The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1939. Greenfield GREENFIELD MAN Greenfield. June 1-Hurt when his "Far crashed into a tree on road the pers Falls- Millers Falls morning. Peter P'ettirossi, 59, of 26 "Devens street died at 1.30 p. m.

at the Farren Memorial hospital in Montague City. Injuries were not completely described tonight, but it is understood his chest was crushed. Dir Pettirossi was said to have been returning from a business engagement in Orange when his car left the highway and crashed a tree near Mayo's point. The impact drove the engine back into the front seat of the car, crushing ita occupant against the steering wheel. Since the road in nearly straight at that point, it is thought Mr Pettirossi had suffered a fainting spell or a shock.

Police Chief William Callahan and Offcer Walter: Casey investigated. after being notified by Mrs Alice Bonnette, who heard the crash. Dr William Pelletier attended the victim at the hospital. Medical Examiner Halbert G. Stetson viewed the body.

Mr Pettirossi was born in Rome in 1879, and came 'to this country in 1009. He lived for two years in New York city before moving to GreenAeld, where he had conducted A tailoring business for many years. During his youth he had studied at St Bonaventure seminary in Italy, He leaves his widow. Caroline: a daughter, Mrs A. L.

Curado of Webster: three sisters in Italy and a brother in New York city. C. E. McCarthy is directing funeral arrangements. William S.

Allen has been reelected president of the Greenfield Library nssociation. John was chosen avice-president to succeed the late Perley E. Fay. Other officers follow: Miss Lucia Russell; treashirer, Paul S. Walcott: directors, Dirs C.

Deane, Mrs A. W. Esleeck. Miss Eleanor Stevens, Rev John R. Whitean, Charles N.

Stoddard, Miss Hackstaff, Denham C. Lunt and Frank H. Reed; trustees, Herbert Erickson and John E. Donovan. The funeral.

of Mrs Esta Chaffee. DIES OF INJURIES AFTER ACCIDENT Peter Pettirossi, 59; Fatally Hurt When Car Hits Tree Conducted: Tailor Shop for Many Years AMHERST Amherst. June 1-The last meeting of the Girl Scout council was held afternoon at the home of Mrs H. D. Boutelle.

The following officers were elected to fill out the term ending in December: Acting commissioner. Airs A. H. Lindsey; acting deputy commissioner. Mrs L.

L. Blundell: acting secretary and Mreasurer. Drs Harold Smart. Dirs Ritchie was elected A new member of the council and will be in of publicity. Girl Scouts of Center troop will a one -act play.

"Meddlin," evening at 8 in Masonic hall. cast includes Sabra Rogers, Retty Jeanne Lindsey and Doris Abramson. There will be dancing by Sarris: piano selections by Walsh; violin selections by Nancy Dudley and vocal selections by Doris Abramson. Sabra Rogers will be accompanist. Division 5, Hibernian auxiliary, will serve a public salad supper Thursday.

evening, the 9th, in Father Madwen hall. In charge are Drs Mary Mrs James Desmond. Miss Katherine White, Miss Mae Honney, Marcella Martin and Mrs Henry Martin. The Women's alliance of Unity held a garden party this at the home of Mrs Harry E. Barlow of Main street.

A musical program, by Mrs Barlow and J. If. Frandsen. was given during afternoon, and included vocal solos by Airs Clarence Parsons and violin selections by Mrg Isadora Ellert, accompanied by Mrs Earl Shumway, Thelma. Sarris, daughter Mr Mirs Charles Sarris, gave an of ballet dancing.

The local. Christian Endeavor will meet tomorrow evening in the parish of the Second. Congregational Rev John C. Searcy of the church will preside and will be elected and installed. Leslie Dienstadt, Massachusetts field secretary, will be present.

Prof Law. Briggs of the State college will pictures of Yellowstone park. The women of the South Congregational church will. hold a public "counauction" for the benefit of the the last part of the month. Members are soliciting articles for the auction and anyone having furniture, antiques, glassware.

should notify Mrs. W. H. Atkins or Mrs Ilerbort Hutchings. A cafeteria supper will be held.

The American Legion auxiliary will observe past presidents' night Monday evening in the Legion house. will serve strawberry The Ladics' Social circles of North shortcake supper Wednesday evening 5.30 to 7.30 in parish hall in of Mrs Clarence Parsons. Eagles and Diners In 10-10 Franklin Loop Tie Greenfield. June 1 The White Eagles came from behind to tie Smith Diner at Shattack park here tonight in A. Franklin league game called in the 10th by darkness with the score 10-10.

