how Lucifer loved Lilith.

What was it worth after leading their kin to slaughter one another?

But she was already fallen and had no intentions to change the course of humanity as Lucifer had. In every life she’d heard the wonders and woes and worries of love. She'd watched it be the reason for war and destruction. And how it left beings broken most of the time, especially the humans!

Love didn't matter.

It couldn't. She didn't understand it and it would never matter.

All of this had an expiration date.


Alastor burst out the alleyway door, eyes wide, distraught, and searching. Then he caught sight of her leaning against the wall, disheveled and barefoot.

He took stock of her entirely, taking in every bit of information.

At last his knife-like grin widened and relaxed, brows popping up as his shoulders rolled back. He pulled out a cigarette, coming to join her against the wall. There came another appraising look before he handed her the lit cigarette, grinning and leaning in.

He expected meek and timid, the woman who clung to him while hacking up her lungs!

Michael smiled, sweet, plucking it from him and taking a long draw. So long that his eyebrow clashed into his hairline, waiting for the moment she faltered. But no, she tilted up, blowing a stream of smoke into his face.

Shocked, he leaned back out and stifled a cough. There came a well deserved shove to her face as he stole the cigarette back. The hand drew down her face, then her neck, causing her heart to stutter.

There wasn’t enough time to pull away as he captured her by the scruff. The cigarette moved from his wicked smirk as he leaned all the way over, smothering her in a far larger cloud of smoke. She was pinned in place, unable to hold her breath because he’d already stole it.

So she coughed and sputtered. Even so she had managed to bring a bare foot up, hooking her heel around his knee and jerking.

His body buckled, hand still caught around the back of her neck. She landed against his chest as he went side first into the brick.

For a split second she started to panic. She’d gotten carried away and this would certainly upset him!

But his bright laughter said otherwise, his hand relaxing, laying above her shoulder blades, flat against her bare skin.

When she looked up it felt like lightning shot through her, burning the fact into her mind once and for all.

She was blissfully doomed. Nothing would ever remove him from her mind or heart or soul. Every concern was dwarfed by that raucous amusem*nt.

They stood up, Alastor wiping his tears away and ruffling her hair a little too hard. It didn’t matter. She was his sole focus right now and worried by how prepared she was to keep it.

“Next time you wish to punish me for interrupting your one woman affair,” he chuckled, finger jabbing into her nose, “don’t. Otherwise I might reconsider my chivalry! Though, it would only be fair to your assailant to give them fair warning. Imagine their bewilderment when they fall victim to the Crescent City’s premier scrapper!”

She shrugged, grinning, “We would never be so lucky. The entirety of Louisiana would tune in for such a story!”

“Hah! Imagine a world where you bring in as many listeners as yours truly! The apocalypse is upon us and we must prepare! Since you are of sound body, perhaps not so much mind, unabducted, and situated here like a barefoot bumpkin from Lafourche parish, tell me, where are your shoes?”

He had the audacity to check on her! She who had commanded armies, fought hordes of immortal beings, and bested the king of demons! She who brought peace and justice and protection! He wanted to make sure that she was safe.

Had any soul concerned themselves with her safety before? Michael used to be the paragon of their kind, unfaltering and assiduous, the core that stabilized Heaven. But in that moment, she was merely a woman and an inexperienced, inebriated one with a crumbling resolve.

She smiled at him, biting and kicking down the urge to wrap her arms around him, instead turning to show that she was fit as a fiddle. “Of course I’m fine! You funny duck! I needed some air! All your breathtaking playing left me gasping! I do think it is time for us to retire Monsieur Laveau, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Right you are, sweetheart! I believe it time for us to wrap up our revelry! Now, I’m off to fetch them like a well trained cat.”

She howled, finding it too funny. Trained dogs she’d heard of, but cats? Odd, but then again Alastor was every odd thing in her worldview. With that he was off to retrieve the heels like a mountain lion on the hunt. As he disappeared through the doorway, her back thudded into the wall, hands clasped on her mouth.

Silly. She felt utterly silly, because she was trying to keep it down but her hands were useless.

Barefoot in an alleyway, 500 years into an immortal punishment, she couldn’t help but admit it. Maybe to God her Father. Maybe to herself. “I’m maddeningly in love with him.”

And despite suspecting what kind of misery that revelation could bring, she could only focus on two things. Firstly, Alastor’s mother’s name was Claire. Secondly, most importantly, would the woman even like Michael?


Anyone want to guess at what the flowers mean? ;3

If anyone would Like to see more of Alastor and Claire in a more canon format, sans romance, please go check out my short three-shot called Hell Hath No Fury! I'd love to hear what people think, especially compared to Reckless since they're meant to be similar in the family department but wildly different in the vibes. Probs gonna finish it this week(end?)

Language Notes:

Dou Fiy (Kouri-Vini)
- - Sweet Girl

Ma Chere (French)
- - My Dear

History notes:

Lafourche Parish is a legit place and experienced its fair share of racial violence during the Jim Crow era. I know this wasn't mentioned, but it is worth mentioning what people of color survived during this time period. I'm taking a light hand in historical realism with this fic, because if we went to full reality, this story would be over due to horrific nature of race relations, even with New Orlean's unique and diverse history.

So, here is the wiki article about a 10k worker strike, where sugar cane laborers were leveraging for better pay/working conditions. All in all it lead to a massacre and consequentially these plantations turned into what I would call coal camps where workers were paid in scrip (fake money) that could only be spent at a plantation owned store. This still happens in modern society, especially where workers are brought in from other countries with their passports held.

Also worth the read is this overview of black history in New Orleans. It is brief, while still being long, and I know we do a ton of reading and homework here already <_<;;; BUT if we're going to portray a character, we will take the time to learn about the culture he was based in! That's the kinda folks we are in this house <3

Peace out star scouts! <3

Chapter 69: Moman


Michael, needing to clear her head after that party, takes a walk and ends up with more than bargained for. Oh well.




Eat it while it's warm ;3

-- Trigger Warning! --

Upsetting period typical racism :(

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“It wasn’t like this last week and you know it.”

Michael’s head popped up from her book. Across the street at the bus stop was a woman, obviously frustrated with the bus driver.

“Ma’am, I don’t know what to tell ya. The back’s full and that’s the law. You want the state to shut us down instead? If you wait, the next one might not be. Have a good day.”

As he got back on, Michael felt confused. Only half the bus was full really, but only the back half. It took the starting of the engine for her to understand what she was looking at. What’s worse was she had to see this type of atrocity every day but never actively thought of it until that night.

Alastor was right and she was so damnably blind.

What was wrong with these humans?! They’d been given souls and this is what they did with them?!

Michael rushed through the street, absurdly crossing in front of the bus, earning a hateful word from the driver. There wasn’t anything she could do, or maybe there was?

As the bus gained speed a shadow on the road grew and darkened, but then she stopped, letting the offensive hunk of metal move along. Her ire would only harm the people on that bus by delaying their day and potentially causing problems. Magic wasn’t the answer to human problems.

If that was the case, she’d help in a human way. Michael raced after the woman from the bus stop.

“Pardon me! Ma’am!”

The woman stopped, masking her irritation and skepticism expertly.

“Might I help you carry those?”

“Oh, no dear, I appreciate it but-” The woman tried to step away, but Michael persevered.

“Please. I insist. I’m new to the city and was out for a walk and I certainly don’t intend to be a burden, but that was … wrong. If that happened to my friend, I would be livid. I am right now, in truth, but—” Michael grimaced at the sidewalk, wondering just what in the world had turned her into a babbling dolt?

She’d meant it though. It was wrong and if she’d seen it happen to Alastor, Michael would have been livid! She would have popped the tires at that point. Then again this was a human problem. The entire ordeal twisted her insides. What if she could—

There came a soft laugh from the woman who pushed one of the large brown bags into her arms, breaking Michael out of her problem solving spiral. “That’s awful kind of you, sweetheart. I would appreciate the hand. Suppose I got a little carried away at the grocer’s.”

The woman laughed a little more when Michael smiled like an airhead, nodding. They fell into step and silence, each trying to eye the other.

“What’s that friend of yours like? Awful lucky to have a good friend these days.”

Michael blinked, not expecting the question. What was Alastor like?

“Well, he’s insufferable and terrifyingly competent. And he’s never wrong and more than tickled to let anyone know it. At times I wish I could fill his mouth with cement to make it stop.”

“Sounds like that one eats up a lot of your patience! Maybe you’re better off with other friends? Men usually take advantage of a woman’s good sense, dear.”

That got her to chuckle. Alastor did eat up her internal resources. But there was no world where Michael wanted other friends, or where Alastor wasn’t her best case scenario, since he was such an oddball. “Unfortunately, he’s particularly understanding and I would be hard pressed to meet anyone like him again. I believe I’m saddled with him for the foreseeable future.”

This woman was remarkably disarming. Strangely, Michael didn’t mind it.

When was the last time she’d spoke to another woman so intimately? Then she remembered who and when and it stabbed her gut and stung her eyes. She so rarely thought of Hera now, given what had happened.

“Reckon he knows that?”

Did he? Could he know how she thought of him? How she truly depended on him?

“No. It would go right to that head.” Alastor was none the wiser to her feelings, platonic or otherwise, and that suited her fine. It would be foolish to get too close. This would be enough. It simply had to be. Michael couldn’t flatter herself in ever thinking Alastor would or could return her feelings. And even if she had that, then what? Die? That was cruel and she would do him no such disrespect.

“That’s men for you. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them! Don’t mind the prying of an old maid, but I suppose that man is only a friend?”

Michael nearly choked and tripped, smile wavering and cheeks growing hot.

“Of course! Beyond any doubt. He’d be the death of me otherwise.” She answered too quickly, eyes snapping to the woman. Those dark eyes were sharp and bright above a beaming, kind smile. The woman was aged, yes, but dangerously beautiful and svelte. And beneath it all was understanding.

Thankfully the woman changed the topic. “You said you just rolled into town?”

“Yes. Are you from the city?”

“Born in Alabama, but most my mother’s kin is from here and the islands. I’ve lived in New Orleans since I was knee high.”

“Do you enjoy it here?”

“Every day. Ain’t a place like it in the world. And what brought a bright young lady like you here?”

“Family. My family moved for business.” She held back on elaborating, remembering Alastor’s consistent notes on her entitlement.

“What kinda business? There’s new ones popping up everyday, I can hardly keep up!”

“I help manage a radio station, WKNO. Please excuse my manners, my name is Michael.”

“Michael?” The woman gave her a peculiar look, a slender brow popping up.

“I’m aware it is an odd name for a woman.” She couldn’t count how many times she’d gotten this one comment this lifetime! Maybe she’d change it in the next?

“I hate to be presumptuous sweetie, but you wouldn't happen to have the last name Burr would you?”

Michael blinked at the woman a few times. Had they met before? Given the station and how her free time was spent, she rarely met any other women, especially older ones. “My apologies if we’ve met elsewhere, but I don’t—”

“No need for that!” She smiled, opening the yellow home’s front door. “Funny enough, it feels like I know ya a bit! Hadn’t expected you to be a young lady is all. Come right on in now, I’ll make us up something to beat off this heat!”

There wasn’t a chance to follow up with the obvious questions as she entered. Because there on the mantel was a photo of the woman and younger, albeit still tall Alastor.

Oh Father help her, she’d just spent this entire time with Alastor’s mother?! Michael hurried into the kitchen, setting down the bag immediately.

“It was lovely to meet you Ma’am, but I really must be going.”

Alastor inherited his wiles and stubbornness from his mother apparently.

Claire Laveau threw Michael a disheartened smile, still pouring two glasses of iced tea, “It’s awful hot out and I’d hate for you to get sunburnt going all the way back downtown. The buses don’t run out here as often. Now, you sit right on down and let me thank you properly while you wait for it. You understand?”

No matter how badly Michael wanted to refuse, she couldn’t. Making a favorable impression with Alastor’s mother was an opportunity she might not get again. Damnit all, she should have listened to Evelynn!

“Yes, Ma’am, that’s kind of you.”

“Claire, sweet girl. Why don’t we get cooled off in the sittin’ room? Kitchen sits right in the sun most days.”

Following suit, Michael removed her shoes, but instead of sitting, she meandered over to the pictures. Claire was right on her heels, picking up the photo and handing it to Michael.

“Alastor was 19 and every bit of 6’2”. Doctor said he’d not grow more but so much for that. We were lucky enough to get it taken by one of the neighbor’s boys since he’s a travelin’ photographer.” The photo featured Alastor and Claire sitting on the still being-built porch steps, looking infinitely happy, sharing the same beaming smile as their arms draped around the other.

Michael wished she’d had something like this of her and Lucifer.

“It’s a beautiful picture.”

Claire picked up on her shift in demeanor, taking Michael’s arm and guiding her to the couch. “So tell me all about that station! Must be something running it as a young lady! I’m tickled to see a woman proving all these men wrong. And always burning that midnight oil! Alastor comes home so late after his broadcasts sometimes.”

Did he?

Michael couldn’t think of a time he stayed too terribly late, save for when they were going out. Where else might he be going? Her stomach flipped, immediately imagining him meeting up with a lover. Maybe a flapper she'd met in passing? Or what if he preferred men? Was it Slim? Michael didn’t want to think of Alastor fawning or pining away. Actually, it felt near impossible to imagine.

Then again, would she even notice it?

The thoughts left her stomach jittery and cold. She’d have to worry about it later. Right now she needed to focus, lest Claire think her to be an absolute scatterbrain. Michael needed to be charming! Oh Father, Evelynn was right about etiquette classes. To think she'd snubbed the woman on so many opportunities that would help her right now!

“Alastor is always making plans, designing new advertisem*nts for our clients, improving and repairing our equipment. The station simply doesn’t function without him. Today he’s conducting interviews. With Richard retiring we’re taking on more staff.”

Claire’s mouth dropped, genuinely surprised, “Richard’s retiring?”

Michael nodded, taking a drink of the iced tea. “Yes, not long after I started he decided it was time. I fear I may have pushed him out.”

Claire smiled wide and bright, hand patting hers comfortingly. “I doubt that, cher. Richard wouldn’t retire if it wasn’t time to. You see, I met him when Alastor started at the station. I was all nerves back then, worried how Alastor would be treated given the old owner’s reputation, but Richard told me not to worry. He’d look out for my boy as long as needed. And well, I reckon he don’t need to no more.”

Michael always knew Alastor was Richard’s favorite hands down but she never suspected this depth of loyalty.

“Richard lost a son about Alastor’s age when he died,” Claire continued, noting Michael’s confusion, “and with Alastor’s father being gone so young, I was grateful to Richard.”

It only added another item to the thousands of things she didn’t know about Alastor. He never spoke of his father, so Michael had assumed him dead. There were no pictures of him that she could see either. Despite her curiosity, Michael kept a lid on it. “Alastor wanted to throw Richard a retirement party but we settled for a dinner. Would you care to join us?”

“That boy would! I don’t know where he gets the energy, running around in circles day in and day out!” That got Michael laughing because she wholeheartedly agreed. “But yes, I’d love to as long as you let me bring a cake.”

“I don’t mean to offend Ma’am-”

“Claire,” she interjected, finger wagging.

“Claire. But given the similarities between you and your son, I don’t believe I could stop you.”

Michael’s heart nearly burst as Claire started laughing, hand squeezing her own. “Alastor told me, oh how did he put it? He told me you are ‘a dastardly sharp little thing, keen on making kitchen knives jealous’!”

“Ah.” Michael wanted to laugh. It was funny, but if Claire already had a poor impression of her, she didn’t know what to do! Did Alastor really come home to his mother and complain about her? But then again, was that an insult?

“Don’t you worry, Michael. I can’t lie, my boy is a charmer, but it’s rare for him to mention someone. Even more so for them to get in that thick skull.”

And before Michael’s heart could flutter, the front door clicked open.

“Moman, I stopped by the corner market and you won’t believe who told me the funniest little story about Miss … Michael?!”

Oh Father, there he was, the man who left her paralyzed with a love she still didn't understand. Her heart recommenced fluttering, and doubly so.

To think this was how her day would go! Flustered and in a near shock from her own gut wrenching revelation the night before, Michael had actually left work early. Her head was spinning so thoroughly that she needed space to screw it back on.

She’d seen him this morning at the station, of course, but it felt impossibly new and terrifying to see him outside of work. To see him in his own home, able to fill in all the little details she wondered about. Michael was grateful no one could read her thoughts, but then again the Laveau family was demonically sharp. If they tried together, would they unravel her?

“Alastor.” She nodded, standing.

Run, her legs urged. But when her brain processed the notion, she couldn't quite figure out if she should run into his arm or so far away that she'd be halfway to Heaven's gates.

Claire went over to her son, and even while he bent down to kiss the woman on both cheeks, he watched her like a predator. “Moman, we’ve discussed bringing home strays.”

“Strays! Now Alastor you know better than to talk about a young woman like that! Michael here helped me with the groceries when I missed the bus.”

Claire failed to mention the fact she did not miss the bus, but Michael could understand why. Alastor was frighteningly protective of his mother. She couldn’t imagine what he would do to someone who cause Claire a fraction of discomfort.

“Did she now? And I thought you’d be off in a book about gear manufacturing or trying to usurp the governor!” Claire whacked him on the arm, taking the parcel from him and to the kitchen.

Alastor pulled off his jacket and her stomach rolled with his shoulders in a way she did not understand. The world felt like it would spin and come up to meet her. Thankfully the words came out of her mouth with a sly smile. “I did that this morning. Would it have taken you all day to accomplish something so simple?”

“No need to be small minded, mô cher! Why start with the governor when—”

“Alastor.” The younger pair jerked their heads around to see Claire with a particularly impish grin.

Wé Moman?” He smiled as if he were the epitome of golden children everywhere.

The world froze, mother and son waging a silent war.

Claire smiled, all of her features shifting at Alastor in a non-existent gesture.

Then his grin tightened, eyes crinkling a smidge, chin tilting forward. She dared not breathe, finally understanding the critical human instinct to hide. Oh, she so desperately wanted to back out from this bizarre interaction.

Michael, so keenly focused on blending into the wall, missed several key developments and only realized that with a stern frown and raised brow, that Claire indisputably won.

Alastor sighed and nodded, Claire disappearing, before looking back at Michael, “It seems you’re staying for dinner, what fun!”

“How can you be—? Are you certain?”

Alastor gave her something between a sneer and a smile. Oh. Did this upset him? She swallowed, mouth pursing, ready to lie and escape. What did Claire’s opinion of her matter if Alastor wished her gone? Her role in his life was whimsical and fleeting at best! An amusem*nt with no right to such intimate settings. All she could hope for or aspire to was being useful to him.

“As death itself, Moman insists.”

With a nervous chuckle, her head shook, “It’s best if I take off, I think.”

Michael’s fake smile barely looked passable as she tried to wedge between Alastor and the sofa.

A long arm shot out, gripping the back of the furniture, trapping her in an Alastor shaped cage. Michael sucked in her front half, desperately trying to escape the heat of his chest, afraid it would heighten the burning sensation he inflicted. But no, whether he knew it or not, Alastor was not a man of mercy.

He leaned in, forcing her to crane backwards over the sofa’s arm, “Ha! And let me take the blame for your disappearing act? No, no. If you’d like to tell her otherwise, be my guest!”

Michael swallowed, too distracted with how clearly she could see the definitions of his neck and jaw.

“N-No I, uh, I don’t believe I’d win.”

“Sharp as a pin, because indeed, you would not!” He cooed and smiled, free hand coming up to pinch a hunk of her cheek.

Alastor, beaming with a laugh, finally stepped away, gesturing to the kitchen. Michael’s inner turmoil evaporated with the sound. Maybe this was all fine? Normal even! A normal woman having dinner with the normal man who she was utterly gobsmacked over and his impossibly crafty, undeniable mother.

“Now, into the kitchen! Mouths work to eat in this household!” Damnation and Hellfire befell her again as Alastor forced an arm over her shoulders, making it near impossible to escape.

And truly? She didn’t want to. But there was a minuscule issue.

“Alastor, I don’t know how to—!”

He didn’t care, near dragging her into the kitchen where Claire began to meticulously prepare the meal. The woman stopped, her smile infinitely sweeter than Alastor’s while holding all the same mirth. “Cher, you’ve decided to stay? Oh we’re grateful to have such fine company! Now let’s get you in this apron, I’d hate to fuss up that pretty blouse.”

Desperately Michael looked between the two, feeling outmatched, outwitted, and damn well out of the water. Father help her, she’d not cooked a proper meal on any day in her entire existence!

This would be humiliating.



Not much to say, just hi :3

Also, what is a "posting schedule"??? >. >

Language Notes:

Mô Cher (Kouri-Vini)
- - My dear

Wé Moman (Kouri-Vini)
- - Yes Momma/Mom

Chapter 70: Golden


Alastor's long time friend, Goldie, drops by the station.


If y'all remember the arc before this, I have a funny little theme song for it XD Fun reminder of the pre and post sh*t storm. It's insane to think they got along at some point in history ha.

This just reminds me of how Alastor and Mia are, given they have no idea how funny their life was before:

I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Dina, have you spotted a folder labeled ‘Erickson’? I thought I’d brought it in here earlier— Hello?”

Michael, struggling infinitely worse than anticipated with her disorienting affections, had misplaced yet another file. Alastor came in before his morning broadcast, going on and on, and she’d barely been able to do more than stare. The only difference was he wore a tie!

Only after twenty minutes of searching her desk did she remember going out to the lobby before the harsh distraction.

There she found Dina, warm and sweet, standing with another woman. The secretary handed over the file before gently pulling forward the young lady, “I only found it a moment ago. Miss Burr, I’d like to introduce you to my second cousin, Goldie Harrison.”

It was a common misconception that Lucifer, while beautiful, was the absolute beauty of angels. In Michael’s opinion, it was Jophiel that put the rest of God’s children to shame. The young woman standing with Dina would put both her siblings to shame with room to spare. Then Goldie smiled, presenting Michael with a small gap in her front teeth that did nothing but add to just how charming she looked, “It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Burr.”

“Goldie is here for Alastor actually!” Dina squeaked out, grinning and eyeing her cousin. “ No one would believe it but they were nearly inseparable as—”

The telephone started ringing, causing Dina to perk up. Quick on her feet, the woman had the phone answered and on hold, turning back to ask, “Miss Burr, would it be alright if Goldie waits here?”

“Of course. Actually, if you’ll come with me we can get you something to drink. Alastor won’t be back for a few minutes,” Michael offered, maintaining a polite disposition regardless of the abnormal feeling starting up her spine.

“That’s kind of you Ma’am,” Goldie said, not getting the chance to counter as Michael was already leading her to the kitchenette.

“Do you drink coffee?” Michael asked, opening the cupboard.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Goldie answered, perhaps a tad quick.

The response sounded relatively distant to Michael. Her eyes settled on the girl briefly, before smiling and pulling out two tins instead. ”We also have tea and water, if you’d prefer.”

Then Goldie stood a little straighter, face turning a touch more open, “Tea, if it’s no trouble, Ma’am. I’d appreciate it greatly.”

“Perfect. I hope you’ll forgive my mindlessness. We go through so much coffee around here, what with the early morning and evening broadcasts, I sometimes forget tea even exists.” Michael only half heard Goldie’s polite and unassuming response before the air started to settle around them. She recognized the mild and agreeable disposition, where one only said as much as absolutely necessary.

She almost suspected the girl to be shy but …

Michael gave her a soft, fast once over, deciding that the girl was not shy. She stood too openly and upright, not trying to blend into the background. If it wasn’t for her petite stature and height, even in heels, Michael would have mistaken her for a model.

“Let’s sit in my office, if you don’t mind? I’d hate to lose track of this file again!” It was hardly a suggestion as she headed down the hallway, tray in hand. The bizarre itch only grew, expanding into her skull and urging her to do something, but she couldn’t figure out what or why!

And why was her own voice too tight? Walking in front of Goldie, she took a slow and steady breath, trying to shake the oddity. It felt like worry? Frustratingly, she couldn’t pin it! Was she sick again?

“Just a moment and we can sit by the window,” Michael huffed, irritated by a hundred meager things.

Damn him, she’d forgotten all about Alastor’s rearranging. Hastily she sat the tray down, trying to clear away the files, notes, and jacket from his chair. Yesterday he’d pulled the coffee table and her desk chair in front of his spot so they could go over all the new proposals.

All the while, Goldie watched her carefully.

Those big, brown eyes focused on her cohort’s belongings before looking at the chair, thenback to Michael with a soft, considering expression.

Michael blinked, grip tightening possessively on Alastor’s jacket, dumbfounded by how the strange and minuscule exchange exacerbated the nagging in her brain. Then she hurried, driving the feeling down and folding the garment to place it neatly on her desk. He never let her hang it on the coat rack, something absurd about stretching the neck.

This was the most uncomfortable she’d been in ages! She could have let the girl wait in the lobby!

But then again, she couldn’t have.

Michael didn’t invite Goldie to her office for the sake of politeness or hospitality. She did it in hope of discerning exactly what the nature of Goldie’s relationship with Alastor was. Obviously, she needed to! What if this out of the blue visitor, and all her calm disposition, posed a threat?

“Dina mentioned you’re here for Alastor?” She asked, gesturing for Goldie to sit in his chair. And when she did, Michael couldn’t help but dislike it entirely.

Goldie picked up her tea, nodding in that oh so agreeable way, “Yes, Ma’am—”

“Please, there’s no need to call me Ma’am, I’m hardly older than you. How old are you, if you don’t mind my asking?” She sounded like an absolute dolt, struggling to make any logical conversation suddenly.

“20, as of last week, Miss Burr,” Goldie answered, taking a drink of tea, sitting as proper as Matilda.

“Happy birthday then!” Michael added, trying to be normal despite failing.

“Thank you, that’s why I’m here actually. Alastor is taking me out for lunch since he couldn’t last week.”

She managed to stop her hands from clenching or her head tilting. He’d not mentioned it. Not that he had to, but at this point Michael regularly assumed they spent lunch together unless stated otherwise.

“He’ll be back shortly. He stepped out on a maintenance appointment previously.”

“I thought he was broadcasting today?” Goldie asked in genuine concern and sincerity. Why did she know?! Every single employee was under a complete and Hellish gag order, and to her knowledge, the only person to know outside the station was Claire.

Any semblance of functionality left Michael in that moment, unable to understand what was happening. Alastor knew enough people to fill some parishes twice over and she understood that. But how did he know such a lovely young woman so well that she’d come to the station, ready to admit they had a lunch date? To the point she knew his broadcast schedule?

There’d been no mention of a Goldie. The girl certainly hadn’t come to the station before.

There was no way in any of the three realms or Purgatory that she could have missed him alluding to a sweetheart or lover!

No. Not possible. She’d done nothing but obsess over the idea since meeting Claire, given the comment concerning where Alastor’s time was spent. Michael had raked through any and every conversation they’d had, every speakeasy they’d gone to, and every single soul they’d met. Not a single one could fit the bill!

But she must have been wrong, because here was Goldie, so obviously familiar with Alastor despite the fact Michael had no idea she’d existed.

Dina had used the word inseparable before the telephone rang.

If this Goldie and Alastor were inseparable, where had the girl been?

And even more so, what did that say about Michael who spent nothing but days upon days with the valiant vagabond?

What if it was a secret? Had they been hiding it until certain of their feelings, like so many human romance novels?

Michael suddenly wanted to throw up.

Maybe they were related! If Dina was from the islands and so was Claire’s family and they had larger extended families, then that had to be the case! Then again, being related hardly stopped humans before, even if the practice was more taboo in recent decades.

“Miss Burr?” Goldie called, looking truly worried.

Michael crashed back to reality, immediately pulling on her professional mask, “Apologies, Miss Harrison. To be forthright, people outside the station aren’t meant to know of Alastor’s position.”

“I see.” Goldie immediately hardened, eyes narrowing in the slightest fashion, straightening up at the implication.

Michael stammered, hands coming up immediately, “No! No, no, not like that. Allow me to clarify, please. Given the previous owner’s blatant and unparalleled racism, well— I-it’s a safety precaution given the … state of things. To protect him. Alastor is more than welcome to tell whoever he sees fit. But we do have the staff sign NDA’s, so I ask that you not spread that information.”

And for the first time, with beaming earnest as a hand flushed to her chest, Goldie smiled and leaned forward, “I’m terribly sorry! I didn’t mean to imply—”

Michael’s hands shot up, “It is more than alright! You have every right! He must trust you a great deal.”

“I like to think so. We grew up as neighbors,” Goldie giggled, sitting back and looking remarkably more comfortable. Despite all the nonsense stirring within Michael, seeing that Alastor had another kind person in his life made her happy.

“Neighbors? Goldie, how could you be so cruel, reducing us to mere neighbors? We are very much family, despite her fickle narrative. I’ve watched her barely grow since she was a similarly sized toddler!” Alastor sauntered in from his ease dropping, smiling ear to ear at his visitor.

Goldie blushed, throwing him a laughably meek glare, “The doctor said this is as tall as I’ll be Alastor! Not all of us can grow like cattails!”

When they spoke, their natural, vibrant accents bled back in, making them sound far more familiar than neighbors or friends ought be. That twinge in her nerves cranked higher. It nearly screeched in her ears as Goldie stood and was jerked into Alastor’s squeezing arms.

“Close your eyes, ti zwazo!” Alastor demanded, releasing Goldie and taking a step back.

“Alastor,” the girl pressed, suddenly bashful with a shy glance to Michael. He scoffed, vaguely waving in her direction, “Pay no mind to that! Hurry along, hands out!”

As if she were in his home all over again, Michael felt like a stranger, almost embarrassed and remarkably nauseous. Goldie went on though, hands out and eyes closed, trusting in Alastor without a second thought.

The parcel he’d brought in this morning was squarely popped into her hands. It took no time for the present to be opened, revealing two reddish books.

Beside herself with joy, Goldie smiled, immediately flipping open the cover. Whatever she found inside the book only doubled her reaction because she then launched her arms around his waist, since it was practically the only place she could reach.

“How did you get these? They’ve been sold out for months! They’re wonderful, Al!”


She called him Al?

Michael wanted to launch herself out the window. His patting on those glossy, styled curls while hugging with one arm, did not help the sensation either. “Oh, darling little Goldie, a magician never reveals his secrets!”

Alastor spared Michael a brief glance, rolling his eyes at their young visitor, but looking worlds happier regardless. Only when they pulled away did Michael see the books’ covers: The Complete Sherlock Holmes, Volumes 1 & 2. Of course. Not only was she young, graceful, and beautiful, she was well read.

“Now!” He clapped, smiling sweetly and none the wiser to Michael's suffering. “Let’s get this little show on the road!”

Goldie paused, then turned to Michael, “Miss Burr, would you care to join us?”

Michael blinked, uncertain, then glanced to Alastor. Unfortunately, all he did was raise a brow, giving her nothing to work with. Thus, she shook her head, “Unfortunately, I’ve a meeting with the lawyers to prepare for.”

“Please, the more the merrier after you’ve been kind enough to wait with me,” Goldie insisted, her face polite while her tone was certain.

The girl’s words spurred Alastor into action. He snapped, as if having an idea, then grinned with a manic gleam in his eyes, knowing he’d caught her in a bald-faced lie. “Michael! I meant to tell you but we received a call this morning that they’ll need to reschedule!”

Her own smile tightened, head shaking once more as she took a step back, as if retreating into the office could actually help her. “Isn’t that lucky? Still, I couldn’t impose. You both—”

Suddenly she was being loomed over, Alastor leaving the girl’s side for the first time. First he grabbed his jacket. Then he corralled her by the shoulders and directed her out the office door, promptly shutting it. “It’s her birthday! I let you water down my fun plenty, but I’ll not stand by as you mangle another’s attempt! If we wait any longer they’ll close for the afternoon and it will be all your fault!”

This man would be the death of her! There was no where to run unfortunately and his torment if she weaseled out of it would be ten fold no doubt. Like a fool she conceded, following them out of the office.

“Is Dina not joining us?” Michael asked, hoping to be spared the torment of being a third wheel.

“No, Dina regularly takes lunch with her beau and I’ll be seeing her tonight at home,” Goldie explained.

“To think you’ve only come back to town yesterday and she can’t manage to drag herself away from that gilled mouth breather!” Alastor was hardly impressed. Michael, stupidly, couldn't help but wonder what he thought of marriages.

“Dennis is good to her,” Goldie defended.

Alastor scoffed, head rolling back, “How good can he be if they’ve courted for two years without an engagement in sight?!”

Then she seethed, mouth setting hard as she walked through the door he held open for them, “Dèt pa brut!

“Coarse? Me? Why, if I was mean, would I be wearing the tie you got me?”

The tie Goldie had gotten him … Michael’s mouth went dry as the tidbit burned through her good senses. Alastor was polite and he liked Goldie. So of course he would wear something she gave him! He barely knew Michael and had done the same! That was logical.

Painfully logical.

He’d showed up to that business dinner because they ran a business. He wore the bowtie in sheer solidarity of that fact and because he was a gentleman. Unless he truly despised someone, she doubted he’d spit in the face of a gift. How mindless could she be, imagining he'd come because of her?

Alastor offered Goldie his arm with some quip she didn’t quite catch in Kreyol. The girl grinned and jostled him before his eyes set on Michael.

Hastily she took a step beyond the pair, feigning total ignorance to his usual gesture.

She was no damsel. She didn’t need any escort, and if modern manners taught her anything, Goldie took precedence. How could she not? She knew him better, she was younger, far less capable of defending herself, charming, and the streets around them were too narrow to make escorting two women a wise choice.

It made sense.

Then she waited for them to lead the way, but as they went past, he snuck a long finger over, jabbing her hard in the ribs. She yelped, catching Goldie’s attention, “What was that Miss Burr?”

Michael smiled, taking an extra step away, to Goldie’s side while explaining, “I was asking where you might like to go for your birthday!”

“Fong’s!" Chirped Goldie. "It’s a lovely Chinese corner store but they sell food during the lunch hour on the weekdays. They have fantastical imports such as lanterns and teas! Have you heard of it?”

“I’ve passed by it,” she answered, following along. The locale was a few streets from her apartment but she’d yet to explore it.

Alastor’s eyebrow quirked, as he turned a bemused look on Goldie. The youngest held firm against his scrutiny, leaning into it even. “Do you not like Chinese food, Alastor? Or is it that you’re too afraid to try it?”

Michael couldn’t help but snort, covering her mouth and looking away immediately.

He never got a chance to rebuttal, Goldie digging in her heels, “If you can’t handle new experiences or spicy food, that’s quite alright. Though I would hate to go back home and tell Faye how disappointingly fearful her hero was.”

“Alastor,” Michael jumped in, tutting, “Disappointing poor Faye? What a villain you are.”

Goldie nodded, smiling in response to their newfound solidarity, “Thank you, Miss Burr. My youngest sister does nothing but look up to him. As the oldest, I do what I can to shield her from the harsh world, but I never imagined she’d have her fairytale shattered so soon.”

“You’re lucky I didn’t teach her to hunt, what with you gone these few months!” He quipped.

Goldie laughed off the threat, “She’d make a terrible shot! I was actually thinking of taking them with me next time.”

“You intend to leave us again?! I’ll not allow it, Moman was beside herself when you left!”

Goldie swallowed and grimaced, staring down to the sidewalk with sudden obvious guilt. Then she muttered, “I’m sorry. I should have— I left you there and I didn’t know what to do.”

“Ah ah! None of that now! You’re safe, and that’s all that matters.” Alastor's free hand patted and petted on the small one in his elbow, as his tone was uncharacteristically soothing.

“You mean that night in the alley? That was you?” Michael interrupted, looking between the two. Goldie’s eyes went wide, unsure of what to say, hand gripping tighter on him.

“No need to be shy, we’re in good company. Michael was the one who called the police after your daring escape! Even bandaged up this old noggin. How lucky for those miscreants though, it was shaping up to be their loss!” Alastor lied, sparing a look to Michael.

With the entire picture complete, it all made sense. Alastor had risked his life in an unfair fight, not to save some nameless woman, but someone remarkably dear to him. Michael couldn’t fathom just how much he did love Goldie to go directly after the three burly men.

Neither seemed to notice her internal calculations and Goldie explained, “Afterwards I went to Indianapolis for several months. I just felt so unsettled after the fact and needed a change of scenery.”

The conversation continued on, Michael offering a polite word or comment every so often, but otherwise she felt out of place.

The pair flowed so well she was ready flee for any reason, wishing she’d not come. Father help her, she was being ridiculous. The more she learned about Goldie Harrison, gleaning tidbits here and there, the more it became evident that she’d been nothing more than a reasonable placeholder until the girl returned.

By the time they reached Fong’s, Michael felt particularly stupid and unfathomably guilty, though.

Goldie was an absolute delight to be around and astonishingly intelligent. Michael couldn’t help but like her. This girl was very much deserving of Alastor's attention. Part of her even hoped they could be friends as she asked, “What kept you busy in Indianapolis?”

“Helping my aunt for the most part. She recently gave birth so I helped her sew. She’s a wonderful dressmaker.”

“As is Goldie!” Alastor added, wagging a finger, “But don’t let her fool you, she’s being absurdly, unnecessarily modest. She considers herself quite the little detective! How many articles did you have published in that frigid wasteland? To think what a devious muckraker you are! She broke open a cold case of smugglers! All under a fancy pen name of course.”

Michael’s jaw dropped in genuine surprise as Goldie’s mouth pursed, a distressed glare digging right into Alastor.

“Alastor, that isn’t something you can go around telling people!” Goldie scolded. But there was a brief and concerned look to Michael as well.

“She’s right. If anyone ought to understand discretion, it should be you.” Michael accused, coming to Goldie’s defense.

Alastor’s smile shifted into a mocking sneer, solely for Michael.

“But,” she continued, understanding what he was getting at and turning her gaze to Goldie, “you ought to attend Richard’s retirement dinner. I’d like to introduce you to our associate from the paper. Bring whatever you’re comfortable sharing.”

“Miss Burr, I appreciate the offer but—”

Alastor’s hand shot out, pinching the girl’s nose shut, grinning, “Ah ah! Michael is hardly an enemy to make! Now be a lamb and join us at the party!”

“It isn’t a party,” Michael corrected.

Alastor groaned, “Between you and Richard, we might as well hold the entire thing in a butcher’s back room!”

“Far preferable company, that would be. Otherwise you’d have Slim’s packed wall to wall with Richard nowhere to be seen!”

He countered, “Excuse me for being sociable and gracious eno—”

Their brand name bickering was interrupted by Goldie’s laughter, a hand covering her mouth.

“What?” They chimed, looking at her in equal parts confusion and obliviousness.

Goldie only fanned herself, choking back another laugh, “I’d be delighted to come. Thank you for the invitation and the opportunity.”


She's done it now folks! She became a real human and is acting just as stupid as one.

At least Goldie is a happy girl! Goldie is based on a couple friends of mind mushed together. I imagine she looks like Halle Bailey, just with a cute little gap in her teeth.

This was a fun chapter to write. And by fun I mean I can't tell you how many times I have been exactly where Michael is, just writhing in the perceived happiness of others. Where we take what looks to make absolute total sense.

I think everyone has been in this spot, romantically and platonically. A friend, having a new group that you just don't mesh with. A crush who goes to prom with your best friend because his sister and her brother are dating <_<


Like Alastor, I have a lot of people who are family to me in every aspect but blood and that's the least important aspect.

Language Notes:

Ti Zwazo (Kouri-Vini)
- - Little Bird

Dèt pa brut (Kouri-Vini)
- -Don't be rough/coarse.
* In this context, and based off the Dictionary of Louisiana Creole by Alexander Valdman, the literal word for rude would start a fist fight. Like calling someone a c*nt.

Chapter 71: Cinema


The station staff has a fun evening at the movies! Alastor's, though, comes at Michael's expense.


Sup home skillets? I'm overwhelmed and touched by the amount of folks who keep coming back for this fic! <3 It's really nice and touching! I have fun writing it but it makes it more worth it if I can make others happy with it! And all the sweet comments! To everyone:

Yeah michael is an immortal who basically has the emotional capacity of a middle schooler right now XD Homegirl ain't got a damn clue. I mean, at that point. She's smart enough to go digging through books to find out what the f*ck she's going through but it doesn't ease the kick in the lady balls. OH WELL! >:D

Big shout out to Ray who basically dragged me through this chapter to the finish line XD

Legit though. No joke.

I wouldn't call this a word for word theme song, but Michael probably relates to it a lot, especially when stuck in her own head. Also it is a GREAT song and a ton of people can relate to this kind of pressure.

Little Miss Perfect:

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Compared to the handful of God’s children or the hordes of demons, humans were simple. Their lifespans, and lacking of the cosmic tapestry, made them resilient, clever, hopeful, and remarkably interesting. Once upon a time she’d thought them confusing and undeserving of souls, but she followed her Father’s will, imparting divinity upon them.

God Their Father blessed the endearing species with souls, turning them into yet another immortal creature, even if they didn’t know what awaited them beyond Azrael’s call.

Michael could understand humans well enough now. They certainly weren’t her favorite topic, given their inclinations to ignorance or cruelty, but after millennia of protecting their souls and safeguarding their realm, she’d grown fond of them. They had no magic of their own. They did not spend eons in one spot but they grew and lived and learned regardless. They developed philosophy, science, engineering, medicine, and math.

Yes, she was utterly in awe of them now.

Well. One of them.

Suddenly she was grateful for all that took place, no matter how miserable it might have been. How else would she have met Alastor?

How could one soul ease the centuries of apathy or dispel the eternal notion of misery from her?

And in that same breath, how could the sweet, innocent, and commendable soul of Goldie Harrison thrust Michael back into that pit? Goldie had done nothing, but treat her with warmth and respect since they’d met. Even more so, the girl was wonderful to Alastor despite his oddities.

The past week went by, feeling like a torture in its own right. Suddenly she recalled how ancient humans would quarter and draw criminals for punishment. Thankfully Michael hadn’t experienced that form of death and she had to accept that watching the man she loved be utterly devoted to the young girl was far less cruel. At least he was happy.

She pulled out a third cigarette, lighting it, and sat up just enough to smoke. Did she like smoking? Honestly, she wasn’t sure, but it did help her nerves, especially since she was hiding under the radio tower during the middle of the day.

After the lunch outing to Fong’s, Alastor brought Goldie back to the station.

Due to Alastor’s wiles and Michael’s foolish desire to make him happy, Goldie left as a temporary employee, tasked with writing reports and news summaries for their business hour broadcasts. The consequence was Alastor and Goldie being exactly as Dina had described: inseparable.

The worst of it was how they regularly included Michael. Goldie would invite her or have clarifying questions. That was good! Her work was nothing short of immaculate and they were lucky to have her.

What furthered Michael’s misery was how he strong armed her into most of Goldie’s requests. They’d had lunch and dinner a total of four times now. After the third time Michael started stealing into the shadows or scheduling meetings, making herself remarkably scarce.

Today truly took it out of her, though.

Alastor and Goldie had left together for three days in a row. They’d come in together this morning and yesterday morning! It was all the evidence she needed.

Thirty-seven minutes ago she’d heard Alastor coming down the hall to her office, talking and clucking along with his Little Bird.

In a rare act of spite, Michael stole his cigarettes and lighter before resorting to hide under the radio tower, laying across the roof, watching the blue sky pass her by, and wishing it would swallow her whole.

This was ridiculous. He was human!

Yes, she claimed to be human, and yes, she was as fragile as one now, but she would live forever, trapped. And maybe that wouldn’t bother her so much if her death was not all but guaranteed. She’d simply never made it this long before! She should have died with the flu! But Alastor, stubborn enough to defy the will of God, hadn’t allowed it.

Despite the lurching in her chest, she couldn’t help but laugh.

Who would be foolish enough to fight God? Brash enough to think they knew better?!

Michael groaned, wiping her face and taking another long draw.

Ought she not be grateful? She had a friend. The only one since Hera, who she’d not even been kind to in those days! Her foot shot out, kicking the metal beam with a resounding clang, frustrated with herself.

Damn it, she could have done anything to help Hera! The demoness who’d shown her some modicum of interest, not put off by all her holy nonsense, had been real. But no, Michael in all her absurdity decided the Titanomachy was beyond Heaven’s scope. If only that was her only failure.

How many mistakes had she made?

Heavenly Commander. What a joke.

Could Heaven function without her?

Would Azrael be alright or were they suffocating under the weight of billions of souls, crumbling under the pressure as Michael had?

Her fist slammed down. How could she have left them? Raphael was right, she was no better than Lucifer! The mere notion of Raphael caused her stomach to twist.

Was Hell safe? The gate was closed, but could her siblings force it open? They were never as powerful as she or Lucifer, but what if they truly tried? No, surely Gabriel would have told her that at least!

Maybe she could ask him again. Usually, if she’d asked whether Hell and Heaven were safe, he’d ignored her. The last time though, in the 1700s, he’d snapped. His scathing words echoed out and she could almost feel the Heavenly aura rolling off of him.

‘You threw everything away! Accept your punishment and do not ask on matters that do not concern you!’

Those words made her sick. How hurt he looked felt like being stabbed in the chest. What’s worse was how she agreed with him. How she’d said something heartbreakingly similar to Lucifer during the holy war.

She could have done anything else. Yet again, just another mistake.

But weren’t they tasked to protect the beings lesser than them? The innocent?

The feelings of angels were a luxury, if not entirely superfluous. If Gabriel could tell her it was worth it then yes, she could accept immortal damnation and wear her shackles in peace. He couldn’t though. Why had she created so many laws?!

Michael scoffed and sneered, kicking out to abuse the radio tower again. Then she went for another cigarette, groaning as she inspected the pack. There was only one left!

Alastor never kept more than one pack on him and the fact she’d gone through every one he had was deplorable. Maybe she could feign ignorance?

That sly fox knew no one would dare touch his belongings. No one besides her, that was. Well, Goldie would, but Goldie didn’t smoke.

Or did she?

In a fit of anger, Michael tossed the used cigarette butt over the building’s ledge and ripped the final one from the pack. He deserved it! Let him suffer a day without them! At least then he couldn’t share them with Goldie on the walk home. Back to their neighborhood.

Rational thought failed her as she took a long drag, unable to get the absurd and explicit scene out of her mind. She could clearly see it.

Alastor’s hand wrapped around Goldie’s jaw, arm curled around her like a viper, bodies pressed together as he taught her how to smoke in the same fashion.

Did they stop to go dancing on their walks home? Or were they laughing in the lamp light, smiling at one another as the world fell away? Goldie probably had dinner with him and Claire daily.

Father help her, when had she become so venomous and jealous?! Goldie was remarkable. Alastor was sensational. They were a match far better than Lucifer and Lilith!

Michael smacked her cheeks hard, fighting down the tightness in her throat as her leg bounced on the roof. Those two deserved to be happy and they were. Michael had forced herself to be happy for Lucifer with Lilith, before his fall. Her brother deserved love and to be loved in that miraculous way.

Alastor deserved it too.

She couldn’t fathom the enigmatic man returning her feelings. That was a ridiculous notion, but she disliked sharing him, regardless. She felt selfish to the point she couldn’t recognize herself, swallowed by the sin.

Even Lucifer would be disappointed with her right now. Humans barely found happiness let alone love in their laughably short lives. If Alastor and Goldie had, how could she detest it?

This wasn’t who she was. She would not become someone as wretched as Leviathan or as petty as Metatron! She was lucky to have Alastor and even luckier that he had someone who loved him, someone who could stand next to him after she died. Maybe she could come back to New Orleans in her next life, make sure they were doing well in their old age!

And she could leave whatever she owned to Alastor. It would be a strange will to draft up, and she’d have to pay the lawyers to keep it hush hush, but it could work!

This was it. If anything, this was for the best! It meant there wouldn’t be some Michael shaped hole in his life.

Perspective set in for her. The last several months had been worth more than any blessing. She’d kept him company in Goldie’s absence and benefited from it beyond expectation! There was nothing more she could ask for.

Michael would support them, be happy for them, and be grateful she’d ever met him.

Despite her decision, her foot beat out again and again into the tower, trying to dispel the growing pit in her stomach.


“Is Richard alright?” Goldie whispered to Alastor as they returned to the station.

He gave the man a once over.

Regularly, Richard lounged around the station, doing nothing but smoking or reading, while telling the young employees how he’d barely notice their absence, let alone miss them after retirement. This was a part of the man’s personality that Alastor greatly appreciated.

But Goldie was correct and something was off. Richard stood at the lobby window, rubbing his scruff in between drags of the Lucky Strike. Maybe he could bum one off of him? For the life of him he couldn’t remember what he’d done with his Chesterfields or lighter! Absurd didn’t begin to describe the idea that Alastor would misplace something! Especially his smokes.

He’d searched Michael’s office and the broadcast room, but no such luck. Perhaps his mother had swiped them? Even so, that didn’t explain anything.

Dina hurried over, also eyeing their elderly colleague with a worried expression, “He’s been looking out the window for thirty minutes.”

“I’m old, not deaf,” Richard grumbled, eyes dragging over the street below.

Alastor stepped away from the women, joining the window party. “If you’re looking for the President I hardly doubt he’s coming to your party, sad to say!”

Usually that would get him a retort but not today. All Richard did was hold a finger to his lips, officially worrying Alastor. Oddities in abundance today.

Then it happened, a low clang coming from above them. The old man nodded, “Keeps on happening. Reckon we got haints?”

Dina gasped, being particularly superstitious.

Ghosts? How stupid. That damn radio tower, with it weighing so much and New Orleans’ pension for weather and hurricanes, ought have its own talking hour to moan and groan! But then a small scrap of something flittered down in front of the window.

“And ya know,” Richard started, low and uncharacteristically even, “I ain’t seen Mike for hours.”

Alastor was halfway out the lobby at that point, unable to hear Goldie’s concerned question, long legs making for the rooftop. The last time Richard noted Michael’s absence, a fever had her nearly in a coffin. The world blinked by and then he was on the roof.

Now he was sprinting, eyes wide, not sure what to make of her still, half hidden body, maybe corpse, under the radio tower.

It was only when he saw her shift, turning and blinking at the sound of his thundering foot steps, did he skid to a halt. The coiling tensions in his chest, shoulders —sh*t, his everywhere— disintegrated, promptly replaced by a rolling fury.

“Michael?! What are you doing?” Alastor barked, stomping towards her with a magnificent sense of irritation.

Here he was, with all his charm and good nature, worried that she’d gotten herself into some ridiculous mess or another spat! Maybe arrested again?! Perhaps whisked away by that infuriating blond fellow? Who could say with this belligerent baffling bearcat?

Not only was she dawdling away, wasting precious time, she was up here smoking!

The foolish brat didn’t smoke! Short of his intervention, but still!

Then his eyes landed on the particularly empty carton of Chesterfields and lighter and Alastor gasped, ready to clutch his pearls as if it were Sunday! This damn witch had stolen his cigarettes!

Michael was blinking, obviously caught off guard as she stumbled to get to her feet.

“You delinquent! You’re the beady eyed rat that stole my cigarettes!” Alastor jerked her up by the arm, took the nearly finished cigarette from her hands, and snarled.

Michael avoided his gaze and wrenched away, feet stuttering, sending her into the radio tower with a groan, “I’ll buy you two packs, are you happy?”

“Happy?! Young lady you have more than your fair share of explaining to do, wasting the day up here as if you were on a picnic!”

“I owe you no such explanation Alastor,” she huffed, inching away as he stepped forward.

What on Earth had gotten into her? Maybe it was her monthlies. Several women became downright unbearable with the affliction so perhaps that was her plight. Then again that didn’t explain her outright diabolic attitude towards him in this instance! He knew Michael. He knew who she was, how she acted, and what she was capable of.

This was not the incessant debutante he was accustomed to!

After begrudgingly tucking away his light he took the last draw of the cigarette before flicking it away. Then he grabbed her arm again. Instead of whipping away, as she would when displeased, her form twisted into darkness, causing him to frown.

Michael didn’t use her talents frivolously.

Something was astonishingly wrong with her.

But what?! She’d been perfectly well and good this morning!

“What is going through that silly mind of yours?” Alastor demanded, stalking after her.

Michael brushed off her clothing and situated her hair all while rolling her eyes, “Silly am I? If I’m so silly, why are you here?”

His hand jutted out, gripping at her elbow. Again, she curled into the darkness only to appear another step away from him.

“Richard swears you’ve been toted off by the occult for horrifying experiments! I insisted you were their leader but he refused to believe me until I brought you as proof!”

She blinked at him, the stern expression easing a bit, but she didn’t take the bait. That minuscule delay on her part was all he needed, able to capture her. Darkness twinged her eyes and in that instant he rattled her, stopping her from using the talent and spinning them towards the buildings edge.

Michael’s eyes widened, hands gripping into his vest, under the impression he would toss her over! Hardly, even though he was considering it! Maybe if she annoyed him enough one day, he would push her off a building! The thought was funny enough, but oh his mother would smack him black and blue for the idea alone!

By keeping them in the view of the street and unsuspecting citizens below, she wouldn’t dare twist into the shadow for fear of someone seeing. He would get to the bottom of this!

“Now!” He hissed, hands tight around her arms as he leaned in, seething. ”Spit out whatever absurd or strange notion you’ve come upon today, so we might move along from it! You’re regularly heinous but today, especially so!”

She frowned, looking away from him, “Let it go, there’s nothing to—”

He gave her a fair rattle again, trying to jostle loose her fantastically stupid disposition, “Out with it Michael! I’m accustomed to your nonsense, but not to you acting like death is upon us!”

Her head jerked at him, eyes wide. At first her anger continued before melting into concern.

And then that fierce look fell away to … he didn’t know what it was because he’d not seen it on her before. Her eyes drooped, the corner of her mouth quirking only a smidge as her brow started to pull together. No, he had absolutely no idea what that meant.

Finally, her mouth twisted and her jaw tightened, causing her to move slightly. Michael had very few tells, but this one seemed rather obvious to him, she was getting ready to lie. Or give him some half truth. He stayed silent, letting it happen in hopes of finding useful information.

“Evelynn set up a betrothal and it’s been an ugly mess to break it off given I’ve not met the man.”

If it had been true, he could almost see her stress being genuine, especially since any mother would be over the moon to offload a spinster eldest daughter. But this was a bald-faced lie.

He released her finally, pretending to be satisfied with it, “If that’s all, then give me the poor dunce’s mailing address so I might congratulate him on dodging a right piece of lead!”

Her entire temperament eased, “Yes, I suppose he did.”

“If you’re done with this little pity party and your venture into petty thievery,” he flicked her on the nose before forcing her arm into his, taking slow steps back to the office, “we’ve all decided that unless it’s those on the evening broadcast, we’re taking off early going to the picture show!”

Her lips flinched, “We?”

“Yes indeed! There’s been particular interest amongst our dedicated subordinates!”

She was slow to retort, everything about her still dulled, “This is the first I’m hearing of it.”

“Yes, well, it isn’t like I’ve wrangled the cattle together yet! Though I’m certain once their driver returns, they’ll be more than happy to oblige!”

“Fine. I’m sure they’ll enjoy it.”

What was this?!

His suggestion was a downright coup! He might be the only other managing partner of the station, but Michael was still very much their leader and a deranged workaholic. There’d been no thought on her end! She’d simply relinquished control, allowing him to dismiss their entire staff for a frivolous jaunt to the picture show no less!

He wanted to go, yes, what with having discounted Buster Keaton showings, but he’d imagined she would fuss at him at least. It was a 50/50 gamble on whether she’d actually agree to it.

Down the hall from the station's door he whipped Michael around, taking a hunk of cheek in each hand and pulling upward, “If you don’t start to smile I’m afraid I’ll have to make you!”

Her lip tried to curl but his grip was tight, fighting against her souring expression and her hands pulling on his wrists, “Stop this nonsense!”

“Only when you stop yours!” He sang, smiling wide and bright, leaning in. She wouldn’t dare fade into the darkness in their office building. Unlike any other time she was ready for her onslaught, swiping away her leg with his. She couldn’t jerk so hard or she’d hurt herself.

“You’re the only one who smiles like his entire life depends on it!” She fussed, glaring at him, getting angrier by the second. And that was fine by him! It was the sort of angry he knew, not whatever that unsettling angst was on the roof.

“I’m a happy sort! Unlike yourself!”

His arms straightened out, her legs officially too short to reach him at the odd angle. Then he started wiggling his catch, starting to laugh with each wobble. And like always, Michael showed him just how unpredictable she could be.

“Alastor!” She gasped, far louder than necessary. “The scandal! What is someone sees us?!“

The implication in her tone was what made his hands rip away as he took two massive steps back. At first, her expression darkened as if she’d been offended, but then it leveled out with a sigh. Michael crossed her arms, rolled her eyes, and made way for the station.

Alastor stood there like a dolt. It took a good moment to process exactly what she’d meant, but suddenly, he didn’t quite care. If Michael Burr wanted a war of wills, then he would be honored to give her one.


As promised, Michael let the staff go early, and only Wexler remained to conduct the evening broadcast.

Alastor snagged his jacket off his chair, eyeing Michael. She was still scratching away with her pen, not taking stock of his glowering or Goldie’s dubious expression. He stomped over, knocked on the desk with a knuckle, and leaned forward, charm dripping from every ounce of his body, “I’m hardly trying to rush you, what with all this work that apparently must be finished at this very moment, but surely you don’t intend to make us late, hmm?”

She didn’t move a hair, only rolling her eyes up to level him with a dry look. Silence hung between them, the air turning flammable.

“Do you need me to go?” She challenged.

Alastor’s lips tightened over his teeth as his eyes sharpened. Then he snatched away her pen, twirling it around his fingers, “As much as I’d need a lobotomy! But! Morale dictates the general ought be the one setting an example for her troops, no?”

Her eyes widened a fraction.

Yes, that little quip certainly got under her skin! Usually he didn’t throw her previous career in her face, but she’d set the terms of their spat in the hallway and subtlety was no where on the menu! And of course she was going, she owed him two packs of cigarettes!

The way her shoulders rolled back unnerved him, though. She stood, reaching out with no real urgency, and caught the pen. They both held firm as she answered, hissing low to where only he could hear her, “Perhaps you’d prefer I show you how I set examples, Alastor.”

That was a threat, he was certain. And if that’s how she wanted to—

The pen was plucked from them, Goldie coming around to Michael’s side with a large, sweet smile. It was one she regularly leveraged against her younger sisters when they squabbled like beasts.

“Miss Michael, have you seen a picture show before?” Her delightful, soft tone, and calm demeanor seemed to soothe his bristling bearcat to the point she smiled in turn, shoulders falling.

“No. My mother finds them a tasteless version of theater, so I’ve not had the chance.”

Goldie gently placed a hand on Michael’s arm, “I’d be happy if you’d go with us! Dina is even inviting her beau and you’d enjoy meeting him! He’s a structural engineer, though he primarily does the mathematics for the Army Corps! And these Buster Keaton films are quite the riot I’ve heard!”

Michael blinked, not looking at Alastor, when she finally took a breath and nodded, “It would be a shame to miss it. Alright Goldie, you’ve convinced me.”

“Wonderful!” She chirped, also ignoring him. She settled into Michael’s side, linking their arms as girlfriends and dames do, and pulled her out of the office. It was only at Michael’s door did Goldie glance back at him with an unusual, testy look.

Once outside, Alastor grabbed Goldie’s other arm, smiling at the women despite how one was certainly distracted by anything else. The entire way to the theater was spent in that limbo despite how he made conversation with Goldie. Even when he’d brought up something spectacularly boring, and despite how her head angled to hear clearly, Michael didn’t look his way.

The theater was featuring a two hour special of Buster Keaton’s The General and College. Thankfully the former, despite having military story lines, was not directly about a general. He did not need the double whammy of Michael’s sullen disposition as well as her ire! Honest to goodness, how miserable could one person be when they’d had absolute, literal God given power once upon a time?

Or perhaps she was sour she’d lost it all?

And why?

That wasn’t a question he’d thought of before. He never considered how Michael came to this wretched existence, only that it really had no bearing on him unless he was specifically digging.

They moved slowly through the crowd, to the box office. On that awful carnival ride, she’d admitted to a failure. That wasn’t an idea that set well with him. There was no part of Michael he could fathom capable of failure, short of her foray into bread making or taking advice.

His musing was broken as Dina approached with that gruff squeeze, Dennis. He’d met the man once, and like most men, he found the brute distasteful. It was hard for Alastor to believe he could add let alone count on his fingers!

Goldie’s voice was what brought him to life. She was pulling Michael forward, explaining, “— manages the station. She’s quite interested in your w—”

Alastor popped forward, clapping Dennis on the shoulder with one hand and shaking the outstretched one, the one headed right for Michael.

“A pleasure to meet you! Quite a pleasure! I’ve heard your quite the brainiac! Say, wouldn’t it be a swell idea for us to let these ladies head inside while we round up the tickets?” He never caught her expression as he reintroduced himself to the confused fellow. That was a fair reaction seeing how they’d met before and Alastor was hardly forgettable!

In the corner of his eye, Michael weaved through the crowd, bee-lining into the theater. Good. She had plenty of friends and didn’t need another! Let alone some number licking engineer who was already spoken for! Not that he needed to worry on that front. Who could be interested in Michael, besides some dunce or a sap interested in her family’s money?

If anything, he’d saved this poor fool the temptation, and her the tediousness of maintaining another man’s acquaintance!

Dina kissed Dennis on the cheek before heading inside, on cloud nine. Goldie, however, was eyeing him. Why? Maybe she was worried?

Alastor shook his head. Women were frightfully confusing.

It didn’t take so much longer to get the tickets and rejoin the chattering gaggle.They meandered down the aisle, searching for a section that would seat five.

During this hunt, he’d started a small game. He’d try inching closer to Michael, whether behind her or from the side and even around a random fellow! Each time she managed to weasel away or pull Goldie to her side, utilizing her as the smallest shield in existence!

He had to commend her, though! There wasn’t a single time where a prey had eluded him despite being in such close quarters.

Given the popularity of the event, sections of seating were few and far between. Dina dragged Dennis off into a secluded corner to do only God knows what. Alastor felt a pang of sympathy for God. He’d hate to know what every wretch was doing off in dusty corners!

“And here we are!” He chimed, gesturing to the seats he just procured. Yes, he had shoved some unsuspecting milk drinker a touch down the ramp, but they were able bodied and young!

Michael, perfectly aware of his tactics, smiled at Goldie, “I’ll go first.”

Stupid, chivalrous woman. Due to Goldie’s age, Michael always put the younger’s comfort about her own! Alastor would offer but the unsuspecting person towards the middle was a woman, and his mother would scold him for the impoliteness, unless absolutely necessary. No woman wanted to sit next to a strange man in an already packed match box. And given his particularly long legs, he’d need the aisle seat as to not feel cramped for the two hour show.

That put a damper on his fun, but he would make do ! Once settled and in the dark, he stretched his arm behind Goldie’s chair, easily reaching to Michael’s shoulder.

It was pure luck that she’d let that lion’s mane down earlier! With the first bout of laughter from the audience, his fingers twisted into a lock of hair, giving it a yank. She gasped, hand snapping up. But then Goldie turned, causing Michael to turn their way.

She smiled, assuring Goldie it was nothing. Once the girl focused back on comedy, Michael’s face was blazing, eyes finally settled on him.

His brow plucked up in mock concern even as he twirled her hair further into his fingers.

Let go,’ she mouthed, looking like she might lunge across Goldie to snap his neck! Alastor timed it perfectly, laughing along with the crowd, but only because his private little show.

Then he smiled, eyes gesturing to the screen, silently insisting she watch it.

Her nostrils flared and she sneered, mouthing again, ‘Let. Me. Go.

C’est la vie, he’d given her the chance to surrender peacefully! With a handsome smile and wink, he gathered a fistful of hair and tugged.

Michael swallowed a gasp, eyes locked on him even as he forced her head back towards the screen. She tried to twist and pull but she couldn’t budge without making a scene and attracting more attention.

He turned away, taking each and every opportunity to let out his fits of giggles and cackling. After fifteen minutes of pristine behavior, he chanced a peek at her. Michael looked as if she’d seen a ghost, mouth tight as her wide eyes focused straight ahead.

Since she was behaving, he could at least give her some respite. Alastor considered himself stern, yet benevolent, and thus he eased the grip, causing her eyes to flicker his way. His eyebrow popped up, threatening her.

Michael gave him the slightest of sneers, but ultimately looked away. In reward, his grip eased further, finger tips working into the tender spot he’d created. Under his machination, he felt a shudder, but it wasn’t her jerking away or fighting it. Finally, she seemed to learn her lesson!

And that’s how they sat for the remaining 47 minutes, Alastor somewhat forgetting where his hand was, mindlessly toying with her hair as he was absorbed back into the film.

“Al,” Goldie called once the intermission began, his hand dropping away from Michael to come around and poke his little bird in the cheek. She grinned and shoved it away, asking bashfully, “I was hoping we could switch seats? I can’t quite see from here.”

