The Daily Record from Long Branch, New Jersey (2024)

srorrs TEN SPORTS THE DAItY RECORD, LONG BRANCH, N. FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1952 rui ln)0i wove BMaaaVtej jft Tj pammmSisifcgw. aw. ryyj LD They All Look Alike To Turner Invaders Have Average Of 72 Points A Came OH The Record Ml By Sol Foderoro a kit nf frn advice for team. As if Coach Frink Pingitore nt already aware of it, his Buc-cancers had better be at their best when they take the short hike to Nep- This shapes up at a game that could decide the Shore Conference Group 2 race right off the bat.

In a way it's too bad that the two top i I OR 'fnr LhL. lent WaaIsamMSSssasssw quintets ui the loop taccowing imm oienrui htB urn to grips so early in the campaign. Hay they been scheduled to meet near the end of the season, the climatic tilt might have seen both rivals carry perfect Conference records into battle. I Be that al it my, the upcoming engagement carries enough interest to merit the attention of all Shore fans. The different styles of play employed by the two clubs something like the clastic slugger vs.

boxer in ring matches should combine to make it an evening repine wim mriui and hectic action. it Lock Of Height Hurts Althouah we aot our first glimpse effort the other ninht. we saw enough operatives will be hard to beat by a to Trenton held the advantage from the start ot the second period and held it to the final huzzer. but you always felt the Fliers had the stuff to SEARCH FOR BONE CHIPS-Catcher Roy Campanula of the Brooklyn Dodgers, who was voted the National League's most valuable player for 1951, undergoes X-ray examinations at Long Island College Hospital in Brooklyn, N.Y. The backstop has some bone chips floating in the area of his left elbow and the X-rays were taken to determine if surgery is needed to ease the pain.

come back. As things developed, they 72-62 score. If Neptune wssn't pitifully a different story. The Scarlet Fliers race hone style of plsy intended to with one of their fastest quintets. I of height, and this proved to be their balanced Trenton aggregation.

Big who handles himself nicely, was just lers to cope with. Incidentally, he all-stater of a few years back. off heir Fecher, Preville In Scoring 'Battle By CHARLIE PARIS GIL TURNER cow working over yesterday's nrcsi. lie hit Cardell with everything but Al Weill's cigar winning nine of 10 rounds. Gil admittedly has much to learn, but ho cannot be too bad.

He unbeaten, has tabulated It knockouts In 27 starts. He won 37 straight amateur bouts before turning pro. Turner Is an amiable young man with the marked gentleness of msnner characteristic of so many fist fighters, mostly friendly guys who never slug anybody Fliers Mode 7 Of 44 Shots An Avatnnlai lima atvia "Finnls race itself are the vital, pre-holiday scoring statistics released i a a rrtl ti Ul aAM4ipa VI IJWTT SSIVll VIV HIV 1 tl IAS Hit IllWUIIg department are the first-half statistics which show that out of 44 attempts from the floor they could only send seven of these through the hoop. That average of 15,9 percent is about what you'd expect from a grammar Waay Dy tne upons siaii oi ino circuit's most able and dependable scorekeeper, one discovers, 1.1 1. 1 NEW YORK (NBA) Cll Turner was aaaed if believes he was ready to ge after Eld Cavilaa't world welterweight Championship, "111 fight anybody," replied the pbenemrnil tl-year-oid Negro from Philadelphia's north side.

"When yon get in the top II they're ad alik. "Yen dost worry about any of UrrDt. Hut every fight's a big one then." And to la tha money. After only II months, Turner Is rated fifth by Tha Ring mia-sine. Ahead of him, to Editor Nat Fleischer's way of thinking, are Gavllan, Charley Humenx, Billy Graham and Johnny Bret-ton.

