The Sayre Headlight from Sayre, Oklahoma (2024)

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The Sayre Headlighti

Sayre, Oklahoma

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'BOWSED WHILE THEY SLEPT A RESOURCEFUL MICE I COAIKTKIKK ItEPOKT OKLAHOMA NEWS I mm I MM nk DISGUISED CATARRH A SteaUbj IqsIJIods Weakening Enemy to Tbousond Women Suffer Needlessly From Tbls Cause lb a4 IS lyre Imi lb tssw It Ilk esl Mas HIM Ik mom Sis ml iu rum Ift IlM Fb fl4i(t lb Astbrtcll Csmmtsstsa Ifsd Psbltc SI A atSTHO Tbrr sr a miillllatl of woreas tm pvelally boaiaeaalv od all olbvf wore rs pnigvil laa le os llvir ft teoaalsst-ly who sr wrvlrhvd byod 4vcrlp-iio aluiply iunuta tbvlr lrvitgih m1 vliany is pp4 awny by elrvbl illaebargv from tb pulvla organs Ibrao vaoltias gvt up la tb (horning tirwl drag thvaiatlvea tbrongh Ihrtr dally daiivt tlmk only to go to bvd bk nig hi a llrrd Urlor Nf Ixuilnn (iu Mtrrh I hit l'f stltlih drnll III kl-ru nf lAng ltui uouud Iwl Iglil th Mf foil lllr itmu-r I'ljinoulh frua Srur lurk 'r lull liner llh VJU MkrD'rr ml rr ul lo mm run Iiimu wlili- iiulnf tlirmiiti th IU ij lb lr -lil alruttrr I it Tsun-luk I tli aunt litm Ixiuiii from York A full I'M) fool of th tlurhouril of Urn trurl HiiMhol III If It had liMD Iprrt lit alata riMitua of III serottd nliia mere vutlrrly cut away wlill dines lo ilia li'ilil mmilirra of 111 nr who rrr salrrp la III sloarag war Irownril by III I or rant that poured Ibroogli Hi great gap mail by tli bow of lb freighter Although greatly terrified III peopl (board lb alrlrkra ahlp exerrUrd great self-oiolrul ami Ihrr waa an panto madlels I have ever takes I audit taiibfully for two warka asd It eure-j-vtrly cured nr 1 haw not had sy ln slur snywhrrv hut fwl Ilka bw woman I am truly thankful for whst I'rrurs has doa for Bar-bars Albert lira Mala VrrrMmI Halharal Rfrtat TaRaalw tlRla Iral4ra al a laRta li4NrltlrlRfilMFw'itn aiaM ia (tv MaiM la t'trwaa far lit FUf I fountj IMotiih tR km RtfTF4 fr yrara ar ft ka and dr-ftt doRR pain and Rlin M4 ta la b4 and iy ihr a ha I Rm tbal 1 ruid Inf larl It a thfra imp: ia aa Rhn rruna a a hrouvht lo lay fiotlea Ktrry 4rr a tr viw IK aat vry 4 mt frt Riurb bttr and I that If 1 found that It url I aou4 ad-vorat aa that thr tirrrHii aomn houid know af It I fcov Ur In HM of yar I rb4 ptotir baauao In ourk flno halth nd aa traub: too koavo ta baf aha ru In H4 bHK I'afuwa ba a '1 I wtl ba wllboul Mr kal Wan a llih RU lank ISA faM Mf Il rRl la III ftffd fur lltrva gaiatf knaaa aa lworEta a rmnftWR aufc Ui(rltaRR( IM Romb 7ba Aoaiara Mo taUd aa raflua a hick I but an4 Riroitf Rtijx-icl fa go a4r iC )iifiig at Iba ImrI PfirNttA ibougM boat la fit ffla ilbitR NR4r A Iftal a I hi boflif af II at onra NoviRiRir hhg4 aoiraa la fora I boa fa laorh am Ifdlf la bMiih aH roi i mi fr AImh I Cvg llartaf MIRA LOURS MAHOL Uvv srvt wsisrs SI vwbisf SiMt Is Ml imm ba kS wmM4 as I at is sl ia ml Is ls i-mii 1 IS swuiy ml it 0 I'S WMI IMW IM Sve twl 1 llV tlxvl'y mo iid IS it Ft4 1 ltv4 SrJy is mf lit 4 a luoy wiyiiuiA viy tsil't -tiuia vup le (lit(r vi a-vi Kiel line auf le pea a MS laiy ea ae r-Irvvd ak tU bus mh4 Sv "la wa I l'' I rndva a I Up lot tk a ur lot as Jm-4-I n4 I 14 le uiMti I Iwl Ik virup 14 1 as a ls4 fee 4 laat II Mv It Hvally Ha 'Jok rautauauly tqui4 Mr fis- wk lit sV lilt IV blulml uv bMl4 tk lsr vn puttakg Iu lAialtai Wecua I kar lutvl kava or eio turtrmu yuuvavivy wmr Jout ivl 1 "If I putip rpll) rvplwd luksay sus't butt ant tuj asvaea lull Johan pl'kvd up hl)r stab el ml the kU it 4 ui 11 I tb nay at bappak la WO ial rat 4 IUWI but tli luiikyut ruiu4 Ivnr ltlo4 asts btlwvuif atz-Wais(is I' Onnainn 'Wall bub vital tt tb 4rug-t ml tb aresli bvjr mtb bUi la bo lead I' sir but bar' m4m is 1 p( (nr sultar bonr and In Bttr with dHls't vrnt us th battl htb-et It I tfcs tvrnUy mt alraly sett alt sirsid ol making suuta'-l Iruat Frv MRA HAT MML soar! Se Imil IMelure Cuan Ota