Published Papers and Reports | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (2024)

The refuge conducts independent research andworks with a number of universities, other government organizations andcitizen science projects to conduct researchon the refuge.These studies improveour understanding of the natural world and evaluate the effectiveness of our management practices. Since the refuge's establishment in 1935 research scientists have been welcomed. We maintain a growing list of over 250peer reviewed papers, theses and dissertations and reports.

For those interested in conducting research, inventory activities or monitoring on lands managed by Seney National Wildlife Refuge, information regarding policies (and citations for past studies) are found below. Past research is listed alphabetically by author and broken into three categories: peer-reviewed papers, theses/dissertations, and miscellaneous reports.

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  • Peer-reviewed Papers
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Peer-Reviewed Papers

Austin, J. E. and D. A. Buhl. 2013. Relating Yellow Rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis) occupancy to habitat and landscape features in the context of fire. Waterbirds.36:199-213.

Baker, B. W., B. S. Cade, W. L. Mangus and J. L. McMillan. 1995. Spatial analysis of Sandhill Crane nesting habitat. Journal of Wildlife Management.59:752-758.

Ballantyne, D. M., J. A. Hribljan, T. G. Pypker and R. A. Chimner. 2014. Long-term water table manipulations alter peatland gaseous carbon fluxes in Northern Michigan. Wetlands Ecology and Management. 22:35-47.

Bart, J., R. A. Stehn, J. A. Herrick, N. A. Heaslip, T. A. Bookhout and J.A. Stenzel. 1984. Survey methods for breeding Yellow Rails. Journal of Wildlife Management. 48:1382-1386.

Baetsen, R., B. Heuvelhorst and T. Casselman. 2005. Nesting of the Great Gray Owl, Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Schoolcraft County, Michigan. Michigan Birds and Natural History.12:2-5.

Barrow, J. H. Jr., Kelker, N. and H. Miller. 1969. The transmission of Leucocytozoon simondi to birds by Simulium rugglesi in Northern Michigan. The American Midland Naturalist. 79:197-204.

Beard (Losey), E. B. 1964. Duck brood behavior at the Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Journal of Wildlife Management. 28:492-521.

Beard (Losey), E. B. 1953. The importance of beaver in waterfowl management at the Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Journal of Wildlife Management. 17:398-436.

Bookhout, T. A. and J. R. Stenzel. 1987. Habitat and movement of breeding Yellow Rails. Wilson Bulletin.99:441-447.

Bork, S. P., T. G. Pypker, R. G. Corace III, R. A. Chimner, A. L. Maclean and J. A. Hribjlan. 2013. A case study in large-scale wetland restoration at Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Michigan, USA. American Midland Naturalist. 169:286-302.

Corace, R. G. III. 2018. Rethinking forest-bird habitat management guidelines in the northern Lake States. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 42:347-357.

Corace, R. G. III, S. A. Weiss, D. S. Marsh, E. L. Comes and F. J. Cuthbert. 2017. Novel method for monitoring common terns at a large colony in northern Lake Huron, USA. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 43:1160-1164.

Corace, R. G. III, J. L. Korte, L. M. Shartell and D. M. Kashian. 2016. Upland sandpiper: a flagship for jack pine barrens restoration in the Upper Midwest?Ecological Restoration. 34:49-60.

Corace, G., Weiss, S. and L. Shartell. 2015. Fire-dependent ecosystems and wildlife: working towards a better understanding in the northern Lake States. The Wildlife Professional. 9:52-55.

Corace, R. G. III, L. M. Shartell, P. C. Goebel, D. M. Kashian, I. Drobyshev and D.M. Hix. 2014. Bird communities of reference and altered mixed-pine forests: Implications for restoring fire-dependent ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management.318:183-193.

Corace, R.G., III, A. T. Stout, P. C. Goebel and D. M. Hix. 2013. Snag benchmarks and treatment options for mixed-pine forest restoration in eastern Upper Michigan. Restoration Ecology. 21:608-616.

Corace, R. G. III, L. M. Shartell, L. A. Schulte, W. L. Brininger Jr., M. K. D. McDowell and D.M. Kashian. 2012. An ecoregional context for forest management on National Wildlife Refuges of the Upper Midwest, USA. Environmental Management. 49:359-371.

Corace, R. G., III. and P. C. Goebel. 2010. An ecological approach to forest management for wildlife: integrating disturbance ecology patterns into silvicultural treatments. The Wildlife Professional. 4:38-40.

Corace, R. G. III, N. E. Seefelt, P. C. Goebel and H. L. Shaw. 2010. Snag longevity and decay class development in a recent jack pine clearcut in Michigan. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry. 27:125-131.

Corace, R. G. III, P. C. Goebel and D. L. McCormick. 2010. Kirtland's Warbler habitat management and multi-species bird conservation: considerations for planning and management across jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) habitat types. Natural Areas Journal. 30:174-190.

Corace, R. G. III, P. C. Goebel, D. M. Hix, T. Casselman and N. E. Seefelt. 2009. Applying principles of ecological forestry at National Wildlife Refuges: experiences from Seney National Wildlife Refuge and Kirtland's Warbler Wildlife Management Area. The Forestry Chronicle. 85:695-701.

Corace, R. G., III, D. J. Flaspohler and L. M. Shartell. 2009. Geographical patterns in openland cover and hayfield mowing in the Upper Great Lakes Region: implications for grassland bird conservation. Landscape Ecology. 24:309-323.

Corace, R. G., III., K. P. Leister and B. Brosnan. 2008. Efficacy of different glyphosate concentrations in managing glossy buckthorn (Frangula alnus L.) resprouts at Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Michigan. Ecological Restoration. 26:111-112.