The DINER al Widener, 1f 3 Jarvis, AVissman, cf As Stahaleck. Landry, 1b Tatro, rf Foley, 3b Corsizlla, A Hurlburt, 26 Maloy, Totals 42 10 10 30 12 6 WHITE EAGLES al xTusinski, 2b 6 H. 'zOstroski, Wondoloski, 1 Bernard, ri A. Rose. Wondoloski, 89 3 Ripka.

Slahetka, 1b Lavin, Kalinoski, 3b xxChula Totals 43 10 12 30 13 Eagles 0 4 2 0 1 3 Smith'a 2 6 0 -10 DR. LABEL DENTIST 1253 Main Street to 6 Daily Tel. 4-5831 Evenings and Sunday by Appointment EASTHAMPTON POLISH-AMERICANS WILL MEET SUNDAY Easthampton, June 1-The 16th annual convention of the Massachusetts Polish- Citizens' cluba will be held Sunday at Pulaski hall beginning at noon. There will be an afternoon session and in the evening at 7 there will be a banquet. The convention will be called to order by Walter Czepin of Webster, president of the state organization.

Antoni Marciniak, president of the Hampshire County Polish-American clubs, will introduce William H. Campbell, chairman of the board of selectmen, who will welcome the Sir Marciniak will also introduce Marian Hubert, president of the Pulaski club; Prof Mierzwa, director of the Kosciuszko foundation, Senator Chester T. Skibinski of Chicopee. William E. Czelusniak, a member of the Easthampton board of assessors.

will act as toastmaster at the banquet in the evening. Among the guests of honor will be Congressman Charles E. Clason, Councilor Arthur Hastings of West Springfield, Senator Skibinski, Representative Ralph Lerche of Northampton, Representative George L. Barrus of Goshen, county commissioners, selectmen. Rev S.

C. Zdebel of the. Sacred Heart church and others. Frank W. Wright of Roston, formerly of the department of education, will give the address at the high school graduation.

The funeral of Miss Sarah Mooney of Water street was held this morning at the O'Brien funeral home followed by a high mass of requiem at Immaculate Conception church with Rev Joseph Gagan as celebrant. The bearers were Anthony Kendrew, Stephen DeBarbieri, William Merrigan, Edward Egan, George Kvitek and Paul Cantin. Burial was in St Brigids cemetery, Rev C. F. Donoghue officiating.

16th State Convention to Be Held at Pulaski Hall- -Banquet to Be Feature PALMER MOTORIST FINED $10 ON SPEEDING CHARGE Falmer, June 1-A fine of $10 for speeding was paid in district court this morning by Hugh Palmer, 23, of New York city. He was arrested at 8.30 this morning by State Patrolman William Sienkiewicz after he had passed the intersection of Boston and Stony Hill roads at a. 45-mile rate. He was afterwards clocked by the officer at 55 to 60 miles an hour. Ernest Clough, 23, of Worcester was brought in on a capias and paid $10, which he had been fined on May 2 for He was given time to pay, but failed to show up at the expiration of the time limit.

Cases against Roland H. Adams, 24, of 191 Pine street, Springfeld. charged with drunkenness and drunken driving; Louis Mazzei, 26, of 19 Granville street, Springfield, and Thomas J. Burke, 106 Tyler street, Springfield, both charged with drunkenness, were again continued by Judge Harold J. Burdick to the 7th.

Today marked the fourth time that the cases have been continued. They were arrested on North Main street by Corp James Lyons and State Patrolman Walter also Officer Michael Brimes, and are represented by Atty Irving M. Cohen of Springfield, RAGWEED, BUG DRIVE OPENED BY CLUBS Palmer, June 1-Sponsored jointly by the Rotary club and the Woman's club, committees from the clubs are starting yearly campaign in this town for the extermination of ragweed and elimination of mosquitoes and flies. Mrs Arthur W. Holbrook heads the Woman's club committee on this project.

Mrs Holbrook says that individuals may assist to a great extent in this work by getting rid of ragweed on their own premises. In connection with this local campaign, the two clubs will present Dr Ethan Allen Brown of Boston, an expert and specialist on allergy in all its phases, at the high school auditorium the 15th at 11 a. in a lecture. The lecture will be for students at the high school and the public. Maurice Wring and son, David, of Peru, are spending the summer with her sisters, Misses Kathryn and Dorothy Hartnett of Three Rivers.