Burnet, a Frenchman, la the European champion. Turner, one of the more eicltlng tigers who has come along lately, gives promUe of brighter days In the division. He made large scores when ho dismantled aurh wterans as Ike Williams, Charley Fuaarl, Bean Jack and Bcrnle Docusen. no Is a steel-muscled operative about skillful aa a mad-denrd longshoreman, but be can throw a punch and take one, and he Is accustomed to brawls which don't slow down until somebody fills down. Against plucky Vic Carded in bis Madison Square Garden debut, boxing's rookle-of-the-year looked like one who could be fooled, outboxed and outpointed, but who might stiffen any ep- ponent either by number of punches or with that southpaw hook.

TURNER HAS LOT TO LEARN Turner, youngest of three sons, fights three mlnutea per round, hits from all angles at all times, and chews up his opponent with the ruminative deliberation of a Cubs, Redlegs Swap HuHers CINCINNATI ()-The Cincin nati Reds today announced that three veteran members of the ball club and a newcomer had ilgned their 1952 contracts. Pitcher Herm Wehmeier, Catcher Dixie Howell and Third Sacker Grady Hatton are the old regulars to come into the fold. Bob Curley, young pitcher, is the other who sent in his contract. Curley, from Covington, Ky, is right hander, and won six games while, losing 12 with Tulsa last summer. The Reds now have six players in the bag for the coming season, the other being two of their pitching aces Ewell Blackwell and Kenny Raffensberger.

General Manager Gabe Paul yes terday announced another trade with the Chicago Cubs Pitcher Willie (The Knuck) Ramsdell for Pitcher Frank Hlller. Both ire in their thirties. Ramsdell won nine games and lost 17 for -Cincinnati last season. Hiller, whose home is at Irvlngton, N. won six and lost 12.

Nats Win. Snare Lead In Division Bt Tka Aimlatai Praia The Syracuse Nationals today held down first place in the Eastern Division of the National Bas ketball Association but their grip was a loose one. The Nats slipped Into the front spot last night by whipping the Boston Celtics, 107-81, in the only scheduled game. The Celtics had been at the top of the heap, but now they're 14 points behind the Bob Cousy was high man, pouring 27 points through the hoop for thcZ-eltly', losing cause. school quintet In the third period Neptune still many of their shots hung tantalizingly session, with tne game out ot hand point lead, Coleman's cagert suddenly of minutes had slashed the margin to Fliers to finish the second half with dropping 16 out of 41 twipes at the You ve got to like this Neptune not.

The Fliers play a brand of ball a nets. West Virginia Hands Violets First Defeat NEW YORK The nation's longest basketball winning streak 12 straight by New York University was at an end today because a red-hot aggregation of Mountaineers from West Virginia capitalized on the expert scouting of their coach. plenty oi action. I hey throw possession ball out the window, and use speed, daring and aggressiveness in its stead. Red Bank High School's basketball Neptunt of Neptune ihis season in a losingr learn that Coach Russ Coleman's Conference foe.

couldn't make losing out by a in its shooting it would have been long noted for their fast breaks and demoralize the enemy have come up big shortcoming it a glaring lack undoing against a taller, and well- Lavelle Williams, a 6-4 pivotman too ttrong under the boards for the the brother or Lcnme Williams, the mam) YAaarai tm Plira in tVaa altwtti hadn found the range, although around the rim. But in the final and lrenton tittnng on an IB- began hitting and inside of a couple nine points. This flurry enabled the good 39 per cent shooting mark, club, whether you re a Flier fan or that gives fans what they pay to tee Opponents cousin. Carl. who.

if anvthine. is just all night. 5 8. are the kev men in the Neptune the starters at six feet. Dossestes a rebounder for hit size.

The ouards. but neither has a aood shot, partic time stopoinn Trenton 'a Williams Ave. gym a week from Saturday. RED BANK SPRING SERVICE AUTO TRUCK TRACTOR TRAILER Shrewsbury Ava Phona RE 1551 Spring SpecioHsts Shore tans remember Lou (Bucky) Davis from last season. Hes the little forward who's a dynamo of energy and who is an artist at stealing the ball.