Corace, R. G., III., B. Lundrigan and P. Myers. 2006. Nest site habitat characteristics and prey use of a breeding pair of Great Gray Owls in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The Passenger Pigeon. 68:353-360.

Corace, R. G., III., D. L. McCormick and V. Cavalieri. 2006. Population growth parameters of a reintroduced Trumpeter Swan flock, Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan, USA (1991-2004). Waterbirds. 29:38-42.

Corin, C. W. 1976. The land vertebrates of the Huron Islands, Lake Superior. The Jack-Pine Warbler. 54:138-147.

Crozier, G. E. and G. J. Niemi. 2003. Using local patch and landscape variables to model bird abundance in a naturally heterogeneous landscape. Canadian Journal of Zoology.81:441-452.

Cullinane-Anthony, B. L., Seefelt, N. E., Corace, R. G. III, Kashian, D.M. and T.M. Gehring. 2014. Influence of residual forest patches on post-fire bird diversity patterns in jack pine-dominated ecosystems of northern Lower Michigan. Forest Ecology and Management.331:93-103.

Cuthbert, F. J., L. R. Wires and J. E. McKearman. 2002. Potential impacts of Double-crested Cormorants on nesting Great Blue Herons and Black-Crowned Herons in the U.S. Great Lakes. International Journal of Great Lakes Research. 28:145-154.

Cuthbert, F. J. 1988. Reproductive success and colony site tenacity in Caspian Terns. Auk.105:339-344.

Cuthbert, F. J. 1985. Interseasonal movement between colony sites by Caspian Terns in the Great Lakes. Wilson Bulletin. 97:502-510.

Cuthbert, F. J. 1985. Mate retention in Caspian Terns. Condor.87:74-78.

Davis, D. D. 2007. Ozone injury to plants within the Seney National Wildlife Refuge in Northern Michigan. Northern Naturalist.14:415-424.

DiAllesandro, A. 2012. An assessment of foliar application of triclopyr of varying concentrations for managing glossy buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula) seedlings and resprouts (Michigan). Ecological Restoration 30:18-19.

Debiak, A. L., D. L. McCormick, J. D. Kaplan, K. B. Tischler and A. R. Lindsay. 2014. A molecular genetic assessment of sex ratios from pre-fledged juvenile and migrating adult Common Loons (Gavia immer). Waterbirds. 37:6-15.

Drobyshev, I., P. C. Goebel, Y. Bergeron and R. G. Corace, III. 2012. Detecting changes in climate forcing on the fire regime of a North American mixed-pine forest: A case study of Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Michigan. Dendrochronologia.30:137–145.

Drobyshev, I., P. C. Goebel, D. M. Hix, R. G., Corace III and M. Duncan. 2008a. Pre- and post-European settlement fire history of red pine-dominated forest ecosystems of Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Michigan. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.38:2497–2514.

Drobyshev, I., P. C. Goebel, D. M. Hix, R. G., Corace III and M. Duncan. 2008b. Interactions among forest composition, structure structure
Something temporarily or permanently constructed, built, or placed; and constructed of natural or manufactured parts including, but not limited to, a building, shed, cabin, porch, bridge, walkway, stair steps, sign, landing, platform, dock, rack, fence, telecommunication device, antennae, fish cleaning table, satellite dish/mount, or well head.

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, fuel loadings and fire history: a case study of red pine-dominated forests of Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Forest Ecology and Management. 256:1723–1733.

Drummer, T. D., R. G. Corace, III and S. J. Sjogren. 2011. Sharp-tailed Grouse lek attendance and fidelity in Upper Michigan. Journal of Wildlife Management.75:311–318.

Duan, W. and T. A. Bookhout. 1997. Breeding behavior of isolation-reared Sandhill Cranes. Journal of Field Ornithology. 68:200-207.

Evers, D. C., K. M. Taylor, A. Major, R. J. Taylor, R. H. Poppenga and A. M. Scheuhammer. 2003. Common loon eggs as indicators of methylmercury availability in North America. Ecotoxicology.12:69-81.

Evers, D. C., J. D. Kaplan, M. W. Meyer, P. S. Reaman, W. E. Braselton, A. Major, N. Burgess and A. M. Scheuhammer. 1998. Geographic trend in mercury measured in Common Loon feathers and blood. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 17:173-183.

Evers, D. C. 1994. Activity budgets of a marked Common Loon (Gavia immer) nesting population. Hydrobiologia.279/280:415-420.

Evers, D. C., J. D. Kaplan, P. S. Reaman, J. D. Paruk and P. Phifer. 1997. Demographic characteristics of the Common Loon in the Upper Great Lakes: old history and new findings. In: Proceedings of Symposium of American Ornithologists' Union, 115th Meeting, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

Field, R. J. 1970. Scavengers feeding on a Michigan deer carcass. The Jack Pine Warbler. 48:73.

Field, R. J. 1970. Winter habits of the river otter, Lutra canadensis, in Michigan. Michigan Academician. 3:49-58.

Fjetland, C. A. 1978. Giant Canada Goose incubates eggless nest. Wilson Bulletin. 90:456-457.

Fjetland, C. A. 1973. Long-term retention of plastic collars on Canada Geese. Journal of Wildlife Management.37:176-178.

Frandsen, W. R. 1997. Ignition probability of organic soils. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.27:1471-1477.

Gates, F. C. 1950. Hat Island, Lake Michigan: its revegetation after bombing. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science.53:217-228.

Giesy, J. P., J. P. Ludwig and D.E. Tillitt. 1994. Deformities in birds of the Great Lakes region: Assigning causality. Environmental Science and Technology. 28:128-135.

Glaser, L. C., I. K. Barker, D. V. Weseloh, J. Ludwig, R. M. Windingstad, D. W. Key and T. K. Bollinger. 1999. The 1992 epizootic of Newcastles Disease in Double-crested Cormorants of North America. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 35:319-330.