He should have thought of that! The fellow in front of Goldie wasn’t as tall as he was, so he’d not considered she couldn’t see. “But of course, you should have said so earlier!”

“Miss Michael, what did you think of it?” Goldie called to their slate faced employer. Once again she was ignoring him, all smiles for Goldie as she nodded, “It’s entertaining! I like it quite a bit!”

“Riveting isn’t it?! It tugs on your heart strings! I might even call it a tear jerker, what with that young man’s devotion! And I’d be remiss not to make note of the leading lady’s hairstyle! We don’t see much long hair these day!”

Michael sat like ice as Goldie gave him an curious chuckle, “I suppose not? Other than young girls, Miss Michael might be one of the last ladies I know with long hair.”

Alastor turned back to her just in time, grinning like the cat that ate the canary, “Why yes, I suppose she is! Look at you’d defying what’s considered fashionable!”

That earned him a stern glance from Goldie, but the lights dimmed as the film reel clicked away. Next to him, Michael had her arms crossed tight, doing everything in her power to keep away from him despite it being virtually impossible. He grinned, adjusting to cross his legs and lean into her space, arm on the divider, elbow digging into her ribs.

She shoved, barely, trying not to draw attention their way. Alastor snickered under his breath, leaning in further.

Then he jerked, something sharp on his side as sparks ran through him. Michael didn’t retreat, going in again to pinch the exposed section of his waist under the divider. His hand shot down, catching her wrist and pinning it down.

There was a hiss and hard tug as she tried to wrench loose. She didn’t have any leverage in the close quarters and didn’t possess enough strength to pull away without knocking into the woman next to her.

The nails of her hand dug into his wrist, biting in. Honestly, it was a sad attempt and laughably so! Despite the pin pricks in his skin, she must know such a feeble attempt couldn’t deter him! Actually, it was insulting.

His free arm laid across his lap, causing him to look particularly comfortable and casual. But in between them in the darkness, one hand made simple work of removing her claws as his other hand slipped up past her wrist.

Alastor hand one of her hands in each of his, his fingers laced tight through hers to the point she couldn’t flex them, threatening to cutoff the circulation. Given her shorter limbs, Michael was forced to his side. The awkward position angled her body towards him, her cheek plastered to his shoulder.

In rapid succession she tugged, trying to escape, each pull more urgent than the last. On the fourth, Alastor snapped her hard into his side, his head dipping down to whisper, “Be good, Michael. We wouldn’t want a scandal would we?”

Her swallow was audible.

Alastor’s manic smile grew. Then he adjusted a smidge, getting comfortable without relinquishing an ounce of control.

To be safe, he looked down, not putting it past her to have a retaliation already planned. Much to his delight, her eyes were locked onto Buster Keaton’s antics. Actually he wasn’t even sure what this film was about anymore! He’d been too busy with his own fun!

Michael eased, as they settled into a silent cease fire. Her hands flexed and wiggled, attempting to maintain bloodflow. In an act of benevolence towards his disorderly prisoner, his fingers loosened and his thumbs dug into her palms, working to alleviate some of the numbness.

Her head butted into his shoulder, but he only scoffed, pressing deeper into the flesh, causing her jaw to screw tight and eyes to widen. It was only when the ending card rolled did Michael shoot to her feet, finally freeing herself. Like a tornado, she blew past him, a hand shoving back his face as her heel caught his toe.

Alastor sucked in a snarling breath, barely missing her arm as she manage to slip past Goldie, using the powder room as a feeble excuse.

He only stopped glowering at the theatre doors when Goldie’s hand waved in front of his nose.

“Yes, Little Bird?” He clipped out, eyes bouncing back and forth between the young lady and the door as they shuffle with the crowd.

“I was asking if you liked any particular part?”

Alastor blinked, realizing he couldn’t recall a single fact about the picture. But ever the showman, he beamed, pulling Goldie’s small hand into his arm, “Why the entire plot was an utter riot! A masterful performance, as always!”

She nodded, waving to Dina and Dennis as they meandered to the exit, “I particularly liked the part where he was stuck on that rooftop!”

Alastor laughed, nodding along, “What a funny little addition! I suspect many a fellow has found themselves in that position unfortunately!”

Eventually they were outside and Dina, ever the bloodhound where heart ridden fellows were concerned, laughed and pointed towards the street corner, “Oh I didn’t think he’d be so brave!”

Under the lamp light, among the pockets of people, was Wexler. Alastor checked his pocket watch just to be sure. Technically the broadcast would be over by now, but that didn’t explain why the young employee was here. The freckled boy caught sight of them and smiled, headed there way. His eyes kept bouncing around though.

Dina giggled long before Wexler could speak, knocking him in the arm, “Miss Michael is in the powder room, I’m sure she’ll be out any minute now!”

Alastor’s jaw clenched, smile sharpening as his free hand clapped onto the younger’s shoulder, “Why, surely you’ve not come all the way here to report you’re finished with the broadcast! You run on home and don’t you worry about all her barking! I’m certain you’ve done a magnificent job!”

Goldie’s hand tightened on his arm and Dina rattled a silent laugh into Dennis. Wexler beamed though, nodding, “Thank you Sir! I did my best and I think it was my finest one to date! But actually I was here to— ah, well, since you and Miss Goldie are neighbors and Miss Dina is saw home by Mister Dennis, I only thought, since it would be late that someone should see Miss Michael home since she lives downtown.”

He didn’t register how Goldie tried to pull back on him. Alastor stepped in towards Wexler, abandoning his longtime friend, his fingers digging into the young man’s shoulder, “Well isn’t that just noble!”

There was a choking, rolling laugh from Dina and Goldie immediately tried to shut her cousin up. Despite being utterly red in the face and rattling like a leaf, Wexler stood firm. Alastor hated it, but he could commend this nonsensical fool’s dedication to chivalry!

“Thank you, Sir. I appreciate hearing that, especially from you,” Wexler said, offering Alastor an appreciative, shy smile.


The group whipped around to find Michael, looking cool as ice, smiling with concern for their young broadcaster. She swept past Alastor without a care, eyes stuck on the whelp, voice soft, “Is everything alright? Did something happen? You’re well?”

Alastor wanted to wretch onto the street and find someone he could gut and dump into the Mississippi! Wexler lit up like a marquee sign, bright eyed and smiling at Michael as if she were the sole reason for the sun rising and setting!

Well, maybe she had been apart of that process? He couldn’t be entirely certain what hand she had in the creation of everything. The thought did not sit well in his stomach. He’d technically been spurring on an immortal creature with inexplicable powers …

But she looked as human as his mother, a worried maternal expression settled on the broadcaster. Did the wretch have to stand nearly on top of her?

Over the past several weeks, Wexler had filled out in the way only puberty could offer. He’d even packed on a fair bit of muscle, often mentioning horse stables. And since when had the ingrate been half a head taller than her?

In a way, Wexler somewhat resembled that distressingly rude blond bastard, Gabriel.

Was that why she was so sweet on the young man?

Dina was near tears, trying to hold in all her obnoxious laughter, as she bid them goodbye. At least Dennis had the good sense to drag her off.

“Everything is fantastic! All berries on the broadcast! It’s only … given all the reports of trouble downtown, and what with it being late and Mister Alastor and Miss Goldie having a longer way to go, it didn’t seem polite to leave a woman to walk home alone, especially since I’m headed in that direction anyway!”

When he’d interviewed Wexler for the position, he wasn’t quite sure the boy’s personality would be enough, even with his particularly rare tone of voice. But he’d let the boy do an off air trial run and was impressed with how he came to life, brave when hidden behind the microphone. Now Alastor was regretting every minute of it, Wexler’s broadcasting bravery seeping into how he handled others.

What’s worse was Michael’s touched smile, hand patting encouragingly on Wexler’s oddly thick bicep.

“That’s astoundingly generous of you Wexler, but after all your hard work you surely didn’t need to wait here! Still, it’s comforting to know there’s such diligent and kind men out in the world—“

“Can you believe it!” Alastor interrupted, an arm anchoring over his mentee’s shoulders, grinning ear to ear. Michael’s smile tightened a fraction, but that frigid demeanor was back in full force and would be hard to break.

“Talented and like those knights in silly fairytales! Why, how lucky we are to have such a prime fellow in our company! That being said, you’re a growing boy! It would do us no good if you didn’t get ample rest. Now, how about you scurry on and I’ll take responsibility for seeing these ladies home, hmm?” Nothing in Alastor’s tone left room for argument and yet, perhaps it was due to Wexler’s thick skull.

The idiot smiled at him, touched and misty eyed, that sausage of an arm swinging up over Alastor’s shoulders making them look like right buddies.

Wexler hadn’t specifically done anything wrong, but he would have to die. It would be for the best. This world was cold and cruel and was going to chew him up and spit him out. Really, Alastor would be doing the lad a kindness by killing him since Heaven existed and there was no doubt he would be sent straight there!

Yes, it was a lovely solution.

“Why don’t we all go together?” Goldie offered, taking Michael by the arm, smiling cheerily. “Miss Michael only lives four streets over! Wex, what’s your address?”

The boy grinned sheepishly and offered his address.

What a crock of baloney! Yes, he lived closer to Michael than Goldie or Alastor by far, but from their current location he would be headed in the opposite direction! Fine, let the grubby, possum looking fellow waste his day!

“Well we ought get this show on the road!”

He sprang into action, jerking the milk drinker around so they were walking infront of the ladies. At least this way neither woman would be doomed to withstand Wexler. To be even kinder, Alastor took the time to educate everyone on several variations of radio models.

He hardly made it halfway through his spiel when they arrived at the street Wexler needed to depart down, lest he have to double back. With a viciously polite smile, Alastor patted on the boy’s shoulders before spinning him around and giving him a firm, playful shove, “You have been ever the delight! Now you see yourself home safely! We’d hate to waste that miraculous talent!”

How stupid could this one be?

Wexler nodded, rubbing the back of his head, giving Alastor and Goldie a proper farewell before turning to Michael, “If you’re ever working late Miss Michael, it’s no trouble at all to make sure you get home safely!”

Michael, far too polite for her own good, outstretched her hand, “Again, that’s a generous and gentlemanly offer, Wexler. I’ll be sure to call upon you if the need ever arises.”

With the exuberance of a deranged puppy, he shook her hand. The dunce turned back around twice to wave goodbye even, grinning like he’d discovered he was some long lost prince!

Thankfully, it was over.

“Well, I think it’s time we wrap up this little party, don’t you think ladies?” With Michael on Goldie’s arm, furthest from the street, politeness dictated he take Goldie’s free arm as to put himself in harm’s way, what with all the driving lunatics these days. So he did.

Unnerving silence threatened the trio and Alastor took it upon himself to beat it away. “Why, I’m rather impressed with how entertaining he can be!”

“Alastor,” Goldie chided, shoulder knocking into him.

“What? I am! He’s usually so dull! I’m quite pleased with this little development in his personality! Aren’t you?” He directed it over Goldie’s head at Michael, who wore that overly polite mask.

And here he thought he’d not have to deal with her overly polite, aloof facade anymore! He started again, determined to ruin that mask, “Not gone—”

Goldie’s fist caught his waist this time, her expression threatening.

Alas, he relented, pinning her with a straining look and silently insisting that she stop being a nuisance!

He might have said something else, if only to lighten the mood with Goldie, but she frowned, leaving him to sulk in silence the remaining three blocks to Michael’s apartment. Once there, he was faced with the same cold woman who’d entered the station months ago, “I’ll see you both tomorrow. Goodnight.”

Michael gave Goldie a swift smile, not daring to look at him once more before disappearing into the building. Before he could say anything, she was already walking down the street ahead of him. He caught up with her, arm draping across her shoulders.

She brushed him off, crossing her own and pointedly staring at him.

“What? Don’t tell me you’ve gone sour too! If she’s that terrible an influence I’ll not let you into the office again!” He jested, grinning sweetly. Goldie only rolled her eyes, continuing on with the punishing silence.

Alastor groaned, clasping his hands behind his back, needing somewhere to put them. Consumed by thought and distracted with several theories, did he finally realize they'd passed the last corner store two streets ago! His hands tightened, teeth grinding. That menace never replaced his cigarettes and now he'd have to wait until morning! This was shaping up to be less fun by the minute.


I'm glad I showed some of Michael's history here because she's been through a lot, long before Alastor ever showed up. A whole other life with people who depended on her ... she made her bed though, hope it was worth it :/ . And her relationships were, uhhhhhh, well. You'll see. She loves Lucifer but they've had a rough past.

Fun fact: There is no rooftop scene in College by Buster Keaton. Goldie is a clever little bird ;3 I do feel bad for shoving Goldie, literally, in between Idiot 1 and Idiot A, but hey, that's how the cookie crumbles!

If you'd like to watch these silent films, here they are!

The General:


Chapter 72: Bright


Alastor is full of Bright ideas today. So why isn't it working?


Hi! :3

Song to take with you? Maybe relevant? Maybe not. I like it.
Enchanted by Taylor Swift

Is it cliche and cheesy? Yes. Do I care? Kinda?
Oh well have fun :3 Love y'alllllllll

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alastor, running off fumes of spite from yesterday since he’d yet to purchase any cigarettes, came into the office far earlier than anyone else would even dare, the sun no where near rising. He waltzed into the empty office, humming a jaunty tune, clicking his heels all the way to the kitchenette. That’s where he gathered the two nearly full bags of coffee. Then he went to Michael’s office and took the small one she kept in her desk, just in case something catastrophic were ever to befall them.

Michael didn’t make the coffee anymore, since they’d hired Dina. Today, their chatty secretary would be running late, something about an appointment or getting her fangs filed back down. In her absence, Goldie would likely be the one to make it, having the least to do compared to the full time employees and volunteering to cover for Dina. At least he was saving someone a headache! All that grinding and whatnot.

There was plenty of tea! Weak, mediocre, bland, thin tea.

Locking back the main door, Alastor whistled all the way out of the building and back to his neighborhood. While there he purchased two packs of Chesterfields and a cup of coffee before procuring Goldie from her family home.

This morning she was in a far better mood, going on about those daring tales from the books he’d gotten her. Given the subject and his own masterful machinations, he found himself rather interested in this Moriarty fellow! And as planned, they were the first into the office so he could walk her through Dina’s basic duties and using the telephone.

“It seems we’re out of coffee. Should I go get some from the grocer’s?” While unfortunate, he needed to include her in his little orchestration!

Alastor smiled and shook his head, “Michael keeps extra in her office so don’t you worry a thing on it! We’ll get it sorted once she rolls in!”

It wasn’t long until their Chief Officer arrived, already with her head in a file as she sailed through the lobby. He knew Michael had a spectacularly mind numbing number of meetings and wouldn’t be thinking of her drug of choice until it was too late.

Today was shaping up to be lovely!

When not broadcasting or dealing with the staff, Alastor posted up like a delighted gargoyle in his chair, all smiles and jazz tunes. Every so often she would spare him a brief glower before going right back to her drudgery.

He couldn’t help but snicker when she huffed, slapping down a stack of papers and pushing to her feet. Then she left, mouth pursed as if she were trying to hold back how murderous she felt.

Oh, it was only getting better!

First came the smack of a cabinet door, loud and firm. Then another and another. Next was the sound of her heels, striking the floor in rapid fire, growing loud until nothing. Wide, predatory eyes settled on his cheerful form, not wavering away even as she went to her desk and threw open the same drawer he had this morning.

It clapped and rattled shut under her festering agitation. He stood up, hands situated comfortably behind his back as he pranced towards her, beaming with tooth rotting sweetness, “Michael, darling, have you misplaced something? Perhaps I can help you look!”

“You will pay for this,” she seethed, nostrils flaring as venom dripped from her fangs. He could almost imagine her hair coming loose and writhing up behind her like demonic flames. He wondered now if angels could grow horns!

Alastor leaned over and smiled, pulling the Chesterfields pack from his pocket and bopping her on the nose with it, “Like you paid for my cigarettes?”

He didn’t wait for a reaction, taking a long and fast step out of her strike zone before bouncing down the hall. Victory smelled so sweet! Not sweet actually, more earthy and warm, very much like fresh coffee!

Alastor stopped. Then he sniffed again before wheeling around and looking towards the kitchenette. Coming out of it was Wexler, drink from a mug before sucking in a breath to cool off his scalded tongue.

What was this? Not only was that barmy barn baby carrying two steaming mugs of coffee and heading right for Michael’s office, he looked utterly presentable! The damn bumpkin had his ginger hair fixed to the side with no small amount of pomade and was wearing a crisp, baby blue shirt that certainly showcased the fact he was working as a farmhand.

He’d even put on a bow tie! A white one that matched a striped waistcoat! He looked utterly ridiculous! Like he’d walked out of the catalog from Ashburn’s!

Alastor checked the kitchenette, only to make certain, to verify that he wasn’t being an absolutely paranoid loon. And like most days, he was sane, because there sat a new bag of coffee next to a freshly brewed batch!

Like a hurricane, he stormed back to her office, pulling on his showman’s smile and coming up behind Wexler. He clapped the boy on the shoulder, taking the uncontaminated cup and sipping, “How wonderful! And here I thought we were out! Can’t you believe it! Where on Earth did you find it? Why, I looked all morning!”

Wexler grimaced, glancing between the two mugs, mouth opening and closing, before opening again. “I— I noticed there wasn’t any made this morning when we usually have do. A-after I checked the cabinets, I took my lunch break early to go buy more, and,” he sheepishly smiled at Michael before deflating, realizing that he’d drank from the mug in his hand, “I knew you were busy today so I thought it would be best if I took care of it instead of Miss Goldie since she’s covering for Miss Dina.”

Disgusting. This was a nausea inducing display of absolute buffoonery! At least the young man had a low risk environment to learn in. Alastor smiled, sipping on the coffee from his chair. Poor thing hadn’t even gotten the right roast! Still, it tasted good enough since Alastor was able to snatch his plan from the grubby fingers of defeat!

It didn’t even matter if Michael was smiling at their forlorn ginger, looking at him as if he’d just saved a school of burning kittens!

“I can get you another one!” Wexler spat out, pointing at the door and starting to shake like a leaf. A dribble of coffee splattered to the floor.

Michael came over, soft eyes and sweet smile settled on the living dunce cap. What made Alastor nearly do a spit take was how her hands cupped around Wexler’s, and the mug, steadying the violent rattle.

“This is perfect. I’m beyond grateful that you went out of your way to do all this, especially on a day we’re all so busy. So thank you, truly.” Carefully, she pulled the mug from his hands, and Alastor could swear the boy’s nose was starting to bleed. She took a fast sip from the cup, causing his eye to start twitching.

She turned away, but not far enough to mask it. Michael tried to swallow her usual reaction to a fresh cup of coffee. He’d seen it a million times, her lips twisting at the corners, shoulders falling back, as her eyes fluttered closed.

When Michael took a second drink from the mug, Alastor nearly launched his own to the floor. He couldn’t be sure of it, though he certainly wouldn’t make up such a ridiculous fact, but he would swear her mouth was touching right where Wexler’s had.


He needed soap, a whole vat of it. He was going to pin her down, tie her up, shackle her to a post, anything so that he could take said soap and scrub her mouth until he was sure not a single iota of this drivel, sniveling, pea brained, lucky-to-even-be-alive-at-this-point, sodden fool reminded her of nothing but the sour, metallic, salty, gut turning taste of lye!

Yes. He’d hold her head down and disinfect her entire mouth with a bottle of whiskey!

“Wexler!” She gasped, rushing forward.

Alastor was harshly broken from his daydream, forced to look at their intruder. The boy had a healthy stream of red coming down his lip now, dripping onto his bright clothes.

Earlier he’d laid his jacket across the corner of her desk. He hated hanging it up without a proper coat hanger for fear of warping the fabric. Given his proportions, getting new coats was a hassle. Today, he regretted doing it.

Michael flopped open his jacket, grabbing his handkerchief, and sailed for the boy. In no time, she had his nose pinched, pushing his head back as the white cloth blossomed with red.

All Alastor could see was red.

He imagined shoving Wexler off the radio tower, watching as he dropped, down, down, down until splat! And if Alastor was lucky, he would get to skip out to the sidewalk, knife in hand, ready to slit the sobbing brat’s neck. No! He’d take the time to cut off his hands, the ones that dared let hers wrap around them without backing the f*ck away. He’d not even tried to pull away!

But first, he would wait! Only long enough to give that clopping fool a brief summary of just how utterly he’d offended his gracious, caring mentor to the point of murder.

“Breathe through your mouth, you’ll be alright, keep your head tipped back, and we’ll sit you down over here. Nice and easy,” Michael cooed, escorting the boy by the arm into her office chair, helping him keep steady.

“Thank you, Miss Michael,” nasaled out Wexler, smiling like a drunk fool while desperately spying at her despite the awkward positions. And much like a worried mother, she patted at his head. Alastor could swear that damn cretin was near purring!

“Your handwriting is rather neat, isn’t it Wexler?” She mused, changing the topic entirely.

Where was she going with this?!

Wexler tried to nod, but Michael held his head fast, tutting. Alastor’s own hand was digging into the chair’s arms, nails biting into the fabric so far, his fingers started to whiten from the lack of blood flow. He’d have to wrangle her into the tub and scour every inch of her skin to remove any lingering grime. Her clothes would need burnt. Maybe a new chair?

“Good. I’ve a meeting with the state office later on, and you’ll come to take notes for me, as long as you can write fast enough?”

“Surely he has plenty to do here! Why he’s just suffered a medical emergency, and you’re putting him back to work! Terribly cruel, don’t you think?” Michael didn’t take anyone to meetings! Well, Alastor went if needed but otherwise she could fend off an onslaught of bureaucrats in her sleep!

So what would possess her to drag this literally leaking louse down to some meeting where all they were going to do is read through mind numbing regulations?

But Wexler wouldn’t hear it. He hopped to his feet, Alastor’s handkerchief still shoved tight and maroon with drying blood, “I’m fine! I feel perfectly fine!”

“You look like you lost a fight with a tomato!” Alastor countered, coming over and gesturing at the blood stained shirt. He doubted the boy had any worthwhile domestic skills, and while Alastor could certainly save the poor garment, he had no intentions of doing so! If the boy was going to act goofy, then he ought suffer the consequences!

The idiot smiled. “You’re so kind, Sir!”

Michael nearly choked, her hand coming over her mouth as she took a purposeful step away, masking her disbelief before saying, “He lost a perfectly nice shirt due to today’s unfortunate turn of events, so I’ll take him to get one before the meeting. Wexler, go get cleaned up as best you can, and I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

“Of course Miss Michael, it won’t take me no time! I promise, I won’t let you down!” Wexler almost gave himself a concussion, what with all that smiling and saluting, by running side first into the door frame before fumbling out into the hallway.

“Here, for all your hard work today,” Michael chirped, smiling as she pulled up his palm. Before he could stop her she plopped the bloodied handkerchief in his hand, patted his arm with two hard smacks before gathering her files and leaving.


Much to the detriment of Alastor’s itching taste for revenge, Wexler and Michael didn’t return before he had to leave the station. Tonight was Richard’s party, and he needed to get home to help Claire carry the two cakes she’d made.

On the walk home, he’d smoked half his cigarettes, snarling at each one when it ended sooner than he wanted it to! To add insult to injury, the shirt he’d planned to wear was dirty. Last night, being solely focused on today’s vengeance, he’d completely forgotten to wash and hang it to dry!

At least, he could take solace in his mother’s company.

Or so he thought. Claire loaded one of the cakes into his arms, eyeing him suspiciously, “You didn’t leave Ti Zwazo to walk home alone, did you?”

The nerve! Despite it being the middle of the afternoon on a particularly lovely day, he would never! “Oh yes, I also shaved her head then rolled her into the lake.”

“Alastor! You do not back sass your mother that way! I’ve plenty of soap in that bathroom!” There was that awfully familiar twinge in his jaw, one he developed after suffering the consequences of being a particularly mouthy teenager.

So he huffed and offered, “She’s helping Dina set up for Richard’s party.”

Claire smiled, liking this answer far better, “Phew, she’s been working up a storm over there! I can’t believe she has so much energy!”

Goldie’s work at the station was quite the divergence from her typical tasking as a seamstress. While she was good at making clothes and quilts, her talent for reporting and writing blew that right out of the water! “She’s done nothing but run around the station even if she’s not paid to be there the entire time! She simply refuses to leave like some wayward cat!”

“Good, I’m happy she likes it! She’s too intelligent to be stitching hems her whole life,” Claire lauded, proud of her only daughter figure.

Goldie seemed happier this past week than he’d seen her in a long time, going as far to say that she would give up dressmaking entirely if her meeting with the paper fellow went well tonight. He scoffed, “Like it? Since gaining access to the typewriters, I can hardly drag her home.”

“And Michael doesn’t mind her being there all that time?”

His eyes rolled so far back that he nearly stumbled across the sidewalk! Claire reached out for the cakes, but he was already back up and taking a deep breath.

“What’s gotten into you?” His mother accused, eyes going narrow, investigating every part of him.

“Not a thing, Moman!” He smiled hastily, shaking off the falter.

She didn’t buy it, arms crossing as her fingers drummed the underside of her cheek, “Mhmm, and what might that not-a-thing be? You’ve been in a foul mood since yesterday, stalking all up and down the hallway last night. You about put a hole in my rug, chugging on like a train.”

“It’s hardly possible to make something out of nothing, Moman!” Which was something he knew for a fact now, due to Michael’s impromptu lecture on something related to a level of mathematics that might as well be magic. Scratch that. He could understand magic well enough, he thought, but not whatever that was.

“Something going on at the station?” She pressed, getting warmer.

“Other than my resounding success? No, I’d say not!”

Alastor kept his gaze firmly on the walkway in front of him. He didn’t miss his mother’s huffing, but he certainly missed that little smirk, “Alright, I’m glad to hear it then. You work so hard, bebe, I’m so proud of you! You kids seem awfully busy this week. How is Michael holding up? I can’t believe how much you both take on to make that station work. You ought to bring her back for dinner again, poor girl acted like she’d never seen food before last time!”

His mood rolled downhill as fast as it went up! The praise of being a hard worker and talented and handsome regularly fell from his mother’s mouth, but he knew she meant every word of it! He loved to hear it. To make it true. To make her happy.

But then she had to bring up Michael.

Claire regularly asked after his cohort after her first intrusion upon his home. Then his mother had demanded he bring her back for another dinner less than two weeks ago. His cooking was remarkable, but his mother’s? Alastor wasn’t entirely sure why so many men wanted to go to war, but he absolutely would for her meals!

Michael’s reaction to the feast was reasonable, if not a little laughable.

“She’s fine! Ever the stick in—”

Claire made a small humming noise, causing Alastor to reroute his comment, “—sticking it to our competitors! Yes she’s doing quite well!”

There was no getting around the fact his mother liked Michael, despite how the angel was particularly quiet when visiting. If he’d not known her so well, he’d think maybe she was insulted by the humbleness of it all, but she’d made a specific point to tell him how lovely it was the following day! And she wasn’t lying, he could always tell when that heinous bearcat started fibbing.

“How’s she and Goldie getting on?”

He groaned, resisting the urge to roll his head back. Begrudgingly he admitted, “They’re cut from the same cloth.”

And he meant that. Despite being newer acquaintances, the women had caught like matches, not without some effort, but burning nonetheless!

If they weren’t acting like a ruthless pack of thugs, ganging up on him and his sensible nature, they were gabbing on about something or other. Goldie was keen to tell Michael all about her investigative feats, and the latter had no shortage of questions! In return, his insufferable angel had found an eager ear in his little bird, listening to those absurd fantastical theories. Then there was how they’d started trading books like school girls!

To make it worse, he’d walked in on Goldie forcing Michael to stand still, arms wrapped around the taller’s torso. He’d nearly been scandalized until realizing it was for measurements.

The more he considered it, the more suspicious it became. Anytime they went out, Michael was quick to divert right for Goldie, locking them in step down the sidewalk, or taking the chair to sit right next to the girl! And Michael hardly addressed him when Goldie was present, those doe eyes stuck on his childhood friend to an alarming degree.

“Moman,” he started, in a tone so curious that Claire abandoned all her previous antagonizing, “do women—”

He paused, searching for a more delicate way to put this, “I’ve certainly heard of men having relations with one another, but I’ve not heard of women having such … ventures.”

Her brows stitched together, eyes blowing wide. A second later she took a breath, letting her face loosen, “Uhm. Yes, they do. I’ve heard of it happening, though it’s no more acceptable than lopping off someone’s head.”

Thankfully he stopped himself from flinching. Negative implications of his own hobby never failed to hit him in the gut, especially when it came from his mother.

“Mô bebe,” she started, with all the concern and softness in the world, “why are you asking me that sort of question?”

Alastor smiled, turning to look at her with a nonchalant shrug, “Oh you know how it is when new people get in a room! The gossip starts flying, and we’ve had no shortage of it with the new staff! Worry not though, Moman. It’s nothing but a rumor!”

Yet again, she wasn’t entirely convinced, but there wasn’t much else to discuss on the matter. So they fell into a delightful conversation about other sorts of rumors, silly lighthearted ones about a particularly pestering neighbor and his cats.

Soon enough they arrived to Richard’s favorite restaurant, a small one-room Polish diner that Michael had rented out for the evening. Everyone from the station was present and accounted for, as well as a few other business associates. Richard stood with his roommate, a slightly younger Greek man named Dimitrios. With them was Michael, Goldie, and Johnny, the man from the paper.

It was Richard who caught them first, waving to his mother and striding over, shaking his head, “Miss Claire, you’re killing my waistline.”

She hugged the brute, smiling and laughing, “I doubt your waistline is the first thing people think about, Richard.”

In a rare display of warmth, the man feigned being hurt and returned the hug, before patting Dimitrios’ on the shoulder, “This here’s a roommate of mine, Dimitry. Takes care of the place when I’m out hunting.”

Alastor had always suspected Dimitrios was less of a live-in groundskeeper, and more of an uncharacteristic suitor. He suspected that because he’d chanced upon the men kissing one day.

That had greatly confused Alastor at the age of 22, when he’d only heard sinister tales about same sex relationships. What also left his head spinning was how fondly Richard would speak of his deceased wife, but never of his deceased son. He never questioned it though. Then again, his understanding simply didn’t matter. He liked the rough old man, and never pressed on it.

So, with the warmth and charm that he would greet anyone, perhaps with a hair more respect since this was Richard’s … someone, Alastor shook the Grecian’s hand.

All the while, Claire moved on to greeting Dina, Goldie, and Michael, delighted to a fault! She doted over each one as Alastor made his social rounds. For several hours, he and Michael came to some unspoken truce. Despite how she thoroughly deserved a meaningful show of strength from him, this simply wasn’t the place. There were few people he respected more than Richard.

Still, it was far from acceptable!

One eye stayed on Michael, and as suspected, she was almost always hovering towards Goldie! To test this theory, when dinner was finally served by the restaurant, he’d tried to sit next to her. The weasel managed to craft a perfectly viable excuse and move two chairs down!

There were plenty of things Alastor disliked, so many he could hardly list them all! But where things he hated were concerned? It boiled down to this exact order: his father, dogs, and being ignored.

Then she left a card game, one she’d been losing horribly, because he’d come over!

If this was how she wanted to act, she had far more than missing coffee to worry about! For Christ’s sake, she was the one who started this entire debacle by stealing his last few cigarettes, acting like a ridiculous child, and then having the gall to treat him as if he were the offensive one!

Hours later, the party came to a near close. From the twenty in attendance, there was barely a handful left, standing around while chatting and drinking.

He spared a glance around the room. If he waited for everyone to leave, then she could easily divert again, but if he asked for her specifically in front of others, she’d have no options lest she have everyone see her for the foul dame she is!

Fashioning on his most brilliant smile, he started towards the chatty gaggle of Dina, Goldie, and Michael.

Halfway there, he nearly flattened Wexler! The dolt swooped out in front of him like a squirrel skittering across the road! Alastor bit back a sneer, his fists tightening. He wasn’t going to hit the boy, but part of him had half a mind to send him sailing. If it were any other day, he might have!

“Here!” Wexler yelped, eyes squeezing tight as he held out a small glass of neat whisky.The younger smiled and fidgeted, looking like a child on the first day of school.

Others were looking now. So Alastor laughed, took the glass, and swung a tight arm over the younger’s shoulders, “Isn’t this just swell? And where might yours be? This won’t do! You’re a grown man! Let’s get you a proper drink.”

As if they were friends, he dragged Wexler off to save face entirely. It wouldn’t do to have everyone looking at him like he was some cruel heathen, crushing the boy! And what, with the women giggling at the near fumble, Alastor needed to rethink his plan.

At the corner of the room, towards the hallway leading to the rest of the restaurant, was a small collection of liquor procured for the festivity. He was quick to pour two fingers of whiskey before Wexler could protest. Falling to peer pressure, he shakily took the glass, grimacing despite trying to appear older.

Alastor clinked the edges of their glasses and smiled wide, masking his cynical delight. The boy blinked, but followed suit. And once he was sure the little sap sucker was mimicking him, Alastor shot back the scotch with the expert of a sailor.

No where near accustomed to drinking, Wexler scrunched his face through several burning gulps before clunking the lowball back to the table and sucking in a breath.

Alastor choked back a snicker and opted for grabbing the bottle, starting to pour them both a smaller amount, “Good man! Now that we’ve gotten the tasting course over, let's get to the real fun, shall we?”

The younger looked terrified, but took a rough drink before spewing, “Sir, could I— well, I’d like to ask your advice on a matter!”

Plenty of people sought his opinion, given its value! But what on Earth could Wexler want? Anything he wanted to know, he usually asked during work hours, and whatever it was had the boy nervous, flush faced, and slinging hooch.

“But of course! Why, you’re my star pupil! So out with it, what’s all this fuss about?”

Wexler’s hands rubbed together as he nodded to himself, shoulders setting firm even though his voice lowered, “Could we discuss it, uh, elsewhere?”

There was a second where the boy glanced to his left, to where their female cohorts stood. That little slip-up caused Alastor’s eye to twitch just barely as his lips stretched over his teeth. Without another word he caught Wexler’s shoulder, driving them into a little offshoot of the service hallway, tucked behind some wall and collection of chairs.

“There!” Alastor clucked, succeeding in sounding friendly. “Now what’s got you in such a bind?”

Wexler sat down the glass on the floor before sucking in a breath and saying, “Sir, you’re wildly popular with everyone at the station! And you’re successful and polite and all the girls like you!”

Alastor suppressed a sneer and a groan. He’d never had teeth pulled, but he very much imagined this is what it felt like! All the while, his silence spurred the other on.

“I-I-I— There’s … It’s— ,” he stuttered, fists clenching. Then the words came out like bullets. “I don’t know how to court a woman! I don’t have any brothers or uncles or cousins, I was never very popular in school, and my mother and father were arranged by my grandparents who still live in Pennsylvania. All the fellas I work with at the horse farm, they ain’t like you, Sir. They’re not cleaned up or well spoken and all the girls in our office think you’re great!”

It was an appreciable sentiment, but Alastor kept quiet, tamping down the simmer in his chest while taking a slow drink.

Wexler, not put off, kept talking, “I was wondering, if you don’t mind me asking and I’m really sorry if this is a strange thing to ask, but Sir, what would you do? To show a lady you’re interested?”

Alastor hadn’t given courting a single thought since adolescence, when all the hormone-addled idiots around him were practically rubbing up on anything that moved! He’d been invited to a petting party once. That was the first time he’d seen such blatant displays of anything, and he’d promptly left!

Leaving had hindered his reputation, unfortunately. Several obtuse morons ridiculed him afterwards, then invited him to another one for kicks.

Needless to say, he went, but that gathering ended rather quickly, what with the host’s sofa catching fire. Cigarettes and spilled hooch rarely mixed, but everyone forgot about his particular lack of preference that night.

He knew what courting was meant to look like. Out of curiosity, and for the sake of understanding social norms, he’d picked through a couple etiquette books once upon a time. In truth, it hardly sounded different than how he treated Goldie or his mother!

“I don’t think it’s terribly difficult to!” Alastor started, clapping Wexler on the arm. “There’s flowers, oh what lovely hair you have, taking them to dinner or dancing, but Wexler, you’re young! In the prime of your life! Letting some broad take up all your time and money is a silly tragedy!”

He didn’t want to have this conversation. He didn’t want to speak with Wexler on his juvenile, abhorrent affections. And he absolutely, without a doubt, did not want this whelp crafting some diabolical scheme to lure Michael off alone!

Best case scenario, he could turn the brat off to the notion entirely.

“But Sir—”

Alastor tutted, hand patting harder, “There’s nothing to gain from some little sheba doing nothing, but driving you loopy!”

“How else would I get married?” He asked in earnest confusion.

“At your age?!” Wasn’t he fifteen? Plenty of brats got hitched around then, but Alastor could hardly fathom why.

“I’m 18, Sir.” With a sheepish grin and starry eyes, he continued, “And I understand her being older is strange, but it isn’t that big a gap! And I’d like to get to know her better first! Of course! It would be rude not to. But she’s brilliant, kind, calm, thoughtful, and graceful! I do admire how strong she can be! The world would be better if more people were like her. One day, I’d accidentally cut myself, and even though she was busy, she took the time to make sure I was alright. That’s why I wanted to ask you. You’re close with her and might know best.”

Calm? Graceful?

For a moment, Alastor felt a pang of hopeful confusion. Maybe this was about his little bird after all? He certainly couldn’t imagine anyone describing Michael as anything but tiresome, dull, and tenacious. In the beginning, before he’d truly known her, if he’d never learnt about what actually existed, then maybe he could understand the sentiment?

Regardless, he didn’t.

Maybe, despite his keen perception and knack for people, he’d mistaken Wexler’s fondness for Michael as something else entirely!

Alastor followed up with a sympathetic hum and soft pat, “Why didn’t you say it was Goldie?! Now, I’ll tell you, she’s an uphill battle and you’ll have to read more than you sleep if you’d ever stand a chance! And you know how gals are these days! She’s a modern doll and isn’t ready to be tied down. Not to mention she’s particularly willful and has a boatload of si—”

“It isn’t Miss Goldie! It’s Miss Michael.”

A familiar tightness spread from Alastor’s jaw and up, threatening to twitch his eye. “That thing?!” He barked and laughed, shaking on the boy’s shoulder, doing his damnedest to beat back the tightening of his muscles.

“Oh my boy, you’re telling me a tall tale! Ha! No wonder you’ve done so well on air! To be sweet on that obnoxious whip?” Wexler tried to say something, but was steam rolled by Alastor’s utter mockery. “I’m sure you’re taken with her, what with all that diligence. And she’s hardly ugly, but you’d be beaten over the brow in no time! Let me tell you something about Michael Burr, she’s an absolute bore. Always prattling on about some meeting or nonsense with numbers and these tiny little doodads called photons? What drivel. And she’d starve you to death! The thing can’t cook to save her life! She’d starve if I didn’t feed her half the time! I doubt she knows a single thing about hemming and stitching! She might as well be more of a man than you or I. Not to mention that family drama! Believe me, anyone would be able to make you happier than—”

It was only when Wexler’s voice raised that Alastor heard him, “Please stop!”

The words in his throat died as his eyes widened and his smile cracked. How dare this humdrum nitwit who was scared of his own shadow interrupt him?

The fool didn’t stop. ”I-I know it might be unorthodox, but it is her! I’m sorry to say, Sir, but I can’t let you speak about her like that!”

Alastor’s free hand snatched Wexler’s other shoulder and pressed, driving him back into the wall. His face sharpened to the point it felt like his mouth might split.

“I genuinely am sor—” offered the snot nosed infant before being cut off.

“What could you possibly offer her?” Alastor hissed, self restraint rapidly deteriorating.

Wexler blinked, mouth moving and tripping over his tongue, “M-maybe I-I-I … I think I could learn to make her happy? She looks so sad and lonely at times. I don’t know if anyone—”

“Shh, shh, shh. I think it best you listen to me,” Alastor hushed, fingers digging into the boy’s shoulders, startling him silent.

He’d tried to be tactful. He’d tried to be kind! He’d tried to show this whimpering mess of a sycophant just how unfathomably wrong he was! But, the young were often blinded by their nonsensical daydreams, destined to be crushed under reality’s weight!

“Sir, I don’t understand—” But Wexler’s voice crumbled to nothing as Alastor cracked out a laugh.

The war between good sense and instinct finished as his eye started to twitch. This needed to end. He would stop it.

Drown it.

Kill it.

Bury it so deep that no demon or angel or God or Michael herself could bring it back from the dead!

“Since you neither possess the capacity to understand nor the good looks to go without it, let me make this clear: Michael is beyond you. Nothing would matter. Not if you were the richest man this side of the Mississippi, or the other one. Not if you had a kingdom. Not if you were a saint. You have no power and no position! You’re a blathering child, and she’s far too foolish to put your mindless fawning to bed!”

Alastor slapped the wall next to Wexler’s reddened ear and loomed far over, casting the trembling boy in a shadow.

With a lowered, menacing tone, he continued, “Could you truly be strong enough to stand next to her? To put up with all her life entails? Or would you crumble under the weight, weak and soft? And even if you’d tried thinking that far ahead, what plebeian little thought ricocheted through your mind, leaving it so badly damaged that you could even fathom she’d want you? I’m doing you a favor. Forget about Michael. She’s untouchable. She’s so far above it all, that it would take an act of God for anyone to be worth her time!”

There wasn’t a single, filthy oafish wretch worthy of his angel.

Seconds ticked by as Alastor’s seething subsided, his chest no longer heaving.

He pulled back when his hand stung from how hard it dug into the exposed brick. At last, he fixed his smile, then patted the shivering boy a touch too hard on the shoulder, “Wexler, my naive protégée who I care so much for, don’t let these nonsense whimsies get you into such mindless situations! I suspect we’re not going to hear another nonsensical thing on the matter?”

Wexler sniffled, lips quivering as his eyes glassed over, “N-n-n-n-no, Si-s-sir.”

He stepped back entirely, eyes sharp and demonic as his hand patted the reddened cheek, “Lovely.”

The boy bolted, shaking as if were one of those shell-shocked fellows coming back from the trenches. Alastor couldn’t help but grin as he strolled back into the main room, eyes following Wexler. There was no denying the boy had manners, making his wobbling way to Richard to say goodnight.

Unfortunate how all this transpired today, but after all the near shameless debauchery from that whelp, it was for the best! How disgusting to do nothing, but fall all over one’s self and lose control like that! Honestly, Alastor couldn’t think of a time he’d suffered a nose bleed outside of his father or a brawl. He snickered, satisfied to have won the war despite the battles.

Carefully he sipped on the near forgotten scotch, making sure Wexler didn’t do anything stupid on his way out.

Getting ready to exit into the main hallway, the boy was stopped. He smiled like a dolt as Michael called after him, hurrying over. He moved to speak, but froze, eyes darting to Alastor. Then Michael followed suit.

At last, she was forced to acknowledge his existence!

Delighted with this turn of events, he started towards them, looking dapper in his blue suit and easy smile. She did look away, but it was only because Wexler offered her a hasty, albeit rude, farewell.

“Fancy seeing you here! Why, if it wasn’t for this fortuitous little rendezvous, it might have slipped my mind to mention a new joint over on Canal! What say we stop by and show those chumps how to cut a rug, hmm?”

Her blank confusion melted into what Alastor could only describe as subtly unhinged, what with her eyes widening while her mouth stretched into a sharpened smile. Then she stood before him with straightened shoulders and white knuckled fists, ignoring his polite invitation entirely. Low and calm, she stated, “We need to speak. Outside. Now.”

Cheekily he smiled, propping a hand on his hip and leaning into her personal space, “Or what, Bel Zanj?”

She stepped in closer, reaching up to fuss with his bow tie. With the minuscule distance between them, he recognized her breaths were too steady, too even, too long, as if she were fighting down a reaction. Then his stomach turned cold. Her nail beds were darkening, the corners of her eyes starting to bleed pitch even as she smiled.

Michael’s tone floated above a whisper, laced with a rare taste of malice, “Or I drag you outside Alastor, in front of our staff, your mother, and God.”

Her hands fell away. Then she retreated into the hallway before turning towards him, waiting.

He hesitated, watching her. Stern, icy anger radiated off her, and he could understand her expression all too well. It was fury, clear and plain and reserved entirely for him.

Instinct told him to stay right where he was. To not move an inch towards someone, something far more than human. That she wouldn’t dare.

But the shadows warbled, and from her place in the doorway, no one else could see the darkness taking shape. He nearly faltered as the ground gave under his left foot, a shadowy portal threatening him.

Michael’s head tipped, her smile splitting into a sneer, “Come.”

His mother was already turning suspicious, sneakily eyeing him from across the room. Alastor smiled and waved his cigarettes at her before leaving and following his debutante into an alleyway. There he faced her true ferocity.

He went for a cigarette, hoping to occupy himself by smoking, but she knocked the pack to the ground as her other hand twisted into his lapel, “What did you do? What did you say to Wexler?”

Through the threatening hold, he could feel a slight tremble. The oddity was mirrored by her bottom lip.

There was no point in concealing the fact he spoke to Wexler. That much was evident given the youngster’s sheer terror when looking at him.

Alastor smirked, irritation growing by the moment. What right did she have to be angry?! If anything, she should be grateful for services rendered! He’d rid her of a pest. The boy was weak and hardly suitable as a sniveling pet, let alone a companion!

But no, here was Michael, determined to treat him as if this were a prize fight!

“Nothing he didn’t need to hear!” Alastor snapped, ripping her wrist away with ease.

Her arm spun, slipping from his grasp, going under then up to grab his wrist, shoving it hard into to the building. And again, she hissed, “What did you say?”

“It isn’t your business!” He snarled.

All the while, his free hand grabbed her upper arm as his leg moved between hers. With every ounce of force he could muster, he pulled and twisted, effectively tripping her over his shin.

Michael nearly fell, but he whipped around, changing their positions with a move she’d taught him. With her arms, legs, and back trapped to the brick, he officially destroyed any way for her to create leverage or momentum.

Alastor snickered and smirked, taking extra care to blow a piece of hair out of her face. Michael’s head launched forward, but Alastor managed to rear back an inch, narrowly missing the blow. The failure only angered her further.

“He was terrified, Alastor! Are you proud of yourself?!” She hissed incredulously, scowling as if he were a demon! No. She spoke fondly of demons for the most part. What did that make him? The word monster came to mind, stoking his own anger.

“Quite! If you must know, you belligerent beldame, Wexler asked me for advice—”

“Advice?” She scoffed. “No wonder he was nearly in tears!”

“If you stop hearing the sound of your own voice, do you die? I’m starting to wonder since you won’t cease screeching!”

“Says a mindless, bullying bastard! Tell me, since I’m stuck to this wall and bruising like a peach, are you Jekyll or Hyde? I can’t tell the difference anymore!”

Michael stumbled forward as he dropped her, hands and body jerking back as if she would explode! Alastor put the alley’s meager width of five feet between them. He’d not read Jekyll and Hyde, but the comment wasn’t lost on him.

For once he saw her exactly as she was. Not his insufferable employer. Not some forlorn being. Right now she was only a woman, much like his mother and Goldie. And more than that, one he knew, even respected.

His stomach started to sink with how easy it was to dig his fingers in her flesh. It was one thing when they were practicing! A fair match where the rules were set and she had a fair chance.

Michael scoffed at his withdrawal, seemingly unshaken by his treatment of her. She situated herself back out, pushing her hair back into place, rubbing her arms where he’d held her up, adjusting her dress …

Nausea writhed in his gut. He’d seen it all before, a woman trying to look as if it had never happened, and the resolution to such a vile act was his own knife.

Mocking guilt and twisting shame reminded him that he came from a monster. She might have started this nonsensical argument, but how had he lost control so easily?

Michael’s shoulders rolled as she smiled, eyeing him and taking a step forward. He took a step back. The response caused her head to tilt, and she stopped, shoulders falling as she blinked. “Last chance, Alastor. What did you say to Wexler?”

“He’s carrying a torch for someone,” he offered immediately.

She frowned, brow knitting, “I don’t understand.”

How could she not know what that meant? Then again she only learned slang from him and they certainly didn’t talk about that. Alastor took another breath, trying to swallow the nerves begging him to twitch and bounce. He was a restless sort, always motioning, gesturing, moving. It was why he so often trapped his hands behind his back. “Wexler has taken a personal interest in one of the staff.”

Michael paused, and for a second, he thought maybe she understood she was the topic at hand.

“Our most recent employee is Goldie …” She mused, seemingly forgetting everything else. Then her eyes widened, settling on him before softening in a bizarre and pained way. “He asked you about Goldie and you snapped at him.”

For someone so sharp, she could be incredibly dull! Still, he was grateful for it today.

“That would be the case!” He grumbled, taking the easy way out. It felt like his skin was trying to crawl off his wretched body and take his stomach with it! He needed to move or get a cigarette.

Michael frowned, then heaved a sigh and shook her head, “I can understand why you’re upset, you and Goldie are … close. But Wexler is kind, sweet, and a hard worker even if she wouldn’t accept his feelings! And he hasn’t bothered her once and is still my employee. I cannot overlook this, Alastor. What on Earth did you say?”

“That he couldn’t be good enough for her even if he tried! That he’s pitiful and could never amount to someone capable of standing next to her. Like I said, nothing but the truth!” He prattled, inching around her in a wide arc, going for his cigarettes. f*ck, he needed to calm down!

All the while, Michael’s jaw went slack, her voice starting low before raising, “That’s what you said to him? Father help me, that is obscene, even for you! How could you do that?!”

“He’s weak!“ It ripped from his lips in utter annoyance before he could catch it and she gasped.

“And you’re a fool! A pompous arrogant blowhard! I can handle your maniacal tirades! But to say that to Wexler, who does nothing more than adore the ground you walk on? Who considers your word law?”

She wheeled on him, scolding as he knelt for the cigarettes, “Wexler is but a child, and you terrified him like a wolf snapping its jaws over his innocent feelings!”

How dare she! Comparing him to something as disgusting and worthless as a foul mongrel! Speaking to him as if he would even be capable of harming a child! “Hah! He’s a grown man! You ought heard him going on, begging for my help! If he’s old enough to want to marry someone, then he’s plenty old enough for reality!”

Michael came in closer, glowering as if he were something less than and deserving of her damnation. Then she scoffed and mimicked his mocking tone, “Reality? If that’s what you’re interested in, let me share some with you, Alastor! You’re the weak one. You lack discipline. Control. And worse? You’re cruel.”

Was she determined to carve him from the inside out? Was she trying to expose the worst parts of him?! Alastor bared his teeth with a snarl, shooting to his feet, his vision blurring with rage.

“Yes Michael, protect that innocent pathetic child from the cruelty of the world! Isn’t that what you’re meant to do anyway? Oh, pardon me, allow me to adjust my facts! It’s what you used to do. A reminder darling, you’re down here with the rest of—”

There was a blur. Then his gut ached as the breath knocked from his lungs. He toppled backwards, dropping his cigarettes all over again while landing on his ass.

She’d punched him! She drilled him so hard that she’d winded him and knocked him down! Not once had she leveled him like that in those training sessions! Had she been lying? Was she more powerful and had played him like a fool?

His eyes snapped up to her, expecting another blow or unknown ability. But Michael only stared, wide eyed and ghostly, like a statue. Three slow breaths later, she said, “I’m sorry.”

“As you should be!” He wheezed.

Alastor immediately regretted saying anything as she leaned over him. Her hand hovered in the air, maybe to strike, maybe to help him up, maybe to something, but it dropped back to her side. Then her head shook, voice smoothed over, “No, you deluded brat. If Wexler doesn’t tell me you thoroughly apologized to him while using ‘I’m sorry’ verbatim, all before he tries to quit, there will be consequences. Do you understand me, Alastor?”

He hissed through a feeble smile, “And If I don’t, Michael? Then what?”

All the coldness in her face fell away, and her expression twisted into something that looked so unbelievably sad, that he flinched. It was a look far worse than anything he’d seen where her past was concerned.

“Then you aren’t the man I thought you were.”

As she walked back inside, he truly wished she’d just punched him again. It would have been far preferable to feeling like a kicked, abandoned dog.

With a groan, he slumped back onto the stone ledge, finally able to snatch up his cigarettes.

“Did you forget to fire me?” He quipped, not looking over despite hearing her heels clack back over.

“What did you do that she would fire you?!” Goldie gaped, fresh anger and disbelief stretching over her face.

f*cking Hell, he did not need her added to this mess! So he did what he did best! Alastor plastered on a smile and winked, “Only for being spectacular and talented, Ti Zwazo! Michael was only telling me—”

“Enough, Al. I couldn’t hear it, but it's obvious you two were arguing! What did you do to Michael? Why did Wexler look like he was about to start sobbing?”

This again?! He grunted, back colliding with the wall as his arms slung upward, “Oh for the love of— Nothing anyone else wouldn’t do!”

Her eyebrow shot up as her arms crossed, foot tapping away, eroding his nerves. If he ignored her, considering all today’s other oddities, perhaps she would leave him in peace!

She persisted, much to his disdain, “That doesn’t tell me anything! She’s your friend! She’s good to you and is one of three people that tolerates your ridiculous notions! If you can’t tell me then—”

“He’s in love with her!” Alastor snapped, fist crushing around the fresh cigarette.

Goldie’s head jerked back, hand landing on her chest.

He nodded enthusiastically, commiserating with her seemingly shocked countenance. “Yes! Quite a daft viewpoint isn’t it! I very much told him that—”

Goldie clapped hard at him, a habit he despised because she used it to reroute her younger sisters. “Everyone knows Wexler is sweet on Michael! She’s his first love, and that’s perfectly fine! It usually fades away. Everyone had one! Well, most everyone. What has me waiting for the sky to crack open is the fact you care that he does!”

Alastor gasped, “How dare you!”

Goldie scoffed, offering him a soft grin before shaking her head and scratching her eyebrow. Then she leaned on the wall next to him, propping her arm on his shoulder. “Instead of watching you suffer through this, as per usual, I’ll tell you a secret. You’ve finally made one friend, all by yourself, and for no other reason than that person likes you. And now that you have a little bit of healthy competition, you can’t stand it.”

“That’s ridiculous!” He snapped, crossing his arms. “This entire mess started because—”

She clapped again, shaking her head, “No. We’re not doing that. You start feuds with people for fun. So this has nothing to do with that little coffee stunt, and I don’t care what abominable reason you have for doing it in the first place. You dragged Wexler into this, not Michael.”

“Oh please she could have—”

“No,” she interrupted him matter of factly, “I think Michael plays your games, but I would be shocked and would bet all my books that she did not put Wexler in your line of sight. You’re jealous, Al.”

“Are you mad?!” He screeched, shooting to his feet to tower over her. But she stood firm with that easy smile, eyes alight with what he could only call mischief.

“It’s written all across your face! When I suggested he get coffee for us to brew—”

He gasped, “You orchestrated that?! Goldie!”

Furiously she nodded, jabbing a finger in his arm, “And there it is! Wexler did one nice thing for her, on the busiest day in months according to Dina. But you’re determined to set it on fire, because you’re the only one petty or childish enough to take every ounce of coffee from the station when we’ve got enough for a year already! Why else would you do that, Alastor?”

“We barely had two whole bags!” He countered, trying to divert.

“See! You did do it! How else would you know exactly how much coffee we have when you don’t make or stock it! I would never give up on you, but if Michael does over whatever this is, I won’t blame her! And I’ve known her for less than two weeks. You’re acting like a lunatic, and that’s saying something for you! This is nearly as bad as when Aunt Claire tried to have dinner with Madam Devereaux’s brother!”

His head shook wildly, neck and ears flushing, “He was a grifter!”

She cut through his frail detour with the precision of a surgeon, finally frowning and turning stern, “Alastor, who are you trying to punish?”

That’s when he stopped, all the words he knew he could lay his tongue to, stuck in his throat. All the while, Goldie was only getting started.

“Is it Wexler, because he can admit he cares about Michael, unlike you? Is it Michael, because you think she’ll turn you away if she truly gets to know you? Or is it yourself, because the idea that someone could care about you, for no other reason than they like you for you, sounds absurd? So you’re trying to prove to her that you don’t deserve it?”

She paused, reaching down to take one of his hands in hers. Once she realized he was stone silent, she smiled and continued softly, “I know this isn’t easy, so I’ll give you the solution. Apologize to Michael, even if she asks you to bark and roll over. Then, once you think you’ve done enough, keep trying. Don’t throw away someone who cares about you, Al. You can fix this.”

Goldie stepped back, squeezing his hand with a chuckle before saying, “I’m going home with Dina and Dennis. Please try to make this better. Everything went well with Johnny, so I won’t have as much time to babysit you at the station.”

He huffed indignantly in response, but bent over to place a kiss atop her dastardly little head, regardless of how she’d treated him. And, begrudgingly, he was happy to hear she’d be starting at the paper. After she left, Alastor felt less like an abused dog, and more like a skinned cat with his insides exposed for all to see.

At that point, he couldn’t bother with another cigarette even if he tried. So his head fell in his trembling hands, propped on his knees, trying to process the worst lashing he’d gotten in years.

She couldn’t possibly understand.

If anyone knew what he was, they would be disgusted. His mother would know she’d wasted her life raising a monster. Goldie would know he was a vile, loathsome beast, no better than the garbage he cut down. And Michael, who was the very antithesis of him, a creature made of light where he was nothing but blood and filth, would know and send him straight to Hell.

Alastor had to wonder what Hell was like. Would he spend eternity festering and rotting away? Michael had said Lucifer, the Devil and King of Hell, would like him. Was that meant to be a compliment?

“Alastor?” Called his mother, her head peeking around.

His hands dragged over his face, biting back a scream of frustration for tonight, “I have nothing to apologize to Goldie for!”

Claire’s hand landed on his shoulder, gently pushing, causing him to lean back and look up. Her expression was calm, but contemplative and concerned. She sighed and sat down, wrapping her arm into his while leaning her head on his shoulder, “I came out to tell you that I’m leaving. Richard and Dimitry are gonna walk me home, but it seems like you’ve had another Bright idea?”

At their personal turn of phrase, he huffed out a gruff and miserable chuckle.

“And,” she continued, her hand coming up to brush back his hair,”mô bebe, if you’re worried about needing to apologize, then you probably should.”

“No!” He whined, head tipping over onto hers, exhausted. This was hardly what he wanted to hear! “Why are they like this Moman?”

She sighed, gently and lovingly petting on him, “Reckon they’re like them, just how you’re like you. I think you remember poor Mrs. Bright?”

Alastor wanted to screech and wail, but instead settled for the strained noise rattling in his throat.

Claire huffed out a laugh and nodded, “Mhmm, exactly like that, Alastor. Now, I know I raised a smart and brave gentleman, but it’s on you to act like one.”

And from skinned cat to humble lowly rat, he went!

Then she stood, a hand wrapping around his cheek. He looked all the worse for wear, but she couldn’t stop the encouraging grin as she leaned down to place a kiss on his forehead. “Go on and start on those apologies. Knowing you bebe, it’ll take a while.”

Before she could turn away, Alastor popped up and pulled her into a tight, consuming hug. Only when he was absolutely sure she couldn’t see down to his rotted soul, that she still loved him, did he let go. That was when he found her expectant eyebrow co*cked at him.

When he was a child, Claire had started the habit of making sure he understood what was expected of him. Then he would have to actively agree to it, that way he couldn’t loophole out of uncomfortable circ*mstances. His mother ought been a lawyer.

So he nodded, agreeing to her terms, “Wé Moman.”

Unfortunately, that was the easy part.

For another half hour, he waited.

Everyone else was gone, and now he was standing around like a fool, hoping Michael would decide to walk home instead of utilizing the shadows. Normally, she didn’t. He could appreciate her stubborn consistency, even on a day it didn’t benefit him. Today it did, though.

“Michael!” He called out once she was on the sidewalk, swallowing his pride. If she’d heard him, which she obviously had to, then she was ignoring him.

Alastor caught up, forcing his way around and in front. She stopped, her even expression avoiding him. Immediately his hands jerked up, palms out, hoping she wouldn’t throw another punch. It wasn’t as if he didn’t deserve it or several more, but having a busted lip would make this harder than it already was.

“I’ll do it,” he chirped with an enthusiastic grin.

Her eyes rolled as she went to shoulder past him, but he stepped backwards, keeping in front with his hands up. Then he continued, “I’ll speak with Wexler and smooth out this whole misunderstanding! I might be an incorrigible ass, but I’m no liar! Now, it wouldn’t do us any good if you were to walk home alone so late at night! Think of how distressed our coworkers would be if you w—”

Michael stopped, her narrow, cool gaze settling on him. Alastor tried to smile, but the way she looked at him, as if he were no more than wet paint, was deeply disturbing. Her throat bobbed, tightening as if she might just say something.

But no. Carefully she looked around, then she huffed before twisting into the shadows.

His fists balled as he beat back a scream, his foot shooting out to kick the lamp post so hard it flickered in protest. Then it kept flashing, as if mocking him, letting him know how royally he’d f*cked up.


A note, I think friendship jealousy/competition is a big thing people go through, especially when it is over someone who makes you feel comfortable/seen. Like a deep one. So yeah, I felt like even though romantic stuff gets talked about and it does happen here, the idea of platonically sharing someone you care so deeply about is terrifying from any angle.

SO who was Mrs. Bright?

She was Alastor's school teacher (schooling was wildly different back then, we aren't getting into it :3). One day, lil Al gets into an argument with Mrs. Bright, who is a pretty good teacher but willful. Some how the woman says, "I think I would notice if there's dead mouse in my coffee!"

Lil Al is like, "You might not!"

This lady, being a teacher for a long time, is like eh weird kids are weird and says, "No, I would certainly notice!"

Well, tiny homeboy goes and gets a dead mouse, stuffs a couple tiny rocks in there, and sets out to prove a point (the rocks make it sink). Mrs. Bright did NOT notice (sucks to suck I guess <_<). Alastor gets in a ton of trouble with Claire and is basically throwing a tantrum because he was right! She didn't notice! The moral of this story is that just because he's "right", doesn't mean he's RIGHT. So now every time he does something because he thinks it makes sense when it only makes sense to him and is actually harmful, is called a Bright idea in their home. It is a pretty powerful tool. And today we have that.

NO ONE can convince me that the Baby Radio Demon would not do something like this! This kid had to learn morality from the ground up. For f*cks sake he set someone's couch on fire. Whatever, don't get mad get even >:3


Side note, this also would have been when his father was still around so there was probably a lot of back bending to keep this out of his ears. After this Claire doubles, triples down on EVERYTHING her child does to keep him safe at home and out in the world. Seriously, the sh*t this woman has had to put up with is out to Pluto and back./

Peace out star scouts! <3

Chapter 73: Flames


Alastor works on his apologies and neither ends as expected.


In honor of Alastor's revelations and growth as a person, we have this song:

Death of a Bachelor - Panic! At The Disco

You don't have to be in a romantic or sexual relationship to have a partner. Obvs.

Otherwise these last two chs got looooong. Mannn.

Otherwise, I don't have much to say here other.

Ok have fun!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alastor was certain he’d never smoked this many cigarettes in a single twelve hour period before! He’d be dumbfounded if anyone ever had! After being ruthlessly abandoned on the street by Michael, he stalked home. Thankfully, he found Claire already in bed as the gramophone twirled away.

Who could be as sweet as his mother? Insomnia had plagued him since childhood and worsened in adolescence. Nightmares came in the dark silence and the only thing that kept them at bay was music or the safety of his mother’s company.

Even though she knew he’d be late, she was trying to help him. He was grateful for her being asleep, though. There was no way he could explain his disappointing and non-existent progress.

Unfortunately, Claire’s kindness was for not, because he felt trapped in a cage while electricity coursed through him! There was no respite from it! Any other time he would try to keep busy.

Hunting was his preferred late night distraction, but it was out of the question with these nerves. He couldn’t do much around the house either, lest he risk waking his moman. So, well into the early morning, he paced and bounced.

He’d not felt this way in over a decade. Not since killing his father. And despite how nervous he’d been at the time, the entire ordeal ended in relief and euphoria.

This situation lacked any of that resolution.

Curious, and with nothing better to do, Alastor went to the bathroom and opened his shirt. Right over his navel was a vaguely oval bruise, already darkening into a purplish red.

He couldn’t help but chuckle as his fingers drifted over the spot, causing a soreness to ripple through him. Plenty of people had left bruises and scars on his body. Anymore he didn’t mind them. They served as indisputable proof that he could take whatever life had in store and survive. Fresh wounds did irritate him at times, pushing him to think he ought have done better, been faster, more lethal.

But this one? The same anger didn’t come. If anything, it made him snort and grin.

Damn, could that woman hit. Alastor couldn’t help, but remember how she’d nearly leveled a woman at Slim’s weeks ago. And all over him! That heinous, harassing beast had deserved his angel’s fury.