Another Davis To Worry well, now the Fliers have a carbon copy of "Buckv in a fellow with the same last name. He's his trifle faster and a bit more slippery. Between them, thev harrv and worry the opposing back court men The Davises, who stand about except for pay. "GU deeply religious," confided Willie Reddish, who has keen with Turner ftom the start. "In the dressing room before a Tight, ho kneels and prays.

Be aska for strength to put up a good clean fight Queried about himself, Turner rambled on, reminiscing, talking slowly, mridrl hack to aa afternoon; two years ago. "i put on the giovoe for the first time when I was If," said Cll. "I had walked into Felice Athletic League gym on Bbllly's north aid. REDDISH MARES DISCOVERY "Willie, bow my trainer, wu the instructor there. He took one look at me and Klnda laughed.

"So you think yon can fight, eh? be aald. I wu klnda flabby, but 1 weighed about the same as I do now. I told Willie I would fight anybody. He put me In with a guy named Alfonso Capers. I found out later Alfonso was one of Willie's pet prospects.

Be cleaned my stack good." Reddish, i large, affable man who used to campaign among the heavyweights, was impressed by Turner's gsmenesa and physical equipment. "OH didn't exactly create a sensation," Reddish recalled, "but the fighting Instinct was there. And when he wound up from deep left field and socked Capers on the head with that wild left, I knew I had uncovered a real prospect. "When he won the national AAU welterweight title, we decided It was time to turn pro." So they went to George Katx, Philadelphia picture-frame man, and asked blm if he would manage Turner. Katx agreed to handle the masterminding.

George Katx had a live one dropped right Into hia lap. Louisville thumped Villanova, 90-68. In closer frays Oklahoma beat Colorado, 61-52; North Carolina nipped, Maryland, 51-47; San Jose State took Oregon, 5149; Utah beat New Mexico, 5947, and biena humbled Temple, 5648. Coast Tourney Begins Today LOS ANGELES Newcomers to golfing fame may be the players to watch as the nation a leading professionals inaugurate the 1952 tournament season today in the Arst round of the 26th annual Los Angeles Open. Such tournament name players as the defending champion, Lloyd Mangrum; or Cary Middlecoff, Hen ry Ransom or Ellsworth Vines, fig ure as the men to beat In the bat tle for the $17,500 prize money.

But golf observers, casting about for new names to freshen the tournament picture, look for a de termined challenge by such pros as Fred Hawkins of EI Paso; Joe Kirkwood, of Hollywood; Earl Stewart, Dallas; Ted Kroll, New Hartford, N. Bob Toskl, North Hampton. or Jimmy Clark, Huntington Beach, Calif. Clear skies and a course fast dry ing from last week's heavy rains were in prospect for today's play, with the setting again the Riviera Country Club. The course has a par 35-3671 test covering 7,019 yards.

Missing from tne scene was the "Golfer of the Year." Ben Hotan. a four-time winner of the Los An geles event Also absent was a two- time winner, Sam Snead. Of the old guard and former put victors, the roll Included Jimmy Demaret, Johnny Bulla, Harry Cooper and Lawson Little. Dapper Mangrum, a local favor ite who plays out of Chicago, won the tournament in 1949, missed the event entirely in 1950, but came back lut year to knock four strokes off par 284 for the 72 holes and edge out Henry Ransom, the vet eran from St, Andrews, 111., by one stroke. Pro Bosketboll UM AmclaWS frm IISTIRDAT SUISULTS NBA SrraeuM 1OT.

Bmton St. TODAY'S SCUBDUUI NBA Btltlmor at Philadelphia. Ntw Yotk al- IndlanapoUa. Port Warnt-Mlnniipolla at Bt, PauL AMtRICAN LKAOUB WIlkM BarrtBrldport at Wattrbnrgr. Stop iupf Bwntmnf snpiBmnsffn) nswiBBi bbbvbj aitaatlal Fat UlnaUld la diet OH Is 40 Haetate h.

law MMf vsaWrttfmv ww IX I am (apply tl A ma. raOlLMoaJMi, designs. They swarm all over the enemy like a couple of homets and are quick to capitalize on the least hesitation or blunder on the part of the opposing team. Conference Scramble Opns With Duccoi Host To Garnet Guilt It seems like every time Long Branch and South River High SchooU get together, the meeting tacks up ft jn at-tractive one. Back In October, the schools matched perfect words we AAimn and out of a bruising itruggle cams a W-13 tie.