Grasman, K. A., G. A. Fox, P. F. Scanlon and J. P. Ludwig. 1996. Organochlorine-associated immunosuppression in prefledgling Caspian Terns and Herring Gulls from the Great Lakes: An ecoepidemiological study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 104(Suppl. 4):829-842.

Heinselman, M. L. 1965. String bogs and other patterned organic terrain near Seney, Upper Michigan. Ecology.46:185-188.

Herman, C. W., J. H., Barrow Jr. and I. B. Tarhis. 1975. Leucocytozoonosis in Canada Geese at the Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 11:404-411.

Hribljan, J. A., E. S. Kane, T. G. Pypker and R. A. Chimner. 2014. The effect of long-term water table manipulations on dissolved organic carbon dynamics in a poor fen. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences. 119:577-595.

Johnson, C. S. 1947. Canada Goose management, Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Journal of Wildlife Management. 11:21-24.

Jones, P. D., G. T. Ankley, D. A. Best, R. Crawford, N. DeGalan, J. P. Giesy, T. J Kubiak, J. P. Ludwig, J. L. Newstead, D. E. Tillitt and D.A. Verbrugge. 1993. Biomagnification of bioassay-derived 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibense-p-dioxin equivalents. Chemosphere.26:1203-1212.

Jones, P. D., J. P. Giesy, J. L. Newstead, D. A. Verbrugge, J. P. Ludwig, M. E. Ludwig, H. J. Auman, R. Crawford, D. E. Tillitt, T. J. Kubiak and D. A. Best. 1994. Accumulation of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents by Double-crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus, Pelicaniformes) chicks in the North American Great Lakes. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 27:192-209.

Kashian, D. M., R. G. Corace III, L. M. Shartell, D. M. Donner and P. W. Huber. 2012. Variability and persistence of post-fire biological legacies in jack pine-dominated ecosystems of northern Lower Michigan. Forest Ecology and Management.263:148-158.

Kowalski, K. and D. Wilcox. 2003. Differences in sedge fen vegetation upstream and downstream from a managed impoundment. The American Midland Naturalist. 150:199-220.

Lagler, K. F. 1956. The pike, Eso lucius (Linnaeus), in relation to waterfowl on the Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan. Journal of Wildlife Management. 20:114-124.

Lederle, P. E., W. C. Scharf, G. Shugart and M. Fitch. 1985. Size variation in Peromyscus maniculatus gracilis from the Beaver Islands. The Jack-Pine Warbler. 63:10-20.

Losey, E. B., B. R. Deemer and R. G., Corace III. 2007. History of Sharp-tailed Grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus) at Seney National Wildlife Refuge and surrounding areas, Schoolcraft County, Michigan. Passenger Pigeon. 69:339-348.

Loope, W. L. and J. B. Anderton. 1998. Human vs. lightning ignition of presettlement surface fires in coastal pine forests of the Upper Great Lakes. American Midland Naturalist.140:206-218.

Ludwig, J. P. 1962. A survey of the gull and tern populations of Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior. Jack-Pine Warbler. 40:104-120.

Ludwig, J. P. 1965. Biology and structure of the Caspian Tern populations of the Great Lakes 1896-1964. Bird Banding. 36:217-233.

Ludwig, J. P. 1966. Herring and Ring-billed Gull populations of the Great Lakes 1960-1965. Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan. Publication 15:80-89.

Ludwig, J. P. and C. S. Tomoff. 1966. Reproductive success and insecticide residues in Lake Michigan Herring Gulls. Jack-Pine Warbler.44:77-86.

Ludwig, J. P. 1979. Present status of the Caspian Tern population of the Great Lakes. Michigan Academician.11:69-77.

Ludwig, J. P. 1981. Band wear and band loss in the Great Lakes Caspian Tern population and a generalized model of band loss. Colonial Waterbirds.4:174-186.

Ludwig, J. P. 1984. Decline, resurgence and population dynamics of Michigan and Great Lakes. Double-crested Cormorants. Jack-Pine Warbler. 62:91-102.

Ludwig, J. P., C. A. Hall, H. Auman and M.E. Ludwig. 1989. Feeding ecology of Double-crested Cormorants in the upper Great Lakes 1986-1989. Jack-Pine Warbler. 67:117-129.

Ludwig, J. P., H. J. Auman, D. V. Weseloh, G. A. Fox, J. P. Giesy and M. E. Ludwig. 1995. Evaluation of the effects of toxic chemicals in Great Lakes cormorants: Has causality been established? Colonial Waterbirds. 18:60-69.

Ludwig, J. P. 1996. Contaminants effected widespread changes of Great Lakes populations and communities. Ecological Applications.[Letter to editor response to Great Lakes Forum papers]. 6:962-965.

Ludwig, J. P., H. Hurita-Matsuba, H. J. Auman, M. E. Ludwig, C. L. Summer, J. P. Giesy, D. E. Tillitt and P. D. Jones. 1996. Deformities, PCBs, and TCDD-equivalents in Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) and Caspian Terns (Hydroprogne caspia) of the Upper Great Lakes 1986-1991. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 22:172-197.

Lydick, C. 2008. Evaluating amphibian abnormalities on wildlife refuges. Endangered Species Bulletin. 33:34-35.

Mager, J. N., III, C. Walcott and D. Evers. 2007. Macrogeographic variation in the body size and territorial vocalizations of male Common Loons (Gavia immer). Waterbirds 30:64-72.

Miesel, J. R., P. C. Goebel, R. G., Corace III, D. M. Hix, R. Kolka, B. Palik and D. Mladenoff. 2012. Fire effects on soils in Lake States forests: a compilation of published research to facilitate long-term investigations. Forests. 3:1034-1070.