Jennie DeMaio, cight, daughter of Mr and Mrs Samuel DeMaio of Water street, suffered a fractured skull when she fell down the stone steps of the Bridge-strect dry bridge near the rail- She road station yesterday afternoon. was taken to Wing Memorial hospital, where it was said this afternoon she was resting comfortably. Dr Charles Giroux is the physician. The following members of St Thomas's Sunday school who have completed courses in. Christian doctrine will receive certificates at the graduation exercises the church Sunday night at 7: Robert Sullivan, Robert Chase, John Grimes, Timothy Denning, Mary McNally, Hall, Marie Rose Riel, Barbara Swann, Doris Lane, June Kenny, Betty Hackett and Edna Brouilette.

Miss Mary A. Fogarty, daughter of Mr and Mrs Daniel V. Fogarty of Three Rivers, officiated at the coronation of the statue of the Blessed Virgin at the outdoor exercises conducted yesterday afternoon on the campus at Our Lady of Elms college at Chicopee. Miss Fogarty is prefect of the Blessed Virgin. sodality.

The Palmer District Nursing association will meet Monday afternoon at 3 with Mrs Theodore A. Norman of Holbrook street when plans will be made for the annual benefit card party to be held at the home of Mrs Andrew B. Rathbone of King street the afternoon of the 21st. Northfield High Trips Turners Falls Seconds Northfield. June 1-Northfield High defeated Turners Falls High Reserves here this afternoon before a large gathering fans, to.

6. The H. S. ab T. French, Hurley, 83 11 Holton, 2b Gibson, E.

Hurley, 1b Webber, 3b Janes. Randall, cf Hammond, cf Stevens, ri Totals FALLS 13 14 RESERVES 27 10 A TURNERS ab po Paulin, 26 Corbiere, Whitman, Czarnicki, Lavielle, 1b Symanski, 3 Drago, elcome, Cadran. $8 Dorhamer, 3h Bellamore, 11 Grogan. ri C. Whitman, 1 Totala 38 9 0 1 3 0 Turners Falls Res.

03 SOUTH. HADLEY FALLS South Hadley Falls, Swoont 1-The graduation exercises at Holyoke college, the 12th, be especially interesting to South Hadley Falls people this year because in the class of 245 who will receive degrees there are nine South Hadley girls. The girls are: Miss Barbara Strong. Miss Ruth J. Adams, Miss Hope Bacheler, Miss Doris Winterbottom, Miss Merle Neville, Miss Josephine Sobola, Mias Candace Preston, Miss Muriel Bocttcher and Miss Mary Ralsten.

The sophom*ore class at the high school will sponsor farewell dance in the town hall, the 9th, for the senior class. George Winslow is the general chairman. The assisting committee includes Paul Stacy, Paul Reardon, Barbara Stokes, Myllis Strong, Robert Pierce, Peter Flanagan, Marion Koehler, Peter Thompson, Florence Carey, Ralph Burnett, Howard Sullivan, Eileen Berard, Geraldine Lynch, Willard Bloodgood, Constance Wroblicka, Mildred Sullivan and Marion Hoskins. The senior class at the high school will hold its class night exercises and Springfield at the the 21st. Hotel Kimball Donald B.

in Stevens, principal; the faculty, school officials and town officials will be guests of the class. The graduation will be held at Chapin auditorium, Mount Holyoke college, 23d. Mr and Mrs Steve Savacheck of their home last night by a group of South Main street were surprised at 23 friends who called to help the couple celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Musta Mrs Savacheck in came to this country about the same time 33 years ago and settled in the coal region of Pennsylvania. They were married in upper Pennsylvania and came to live in South Hadley Falls 11 ycars ago.

NORTH BROOKFIELD North Brookfield, North Brookfield evening at Grange nual "past lecturers' served. The speaker land of Boston, a the New England June 1 The Grange met this hall with the annight" being obwas John Strickrepresentative of Antivivisection so- ciety. DALTON Dalton, June 1-The members of the Twentieth Century club will motor to North Adams Saturday night to hold a mecting with Airs William Crittenden, a member of. the club. She will read a paper on "Medical research." The final meeting for the club year will be held Saturday, June 11, with Mrs Harold Bridgman of 1215 Dalton avenue.