And damn it, so did he.

Why hadn’t she just let out her wrath? Alastor could handle that sort of punishment. Physical suffering was an art he’d perfected over the years and he was man enough to accept the fact she was upset! Michael saw Wexler as a child, regardless of the boy’s age. Then again, given her exact age, everyone must seem like a child.


She didn’t think him one, that much was certain, despite how she had made him feel like it. Otherwise she wouldn’t have knocked the wind out of him!

Her words echoed back and Alastor resisted the urge to ram his fist through the mirror.

Then you aren’t the man I thought you were.

She saw him as a man, a deplorable and cruel man. That was the true punishment. Who, but his mother or Goldie, openly expressed their displeasure with him in that manner? At what point had Michael’s opinion of him started to matter?

There was no way to be sure, but it did now, and was eating him alive. He’d let her beat him black and blue if it would fix anything!

He doused a rag in cold water before mercilessly scrubbing his face, hoping that it could wipe away some of his shame. It didn’t. Michael’s words had stained him.

As the dark of night gave way to the dwindling ink of dawn, he cleaned up and changed his clothes, begrudging the thing he ultimately needed to do.

He’d said he’d do it! He promised his mother. He promised Michael. There’d been no promise to Goldie, but the Maiden was certainly just as terrifying as the Mother or the Crone.

As the sun rose, and well after, he loitered outside of Wexler’s address, pacing back and forth, waiting. Then came the click of a latch. His gaze shot over and across the street, to find the young man starting to undo the fence’s gate, leaving for work. But then Wexler spotted the tall Creole man and, like any good prey, bolted before unlocking the entrance.

Alastor sprinted across the street. He grabbed the top of the five-foot-tall, wrought iron fence and bounded over it like a mountain lion. His feet barely touched on the lawn before lunging, arms outstretched, fingers desperately reaching to grab the other.

“Ahh! No, please Sir!” Wailed Wexler as Alastor jerked him back by the fabric of his shirt, clapping his free hand over the distraught boy’s mouth.

“Stop yelling!” Alastor hissed. Wexler nodded furiously, the same terror from last night back in full force. With a grimacing huff, he let go, hoping no one saw the entire ordeal. This was a perfectly good neighborhood to be pumped full of bullets.

Thankfully, no one came out with a shotgun and he took a calming breath. Next to him, Wexler stood ramrod still, eyes already starting to gather tears.

Alastor wiped a hand over his face before stating, “I need to speak with you.”

“I-I d-d-don’t want to quit!” Wexler sniffled out, face scrunching as he winced.

In the early daylight, and without the effects of alcohol or the topic of Michael’s attention, the younger very much looked like an innocent child, even if it was a full grown child who needed to shave. With a heavy sigh, Alastor shook his head, “You’re not quitting. You’re not being fired.”

Wexler swallowed and nodded, but ultimately stayed quiet.

Bile swirled in Alastor’s stomach. He wasn’t sure if it was because he considered himself to be so thoroughly in the wrong, or if it was for the unnatural words climbing out of his throat. “I … I owe you an apology. A sincere one.”

Wexler gasped, “Y-you d-do?”

Alastor pushed back his hair and forced himself to meet the other’s wet eyes, “Yes, Wexler. I do.”

How ridiculous could one fool be? Hesitantly, Wexler smiled and nodded, gesturing over to a small garden table with two wicker seats. All around were thriving plants, diligently pruned and staked.

“Are these yours?” He asked, trying to avoid the consuming silence.

“N-no Sir. One of my older sisters tends the garden. She’s won a lot of blue ribbons for her hydrangeas. I don’t have any talent with flowers, but I keep a bushel of peppers out back!”

He only nodded, despite being somewhat curious about said peppers. Maybe another day he would ask, if he wasn’t fired or Wexler didn’t quit. They sat down and Alastor felt like he was sitting on needles. This was remarkably uncomfortable, to the point he couldn’t think of when he’d felt like this during his adult life.

Alright! Straight through with it! Just bite down and get it over with, then he could leave this mess behind and get on with his normal, expected, perfectly happy life where—

“Why did you say those things, Sir?”

He blinked, genuinely shocked that Wexler spoke first.

Goldie’s words dumped over him like a bucket of water. To summarize it neatly, whether he wanted to or not, Wexler posed a threat. Maybe not to anyone’s bodily safety, but directly to Alastor’s world.

What might have happened if he’d allowed Wexler to continue on with Michael? Eventually the boy would grow up and be just as old as Alastor was now. Michael was a remarkable thing, unique and odd and bright even if she could be a wholly depressing wretch at times.

“You can’t have her.” It wasn’t an answer to the question, but the words slipped out, stormy and insistent, long before he could stop them and then they didn’t stop. “I was wrong to say what I did, as you are a perfectly capable and respectable young man, and yes, I am sorry, but no, you cannot have her.”

A sharper look settled on Wexler’s face despite it being predominantly timid, “I have a feeling you didn’t come here because you wanted to?”

Alastor’s eyes narrowed, expression snapping fierce, causing the other to flinch. Even so, Wexler didn’t look away or back down. Out of this odd and newly budding respect for him, Alastor took a deep breath, forced his face to soften, and offered the truth, “She informed me that I was to apologize to you before you tried to quit, lest I suffer the consequences.”

Wexler’s face fell, “Is that the only reason you’re here? Because she made you?”

Alastor’s head lolled back as he blew out a hard breath. Begrudgingly, he admitted, “Yes.”

There came a pitiful, strangled noise from Wexler, who looked ready to cry all over again! And instead of Alastor’s nerves, it was his heart protesting, feeling the same vitriol for himself that he felt towards the men he’d done away with.

“I—” Alastor started, needing to swallow yet another bout of his stomach twisting, “I might have decided to come originally because Michael came to your defense, but I’ve also come to understand that my words were cruel. And frankly, wrong.”

At last, the other didn’t look so pathetic, “D-do you mean that?”

Alastor nodded with reluctant sincerity, “I do.”

Slowly, Wexler asked, “You don’t think I'm a blathering child? Or that I’m weak or stupid or ugly?”

Alastor flinched, mouth tightening over his teeth. Like all things, his words sounded far more harsh out in broad daylight. Had he called him ugly?

Now he couldn’t be so sure. He could admit that, while Wexler wasn’t done growing and still possessed a certain roundness of youth, it would be gone soon enough. “Wexler, one day I’m more than certain you’ll have plenty of choices where relations are concerned. And no, you aren’t a blathering child. You’re a young man without many experiences and that’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“And did you mean the rest of it?”

Alastor blinked, head tilting at the question.

Wexler paused, something in his face shifting, making him look a touch older, a touch smarter, “About how I couldn’t be good enough for her? Or how no one could be good enough for her?”

Was he seriously going to drag Alastor through every syllable that had come out of his mouth last night? To have his complete failure put on display, not for the world, but for himself? That seemed far worse. Regardless, it wasn’t a steep price to pay. More important things, people, hung in the balance.

“If you understood her, you would see it the same way,” Alastor confessed under his breath.

“Miss Michael really must be impressive if you think so highly of her,” Wexler chuckled with a sheepish grin. And at Alastor’s near scalding glare, the boy’s hands popped up to defend himself before hastily changing the topic and blurting, “I have six sisters! And sometimes, when they’re upset or scared or worried, they lash out and say or do things they might not have meant. It can be hurtful, but usually there’s a reason. And I think I understand why you did it.”

“Excuse you?” Alastor ground out, arm settling on the table as he started to lean in, that familiar itching feeling cropped up despite being caged and locked away.

This time, Wexler didn’t flinch. He didn’t turn shy or mild, instead leaning in with a sympathetic expression and speaking carefully, “She’s important to you. Special, right?”

Alastor sat, grinding his teeth, barely able to focus on Wexler over the sound of Goldie’s heavy handed accusation.


It wasn’t a term he’d ever used before, and it left an uncomfortable boulder in his gut, his chest, his throat. The word expanded so far within him it felt like it would rupture and force itself into his vocabulary.

With a snarling groan, he sat back in the chair. His eye twitched to the point he had to squeeze them both shut. This was mortifying. Control left his life and body as if it were trying to clear a house fire!

Thus, he burned, swallowing and saying, “Yes.”

“Then it’s ok. If you’re sorry and mean it and if it was because you were—” Wexler paused, causing Alastor to peek up finally with a warning gleam. The boy offered a bashful, cautious smile and shrugged, “You were worried. You care about Miss Michael. And I think she cares about you too! So I’ll tell her you came and apologized! Then everything will be alright!”

Wexler shot to his feet, beaming and looking far happier than when they’d started.

Alastor blew out a breath, swallowing and standing, trying to bite down a grin as his hand stretched out towards the eager mentee.

“Sir?” Wexler asked, turning far more perplexed than Alastor had ever seen.

Sincerity, much like luck or allegedly being reasonable, had never been one of his strong suits. If today was about new experiences, then he would try in earnest and go for broke, “You’ve earned my respect, and I can only hope to gain yours in return. If there’s something I can do, or offer, to improve upon our little rough patch, consider it done.”

Wexler’s eyes bubbled up with fat tears as he took the hand and shook it wildly, looking exactly like a child now, who had just found out they weren’t some degenerate orphan. And after a few seconds of trying to speak, the words finally came, “I have one thing, Sir!”

“Alright,” Alastor said, already regretting this, “let’s hear i—”

Wexler’s thick arms locked entirely around Alastor, pinning his down and, all too easily for his comfort, lifting him up off the ground a near two inches while spewing, “Sir, this makes me so happy! I guess having brothers is a lot like having sisters and they fight, but it’s alright because working through it is rewarding and I promise I’ll never let you down—“

“You will exactly let me down, this instant!” Snarled Alastor, legs starting to kick.

The boy jumped back with a gasping apology, hands shooting out to make sure Alastor was alright, but was promptly stopped and swatted away with a hiss, “No! Enough of that! Never again do you hear! No!”

“Yes, Sir! I promise! I was just so happy! This is amazing! Actually, do you think I could join you for lunch once a week or on the service calls?!”

Alastor groaned, heading for the gate, shaking his head. Just what had he gotten himself into?! Still, he couldn’t stop the near immediate relief, regardless of the fact he had half a mind to deck the boy for daring to pick him up like some doll!

“Yes, yes, the calls and lunch but you will not, never again, put your hands on me like that, do you understand?!”

Wexler nodded profusely, following behind like a loyal, wagging mutt, “Never again! Yes Sir! It takes a real man to admit his mistakes and I can admit mine!”

This boy’s mindless sincerity might be the death of him!

And while that ought to have been the end to any conversation they had before reaching the station, it wasn’t. Wexler managed to keep up too well with Alastor’s galloping stride while asking, “Sir, I’m under the impression Miss Michael doesn’t know what we talked about? It’s just, if I tell her you apologized and she asks what happened, well … ”

His lip curled, fingers pinching at the bridge of his nose. It was a good point. A brilliant point even, and Alastor was annoyed not to have thought of it! “She is under the impression we were discussing Goldie.”

“Because you let her think that.” It wasn’t a question and suddenly Wexler had a broad view of exactly what was happening here. Alastor hated that, feeling unnecessarily exposed all over again.

“That would be the case,” he ground out.

“Then I’m sure she won’t find out any differently,” Wexler said with a rather confident smile, before making sure they had their story straight.


“With me, now.”

Alastor stumbled over his own foot, shocked that she’d said anything while passing him in the hall. Michael walked away, the picture of composure as she held the office door open for him, still avoiding his gaze entirely.

This was it! Finally all this nonsense would be over! He felt confident and easy, prideful actually! In record time, he’d managed to sort out this debacle and in a few short moments, his life would return to its correct status. Nothing would shake him now! Not even Wexler who was nervously smiling and rubbing his hands together in Michael’s office.

But then the young man grimaced before mouthing, ‘I tried’.

That did not bode well.

She went around and sat at her desk. He opted to stand next to Wexler instead of sitting, the nerves in his knees and stomach threatening his facade, even as his hands clasped tight behind him.

She sat back in her chair, legs crossed and chin raised, finally sparing him a look. To a degree, he felt relief. Given her infamous and stubborn resolve, he started to suspect she might never look at him again. Unfortunately, any positive feeling ended at that, because there sat a Michael he didn’t know.

Her gaze was cold, stern, withdrawn, and analyzing, ripping through him as if he were standing trial. Finally he could see it: the angelic general capable of felling legions of demons. And here he was, one meager human.

“Wexler has informed me that the two of you had a discussion this morning. Is this true?” she asked, calm and even.

Before he could answer, the ever eager youngster jumped in at his defense. Alastor wanted to roll his eyes, but he lacked people on his side right now so he couldn’t be choosey. “Yes, Ma’am it’s just as I said, we—”

Her hand shot up, silencing the boy. She offered Wexler a soft smile before saying, “You’ve already told me your version, Wexler. To speak plainly, my current dilemma is Mister Laveau’s unparalleled ability to manipulate situations to his liking. You say he’s apologized, but given your duress last night, I would be remiss to take that at face value. If he’d like to keep his job then he’ll have to produce an approximate summary of that conversation.”

Not since they’d met, when he’d expressed just how important and precarious his position was, had she called him so formally. There was no denying it felt like another one of her winding punches.

“Miss Michael, I swear, he really—“ Wexler started again with genuine distress.

Alastor stopped him this time, a hand gently patting the boy’s shoulder with a sincere smile, “Don’t you worry, it’s quite alright! This is a good lesson to learn Wexler, to not trust everything you’re told. Believe it or not, when placed in a stressful situation, some people will say near anything to get what they want!”

The boy swallowed and nodded, not shrugging out from under his hand or acting scared. If anything, Wexler seemed at ease, offering an encouraging smile. For once, maybe the first time, Alastor didn’t feel the need to change that.

And so, regardless of how embarrassing that conversation was, he gave her a particularly honest review of events. He managed to leave out the touchy subject of herself. There was no way she knew, based on how she acted and he was willing to give Wexler the benefit of the doubt. After their talk, Alastor couldn’t deny that there was a type of intelligence the younger possessed that he did not.

“And then what?” She probed.

The notion to wring Wexler’s neck returned. That dolt must have told her about the deplorable display of affection at the end. His smile tightened as he bit the bullet, “I’m not one to hug and tell, you know! Still, I don’t see anything wrong with gentlemen having a healthy bond!”

To prove a point, his arm slung over the other’s shoulders. Wexler looked like a child on Christmas morning all over again, smiling wide and stupid as his arm wrapped around Alastor’s.

In that instance, he thought maybe she would smile at the sappy display, her eyes softening. She didn’t though, settling for a curt nod and picking up her pen, “Then the matter is officially closed. Gentlemen, you are dismissed and welcome to return to your jobs.”

“Thank you!” Piped up Wexler before looking up at Alastor.

He smiled, but his eyes gestured to the door. Wexler nodded, immediately leaving the office. Once alone, even with the door ajar, Alastor stepped closer, fixing a casual smile on his face, “Now, perhaps you have something else to say?”

“No. You were dismissed, Mister Laveau,” she stated, continuing her paper work, not looking up.

He blinked, trying to understand. The requirements had been met. He’d apologized! And even better, Wexler seemed over the moon with this development! So why in God’s name wasn’t she?!

His eye twitched, head twisting to the side. Surely this was her strange idea of a joke! He could understand her wanting to draw it out, if only to pester him. That he could respect! “Funny, yes, I’m certain you’re getting a rise, milking this for all it’s worth! Congratulations Miss Burr! You’ve bested me! Now might we move on from this prickly development?”

Then she stopped, but it wasn’t the reaction he wanted. Michael didn’t look up, but her mouth set hard as her voice tightened, “A reminder darling, you still have a job to do and you’ve been dismissed.”

He couldn’t react, dumbfounded, short of his mouth falling open and his eyes widening. A hand pressed to his back, followed by a nervous chuckle, “Sir, I need your help with the new equipment! One of the pieces seems to be shorting!”

Alastor mutely nodded, only looking away from her when Wexler steered him out of her office, shutting the door behind them. The world didn’t restart until they were in the broadcasting room and the door clapped shut.

He couldn’t begin to understand one problem, so he focused on the other, “What’s wrong with the equipment?”

Wexler offered him a lopsided grin, scratching the side of his face, “Actually, there isn’t anything wrong, Sir.”

Alastor shook his head, eyes narrowing, “Then what was that about?!”

The boy’s hands shot up, his face dwindling. The expression immediately had Alastor taking a breath, trying to calm down as he collapsed into the broadcast chair. With that, Wexler regained his confidence and came closer, sitting up on the table, shrugging, “I suspect more happened between you two than has to do with me? She seems really upset. Hurt. Truthfully, it didn’t seem like you or Miss Michael were ready to talk. Sometimes, talking too soon can be as bad as talking too late.”

It felt like existence was caving in all around him. He didn’t understand what was happening. Michael despised him. And stranger still, Wexler was the one holding the day together! This was awful. Truly, unfathomably awful.


“She’s still not speaking to you?” Goldie asked, tone drowning in concern as she peaked around Alastor. His expression said it all: a sneering frown above his tightly crossed arms.

After that humiliating and disorienting experience in Michael’s office, he hightailed it out of the station and right to Goldie’s new place of employment. As a small mercy, perhaps the only one he would experience today, he caught her right as she clocked out for lunch. It was then he appraised her of the specifics, to a degree, including his spat and reconciliation with Wexler.

He heaved out a breath, whipping off his glasses to wipe them down, looking for any action to distract his buzzing nerves. He grumbled, “Oh she spoke. She spoke right through me! The utter nerve! All the nonsense she demanded, laid at her holier than thou feet, but no! These measly offerings are hardly befitting a saint!”

Goldie frowned and shook her head, rubbing her temples, “You sound ridiculous. I doubt Michael thinks herself a saint.”

“You would be surprised, I think!” He barked with a laugh, before ripping a cigarette from the pack and lighting it. Even after the heavy first draw, his leg bounced wildly.

“Did she tell you she’d forgive you if Wexler did?” She pressed, trying to decrypt whatever he was hiding. It was painfully obvious that she was missing a chasm of information but there was little to be done where Alastor was concerned, always needing control.

All he did was suck on the cigarette, brows slowly drawing together, considering the question. After he blew out the smoke and rubbed his forehead with the heel of his hand did he confirm, “No, she did not. There was no stipulation made for that specifically.”

He’d never considered that this would drag out beyond Wexler! This entire debacle was over the boy, wasn’t it? Apparently not. He’d fixed that part. So why, oh why was Michael still irrevocably malcontent with him? Yes, he’d said something particularly touchy, but so had she!

Then she’d punched him! And it had hurt, beyond any doubt! Didn’t that make them even?

Did it not?

“Alastor, what did you say to her? I imagined it was bad, but I didn’t think it was this bad.” Bad didn’t cover this situation actually.

While she suspected he had an uphill battle, she never thought it would be an issue he couldn’t solve. Had she been too gracious with her opinion of his skills? Probably, given Alastor’s lack of friends.

“I—” he started, but ultimately stopped, wiping his hand down his face, “It was another Bright idea.”

“You didn’t!” She gasped, officially nervous for him.

Instead of smoking again, he took a slow, deep breath and held it in before breathing out, “No, but something like that would have gone over far better! Michael’s previous employment didn’t end on the best of terms and she’s particularly sensitive about it. I might have— I did make a point to remind her of it.”

“You are an idiot,” she whispered breathlessly, eyes wide and disbelieving.

“Yes, as everyone is keen to remind me, thank you Goldie! Brilliant deductive skills, yet again!” He bit, palm thumping on the table.

“That’s how you got into this mess! That right there! I hope you figure this one out Alastor,” she hissed, standing.

He gaped, “Where are you going?”

She laughed and shrugged, “You are a grown man! Honestly, I cannot fathom how you’ve done this to yourself and yet you expect everyone else to fix it! Your version of trying is abysmal.”

Damn her, he’d said something similar to Michael where grown men were concerned.“I don’t even understand why she is upset! It was true! Everything was true!”

“How does that—” Goldie stopped herself, feeling the blood in her veins pulse, urging her to beat him over the head with something! She ripped the cigarette from his hand, tossing it to the ground before grinding it under her shoe.

“Why did you do that?” He hissed, eyes wide, teeth bared like a feral cat.

This time she smiled, nodding her head, “Oh, I’m sorry, have I done something wrong? I can’t possibly fathom what it could be! Alastor, perhaps you could tell me what it was that upset you?”

“You did that on purpose!” He snapped, finger jutting out. But then he faltered, hand coming back down as Goldie’s grin widened. Immediately he turned away, slumping back in his seat, “You’ve made your point.”

“Fantastic!” She chirped, ruffling his hair only to be sneered at. “Now, I’m headed back to work to investigate actual issues in society! I hope you’ll figure this all out, if you’re even capable of it, but if you don’t, it isn’t like you’d miss her anyway? No, I’m certain she could up and leave tomorrow and you’d be right as rain. Bon lashans, janbari egare.”


Dimming daylight flooded the station as Alastor shut the broadcast room door. It was early evening and the sun would set soon. He wanted to be thankful that the day was over. Usually he was! It meant he could enjoy his free time and hobbies!

But today, given all the calamity before him, he wished the broadcast went by slower, leaving him in the comfortable world of radio. That was gone though, and now he stood fidgeting in the hallway.

With a huff, he peeked down to Michael’s shut door. The light was still on.

They were alone.

Alastor rubbed the back of his neck, jaw tightening. He could do this!

So why was he walking in the opposite direction?!

What would he even say? That’s what delayed him. Whatever conversation they needed to have loomed in the distance, but he couldn’t fathom what it was supposed to be about! His earlier attempt had failed miserably. Couldn’t they skip to the part where she would give him that laughable doe eyed look as he tormented her?

In the kitchenette, Alastor pulled down the coffee grounds and measured them out into the pot before adding cardamom. Dina didn’t add spices to the daily batches, but Michael would when alone and he’d come to like it.

As the coffee brewed, so did he.

How could she still be so entirely upset?

He understood some of her fury. Speaking cruelly to Wexler had spurred her on instinct to protect. That he could accept, because there was no faulting her for that indomitable sense of justice. But Wexler’s satisfaction with the morning’s apology didn’t come close to appeasing her anger!

As for his nasty commentary, yes, fine, it was far from his proudest moment. He’d undeniably deserved her socking the wind out of him, but hadn’t that been enough? It seemed like a fair fight! Her physical blow for his verbal one!

There were plenty of instances where an improper comment could be settled with a little physical correction.

It should have been enough!

Especially since her own words had been inflammatory and egregious! Cruel, weak, undisciplined, out of control.

Anger flared, but then he wondered how the bruises on her arms looked right now. He could imagine the darkening red and purple on her pale skin and suddenly he felt sick. She’d been right. He’d lost control, caught up in his own narrative and jealousy!

But she didn’t care about the bruises.

The gears in his head worked loose and the switch flipped. Alastor sucked in a breath, covering his mouth and grinding his teeth.

Empathy was not a talent he possessed, but how the epiphany arrived wasn’t the issue. Last night she struck every nerve in his psyche without the faintest inkling. And he’d punished her for it.

He’d weaponized his words and her vulnerabilities to strike where it would hurt most. Father help her indeed, she should have never been foolish enough to trust someone like him.

All those accusations were painfully true. If she’d so much as suspected her words would take a knife to his heart, he knew she wouldn’t have said them. Michael would have never done that. He doubted she was capable of such harm. Alastor had single handedly ruined their relationship in a blaze of rage.

He’d hurt her unlike anyone before, murder included.

All his life, people saw him as different. Other. Never enough. Always too much. Never white or black enough for folks. Either too quiet or too loud. Overly deceitful or blatantly honest.

Every day he hid some aspect of himself, even before he had something worth hiding. What he kept away changed person to person, but it was always something. Aside from his community service project, he didn’t have to with Michael. There was no planning to his words or actions for the most part.

She never prompted him to put away his admittedly outlandish personality or tired of his mania. Even his games were acceptable! Enjoyable, from what he could tell. Despite all of that, he struggled to speak with her. To truly apologize.

Apologizing was an admittance of guilt. She would see him how everyone else did, either broken or odd or less than. Then she would know that he was hardly worth her time and it would all be over regardless.

Wasn’t it over already though? Didn’t she already see him as that way?

“f*ck,” he ground out, smacking the counter.

None of it mattered! In all this, he’d managed to accomplish the one thing he’d set out to avoid entirely! Yet again, Goldie was right. Damn it, she was always right.

Well, for all but one thing. Though he was starting to realize that she was being sarcastic. He would care too much if Michael up and left. There would be a noticeable her-shaped hole in his life and he couldn’t imagine how many people it would take to fill it!

That simply wasn’t possible! They were partners! They were thick as thieves in this modern day circus, taking the world by storm!

She got along perfectly well with his mother and Goldie. No one else was better suited to run the station. Even if she couldn’t cook, he could fix that. Who else would teach him to fight? Or know odd things so he didn’t have to? Best of all, unlike his mother or Goldie, he wasn’t terrified of the world crushing her.

Michael, much like himself, was capable and independent. She was strong, bold, wildly strange, remarkably intelligent, and infinitely more exciting than anyone he’d ever known! There wasn’t a day he knew what to expect. One whirlwind of a woman waltzed into his office and changed how he perceived the entirety of, well, everything! She changed his job. Infiltrated his home. Rewrote literal history.

His challenger. His dance partner. His business partner. His angel. His torment. His bearcat.

The coffee finished right as he did.

He’d go in there with this miserable peace offering and he’d fix it!

No loathsome human, or that pompously rude angel, was good enough for Michael, but she was stuck among them anyway! It would be a miserable shame to let her go to waste, alone and depressed, always stuck in her head. His apology to her would be an act of mercy, really.

He gathered both cups in one hand and stomped down the hall. Thank God for long fingers, he supposed.

But then again …

God always seemed like an inconsequential idea to him, even in devout Catholic New Orleans. And now, Alastor was sure God didn’t want his thanks, even in jest. A stranger thought crossed his mind.

Did God care? Was The Almighty sympathetic to his daughter’s plight? Or was the being ambivalent to Michael’s suffering? Surely it was the latter. God was the one who’d put her in this situation after all!

He couldn’t fathom putting any child, let alone one he fathered, through such an ordeal, no matter how much of a boring spinster they’d become!

How long had she been human? Several hundred years, at least. Alastor grimaced. That seemed like a terribly long time. He couldn’t imagine his own mother being upset with him for a few minutes, let alone centuries!

There was so much of Michael he didn’t understand, he realized. His throat tightened. Was she lonely? She had to be, what with how she desperately prattled on about Lucifer. Was that why she’d clung to him like a child, even when he’d dragged her through the floor of her own home that fateful night?

That was another thread connecting them: not having to hide who she was.

But without him, she’d need to lie all over again. If their companionship was truly over, she’d be alone again. And so would he.

No, he wouldn’t allow it. God and the King of Hell could f*ck right off, he determined, going to knock on the door.

Alastor stopped dead, fist hanging in the air above the glass, as his face drained. At first he thought he was hearing it wrong, but no. The second and third instances were unmistakable. Those were the same bitten down noises his mother would make when she believed herself to be truly alone.

He didn’t understand. Michael was strong! She didn’t need to cry! Not over this.

Not over him.

He hissed, scalding coffee sloshing across his fingers and drawing him out of the confusion. Then he ripped open the office door, calling out, “Michael! I—”

She wasn’t there.

Had she noticed him and fled? Or was he just too late?

Neither option felt better than the other. He rushed to the window, eyeing the street below and down each direction, hoping to catch a glimpse of her walking. But no. Michael was nowhere to be seen.

“Damn it!” He screamed, slamming the drinks down onto the small table as his free hand launched into his hair, tightening and squeezing. All he had to do was open that f*cking door two seconds earlier! Then she would be right here!

But no! He, like some demented and hypocritical child, was scared of a few tears!

Then he snarled, foot driving into his usual chair, right where he’d left it days ago. Had she left it there on purpose, hoping he’d be back, or was it a testament to how little she cared for his company, not even thinking of it?

What she thought didn’t matter! This was going to end and she would talk to him! Everything would be fine! He would go to her apartment! And if she wasn’t there, he would come back here and wait the entire, miserable night until she walked in tomorrow morning! Two days without sleep was nothing. Make it three. Make it ten!

A reverberating clang sounded through the room. Alastor’s head jerked up, looking through the ceiling, waiting with bated breath. And like church bells, it rang. As he bolted through the station and up to the roof it came again and again, clang, clang, clang.

Alastor skidded to a halt, eyes wide at the site. He found her once more abusing the radio tower and this time it wasn’t with her shoe. No, now Michael was twirling, darting, slashing, and colliding with the metal beast.

In the red hot glow of the setting sun, she looked like a twisting flame. The burning light bounced off her hair and skin as she slung a sword, wailing.

Where had she gotten a sword?


Sitting on the roof nearby was another one, far longer and sturdier looking, half wrapped in a cloth. Alastor didn’t know a damn thing about weapons short of knives, hunting rifles, and the singular pistol he owned. Actually, he’d only seen a sword once in a museum, and it certainly didn’t look anything like that.

Or maybe all swords looked like that and it was Michael’s magnificent, glorious ferocity that caused it to look majestic.

As the light faded to darkness, he could make out sparks when the two metals collided, flickering around her like magic.

In that moment, awe struck with no shortage of reverence, he realized he was lucky she’d only punched him. One day she would discover his wickedness and then she would swing that blade, casting him into Hell. At least someone worthy would kill him. That brought him an absurd and strange comfort. Better Michael than some nameless bastard who didn’t deserve life.

The top half of the blade skittered across the rooftop as she held the bottom half in her hand.

“sh*t!” She screeched, throwing the broken sword with a wordless wail down before kicking it, right in his direction.

Their eyes met, bewildered and astounded. Alastor stood stone still, breathless, as Michael looked shocked despite her chest rising and falling with heaving, ragged breaths. Carefully he bent down to grab the tarnished weapon.

Chips and cracks littered the lower half of the blade, not a single inch spared in her rage.

“Y-you’re good … at this,” he muttered dumbly, wiggling the sword a bit.

Michael stared at him, locked on as if he might try and lunge. Or perhaps she would. There was no way to discern that expression . Her breathing eased a smidge, enough for her to sardonically retort, “I know.”

They stared for what was certainly longer than ten seconds before her head shook and she dropped down to grab her shoes and blouse.

“Wait! Michael, please!” He pleaded, sounding rather pathetic, even to himself in this dire nonsense. Even so his hands shot out and he rushed forward, “If you never listen to me again, just do me the mercy of this last time!”

Her jaw and shoulder set as she looked away, but she was still standing there, now waiting. Alastor breathed out, grateful for whatever goodwill she’d bestowed upon him. He swallowed, hands out as he moved forward, slow and steady.

There were dim lights on the radio tower and now, between that and his awestruck countenance waning, he could see her a tad more clearly. And he’d certainly never seen this much of her.

Michael stood, looking off into the city’s horizon, in nothing but flailing hair, sweaty skin, pants, a particularly open camisole, and a soft bodice under it for support.

He didn’t look at bodies. They were all bleeding flesh to him that needed to be kept alive or murdered! Plain and simple. And while he’d been vaguely aware of her superficial status as a woman before, only to have that fact doubled down by his transgressions last night, this was the final nail in the coffin. It would be impossible to ignore now, what with all the evidence blatantly out in the open, especially given his height.

Alastor’s head shook as he forced his eyes downward to her bare, scuffed feet.

He must have taken too long again, because she started moving.

“I am sorry!” He exclaimed, bringing his eyes up to her face, stepping in closer. “To you specifically! Earlier, I didn’t understand why you were upset, despite that you obviously are!”

“You’re joking,” she deadpanned, scowling.

“No! No I am not. If I was joking, you would be laughing, you think everything I say is funny, even if it isn’t! I can at least fathom why you’re upset over Wexler, but I did as you asked and apologized! I—”

The words caught in his throat, warring against his natural sensibilities, but he forced them out, raking a hand through his hair, “I was wrong. I overreacted and he didn’t deserve my ire! So I corrected it! As for what I said to you …”

Alastor paused when she winced, mouth tightening as her shoulders pulled forward. Thankfully, that expected twinge of darkness was nowhere to be found. He took a steadying breath before continuing, “My words to you were markedly undeserved. But even so I thought your little flourish was plenty enough to rectify the matter. In that I was wrong, yet again. I hurt you.”

Then her head whipped towards him and he could clearly see how reddened and raw the skin was around her eyes while the whites were crackling with red. She looked decidedly miserable, staring at him like she might cry all over again.

It beat ignoring him, but her silence was unnerving and now he wondered how Wexler felt. Alastor took another breath, sat down the broken sword, and soldiered through.

“I know I reacted poorly. Hearing about Wexler’s,” Alastor paused, looking at Michael.

Stupid woman. She was looking at him in kindness, for the fact she thought he was upset over Goldie. No reason to change that, he supposed. He’d suffered plenty of embarrassments already. “His affections were disorienting. Threatening.”

Michael offered him a sympathetic smile, nodding, “She’s important to you. No one knows you better, I suspect. I can understand. The fear of losing someone you cherish, to mean less to them or pushed aside for— it stings.”

He huffed a soft laugh, wondering how she could be so wrong and so right before asking, “You mean Lucifer?”

She nodded, biting on her lip, gathering her courage before saying, “Yes. I experienced the same with Luci when he met Lilith. I’m ashamed to admit that I was devastated and jealous. That said, I’ve never spoken with Lilith alone. Luci never left her side and I respect that. Then again, being a primordial demon she needs no protection. I’m grateful he has her. His partner. His half. She offered him a life I couldn’t fathom, a love I didn’t know was possible, but that didn’t make losing my brother easier.”

“You’re a better man than I,” he chuckled. “I’m not the sort to stand down or share.”

Finally she laughed, soft and sad while eyeing him with a mischievous gleam, “I can’t fathom a person choosing Wexler, choosing any being, over you.”

His chest puffed up under his vain grin as he shrugged. “Nor could I! How kind of you to notice! I’ll ask you to remember that in the future, if you don’t mind!” Her smile didn’t disappear, but it did waver and he couldn’t understand why she looked so miserable now. Was she upset he’d gone back to making quips?

He could kick himself! Doubly so when she took a step back away from him, leaning against the radio tower and sliding down to sit.

“I also overreacted. When I saw Wexler’s face in the dining room I—” Her words hung in the air as her expression turned pained and so far away. Her head dropped into her hands and she whispered, “Alastor, he looked terrified and it’s been so long since someone looked at me like that.”

Regardless of the context, a sense of solace swelled in his chest, overjoyed to be promoted back to a first name basis.

Before he could contribute, she let out a shaky breath. For a moment, she struggled for words and his worries triplicated, causing him to sit next to her. Was she sick? Would she cry again?

Her hands balled and he could see her scrunched, agonized sneer before saying, “Could you cut off Goldie’s arm? Could you hold her down as she cried, with everyone you ever swore to protect watching in horror? Could you do it, especially if she looked at you with that unbridled fear? Because I did. I put my knee in Lucifer’s neck, I grabbed his wings, and I cut. That was the last time I saw it and it made me sick.”

The air sucked from his lungs, because there was no world where he could harm Goldie. It simply wasn’t an option. She could be a monster worse than any he’d known and he would never be capable of it.

Even so, he couldn’t imagine Michael committing an atrocious act. He could imagine her bestowing punishments, that he didn’t have an issue with, but surely Lucifer had deserved it, what with sin and all that. Thankfully that answer was easier for him, because Goldie’s character was beyond reproach.

As was Michael’s. Her pain wasn’t lost on him, but if she’d deemed such a punishment necessary, then surely it was well deserved. It wasn’t like she’d killed him, at least.

Still, she trembled in place, her hands flattening and sliding to the back of her neck, pulling it down between her knees. She continued, sounding ragged and desperate, “So yes, when I saw Wexler who looked up to you, who thought you couldn’t possibly hurt him, I … Suddenly I was back there. While you deserved my scorn you didn’t deserve my blinded stupidity. And I’m sorry. ”

At least it made sense now.

Relief swept over him, making him feel lighter. Then he scooted closer, hand settling with a feather weight touch on her head. He waited for her to shake him off, but she didn’t. Instead, her head rose, pushing thoroughly into his palm. With that, he petted gently, fingers picking through and working to untangle the haphazard pieces.

They sat in silence like that before he realized, “How in all existence did we manage to have that in common?”

Her head shot up, causing his hand to retreat, “Excuse me?”

He smiled and nodded, “Oh yes, Bel Zanj, we are unfortunately similar where words and unintended consequences mingle.”

If anyone had asked him how today would go, there was no chance in all of existence where he’d predicted this similarity. Or the fact he was about to share his own unfortunate circ*mstances, all for the sake of comforting another! Considering her moderately disrobed state, he felt it polite to do the same.

She didn’t stop him, but looked rightfully confused. He untucked his shirt, unbuttoning it from the bottom up as he started to explain, “When you insinuated Wexler was a child, I disagreed entirely. The idea of hurting a child, understand me Michael, I could never. Then you compared me to a mutt. And all of it, tied neatly into this.”

He pushed back the open side of his shirt to reveal a gruesome scar on his flank. Then he pulled up his pant leg, revealing a far neater one. Her mouth went slack as her wide, glistening eyes switched between his mild expression and the scars. “You see, my father was a particularly nasty bastard and liked dogs. Moman and I were quite lucky when he left, not long after I turned 13. What you said, it hit too close to home. So I retaliated and hurt you.”

“Alastor,” Michael breathed with a whimpering gasp, hand jolting out to the ugly, jagged, irregular scar. It obviously hadn’t been a clean bite like the one below his knee. He stopped, finding her movement odd. Her palm, seemingly instinctually, pressed in flat against the scar. For as much as he hated tears, he didn’t quite mind the slow soft ones on her cheeks. The ones for him and not because of him.

He couldn’t think of anyone, save his mother, who had cried on his behalf. It felt bewilderingly nice.

Then her face fell and she jerked back, embarrassedly wiping her cheeks, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to touch it. It’s that, we— angels can cure any bodily harm for humans, if the human is still strong enough to take the magic, at least.”

With a mischievous grin, he gasped, eyes darting down to the scar, ”What on Earth?! It’s gone!”

In shock and disbelief, Michael immediately leaned in to see, practically laying on his side. Confusion set in before morphing into indignation, the same hand she’d childishly tried to heal him with, slapping his shoulder.

Alastor bit down on his bottom lip, covering his mouth and snorting, chest rattling. This earned him another slap, which only led to his booming laughter. Now Michael’s hands were wrapped around his bicep and forearm, rattling him like a toy, glaring.

When she stopped, her forehead slumped into his shoulder, “Thank you, for apologizing to Wexler. I know I dote on him too much. Sometimes I can’t help it. It’s the same with Goldie or Dina. They remind me of the younglings.”

“Goldie is rather angelic and a case could be made for Wexler, but Michael, Dina? Really? I suspect she’s sporting hooves and a tail!”

Michael chuckled, pulling away from his shoulder but not quite letting go, “Maybe, but she’s frightfully reliable, and what can I say, I have a soft spot for demons. You’re right though, Wexler isn’t a child.”

“He is, actually,” he conceded with a huff.

“No, he’s 19, you were right,” she insisted.

Alastor flicked her nose and wagged his finger, “That’s hardly a toddler! And for the record, Wexler is 18! Perfectly suited to nap times and rocking horses!”

“He wanted to get married and holds down a job! That’s hardly something a toddler is capable of!” At last, they were back to normal, Michael adopting her typical argumentative tone.

“And how would you know? Last I checked, children were barely more than an enigma to you!” It came out of his mouth before he could stop it and now he awaited the backlash.

Michael stared for a second. Then her arms wrapped around her waist, a laugh floating through the air as she doubled over, “What in the Three Realms are we doing?”

“There it is! I was starting to worry that you finally had good sense! I’m pleased as punch we could avoid such a catastrophe!” He laughed, or at least he forced one.

In all the excitement, or at least the resolution of it, and distractions, he’d not registered the stark purple marks banding her arms. He hated them. Even speaking about his father didn’t illicit such a volatile reaction in him, but now he felt like a storm, his remaining sanity threatening to blow away. Alastor fought off his miserable sneer, but maybe that was where his self control had died.

Angry at himself, Alastor twisted towards her, gently wrapping a hand under each of her elbows. She squeaked in surprise as he leaned over, yet hoisted her up.

Then she gasped.

Alastor bent his head further down, pressing his lips gently to the discolored splotches across her arm. After several seconds, he pulled back then he shifted her over to reach the other one. And there he did the same thing, laying a soft kiss to the proof of his shortcomings.

Then he pulled back, only a bit, kneeling before her. His head craned upward, eyes soft as he smiled at her, “There, that should do the trick.”

Slack jawed, breathless, red faced, and looking like she’d seen a ghost, she sputtered, “W-w-what?”

His head shook, eyeing her mirthfully as that warm smile shifted into a charming grin, “I’m shocked you’ve never heard of it. It’s an old island medicine to help wounds heal faster.”

“Oh,” she breathed, unblinking and nodding.

At that he pulled away, hands sliding from her elbows to her hands. He shifted, preparing to pull them up. “I made coffee.”

The statement brought her back to life, a sweet smile spreading across her lips as her hands squeezed his, “That sounds nice, if you’re offering.”

“Hah! Offering? No, no, Bel Zanj, it’s already decided. Terrible to let such a fine brew go to waste! You’ll drink it and be pleased. I’ll not accept anything less!” He professed, all the while pulling her up. But Michael wavered, body weight dropping.

In an immediate panic, his arms shot forward, clasping around her waist as he fell hard to his knees. She clung to his shirt while landing in his lap. Her grip was weak though, muscles trembling from tip to toe.

From the awkward position, he gently eased her back to the roof, hands flitting near her waist in case she took a tumble. Nervously chuckling, she stammered, “I-I need a moment. I’ve not trained like that in centuries.”

Alastor nodded, moving away and adjusting, as he said, “I would say so! You look like a bucket of eels!”

Noticing his new position, Michael furiously shook her head, “No. I’m not doing that.”

He was down on one knee, turned away from her while looking back over his shoulder, hands reaching around to his lower back, “How silly of me! I suppose I’ll need to reconsider since you’re able to stand and walk on your own.”

Michael grumbled, shaking her head again, “It’s dangerous!”

Now that was an utter crock of sh*t and they both knew it. She easily could have pulled a shadow, but for whatever reason, she didn’t. Not that he minded, any excuse to poke fun at her was well enough! Then her hesitation dawned on him, “Michael, am I to understand that you’ve never done this?”

There was a long silence before she muttered, “No.”

“Isn’t it your lucky day?! Two brand new human customs and a chivalrous offer from New Orleans’ finest gentleman! I suppose girls really do have all the luck! Now, let’s get you on here! I can assure you, given my height, it’s akin to flying.”

She didn’t take the bait, sounding truly worried, “You’ll hit my head on the doorway.”

This insufferable woman! Exactly how he preferred it.

“Isn’t that an idea! Wish I’d thought of it, but alas, I’m just the charm and looks and talent in this operation. Why, I ought to! We’ll give you one of those ludicrous cases of amnesia and you’ll forget all about my delinquencies! Jake idea, Darling! Now hop right on and we’ll get that ball rolling!”

Now she was laughing, and much to his delight, her hands fell on his shoulders. With a tad more enthusiasm than necessary, Alastor grappled her from above and below then hoisted her up with a jerk, catching her quivering form on his back, latching his arms under her rear.

Her legs locked around his waist as her arms draped across his chest and shoulders, cheek gently pressing into the side of his head.

Her nails twinged black, confusing him briefly, but Alastor dismissed it, accepting the shadowy portal to the observation room. All the while, she snickered, “You know, even if I did forget, I’m sure you’d manage to make more than enough trouble for both of us and we’ll end up right where we started!”

“Oh, I hope so! Why, you can’t imagine the thrilling adventure I’ve had today!” He cackled, easing backwards to let her down to the couch. Once she was off, he spun about, bending over with a wicked smile, his pinky finger stuck out to her, ”Just promise to be around when I ultimately make another blunder. I'd be terribly bored otherwise.”

Michael stared at his finger. Then she nodded, a smile blossoming as her pinky finger wrapped around his, “So long as you learn your lesson in the end.”

“Pfft! Lessons, that’s wacky nonsense. Now, you be a doll and wait here while I see about that coffee!”

Alastor was quick, going to her office for their usual mugs before bounding back down to the kitchenette, feeling lighter than he had in years! He worked like lightning and thankfully their newest coffee maker actually kept the beverage hot for extended periods of time. Michael had prioritized the purchase nearly two months ago.

“Now, get ready for a delightful—”

He stopped. Then he grinned and shook his head.

She was out cold, curled into a ball with her fists tucked against her chest. Well this certainly put a damper on things!

Then again, maybe not. He sat their coffee down and peeled off his jacket.

“Up we go,” he instructed his unconscious partner. It was far too easy to pull her into a sitting position and shove her arms into the garment! Between this and when she’d had the flu, he was starting to suspect that Michael was always near comatose when sleeping.

For a moment, he considered going on home, but no, the idea left him near frantic!

Michael could fend for herself, he was sure of it, but only when awake apparently. He’d be mortified if anyone with ill will found her asleep!

He could carry her home. Then again, tensions were rising every day within the city and a man carrying around an unconscious woman late at night, who was not his wife and not the same skin tone, was bound to cause trouble. So he turned off the ceiling light, clicked on the lamp, and set a melodic jazz record on the gramophone before sitting on the couch.

“You’ll have to pardon the intrusion Bel Zanj, but there’s hardly enough space with you flopped about like a demented house cat.” With that, he dragged her up into his lap. It took quite a bit of adjusting, but eventually he had it figured out.

Alastor, particularly exhausted as well, twisted around so he was laying long ways, one arm folded behind his head. Michael, dead to the world, was pulled up onto his chest, her head tucked under his chin. Her legs were stretched out, catching over his own, as his free arm locked around her waist so she wouldn’t roll off.

She’d not been a restless sleeper while sick, but their little amnesia bit felt all too plausible. It wasn’t a long drop by any means, but given all their similarities, luck probably wasn’t her strong suit either.


Looky there! He did it!

I like the song above because I think this is where it really starts for Alastor. The decision to not be alone through life, in whatever form that takes. I think the lyrics really mimic what he's going through here today. Man he fixed it in a whole day! Claire's gonna be so proud! And at least Wex is ok. Poor kid.

Language Notes:

Bon lashans, janbari egare
- - Good luck, possessed/demonic/crazy cattail.

I love cattails. The plant. Used to play with them all the time as a kid. Peace out star scouts!

Chapter 74: Smitten


Michael is smitten by Alastor. It's obvious to everyone as their lives return to normal.



Instead of some random YouTube video I would like to present you with this GORGEOUS playlist crafted by Maya_the_Pariah from our very own dumpster fire! It's at the bottom of the chapter because I was too dumb to figure out how to put it in the notes <_< sorry

If AO3 was anything like FFdotNET where you could have like a little title page/image/book cover, this would be it. It is soooooo good. I love it. The DETAILS.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Reckless - TsundereForHire - Hazbin Hotel (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own] (4)

This wasn’t a peace or comfort she’d known before.

Lulled in the darkness by the warmth, her heartbeat matching the one directly under hers, Michael nuzzled in deeper. Her head lazily scraped up, only stopping when her nose grazed the edge of his jaw.

Certainly she’d died and gone back to Heaven. To be honest, she couldn’t remember Heaven being so peaceful. So warm.

Angels didn’t sleep, so had she ever rested before? Truly and wholly, without fearing that the entirety of creation might collapse?

No. This safe, gauzy dreamworld was new and wondrous.

The surreal haze faded away as she started to stir back to reality. Her heart rate spiked with the realization of where she was and who she was on top of. Michael forced herself still, desperate not to ruin it with short minded nonsense.

Alastor was asleep, and if any creature in existence tried to take this moment from her, she would declare war on every being and realm.

To wake up on top of him, wrapped into him— there’d never be a greater bliss and she knew it. At least, she couldn’t fathom one. Despite her burning cheeks and fluttering heart, she stayed right there on his chest, carving the memory into herself. The feel of the fabric, the sound of his soft breaths, the steady rise and fall of his chest.

Why couldn’t this be eternity?

Now she understood Lucifer. What was Heaven and unending holy servitude worth in the face of this? He’d been right to abandon it all if this was what he’d gained.

The world turned slow and she couldn’t have been any more grateful for it.

But as the moments ticked by, thoughts of forever started to play tricks on her heart as notions of unrequited love tarnished all her ideals. Terror crept up her spine. She wished she could see Alastor’s face, peaceful and gentle with sleep. Nothing but death was promised to her and she might never get the chance again!

When her arm moved, the sleeve’s fabric peeled off her face, wet with drool. Carefully she pulled her arm out to inspect her blouse, but the fabric was heavier and the sleeves bunched stiff and awkward up her arms.

It also wasn’t the same color as her shirt, the one that she could see discarded on the coffee table next to them.

Mortified electricity shot down her.

At some point he’d put his jacket on her and for whatever reason, she’d never put her shirt back on! That was one reason for a multitude of butterflies to swarm in her stomach. The other reason was that she’d just defiled the garment he’d lent her like a gallant knight!

Michael started to shift.

She could get up without waking him! She could go to the washroom, clean the sleeve and return it too him without all her heinous fluids all over it! Alastor was a particularly neat man. She’d never seen him shy away from anything dirty, but she knew he was rather fussy with his clothing! He’d be beside himself and then he’d think her some schlub and then—

She didn’t know what then but it didn’t matter!

Michael tried to get her hands to the side of his chest, so she might lift herself up. No. Not today it seemed. Her gelatinous arms shook as she tried to rise, the uneven pressure of her shapelier chest against his flat one proving wildly uncomfortable.

If she could just—

She tried to push up and sweep her leg over him, but it proved to be an utter disaster. With her masterful maneuvering, she’d further locked her knees around his. She fell, sliding off his chest and over the edge, dragging him with her.

He bolted to life, but not fast enough.

Michael yelped, slammed from both sides, sandwiched between the floor and Alastor’s weight. Now he scrambled, pushing to one elbow, but his legs were still trapped and he faltered again.

He made a snarling ‘oof’, the supporting limb slipping out from under him. He scrambled for the floor, but what his hand found was far more full and malleable.

Michael squeaked, legs kicking, trying to squeeze out past his head. She managed to get up, finally on her feet beyond his head in the dim light, but Alastor tried to get up as well, head knocking into her wobbling knee.

He groaned and hissed.

She tumbled backwards, away from the couch.

There was a definitive crack, then a shattering crash. The room went dark as she landed back first on the coffee table, breaking it right down the middle.

“Michael!” Alastor gasped, managing to skitter across the floor, hitting the light switch from his knees.

The ceiling light burned in her eyes, prompting her to hiss dramatically. She could feel Alastor standing over her now, the sides of his feet on her legs, hands wrapping around hers before pulling straight up. All the while he laughed and laughed.

She swatted him away, hurriedly wobbling out of the bright room despite how fuzzy the world looked. She slammed the bathroom door shut and flicked on the light, rubbing her eyes and rushing for the sink.

At last she could see herself, but oh, Their Father the Almighty and all the choirs couldn’t help her now. The reflection left her strawberry faced with embarrassment. Not only had she slept for however long with Alastor, stretched out on top of him like a cat in a sun beam, she’d done it in her undergarments.

No wonder he’d put his jacket on her! She was as bad as that disgusting drunk woman from Slim’s!

How had he gotten it on her?!

Speaking of it, she looked at the one sleeve and grimaced. She’d completely covered the lower half of the forearm in her own saliva. Hastily she dunked it under the running water, scrubbing like a mad woman with her hands.

The material betrayed her. Water soaked up and up until it was utterly soggy. Then she tried wringing it all out. That was near useless so she took a hand towel and beat it, trying her damnedest to dry the thing!

Five minutes later she was no where near closer, somehow getting water in the floor and down the back of his jacket. Defeated and shameful, she laid it over the back of a chair staring at herself once more. Even now she looked ridiculous, hair tangled and puffed in all directions in her disheveled clothing. Why had she taken off her shirt?! It made sense when she was sweating and swinging a sword!

Tirelessly she started scrubbing at her skin and darkened feet. She’d completely let herself go yesterday!

Worse than that was she’d slept in his jacket and never even bathed beforehand!

There was no way around any of this and he was no doubt waiting on her, probably writing a horrific number of jokes for his broadcast based on her blunders!

Still, she couldn’t help but smile as she attempted to work her hair into some semblance of order. It was a miserable day, followed by an exhausting night, that had somehow blossomed into what could be one of the happiest moments of her existence.

That feeling, that sincere peace and warmth. He’d not even been awake, but it was the first time she’d ever felt protected.

Michael huffed a laugh, trying to tuck her pitiful braid into a bun so it at least wouldn’t come undone. Resolving herself to accept whatever humiliation awaited outside the bathroom, she straightened out her clothes, tightened the camisole, and picked up his now wet jacket.

Prepared for the worst, she walked back into the observation room to find the scene far more heinous than anticipated.

The poor coffee table was splintered right down the middle while one of the legs was cracked clean off. Then there was Alastor on his hands and knees with a damp rag and a dustpan picking up the pieces of the shattered lamp.

“I’m so sorry!” She rattled out, sailing to her feet to help pick up the glass. He hissed and swatted her away with a cheek splitting grin and snarky giggle, “Darling, you’ve practically destroyed everything in the room! I’ve got this perfectly under control. You start hauling off that poor mangled table down to the basem*nt!”

She spared no second in gathering up all the ruined furniture and shadowing it down to the building’s trash room. By the time she finished, so was Alastor, now holding up his abused jacket, looking like he was barely keeping a lid on it.

“How did you manage this?” He cackled, inspecting it thoroughly.

“I can have it cleaned!” She snatched it from him, her frazzled state existing somewhere between mortified at her own incredulous behavior and damn near giddy that he was amused more than anything.

He gave her a trying look, making her fidget under that crooked smirk and narrow gaze. Then his head dipped, leaning into her face with his hands on her shoulders. She couldn’t help but look at him. This man was catastrophically beautiful.

“Hmm. Cleaned with what?”


Michael blinked, ”The laundry?”

Alastor snorted, ripping the jacket out of her arms once more, shaking his head, “Do you even understand how to properly wash clothes? Silk, wool, cotton?”

Is that something humans did now? In truth, she’d never had to wash anything in the modern day and in all her other lives it wasn’t really something she thought on. Dumbly she answered, “W-with water?”

Now he was rolling his eyes, a hand dramatically pressed to his head before grabbing her shoulder and steering her towards the couch,“No! See, not a single useful thought in that head! Really what is your mother thinking! How could she possibly marry you off? You’d make a wretched wife! Now sit down before you break the whole station!”

“I could learn,” she offered meekly, pouting and confused as he pushed her down into the floor next to the couch.

His leg swung around behind her and she was about to ask him what he was doing, but from behind, he grappled her face between his hands and turned her to face away from him as he prattled, “And when would you have the time?! No, no, you’re better suited to let someone else handle the domestics unfortunately! I think you’d utterly fail at it! Just like your hair. What on Earth were you thinking?”

He tutted and scoffed, hands gentle and deft as he pulled apart the already failing hairdo.

“Alastor, really this is—”

His hand clapped over her mouth, “Enough sass!”

Alstryhcnt—” His hand squeezed, dragging her head backwards. There she found him directly over her, smiling and devious, “Ah ah! Michael, most delirious of debutantes, needle in my eye, who was it that broke the coffee table?”

Mhh,” she answered through his hand, dizzily drinking in the feel of it.

“And who was it that drove our lamp to its untimely demise?”

This time she whimpered, “Mhh.”

“Yes, indeed! Now here’s a tricky one: who is going to sit there and behave?”


At her meek confirmation he nodded, squeezing her cheeks and looking nefariously sweet, “Good girl!”

With that, his hands moved through her hair, trying to salvage the unfortunate state of it. Fingers plucked through tangles and dragged across her scalp with the same finess he used when cooking with his mother. Michael wished she could watch him do it, but that would be impossible, especially as her eyes drifted shut.

There were blissful tingles from his machinations. Then there were the brief instances he grazed her neck. Her fingers white knuckled into her pant leg, forcing herself to sit perfectly still. Forcing the strange, unprecedented noises back down her throat and screwing her jaw shut.

Nothing, short of being stabbed, could make her ruin this moment. Michael settled in, humming along to whatever tune he started, careful to keep her head bowed so that he wouldn’t see all the embarrassment across her face.

Moments later came a loud rip and her head swiveled. At least it tried to.

Alastor’s grip tightened, holding her head in place. Much like the evening at the theater, when he’d done nothing but torture and twist her into something delightfully wicked, it sent an unGodly, unholy, deviant sensation through her. It crashed into an unfamiliar pit near her stomach and set her on fire.

His legs thumped into her arms, pouring on fuel as he scolded, “Don’t you start squirming!”

Trying to think past the bubbling electricity in her nerves, she asked, “What was that?”

“Only back here having a ripping good time!”

Michael chuckled and grinned, elbow digging into his calf, “I was worried you’d found yourself in a hairy situation.”

“No need to get tangled on my behalf! The only situation you should be concerned with is how miserable a job you did!” Alastor snarked, throwing a brand new braid over her shoulder. It looked fantastically neat and felt even more so as her fingers brushed over his handy work. But then she noticed what he’d tied it off with.

At the bottom of the perfect braid was a white ribbon, frayed on one side while the other was a scalloped edge, finished with a red trim. She knew it right away. “You tore your handkerchief?!”

Alastor snorted and rolled his eyes, taking a long drink of the cold coffee while shrugging and fishing for his pocket watch, “Yes, Michael, you’re very much welcome. How darling of you to thank me for all my efforts.”

That made her feel bad.

So she got up and sat next to him, fashioning on her sweetest and most sincere smile, “Thank you Alastor. I’m lucky to have met you, let alone be graced by your peerless talents and unending generosity.”

He stared a second longer than she was used to. Without another word he turned away, then back, shoving the cold forgotten coffee into her hands. “Generous indeed! Now drink up! The sooner you make it home, the sooner I do! It’s nearly 3AM!”

Michael chugged the stale liquid, not minding the taste, actually. At least it was still dark out and earlier than anticipated. He swiped the empty mug away, toting both back to the kitchenette as she hastily tugged on her shirt and shoes.

When he returned, he picked up the unfortunate jacket while insisting, “Off with you! Some of us have to be back in a few hours and have plenty to accomplish beforehand!”

“I’ll take you home.”

He scoffed, “Regardless of how you meander home, it’s quite late and in bad taste for a woman to go on alone.”

Michael, despite gearing up to argue with him, was touched. In honor of that, she offered, “How about this. I’ll take you as far as I can with one shadow, that way your precious chivalry is in tact and neither of us spends any longer than necessary on these dastardly, ruthless streets.”

His eyes narrowed before checking his pocket watch again. With a groan he relented, gesturing to the open air, “Fine, fine! Hurry up with it then!”

Her own smile turned wicked, fingers and eyes growing black as she took his extended arm. Darkness twisted up their forms before licking away, depositing them in a secluded spot.

Then Alastor scowled, smile dangerous as he lectured, “This is quite a bit further than usual! You hardly make it this far on a typical day, let alone after you’ve nearly liquified yourself by swinging around a hunk of metal. I won’t be duped into you playing white knight all because you have some nonsensical talent that has you believing—“

She laughed, opening a smaller shadow on the wall next to him, “I’ve done no duping what so ever! Look for yourself.”

He sneered, but stuck his head through. Then he popped back out, not so much angry as he was confused, “You’ve extended your range?”

She started to nod emphatically but stopped, not wanting to ruin her braid. “I’ve started practicing! I’ve put off this power far too long. Why waste a good thing?”

A finger flicked into her nose, “Show off! Hardly befitting an angel to brag, isn’t it?”

“You’d be shocked! Angels are some of, if not the most pretentious creatures in existence. We’re also stubborn.” At that, another shadow licked up around them, depositing them only four streets from his home.

“I told you—” He started, genuinely angry, but her hand landed on his arm.

With a pleading smile she said, “Please. Just this once. You’re welcome to admonish me all you’d like later, but you have the most slots today and if something happened to you, or if you didn’t get enough rest, then it would be my fault.”

There came a long sigh, but then he nodded, rubbing his face and chuckling, “Suddenly I pity all your enemies.”

She snorted and smiled, leaning closer, “Then don’t become one, because I don’t lose.”

He rattled with laughter, shaking his head, “Shak jour gin asé èk sô-chin traka.”

“What?” None of that registered as she didn’t know Kouri-Vini, but that didn’t stop her from smiling, ridiculously charmed anytime he spoke in that molten way.

In lieu of an explanation, Alastor grabbed her shoulders, twisted her around, then pointed at the wall before them, “Enough of your willful wiles! Off to bed little bearcat!”

He needed to rest. Even in the dark she could tell he looked tired, so she nodded, fighting against the butterflies raging in her stomach, begging her not to go. One foot in the darkness she said, “Goodnight, Alastor.”

In that ever dramatic way, he took a fanciful step back and bowed, winking at her, “Good morning, Bel Zanj.”

Too soon she was in her apartment, kicking off her shoes, twirling around, and grinning like a maddened fool.

Yesterday had been so mind numbingly awful. So how could today, a day that had barely begun, already be so spectacular?

She collapsed onto the couch, hands clapped over her mouth, trying to keep the cheek numbing smile down, but it was no use. Given all he’d told her on the roof, she could only imagine he’d not slept the night before, much like herself. She wondered if he’d mentally spiraled, as she had?

Even if he’d spent the day going over and over and over what happened, his conclusion was wildly different than hers. No matter right or wrong, Alastor had saved her from another regret.

How could she have been so prepared for it to end?

Now she felt sick and angry with herself.

It was the same mistake. Just like Lucifer, even if she wasn’t ready to let go, even if every ounce of her being thrashed and wailed, she did nothing to stop it. Due to her profound inability to say something, do something, she’d lost the only being who knew her and now they were practically strangers.

Alastor was the sole reason she still had him at all! It hurt to acknowledge, but she’d always been weak that way. She’d demanded he apologize to Wexler, but what gave her that right in the first place?

It wasn’t as if she’d ever apologized to anyone! Certainly not Lucifer or Gabriel or Hera. And when had she told anyone about her life? About the weight of her own soul?

How did he unravel her so easily? A human, a maniacal, fantastical, charming human, had managed to teach her about humility. How to apologize.

She laughed and yawned, wiping her eyes and shaking her head. She’d never felt young before.

At some point, she’d dozed right back off. It wasn’t until a ruckus in the street caused her to shoot upright, eyes wide and heart pounding.

Michael scrambled over the edge of the couch to look at the clock.

Then she stormed into her bathroom, ripping off her old clothes and scrubbing herself down as if she were suddenly diseased. She’d never been late for work! Not like this! It was well past 10AM.

“Damn it all!” She hissed, rocketing to her dresser and pulling out the first decent outfit. Thankfully the braid was still neat and proper enough to be worn. Michael was still tugging on the pink cardigan as she stepped through a shadow and into the alleyway below.

Thank Father she lived above a bakery and deli! And even better, they weren’t sold out for the day!

With a gluttonous armful of boxes and a bag, she raced back to the alley, through a shadow, and into the office building’s stairwell. To match the day’s theme of luck, the youngest broadcaster was pacing right outside the station door, much like his mentor would, going through notes.

“Wexler, the door please!”


Alastor pulled off his glasses, rubbing his bleary eyes for the hundredth time today!

There was no doubt he was tired and he’d barely gotten two hours of sleep while home. Regardless, it didn’t feel like a loss. If anything, in spite of his raging exhaustion, it was a good day!

The cooling New Orleans air was bright and crisp. He’d not quite thought of lunch yet, but a walk would help wake him up at least! To top it all off, or more likely what it all started with, was his resounding success in wrangling Michael.

Though, it wasn’t without sacrifice! The day’s valiant unsung heroes were the coffee table, the lamp, his jacket, and his unfortunately decimated handkerchief. It wasn’t that he didn’t have more, it was just the first one he’d embroidered himself a few years ago. Now it was likely to end up in some haphazard location in her apartment.

C’est la vie, he supposed!

Before he could stand and stretch, Michael’s office door opened, revealing the devil’s sister herself. Unlike him, she looked remarkably rested, bright and smiling, nearly bouncing towards him. It was then that he spied a detail he’d missed previously.

“I stopped by the bakery. Everything is down the hall, if you’re hungry. Also there’s this.” She shoved the bag into his lap. With a humored and suspicious grin, he hefted up what was obviously a massive, wrapped sandwich. Inside, he found a fresh muffuletta.

Damn her.

Now he was starving!

With some modicum of self restraint he started to undo the rest of the paper, but her hands shot out, taking it from him, “You can’t eat it here!”

At that, his jaw dropped, “Do you expect me to eat it in the washroom? Or should I scurry up the radio tower and fight it out with the birds?”