Miller, M. P., S. M. Haig, T. D. Mullins, K. J. Popper and M. Green. 2012. Evidence for population bottlenecks and subtle genetic structure in the Yellow Rail. The Condor.114:100-112.

Moore, P. A., T. G. Pypker and J. M. Waddington. 2013. Effect of long-term water table manipulation on peatland evapotranspiration. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 178-179:106-119.

Mora, M. A., H. J. Auman, J. P. Ludwig, J. P Giesy, D. A. Verbrugge and M. E. Ludwig. 1993. Polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorinated insecticides in plasma of Caspian Terns: Relationships with age, productivity and colony site tenacity in the Great Lakes. Archives of Environmental Contamination. 24:320-331.

Myers, P., B. L. Lundrigan, S. Hoffman, A. P. Haraminac and S. H. Seto. 2009. Climate-induced changes in the small mammal communities of the Northern Great Lakes Region. Global Climate Change Biology. 15:1434-1454.

Nagel, L. M., R. G., Corace III. and A. J. Storer. 2008. An experimental approach to testing the efficacy of management treatments for glossy buckthorn (Frangula alnus) at Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Michigan. Ecological Restoration. 26:136-142.

Nyamai, P. A., P. C. Goebel, D. M. Hix, R. G. Corace, III and I. Drobyshev. 2014. Fire history, fuels, and overstory effects on the regeneration-layer dynamics of mixed-pine forest ecosystems of eastern Upper Michigan, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 322:37-47.

Olson, D., Long, B. and C. D. Mitchell. 2015. Geographic variation in Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) clutch size and egg weights. Wildfowl. 65:133-142.

Palmer, S. F. and D. O. Trainer. 1970. Serological evidence of Newcastle disease virus in Canada Geese. Avian Diseases. 14:494-502.

Palmer, S. F. and D. O. Trainer. 1969. Serological study of some infectious diseases of Canada Geese. Bulletin Wildlife Disease Association. 5:260-266.

Paruk, J. D. 2006. Testing hypotheses of social gatherings of Common Loons (Gavia immer). Hydrobiologia. 567:237-245.

Pypker, T. G., Moore, P. A., Waddington, J. M., Hribljan, J. A. and R. C. Chimner. 2013. Shifting environmental controls on CH4 fluxes in a sub-boreal peatland. Biogeosciences.10:7971-7981.

Risch, M. R., J. F. DeWild, D. P. Krabbenhoft, R. K. Kolka and L. Zhang. 2011. Litterfall mercury dry deposition in the eastern U. S. Environmental Pollution.1-7.

Rist, S. G., P. C. Goebel, R. G. Corace, III, D. M. Hix, I. Drobyshev and T. Casselman. 2011. Do partial cross sections from live trees for fire history analysis result in higher mortality 2 years after sampling? Forest Ecology and Management. 262: 940–946.

Rockwell, S. M., C. I. Bocetti and P. P. Marra. 2012. Carry-over effects of winter climate on spring arrival data and reproductive success in an endangered Migratory bird, Kirtland's Warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii). The Auk. 129:744-752.

Rothstein, D. E., Z. Yermakov and A. L. Buell. 2004. Loss and recovery of ecosystem carbon pools following stand-replacing wildfire in Michigan jack pine forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.34:1908-1918.

Scholtens, B. G. and W. H. Wagner, Jr. 1997. An example of clinal variation in eastern North American buckmoths (Saturniidae: Hemileuca). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 51:47-56.

Seamans, M. L., J. P. Ludwig, K. Stromborg, F. E. Ludwig II and F. E. Ludwig. 2012. Annual survival of Double-crested Cormorants from the Great Lakes 1979-2006. Colonial Waterbirds. 35:23-30.

Seefelt, N.E. 2018. A Disconnect between Science and Management for Double-Crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) in Northern Lake Michigan, USA, 2000-2016. Waterbirds. 41(2):189-197.

Seefelt, N. E. and P. D. Farrell. 2018. Indirect Negative Impacts of Double-crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) Management on Co-nesting Caspian Terns (Hydroprogne caspia) in Northern Lake Michigan, USA. Waterbirds.41(4):417-423.

Seefelt, N. E. 2012. Comparing decadal census trends and yearly variation in abundance and distribution of breeding Double-crested Cormorants: Importance of monitoring a managed species. Waterbirds.35:40-49.

Seefelt, N. E. and J. C. Gillingham. 2008. Bioenergetics and prey consumption of breeding Double-crested Cormorants in the Beaver Archipelago, Northern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 34:122-133.

Seefelt, N. E. and J. C. Gillingham. 2006. A comparison of three methods to investigate the diet of breeding Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) in the Beaver Archipelago, Northern Lake Michigan. Hydrobiologia.(Special Publication) 567:57-56.

Seefelt, N. E. and J. C. Gillingham. 2006. Foraging locations of Double-crested Cormorants in the Beaver Archipelago of Northern Lake Michigan: implications for smallmouth bass declines. Waterbirds.29:473-480.

Seefelt, N. E. and J. C. Gillingham. 2004. A new colony location for Double-crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) and other waterbirds in the Beaver Archipelago, Northern Lake Michigan. Michigan Birds and Natural History. 11:122-127.

Seong, J. C. and A. C. Lucas. 2002. Characterizing human impacts on wetlands using satellite imagery at Seney, Michigan, USA. The Geographical Journal of Korea.36:51-61.

Severud, W. J., J. L. Belant, J. G. Bruggink and S. K. Windels. 2011. Predation cues reduce American beaver use of foraging trails. Human-Wildlife Interactions. 5:296-305.