The midweek devotional meetings that have been held reguarly Wednesday nights at the parish houses have been discontinued for the summer. A meeting of those interested in getting together a local twilight baseball league was held last night and it was decided to open the season with the four teams at the Weston athletic field next Tuesday night. A skeet shoot by the members of the the Rod and Gun club was held last night at the club grounds. Sunday afternoon at 2 there will be a skeet and trap shoot at the same place. The June meeting of the Missionary society of the First Congregational church was held this afternoon at 3 at the parish house.

Mrs Robert L. Thompson was the speaker. Mrs C. D. Mills was chairman of the meeting.

The pastor of the Congregational church is preparing for the observance of children's day on Sunday, June 11. He will arrange a special program, including the sacrament of infant baptism. Miss Dorothy Foley was given a personal shower recently at the home of Miss Ann Harrigan of North street. There were about 30 present including some friends from Pittsfield. She was presented many gifts.

Her marriage to Lawrance A. Howarth, will take place Saturday, the 10th. The selectmen of Windsor have appointed August Richter, tax collector to fill out the term of Archic L. Turner deceased. The charter of Hilltop Grange has been draped in morning for Mr Turner.

LENOX Miss Marguerite Cameron, daughter of Mr and Mrg James Cameron, and Edward Bligh, son of Mr and Mrs Edward Bligh, will take the leading roles in the senior class play to be presented tomorrow night in the town hall 8.15. The play, "Aaron Slick of Punkin Crick," is being directed by Miss Catherine Meagher. The high school baseball team will play its final league game with (Villiams high at Stockbridge tomorrow afternoon. The local team is tied for first place with Searles high school of Great Barrington. HOUSATONIC Housatonic, June 1-The wedding of Miss Edith Robinson of this village and Truman Wheeler of Great Barrington will take place Saturday, the 17th, at St James's Episcopal.

church. An invitation is to all friends to attend the ceremony. A reception will be held at the parish house for near friends and relatives. Chester Shook of Pine street is to open a barbershop at the White block on River street. Stanley Bubbriski of this village, a student at Searles high school, has been awarded a scholarship by the directors of the Western Massachusetts small high school basketball tournament.

He had an average above 90 per cent during his four years at Searles. The selectmen have granted Thatcher's filling station of this village a permit for the sale of soft beverages. The Rising A. A. softball team will play the Strathmore team at West Springfeld Saturday afternoon.

A supper will follow the game. HUNTINGTON The final adjustment of dates for the closing functions and ceremonies concerning the high school has resulted in complete return to the original plans, excepting for a mihor change final examination schedules. Finals for seniors not immune to them by reason of previously attained high averages, are scheduled on the 8th and 9th; for underclass- men, the 15th and 16th; class day gently operating and $50 for operat- granted last night by the church exercises in the assembly room the ing after his license had been sus- board. 14th at 11.15; graduation on the eve- pended. Westfield chapter, American Red ning of the 15th.

The regular monthly meeting of the Cross, will bring the city a threeMiss Grace Martin has returned Missionary society of the First Meth- ring circus Saturday, Two exhibito her home in Malden after spend- odist church will be held tomorrow tions will be given at the Whitney ing a few days at the home of her afternoon at the home of Mrs Paul playgrounds, at 2 and at 8. sister, Mrs Timothy Kirby of Main Nobbs of Pittsfield. street. PITTSFIELD TYRINGHAM PITTSFIELD 88, of 74 Cleveland street, who died today at the Franklin county hospital, will be held Saturday at 2 p. m.

in HIM. N. where she had been a resident for many years. Burial will be 'in that town. Mrs Chaffee was A nafive of Meriden, N.

and came to Greenfield Ave years ago. She was the widow of Joseph Chaffee. She leaves three nephews, Charles E. Catlin of Greenfeld, with whom she made her home: H. Catlin of Annville, and G.

S. Catlin of Boston. Greenfield, June 1-Dr Herman LivIngston of Brattleboro, will be temporary president of the board of phony orchestra, it was a announced tosponsors of the Pioneer Valley Symday following an organization meeting in the demonstration rooms of the Western Massachusetts Electric company. The orchestra, which will be directed by Harold Leslie of Russell street, will be open to musiclovers throughout the valley. Groverman B.