tiain) aa liotm IUh ml turn CtnaiM saeeu JelTeraon fllj Mo March Tli Armour Cudahjr Furlfl llammoud I ml lh Hchwararlillil HuUbrrger parking ctunianlca lb defend-a la la tb ouster proceeding brought by lb atlurnay general of Miaautiii agalnat tb alleged beef ronililne laat summer rr fined 13000 arh la tb Mlaaourl supreme rourt t-tny and ordered to pay tb eoats of lb rase which amount to (3000 I'nleas the fines and coats are paid within 30 daya tb defendants will lie ousted from ill state so lb court orders OMwaWw-a litonilwl laN ml itwraiM ya ltsllaaaata ml PsUe Washington March 1-Th report of the rominlaaiua apxilnid by he president Met th tuber to lseU-gal Ik anlbrarll a-l alrlks waa made iiulill today lbs report la dated March IS ami la signed by all Iba memltara of lha rommlsaloa la brief tbs couimUalua raises a general Increase of wages smouutiug la moat Inataneea lo tea esnt-J aoma dneresa of llin tli a settlement of all disputes by srUlntlios dies a minimum wag and a eliding cal provides against dlaerlmlna tloa of pereous by either tb min owner or tb miner oa aceoiiat of membership or nun memberalilp la labor union and protldea that tb award made shall eonlinu la fore until March 31 Ittotl Tb commission dlacuased to soma atant the matter of recognltioa or aon reeogultlon of tb miners' union but declined to make any award oat thla measure Tb commission aavai Any all flic ulty or digremial arising tinder tbla award a to It Interpretation or application or ta any way growing out of tb relations of tba employer and employed which caunot be settled or adjusted by consultation between the superintendent or manager of the mine or mioee and tb miner or miners directly interested or Is of a acope too Urge to le settled shall be referred to a permanent Joint committee to he colled a board of conciliation to consist of sir persona appointed as hereinafter provided That la to aay If there shall be a division of tb whole region Into district In each of which there shall exist an organization representing a majority of tba mine workers jf such district one of acid board of conciliation shall be appointed by each of aaid organizations and tbrea other person shall be appointed by tba operators tba operator In each of said districts appointing ona person Tha board of conciliation thus constituted shall take up and consider any question referred to It as aforesaid hearing both parties to the controversy and auch evidence aa moy be laid before It by either party and any award made by a majority of stu'h board of conciliation shall be Anal and binding on ell parties If however the said board la unable to decide any question submitted or point related thereto that question nr point shall be referred to an umpire to be appointed at the request of suid bourd by one of the circuit judge of the Third judicial circuit of the United Stutes whose decision shall be final and binding in tha premises No suspension of work shall take place by lockout or strike pending the adjudication of any matter taken up for adjustment Mine cars shall be distributed among miners and there shnll be no concerted effort on the part of the miners or mine workers of any colliery or collieries to limit the output of the mines nr to detract from i the quality of the work unless auch limitation of output be In conformity to an agreement between an operator or orperatora and an organization representing a majority of said miners in his or their employ The commission also makes a number of recommendations which may be summarized aa follows: The discontinuance of the system of employing coal and iron because this force is believed to have an irritating effect and I carbolic: mU nnddM beforVmedlca) aort to the regularly constituted rui lloston March Two meetings of citizen were held In Fsneuil bail yesterday protest against the oppression of truth about the and praying for further official inquiry into conditions