Shartell, L. M., R. G. Corace, III, A. J. Storer and D. M. Kashian. 2015. Broad and local-scale patterns of exotic earthworm functional groups in forests of National Wildlife Refuges of the Upper Midwest, USA. Biological Invasions. 17:3591-3607

Shartell, L. M., R. G. Corace III and A. J. Storer. 2012. Exotic earthworm communities of deciduous forests of National Wildlife Refuges in the Upper Midwest. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 3:332-340.

Shartell, L. M., L. M. Nagel and A.J. Storer. 2011. Multi-criteria risk model for garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. American Midland Naturalist. 165:116–127.

Sheesley, R. J., J. J. Schauer, E. Bean and D. Kenski. 2004. Trends in secondary organic aerosol at a remote site in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Environmental Science and Technology.38:6491-6500.

Sherwood, G. A. 1965. Recent modifications in banding equipment for Canada Geese. Journal of Wildlife Management. 29:640-643.

Shugart, G. W., W. C. Scharf and F. J. Cuthbert. 1979. Status and reproductive success of the Caspian Tern (Sterna caspia) in the U.S. Great Lakes. Colonial Waterbirds. 2:146-156.

Smith, L. M., N. H. Euliss, Jr., D. A. Wilcox and M. M. Brinson. 2008. Application of a geomorphic and temporal perspective to wetland management in North America. Wetlands. 28:563-577.

Stuht, J. N., W. W. Bowerman and D. A. Best. 1999. Leucocytozoonosis in nesting Bald Eagles in Michigan and Minnesota. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 35:608-612.

Sypulski, J. L. 1943. The Seney bullrush picker. Journal of Wildlife Management. 7:230-231.

Tarshis, I. B. 1972. The feeding of some ornithophilic black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in the laboratory and their role in the transmission of Leucocytozoon simondi. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 65:842-848.

Tarshis, I. B. 1971. An unusual fatality of a yearling Canada Goose. The Jack-Pine Warbler. 49:128.

Tarshis, I. B. 1971. Individual black fly rearing cylinders (Diptera: Simuliidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 64:1192-1193.

Tarshis, I. B. and T. R. Adkins, Jr. 1971. Equipment for transporting live black fly larvae (Diptera: Simuliidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 64:1194-1195.

Tarshis, I. B. 1971. An unusual fatality of a yearling Canada Goose. The Jack-Pine Warbler.49:128.

Tarshis, I. B. 1971. Individual black fly rearing cylinders (Diptera: Simuliidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 64:1192-1193.

Tarshis, I. B. and T. R. Adkins, Jr. 1971. Equipment for transporting live black fly larvae (Diptera: Simuliidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 64:1194-1195.

Tarshis, I. B. and W. Neil. 1970. Mass movement of black fly larvae on silken threads. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 63:607-610.

Tarshis, I. B. 1968. Collecting and rearing black flies. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 61:1072-1083.

Tarshis, I. B. 1968. Use of fabrics in streams to collect black fly larvae. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 61:960-961.

Tarshis, I. B. 1966. A method of shipping live larvae of Simulium vittatum long distances. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 59:866-867.

Tarshis, I. B. 1966. A protective suit for aquatic research. Journal of Wildlife Management.30:421-422.

Tate, J. L. Jr. and S. Postupalsky. 1965. Food remains at a Bald Eagle nest. Jack-Pine-Warbler. 43:146.

Taylor, Z. S., P. Myers and S. M. G. Hoffman. 2015. Colonization of the Beaver Island Archipelago by deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus gracilis): mtDNA evidence for multiple origins. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 93:239–244.

Taylor, Z. S. and S. M. G. Hoffman. 2012. Microsatellite genetic structure and cytonuclear discordance in naturally fragmented populations of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus). Journal of Heredity. 103:71-79.

Taylor, Z. S. and S. M. G. Hoffman. 2010. Mitochondrial DNA genetic structure transcends natural boundaries in Great Lakes populations of woodland deer mice. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 88:404-415.

Tillitt, D. E., G. T. Ankley, D. A. Verbrugge, J. P. Giesy, J. P. Ludwig and T.J. Kubiak. 1991. H4IIE rat hepatoma cell bioassay-derived 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents in colonial fish-eating waterbird eggs from the Great Lakes. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 21:91-101.

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Abram, Z. 2003. The recovery of ecosystem processes after wildfire in Michigan jack pine forests. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Ballantyne, D.M. 2010.The effects of long-term water table manipulations on carbon cycling in a Great Lakes peatland.Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Bowerman, W. 1989. Bald Eagle ecology and aquatic ecosystems at Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. (Ph.D.Dissertation)

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Something temporarily or permanently constructed, built, or placed; and constructed of natural or manufactured parts including, but not limited to, a building, shed, cabin, porch, bridge, walkway, stair steps, sign, landing, platform, dock, rack, fence, telecommunication device, antennae, fish cleaning table, satellite dish/mount, or well head.

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on bird diversity patterns in jack pine ecosystems of northern Lower Michigan.Department of Biology, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Duan. W. 1994. Social and reproductive behavior of isolation-reared released Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis). Department of Zoology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (M.S. Thesis)

Field, R.J. 1970. A comparison of the activities of the river otter (Lutra Canadensis) in two types of ecological habitats. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Fjetland, C.A. 1973. History of water management at the Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Department of Resource Development, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Harrington, E. 2006.Small mammals, habitat, and forest restoration at Seney National Wildlife Refuge.School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.(M.S. Thesis)