Payne and Miss Marguerite Duffy will be treasurer secretary respectively, with other sponsors' to include Mrs Herbert Allen of Deerfield. Miss Florence Argy of Turners Falls, Mr and Mra Francis Avery of Charlemont, Rev Margaret Barnard of Greenfield. Mr and Mrs Stanford Blish of Northampton, Mrs Mary Champney of Greenfield, Mrs Mary Fuller. Miss Elizabeth Fuller. and Mr and Sirs Arthur Fuller, a all of Deerfield.

Carleton L'Hommedicu of Northfield, Mr and Mrs George Lumbard, Mr and Mrs Roy Peterson, Rev and Mr's Robert J. Raible, all of Greenfield; Miss Marguerite Rist of Tur. ners Falls. Mra George Sheldon, Mr and Mrs Charles H. Slocomb, Dr and Mrs Knowlton Stone, Mr and Mrs Nathan Tufts, Birg Fred W.

Wells, Rev and Mrs John B. Whiteman, Misses Grace and Nellie Williams of Greenfield, Mr and Mrg Frank Wells of Charlemont, Carl 'Jordan, Louts Deland, and Ralph of Greenfield and William H. Baker of Turners Falls. SPONSORS ANNOUNCED FOR VALLEY ORCHESTRA Dr Herman Livingston of Brattleboro to Be Temporary President of Group EAST BROOKFIELD Mrs Melvina M. Coran East Brookfeld.

1-Mrs Melvina M. Coran. 87, resident of this town for the past .71 years, died this morning at her home on Pleasant street. She wag born in Canada and came here when 16 years of a age: She leaves five daughters, Mrs Alexina Leblanc, with whom she made her Mrg Victoria Bourcher and Mrs Matilda Gonyer of this town, Mrs Rose Benoit of Worcester and Mrs Ella Gagne of Providence, R. two sons, Hubert Coran of Danielter.

and one A sister, Mrs Victoria son, and Arthur Coran of WorcesCartier of Ware. The funeral will be held at the home Saturday morning at 8.30, followed by a high mass requiem at St John's church at 9. Burial will be in Holy Rosary and St Mary's cemetery in Spencer in charge of Undertaker John Lyons. SUNDERLAND Sunderland. June 1-The Sunderyouth hostel has been opened for the season by the house parents, Mr and Drs Arthur P.

Porter. They have returned to White Plains, N. to attend the graduation of their daughter, Miss Carolyn Ruth Porter, from Scarborough school. and Mrs Adam Kosloski are acting a3 house parents during their. absence.

Lyndon Graves of Babson Park, formerly of this town and Montague, has been a guest at Mrs William Smead's. Mr and Mrs William Howes of Dunellen, N. are the parents of 1 daughter. Nancy Elizabeth, born today. The grandparents are Mr and Mrs George C.

Hubbard of this town and Mrs William J. Howes of Holyoke. Anthony Geordam of Tenafly. N. with her, baby son.

is visiting her parents, and Mrg William Besarkarski. GILBERTVILLE SPECIAL TOWN MEETING Gilbertville. June 1-A special town meeting has been called for Saturday evening at 7.30 at the Hardwick town hall and the following articles will be acted upon: (1) To see if the town will vote the term laborers, workmen and mechanics, as used in section 69 to 15, inclusive, of the workmen's compensation acts, shall include such other employes, except members of the police and fire departments, regardless of the nature of their work. as may be employed on work to be done under contracts with the commonwealth; (2) to gee if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500 for repairs on the Aikens place, socalled; (3) to see if the town will vote to authorize the sale of the buildings and a tract of land on the Aikens place, socalled. EAST CHARLEMONT East Charlemont, June 1-Miss Julia Jaffray of New York spent the weekend and holiday with her sister, Miss June Jaffray.

Mr a and Mrs Evang K. Newton of Niagara Falls, N. called on friends and relatives in town Monday. Mr' and Mrs Carroll Adams and sons, from Pawtucket, R. spent the weckend at their summer home here.

Col and Mrs N. F. Smith, from Charleston, S. visited their sister, Miss Elizabeth Smith. this weekend on their way to their home in Heath, where they will spend the summer.

defeated the Easthampton Francos here tonight in a Pioneer Valley league game. The A. A. team 19 still undefeated in the league and is tied with the Haydenville team for first place. The A.