Herbert Welsh of I'hiladelpliia told the story of the death of Father Augustine in the rhilipplnea and Lieut Hall of Col Kansaa regiment coat discredit upon the story of Col Funston's heroic action swimming across a river under fire by stating tfint to bla knowledge the colonel could not awim Palm' Mr RMfRlIf Wd Sew York March 21 Jose Kstrada son of Thomas Estrada Palma president of the Cuban republic end Miss Mabel Jacobs student at the Normal college and daughter of David Jacobs wealthy tobacco Importer were privately married here on February 11 Young Palma ia a student at Columbia university Twe Mea Awe Sis fit Joseph Mo March 21 Twc masked men robbed the Chicago Great Western saloon of $230 Thursday night Five men were in the saloon and were driven with the bartender Into a rear room where they were compelled to lie with their facev downward while the place was rubbed Platform fuieruU Ddmij Washington March Democrats who formed the organizations of 1S9( and 1900 have become convinced that a movement la on foot to force the adoption of a platform and the nom ination of a candidate acceptable tz the faction of the party which fol lowed Palmer and liuckner Taac Girl Psare Arrest Wheeling Va March Misi Laura Jeffrey 17 years old fearing indictment at the hands of the grand jury for an attack made upon hot step-mother some time ago with a butcher knife drank two ounces ol could be summoned in laa Louie Maba Clr Bulllv Irrvl Tvrvalv Oal (aa- arevvlary ml lb Klva'a lasblvr 4 Ivarv lury ml 4r Saviwkwa '1( sii woman knew of to bandit to derived from taking Pvruna wv wou4 have many happier and more bvslthfui women My health bus never been too robust and 1 km euuly Isuaued sod can not itwnd much About year aso wsa ao run down that I bud to tukolo my bed snd became arraktr and weaker A friend adviavd me (o try snd 1 bsvv great reason to bv grateful for In two weeks 1 waa out of bed and In month I was p-rferily well and I now flDd tnat my health la much more robust than formerly so that I isk Pr-runs once or twin month and keep wall" hlshoa Cnlrblas Stareana Mr Wiv-I Ihtuk Mr 1'kozy will pro-yr-r to our M'ldrvd wry wn now Mr 1 hadn't auticvd tbit bv ws rrrr ilifntiv to hrr but hr taa lrvn A rt out jgroudy eitb me" Pitta ik To-Day tor it currs woIlea aching tired frrt At ail Druygula and boot atnr 23r bampieaent Hlth AtitlreaaAbUlmiltd ituyN 1 Faint Hvart tad Fair Lti "Ar vou good sl conundrum:" Lie "Well hat i one 'If 1 war to pro-put to you vmt notud you ray rrlcly Drop treated fra bv Dr onv of Atlanta Ga The (-catrat dropy ipccitliat in tha world Retd their adver-ucment ia soother column of this ipcr Had Mra "So you were out again last nignt ehT" 1 was in snd gne you lea dollsnforyeur lull -brlrtHt Free Pres Step th rewsb ml work off the cold Laxative Bromo Juinin Tablet Price 25 cent "I absll leave everything to ilc "But 1 want your fataer to ieav every taing to Iowa lupus Mrs Assa MHlo 4T Ilort Sfrar Ilvoaklya 1- f-run did so muck tor that I fwl It my duty lo raeommend It to others wbo may bv olm-Isrly smictad About aso my health wsa completely brokm down had bwcksche dimness wnd Irr-gularlt: and Ilf aevmwd dark Indeed Wi had uaed Pw-runs In our kom ss tonic and fur cold and raiaurh and I decided to try It for ms trouble In leva than Ihrr montla I became regular my pains had rntlrrly dlv-appasrvd and I am now pwrfecliy klrs Anns Martin Mrs Wm Hetrick Kennard Washington connty Neb- writes: am fifty-six years old and have not felt well since the Change of Life began ten years ago 1 waa in misery somewhere moat of tbe time My bark waa very weak and my flesh wo tender It hnrt me to lean against the back of a chair I had pain under my shoulder blades in tbe small of my back and hips I sometimes wished myself out of this world Had hot and cold spells dizziness and trembling of the limbs and waa losing flesh all the time After following your directions and taking Pernna