Hartwig, T.J. 2003. A population survey and habitat assessment of secretive marsh birds in Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Department of Biology, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Hayes, M.A. 2015.Dispersal and population genetic structure in two flyways of Sandhill Cranes(Grus canadensis).University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Hribljan, J.A. 2012.The effects of long-term water table manipulations on vegetation, poor water, substrate quality, and carbon cycling in a northern poor pen peatland (PFD file size 2.2 MB).Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI. (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Kainulainin (Trudgeon), L. 2003. Cover map accuracy assessment and identification of important beaver habitat variables at Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Department of Biology, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Kearney, A.M. 2006. Impacts of beech bark disease on stand composition and wildlife resources in Michigan. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Korte, J. L. 2013.Landscape characteristics of Upland Sandpiper habitat in Michigan.Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Kowalski, K. P. 2000. Analysis of wetland plant communities and environmental conditions. A wetland restoration project in Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Department of Geography and Geology, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Ludwig, J. P. 1968. Dynamics of Ring-billed Gull and Caspian Tern populations of the Great Lakes. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. (Ph.D. Dissertation)

McMillen, J. E. 1988. Productivity and movements of the greater Sandhill Crane population at Seney National Wildlife Refuge: potential for an introduction of Whooping Cranes. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Myer, M. G. 2012.Characterizing the decision process of land managers when managing for Endangered species of fire dependent ecosystems: the case of the Kirtland’s warbler (Septophaga kirtlandiiBaird).The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (M.S. Thesis)

Neri, C., Mackentley, N., Dykema, Z. A., Bertucci, E. M. and Lindsay, A. R. 2018.Different Audio-lures Lead to Different Sex-biases in Capture of Northern Saw-whet Owls(Aegolius acadicus).Journal of Raptor ResearchJun 2018 Vol. 52, No. 2: 245-249.

Nyamai, P. A. 2013.Factors affecting regeneration-layer dynamics in mixed-pine forest ecosystems of eastern Upper Michigan and implications for forest ecosystem restoration.The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Rist, S. G. 2008.Legacies of forest management and fire in mixed-pine forest ecosystems of the Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Eastern Upper Michigan, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.(M.S. Thesis)

Rockwell, S. M. 2013.Carry-over effects from the non-breeding season influence spring arrival dates, reproductive success, and survival in an Endangered migratory bird, the Kirtland's Warbler(Setophaga kirtlandii).University of Maryland, College Park, MD. (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Sarvis, J. E. 1972. The breeding biology and ecology of the Ring-necked Duck in Northern Michigan. Utah State University, Logan UT. (M.S. Thesis)

Severud, W. J. 2011.American beaver foraging ecology: predation avoidance, diet, and forage availability.Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Shartell, L. M. 2012.Invasion patterns of emerald ash borer and European earthworms in forested ecosystems.Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI. (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Sherwood, G. A. 1966. Canada Geese of the Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Utah State University, Logan, UT. (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Skutek, S. A. 1980. Preliminary investigations of Sandhill Crane feather analysis. College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI. (M.S. Thesis)

Stenzel, J. R. 1983. Ecology of breeding Yellow Rails at Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Department of Zoology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (M.S. Thesis)

Sugarbaker, L. J. 1979.Analysis of vegetation change following wildfire.School of Natural Resources, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Swanson, K. A. 2002. Movement, survival, and habitat relationships of snowshoe hare following release in Northeast Ohio. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (M.S. Thesis)

Taylor, Z. S. 2010. Geographic heterogeneity and landscape-scale genetic patterns in Great Lakes populations of Peromyscus. Miami University, Oxford, OH. (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Timmer, D.R. 2005. Small mammal community response to prescribed burns in Seney National Wildlife Refuge. School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Tucker, T. 2011.Changing movements of Double-crested Cormorants in the Beaver Archipelago, northern Lake Michigan.Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Van Guilder, M. A. 2011.Changes in Double-crested Cormorant(Phalacrocorax auritus)reproductive success and chick bioenergetics after the invasion of the round goby(Appollonia melanostomus).Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Welsh, S. 2011.Hydrological and ecological assessment of the impacts of the Walsh Ditch drainage plugs.Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

Weiss, S. A. 2017.Social and ecological aspects of managing wildlife in fire-dependent forest ecosystems.The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (M.S. Thesis)

Wieferich, J. B. 2013.Beech bark disease in Michigan: distribution, impacts, and dynamics.Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. (M.S. Thesis)

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Miscellaneous Reports

Alexander, M. E. and D. E. Dube. 1979.Fire management in Wilderness Areas, parks, and other nature reserves.Invited paper at the Fire in Northern Circumpolar Ecosystem Conference, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Anderson, S. H. 1982.Effects of the 1976 Seney National Wildlife Refuge wildfire on wildlife and wildlife habitat.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Resource Publication 146.

Austin, J.E. and Newton, W.E. 2019. Response of vegetation in open and partially wooded fens to prescribed burning at Seney National Wildlife Refuge: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5168, 62 p.

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Berres, M. E., J. A. Barzen and M. A. Hayes. 2013.Population genetic structure structure
Something temporarily or permanently constructed, built, or placed; and constructed of natural or manufactured parts including, but not limited to, a building, shed, cabin, porch, bridge, walkway, stair steps, sign, landing, platform, dock, rack, fence, telecommunication device, antennae, fish cleaning table, satellite dish/mount, or well head.

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in the eastern population of Greater Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensisTabida).Final Report, University of Wisconsin and International Crane Foundation, WI.

Bookhout, T. 1979-1994. Population status and habitat use by breeding Yellow Rails at Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Ohio Co-Op Fish and Wildlife Unit, Columbus, OH.

Bowerman, W. W. 2003. Bald eagles, woodland raptors, and other studies associated with wildlife ecology and toxicology: results from 1985-2003. Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Clemson University, Clemson, SC.

Bowerman, W. 1988. Survey of xenobiotics in biota on Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Ohio Co-Op U.S. Fish and Wildlife Unit, Columbus OH.

Burkman, P. 1991. Nesting of Black Terns on Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Seney, MI.

Carnes, Rachael. 2011.Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuge System Wilderness Fellows Report on Wilderness Character Monitoring.Seney National Wildlife Refuge.