She snorted and shook her head, “No. You have the afternoon slot today which means you have enough time to sleep. I can handle everything here.”

“As darling an idea that is, I certainly don’t have enough time to traipse across town, sleep, and back!”

That’s when her grin sharpened, those bright eyes growing dark. With that, he was no longer in his chair in her office, he was in her apartment, on her couch. She placed the sandwich on the side table, scampering off before returning with a pillow and blanket, “You can sleep here. I won’t take no for an answer! You know where everything is, so feel free to help yourself.”

What had gotten into her?! She was talking a mile a minute!

“I’ll come back in three hours to get you up!”

Her eyes were already twinged again as he tried to stop her, arm stretching out as he barked, “Michael—“

Much to his surprise, she stopped, “Is everything alright? I can get more blankets if you’d like. Or pillows. Unless you’d—”

“Thank you,” he huffed out, reclining backwards, crossing his legs while looking smug. She’d not even noticed it.

“Of course. Sleep tight,” she said, smiling bright and soft and she twisted into the shadows.

Once she was gone, he had to laugh! Fine, let her go, daft thing! He might have told her about it, if she’d not been such a whirlwind. Then again, maybe he wouldn’t have said anything?

When he’d ripped the handkerchief in the first place, he’d not been paying so much attention. Alastor, pleased with his own slip up, kicked off his shoes and grabbed the sandwich, snickering. Her newly acquired ribbon sported his initials in the same red thread and she was none the wiser for it.


Maybe it would remind Wexler to maintain an appropriate distance.


Two days after the impromptu near-ambush of a lunch meeting with Alastor, he’d insisted Goldie join him at Slim’s. His mood had vastly improved and she could only suspect he’d managed to fix the problem with Michael. Curious about it all, she tagged along, relieved to find things nearly back to normal.

Nearly, because if anything, he seemed far happier, if not a tad clingy.

Goldie was more than happy to observe the change, though. Comical didn’t begin to describe it all because she’d never witnessed Alastor practically falling over himself to be his odd version of polite. All the while, the woman in question was oblivious, despite being clearly smitten to anyone with a pulse.

Anyone with a pulse that wasn’t Alastor.

“It’s nice of you to join us! Do you dance?” Michael asked, sipping at a co*cktail. Alastor hovered between them, a tight smile settled on Goldie.

She eyed her drink before smiling and setting it back down, “No, not particularly. I’m rather clumsy and the fast pace makes me dizzy. Do you?”

“Does she?!” Cackled Alastor, prompting Michael to roll her eyes despite her shy grin.

Slim snickered behind them, sliding Goldie a glass of plain juice, “You ought see these two, Little Bird. They dance like they’re out for blood.”

Something about Goldie changed in that moment, exchanging a brief glance with Slim. Then she sat down, sipping the juice, “I’d love to watch! I know Alastor is a good dancer, but I hardly see it! Don’t worry about me, I’ll be right here with Charles.”

“Charles?” Michael questioned, looking for the mysterious man.

There she found Slim leaning over and lacquering on a charming smile, “Howdy there, Mike. Charles S. Duquesne, at your service.”

Michael laughed and rubbed the back of her head, mildly embarrassed to have never known his name. “Michael Burr. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Charles.”

Alastor was nearly standing on top of her now, a sharp and challenging smile settled on Slim, “If you’re so willing to watch Goldie, I’m more than happy to provide the entertainment!”

Then he stopped for a moment, giving Michael a brief once over. Much to Goldie’s shock and awe, Alastor didn’t simply start dragging her off, as everyone was accustomed to. Instead he smiled, one hand tucked behind his back as he bowed. He peaked up through his bangs, free hand stretched outward as he asked, “That is, if the lady is so inclined this evening?”

Goldie couldn’t suppress a sappy grin, very much matching Michael’s. The older woman bit her lip, holding down a laugh as she dipped into a curtsey, then dropped a hand into his. That was when Alastor’s usual fervor returned, blazing a trail out to the dance floor.

“Charles?” She called, leaning against the bar to watch her longtime friend and his dance partner.

“What’s going on Little Bird? Don’t tell me you’re jealous,” he mocked, brows wiggling at her.

Her head shook with a laugh, failing to be dramatic in that Alastorian way, “Oh yes, I think I’ll die if they get together! I was wondering what you think of her.”

Slim shrugged, watching Alastor and Michael forget about the rest of the world as the dance floor split for them. “You remember Myrtle? The broad that worked at Shetland’s?”

Goldie frowned with concern, knowing exactly who he spoke of. The woman in question was smitten with Alastor and to the point it became a problem on more than several occasions. Suddenly she was scanning the room for the offensive person.

“You won’t find her,” he said, catching on to Goldie’s apprehension, “Myrtle ain’t coming back for a long time.”

“Why? What could possibly deter her?” Goldie, being friends with Myrtle’s sister, had tried more than once. Slim laughed, finger wheeling around to Michael, who was currently being flung above Alastor’s head. Goldie shuddered, hating the idea of being up that high.

“About two, maybe three, weeks ago, Mike caught Myrtle being too friendly and cozy with her boy. Myrtle was hitting the bottle too hard again. So Al’s debutante comes up to me with five bucks and asks for all the ice I got. Then she takes it over there, climbs onto a chair, and dumps it all over little miss handsy. Myrtle did not take kindly to that and drags Mike off by the ankle, after realizing what’s happened. And I thought Al would step in, but no, all he’s doing over there is biting on his fist, trying his damnedest not to laugh! So Myrtle gets Mike into the floor and dives.”

Wide eyed and with a hand over her aghast mouth, she turned from Slim to look at Michael. The woman appeared far happier, beaming as she twirled out from Alastor instead of glowering at him. Goldie was trying to consolidate what she was hearing with the composed woman she barely knew.

Slim refilled the juice and continued, “Mike’s leg comes up, smashing Myrtle right in the gut and knocking her back. And you think that would be enough punishment, but no. Mike gets up and Myrtle swings. It’s a good right hook, I’ve seen her use it before, but Mike catches the damn thing, slugs Myrtle square in the face, then throws her right across the table and smack into the floor.”

Goldie gasped, eyes unable to go any wider, “But she seems so …”

“Put together?” He finished.

She nodded and he leaned in close, whispering, “Yeah, but doesn’t Al?”

That’s when she frowned, understanding exactly what Slim meant. Alastor always looked and acted picture perfect, on the surface at least. As she grew older, able to speak with him on level ground, she noticed just how off he could be, finding things funny that shouldn’t be. It never deterred her since Alastor was loyal to a fault, but still …

“What happened after that? What did Myrtle do?”

“Couldn’t tell you cause she ran. Ain’t seen her since. Boy, I ain’t ever heard the joint that quiet. It was nice until Alastor started slapping his knee, howling like a wolf and dragging Mike out of here. Though, business has been booming, people coming and looking for another lady brawl. I’d almost give her a cut, if she’d be up to it.”

Goldie grabbed the glass, unable to look away from the strange, dancing duo, the journalist in her wondering how her friend’s bizarre tale would turn out.


“Hello Al,” Goldie greeted, waving as Alastor exited the station’s door.

His brows scrunched together before giving her a once over, checking to make sure she was okay. He had a right to be confused. They only walked home on certain days, and on others Goldie would wait for him to be done.

Today she was a good hour and a half early, waiting on a bench in the hallway since the office door was already locked due to it being past the core business hours. With a mockingly sweet touch to his heart, he started, “Why Goldie, if I’d known you missed me I would have done my best to make sure—”

“I came to speak with Michael, actually. I figured she hadn’t left yet but the door was locked so I decided to wait.”

Alastor blinked, taking a smidge longer than usual to rebound despite smiling. If anything, he looked at Goldie more carefully, then perked back up, “You’ve just missed her!”

The fact he didn’t offer a grandiose explanation meant there was something he didn’t want her to know, “I thought you were broadcasting this evening?”

He chuckled and shrugged while pinching her cheek, “Careful Goldie, you know what they say when you start to assume! Now, what is it you’re seeking Michael for? I doubt it isn’t anything I couldn’t help you with!”

She swatted his hand away and puffed up, “Actually, it isn’t! I want her to teach me how to fight. Charles told me about what happened with Myrtle and given my profession, knowing how to defend myself is a priority.”

His eye twitched, barely, but she caught it. Why was he irritated so suddenly?

To further her confusion, his smile tightened as he leaned over and locked a chummy arm over her shoulders, “There’s no need for that! Between learning to shoot and my accompaniment, you’ll be more than fine! And, what employer would be daft enough as to put you in harms way?! It seems I ought have a talk with John and make sure he understands that—”

“No, Alastor, you will not! I’m not a child!” She declared, shrugging off his arm and putting her hands on her hips. “I am not asking your permission. I am going to ask Michael. After ... after that night I don’t feel comfortable anymore. You can’t be there all the time and a gun can’t help me if I don’t have one! I won’t give up control of my life and this is how I plan to keep it!”

His gaze shifted and he stood upright once more, nodding slowly. She could tell that he didn’t disagree. What surprised her though, were his soft words, “You’re right. You should know. Come along, we’ll go ask her.”

Whatever had happened between him and Michael must have been for the better. Happy with the development, her arms locked around him in a hug and immediately he started smiling, arm falling back around her shoulders as he turned them down the hall.

Confused by their new direction, she asked, “Where are we going? Is she not in the station?”

Alastor gave her a strange chuckle and said, “No, she’s on the roof!”

“Is there something wrong with the tower?”

Then he truly barked out a laugh, “There could be by now! Though last I checked she’d not done any damage to the poor thing.”

That didn’t make any sense to her. Goldie was an expert, the expert, at decrypting him but not today apparently. “Did Michael really get into a fight with Myrtle?”

“Oh that wasn’t a fight! That was a one way domination on Michael’s part. Hah! That foolish brat never saw it coming! What a riot! I’d almost invite that bumbling bird back myself to watch it again!”

“Alastor!” She chastised as he opened the rooftop door. There they found Michael.

Goldie stopped, hands shooting up over her mouth in excitement. The other woman was slinging through fluid motions, whipping around a metal pole taller than her.

From above, Alastor snickered at Goldie’s reaction, wearing a warm, almost smug expression. Then he held a finger to his lips and slinked over to Michael from a blind spot. Goldie wanted to stop him but he was already there, that infamous mischief in his eyes.

His hand popped out, going to tap Michael on the shoulder, but it seemed he’d gravely miscalculated. The woman snatched his wrist, spinning under it and tucking it behind his back. She reached the metal pole around and up, pressing it into his throat, as if she would slice it open.

It was Alastor’s wild laugh that cause Michael to jump away, startled, the pole clamoring to the roof. First her eyes scraped over him, making sure he was alright before anger set on her face. He spun around, struggling to breathe as she poked a finger into his chest, admonishing, “We have talked about this, you cannot sneak up on me like that! I could seriously hurt you! And you’re late!”

“Indeed, Bel Zanj!” He snickered, finger coming down on Michael’s nose. Goldie blinked then forced down a cheek splitting grin.

Alastor loved doling out nicknames, but pet names were a similar, yet different, category for the man. Short of herself, she didn’t know of him giving one to someone else, especially in their mother tongue. He didn’t speak the language around anyone he couldn’t trust.

“I’m well aware what you’re capable of. You’ll have to excuse my tardiness though ,as it seems we have a guest,” He continued on, gesturing to the youngest.

Michael whipped around, shocked to see Goldie. The woman’s mouth opened before forcing an awkward, polite smile and greeting, “Goldie! It’s lovely to see you. Is there something I can help you with?”

Her question sounded completely uncertain and for a moment, Goldie thought about leaving. She’d never considered that maybe Michael would be uncomfortable with the request. In that hesitation, Alastor came over, grabbed Goldie, then dragged her closer to Michael, “Now’s not the time to be shy, Ti Zwazo. You were rather insistent a moment ago!”

Michael looked back and forth between the effective siblings.

Goldie sucked in a breath before nodding and asking, “I’d like you to teach me to fight! Please.”

Dumbfounded, Michael softly repeated, “Teach you to fight?”

“Yes! I’d like to learn how to defend myself. After that night in the alleyway, it’s been hard to feel safe. At times I don’t feel like me.” Goldie felt somewhat silly, explaining these things to Michael, but she trusted the woman, especially with how much Alastor trusted her.

Her gaze was soft and kind as she nodded, “Then you should learn. If Alastor doesn’t mind, we could start now?”

Goldie’s gaze, hopeful and pleading, whipped towards Alastor, her hands clasped in front of her chest. He wasn’t one to fall for the puppy dog expressions, but he also struggled to tell her no most days. He huffed, less pleased than expected, but nodded all the same.

Then she clapped, turning back to Michael, “Should I go home and change clothes first? Would pants make it better?”

Michael’s head shook, “No. If you were learning proper combat, it would, but self defense needs to be learned in what you would be wearing if you had to defend yourself. In this case, a dress and heels. Though we’ll certainly try it barefoot. Given your size we’ll have to make some adjustments and you can’t be afraid to use your full strength. You’re at a disadvantage already because of your height, but that will also make it easier for you to get away. Getting away is always your first priority, though. Defend yourself, then run, do you understand me?”

The suddenly stern demeanor had Goldie standing at attention, nodding profusely while feeling strangely younger. Perhaps that’s why she liked Michael so much. Being the eldest of several sisters usually left Goldie feeling like she needed to be the most mature, rational, decisive person in the room. With Michael around, that wasn’t exactly the case.

Without any more delay, it was decided Goldie would join Michael and Alastor for their sparring sessions, when available.

Despite the importance of the training, Alastor wasn’t entirely thrilled with it.

He didn’t disagree, and was glad that Goldie would gain an extra level of security to her wellbeing, but he was worried. Knowing how to fight meant she was more likely to exercise that option instead of fleeing. He couldn’t deny the relief he felt when Michael made it explicitly clear that running away was the goal.

The other side of the coin was how his little bird would be joining their practices. Actively, and for the first time sense the entire apology debacle, he understood the thundering irritation in his skull to be jealousy. The women got along well.

Too well.

Michael was significantly kinder to Goldie, even compared to Wexler! And now they were touching. Profusely. Yes, it was unavoidable given the nature of self defense, but still! Compared to Goldie, Michael might as well have been a grown man! Strong, capable, and protective.

Wasn’t that what his mother’s romance novels gobbled on and on about? He’d made the absolutely disgusting mistake of reading one once upon a time and had subsequently done everything within his power to scrub it from memory.

Goldie squeaked, breaking his little reflection and causing him to race forward. But Michael was already on her knees, gently inspecting the girl’s ankle. Thankfully it was alright, but now he couldn’t get the sour taste out of his mouth as they started smiling and giggling with one another about women’s shoes.

Fine! Let them have their fun!

He’d have to live with the fact he couldn’t teach Goldie anything meaningful outside how to shoot a gun.

Then he blinked, nodding to himself. His little bird could shoot! That meant she needed no further instruction on the matter and he now had the perfect idea!

Eventually it all wrapped up and the trio walked back into the station to get properly wiped down and bandaged before the walk home. With Goldie in the washroom, Alastor perched his elbow on Michael’s shoulder, grinning, “Aren’t you just a regular Jack Dempsey! We ought throw you in a ring and give you someone better to beat up on than poor Goldie! Or maybe we should try something you aren’t good at! Ever handled a rifle?”

Her head settled against his forearm as she blinked, thinking on it, “No, actually, I have not. Evelynn would be mortified and none of my brothers hunt. William owns a few, I think?”

“Then it’s settled! Moman is more than devastated that you’ve not joined her for dinner, no matter how much I assure her you’re awful company! You’ll join us the day after tomorrow!”

“What’s happening tomorrow?” Goldie asked, now cleaned up and put back together, though a little wobbly kneed, after her first training session.

Before Michael could ruin anything, Alastor answered, dragging Goldie under his opposite arm, “Not a thing sweetheart! We’re merely prattling on about tomorrow’s staff meeting! I’m sure there will be nothing but tears for your absence, but as I was telling Michael, they’ll simply have to make do!”


They’d made up. They’d come to understand each other and constructed a kinship that rivaled, and likely surpassed, the one she’d had with Lucifer as a youngling. Alastor trusted her with so much of his life! They were close. She was truly blessed and needed to be grateful! So why wasn’t she?

Michael shook her head, snapping herself away from the spiraling and sinful thoughts.

Why couldn’t she force herself to be content with the miraculous companionship she found with Alastor?

Unfortunately, selfishly, sharing his affections were the problem. Training with Goldie meant having to watch Alastor body the poor girl, not with his full strength by any means but his arms would snake around Goldie as Michael instructed her what to do in certain situations, especially against someone stronger. Taller. Handsome.

Still, she forced herself to remember that she liked Goldie! Delighted in the girl’s company, and training her was for Alastor’s benefit as well! Through the lens of these unyielding feelings, Michael looked back on that night with panic, grateful to her Father that he’d made it out alive!

Currently, she sat up on Dina’s desk, twiddling away while waiting for her partner. He said they were going out for lunch, which improved her mood somewhat.

“Goldie spent the night with me again,” Dina started in the hushed, gossiping tone she was infamous for.

Despite what anyone thought of the secretary, Michael quite liked the woman. It felt like being around Hera. The comfort, while undeserved, was nice. In the light of all the week’s apologies, it was evident that several were owed to the Queen of Olympians, if she was still alive and if Michael was ever lucky enough to see her again.

Michael barely uttered a ‘hmm’ but it was enough for Dina to continue. “All night she practically glowed, humming little tunes, and was reading one of those novels. I think she’s head over heels for someone! It took a minute, but I cracked her! Though, the most she said is that he’s handsome and helps run a business. Don’t—”

Uncomfortable didn’t begin to describe the knot in her stomach! Last night, Alastor had insisted she go home and sleep despite one of his favorite bands playing at Slim’s. At least now she knew why.

“—mention it to Alastor though. Goldie is trying to keep it hush hush.”

“Because it’s meant to be a secret?” Grumbled Michael.

“Exactly, even if it’s sad. No one would be surprised, but she’s so focused on that career! I know she’s not ready to marry, but I would get hitched to a donkey just to get out of that house with all those kids! And, I bet she’s scared what Alastor might think. I don’t see them together as much as I used to, but I suppose everyone grows apart eventually,” Dina informed, looking disheartened.

Michael frowned, mouth twisting as she averted her gaze out the window and into the damp, dreary city. Unwelcome thoughts started to gnaw in her head. Morbid curiosity and the lack of self preservation got the better of her. Petty and sarcastic, she asked, “I thought they were inseparable?”

The woman shrugged, spinning in the office chair. “Until a year or so ago. Growing up will do that to a girl, especially if you don’t want people getting the wrong idea.”

Growing up alright. Growing into a beautiful, intelligent young woman and right into Alastor’s arms. Maybe Dina didn’t know? Or did she? Feeling particularly contemptuous and snarky, Michael took a page from Hera’s book and decided to contribute to the chatter, “And there’s all the time they’ve spent together these past few months.”

There was an uncharacteristic pause before Dina said, “Goldie was in Indianapolis.”

Michael picked up a pen, toying with it as she pouted. Why was this happening?!

Even though she’d resigned to staying in the wings, she didn’t want to think of what those lovestruck adventures might entail! Traipsing about, arm in arm, gazing into each other’s eyes. Did he carry Goldie around on his back? If he was comfortable letting Michael do it, she couldn’t fathom what he was comfortable enough to let Goldie do! Sore about the entire topic, she muttered, “They must have had fun.”

Dina sat upright, rolling as close to Michael as physically possible, narrowed eyes looking oddly concerned and downright confused. Slowly she said, “Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Michael stopped, head tilting as her face twisted, giving the woman her full attention, “Yes?”

Carefully, Dina reiterated, “You said Alastor and Goldie have been knocking elbows these last few months?”

Michael nodded, not fond of having the fact rubbed in. Everyone knew the woman wanted her cousin to end up with Alastor; it was like knowing the sun would rise! That didn’t mean she wanted to hear it or be reminded of the unfortunate circ*mstance.

Dina’s mouth opened, then closed, hand settling gently over Michael’s. Once more she said, as if speaking to a rather slow child, “Goldie was in Indianapolis.”

Michael nodded again, slowly, confused. “What of it?”

Dina rolled her eyes and frowned before continuing, “Alastor was in New Orleans.”

“Right?” Michael drew out, mind feeling unusually empty.

The secretary’s eyes widened and her mouth pursed, urging, “Michael, how far apart are Indianapolis and New Orleans?”

How long had it been since she’d looked at a map? She shrugged, not in the mood for this. Who could care about this nonsense when the only man she’d ever loved was having a secret moonlight tryst with his childhood best friend? “I don’t know, several hundred miles I suppose?”

At that, Dina looked like she was ready to slap the excommunicated archangel, groaning, “And you think one of them was making that trip monthly, let alone weekly?”

The universe’s slowest brick bashed Michael in the face, her jaw loosening until it was nearly on the desk. Then she gasped.

Indianapolis was a completely different place. It took nearly a week to get there!

The first time Alastor had seen Goldie, even since Michael had met him, was when they went to Fong’s.

Dina started to nod, grinning, looking like Sherlock Holmes and smug to her bones. Then she snickered, looking wicked and delightful, “Alastor doesn’t spend most his time with Goldie, Michael.”

As if lightning struck her, she whipped onto her feet, hands clapping over her mouth. Dina’s laughter cracked through the lobby.

There was no way, short of one of them being an angel or a demon, that they could have spent any time together until recently. All that attention, the doting looks … Even if Goldie was in love with Alastor, and maybe he held some affection or attraction for her, they couldn’t be maddeningly head over heels in love with each other!

There were no midnight meetings or amorous affairs! They were family. They were currently no different than she and Lucifer. Alastor loved Goldie, yes, but not like that. No, that whole week he’d merely been happy to see someone he dearly missed! Not to mention it had been her birthday!

And yes, it seemed that Goldie held something for Alastor. Maybe she was in love with him as blindingly as Michael was, but they weren’t courting!

Oh Father, she’d acted like a wretched fool!

She felt like an ass. An undeniably enthralled, heart pounding, light headed ass.

Lightning struck twice and her gaze ripped back over to Dina. Startled and manic, Michael pointed to herself sputtering and whispering, “W-with me?”

The other woman couldn’t catch her breath now, covering her head with her arms on the desk. Thankfully, the broadcast light wasn’t on, but the booming noise certainly drew out several employees of varying reactions. At last, it drew out Alastor.

He sneered and leaned away as he strolled through the lobby, staring at Dina as if she’d grown an extra head. And when she looked at Alastor, her eyes turned to Michael, and the boisterous noise started all over again.

“Did you finally smack her silly?” He probed, tucking the umbrella, the one he’d stolen for them once upon a time, under his arm.

“No!” Michael squeaked out, head shaking. This only prompted Dina to smack the desk in rapid succession before catching her breath enough to say, “Oh, I was just thinking of a story my mother told me! It’s one about a princess and her dragon.”

Alastor’s face twisted with raging displeasure as he steered the stupefied Michael out of their office, hissing, “Don’t you dare go and catch whatever form of rabies or delirium that has infected Dina! We’ve plenty enough to deal with and at this rate she’ll infect the city!”

Daftly, she nodded trying to cobble together the only question she could think of, “Are we meeting with Goldie?”

Alastor skidded to a halt and whipped around. Michael had no time to stop and found herself bodied to him, chest to chest, doe eyed, and nearly vibrating with anticipation.

At first he looked incredulous, but then his smile turned wicked as he bent over, both hands coming up to pinch hunks of her cheeks as punishment. “If you’re so insistent on seeing Miss Goldie Harrison, you’ll need to make an appointment! Between her new found obsession with brawling —your wretched influence might I add!— and stalking over to the courthouse to interview everyone in the mayor’s office, she’s taken to sleeping at Dina’s! Not only that, but she’s been taking her lunches at Fong’s.”

His hands retreated and her cheeks were sore, but she couldn’t stop grinning like a complete lunatic.

A long arm clamped down over her shoulders, hastily dragging her out of the office building as he continued, “We’re meeting with Richard and Dimitry! Last night, I rolled up my sleeves and labored the hours away in their kitchen replacing a burst pipe and the subsequently ruined floor boards. And then, after being kind and diligent, Richard demands he buy us lunch! I told him, if he’d like to reward all my efforts he’d let me have my meal in peace, but no! If I’m to even dream of receiving what I’m owed, I’d have to drag your pretty little head along with me!”

Everything in her body rattled. She couldn’t blink right now, even if someone held a gun to her head.

He thought she was pretty.

He was still rattling, talking about how she needed to help him bleed Richard dry, even as they exited to the street. He forced them to stop, the arm around her tightening, pulling her flush to him as he managed to pop open the umbrella with one hand. To avoid her shoulder digging into his ribs, her arm slipped around his waist. Under the hem of Alastor’s jacket, her thumb hooked into his belt loop, securing them together.

It felt scandalous, and all the while she was expecting Alastor to notice or knock her off, but no, he was down the rabbit hole of revenge.

The chilled air brushed on her exposed side, but she was happy for it, grateful for the obvious reason to press in more to his warmth.

She needed to focus! All the way there, she redoubled her attempt at sanity and contributed to his plan to financially devastate Richard. And then she would return every penny and more to that glorious old bastard while begging him to do this again.


And finally, they've got their heads screwed back on just a LITTTTTLE bit better. Just a smidge <3


Heads up, my posting schedule may extend out a bit? IDK yet honestly. Before the influx of new peeps, sometimes I would put up ten chs a week or one every month or two, depending on my life. So this is your formal warning. If I think something is gonna take longer than two weeks, I'll do my best to give a heads up.

I feel like I'm forgetting something. IDK what.


Language notes:

Shak jour gin asé èk sô-chin traka. (Louisiana Creole / Kouri-Vini)
- - Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof

This comes from a Christian thing called the Sermon on the Mount. Here's a link ( but Alastor is basically saying, I have enough trouble with you the way it is, I don’t need a new evil. Basically he's calling her a handful and thinks she would make an exhausting, albeit worthy, enemy. Ohhh little does he know!

Chapter 75: Weapons


Alastor and Michael have different experiences and specialties when it comes to weapons.



Welcome baaaaaaaack~ I said soon didn't I? XD

Yes, I like to add too many letters to my words. I'm sure all of you have noticed. Please enjoy this chapter, I stuffed it like a burrito!

And today's song of choice is sponsored by Tots! Fresh from the oven and tastier than a potato XD

Golden Hour - JVKE

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

They were touching again.

Given Michael’s invite to have dinner, she was walking home with him. And with Goldie, who had gotten off work early then decided to pop by the station to see if he was done for the day! Now the dames were locked arm-in-arm, step-by-step, clucking on about some book one had borrowed from the other.

Every so often he tried to make some comment, but neither were interested in his supplementation!

Much to his relief, they finally came to Goldie’s street.

“Say hello to Auntie,” she told him, pulling away from a hug. Then she went to hug Michael. And worse, Michael was enthusiastic with the gesture.

“Actually,” Goldie started rummaging through her bag before frowning, “I must have left them in the office. I have a few reports that the station could run, if you’d like, but ultimately I was hoping you might read through them and give me your opinion.”

Michael nodded and smiled, “Of course! I’d love to. Since you don’t have them today, you’re welcome to come to my apartment tomorrow evening.”

His Little Bird beamed, looking at Michael as if she were some fairytale hero, “Yes, that would be perfect.”

“We could meet at Fong’s for dinner even,” the older successfully suggested.

Would it ever stop?! Alastor didn’t like mob violence, but any distraction might have been welcome in that moment! To make matters even worse, they hugged again before Goldie made her way home.

Eager to get the sour taste out of his mouth, he shuffled his debutante further down the road, trying to change the topic to anything else! Actually, he did have a burning question, “Don’t mind my asking, but even if you do, that’s how it will be! But, did you actually have a flaming sword?”

Michael’s face was incredulous.

Was that too far? Since their reconciliation, he couldn’t help but wonder about so many odds and ends now! This felt like the simplest way to breach that rabbit hole, but perhaps their foray into history on the roof gave him the wrong idea?

Apparently not.

She was laughing now. Too much actually, her eyes squeezed shut as a hand covered her mouth, “Humans still think that! I’d forgotten completely! Oh, no. No, no. I’d not swing a sword again if I had my own weapon back.”

Alastor grinned, not sure why the topic was so funny, “Much like a drink, punchlines are better when shared, no?”

She nodded, wiping her eyes and shaking her head, “We traded once, Luci and I. The flaming sword is his entire shtick, he’s flame-boyant like that.”

The pun was low hanging fruit, but comical nonetheless. “Sounds like a rather sharp fellow! A cut above the rest! Now, what of this dastardly little rumor?”

“That little rumor started in a blaze! A few thousand years before The Fall, we would trade weapons as a little wager on who might fair better. We all would, for a hundred years or so. Being immortal, not needing to sleep or eat— you look for ways to fill the time.”

Immortal became a heavy word in that moment, poised against how easily she referenced hundreds and thousands of years. And, as per his new normal, he had a multitude of follow up questions. Then came the notion that all humans, that he, Goldie, his mother, they were all immortal.

It was a relief and he had half a mind to ask, just to be sure, but he stopped. It would inevitably breach the fact that he would disappoint Michael by revealing he was destined for Hell. He could lie, but he didn’t want to. Not to her.

Mentally he documented the snippet, opting to stay on topic, “And humans regularly conflated with angels and demons in those perilless days?”

For the first time, she didn’t hesitate. She never even thought to, answering immediately, “Angels, humans, and demons were much closer in ancient times. But it proved to be problematic. I suppose the rumor started with an island kingdom that was overrun with demons not long after humans were given souls. Those were exhausting centuries.”

“Unfortunate that you weren’t allotted a nap!” He quipped, attempting to drag her spirits up before they had a chance to fall. Much to his surprise, she looked quite alright, if not a bit annoyed by the memory.

“The kingdom was what was left of Eden, then the humans renamed it to … Atlimos? Altatana? Atsipis?”

His mouth fell open, “Atlantis?”

She snapped, grinning and pointing up at him, “Yes! How have you heard of it? We had to sink the entire island!”

“How do you sink an island?!”

Her mouth twisted, looking particularly bashful, “Slowly. It took nearly a thousand years to raze down. We were fighting war after war at the time with Asherah’s children.“

“What happened?” He was struck by the idea so thoroughly, that an ancient fantasy land even existed and that she’d purposefully sunk it, that he didn’t quite have the time or wherewithal to make an eloquent inquiry.

“We didn’t want to, but all other remediations failed. There were so many demons, hemithieos, and pact wielders at the time and the land was embedded so deeply with magic from their occupation that there wasn’t another choice.”

Alastor was nearly salivating, mind focused on the topic at hand, giddy. It was all right there. Right there in that funny, pretty, wild little head. A little more information, a smidge even, could help him!

“How did all of that come about?”

His heart beat with his footsteps. They were close to his home now, but coming from the direction of Goldie’s address, Michael wouldn’t know that. He could buy an extra five minutes. They came upon the street to turn off, but passed right by, Michael none the wiser and still telling him about mystical, harrowing history.

“The original demons saw humans as an opportunity. Souls are special. There were hemithieos, half-demons, running rampant across the globe. Other humans were forming pacts with beings that could level cities. Humans have come remarkably close to exterminating themselves on potentially hundreds of occasions! The hub of it all in those early days was Atlantis.”

“You mean to say that humans used to summon demons and all before breakfast?”

She chuckled and shrugged, only hearing the joke and not the vague tightness in his voice. “You could say that, but they weren’t summoning anything. Summoning didn’t actually exist until The Fall because Asherah’s children cannot be summoned. Only those comprising the Ars Goetia can as their pacts with Lucifer and Lilith changed them as beings.”

A spark flickered all through his mind.

The Ars Goetia.

He knew that term. Read it, not so long ago. After months and months of digging, there it was.

Alastor took a moment to nod, feigning a contemplative pause, but now he couldn’t care about Atlantis or how demonic factions organized themselves. History didn’t concern him. The future, however, did.

“I can certainly imagine what a half demon is, but you’ll have to supplement my meager education! Surely you understand, but cosmic vocabulary is hardly included in our humble curriculums! Tell me, Bel Zanj, just what is a pact wielder?”

A mischievous gleam settled on him as she grinned, “Quite a hefty request! What are you willing to do for that information? Would you barter your immortal soul?”

His heart skipped a beat.


He’d sell her whatever part of him she wanted for power. He’d lay the bodies of thousands at her feet if it meant he could protect his mother.

But then she smacked his arm, turning apologetic, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself! I’ve always wondered what it was like, to make soul binding pacts. I’ve never actually done so, as angels are wholly banned from the practice.”

For whatever reason, she’d not yet shied from the topic or cut it off at the knees. Michael’s often hidden, playful nature was out on display. Along with it was everything.

His arm slung over her shoulders, dragging and squashing her completely into his side. The other hand pressed to his lolling forehead like some disenfranchised damsel as he bemoaned, “Oh you wound me Bel Zanj! Here you are, vying for a poor innocent human’s soul! Darling, how could you? I had thought us the dearest of friends.”

She stuttered, eyes shooting wide as if she’d genuinely hurt him. “N-no! It was only— I didn’t mean that, we can’t! I—”

“No, no!” His finger rocketed to her face, pressing firmly into her lips, squishing them to her teeth. There was an unceremonious squeak as she came to a full stop, allowing him to continue on, “You’ve said your peace! We’ll simply have to do this the old fashioned way! Now, for our little foray into the past I’ll play the ever nefarious demon, as I imagine you might burst into flames if you tried and we certainly can’t have that. And you, sweetest, shall assume the identity of the human, naive and unknowing to my dastardly wiles!”

All she did was nod as his finger dropped. There were odd times she turned dead as a door nail and he couldn’t understand it. At some point, he stopped worrying about it, assuming her virtue addled mind to be wired differently.

To properly assume the role of demonic deal maker extraordinaire, he cleared his throat and brought to life his expert radio accent. Usually he made an explicit point to never do this in public lest he be outed, but he’d already committed to the bit, and his home neighborhood would be safe enough.

“Why, hello my pretty prey! What say you to a cosmic bargain! A deal for the ages! I, a reputable demon gentleman of great renowned have come to make you a once in a lifetime offer!”

His hand swooped out, gesturing for her to take the stage. It took a moment, but not for any embarrassment. No, she was trying to bite down a fit of giggles, mouth tight, grinning and twisting. The first time she tried, it was nothing but brightness, head clattering back onto his arm. At last she started, still smiling like the Cheshire Cat, “Oh no whatever shall I do! Tell me, terrible being, what danger lies past that fluffy hair?”

He nearly reached for his hair, wondering if it had started to betray him. But no, she was only mocking his vanity. Without the distracting claim, he found himself shaking his head, “Oh no, Michael, you’re going to have to do better than that.”

She harrumphed and took a long step forward, slipping in front of him. There she turned, leaning to the side like a tragic and distressed hero, hands laying flat against her heart. All the while, her expression turned sharp, a dangerous gleam in her eyes. He snorted but smiled.

Figures she couldn’t play a helpless maiden.

“Wretched demon, twisting up from the bowels of Hell, a duke of brimstone, why have you beseeched me on this fateful day? You, rakish and unabated kin of the devil, leader of legions, what evils lay in wait beyond that silver tongue? Tell me, great pretender on the road to Hell, paved with the intentions of innocents, what can this meager soul offer you?”

When she finished, he was drawn in, gaze like knives scraping, hoping to cut her open and see into the depths. With a single step, he loomed over her, but she didn’t retreat. The only waver was her pupils blowing wide, even as her brows quirked, chin tipping up in defiance.

His hand started upward, but at the same time she said, “Is that good enough for you?”

It dropped back to his side as his grin widened in delight, “I suppose it will have to do.”

Her mouth twisted into that infuriating smirk, “And what deal have you come to make me?”

“An exchange of minds and wits. Information recompense for information.”


“Ladies first, Bel Zanj.”

“What does that mean? Besonge?” Her attempt to mimic his Creole accent, was laughable, causing his eyes to crinkle with superior knowing. She knew French, but his manner of speaking the language was far more colloquial, causing her to not hear it as written. If she had, she wouldn’t be asking.

“It’s an old island folk tale about a farmer and a bird that—”

“What you kids doing out there?”

The world shattered around him as he whipped to the side, catching sight of his mother. Claire wore a bemused smile from under crinkled eyes and over crossed arms, her hip jutted out as she studied the strange scene in front of their house.

Before he could process the fact he’d been so wrapped up that he’d lost track of the journey, he caught the sidewalk’s lip.

“Alastor!” Claire gasped, rushing through the front yard.

His head never hit the pavement though.

Above him, blocking out the sky was Michael, hair curtaining down around them. Her arm was tight around his waist, trapping his chest to hers, her other arm locked around his shoulders as she held up his entire weight.

“Good catch!” He strained, smile wavering as his heartbeat picked up. His feet shuffled, trying to catch the ground at an angle so he could stand up, but it was proving difficult with the awkward position and how his legs dwarfed hers.

In a display of her uncanny prowess, Michael nodded. That was all he got before she dropped her own weight down and back, pushing up with her legs. Again, he shuffled with the sudden change, but now he could more easily catch the ground, being far more upright with the maneuver.

Her arms slipped away in the moment, only hovering near him just in case.

“Mô bebe, you’re alright?!” Claire was upon them now, fussing over him and worried.

Alastor’s arms swung up as he smiled and spun around, showcasing himself before bending over to kiss her cheek, “Fit as a fiddle Moman!”

She smiled bright and gave him a soft thwap on the arm, “Only because you had Dou Fiy here to keep you in one piece! Thank you so much Michael, that gave me a scare. He always was clumsy as a boy, tripping all over those bean poles.”

Alastor scoffed, falling a step behind the women as his mother proceeded to drag Michael into the house. There were more offhanded, baseless claims about him from the two, but his mother was beaming and laughing so he made no effort to interrupt.

He was particularly miffed that his mother had squandered the moment! He’d been so close! Still, he knew how to be patient.

Soon enough, they were all in the house and much to his surprise, Michael was rather chatty. He’d grown accustomed to her ramblings out and about, but the few times she’d met his mother, she’d been nothing but docile and polite. This time, his debutante seemed to follow his mother’s lead, going on and on and on.

The last two times she’d joined the Laveaus for dinner, his mother had forced the angel into an apron. This time, there was no such coercion. Michael went of her own accord and put it on before being bossed around by Claire and ruthlessly teased by himself. Angels and demons be damned, she couldn’t chop vegetables to save anyone’s soul!

Anytime she started to do something, Alastor would have to come back up behind her and redo it! His mother had shushed him when he’d tried to correct it from the onset, but alas, this was his fate today!

Thankfully, the rest was smooth sailing despite hardly getting a word in edgewise! Claire, noticing Michael’s new demeanor, asked a thousand and one questions. At first he wondered why his mother hadn’t asked him directly but the topic turned oddly business oriented. That was when he learned something new.

Claire’s history was no secret to him, but it was shocking to discover that she’d tried to become an accountant once upon a time.

“When I was 15, I started working as an office assistant while helping my moman sew on the side,” she reminisced, turned facing Michael while chattering like a school girl. “I’d wanted to be an accountant and I found some other work bookkeeping for a few years. Before all that I was buried neck deep! Like bebe, I was an only child. Technically I had older step siblings but they were grown by the time I was born, but I had a whole litter of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Spent the first half of my life chasing those rascals or helping out! Made me never want more than one. All of thems moved off by now, and I’m thankful for it, but I don’t recall being bored!”

“I understand the sentiment. I’m the eldest of several rambunctious relations. My own aunts and uncles were nonexistent,” Alastor choked back a laugh. Nonexistent indeed! Despite the restraint, his knowing grin did not go unnoticed by Michael, who brutally shoved the toe of her shoe into his ankle before continuing. “I spent my younger years wrangling them, making sure they received some semblance of an education, all while pulling them out of squabble after squabble.”

Claire nodded emphatically, “Oh I hear that! There were times I would travel to the islands to help! One of my aunts had twelve children and I went to Port-au-Prince just to help her with getting them to the states!”

Michael’s face lit up, eyes bouncing to Alastor with a smile before shifting back to Claire, “I’ve never been but it sounds so vibrant and beautiful! I’d love to hear more about the culture. Actually, before we arrived Alastor was starting to tell me the folk story of the bird and the farmer!”

His mother gave him an odd look, one he knew all too well. She’d taught him plenty of stories, but there was never one about a bird or a farmer. A slim brow picked up as she grinned, “Mhmm, that’s an old one! I’ve told him so many times that he ought be able to finish it for you! Though, sweet girl, be warned it’s quite a tale!”

If Alastor didn’t personally know the devil’s sister, he’d almost sign his mother up for the position. She was a clever, devious woman and he considered himself spectacularly lucky to inherit far more from her than he ever had his father. Even so, Alastor popped up, skirting around the table to nudge Michael, “Of course I’ll be able to tell her but the daylight is burning Moman and I’ve promised our guest a lesson! Can you imagine she’s never shot a gun?”

Claire’s smile curled as her chin settled on her fist, eyes keen on her son, “If that’s the case, lord forbid I be the one to stop you! You two be careful and don’t you run her off when you’re done. I made bread pudding.”

“Wonderful! We’ll be back as long as she doesn’t shoot me!” His mother snorted at the comment, looking particularly snarky as he wrangled a hesitant Michael out of the kitchen.

“Shouldn’t we help her clean up?” She questioned, pointing back.

He scoffed, shoving her hand down, “It’s rude to point. And usually I would, but with you here she’d smack me if you even attempted to! So, no thank you, I quite like my skin where it is! Now, one quick stop and we’ll be on our way!”

Alastor paused at his bedroom door and whipped around, nearly on top of her, “Wait here.”

Michael nodded, nosey and unabashedly trying to peek, eyes glued to the door before he opened it! When he tested the knob, her audacious neck craned, causing him to groan and whisper, “Turn around! Prying wretch.”

She gave a disgruntled huff, but ultimately spun away, “Ought I cover my eyes as well? I’d hate for you to be scandalized and made out to be some popinjay. Whatever that means.”

Alastor wanted to retort that she obviously had no idea what that word meant, but he would bet astronomical amounts of money on the fact his mother was likely eavesdropping. The house wasn’t flimsy by any means but it was no where near large enough to miss Michael’s brashness or his annoyance.

In his room, he nearly grabbed the bolt-action .22. It was the newest to his humble collection. Disappointingly, he’d only gotten to use it twice before a certain broad waltzed in and disrupted his life. The old lever action was his favorite, the one he’d been raised on and freed by. It needed quite a bit of cleaning though and was starting to act up. Letting her use a pistol for her first foray into firearms seemed in poor tastes, especially for a seasoned huntsman.

Then he eyed the single barrel, Winchester 1901 shotgun.

“Right this way!” He announced, waltzing back out and grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

Michael spooked, but never got the chance to whip around as he was already corralling her down the hall and out the back door. All the while, her eyes were on the shotgun hanging across his back.

“What type is it?” She inquired.

“Would you know if I told you?”

Her eyes narrowed as they exited the back yard, making way for the undeveloped area another street over, “Perhaps I would!”

He stopped, pulling off the weapon, holding it in his hands so she could see it more clearly, “Tell me what kind it is! Just the type, no need to exemplify your superior knowledge of firearms! I’d prefer to preserve my feeble dignity today!”

There was a grumble followed by pointed silence. Then she twisted away, pouting like a belligerent child.

“Oh ho! So keen to give up already Cher? I hadn’t anticipated being miserably let down today, but you always know how to surprise me! Now come along! We’ll have to conduct a little safety lesson before we turn you loose on the masses!”

They settled into a picnic table where he walked her through the basic anatomy: the lever, the barrel, the shells, and how all the gears and mechanisms worked. And for once, he could answer all her ridiculous in depth questions, explaining gun powder, how the shells worked, what happened when actually firing a gun.

Then he laid out the most important part of it all, what not to do with the weapon. Stealing his mother’s tactic, he forced Michael to repeat the rules back to him. Afterwards she nodded, hands hovering near the gun, “Can I touch it?”

Alastor scoffed and grinned, waving her on. Bright and curious eyed she hefted it up, jaw dropping, “It’s twice as heavy as a sword!”

“What did you expect! It’s a hunk of metal capable of blowing a man’s head off!” That was a moderate exaggeration, but her doe eyed reaction was well worth it.

He left her with the shotgun for a moment, going over to a tree to string up some old glass bottles. Usually he preferred not to waste useful things but today felt like a good enough exception. Afterwards he took back the gun, painstakingly walking her through the appropriate stance, how to hold it, and how to aim using the sight at the barrel’s tip.

His finger inched on the trigger, but catching sight of the anticipating, starry eyed Michael made him stop.

“And that’s how you aim!” He said, moving back and holding the weapon out to her. That damn excitable nature of hers always plagued his sensibilities. It felt like being around Goldie or Rudy where he needed to step back from his personal glory so they’d have the chance to succeed.

She took the gun, and it was the first time he’d ever seen her so uncomfortable looking. Uncertainty and hesitance was down right foreign, if not ugly, when stretched across her face. For a moment, she struggled.

Her hands gripped and unwrapped, sliding to various points on the barrel while she stayed too careful of the trigger.

Then it fell into place.

Michael Burr was nervous, wobbling about like a fresh fawn when faced with something she didn’t excel at.

This time he didn’t laugh. Instead, Alastor gently moved behind her, arms reaching around her sides. He grabbed the gun in one hand, then hers in the other. Softly he instructed, “Holding it properly is important. We’ll put one here, on the underside. Now we’ll slip the other into the lever so you have a proper grip.”

She stayed silent, but gave him a hard nod, eyes locked onto their hands.

“You’re going to turn this way first.” His arms lapped over hers, creating an overlay as if he were trying to shoot as well. He maneuvered, guiding her shoulder back as he pulled the butt into it, helping her hold the unfamiliar weight up. Then he bent over, practically pressing his cheek to hers.

The trembling in her body was an unexpected development. Though, he’d never seen her nervous and in uncharted waters. Teasing her with a loaded shotgun was ill-advised, even for him.

His hands squeezed over hers as he remembered their unfortunate Ferris wheel situation from months ago. Soothing and low, he said, “Breathe, Bel Zanj. There’s plenty of time. Take a breath and try to memorize how it feels to hold it properly.”

That was the best way to learn in his opinion, to let the body grow comfortable and learn to recognize what a correct stance felt like. Michael did just that. She took careful, paced breaths, barely shifting, trying to gain a sense of what this was supposed to feel like.

A moment later she was steady, giving him a soft nod.

“Whenever you’re ready, Michael."

She pulled the trigger.

Her gasp was muffled with the shot as she lurched back, the gun jerking up. Alastor internally grimaced. He’d forgotten to mention the skull rattling kick back! The sensation was near comfortable to him now, so he’d overlooked it entirely.

After making sure he had a firm grip on the gun, he looked down to see a saucer eyed Michael plastered against his chest. She wasn’t looking at him though. He followed her gaze, then cackled.

“What do you have against tables?! The coffee table was an old, creaky bastard who was known to give us fuss! A reasonable victim to say the least! But the picnic table? What did that innocent public servant ever do to you?”

She sputtered and reeled, aghast, “I-I didn’t— I didn’t know this damn thing would try to take off my arm!”

Now he couldn’t breathe. Between how she’d blown this table’s corner off and the fact he’d never heard her curse before, he struggled for air, practically slumping over her, trapping her under his rattling chest.

“Oh! How embarrassing for that poor thing! To be permanently wounded, not only by a debutante, but a Yankee!”

“I am not a Yankee!” She growled, elbow jutting back to dig into his stomach. It was barely a jab, containing little to no amount of her actual ability.

“That’s precisely what a Yankee would say! We ought move along before someone comes to find us mutilating yet another piece of furniture!” With that he tried to pull the gun away, but she jerked it closer to her body, causing him to look.

“No!” She defied, grip tightening on the gun, her eyes unyielding against his. ”I want to try! I want to get it right!”

And there it was again, coming and going for weeks now.

The strange pause in his chest never lasted longer than a couple seconds and happened anytime she did that. Even so, he didn’t know what to call that and he certainly couldn’t explain the sensation. So he conceded and fished a shell out of his pocket. This time, while still practically on top of her, he allowed her to load the ammunition.

Then she took a breath and pulled the gun to her shoulder, settling into the stance. And without any prompting, she pulled the trigger.

The kickback didn’t get the best of her this time. Her stance wavered some, still not accustomed to the recoil, but it was leagues above the previous attempt!

Beyond them, dangling free, was a bottleless string.

Michael gasped, the full weight of the gun falling into his hands as hers clapped over her mouth.

“I did it …” she mumbled out.

“Aye! This is private property!” Their heads jerked to find a man off in the distance, red faced. Alastor didn’t wait. He scooped up the bag, slung the gun over his shoulder, then grabbed Michael’s hand, dragging her into a sprint.

They bolted through the thickets, unable to go back the way they’d came. A fence came into view, but before he could lunge, they were already past it running through a shadow. Seconds later, they cleared the plot of land, breathing heavy on a dirt road he’d never been on before.

“That was fun!” Michael laughed, grinning as she sucked air into her lungs.

Ultimately he felt the same way, grateful for that dark talent. Being found out alone with a white woman while carrying a gun wasn’t his idea of fun, but it had turned out well enough he supposed!

When he stood back up, that was when he realize the weight of Michael’s hand threaded in his. Hastily he spun away, poising the same hand over his brow to survey the area, “That way it is, I suppose!”

Michael’s head shook, “We need to go east.”

“I think I know where I’m going, thank you kindly!”

She shrugged, following him with an arrogant grin, “If you’re sure.”

He sneered, grateful for the return of normalcy. Maybe she was right, but he’d be damned if he let her know it. It had to lead back around eventually!

She wasn’t going to let him though. Delightfully smug, she asked, “Since we’re taking the long way back, maybe you could tell me the rest of that story?”

First Goldie. Then his mother. And now Michael! Would this torment not cease?! Insufferable, every last one of them! The Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone were destined to take a hunk out of him today.

“Fine, you belligerent little princess, once upon a time there was a bird far flung from the north in a dastardly storm. This pitiful, strange, foreign bird crashes on a lush and majestic island far to the south, hurting its wings. But thankfully these are special birds, and they carry magical seeds between their feathers. The bird plants the seed where it lands and hopes it can survive long enough for it to sprout and bare fruit. This fruit can heal the poor bird and help it fly once more, to find its lost comrades.”

“But the islands were no place for this bird. Being used to the strong and frigid winds of the north, it suffered under the blazing sun. Fate saw fit to save this precious bird though, and sent the farmer. Every day the farmer goes out to check his lands, praying for a miracle and mercy, but on this day, he went twice. Long ago, the farmer had his land cursed by a wicked evil. Year after year, more and more crops started to die.”

“The struggling farmer finds the injured bird, on the verge of death at the edge of his farm. At first he believed it to be dead but it manages to flop one wing. Thus the benevolent man takes in the sorrowful thing. The bird, grateful to be rescued, says plant my seeds and sell the fruits, but you must bring me the one from my tree.
See, the fruit can only help the bird if it was planted by its own kind. So the farmer agrees and they become friends. Business partners, actually!”

Then Alastor scoffed and paused with a smirk, “Sad for the farmer really, what sort of fun could anyone have with a bird that can’t fly?”

When Michael said nothing, he peeked down and found a pained expression. All the while her hands wrung, as her eyes stayed glued to the road.

He swallowed, hurriedly picking the story back up, “Every day the farmer goes to check the bird’s tree. See, the farmer was quite the lonely sort and was particularly fond of the bird. So much so he gave the bird a name: Besonge. Months go by and one day, Besonge’s tree bares fruit. The farmer picks it and starts the walk home, but his steps grow slower and slower. That’s when he realizes, he doesn’t want the bird to leave. He would be sad and lonely all over again. But, even if his Besonge is happy with him, they were unable to fly and missed the flock. The farmer, despite scared to lose his only friend, takes the fruit home and gives it to Besonge.”

“Immediately the bird is flying, overjoyed to feel the wind! They thank the farmer and even plucks out one of its precious feathers as a token of their friendship. But the farmer asks Besonge not to go. Unfortunately, the bird has to! Besonge must go to make sure their flock didn’t also get hurt in the storm.”

A pitiful huff caused his head to snap downward. Michael’s tormented expression stung as if he’d been slashed through the chest. Then she accused, “And that’s what you call me? I’m a selfish bird?!”

At that, he gaped. What part of this story made that stupid bird out to be selfish?! If anything, the bird was a hopeful idiot who’d given away their only possessions! “I’m not done yet! You act like you’ve never heard a folk tale in your life! Be quiet and listen!”

Technically, he had intended to be done with the impromptu, overly embellished story, but now he would have to continue lest he make her cry all over again!

“The farmer sells the fruit and becomes wealthy. Unfortunately, the success and fortune can’t soothe the ache in his chest. One day he comes home from selling his crops and finds a massive flock of birds stooping on his home, his Besonge right in the middle. After finding its flock, Besonge convinces all the other birds to share their seeds with the farmer and they make his farm their new home. They come and go, as birds do of course, but they always come right back.”

He glimpsed down, grateful not to see her looking so despondent. There was a neutral, pondering expression before the corner of her mouth twisted slowly up. And then she laughed, one hand over her chest, another over her mouth.

“Well, what is it this time?” He barked, unable to keep his own grin down.

“So this bird basically makes the farmer the wealthiest man on the island and brings back an army of magical birds?!”

He chuckled, relieved by the goofy and narrow-minded response. “They say the world was never the same after that! There are other tales that Besonge became human or the farmer became a bird, but I find those accounts to be rather suspect! Are you satisfied now?”

She nodded, smiling, “It’s a good story. I hope they’re happy.”

“How could they not be? They essentially rule an island via a spectacular series of coincidences and unfortunate events!”

“And you actually like this tale?”

It was an odd question, but he bit, leaning over and exclaiming, “As if it were my own!”

Much to his confusion, she didn’t make a retort, instead counting on her fingers, nodding all the while. Then she announced, “Two. After all our total questions, and yes I counted them all, it seems you are owed one answer and two more inquiries.”

He’d thought that silly little barter over when his mother interrupted. Carefully, as to not pose a question and thus lose the upper hand, “Please feel free to explain what it is I am owed then!”

“The pact wielders. It refers to anyone who had made a binding agreement with a soul. Only one is needed to do so, though there are loopholes aplenty for singular sided agreements, day between an original demon and a human, where the human is the only soul in question. That being said, it does take a particularly powerful demon to form pacts or contracts or bonds or totems or whatever it is they’re called these days. I hope that answers your question. Feel free to pose the next one, as I am in your debt.”

Like before, she seemed rather cheery on the matter so he took the plunge.

“You’ve said it wasn’t possible anymore. What happened?” It was a dangerous question to ask, but with how well the evening was going, he’d hate to pass on the good fortune. He tried to look particularly curious, as if he was merely curious about the idea.

Michael eyed him, still open, but she sighed and adjusted her eyes forward, “I happened. I dedicated centuries upon centuries to scrubbing the remnants of demons, sigils, grimoires, and pacts from this realm, so it might finally be safe for humans. Civilization would have never advanced like this otherwise. Innovation stalled for tens of thousands of years. The library of Alexandria was burnt by a demon seeking to undermine humans. I suppose, other than war or Heaven, you could call it my life’s work.”

That was the first time she sounded proud of something and it resurrected the sinking feeling in his gut, weighed down with a spiral of knowing. Still, in all of that, he knew it was impossible to retract information from the masses. Any blunder on the radio would stick. That meant, somewhere, somehow, it had to be out there.

“What’s your favorite color?!” It came out of his mouth so enthusiastically, as he tried to shake off the sickening film of guilt.

The abrupt and odd change of topic worked, Michael blinking in total confusion, “I don’t know. It isn’t something I’ve thought about. Why?”

“That’s yet another question! You’re racking up quite the debt, aren’t you?” He asked, delivering the jab as if he were on air, trying to convince the masses.

“I think I can afford it!”

His finger wagged, the uneasy feeling seeping away finally, “That’s the thing about debts, no matter what you have to make the payment! Take on as much as you want, but eventually the collector calls.”

“You’re correct on that. Alright, fine. I’ll think on it.”

“There’s plenty of time to think now! Come, surely you’ve got something in mind!”

“Do you have one?” The inquiry sounded uncertain, but she soldiered through.

“But of course!” He nodded, gesturing to his crimson bow-tie. “It’s a classic human conundrum, trying to whittle down all of existence’s fantastic displays and choose the one you like most!”

He wasn’t going to tell her it was due to how ingrained the color of blood was into his life, but hopefully his point had been made. Again, her mouth twisted. Then she turned, looking at the surroundings with an analytical eye.

“Green. Like the forest canopies, living and bold, but subtle. It isn’t a color with have in Heaven. There, everything is gentle and sweet like a candied dawn. Hell is quite the opposite with glaring and straining views. But Earth was always so beautiful in those jewel toned vibrancies.”

And there it was, that pattering in his chest.

His arm slung over her shoulders as he rattled on to tease her halfheartedly. Michael wasn’t something who needed protecting, but with everything, he would. He would secure the means. It would be worth it, to keep his bel zanj from flying off away.


Michael finished drying off her mug and opened up the cupboard to place it back.

“Look at you, able to do the dishes! Is Armageddon to befall us already?” Alastor crowed, waltzing in and rinsing his own coffee cup, just finishing up a broadcast.

“Actually, armageddon isn’t real. It’s more of a term we use, but it isn’t a cosmic event. You can cause an armageddon, but there will never be the Armageddon,” she explained, snatching the cup from him and shoving it next to her own.

“Well, I’m rather upset about this little tidbit! And here I thought the end of days was upon us and I’d finally get some peace and quiet.”

She snorted, shaking her head, “Oh please, you’d try to replace God the moment you became bored.”

“And then I’d have an insufferable gaggle of winged brats running all over the place! Alas, you win! I’ll settle for a decent lunch I suppose,” he bewailed, leaning against the counter, looking pitifully dramatic.

“And you’re looking to have that lunch in peace?” She grinned, starting back for her office, Alastor following in step. Inside, she noted a rectangular, paper wrapped parcel on the corner of her desk. He’d brought it in this morning, but hadn’t said anything.

“Peace? What an overrated gaumed up mess! No, I’ll have to grant you your dues! I’d rather have thrilling and titillating pieces of entertainment! No need for that other useless baloney!”

She blinked. Was he talking faster?

Her gaze diverted back to the oddity on her desk and Alastor piped up, “What are you in the mood for? Quite a chilly day and I was of the notion that we sashay on—”

“What is this?” Upon picking it up, it absolutely had to be a book with its slight heft and hardness on only a few sides. There was nothing written on it.

Immediately, he plucked it from her hands, smiling a touch too sweet and wide as he sat it back down. “Not a thing! Now, if you don’t mind, I’m famished.”

She nearly let it go, but that feeling of irritation and spite cropped up in her skull, the same one that had prompted her to steal his cigarettes and make his life inconvenient on occasion. And there was a rousing bout of jealousy.

“Is it a book for Goldie? Is she meeting us for lunch?”

His smile turned misshapen, one corner curling as the other nearly sneered. Alastor’s head tilted down towards her, eyes sharp over his glasses as he hissed, “Always Goldie with you these days, isn’t it?”

“What is that supposed to mean?” The question sounded far more aggressive than it felt, supported by her hands landing on her hips and her chin tipping up.

He scoffed, taking a half step in, looming above her and leaning in further, “Why, I’ve always thought you insolent, but never evasive!”

“And I’ve always known you to be pompous, but it seems that you’ve opted for subtlety today! Congratulations on not making your every thought known for once. Would you like a party?”

There came a near snarl and her heart stuttered, but hardly for the reason it should have, causing her to swallow a stupid grin and lean in closer.

“Wouldn’t that be considerate of you for a change, especially since you and Goldie are having a private soiree later today!”

Those words caused the warm trance on her mind to break. She took a step back, posture correcting as a chilling concern spread throughout her. Hadn’t she cleared up that thorny piece of misunderstanding? That day with Dina, she’d become certain that Alastor had no such intention with Goldie. Was she wrong?

Perhaps he truly did love Goldie and she’d been too hopeful. Even if they weren’t courting, maybe he was waiting?

But weren’t people supposed to have friends? Or was she stealing his?

“You’re upset that I’ve become friends with Goldie?” There was a cold edge in her voice, the eons of being able to shut herself off betraying the spiraling confusion and growing trepidation in her chest.

“It seems you’re keen to be a little more than that, no? Since meeting, the two of you have practically conspired to canoodle and are stuck together at any given moment!”

Her head shook. “Canoodle? I don’t know what that means. I’ve never heard of it before!”

Everything spun as her jaw loosened, and she tried to get a word out, but he started anyway.

“Did Goldie talk you into this? While some women do carry on like this, I didn’t suspect you to! Do you even understand what it means to spend time alone with someone in your apartment?”

She didn’t know which part of that to tackle first when he finally stopped, pinning her to the spot with his demanding, wild eyed gaze. She swallowed, then tried again, “You believe that Goldie and I are … that we’re courting?”

The words were finally dripping with all the confusion she felt, but he didn’t seem to care.

“Precisely!” He scoffed, arm tossing out before a finger pointed at her. “Isn’t it a sin Michael? To be traipsing around with another woman even?”

Thankfully her mind caught up with reality, “No, that isn’t a sin!”

Alastor’s head craned back as if she’d slapped him, blinking awake, “It isn’t?”

“Oh Father help me! It is human nonsense. You’re always concocting the most asinine of rules for each other!”

“You’re certain about that?” Now he sounded confused.

Her eyes rolled as her arms flung up, “Why would it be a sin?”

“Well,” he started, mouth fumbling open and shut before declaring, “people find it unnatural!”

Michael couldn’t stop her barking laugh, “Nothing is natural! Everything is natural! The concept simply doesn’t exist! It’s a relative term confined to locality at best!”

“And you’re not involved with Goldie?”

The reminder of how they got to this topic might as well have come up and knocked out her teeth. Everything felt awful as she said, “No Alastor, I am doing no more than trying to be friends with her. If that upsets you, then I’ll review her articles alone, and you’re more than welcome to ferry them back to her, if that suits you better. I have no intention of putting myself between you and Goldie.”

“Between Goldie and I?” He repeated, dumbfounded.

Alastor turned quiet, face falling strangely neutral as he processed this turn of events.

Michael braced herself, ready to hear whatever declaration of love or fealty he held for Goldie. She’d gone through worse. She sincerely hoped she’d gone through worse.

“Were you kicked in the head as a child?! What on Earth would drive your nutty little noggin to such a—” Alastor sneered, eyes wide, hand on his chest as he nearly dry heaved. His body shook, trying to dispel whatever it was before continuing, “Geraldine Elizabeth Harrison is very much someone I’ve been tasked to babysit since her birth, and I would certainly skin a man on her behalf, because she is the equivalent of any sister I would ever know!”

“Then you’re concerned that she prefers women to men? Or both?” Michael offered, not faring well in this conversation. There were plenty of things she knew and thought Alastor to be, but a bigot wasn’t one of them.

“Both?! Never mind it, I don’t care who Goldie prefers! I only care that you’ve ventured to sweep her off her feet like some prince!”

Michael snapped, stomping up to him, palm shoving into his chest as she snatched up the wrapped book and jabbed it into his sternum. “I am not! If anything, I should be the one taking issue with this authoritarian sense of control you’ve decided to take up! First Wexler, now me! If you’re not in love with Goldie then what in the Three Realms is this?!”

“I would take up with Richard long before I could ever consider Goldie!”

Armageddon might as well have been real since the world crashed to her feet. Michael gaped, squeaking out, “You prefer men?”

He gasped, grabbing her wrist, jerking it to the side so he could bend down, nose to nose, furious. “No! This conversation is officially over, are you ready for lunch?!”

She snatched her arm back, angry and confused and giddy and numb, ”I am! Let me get my cardigan! Bastard.”

Alastor stood by the door, waiting and fuming. With a sharp smile, he jerked it open for her before clapping it shut and dragging her arm into his.

All the while, her brain was trying to sort itself out, putting all the new, strange puzzle pieces together.

Alastor didn’t want Goldie.

He couldn’t even fathom loving Goldie!

And allegedly, he didn’t want any man.

They were on the street now, and she was struggling to bite down her euphoric smile. So much so, that an impulse beat her sensibilities.

“Alastor, I—”


She couldn’t do it.

The sinking feeling shoved the rogue words back down, locking them away, her mouth hanging in the air.

She’d nearly said it and ruined everything, like some naive and stupid child.

This was it. This was all she could ever have or hope for, it didn’t matter what Alastor’s position was on any topic. If he rejected her, it would be over and she’d lose him anyway. And, a worse thought, was if he didn’t. Because then she would be no better than the demons she’d so ruthlessly cast from Earth, taking an unsuspecting human from their own kind. She’d become the foremost hypocrite in existence, breaking all the laws she’d forced upon all the realms.