I now feel like a different Mm Wm Hetrick If yon do not derive prompt andsetls-factory results from the use of Peruns write at once to Dr Hartman giving full statement of your case and he wilt be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratia Peruns can be purchased for $1 per bottle at all first-class drugstores Address Dr Hartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus 0 reruns it such a perfect specific for each case that when patirata have once used it they can never be induced toquit It until they are permanently cared It begins to retiree the disagreeable symptoms at oner The backache reaves the trembling knees are strengthened the appetite restored tbe digestion made perfect the dull headache ia stopped and the weakening drains arc gradually cured These results certainly follow a course of treatment withPernna Barbara Albertycorncr Seventh and Walnut streets Appleton WU writes aa follows in regard to Prruna: yearsl have suffered with backache and severe pains in tbe aide I doctored ao much that I became discouraged A school friend told me how very much Peruns had benefited her and I sent out for bottle which did more to relieve roc than all the other Do not believe Piao'a Cure for Conaum 'K Boyer Trinity bpringn Iud ion bs an equal for cougns snd Feb 15 19u0 amp- a a Tbe man who is willing to meet trouble half way seldom has to go taat tar to meet Judge Econotnv is the road to wealth Putnam Fadeless Dye is the road to economy When faith is lost aud honor (has th man i dead Whituer kamMfc-a" la Oa'afcema Afros Repulillrasi 1 1 sew I avvd to aa Ibis wevh HI within frw kilr our us Miami die-Hilary Wf have sever beard of Ibis Ihtlllullua being l-Kmiml-! satbov lewl lo Irseteet buv'avm so et lliutrd Ibsi It ktavi I wi st (be types I southerner of Kenlerbisn would tell Tbe days of avxmvbln Kara com to Oklahoma but wa are afraid tie daya ef tbe 'MMxinvblarr" are llinlled sndera'auil they bare enjoytd larra-tlv Imalnea aud no doubt oa the road to provpvrlty should they Sol no-levied I'ertlr who hare vein pled Ihrlr goods say they taste little raw not having tb required eg lo make tbvm delicious snrfrraland lit dlvlrlbutlug agvole for the firm were preveat el eoclsl gathering over us tbe on sight last week sad disposed of several I Ira" have iea rightly laforoted tb ia-agrnirnl of lbs eonrera seed Sot be surprised If they are called upoa to pay the penalty of eonduotlag as II legitimate buslueaa of this salute It alee A f've (he rtumblev Watonga lilspalcb Horae sensational dreelopmeat ar liable to occur aa result of the Investigation being oiad by the grand Jury regarding tb gambling that baa been gulag os wide opes Is tbla const Tbla svornlng It appeared that nearly every eltizes ia tha town bad I sea rabpoensed to appear before tb grand jury Tba jury came very near getting np against tba real thing Falurday Tbsjury wanted to make Ita report snd go bores but was promptly iuformed that It bsd not completed Its duty According to ports tb judge gsv th jury very plain talk snd gse that body to understand that If it would not perform Ita duty In reference to the chargee of gambling would seenrs jury that would not only Ineestlgste the matter but would Ineeatigste tb jury Itself A result lot of aubpocaaea bare been issued for wltoeaae It was wbinpered on tb streets that there waa not apparently slot maehina within thousand miles of Watonga Grusg Jury Will laSlef Jcdge John Barford of the Logan county district court in hia lo st ructions to the grand jury said that duriDg the legislature statements were made openly in pubila places that corrupt lobby would seek to bribe members in enacting laws relating to quarantine oil Inspection school text books and other measures of great importance to the citizens of tbe territory He ordered tbe grand jury to make tbe fullest possible inquiry snd to indict all persons guilty of corruption whatever their