Comes, E. 2012.Driggs River restoration within Seney National Wildlife Refuge: an 18-year revetment condition assessment.Seney National Wildlife Refuge.

Corace, R. G. III, H. A. Petrillo and L. M. Shartell. 2011.Rapid Ecological Assessment of Forests in the Laurentian Mixed Forest-Great Lakes CoastalBiological Network, Midwest Region, National Wildlife Refuge System, US Fish & Wildlife Service: Summary Tables and Figures, Seney National Wildlife Refuge.Published by Seney National Wildlife Refuge for the Midwest Regional Office, Fort Snelling, MN.

Corace, R. G. III, Shartell, L. M., Brininger, W. L. Jr. and R. S. King. 2009.Assessment of ecoregional spatial patterns for National Wildlife Refuges of the Great Lakes Biology Network.Seney National Wildlife Refuge.

Corace, G. 2003.Seney Research and Public Use Natural Areas Report.Seney, MI.

Cuthbert, F. J. and L. R. Wires. 2003. Prioritization of waterbird colony sites for conservation in the U.S. Great Lakes. Final report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.

Cuthbert, F. J. 1999. Wildlife issues on Great Lakes islands. State of Great Lakes Islands: Proceedings from 1996 U.S.-Canada Great Lakes Island Workshop (K. Vigmostad ed.), Michigan State University Department of Resources and Development, East Lansing, MI, 47-51.

Cuthbert, F. J. and L. R. Wires. 1999. Caspian Tern (Sterna caspia). The Birds of North America (A. Poole and F. Gill ed.).

Drohan, J. 2011.Fire history study reveals surprises about mixed-pine ecology in eastern Upper Michigan.Joint Fire Science Program Briefs 013, U.S. Joint Fire Science Program, Boise, ID.

Duan, W., T. A. Bookhout and R.P. Urbanek. 1996. Home range and habitat use by isolation-reared Sandhill Cranes. Proceedings of the Seventh North American Crane Workshop. North American Crane Working Group. Biloxi, MS, 72-78.

Evers, D. C. Date Unknown. A replicable capture method for adult and juvenile Common Loons on their nesting lakes. American Loon Conference Proceedings, Publication 13:214-219.

Evers, D. C. 1992. Population ecology of the Common Loon at Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Seney Michigan: Results from the first color-marked breeding population. American Loon Conference Proceedings 12:202-212.

Evers, D. C. 1992-1995. Northern Great Lakes Common Loon monitoring program. Field Season Report.

Evers, D. C. 1993. Population ecology of the Common Loon at the Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan: Results from the first color-marked breeding population. Proceedings 1992 Conference on the Loon and its Ecosystem: Status, management, and environmental concerns (L. Morse, S. Stockwell and M. Pokras ed.), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Concord, NH, 202-213.

Evers, D. C. 2000. An update of North America’s Common Loon breeding population. Loons: Old History and New Findings (J.W. McIntyre and D.C. Evers ed.), Proceedings of a symposium from the 1997 meeting, American Ornithologists Union, North American Loon Fund, Holderness, NH, 91-94.

Evers, D. C., O. P. Lane, C. De Sorbo and L. Savoy. 2002. Assessing the impacts of methylmercury on piscivorous wildlife using a wildlife criterion value based on the Common Loon, 1998-2001. Report BRI 2002-2008.

Faber, R. A. and J. J. Hickey. Insecticides, PCB’s and mercury in inland aquatic bird eggs. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD, 1-16.

Fjetland, C. A. 1969. Waterfowl use and preference of Seney National Wildlife Refuge Pools. Michigan State University.

Fjetland, C. A. 1970. Long term survival of plastic collars on geese. Fourth Canada Goose Ecology Seminar, Kellogg Sanctuary, Battle Creek, MI.

Foss, L. and K. Morlock. 1995. Effects of timber cutting, prescribed burning, and large opening development on bird populations at Seney National Wildlife Refuge.

Gibson, J. M. and H. Enander. 2007.Grassland bird surveys in support of the Michigan Breeding Bird Atlas II: final report.Report number 2007-20, Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division, Natural Heritage Program.

Giesy, J. P., J. P. Ludwig and D. E. Tillitt. 1994. Dioxins, dibenzofurans, PCBs and colonial fish-eating waterbirds. Dioxins and Health (Arnold Schecter ed.), New York: Plenem Press, 249-307.

Goebel, P. C. and R. G. Corace, III. 2012.Rapid Ecological Assessment of Forests in the Laurentian Mixed Forest-Great Lakes CoastalBiological Network, Midwest Region, National Wildlife Refuge System, US Fish & Wildlife Service: Forest Community Analysis: Seney National Wildlife Refuge.Published by Seney National Wildlife Refuge for the Midwest Regional Office, Fort Snelling, MN.

Goebel, P. C., D. L. McCormick and R. G., Corace III. 2007.Ecological assessment of the U.S. Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service’s Kirtland’s Warbler Management Area.School of Environmental and Natural Resources, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, The Ohio State University, Wooster, OH, 72pp.

Henslee, K. A. 2005.An evaluation of northern red oak(Quercus rubra)at Seney National Wildlife Refuge.Unpublished report. Seney National Wildlife Refuge.

Johnson, R. E. 1970. Mallard and Black Duck hybridization for the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Seney National Wildlife Refuge.

Kaplan, J. D., K. B. Tischler and D. L. McCormick. 2002. A breeding atlas of Common Loon (Gavia immer) at Isle Royale National Park, Michigan.

Kaplan, J. D. and K. B. Tischler. 2000. Mercury exposure in the Common Loon (Gavia immer) at Isle Royale National Park, Michigan.