The worst was if it went well, because she would be forcing him into something where maybe she had a few years in a best case scenario.

Didn’t he deserve better than that? Someone who could dedicate their decades to him?

“Michael!” Alastor jostled her by the arm, apparently trying to grab her attention more than once.

“Yes?” She squeaked out, head jerking up to find him looking irritated in that charming way. Her smile stretched. This was enough. Selfishly, gratefully, mercifully, she didn’t have to share him. She would spare him the ridicule of her nonsense, stay just like this, and he would be happy under her protection for as long as she could give it.

“Why did you bring that with you?”

Her gaze followed his, to the parcel tucked beneath her arm. After all that, she’d not even realized she’d grabbed it!

“Yes!” She nodded, smiling and bringing it out to inspect it further, trying to beat back what she’d nearly said, “I was wondering what it was! Is it for your mother? I thought you’d brought it from home though. Are you mailing it out? There isn’t an add—”

“Woman, it is for you!” He exasperated, head lolling back as a hand dragged through his hair with another groan.


His head fell forward this time, hand covering it as he ground out, “Yes, Michael.”

Daft and disbelieving, she asked, “Why?”

“Do you want it or not?!” He snapped, glaring down at her.

They were paused on the sidewalk and now the seconds ticked by, her mind frozen.

“You’re ridiculous!” He bit, hand jutting out, but she leapt back, two arms trapping it to her chest. For good measure she put a decent five feet between them, still wide eyed and silent.

He took a long step forward, and Michael scurried away, clutching at it harder, a mindless smile starting to grow as the world looked astonishingly brighter. Then she ripped off the paper. Alastor lunged again, but she put a bench between them, circling it as he did.

The book was a greyish beige color, looking astoundingly plain with only the title and author printed across the front in bold, black letters: THE WAR OF THE WORLDS - H.G.WELLS.

She opened it, feeling the fresh crack of a brand new spine, biting her lip. There was no doubt that if they were alone, Alastor would have tackled her to the ground just to get it back. But they were not, the streets littered with people enjoying the midday air.

From the first page alone, she understood that this was unlike anything she’d ever read. Electricity ran all up and down her as she beamed at him, “What is this?”

He gave in, looking oddly tired even as he grinned, eyes crinkling at the edges, “Science fiction. It’s new and gaining quite a bit of attention.”

Michael didn’t think she could smile anymore, but somehow she managed to. And all the while, she lunged forward. The bench still separated the pair, but that could hardly stop the archangel, so use to flinging herself off of and into things. One foot came up, and she pushed off the bench seat, slinging her arms around his neck with something akin to a squeal.

The populous be damned. Her lips pressed to his cheek as she’d seen Claire do.

Alastor froze, air stolen from his lungs with the humble, appreciative kiss.

She dropped from him, almost bouncing in place with sparkling eyes, “Thank you. It might sound silly, but no one who’s known me has ever given me a gift.”

At last he could place it.

Her bombardment of weaponized sincerity was the odd menace that left him in strange and beguiled ways. Michael regularly slipped the sharp edge of her kindness and honesty against his defenses. Today was more of a sledgehammer, driving straight in and right through his meticulously crafted walls.

Alastor stood like a statue, unblinking and unbreathing as Michael was a giddy mess, eyes already tearing through the book’s beginning.

Hesitantly, he touched his cheek.

Love was no stranger in his life, not with his mother’s diabolic affection. He was man enough to admit that at some point, a version of it extended out to Goldie in her unparalleled ability to clock his mania. Like all creatures, he felt it for other mundane things like food, literature, music …

And it was expected that people would come to love him, what with his charm and face and aptitudes, but that was superficial and served no purpose to him.

Then there was Michael.

Not a creature, not a being, but a force of nature unto herself who’d came in and wiped away anything he’d thought was possible. Unending. Unfathomable. Unconfined. An ideal he now found himself humbled to.

He’d not quite worked out the how, certainly not the when, and maybe not even the why. It felt nothing like the sugary, self-serving laments that left him gagging.

Alastor didn’t know what to do with the thought that left his brow stitched together as his grin wavered.

It wasn’t what anyone had described or akin to anything he’d seen.

And Michael was Michael! Not some broad caterwauling around and waiting for the world to suit her. She was strange and strong and stupid. Everything she said and did pushed him in new, unanticipated ways!

There was no understanding to be had as the thought leeched right in and past where she’d tore down all his defenses. Alastor swallowed, unable to pry his eyes off her, unable to shove the inkling back to the depths from which it came!

Regardless, the frightening notion settled into the crater she’d made and there was nothing else to be done.

He loved Michael.


MASSIVE DISCLAIMER: I made the folk tale up. I've never heard of one like this even so if it is similar to something or IDK, it isn't? Maybe, but just to be clear, this isn't actually something that exists or came from the Caribbean, I just kinda made it up.

I hope you liked it! I've been planning this modern day call back for a hot minute XD Extra fake internet points to anyone who caught it!

I always feel like I'm forgetting something with the chapter notes :|

Language Notes:

Dou Fiy (Louisiana Creole / Kouri-Vini)
- - Sweet girl

Chapter 76: Throodles


MORE FANART?!?! I'm sobbing <3 XD


Three + Doodles = Throodles!

That's math!

Chapter Text


Not a chapter and I'm almost sorry about that. BUT I'm not. Whyyyyyyyyy?

Because we have more fanart and oh god it is gorgeous. Literally I'm floored.

This comes from KiwiJay and the scene is from chapter 73 when Idiot A runs up to the rooftop to find Idiot 1 slinging around a sword like a sad little toaster in the sunset.

This has so many little details and I'm in awe of it! I'll let you discover them for yourself and not ruin the fun, but there are four or five specific things that just have me screeching like a banshee because I'm just AHHHH XD For real, I don't really understand how I got this lucky, but I know I'm blessed to have such amazing readers and am always grateful that they let me share their talents with everyone else!

Thank you so much Kiwi! <3 I always find myself reinspecting this and all these fantastical details and there aren't enough words. I legit could gush forever, it is phenomenal and I'm so damn appreciative!

Reckless - TsundereForHire - Hazbin Hotel (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own] (5)

Chapter 77: Condemnation


Michael and Alastor try to understand each other.


Hi! :3

That's all.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was a rare Saturday in which neither Michael nor Alastor were needed at the station.

Goldie had actually spent the night with Michael after an evening at Slim’s. The barkeep had suggested they all meet up in the morning since he usually accompanied the little bird on her market adventures as a layer of security. Alastor had been quick to reject the offer, on his and Michael’s behalf, but the woman argued him into changing his mind. Now the foursome were meandering about New Orlean’s largest flea market.

To Michael, it felt more like a festival with all the lively music, bright colors, and bustling citizens. They’d started strong as a group, but eventually everyone was scattered about on their own missions.

Goldie was haggling for a typewriter as Slim posed menacingly behind her. Alastor was a stall over, charming his way to what ought be criminal prices for an assortment of instrument parts. All the while, Michael found herself lost to the crowd, picking through random odds and ends, not quite knowing what to look for.

There wasn’t anything she wanted or needed, but nevertheless, she was searching like a hawk. Ideally, she could find something interesting enough to gain Alastor’s praise.

Challenging didn’t begin to describe the venture. He rarely bought anything, and if he did, it often wasn’t second hand. Replacement parts made sense, but otherwise, what could he want that he didn’t have?

She toyed with the end of her braid, twirling the torn ribbon between her thumb and forefinger, thinking. As vain as he was, she’d never call him materialistic. In a sense, she’d even label him pragmatic, never blowing money on anything frivolous.

Technically, she still had the bastard sword to give him, but after that evening on the roof and all the other nonsense, she’d forgotten to ever mention it. And now, Goldie spent nearly every sparring session with them. For as much as Michael liked Goldie, she wanted to teach him to use it alone.

Food was always a safe choice, and she could buy him as much as he could put down, but they went out so frequently that it hardly felt special.

And making food was out of the question! She’d improved, somewhat, but was nowhere near the level of it being impressive let alone mediocre.

She groaned, spinning around in place. Why was this so difficult?!

Maybe she was going about this all wrong! Getting him a thing wouldn’t do. He loved doing, experiencing life, and being challenged. But what could she take him to do that he’d never done before?

Had he ever ridden a horse? Then again, he struggled with cars so she imagined riding a massive, stubborn animal wouldn’t go so well. Shame though, she liked it and could imagine how breathtaking he would look riding horseback, freedom and determination set on his face as the wind whipped at his hair.

Deep in her spiraling thoughts, Michael meandered off in the opposite direction and was only brought back to reality when she was jostled by the crowd, nearly falling over.

“Thank you,” she said, feeling hands on her shoulders. She smiled, looking down and expecting long, tan fingers. But no, these were shorter, wider, and rather pale. She twisted around and found the misleadingly kind face of James Nicholson.

Biting down a sneer, she opted for a professional countenance as he smiled enthusiastically, “If it isn’t the industrious Michael Burr! I do hope you’re alright! Busy today, isn’t it? What luck it is to see you out and about on this lovely morning!”

“It is crowded, isn’t it? I appreciate your assistance, Mr. Nicholson, but—”

“Please, call me James! I’m happy to have you run into me,” he winked. Her gut tightened, annoyed by the overt pleasantries. “You know Michael, if you don’t mind me calling you that, I’ve had a change of heart since our initial meeting!”

She did mind him calling her anything, actually. There was no real way to see beyond the building wall next to them or past the throng of stalls and bobbing heads.

“That’s lovely to hear, considering we got off on the wrong foot,” she jabbed, mimicking Alastor’s vicious politeness.

James was no expert at masking his emotions, obviously annoyed by the reference. “What can I say, I was shocked! I mean, any pretty woman would be married with three or four kids by now! But not you! Even here, out in the open with those three! You’re quite the trailblazer. Now, I’ve done quite a bit of soul searching so I hope we can let bygones be bygones?”

His words put a sinking feeling in her gut and his hand stretched out towards her.

She contemplated turning around, but in the interest of never having to deal with James Nicholson again, she shook it, grounding out, “Of course.”

There! She’d done her common decency and hoped to never see him again. Before she could pull away though, James stepped in, smiling in a manner he might have considered charming, “Perfect! You know, it would only be fair if you let me take you out for dinner!”

“No, no, we’re quite squared away now.” She tugged on her hand, disgusted, but his other laid over it. Michael pulled again, harder, but he held on. There wasn’t any danger, this repulsive oaf could never best her in a fight, but even so it was the middle of the day on a packed street and she had no interest in making a scene. If she did, she could potentially put Alastor, Goldie, or Slim in a bad position.

James’ grip tightened as he gave her that smarmy, vile smile and brought her hand near his mouth, “That hardly seems fair, Michael! One little date won’t ruin your reputation and we could even get you started on having some chi—”

A hand wrapped around James’ throat, pulling him back and slinging him against the brick. Alastor didn’t release James though, dragging him back into the alleyway before anyone could catch on.

The white man started to cough, his airway not blocked off, but heavily constricted. Alastor’s other arm craned back, but in the same split second Michael rushed forward. She caught his fist in her hand as she nearly pounced on him, clinging to his back and waist. Wide eyed and frantic, she implored, “Please! Stop! I’m fine!”

Panic bubbled in her stomach, and even though she was plastered to him, she watched the world behind them, praying and pleading that no one saw what transpired.

Certain no one was coming, the arm around Alastor slipped up, hand landing on his cheek to try and offset the bloodthirsty reaction. Only his head turned, peering down at her. A second later, he breathed out then dropped the hacking bastard. When their gazes caught, she smiled bright and sweet, nodding, ”Hi there. I’m alright, see?”

Piled on top of her annoyance with James, relief to see Alastor, and fear of someone witnessing it all, she was shocked. Never before had he looked so blindingly furious, eyes devoid of anything, but feral malice.

Michael shoved her hand into his fist, threading her fingers through his, bringing it back down.

Alastor came back to reality, eyes finally blinking as the single minded rage on his face melted into what she understood as conscious anger. He breathed out, grin cracking, and tucked her into his side as his hand squeezed hers tight. Then he turned to James, wicked and mocking, “Seems you’re always down on your luck!”

The ugly heathen chanced a smile, shrugging as he stood. Alastor feinted forward, causing the other man to gasp and stumble backwards. Wide eyed, James' hands shot up in front of his face, “Woah there, Stretch! I’m not here to crowd in on anyone’s squeeze! No offense intended! See—“

James thumbed back down behind him and Michael’s stomach plummeted. She’d been so concerned with people on the street that she never even thought to look in the opposite direction. Leaning on an access door was a woman, shielded by a parasol. They could only see her lower half, which was barely covered by the shortest flapper dress in existence and gartered stockings.

“Got my own Sheba by the hour! I was just hoping to smooth things over here with Mrs. Stretch. No harm, no foul, am I right?”

“Let’s go, Alastor,” Michael pressured, tugging on his arm. He gave James a once over and he went to speak, but she jerked harder this time, “Please? Please, I’m fine and I want to go. Goldie and Slim will be waiting.”

His face softened on her, but only a hair. Then he spared James a final, withering look. “It’s lucky that you’re a healthy fellow. To minme avan lontan ta batte les taons. M’a trapé to e m’a gen fon ‘vek to.”

With that, Alastor made certain to loop their clasped hands over and around her shoulders, wrapping her into him. In turn, her arm draped around his waist.

As she was being toted off, she glimpsed back over her shoulder. There was James, speaking to the hooker shaded by the parasol, but then he noticed her look. His smile was slow and crooked as he offered her a small wave and salacious wink.

Michael fought down a gag, snapping her head back to the front. She’d never felt this way before. The annoyance and anger from James’ treatment dissolved away, but in its stead was a feeling she’d never known. She wanted to scrub at her hand and shoulders until she was sure the grimy remnants of the touch was gone. For all her eons, she’d simply never felt dirty.

And more than that, what truly caused her nerves to ricochet, was the realization that James Nicholson could lie about the entire ordeal and an army of wicked humans would show up to rip Alastor away.

The sickness welled in her stomach, again. A tremor raked up her spine, causing her fingers to dig into Alastor’s side.

They jerked to a halt.

Then he dragged them into a makeshift alcove between two stalls and a tower of crates, shielding them from view. The world froze and when she looked at Alastor, she had to do a double take.

Soft wasn’t a word she would ever use to describe him, but even with pinprick pupils that raked over her face and body, his expression was gentle. His free hand took to her face and he smiled, “You aren’t supposed to lie to me.”

She went to respond, obviously confused, but his hand slipped from her cheek, under her ear, and behind her neck. His hand untangled from hers, trailing down until it laid flat between her shoulder blades. Then he pulled her forward, engulfing her as his arms moved further around, anchoring her to him.

There wasn’t any hesitation, her arms desperately clinging around him as she buried into his chest. With that, his grip tightened again for good measure, his cheek falling onto her head. The sensation wallowing in her gut and coating her skin evaporated, only leaving relief.

“I’m sorry,” she murmured, understanding him. She had lied: she wasn’t fine.

At least, she hadn’t been, but now?

Alastor was warm and solid in her arms. The tight hold he had on her was dizzyingly intoxicating. She felt guilty for milking his generosity and care, but he made her selfish. He made her new and alive, like glass from the sand. Like Frankenstein’s monster. Like electricity.


Alastor completed his post performance notes and exited the broadcast room in a particularly cheerful mood!

The last few days went by rather quickly. Despite not having as much time for the women in his life, —save an impromptu Sunday dinner, but that’s how it had to be right now— he was making the best of it! Mapping out his victims’ schedules was always a chore, but a rewarding one.

Right now, he had two on the roster! It was rather rare he didn’t give someone the full attention they deserved, but after James Nicholson reared that grubby, radish-looking head out of the gutter, he’d been left with little choice on the matter!

He’d gotten the one oaf’s schedule down pat, but that other donkey-eyed clod was proving to be a sly little bastard. It would take time, but Alastor enjoyed a long game. He was already orchestrating a far more elaborate and creative method for that f*cking grotesque, foul, ugly, heinous pig wearing human skin. Alastor was going to take it right off.

Lightning and thunder crackled in the sky. The rain made maneuvering his hobby tricky, but also aided in washing away any evidence.

New Orleans was nothing but dreary lately, and there was a slight chill permeating the station. Despite it being well into the evening, he was anticipating a bright, hot cup of coffee to fend off the weather. He could crack open a novel even! It’d been quite sometime since he’d sat down to read and the empty station made the perfect venue! Right in his chair with the lamp pulled close, watching over the lazy street.

It all sounded lovely, but all his plans changed in an instant. Alastor paused in the hallway, watching Michael shift her weight, hands wringing. Her mouth was twisted in that telltale way. More than that was how she chewed on the inside of her lip.

Concern set deep in his chest. Malice for the unknown offense followed shortly after. He managed to meter his expression, though. There was no point in worrying her, after all. Any problem she had, at least where humans were concerned, he could fix.

With a bright lacquered smile, he dialed up the showmanship, “Surely you didn’t miss me so soon! Or is it that you’re running away from Evelynn’s latest chump?”

Michael left earlier than usual that afternoon, citing an important family dinner. While they regularly joked about her finally being pawned off to some unfortunate suitor, Alastor was prepared for the worst case scenario. Letting go wasn’t an option any more. Maybe it had never been, hindsight being 20/20 and all that. When she’d mentioned the dinner initially, he’d almost panicked.

An absurd hypothetical had started to drown him. She always played off her mother’s maniacal attempts as a complete thorn in her side, but what if that was all a show?

Michael couldn’t lie to him, not well at least, so he was certain she despised those familial circus acts. But what if there came a day in which Evelynn succeeded? What if the socialite brought in some scientific magician who knew more about numbers than guns or cooking? Or what of that blonde rat he’d met? How often did his debutante see that ill-mannered "brother"? While she never spoke of Gabriel, it would be short sighted to overlook the other angel.

All in all, his laundry list of things to do and investigate was extensive, to say the least.

Right now, considering how frightfully uncertain and nervous she looked, he was already making the mental preparations to postpone his other appointments and track down the hypothetical, putrid louse. What else could have brought her all the way back to the station in this weather?

She blinked out of the spiraling thoughts. Then she met his gaze, tight shoulders falling as she smiled, “Compared to all her chumps, how could I not? Your incoherent nonsense is at least funny.”

“Incoherent nonsense? Bel Zanj, you wound me! I simply won’t recover!” He huffed, wiping at a nonexistent tear as his hand swept her mass of hair out of the way before settling across her shoulders.

She assaulted him with a pitiful headbutt, but ultimately left him in place, “Could I mend your fragile psyche with a cup of coffee?”

“If you’re offering!” He nodded, already dragging her towards the kitchenette.

When she stumbled to keep up, he noticed she was trying not to drop a folder. It wasn’t one from the station. No, he recognized it to be one from William’s personal stationary.

Alastor plucked it away from her as she started the coffee, stating with a weary tone, “That is why I came back. I need to speak with you.”

With Michael turned away, he snuck a peek into the folder, then snapped it shut.

His stomach plummeted. Every neuron fired, doing double time to meter each section of his face and body.

Surely she couldn’t know?

There was no way. If she did there would be a righteous and blazing fury radiating off her. All he could see right now was a look of mild concern and heavy consideration. With a smile, he sat down at the small table, flipping open the folder as if it were no more than the morning paper.

“Before you look—” but it was too late, he’d already opened it again and he could only hope his face wasn’t betraying him.

“Gruesome, isn’t it?” She grimaced, leaning against the countertop, crossing her arms.

He was careful with his breaths, fighting down adrenaline and nerves as he slowly, calmly, casually started picking through the files. If he shied away, she would know something was wrong.

One by one he laid the papers out on the table, acting as if each was fascinating, but unsurprising. And technically it was. Michael had just brought in four police reports, detailing out some, but not all, of the murders he’d committed this past year.

“How did you get these, Michael?” He let himself sound concerned, to a degree.

“William has a working relationship with a man known as Johannes Rochester. He’s a criminal investigator that was sent by the Louisiana state department. Apparently the New Orleans Chief of Police believes there’s a murderer and that these killings are related. That’s what tonight’s dinner was about. They’re hoping the station might help catch this person.”

She sat down, sliding his mug over.

He leaned back, inhaling the coffee and closing his eyes, hoping the aroma could soothe his rumbling anxieties. Then he took a sip, eyeing her, and asked, “How do they suspect a radio station could help them?”

It was an oddity that he could and couldn't see, all at the same time. The station regularly received crime reports to broadcast, some of his murders even, especially if the city wanted it to be well known. There were also plenty of things the police kept tight lipped for a multitude of reasons.

An analytic expression glazed over her face as she studied each of the reports, “This is the most recent victim. He’s the youngest son of a particularly well to do family. The investigation revealed that he had a nasty temper and nastier habits. He was in the dossier we received this morning and the new investigator wants us to pull it.”

Alastor scoffed, and damn it, he’d not meant to. In turn, Michael frowned, head tilting. To cover, he stated, “I hardly see how that could help their cause.”

“Nor did I. I’d rejected the offer on that premise initially, but then the investigator explained, hoping we’ll comply. The victim was found with a slit throat and other wounds, but the man he was with that night didn’t see it. Originally, they’d suspected the friend was the killer, but the investigation brought to light that the victim and his friend were involved in unsavory business, though they failed to disclose what exactly. The investigator believes this killer is some version of a vigilante and will come back for the friend to tie up any loose ends.”

“Did this friend see the murder?” Alastor knew the answer to be no, because he remembered it all quite well.

Late one night a few weeks ago, he happened across two men following a woman and getting disgustingly handsy before pulling her into the alleyway. He’d almost gone in, as he had when Goldie was attacked, but he’d learned his lesson and devised a plan! Laughably, he’d even considered what Michael would suggest, sans her shadows.

So he took a couple bricks and made a ruckus. The now dead fool had rounded the corner to check, while the other cretin stayed back to restrain the poor woman. Alastor had stabbed the fool in the ribs, making sure he screamed before slicing open the neck. Then he hid, hoping the cretin would come out.

Technically, that did happen, but the woman immediately started wailing and running, drawing out several other people, ruining the entire ordeal.

She’d gotten away at least, which was all well and good, but the damnable investigator was right. Alastor had every intention of taking out the second man.

Pride cometh before the fall, he supposed. Thankfully, his darling angel had come to save him from a dastardly plot all in the nick of time!

“Allegedly, he didn’t. It all sounds circ*mstantial at best, but there’s nothing to be done. I suspect the friend has quite a bit of pull with the police department to garner this level of effort.”

Right on the nose. That was the type of info that kept him alive and in the clear. He wished he could tell her how brilliant a thing she was! And he might, later on when it would leave her laughably confused, mute, and red cheeked. Now wasn’t the time.

“What did you tell them?” He asked, taking another long sip.

The corner of her mouth tugged into a bashful grin, “I told them I needed to speak with my business partner.”

He didn’t bother suppressing the smug and delighted smile. She technically didn’t have to consult him, but she always did. That, and he would make her life a living Hell if she didn’t.

There was that same floating warmth in his chest as he concluded, “I hardly see why we should pull it then! This is a reputable business, and we’re far more dignified than those badge toting heathens! If I recall, they even locked you up! Let their lives be a little harder.”

Michael frowned and he blinked, caught off guard by it. Then she asked, “Are you sure? Aren’t you concerned?”

“For?” He genuinely didn’t understand.

“Alastor, not only do we have an interest in maintaining a relationship with the police department, but more importantly there is a mass murderer wandering New Orleans with who knows how many victims. These types of criminals are elusive and dangerous and unhinged. We could help them catch this person. There might be more victims, innocent people, people we know.”

“And you’ve heard of this kind of criminal?” He diverted. Childishly, he’d always wondered if he was alone in this sort of venture.

Something in her face tightened as she said, “Yes. This isn’t a regular occurrence, but I wouldn’t call it uncommon by any means.”

“If they need us to do their job for them, then they aren’t very good at it. And,” he gestured to the cases before them, “what if these are the vile criminals? You said it yourself, that those two were involved in shady business. And if they’re suspecting a vigilante, didn’t these other men deserve their fates?”

At the moment, his primary goal was to get out of this conversation. He’d probably have to remove that investigator at some point as well. This entire farce was making his life exponentially harder, was upsetting Michael over something she didn’t even need to worry about, and now left him with a ticking clock.

They weren’t expecting him to catch that other rat so soon since the news wasn’t public. This investigator was clever, trying to lure Alastor out with a false sense of security, but not today. His kills were always spaced out, but now he knew not to be so predictable. He was going to get that other evil bastard tonight to prove a point, and knock that smart ass detective down a peg.

Especially since they were dead set on protecting that putrid trash of a human. The familiar itch piled on top of all the other sensations, causing his hands to grip hard, knee threatening to bounce.

Her head gave a soft shake, brow furrowing with concern, “Maybe so, but it would be impossible to determine that. Innocence isn’t so black and white, nor is what defines a criminal, especially in this awful political climate, you know that.”

“Exactly! So what if these officers are only trying to cover up something worse? What if these oh so diligent justices of the peace are trying to do more harm than good? What if they’re wrong? Plenty of men are bought each day.”

She looked pained again and for all the world he despised it! At first, he’d suspected his argument was the issue, but she wouldn’t back down from a disagreement. This was that look he’d thought he’d finally gotten rid of, where she was trapped down in that beguiling history, as if she could have ever done anything wrong.

Truly, it infuriated him.

Almost pleading, her voice near cracking, she said, “I know. Please understand, I know that is a true possibility, but believe me when I say that excusing one vigilante maniac in place of another is no way to go about this.”

“You’d rather this second fellow go free?” He countered, eyes narrowing.

Her face fell, ”No, but the police and the law ought to be the ones to prosecute criminals.”

“Yes, because the justice system in this country is so morally sound! They’ll hang this fellow for all his misgivings just as they’d hang any of my neighbors for going to the wrong town.” The words came out with a venom he’d not been angling for, but it was too late.

Michael straightened up, eyes going a smidge wider as she swallowed. Her mouth pursed and a sinking guilt filled him. She went to speak as he did, and for once he shut up. “That’s true, and where humans are concerned there is no such thing as a perfect system, but making a decision like that alone is wrong. Murder is no less a sin than any other.”

“Then what ought humans do with the foul beasts wearing their skins, Michael? Humans are always going to kill each other, at least let the evil ones die so the innocent might live.” It was an earnest question, and hopefully it sounded that way because it took every ounce of his self control to not laugh at the ridiculous, implied hypocrisy.

Her head hung down, weak and pitiful, hair cascading to hide her face when she couldn’t quite handle whatever tormented her.

He wanted to turn around and check the clock. He wanted to ask her why she was like this so suddenly. He wanted to run out of the damn room and grab that plague of a cretin by the throat and slam his knife down, down, down until the screaming turned to the sweet silence of vengeance.

To think all he’d wanted fifteen minutes ago was to sit and read!

Where time was concerned, he knew where to start looking, and it was still early enough in the evening. He could spare the few minutes to get through this, and he would have to be lucky once searching, but it could work. That just left his darling, miserable, insufferable bearcat.

Alastor was damn near sick of these disheartened interludes at the hands of whatever choked her from beyond the grave. He shoved the papers aside into a misshapen pile, leaning forward, stern in a way that would make his mother proud, “Michael, what is it that I don’t understand?”

She breathed out, head starting to shake as her hands wrung together on the table. He put a stop to it, his hand clasping over hers and squeezing. She froze under his touch, but didn’t look up.

This was hardly his strong suit, but the more he managed to drag out her past, the less it seemed to haunt her. If anyone was going to pester her, it would be him. If there was a day where she couldn’t think straight or form a coherent thought, then it would be him. Even if she wanted to feel guilty or miserable, fine, it would still have to be him. But that required getting rid of the rest. So he aimed and pulled the trigger.

“You understand all that, because it’s how you became human?”

When her head jerked up, it looked like someone had knocked the wind out of her. Then her eyes fell on their hands and she nodded, “It was similar. I ended up taking matters into my own hands and made so many mistakes. I bypassed all of our laws, thus I was punished. That’s why.”

It made sense, at least.

Anxiously, she changed the topic, adding, “There has to be a system. A rogue actor cannot be trusted, or people will suffer needlessly!”

A vain and vile God had allowed her to be pushed into immortal damnation.

Anger thrashed in his gut, because whatever she’d done, there was no way in any realm or lifetime that she deserved punishment. But now, because she’d been chained, she couldn’t see herself as anything but flawed and guilty.

He knew how that felt.

How dare anyone try to put that on her!

Whatever filthy gaggle of beings, angels or demons or God, that cast Michael out and into humanity had his absolute thanks and utter condemnation. He’d go to Hell one day and if he was lucky enough, he’d get the chance to rip apart whatever disgusting thing sent her to him. He’d exact the revenge only a monster was capable of, and he’d do it laughing, covered in blood, all for his angel who was too pure for such a task.

“What would you do, Bel Zanj?”

She blinked, “About?”

Alastor offered her a soft smile, “About this vigilante. Would you condemn them?”

For a moment, she tried to form words. He could see her thinking and thinking and thinking. The beginning of her answer sounded lost and confused, but devolved into something of anger, “Humans were the first to say, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone’. I don’t know what these men did, but I cannot prove them innocent or guilty. Systems must exist or else everything devolves to madness, and that is where we become blind to the monsters standing next to us.”

It was a roundabout answer clouded by her drowned senses, but he understood her all the same. She was gracious even in her condemnation. He’d always known Michael would think him a heinous monster, if she’d ever learnt the truth. Still, that didn’t soften the blow of hearing it aloud.

If he had more time, he would stay and chip away at the nonsense crumbling her ferocious resolve, but he didn’t. It would have to wait. For now, he would bloody his monstrous hands to keep their world safe and make her happy.

His stomach twisted as he stood up, rage and anger and torment and shame directed right at the man he would set out to find. But before he could do that, Alastor stepped around, hand still on hers as he stood barely a breath away. He tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear and forced a jovial smile, “Don’t you worry a thing more about it, I’ll pull the report and the world will have its justice. Now, I do have to wrap up our little conference. I've promised a neighbor a hand with the firewood before it’s too late!”

Much like he would Goldie, his hand landed on Michael’s head, brushing back gently before placing a kiss atop it while demanding, “Do get home safe!”

He heard the soft gasp and wanted to look down for whatever wide eyed reaction laid in wait. Unfortunately, he couldn’t, not trusting his face to hide the growing, seething agony in his chest. So he walked away.

“Alastor?” Michael called out, voice soaked with confusion as he heard the chair scrape across the floor.

His hand gripped the door frame, stopping him from turning back around. When his father had been alive, the man often forced Alastor and Claire to mass, trying to grasp at whatever meager social standing religion would never offer them. Long before understanding that his father was the embodiment of evil, Alastor had tried to appease the man by learning several prayers.

Taking a page from her book, he offered a sincerity:

“ Saint Michael the Archangel,
loyal champion of god and his people.
I turn to You with confidence
and seek Your powerful intercession.

For the love of god,
Who made You so glorious in grace and power,
be pleased to hear our prayer.

You know the value of our souls in the eyes of god.
May no stain of evil ever disfigure its beauty.
Help us to conquer the evil spirit who tempts us.

We desire to deserve Your loyalty
and Your great love

And since You are god’s messenger for the care of his people,
we entrust to You these special intentions:
Have mercy on the souls beneath Your grace for they were born to sin and lack your divine guidance

Blessed angel, hear and grant our special intentions for this Novena.
Amen. “

Alastor hurried, shutting the door before rushing out of the station. He barely heard her calling out his name over the thundering of his heart.


For anyone interested, here is the wiki page for the prayer:

Alastor changed it around. He's not really Catholic and his opinion of holy figures right about isn't all that XD

Language Notes

To minme avan lontan ta batte les taons. M’a trapé to e m’a gen fon ‘vek to. (Louisiana Creole / Kouri-Vini)
- - Before long you will be in trouble. I will catch you and I will have fun with you.

Chapter 78: Salvation


It was bound to happen eventually.


IN HONOR OF OUR THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY (April 14th, not today, I have no impulse control) HERE'S THE PLOT XD

Today's theme song (introduced to me by Maya_the_Pariah 10/10)
Def give it a listen >:3

Halsey - Bells in Santa Fe

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Michael wasn’t sure when she’d returned to the apartment. Time evaded her. There was no sleep to be had as her eyes stayed glued to the ceiling.

All she could do was spiral.

What had happened?

She’d called out for him from the fugue of guilt and confusion, and for whatever reason he couldn’t spare her a look.

Was he angry? Disappointed? Frustrated?

Alastor had run out! His dejection was obvious.

He’d shown her unparalleled kindness and grace, but she’d been mindless and sucked back down by ancient grief. He’d asked about it even! And like a fool, she’d brushed off his caring.

Not only that, but he was correct. The station’s integrity shouldn’t have come into play. It was his livelihood, and she’d been ready to compromise that. They owed the police station, and this broken system nothing, especially in the light of all the horrors that plagued the American south. But because she couldn’t cope with her own atrocities, she’d let that hurt him.

He had every right to be scathing with her!

Not only had he noticed her absolute ridiculousness, he’d taken it in stride and asked her about it! If she could, she would go back and tell him everything. Didn’t he deserve to know the truth? No matter how he saw her afterwards, it was the least she could do in light of his grace. She was terrified of what he might think of her monstrous hypocrisy, but it didn’t matter.

Michael felt sick and dizzy in all the worst ways.

Their arguing was one thing. Her blatant stupidity was another.

But what about that prayer?

She’d been so shocked by the disorienting, uncharacteristic novena that she’d struggled to understand anything until the early morning hours! Some humans regarded her as a saint, but she’d never encountered it face to face before. Usually, they congregated and always blasphemed to an unbecoming man with two wings.

Why had he done that? She didn’t understand anything now!

All she knew was that her heart ached, and she wanted to run and scream and beg. The why didn’t matter. And she’d tell him everything.

Michael jumped to her feet. She would go in early, apologize for anything, good, bad, or nonexistent, and tell him the truth.

Maybe that was the real issue! There was a level of honesty between them now and she was doing it a disservice by keeping her punishment from him. It would hurt, and maybe he wouldn’t be able to look at her again, but she had to try.

Nerves forced her through the motions of getting ready, and soon enough, she was at the station. Usually she was the first to arrive, but Alastor was always early when he had the morning broadcast. And yet, he wasn’t there, even though it was to start in fifteen minutes.

Michael searched the station in its entirety before investigating the roof, to no avail. When she came back down, she found the broadcast room door shut and the light on with five minutes to spare.

Relieved, she peeked in the observation room.

Beyond the glass was Alastor, absorbed in his notes, not noticing her. To anyone else, he would have looked pristine and dapper, but she knew better. He’d changed clothes, but his bowtie was the one from yesterday and certainly wasn’t as crisp. He looked tired and there was a smudge of something on his neck, just below his ear.

Not wanting to disturb him, she retreated, making her way to the kitchenette and putting on the coffee. At least she could do this much, given how tired he looked.

What could that neighbor possibly have him doing?

Then again, maybe the neighbor wasn’t the culprit. What if it was her, and like their previous debacle, he’d not gotten any sleep?

That caused her gut to sink all over again. She prayed in earnest that he didn’t believe they were fighting. If he did, she’d grovel for his forgiveness and pay any reparations necessary! Anything would be fine, as long as they weren’t at odds again. If Alastor wanted to carve out the existing fragments of her soul for judgment, fine, so be it!

As the coffee brewed, she went to the washroom for the soap since the kitchenette was out.

The bar wasn’t in the little dish on the ledge, though. Odder than that was the water splashed around the sink and onto the floor. It wasn’t much, but the station was lucky enough to have relatively neat employees. Alastor must have been desperate to get to work, she decided, causing him to change and get cleaned up at the station.

Guilt filled her even more. Maybe he would have gotten some sleep if she’d not been so heinous! After the broadcast, she would absolutely force him to nap in her apartment. That meant cutting her later meeting with the lawyers short, but that was nothing in the face of making sure he rested.

At last, she spotted the missing bar of soap between the cabinet and waste basket. From her knees, she caught a strange metallic tang in the air. Confused, she sniffed again.

In the nearly empty trash was one of the many wash rags they kept for convenience. Concern raked down her body and she pulled it out, holding it up for inspection, smelling at it again. It wasn’t soaked, but it was most certainly blood and enough to leave her seething.

Just what on Earth did this neighbor have Alastor doing that he would have been hurt like this?!

She launched the soiled fabric back into the basket before washing her own hands. Alastor didn’t like to be bothered when going through his notes, but now she regretted not checking on him at least!

Was it only a scrape? Or was he hurt?

Another theory turned her stomach cold.

What if he’d been attacked? There was a murderer targeting grown men at all hours and she’d been foolish enough to let him go home alone! She had half a mind to barge into the broadcast room, but that would only worsen her position with him. Alastor had a near religious devotion to his craft and Michael was certain he’d rather bleed out before allowing anyone to interrupt him.

Unfortunately, it would have to wait.

From her window, as she gathered the appropriate documents, she could see the steeple of one of New Orleans’ numerous churches. It set her mind back on the novena, sending her down into the rabbit hole. It was driving her mad at this point!

Even though it bothered her, she went through the motions of the day. Pleasantries. Discussions. A few disagreements. All in all, it was par for the course. No matter what, Alastor’s prayer sat on the back burner of her mind.

Have mercy on the souls beneath Your grace for they were born to sin and lack your divine guidance.

Outside in the wind and damp air, while finally displaced from the emotional whiplash, her sensibilities returned. Alastor easily obliterated her eons of experience with a single look, which was impressive by any means. Now she finally wondered what he was trying to accomplish.

He was plenty of things. Dramatic. Clever. Fussy. Creative. Intelligent. Sly. Strategic.

But he wasn’t frivolous. He did not operate off emotion alone.

So why would he do it? Why would he pray to her as if she were a saint and not his friend?

Is that how he really saw her? Were they not companions or partners or anything she’d thought before? Her mouth went dry. There were very few reasons humans prayed at all, in her opinion, and even fewer reasons to pray to her directly. When the humans wished for victory, they asked for her might. When they wanted forgiveness, they asked for her mercy.

Did Alastor need her forgiveness?

But he’d never hurt her. Unless it wasn’t because of her …

Michael stopped on the sidewalk. At first, she stood like a ghost, blood draining from her face, the old rusted gears of experience grinding back to life.

Then she ran. She ran into the first alley she could find and through the shadows, into her hidden spot in the stairwell, and right to her office.

Like a madwoman, she ripped files from the cabinets, digging for their old crime reports. With each one, her breathing shallowed.

Claire, when they’d first met, said he was often late, citing work.

She poured through the papers, letting the ones she didn’t need fall into disarray across the floor.

Several reports fell all too neatly near the rare days they didn’t spend together. She’d been so preoccupied with the insanity of him spending time with Goldie and the sheer relief that he wasn’t, that she’d never actually considered where he’d been. He wasn’t with her and he wasn’t with Goldie, and he absolutely wasn’t with some strange neighbor throughout the night.

Oh no. She’d not checked the broadcast light when she came in. Michael pivoted, jerking open her door, mortified to find the broadcast room empty and the light off.

“Wexler!” she barked, startling the poor young man in her terror. This wasn’t the time for tact, she decided, racing over, “Have you seen Alastor?”

“Yes Ma’am!” Relief filled her, only to be shattered. “He just left. There’s an emergency with his cousin and he left once the broadcast was finished. I’ll be covering the next one though, so no need to worry!”

“Perfect, fantastic job!” Michael forced a smile and nodded, trying to encourage Wexler in his excitement. But mostly she was trying to drown out the consuming dread. Alastor didn’t have anyone save Claire and Goldie. Maybe Richard, but right now, she knew better.

A second later, she was rummaging through the washroom trash, looking for the bloodied rag from this morning.


It was gone.

No one had taken out the other trash. Michael flopped back, sitting against the wall, slate faced with her hands splayed flat against the cool tile. It wasn’t evidence in its own right, but she didn’t believe in such flagrant coincidences.

Oh Father, help her. How had she missed it?

Bolting up, she raced to find Wexler. “I’ll be leaving as well. I need Alastor to sign this before tomorrow! If anyone needs anything, have Dina telephone the law office listed on my desk and ask for William. He’ll settle whatever it is. You have my full confidence!”

She didn’t hear his concerned retort, hurrying out of the office and up to the roof. A shadow later, she was leaning over the railing of the radio tower’s small service platform, wildly searching. It worked, though. By the skin of her teeth, she spied him on a bicycle, turning a corner and out of sight.

Since when did he ride a bicycle? She never knew he could, let alone owned one.

It was stupid and dangerous, but she shadowed rooftop to rooftop, eyes trained on him. Luck and the weather were on her side today, the dark skies and whistling winds aiding her.

Not long after breaking from the city limits were they in rural territory, forcing her to take to darting between shadows and nature. Every so often he would stop, checking the surroundings, lethally careful, before continuing on. The implication of him needing to be cautious and alone squeezed at her lungs.

Eventually, they entered a thick area of bayou and tree cover, with only an unkempt dirt road cutting through. At last he stopped, hopping off to walk the bike down the narrow dirt road.

He swept back the hanging, overgrown foliage of a gnarled tree. Under it was a bulky mass, covered by a tarp. He placed the bike next to what looked like a car and covered it back up. Then he continued down an offshoot of the road, one that was nearly grown over.

The area featured a handful of abandoned, dilapidated buildings. Plenty fell victim to the ever encroaching bayou. Some were akin to small houses, others were shacks, no larger than huts of old forgotten villages. She remembered hearing of shanty towns, but hadn’t seen one in the modern day.

Alastor made way to one, settled off to the side, biting beyond the treeline, closest to the water. He moved up onto the porch and paused, lazily taking in the area. Michael ducked behind a tree trunk and into the thick brush, covering her mouth and nose, being far too close. She knew it was silly, but could he hear her thundering heartbeat?

Apparently not, as he sneered at the porch’s support beam and huffed, “Bonjou Pær.”

Then he opened the door, slipping through the broken boards meant to block the entrance, and continued inside. She drew in a deep and silent breath, hand gripping to the rough bark. She considered turning around and leaving. Not knowing, and letting all her suspicions die, would be a blessing. Nothing had to change. They could be as they were, and her days would be peaceful enough.

All of it made her sickeningly nervous. Thoughts flooded her mind, drowning her in what ifs and contingency plans and what all this could mean. Her hand dug harder into the tree and it was kind enough to scratch her, breaking the anxious haze.

There wasn’t any time to think. She would forge on and know soon enough.

Carefully, she navigated a shadow, inspecting the porch and front side. There was no way to see through the windows. Not only were they spider-webbed and filthy, they were covered with various fabrics and old newspaper from the inside while being boarded up on the exterior. The only notable detail was the beam he’d stopped at.

It looked like there might have been a name carved in at some point, but now the letters were scratched away. The only surviving one could be a ‘B’, ‘P’, or ‘R’ but it was impossible to tell.

Muffled footsteps creaked through the wall due to the home’s complete and total degradation. Then they grew faint, as if he were moving towards the back of the house. Quick and careful, she checked the front room, making sure it was empty and that she wouldn’t be spotted.

Michael picked a vantage point, hiding, letting the centuries of experience take over. It wasn’t long until he left the small side room, something cradled under his arm as he turned the corner, out of sight. Then a door shut.

She hurried, stepping out of the shadows, and into the room he’d left. Her stomach lurched, jaw clenching. She’d imagined something bad.

But this was worse.

The only available furniture was a chair and table. That didn’t matter because the room was otherwise filled. Papers, books, candles, bones, herbs, salt, and blood.

Michael had only witnessed scenes like this in the days of old when humans could harness magic through demonic means. With every piece of evidence she noticed a single thread. Everything related to angels or demons. Everything he’d ever asked her in passing. There was only one book open on the table, though.

While she understood that she was looking at a grimoire, it was one she’d never heard of: The Lesser Key of Solomon.

The papers strewn about carried writings of Latin and a multitude of sigils. And despite not knowing this book, she remembered the insane King Solomon. She knew the seals of the Ars Goetia and her fallen siblings. Like a mad woman she flipped through the pages, searching and praying that it would not be there.

From what she could tell, it wasn’t. For the first time all day, her heart eased. Humanity didn’t have the Sigillum Dei.

The book toted a print date of 1867 with a note stating it was originally published during the 17th century. Damn it all, did Gabriel know of this?

Had all their work been fruitless?

Lucifer wouldn’t have broken their treaty, not after she closed the gate, would he? No, he wouldn’t. He had far too much to lose to court Heaven’s wrath. Thinking on it now, it made sense why he’d agreed to it all in the first place.

Despite that heartwarming idea, she had a far more bone chilling concern: did Alastor even know what he was looking for?

Suffocating, white hot rage flashed through her, but she shoved it down. She anchored it down in the depths, leaving it to rot with all her other sins.

Thankfully, there was no way for him to know the truth, since she’d at least not told him that much. That wasn’t her only concern though. She swallowed, putting the book back as she’d found it, destroying the twinge in her throat.

Once more she moved through the shadows to the house’s side. Rounding the corner, she could see a small shed. In the front was a door, cracked open. While she couldn’t see the back, she suspected there was another door that connected to the small, nearly decayed pier that stretched out beyond the thicket of cattails.

Her jaw screwed shut, daring to tremble as another shadow deposited her at the door’s side. Oh so carefully, she peaked through the crack. The shed was so small there was no way she could shadow into it and at this angle, she couldn’t see more than the opposing wall.

This was it.

Michael knew the point of no return so well that she considered it her only real home. Praying, though she wasn’t sure what for or to who, she eased the door open. It made no sound, greased for use.

Her eyes burned. Her hand rattled. Her throat stung.

Would he kill her? It was all she could think of as she pushed the door open and stepped through.

She was yanked forward and slammed into the wall, back first. Her head hammered into something metal, sending a biting sensation from her skull down her neck. A pressure formed along her front. A hand covered her mouth as a thin, hard coolness slipped against her throat.

She pried open one eye to find Alastor over top her, color draining from his skin, eyes blown wide. The bloody knife clattered to the wood floor. As he stepped back, an expression akin to terror spread across his face. When she blinked, breaking their gaze, he startled backwards, knocking against a table.

“Y—you,” a wary, nervous smile cracked across his face as he breathed out, ”you had a meeting today.”

Slow and careful, regardless of how her hands shook, she picked up the knife. There was a shine under the oxidizing blood. She swallowed. He’d pressed it to her jugular.

“This is the one you sharpened on Sunday,” she said numbly, fingers grazing over the spot on her neck. There was no cut. It wasn’t her blood on the knife. Finally, she looked behind Alastor.

His gaze followed hers to the dead man on the table and his mouth curled into a grimacing snarl.

“A-Alastor, w—“ she murmured, trying to step forward.

He jerked back away, arm swinging out, breath turning fast and shallow. He stumbled, knocking a myriad of things over.

She reached out, but he clamored away, turning and racing out the back. She dropped the knife, launching into the chase.

He darted around the shed, diverting off into the wilderness. Long, experienced legs carried him through the familiar terrain with ease.

Alastor!” She called out, but her voice drowned in the cracking thunder.

Limbs and brush scraped at skin as she followed, each one a sharp reminder that she couldn’t keep up with him. Shadows licked up her form, giving her a single advantage. There was no accuracy to be had, though.

Michael materialized a good ten feet in front of him and flung forward. He dashed, peeling off in a new direction.

She moved through the darkness again, shouting his name. The ground betrayed her, turning soft. Mud sucked at her legs, stealing her shoes. Barefoot, she bound through another shadow.

The next time, she got close, fingers skimming his side. Alastor shoved her away and raced past.

Michael hit the ground with a bloodcurdling wail, balling up to clutch her leg.

Finally, he stopped, whipping back around and rushing to his knees before her.

She lunged.

Her hands caught his wrists, legs locking around his waist. He flailed, snarling at her deception, trying to throw her off. All the while, she threw her body weight onto him, knees locking to the point she feared cracking his ribs.

“Alastor, STOP!” She shrieked, begging.

The thrashing ceased, Alastor trapped under Michael, both heaving and staring.

“I can’t.” His voice warbled in a way she didn’t know was possible, a pleading whisper. He devolved into something desperate and angry, “I can’t leave Moman! Monster or not, I cannot let you kill me, at least not now! I need to make sure she—”

What?” She spat, jaw falling open.

His brow furrowed. Under her, she could feel his barely constrained quiver. She could see it in the set of his jaw. He was being sincere. Alastor truly expected her to kill him.

With blistering rage she snarled, jerking his wrists up only to slam them back down, “I will not kill you! I couldn’t! You stupid, stupid man! No! How could I ever hurt you?”

“You’re an angel! You are the angel! Aren’t I the sort of wretched monster you ought cast into Hell?!” He bellowed and snarled. Then he cackled, “I butchered that man and his disgusting friend! He isn’t the first or the second and he won’t be the last!”

Now she was shaking, the anger ebbing away to heartache. She wasn’t his friend. She wasn’t his partner. Alastor only saw her as something else, an interesting entity, a means to an end.

She’d never wanted to be a saint to humans. She preferred they find salvation among one another, and not in the winged immortals that couldn’t understand them.

She’d tried to be something he could love. In that effort, she’d done nothing but hurt him with her words. She didn’t know what the soul of that corpse was guilty of, but Alastor had been adamant about protecting the innocent. He’d succeeded where she hadn’t.

And he’d prayed to her for mercy. He couldn’t see that she was nothing worth praying to, but she would do her best.

Gently, she sat back, taking her weight off his wrists.

Carefully, she started, “I once knew a man, Gilles de Rais. We shared the battlefield in France during my first life. I died before he did, burned at the stake. Come my fifth life, I learned he was a gruesome, depraved monster. In those days, I was distraught.”

All the guilt welled in her, as did the pleading feeling to shove it all back down. She shook her head, though, pushing through the crack in her throat. “I understood nothing and became a naïve, zealous fool. I forced my soldiers, human soldiers, to spar and train. Even if they collapsed, I demanded they get back up in the name of God. I waged war and killed. I doubled down on the delusion of what I was supposed to be. And in that, I became blind to the monster standing right beside me. Gilles preyed upon children. Young boys from the church.”

Alastor lurched, spinning her around now, trapping her to the ground, snarling, “Never compare me to such a foul, heinous, odious-”

“Who is the real monster?” She interrupted, eyes locking onto his. He blinked and paused. Again, she asked, “Who is the real monster here, Alastor? You or the man on the table?”

Confusion stretched across his face, grip loosening. Gently, her hand came up.

Her fingers brushed from his forehead and down the side of his face until her palm rested on his cheek. With that, Alastor managed to put a neat pin in his internal self-abasem*nt.

Easy rain pattered across his back. Blankly, he inched forward, shielding Michael with his torso.

Who was the monster?

He’d always known he was. The evil cretin in his dreams always reminded him of the fact. He butchered people as if they were less than animals. Their suffering was a delicious repayment for all the harm they’d done. It was wrong and ugly and he reveled in it, imagining he could have milked so much more agony from his father.

But his angel, his illustrious, guilt-ridden angel, was giving him an ultimatum. Alastor never wanted to be a monster, he just was.

Not now though.

For a moment, he thought he’d not moved up far enough to keep her out of the rain. But the rattling built in his chest no matter how much he tried to strangle it down.

Michael’s free hand came up, wiping away the tears and cupping his other cheek. And she smiled, gazing at him with gentle and benevolent repose.

Alastor fell forward, arms grappling around and locking her to his chest. Pride wouldn’t allow him to do more than choke down constricted sobs into her hair, but it was more relief than he’d ever believed himself worthy of.

Michael’s hands pushed past his face. One cradled the base of his skull as her other drew sweet, lulling circles across his back. With each motion, her brilliance withered his darkest shame.

Year after year, the burning hate and drowning helplessness grew until one day, he snapped. Even as his father sat gored and bloodied, the man despised Alastor to make sure that he knew he would always be a monster. The entire time, he’d been wrong. The only monsters in the world were the ones who would feast on the fear of innocents.

His father and the man she spoke of were true monsters, and Alastor wasn’t one of them. She knew that. She knew him. She knew the twisted, damned parts of his soul and hadn’t forsaken him.

Stupidly, he smiled into her soaked, muddied hair as his fingers dug in. If anyone wanted him to let go of Michael, literally or figuratively, they’d have to cut off his arms. They’d have to rip out his soul and destroy it because no one, nothing, could ever rip her away from him.

Able to breathe for what felt like the first time, he mumbled, “Humans never deserved you, Bel Zanj.”

And yet she said nothing, only offering him a soft hmm.

Alastor moved away, only enough to see her face, but when he did, he pulled back even further. That softened gaze had hardened. She was trying to hide it. Hastily, he scrubbed his fingers across his shirt, trying to clean them enough so he could move the rain matted hair out of her face. “Michael, what is it?”

Yes, it could be his murders, but he doubted that now. Her eyes squeezed shut, and she swallowed. “You don’t understand, do you?”

His stomach dropped. She regularly made him feel stupid, but never ignorant! As gently as he could with her trying to resist, he guided her face to look at him and urged, “I’ll never be as clever as you, so if you don’t tell me, I can’t!”

She met his gaze, but said nothing. The gears behind her eyes were turning. He could see it. She tried to smile, but it cracked and she looked away from him. With a tone coated in misery, she said, “Tomorrow. I’ll tell you tomorrow.”

His brow furrowed, but nonetheless, he nodded. No matter how determined he was to destroy the ghosts of her past, he’d done enough harm today. Michael tried to hide it, but a hard wind caused her to shiver, reminding him that they were practically rolling in the bayou, in the early weeks of autumn, during a storm.

Damn him! This was what he should truly be sorry for! What if she got sick again?! They were lucky to not have been visited by those rascally gators! Flurried panic sent him to his feet, dragging her up.

Mortified, he looked her over, only to become even more distressed. She looked like she’d just left a battlefield.

Small cuts littered her hands and forearms. Mud caked her from head to toe. And the worst was, as they were both going cold, she wasn’t wearing any shoes!

He went to pick her up, but she pushed on his chest, forcing a weak smile, “I’m fine.”

“You aren’t wearing shoes,” he argued, but it sounded pitiful.

She nodded, looking up and around to see exactly where they were, before saying, “And I won’t be until we’re back to town. Which way?”

In an odd turn of events, he no longer felt guilt for being a murderer, but only for the fact he was the reason she was out here growing colder by the second. He almost went to pick her up again, but he was already on thin ice. His coat was folded up in the shed and at least he could give her that. “North.”

She nodded, shadows pulling up and over, depositing them back to the shed.

For a moment, he panicked, mind whirling with what to do first. He needed to take Michael back to New Orleans so she wouldn’t get sick. He needed to get rid of the body, but now he didn’t have the time. There was no way he could ask her to wait in the miserable house he hated so much.

Michael didn’t hesitate though, walking into the shed before he could realize it. Nervous, he followed after her.

Inside, all his guilt doubled. No matter how slate faced she was while staring at the beast on the table, it felt awful and rude for her to have to see it at all. Hastily, he grabbed his coat and tugged it over her shoulders, stepping between her and the table while pushing the knife away with his foot.

“It’s best we return home now, don’t you think?”

She sighed, not looking at him, “No.”

Blackness stretched through her eyes, “Where does the body need to go? I’ve never hid one before.”

That felt like a knife to the gut, causing him to grimace and turn away from her. Alastor rubbed his neck and swallowed, “East, into the water. The gators will handle the rest.”

He watched the darkness leech the body away. Still, he felt sick. Michael shouldn’t have to hide a body, but she did because of him. It felt insane and absurd. No matter what he thought, the deed was done.

Wordlessly, she turned around, out of the shed and into the pelting rain, making way for the tarp.

He jogged up in front of her and yanked the covering off, revealing a truck. Hastily, he tossed the it and bicycle into the back. Like a dolt, he said, “We can wait for the rain to lighten up in the cab!”

“No, we’re leaving.” It was an order.

Alastor swallowed, nodding. He hated driving. He hated it a thousand times more in the rain. There wasn’t any room for negotiation, he imagined, opening the passenger side door for her. She ignored him, opening the driver side, “I’ll drive.”

“No, no! It’s quite alright, I can—”

Then she did look at him, gaze sharp and unyielding, but then she tried to smile, “You aren’t supposed to lie to me.”

A new and insurmountable shame crashed over him, leaving him mute and nodding as they climbed into the truck. Their journey back was slow and silent, reminding him of a funeral.


Alright chitlins, hope you didn't hate it. Or me. Fair game if you do. I have no regrets :3

Also, chitlins is technically pig intestines that people eat but it is also used in my area colloquially to refer to children, maybe a misnomer kinda sitch?

Language Notes:

Bonjou Pær (Louisian Creole / Kouri-Vini)
- - Hello Father

Fun, not so fun fact, Giles De Rais is potentially one of the first accredited serial killers and murdered over 100 children. Just a reminder, that serial killers in reality are rarely vigilantes, that's more something that happens in fiction. Like Robert Maudsley is the only real one I can think of and two of his were in prison. He's still alive btw.

I took my liberties with timelines. Because why not.

History Notes:
- -

Chapter 79: Break


Everyone has a breaking point, whether they like it or not.


I didn't get a chance to go to the comments section last time I'M SO SORRY. I reaaaaaaally wanted to put this chapter out. I've had this one written for a couple years actually. I love this one. IDK what that says about me as person :|

ALSO THE COMMENT SECTION XD Y'all crack me up. The general consensus seems to be: *CAPSLOCK* with some mild sanity sprinkled. Damn it I love you guys so much this sh*t makes me so happy!

Hopefully this won't leave you reeling in a deep dark pit? <_<

Theme song today is for the vibesssss. It's a mashup of Burn from Hamilton and Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo. It's also an animatic!
BURN x TRAITOR - Phillipa Soo / Olivia Rodrigo

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The fact he’d slept at all was surprising, but that could only be attributed to his darling mother who could feel the anxiety rolling off him. She’d asked him what was wrong and he barely answered with little more than a daft agreement to nothing. After that, she refused to leave him alone.

The next morning, she was up before him, looking tired with a full breakfast made. As a courtesy, he wolfed it down, but his stomach hardly agreed today.

On the way out of the house, he paused, staring at the truck parked on the curb. Disorientingly silent was the only way to describe last night’s drive home. Between the sheer novelty of being discovered by Michael and the distressing, cold, wet ride to New Orleans proper, he’d not said a single word.

He should have taken her home first, even if she did have a more convenient method of travel. But he hadn’t. He let Michael bring him home like a distraught damsel. At least she’d looked at him before melting into the shadows. And, better than that, she’d said she would see him tomorrow. Today.

What gave him hope was her meager promise to tell him and explain whatever it was. Finally, he could tear off the madness that now plagued them both. He started for the station with full, galloping strides.

All he needed to do was walk in, talk to her, make her laugh and smile, and everything would be just as it should be! Better even! All he needed was to make it through today.

Thankfully, she’d not seen his other little project, and maybe she didn’t need to know about it? It wasn’t as if he’d done anything wrong, exactly. He’d not made any progress, short of wasting precious time and learning quite a bit of useless, inconsistent information about demons. And if he stopped, she wouldn’t have to know! One day one a few years, when they could to look back and laugh all about it, he would tell her.

That was a decent plan!

He threw the lobby door open and was greeted by the fresh smell of coffee. Good. She was here. Perfect!

He waltzed into her office, grabbing for the wrapped book under his arm, “I’ve brought you another maddening tale that will—”

She wasn’t there.

He turned around, inspecting the room. Then he did it again, just to be certain. There were papers everywhere. The lamp was off. Her mug sat cold, untouched, and stale. He made an about face, striding down the hall and checking every room. That was when he spied Dina, filing her nails and staring at him with a suspicious, pitying sneer.

“Did you lose something, Alastor?”

Had she been there when he came in?

The mask fell into place and he smiled pleasantly, “Certainly not! Plenty of us can keep track of our assets, unlike a woman I know, who misplaced an entire report last week!”

Dina’s eyes rolled, “At least I don’t barrel in like a freight train anytime I want to see Dennis.”

“And I’m certain he feels just as eager to see you!” He quipped, moving to her desk. The retort didn’t unsettle her.

Actually, she grinned like the cat that ate the canary, eyes gleaming. “Oh, I prefer he crawl, but he runs when I want him to.”

Alastor bristled head to toe, smile morphing into a disgusted scowl, “Vulgar as you are this morning, I have better things to do! Where is Michael?”

Her face switched from the usual vitriol to curious, “You don’t know? I imagined it was your job to know, Boss.”

This damn witch! His eye twitched as he hissed, “Test my patience any longer and I’m sure you’ll have several names for me, but boss won’t be one of them!”

For a moment, she shrank away, apprehensive and frowning. The response caused him to take a step back, trying to placate her by softening his expression and putting his hands up. Michael would have his head if he fired Dina. He’d not meant the threat, but he had enough to contend with today without that sass.

She gave him a once over before sitting forward, no longer afraid of being fired. Then she dug out a file and handed it to him, “Here, since you’re no fun today. Michael is meeting with the lawyers, like she did yesterday, over new tax laws the city is implementing. Apparently her daddy’s team thinks it would be predatory to treat us differently than the new papers. That’s a copy of yesterday’s meeting and the city’s proposed changes.”

Alastor took a steadying breath and flipped open the folder. Two seconds later, he realized he didn’t know a damn thing about tax law. And, he also realized that Dina was damn good at her job. Alastor wasn’t sure which was worse.

“Aren’t you a darling? This must be why we keep you around, because it isn’t for your delightful demeanor and it certainly isn’t for that brown water you call coffee!”

Her tongue bolted out at him, “Some of us prefer our coffee without chest pains, you demented bean pole.”

He smiled, turning back down the hall while commenting, “And some of us prefer our secretaries to be agreeable! Alas, we’re all falling short today. I’ll be in Michael’s office. Best of luck to whoever you see next!”

The rest of the day followed in a similar fashion, he being testy enough that all the other employees were sending Wexler as a go-between, given the younger had the temperament of a brain dead, tail wagging—

Alastor ripped off his glasses then pinched the bridge of his nose. Michael’s previous admonishments loomed in the back of his mind, reminding him that Wexler was far more reliable than a mongrel, and that the adolescent had proved it on a remarkable number of occasions.

“Wexler,” he called out. The younger, posted up in a chair by the window, looked away from his broadcast notes. Alastor had allowed his mentee to sit with him in the office, in silence, today.

“Yes sir!” The ginger popped up, smiling ear to ear. Hastily, Alastor scribbled down a note and an order. Then he stuffed it into an envelope with a few bills, sealed it, and wrote an address on the outside.

“Take this to the address listed, give it to Miss Margaux Ferguson, specifically. Tell no one. Do you understand?”

There came a stern, obedient nod and for a moment, Alastor was hopeful. But Wexler read the address and his face twisted, “The flower shop?”

It was just going to be that type of day, wasn’t it?! “Yes! Lovely that you know where it is, now go!”

That daft boy smiled even wider, eyes sparkling as he saluted and raced out.

“Wexler, the door!”

But he was gone. Alastor heaved a sigh before getting up to crack the door. That week he and Michael had wagered who was better suited to run the station was one he wore with pride. Every day, he knew he could do her job even if it had nearly drove him mad. That died today. They had double the staff, quadruple the work, and he wondered how she managed it all!

Then again, he supposed running a magical military and then a human one would do that to a person. In this moment, Alastor decided that while he liked being in business, he’d preferred running a small, personal one or piggybacking off the misguided efforts of a willful, head strong woman. The latter was far more enjoyable.

Now all he could do was wait, checking the clock and the door every twenty minutes, hoping she’d come in blazing, as per usual.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Hours went by and she’d not popped that brazen head in once! There was no note. She’d not even called.

In the afternoon, he had Dina ring William’s office, but no one answered. When Wexler came back, Alastor sent the younger on another errand to deliver a few astonishingly dull reports to the law office. And he came back apologizing, bemoaning about a useless clerk who couldn’t answer a single inquiry!

Alastor’s stomach knotted.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was the murderer in question, he’d think she’d been killed! Sitting at her desk, his leg bounced wildly, the worst of his imagination coming to light.

Short of being dead or disappearing off into the world on purpose, he couldn’t fathom where she was! She’d said she was coming! She’d said today!

What if she was dead?

What if she’d lied and deserted him?

Now he wanted to throw up.

“Sir, do you need me to cover the evening broadcast?”

“No!” He announced all too quickly. Popping up, he forced out a bright smile and patted Wexler on the shoulder. “Not at all! You’ve done remarkably well today! I’d say you’re quite wrapped up! Well done!”

”Thank you, Sir!” Even though Wexler was smiling, he didn’t look entirely convinced by Alastor’s words. Shakily, bashfully, the younger said, “I’m sure it will be alright! No matter what it is.”

Alastor’s eye twitched, but he angled his head so Wexler wouldn’t see it. “It certainly will be! Now, off with you! Try to make something of your evening or I’ll be woefully disappointed!”