Later the schools ware named eo-cham- plona of Central Jewn woup division, Tonight the ichooli come to grlpi on the baaketwm court ww wood Ave. gym with the onbaatent Brlcktowneri UyUil a fivo-garoe winning stresk on tha line against firean Wave five. The, tame highlight a heavy sine-game program' lor Bbore Short Scholoitlc Sports Slot TONIGHT South River at Long Branch A bury Put at Jefferaoa Point Pleasant at led Bank Bed Bask Catholic at Bt. Rom Hoffman at Freehold Borneo at Icyport Neptune at Lakeweod Tome Blrer at Leonardo MaUwan at Manaaquan TOMORROW New Bmnawkk at Aabnry Park IiaaIi Khirln the iDOtilfht with thla game wiU be the official open ing tne onore whuwcucw paign. antAME itifl GUN The Brlcktowneri come 10 town tonight with Naw jerseyg nonesi schoolboy acorer in Dick Meade, the all-aUU football player.

Meade ha rattled the corda for IBS points in five gamei for a fancy average of 31 poinuagame. Coach John FiUpatrick'i prolific scoring machine has blitzed through five opponents to pile up an aratt-Ing average of 73 points a game. The Branchers, beaten by Red Bonk and victorious over an Alumni five and Morrlstown, have shown signs of improving, but, may find themselves in water over their heads tonight. The invaders have a well-balanced club, but depend mainly on Meade and Tommy Hoffman, the forwards, to furnish their scoring punch. Against Meade and Co Coach Paul Vandermark Is expected to start a rangy five that will include Lou Calabretta and George Ferguson up front, Leon Adams at center and Al Mills and Tom McGlennon at the guards.

HOFFMAN AT FREEHOLD In the Shore Conference. Bed Bank will nut a 28-Eame regular season winning streak in jeojardy against Point Pleasant on its home floor. Other circuit affairs have Hoffman at Freehold, Runuon at Keyport, Neptune at Lakewood, Matawan at Manasdjuan and Toms Blver at Leonardo. Red Bank, Freehold. Runuon; Nentune.

liana- iquan and Leonardo are favored to win. Aihtirv Park's Imnrovlnff machine hits the road for the first time, invading Elizabeth to battle Thomas Jefferson. The Shore's two parochial schools, St Rose and Red Bank Catholic tangle at Belmar In a contest that rates ai i toisun. Tomorrow evening, Asbury Park returns home to begin lt regular ir, tk a cneauie or saiuraay nignt games guusi witness ew urunswics five. A tripleheader will commence at 0O with the yearling fives in action.

Hockey At A Glance lr On AamlaM tnm 1 yiHTHOAT'l uartta NATIONAL LIAOUI ItMtreal Toronto 1. I XASTIRN tIAOUl Mttr Tork Washington t. TODAY'S BCHIDULI EASTERN LIAOUE BprlDtftoltf at AtlanUs City. NATIONAL tBAOVa We tamei Khrtlultd. OLSON'S Whlta St.

at Parklno Lot RIO RANK R.I. 1ST QUALITY VENETIAN BLINDS WINDOW SHADES TABLE PADS IN Easy To Yotinoif I I life w3s BUILD RUMPUS 17 The other night they just couldn't sink easv crips, but when thev make these routine baskets the scorekeeper is kept busier than a subway turnstile during the rush hour. Center Dick Hart, tallest of beautiful hook shot- and is a Rood Brodwater and Peterson, are scrappy ularly from outside the foul line, this lack of set-shooting ability could cost Neptune its chancet for a title. Niblack-Willioms Duel Looms OFF THE BACKBOARD-Don Niblack. Asburv Park's Here Tonight DICK MEADE South River Ace Montreal Takes Over 2nd Place tb Aamlatcl Prtu Tha Mnntrn1 ranndlnnl mav never overhaul the Detroit Red Wings in the, National Hocney League race, but they're proving one or tne nouesi ciuos in ins cir cult after taking their fifth in row.