Keffer, J. 1992, 1993. Trumpeter Swan reintroduction at Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Unpublished, Seney National Wildlife Refuge.

Kessel, J. 1987, 1988. Black bear survey techniques. Unpublished, Seney National Wildlife Refuge.

Lishman, W. A., T. L. tee*ts, J. W. Duff, W. J. L. Sladen, G.G. Shire, K. M. Goolsby, W. A. B. Kerr and R. P. Urbanek. 1996. A reintroduction technique for migratory birds- leading Canada Geese and isolation-reared Sandhill Cranes with ultralight aircraft. Proceedings of the Seventh North American Crane Workshop. North American Crane Working Group. Biloxi, MS, 96-104.

Ludwig, J. P. and C. E. Ludwig. 1969. The effect of starvation on insecticide contaminated Herring Gulls removed from a Lake Michigan colony. Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research 18:53-60.

Ludwig, J. P., S. I. Apfelbaum and J. P. Giesy. 1997. Ecotoxicological effects of watershed contamination. Proceedings of the 1996 USEPA Symposium assessing the cumulative impacts of watershed development on aquatic ecosystems and water quality, Chicago, IL, 241-250.

Marsh, D. and G. Corace. 2013.Afforestation at Seney National Wildlife Refuge: 2-yr. results of Smith and Conlon Farm eastern white pine plantings and Driggs River Rd. opening red pine and eastern white pine (trans)plantings.Seney, MI.

Marsh, D. S. 2013.The evolution of land and fire management at Seney National Wildlife Refuge: from game to ecosystem management.Seney, MI.

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McCormick, D. L., Kaplan, J.D. and K.B. Tischler. 2006.Mercury exposure in Common Loons at Seney National Wildlife Refuge.Unpublished report submitted to: S.V. Silva, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Branch of Air Quality, Lakewood, CO.

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McMillen, J. L. 1987. Evaluation of the Seney National Wildlife Refuge as a reintroduction site for Whooping Cranes. Ohio Co-Op Fish and Wildlife Unit, Columbus, OH.

McMillen, J. L., R. Urbanek and T. Bookhout. 1984-1987. Nesting, productivity, and movements of Greater Sandhill Cranes of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Ohio Co-Op Fish and Wildlife Unit, Columbus, OH.

Monfils, M. J. and R.G. Corace III. 2018.Marsh bird response to hydrologic alteration and restoration of wetlands in the boreal hardwood transition.Michigan Natural Features Inventory, Report Number 2018-08, Lansing, MI.

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Mueller, B. D., T. E. Burk, P. V. Bolstad and J. H. Schomaker. 2003.Construction of a geographic information system for wildlife refuge planning: Seney National Wildlife Refuge.Staff Paper Series 169, Department of Forest Resources, College of Natural Resources, Minnesota Experiment Station, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.

Nagel, L. M. 2006. Integrating firebreaks into an ecological framework for forest ecosystem management at Seney National Wildlife Refuge. School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.

Neff, B. P., T. L Weaver and D. G. Wydra. 2005. Changes in streamflow patterns related to hydrologic restoration of a sedge fen wetland in Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan, 1998-2004. Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5137, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO.

O'Dell, S. 2012.Michigan Islands Wilderness: a report on Wilderness character monitoring.U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Midwest Region, Minneapolis, MN.

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Payne, C. and S. Zweber. 2013.Huron Islands Wilderness: a report on Wilderness character monitoring.US Fish and Wildlife Service, Midwest Region, Minneapolis, MN.

Petrillo, H. A. and R. G. Corace, III. 2014.Rapid Ecological Assessment of Forests in the Laurentian Mixed Forest-Great Lakes Coastal Biological Network, Midwest Region, National Wildlife Refuge System, US Fish & Wildlife Service: Midwest Region - Survey Protocol Framework: First Edition.Published by the National Inventory and Monitoring Program, Fort Collins, CO.

Rouser, S. T. and G. Corace. 2013.Seney National Wildlife Refuge fire history GIS project.Seney, MI.

Sarvis, J. E. 1969. A survey of the status of Ring-necked Duck on the Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Utah State University, Logan, UT.

Scharf, W. C. and M. L. Chamberlin. 1978. Ecological inventory of Harbor Island, Chippewa County, Michigan. Report to The Nature Conservancy, Midwest Regional Office.

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Selzer, M. D. 2000. A plant community survey of Harbor Island National Wildlife Refuge, Chippewa County, Michigan. Senior Thesis, Lake Superior State University, Sault Ste. Marie, MI.

Sheesely, R. J. and J. J. Schauer. 2004.Source apportionment of atmospheric fine particulate matter collected at the Seney National Wildlife Refuge.University of Wisconsin Proposal 89517, Environmental Chemistry and Technology Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.

Sherwood, G. A. 1963. A critical evaluation of some possible limiting factors of the Seney goose flock.

Sherwood, G. A. 1963. A study of family group relationships and breeding behavior in a wild population of Canada Geese.

Sherwood, G. A. 1965. Canada Geese of the Seney National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildlife Management Studies 1 and 2. Seney, MI.

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Szpak, C. R., R. M. Reinhold and M. J. Kukan. No Date.Computer analysis of Landsat data for evaluating wildfire in the Seney National Wildlife Refuge.Unpublished Report, School of Natural Resources, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

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An invasive species is any plant or animal that has spread or been introduced into a new area where they are, or could, cause harm to the environment, economy, or human, animal, or plant health. Their unwelcome presence can destroy ecosystems and cost millions of dollars.

Learn more about invasive species

in national wildlife refuge national wildlife refuge
A national wildlife refuge is typically a contiguous area of land and water managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  for the conservation and, where appropriate, restoration of fish, wildlife and plant resources and their habitats for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans.

Learn more about national wildlife refuge

wilderness areas.Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.