standing ss citl zcn lie said that the report of tbs BicLam Investigating eomm tte gave a foundation on which the grand jury could prosecute its inquiries Judge Burford waa especially severe against slot machines and told the grand jury to indict every man wbo bad a slot machine in operation in his place of buainesa Ass Levy fsr Edoraiisl InviliBtloaa Guthrie Tbe annual tax levy for I the maintenance of seven educational institnlions amounts to $137000 It is divided as follows: Edmond Normal school $25000 Alva Normal school $25000 Territorial University $30000 Tonkswa Preparatory school $12500 Langston University $10000 Southwestern Normal school $12500 A snd College $12000 The sum of $10000 for a new bnild-1 ing st Ldmond snd $50000 for equip-1 ping the university brings the amount for two years up to $344000 Opara user lajarad Guthrie On th Bock Island train I going into Guthrie the other night Madame Le Mothe an opera singer waa seriously injured by some per- I son Bhooting through the car window I by which she waa sitting Tba shot I cut her arm and broke the glass into I atoms the small pieces cutting her face and arms in innumerable places Her borne is in Chicago recently coming from Paris France Boll Dniisiv Guthrie Bolton chief clerk of the house baa declined to spread on I the house journal tha proceedings of the last six daya and to eertify to tha I record It ia alleged that Bolton' refusal la due to his failure to get a place on the codifying committee Th wore will be done by the territorial secretary and tha records signed by Speaker Bowles Appor'lsn svrplu Land Ponca City Major A Mltsehar i United States agent for the Osage and Kaw Indians Bison Watson Chief Washungs of the Eaws Forest Chouteau and Harvey have been appointed aa a commission to appor- tion the surplus Kaw land after allots meat has been finished Kills My lk Cur Henry Birch a 17-year-old boy whose I borne is at Wynnewood I waa run over by a Rock Island train st Hennessey Ha died in a few minute He waa beating hia way Governor gvraassa S'ek Guthrie Governor Fergnaon ia atlll confined to his home by illness All of tho work connected' with legislative affairs has teen conducted by him in bis home 'Private Secretary Carr make several trips each day to the governor's residence in order to take up matters of interest Ix-yll'g vt Vmrmme Alois Arrangement are being made for the corner stone laying of tba Epworth University college building March 11 Oklahoma City A a elaborate program will be rendered 8brt Itvnfi mt IflUrvot Two men st Selling were killed 1 lightning Parts of Dewey snd Day oountlel werq visited by a severe bail storm Lucre Baldwin express agent st Fax on has been arrested for misappropriating money A party of eastern lows farmers bought farms in Comanche county They spent $16500 Tba Waters-Pierce oil company continue to ship nil into the territory notwithstanding there are no oil inspeo-tor working fca PURIFY YOUR aid UthtolDV (Itappod Card Oemm Baraboo Wis March 21 At Del-ton while six old soldiers were playing a game of cards in the A It ball the structure waa struck by lightning and badly wrecked The oil cloth on the card table was torn tc shreds and the men knocked to the floor peace authorities in case of necessity A strict enforcement of the laws in relation to the employment of children That the atate and federal governments should provide machinery for the making of a compulsory Investigation of difficulties similar to that investigation wbiclj this commission has made The commission express the opinion that with a few modifications the federal act of October 1688 authorizing a commission to settle controversies between railroad corporations and other common carriers oould be made the basla of a law for arbitration In the anthracite coal mining business The commission however take a decided position agninHt compulsory ar Miration Would Mas Comblnln SHadameanor Albany