With that, he went to do the evening broadcast, forcing down every mind bending worry. He didn’t stutter or stumble around thankfully, but the lesser offense of his timing being a half second off, or missing the beat of an expression, mocked him the whole way through. For the first time, he couldn’t wait to be done with a performance.

When it was all over, he groaned and rubbed at his face. Already he was formulating the best way to hunt down his bearcat.

Alastor gathered up his notes, not bothering to make any today, and headed for the door. Slipped in under it was a note card: Please come to my office when you’re done. — Michael

His fist dug into his mouth as he nearly doubled over, breathing out and grinning like a fool. All that worry for nothing! Not nothing, for Michael, but regardless, it felt like his knees would buckle out from under him!

Everything would be alright. He wouldn’t have to maim half the city for where she was. He could fix this.

At first, he turned towards her door, but then he spun around, rushing for the washroom. In the mirror, he adjusted his waistcoat and bow-tie, then tamed in any straying pieces of hair. The rolled up sleeves weren’t as crisp as he’d prefer. Unfortunately, he’d put little to no thought into his wardrobe today, but he couldn’t let that deter him!

Chipper as the day he’d made his mother’s jambalaya alone, he waltzed back into her office.

But when the door opened, the air around him felt wrong, thick and heavy like the bayou itself. Michael stood at the window, hands clasped together with a folder tucked under her arm. Even at this angle, she was the picture of composure even if she wore an odd outfit.

It looked frightfully plain and didn’t fit her as well as it should. The shoes were especially ugly. That’s when he realized it wasn’t odd, it was old. This was what she wore in their early days, when he used to tease her for dressing like a bland menace.

Why was she wearing that droll thing again?

Despite the ill omen, their mugs sat on her desk, filled with fresh and aromatic coffee. That was a good sign, at least.

“Sit. Please,” she ordered softly, not turning to look at him as she gestured to the chair in front of her desk.

Even if it wasn’t a barking command, there was no room for argument in her voice. He fought off a twitch, still smiling, and sat. He grabbed the coffee with one hand, then draped over across his stretched out, crossed knees as he casually leaned. It didn’t feel natural, but he forced himself to look as collected as she did.

This would not be the day he unraveled! That was meant to be yesterday, and beyond all odds, he’d survived.

She ignored his existence for a moment longer, before turning around. It was clear now. He could see it in the set of her jaw and shoulders, how her spine pulled up far more rigid than usual. This wasn’t his infinitely entertaining bearcat. No, he wouldn’t be so lucky.

This was the ineffable, immortal general that he’d had the distinct displeasure of meeting only once before.

Given the taboo nature of being a murderer, the tension was to be expected. But, that cool indifference twisted him with anger and worry. Yesterday she’d seemed despondent, yes, but she’d offered him grace. She’d helped him! So what could this possibly be?!

At last she came over, not meeting his pinning gaze, and dropped the file into his lap. “Which of these are yours? How many to date?”

Alastor suppressed a shiver, determined to make it through whatever she had in mind. He sat the coffee back down and started plucking through their old news reports. She’d certainly been thorough. Gently, he answered, “Several. The police rarely give us the high profile cases to broadcast.”

“How many to date?” She repeated, tone even but not severe.

“12.” Anytime he thought of his body count, there was a sense of pride! He’d rid the world of a dozen monsters who would do nothing but cause pain. So why did he admit it as if he were a scolded child?

“Were they all guilty?” She pressed, eyes barely skimming over him. How could she look at him like that? As if he weren’t even there?! Fury filled him, but he couldn’t act on it. Truthfully, he didn’t want to, hoping he was missing something in all this.

“Beyond any doubt.” While the conviction in his voice was reassuring, his warm smile did the majority of the leg work.

“Would you stake Claire’s life on that?” The question cut him deep.

The idea that he could ever put his mother’s life at risk was asinine, but all those men were beyond guilty. He nodded, wagering his mother’s life and Michael's companionship in one go.

With a singular, sharp nod, she said, “Good.”


That was all?

Wasn’t this miraculous? The best case scenario? Where she was only concerned with whether his victims deserved their demise?

He just admitted to what might be the crime spree of the decade and all she could say was good? She’d single-handedly reduced him to a nauseous, trembling mess for this?! Now he had every right to be insulted! “Surely you didn’t arrange this for a mere tally? What could you possibly—”

Then they locked eyes.

Alastor froze, unfinished words hanging in dead air. Michael pinned him with the frigid, holy fury he’d expected yesterday.

Ah, she’d changed her mind, perhaps? Maybe she’d planned all this, lulling him into a false sense of security and waiting for a confession, so she could punish him with absolute certainty? Would he become her scapegoat for all the wicked humans?

He refused to believe that! There was no way she could be so deceitful and cruel!

Adrenaline bubbled in his body. His mind raced with possibilities as the world narrowed and slowed, her footfalls keeping time with his pulse. For once, he didn’t know what to expect, astronomically confused.

Michael trusted him! And he loved her. They were partners. The world was theirs for the taking! A few dead degenerates wasn’t worth everything! He couldn’t fathom her throwing away their limitless future! But she didn’t stop.

Darkness warbled in his peripheral vision, but Alastor knew better than to look away. His willful, playful little bearcat was baring her fangs and any worthwhile hunter knew better than to turn from a predator. She lifted her hand, showing him the grimoire worth three months of wages: The Lesser Key of Solomon.

Yesterday, she brought mercy. Today, she brought judgment.

“f*ck,” he gasped, eyes going wide.

That certainly explained her ire. He thought she’d missed all his research in light of the dead body. Forget the condemned sinners he so gleefully slaughtered, Michael was upset with him for trying to unearth the same ancient magic she’d spent years snuffing out. Truly, God help him, he should have realized it sooner, but he would have been better off spitting in her face.

“I can explain this,” he offered softly, hands coming up as he smiled, attempting to placate her.

“This?” She hissed, metered outrage melting into a snarl.

The shadows darkened her eyes and fingertips at an unprecedented pace. He cracked a weary smile, heart and lungs stuttering in his chest.

“Of course, Bel Zanj! I’ll concede, you had me worried,” she still did actually, “but it was apart of our bargain! Though, I ought have been more forthcoming with the matter, I admit! But you always turn so despondent when your youth is mentioned, and I hate seeing you so! It breaks my heart!”

“Our bargain?” She repeated softly, brows pulling together. There was barely anything human left in her eyes.

“Surely you recall that fateful evening? One where you promised me the truth in return for an escort! I simply decided to save you the trouble and find it on my own! You’d given me such wonderful information already, what a spoil sport I would be for not doing the leg work! Your astounding intelligence inspired me to do my own reading! How wonderful an influence, wouldn’t you say?”

Her mouth opened barely, the blackness overtaking her eyes and licking up past her elbows. A tear, black like ink, drifted down her cheek.

Regret wasn’t a feeling he was accustomed to, but he’d know it well today.

How long had it been since he’d felt so thoroughly, miserably uncertain? Unprepared? Scared? For all that he planned for or considered concerning Michael, he never imagined this would hurt her so deeply. Not in any meaningful way.

He should have thought harder about it. Quit sooner. There was unbridled rage in her red rimmed eyes, but there was also betrayal. He knew that look. How could he not, after seeing it in his mother’s eyes every time she looked at his father?

Blackness welled along Michael’s lash line and his stomach jolted into his throat. Alastor forced a smile, shakily rose to his feet, and oh so slowly raised his hands.

“You are a clever darling! I know you can understand!” Panic rose in his voice. “This world is terribly cruel. You’ve seen what they do! Think of the possibilities! And you, with so much knowledge and power. Michael, we could—”

Alastor snapped backward, forced into the chair by something snatching hard around his waist. Seated now, he could see shadows anchoring his arms and legs, trapping him. He jerked, nearly knocking the chair over. The darkness tightened, fixing him in place. Horrified, he stared at her. This was certainly a new development in her abilities.

Her lips quivered. Ink tears dripped onto her collar.

He barely heard her over his thundering pulse.

She sounded broken and small.

“Is this all I meant to you?”

Alastor hollowed with fear.

It was a fear he’d only known as a child, when he believed his mother would be ripped from him forever. Michael wouldn’t die, but he’d lose her all the same.

“Micha—” He tried to scream, but a black tendril strangled over his mouth, forcing his frantic breaths through his nose.

A shadow snaked up, plucked his hunting knife from his waist band, and obediently dropped it into her hand. Tremors raked down her body and she shook her head. Her voice cracked when she asked, “Why did it have to be you?”

Then she slashed through the air, turning to face him as she heaved out a loud and pitiful laugh. With a miserable smile, she said, “But you’re right, we made a bargain! Who am I to change the ways of The Fallen? I am no better! I created them after all!”

“Allow me to tell you the truth, since you’re keen to undo centuries of my efforts! First,” she slung the book at his feet, her smile cruel and suffering, “this is worthless! Only one seal is capable of calling souls and even that requires the sigil of who you intend to summon. If not formed correctly, it doesn’t work! In addition, mortal souls must offer blood.”

His knife raked through her palm, as she tiraded, ”Not of the innocent and not a multitude, because immortals do not answer to the mindless whims of humans! Your kind always creates these absurd stipulations!”

She didn’t miss a beat, slashing the blade down her other hand before launching the knife across the room.

Worthlessly he struggled against the demonic restraints. Bile burning his throat as he tried to scream and wail. Broken people were capable of unthinkable acts. It had been that way for him when he’d killed his father, after all.

Her breathing turned ragged as her composure deteriorated. Blood rolled from her nose and ears, streaking her face and neck, tainting her hair and clothes.

Alastor finally realized how much he didn’t know about magic or demons or souls or angels. Like a child playing with a loaded shotgun, he felt immensely stupid. Even if he wasn’t sure what she would, or could, do he didn’t want to find out to the tune of her dead body.

Her fists came up and she squeezed, creating pools of blood on the floor. One right after the other, shadowy fingers licked at her sacrifice, dancing and writhing across the office. Each made mark after mark, writing a sigil far more intricate than any he’d seen.

“There is no price!” She shrieked. “If you correctly call upon them, with no sacrifice or maybe thousands, they answer if it pleases them. And how? The Sigillum Dei, which you didn’t even have, but we have a pact, don’t we, human? Don’t be fooled, this isn’t only to call upon Lucifer’s courts. It can call upon the souls of angels! To think, immortal beings can be forced about by mere scribbles! The laws of nature certainly have a sense of humor!”

Her hand swept out, gesturing to the magic circle, but all he could do was stare at the dripping gash. “Sigils can be written in any language, though Lucifer only answers to Latin now, even if it is a newer human language. Why? Because it is what the Romans used to slaughter Jesus of Nazareth. Lucifer despises that meandering, blasphemous carpenter. To think a single meager human soul changed the course of three realms! It was a humbling experience for all of us, to say the least.”

Alastor found the tidbit interesting enough, but it was nothing compared to his reverence of an unhinged Michael. If not for being directed at him, he might have been smitten. It wasn’t a site he’d ever forget, at least.

Done with her lecture, she knelt down and used bloodied fingers to scrawl a new design in the sigil’s center.

He swallowed down his own bile, because here she was bleeding on his behalf, making her point.

She looked up at him, heartbreak plain as day across her face. Forget murder, this would be why he rotted in Hell. Again, he raged against the demonic restraints. He screamed and begged, throat sore and ragged from the exertion.

Michael’s face withered and shook her head, scoffing. Then she reached out, just as she had before holding his face yesterday. Maybe it was finally over. Maybe this was all she’d intended!

But her fist closed, reminding him that this wasn’t mercy, and she ripped it back.

Alastor soared from the chair with the motion, stumbling and crashing to his knees in front of the sigil. She materialized behind him, bloodied hands landing on his shoulders as she whispered in his ear, “Behold, you fool, your truth. You’re lucky Lucifer won’t answer.”

Every soul was bound to be wrong at some point.

The blood markings started to burn with black fire. A tornado of fresh ash and intense heat condensed into a swirling portal as an overwhelming smell of sulfur filled the room. Michael faltered against him, mouth slack in silent horror, the blackness fading from her eyes.

NO!” She pleaded, springing forward, “Close it, Lucifer!”

But it stayed spinning, and a shiny black point poked out.


I rarerly do real cliff hangers so ... just don't hate me. Please? I mean, I can kinda handle it but I've come to really like y'all XD

I love you. I'm sorry. Please remember that technically, this already happened to them by the time Reckless started.

Yeah, I suck.

ALSO PLEASE NOTE: I will be MIA for the entirety of May. Just letting you know now. So there will be another ch or maybe two by then, but be aware. Kthxbyyyyyyyyy <3

Chapter 80: Foordles


Four doodles!

Chapter Text

Hello humans!

Probs not the update you were anticipating, my bad. BUT I hadddddd to share this. The vibes fit the last chapters so perfectly I couldn't wait.

I present to you more art work! This is by Tots! If you'd like to see her amazing other edits please head down to the tiktok and look for elfancypenguino.


Her other doodles? FIRE. SPITTING FIRE. BREATHTAKING. You need to see them, you'll be comatose for like a couple hours. I was. This is based on one of my FAVE musical adaptations: Heathers.

It's on youtube if you wanna watch it. This is the song it is based on: Meant to be Yours

Trigger warning on the musical because almost suicide, teenagers murdering each other for giggles, and basically the Proto Regine George.


Reckless - TsundereForHire - Hazbin Hotel (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own] (6)

Ight folks, see ya later this week? Ish. Yeah. Something like that.


Chapter 81: Daylight


Every night has a day.


OK. So this is one of the best theme songs I've found IMO and I love it for this chapter. If you haven't heard it, give it a listen pls, k, thx <3

Daylight - David Kushner

BECAUSE the lyrics go hard for Idiot 1 and Idiot A. I'm cheesy. I can't help it. This is who I am. Here are a couple of the lyrics:

Two sinners can't atone from a lone prayer
Souls tied, intertwined by pride and guilt

Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
You and I drink the poison from the same vine

----- NOTICE PLS READ -----
Also, there is an author note at the bottom, please read :3
----- ----- ----- ----- -----

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A demon stepped through, but it was hardly The Devil.

Michael stood in disbelieving horror and murmured, “B-Bartholomew? Th-the treaty—”

The goat-looking thing was most certainly a demon, if Alastor’d ever seen one. Bartholomew was rather short, but stout, with an animalistic face and curling horns. Even so, his eyes were intelligent and his face showed more expression than any animal ought to be capable of. More than that, was the dapper and immaculate way the demon was dressed, with a black suit, lined in red and gilded. He wore a golden pin on his ascot, sporting a snake, an apple, some wings, a few eyes, and a crown. Gaudy was the only way to describe the crest.

A clawed hand touched where his heart might be as he bowed to Michael, “A loophole. Your Grace. We, The Queen Mother’s descendants, are unable to be detected.”

“Because you lack souls,” she noted, head shaking in disbelief. Her eyes jumped from demon to portal over and over, before she stuttered, “I never even— He … he can’t hear me, can he?”

“Unfortunately not, Your Grace. I was sent instead, as a legal precaution. That being said, His Infernal Majesty is delighted that you called, regardless of the situation.”

She nodded, staring hard at the sigil, then at the portal.

The goat picked up on her trepidation and said, “It was mentioned that, should you wish to abandon this realm, Hell is prepared to face the impending ramifications.”

For a split second, Alastor was terrified she would step into that swirling oblivion. But her head shook, face scrunching. “I can’t. It wouldn’t be worth it. He knows that.”

“Even so, Your Grace, I was ordered to make you aware of the option.”

“Your Grace?” She echoed, confused.

The goat demon nodded, unrolling a small piece of parchment and adjusting his glasses, “Yes, shortly after your departure from Hell, His Infernal Majesty added Your Grace to the royal family register and I am to present it.”

She choked out a laugh, hand running down her face, “I’d pay to see Samael’s reaction to this.”

“The Great Prince of Wrath, Satan, was not consulted on this matter. Nor were the remaining Sins of Hell.”

“Oh he won’t like that. In that case, I humbly accept.”

“Excuse my impertinence, but His Infernal Majesty informed me you were also not to be consulted on this matter. Now, without further delay as the mortal Alastor Beauregard Laveau bears witness,” Michael jerked her eyes over, only remembering him now in the madness, “I am honored to present Her Grace, Michael Morningstar, Archduch*ess of Hell and the Seven Rings, diplomatically immune as Heaven’s sole ambassador to Hell.”

She snorted, but was unable to hold back her smile, “Morningstar? I cannot believe he gave me that pompous name. He’s waited 500 years to do this, hasn’t he?”

Bartholomew nodded, “Yes, Your Grace. His Infernal Majesty has reworked your title no less than 27 times. The Queen Mother implored him to simplify it. This is the shortest version.”

She couldn’t help, but chuckle, “I’m glad he can still be silly.”

Bartholomew bit back a grin, then turned to Alastor. The demon stepped forward, but not past the sigil’s edge, and held out the formal order of Michael’s appointment to Hell’s imperial family, then tapped at the bottom. “Might you sign here, Sir? All court documents are illegitimate unless signed by the attending witness. Be assured this is no formal tie to your soul as those require blood signatures or drawn pacts. Ink is suitable for this. Our bookkeeper is a stickler for protocol.”

Alastor stared openly at the demon who was much closer now. His eyes didn’t venture down to the paper, even as he clumsily fished a pen from his pocket and signed his full name.

“His Infernal Majesty appreciates your cooperation,” The goat gave a respectful bow, then snapped. Alastor startled with a noise, not prepared for it or anything, actually. The royal order was gone, replaced by a black embossed envelope, and Bartholomew stepped back towards Michael, “Might we move to the next order of business?”

Her brow furrowed, “Next order of business?”

The servant handed the new item to her. She gasped, shakily opening it, eyes ripping through the contents. She read it over and over again, sinking to the floor in shock. Then she smiled and breathed out a laugh.

Bartholomew then pointed out a blank page. ”His Infernal Majesty insisted I wait for a reply.”

Michael grimaced before turning to Alastor, “May I borrow your pen?”

Alastor blinked before nodding mutely, handing it to her. She muttered an apology, hurriedly writing out a message, not noticing how he could easily read both from her side.


I wish I could say more, but I don’t know what to say. Shocking, isn’t it? I could fill the Three Realms with pages and never be done. Still, I’m sorry I never reached out before. If you can imagine, it wouldn’t be safe, what with this new responsibility.

For now, I can do no more than thank you. So, thank you. Since you’ll do whatever I ask of you, my insufferable and stubborn sister, I’m asking you to be happy, Mica. You’ve done enough for the rest of us. They can f*ck off.

Take a vacation. Live for yourself.

All our love,

P.S. Come home soon. We’re all waiting.

Hastily, he read her reply. The writing wasn’t as neat as usual, but he suspected having massive gashes in her hands was the cause.


I never had the chance to congratulate you. So, darling brother, congratulations! It’s a wonderful responsibility to have. I hope Lilith is well and that you all are happy. You deserve that. I’m sorry it took me so long, but I understand you now. Please forgive me, for everything.

And in the future, please, there’s someone I’d like for you to take care of.

All my love,

P.S. One day, I hope.

“Bartholomew,” her voice shook, hands trembling as the demon tucked away her reply, “h—how many are on the royal family register?”

The goat smiled, kind and appreciative, offering her a deep bow, “Four. It is reserved for Their Infernal Majesties’ immediate family. Now, I must take my leave. It has been an honor to see you again, Your Grace. Until the next time.”

There came a snap. Demonic magic lifted her blood away from their clothes, their bodies, and the office. The portal disappeared with every shred of evidence, save her injuries. Michael crumpled to the floor, doubling over her knees, bloodied finger nails digging into the wood. Then she let out a wailing sob, fists beating down, over and over.

His hand hovered out, but he didn’t know what to do. His comfort surely meant nothing to her now. It probably meant less in the wake of his deceit. So his hand dropped and he continued to watch her scream and thrash eons of misery into the office floor.

The room stilled as her torrent of wails ceased.

Michael sucked in a breath, as if she were brought back to life. At last, she pulled her chest off the floor and turned to look at him.

“You’re a duch*ess?” He asked, at least trying, even if he had no idea what to do. He couldn’t fix this if he left her alone. He had to start somewhere.

“Your middle name is Beauregard?” Even slumped on the floor she didn’t shy away from his gaze, not wasting another second to say, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

Hurt him?


The blood loss must have been more profound than he’d initially suspected, because that was a delusional take on their current situation. How could she possibly be the one apologizing right now? Of course she’d given him a scare, an impressive one that he was thrilled to have witnessed actually, but she’d not done anything wrong.

His knees shook, nerves keeping him from getting up. So he settled for scooting towards her, a hand outstretched, waiting to see if she’d deny him. To see if all they’d been through was for not.

Michael stared at his hand, then looked at him with eyes wide and dopey, lower lip starting to warble. Before he could retreat, certain he’d done something else offensive, she launched past his hand. Another fit started as she latched around his chest, sobbing apology after incoherent apology.

Alastor released a rattling breath as relief crashed through him. She was still here and everything would be fine. He could fix this.

He had to fix this.

Carefully, he leaned back and propped onto one elbow, trying to alleviate the awkward angle of her waist while not asking her to move. At some point, his shirt must have untucked. One of her hands somehow worked up under it. He could feel the wet blood of her palm against his back as her fingernails bit into his skin.

He couldn’t bring himself to mind, because it was comforting to know she was trying to hold onto him. She could run his knife through him and he’d be grateful for it. But all she did was cry, the hiccuping wetness soaking his shirt.

His free hand landed on her hair, stroking softly. “I’m so sorry, Michael. I was wrong. I was miserably, stupidly, unforgivably wrong.”

She didn’t look up, but nodded profusely. Then her fist came back around, raised up, and hammered down onto his chest. He was going to laugh, it was cute after all, but she gave a strangled noise and winced, drawing away to tuck the hand against her chest. There was more and more he needed to say, to apologize for, but right now she was hurt.

She was hurt in every way imaginable and he was solely responsible.

He’d felt every negative emotion today, but somehow, it managed to worsen again. Aside from her hands being slashed open and drenched in blood, the wrists and forearms were a mottled red, freshly bruised and starting to swell.

He scrambled behind her, arms catching around her waist, and pulled them both up. By the time she started to protest, they were up and he was putting her in her desk chair.

To inspect the damage, he reached out, but she pulled away and diverted her gaze. “I’ll be fine, this is nothing.”

“Nothing?!” He repeated, hand slapping down on her desk as he leaned into her face, “Michael, you need stitches in both hands, maybe down to the muscle. You’ve likely fractured both wrists and beyond all of that, you could get an infection.”

She huffed, “You sound like a doctor. Is that something else I don’t know?”

He turned away, ground his teeth, and shoved a hand through his hair. He’d spent enough of today acting like him, so he didn’t respond. Fighting with her over a petty comment, one he rightfully deserved, would not help. Actually, he was relieved that she felt good enough to argue with him. “I’m going to get the first aid kit, then we’ll get you to a doctor. Wait here, please.”


Of all the days she wanted to be contrary! He spun around, barely maintaining the resolve not to argue, to find her awkwardly sliding a folder towards him across the desk.

His eyes rolled. “This is hardly the time! Whatever the lawyers want can wait.”

Then she looked at him, and that pitiful expression crushed his heart in her mangled hands. Why wasn’t this drama over yet? Pathetically she added, “Please, I need you to sign these. I swear I didn’t call you in here to lose control.”

What could be so important that they needed to conduct business after summoning a literal demon? This was ridiculous, but he’d already ruined these past two days so he would follow her lead, if only for a minute! Then he would get a doctor! With a scoff, he snatched up the folder.

Her head hung forward once more. Before he could read the file’s contents, she meekly added, “Be careful. I won’t ask you to stop, I don’t expect you to. But please, I beg you, do not get caught.”

“You’re being dramatic, Michael.” A sad statement to be sure, given how theatrics was his department. Then again, she had single handedly rewritten everything he knew about being dramatic.

Unfortunately for Michael, inspired by his little bout with Dina this morning, he decided to read the papers before signing them. Just to be certain he hadn’t gone insane and all of this wasn’t a hallucination, he took off his glasses, gave them a thorough wipe down, and read the document again.

Red fury raced up and clouded his mind. “This is absurd, even for you! Why are you doing this? What on Earth do you hope to accomplish?!”

Michael was unable to look at him. “I’m leaving for Virginia in the morning and I can hardly run a business from hundreds of miles away. It’s already decided. Sign the papers, Alastor.”

He’d thought she was working all day. He’d been damn near certain she was toiling away at that law office to keep their livelihood afloat and out of greedy clutches! But no, she’d been scheming and plotting this vile act of cowardice! She’d conspired to get away from him! And all day he’d sat there, waiting like a trained circus animal!

There had to be something else! Another absurd reason, because surely she didn’t mean to do this to him?!

“Did your mother marry you off?!” He snapped and snarled.

Shocked stupidity overtook her expression. “What?”

“My thoughts precisely, because I can think of no other reason why you would be forced to turn over your position and leave New Orleans!”

Her mouth opened in protest, but Alastor kept on, “What’s his name? Have you met the foul sap? If not, then this will be easier. No one would suspect foul play if you’ve yet to object. I’m sure he deserves it one way or another!”

And again she sat befuddled with his desperate, careening logic. “No, I’m not marrying anyone.”

And for a moment his face twisted, eyes narrowing to solve a riddle that didn’t exist. He towered over her, looming like an obelisk constructed of nightmares. A hot, slow, seething breath fell over her as he leaned forward. Slim legs caged her in while he reached down and took the chair arms in a white knuckle grip.

Alastor engulfed every inch of her personal space, sneering and grinning with the sort of menace reserved for his victims.

Michael whimpered, tears welling back up in her eyes, barely hanging on to any meager shred of resolve despite being exhausted and emotionally eviscerated.

He looked damn near demonic. “No.”

“No?” Michael squeaked.

“No. You don’t get to fly away, Bel Zanj. If murdering monsters isn’t an issue, if we’ve come to the conclusion that my research was a foolish treachery, and you aren’t being carted off by that deranged woman, then what ludicrous notion in that oh so pretty little head makes you believe you’re able to up and leave?”

“You wouldn’t understand—“

“Stop saying that!” His palm slammed into the chair arm as the other snatched around her jaw, leaving her heart in a rapid stutter. Despite having her face in a vice, there was no pain or unchecked pressure.

“I-I have nothing else you want …” she started, shaking and breathless. By the end she was shrieking, “I’m useless to you! What more do you want from me?!”

He visibly startled, both brows rocketing upward as he flinched. This is what Lucifer meant in that note. This was how existence had left its fiercest, most adamant protector. This is what he’d done to her in his blind foolishness.

Michael looked away, head turned to escape his gaze. He didn’t stop her this time, but he didn’t let go.

Carefully, he maneuvered down to the floor, kneeling between her legs. The hand around her jaw loosened and caressed upward. His free one brushed through the side of her hair before trailing down and landing on her cheek. And much like she had yesterday, he cradled her face.

Careful and tender, Alastor pressed their foreheads together. Despite another shaken whimper, she let it happen. “Michael, I want you to be okay. I need you to be okay, and right now, you need a doctor.”

Regardless of the well meant plea, her eyes screwed shut and her head shook. She didn’t trust him.

Why would she?

Desperate panic spilled up and past his lips, no matter how much he hated what he was getting ready to offer. “Bel Zanj, please, I will beg and grovel every day as you see fit! If you’re certain that I’ve ruined everything beyond repair then, if you can’t stomach the site of me for all the pain I’ve caused you, I will sign the papers and put you on that damn train myself. But until then, give me the chance to do something right!”

Quite frankly, him putting her on a train didn’t mean he wouldn’t be on it as well. He didn’t want to lie to her, but if the road to Hell, the Hell where she wasn’t in his life, was paved with good intentions, then he was done with those. Alastor didn’t know anyone as selfish as he was, anyway.

Even if she couldn’t forgive him, he wanted her to stay. Let her hate him as long as she stayed! But for now, all that came second to her wellbeing.

“Michael. My strong, smart, sweet, wild, brave, darling girl,” he started, trying again, terrified to give up, “let me take care of you first. I will want anything you want and make sure you have it all. Name it. Anything.”

A violent sob ripped from her throat. Then her legs locked around his waist, arms awkwardly clinging around him as her face dug in to his neck. All the while, she nodded.

Relief ravaged his body and the world snapped back into place. While he wanted to revel and rejoice in this victory, he didn’t have the time. With arms around and under her, he hurried off to the kitchen, not waiting for her to change her mind. It pained him to put her back down, but he did, easing her back to sit on the table.

In an ironic and merciful twist of fate, she struggled to let go. Alastor chuckled, and almost explained that he would gladly pick her back up and carry her all the way across town if she wanted. Unfortunately, Michael did the reasonable thing and pulled away.

Trying to be the certain and steadfast one, he offered her a clumsy smile then got to work. He rushed to the washroom for the first-aid kit. While there, he checked his pocket watch to keep an eye on the time since Claire was expecting him home and they didn’t have a telephone.

Much to his surprise, it was earlier than expected. What surprised him even more was what he found as he tucked the watch away. Alastor pulled out a small crystal vial filled with a brilliant violet liquid. With it, he found a black embossed envelope with a golden wax seal.

Was he meant to show this to Michael?

But why was it in his pocket?

How had it even got there?!

That was a miraculously stupid question, all things considered. Apprehensive, he opened the letter.

Alastor Beauregard Laveau,

Given your sudden relevance in my life, and the fact your soul was condemned at the impressive age of 13, I suspect this is the first of many interactions we’ll have over the eons! You’re a promising sort and I do enjoy seeing the filth you send my way.

While I gleefully await your arrival to Hell, I ask you not come too quickly.

My precious, beloved, and ruthlessly stubborn sister is wretched at making friends. I’m certain you’ve noticed that she’s an obnoxious know-it-all who likes to fight, but don’t be too harsh with her. Pathetic, I know, but that’s what family is about.

If I can impart an ounce of empathy for my twin, I will. Or threaten. I’m also more than happy to bribe you upon your inevitable demise. Whichever you find to be more motivating. I hope you’ll make good company. A warning, Michael likes to run from her personal problems under the guise of doing what’s right. Be prepared for that.

As for the Sigillum Dei, if you attempt any more summoning whilst alive and inadvertently cause another Holy War, I’ll give you to Satan. He invented torture. Where my other brothers are concerned, don’t let Gabriel intimidate you. He’s all bark and no bite, especially where my twin is concerned. You’ll run across him again, I’m certain of it.

The vial is for Mica. Shove it down her throat if you have to.

Sincerely, and without a hint of malice or threat to your immortal soul,

Infernal King of Hell and the Seven Rings,
Savior of the Damned and the Fallen,
Handsome Devil, Devoted Brother, Loving Husband, and Proud Father,

Lucifer Morningstar

P.S. I’m watching. See you eventually.

Alastor was unaware if he’d just been employed, bribed, threatened, or all the above. It hardly mattered because he quite liked Lucifer already. To have direct appreciation from the Devil? Could he ask for a greater compliment?!

Unfortunately, the letter crumbled to ash and smoke, disappearing from existence. Vial and first-aid kit in hand, he went back to the kitchenette. Thankfully, she was still there, hiding in her hair. Closer up, he could see her grimace, internally at war with herself.

In hopes of lightening the mood, he held the obviously demonic vial out in front of her face and chirped, “You’ve received a gift! What a loving little family you have!”

Whatever nonsense she thought of faded away, because her expression softened. She went to grab it but he stopped her, carefully pushing her hand back down. “You’re in no condition to hold anything.”

“Not even a grudge?” She huffed, grinning gently, but not looking up.

That minuscule jab flickered bright amongst all his darkened fears. “Least of all! They’re terribly heavy from what I hear, but my open and kind heart knows no such burden so all I have is hearsay.” There was a breathy sound, one he might have equated to a chuckle at least.

“Could you hold it up? I’d like to see the bottom.”

He did that and craned around to look as well. On the narrow, diamond shaped base was another gaudy crest, this one sporting an upside down cross and other iconography. “And who might this be from?”

For a second, he thought he’d f*cked up again, since asking about demons was how this mess started anyway. Michael paused, but ultimately answered, “My sister, Belial, though she’s known as Belphegor, the Prince of Sloth, now. Several of the younglings changed their names with The Fall. Its a healing potion. Hellborn demons and the Fallen heal faster than humans, but they’re unable to heal others in most cases. Is that all Luci gave you?”

Her tone was careful, exemplifying they were no where near normal.

“A letter, actually. It was brief, but charming. You’re quite right, he is a funny sort!”

“What did he say?” Now she stared at him, adamant.

He smiled softly and stepped closer, so their legs were touching. Thankfully, she didn’t flinch away. “I can hardly betray the confidence of a king. But, it was mostly pleasantries and a little persuasion to permanently discontinue any research.”

The edges of her eyes flashed black, “He threatened you?”

“Not in so many words! He’s particularly invested in you drinking this enchanting tincture!” Alastor uncorked the top, eyeing her as he went to slip one hand behind her head. When she didn’t stop him, he poised the vial at her lips, “Whenever you’re ready Bel Zanj.”

Michael nodded and tipped her head back into his hand. With that, he poured the contents into her mouth, keeping a curious eye on her palms. As she swallowed, the cuts stitched back together, leaving fresh pink skin.

The vial disappeared in the same fashion as the letter, but he was focused on her hands. Alastor reached out to inspect it further and she let him. His fingers dragged across her palm. To call it miraculous was an understatement.

Too soon she pulled away, turning her arms to make sure the damage was gone entirely. Silence settled in heavy between them and Lucifer’s warning rang clear as a bell.

No matter what she promised him, Michael would run because he’d done something so stupid that her leaving was the only reasonable response.

“Well, I suppose you’re hungry!” He started, clasping his hands behind his back while he made no effort to move away.

“It’s best I head to the apartment,” she said quietly.

“And you very well might later on, but Moman is making jambalaya today, what with all this wet weather. She even insisted I drag you along before I left this morning!” That was a lie, but one his mother would corroborate thankfully. And if his mother was willing to lie, then it had to be for the best! Which made it more of a retroactive invitation than anything else!

Before she could protest, “Unless Moman’s cooking isn’t to your liking!”

Michael’s head shook, “Her cooking is phenomenal.”

“Excellent! Then you’ll come for dinner! You do want to eat with her, don’t you? She’s even venturing to make beignets.” Another lie, considering his beignets were actually better than Claire’s. Thankfully, his bearcat had a sweet tooth.

There was a pause and the war on her face started all over again. He’d backed into a corner of running, disappointing his mother, and lying to get out of it all. It was a cruel tactic, but he was dead set on winning. He’d lock her in a cage if it weren’t for those pesky shadows! A few stiff drinks might placate her long enough to change her mind, but that felt underhanded, even for him.

Any inch she offered him, he would tear it into a mile. And he would stitch those miles together, keeping them on the same road. By the time he was done showing her that he was sorry, that he could give her everything she ever wanted, the idea of leaving him would strike her with suffocating horror.


Claire didn’t understand exactly what was happening when her son arrived home for dinner with Michael Burr in tow. She understood a little better when the two weren’t bickering like children, as they usually did if they suspected she wasn’t looking.

She enjoyed the odd young lady’s company, that much was obvious. Not only could Michael wrangle in Alastor’s over the top personality, but she seemed to indulge in it even. Claire loved watching the two act in the childish way that Alastor had been deprived of so long ago. Michael served as a willing punching bag for his manic temperament and had a way of putting him off kilter that Claire delighted in far too much. So, for this fact alone, Michael was welcome to their home on any day under any circ*mstance.

How had the pair gotten to this bizarre point? They weren’t exactly avoiding each other, but it was every sort of wrong. Michael, while polite, had reverted back to her more stoic ways. That could almost be dismissed, but what truly set off Claire’s maternal alarm bells was Alastor.

Today, he was being uncharacteristically accommodating.

To say her son was, in his own way, taken with Michael was an understatement. Claire knew he was different, that was fine, but no parent wanted their child to be alone. Alastor had survived, then thrived, in a world that had tried to smother them. The sheer possibility that he wouldn’t be deeply alone, in any capacity, as her body started to wear and whittle away, was a greater blessing than any she could imagine.

That was why she was incomprehensibly irritated every time he jeopardized Michael’s company. At 25, soon to be 26, years old, he ought have known better! But no, not this ambitious, charming, darling, special, strange, talented boy. Dealing with people was more taxing for him than walking through a burning building!

Dinner went by, and at the end, she realized this might actually be worse than whatever he’d done near Richard’s retirement dinner.

People fought for what they wanted. Struggled and raged against the opposition, even if it was futile. Alastor was acting unlike himself in a way that was near scary and practically vying for Michael’s attention. Michael, unfortunately, was not.

The entire time she was polite and mild mannered. Anytime Alastor went to interact, testing the waters to determine what was or wasn’t acceptable, Michael only smiled and let it roll off in the most passive of ways.

What in the world had he done?

When Michael dismissed herself to the bathroom, Claire jerked her son over by the ear, stopping him dead from gathering up the beignet ingredients. He hissed and flinched and grimaced, trying to wiggle his way out of her grip, saying, “Moman, if you don’t mind, I’m trying to—”

“No,” she stated, shaking her head and popping a hand onto her hip. “What is happening?”

Exasperated, he sneered at the ceiling, rubbed his face, then breathed out before looking back down at her. “I— Ah. I’m working on it! I’m fixing it!”

“Alastor,” she started, low and even, “how bad is it?”

Instead of his usually indignant response, it was one that broke her heart. His eyes bounced to the kitchen entryway before coming back around and he looked dejected. Her son didn’t understand what it meant to yield or give in, for better or worse. He was a proud boy, and she liked that about him.

If he felt so defeated that she could see it unhidden, plain as day, on his face, it had to be bad.

She released his ear and ordered, “Go get Monday morning’s paper and leave it open on page two over the sofa arm. Then you can finish up in here.”

Alastor’s brow furrowed, and for a split second she could see his questioning nature crop up. Thankfully, he nodded and made way for her bedroom. With that, Claire went and knocked on the bathroom door, “Dou Fiy, if you don’t mind, could you fish a band-aid out of the hummingbird tin in the cabinet?”

Michael confirmed and the clattering commenced. Claire had purposefully left out which cabinet and which hummingbird tin.

All the while, Alastor held up the newspaper, unsettled by the article. His gaze shot over to her with a sweet concern, but she only smiled, nodding for him to do as instructed. He did, then she gestured for him to get back in the kitchen as she went to sit down, covering her hand. His reaction was understandable, given her personal history. That day’s paper told a terrifyingly common tale of racially motivated killings.

Michael came out to Claire, handing her the bandage. Voice laced with concern, the younger asked, “Are you alright?”

Claire took the bandage and fashioned it on her index finger. “Thank you! I don’t reckon newspapers were always that sharp, but it got the best of me today! But don’t you worry about a little paper cut.”

“I’m glad that’s all it was, at least. Uhm, thank you so much for having me for dinner, again, and on such short notice. It’s always phenomenal, but it’s best I go home before it gets any later.”

Claire smiled, pleasant and soft. “Dou Fiy, you’re always welcome here, but I thought you’d at least stay for dessert! Though, I suppose it is getting dark out earlier. Do you have somewhere else to be?”

Behind Michael, she could spy Alastor making a batter, looking alert like a spooked cat and nearly bristling.

“No, not particularly, though I’ll need to run an errand in the morning.”

Alastor nearly fumbled the mixing bowl allover the floor, eyes going wide as he white knuckled the wooden spoon. He’d not acted that skittish in the kitchen since adolescence. It was all Claire needed to put her plan into action.

Gently, she reached out and patted on Michael’s hand with a purposefully constrained look. The girl blinked, head tipping to the side as she observed the expression, “Is something wrong?”

With her free hand, Claire rubbed her mouth, trying to hide the not so vague concern. She avoided Michael’s gaze, offering a shy look to the newspaper. “These old bones can feel the weather rolling in, and a little rain won’t melt bebe, but …”

Michael also looked to the page and the blood drained from her face. Then it slacked into reserved horror as she understood the woman’s implication. Claire felt particularly guilty when the younger’s hand reflexively squeezed. Then she continued, “Things have gotten so bad lately.”

“I’ll be fine alone!” Michael offered, smiling to ease Claire’s concern. In truth, she would have worried anyway, because things were getting worse. She trusted Alastor out alone well enough, but it only took one bad day and it really was getting late. Any more she liked to imagine he wasn’t alone in those late night hours, regardless of the social implications, or was at least sleeping at the station.

“Michael, sweetie, how about you stay here tonight since you don’t have anywhere to be? I’ll get you up bright and early, but I don’t know if this old heart could handle the stress.”

Claire took both of Michael’s hands in hers, melting the poor girl with her motherly warmth. There was a strong and hesitant reaction, one where Michael’s face twisted with regretful consideration.

Behind them in the kitchen, Alastor stood frozen as if waiting to watch a train wreck. But the longer Michael paused, the further the corner of his mouth tugged upward.

Then she nodded, posture softening with defeat, “It’s fine. I can stay, if you’re concerned.”

He spun away, but Claire caught his cheek splitting grin and the restricted, celebratory jerk of his fist. The matron popped to her feet, arms going up and around Michael, patting her on the back, “That’s fantastic! Your folks are awful lucky to have such a good daughter. We’ll get these beignets made up then we’ll shuffle you off to bed! Now, bebe.”

Alastor nearly threw the bowl down on the counter. It sloshed and his hands ripped out to steady it. Afterwards, not noticing the batter dappled across his waistcoat, he sucked in a breath, reeling in his relieved exuberance, and joined them. “Wé Moman?”

Claire resisted every urge to smirk and roll her eyes at his fickle ways. “Get Michael set up in your room and I’ll finish up in the kitchen. Alright?”

“Of course! You’ll not find finer lodging this side of town, if I do say so myself! Right this way, if you don’t mind!” He chirped, hastily ushering Michael away from his mother who was already shaking her head, hoping and praying one night would be enough opportunity for her ridiculous child.

Alastor opened his bedroom door, saying a tad too loudly, “Ladies first!”

Michael hesitated, not meeting his gaze and wringing her hands still, “I’m more than happy to sleep on the couch.”

The nerves under his barely cool exterior flared, “Not at all! That would be wretched manners and Moman wouldn’t stand for it.”

It didn’t make a dent. He sighed, then leaned over a few inches, forcing himself into her field of view. With a soft, teasing tone he mentioned, “I can hear you thinking Bel Zanj.”

She looked away, took a half step back, and murmured, “I didn’t think you wanted me in your bedroom.”

His actions, no matter how senseless, would haunt him for eternity, it seemed. This time, he pushed the door wide open, walked around behind her, and guided her in by the shoulders, “I had laundry every where last time, that was all!”

His room was rather humble, all things considered and no where near as decorated or stylish as her apartment, but it suited him well enough. The wallpaper was a vaguely patterned dim orange and yellow, dappled with dark red curtains and a matching rug. He had a tasteful, matching set of walnut furniture consisting of a wardrobe, the bed, a desk and chair, a semi full bookcase, a full length mirror, and end table. Fashioned on the wall was a gun rack, made to match.

Odds and ends decorated the room, from photos to flyers to newspaper clippings. One corner hosted a radio and a chest filled with haphazard replacement parts.

All in all, the room contained quite a bit more personality than her entire apartment. Much to his dismay and annoyance, she stood in the middle, minding her own business. While hunting for his extra set of pajamas, he decide he’d bring her back in a week! Then she could drive him insane, digging through all his prized possessions while asking him a mind numbing array of questions.

“Here!” He shoved a cream and yellow flannel set into her arms.

Michael said nothing.

“What is it this time?” He ground out, the exhausting worry developing towards agitation. She could be angry and upset with him all she wanted, but that was hardly any reason to be rude.

“I could just leave after Claire goes to bed, you know.”

He crossed his arms as his smile sharpened over another wave of panic. Leaving no room for argument, he stated, “She’d be distraught! I can hardly let you put Moman in such a state, no matter the reason. You’ll simply have to suffer here. Now, get changed and I’ll be helping her in the kitchen.”

Then he went to leave, but she stopped him with a meek, oddly embarrassed tone, “These won’t fit.”

He turned around, brow quirked as he looked her over. “You’re making excuses. They’re no different than my coat.”

Her face twinged red despite a frown. Then she rolled her eyes, sat down the bottoms, and undid the top. Over her clothes, she slipped it on. For a moment, he didn’t know how to feel. There was an odd satisfaction about how she stood in his house, in his room, pulling on his shirt.

The shoulders and sleeves were laughably oversized. He snickered and grinned, brow quirking up in silent defiance.

She only huffed, then gripped each edge of the button down and pulled. That was when his face fell and his head tipped to the side. She’d grabbed and tried pulling it closed at the smallest point of her waist, but there was no give. The gap was several inches wide and the difference was even greater where the shirt skimmed beyond her hips.

“See?” She punctuated, pulling the shirt off and folding it back up. “It’s fine. It isn’t an issue to wear my clothes.”

This was a new type of terrible he couldn’t have anticipated.

First, the idea of someone sleeping in their dirty day clothes, in a bed, was ludicrous. Second, this ordeal left him with an old feeling he despised.

His entire life he’d been gangly. Lanky. Skinny. Scrawny. Emaciated. As a child, people were convinced he was being starved. At school, he’d learned to wear multiple layers in an effort to conceal just how small he was. It was the entire reason he disdained sweets. People were always trying to force sugar laden treats on him in an effort to fix his boney, knobby, sinewy body. His father made it all the worse, despising Alastor all over again for something he had no control over.

He snatched up the pajamas, forcing an amicable smile at her, eye desperate to twitch as his teeth ground together. Then he darted for the door, only pausing to demand, “Wait in the kitchen with Moman!”

There were a million benefits to having a mother who was a seamstress on the side. One was that he knew how to sew, and sew quickly. Thirty frantic, near blacked out minutes later, he held up his hasty project. He’d butchered the pajama pants into triangular panels while tearing the shirt up each side. Thankfully it was long enough already and he left four inch slits in each side just in case.

Nodding, he then went to the bathroom and grabbed his blue robe. Thankfully, it was particularly large on him and would fit her.

He laid them on his bed and went back out to the kitchen, happy to find his mother chattering away to a beignet eating Michael, even if it was to describe the more embarrassing moments of his childhood.


The world rushed in and he bolted up right, panic ripping him out of the half dazed slumber. Breathing heavy and terrified, he rushed to find his bedroom door crack, but there was no Michael. His pillow was askew but otherwise, the bed remained untouched.

Was it all a ruse? Had she coaxed him into submission and waited for him to fall asleep so she could erase herself from his world? Not this sh*t again!

If God had any mercy for him, she wouldn’t be gone!

The other rooms were empty, but the backdoor was cracked and unlocked, with only the storm door shut. He wrenched it open and was blessed with the ability to breathe. Michael was sitting on the rear porch’s top step, back against the railing with her bare legs stretched out. She’d not slept, he was sure, but her hair didn’t get the notice, flailing out and around. In contrast, her expression was metered as she stared up to the sky, the rest of her dressed in the makeshift nightgown, his robe, and moonlight.

Gently, he hissed, if only to appease himself, “Damn it, woman! Do you revel in your ability to never be where you’re supposed to? Do you have a visceral opposition to staying put?!”

“Sorry,” she murmured, giving him a soft once over before turning her eyes back up.

The pristine and clear night, decorated by the waning moon and glittering stars, proved his mother’s earlier claims to be laughably bogus. Inspired by Michael’s melancholy and his hammering pulse, Alastor moved past her and sat on the next step down. Facing out towards the yard with his socked feet on the stone walkway, he carefully leaned back. He only stopped when her arm met his spine, serving as a constant reminder that she’d not disappeared off into the shadows.

“You should be resting.” He didn’t entirely understand what drinking a potion implied, but she’d lost a lot of blood and their ordeal was nothing short of taxing. That, and there was no way for him to know what her expanded demonic abilities meant for her health.

“I tried,” was all she offered.

Back to square one, it seemed. Today felt like a month of emotional, breakneck whiplash. Of course he was grateful for the fact she sat with him at all, soft flesh molding into his far too boney spine. Actually, it felt like she was starting to lean and press into him.

“Did you mean it?” Her voice was timid, meek, and careful, words he wouldn’t use to describe her on the worst of days. Hoping to not put her off, he scoured for what exactly she could be referring to. He’d said a lot and somehow nothing at all.

Benevolent as ever in the face of his remarkable blunders, she explained in a near silent voice, “Anything I wanted?”

He beat down the urge to spin around, grinning like a fool. If he scared her off now, she might never come back. Still, it was an olive branch made of gold, meaning she had something in mind. Michael could ask him for the damn sun, and while it would take time, he’d get it. Though, he’d probably need to employ quite a few demons to do so, but he’d figure it out.

Instead, he melted further into her arm, nodding, “Anything, Michael. I’d get a dog if you asked me to.”

She bit down a laugh. He could tell because he recognized the constricted sound, coupled with the slight jostle. “That would be cruel, Alastor.”

His name on her lips, in a tone lingering between mirthful and kind, had replaced any greater power. Humbled, he offered, “It’s nothing less than what I deserve.”

Ignoring the admonishment, she asked, “What time is it?”

Still in his day clothes, prepared to dash out into the night and drag her back if it came to that, he fished out the pocket watch. “It’s still tomorrow, Bel Zanj.”

“Then I owe you the truth.”

Greed filled him, ready to finally put her suffocating past behind them, but did he even deserve that now? “You owe me nothing.”

Two fingers pinched the short hair of his nape and pulled. Alastor followed the motion, tilting his head back until it met her shoulder. Then her cheek squished down into the top of his head. Was she trying to destroy him from the inside? Or cause him to explode? He couldn’t stop his lopsided, splitting grin even though her ruthless machinations were emotionally cleaving him down the center.

Cooly, if not a bit aggravated, she reminded him, “You said anything I wanted.”

“And no matter how odd or deranged your requests become, you will find I am nothing short of accommodating!”

“Anything could be literally anything, you know,” she added, slow and warning.

“Dearest, while not all of us go around reading the dictionary for the thrill, I would bargain I have a fantastical grasp of what anything could entail. Even more so, you, kindest of hearts and shortest of tempers, would not ask me for literally anything. Though, I might have been wrong and overestimated your creativity.”

There came a ‘thwap’ to the side of his head, and damn, damn, damn, it felt good. He’d had hot baths and sublime food less rewarding than her feeling the need to reprimand him for belligerence.

“Why did you do it? Alastor, how did you get to this point?” She sped through the words, desperate to get them out of her mouth, almost as if they would hurt her if they lingered longer than necessary.

This would not be an enjoyable conversation, but he was at least prepared for it. He prefaced, “Even if I’d succeeded, it was never worth your trust.”

Her cheek pressed harder into his head, but he couldn’t discern if it was a good thing. “Then why, Alastor?”

“I imagined you wouldn’t be delighted,” she gave a dejected whine, but he persevered, “and I knew it was deceitful. A fools errand, if one ever existed! Still, I couldn’t dismiss the opportunity, not without trying. The idea blinded me, and if I could do it, if I could have some advantage, some power, then why wouldn’t I? You know this world is barbaric and brutal. You’ve seen what’s happening. Deceiving you is my regret, Michael.”

“But you don’t regret the hunt for power?” She quipped.

“It wasn’t a hunt for power. It was a hunt to protect Moman. If I could change the world, I would, but only to protect Moman.”

She nodded against his head and sighed. “I understand why. I do. You need to protect your mother. And there’s Goldie. But Alastor—”

A pitiful whimper sounded behind him, and she pulled away. Turning around, he found her arms bunched tight across her chest as she leaned all the way forward, trying to hide and shrink.

Drawing up on his knees, one of his hands slipped into hers as the other swept away the waterfall of hair.

“And you.”

Michael peaked up and her hopeful, wet gaze nearly glowed in the dim moonlight. Ideally, she would never grow accustomed to his stupefying sincerities. That would be a complete and total tragedy. Drinking in these moments of her wild eyed bewilderment felt like its own magic.

“At least Moman and Goldie are manageable,” he started, happy to be teasing her after their brief hiatus. But an inkling bubbled under the delight. Tonight, despite all he’d done, there never came a point in which he’d used his own health against her sensibilities. There was something about her dragging a knife, his knife, across her skin. Worse, he’d instigated the entire ordeal!

That left him roiling with rage. His hand slipped into her hair so he could grip the back of her neck.

Demented and sharp, he hissed, “You think you’re invincible. You certainly act like it! And how dare anyone tell you otherwise, hmm? I made one discovery with my ill-begotten research at least! Dearest darling, you aren’t! You aren’t immune to disease or knives or bullets or cars or the wicked sensibilities of man! You bleed like the rest of us and I’m unfathomably sick of you parading around like you can’t be hurt when you’ve done nothing, but force me to watch otherwise! If it’s the pain of humanity you seek, mô bet fenm, then ask for it!”

Under his trembling, she sat stone still, face coated in shock. The total lack of response spurred him on, renewing the desperation she’d forced down his throat when he was bound to the office chair. “You rendered me helpless and pathetic, like a cowering child! You stripped me of any choice or ability, and it was your own stupidity that saved you! What I did was wretched and unforgivable, but you could have died!”

Her face and voice shattered under his accusation. “I-I’m so sorry. I never, that wasn’t what … I was awful to you.”

He pulled her head into his shoulder and breathed his fury out into her hair. In a careful maneuver, he pinned her to his chest and hoisted up, slipping under her and into where she’d sat.

In return, she wrapped around and gripped at his back, squeezing more out of him, “Moman was the first person I was able to protect. My father didn’t disappear. I killed him, trying to inflict every pain he’d caused, but it will never feel like enough.”

If there was any hesitance in her arms before, there wasn’t now. Her hold solidified, pulling him in tight, “You did the right thing. This world failed you, but you were brave and strong in the face of a monster. You protected your mother. Be proud of that.”

She pulled back enough to look at him. To his surprise and relief, there wasn’t a shred of sympathy in her face, not an ounce of sadness. Michael smiled, blazing, looking at him as if he were the one made of magic. “It may not mean anything, but I am proud of you. For all the lives you’ve saved, for the souls you’ve protected, thank you.”

Why did she have to go around ripping the air out of his lungs at the most inopportune of times?

Dis she enjoy it? Was this his punishment for always puppeteering her darling little reactions? It took a second too long to regain his composure. Then he smiled, chuckling and biting down a greater laugh. This was ridiculous! There was no world where he regretted what he’d done or questioned it! But, he’d never fathomed a day where someone knew, then praised him for it! No one was ever meant to know.

“It means everything, though I don’t suspect Heaven takes recommendation letters, do they?”

Alastor, being himself and characteristically cheeky, wished he could shove the words back in his gullet! He had half a mind to wash it down with the soap his mother punished him with! She withered, turning regretful and bashful with the comment, and before he could do any amount of damage control, she said, “No, murder is a sin like any other.”

“I’m glad to hear it, actually!” Alastor mused, determined to mitigate the storm rolling in. “And I’ll have you know, I’ve already secured myself gainful employment down below!”

A sadness lingered in her face, but she managed to laugh and shake her head, “You wouldn’t even like Heaven! I imagine you’d have one look around and demand Saint Peter let you out while banging on the gates! Which, those gates are useless. They’re magic, the saved can’t cross them no matter what the barrier looks like. I should ask Gabriel about changing that.”

He snickered, “That sounds like a prison, Michael.”

She grimaced, “It wasn’t always meant to be that way. The original design was far different, but so much changed with demons and the Holy War.” There was a hefty bit to unpack there, but they put a particular bit off long enough and he refused to be distracted.

“Michael,” he called softly, afraid to startle her. She was always skittish with this topic. “How did you get here?”

“I don’t know where to start,” she murmured, slumping into him.

“What did you do?” It couldn’t be so bad, could it?

She swallowed, hands gripping harder. “I killed several of them. My soldiers, my siblings, the younglings I raised!”

Michael choked down a sob, digging her face hard into his chest while her hands clawed at his back, nearly into his skin. Alastor locked his arms around her, hard and tight, grateful she couldn’t see his wide eyed expression. This wasn’t what he’d expected to hear. She spoke so lovingly of other angels, even The Fallen.

“But you had a reason,” he insisted. Maybe it sounded like a question, but there was no world where Michael would do something so drastic without reason. Even so, the horrified tone in her voice set the same sensation in his gut.

She nodded, sucking down a rattling breath, and answered his question in a cracking voice. “Lucifer and I were signing treaties in Hell, trying to make things right. I took an envoy, as a precaution, yes, but I wanted to show them that Lucifer and the demons were not evil creatures. That they were our kin, of our blood and souls. And then it all happened so fast.”

Michael’s shuddered and he could feel her whining, biting into his shirt even, trying to push down the all consuming misery, just so she could speak.

“There was a fight outside the room. Then it devolved into chaos. Someone called for reinforcements. Another group followed, led by Raphael. They were hunting Lilith, and I didn’t know it, but she was pregnant. He’d come to kill her and the baby. I managed to stop him, but he escaped and more angels were coming. I couldn’t stop them all, they would raze Hell, and I don’t know what Raphael had done! I don’t know how he knew!”

Violent and miserable, she shook, murmuring incoherently and spiraling.

“I would have came alone! I would never endanger Lucifer’s child!” Her ragged pleas muffled against him as he started to rock her back and forth, desperately unsure of what else to do.

“He planned it all and I never saw it coming! I was so stupid! I ordered them to stop and some did but others wouldn’t!” This was all quite a bit worse than he’d imagined.

“I didn’t have a choice. I went into the gate and forced it shut. And now I’m here, soul deteriorated and serving an immortal punishment.”

A million and one questions bombarded him. And he had a million more after that about just how this atrocious situation came to be. The primary inquiry was how the f*ck was she forced out of Heaven for saving a baby? For being disobeyed? For being betrayed? What were their laws? Where the f*ck was her evil, baby killing brother?!

Then something slipped up in the maddening cacophony. He remembered Bartholomew’s words, about there being four on their family register, and Lucifer’s claims of being a proud father.

First he cooed and shushed, rocking her through the rolling sobs. When she finally relented enough to hear him, he stroked up and down her back, reminding her, “Right now, all because of you, there is a potentially deranged child running around Hell, doing who knows what! I’m no wisened figure where child rearing is concerned, but I’d suspect they’re doing quite well. They have two parents who love them dearly. And they have you.”

Michael nodded, sniffed up her tears, then pulled back. And she looked stupidly happy, beaming through reddened eyes and a raw nose. Again, she nodded, though far more profusely, and laughed, “Thank you. If you weren’t such a brazen idiot, I would have never known they were alive. But they are! They’re safe! Thank you, Alastor.”

He smiled, co*cky and daring, as he gestured at himself, shrugging, “I offer nothing but the finest entertainment. Please don’t ever doubt my talents again, lest I endeavor upon feats more brazen than you can ever imagine!”

“Please don’t overthrow my brother,” she grinned, eyes crinkling.

“Oh no, I have no interest in running a circus! Though, I may see if one of those fancy Goetic positions is available!”

Her hands clapped over her mouth, choking down a laugh, because it was a plausible thing. Wicked and greedy, he captured her wrists and ripped them away from her face. Michael’s efforts doubled as she struggled to keep it down, expression twisted with a constrained glee.

“No!” She hissed, tugging against him and sucking in a breath as her jaw tightened. “I don’t want to wake your mother!”

He dragged her hands up in the air and scoffed, “Moman sleeps like the dead.”

“I doubt the neighbors do!”

“Ha! I hope we wake up Mr. Lockheed, evil old man. Did you know he eats cats? Just scoops them up off the street!”

“You are a liar, Alastor Beauregard!”

“Resorting to legal names are we? Miss Michael Burr, oh, wait, no I forgot! It’s Michael Burr Morningstar now, isn’t it? You’re right! It’s a pompous name that is well suited to a pompous woman!”

“We can add it to the list of things we have in common!” With a downright evil smirk, she twisted. His grip on her wrists tightened as a reflex. With that, she managed to wrap his arm around her, pulling their bodies in an arc down the steps and into the yard. They rolled, her not-so-muffled giggling ruining any kind of ferocity.

He must have kicked the banister, because the porch railing shook just enough for a flower pot to crash over the edge.

“Who’s out ‘er?!” Hissed the elderly, paranoid neighbor who probably didn’t eat cats, Bertrand Lockheed.

Alastor shoved Michael off and onto her back, releasing her wrists. One arm wrapped under her neck and around to clap a hand over her mouth. His leg jutted out over her then pinned her down to the ground. A dim flashlight swung above their bodies, causing her to stop that incessant squirming.

While they waited, plastered to the grass, thankfully shielded by some of his mother’s camellia bushes, Michael decided this was the best time to be the absolute menace she was.

Something inched up his side, squirming and wiggling into his ribs. He jerked, spine wrenching as his hand squeezed and jostled her face. She didn’t relent, following his arched back with both hands, trapping the leg meant to keep her down.

He gave a strangled, ungodly noise when her fingers dug in again, trying to jerk himself free from her demonic grasp! His hand flew from her mouth to her elbow, ripping it to the side until he could catch her wrist, as his other captured her closest hand and pulled it across his chest. At last, he had her trapped.

They sucked in a breath, staring at each other when Mr. Lockheed’s door clattered, the flashlight reappearing. The old man hissed out into the night, “You gunna catch ‘is here lead if you try take sum’in.”

This time, the light did not retreat, so they laid there for an indeterminate amount of time, staring up into the night sky.

Even though the coast was clear, Michael inched her head over and whispered, “You’re the strangest person I’ve ever met.”

Despite his volume being low, Alastor responded with his usual flair, “And I’ll wear that with pride! All the while, you’re the most absurd I’ve ever met!”

“The most absurd what?” She pressed, nestling her head until it fit properly on his arm.

He released her wrist, then jabbed a finger into her cheek, “Exactly! I hardly have a name for the oddity you are! Who else ventures out into the dark to stare up at stars that will be there tomorrow?”

“Plenty of humans! It’s its own field of study. And, it’s silly, but nice to look at beings as old as I am, and to watch them coexist so peacefully.”

Her age was an impossible thing for him to fathom, because like anyone else he knew, she didn’t know everything. Actually, she knew quite a bit less where certain aspects were concerned. Though, he would give it to her that being alive forever, constantly working against all the other forces in existence, sounded exhausting. And given what he’d learned tonight, remarkably lonely.

In an effort to find a far more pleasant topic, one that never failed to distract her into a dizzyingly thrilled state, he jabbed upwards, “What is that star? The bright one.”

“It isn’t a star,” she yawned. “That’s Jupiter, a planet. It has several moons and a massive red storm that can be seen with powerful telescopes. Astronomers believe it to be larger than Earth a few times over.”

“And that?” He pointed again, a finger trailing out above them, chasing a little streak that lived and died in the same breath. He’d seen plenty of stars and falling stars, and apparently planets, but he didn’t actually know much about them.

“A meteor. Little chunks of rock that enters Earth’s atmosphere so fast, they burn.”

“I thought they were called comets?” He actually knew what they were called, but this wasn’t an area he needed to prevail in.

Michael yawned again and shook her head, “Mhmm, comets, like planets, make loops around the sun and slingshot back over time. Meteors can be made from comets though. They become broken up by gravity or other things, allegedly. Then they’re small enough to be caught by a larger body’s gravity and burn.”

He peeked over, finding her eyes closed as she explained with a sleepy grin.

“I think you should get to bed, Bel Zanj.”

“No, I want to keep looking,” she half-heartedly pouted.

Alastor bit down a scoff, rolled his eyes, and adjusted his arm behind his head. “Fine, one more.”

Three blazing trails later, they were both asleep.


Something nudged his thigh.

As if it were the only thing he was good at, Alastor startled awake, blinking up and squinting. Sans his glasses, which had to be somewhere, experience told him it was his mother towering above him in the barely there dawn.

In the nick of time, he located the glasses on his head and pushed them down onto his nose with a yawn. “Bonjou Moman.”

“Bonjou bebe. Tell me, did you have fun last night?”

What was that tone? It struck him as odd, mirthful and mischievous, as he went to sit up. But he couldn’t. Curled against his side in the dewy grass, head tucked, and clinging to his arm, was Michael.

Embarrassment struck him like a whip and he went to jerk his arm free, but Claire hissed, toe jabbing his leg again, “Don’t you go waking her. You’ve got plenty of time, since you aren’t on air this morning.”

That left him there, half laying on the damp ground with a woman in front of his mother and all the world, his face burning, eye twitching, grin breaking.

Claire barely held down her amusem*nt! She gave an impish and constricted laugh, one hand shooting up to cover the sound as her eyes crinkled. She even had to look away! All the while she shoved out a mug of hot coffee.

Alastor snatched at it, staring and silently imploring her to leave! She did no such thing, unable to pass on seeing the unprecedented, outlandish happenstance.

“Can I help you, Moman?” He ground out, no longer willing to indulge his mother’s sad*stic tendencies. At least, passively. There was still the active matter of his ex-communicated archangel dozing on his arm.