ftnfnra a chnerlnit home crowd ni 1AA03 1aat nlcht. Montreal ram med two goals Dome in me opening period, and went on to score a victory over theToronto Maple TV. hrnba a anrnnd arA r- the Canadlens sole possession of the runner-up spot. It was the only league game oi tne nigtn. P.l w-m.

and Flovd Currv aot the Canadlens off to their ninth vie tha 12 oamoa with flrat tory in the last 12 games with first (Boom) Oeoffrion added another for good measure In the third t.niMi pcnoa goals ana uernie noom stania after Harry Watson tallied for Toronto. 1 It wu the only game scheduled. Freehold Sauod sit Schwqrtx FREEHOLD Freehold High. School's basketball team was dealt a severe blow for Its Shore Conference opener against Hoffman here tonight when Coach Charlie Nelson announced that Irv Schwarts had been suspended from the squad due to disciplinary reasons. Schwarts, who scored 15 points in a victory over Lakewood last month, will be lost to the Colonials for an indefinite ill yfttp'i I v-1 I ,7 I towering center, is going to have a when the Tornadoes invade the Sunset hard Another boy who will grve Gus Villapiano men a bad time is forward Jim Fanelli, a versatile performer who has a wide variety of shots.

This is still unofficial, but Jrenton and Neptune may sign for a regular basketball series. This week's tilt was to have been the last, but Merchant-ville dropped out of the Tornado slate, which clean the way for a regular engagement with the Shore school. Tentative plans call for a pre-Christmas uauy necora. Twiinum iuu niucn cye-auammg sur prise, that Don Fecher and Al Pre ville are presently waging a hectic two way scramble for individual point accolades. Fecher, the classy Coles Lab for ward, is the current pace setter, having fashioned accumulated accuracy totaling some 43 counters to his personal credit He has appeared in three tilts, connected for 10 field soala and hn inked hi glittering performance with 13 free flips Just to demonatrata hia 1m.

partiality and ability from the 15 i ooi ampe. If the Labsteri are to be dethroned as loop kingpins the oppo- aiun win nave to put the brakes to Fecher, that's for sure. Preville. rintriAarl AV tf that tuavll- balanced, unbeaten Sea Gulls, is also the team's most prolific point producer. In thre trips to the fir ing line, mvllle has punctured the nets for 37 nnlnta ir hnin.

distinction of tallying the most two pointers, 17. He Is being seriously pressed for the runnerun forth ht one of his teammates, who is accounted for 31 points. These then, are the Bi Thm nn th wood point parade, with the other oiBiea courtstera battling for bhj fecogmuon, lurther down the ladder of progress. There's a threesome training their collective sights dh the fourth moni. Jn.

Zr Galnea eTb hr 'A "h'Z k. naw regisiereo 23 markeri (ZX)I'nJ annexed 24, Dave Jack Witkowskl boast 22 while Jack ff.wh,,?Jac" rd hav netted 20 no ntVT" "fj? POU for their respective baU clubi to ut hve proven XthflSVK'i W1UI ve theu-performert hlno named to tn hnnnmi it.i ii im neaa ntar 1 D. h.r-Col.l 1. M. i J- D.

A a S. I. Tlfado-Qlo-ToBM r.a. I is .11 it it 11. e.

n. nr-yptown A 1 5: SXStM fla-auiU 1 ld tor 80th Petroglio i At Ft, Monmouth FT. MONMOUTH Angelo state B.GA. professional of the Fort Monmouth Coif Club, resigned from that Plant In a surprise move on December 31. The Dally Record learned last night from club of-flciala that no successor will be named for at least one month.