March The as sembly committee on insurance has decided to report favorably the bill providing that fire Insurance compa- nies that combine to regulate rates shall forfeit their charters and liable for punishment for a To have health in hot weather the blood must be pure the digestion good and the vital organs free from bilious impurities NOW is the time to put yourself in shape for the work PRICKLY ASH BITTERS purifies the blood thoroughly and cleanses and strengthens the stomach liver and bowels During the Winter months many persons by neglect acquire a costive habit and as a result of such condition the system is clogged with impurities which get into the blood- If not removed these impurities become poisonous and undermine the constitution The admirable cleansing and strengthening effect of PRICKLY ASH BITTERS is especially appropriate in such cases It drives out impurities in the blood stimulates the torpid liver and restores regularity in the bowels thus PERMANENTLY removing this disease breeding condition Begin the work Cleanse the system of impurities and get your blood liver and bowels in fighting trim Through the use of PRICKLY ASH the greatest System Tonic and Blood Purifier you can lay in a stock of vim and energy that to the busy worker is more valuable than gold PRICKLY ASH BITTERS is a successful remedy for Kidney Disease and disorders due to Bad Digestion Relieves Bloating after eating Wind on the Stomach Indigestion Heartburn Headache Nervous Weakness Faint Feeling Dizziness In short it puts the system in perfect order Half a wineglassful of Prickly Ash Bitters night and morning for a few days will drive out that drowsy half-sick feeling sweeten the breath remove sallowness and restore the clear complexion and ruddy hue of perfect health Persons who use it during the Spring months will enjoy health vigor and cheerfulness through the hottest weather SOLD EVERYWHERE AT $100 PER BOTTLE Refuse all substitutes said to be as Good" This remedy has stood the test of years of successful battling with disease Get the genuine It will produce the results you desire 19-ounce bottle for $100 Again Knmed tha Near Washington March 21 The president Friday reappointed Dr Crum colored collector of customs at Charleston 8 This nomination failed of confirmation at the recent session of the senate Wster-Paetrytns Plant Chicago March The general manager of the Union Pacifio closed a contract with a Chicago company for tho construction of 25 water-purifying plnnta to be constructed on their system between Omaha and Balt Lake City The order is the largest of ita kind ever given in this or any other country and contemplates the expenditure of at least $1-800000 Work ia to begin at once Brvna Ones Not Lika Gorman Lincoln Neb March 21 Bryan regrets the selection of Senator Gorman as democratic leader pronouncing it the most important victory thua far scored by what he calls the reactionary element in the party B(lBRld Vanoarto It's April IS Newport JL I March 21 Formal announcement of the wedding of rnth-rine Neilson daughter of Mrs erick NeilBon to Ucginald Ven-ilerbilt was made yesterday and the selection is Wednesday April 15 in this city The Daub Hark Amieltla Sank Bordeaux France March 21 The Dutch bark Amicitio from New York with petroleum which waa reported on fire at LaRoque yesterday has sunk There were no 3UX IaYOKT SC CO Consignments Invited- Closest attention given Prompt returns Xo commission charged Hlghestmorkoi prices paid PriceDstonreaurst 100-102 Third Street KlIISAS CITY E53 Yob cm do it too Over 2000000 people are now buy-Inc foods Irom ns st wholesale savins 15 to 40 peroent on every-thins they nseu You can do it too Why not ask ns to send yon our 1000-pace eatolocue it tells the story Send 15 cent tor tt today 9C ICIVCf DV diamonds Of uClI CLn 9 SILVERWARE taadard aotla Laweat Prices Mall Order Pilled fsUlogue FREE BXtSIiOCKy 9l8 lRat Street Bt