“Not at all. I went out to get the milk this morning and Mr. Lockheed comes right up to the fence, rifle slung over his shoulder. Thought he saw a someone prowling around last night. When I didn’t find you or Dou Fiy this morning, I was worried. Imagine my relief and surprise when I come out here to find you’ve taking up camping! Though, I don’t reckon this is how it’s done?”

He breathed out, eye still twitching, and managed a drink of the coffee, trying to ease this situation by any means!

“There’s breakfast,” Claire offered, still smiling in a manner that left Alastor wondering if he made people feel this exact way. And if he did, then he was far more intimidating than he’d realized!

“That’s awfully kind of you! Shame I’m not permitted up to enjoy it.”

She snorted, then gathered her skirt to squat down. That loving and gentle gaze drifted from him to Michael before musing, “Funny thing, isn’t she?”

“Funny as a hailstorm in August.” It came out before he could catch it and even worse was the cheek burning smile that refused to dwindle.

His mother nodded and chuckled, “I’m sure her sweetheart would think so.”

That killed every positive thing he ever felt. Shoved it right off a cliff into a murderous ravine where starving gators waited! In a near growl, he asked, “I suppose you wouldn’t care to clarify on that, would you mother?”

“Well, it isn’t any of my business,” Claire shrugged, standing back up. Alastor stared at her, his throat and half-formed snarl tight with a biting retort. His mother loved to play wicked games and pressing her never served him. A second later, after taking her pleasant time to look around, she continued, feigning concern, “but I imagine whatever beau Michael has wouldn’t look kindly upon this. I know you’re just good friends, but a lot of folks wouldn’t understand that.”

“There is no beau!” He snapped.

“Oh?” She hummed, tapping her chin, “If there isn’t now, which, bebe most ladies have one or two waiting around until the last minute unfortunately. And Dou Fiy here is a catch. I’m sure it won’t be long now. I just hope she’ll make time to visit, is all.”

“What is that supposed to mean?!” He hissed, half chasing his mother down with his gaze while the other half tried to wrangle free of Michael.

Claire waved her hand dismissively, “You know how things are, Alastor. A fella comes along, promises her anything and everything, tells her he loves her, and then, like that, she’s off on some grand adventure. I hope she’s that lucky, at least. But don’t you worry, you’ll see her plenty at the station. She doesn’t seem the type to give up her career, thank Heavens.”

Alastor’s eyes blew wide, like they might jump out of his skull, and his jaw unhinged, clunking against the coffee mug. Then his mother rolled out like the tail end of a hurricane, breaking down all his reliable structures and leaving him to drown in new understanding.

Slowly, as if he were afraid to look at Michael, he peered down. She was still asleep, looking better than she should for a woman who’d only slept a few hours in the damp air.

Nothing had changed.

Everything had changed.

He loved Michael, that was still as true as it had been before Claire’s calamitous claims! As of late, they had that grand adventure piece down to an art. Where anything and everything was concerned, Alastor had wholeheartedly offered her one. The other was implied. All she needed to do was ask for it.

But what if she truly wanted everything?

Loving her was something he just did! It was hardly an aspect of his life he needed to think of! It certainly wasn’t what he would call an active decision! And there weren’t any suitors waiting around to his knowledge. She’d even refused the offer to move to Hell!

But what of Gabriel? She’d mentioned him last night. No matter what, for better or most likely worse, that fellow was never far from her mind.

And there was that damn mother! These ridiculous family dinners were only growing more frequent.

What was he supposed to do though?

Do people just say that? Then what? Would she change? Anytime he’d known anyone to be in love they acted like sick fools! Wexler, for example, and not over Michael even. Weeks after that unfortunate incident, his mentee had made quite the rebound with the shop girl from Ashburn’s. That was a disgusting display, to be sure.

As far as other examples went, Dina and Dennis were … he didn’t know. He absolutely did not want to know, especially after her ungodly comment yesterday morning about crawling!


Did Michael want that? Did angels do that?


But they did. Lucifer had a child. Lilith had been pregnant.

Did Michael …

Alastor swallowed the ordeal, throwing the entirety of the overwhelming fiasco away. This had nothing to do with having children! People didn’t need love to marry or raise offspring. It surely hadn’t been necessary where his own existence was concerned, because there was no way his father could have ever loved his mother.

He needed to focus on the real issue. If he didn’t tell Michael, someone would! And then she’d leave! And then he’d have to kill the sap, then she would actually hate him, then he’d go to Hell, and Lucifer would have Satan torture him or the crown demon baby of Hell would feast on his organs for the next several thousand years. The latter half of that concern wasn’t what bothered him.

He wanted Michael. He wanted her to stay right where she was, stupidly clung to his arm after rolling around and arguing into the night.

Would telling her be so terrible? There was a very good chance nothing would change! Even after all he’d done, she’d stayed. He wasn’t someone who was easy to care for, he could admit that. But she did even if he’d done nothing to deserve that kind of loyalty.

What if she did change though? Or what if he did? What if she was there everyday for the rest of his life, not just at the station? What if she was with him through everything? Through the holidays and the weather and the inevitable miseries and impending victories? And Claire would be more than ecstatic which was certainly an upside.

She was already his, after all. What were a few extra steps? He highly doubted Michael would turn into someone like her mother or Dina.

And what if she was his and everyone knew? That every hopeful dimwit was turned away with their tails tucked because of him and not because he’d slit their throats?

Alastor smiled, gently reaching over to pluck the hair from her face. When his finger grazed her cheek, her head ventured further into the touch. He chuckled and shook his head, stroking down her cheek to her jawline.

There was no going back now. Michael had done something unfathomable to him. She’d cut him free from the mindlessness of humanity, but now he was going to chain himself to her or die trying. And even the dying would be more of a momentary detour as opposed to a barrier. Alastor suspected he had an ally in Lucifer, even.

Still, he needed to speak with someone who could give him insight as to what he was supposed to do or what might happen next. It would be devastatingly embarrassing if Michael knew more about this subject than he did. So he needed examples.

The only real examples, ones that could potentially get him through this rapid onset nightmare was Giuseppe, whose wife had died four years ago, and Richard.

Somehow, his old, gruff, retired mentor had managed not one, but two successful long term relationships and not just with a woman! Alastor was well aware that Richard had loved his wife, who had died in an unfortunate accident. Though, the relationship between he and Dmitry felt far more realistic and relatable than the diabetic shock that typical relationships were advertised to be.

Michael twitched, causing Alastor to pull back, embarrassed. He’d been so bogged down in thought that he’d started mindlessly twirling through the hair by her ear.

First her nose twitched. He grinned, bringing the coffee cup over and drawing it briefly under her nose. Lost to the daze, her hands came up searching for the scent of hot coffee.

Defeated, he shoved the warm mug in her hands and she smiled, still half asleep, nearly purring as she sipped. All the while, he held his head in his hands, looking at her untortured state. There was a peace there now, tucked warmly into those silly little mannerisms when she wasn’t conscious enough to be ever suffering.

“Good morning,” she yawned, a sleepy smile plastered on her face.

He huffed, grinning, “Bonjou, Bel Zanj. Care for breakfast?”

“Yes please,” she mumbled out, starting to stumble out of the daze. Gently he took the mug back, purposefully grazing his hand on hers, testing the waters again.

There could be a million of these days, where he could torture and care for his angel. He’d already done the important parts after all, demanding she be by his side in exchange for his unyielding devotion. What was one little admittance?

What if she wanted the same thing?

Her eyes opened, striking him with a ferocity that ought have been an attack! He jumped to his feet, rattling all over again, backing down from the titan in his mind. Unceremoniously, he dragged her up, stomach starting to turn.

Despite having a not-so-cohesive plan, there was no way to out think the nerves that liquified his knees.

Maybe he should just do it now!

No. He knew that some amount of decorum was needed for this. He would not half ass this for it to all blow over in his face! Thankfully he still had that etiquette book from his younger years, so maybe that would have an inkling of what to do.

He’d find the book. He’d traipse over to Richard’s during his lunch break. He’d tell her he loved her. Then, that would be it, forever.

There were no other options!


Hopefully you don't hate me.



There's a lot of info smashed in this chapter, but I don't like exposition for the sake of it, even if it is important.

BUT Alastor has a lot of questions that will be addressed. IF YOU GUYS have questions, please submit them and I'll do my best to tie in the clarifications where I can. We def revisit what Michael has been through over the next couple chapters because she does have a lot of history.

So, please do! Unless you don't want to. Which, that's cool!

Fun recap of previous chapter:
[while doing the thing Alastor actually did not do]
Alastor: Alright, ngl, it's kinda hot

Chapter 82: Advice


Michael and Alastor have a lot of plans this Friday.


Yeah yeah yeah.

I know, I know. I said HAH I said "I'm gonna be gone in May!" WELL I WAS SUPPOSED TO.


In honor of the next chapter and all their anxieties because I'm not a bitch:

I Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You - Morton Harket (Cover??)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“And here I thought retirement would return the pep in your step and a gleam to your eye!” Alastor quipped, grinning and leaning in Richard’s doorway.

The man was barely decent, wearing only work pants, half-off suspenders, and socks, while his already weathered brow creased further. Richard gave Alastor a long look over before scoffing and crossing his thick arms, “Mike fire you this time?”

“Heavens no!” It felt wrong to reference Heaven in some glorified way now that he thoroughly despised that realm. “What do you have against my checking in on your wellbeing? Surely you don’t expect me to leave all your tender care to Dmitry?”

Richard huffed, eyed the fresh box of cigars in Alastor’s hand, then waved him in. “Since you ain’t here to mope, what you lookin’ for, kid?”

“Alastor! It is good to see you!” Dmitry called in that charming accent from the breakfast nook, nursing a cigarette and pastry.

“Your eyesight is superior to mine, so I’ll have to take your word for it! I do hope the day is treating you well, good sir.” The Grecian was a rather perky fellow, very much the sunshine to every rain cloud that made up Richard’s personality. Said personality pointed to an open chair and Alastor took it, cradling his hands over his tightly crossed legs.

In an effort to swallow the impending embarrassment of just what he was asking, and to who, he opted for pleasantries. “And how are the new pipes holding up?”

“They’re pipes, they don’t hold nothin’ up,” Richard huffed. The man poured some coffee into a mug, then gave Alastor a suspicious glance. Then he pulled down a bottle of whisky, poured in a glug, and shoved it towards Alastor before adding, “Drink. You’re spooked.”

“Spooked?! Hah! What nonsense!” As he got the bullsh*t out, he took the burning bitter concoction down. Richard couldn’t make coffee.

“What’d you do?”

“Would everyone stop asking me that?!” Alastor bit out, half smiling and half baring his teeth. From the corner, Dmitry gave a snicker.

“No,” Richard deadpanned, pulling out one of the new cigars, “cause you usually do somethin’. Ah, put your claws away there. You don’t look too bad off. Can’t be as bad as when Mike gave you the cold shoulder. Thought you’d damn near implode that day.”

Alastor’s eye twitched with a new fury as a heat rushed up his neck and onto his ears.

Richard mirrored the action, his face turning red as he choked. Dmitry rushed over, but the kitchen filled with a raucous laughter as a gnarled, meaty fist banged on the table.

Dmitry shoved a glass of water into Richard’s face, cursing something in Greek, before asking, “Alastor, is everything alright? Can we help you with something?”

No time like the present, he supposed, and maybe it was best to ask while Richard was still chugging the water. Steeling himself, he bluntly ripped the question out of his mouth, waving a hand out between the men. “How did this happen?!”

Richard’s head jerked back to Alastor, eyes narrowed. All the while, he leaned forward, nudging Dmitry away in a protective manner. “You better ask a different question, Al.”

Dmitry’s concern etched down his face, but he pulled back on Richard’s shoulder, “There is no point in hiding it from him, Richie.”

Alastor rolled his eyes, “Your being men is far from my concern! I’ve known for years!”

The older gentlemen shared a relieved but confused look before swallowing. Dmitry smiled, eyebrows and shoulders popping up, “You always say that he is a sharp young man.”

Richard huffed, nodded, then turned back to Alastor, looking nearly bashful, “Well, uh, what is ‘this’ then?”

Alastor sucked in a breath, then took another long drink of the gritty concoction in the mug. “Your cohabitation. That you are--” he brought his hands up, then softly pushed his palms together, “with one another.”

Richard put his elbows on his knees and leaned in further, more confused than Alastor had ever seen him. “You’re asking how our relationship started?”

“Yes! Precisely that! Is there a procedure? A sort of expectation? Decorum? Does it happen at a specific time?”

A practically evil grin spread across Richard’s unshaven face. “You’re gonna do it, ain’t you?”

Alastor’s expression tightened as he looked away, body drawing up ramrod straight. He cleared his throat and nodded.

A thick hand clapped down on his shoulder, causing him to half jump out of his skin! And he almost snapped at his mentor for the gesture, but there was a sense of warmth on Richard’s face. His wizened dark eyes crinkled deep as the corner of his mouth curled up and those fuzzy brows came together. The gesture happened again, but it was far softer than before, followed by a squeeze and short jostle.

Richard finally sat back, nodding and proud. “Good. You ought say somethin’ to her. Put the rest of us out of our misery.”

“Misery? Ha! I’m the only one suffering here!”

That was when Richard laughed all over again as Dmitry chuckled, before adding, “He means that we want you to be happy.”

“Yeah, we’ll all be happy, alright. Gonna have to find somewhere else to get our kicks, though.”

Why had he brought this horrifying situation upon himself?! “Yes, yes, enjoy your sadism and thank you for nothing!”

“Now, don’t be a little brat. You stay right there and hush, kid. I’ll tell you all about it, you belligerent whelp.” Begrudgingly, Alastor did just that because he simply had no other options. He supposed, once it was all said and done and his little venture was over, he would owe Richard that proverbial pound of flesh. Depending on the degree of success, perhaps a literal one could be arranged. Animal, though. A steak or two, maybe.

Now Richard was rubbing his chin, thinking, “So you really want to do this? It ain’t somethin’ you say and take back.”

Alastor crossed his arms, but one flung out, “I would hardly be here otherwise!”

There came a considering noise from Richard, who then shrugged. “There really ain’t much to it. You get to know ‘em. You figure out you wanna say it. Then you tell her how you feel and hope for the best.”

“That’s it?” That hardly seemed reasonable! Every person he’d known and every picture show or book made this out to be some end all be all of society, but all he was supposed to do was just say it?

“Yep. Some folks like to make it special, reckon.”

Dmitry chimed in, wistful and smiling off out the window, “All that matters is if you mean it and care for them. Though, ladies will appreciate the effort to make it a memory.”

“And afterwards?” Alastor asked, looking mindless and younger than he ever had.

Two meaty hands flopped upward. “That’s up to you and Mike, together. Ain’t no two things the same. Best-case scenario, she feels the same way.”

Alastor frowned, concern settling on his face as he asked, “And the worst?”

Richard grimaced and scratched his scruff. After a half second of debating, he decided on the truth. “She rejects you and never wants to see you again.”

Being kicked in the gut would have been far preferable than that idea! Alastor’s heart rate picked up, going from steady to a threatening trot as his finger whipped out. “Have your fun elsewhere, Richard! This is hardly the time for jabs!”

Gently, the older said, “I ain’t jabbin’, Al.”

At no point in his epic morning adventure had he considered Michael potentially rejecting him. There’d been no notion of it! But what had he expected?

Yet again, his natural aptitude for most things failed when it came to foresight. The spiraling staircase of his mind turned into a sky-scraping hurdle, causing him to flail and slide until he hit the jagged bottom of the possibility.

If she didn’t like what he had to say, then he would have to deal with the fallout. Would she be disgusted or insulted or terrified? What if he was too poor, too colored, too ugly, too mean, too stupid, too demanding? There were a million things other people hated about him. Or what if he’d been right the first time? What if he was so far below her that he was nothing but a plaything in the hands of an immortal?

But she treated him as if he were the one who’d help spin existence together. She followed him and trusted him, even after all he’d done.

Insecurity and everything he knew about how the world saw him warred with everything he’d heard directly from Michael.

Richard clapped, drawing his attention back. “Aye, don’t take it too hard. She might not, but you gotta be prepared. Why, you havin’ second thoughts?”

Was he? The prospect was terrifying.

“How would that even be possible?!” He spewed, eyes wide as the left one twitched. His hands bunched into his slacks, mauling the poor fabric. She couldn’t possibly hate him for this!

Richard shrugged, tapping off some of the cigar ash. “Jeanie rejected me the first time I asked ‘er out. Reckon, being a woman and havin’ the right to tell fellas to piss off has somethin’ to do with the how. As for the why? Eh, she might not feel that way about you.”

Alastor’s panicked silence was deafening. So Richard cut him some slack, “Or she’s waiting’.”

“Waiting on what?” The response was too quick, too desperate. He leaned over the table, hands splayed out flat as his eyes glued to the older.

“Seriously, Al? You’re too old for this. Listen kid, most ladies don’t--” Richard gave a quick glance to Dmitry, who only chuckled and winked. “Ugh. Like I said, best-case scenario, she feels the same way. But you ain’t an easy one to read. Al, if you don’t tell her, she’ll never know. Think about it. Really think about it, Alastor. What if she feels the same way?”

Salvation. Conquest. Power. Pride. Peace. Those mindless rambles. Hot coffee dappling the time between their sparring matches and bickering battles. All their success at the station. If she felt the same way, if he could willingly indisputably have Michael, the world would make sense and there wouldn’t be a single day where he was unstoppable.

It could be a gamble, but being a good hunter meant trusting his instinct and ignoring those nerves at the crest of a critical moment. So he thought about it. He took a page from Michael’s book and laid the world out, looking at the connecting threads, what they could mean, and how they went together.

There was no denying that last night and this morning she’d clung to him as if she would die if he let go. And who knew him better? Who knew her? Only the other, and they were no different. Trapped and vilified, scraping at their cages. She was every antithesis of him. The mirror that reflected him. Michael cleared the fog and showed him what it truly meant to be powerful.

And there was a future laid out before him where she felt the same way. Where she wanted everything he did.

“Now what do I do?”

“Go tell her. Well, you might take her on a date first. A real one, not just you two slingin’ around town and over at Slim’s. It don’t matter if it’s somethin’ fancy or some sh*t, but make it count. Best to figure out what you want to say, actually. You tell her, and you make sure she understands what you’re saying. No room for guessing games, you got it?”

Alastor nodded profusely, shooting to his feet. “Gentlemen, berries as it's been, it’s time I take my leave! Plenty of things to do at the station before the evening broadcast!”

Richard snorted, “Yeah, yeah. Get on out of here, Al. We’ll drop by sometime next week for lunch to see if you’re still alive.”

“There’s worse things than dying!” Alastor admitted, forcibly shaking his mentor’s hand, then Dmitry’s, nearly vibrating out of his skin. There was no way to stop him from racing out of the quaint home, leaving Richard shaking his head.

“Richie,” hummed Dmitry, eyes trailing softly over his gruff lover’s exterior, “I thought you said Michael was in love with Alastor? That it is obvious.”

There came a snort. “Yeah, Mike’s got it bad for Al. Seen her almost pass out a couple times cause she stops breathin’ when she gets to starin’ too long. One day, she took to squirreling away the food brought in by one of the new kids so Al would grab lunch with her. The worst was when she stashed his glasses for an hour.”

“That is rather drastic. Why would she do that?”

“Every body thinks he’s the mean one. Day before, Al was havin’ issues readin’. Reckon he needs a new prescription and was being stubborn about it. Well, it wasn’t any better the next day, so she hid ‘em in the broadcast room cabinet and promised to help him find ‘em later. In the meantime, she sat there readin’ his notes back to him.”

Dmitry snorted and shook his head. “It sounds like they deserve each other. Don’t you think it is awful rude to worry poor Alastor, when she feels the same way? Maybe you should have told him.”

His hand drifted over, intertwining with Dmitry’s. “Nah. Them kids got it bad, but they ain’t doin’ anyone any favors actin’ like brats. And there ain’t nothin’ poor about Al. He’s the kinda kid that’s gotta learn the hard way and Mike needs to grow a pair and own up to it. Shame though.”

“Oh? How so?” Dmitry purred, standing up and coming over to drape his arms across Richard’s shoulders.

“We’re gonna lose that bettin’ pool.”


Nothing over the eons could have prepared her for today. Michael’s stomach fell into her ankles. She was ready to double over with nausea, but she needed to do this. It had to be done. She wanted to!

Guilt shook and rattled through her. Maybe this was evil and sinful. What if Goldie truly loved Alastor and wanted him? Michael shook her head, chasing the thought away. Even if the poor girl did, she’d had any and every opportunity to do something about it!

Alastor might not have loved Goldie in that way, but Michael had primarily seen humans married for security and comfort. The possibility existed regardless, and she still couldn’t account for how Goldie did or did not feel.

There was no way Alastor could lead a life balancing a perfectly kind, sincere, loving wife with his unfortunate hobby. And this was for Goldie’s sake, too! What if she ever found out and turned him in to the police? Or worse? Alastor would never hurt her, but what if he made enemies? What if someone thought she was his co-conspirator?

This was the right decision. The best circ*mstance for everyone involved! Alastor needed someone who understood him. Who could fight with him and have nerves of steel and not be swayed by the moral conundrums of humanity.

While she’d not do any hunting, as he preferred to call it, she didn’t feel a need to stop him. She had no right. Not when he was protecting people, doing what she couldn’t. He wasn’t destroying their souls even, just moving them along to Lucifer and getting them away from innocents. Once upon a time, Michael vowed to not interfere with human livelihoods any more. But now?

She was a human, mostly. These were her people now. And he was hers.

How could she be immortal yet never feel alive? Alastor was everything. Breath in her body. Light in her eyes. The lightning that brought her into the waking world and filled her with hope. With want. With ambition. With love. There was one soul on her side and she’d tear the world in half to keep him.

So, the least she could do was tell Goldie to give her some notice, just in case. Not giving him away didn’t mean being cruel to someone who loved him so dearly. Michael sucked in a breath, screwed her eyes shut, and raised her fist to knock on the door.


Her eyes popped open with a squeak, finding Goldie’s petite frame under her arm. “Goldie! It’s wonderful to see you! I’ve come to drop off some, uhm, some fabric! Yes, my mother loved the dress you made and wanted to see about getting one done and if you could find a similar fabric, but maybe in an indigo hue?”

The beautiful young woman looked at her in total confusion. “What fabric?”

Alastor might not want her though! The thought hurt. Even though she could settle for being as close as they were, there was no way she could stomach seeing him with someone else. It wouldn’t be that long. Whatever was left of this life, two days or a year, it didn’t matter.

Since when was she so disgustingly selfish?

Michael couldn’t do this. She had no right!

Gabriel was always right. No good could come from getting involved with humans.

“Oh goodness, can’t you believe it! I must have left it on the bus! I can come back another time with a different sample!”

“Michael,” Goldie punctuated, stepping back from the doorway, commanding but gentle, “I have a feeling you didn’t march to this part of town for a scrap of fabric on a Friday evening.”

Michael’s facade wavered. After a second, she abandoned it completely, nodding. “You’re right. I’m sorry for lying to you.”

“Come in for tea? Momma and Poppa stepped out with my sisters so we can talk if you’d like.” She stepped in, nerves rattling.

Once she heard the door latch, her mouth burst open. “I’m very sorry for what I have to say, but I hope you can hear me out, please.”

Goldie smiled, hand on her hip. “You’re in love with Alastor.”

The look on her face must have been something. Goldie started giggling gently, taking her arm and guiding them to the kitchen. “Do you think everyone is blind? Uncle Dale and Miss O’Kelly were talking about it just last night at Momma’s card game. There’s a community betting pool. Charles, Dina, Richard, and Auntie Claire are in on it, too. The pot is up to two-hundred dollars.”

The wind sucked out of her lungs, dumbstruck. Hindsight being 20/20 and all that, Michael could very well recall some strangely placed grins when they were out and about. Not to mention the time at the dance hall. Their entire community knew and watched her fawn over him like a lovesick puppy!

Blood rushed to her face, beating her hands there. “It is obvious, isn’t it?”

Goldie gave her a soft, disbelieving laugh before going through the motions of pouring tea and grabbing cookies from a jar.

“To everyone but him. He thinks himself clever, but oh, can he be out there. Before seeing you two together, I might have seriously considered Alastor, if he ever proposed. He’d make a good husband. A good job, treats my sisters like princesses, easy on the eyes, and sharp, but he’s also the brother I never had. I know he loves me in his own way, but not like that. And I couldn’t make him happy. He can’t be charmed or flirted with. I don’t know if I’d be happy either. Anytime I try to have a deeper conversation with him, it feels odd. Like talking to the man in the can and not the boy I grew up with. He changed a lot when his daddy left, but that isn’t my story to tell.”

Michael nodded emphatically, not pressing on the tidbit because she was elated. She didn’t know what to say now. Goldie, being infinitely smarter, it seemed, noticed that.

“You’re both strange ducks, so if you can make him happy, you’ve got my blessing.”

Michael jumped forward, squeezing the life out of Goldie in a hug. There’d been so much fear and worry that she’d done a great disservice to this fantastic woman. Of course she’d come prepared to not let Alastor go, no matter the feelings involved, but this was a far sweeter resolution.

“I could introduce you to my brother Ernest! He’ll be joining me at the station tomorrow if you’d like to drop by?” The words shot out of her mouth before they could be beat down.

Goldie looked terribly awkward, trying to not meet her gaze. Michael felt selfish at first, taking a fine suitor from a community for her own selfish gain. Perhaps this wasn’t the best solution to her guilt, despite that Ernest had been quite keen to meet Goldie after seeing her one day in passing.

Oh Father, help her, she was becoming like Evelynn, trying to play matchmaker! Michael composed herself and stepped back. “I’m sorry for my rudeness. You’ve been nothing but kind and friendly and here I am, being terrible.”

Goldie patted Michael’s arm, consoling her despite the short sighted idea. “It’s alright. I understand, but I have someone.”


Goldie morphed in a way Michael had never seen.

She wore a bashful smile, teeth caught on her bottom lip as she stared away, letting delicate curls fall into her face. After a deep breath and uncharacteristic squeal, Goldie composed herself and sat down, taking a heavy drink of tea. “I don’t suppose you’ve met Mr. Fong’s second son? Everyone calls him T.K., but his name is Tao. We’ve been trading languages and I’ll help him run the business when we get married.”

Michael nearly spat her tea. “You’re getting married?!”

Goldie fidgeted, unable to hold down her grin. “I sure hope so. It’ll be disappointing if we don’t since he proposed and all. He tied up a bunch of paper lanterns and made all these decorations. I’d never seen anything so beautiful and vibrant. We’ve not told anyone yet, since his daddy is sick.”

But now there was a greater concern. “What about your work at the paper?”

The younger smiled, looking smug and sly. “Well, no one by the name of Goldie Harrison works for the paper or writes those scathing reports. That’s Devlin McCormick. So, I suppose it’ll look good if I’m at Fong’s from time to time in the future. No one would suspect a working little house wife to be the one riffling through their misdeeds.”

“That’s awful brave of Mr. McCormick,” Michael grinned. “If there’s ever something my family or businesses can help with concerning those investigations, please let me know.”

They toasted with their tea cups, giggling, moving along to discuss what Goldie was currently investigating and that maybe she should learn a little more than self-defense.


Ight, ight. Sorry. Uh. This is a short chapter because like, EVERYONE I KNOW is having a sh*t May. WE'RE LIKE FIVE DAYS IN????!?!?

This is short because I was gonna lump it into the next chapter, but I want to go back to short format (3k - 7k ish words) for a bit. I know everyone hates short format but I just tired. Or I was. I am? I don't know.

So I had this ready and I thought it was cute.

This is for everyone having a trash week because we have something good to look forward to SOON.


Like, in a coupleish kinda days kinda soon. Peace out star scouts.

Chapter 83: Both


Both of them are idiots. Happy idiots.



Adelaide Hall & Duke Ellington - Creole Love Call

And this one:
Shawn Mendes - There's Nothing Holding Me Back

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Today, he was proud of himself. It was self-restraint all around.

The first came with his resolve to not half-ass his Michael-centric endeavor, despite all those pesky nerves. After meeting with Richard and Dmitry, he’d done nothing but work and spin his wheels on exactly what he should do. The option of nothing was horrifying. If someone tried to do nothing for Goldie while opting to commandeer her affections, he’d bar the grifter from her life entirely! Thankfully, she was still young and he had plenty of time before needing to deal with that situation!

By the time the evening broadcast started, which now ran later on Fridays, he’d not spoke with Michael on more than a few advertising adjustments.

His second instance of self-improvement came when he’d realized Michael was not in the station when the evening broadcast concluded. So he sat in her office and waited, forcing himself to not assume the worst of fates. She’d been more than agreeable all day, regardless of their demon summoning less than 24 hours ago.

“Sorry, there was a longer wait at the restaurant than usual. Seems quite a bit of travelers are in the city this weekend,” she puffed apologetically, waltzing in from a shadow while fussing with a paper bag filled with what smelled of Mexican food. “I thought we could eat here and save time since we extended the broadcast. Do you think we should take on another host? Oh, I’ll go get plates. Do you want— What are you doing?”

To hide it, Michael kept the still unused sword wrapped and stashed under the bookcases, alongside the metal pole she’d adopted. In an effort to quell his earlier jitters and have something to do, he’d pulled it out, curious to finally see it up close.

Now he was holding it, clumsily wobbling it around in his hand. The weight was awkward, but it wasn’t what he would consider heavy and it certainly wasn’t sharp, even if it had a dastardly tip.

“I wanted to see what all the fuss was about! I hardly see how this is more suitable than a gun!”

She gave him a silly, judgemental look as she unpacked the food onto the coffee table. “Guns are a relatively new invention, mind you. I’d not even seen one until …”

He could fill in the gaps. She’d not seen a gun until after she became human. So he pivoted the topic.

“And you’ve decided to spare this poor hunk of metal your wrath? Is it too well-bred which is why you abuse that impoverished pipe?” He prattled, pointing it at her with a goading grin.

Her posture shifted, co*cky and knowing, as her eyes rolled over him. She came over and fashioned the tip of her finger under the blade and pushed upward. “You’ve never held a sword and it shows.” But her confidence wavered, replaced with something bashful. “I’m more comfortable with something akin to a staff. It’s nice to maneuver something similar to my glaive. Unfortunately, it is a difficult weapon to use in full plate armor and on horseback, thus my reluctant switch. This one is a bit long for my taste, where swords are concerned, since it uh, well, it wasn’t made for me. The one I broke was shorter and thinner.”

Why did she give him, a blatant opportunist, an undeniably tempting opening? Really, she had to be smarter! His grip on the weapon solidified, body mimicking the time he’d watched her on the roof. Steeling his arm and shoulders, he gently brought the blade up and situated it right under her chin.

“How sweet of you, to bring me something deadly.”

She tried biting down her smile but it barely worked, “What can I say? It’s no fun fighting alone.”

He brought the tip up a hair more, tilting her head up to face him better. “With or against, Bel Zanj?”

Now that excited smile was on full display. “Both.”

Was it trust or stupidity that regularly plagued her? Because even with a weapon quite literally against her skin, she looked at him with soft eyes. She took a meager side step then walked forward, her neck barely grazing the blunted edge while lauding, “You were paying attention. Here, like this.”

One hand wrapped around the hilt with his as she maneuvered his grip. Then she readjusted his shoulders and feet before taking a step back. After an appraising look, she nodded. “If it weren’t for your personality, you might have made an unmatched knight.”

“There’s no venture I would fail at, Bel Zanj!” Belligerent confidence was a hallmark of his supposedly faulty personality. Today it masked the warm swell of pride. Plenty of mundane and ridiculous things impressed his bearcat, but to have approval where she was an expert? That was an astronomically rare occurrence in his life. To not press his luck, he put the weapon back on the desk and started shoving her towards their dinner.

They ate and fell into an easy silence, but the break in their typical rhetoric left him sneaking peeks at her, trying to piece all the information from last night together. She wouldn’t lie to him. So why was she human? Unless there was something she didn’t know?

Or was God actually evil? That would be a mental undertaking if there was any! He could stomach the Almighty being ambivalent to existence, taking a back seat, but that wasn’t the case was it? The Pacific could fill all the things he didn’t understand about her plight.

“I can hear you thinking,” she quipped, stealing his words. “You have questions, don’t you?”

“It’s hardly anything to worry that pretty little head about!” He smiled, waving it off. He certainly had them, but there was no way he was going to let something that had happened centuries ago steal his thunder!

But her mouth twisted and he knew it still bothered her. So instead of letting her fickle mind concoct some ludicrous, guilt ridden nonsense, he sighed and summed up his thoughts, “I can’t understand it!” The anger gripped in his throat. “How could you possibly be here for protecting a child?! It’s madness, Michael.”

She gave a low, huffing chuckle and shook her head, brows drawing together, “I don’t disagree, actually. I served my creed to the best of my ability, or so I thought, but I was never all-powerful or omnipotent. I miss my siblings and I worry for them every day, but there is no existence where I would have forsaken that baby.”

Yes, he was delighted that she was starting to see just how asinine her circ*mstance was, but he couldn’t help asking, “Creed?”

Her lips tightened, but unlike all the other times, she didn’t plummet into the depths of despair, nor did she avoid his gaze. “As a human, it sounds silly to say. The original seven of us, our names are more complicated than simply having a name. We exist as aspects of God, our souls carved and made of a purpose. It would be derivative to say we follow that, because we are that.”

“Clever as you make yourself out to be, Bel Zanj, that didn’t explain anything!”

Thankfully, she grinned and shrugged, then her hand gestured out. Alastor rolled his eyes but fished his pen out from his pocket. She started scrawling across the paper bag as she explained, “Our creeds, our souls, our sigils, they’re all representations of our existence. Some of our names are easier to understand than others. The youngest three are the simplest to explain in human language because the concepts exist more clearly.”

He leaned over, watching her draw out what looked like more simplified versions of Goetic sigils. Then she drew boxes around them and there were seven. Finally, she started pointing. “Uriel, God’s wisdom. Raphael, God’s healing—”

“You must be kidding!” He bit, finding the idea to be some cosmic slap in her face.

She only grimaced and made a helpless expression, but continued on. “Azrael, God’s promise. Humans regularly mistake Azrael as death, but that isn’t true. They are the promise that all things are unending, even if they are changing. Then there are the only other twins, Gabriel, God’s truth. Again, he gets mistaken as a glorified messenger which is unfortunate. He’s touchy on the subject. Then his twin, Jophiel, God’s forgiveness. I’m holding out on that one because, oh, no one holds a grudge like Jophi. No one. She’s made passive aggression an art and a sport. I wish she’d at least forgive Gabriel!”

The longer he knew Michael, the more grateful he was to be an only child. “Forgive him for what?”

“Becoming my secretary. He was Lucifer’s until the fall. Gabe is actually very funny, but you’d never know it now,” she admitted, crestfallen.

Alastor might have met ‘Gabe’ once, but it was plenty enough and he had no interest in doing it again! Well, until he had to. The happenstance was inevitable, certainly. Trying to get the sour taste out of his mouth, he prodded a finger into the sigil he knew. How could he forget it after she’d marked it in this very room with her blood?

Michael smiled, face warming for what Alastor considered her favorite sibling, and oddly, the least problematic one. What a family, where the one who’d instigated a civil war was the better option. “Lucifer and I have vague creeds. His can be equated to a love unparalleled. And it’s true. Luci knows no bounds where his affections are concerned. Which is why I know he’ll make a phenomenal father. If he isn’t a total pushover.”

Alastor snorted, unable to imagine the king of Hell. Anything he thought never quite fit with the fact the monarch was meant to be Michael’s twin, but also the devil while being what sounded like a sappy, cheesy, gaudy man doting on a fire slobbering infant.

But his eyes drew back to the bag. Gently he took it from her, looking at the odd looking squiggle.”So, Michael, what is your name?”

Her mouth twisted. “Mine is odd. Odder than the rest by far. It doesn’t mean anything in a way? I know who I am, what I am called to, but understanding it and explaining it are not equitable.”

“Are you trying to insinuate I’m too stupid to know your name?” A challenge never failed to bring her back to reality! “Let me guess! Is your name, the one who likes to fight even to their own detriment?”

“Yes, Alastor. Ha ha, you’re funny and very clever!” She grinned despite trying, and failing, to flatten her tone.

“You forgot to mention astoundingly handsome, but I suppose you’re not responsible for being God’s smartest!”

Her jaw dropped with mock offense and she flung a napkin at his face. But then she asked, “For who is like God?”

“Not you, dearest. You’re far more reasonable than that father of yours, I suspect!”

She didn’t deflect this time and shook her head, “I am actually. That is my name. Like I said, it doesn’t translate well and it hardly makes sense.”

Wholeheartedly, he disagreed. God was unlike God. Michael was the next best thing in his opinion. She had all the makings of something ferocious and benevolent and kind and altruistic, much to his annoyance. She might be the most aptly named, in his opinion. Still, he held back on that. The idea making sense didn’t mean he liked the idea of her being controlled by some mystical greater force. “That’s all utter hogwash. You have a name, it’s Michael, and it doesn’t mean a damn thing! Assigning a meaning to a name and expecting it to define its unsuspecting bearer is poetic, self-indulgent gobbledygook if I’ve ever heard it!”

It must have been the right thing to say, because she was trying to bite down an enthusiastic reaction. “I don’t know why I’m here, but I’m starting to enjoy that I am.”

He didn’t know why either, but it wasn’t a conundrum they’d solve tonight. He’d put it on the docket for his impending days as a demon. For now, though, “I’d say you’re here because we were having a lovely dinner! And now, we should mosey over to Slim’s to have a drink or three there to further enjoy our day!”

She smiled and nodded, accepting his outstretched arm. “I suppose it could be a drink to forget sort of day.”

He shook his head emphatically. “What a depressing sentiment! No, I think we might make it a drink to remember evening!”

They started shutting off all the lights and locking up the doors, and she asked, “What do you suspect we need to remember?”

His grand scheme was set for tomorrow since he planned to make a whole, maddening day of it, but it wouldn’t hurt to start the revelry tonight. He took a hunk of her cheek between his fingers and chirped, “You’re just going to have to pay attention and see!”

Instead of her usual feline-like batting, her hand bolted up, grabbing his ear in a fashion far too much like his mother! “Let me go, you foul beast!”

His genuine, surprised distress melted into a faux one, playing it up for her juvenile amusem*nt.

They ventured to the speakeasy, surprised to find it bustling so early in the evening. But what did that matter? If anything, it meant there were plenty of new and unsuspecting patrons to shove off their dance floor. Hours flew by, but the peak of the night was what always brought trouble.

Anyone that frequented Slim’s or their normal haunts, regularly associated Michael and Alastor. This also came with the stipulation that bothering one would incur the wrath of the other. That meant men never made a point to bother one half of the pair. For a long while, not a soul would make untoward advances at Alastor either, but the night brought several new gaggles.

Currently, they were posted at the bar’s corner. Alastor leaned against one side as he gabbed with a number of musicians from San Francisco. One arm flapped around with his usual charisma while the other was propped back onto Michael’s thigh. She sat atop the corner, legs crossed, side pressed into his back as her arm rested up on his shoulder.

Slim came around behind her to Alastor’s side, speaking barely loud enough to hear, eyes jerking to Michael and saying, “Quit drinkin’ my hooch and get your girl out of here before she gets into another fight. There’s too many folks tonight.”

Alastor squinted before craning his head back just enough to look up at her. Slim wasn’t wrong.

Michael was looking off in the other direction, her eyes spelling devastation for the unsuspecting throng of young ladies giggling and peaking over at him. For good measure, he took stock of the entire room, then decided that Slim was right. There were too many people and his bearcat had enough to drink to make defending his honor seem like a fun thing.

With that, he slung back his drink, bid the musicians a hasty farewell, before hoisting Michael over his shoulder like a feed sack. A few of the regular patrons whistled and hollered at them, but Alastor only waved like a prince, strolling out with his dragon before she started spitting fire.

In the stairwell, once they were alone, her weight disappeared off him and now she was rematerializing with four fingers jabbed to his sternum, “What was that about?!”

He ruffled her hair and winked, “Lovely a scrapper as you are, that little party was growing dull! That, and I’m sure we can find you a more suitable opponent than a flock of homely flappers!”

Caught red handed, her arms crossed tight and she turned about face.

“Now, now!” He sang, throwing an arm over her and dragging them to a section more suitable for her talents. “Don’t grow heartbroken on me so soon! It isn’t your bedtime yet! How about another drink and we dust off those poor neglected records you keep?”

She gave him a sharp side eye, mind whirring as her mouth pursed and twisted. Then her poorly feigned consideration was replaced by a bright smile. Without a hitch, they melted through the shadows.

The second they were in her apartment she was already pilfering through the cabinet he’d designated for booze months ago. Looking devious, she presented the bounty and asked, “Wine or whiskey?”

He barked a laugh and then they chimed, “Both!”

Too exuberantly, given the several co*cktails she’d slung back at Slim’s, she tossed the corked wine bottle at him. Soon enough, there were nursing coffee mugs of burgundy while swigging the smoky, stinging rye. Alastor went to put on a record, and all the while, Michael started on a new, befuddling endeavor. He watched in not-so-silent amusem*nt as she shoved the furniture out of the way, making a somewhat sizable spot in the middle of the room.

“And what nonsensical venture are you on now?”

She took another pull of the whiskey bottle and shot up, her wicked gleam leaving him a tad nervous. “I’m making room for a more suitable opponent!”

Incredulously, he scoffed, setting the needle down and filling the room with vibrant sweeping jazz. “You want to spar here? In your apartment where we’ll most certainly wake the neighbors?”

“I’m not scared of Miss Delaney, who happens to be 85 and primarily deaf with her two cats, Cinnamon and Clove. But, if you’re scared, I suppose I can let you shirk away with your dignity intact.”

His jaw tightened as it tipped and turned. He took down the mug of wine in a single, expert drink. Then his smile sharpened as his eyes narrowed, turning far more wicked and cruel than anything she could muster.

Slow and steady, he moved forward, exactly like the predator she knew him to be.

Scared? Of her? His dark, husky chuckle filled the space between her ears. Standing practically overtop her, he leaned in. “Best two out of three, mô bel zanj?”

Wound with anticipation and a practically masoch*stic sensibility, she egged him on, scoffing and shrugging. “If you need that many.”

His eye twitched as his hand came up. Languidly, he pushed the thicket of hair off her shoulder, letting the backs of his fingers graze against her scalding pulse. For once he didn’t meter his accent, drawling out, “I’m going to destroy you, Michael.”

From his current angle above her shoulder and in the dim lamp light, he missed the shudder raking down her body, but not the hitch in her breath. Her hands slipped up the narrow cavern between them, careful not to brush against him, but still reaching for the bowtie.

“Oh, Alastor,” she purred, tone mocking, lazily undoing the crimson accessory, “I’m undefeated. Demons, angels, humans, no one has bested me in a challenge. But I’ll give you the advantage. In Heaven, the challenger sets the terms of the match. So here’s your chance.”

This damn witch. He had half a mind to drag her up to the roof and dangle her off until she begged for mercy. Then again, being no mere human, that wouldn’t be possible. So how, just how could he bring the illustrious, infuriating archangel Michael to her knees?

He couldn’t help but consider what Richard had said. What if she was waiting? What if it was all right there, ready to be his? So he took a step back, forcing a delightful coolness over his features as he tapped a contemplative finger against his chin.

He almost missed it. He would have, if he’d not forced himself to pay attention. When moving away, she oh-so-barely came forward, trying to follow. But she stopped, schooling her expression even though her neck visibly tightened.

“Consider your offer accepted! I’d hate to tarnish that bullheaded arrogance of yours, so we’ll keep it simple! All you have to do is retrieve my bowtie! Seems rather simple for someone of your pedigree, no? Otherwise, best two out of three. No weapons, no shadows, and no cheap shots.”

Her brows drew up in speculation. “No winnings?”

Alternatively, he quirked one. Quite some time ago, he’d noted she did not have the ability to raise only one eyebrow, so he liked to do it just to prove a wildly petty point. “But of course! Once I win, all day tomorrow, you’ll be obligated to follow my every whim without an ounce of snark or derision!”

Her eyes rolled, but she agreed, “Perfect! But if I win, you eat my cooking!”

His hand gripped at his heart, feigning horror. “Now you’re trying to kill me! And here I thought we’d gotten past that silly worry!”

One of her shoulders fell and her bottom lip popped out, eyes tearing to the point that the biological part of his brain cropped up, triggering the sensation that he’d done something extraordinarily stupid all over again.

“Fine, fine! I’ll eat whatever poison you serve me! I’ll do it smiling, even if you’ve slathered it in honey.”

He’d been had. That demonic smile returned as her head tipped, practically toying with him as she said, “I’m not so cruel.”

Yes she was. Absolutely she was or he wouldn’t have been able to love her so ardently. Michael was the single cruelest creature in his world, because not only had she careened into his life, dismantled his sensibilities, and put them back together, but she’d made him all the happier for it. To him, that sounded unfathomably cruel.

Then she interrupted his reverence with a question. “Is the bowtie an infinite stipulation? Am I to chase your bowtie forever? How does the match conclude otherwise?”

Sickeningly sweet, he smiled, “Are you saying that your defeat is an option, Your Holiness?”

Her nostrils flared and she took a determined step in. “Do you have anything else, Youngling? Or is your resounding defeat all that’s left?”

Adorable wasn’t a word good enough for her inklings of rage and indignation. “If you think I’m at such a disadvantage, surely you don’t need me to explain the alternative condition, do you?”

“Fine, keep it to yourself,” she hissed, lips curled into a snarling smile, her cheeks already blood twinged and warm. He couldn’t help but smirk, manic and beaming.

He stole away the bottle of whiskey, taking a drink then offering it to her. “Pride cometh before the fall, Michael.”

She took a gulp before clunking it down to the coffee table. “I hope you enjoy the trip to your knees, Alastor.”

“As long as you come with me, Bel Zanj.”

He lunged.

Michael dropped, leg sweeping out and snagging his ankles. He let it happen, pushing forward and catching her upper arms in his hands.

They fell to the floor, but his arm snaked around her, taking the brunt of the fall. Michael’s legs grappled around his waist, trying to flip them over as if she were one of the bayou gators. His weight kept her sandwiched between him and the floor, the one arm trapping her wiggling form against his chest.

Thankfully they were on the rug, the texture supplying him with enough friction to fight against her. His other arm wrenched around her neck and shoulders, coming around to reach his own, trying to satisfy his secret win condition.

He reached for his bowtie, intending to tie it around some part of her, to make an arrogant point of his prowess and humiliate her.

But his fingers only found the starched collar and buttons.

He pulled back enough to look.

And there, with the blood colored fabric trapped between her teeth, was Michael looking a tad too much like him with her fiendish, cunning, beautiful, mocking smile. Alastor swallowed, unfortunately taken with her in the moment, starting to wonder if he’d drank too much due to his almost goofy smile.

He eased back, pulling her up all the while. Michael took his bowtie from her mouth and took a swaying, co*cky step back. “That’s 1-0.”

“I know it’s hard to believe, but they do teach us how to count in Louisiana.”

She giggled, picking up the whiskey and taking another sip before handing it to him. Graciously, he took a drink, watching her fashion the bowtie loosely around her neck. Her fists came up in front of her face and she looked like she could destroy the world. “Come and get it if you’re man enough.”

Michael was the best fighter he knew, and potentially was the best one in all existence. But she liked to play fair and he didn’t.

“Alright, just a moment, if you don’t mind! It’s getting rather stuffy in here.”

He wondered if Michael was like him, what with her virtuous origins, that she didn’t see bodies as more than functioning objects. Maybe that had been a short sighted idea. Time and time again, he’d tempted her to minor sin or what could be considered moral shortcomings.

But now that he knew to look for it, that maybe she was more similar to other humans, he wanted to test it. He wanted to prove good and well that he was man enough.

Taking his sweet time, he hummed with the record, undoing the buttons of his shirt, one by one. Once she’d realized what he was doing, her fists dropped like lead weights and her head jerked to the side, swallowing and wide eyed. Hastily she stepped away, reaching for her mug of wine.

Sneaky wasn’t an attribute he’d bestow upon Michael. She tried to peek at him from her curtain of hair, only to whip away and suck down the drink. Then she looked again. And when she did, he smiled so sweetly, so innocently, that he knew it was guilt that forced her to turn her back to him.

This was perfect.

If only he’d thought of it sooner! He could have been doing this for months! Alastor almost felt remorse for his darling angel. Almost. But this was what she’d wrought. This was the complete and total demise she deserved for the months of torment she’d thrust upon him by her own existence! It was only fair.

Since she no longer felt the need to pay attention, he abandoned his waistcoat and shirt entirely, tossing them away.

“Lovely idea!” He chirped, standing directly behind her, practically on her heels. She froze, the mug in her hand hanging just beyond her mouth. One hand wrapped around hers and the mug. Her posture stiffened, but there was a slight, uncoordinated sway that had her back pushing against his bare chest. Alastor bent forward and brought her trapped hand and cup to his mouth, drinking the rest of her wine.

Menacingly, he whispered into her ear, “I believe that’s 1-1, Chèr.”

Michael’s head snapped to the side, finding his other arm outstretched with their prize clutched tight. She jerked, reaching for it but he hopped a full step back, cackling and dangling it far above her.

“You bastard!” She yowled, fire doubled and doubled again in her eyes, uncaring about his state of undress.

“For better or worse, Bel Zanj, my parents were married!” She jumped, but it was no good.

Alastor spun away, delighting in her rage filled fugue.

“You want a fight, you’ll get one!” His smile cracked at the threat, seeing her eyes narrow and her fists tighten.

She battered him with a flurry of blows, landing quick and easy hits to his abdomen and sides and chest. They weren’t difficult to block. She certainly wasn’t trying to hurt him, or else it would hurt. When he realized she wasn’t reaching for the bowtie still in his fist, it was too late. She’d simultaneously breached his arm span and backed him into a corner.

One hand jabbed into his abdomen, harder than the other blows but nowhere near the force she’d hit him with in the alley. Her other hand came up, to his face.

She should have hit him much harder, but she hadn’t. A little punch was nothing. If anything, this was a disappointment! To punctuate her failure, his head jerked to the side, ruining her attempt to swipe his glasses. The arm with the bowtie anchored hard around her ribs, pulling her flush to his chest. His free hand caught her wrist.

With a wide step, he swung them out, pulling them into a swirling dance. Michael jerked and writhed against him. For a moment, her movements were purposeful, doing her best to create leverage, but there was no use! Short of her tricks or a move that would cause him pain, she was trapped, squished to him.

Eventually, her free hand found his bare chest, right under his collarbone and she swallowed a gasp, eyes fixing to the spot before shoving away. He let her go, watching her sail to the floor, huffing and frantic.

Picking up the whiskey bottle, he took another drink, taking his precious, torturous time.

The tip of his tongue skirted his teeth as he devoured the pitiful scene.

This was not fair. How could she do this to him?

Maybe it was his booze ridden stupor or the air they’d made warm. Or maybe it was how perfect she looked, bright doe-eyes and unsettled expression drawing him in. Michael was a predator if he ever knew one, with fangs and claws able to rip out his throat. But no, she’d gone for his heart. He could thoroughly imagine her smile, beaming with the flesh of his devotion dripping down her chin.

And right now, with her soft, panting breaths, strewn out below him, she was practically teasing. Making it seem like he had any real power and capability to ruin her, she was the perfect prey. Undeniably delectable. The ability was becoming more and more real to him by the second, carving in the primal urge he’d masterfully masked for years.

No one else could fell her. No other soul had the right to hunt her, he wouldn’t allow it! Only him.

Standing as close as necessary, denying the urge all hunters felt, he smiled and offered her the bottle. Confusion flickered over her face, but she took it. Then he went to the gramophone and swapped out the record. It was time to try something new.

Then Duke Ellington’s newest, lulling jazz standard filled the room and was soon followed with Adelaide Hall’s crooning vocals.

Only when he was certain of his self-control did he go back over and reach out his hand, demanding, “Dance with me, Michael.”

She swallowed and nodded, grabbing him. Like that, they were back to spinning around, sans a battle, or so she thought. This was very much him waging war against her, swaying her into the sweet and warm depths of his security. Barely a minute went by and she was already giggling, smiling, haphazardly trailing through the room with him, forgetting their wager in her giddy senselessness.

Lucky for him, she had a miserable attention span when happy. Her self imposed, mindful gap between them disappeared and he whipped them into a twirl. Michael almost lost her footing, but he held on tight. Her dizzy laughter filled the room and she hung her head back away from him, hair trailing in the air.

While he could imagine her with luminescent wings and gliding through the air, he could also imagine digging his teeth into the soft flesh of her neck, licking up her blood and bathing in her unhinged laughter.

She would say yes, if he asked; he saw that so clearly now. But Michael deserved an iota of his self-control at least. He wouldn’t disrespect her with a thoughtless, alcohol addled whim. Even so, it did nothing for that budding, voracious feeling.

Thankfully, her joy served as a distraction. Her smile infected him like a plague and their mindless revelry continued on.

Her steps fumbled as she twirled out, losing her grip on his hand, but she managed to right and steady herself against the wall. Michael blew out a breath and pulled her hair up off her neck, piling it atop her head, trying to cool off.

Wordlessly, he came over and took the opportunity presented. Humming, he brought the bowtie up and fashioned it secure, but loose, around her neck. All the while, she made a chivalrous and gallant effort not to stare at him like a starved animal, but it only half worked. She was so aware of him, hopelessly trying not to be, that she couldn’t fathom what had just happened.

At last, grinning like a madman and near giddy, he’d won. Getting her to wear his unsuspecting trophies left him elated, wondering just how many ways he could do it again. The green dress, his ‘ribbon’, that miserable nightgown, and now his bowtie.

“Prettier than a picture,” he murmured, the drunkenness finally catching him at the finish line, his own skin hot and flushed as his head treaded water.

“You are,” Michael breathed out, her fingertips dragging over the tight, old scar. Captivated, her teeth caught her bottom lip in its dreamy smile and she traced her way across his skin and to a newer one on his shoulder. He’d not expected more, but she said, “mesmerizing.”

He braced his forearm on the wall, unable to miss such an easy shot. “Michael, are you trying to persuade me to your bed?”

The question caused her to regain some wits, but she lost more composure in the trade. She stammered in a feeble attempt at denial, tossing herself backwards only to be met with yet another embarrassment. A shoe was the culprit as she tumbled to the floor, rear first. “No! Certainly not! I uh, t-that isn’t, I’m not, I-- I’m sorry.”

Malevolent hunger rose in him again, evolving.

Alastor swallowed the growl in his throat, struggling to hide. He wiped at his mouth, a vain attempt at masking a vicious grin. It called to him like cool water in August. He wanted to tease her. Make her squirm. To leave the soft space of her throat vibrating with hot, racing blood. And all of his own power.

“Michael,” he purred, his Creole accent coating her name like honey, “you seem so unsettled. Oh, Bel Zanj, you act as if angels don’t partake in the sins of the flesh.”

Alastor slipped to the floor, prowling forward until his body was over hers. That handsome smile was glinting and demonic, a panther cornering a mouse for fun. How would she run? Would she cave? Would she fight?

Her breaths shook. There were several options, but she stayed, trembling with the war he set inside her. Even so, her head rattled no.

Alastor blinked twice, head tipping to the side. He’d said it in inebriated jest, or at least half jest, but surely she wasn’t— He couldn’t see the possibility either way!

“You’ve never?”

Another no.

Instead of getting up, since his head swam, he rolled over and sat next to her on the floor. Michael laid there, staring at the ceiling. As if they were unwitting teenagers, she asked meekly, “Have you?”

Never had anyone asked about his physical proclivities. He’d brought the topic up, yes, but this was hardly where he thought it would go! It certainly wasn’t anything he actively pursued, though he had utilized charm and vague touching on more than one occasion.

“When I was younger,” he admitted, almost continuing before she interjected.

“Ya don’t have to tell me ‘bout it,” she slurred. Michael slipped her fingers into his, half humming and half saying, “I jus’want ya t’be happy.”

Damn alcohol. Damn her. Damn the trust between them. He needed to stop this before she ruined his plans!

Alastor dragged Michael up from the floor, both wobbling and clinging until he managed to keep them upright. Michael, too inebriated for typical motor function or good sense, wiggled like a stray cat!

“Come along you,” he grunted, trapping her noodling self and heaving her along like a log! Soon enough, and for no lack of trying on his part, they were on the couch and comfortable. Alastor’s grip didn’t subside, only shifting enough to maneuver her into his lap. She jerked again, but the arms around her tightened, causing her to make a minor fuss before settling down.

“I’m happy like this,” he conceded in a hushed breath, debating whether he would drink ever again! Sweet silence befell them, but the sheer strangeness of it tempted him to look up.

A rather serious and drunken Michael studied his face, unfocused eyes scrunched into slits mere inches away. “Whatdyousay?”

Who was there to pray to now, to help him in moments like these where he barely had more sense than she did? “Not a thing! Merely a gaggle from the street!”

A finger reached up to touch his nose, her head swinging side-to-side in exaggerated disagreement, “Liar.”

The tip never reached his nose. Alastor nipped, capturing it in his mouth.

Every muscle in her body coiled up like a snake with a shocked gasp, gaze fixated on his lips.

Instead of letting go, he locked the joint between his teeth, tongue dragging along the underside, watching as her jaw dropped further down. He released it, starting to drag his blunt nails up the backside of her arm. He was not helping his own situation, but it was too easy!

And Michael made yet another keening sound, jerking to get away, but only managed to throw herself flush against him. And then she was trapped, the softness of her giving under his grip. Seemingly, she gave in, humming as she adjusted, anchoring her arms up around his neck, burying her face into his own blazing pulse.

Instead of torturing her and potentially ruining his own plans, he settled for being kind, stroking up and down her back while his hand locked on her outermost knee. Sloshing thoughts made his head feel impossibly heavy, so he rested it atop hers and closed his eyes.

“Did’ya love her?” Michael struggled, fumbling with the extra care needed for pronunciation.

That was not a question he’d anticipated.

“No,” he answered, not keen to talk about it. At least, not while they were sheets to the wind. What he’d experienced as a young man was best left to sobriety.

“Have you? Loved someone?” Morbid, juvenile curiosity ran rampant in his unfiltered mind and against his better judgement. He didn’t want the image in his head, but he had to know! If there was an ounce of competition he’d obliterate them. If he could remember to, come tomorrow.

“Mmmmmm.” It was a disagreeing sound, he thought. Then her head pushed deeper into his neck, nuzzling like a greedy cat while she heaved out, “Not like, like uh, this.”

Adrenaline shocked through him, like someone trying to drown him in ice water. With a struggling jerk, he got to his feet, fighting against the liquor induced gelatinization of his body. They were not doing this right now, drunk, in the middle of the night, in her apartment, disheveled, when no one would remember it!

Absolutely not!

No! This would not be something she mindlessly stole from him! This damn woman! This wretched, conniving thief! He had a f*cking plan! Why was she so impatient? How had he landed creation’s most insufferable debutant?

What good thinking would do him now! He stopped struggling against the muddling thoughts. This was ridiculous and things would be fine in the morning.

With as much strength and grace as he could muster, Alastor hoisted Michael up, determined to deposit her slumbering self in bed.

He’d thought she was entirely asleep, but apparently not! He lowered her down, trying to remove her whining and belligerent form from him. Ducking down and back, nearly knocking over the night stand, he managed to get her arms off. Michael held onto his hand, looking up with heavy eyes. “Stay.”

“Michael, that’s unwise,” he slurred, gripping the edge of the bed frame to stay upright.

She didn’t relent, whimpering and locking her other hand around his wrist. His face twisted in a pained way, hating how pitiful she sounded as she struggled and huffed through the words, fighting off total unconsciousness. “You. I want. You.”

How could he not smile now?

She was right, she didn’t lose. He might have won their petty battle, but she’d just won the war. And even if they wanted and won the same damn thing, it felt like he’d been bested. He groaned, but chuckled, finally sitting on the mattress. The strain in her face evaporated and she didn’t waste a second, piling back on top of him.

Drunk, tired, shirtless, and uncharacteristically endeared, he wrangled Michael back and laid down. She shifted and curled tight to his chest, trapping his hand in her own, as her free arm and leg latched around him. There would be no denying her. He would never be that strong. At least he had enough wits left to get them under a blanket.


She’d done it now! Not only had she already burnt three slices of bacon and singed the side of her hand, she’d gone and made a complete imbecile of herself last night!

Like Claire had taught her, she put the bacon out on a towel covered plate then poured the leftover grease into a jar for use later.

Right now, Alastor was still dozing in her bed.

Her. Bed.

Next to her. All night. Tangled together in a way that had forced her to smack herself when she woke up. She’d become accustomed to waking in the haze of a dream, blissfully believing that he’d been there until the real world forced its way back in.

But she’d come to entirely, and he was still there.

Still there, asleep, putting angels to shame, and phenomenally shirtless.

Brazen and somewhat hung over, she laid there for forty minutes, drinking in the feel of his skin against her cheek. She took in the precise line of his jaw. The tender curve of his ear. How that chestnut hair stayed remarkably in place even as his head lopped to the side, facing her. In a daring act of bravery, reveling in what could be the most glorious moment her existence had to offer, she traced her fingertips across his brow, brushed through his hair, then let her hand curl around the back of his skull.

Alastor was allowed to touch, handle, twirl, pull, and manipulate her in any way that suited him. It was a pitiful thing to know about herself, but she loved it.

The other night, he’d promised her anything she wanted. Right now, all she craved was an inkling of that same power. She craned upward then gently, barely pulled his head forward. Her lips landed on a spot above his eyebrow. While there, they moved as if reciting a silent incantation from long gone demonic grimoires.

She couldn’t help herself. It wasn’t saying it to him, not yet, but it was a meager practice because she wasn’t going to let nerves stop her today. He could reject her. As was his right, and quite frankly the smarter decision, but she would do it, even if it might destroy her.

After that, heart fluttering with wild and burning wings, she got up and put on one of the records he’d demanded she add to her collection. From the doorway, she watched his subconscious double down on sleep with the soft jazz.

Somewhere between that and cooking, her nerves decided that she would not be spared.

All morning she silently screamed into a bunched up sweater and punched a couch cushion, ready to launch herself off the fire escape! Fine, fine, that was radical, but she was mortified! Oh, what would he think of her now? Or would he even care?

Drunk or not, she remembered their evening. Or she thought she remembered most of it? There were days she’d drank too much, but not so much she couldn’t see straight. Last night she had. What if there was more? What if he despised her for trapping him to her bed like some despicable harlot?!

Stupefied with alcohol, there was no way she could have let him go!

What if she’d hurt him?

Would he hate her for this? Would he wake up and storm out, swearing her off like an evil witch? She crouched down, squeezing her hands over her mouth and balling up, absolutely ashamed of all she’d done.

There came a soft snort. Through her curtain of hair, she saw two perfect, long, tanned feet, one crossed over the other as their owner leaned in the doorway.

Then came a question in a tone so even, it sent her spiraling. “Did you drop something, Michael?”

Only her dignity.

Mutely, she stood back up. Then her brain turned automatic. Avoiding everything that was Alastor Laveau, Michael put the bacon, eggs, toast, and coffee on the table. It wasn’t much, but it was the first meal she’d ever made alone. It was the first one she’d ever served to Alastor.

If he would eat it. If it wasn’t rancid tasting or vile enough for him to cackle at her failure. And, again, if he even ventured to eat it. He might be waiting for her to finish this farce so he could properly dispose of her once and for all.

But what of all he’d said?

Now she was terrified, not sure what was and wasn’t real, what words or actions took precedence in the face of her blundering impropriety.

When she sat down the silverware, she finally chanced another look at him.

His brow quirked up and she nearly clattered to the floor!

No, actually, that was the empty plate. His ability to liquify her brain seemingly had the same effect on her joints. How could it not?

In the soft daylight, he stood like the statues carved by master sculptors. Alastor was a living magnificence, the only soul in existence worthy of being called god in her humblest of opinions. She couldn’t stop looking now. Every cog and wire that might have connected all the thoughts in her mind caught fire, burning any semblance of reason and good sense to ash.

Did he know he was beautiful? That he could end nations with a single look? Who was she kidding, of course he did! He used it like a weapon. Like a holy blade, unable to be dulled, always pulsing and shining, deadly.

“You made breakfast?” He snarked, one side of his perfectly sharp mouth curling up to reveal straight teeth. Those eyes, ones that left her breathless with their whiskey color and diabolic gaze, were lidded and questioning. Father help her, every iota of her burned and she had to clench her jaw to keep from gnawing on her lip.

Maybe she was still drunk?

Michael couldn’t remember if this was the first time he’d broken one of their stand offs. When he did, all the fire in her mind moved to her mouth. “I didn’t mean to wake you!”