Petraglla will be missed Shore golfers next season as the Bayshore pro was always among the leaders In local pro-amateur tournaments. Hia great drives off the tee always placed him well near the green where he usually holed out near par. Roddy Newman, assistant pro for many years at the Homestead Country Club In Spring Lake, was recently named to the head pro position of that layout. Newman replaces Ben Yasko, top anna for the past several seasons. next year.

jack Milne, former loms" River track star, has been granted leave from Korean duty to prep for the forthcoming Olympics. Lieut. Col. Mannie Brilliant, the Korean hero who received a lot of space in Ed Sullivan's column the other day, played football for Neptune in the mid-'30s. Mannie lived next door to George Palaia's Vanity Shop, hiV folks still reside in Neptune.

George and Mannie grew up together. It happened in Madison Square Garden last night when West Vir-ginla thumped NYU, 100-75, for the Mountaineers' seventh triumph In eight outings. Their only de-feat was an overtime setback by George Washington. And off their great shooting against the Violets, It is difficult to envision any team whipping the fast stepping Mountaineers. They dropped in 50 per cent of tneir field goal attempts 27 out of 54 for a 58-35 lead at the hall and were almost as good in the second half as they completed, the with a 45 out of 100 performance NYU dropped in 32 out of 90.

The defeat of the Violets, ranked 6th in this week's Associated Press poll, left Murray (Ky.) and Kansas State at the top pi the list oi unbeaten major teams. Murrav edued Kentucky Wes- leyan last night, 66-64, ofr ita 11th in a row. Kansas, ranked No. has a 10-0 mark. Three other members of the un beaten class, Seton Hall, Duquesne and Florida, kept their slates clean.

Seton Hall, playing the sec ond game of the Garden twin bill, walloped Western Kentucky, 77-65; Duquesne thumped Cincinnati, 7144, and Florida nipped Auburn, 64-63, for its 9th in a row. Kentucky, rated the nation's top team until its Sugar Bowl tourney defeat, ran wild to drub Missis sippi. 116 to 58. Bradley also had a romp against Arizona, 98-59, and WWZWJPmT MDCE BRISCESE two swimming pools are located on the grounds. Any students interested in at tending the school may contact Mc Gowan at Bill McGowan's Umpiring School, Daytona Beach, Fla.

and falaia recalls several incidents which point put what a regular guy the colonel is. "Mendy," as he's known in Neptune, won the Silver Star, DC, Bronze Star and Purple Heart as commanding officer of the Marine Devilcats squadron, operating from the carrier Rendova. Sullivan re-memben him as his newsboy when he used to frequent the Asbury Park boardwalk. Briscese Joins McGowaris Florida Umpiring School KEYPORT Mike Briscese, American Association umpire, will leave tomorrow for Daytona Beach, Fla. where he will join Bill Mc-Gowan's umpiring school as an Instructor.


A. HAS-ELMAN, VICE PRESIDENT, COMMUNICATION PRODUCTS COMPANY, MARLBORO, NEW JERSEYPHONE FREEHOLD 8-1 CCO fr.cToluiarted by McGowan in 1939. has claced three umnlrea In the big leagues. They are Bill McKlnlcy and Larry Napp in the American League and Augle Dona- telli in the National League. The school, open to all young umpires desiring a career in organised ball, has two classes, the first running from Tuesday through Feb.

12. The second opens onFeb, 12 and closes on March 19. Students will be quartered in barracks and meals will be available on the grounds. All candi dates at the school will officiate games of the Cleveland Indians' farm clubs. All umpires who show promise will be placed in organised ball In addition to McGowan and Bri-cese, other instructors are Chief Instructor Al Sommers of the Pacific Coast League, Rocky Flammia of the Sally League, Augle Gilgliel-mo of the Southern Association and Donatelll.

George Johnson, National Association supervisor of umpires, will assist. To entertain the young umpires, IT'S INEXPENSIVE SEBUSrOR ATTRACTIVE "KNOTTY PINE" WALLBOARD TILE CEILING SHORE lUILDING SUPPLY CO. IRANCHPORT AVENUE Long Branch 6-3 H3.

The Daily Record from Long Branch, New Jersey (2024)
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