Louts Ka FREE TO WOMEN To prow the healing end cleansing power of Paxtlne Toilet Aatloepile we will mail a large trial package with book of Instruction mboolaiely fVeo This It not a liny samples bat a Urge package enough to convince anyone of Its value Women all over the eountry are praising Paxtfne for what It haa dooe In local treat meat of female I Honour ing all inflammation and discharges wonderful as a oleanslng vagin*l douche for sore throat nasal catarrh aa a mouth wash and to remove tartar and wbtten tha teeth Send to-day postal eard will da Aol4 by 4ravctta or seat postpaid by TtLB JL fAXIOR (IKsSOt UiRsbRaAn Mur A Plant Closed HeeuuB ml Omm Man Chicago March 21 One' thousand employes of Sclz Schwab Co shoe manufacturers were thrown out of employment yesterday on account of one firemnn who struck for union wages -The lone fireman waa being paid 12 cents an hour and upon hia joining the Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen that union demanded that he be paid the union scale of 88 Vi cents an hour The employes of the factory were notified that the plant Vvould be closed until further notice All Have Ueaales Peoria HU March Every Inhabitant of Benson HU a town of 200 inhabitants located about 20 miles out of Peoria on the Santa Fa road has the meaaleg The epldpmio began about two weeks ngo and has spread until every inhabitant is afflicted alma Warns European Tangier Morocco March Owing to the spread of the rebellion the sultan's govern nent declines to be responsible for the safety of Europeans vravellnj in the Interior ef the country nDODQY KEV DISCOVERY fivee- quick relief and cut ra wot WaM Boult lO t'ratnien free Pr Um aukikjnt aoss aruara os WHTFnMrTA8T U9I) WAK AH I LU BATR A paid t'orous lerUag me who has one hetbvr I buy or ro JL JLKLLfiYt buint Bldg kaaMiCltjfMa WESTERN CANADA Is attracting more qtten Con thaa aoar other dl trletta the world MThe0maaryel the VtrMM The Lead Sn Uoe The latrni FoHiaf OreunAe lor Sleek Area oa4r crap la 1982 I9874M acrea Tieil IW 117922754 heshdfc Abaodnnoe of Waten Fuel PieoUful Cheap Building Material Good Lrrasa for pas lure and bay a fertiie 011 a uOi-cieot rainlalf and a climate giving an assured and adequate soawn ot growth 1IOM a tla Las urn or leo AC the only charge for wbtcb la tiO for entry Clone toCborrheA Hchtxila etc Railways tap all aeuied tfttirlcta 6md for Atlaa and other I ieranre to Anp y-intcndi ot of I siiKmUoa Cda or 8 Crawfoud 31 JjiDia 8u Atniai City Mo anuonced Canadian Government Agent who wfl! jouwtOiowr- bheata giving you reduced railway rate etc A 1962 Ataallpoi Epldtnle la bait Laka Salt Lake City March 21 Statistics from the city board of health and interviews with about two score physicians printed by the Telegram yesterday afternoon tend to show that smallpox In a mild form ia epi-dcmle in Salt Lake and vicinity lB04irpa'Rid with a Bit Capital Trenton March 21 The Consolidated Cross Tie company capital $10000000 was Incorporated here yesterday The company is to manufacture railroad tics snd deal is umber WHEV MHITLti TO AUVBUTINKit) please state that ou auv the u4 verttaement ftn thia paper Agents Wanted Protect (reltReettCD ecru gar dn from worn ood bogs Good thug ttapid RUr Try tb PATENTS PROCURED 5 far lavea fn Bend fortes tfmoaials to wa etc PRI'K Ad4ra 8 A HA8EXTTKK gAStii font Attorney u4 Seiktto SPRINGFIELD MO Tt I r-- 4'drafc Tmr 1 tj iiunti Ihutic Ail fcUfe lAili 2 Best couch eyrop Tsjf XTtt In tfHfl 'd hr onitminfq FARMERS MMEKGKEY! niiiaanv an and tdu PruUu canine stamped Never sold la balk Beware ot tbe dealer wbo tries to cell jnrt Preerving Eggs mTBieibtxi- vil' dm Lbrui- ss for CS ard 95 cent irtxcryiueo usetu lie-eeopt eoty 9L0L UiuO Axo.

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The Sayre Headlight from Sayre, Oklahoma (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Views: 6135

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.