No matter how stupid she sounded, there was no way to stop. “It’s Saturday and since you didn’t have the morning spot, I thought you could sleep in, but you might have plans. Or your mother may worry! I should have woken you up! It’s wrong to assume you have nothing to do! If you want, I can take you home! It isn’t a—”

During that tidal wave of senseless words, Alastor had meandered to the small table and sat down. Then, he smacked his hand onto it, his agreeable smile impossible for her to decipher. The rattling of cutlery and plates caused her to yelp and clap two hands over her mouth.

“Michael, it’s—” he went to fish at what would be his vest, but his fingers only met scar laden, glorious skin. Alastor puffed and rolled his eyes, but otherwise seemed unfazed with his state of undress. Then he looked at the wall clock and nodded. “As I suspected, it is far too early for you to be prattling on like an auctioneer. This isn’t a stock yard and I’ve not had enough food or coffee for your delusions.”

She only nodded, not certain what was implied. And it wasn’t early, not for them at least, but she wasn’t arguing today. He pulled food onto a plate then took a sip of coffee, not giving away a single thought. Before biting into a piece of the eggs, Alastor directed his eyes back to her over the edge of his glasses.

“Michael, sit down.”

Thankfully, there was a chair next to her or she might have sat in the floor. Then he smiled, going right back to eating.

There was no way she could touch food right now. She feared anything not related to him would cause her body to have a volatile reaction. Then he asked something that caused it anyway!

A moment later, after eating most of the food in pleasant silence and drinking down all of the coffee, Alastor smiled. With a disturbingly metered expression, he asked, “Have I overstayed my welcome?”

“Never! No, I’m sorry! Please,” Michael panicked, shooting to her feet, hands splayed on the table. “All of this is surely my fault. I’ve never been so drunk before, Alastor. Not a day! I don’t know what came over me and I am deeply regretful if I made you feel any way whatsoever! I hope you’ll accept my apology, but—”

“Shh,” he whispered, one slender finger laying across his wicked, flawless lips. She stopped. In a strange display, Alastor nodded to himself and took a deep breath. She wondered if he was preparing for her doom.

The reason why was how his head tilted with those narrowed, deviant eyes boring into her. That smile turned charming and wicked, suffocating her. Oxygen be damned as long as he looked at her.

“Michael.” Her name rolled off that poison tipped, bladed tongue. The sound of it sliced into her and each drop of his sweet venom left her addicted. Her breaths were shallow as her throat tightened.

Alastor angled his chair away from the table. “Come here.”

She did, stepping over slowly, unable or unwilling to escape his thrall.

There came a brief approving nod as he looked up at her. Languid, like a mountain lion toying with its prey as it stretched out in a tree limb, he adjusted, uncrossing his legs as one arm draped on the table. “Now sit.”

The clock ticked two seconds before her jaw loosened and her brow furrowed. She nearly looked away, but there was a notion in his face, one daring her to do something he didn’t command.

The war drums of her chest beat in her ears as her face flushed hot. Realization crashed over her, leaving her drowning in an ice flow even as she burned alive.

“Michael, I said sit.”

She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think. She couldn’t look at him. But she could obey. Hair curtained around her face as her trembling palm pressed into the table. One long, warm hand skimmed across the small of her back and around to her hip before curling, digging, into the soft flesh and pulling her the rest of the way down into his lap.

He anchored her onto strong, lithe legs. Strange how she’d been in this position an uncountable number of times, but this one, where she had his attention for no reason other than the sake of it, felt like standing in a ring of blazing light. There was nowhere to hide.

His other hand came up and stopped at her neck. She still wore his bowtie. Fingertips danced on the edge of where the fabric met her skin. Then the backs of his nails scraped from her pulse to the underside of her jaw. Her breath hitched so blatantly that he huffed a laugh and shook his head.

As if he were a hot iron and trying to brand himself onto her skin, because he already had with every other meaningful part of her, his hand landed and gripped at the side of her face. His thumb curled around and dragged across the uncorrupted swell of her lips.

They were nose to nose, and she knew no one should be every sin and every virtue, but he was. Alastor’s eyes crinkled at the edges, their sinister delight punctuated by his long lashes.

“I said anything, didn’t I?” He whispered, grazing the tip of his nose to hers.

She nodded. Or she thought she had, but it was impossible to tell apart from the tremors she tried to restrain.

“You,” he started, hands tightening in her flesh, driving her mad. This was the finest misery she could ever imagine. Then he continued, throwing her whiskey soaked words back at her, “I want you.”

Alastor collapsed the cavern between them.

She died.

She lived.

She lived and died and died and lived and knew nothing and everything.

Her eyes shot wide open as his mouth pressed to her slack one. The world stuttered. Her lungs seized and she couldn’t breathe. The world blurred as her eyes started to sting with the familiar pinprick of tears.

She’d seen plenty of beings kiss. Not that she ever had, not that she’d ever imagined this could even be possible.

It was her first. Her only. One with him. This was why humans waged wars and killed and maimed. Why they devoted their lives to works of the heart and the flesh while lamenting that it broke their spirits and fortified their souls! She understood it now.

But before her mind and body and nerves could converge on a reaction, he pulled away.

Michael faltered with panic. This wasn’t right! She couldn’t have just ruined it! Oh God. She wanted to cry now. Scream. Beg. Why couldn’t angels control time?!

But she could fix this! Desperate and hasty, she spewed, voice cracking, “Alastor, listen I lov—“

Two hands clapped hard over her mouth, trapping her flesh against her teeth and her jaw open.

“Don’t you dare!” He hissed, eyes hard and stern on her. Hot, fat tears spilled from her eyes and onto his hands as she whimpered something so pathetic and miserable that his expression melted into one of pity. He shushed her gently, smiling sweetly, slipping the top hand back into her hair.

“Everything will be fine, I promise. Now, stay quiet. Not a word,” he whispered kindly, petting through her hair. “Mô bel zanj, ma jolie proie, do you understand?”

She nodded, somewhere between screaming and crying and imploding as her mind overloaded.

“Good,” he nodded. He stood them up somehow and released her mouth. Soft and purposeful, he pressed a kiss to her forehead then stepped away. Panic flooded all over again, terrified this was the end and and and and—

He gave her a knowing look, one that stopped the mental sputtering. All she could do was trust him and if he pushed her off into the abyss, so be it.

Alastor looked around, poking through her things. He sifted through the books on her coffee table. Fished one out from under the couch. Then he started picking through the ones on the book shelf. All the while he switched between English and Kouri-Vini muttering on and on about ruined plans.

Dissatisfied with his search, he crossed his arms and tapped his chin. A moment later, he turned on her, looking far better than she did right now. “Bel Zanj, where is that heinous little book you were going on about last week? One about those little fuzzy objects that aren’t actually anything, but everything? The yellow book!”


Why was he looking for one of her physics books? Alastor regularly liked to taunt her for them, even if he was a good sport about asking her questions on a topic he knew nothing and remembered nothing about. Her jaw almost loosened, but his brow picked up. She closed it, hand drifting up and pointing over to the piano. The text was mingling with the stack of music books.

Finding it, he flipped through, nodding. He nodded a little more, his smile widening. Then he snapped and cheered, “Yes, this is exactly what I was hunting for. Wonderful job, darling!”

Then he tore.

ALASTOR!” She screeched and gasped, jaw unhinging completely.

In one smooth motion he ripped the page out of the book, looking pleased as punch. Now he was humming, neatly folding it back and forth, tearing off strips from the side, massacring it like the mass murderer he was. All the while, she watched in abject horror, momentarily forgetting her previous dilemma.

He nearly skipped back over, smiling ear to ear as he explained, “Here you go! I suppose you behaved well enough, so I’ve gotten you a little gift! Now, read it aloud.”

Should she strangle him? Kiss him? Shove him out the window? Scream? He was still here! Still torturing her and using those magical, maniacal ways to flay her open.

Unsure of anything but his demands, she read, “One could imagine that all the degrees of freedom are divided into groups, such that those belonging to one and the same group are firmly coupled together and thus count only as one degree of freedom. Similarly, one can assume (in the theory of specific heats) that the two atoms of an oxygen molecule, for example, are coupled very firmly to each other to form into a rotating body.”

“Yes, I think that sums it up nicely!”

“What?” She whispered.

She’d lost. She was lost. He’d won and she was a fool because nothing made sense. Someone might as well have beat her over the head and smashed her mind into a paste of senselessness.

His eyes rolled in a testy fashion. “Read it again!”

She did.

And the world started to turn.

Then she looked up at him, and all over again her lungs seized. Alastor looked at her with those dismantling, doting eyes all above that mischievous, heart melting smirk. His hands cupped around her jaw, thumbs brushing at her cheeks. He stepped in closer, bathing her in his warmth.

“I love you, Michael.”

“Y-you ripped a page out of my book,” she whispered, daft and unblinking.

Alastor snickered, apparently proud of this. “A necessary victim, I assure you.”

“Because you love me?” She barely squeezed out, fearing she would faint.

“Now you’re being redundant. Or self serving. I’d prefer the latter,” he teased. “But, just to be sure, so there’s not an inkling or delusion of doubt in that fickle head, yes. Mo linm to, mô bel zanj. Je t'aime tellement, ma jolie proie. I love you, Michael, my wild and willful bearcat.”

And like before, she couldn’t breathe and her eyes spilled over. But she smiled. It split across her face to the point it hurt.

This time, she would not ruin it.

Catapulting upward, she crashed into him. Alastor gave a surprised huff as her arms latched around his neck and shoulders, hands clutching at his hair and bare skin.

Then he laughed and hummed, catching and holding her up with both arms.

Her mouth melted to his, her all-consuming emotions making up for the sheer inexperience. The kiss was bruising with her astronomical joy. It surprised her when his head shifted, and she let out a measly whimper, afraid he would move away. Mercifully, he did not.

Instead, his head tipped, molding his mouth further against hers. Elated, she followed suit, but when her back hit the wall she nearly jumped out of her skin. Alastor had her trapped, hoisted up by his body weight and a lone arm. The other came up and wrapped against her jaw, keeping her pitiful and pleading mouth from chasing his.

“Breathe, my darling.”

And when she did, she was huffing and lightheaded and dizzy as her heart pounded against his steady one.

It was perfect.

“Was this what you had in mind, Michael? When you dragged me to your bed?” The implication was scathing and torturous, causing her heart to burn with what she’d believed for too long.

Furiously, her head shook no.

“I thought I couldn’t have you,” she admitted, unable to swallow the crack in her voice or her helpless, bewildered smile. Instead of hiding, she pushed on his shoulders so she could see him. Her hands found his beautiful face as she beamed, tears beading out of the corners of her eyes, “I love you, Alastor. I love you. You’re perfect. You’re everything. You’re—”

“Yours,” he finished. With that, he uncapped everything she’d bottled up. Her face crashed into his neck, embarrassed by the overwhelming, laughing, ecstatic sob escaping her throat. Her tears spilled down his skin as he chuckled.

Then her head jolted back up, and her laughter grew until she was losing her breath all over again.

His brow popped up, amused but rightfully concerned, “Surely this isn’t wha—”

“Mine. You’re mine,” she beamed, pressing their foreheads together and giggling.

Alastor sighed, shook his head, and laughed. “Yes, Bel Zanj, thank you for taking note of one of my finer qualities.”

“And you didn’t die!” She half squealed, feet wiggling behind him in delight.

“Michael, humans don’t die from kissing, or did you miss that along the way?”

Too happy and beaming with pride, she ignored his jab and explained, “You ate my cooking and you didn’t die!”

“And what were you expecting?! Did you poison it?” He snarked, eyes narrowing, head tilting in mock suspicion.

Her hand smacked onto his bare shoulder. “I’d hardly need poison to kill you!”

To prove that point, the shadows came and went. Alastor’s eyes widened as the floor fell out from under him and suddenly they were crashing to the couch. Now Michael was overtop and sprawled out across him. “But I would never. I will protect you with every breath in my body.”

Not surprised by her dramatic and overarching chivalry, Alastor only hummed and shook his head. “I’m afraid not! No, you’ll simply have to keep it in your body lest you make me unreasonably upset, and Bel Zanj—”

He hooked a knee around hers and twisted, throwing them off the edge and into the floor so he could hover over her. His finger hooked into the bowtie and pulled, bringing her face up to his, “I’m not a nice man when I’m upset.”

Her hands reached up to his face and she grinned. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Slowly, he dipped forward, bringing his mouth next to her ear. His hot breath sent shuddering ripples down her body as a hand drifted to her side. When he found the hem of her shirt and teased it upward, her breath hitched.

Diabolic and tender, he whispered, “Watch carefully, mô moche.”

Merciless, vicious, and unyielding, Alastor’s fingers dug into her sides. Michael released a banshee like wail, already trying to kick and scrape him off and stop the ticklish onslaught. They were lost in their delight, in their revelations and joy. That was how they missed the heavy knocking on the door.


I hope the wait was worth it <3

Adelaide Hall & Duke Ellington - Creole Love Call

A reminded that ALL OF THIS, the murder, the bayou, Bartholomew, the porch, it happened in like five/six days. Talk about exhausting XD. Also, Richard said to make sure she gets it so Alastor was like, does physics and three languages cover my bases or is she that stupid?

And who's at the door? <_<

Language Notes:

Mo linm to, mô bel zanj. (Louisiana Creole / Kouri-Vini)
- - I love you, my beautiful angel.

Je t'aime tellement, ma jolie proie. (French)
- - I love you so much, my pretty prey.

Mô moche. (Louisiana Creole / Kouri-Vini)
- - My half.

Historical Notes:
SO this did not come from a direct physics text book. I personally find science to be romantic. I debated a lot on what to include but I though this would be the most clear cut representation. I had some Mass-Energy equivalnce stuff lined up and some Maxwell's equations but this is the most digestable and I already shove in enough sneaky science the way it is. Sorry not sorry :3
So what is it? Einstein had a ton of pen pals. One of his biggest besties was H.A. Lorentz, a rather impressive trailblazer in what we consider modern physics. This came from a response of Lorentz to Einstein circa 1909. If you'd like to learn more:

Ok. Gonna take a few weeks to finish Hell Hath No Fury. If you miss me, idk why, check it out! :3
It is a gen/angst/family fic featuring a different version of Claire. Because I won't change names. I'm lazy.

Chapter 84: Truth


Truth comes knocking on the door.


Mentions of wanting to die. Or at least hoping to make it. I wouldn't call it suicidal ideation, but better safe that sorry.

I'm not doing good at this break thing? I may put myself to a more reasonable schedule for the summer but I haven't quite decided. I'm working on HHNF to finish up for the most part but here we are, answering the door.

Our visitor has a theme song that I CANNOT stop listening to. So beautiful and haunting. I love this musical and cannot wait for it to be completed.

No Longer You · Jorge Rivera-Herrans · Mason Olshavsky
EPIC: The Underworld Saga (Official Concept Album)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


The disrobed offender disappeared from her body, now dangling from Gabriel’s fist. His human guise twinged with a glow as his eyes turned that soft, burning, holy blue. Angelic script morphed and curled against the mortal's bare skin, causing his face to twist in silent, screaming agony.

Darkness burst through the room. Heavy tendrils locked around Gabriel, ripping him to the floor. More shadows solidified from above, forming needle-like spears, ready to skewer him.

Michael scrambled to the heaving man, pulling his slumped form under her as she screeched at her brother, “DON’T YOU DARE!”

Gabriel stared in horror, seeing her for the first time as something closer to a demon than an angel, ready to eviscerate him. He tried to get up in that human fashion, moving slow for his sister’s sake, but the shadows tightened and wrenched him back again as one of the black spikes grazed his throat. She snarled, “NO!”

The panic in her voice was clear and new and terrifying. He’d never heard Michael sound like that.

Who was this cursed human parading as her? Wearing her face?

“Michael I—” He meant to appease her but stopped, watching blood trail down from her nose and over her lips. Fear seeped through him. Slowly, he brought his hands up in surrender.

Silence stretched between them, the air drenched in tension.

“Bel Zanj, it’s poor manners to have everyone sit in the floor and you were hardly raised in a barn,” humorously huffed the half-naked man, able to take steady breaths once more. She nodded pitifully, arms tight around his bare torso as she helped him to his feet, looking miserably concerned. Only when the man was finally upright, did that wicked curse fade from her eyes and arms.

Gabriel couldn’t process what unfolded before him. Michael fussed over the man who did nothing but roll his eyes and snatch up what must have been his shirt from her sofa. This ignoble intruder licked at the fabric, anchored her face in one hand, and removed the red streak.

And when she smiled, he knew that look. Lucifer wore the same one when he’d introduced his bride to them, expecting some idealistic fantasy to take place.

Everything inside Gabriel plummeted, not ready to relive the nightmares of a seraphim in love.

Fear had struck hot within him when she hadn’t answered the door. Terror had followed at the sight of a manic stranger trying to restrain her wailing form to the floor. Then came confusion at her willingness to harm him over the same mortal. Afterwards was worry, because he suspected her fragile mortal body and shredded soul couldn’t manage that damning curse.

Of course he still worried, what with the sword of Damocles of her impending and tragic deaths swinging over their heads, but now a fresh bout of fury blazed in his soul.

“What are you doing?!” He bellowed, arm whipping out.

At last, she whipped around, seething. “What were you thinking?! How dare you?!”

There it was. Her ability to make him feel like a scolded youngling. “How dare I? That’s rich Michael seeing how you’re clinging to a half naked man and releasing that curse!”

Indignant with blazing cheeks, she hissed, “You should have knocked, Gabriel!”

“I did knock!” He snarled, reliving his momentary horror. “When you weren’t at breakfast this morning, Evelynn sent me here! You’re lucky it wasn’t one of the triplets! And I did knock, but I heard something and I thought …”

Pain fell across both their faces and she understood, shoulders dropping as her brows drew together. Guilt caused her voice to warble. “I’m sorry Gabe. I didn’t mean to worry you. I swear I didn’t hear it.”

His voice and fists shook as he jerked his gaze away.

How could she be so cruel? He didn’t want to find her lifeless and mangled body! He didn’t want to watch her die again and sit there with a numb, heartbroken Azrael, mourning in secrecy, praying and pleading that each horrifying death was the last one and she would be returned to them! Their leader. Their sister. Their protecter. Their light through the dark. Brave in the face of all their suffocating, immortal duties.

But no! Here she was, draped in demonic power and a man.

“I can see why,” he spat, eyes falling over the human. With the flick of a finger, a plain white shirt appeared over the bare chest. “At least now he isn’t indecent! Who even is this, Michael?”

A venomous smile stretched over the other’s teeth as an arm draped around Michael’s waist, jerking her into his side. Worse than that, she struggled to fend off a smitten grin. It sent a sick feeling through Gabriel. “Surely the memory of an angel isn’t so poor, but your age might be catching up to you!”

“He knows?! Michael what have you done? I cannot allow this!” Light and magic pulsed through his human appearance. He now stood next to Alastor, hand above his face, ready to pull the memories away.

But she lunged, fist crashing into his mouth twice before she was pulled off. Alastor dragged her off, cooing and shushing her shaking form. Michael ignored him, trying to break away, screaming as her eyes bled black, “You don’t touch him! You never touch him! Do you hear me Gabriel?”

There was no pain. Nothing a human could do could physically harm a being like him, even if it was his own sister. But he was stunned. He was hurt. Shaky fingers skirted his busted lip and came away with golden, angelic ichor.

Her reddened knuckles were dappled in the same glowing fluid.

Never, not once in all their eons, had Michael lashed out. Battles were one thing. The Holy War and her righteous fury was another. But this? The pure unadulterated wrath set across her face and pointed directly at him?

Was he being punished as well? Was this the price of his own failures? Was he doomed to watch her suffer and die and descend into madness and sin? Or was this that curse, Asherah’s attempt at ruining God’s children?

How could this happen again?

Was Michael destined to fall to Lucifer’s fate because they were twins? Gabriel couldn’t survive being abandoned again. Heaven wouldn’t survive either.

With the flex of his hand, his own injury was gone and his blood disappeared from her fist. All the while, Alastor kept his arms locked around her furious form, whispering sweet and soothing sensibilities in another language.

Gabriel nearly felt relief as the effort fell short, even if she was still enraged. But then that mortal plebeian sighed, muttered about how heinous and single minded she could be, then pressed a kiss to her temple.

It worked. She looked up, the horrified and monstrous expression dwindling. Alastor smiled and quipped, “Now, that’s quite enough of that! Unless you’d like to start having a wretched day compared to the one we were having?”

“No!” She said too quickly, head shaking as she smiled.

If he’d had human organs beyond this limited form, Gabriel imagined this was what nausea would feel like. He knew Michael and stood by her side for eons. So how was she capable of something he’d never seen? Never fathomed?

The man leaned in over Michael, placing another kiss atop her head. But what truly cemented Gabriel’s wretched, Hellish, irredeemable opinion of this human was how those viperous eyes narrowed on him with a mocking glance. “Delightful! Given your brother’s abysmal memory, don’t you suspect a proper introduction is due?”

She sucked in a breath and nodded, untangling her arms from his torso and taking a half-step away. “Gabriel, this is Alastor Laveau, you met at William’s party, remember? ”

“Yes, I remember the human now.” His words were vile and sour, much like his face. He’d not thought of her business partner once since then, but now he would never forget this man.

“Alastor, you’ve met my brother, Gabriel.” Michael unnecessarily added.

Alastor, to prove that not only was he the better of them, with the manners to match, but to show just how unfazed he was by their unfathomable power difference, smiled and shrugged. Letting his hand roll out, he chirped, “It’s a pleasure, quite the pleasure, to meet you in this official capacity, Gabriel! I’ve heard quite a bit about you and your highbrow occupation.”

Gabriel ignored Alastor and asked, “Michael, what have you told him?”

Almost proud, she answered, “Everything.”

“Why? Why would you do this?!” Exasperated Gabriel.

“Because I love him!”

Alastor bit down a laugh. Given how the angel had magically set that soul engulfing flame inside his chest earlier, even for the briefest of seconds, it was wonderful to see that shocked and whittled away expression on his uncanny perfect face. Michael’s adamant, unabashed declaration made it all the more hilarious, as if that explained exactly why she’d disclosed ultimate cosmic secrets.

To save her some headache, he added with a laugh, “Michael, mô cher, you’ll have to give the poor fellow a little more than that! Why, after all, he did traipse all the way down to this miserable neighborhood on behalf of your beguiling mother! Speaking of which, you never mentioned having plans last night, or this morning.”

To kill two birds with one stone, his doting words soothed her while running a knife into Gabriel’s ego. The archangel puffed up, renewed anger on his face as he hissed, “Do you envy Lucifer so much that you’ve decided to follow in his footsteps? Since when do you take lovers?”

Despite the accosting nature of the question, Alastor was delighted to imagine that Michael never had any variety of paramour before. But it did rub his bearcat the wrong way and she stomped towards her brother, arms flinging up.

“Now you want to speak about Luci?! After I’ve asked for centuries?!”

But she stopped, straining for a modicum of self-control. She took a deep breath, steeled her expression, then turned back to face Alastor. Her hand slipped into his, smiling despite the pain painting her features, “Wait in my room, please.”

“No,” he said cheerily, smiling sweet.

With a firm frown, she dragged him off to her bedroom and slammed the door. She dropped his hand then rubbed her face as she continued, “Alastor, please, I need a moment to speak with him alone.”

His hands landed on his waist as he scoffed, “I will not be leaving you alone with that!”

She glared, now defensive in the opposite direction. She pointed to the shut door, angry with him instead of the intruder. “That is my brother. That is who has fought and stood by my side no matter the tragedy. And I need to speak with him alone. Gabriel and I are centuries overdue on this conversation and he won’t talk to me if you’re here.”

Fierce determination set over every inch of her. All the while, her pleading and pained tone tore at his insides. Out in the other room, for better or worse, stood a history he would never be totally privy to.

He sighed, stepping towards her, discontent with the minuscule distance between them. She let him pick up her barely bruised knuckles and bring it to his lips. They weren’t fighting. This wouldn’t be another misunderstood spat between them. So he explained, “Michael, I do not trust him.”

“I know,” she nodded solemnly, eyes soft and warm.

At first she hesitated, not certain what liberties she was allowed now, but she took them. Her fingers threaded into his and she brought his knuckles to her lips before explaining, “But I need you to trust me and respect him. I do owe Gabe an explanation. I need to make sure he is ok. I love you, but I also love my brother and I’ve done enough to him. What if it were Goldie?”

“I despise when you’re reasonable and convincing,” he murmured. But fine. This was not the hill to die on and he’d come out of their previous dilemmas shockingly well. There was no reason to start another by policing her.

“I’ll take you home, is that ok?”

“It’s been a lovely day already, so I fancy a bit of a walk!”

She smiled and nodded, “Then I’ll walk you out.”

“Ever chivalrous, sweetheart! Do take the time to teach your brother the few manners you have, if you don’t mind!”

There came a charming laugh as she half-heartedly shoved him and moved for the bedroom door. But he stopped her, arm blocking the way. “Michael, if I don’t see you at the station by one, I’m summoning Lucifer.”

Her eyes widened, knowing full and well that he meant it. “Please don’t.”

He swept a piece of hair off her shoulder and shrugged. Lazily, he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Don’t give me reason to.”

Michael instinctively pressed her cheek into his, nodding, “I’ll be there. I promise. If you go home, tell your mother I said hello.”

Oh, that was something he’d not thought of. Was he meant to tell his mother any of this? Who was he kidding. He’d walk in and she’d somehow be able to smell it on him! Oh well, that was a problem for future Alastor.

They exited the bedroom again to find Gabriel sitting prim and proper in the arm chair, looking like a stone. The angel truly was an odd spectacle to behold. He looked more like an ideal, far too perfect and unnatural when anyone observed him for long enough. Blue eyes, ones an icier shade than his father’s, held an all too familiar notion and Alastor understood exactly what he was to the angel. Disgusting. Filthy. Less than. A thing barely worthy of revulsion. If not for Michael’s intervention, he couldn’t fathom what the angel might have done to him.

In what world was this all bark and no bite?

Gabriel’s contemptuous gaze stayed trained on Alastor, watching him as if one wrong move would ignite them like a stick of dynamite. Cool as ever though, Alastor gathered up his socks, shoes, coat, and old shirt.

All the while, Michael, obviously coated in nerves, tried offering her brother something to drink, but the angel refused. She asked after Evelynn and whatever family breakfast she’d missed. All the small talk was met with pointed, short answers, and eventually she gave up on the niceties.

Now it was time for Alastor to leave, no matter how every part of him writhed against the idea. She met him at the door, pushing a mug of hot coffee in his hands. “For your walk.”

He bent down, took the mug and pressed a finger to her nose. “Ever so thoughtful! What would I do without you? Oh well, no need to waste time with nonsense questions! A silly little notion, isn’t it?”

Practically wrapped around his finger and curled in his palm, she smiled. “Utterly ridiculous.”

He pressed a kiss further past the flesh of her cheek, almost on her ear. There he whispered, “Maniacal bearcat, as darling a scrapper as you are, I’d prefer you not pick anymore fights today, hmm?”

These public, overly touchy displays didn’t suit him, but this technically wasn’t public and he reveled in the idea that Gabriel must be stewing in madness. This wasn’t a public display of affection. This was a weaponized display of affection. That damn brother needed to learn his place.

Again, her form gravitated into his. “I won’t start any, but surely you don’t expect me not to finish them?”

Alastor snickered, grinning at her hopelessness. Even so, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Hastily, as if she would be in trouble if caught, she placed a peck to his cheek.

He’d forgive her non-existent transgressions today, what with all their exciting, extenuating circ*mstances.

Michael startled as a plate clattered on the table, breaking their drawn-out goodbye. Alastor suspected the disgruntled archangel across the room had something to do with it. With that, he opened the door, but leveled a stern look on her, “One, mô bel zanj.”

She nodded, looking far more impish than he’d suspected, given their momentary separation. But as she went to close the door, biting her lip and grinning out of the steadily dwindling crack, she said, “One. I promise, mô zéklær.”

Then the door slammed in his face.

Her lightning.

Devious woman. Alastor sipped his coffee, making his way home. Right out of the frying pan and into the fire, he supposed.


Michael almost slumped with her back to the door, grinning like a fool, forgetting about Gabriel entirely. She loved him dearly, but right now she wanted to scream with delight, spin around like a lunatic, and comb through every luscious second of her morning. But no, she needed to interrupt the single best day of her existence to contend with her stern younger brother.

Gathering herself into some semblance of composure, she finally said, “Gabriel, we need to talk.”

The sharpness he held for Alastor was gone, replaced with a nearly pained sense of urgency and worry. He stood in front of her now, hands out, pleading, “Michael, please, no matter how you feel you don’t understand what he is!”

“You don’t know anything about him! Alastor is—”

Desperate, he spat, “Michael, he is a murderer! This could all be a ploy! I understand that you want to believe him and I shouldn’t have left you here for so long but please, believe me.”

Blood thundered through her ears as her eyes went wide and her throat tightened. “No—”

He interrupted, nodding and grabbing her shoulders. “Yes, it’s hard to understand but—”

Furious, she slapped off his hands. “You had no right to pull at his soul, Gabriel! You caused him pain! You deliberately opened him up!”

He looked confused, as if she’d smacked him across the face. “You know.”

“Yes I do!” She snarled, squaring up and stepping in closer. “I know him as well as I know myself! He might be a sinner, but I trust him. I love him and I trust his judgement. Promise me you won’t do it again!”

He couldn’t have seen the true depths of Alastor’s sins in that brief, unrefined glimpse. If Gabriel knew the complete truth, Michael wouldn’t be able to stop him in any capacity. Right now, he was shocked, trying to reconcile the Michael he knew and believed in with the Michael standing before him.

The reply didn’t come fast enough and she barked, “If there is any loyalty left between us, Gabriel, then promise me!”

His jaw tightened as he swallowed the complete distress across his face. But his palm came up, a glimmering, unreadable sigil warbling in his palm.

Michael grimaced and shook her head. One hand grabbed his wrist gently as her other closed his fingers. “No. No pledges. I trust you too, Gabe. I’ve always trusted you. I will always trust you. Which is why we need to talk. You mean too much to me, so please, I understand that there are things you can’t tell me, but there are some you can!”

Her voice cracked at the end and she held tight onto him, trying to swallow the fear that he would turn from her.

A perfect, warm hand landed over hers and squeezed. “What do you want to know?”

Relief flooded over her despite his finally pulling away. It was the furthest they’d come to the truth since her fall.

“The gate?”

“Collapsed. There were attempts at opening it but they’ve all failed. Or been thwarted.” The implication made her smile, even as he winced. Gabriel was anticipating the pain that came with breaking another angel’s punishment, but it never did. Good, they were still within their limits.

“And Lucifer’s baby is safe?” Lucifer might have told her that much, but Gabriel didn’t need to know she’d used the Sigillum Dei and she wanted to make sure the baby was safe from Heaven.

“She’s safe. Only the highest choirs know of her and it is classified information”

“She?” Michael couldn’t stop her stupidly hopeful grin, imagining Lucifer’s darling daughter.

Even Gabriel smiled and nodded, “There is a perfectly happy and healthy Princess of Hell. They named her Charlotte and it’s rumored that she looks like Lucifer.”

She breathed out and wiped at her eyes, unable to stop the mental image of the tiny, marionette cheeked baby. “How old is she now?”

Gabriel had to think on that one. “I believe she was born in the late 1700s? Maybe the early 1800s. I don’t know the precise decade or date.“

That meant Lilith spent centuries pregnant and, mentally, Michael cringed. She’d never seen a demonic pregnancy, but if it was anything like human ones, she felt for her sister-in-law.

Though, it was reasonable that it took time to grow existence’s first and only Nephilim. Was she still an infant? Was she full grown by now? The last of the Heavenly younglings came along eons ago and now she couldn’t remember how much time it took for them to grow. The original seven of them had come into existence formed in their own ways. Michael was the only one who’d experienced childhood among them, at that.

Lucifer was certainly in for an adventure.

They had laws against angels creating new life or manipulating souls to achieve the same effect. Regardless of that, a smile cracked across her face and she gave a relieved laugh. The broken, confused pieces of her heart were all worthwhile. Perhaps it could be a point of pride? There was no way Raphael could threaten Charlotte now. If infinite suffering was the price for her niece’s life, then Michael would gladly pay it time and time again.

During her happiness induced silence, Gabriel meekly asked, “Is this really what you want, Michael?”

Profusely, she nodded. “Beyond any doubt. I’ve never wanted anything before.”

He flinched and she couldn’t understand why. “Why now?”

She sighed and pulled him over to the couch to sit down. He needed to hear her this time, otherwise, she didn’t know what their future would look like. “ I can’t live over and over again, going through the motions meek and repentant, not any more. I can feel my soul shedding with each life and eventually nothing will be left. I exist on borrowed time. With Alastor I feel alive. Loved. Like my life belongs to me. And before you say anything, that holds true for before Raphael’s madness, before the Holy War or The Fall. Let me have him Gabriel, please.”

Watching Michael plead for what might be mere months with her human paramour suffocated him with guilt. That amount of time was nothing for their kind. “Why this human?”

Her smile was infectious. “Everything. I couldn’t have imagined him if I’d spent eternity trying to. The most important, though, is that we understand each other. He knows what it means to protect the innocent.”

The notion was incredulous to Gabriel. “Surely you’re joking? He’s a murderer!”

“And I’m not? Eden. The Great Flood. The Hemitheos. Asherah’s children. Goetic demons. The Fallen. Armies of humans! Our siblings! I am a murderer. The murderer. But now I am a disillusioned one, at least. Alastor understands that protecting the innocent and standing on the side of moral propriety rarely coincide! And I refuse to be blind a moment longer!”

He shot up, hands and words imploring her to see reason. “They brought it upon themselves! The humans would have drove themselves to extinction time and time again if not for our intervention!”

“Probably, but that doesn’t make it right! And I could have done better! Countless beings have perished and suffered under my command when I should have done more! The decisions of Heaven fell into my hands and I was never brave enough to stop it or find a better solution. At least Alastor has never killed someone innocent!”

He pinched the bridge of his nose, “You’re being brainwashed! All of our years, our holy duties, does that mean nothing to you?”

She scoffed, ready to scream. “To me? What does it mean at all?! There is no straight and narrow path. Was I to let Raphael murder an innocent child in her mother’s womb? A benevolent demoness who breathes life into her own kind and isn’t a destroyer of others? Should Alastor have stood by and let those men hurt another girl in the future? His methods can be cruel, but they are not unfounded!”

She rattled, eyes near blazing across his horrified expression. This was hardly how she wanted to talk to him!

“Being our Father’s children doesn’t make the path clearer. It makes it harder because we have power. Just like you, I cannot disobey the creed etched into my soul, but I cannot be ignorant anymore. So tell me, what are our holy duties Gabriel? Perhaps I’m in need of a refresher!”

Those words did nothing but make him feel like a reprimanded child. Foolish even. “Ignorant, are we? Tell me Michael, do you intend to throw us away, just like Lucifer? Are we not enough for you anymore?”

He should have run her through with his blade. It would have been less painful. “No! But Gabriel, I tried! Why is Raphael allowed home but I am not?! Why didn’t he trust us? Where did I fail him?! I … I can do no more. If I am the only thing that can hold Heaven together then maybe Heaven is what needs to change! I have nothing left to give! I’m exhausted! Do you not understand?!”

“Understand what Michael?!” He snapped.

Her eyes squeezed shut, ashamed to admit it. “When I closed the gate, I knew it would devour my soul and I had truly hoped that would be the end. What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t choose. I didn’t want to choose! I was so f*cking tired and Raphael forced my hand! It was either Heaven and another war with countless innocent Hellborns and our only niece dead or it was betray everyone I know and love and swore to protect!”

Gabriel’s mouth hung with horrific understanding, “You wanted to die.”

She nodded, unable to look at him. Then she huffed, “Not like this though. I suppose Father believes I don’t deserve peace and sent me here for punishment. Maybe that is cosmic justice? Why else would I have my memories, if not to suffer?”

It was true. Her punishment was a bizarre fringe case where all others were concerned. She wasn’t supposed to know, but she did, and she suspected it was so she could live through her failures until the end.

“T-that can’t be it! Michael, I don’t believe that!”

She’d not heard him stutter in eons. “You’re the angel of truth Gabriel. If there’s another explanation, I’d love to hear it.”

But his head shook, because he knew of no other reason.

Michael nodded, scrubbing at her eyes. She wiped a hand down her face and neck, only to run into Alastor’s bowtie. Clutching the fabric brought her an unreasonable amount of comfort. No matter what had happened, no matter what would happen, she was alive now, and she wasn’t going to give it away.

Stupidly, she looked up and asked, “Do you want something to drink? It’s poor manners not to offer in the South. It’s even ruder to refuse.”

Gabriel heaved a groan and dropped down beside her. On the coffee table were two steaming cups of tea. Politely, she handed one to him, appreciating the nonsensical gesture.

Another moment of silence passed before he asked, “He doesn’t know, does he?”

She flinched and shook her head. “No, he doesn’t.”

“You’re going to hurt him, Michael. One day soon, he’ll have to bury you. It’s cruel.”

She could only imagine he was saying that from experience. Before last night, she thought she could get away with the loss not mattering to Alastor, that she would be a friend to pass the days with until the inevitable.

That was no longer the case and he deserved to know what was coming. “I— I should tell him.”

Her brother nodded and took a long drink of tea.

“How’s Azrael?”

“Surviving.” The answer hurt because that meant her sweet, kind, and soft Azrael was suffering under the weight of mortal souls and all the misery that accompanied it. Sensing her despair, Gabriel added, “I force them to stop when I can. Their secretary, Lawali, has been a God send.”

A chuckle rolled up her throat and they shared a look. He really was funny when he wanted to be. “What about Jophiel, Uriel, and Raphael?”

Gabriel shook his head and raked a hand through his hair. “Nothing has changed with Uriel. We have someone check on them every so often. Jophiel is still angry with me, but she doesn’t let it interfere. You’d be proud of what she’s managed to accomplish with the saved souls. And Raphael—”

Both of them grimaced. Their brother’s name held an unfathomable weight made of despair, confusion, and guilt. Regardless of what he’d conspired to do, she still loved her brother.

“How did he know? About Charlotte?”

His head shook. “I still don’t know. Maybe it was Father.”

Finally, she asked the most pressing question. “And how are you?”

He only squeezed her hand in response, forcing a smile. It explained all of the pain he felt and left her with nothing but guilt. She’d done this to him. To all of them. Given his inhuman status, he managed to swallow the entirety of the scalding black tea, then stood up. “I should go and make sure Evelynn isn’t contacting the authorities. I’ll tell her you were working.”

Michael stood up and nodded as the tea cups disappeared. “Is this it for us, Gabe?”

Again, he smiled. While it was sad and pitiful, it was honest. ”I will never forsake you Michael. I’ll try to smooth things over with your … lover.”

The word sounded painful in his mouth and she nearly snickered. Instead, she offered, “Stop by the station. Come and meet our staff. See what we do. It’s not much in the grand scheme, but I’m still trying to help people, even if it’s only a handful at a time. And maybe, you could try and get to know Alastor. You might like him, if you let yourself. I know he can be insufferable and ridiculous and mean spirited, but—”

Gabriel groaned, “But what? Those sound like miserable qualities in a human. No wonder he’s due for Lucifer.”

Regardless of the dig, she snickered. “He’s intense. And strangely unflappable. And I don’t know anyone who’s so set to drive me insane, but I love him. Then there’s his mother, Claire, who’s been teaching me to cook, and sister. You would adore Goldie. At times, she reminds me of you. I’ve never met anyone who reads so fast.”

With a sardonic grin, he snarked, “You sound happy, Michael. It’s obnoxious.”

Without hesitation, she popped up and locked her arms around him in a near strangling hug. Few people understood his humor, but she did. “I want you to be happy. I want all of us to actually be happy, Gabe. I know we’ve both hurt you, and I’m so sorry, but Luci was right. There’s so much more to living. Please, if you need something, let me know. And even if you don’t need something, come see me. And try to make up with Jophi. You need each other.”

He sighed and returned her hug, digging his face in her shoulder. “I’ll try Michael.”


Please let me know how you feel about Gabe, if anything. Obviously I know a bunch about him but I really wanted to showcase who he is/was, especially for what we saw from him in the modern day.

I think he's been dealt an awful hand in life. Which, all the seraphim have. Their lives are extraordinarily unfair by 'birth'.

BUT he's an adult. We can't excuse certain behaviors regardless of circ*mstance. Is he good? Is he bad? Would Michael be better off if he left her alone?

Just some thoughts. I love getting into who the 7 archangels are and what they've lived through.

Language Notes:

Mô zèklær (Louisiana Creole / Kouri-Vini)
- - My lightning

Chapter 85: Changes


Michael and Alastor have decided to make significant changes in their lives.




How's it going? Here's the song. I know you know it.

Take Me To Church - Annapantsu cover / Hozier

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

How often had she passed this church yet never considered it? Before, any house of worship would set a heft of memories over her. Now she couldn’t be bothered to consider them.

Talking to Gabriel went far better and faster than she’d ever anticipated it would. And thanks to that, she had plenty of time before needing to meet Alastor at the station lest he bring forth armageddon via Lucifer. That would be a dramatic team! That would be an unfathomable, unholy pair just as likely to murder the other as they would be to sack Heaven.

They were capable of so much on their own, even. It left a rolling warmth in her chest. If they were so unlimited and undaunted, why couldn’t she be?

With an odd bout of hopeful defiance, she entered the pristine, manicured courtyard. Every step reminded her this was no bastion of Heaven, but only an artful tribute to the delusions of humans.

As she slowly approached the pulpit, feeling uncomfortably displaced, she noticed the ornate chamber was markedly empty. Then again services weren’t held before lunch on a Saturday.

“Can I help you, my child?”

Michael startled, gritting her teeth and trying to dawn an amicable expression. Priests and preachers left her far more uneasy than the buildings they frequented. Why did some humans claim to know of eternity even if they couldn’t prove it?

But like all things, exceptions existed. Lucifer’s actions had separated human souls from their sense of the divine, but Michael always suspected some still retained the ability. There had been cases where some souls were able to understand exactly who and what they were seeing when gazing upon the divine. She felt bad for those humans because their lives were regularly steeped in tragedy. Still, there were hardly enough to constitute the massive amount of religious humans.

Standing before an arching, immaculate, elaborate stained glass window, one sporting an ironic and inaccurate depiction of Eve in Eden, was a priest. An oddly young and handsome priest. She’d never seen one who wasn’t elderly or balding or both.

“Not particularly, sir. I only came to see what all the fuss was about,” she explained to the man sporting a gentle, tawny face and neat beard.

He came forward to stand next to her at arms’ length, greeting her with the briefest of nods. Mirth set in his eyes as he quipped, “Most the parishioners call me Father.”

“You’ll have to forgive me, but I’m not one of the parishioners. I hope you don’t mind the we settle on something else.”

He smiled and shrugged, taking her comment in stride. “I can’t argue with that logic. Feel free to call me Winston. Or Brother, as some of the older constituents do. They’re not sure how they feel about the younger-than-them, enterprising new priest yet.”

Michael grinned, shook her head, and crossed her arms. “I’m going to have to disappoint you again, Winston, but I don’t lack siblings.”

“A large family is a wonderful blessing, until it’s supper time and there isn’t enough dessert. I’m the youngest of 12.”

Michael smiled, “I’m the eldest to a Father who had more children than good sense, it seems.”

He mouthed an ‘oof’ while pressing a hand to his chest. “In that case, on the behalf of younger siblings everywhere, thank you Miss. I don’t often see my older siblings. I wish I did.”

This time, she offered him an empathetic gaze. “And what’s stopping you?”

There came a long sigh and he absentmindedly patted what might be a pants pocket under his costume. “Poverty. The Rocky Mountains. A murder. The average things families go through. What’s stopping you?” He countered.

Her mouth twisted. “Bigotry. An attempted murder. A failing family business. You know, the usual.”

With the brightness of a younger sibling, he gave a laugh and gently patted her on the shoulder. “Are you from Wyoming? We might be related at this point!”

His chipper and clever demeanor inspired her to laugh and grin. “You’re a dangerous sort. If all members of the cloth were half as charming as you, then everyone would be apart of a congregation.”

“That might be the finest compliment I’ve ever received! Thank you, though I suppose that means you don’t carry a faith?”

“Should I?” She murmured, shrugging.

“Where do you go for hope? We’re a miserable group of beings without something to believe in, wouldn’t you think?”

“I have someone to believe in, Brother.”

“Brother?! It seems I’ve made a favorable impression!” With a bright smile, he gestured to the pew. What did she have to lose? So they sat and he continued on, “It’s a blessing for you to have an unshakeable faith in someone tangible. Most people aren’t so blessed.”

There was no chance to pull back her spreading smile. “I am. It was hard to believe until recently.”

The priest snickered against his fist. “It sounds like a congratulations is in order!”

When her head spun in his direction, he looked away entirely and hastily asked, “What brought you in today? You don’t sound like one of the architectural enthusiasts we receive from time to time. Perhaps a confession would soothe your mind? I’ve heard it eases the heart and the soul.”

There came a knee-jerk reaction to scowl at him, but it left, replaced by a moonlit memory. “I went the other night, actually.”

Winston made a considering sound, nodding with a small grin. Apparently a nosy sort, he asked, “But it didn’t do the trick? Or are you here for more than your sins?”

“I—” But she stopped, swallowing and staring down at the stone floor. Why was she here? What had compelled her to walk into a house of worship? Her brow creased as she turned to inspect the room all over again. She frowned at the inaccurate portrayal of angels while admitting, “I don’t understand why humans need religion.”

He made a soft, lulling ‘hmm’. “The definition of need is to require something because it is essential or very important. Religion can offer hope and without hope, people are liable to fall into wallowing pits of despair. Or they’re seeking a community. I’d wager a good bit of parishioners don’t quite believe in the great beyond, but it is nice to have others in our times of need.”

“I don’t understand how believing in something that cannot be proved, something that only offers a choice between salvation and damnation, is worth believing in.” Father help her, she was such a hypocrite. Humans liked to believe that demons would burst into flames upon entering their so-called holy grounds. If anything, she was the one who deserved her Father’s ire.

Here she was mocking their choices when, somehow, they were right.

In her silence, he continued, “For all the same reasons we all need something, or someone, to believe in. Life would be awful hard without it.”

“I hope your parishioners are smart enough to listen when you speak.”

“I’m rarely the sharpest pencil in the schoolhouse Miss … apologies, but I never caught your name.”

“Michael,” she answered, stretching her hand out.

A bemused, appraising look crossed his face, but he only continued smiling and shook her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Michael.”

“Well,” he chirped while popping to his feet, “I believe the front steps are in need of a thorough sweeping and if I’m lucky, I’ll be able to catch Father Thomas on his way in. In the mean time, I hope you find what you need.”

That was particularly kind of him, she thought, given how immaculate the courtyard was when she walked in. But being alone and feeling uncharacteristically small left her wondering: what did she need?

Michael rubbed her face, blocking out the gilded, opulent, ironically Roman decor. Need was never a concern.

Of course, once upon a time, there was the need to be stronger, steadfast, and insurmountable in the face of their enemies. Those days were long gone and she seriously doubted they would ever be back. Then again, what if her punishment did come to a conclusion?

What if she was meant to return?

Shouldn’t the thought fill her with the jubilation and relief she’d been desperate for? Now the notion only filled her with dread for all she had to lose. She had a home, a life, and a love. Short lived as they might be, there was no way she could fathom the loss of having those memories ripped away even if she could return to Heaven.

A weight settled throughout her as an unwarranted nervousness seized at her stomach. This was hardly what she’d intended, but what else was there to do?

“Father,” she whispered, then paused, mocking herself for the ludicrous idea.

But still, she leaned forward, positioning her elbows on her knees. There was no clasping her hands in pious devotion. Instead, she held her head, letting herself feel tired, truly and devastatingly exhausted, for the first time.

“Why do they do this? I don’t believe this works. I don’t believe you can hear me and even if you could, would you even listen? The choirs don’t because I never assigned anyone to answer prayers! How many choirs would we even need?” In theory, it would be a logistical nightmare, even for the original children of God.

The comfort of problem solving was batted away and replaced with further absurdity.

“Why did you do this? Why am I here? Am I supposed to be here? I don’t know anything anymore and you really don’t speak to any of us like you do Gabriel. Even then, those messages are little more than fever dreams! Why did you bother? At least Asherah’s children are free! Were we nothing more than slaves to you?! For what? We had no purpose! And look at us now, Father! Is this the grand design? Is nothing promised to us, but failure? Were we created so high that our only choices are to serve or fall? I don’t understand any of it. The demons are aimless. The humans suffer. And angels cannot escape without sacrificing thousands!”

There were no tears. Only anger reverberated in her hushed voice.

Divinity felt so far away now. The absurd, inconceivable connection to God had all but died when she shut the gate.

Her existence became an island drifting through the darkness.

But she wasn’t alone. If anything, for the first time, someone truly sat beside her, able to see her.

Michael smiled. She loved that darkness. And to call Alastor a darkness was an insult, even if he would say it and double down on the idea. If anything, he was light. He was cracks of lightning, striking her until she felt burning and alive. A streak of power crashing through the darkest of skies. How funny and relieving it was, that even without wings, she was chasing the lightning.

Was this the glory of feeling awake?

It all left her feeling uniquely stupid. Belligerent and temperamental, exactly like a child! Because where would her lightning be if there were no storms to weather or winds to ride? What would she have if there were no humans? Where would Lucifer’s lovely baby girl be?

With a huffing and begrudging chuckle, she shot backwards, turning her eyes on a golden, stain glass cloud.

“Luci must get his sense of humor from you, Father. Thank you. Now either f*ck off or let my siblings and all the younglings find their own path! Lucifer and I failed them completely. I can’t fathom what they need, I wouldn’t know where to begin, and I don’t know what could make them happy. And I would do anything to save them, but there’s nothing left!”

She’d done everything she thought she was supposed to do! She had nothing left to give them.

Maybe, just maybe, that was the point. What if she could set the example? And then whichever of her siblings moved on next, they would do it a little more gracefully. Then the next. Eventually all seven of them and the choirs would find peace or whatever could stop that suffocating feeling in their souls.

“Who am I kidding?” She breathed, shaking her head and rising from the bench.

“I’m rambling like a lunatic, alone, in a church! And I don’t have time for it! I don’t have the luxury of eternity anymore.”

Her breath hitched in her throat as a stranger than strange feeling drenched her entirety. Michael grinned and laughed as brisk steps, each a hair quicker than the last, carried her down the aisle. With each pew, she left a desiccated and dismantled piece of everything she’d gotten wrong behind. Wings or not, she felt like the wind was caught beneath her.


“Excuse me sir, could you spare a smoke for an aging gentleman?”

Alastor turned to find a rather established priest from his neighborhood standing next to him on the street corner. He made haste and handed over a cigarette before stretching out his hand, “Why, Father Thomas! Out for a stroll, I see!”

The man tucked the cigarette on his ear, below short, coiling gray hair and shook Alastor’s hand while waggling a bag, “Oh blessed be, Mr. Laveau, I barely recognized you! Only out to grab some sandwiches for our newest priest, from Wyoming of all places, Winston Rosemont. Tell me, how’s your mother doing? It is a shame I’ve not seen her so much since moving down to the river!”

Blessings and shame all in the same sentence! Figured as much, given Father Thomas always was one to flap his gums. As for his mother, they’d tried church on the rare occasion when he was still too young to take care of everything, but they’d abandoned the practice in his late teens. And good riddance, knowing what he did.

“Mother is doing splendid! Fit as a fiddle and she has the finest camellias on the block!”

Alastor had walked home, ready to be assaulted with whatever notions his mother managed to sniff out, but thankfully, she was out to lunch with Goldie’s mother’s card group. Despite how he felt about the idea of blessings, it was one because he had ample opportunity to think, bathe, and eat in peace.

What surprised him more than the blissful silence was just how little he had to think on. Michael’s near self-suffocating jubilation meant that there weren’t any issues he needed to fix. Of course, Gabriel’s unexpected visit caused an absolute deviation from all of Alastor’s plans, but he could make time on a different day. Was it a family trait of angels? To come around corners and ruin every well intended gesture in their wake?

He supposed he would find out well enough in the years to come.

“Seems like you got a lot on you mind there!” Called out Father Thomas as a calloused, ebony finger wagged at Alastor.

The younger recovered smoothly from the momentary distraction, “You’ve caught me! Yes, it seems I’ve had a hefty bit to think about as of late! I was just out for a walk before making a few service calls!”

“Don’t work and stress all that youth away! These are the best years of your life! Full of magic and wonder and blessings on every corner, all with good knees!”

Alastor nearly scoffed, but settled for brightening his smile. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! Thankfully my name is not Jack or of the equivocal varieties.”

There came a bellied laugh as a hand patted him on the back. The gesture caused him to fish out a cigarette and light it. Father Thomas had always been kind to Alastor’s mother so he wouldn’t do the priest the disrespect of shrugging off the unwelcome gesture. That, and the priest was a relative of Slim’s. So he took a long drag and flicked his nerves away with the ash.

“If you need an ear, I’ve still got two good ones,” Father Thomas offered.

Really, there was very little he needed right now and there was no world where he would seek a priest out, regardless. But, that didn’t mean he couldn’t make some use of the man’s knowledge. It was rather difficult to make time for the library as of late and he doubted that would change anytime soon. At that, asking Michael too many questions would leave her despondent, which wouldn’t benefit him at all.

He’d prefer to leave her spiraling dizzy or in a fuss as opposed to descending into ancient misery. Thus he asked, “What do you know of angels?”

A bushy, peppered brow popped up. “Taken a shine to theology, have you?”

“What can I say, I’m nothing if not a curious fellow! It never hurts to know more about what makes our fine world turn!”

There came another laugh followed by a far too friendly elbow. “Then you ought take up finance, but, just between you and me, I couldn’t tell you anything about it. So, the divine it will be! When it comes to angels, it changes across the Abrahamic religions and there are some equitable beings in other faiths. I reckon they’re not such important figures to the protestants. And while I know a fair bit about Judaism and Islam, I’m not so familiar with how they utilize those figures.”

And so Father Thomas spoke, going on and on about things Alastor already knew, didn’t need to know, or knew to be an utter falsehood. He certainly wasn’t familiar with the notions of his bearcat outside of Catholicism, but all the stories were fantastical, righteous, and altruistic to a fault.

One thing bothered him though. “How do you know that some of them, say Saint Michael for example, isn’t a woman?”

That caused his weak kneed companion to halt and draw two woolly eyebrows together. Two seconds passed before the priest made a drawn out, considering noise. “It is a silly occurrence. You might be onto something! It isn’t in the power or understanding of man to make such determinations! Though, I couldn’t recommend you to the priesthood if you’re going on with radical ideas. You’d strike terror into the congregation!”

Their talk on the divine ended there and the aging man started on about the most important thing that happens in a church: gossip. Even better, it was the sort he could take back to his mother and make her giggle with glee.

Not long after, they arrived at the church.

“Father Winston!” Called Father Thomas, prompting the younger priest to stop sweeping. They started some jabbing exchange across the courtyard and Alastor meant to give a hasty, but polite goodbye. That plan was also ruined as a familiar lion’s mane came into view.

“Michael?” Alastor called out.

Her head jerked up as she stilled on the top step and the two priests quieted.

Despite being used to her usually odd and off kilter expressions, he squinted, concerned with the strange wide eyed, grinning, seemingly confused look on her face. Then she beamed, and like a bat out of hell, she bounded down the steps, three at a time. Instinctually he raced forward, worried she’d trip and bash her face in on the stone. They’d dealt with enough blood in one week to last them for the month!

Much to his annoyance, his closing the distance between them only spurred her on.

With a blazing smile, she leaped down the last five.

If he thought she could heal herself, he might have let her catch the walkway to prove a point! Instead, afraid of the alternatives, he caught her. Her arms latched around his neck. With drastically different tones, one delighted over one aggravatingly concerned, they asked, “What are you doing here?!”

Promptly he put her down. They were in a safer part of town, but there was no need to be indecent! Realizing her overzealous attitude, she took a half step back, head swiveling to look at the pair of priests looking at them. Bashfully, she waved and said, “Thank you for your time today, Brother Winston.”

With the younger priest’s name in her mouth, Alastor leveled a narrow gaze and razored smile on the new clergyman. The man paled as his muscles went rigid under the silent threat. Satisfied, Alastor tucked Michael’s hand into his elbow, already starting to drag her off. “A pleasure as always Father Thomas, but I must be on my way! Good day to you both, gentlemen!”

The priests waved with odd expressions across their faces. Thomas pushed the bag of sandwiches and fresh cigarette into Winston’s hands, dark eyes following after the pair walking down the street, and asked, “Do you think the archangel Michael could be a woman?”

Winston startled a smidge, gaze trailing after the departed guests. Then they shared a long look and Winston chuckled nervously, pulling a lighter from his pocket and mumbling, “You don’t think?”

Thomas rubbed the back of his head. “Wouldn’t that be something?”

All the while, Alastor and Michael turned the corner. In a biting tone, still trying to dislodge the idea of her mingling all alone with some cowboy priest, he asked, “What possessed you to walk into a church?”

She made a sheepish shrug and quipped, “I thought the Catholics handled possessions?”

“Michael,” he growled out. With that, her hand tightened around his arm and they stopped. The neurotic feeling starting to boil his blood escalated as he watched her make uncharacteristic faces at the sidewalk, mouth twisting.

“Did Gabriel do this?” He demanded, bending down to shove his face in hers.

Her eyes snapped up, “No! No. Everything with Gabriel went better than I could have dreamed. He’s going to stop by the station, actually! Not today, but soon, I hope.”

Alastor jerked back up, groaning and gripping at his face with the impending horror.

Her palm shoved hard into his arm. “Don’t be like that. You should try to know Gabe. You might actually come to like him!”

Loathe was too weak a word for the idea of that winged, heeled dog hanging about the station. There wasn’t a single thing he could do about that, other than prepare a day so wicked that Gabriel would never dare come again! Free time was destined to be an ancient artifact, he feared.

“I went to say goodbye,” she murmured, drawing his attention away from the impending horror.

“Goodbye to?” To what? To who? He didn’t understand.

Michael shifted slightly, leaning further into his side as her other hand folded over his arm, and offered him a soft, honest smile. “There’s no going back for me now. Not if I can help it. There’s nothing else I can give them. So, I’m officially retired!”

He blinked, trying to conceptualize what this meant.

And, in the moment, he couldn’t. Instead, he gave her a bright and cheerful smile. “Then we have to celebrate! I would throw you a party, but I doubt we could find a venue to invite all your previous cohorts. Instead, I’ll take your near rotted sweet tooth to that sugar laden cess pit before our evening duties!”

The promise sparked her back to life, and even though he would have swore it wasn’t possible, she pressed into him further and insisted on reaching their new destination before it ran out of macarons. The maneuver gave him plenty of time to consider just what her retirement meant.

Was she not already forcibly retired? She’d mournfully lamented about Heaven and her immortal punishment, so what did this new development imply?

Alastor kept a lid on it until they were situated in her office with lunch, treats, coffee, notes, and paperwork in hand.

There came a pleasant, silent lull, but he couldn’t help but ruin it. “Bel Zanj, you’ll have to explain what exactly your retirement entails!”

She looked up from the half eaten pistachio macaron and blinked. Then she sat the sweet down and picked up her coffee, thumbs rubbing across the warm sides. Frowning, she started, “In short form, I am refusing to go back, if I’m called to. If I’m ever given the choice. I don’t believe it would be possible, but once upon a time I never imagined any of us could fall. We didn’t even have a concept of it for so long. I can’t begin to fathom what I don’t know.”

He did not like the sound of any of that. Unwilling to be a coward though, he pressed on, folding his hands tight over his knee as he leaned forward. “There’s a chance you could go back?”

She hesitated, but ultimately nodded. “Technically. Short of banishment and having one’s wings cut off, the worst of punishments is to be sent to Earth. Much like I do now, they live and die.”

He almost interjected to tell her that didn’t explain a damn thing, but he stopped, pushing himself to be patient. He’d gotten the urge of impulse under control years ago, but with Michael, he struggled to master it all over again.

Thankfully, she continued on. “During the punishment, they live without memories of who or what they are. They experience difficult lives until their soul has learned for the better. Once that happens, they are returned to Heaven. By design, they do not retain their human memories. Some return with their angelic memories, others don’t. We were never sure how that happened, but we always suspect it was a choice made by Our Father. It is difficult to understand, but souls are as much an active part to angels as the mind and body is to humans. They’re able to return home with that new understanding etched into their soul without the burden of suffering or being tied to the human souls they encountered. Beyond that, all the choirs are banned from speaking on the past transgressions or the years spent away. They regain their life and family without having to relive those pains.”

A deep, disturbed frown settled across his mouth. “You’re essentially describing death.”

She nodded, unable to meet his gaze. “We’d decided it was for the best. Some of Lucifer’s followers didn’t become fallen. They accepted punishment, eventually returned to Heaven, and their lives continued on. We always viewed it as a fresh start, so no one could spite them for all eternity, but I regret it now. The only consolation is that I will be the last to serve this punishment since angels cannot be sent to Earth or banished without me.”

The implication of what that meant for her was not lost on him. The words rolled off his tongue before he could catch them. “All of that sounds cruel.”

“It is, which is why I don’t expect forgiveness,” she explained, wincing into the chair. But her gaze rose to meet his and she smiled. “Actually, I don’t want it anymore. Like I said, I’m retired.”

Alastor rose from his chair and leaned over the coffee table. One hand landed on her arm rest as his other came to her face. He dragged one finger over her brow, down her temple, and across the flesh of her cheek until he traced the line of her jaw. Then the tip caught under her chin, drawing her closer.

In an attempt to fight down the warmth she set in his chest and the gears grinding to life in his skull, he grinned.

Michael’s expression devolved into a saucer-eyed flush, undoubtedly remembering just how they were before their day was interrupted. Slowly, he pulled his hand closer and she followed, unwilling to be without the simple touch.

“Michael?” He drawled, low and sweet.

“Y—” She tried to answer, but he popped the unfinished macaron into her parted mouth and hopped away, snatching up his notes.

He didn’t bother to witness her dumbfounded expression as he chirped, “Dearest, it is in poor taste to chew with your mouth open! Now, be a doll and wait here while I go and keep our business afloat!”

With that, he all but bounced to the broadcast room.

Doing one of the things he did best was soothing and helped ease him through the implication of her words. If she went back, regardless of the how, she would forget everything. Even though the centuries she’d suffered as a human would be gone, so would all their days and evenings and squabbles and delights.

On the off chance she could be forgiven, she was rejecting it entirely! She was abandoning unfathomable holy power and her immortal home. Alastor couldn’t imagine spitting in the face of all that power. But Michael was and it set a welcome, relieving fire between his ribs.

She was choosing him. Choosing the wild memories they’d already made and all the years they would have together. The idea of her punishment being less certain than he’d initially thought forced his mind further along.

The breakneck pace and strangling stress of the past week hadn’t given him any time to think on what their future might look like. There were only a few facts he could count on. One day, one decades from now if he was lucky, he would descend into Hell then Michael would be reborn, stuck on the Earth as a human.

She’d developed a new view of the world and, all due to his diligence and tutelage, was an absolute riot of a good time. Inevitably, they would be separated. What if she found someone else to cling to in her following life?

What could he possibly do about that?

Then again, it wasn’t what he could do. It was what Lucifer was prepared to do, seeing how Bartholomew had extended her the king’s offer to live in Hell.

And that was it. That was the solution. It was not perfect, but the short years waiting for her to be born and call upon Lucifer with the Sigillum Dei was nothing compared to the decades they would have in between. If anything, it would give him ample time to secure the power necessary to keep her safe and, after years of missing her incessant ramblings, he would be more than delighted to have her back in their imaginary demonic home. Then she would never be able to move on from him!

Then she could meet that literal Hellspawn and make all those teary eyed amends with Lucifer. Gabriel would likely be furious, but Alastor considered that a boon as opposed to a drawback.

And surely there had to be a means to keep her from dying! If she was fallen already, couldn’t she become a demon as well? Would she, even? Or would she see that as a betrayal to her other siblings?

There would be a million things he couldn’t account for. That was all well and good as long as he had her. He would take it one step at a time.

All he needed for the first step was an engagement ring.


Since we're in a church, here's some black catholic history!

There are some amazing stories in here because while religion has been used to destroy communities and disenfranchise people of color on several occasions, there are instances where it was used to lift them up, such as the pope denouncing the slave trade. Solidarity did exist in some communities. It goes to show that all things can be good and bad. I was raised in a community where, without churches, there would be little to no social services for people in need even if these institutions did cause religious trauma or perpetuate certain beliefs/narratives. So yeah, do with that what you will.

Reckless - TsundereForHire - Hazbin Hotel (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.