A. ah A Doskotz, Madewski. 26 3. 1 Martula, 1b 10 Jokanoaki, E. Samolewis, it 00 Berestka, rf 03 J.

Samolewis, ca 0. Pijonk, West. 3b ct 03 3 Totals 27 8 21 12 EASTHAMPTON FRANCOS St Martin, 1 Kogan, 3h Hebert, (f Greensmith, 1b Ezyk, 83 Laprade, rt Raymond, 2b Shephard, Hadley Totals 28 18. 08. Francos 001 1 Hadley Tossers Beat Francos in Loop Tilt Hadley, June 1-The Hadley A.

A. TYRINGHAM ADAMS si. Adams, June 1-Mrs Agatha Twarog, wife of Feliz Twarog of East Hoosac street, died at her home this morning following a long illness. A native of Poland, Mrg Twarog had lived in the United States 41 years and in Adams 25 years. The survivors are her husband; four daughters, Miss Jane and Miss Stacia, Mrs Romco Laliberte Airs Albert Zoltek of this town, and three brothers, Wojciech and Joseph Kordana of Adams and Anthony Kordana of Windsor.

The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9 in St Stanislaus Kostka church, with burial in St Stanislaus's cemetery. Judge Henry Harrington, at the completion of a hearing of complaints against Ulysses C. Dupuis, 42, of 20 Congress street, Pittsfield, driver of an automobile alleged to have fatally injured five-year-old Mary Raimer of Back row, May 16, continued the cases to Monday for disposition. The defendant is charged negligent driving and operating with defective brakes. Co of Adams has been selected represent the 104th infantry, Massachusetts National guard, in the annual contest for the Sons of the Revolution trophy.

The competition will be held between the 18th and 30th. Lee, June 1-The faculty of the Lee high school bas chosen the speakers for class day Monday, the 10th, in the auditorium. The speakers selected are: Alice Hayden, president of the senior class; class history, Marion Foote; class will. Mary Preston: class statistics, William Diamond; class prophecy, Minnie Davis; gifts, Barbara Job and Thomas Burt; ivy oration, John Richmond with response by the president of the junior class, Edmond LeMoal. The senior class has purchased permanent decorations for the auditorium, the money being taken from the class The high school baseball nine will treasury.

play the Scarles high team of Great Earrington tomorrow. 4.15 on the Lee athletic fleld. The local team has won four and lost three. Drs George St Peter of Columbia strect underwent an operation for appendicitis at St Luke's hospital, Pittsfield, Tuesday. Four members of the Beartown CCC camp were arraigned in district court this morning charged with drunkenness and disturbance.

John Mahoney and George Goldsmith of Peabody, Warren Love of East Boston and Alphonse Cloudreau of Salem were found guilty of disturbance and fined $10 each. The fines were suspended for six months. Goldsmith and Love were found not guilty, while Mahoney and Cloudreau pleaded guilty to drunkenness and the papers were fled. Harry C. Wells of Arlington was found guilty and fined $20 for negli- Miss Frances Hiscox Dies Tyringham, June 1-Miss Frances Evans Hiscox, 25, daughter of Mrs E.

Hiscox and the late Edward Hiscox, died at the House of Mercy hospital in Pittsfield yesterday afternoon following an operation. She was born in New Rochelle, N. and came to Tyringham with her parents when a child. She attended the local and Lee high schools and was graduated from Highland Park school, Detroit. She also attended the University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt.

The survivors are her mother, A brother, Orne H. Hiscox, and her grandmother, Mrs Fannie Evans. She was employed in the capacitor department of the General Electric in Pittsfield. Tho funeral will be held at the home Saturday afternoon at 2 p. m.

Burial will be in Tyringham cemetery. Mr and Airs de Roy Fisher of Long Island City, N. have rented the Timker house of Mrs A. Judd for the summer. WESTFIELD GRANDMOTHER'S DAY PLANNED THE 14TH Westfield, June 1-The third annual Grandmother's will be observed Wednesday, the 14th, at Grandmother's garden in Chauncey Allen park.

Plans are being made to entertain 100 grandmothers. Members of the park commission will act as hosts. Mrs Elizabeth Bush Fowler, chairman, will conduct groups through the garden. Harry C. Barnes will give vocal selections.

Councilman George Brady, original sponsor of the day, will preside at the short exercises planned. James H. Clark, for the past 38 years treasurer of the Westfield Cooperative bank, and chairman of the fire commission, today celebrated 8 double anniversary. It was his 80th birthday and his 57th wedding anniversary. Matthew W.

Dowd, for five years chairman of the Democratic city committee, has resigned. He- is the local WPA compensation officer. Thomas Burke, a member of the same committee and a WPA employe, also has resigneed. The Westfield State Teachers colleged announced today that four 1939 graduates have obtained teaching positions. They are: Patricia P.

Callahan of Southbridge, to teach in Southbridge; Mary A. Mahar of this city, to teach Windsor, Adah F. Smith of South Hadley, to teach in Leyden: Florence G. Wood of East Springfield, to teach in Northfield, Vt. Rev Wesley J.

Schurman, pastor of the Advent Christian church was unanimously requested to remain as pastor for another' 'year but has not made his acceptance. This will not be made until September 1, according to an extension of acceptance time W. J. WOODS CO. WE ARE NOW FINISHING UP OUR OF BUSINESS GOING OUT SALE WITH A GREAT CLOSING PRICE SLASH You won't be able to buy clothing like this at prices like these for years, so don't fail to take advantage of this opporreal money.

Come early, time is limited, and prices are effective only as long as the merchandise lasts. tunity to save STORE OPEN UNTIL 9.00 P. M. THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY More Than 130 More Than 200 More Than 150 SUITS SUITS SUITS $20 to $30 VALUES $25 to $35 VALUES $30 to $40 VALUES 95 '15 1: SPORT COATS TOPCOATS Regular $16.50 Values $095 Regular $20 to $30 Values $1295 and latest A wonderful chance to buy coats that The newest 3-button models in tweeds and cheviots. Only 8 will be Just right for next fall.

Firat shades few left see them today. come, first served. $2 to $2.50 Shirts $2 $2.50 Wash Slacks $1.14 35c Shorts or or Jerseys $1.65 Shirts $1 and $1.50 Ties 50c Shorts Wool Jerseys Price ALL SALES No Goods Sold $2 to and $3 $1.50 Pajamas Sport Shirts $1.39 $5.00 $3.50 Felt Genuine Hats Panamas $2.98 $1.98 $3 $5.50 to and $7 $6 Shoes to Dealers $1 .69 All Union Suits Price FINAL. $2 Sport Shirts $1.50 Straw Hats ables, etc. for sale tione Made Without Fixtures, Equipment, W.

Accounts, Receiv- J. WOODS O. NO EXCHANGES, NO REFUNDS. Only Minor Alterabidder. 1558 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD Charge.

to highest PURCHES ASSURED OF STATE ROAD AID Pittsfleld, June 1-Fred H. Purches, chairman of county commissioners, received assurance today from William Callahan that the Berkshire chapter 80 highway maintenance program calling $28,000 0 will be approved. The state will give $1000 for completion of 600 feet of Greylock Notch road and instalation of guard rails. Other emergency projects, including East-street bridge at Pittsfeld, Bull Hill road at Lanesboro, Bancroft highway at Becket and 8' road at Clarksburg will be completed by county and town without state funds. Mr Purches said tonight upon his return from Boston he had cooperation of all Berkshire representations in helping carry out the commissioners' program.

Florence Dahl Walrath, founder of the Cradle at Evanston, is to address the Wednesday Morning club at its first meeting at the Berkshire museum Wednesday at 10 a. m. Robert W. Tryon, Western Union manager, tonight addressed the Pittsfield Radio club at the Stanley club. Dr David B.

Greengold intern at St Luke's hospital for three years, opened an office at 184 North street, for general practice of medicine. LEE STOCKBRIDGE Stockbridge, June 1-The next regular monthly meeting of the trustees of the Stockbridge Public library will be held Monday afternoon in the historical room of the library. Miss Deborah Brown of New York city, who has leased the Church-street residence of Mrs H. Augustus Lukeman for the summer, will take posing for Atlantic City to be her session this week. Mrs H.

C. Stanton left this, mornbrother, Mrs Henry Wells. Mrg Charles E. Hall has returned from Palm Beach, where she spent winter and has opened her main-street residence for the summer. SMITH COLLEGE Summer School of Music SIX WEEKS' COURSE, JUNE 26 AUGUST 5 Courses in Theory and tion.

Courses for Music Supervisors. Instrumental and Vocal Instruction. Distinguished faculty, and unusual library facilities and equipment. Academic credit and certificate granted. Sage Hall, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts.

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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